Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, April 17, 1885, Image 4

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‘.THE TELEGBAPII AND MESSENGER FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1885. THE TELEGRAPH & MESSENGERS *«*«.»!»• warforroe o«».ruoiion of Slavery. Daily and Weakly. Daily U delivered by carriers In the free to subscribers at $1 bei found on the address Ui — and subscribers arc requested to forward the non y f*-r renewals of the same in time to n*Qti linn office not later tban^lbe date on which their subscription*expire. Tran* it. nt advertisement* will be taken for the Daily atfl per square o! ten lines or less, for the fir** Insertion, and 60 cents for each subsequent In*eitt< n; and for the Weekly at II per squ» r .; for each Insertion. Liberal ratea to oon tractors. •ejected communications will not be re* turned. Correspondence containing Important news and discussions of living topics it soliclted.but m u bo brief and written upon but one side of the paper to have atu ntlou. y- ’’ut'ances should he made by express, money or ler or registered letter. State, to whom liberal commissions will be pal 1. Postmaster* are especially requested to ■write for terms. All communications should be addressed to _ T»» TKLkQBAPl! AMD MESSSSOER, Macon, <»l. Money orders, checks, etc., should be made payable to H C. Hanson Manager. W IN tee’s frost still lingers in the lap of "-ns- , It would .pp.tr Ih.t there is .boat to bo a rising in the jeasL Iranjbody wantito bay the American navy, [or graeioa. sake, give him a Ur showing. "It does cot pay to sue (or a small debt," .ay. the World. No; nor to con tract one. Strike high. South Qsoaou boaete of a white Iroet on April Mtb. Well, 8oath Georgia can produce . little of everything. Ir the Chinese conclude to load with American canoed meat, the French will or.con..i atie. kind of esnniater. KTiDcar.r uiM..-uue and the Cter are lu the bande of their friends, and evident ly these blende want to tee a fight. "Gxnituc Deck aaya the English sol dier is the finest in Ibe world." General Drnm—General Drum! The name aonnde familiar. It ia a keen throat, bat it don't help Ibe Mormons to declare that Abraham, old father Abraham and Brig Young wore the same kind of ahirte. "UsTtc batan tak.a a vacation," laid a New York minister to bia friende who pro posed to send him on a European tonr, "we ministers ought to star at home.” Tnxax xre 250 disabled ex-Confederate eoidiers living In the poor bourn of North Carolina, dome of these unfortunate men iheuid be care t for In the Confederate borne. Sam Raxdall may lose tome sleep be- came of the eccentric situation of bia main boll, but there ia no boll, so far, upon ihe gable of your Uncle Bandall'i political record. ___________ Tnx Confederate Basar in Baltimore bet Uken ia nearly Orteen thousand dollars in fiva days of which the Georgia table con- trlbatesaafollower $3395,*127.14,113175, MOO, $189.63—$881.47. Lint. a O. Boeaneox 0eel area that the cavalry ia deHolent became Ibe proper curb ii not need. This government bee adopted o now curb very reeenliy, and it seem* to work well in all departments. It may be tree Ibat Minister Pbelpe baa not tbe talent nor Ibe .ddreei necessary to tbe position be oocnpiee as minister to England. At the same tima no one dis pute! bat that ha baa an axqnialte month for rout btaf. Now that Iba last of Ibe nnrirs wbo held Georgs Washington in their arms are •boat to go oat, it I* comforting to know that the oil woman who attended to Grover Cleveland's Infantile wants has bean dltooveced. If Biel, wbo Is now conducting tbe re bellion in Ihe northwest, really deelras tbe sympathy of tba American pcopla be shonld conduct bia atroggia upon tbe modern principle, of welfare and bay bis supplies from as. Ax exchange ssye: "One thing it car- tain: if Preaidant Cleveland marries all tba girla to whom he la reported engaged be is going have one of the biggeat biga my cases os raonrd.” Mnr* likely s Brig bamy Cite. Tax Ametlcao marine has thrown hie arms about th. waist of this hemisphare acd It maniulty Endeavoring to keep the ooreetatrlngafromgivlngwey. The Amer ican marine never catches on more than One. in a lifetime, but he never falls to catch bn when hit opportunity snivel. Acooxoixo to Ihe Mrdical Record, five p-r emit of Ml cancere an allnated anon tbs tongue. The average duration of life in capcrr of tbe tongue Is, without opera tion, stated to be ten and a half months. with operation, sixteen month. In tome eases-after operations—patients have lived from two to fiw, and even ten years. Tots ia a mag vamp ditty as Htng in North Carolina: The mugwump roods in the hollow log. The •agwsgalUlalbettee: Whenever I beer the bogwlgslng My heart la sad to me. whenever the sasgpop t sate his too To the wall el the mlpwMhen, And the mi.funk