Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, May 01, 1885, Image 3

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I HE TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER: FRIDAY. MAY 1,1885. OVER THE STATE. _ mo* *<->- sections by mail *** AND SXCHAHCkS. Fatal Prank of n Child. . utile S uiotith. oW child of Mr. Theo* J phitliDS In Henry county, fast B.tar- i 0 "/hlle playin e»T the flrepl.ee, pulled d,, ; . b oot " bolllok water and wet »o ‘ijYcalded that it died tho next day. Opened the Wrong Letter. ... r N Vance, of Feirmount, was ar- nAt ioitk aince, and taken before the iSrnltedBteteC.inrt Atlanta charged So, opening another’a letteri. H.ra<e ^SlanJitlt now at liberty.-Calftoun Kner. . ABrakeman Mangled, i «wro brakemnn on the East Tenner vffinia and Georgia railroad fell , ireleht train between Blue Springs ladBagar Valley Saturday night, and waa nangleo into an unrecognizable corpie.- Calhoun Time*. „ A Horae on Singular Diet. We hare good authority for the slate- mint that an old horse belonslng to hire. Prickett caught a lire cat not .ong ago sod .tin-and recently ate a hen and her brood’of little chickens.—Oxlhoun Tuna. The Carp Losing Fatror, Mr H G. Simmons, who is a successful ..tn raiser, aays they have come forth their winter quarlers. He thinks ttmv arc not all they are claimed to he un- w. carefully fed. He has carp eighteen months old that will weigh VA Ibs.-ifarnex- rille Oaxitte. ‘ Nats ns Incendiaries. Mr William Story's house In Pike cono- Ir cants near bring destroyed by fire a few eights ago Hals and roaiches caused the fire and Mr. Story awoke in time to fitincuish the fire, but too late to save hi. Sunday hat nml a few other goods.— Bamnille Uoiclte. A Remaiknbte Trio, Oa the streets last Monday there were three old men talking together, til mem bers of Ihe Baptist Church, who had been msrrird seven tin es, and the asgrogate itie ol Ihe three was two hundred and forty ve®». All are active end In good health for men ol Ihcir age —Chfhoun Tina. A Dangerous Practice. It is said that the recent collialon near VarooU't on the Eart Tennessee, Virgil la and Georgia railroad was caused by one of the engineers being asleep on hli engine. A road man has informed us that it Is not Infrequent for locomotive engineers to dote st their posts, and that, mo, while the train is In rapid motion.—Dalton Cit ion. The Lnteai In Fenchea. Mr. W. W. Logue his s peachtree on bis lot that nearly every bloom on It contains twin reaches. Oar old Mind, H. O. Benton, loft at onr sanctum one day last week two clusters of yonng ptaches. One contained four end ihe other five perleclly formed peaches, apparently from one bloom.—Jackson At- yw. Terrel county, drora up in a buggy before Jndge Simmons’ door last Sunday morn ing and celled for the Judge. When the Judge came out McNetl said they wantcl to he married In a hurry. “Come In tne house," said the judge. “Bo.” answered the young man, “we don't wont to waste the time, and want to be married right here and right now.” In s few ruinates ihe two were man and wife, sitting In the buggy. A Ouaer Cnloken. Mrs. R Hill, of Lee county, has a chick- en which has no feathers on it, being per- fectly smooth all over with Ihe exception "t a small patch of down on top of its head. It has loog neck, bill and legs like a crane. Amputation to atop a Cancer. Last Saturday, at Sjmmrrviile, Drs. Cal houn and Rudicil cut off Chris Knox's nrtu about five Inches below the elbow, to su>p tba cancer which has been eatn a ■ baud for some time. He is doing well. ■■ A Mule Ruins a Valuable Horse. • A valuable horse belonging to Ur. John White, of Athens, for which he wooid not have taken on* thousand dollars, was (hot a d killed bv the owner’s order, because a male had kicked and broken ths horse’~ leg. What a Boy Fount! In a Hollow Tree. The other day Johnnie McDowell went hunting near bis fatber's home, ia Hous ton county, and tresd a coon in a hollow tree. Cut ling the tree down he cautbt the coon, took out a lot of honey, and ran two squirrels from the same hollow. Probably Lost In the Mails. Although Postmaster Lamar, of Perry, sent his resignation to Washington as early as l.st January, and has since repeated it to the new administration, ho has never in any way beard from it, nor has any one been appointed to the office so far as can be learned. A Sight to Look Upon. Between thirteen and fourteen hundred dollars In gold bullion, was shipped from here by duress on Wednesday. Eleven hundred dollars ol this was from the Sale gold mine, and the balance from the mine operated by the Tatham Brothers.