Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, May 01, 1885, Image 8

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——- THE TELEGRAPH ANl> MKHMCNGPK: FRIDAY. MAY 1.18b5. MEMORIAL DAY. How the Occasion was Observed In the City Yesterday. The Ilies’ Memorial Association could not have wished for a prettier day than yesterday. The sun beamed brightly, and flooded the city wiih light and happiness. The only dis agreeable feature of the day was the dust that rose in clouds. A stranger In the city would hare known that un unusual day was at band. Early in the morning the flags were afloat over the city, the children, released from school duty, were abroad gathering flowers, and the city generally was decked in holiday attire. The committee of ladies, consisting of Mrs, Man- son, Mrs. James Flanders and Mrs. Willie Bearden, [assisted by C. Herbst, proceeded early to the task of deoorating the Confeder ate monument. Pictures and flowers and flags were strewn around it in graceful profu^ sion, and the cenotaph never wore a brighter or more becoming appearance. At noon many of tbe store < were closed, and also tbe railroad depots and warehouse*, and toe employes were turned upon the street. Thu banks were dosed, and by 3 o’clock the city wore a Sunday appearance. At that hour all began to gather at the cemetery, where the memorial exercises bad been appointed to be gin at 4 o’clock. The ladles and children turn ?d out in force. Flowers were brought in abundance, and the graves of the soldier dead were strewn with the beautiful em- ulema. Thero was also prtsent a large number of men, aud by tbe time the hour ar rived for the exercises to begin the front part of the cemetery was filled wiib people. At i o'clock, tho Second Georgia Battalion, Consist! ug of the Macou Voluutecis, thirty- tbreo strung, under command of Lfcutensut Conner, tho Floyd Rifles, tbirty-oue strong, under command of Captain Hardeman, auu tbe Southern Cadets, thirty-one strong, under command of Captain Findlay, formed in front of the Lanier House and marched to the cem etery. the battalion was commanded by Llemenant-Colonel C. M. Wiley, lieutenant and Adjutant K. D. Huguenlu and Sergeant- Major F. C. Etheridge. Tho uniforms were all clean and neat, the guns polished snd the bat talion never appeared to better advantage Arriving at tbe cemetery, the arms were stack ed and the ranks broken. The speaker’s stand was then sought aroond and all gathered to hear tbe memorial address. The exercises were opened with a beautiful prayer by Rev. A. W. Clisby. pastor of the Presbyterian Church, followed by annual ad dress from Rev. J. O. A. Cook, pastor of the Mulberry Street Methodist Church. We re gret that an unusual pressure upon our col umns prevents ita appearance In full this morning It was chaste and elegant through out aud commanded the strictest attention. It was frequently Interrupted by applause, and at til conclusion the speaker was profusely congratulated. It waa a worthy effort worthi ly delivered, and will remain as one of tho brightest features of Memorial Day. At the conclusion of the address, the male qumUtto consisting of Messrs Price, Lowry. Mabel and Everett, rendered ii a very touch- lng inmiut r tin* selection “Life’s Journey.” Afterwardthe benediction was pronounced by Rev. A. W. Clisby. The bstUiiou reformed, and marching to the soldiers section fired the usual salute of three guns. Tbe crowd then dispersed aud tho memorial exercise* were at The cemetery presented* beautiful appear ance, end was the subject of inuca pleasant comment by tho visitors. Sexton Clay had worked faithfully upon it, aud the splendid order In which it was found, reflected most creditably upon him. afttr the exercises at the cemetery, the bat- —narchedtothe city and engaged In tlclpated la iis observance. The Ceremonies In Other CM**. svsnrai suarxjiDgD ix savannah. Savannah, April 27.