chirps In the stilly night. Yon bet I'm loaety then. Cocaixe, the new anesthetic, is . color- . lM.fi.MMt HBUka glycerin*. Coder its effects a patient at . hospital ths other day submitted to tbe ball of bis ey. being punctured by a delicate spearhead kolfa, and in Its plsot a small soction pump in serted which brought out tome pus from sac which tba knife had punctured, and all the white tbe patient, mentally amadou, chatted pleasantly with the operator, lneenslbla of tha operation at though w. re befog performed on hie bat Iwod. A Rananca. has figured out the expen ditures lor various purposes in tbe United State, approximately at follows: Drink, IUOO.CCO.OCO; missions—home and foreign, $6 560,000; bread, $506,000,000; meat, $203.- 0(0,000; Iron end iteel, $200,000,000; wool en goods, $217,000,000; uwed lumber, $233,000000; cotton Clods, $210,000,000 boots and ebon, $186,000,W0; sugar and $156000,000. (dncatloca According to No one will deny that General Grant came out of the war the first man at the North. His education, arsociation and habita of life bad not been each as to cultivate a partisan spirit. It ia claimed that hie predilections were Democratic. And yet at tbe very in ception of the struggle he wa* for wag ing a war to punish the South and to destroy slavery. His opinions must have had great weight with the North ern people, indeed they must have been but the reflection of the dominant oninion in the North. tinder date of April 19, 1801, he writes from Galena, Ill., to Mr. Dent, his father-in-law, at St. Louis, aa fol lows: No Impartial man can conceal from himself the fact that In til there troubles tbe South erners have been tbe sfiretson, and the ad- ministration has stood purely on the defens ive-more on the defensive tbnn sbo would bare dared to hove done but for her conscious ness ol strenslh and the certainty of rl.ht pre vsiUn. la tbe end. The news to-day is that Virginia baa gone out of the Union. But for the Influence ibe will have on the other bor der a'avo Platts, this Is not much to be re gretted. Her position, or rather that of East ern Virginia, has been more reprehensible from the beginning than that of South Coro llas She should be made to bear e heavy portion of the burden ol the war (or her guilt. In ill this I can but see tbe doom ol slavery. Tbe North does not want, nor will they want, to Interfere with the Institution, but they will refuse for all lime to give It protection, un less the South shall return soon to their alle giance; and then, too, this disturbance will give such no Impetus to the production of their staple, cotton, in other puts of the world, tbit they can never recover the con trol of tho market again for that commodity. This will reduce the vatoe of the negroes so much that they will never bo worth fighting over again. No concealment to made of the inten tion to destroy slavery, and this almost in advance of an armed collision. Moreover, the then retired captain undertakes to promnlgate threats against Virginia, and to pass upon her guilt, as being greater than that of South Carolina. Captain Grant must bare been an indifferent student of passing events, or ho would have known and appreciated the heroic ef forts that Virginia made to have a peace congress and to avert the threat ened war. He would also have known that the Governor of his State and the other Governors, known as war Governors, forced the issue. Virginia’s convention sat and deliberated for many weeks. She had as much at ■take as any other commonwealth. She was known ag the mother of States and statesmen, and did all that was possible to save the Union. Why she was unsuccessful may be read in the lines of Gen. Grant’s letter which we quote. A people who thought and felt ho expressed himself were bound have war, blood and revenge. The South was deemed gnilty of ag gressiveness, because she demanded the protection to her property in ■laves ax guaranteed by the constitu tion. For this she must be punished. For this she was punished and to being punished still. The letter written more than twenty years sgo comes to light now and is important as explain- ingthe real motives of the North in making war upon the South. Rebellion In the Camp. Some week or ten days ago a formal notice was issued from headquarters that the gubernatorial campaign was opened. Up to thla time only one "clan of the valley” has responded to the bugle call. This comes in the shape of a sharp and stern defiance. This clan relnsea "to light the fires on the mountain top,” and ia dis posed to treat the bosses with a contemptuous and rebellious disre spect. If this "clan of the valley” to not immediately and severely dis ciplined, or pat under the seductive influences which have been before ap plied with signal auccesa, the rebellion will be likely to spread and assume ormidable proportions. As