— Wath inqlon Gaulle. Thought Ha Was Doing n Kindness. Mr. D. M. Anderson, of Hampton, came very near losing a $50 cow last week. Her tail was continually getting caught in" briars and he cut it off, thinking he was doing her a kindness. She like to have bled to death. A Marriage Notice Without Namee A very romantic marriage recently took place in Decatur. Neither the bride nor the groom is over eighteen, and their union Is known to only a select few, their relatives baviog no suspicion of snch a thing. The names will be given when the groom reaches his majority. Certainly a Contented Community. There i» only one Federal f appoint ment in Decatur worth having, and mat is the Bsinhridge post office, and nobody teems to care for that pnrticnlarly. There Is no scramble among D-mociats In the If even though annum. Another Negro Cold Hunters Perry Cleveland is a well-to-do colored man, living on the outskirts cf tMs tall wrk. Perry has con ludfd that there ia hidden on Lis place, somewhere, untold wealth in Rold nnd silver. He says that rears ago a prominent Indian chief of the Cherokee Nation, hid two barren of silver it! iM. ii, s*-vei.iy-tive mile} north of MilledgeriUe, and he ia positive that he owns the identical spot whereon it wan hid. He is now ni work bunting fot this valuable treasure nml has sunk n consul- eraDle shaft.—Gwinnett Herald,. College Boys Carving Each Other* Last Saturday »veiling at about 7:30 o'clock, Mr-MstN. Will lladwin nmi Cit be Ji.\wt. t*o of Mr. Me Null y » college stu den's, engaged in n dltficuliy on tne col lege pren i*ei. which resulted In nine pain- f'.i WiHind* h*mg ifitlicrcd "ti ./11 a • m '~ ji> r« mi by HrtltUm with * knife Some t f ibe wounds are deep and painful, though nothing serious ii anticipate!. As the matter w ll finderg > l**gal inveMigatloo w« refrain from making any comment, Yoang Baldwin is n »on of Dr. Itihiwln, of Cnth bert, and young J. wen a son it Mr. V. P. Jowers, of Webster county.—Dausoit Jour* nof. A Touiih DOB Story A rather kimcularcircuiuMtai.ee occurred in the neighborhood of stark, in this coun ty. n s h'»M time sg » It app*:iri that a cer- tain family had a worthless flog ami (fished to get rid of It One of the girls of the fani- lly took a in a w I and crtuhel the ti •$» - head and threw the carcass into an old well, where it remained iddic three wet-z* and hati almo«t men forgotten. A few days ago the dog walked into the home and stopped fmm^dfatelr In front of the girl that had innrbed its heail, presenting the evidence of its harsh treatment, the skull crushed ami the brains o< zing from the wound. At the sight of tho dog. the Old lady fainted and the |drl sprang M I1U KiBlUUIC OlU'Hl^ Asruiva countv for government .pails, i the office doei pay $1,1(X) per a On* Negro Snoots Another. Wednesday night Bill Oylesby. colored, waited in|troat of Dr.B*rlo«’a till Levi Con cision, another 'darky, came along from bis work, when Bill drew a platol and shot Levi, lodging a ball of thirty-two calibre in the muscle of bli right leg. Frank Hill, Jr., was present, and lecured the plat taking out the rest of tho cartrtdgi Ogleeaiy claimed that Conti.ton had he stealing from him — Ameneut Recorder. crew of tha second boat. He re- malced on board the ljtler only a there while. When he saw that prtpsratio: a were being outdo to remove the gangway planks ol the Gbipley, he left the Turuna- teeaks to again rapture the firat boat, which job he sacceaifa ly performed. He took tut position near the wharf on board the boat, and wooid allow no on* to touch the plank. The captain of the Ohipley arrived about this time and ordered Ihe animal to be killed.—Oofumhu* Enquirer- Sun. RED ANGELICA* Sad Case of Pol.on Reported from Henry County.' Edward, the fifteen-year-old eon of Mr. H. 1. i'union., wliu re.ides near 1 In* Kook- ilale line i i I. .ve\ ,li.tr el, fame to In- death last week under singularly distress itie fin irii.'iitiee-. 1 le was plowit g in a bottom field about half a mile from the house, when he turned up a quantity ol rm-lllhi o-i inlj'i t (.ar.niii in a|-|.t-.,riu i e. A younger brother was with bltu, and, ana petting no harm, they ato some of the rooL it proved to be red angelica, a dead ly poison. Ia a few minutes ibe younger one o eeamo deathly sick and started tor tho house, bat bad not procceeded far be fore be was seized with convulsions and fell to the ground. Ho was discovered in this condition shortly afterwards and conveyed to the house. A liberal drenching w.th sweet mtlk end salt cansed him to vomit and be re rived. This treatment was repeated and he grew perceptibly better, and in a low hoars recovered sufficiently to sit op. Dr. Ganter was summoned as speedily aa pos sible, under whose skillful treatment the little fellow bis since recovered, thongb he exhibits occasional symptoms of the poi son yet. Now comes the saddert part of this sorrowful occurrence. When the younger brother became lick and started towards the house, Edward resumed bis plowing. In about ten ininutes be. too, was seized with convulsions, and died be fore assistance could reach him.