Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, April 10, 1885, Image 2

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2 THE TELEGRAPn AND MESSENGER: FRIDAY. APRIL 10.1885, WE TELEGRAPH & MESSENGER. Daily and Weekly. 'reniiMura a*d M latent)** Is pubtl.h- *1 e nr-y d.y, except Monday, and Weakly x-ci eric. ay. Duly la dellrered by earrien In the xL) .-noelled poetagrfieetoiubacrlberaaifl f' • ™-h, ij.W(or three months, IS (or six » -uke or *10 a year. J er -A iikly ii mailed to enbacrlbcra, poet- w.‘ fc«, Ml! » year,75cenle for •Ixmontn.. “Mali el fire *1, and to c:ubeo( icn, II i*r yetr and an extra copy to getter up o( clube o( Tkr cate on which tnhecHptloni expire will *?Jmat on the addrcaa tag on each paper. ■MMten are requested to forward the ■f»ej for renewal! or the eaine In time to era*-:-*, .'-U office not later tbai£thu date on » x »e «. 1 r atibeeripUone expire. - zxoeienl advertlaemenu will be taken lor to» o«. It at tl per square ol ten line* or leae, urxie ant ineertlou, and 00 ceuu (or each naa- lnaeitlon: and lor the Weekly at II >—Mare lot each tnaettlon. liberal rates to KuMractora.. ^Mbcned communication! will not be re- CUewipoudence containing Important newe nr-0 e-.cusalona ol livingtopicslalollcltcd.hut r>n«t t. brief and written upon but one aide ot or paper to have attention. Benatuncea ahould lie made by expreii. •nancy order or regliterel letter. a Bar terma. 1 communication! ihonld be addreaaed to Tag Tautuuarit atm MxaaaNaxR, Macon, tie. may orders, cheeka, etc., ahould he made alia to II. c. HltraON Manager. Jr Ik* Tallapoosa baa reached Panama £>* %ht may as well be opened. Tax widow Garfield deniea that aheia oln at to taka the Iter. Taylor as a successor to James. Tax weond day'a aaleot the Beney pic- • brought *127,035. One hundred and xi-afy pictures hire now been dlipoeed of ar*».oo. H *'«m Keifer went beck home they ailed Ike fitted calf (or him. Evidently they do not believe in the “turvlval ot the -iu*»t n out in Ohio. -r*a firrt noted spring la now beard :n lb* land," aaya a rural exchange. The a'.'-’erakl notes bear 12 per cent Interest •xsd ire secured hj mortgage upon (arm suit a. Tax Fhlladelpblana would not permit ShHtran and MoOafferty to hippodrome wn eral thouaand dollars out ot their town. JfiStaa sluggers should be compelled (o :tgfct in earnest. •T hsi been escertslned that the leu com, antedate ids were neither titered in, nor ewktid from, the new version at the Old lament. The dlicorery will greatly In Se.-friewith the sale of the work. TnsKew York Uedloal College 1ms just lamed loose thirteen mare (emsle doctors. jPaopfe who prater to die by the bend of woman have now no axonse (or lingering foeger upon the rim ol this terrestrial bal'. Tax Courier-Journal has a correspond ent who warmly defends spring poets. It sJl be rememberid that the TaLEotarit kradone Ilia seme thing (or many years. Tha»ap rises In the spring poet jast the seine as It does in a cabbage, and ha la not responsible for the phenomenon. Pan the Philadelphia Preia: "A good autoy of the fellows who started ont to ran Mis administration are already crawling ant from under the wheel! anddemandlog money on their accident poUclee." We ana not surprised. Not long since we lntl mated that tha felloes who assumed to he xpokramcn for Cleveland ongbt to retire. Ixwonld be wall to await an explanaticn Inn the commander of the United State! vt-srner Galena, before criticising him too harshly for the lose of tomo of bla officers by raptnre. It may be that tha comman der was at lunch whan tba outrage'cc- r: rrtd. Very likely ha hai, by this time, ran np tha nnloo-jack and dred offhla pla ted to wain tha losurgenti. Tax Virginians do not use tba phonetic plan ol ipelling. The young man Cluverlui, arrused ol murdering hia ooutlo, pro- seances his name Clu-vaera. Near Rich- sound there la the Darby-town road. Tba '.Darby la apalt tbualy: “Enronghly." "11 this do not spall Darby what do it apaU?’ 1 As exchange mya: A correspondent points out tba likelihood ol a quarrel among the doctors alter Oen. Grant's inlh like that which followed the death ef Garfield. Vary likely; very likely, and • big quarrel about the book. If the doc tors bare not lied, Oen. Grant baa not baaa able to wrtle a book. About Petitions* Everybody knows how eaaily peti tions are gotten up, and how utterly worthless they are and always have been aa to the conveyance ot the real sentiments ol the signers. We have never met bat one man who could not bo induced to sign a petition for any body under any circumstances.. Most men will sign anything except an obli gation for an honest debt. At first it was given out that peti tions were tbo tilings to obtain olllccs under the new administration. After tons of these had been industriously manufactured and filed, it was said that petitions were no good except for i indling. Hut a petition lias gotten sn office and a good one, at that. * Mr. Buck, of the Midway Clipper, a weekly but powerful provincial journal of Ken tucky, lias been appointed minister to Peru. When tlio appointment reached the Senate, Senator Beck rushed for the State Department and objected vio lently. “He is strongly recommended,” re adied Mr. Bayard. ■“By whom?" asked Mr. Beck. l“By you, for one,” quickly replied Mr. Bayard. Mr. Beck was amaxed. Mr. Buck’s petition was one of the many he had signed without thinking, and now