part of the history of the times, and without intending to interfere in a matter not yet ripe enough for FROM ATLANTA. stood that there Is nothin; In tho tetter or j nlstlon la cotton for future dellrery at this iptrlt ol the civil service law that puts tho market until yesterday. The reopening of the slightest check on the power ol discretionary market on Monday (to which day builneis remora ol subordinate officer* coming un-1 hid been adjourned on the previous Thursday) I Procoedlnge of roeOru*el>t«’ Convention tier that law. was doll at drooping figures. A small advance "TH* Prlreo Awarded—Tho East In addition to thia, there is a statute I on Tuesday rnomlog wu more than lost st tho I Tsnneiseo Matter, which provides that the department Atlaxta, April 15.-The PharmaceuU- places shall be proportionately divided lag. .how ol strength srithout activity.“b!u 10 ,°'° l0ck between the several States and Terri- yesterday morning the report* of actual hot- ^ mor “ l118 ' l ^ ut ® a number of drug- tories. UUtie. between Russian and British forces In wh ° **, r ® un * bI ® to b ® pr * sent V r rwol.—t „„,1 VI. _i„v, Afghanistan, accompanied by a sharp decline terd, 7 wero ln Mtondance at the opening Mr. Cleveland and his cabinet might j in conaols, cased ils market for futures to hour, had their name* enrolled as mem- pay some attention to this subject, open in a sort ol semi-panic, under the tnflu- b«n of the aaaoolalion. when they get through providing the cnee of which prices broke down to an extent The minutes ol the proceedings of yes- Mugwumps witli fat and comfortable ‘Jj** mu * t J* oonildered, In connection with I terday’a session were read and confirmed, places. If something is not done, there I l .?l„ “ d clr ™ m -| Dr. Pemberton, Immediately after the to a strong probability that many ever, aparttal recovery ii the'lut hMr, h |md "^dlng of the minutes, wav accorded the Southern Congressmen will be left at the cioee wu firm. To-diy I-trcrpoolreported I fl0or 111,1 ‘“dressed the body on tbesnb- home at the next election. They have M 0 ® 6 improvement, and our market wu J#ctof th * qualification! and tucceuof Issued a laree number of mnuntien I »ll«bUy dearer, but dull. Cotton on the spot I th# 7° an S pharmacist. tliqtimimHn, ™l,« HU t it V I w “ dnl1 and nomtusllr unchanged until yes-1 Dr. Main, of Dalton, followed in a few thatnre past due and are still unliqni- terdey, when quotations wera reduced Me. pertinent remarks on the same topic. He dated - q ? lrt “ d “‘•W* urged that the high standai d of pharmacy How to Disembark. at 111-lSe. for middling uplands. ought to be upheld, and made special alia- A few days since the lightning ex- Why the mugwumps kick up so over j don th® cutting °[ rales and prices u press train which loft New York at 8 Higgins to explained. Higgins says: "When f®”! 8 *” 8 ‘ b ® p '® , “ ,lon * Dr. Hunt further notice, wo give the “i*J l '° t " j"L" 11 have got through with’uie'lnteraal I ,oUoxed &ud thought it a good time to ■ *•“*“ --*■ ttwaartisebSs'iai - sSS b-^arasa sex sheriffs and a handcuffed prisoner. #re w j,!sky ringers beneath the dignity of the association to Suddenly, while the train was running —- take notice of it officially. He thanked at the rate of forty miles per hoar, the | _ 11 to already proposed to pension Ihe | God there was none of such work ln Ma lt will be found entertaining reading anil will serve to draw attention for awhile from the office begging and of fice giving in Washington. The Bainbridge Democrat rises up and tdlks right oat in meeting in this style: Does oar esteemed contemporary open the campaign tbua early with a view to killing off all premature uplrants In the Interest of Mc Daniel, upon the hypothec)! that "whom the gods love die young.” Wo protest against the "taking off” of Bacon, Simmons, Lester, Carl ton and Felton ln inch e summary manner. of coorae there is no sort ol doubt shoot McDaniel's wanting another term; and won’t "happen to want it” worth a cent, for tho reason that he has been babbling over for ever since bis lest election. Yon may bet that there la no chance about this pert of the scheme with him. It rather strikes us, however, that when Me Daniel serves out hla present term the consti tution of tho State will prevent his serving another. The 8tate constitution In reference tills point says, that: "The executors power shall be .vested In n Governor, shell hold hla office during the term of two years, and until his successor shall be chosen and qualified. lie shell not be eligible to re-election, alter tbe expiration ol a second term, for tbe period ol (our years.” Governor McDaniel bat been elected twice by the people end Is now serving his second term. It will be held that he was first sleeted to fill tho nnex- plred term oi Governor Stephens, who died ln few months after his