—Henry County Weekly. Monroe Court. FoiSYTB, April 25.—Monroe N-ipcri'-r Court will hold an adjourned term begin- third Monday in May to try O. W. 0. a lt lor the murder W. J. N. Hsm and -Bridges civil suit. An S8.000 aim.- Buiuia Vista, Qa., Aptil 25.—The resi dence oi Mr. J. J. Jones was consumed by fire at 3 o'clock this morning. It is supposed to be tbo work of an incendiary, Loss, about $3 0.0. No insurance. Athens Odd Fallows. IAthxhs, April 25.—The Odd Fellows K vc their annual excursion to Tallulah ills to-day, and Us success far exceeded their expectations. Every ticket issued was sold and msny were disappointed in not securing passage. Aaaaulted With n Knife. Bdxka Vista, Georgia, April 25.— A negro named Will Trcadaway as saulted Mr. Bob Williams with a knife yes- terday, catting a deep gash la bis right wrist, third fiogerof the right head nearly oil, a slight gash in the back an - cut his clothing in six or eight places about the breast, arms and back. Mr. Williamsman- aged to get loose from the negro and se cured an ax, whereupon the negro fled and has not been seen since. Superior court convenes Monday. Using the New Anaesthetic, Forsttu, April 25.—A few days ago Dr. L. U. Alexander performed a very delicate operation on the eye of Miss Brooks, of up thi 1,1,11— the b- lull In her fright, at the pitiful 1- ukin tllA- ad supposed to he 'lend HIIU «'■ Hie b-ill-un of a liri-p well. How ci.-l 111 -s' -1 -' get out oi llie wed end manage to sub-lst for lli-ee weeks, eml ils head mashed?— /action Argus. What About This? Bom-body it ssctns lies been committing the crime of arson in inis uatv, and the Governor offers a reward ol $l-» (or the apprehension of the villain. The crime la all,ged to have taken place on the'J Wilkes tea county cf in»eutors, Th' first cotton gin was Inver ted fnthiscoun ly. Within the past year or two a num ber of patents hare been Issued to ineen- tors in this county. Mr. Garland W. Mul- lin, who la engaged with Mr. W. A. Pope In lirmlng, hoe Just receleed letter* patent in a teK-iharpening sweep plow point that he Inren 'ed. It le pronounced a rerr er lent olow by gentlemen who know what plow ehonld be.—l!'<uMny«m Oaselle. How On* Hors* Doe* th* Work of Two. A certain farmer in Green* county has not only curtailed hie other expensee, bat has reduced the labor of bvestv to a ad ores. Being short of plow hones bs made film s hng single-tree and to this attached tsoplowa, making one horn poll them both. Tha bora* walks between the fur rows, the plows cutting s row on each aids, and by this means bs doss ths work of two boraei. To compensate him forhlsrxlra exertion the farmer gives him two feeds st night. SPopsd Up on a Duck On Tneidav as two ladiea were coming from Dr. Willingham'* they came by the fi-h-pond and one of them eeeing a beauti ful dock iwlmtning near the ebore showed it to the other who feeling very anxtoos to possets the ba lutiful fowl persuaded her companion to be vary quiet for a minute while she could ernp np and catch ths duck. Shs commenced to crawl and for thirty yards went at a snail's dsn through the grass and among th* bnihss along tne hank. When she eoold almost graap the duck her besrt was beating almost loud enough to frighleo th* fowl. Bits b eams very qulit and at one* pounced upen ths dock, grabbing him by tbs neck. Boe real- Istd to her great dinuay that ah* bad cap lured a decoy.—Lexington Echo. —Bain nth. We -rides Dr, heiM i,t ii before. r«f. VANITY OP ENCRAVERS. How They Smuggle Their Initiate Into Their Work. New York Tribune. Morgan* the English engraver of the standard or “bc^ard” dollar, animated doubtless by an ambl'ion similar to that of the yoatn who fired tho Epbeaiai dome, smuggled into his work In two places the initial letter of bis surname. Although croscoplc In size these “Ms” are plainly discernible on the coin even to the naked eye after a careful learch. An eagle ejed Wall street man recently dlacovered one the letters, and started among bin uaintances the folio wiog puzzle: tul thrt «• M’«*r Mi it 1 tht* u ,| dollar.