he was without a word of reply when con fronted with Ids act. He asked for twenty-four hours in which to find out something about the man he had recom mended. Mr. Bayard would not promise to hold np the nomination, and an hour later, while Mr. Beck was engaged in writing out a formal protest, the Pres ident’s messenger arrived at the Capi tol with the nomination in his hand. Tlmt, oi course, settled it. Mr. Beck could only swallow his discomfiture, and reflect on the power of n man’i name, sometimes, on a petition which lie lias signed only to accommodate the petitioner. Senator Beck bad forgotten to send a letter explaining that he meant noth ing by signing Buck's petition, and Buck got tho office. Office-seekers should not rely too strongly upon this precedent. Perhaps, like Pearson’s appointment, it ia an exceptional case. A prominent banker of Paris Is reported as saying to a Nsw York Herald cones- ,- . dent: "This ia merely tbs prelude, The political movement now tends directly laths Commune. We shall pan through all the gradations ot liberals until ws have for prime minister Clemen rota or SocheforL Then weahsll have s mnuntir ■i»f fkfjrt of the Cuiuiuuue, men a sudden reaction to royalty, and than tba pendulum will begin to awing again.” Wats tha will of James 11. Della, ol Newark, was anbmitted for probata, a later WO, teal favorable to tha widow, was kvoeght In. Bhe declared It to be a for- my. It was dotlesa that tbs letter "g” teas omitted from tha word eighteen, eev- arel times in tha will, and an examination ef a large number of checks signed by da- s*«d revealed no inch error. Counsel for the widow got the anrvlving brother to a rite the word. Ha did eo, omitting tha -g.” Tba win was declared a forgery. FxnioxxT Bax at os dose not appear to be xbletoa.sumeoommandof tha allied ar a. Its ot tha Central American Btatsa. He has been defeated in what la called a battle is that country, bat which would scarcely arrest the attention of tbo police In this, kail we do not credit that Cob Barries la dead. Perhaps ha fall on it or a mule might hava stepped on bla awor J. Tax governor of Kama! makes two Im portant statsmesta In hla proclamation for an Arhor day. Ha says that “the State which tba pioneers found treeless” and a desert, now bears npon lie fertile bosom ■mere than JO.OOOJtOO ot trait trees, and more than 200,000 acres of forest trees, ail planted ty our own people.” And the Coventor also says “that there hi! Iwet an fart sees In tha rainfall in Kansas ia fully proved by the elattilies of our oldest aaataorologfsta.” . CacaxTAkY Maxatxo has been balancing Sts hooka of tha Treasury Department. The treasury owes, according to Mi state ment, in roond numbers, elghty-eei rn mil tons. It hei to pay tbit-keeping the nicmption fund lnlaet—twenty-five mil Irti oil gold and thirty-fire millions ol arrtney, sixty millions in all. Tba bal- e appears to be on the wrong side, and "vat millions are missing. Let tbs -owty who has just gooe ont ha appre hended and rigidly searched. A Declaration of War. Tito ltepublican Senate has adjourn ed with a declaration ot war against 'resident Cleveland. Tito Republican Senators will vote to confirm the following cases: - 1. Heads of departments, assistant secretaries or heads of bureaus, even in cases of re moval. 2. In all cases of foreign min isters, whether the old incumbents re sign or are removed. 3. In coses where the official term lias expired and a re spectable nominee is appointed. But they will not confirm a Democrat ap pointed to take the place of a ltepubli can whose term has not expired. Tbo Republicans have a majority and can enforce this policy. They also refuse to acknowledge as “causo” for removal “offensive partisanship.’’ So it is qultp plain that without a great change and n better understand ing, there will he lively times at the next session of Congress. Tho Senate cannot prevent the President from re calling foreign representatives ner from removing domestic officials, hut it can reject any successors ho may appoint. In this way a galling fight may be kopt np. The Republican party has notified its (riendi and members now in office to “stick.” By failing to confirm son- dry appointments Republican officials are now enjoying their places on full pay. It will be curious to tee upon which aide the mugwumps may array them selves in this fight. It must be Yemeni be red that tbo mugwumps are Repub lican* masquerading as reformers in the interest of certain friends and measures. It ia just possible that if the attitude and designs of the Republican Senators had been (ally understood Mr. Pearson might have experienced more difficulty in remaining in his snng berth. Mr. Cleveland will have a call for all of hia backbone, hia patience and his diplomacy in the contest with a set of desperate and unscrupulous partisans, who will fight for plunder aa a rat does (or hia bole. for purposes inadequate to the value of tho property. The reserve jituated below the city, exclusive of the park property, and consisting of hundreds of acres of land, is valued by competent judges at from *20,000 to *30,000. We will call i t *20,- 000. The stockade and yard in the rear of the city hall is worth at a low estimate, and parties stand ready to buy it at *10,000. Halt of Tatnnll square will bring easily fifteen thousand dollars. The reserve near the residence of 8. T. Coleman is valued