lnaugnratlon. Such cannot be. (or 8tephcns's term ended with him; II It bad not, sorely tha stats would have patd hla salary lor hla unexplrcd term to his heirs st law. McDaniel no more served out Stephens’s un- expired term then bo did Boynton’s, wbo was Oovemor faring the Interregnum between Stephens and McDaniel. The ease ol Govern- Colquitt will be cited, bat le not parallel He was only elected once under tho present constitution while McDaniel hu been elected twloe. Onr private opinion la, there'll be "music In the sir” when the air when the next guberna torial campaign opena. Lilting tho Vail. This special goes from Washington the New York 1 imes: The Bondar Capital today publishes th* following paragraph, which Is said to screen thinly a Georgia Senator: ”Lait week a Demo cratic Southern Senator indorsed a patar re questing ono ol the new accountingoffloera of the treasury to retain aa hla deputy th* pres ent R publican Incumbent ol tbst position This valuable Indorsement waaslven in return lor the inhumation that the late superloten dcntol tbe deed letter division ol tba Post- office Department was about to resign. Tba exclusive ktiowlrdge ol th* expected recency enabled tbe Senator to secure th* piece. The same Senator bad several other pieces ol Information given him which wereof value lo him, end has doubtless the promise ol more should the Indorsement work the reten tion ot hie Republican Itlend ee deputy. Many Denu crate here ere complaining that wrong efforts are being made by Senators and 8«. ie»uietirea to keep In office Republicans wbo have made themselves useful to Demo- tms in days gone by. These efforts ara not made for the Information ol their constituents bat for the comfort of tbe men who ask that the Republican be retained. Should they prevail tha department* will nndenbladly eonllDU* to shelter many persons who ought be got rid of for the reason that Republican employes who have obtained tbetr positions through Democratic help an not likely to contribute greatly to th* work of refotm pro posed ey a Democratic Administration, This llfta the veil from the work of Colquitt, who hold* hi* place political ly by the aid of Republicans. The style In which he attempts to provide for hla household and at the some time discharge hi* political debt*, will be recognised by all Georgians. The best sentiment of thia State haa been inexpressibly shocked at the succeea which the Georgia Senators have had in getting in their work on the administration. That Mr. Vilaa should be deceived and imposed upon not to be wondered at, but Messrs. Bayard, Garland and Lamar should have known better. The sne- of Mr. Cleveland's administration largely depends upon hit giving South clean and good government, finch tricks as are exposed by the dis patch to the Time* ore worthy of the foulest Republican regime. In some quarters a disposition haa been shown to complain at the slowness of the ac tion ot Mr. Cleveland and bis cabinet in clearing oat the 8oath. In the light of Colqnitt'a action and incceas, the eomplainte cannot be npheld. If this U the way in which reform in govern mental methods to to bo produced, honest Georgian can complain at any tardiness. If Colquitt and Brown ore to be per mitted to consolidate their interests and the coalition which sustains them by the active aid of the administration, then Georgia will be entirely content with the raocali the has, rather than to fly to otbare. whose bellies are hungry and whose wallets are empty. prisoner arose from his seat, pointed Gr *ntfamlly. His widow will, no doubt, I con. The pharmacists of Macon were gen ius manacled hands at tho window- *>• pnt “P°n the growing civil pension list, tit men of integrity and honor, and would glass and went through head-foremost bat “ Fred ’* : Back’s andjei.es rich wives not stoop to inch practice, into tho niffht Four miles ulidwl j won taupp °ri them then they should be Dr. D-E. McMaater rest iri Ln Im , n " owed to work ,ik ® oll,cr Am ® ric “ '>“• m “ U th« change from the old to th. before the tram could be stopped. ieDS . new aystem of pBtU , Then, with lanterns, the sheriffs „ _ ————* become nranticshin •• returned to tho scene of the Th “^Dr. J. W. Sten- supposed tragedy, only to And xh9 Brook | n Uoion k L„. .. w , L j ford ' 0 ‘ Cotbbert, regretting his inability the prisoner’s hat, ond slight traces of to chronicle tbe feet that Mr Genre. I K ol l* present and expressing his earnest blood on the crossties. The latter was S . ne y to again to be found among th, pai '^v.ral X^Smm^U^were read traced for nine miles, and probably I Irons of American art. One of th* best of I from absent member, of tho auociitiou proceeded from cuts received from the Mr. J. Francis Murpliy'a clever pictures , window glass. fell Into hi. hand, when the exhibition at b«h^ir n ll. re.d invi^g ^ .