*’ Two are readily found— on® In the word “unum" and another In America,” but the third la not so easily found. An Interview with Chief Drum mond, of the United States secret service, showed that there ar* four Ms, instead of t‘ir» e. aii'l the four’.h, hitherto irmutu'e.l f\>! '• 1 v* Wall street ineo, via- \ to the reporter. Mr. Drummond laughed when his attention was called to the mat ter, and said: “The presence of these ex tra letters on the standard dollar was Brat brought to my notice by one of my clerks. They were, of course, cat in the die by Morgan.” The chief of the secret service acknowledged that thty bad not escaped the attention of the counterfeiter, who bad placed them on the falsa coins. Blmllar instances of the mutilation dies arc recalled in the caso of English and French engravers’ work. Wjon, the artist to the English mint,many years ago, placed on the plate of a post age stamp a “W” of »o minute a cnar* acter that for years the stamp was circu lated without a doubt of lta perfection. The eventfnl discovery of the blemish cre ate 1 a sensation in England. The objec tionable addition to the work was prompt ly erased, and a strit gent law passed against the commission of a like oflenee. In the reign of Napoleon Ilf, an engraver placed the initial letter of his surname on the plate for a stamp. This also was of such microscopic dimension that it escap ed detection for a long time. The discov ery of the fact led to the same result aa in the English case operation ou 09 eye ui .up? tills county. Before the use of the knife Misa Brooks feared the total loss ol her eye. Now she entertains high hopes of its! complete recovery. Daring theoperation the young lady was under the influence cf ithe local anesthetic cocaine, and while the doctor cut away right down into her] eye she chatted pleasantly to him, seem ingly unconscious of any pain, The Cadets on Drtll^H Forsyth, ApHl 25.—The Hilliard Insti tute Cadets came upon tho square yeaterl day and drilled for an hour, 'they have not yet received their gnni, bat their efll ciencyln the field mivimenti reflects greet credit on tbo/e who have In hand the military tra'ning of these lade. The boys deserve all the encouragement thev get, and more. We understand their of B. H. Harrell A Co , in tht: when the earth mi i.’eoly gave way undre his feet, pre< ip t«ting him t) the bottom of the well, a (iterance id about liftren f-er. The only lujury sustained was a severe durkimr, (here being a boat four feet of water in the well.—His' man Journal. uppov A RaOld Mule, Several months ago a dog have been mad b t a mule Mrs. John Smith, in tioosenonrt district, but not until Monday lest did the nm'e ol being Sheeted by tl 5W Chioke ana Kitten. Lisins Mnpfi u y Tn " ■ether. Mr. B. \Y Moff-tt informs ne of * re- maikasle etse of sboormst sit acumen'. A aettlne hen cama off with n brood ol young chicken*. lesvingOD* er* unhitched In the ntat. Thle f«g was placed la the l * aa Stand I bed of * cat that bad s Uttar of kittens two , Tt h. ! w m 1 weeks old. In e'sht or tan hoars * UtUe ell at the a** tntll hatched out The chicken appears perleclly st home with th* little caia and la enretoUy looked after by the old feline. The kittens and young chicken play toemhar. each after his own pecnlisr I style. Toe chicken goes to sleep with the kittens, and n happier, more harmonious (.•unity iloes not exist *njwh*r*.-flr«m»ill» Vindicator. A painful Surgical Ooeratlon Mr. Jame) Brown,a reaident of Worth , eight weeks a*o, while st work st s will be msda glad by the yonng 13 (lies of Monroe Female College, who will present them With s hsndsoms silk flag. The I'adets anticipate n pleasant trip to the Exposition some time in early May. A Picnic at High Falls. PFosstth. April 25.—Next Betnrdey Ihe day set anart for the annual May pic nic st High Falla, and the fneicatlons now arc that there will bo s very large crowd there. Griffin. Milner, Barncirille. For syth, Indian Spring anil Jackson will all send large delrgitloni and all the country round about the falls wIU rend thither Its fair daughters and gallant eona. Tho-e who desire to daces can have abundant opportunity In do so as a stand will be erected and a airing band sill be in at tendance. Let every one lay aside the the cares of bnalness and spend a day nf social enjoy menu with their friendi ntthla historic picnic grounds next Salur- dey. Forsyth's Brass Bard. Foestth, April 25.