at twenty thou sand dollars. Hero is property valued at *00,000— it is worth nearer *100,000—of little use to tho city. True, a portion of the reserve is used as a dumping ground, and tho city hall stockade is an im pounding pen and encloses tho bar racks. This is all. To sell some of this property would require an act of the Legislature, but we are informed by competent attor neys that the city could in a short time realise upon all if it were desirable to sell all. The time lias come when the city should realize upon a portion of these assets. Every lot sold increases the tax total nt once, and swells it as im provements are placed npon the lots. It is safe to say thnt if $10,000 worth tills property weiw sold, in five years the city would realize five thousand dollars in taxes from it. But if the money derived from the sale was spent in beautifying the streets, the adjoining property would also in crease in value and largely swell tho sum total. The time has come for the city to spend a portion of this reserve sum on improvements. It should he spent for no other purpose. Council could not do a wiser tiling than to create a commission of compe tent men, and turn over to it mow the public reserves, to be sold and ap plied to betterments. Land in a city of most value to the corporation when held by private citizens, and the prop erty that fronts on handsome streets improves in value as the street im proves in beauty. Eoonomy and KxtravaKonce. Tito Journal of Commerce states that the taxpayer will be greatly reassured when he realizes that the President and cabinet, now tho butt of ridicule because of their economy, are accused oi nothing worse than cheese-paring. The Journal then proceeds to advise the paragraphers os follows: If the fanny men want sn appropriate bntt for Ibelr jokei there le s United Btites Senate It le a hotbed of etnecurltm end extravagance. It provides assy work end lihersl pay for s ■mall army of clerks, stenographers and at taches. Nobody ovtr accused the Senate of being close-listed with the ptople's money. There le no piece In Washington whore a stiff broom with a strong man st tho handle le more needed. There are eigne that some of tho Senators whoso party controls that that body do not feel Inclined to let tho "other end of tho arenu#'' heir off til tho honors to getnod by economy. But they will led It extremely difficult to win over a majority of tho Senate to the new doo- trine of retrenchment. It will meet with but little faror from those ten or a dozen commit tees who here been authorized to spend tho public money on a good lime during the recess. This leone of the most flagrant of Senatorial abases. It enables Senators to defray their ex penses st the fashionable watering places wlth- ont rendering any equivalent In nsefnl pnbllo labor. Newspapers have a peculiar right to eomplaln of thla, because they are expected to publish reports ot the movements, eaylngt and doings of these vagrant committees. And yet In some cues the committees do nolren- det sn account ot their stewardship when they return to Washington, and nothing whatever results from their pretentious Investigations. Snob follies Invite tho pen and pencil of satire. It hoe had no such opportunity st ace tho Presi dential election. Tho comic papers eh iuld look to tho Senate! Mant people do not understand the da lles ol the position to which Oen. Joseph E. Johnston hu been appointed. Hell railroad commlaiioner end “receive! the reports prescribed from tha railroad corpo rations to which the United States have granted aid in money, bonds or lands; ex amine! the books, ccconnts and properties ot these corporations; sees that si) laws in relation to them are executed, and aids tbs government directors of those corporations whenever necessary in the discharge of their duties.'' A cossEiroNDSST of the Journal of Com- mere* gives s racy description of the bad management ol the railroad loading from Savannah to Jacksonville vis Wnjcrou The Trxxosarn's correspondents have already ■ent In end pnblUhed their protests. Way- cross Ii damned by the majority of people who have to pan It. The above paragraph, which appeared In the TiLEOBAra n week or two since, has been construed by some to be an endoree- ment of a letter written by a traveling cor respondent ol the Journal of Commerce. Wbst the Tanioatpn meant was to call attention again to the deleys st Waycroas. I', could not of course pass upon the con tents of the letter indicated, which con tained chiefly the personal experience* of the correspondent. Kimptok, the pal of Governor Moses, of South Carolina, appeared at a police coart in New York with this record against him: He has not got a cent. Henry 1’. King, a druggist ot 13 Union Square, who had him arrested, knows him and hls history well, Klmpton Is a graduate of Yale College, elan of 1862, and of the law school. He wssa broker of 20 Nassau street when he fell in with Chamberlain and went Into South Carolina bonds. He went to that State to look- after bis Investments, and wts a supporter there of Chamberlain and Motes. The bonds mined him and bit many of his friends, and a fraudulent transaction in them in which be was In volved with Moses ruined hls reputation. Ula friends in New Haven have tried at times to help him, bnt he pswne everything to bay opium. Hie wife left him long ago. He lived a long time at the Ashland House, and