^ct.: Within the lost five years we have “• Academy of Design wu opened a few tion to visit hie Turkish bath rooms, chronicled scores of just such escapes, I d,J * ®*°-” L“'iE-.4. Lo 7 , !>“ r “ A » P*P*r lending and do not now recall a single instance Thx CalU, KlgW era uavoaia-m —- v — in which the prisoner was so injured corered a new process for removing all n^dogVe^t^nd'thorahlngM^ as to prevent his escape. I substances that injure the appearance of I in it. This fact suggests a curious idea. Is| their fruit. They pat shall bushel or to! Dr. Schumann took part in the discussion Can. Lawton’s Cnee. The Savannah Newi haa a very pre vious Washington correspondent, week since this correspondent tele graphed that' Attorney-General Gar land had delivered an opinion to the effect that General Lawton was reliev ed of all political disabilities by ths pardon of Andrew Johnston Several of the rnral jonrnals of the State were deceived by this dispatch and have reproduced it. General Lawton has returned from Washington, and haa said for himself Upon bclof isked last nlfiht la retard to the prospect of bia reappointment under the opin ion ol th* atlorney-Oenenl, General Lawton raid that ol court* he could not undertake ray anything upon the h gel upsets of hlsea nnUl th* opinion had been rendered. Th* President will be Influenced and guided altogether by tho opinion, which Oen. Lawton thought might ho handed In either last nltht or to-morrow. It la expected to be aa elabo rate document. The President assured the General that be would act upon ths matter once upon receiving th* opinion, end II the At torney-General held Ih.t Pr.sident Johnson' pardon removed bis disabilities h* would sue his commission and recall him to Wash- tsgton lot Instructions Immediately. f o far as lb* residence In 8t. Petersburg concerned, tt wee an tulgnlfiont matter compered with th* appointment by the Presl dent, which In hie eyee was a far higher end non appreciable distinction. With nil the stir that bu bean mad* about the matter now Gen. Lawton expressed it possible that a person throwing him- of d, y “wdnst in a barrel and then pour Atfant^drnggiet* and^ndemned if ns self without regard to position from a I 11 or *hres boxes of oranges, and lorn I dishonest, dishonorable and mean. HU rapidly moving body really -lands S^VbrightL .^'^”0“: tbe comm,,.,, less chance of injury than those L >nc , n a b ul U toe president’s.ddreu, .ubmitted.f who go prepared. Almost evory while washing ten boxes to a good day’s Daring a suspension of »b« roles, the as- week we are called upon to report the work. soctatlon wu addressed by Dr. Stone, rep- injury or instantaneous death of fire- _ .. * I in men and engineers who jump from . 8 ’V" U *““ I **! IIcnlu ' l,ttlutleoIIon of the hall. their machines to avoid collisions. h c r ?* ,e ®‘ Bb®*®' 1 * 8 Northern paper that Dr.J. D. Certlwlge, of Dahlonega, intro- she began her first starring engagement at dnoed n resolution reciting that many These men are accustomed to dismonnt Cleveland, O., on Junes 1802 Marearet I m * rct,in , ls ir - toe Htate were selling drags, from their moving engines. They know WM ,i. r rf"B .*”Ml!lv with tlm Vifktm, c h*m | a*i» »nd poUons without license, in .. - . * . , ... was iumug is suiiy wiln ine Mukicg J violation ol the law and moving that the tbe effect of velocity upon a falling Pail,” '‘Colin, the Yonth who Never aaw a association issim n‘circular «ddre*sed to Sts*** tote^L * ® ?m“uut& cat? 9 11“ ”’g d . e rd& tycdl- cent “bonds* ^“he £.V h " * * werheps be advisable toreadrerii.-, d bids covering a 4 per cent l °’ issue end give all nartfes «M^ p ® rcem - alike, and toe probabm l i. thl^.? *2 b[i would be able to Boat the whmV t tb ® 8ut « #t * premium? 8 lssn °®‘< broted espiUlh,. wa, at toe THB CAFITOL COMMISSION before toe commission *PPeared o! too work do“e fb“th?«J5b** U 9, , ‘® Monday, and too amount tob°. n ^l d en 0 d u l t n I monringsg™n. , '° n w111 ^morrow _ . ™*«-T.,VA.* 0 *. E.^nut’e.V&a , ln ,b ® Froin'to?^! 1 ! ^^“huto the offices of the commini D » Powesafon of buslneuyesterdu wu^sufe/h®" 1 " nd 1,8 I, may b,-; very ilUdri^d J „ ‘"’X B 5 d ' luned an order from SaJs'n» ,hi, 1 !” rdec Ing directed to the Untte.lS?.r h mo £ n : &E5fi|P®s53 Until further directed. atoo, granted an order ttd.V S*5gg4 the order of yesterday^ plactog P„°.^’ni r ®?. lTer ' i0 PowSSon ol tS S" d „ Jto property i„ i h |, s .