—The very crcditahle entertainment given daring the past wee k by Ihe Forsyth Brets Bind was liberally and deservedly patron-zed. That tbost present anprerlated thle effort of onr bo.t a and tbit those who remained away err sorry that they did so la evidenced hy a peiition which was circulated among tht citizens to-day asking lor a r. pet ion of the snow ei » «*■!; • day ns the band I arrange. Fbotogrspher Lyons, of Uarr.a, is at present teaching tba boy* how to mi ni palate their horns, and Ihe very dteidi d improvement in th* tnn fc of the band •bows that be Is the right man In tba right place. oil ah' atrarge antics frightened in diir,-r an other hand* from the tl-l-i In which It w» plowing. It died in a lew tiuurs.—I.ex. .. hn K' K'i, The NftRro Now a Permanent Citlitn. We learn from one of our moot pro^e sire. »ur<'tK«ful nml reliable farmerA, th* he tincte leoo trouble lal>or for h plantation than for m'ny years paot. H attrlbnifv it oo «, evhtt to the election i Clevelai.il; the ne^ro flndiOK that he i( t • ’ to be p A Llva'y Old Cmprries. London Tpith. I wonder how manv middle-eged L* liih metroni or maida would care tn K o through the programme performed one dey last week by (he Empreev of Anetria. She left the Santa Cecilia, Lord Alfred Pa- S ta ateam yacht, at Deal and walked >m tbenco to Dover. On arriving at Dover, eoe went by train to Folketone, walkrd back, and then rejoined the jacht, baviog wa'ted no less than eighteen miles during the day. I am, of courie, preclud ed from mentioning her Majesty's exact age, butahe was married just thirty-one years ago tbii month. in caring Nervousness, Nervous Debility and restoring lest powers to the weaken ed Generative • yetem, and in no instauco has it ertr failed; test tt. $1; 0 for 55 —At druggists, or hy mail from J. H. Allen, 315 First avenue, New York city. Greenville ha»parsed an ordinance im posing a fine of five dollars on parties play ing baseball on Bunday in that town. ,8, HUNTS KIDNEY.&£;£ Remedy. HEVE^KhOWN ::.fro'FAIL*&. mnfflffiuSii iitvnw 1 HOW TOWNS SPRINQ UP. A Picture of the Western Country's Re markable Crowth. Providence New*. The following story of *n engineer on a Western railway show* how fast the conn-' try is growing. Wo do not hold ourselves responsible for the troth of Ibe story, but do not hesitate to say that it is “not much of a stt ry," compared with that told by the Western man who makes an effort: Ona day I was driving my engine over the prairie at the rale of forty miles an hour, without a house in sight, and sup posing the nearest town to bo thirty miles distant. Bat as I glanced ahead I was as tonished to *ce that I was approaching a Urge city. I rubboa my eyes, thinking it was a mirage. “Jim,” save I to the fireman, "what’a this place?” ‘ Blamed if I know!” says Jim, starting ant of the cab. “1 decla*e, if there ain’t a new town grown np hero since we went over the line yesterday.” "X believe you are right, Jim. Iting the bell or we shell run ever somebody 1 ,T “do I slowed up and we pulled into large depot where inore'n 500 people were waiting to see the first train come into the place. The conductor learned the name of the town, pat ft down on the schedule, and we went on. “'Jim,'says 1, as we palled oat,‘keep yoar eye* open for new towns. First thing you know we'll be rannln’ by same strange place.’ “That's so?’says Jin. 'And hadn I we better git one ol the brakemen to watch oat on tbe rear platform for towns that spring up aiier the engine gets by ?" ’ JUMPING DOWN A CANYON. Tne Wonderful E,cnne of nn Eaalnser Dynw,./. nnd Fireman on a C.inaolan Railroad DrcWCr S A Yale, B. C., special seye: A frightful accident occurred on the western division of tbe Canadian Pacific railroad, fitly miles above Yale, on the night of February 25tb no acconnt of which has hitherto been printed. An engine drawing twenty lam her laden cars end acsboose was bowling rapidly down the winding track along th Fraser river. On one side wer. ellfls reaching to a bright of 3,000 feet,occa sionally cut through by frowning canyons spanned by high trestles. A huge boulder, loosened by the storm, bad dropped from !li heigula at tha entrance of one ol theie ire-ili-., and Engineer Avans did not le ft in time to prevent a collision. Tbe engine, alter striking tho boulder, shot from the trealle, followed by tbe tender and four rsre. The engine described a great arc, landing scro*t the gorge, 100 feet away, and then slipping 150feeltlowu tbe siopioa cron ite wall to the brink ol the river, where it stopped. ' Engineer Evans remained In Ibo engine and, strange to esy, wu nnlnjnred, thongb both tbe cylinders were broken and me engine was otherwise badly wrecked. Fire men Gascoigne leaped from the tender down Ibe side Of tbe gorge end was serp oasly injured, though he Is now fast recov ering. The four lumber- sden oars were reduced to a mast of splinters on the rocks below, while tea rtrseuge.