when he wandered In there recently, a seedy tramp, on* of the employee passed the hat for him in the barroom. He ha* been on the Island. Hls mental condition will be Inquired into. Tbs whisky ring ia not satisSed with the minister to Pera, who Is n bag hunter. As he Is s warm banter, perhaps he searches for illicit stills. The fact is, while Beck doesn't know Back and never heard of him before, Miss Cleveland had heard of him. Mias Cleveland may not knowae much abont hones aa Beck nor as much about whteky as Phil Thompson, but she is more scientific In her researches and tc good deal more effective in her methods when It comes to a thing of this sort. Mrs. Back knew Miss Cleveland. Mr. Back ia M re. Buck's husband, who baa fallen Into ten thousand n year. Mr. Bock le an ar tist on bugs, snails, worms, etc., and hav- lug exhausted Senator Beck's neighbor hood withont even being beard of by Beck, Back wanted to pnrsne hls researches abroad. This wat communicated by Mrs Back to Miss Cleveland, and hence Bock will dig worms In Pera for a season at a handsome government salary. According Mis* Cleveland thla la belter than mere ly sending a man out there tv draw the salary. The Incumbent knows nothing abont worms and the change la in the in terest of reform. As Back Is from Ken- tacky, of coarse he le s Democrat. legal news and notes. Prepmed for the Telegraph and Masson- ger by W. 8. Hill, of tho Macon Bur. “Too thin” msy be sling In ordinary, language, bat it is not in law. The great equity sags. Lord Eldon, hu made It clueical by obeervlng in the case ex parfe Kensington, 2 V and B 79, M (cited tnl Jones on Mortgages, section 181,note) that a certain distinction wts "loo thin." % In a ease tried eome years ago In Massa chusetts a forgery wu detected In a very singular way. Several thousand genuine signatures of the party whose hand-writ- log wu In question were compared, and while they were very nearly similar, yet under the microscope each one revealed tome slight diOerrnce from every other. The signature attacked at a forgery su, exactly however, like another genuine rlfnatirs, from which it wat probably copied. The forger had been too clever aid did bla job eo well uto ensure hla own detection. The current numb." of the Albany Saw Journal praises highly the first annual report of the Georgia Bar Association. The editor has always been a great ad mirer of Judge Bleckley, and it is some what surprising to fl id him dissenting totally from the Judge's plan (or tha col lection of unconditional contracts. The Journal praises warmly the address of Col. 0.0. Jones as to judicial salaries, and quotes in fall the valuable tsble prepared BREVITIES- the moxo nnoua ar a cocanv dance. Teeth ther settln sorter slopcn,' . Look like tombstone In do night. Nisgers sho'ly dance star ' ' llebV ... dtelons, d rtn drouth an oberflow’. How It Can be Done. Ypitou TcLzoaara and Missaxosa-Gaa- TLxasa: I have noticed with pleasure your efforts to arouse eome Interest In our streets sod public property, and sincerely wish you ■accuse. Macon's citizens have done all In their power to Improve the appearance of tbs city. Anything else will have to come frost the city council, and I don't know how the council could apply any fanda they may hava ta bond hereafter to beuer advantage than by •spending them npon the streets, bridges end public bnlldings. The present trouble, I understand, arises from the feet that the city has no extra land on hand, nor any method of raising each fund. If 1 am not mistaken, the (nance committee will toon have to strnsgle with a deficit of ibonllttA In view of this (act, 1 cannot see much hope foe Improvement upon the streets last now. If yoa can saggsat any plan by which a city that la abont 12000 behind can mprove its pnbllo property, being eoaetita- tloaally barred from Increasing Itadsbt. per ha-.t It may be acted upon. Vary respect fully, Ctrv OrncEn. In view of the circumstances stated in the above letter, the question with which it closes ta natural. The Tata gbafii has been to some trouble to give a clear answer. The city of Macon is not poor. Prob ably no Southern city stand* better, financially. The public debt lias been provide! for and disposed of. The only problem now, U, how to run the city upon it* income and conduct needed improvements? The reply to this ta by economy and good management the. income ot the city may by made sufficient to pay its running expenses. The improvements demanded by the city demand a new fond. This fund can be obtained from the tale of public l,orii used, held Gen, Lawton's Casa. Tho Senate being prepared to say that Andrew Johnaon’s pardons were worthless and that an ex pool facto law was good, nothing wu left to the President butt > withdraw the nomina tion of Gen. Lawton as minister to Russia. If, aa it is said, this is the only ob jection to the confirmation ot the nom ination, a bill can he passed relieving Gen. Lawton when Congress meets in December next, and bis appointment may be renewed. In this little incident the country may ice why the Republicans have always opposed a general amnesty bill. A gentleman who watches snch mat ters with interest informs us that the Senate has confirmed men with the same objections resting against them aa are raised against General Lawton but that they had become Republicans. Nothing stands in the way of a Repub lican, not even the constitution