—To-day being Memo rial Dsy was genera'ly observed. Buslni was suspended, and fully ten thousand peo ple visited Laurel Grove Cemetery. The deco rations surpassed those made In several yea’s on similar occasions. The decorations on the graves of Lieutenant John Branch. Frauds 8. Hartow, Color sergeant Ileury Davis, Willie crane. Julius Terrill. Thomas Purse. Fred. Tupper. Gen. Wayne, Private Gordon, Captain Fred. Habersham and Captain Charles Lamar were perfectly grand. TOOK MILITARY PARADE IX AUOUSTA. Augusta, April 27.—The memorial exercises were ob*erven as usual to-day. The morning trains came lu crowded, and up to 12 o'clock the merchants drovo a brisk trade. The m 11- tar y nag.'am was not particularly Imposing. Tlio III. hmoud Hui«ars. In their new suits of bluo and gold, led the van, and following camo a rather mrar * * * — up of tbe Clark Llgl ami Academy Cadets. The Confederate sur vivors failed to enhanco the attractions of the prooemost by their presence, as advertised, but found cona .Utlou In the punch bowl In stead. The floral deoorallons were very hand some. TKS CELEBRATION IX ATLAXTA. Atlanta, April 27.—Memorial Day was ob served hero by a parade of the different mili tary orgtnlza-Ions. All business was suspen ded. nut ladles decorated the soldiers' graves. The Coufederate Survlvara' Associa tion unanimously adopted the language of an oration by Col, C. C. Jonc«. In reference to Gen. Grant, which coo*’ n»m«!hherlDt Mat aitbeActor SEofit tile \\ v-r memorable meeting at Appomattok to our immortal Lee aud the glorious good veterans, •inviviug lur rs ot the Army o( Hortbero Virginia on the tab dsy of April, 16C5. con ceded liberal and magnanimous terms of sur render. so we, standing by tbe graves of our Confederate dead and mindful of the memor lea which the observance of this occasion la designed to perpetuate, respectfully enderto Gcnvrsl Grant aMtiram. cs of our sincere and profound sympathy In the season of direful AN AFFAIRE D'AMOUH. A fiabbatn Day Romance, In which Fig* ures Two Young Hearts. Macon society was In a state of plessant ex citement ill dsy 8nnday. A mysterious some thing had either happened or was going to happen, whose general character everybody knew, but the exact nature of which no oue could tell. * Exactly how It became noised early Sunday morning that a bright social romance was aboatto occur, will probably never be known. Tbe fact lemalns, howevi*, that such was whispered, and furthermore, Included two of our most prominent social representatives. This was sufficient. The gossips were soou at work, and before noon Sunday they had mar ried in Imagination nearly every yeuug per son In the city. It was all In Imagination. To find out definitely who the 1 uteris ted parties were was the gem puzzle that baffled the prophets. Our social reporter sniffed the item Friday, and endeavored to anticipate the event. Ai efforts to obtain satisfactory d«ta failed coml pletely. Everything but the lu'ormation wanted was learned. That such* thing was contemplated, and that tbe event was rapidly approaching, was soon settled beyond ques tion; but to discover tbe parties aud the pro posed plan of operation was the task. I be ofdlnsry, tbe safest of all social seers, waa sought Satutday. He stated that a license had been issued, but be was bound :n secrecy not to reveal fhe parties. Further Inquiry devel oped the fact that Sunday afternoon, 4 o’clock, bad been fixed as the time. Beyond this noth ing further could be learned. Nothing was left to be done but toawsit developments. They came. Sunday morning a well-known member of tbe Social German Club was seen