-s in the caboose fa tbe rear, which remained on the track, wir« uninjured, save a tew hratoes. DID YOU HEAR Something Drop Yes, we are the frogj that dropped on the racket of sundry would be BLEEDEKS AND CAJOLERS of the Dry Goods ^ rket We have parted company from the two geese, lhegooscis a rare bird.and useful, doubtless, in his way. But the capacities of the goose are limited, and two geese, as compagnons du voyage, would hardly be desirable. Poor geese ! T-»e cold day brought about by the fatal error of that ill-fated stock-boy created the im pression that something was vrong with the seasons, and they winged their flight^to a WARMER CLIME. The constant rush of business would have prevented our accompanj ing them had inclination prompted. SPEAKING OF FABLES, Re minds us of the old story of one of those unfortunate^ animals, endowed by heaven with more ears than brains. This animal, l<nown in natural history as the KEN TUCKY MOCKING BIRD, happening one day ona lion’s skin, dinned it and went masquerading through the country BLEEDING and CAJOLING the unsuspecting. He raised such a racket that it is charitable to suppose he thought he was a lion. Had he been satisfied to deceive himself alone/the delusion might have been prolonged. But attempting to deceive others his unseemly bray gave him dead away. ' * HJ3C FABULA D0CET That the only true way to conduct a business is under the motto—Be Just and Fear Not. BUT A TRUCE TO FABLES. We have a few figures to point out to the people who want new and desirable goods at satisfactory prices. DRESS GOODS- i case Tus'ar Suitings at 5c,—cheap at 10c. 1 case Fancy Buntings at 6J^c—cheap at i2j^c. 1 case 6-4' French Lenos at 15c—cheap at 25c. These goods have only to be seen to be appreciated. 1 case Park Hill Novelties—the most desirable goods we have shown this season. LACES AND EMBROIDERIES. Our stock is varied and complete, embracing Allovcrs in Oriental, Egyptian, Valenciennes—Spanish in Cream, Tan and Black—Beaded Laces in Black and White and Allovee Beaded Net. New Beaded Tinsel and Two Tone Laces. GEEAT DEIVES IN WHITE GOODS. 2 cases of Piques at 4c per yard. A new line oi Fancy and Plain Parasols. The handsomest line of Colored and White Embroid ered Suits in the city. Alpine Rose always in stock at value. New Mattings, Oil Cloth and Linoleum in the Carpet Department. tMRICE&CO Kidney Diseatet. Few people ere aware of the alarming pre ▼alcnce of kidney diseases, especially among those who hare arrived at,or are past the mid- dlesge. It is declared on good authority that fully one-half the deaths In this country aro either directly or Indirectly th© result of kid ney disease of some sort. A great majority of the men above forty years a«t ara afflicted with some sortof aff etton of the kidneya or bladder and these diseases are on the lncreaie. Persona are often seri ously affected before they know of it them selves, and thus these Insidious disorders get a good footpold before anything lsdono to dis- lodge thenL • Dropsy, gravel, diabetes, Bright's disease, incontinence, debility, catarrh of the bladder, albumcnurla, etc., are among the many forms icse diseases. Most of these are very dlfll to core, defying the poweiaoftentimes of the best physicians obtainable, and are pro nounced by many to be incurable. Physicians state that many forms of kidney disease are very difficult to detect, as, in die- eases of this form, oftentimes there are symptoms of a marked nature. This Is one of the reasons why they are so difficult to cure, Hunt’s [Kidney and Liver] Remedy Is a spe cific for kidney and liver troubles, bladder andnrlnary diseases, dropsy, gravel, diabetes and all of that classes of disorders. It cures biliousness, headache, laundlefc liver and stomach troubles, dyspepsia, consti pation and piles. It enrea Intemperance, nervous diseases, general debility, female weaknese and ex it Is thoroughly reliable, highly recom mended, works promptly, relieves at one*an * was never known to falL rsK IT AT ONCE. Bold by all druggists. Price 31.25. HUNT’S REMEDY CO., Providence, R. L CSiTTENTON, caneral N. Y, THERE MAY BE A ’ FEW WHO STILL DOUBT If so they willStind In onr office many such letters as the following, bat none tbei are entitled to more consideration: With my experience I pronounce do* In dge 