£“ unt 1 Saturday next in order to elr e sli , he *K ,lDg ’ Th ® fi'tottion ahead promises to be warm and trouhiesoSe but there U no promise tost it will ““p In mneb good to the road. Tbe rote U in • vary unfortunate condition, and itlooki strange that a great corporation nhoold be hampered, obstructed in ita ba % l Qw ,it* olllcti bandied abent from one authoriiji ta another, In the hands of receiTerftr* *ej to-day and receiver Fink fo-niorrow. A prominent official of the road stated last night that the litigation is Treating a woTid of trouble tobusicess. They vere jolt getting atrafght from tlie first interfer* ence m the management, when the same trouble to precipitated a-raln. There m.y be further development* to-nlghL HUanxx TRIAL snr- the effect of President pinion ln the removal disabilities wu not ques tioned eight year* sgo when he wu elected at terse, end wu president of the electoral col lage of Georgia and cut tha vote of the State In thtf Ttlden-Ileyrs election. At that time the question would have been ol lu more Im portance, Involving the entire vote of the electoral college, than It now Is, with only himself to gain or lose In thodocldtogof tho question. Up to this writing nothing has been heard ot the opinion ot Attorney-Gen eral Garland. In the meantime the disc union of the question continues in the newspapers. The Richmond Die- patch and Charleston Newa and Cou rier are very earnest ln the conclusion that General Lawton cannot go to Ilnula. • The mngwnmplan press handles the question rather gingerly. There to said to be some highly Interesting history connected with this appointment, as yet unwritten, but which will be venti lated in fall at the proper time. a dust Complaint. A Washington correspondent of tbe Charleston News and Courier aaya: While ol tha Treasury Department yester day Senator Hampton called upon Acting Sec retary Palrchlld and also Appoiatmant Clerk Higgins and staled Ural there an persons now employed la that deportment credited to Soolh Caroline who have never boon within the borders of that State. He says such astaw olaffaln should not go unnoticed, and ho re quested tho proper aatboriUaa to Investigate th* matter. He claims to knew ol severe! • V.WWOW J OOOVOV.OO HU mougre msv MSlVDh I • * 1 # nuw swshswmvis umcuwvu mi M w I1T plan for engineers to follow, whenqnit- tbe »‘" h* 10 " * te «>d „ was a very [erthemattertoto* Board of Examiner* ting their engines moving rapidly, to to ,anny P-rtotmtnce. they nsemed best and proper. Dr. Hunt plunge head first out of the cab win- Tnx Grorgla statesmen, „p, that the ringtoa^na^tarto'thaBoard^il^umhural dow. rjuhtr tmsy or there is a special J days are long and there are no offices to] requesting them to call on tbe ordinaries providence that looks after prisoners scramble for, m»y read the petition ad- oI the several coontiaa to furnish the and neglects "the brotherhood.” | dressed to the railroad commission by tbe ““rou^oIt'Siog'Srti^i'^toS tS several railroads, with interest. It ia taw, and to prosecute them. The snbeti- A sonnet. I quite evident that th* bnitnus ot railroad | lute was adopted. In our columns to-dsy ws have the " r « kln 8->“ >* b »»°* p rt«f indlvldnal. th tuxSn‘SteoKf*.nSSj™'on^oldioi pleasure of presenting a sonnet ad- J nd iroiA^ commuoitln, la at an end. tht tax for many strong reasons an unjust iln.u.oil Lv fir A A T i„„™h p.nl 11 h “ btm R 1 ™ 1 ont tbflt Uie country to one. bored that Dr. Lipscomb recently vis-1 ^ P®““<*®" ®" d ®“>‘ d | \SSOASSiS!SL^ Ited the poet in bis home at Copse Hill, *«■ , ' , of deviates to the National Uommerdrl and gave to tbe world an eloquent, and , Hoasx* have a natural dislike ot camela convention to beheld In Atlanta in May, , ... In mats, and can scarcely, be Induced to will favo? th* repeal ol the internal rate- scholarly article upon tbe home l»o charge upon a body of these desert anl- ““J*. ,plrlu “ ,<d In pharmacy. The and fine works ot Sir. Ilayno, mcnUon mt i t< eTen when thty lyta|| dowD and reeolnUon was adopted, of which was made in the Txt.r.- ,|«i. This dislike of the horse for the _ „ A "“ a “*°' A * 0 * D '- oRAFiu Tlie indorsement ot ao juat camel wee pointed ont by Herodotus ln I S,nd, n *« d |Iclriiid'* , l| , DTri!d and learned critic must ever remain bis account of the great Persian war when at noon to-day, end at that boor there as- bright in the memory of Mr. Hayne. I Crceroa, King of Lydia, waa defeated by J*|nUjd,‘n the exjcutJva officet. at th. caul- The eonnet already named is but ths caT * lr T horaes fleeing as soon at they ma ’ n hta assiatsnt, Mr. William Bpser, continuation ot a work in which m i n d ■“ n, ^* b ® c *“® 1 *- , ThB ‘ h ® b “ cashier of the Treasure Department, a , , over hla cowardice since Herodotua’e Urns number of gentlemen Interested ln the and subject were never better mated. , very creditable to the reasoning » Qd there was no little curiosity to see It to a chaste summary in the most dif- lull u .. 'M h .V„re. re **° nln * jost bow Oreregte stand, finendetlj In the .„.i quitutc® oi me norse. money center of th* country. Tbereeolt ficult of all specie* of terse, and per- — — Juetltfed all that bat been claimed for the feet in that the figure it true and no | Coxxiasioxix Braxxs, ol th* laud office, I that*, and will be gratifying to all her clU- mark of the chiaol remains. b “ discovered another steal of 600,0001 «5*- We are pleased to record this trib- ‘« d ,or , r ®' l,0 .