to emerge mysteriously from tbe Presbyterian parson age His face wore a smile of quiet satisfac tion, and those who were watcblog surmised that his visit had be« surcetisul one. Later iu the dsy a 4 o clock In tbe afternoon, a young lady aud gentleman left the Lsnler Home together aud weuued their way towards the parsouage men tioned. About tbe same time, a close observ er could have noticed tbe young men who first vlsltsd tbe parsonage walking briskly up Cherry street aud rcturo lng later lu com pany with a young lady. By a strange colu cldeace this couple also disappeared behind the door of the same parsonage Those on the outside knew. then, that tbe romati- tic drama wss about to culminate. There were a few moments of. waiting, of anx- l*ty, If you please, and then those on the out- rid* said that Mr.-Rowe Price and MUs Fannie Bonner had married. The news spread like a flash of gunpowder. 8oon ever;bo iy knew it. aud were dUcussiug the particulars. The whole story leaked out at once, aud the last one that heard abused ghlmself first for not sus, Ins It sooner. But such could not be helped as thy affair wss secretly planned and Carried out Not even the immediate families knew it beforehand. It hemme known after wards, that it was planned tbe Sunday night B revlnus, that the time was fixed Wednesday, lat Mr. Eugene Harris acted as best man and Miss Emma Stewart as best lady - but this came too late. All of It proved, however, a pleasant social surprise, and the young couple were soon the recipients of many congratula tion and wishes for a bright future. After the marriage, the bride and groom repaired to the home of Dr. J. R. Price, on Col'ege street, where they received the kind expression*, that were showered upon them by thrir friend*, aud where they will makeihelr future home. Mr. Rowe Price Is engaged with A. B. F*r- quhar dc Co., and has a host of frleuds here and elsewhere who will rejoice with him In his happiness. Miss Bonner Is the daughter of Cape K w. Bonner, and possesses that grace of per-on and character that bat nude her a social favorite. Both will begin their new life unde< bright auspices and with many good wishes for Its future. And will be ou us soon. That all our seuaes greet If these spring roses throw such charms Upon our dally way. What will it bo when summer opes The portals of tbe dsy. And, coming through tbe golden gates, Laden with perfume tare. Throws beauty over all the earth, % And fragzanee everywhere? A brighter blush of oolor rare, An urn of sweeter scent, Blue skies, gold rays,aud green arcades, In one fair picture blent. | uplands “aim. 7.000 bale*. Futures closed | dull and depressed. tn New Yors future contracts opened I steady at 10.fl for May and closed weak at 110 43 41. “ales. 125,300 Dales. Spots In New Yors opened lower at JOH I and closed weak and L*i*ular at 10$f for mid- I dllng uplands Bales. 202 bales. iuvxxrooL. April 29 -nouu.—Cotton dull. mlddUng uplands 5 18-11; mlddllcg Orleans ftK’.t ^ iN.rt . dull. May and Jnne...... June and July.. -..A 4664®47-6ll . m .A 53 G4(*VM 4 July and August....— ] ■ Awgusi and September 5 tft-Mtg September and October...^. ft BAM October and November 5 48 *4 November and December. _....5 45-04 2r.as.-Bam* iu«-iun»*i 6800han • anwrioan. middlings uplands 518-16; mlddUng Orb ans 5?;. Futures closed quiet. April, value A».ni auu May. value.... May and June, buyers .... ► June and July, buyer*.... July and August, buyers odln - ...„ft406t 6 4644 .........ft 4664 MM »i 6104 . ftM04 * uirust and September, buyers..... 6 59 61 September and October, sellers .... 6 66-64 October and November.sellers ... 648 64 Trustee’s Sale of Valuable! Bibb County Sheriff Sales. 1 Luddpn & Raw o„ ll TT'~ Pr.nn.4w GEORGIA,-BIBB COUNTY.