1>< it home gave it to the little < bildr was Kion missing ami a search ri vi snugly hid away in a hot with th deg. On betrg iak*-n out the dog ' tnd followed it about the t U. e. TI dren carried the rahit ha< k to Hie lit tcrne<l it but th«*dog caught now nureei it aa tenderly aa il it young pup. AH but 1 i Buttonhole Bcqu -at while Mr. B. B turpenth about fhr uhuge r. works of Mr. W. W. sAabbirn, .1 a covered li'l l-be ” work <>( he repi'le. very lone f**«t lung ISJ5MP bod ble Hand caught In the feed belt and his arm drawn to tbe circular cyiihiirr crn.hing both bones of the fore- rm so oodlr that ihe bones proirnded through the fleeb. No anrgeon being STsil- aMe at the time, and the ease requiring im- medial* attention, Mr. William Vine rol- unteered hie sereics tn set Ihe ahirered hull), this be did end tbe work eras well done, hat thefrsetare being of sco ruponnd comminuted nature, the wounded man »o(Tired intt-nseljr from 1L Dr. UiUmtn was called iasndfoandUwllmbsoewollen aii.l Inflamed that on deration wta no*, ihen considered proper. Yesterday, how ever, Dr. Hilsman, i islited by Dr. McMil lan r** -. cVd the protrudlna bone* In s most skillful manner, end the patient ia resting ei'f.dfViay Sene. TOO MUCH FOR THEM, an Anar, Sruta Erdaavora to Run Two Steamer*. When the eteamer Chlpley reached Bris tol on iter Jest down trip, Menra. Nisi snd John.<-n of that place, drose on bo-rd .b-iiit twenty head ol cettis to b* ihlppss to Altaian-***.-is. Among Ihs lot there war a pirtlrularly large, floe ball, which t«.,ri..i the steamer peaceably enough ami rem -. 'I quiet nmil alter the balance Zjg hssd *. -drlean 00 tba wfasifH A r.ala. him .0 When hi, tarn cams to be ■ I rt v.n < tl th* twat.be shook his head, I iwer-d Im horn* sod made * dash at Ihe <1.^1 tiatsdA They arskiy sought sht tag-lhig the ngrr orals sssotar of th* B that 1 University Matters. Amass, April 21 —Tho senior clsas of the nnlferaitf relumed to day from athrre day, trip to Tallulah Fall,, when tbe have been on a geological «nrvey. They were eecorted by Frot. White and teTersl icitn- titlc gentlemen from the city. The students have been notified that Hon. John W. Daniel eoald not accept the position of commencement orator, tender ed him some time since. Cause—pressure of official duties. This Is s groat disappointment to ihe members of tbs college snd to the people generally who were anxious of hearing Virginia's eloquent orator. A HOMICIDE IN LEXINCTON. One Negro Fills Another With Buckshot and Then Fteee. LixixoTOS, April 25.—A (hocking homi cide occurred in thle county, on tbe planta tion of Ur. Harry Hill, yesterday morning. A negro man on bit place named Rich mond Mattel wss quarreling with snd de nouncing another negro named Wiley Warren for Improper attentions to Rich- mood's daughter, snd Richmond told him h* Intended to kill him if he did not cease his conduct, whereupon Wiley went to so other part of the plantation and procured g shotgun tnd returned to where Rich mond was snd deliberately shot him, tbe load taking effect la the head. Richmond died Instantly. Wiley lied, and at last re* porta had not been arrested. .he pi filed t teat of that he otiid ■*' i! lunli.h diem he made aha Typical Creole. New Orleans Tlmti DemocrtL UThers ,Ue goes now. oi htr way to the I Jesuit chnrch around the corner. She its ipretty little Creole rosebud of tne shy, fawn type. Note her modeet dress, rim- Ids inexpensive and in faultlsia tasiel There is no marching, no striding in her walk Hhe moves like a Ihoroughbrtd racer, with an elastic undulation and .wing in her movement! that 1. lovely to see. She looks neither to the right nor to the left, end doesn't even know the meaning of that odious slang word, “a msab,” ahld | has crept Into snd oortopted th* BtrgUW ged the moral.of th* msa, yoang women whesebsd breeding permit stb.ni ia nnl it. When this little Creole method centre oat snd fee-s Ure long hat ol ‘maskers" llo front oi the church abe will amply notl tee them. Bhe is s bond ed years behind Poor Advice for n Bootblack. Detroit Journal. "Jim, did yer git one o' them 'era UtUe motter cards o’ Bradford Smith's?" "Ynn bat!” "Wbat'd yer think o’ wet It stys onto 'em?” “Sorter so so. Koowsdollo' them 'era things s'ors, though.” “Moet o' them 'ere rootters wav ell right, but there's one on 'em sa la bad- awful bad I’’ "Wat's that?" “IL* trust n'. That'sr.'s g rotten tort of sdrirln' (->r a bootulsi k i.i arn his grab Victoria's Second Brown. Loodoa Life, There Is another ptrsonsge. who, if not so important, hai st Inst the bearing of one, as one