* d '-. ^ w “ * c " and each was aUompanied > wilh a certified nte “I am fnliv assured " said Dr compl '* ,ie d by clerks In the office. Th* check representing 5 per cent, of th* ate. A am mi y assured, mm in. M service law, at it nowatanda, U a I amount bid for Yhe name ot bidder, Lipscomb, recently, that to neglect ahlald lo aoa> , a o| , h# WOfa , th ,„ n ln tha amount wanted, time ol delivery and price oor men of genius is toneglect onpL 0 v,rnm.nt serelc. The land office It.elf Acwortb, $20,000, Jol, aelvea, and to help Jiulld them np to is ao foil ol spies that every movement of 18-tG; 103. one way, and a very good way, to balld tbe Commissioner Is known to tbe agents W. U. Boiomnn. Macon, bids for $210,000 np onr dear South.” A fine sentiment, of tbe land sharks onul-le of tha office *1- jlnoare^iiiw? 0 *55) $-2t» k*!' truly, and one towhlch all who love moataaaoon as anything la done. This too}(;$39oon,lOOH;iardoo.ioili;$20000 thia dear South must respond. I «*• — 11^^ VSJSSfiW; 5 _ ^ cotton R.nram.n.; I l t 1. pro^ to have a gatbaring m At- 3“*' “■ *' inl b< f^M. l9 !*‘.r >t r " "' 1C *- 0t - A ^ I i,nU to dl,cu “ * nd “* upon * h ® ,ollMr - !■ Kicitsls, CisrSas.Ui., 6a., sb.uw, 10th fnrnUh*m th e .•*,*. r***-1 lng topic*: Commercial and reciprocity I January, 1885, par. Uee to the movement ol the crop for the between the United State* and w * «rant, AUanU, $5 000, Jane, 1886. , hla „ m!o .UorelgDeonntriea. A national baokmpt “N.ocy H.ard, Atlanta,$5,000,Jaly, 1685. For tha week ending this evening tolr Tha com p U i, or , coinage of ellver. 106. haw secured eppolnuntnU lor their constitu ents, and bacons* th* quote of their Bute hap pened lo be full the appointments were made and credited te Booth Carolina and other Whflt to true of South Carolina to equally true ot other Son them State*. Men and women are holding positions credited to the various Southern State* wbo were never on the sooth bonk of the Potomac river, and they claim to be entrenched behind the civil ser vice rale*. The New York Times, a stickler lor civil Berries, says: It oaght, moreover, te be dearly under- bale* three weeks line*; making the total deem proper for discussion end action. It I **• M. Mason, Griffin* $16,000, July, 1886, the aame period ol 1883-81, showing a da-1 p art | 0 )p a | a (n n, a proposed exhibition. R Wdnlsy, $co,ooo. inly, 1885.107J4, ermse since Beplember 1, 1884, ol «.C791 Tha adm i n i atrat , on will hardly ondertak* $WO.OOO, done, IM 1«;;. ***’ '> to anticipate Ooogreroln the discnaslon of ooofa'lTo?Mo r i9L 50 '‘ I '*"' 0,k ’ The receipts at all th* Interior town* for these important meainres. John H. Inman, N. Y„ $3,455.0(0; 101 if the week have been 12.021 bales, since » I O. C. Banders, Gainesville, $6,000; July. September let, 2,637,970 bales. The re-1 Thi latest trustworthy itatementa as to 1kVhou.i Ranh v v evoren ini. celpte at the same towns have been 10,3091 the relative strength ot tbe English and iggg. p w . fj25,O0O,‘January! ibsti l’ar! balsa leas than th* same week last year, I French navies abowtbatof ships of the I $675,000, Jun-, 1886, Par, and since September let, the receipts at first class. Iron holla, not lets than 9-lochl 6j“f Harewr. admlntotrator, Rome, aU tha towns an 280.118{b*to* toes than armor, dtoplacrmant over 8,fi00 tons, Eng- r^jIa^ XVinMk. Athens. Oa., 17000 for the asm* lime in 1883. - lend bu ten, aggregating 06.840 ton*; June, 18T6,107! Among th* Interior town*, Macon to France bu three, aggregating 28,000 tons. Yopng ULHarrla, Athens, Ga., $15.- eredlted with 12 balcafor tba week and I Id 1880,oreooner, England will havafif-| 0 °ymm\ 1 TVS™! Ath.n. n. un-m with 48,202 for the season. Last year the t**D. aggregating 141,310 tom; tha French J U teTl%riOT.“ ’ A “*“' receipts for tb« week were 38, and far the I five, with a total ol 49,(70 tons. Ot the O. T. Latbrup, Hawklnsvill*. aefol'ows: season 50,825bales. These figures show eecond claae, hull* ollroo or wood, bntth* January, a decrease forth* week, u compared with I latter built since 1870, the English !»•»• I $^» uSdBMWIOi W ^ "’ that period, of 20 bales, and a faffing oil alxteen, with a total displacement of 78,740 John Bl'ackinar, Ootumbar. u follows for th* season of 11,623 bales. “»»: tbe Franck hare eleren, total 79,333 315 000. June IMfi^S; $6,000, Jun* 1880,90; Th* total receipts from tbe plantations tons. Of tba third due, balls iron •rrA J "JJ™A x rtnet September 1. 1881. were 4,711686 wood, soand nod In good order, armor 4J$ j un .- u*. iSrto.OOO.'jul'jlbSis 1M-loot.