itself. Bbcbbtaby Pistes, of Msssacbosette, hu mad* a report to tha Legislature con cerning the number of women aha have registered and voted in Ihfit State daring the past four years. Hit figures ora Id • tractive. In 18813.012 women registered and 1.437 ooly voted. In 1882 2 S70 regis tered and 1,181 voted. Tbs next year 2,778 registered and 1,333 voted, and lost yeu 3,471 registered and 1,780 voted. It will tbns be seen tbst abont SO per ctnL only ot those who registered voted—a much larger percentage of loaa then bat been noticed among voters of tbs other sex. trlaltwereby Judges only, and these Judges were either appointed or elected, their ap. Tax New York 8an giret this record of tbs tad death of a proseislonsl politi cian: John 8. Ntjls. one of Denial Mannlns*e aide In the but political campaign, wu found lead In bla room In R. Bolsten'a hotel, at 287 Fourth arcana, last night.: ta thadaad man's packets were two empty bottles that had contained I.-A.nnm, a ksy, a pair of stores, a fl recent coin, and the fallowing letter from Governor BUI: Kuuea, December 27.1 Ate.-Joan A Earns, _sn,—Mr Dean ate: Ycur letter of a r cent daw la at band, and eoatants noted. Accept my for year kiad coogretalatloas; also accept my thinks for tba friendly and flatter ing exprenslvns contained ta yoar latter per sonal to myself. I regret to lasra of your IU- neso, and trust thnt yoa wlU speedily recover. X sboald bn pleued to son yoq st sny time when ws are both at Albany. Yoar managasaant " the tpeakers Human daring the recant qpalgu aw excellent, and reflect# great id It upon year executive ebUty. J*nh iiy David b. Hill A Ma»tlaxi> court oays: “An habttn- drunkard woe «nch person as had ac quired tbo habit of getting drunk In- quenlly; that It wasnot necessary that •neb person abonld be always drank, or that be bad to be drank every day or every week; bat If be bod acquired the bablt ot drinking to drunkenness, although there might be perlodi or Intervels when be was eobtr, he wu to be regarded as a habitual drunkard, within the meaning of the lew. The law is a polio* regulation, and intended to prevent the sale to such persons u bad such a bablt, becaui* In such esse on* drink was supposed to b* Tux salaries paid cur foreign servant* are ai follows: The ministers to Oreat Britain, Germany, Franc* and Roasla re oelve*17,600 per annum each; tbs minis ter! to Auitris-Hangary, Brazil, Chins, Italy, Japan, Mexico and Spain, *12,000 escb; tba ministers to Chill. Peru and the Central American States, *10 000 each; lb* minletan to Turkey, Ventxatls, Argen tine RepubUe, Belgium, Hawaiian Islands, lb* Netherlands, Sweden and Norway and the United States ot Colombia, *7,(00 each; the ministers resident and consul* general to Roumanla, Sorvla and Oreecr, *0 800 escb; the miniate* U> Corea, so.uuu; tbs minister* resident and consult general to Boliria, Ilayti, Denmark, Liberia, Terris, Portugal, Slam, anil Switzerland, *3.000 each; tba charge d'affaires to Paraguay and Uruguay, *5.000 the agent and consul-general at Cairo, I5U00; the consul-general to Loudon, Parle, Rio de Janeiro and Havens, *0,000 each; the consul general to Bbangba! and Calcutta, *5,000 each; tba consul-general to Melbourne, *4,800; the consol* general to Berlin, Kanigaws and Montreal, *4.000 each; tbs console-general to Frankfort, Halifax, St. Petersburg and Vienne, *3,000 eaeb; the coDiub-general to Metamoras and Mexico, *2,000 tech; the secretarial ot legation and console-general at Constanti nople and Rome, each *3,500; the secretary o( legation and consul-general it Madrid, *3000; the secretary ol legation and Inter preter at Pekin, *5.000; ta* sccrelarte* of legation at Berlin, London, Paris and 8L Petersburg, (2028 each; the secretary of legation at Todo, *2.800; tbs secretaries of legation at Mexico, Rio Janeiro and Vienna, *1,800; tecond eccrelorle* of lega tion at Berlin, London and Parle, *2,000 eaeb. The pay of the consuls veriee from (1,000 to (6,000 per annum. Tbeoooeulto Liverpool receives the highest compensa tion, *6,000; tbs console at Hoag Kong and Honolulu the next highest, *4,000. Those at Amoy, Canton, Chia-Kiang. Callao, Foo- Cbow, Hankow, Nlng-po and Tien-Tsln re ceive *3,500; those at Aeplr.woll, Apia, Bono* Ayres, Belfast, Bradford, Dem- arara, Glasgow, Ham, Hloao, Manches ter, Matanxu, Nagasaki, Vara Crux, Val- ptrain) and Panama, *3,000, and tbo** at Antwerp, Brussels, Bordeaux, Bremen, Birmingham, Cientnegos, Dresden, Dun dee. Hamburg, Lyons, Leith, Marseilles, 8L Thomas, Sheffield, Singapore, Santiago d< Cuba, Smyrna and TonataU. *2,500, polntments wonid m> matter of party politics. The people ot this country will never forget the pitiable eneitacle prelected by the Electoral Commission: the tint men ot the nation, clothed with udicial fanstlone, bnt dividing on party lass ia almost every ruling, the Demo crats end Kepublleans completely swap ping thtir pmtitons, the latter champion- : States' rights, the former tailoring on lag I. * review and reversal of tbs action ef the State authorities. Id an election casein South Carotin* the defense managed to get a lory of whit* washing, men, with on* exoepliuo. He we* a ven erable old Uncle Rentas, whom the Jurors made their foreman and then in formed hint that being chairmen, be coaid only vote In cue ot a tie. Tb* Jury earns m. and when tne court asked U tb* jury had agreed upon a verdict, the foreman raid, “We bare, sob! Tba jury am gon Democratic ” Now, If the triors hod beei tb* appointees of party, they wonid havebeaa slocked one wey or the other. We hava bed little, if any, political per .... bBttha secutton in this country, bnt the people recognise In the system of selecting jariee from tb* whole body of the people, of all parries, their greatest safeguard against It. PERSONAL. SaUiKStsfcJ* 0 **' AI1 lhere Is of public If. Isvrhattbn papers say, and they w lu. in y 61 *® 0 uoabt take the trick ^ .ASs fassstf»a-9 WblrayT Bob Inn ta 0 $t?t‘c?