sees him walking up and down in front of ths Qaeen's habitation, smok ing his short elsy pine, and puffing away fnriouilv. George Brown, I believe, is hie name. The poor people hero take him to be so important minister of state, snd 1 overhand * grave man siklng “whether this bs Gladstone." The man are odmfrlng hit kills, th* women his well-proportioned legs and muscles. Son e go to far as tats him for s woman altogether. How a Woman Plays Cards.' Chicago Lodger. “Whoie pity is U?” “Who look that trick?" “Whit's trumpa?” . "Whst wav the load ?" ■ Whose see la that?” "Did I take that?” "What's trump*?” "Ia it my play ?" "That'* th* left bower, Irn't ll?” "Is that mine?” "Haven’t you got a club?” "What's tramps?” “Did theyeaenrsas?" “How many did .* make?” "Whose deal Is It?" Lung Restorer the best lung remedy made. Four o!m> brothers and sisters had died with cod sumption, and abont three years ago 1 became so exhausted by a long oontlnued cough, accompanied ^with low fever and night sweats, that 1 could barely get abeu and my friends gave up all hope. I coughed so Incessantly that I conld not sleep at all After trying several long medicines I b gan tha use of Brewer’s Luns: Restorer and win greatly benefited by the first bot tie, gaining flesh and slrength and resnm ing work. 1 continued to lake it and an aa stout now as 1 ever was. rarely ever cough nor do I sufler with my lungs ani more than If they never had been aflected I am never without a bottle of it in mj house. During the winter I give it to mj little children, even a little fellow three years old, for anything like common coldi or when they show any evidence of cron* and always with the most satisfactory re sults. Very truly, 0. K. HUGELY. Barnesville. Ga. SCHOFIELD'S IRON WORKS, MACON, - - GEORGIA. J. S. Schofield & Son. Proprietors, Manufacturer* and dealer* In Every Variety o? Mfefcnerj, SCHOFIELD’S PREMIUM COTTON PRESSES? To Pack by Horse, Hand. Water oiZaSteam Fow Schofield’s Empire Engine* and Boiler* and Circular Saw Mill*, Cans Mills ami Kettles ami Casting.-, ami Machinery of Every KM “Shafting,” “Pulley*” and “Hanger*” a Specialty. KnlMaroa Pnoat-rLT PL-nnumeD aim t.'OEKa«ro»Daac» Houcrrxs. WK kn.n In slock Mill, MashiniaU* and Kaiiwoy Bappliea, Iron Pipe and htttntt Artesian '.Veil Coainc an.I Machinery, Vaivea, Whullee. Lubricators. Foaklfij- Belting, Files, Oils, H?%ws, Wrench©*, etc., etc. Callc — 1 l on or write us. HemJ for r r Illustrated Catalogue and Frlce UtL Bifinet's Lung Ec;t?r*rcontain* no od! ates in any form. Lamar, Rankin & Lamar, MACON, GEORGIA. deciSeodAweowtf DEAD THIS! From Col. Houston Rucker, th* Great Oil Merchant of New York. H dr. j. Bradvikld—Dear Rlr: For a lout number of vearalvrua great sufflirer from that terrible disease known aa BUND FILE* and having tried all the remedie* I eoald h-ar of. I waa Induced by yourself to ns* PRYOR’S PILE OINTMENT, and I rejoice to say that one box fi'.kmanently cured UK. and in eight yearn It has never returned. I give thia cer tificate voluntarily, end earnestly recommend It to all who ore suffering with pllea.” OUR CHALLENGE ! We claim that no remedy now on the market ban *too«l tho t* < over a quarter of a < tury. and been noed aa extensively and too ceavfully in treating all kinds of piles as Pryor's Pile Ointment. gives all particulars. BUGGIES AND WAGONS Large stock fine Fair jobs. Finest Surrey In city. Pre mlum Road Cart and Wagons. Old Hickory Standard and White Hickory Wagons. , CASH OR TIME. Largest stock Engines and Saw Mills In the South. Took premiums at Atlanta, Louisville and Paris Expos; tlons. Best Saw and Grist Mills. LONG TIME. r iER (f» EASY M. J. HATCHER & C0„ MACON, OA. CONSUMPTION. 1 &«*• a (MUNOBMr tor dwur • <l l»# , bv 1 u •NtMHa<U«IC«*i*(ll-* worst Hb4m4« waf tatt«o4wMy.uaIwt i o»*4T«o fc-usi» * fata. kMliw *1U • V4LC AlLKTBRiTUI M UU <I*HM uufMfsm. ttknmm*u4r.O.»4|r-M, * iilf-i. aUK LX. Ut r*orl aa. Mow Tork. © in i IM Wh Haolno VlmatoTrrow A»v»y. | the 8t©ai J. B. McNeai and Mlae Lirz.e Hay, of | He toon raa capUiu and the jua, economical ar.-i J’f; aoxiety, raate and ai>p«-tit© irffy the Kidney All Sorts of 3 and many sorts of ails of ami beast need a cooling tn. Mustang Liniment. FHE FAROUHAR COTTON PLANTER IS THE BEST IIV U»E. It is very simple and perfect in operation. Drope the ui.rolled seed with perfect f r *' * larlty and in any desired amount. Never skip*—o{ -■:*», drop# and oovera. bend :r price A. B. FANQUHAR A CO., Macon, Ca. 1an - GRAY.™, HAIR Hair Br^torer and IUnr ^ jun *’ lo7^,La. r ^,'." 11'luixliftai;SUt.V*xev c-.. In-Im *