- betea; to 188384 were 4,710,686 bates; in *08mchea; tba English have fourteen, Jon* 1886, MM. 1882-83 were 5,700,144 bales. with a total displacement of 112,410 Ion*; I Ban re gun. Savun^: $53000, June Although th* total receipt* at tha out-1'he French hare twelre, with a diapteo*-1 ^ Jai , pjrta th* put week were 21,808 bale*, th* nt*nt of 55,901 tons. 1886,102W. * — ■ W. M 4R.J. Lowry, Atlanta: $17,000, Bpslilng Matoh. July 1885.102jf. g| at actual movement from plantations wu 6.716 baler, the balance being taken from f SSHS'ZXZ'S: RD^nmJeont 5h!tt In th«8aperior Coart thii morning Doo JacksoD, the negTo convict guard! wu put on his trial for tbe murder °i *. ,7 hIte convict last December, the fail particulars of which were published in tho Telegram at the time. A jary was obtained after some de lay, and tne trial entered upon. A verd ct will hardly be reached before tj morrow, llcpre'entative Harreil, of Hamter, has ?eu in the city for several days Col. J. D. Alexander, of the Thomaiton Times, ia at Weinmeister’e. Dr. Pierce** “Favorite Prencription" ia not extolled as a “cure-all,*’ but admirably fulfill* a singlrne^B of purpose, being a moat potent a|*cific in thane chronic weak nesses peculiar to women. Particular* In Dr. Pierce’a large treatise on Disease Pe culiar to Women, 10*1 pages, cent for 10 cents in stamps. Address World’* Dis. pensarv Medical As-oclatiou. G*>3 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. WOMEN idlfiff rrnrwfd atrragth, op who aufTrr frona ■ flrimltlra peculiar to Uiclr in, skouhl try BRO^p QJ it THE BEST TONIC Thta Rwllriot rs.rn*-in«*« Iron with pun tapubl* P ni. e. and m mval'ial.lo far l»iu-a*wg pr. itliar to H eiHHMi.an l all h .. . l. a.1 |.,ry l lt .^ | t f-: n - rirlirw and Purlfli te f, lllooil, -iimulntr- n!| |B*Wft r 1 luV*f lr ”? * SmntlMMBipUVi JlTintl Iiialspa lIL It drMDni I la. ks-u tho fp*Kh, CMM* h»a<larhe. or prodacw CMMtipaUoo—MiwiU nd$«$<m afa. Mu ^JZAarra luian. ?4 Farw*U A»«., Mllwu- ft ". Mr-, und-r flat*. ,11)00, »h. 1«H: I hm Hod BraBra*a Ina Ottlon, ud k haa >>~fi rw than • d’Ktor to Bw-hfifing car*d Mtf Um jakKfe.yiSEgi'asg «d. llai twwn teiMiriciu to my rhiMfm.®* K •affiltM hu «hov« trad* m«rk and rroawd f»d line* 1WPW. Titles no oiht-r. MubMM> IIIIOWN CHI VI li'AL tO .llAl/miOUl . MI). I.ADtU* IIam» Book—«Mfnl ami altrartlvr, r<di- tainisjr l*tet «# pntt. f.rt rpcti— tofornai.. n .»Krtit C in«, Mc,nirn a»»|hji;i.l.-!.r« In nw<li.-in«,OC tnaikd to u; add/wM ou rwatpi of to. it amp. roxra «. * u,., Richmond, I'Z, 8. S. P^R MELEE at assorted stock Giirriages, Buggies, Wsjoa Sidles, Bridles, Whip*, Bobee, IIot>t Blanket#, Jhtl Irer.’t Carriages, Ulibrr, etc., lath* State. 8. S. PAKMFI.EK, Comer 8econd ami Cht v4m Mu n, Ga IM ALl A Ul.r TO If /ff v/ '''ar.tiFBEE^i^^L i.:m! Iji c x*it>m*-r» t.r usi u«f v n77,.ut f nlf;r:n*iL Ucon'-ialni iria*tr*tion», rdCM, c«*crlpiioua ami dlrertiont for rianting all \ t*pi*ijle tnd Fiowtr sklds, ill i.m*$, etc. D.M. FERRY&.CO.° s iL!l ,t ly or *ent v nnr'-.y inp Clol'prrd I’AKK MFQsOOq Hr 1 Jan2ll 6100,000. JolviSdO fjftdfo 1005i: 125,000 100',; ,ot m ••laEW? were 65,244 bale*. neighbor: $26.090.100H; 126000,101^- Th* rtoaipte sine* September 1 np to to- B-„-r- E ..-,A last bto, with properly certified elwck, night or* 42,061 bile* leu than they »•?" »T F"d Wol& and hi. —v wrre At »h* limfi ,!it a# iKa mnntK In 1M11 , D 1 “J I0U1I, but ju«t Whif * Of N*W York, pTOpOtinC tO take the L. W neiglsbor’a ear, that -ho', i-n. u.4te, K^tem.1 it „t. Ml Uhl 85- 300 bale, lea* than they wu* to [f ,h e will place Uieac letters inproper 0 * 5 P«c«nL and at par. bonda to l^- ,ie- the same day of tha month in 1883. position ihe will have the worhFa I '’▼■•rod aa follows: $200,0” Jniy, l Th* exports of cotton from th* United great tonic, which will enrich ter im- Janul,y ' ***! $3.080,(> J State* the past week, as per latest moll re- poveriahed blood, pat roec* on her nale This bid. upon examination of th torn*, have reached 50.218 balsa Bo fu | pheekx and moke her strong and hap- bias, te equal to lug ;a tto fur the ' u tbe Soathcra porta are eooceraed, tbeae j p r, nearest drug store with cent booda, an th* um* expert* reported bv tote- i dclU f J°2f hwid . “d **k for , - graph.usdpubltohSLUtetffirocdclatest|B">wf.lron litttcra. |^^^^g^n^rop^,,n Rece : ver's Sale. Under tnd by virtue ot an order by hii Hoc or, J. D. .Stswart, in the M. NuarbAm A Co. et al. vs. M. M beam, pending in Pike Superior (’oi undersigned will sell before the Bibb eounty, Geoi by in May, l-v>, h U* door • rir*t Hif • legal h-j tb* M. .Ni - 'BAI'M. Dcubi* Homicid* In 8*vnnnah. Tb*Chrooid*hu th* folk)win* to i*y aivaxijAB, Audi 15.-Two negroes, Jeff uf of tbe market (lnctnetlooe fog th* wees usd.william Felne, brothers, were fatally d |Ri- ,' tM .. j.‘ under revtew: "^B^JJAjJwtowigMky sn ,,i.„ ; , j | does not determlh* to' I lu adrortteed. Georg!* will ba »4Jf n S2W Ihert wu no Important leatu/e to th* ipcc* J toe aped. c*C a ha AGENTS do. *roT*r«