‘o e ,«rh r i. ,Dd ' ,h ' m ?J* ^-iM well as more intereel uS» county bar. Keeolve to rrotta that ntf 3 the'preeeri*. *° f ta * fQture ‘‘ ud <C' «b*nljr kingdom! lodk at Ruby, D*t nlf’ iUm?« a aoople toe. Crack yo* heels dar Jim, en meet 'em, Bow en icrtpe, en— 1 bo en eo.' (ri ? hl ober t now you awing, Holedem beads up nIgbferluUn'‘ took permlakui. dai'a de Ihlng, Balance all! Now don't get la*y. El«e somebody abo' git hurt. ® /***• J®' paidciere, bow pcrlltely, Pat a de motion through en through; IlriT “ P Over 09,000 papor car wheels are in dally me on American railways. Diamonds of fabulous value are re ported to have beau found In Central Ohio. Thby throw money instead of bou quets to their favorite actresses st Helens, Mont. A hill to prevent the adulteration of dairy products has pataca the l'enusylve- ui* Senate. Tit* number of United States govern ment employes is about 110,000; roilwsy employee proper, 250,458, A prominent Chinese doctor in Los Angels* claims to be tusking *100 s week by bie practice among Caucasians. Tn* latest thing in the way of cloth ing is the “rough.and-tumhte 1 ’ «ult for e'S'.'J *t m <tra than one buy*- I* l» Mid to ne double-jointed and !, Unil< i n s 7««re Theatre, which that it will lost forever. ,iat down t‘« •- ■— - — ' Quirk Victoria has promised to give a farm to each of the two Joyce boys, the survivors of the Maemtrasns massacre in Ireland, when they become of age. Ik Montana, recently, three tramps, who stole a box of rellrosd rickets, were captured, arraigned before two juries, both - which fai ed to agree, and sentenced to term in jail for vagreocy, all within four days’ rime. Yal* Colled* has, in tho way of tro phies, slxty-nme bells, won from her vari ous adversaries. Hath ball la painted the color of the itocklngs of the vanquished nine, and le lettered to Indicate the time and place of winning. Osakosb advices state that aGer- “>»'> living there topped a tuaple tree this week with an axe and inserted s wedge. He then etooped to sip the oozing sap. While ta this posture bis nose was inserted ia the slit In tne tree. The wedge then be came dislodged and his note wes caught *2 tan vice. It was two hours before he was discovered and rescued. In a London police court tho other day • poor lad who stole a pocket hand kerchief worth sixpence woe sentenced to sixty days’ imprisonment. Next day ia the same court two highly connected young men stood charged with taking tram in front of a shop where they were on sale two Terri torv. A decision which* may bear npon the dynamite question bes been rendered by the Supreme Court of California. The ac cused waa indicted for an assanlt with a deadly weapon. It woe held that a tin box filled with gunpowder was a deadly weapon and that the defendant woe guilty of the assault, although he w*a not present when the explosion occurred. When goods are destroyed pending a delivery not actually completed, or when creditors seek to eubject to their debts goods not actually dellrered to tbe pur chaser, queeUone arise as to what conetl- tales complete delivery. Tbe general rale le tb* delivery Is necessary to complete a tele, but delivery raoy be dispensed with by the inten tion of tbe parries; it need not be actual. Constructive delivery mey be inferred from a variety of cfrcnmstances. Until delivery Is made or dispensed with the goods are at the risk of tbe seller. Code, section 2,OH. Generally de,ivory Is not complete as long os anything remains to be done, such ns weighing, counting or measuring, In order to ascertain quantity and price. Gibb* told Benjamin a quantity of wood, cut and piled on Lake Champlain, at *3 SO per cord. The parties were to meet and compute the qneutlty, but they disagreed about the method of doing this, and meanwhile a flood swept SJo'mSjiSSy'dIltaJid ffi«“he°wo!& lndUcretloS ‘ Wer *•*•*•»«“ r “d- wo* bie own, became convinced that it be- Late in tho spring there will often be longed to Mr. Benjamin and eaed him for seen in tbe lower Satimebanna a school of Its value. Tbecourt held that the eels wee eighty to one hundred email catfish, not Incomplete because something remained more than a quarter ol an Inch ta length, to be done. very near tbe ebore, and ten or twelve feet . further out will be reen the mother cat. If I have received from Conniellor Nicolai a noli* is mode she will give a signal that Gravstrail, of 8L Paul, Minn., aNzrwe- the little “cats” understand as well as atao American lawyer, a eomewhat pecu- liar circular. It states thst Norway Is now wrestling over the constitutional question of,* adopting tbe jury system for rimlnal and political causes; that the most conlhcting reports are rasdo In that coontry at to the working ol the system la this country, and Mr. Gravsteed bat been requested to obtain autbentlo In formation ae to tbe general eitirata tn