—Will be sold *- uuu OII Ot DateS oOUthpri Property, before the court house door, In tho county MlJSIP HfitIQn GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.-By Virtue fh?flST 5 u2SfiW^Mav f Stf 0 Sl?ih f V 1 .* ° U „ * USI £Jj 0USe 5 tb s e“ JEStfSA 3 3b ass Converted inl ° an Incorporated k/ ‘ . ?; ! st0o< Company, with $200 sab. i fb3?sS& , Bas?^«aE^K^ 000 Paid in Cash capital. ertMo-wll: Th. tract ol UndhiowD M P. * T " REE T »*M«NBOU« PURCHASES fn taSJ.'TfiBwSwSffi £"“ 'Svrf’,2- thisseason's tra« Foi< f° h and Barnett, containing about 4& acres. SLhf&»l5iSg aSLIkAJW trqltc# ' <or DE ‘ with Improvement* thereon, well watered and I u.nint . .L ... well suited for fsrirlug purposes. con a&ioinhSi Sw 1 }? 6 ! cIljr ol . Ul ' Term,—One-h.lf. uV tho balance properly Se'JEi?. «25 fJRPJW S' 1! „ V ', * T0,fi0n ' tru| - secured, payable December L 1881. Sale to be of J. Ij. Ssulabury, agent, T.t. aale Sold (or dlatrlhntton amoni the the cHv*^ ,n "ohm w. joangjoa. od county use, (or J8M. | tnou ha. ruUtcd ua tho PMt~yeu ntli.f AUo, lot No. 5. iqttarolO, louthwcit com- wuld not post you, aa u.ual, I i'«».ta tto.sto of Macon, on tSS "raerol I :'l2*“«f,.*Vto m!EFti2!S2V* u J± GEORGIA, lovu COCSTT.—Win bo .old >t WillUm Crmln’Jm.'Sif'V^ pr# 5* rt r of S ubtle outcry, before tho court home door in taiee t£u n ' ,rn,t{ *' ,or S'* 1 ® and county 19 town ol Clinton, on tho llrat Tuesday In May neat, wttbtn the legal hour, of tale, Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from prac-1 November and DeoemberVsMLsriLft4544 • .* 4 . 1 a I 9'M* id M.a ft 4564844-44 . . . . ft 5WBf" 49 64 la of a simple vegetable remerly for July and Aufu»t 5 5<-6i®83-64 Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, j October and November. ...ft Asthma and all throat and Lung a flee- 4 r . M.-Putore. doted dull. tions, also a positive and radical cure April, «eiieni A oir.i for Nervous Debility, and all Nervous •S? Complaints, after having tested in the Juno and julv?bujcrt..TZ'.V.'.TT.6 J2 64 wonderful curative powers in thou- U *•» snd Aumuv buyers ...__5 6il*t d Septc sands of cases, has felt it his duty to rnd sowem^r, bujrer«.....ij5M4 make it known to his suffering fellows. October and Novembcr.'acllera.,’.!!!5 45 fit Actuated by this motive and a desire November and December, .clleri.,6 (2-04 to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it- ‘ s,w Yo “' Aprn ®--Tb» Po«t'« cottor. this recipe in German, French or En- * rtle e u ’ ,; Unfavorable Liverpool advice, giish, wfih full directions for prepar- ™“P ,ed wllh ‘ncres lng vrarlUe news have ing and using. Sent by mail bv ad- P 1 * 4 » T «T deprtiaing influence on fotnre de- dressing with stamp, naming this pa, U«de.„ Uverpoollonglu»ere.tal. evidently per, W. A. Noyes, 119 Power’s Block, *" llou ‘ to lead, u ibown by tbe very low Rochester, N. Y. | rals. thy ol nommonths <h»dsellna bers Bibb County Sheriff Sale. I SiS’SS’thS 1 Will Ha ...M Hatnra Ihn «ml Ha.... I.. City of F. B. I of 17 to 18 point* from Aoril to August indu —Mention wss made some time since of a *We Is therefore a natural consequence, e*pe- white robin that was killed in a flela near dally as U keeps our prices still a half a cent ;. en » l -»» “ th “^ c ‘ n z ptea - Wilton, of this city. Mr. Wilson sent tho bird her brought 10.58, October 10.42,December 9.97; to a taxidermist in Savannah to be prepared April and May were offered at 10 48, July 10.6 J, Yesterday It was returned to him in agtars Annul 10so Fntumrimpri WM v. wmn ca*e, and was placed on exhibition In h j g Au«n»t W-W. Futures dosed weak, old crop office, wbere it can be seen to-day by tbe lovers 123. “cw crop 19 to 14 points lower than yester- of the curious. day. ' ■ new Yoxr, April 29, nno*.