this country of the jury eyttem. Tbe Governor, Attorney-General and Supreme Court of the 8tate commend bie tnqalilee to tbe attention of tbe many lawyers to whom he bse sent the same. That tbe result o! this canvass of pro fessional opinion will bo favorable to the jury system can hardly be doubted. Tbe strongett hold which tb* Jury system has npon the popular heart Is Its noa-partlseu character. The jury Is drawn Indiscrim inately (ram the body of the people. If Ton Cent Shows tn Order, New York Utter. th ' oeoeatlone of the “H, 1 * ‘be speculation of a Boston m,! WhObi. eng M? d the Ac.demy GfVSsg SatiVeeaL* Th 1 ; v!r»of; jnxlo™ tore, the iJd. o! WSSZ Cheap prices in the theatres seem tn h. SssatMSpajswKa weleksocn «*«& sSJ paasasgag Tho Createet Race Horse. Spirit of the Times. l u,, guient of a major- l, y OI unbiased judges that, taken all in SIwra.fo* highest exponent of ;«CT*tton. h te *“ ,eco in ,he prHenl Budding Cantus. New Brunswick Home News. • A girl Id South Brunawi-k recently wrote a composition on a cow. In th. coure* of her dissertation she remarked: Some milks thetreows toiell; others le'li thelrown milk.” Tbsle,,- ** composition back for reconstructiofff Words of Wisdom. No doctor will fall to Impress hls patients "that the mouth ami teeth should be healthy because It receives the food and prepare it for its digestion work." Uie8<>. zodont. gratify your family physician, ud enjoy life comfortably. —Tbo mother of* Hon S. S. Cox is reported to bo dying at Zanesville, 0. A QUESTION ABOUT Browns Iron Bitters ANSWERED. Tb* m~Hm hi* probably b*«*n Mkfwl thnnMOfU of firm* "How nn Bnxwn’g Iron curw werj. thins?" \v»-U. il |J'—n't. K-It it «!•-*-» mr* Any tli-wiva* 1 r *M<-har»paUbleiph?ai. ivn vrouMprwk-ni*)IK"* I’hjaicUna r-,.<ni/re Ir.n m lb* »—.1 r*ws*«*UT« known to Oh* |.r f-#-i so. »n<! in-iutrj of *ny tnff rh*tnii'*l firm will wtiirof*ni isf.* lire-%wc* rtion ,t Href* an* n> r»* i.-ns <>f ir >n th»n »ny nr R .! -'xn. *< urM tn msteiKtn* This cgu- niTsslr thnt ir.Hk i( arknnwlewljtwl t.. U th* m.-t portAntfArtorinR'icfsvwf tl prartii o It is, vt'v.-r. a r.'rnqrk-»l.l.< (art t !»»y.n..r to the iIhwot- • r> f lltCOW -N'MItON lUTTKIC*tm|-rf« t- ly pAtiwfgs-ts-ry ftxvm comtiinAtion luulerrerboen found. BROWN’S IRON BITTERS;',"-"uV-'-ii- b«A<Uch<v, or pmd i<*« nonatipAtion— nil ntlirr iron im*ilirlnrs*«1o. IIIIOW.VS IKfiN KITTKKS rurri IndiccAllon, llllininsn*■**, WcuUn |>vs.|irps*in, Wnlnriii, ( hills* and Frvrr*, Tired Frrllnu.fecni'rnl Drltilit», l*nln In tbo Side, Mark <>r 1.1m!»«*, 11mdnrhr *nd Neural* Ifin - f >r all tbsepw Ailmxntw Ir "n in pngrritzoil <!(tly BROWN’S IRON BITTERS.^^r. 1 If* 1 Pl.ikn All nthnr th'vronffh m-vltt-lnewi. It Act* t - v t * k *° ** v* T °i '**Yrin » u color rvsroswu* the n.rron, .. f inril nal .l-rqngrm.-t.t* I .-.wnt" i ir. And if A mreir.f in .i'it. »l- .nl*r,i *-infer 1 * ipl'I'-l t ,r lb- . b.l I Ib-rw-ml-r Hr M n’> ‘ ~ » that is nr chickens do the clack o( aa old hea when a hawk la in tbe neighborhood, and rua Into the open month tif the old calllsb, who will then turn and swim oil in safety witn her young, A sn out distance from Nashville, Tenn., and on tbe banks of the Camber- land river, the supposed grave of an Indian wee dug Into and from it taken a very large-sized amulet. Its shape la tbst of a prism, with a half-inch hols passing through tbe centre trom end to end. In ■qbetanc* It is * granulyta, very lmrd and smooth. The bones found In th* grave were those ol a human, Indicating that th* (rams was one of a giant. Tb* relic will be sent to the Tennessee curiosities at the World'! Exposition ia New Orisons. A private in an English infantry regiment raoelvra 25 state a day; a lancer corporal 31 cents, corporal 41 cente, lancer sergeant SO cente, sergeant 88 oeuts, color aergvsot 75 cents, and quartermstter err- B snt*l. These rates are eubject te tbe I'owtng deductions, via: One cent * d ty for washing, and six cant* a day (ar gro ceries and vegetables. These consist of le*. offee sugar, potatoes and green veg etables. After these deductions then the pay ol a linesmsn te 17cents a day, but, os be baa to provide hla own underclothing, n further deduction of two cents daily is mode, thus reducing hit actual nay to 13 cents. Tbe pey of the privates In tb* fa mous Coldstream Guard* averages only about 10 per oenL in advance of these ratal, with equal deduction* tor melting and —Tennyson’s salary «a poet laureate 1s *480 a year. —Judge Miyoshl, ot the Supreme Court ol Japan, I* traveling ia this coun try. —Riel, the revolutionist, is s native of Manitoba, and Is dost forty-one year* of •g*- —Charles Chatlla Long was admitted to the bar nf tha United States Supreme Court Wednesday. —“Dimples” ia the title of a new >lay written for Mias Kata Claxton by Mr. Howard F. Taylor. —Miss Anna Dickinson hsa been lec turing to good audience* ia Ctntrai New York on Joan of Arc. —James Whitcomb Riley and Mias Clara L. Botulord, both writers of Tern*, are to be married shortly. —Ex-Senator Pendleton, tbe new United Bates minister to Germany, hat lost sold bis Ctacionari residence tor *50,< 000. —Rhea Is rehearsing “The Power of Love,” on adaptation of on* of Sardou’a plavs, in which aba takes tbe part of ~ young acnlptor. Millais, the English artist, at hia own breakfast table, bee bie morning "dish of tea" served ta a quart bowl, milk, sugar and cream In da* proportion. —Miss Murfree (“Charles Egbert Craddock”) wsi not fatly Indorsed by th* best Boston society till ab* was diicovercd t l be the great-grand ia igbter of Col. Her. dy Murfree, oi Bevolutionary f me. —In personal appearance Mr. Ed ward J. Phelps, the ew mlnlstei to Rag land, rateable Hor UoSsymqnr.aith the addition oi an expression on bis foe* as 11 be wer* trying to cooceol a pais- -The Queen ot England never wean, officially, any state robes, excepting only at bar coronation, when ehe goes to Westminster Abbey in crimson, and is there inverted with purple, and when eh* visits Parliament, when eh* la attired in red. —The Rev. Dr. Edward Eggleston is i'tag abroad ta Mey witn bis lemily. He purpqgra spesding considerable Ua* ta tbe Ornish Mtutum, etndyiog raocrls relating to the colonial history which belewritlng. The People's WotW-Wto* VtrUtet Barnett's Oeensino baa bora sold ta ev ery dvilixad country, sod tb* public hava rendered tb* verdict tbst It is tba cheapest and beet Hair Dressing tn tba world. Emkrosncy boxes are being placed on tb* trains of several leading American railways. They are light, j tpanurd tin cum, appropriately and plainly lettered, and pieced In positions where tney will be reedlly available in caw of aoeidente which mey Involve injury to either puseegen or emoloyes. These boxes contain surgeons' adhesive plaster, Isinglass plaster, adhesive bandages, roller bondage!, rubber bondage*, ttjptie cotton, ligatures and needle*, editor*, safety pine, etc. When llie lid of ta* cess le thrown upward a •moll pamphlet Is the first thiog revealed, and this contains full directions for pro- ceedinta to atop bleeding, bow lo apply tba bandages and Implementa found lo me csae.and what should be done with crashed feet, burning or scalding, broken bonce, woonds by cutting, brulate, eta. PHELPS'S MAXIMS. fn C «aoth Aawrica. (sad nlfsHm—' t~- Burnett's Flavoring Extracts an Inva- vetop* to Rev. Joseph T. Inzeon, station D risbly acknowledged tb* purest sad the New York. be*L Utterances whleh Indicate that th* Min uter to Xnstand le Something of a Wit. Middlibvsy, Vt., April 1.—When tbe Hon. John W. Stewart, of Middlebnry, first took hls seat in tbe lower House of Congreis as tbe Repretentariv* of tbe Fust Vermont dlstrtel, in December, 1883, be reoelved * letter of sstlrical good ad vice from a distinguished Vermont Demo crat, who had long been a personal and professional friend. Tbe letter was pasted around at tba time among Mr. Stewart's (riendi in both houses of Congress. Tbe letter la of public Interest now (rom the fact that tbe distinguished Vermont Dem ocrat who wrote it t* the Hoo. Edward J. Phelps, of Barliegton, who has jast been tptolnted minister to England. The let ter contains tbs following maxim*. L Always vote in favor of a motion to adjoara;nnd if Iht period ofadj urnment Is in question, vote for tb* IsoaM Km and tne earliest diy. 2. Vote steadily against all other propo- litioos whftUoever. (*) Thera Is already legislation ennmrh (or tb* next fire hundred yetis, (b) N honest mao wants any more, (e) Era unesnetilatlonal bills lor the further en Urgemeet of lb* negro ihonld form no ex ceotlon to tbit rale. 8, Make no speeches. Nobody attend toOongressionaloratory whin drhrrrt-d Wbeo printed nobody reads it, end it Is a nuisance to tho mail*. I have had more than 4,000 000 each speeches sent to me, and never reed one in my life. 4. Do not allow yooreetl to be drawn In to asperaons opon tb* memory ol Guy Fawkes. He bos been mnch censured by etutHowmeu. History w II In the e:.ddol him jostle*. Before yoa have b»n long In Congress yoa will pera-is* that oca eneb man now* lay*, with better lock, might du the country more service than a hundr. -l presidential candidates or Christian States men. 5. Do not be teen much in public In the company of lUpablicans. Ouuideof New Eng and they ara not, as a rule, etvory. Some atrocietloot will be tolerated,though known to tale:, when decently veiled. But I f there is no excoee for panring them ta j 1 public. • | J 0. Practice rigid economy. Tbo expert- f cnee of th* aveewga Congreaeaiaa shows ! that it is poeelbfo by judicious frugality to s save abont *100/100 each teuton ont of hls 11 salary. Thus -be tra* patriot in standing I; bjr hu eoanriy make* the country ttar.-l by j 7. Cultivate assiduously all ntwit-tpcr j h- SUCH STATEMENTS CAMI WEIGHT! Mr. Bonner lives in Macon ami noon* i.i better known thnn be. Htrnnpera can rely upon the statement he makes: In August, 1S81, It was discovered that my son's wife waa inthelaatstatfe* of con sumption. Bbe was congliing incesjanUy and At times wonid discharge quantities of pas from her longs, coaid not sle^p or re- Uin anything on her stomAch, And ws thought it only a question of time when Ilfs would be compelled to give way to the fell destroyer. After all pother remedies failed, we got Brewer’s Lung Restorer and bj'gan it in very a until doses, as she was very w**ak. .She aoon began to Im prove f-ontinuetl the remedy nmt was re- Mnrr.l to life and h* > alth, ai.d is to-day h«*tt»-r than-die has ever h*-«*u before. I re- cnr.l tier restoration m nearly a miracle,(or which -he is indebted to HKKVTKK8 LUNG RESTOREB. K. W. BuNNER, Macon, Ga. imKWKItH I.! N<; RE8T0RKR is a purely vegetable preparation, containing no opium, morphine, bromide or other poisonous substance. Lamar, Haokia Lamar. MACO.V, GEORGIA. dfcttkte^.V weowt! -CONSUMPTION