—OetVM steady; What Thirty Days Did fora Memphis mcdllag uplauds 10H: u lldUng Orleans io%. Butcher. rutures market closed weak; sale* 125,300. Opposite the Mias, and Tenn. depot we The following table snows the opening aud found Mr. H. L. Schmidt. He waa born | closing quotations: and raised in this city as a bntct-eri^At the last drawing of the Looifiana Sta e l/ittery he invested $5 In tickets, receiving five one-fifth tickets, a d of these three drew prizes—one. No. 84 980 drawing J=ar 15,000.—Metnphu(TeuD.)Aialanche, March ‘m* 24. A nickel-silver Waterbury watch jJSSbifIZI id tho Weekly Telegraph for one October and tho Weekly Telegraph for one . year will be sent to any address for December! January. , M February... $3.50. See advertisement. ill 1042-43 10 06-0 10.02-03 Mr. R. F. Wiggins, who lives three miles I yn Yoax, April 29.—Cotton dosed weak- from the city on the Columbus road, was lu I nic* 20r middling uplands 30}£- mlddiint the city yeoterdav, snd report* 1 tbe cut kins Orleans !0*“ nlty.’ M" r.Mi Hay wss duly observed her*. The minury turoed out and there was alaigel number of citizens »t tha cemetery, an ora- tation was delivered by Chappell Cary, after whi< h flowers were placed upon the gravaaof the dead. Diaai^a to hta Treasure, it Is well known that during the war those of our people who who were so fortunate as to have much wealth in the shape of sliver and gold nought to hnry It deep under the ground. Much of It was recovered and some of it lies mouldering In the ground yet. In 1803, Mr. J. B. Torbelt, of Upson connty living near The Bock, burled 11,500 In silver on hi* place. It was placed In a meal sack and burled deep. The war over, he resumed the plow, and for twenty-two years he has passed snd repsssed the spot where the hid den treaturo lie. The locality was marked and he coul l have secured it at any time. A dsy or so ago, having use for that am of money, Mr. Torbctt took a friend along him and r mired to the spot While they kn w the «xict location, It required nearly hAif a da; to dig it up. *he« the tr»mur* was reached there was not a thread lift of the meel sack. It had varnished. The money, however, was there, though some of the coins had sunk to the depth of four feet from the main pile. It la po»ki>>:e that there wss quicksand In the near vicinity, aud the weight of the coins carried them down J...I4A Burkly, another cUUen of th.county. . burl. 'lor Uil.l.r •« ..u.ntllyof money .bout the ..me time. Alt., tbe Jndce'i d.eth, tbe pen, !>»-»• d into tbe b»nd. of Mr. Tofu Till DORSEY RECEIVERSHIP. Tbe Beard of Trade Decide tj ftfeet and Take Action In the Matter. There I. > quiet bute.rne.tfcellDf.moug the builnc.1 men here.g^nitthe recent decU- lon of Judge H.m mond In tbe nutter ef the disputed rcccltonhlp of tbe but Tenneuee, Virgin!. >ud Georgia rallrwtd. gev.r.1 were seen vcitcrd.y .ml expreirad Ihrmielves UIDOglr re.peeling the annoiuee. Ib.t b.v. resulted from the complications In which the ro«d hat been Involved. The effect ol the pretent statu of affairs up on tha business of ihf section waa lulmated In Bondar's Isaac. It wae also shown to whet extant Macon bad suffered and wouldcomtn- ua to suffer lu consequence. The facta slated were based upon statements mala to tb. re porter by a reliable gentleman. There la no room to doubt the accuracy o bis Information. By the dechion of Judge Hammond, con tract* Involving 1250,000 worth of Improve- menu have been withheld with the pro abl - lty of a final cancelling of them. This amount was tohsTo betn expended upon the Brunswick subdivision. Judlciouslyexicnd- ed. thU money wouid have increased tbe fa cilities of this end of the road to an exunt that would have been appreciate! by the business men here. It meant a great deal for them. As U U, it meaui worse than nothing. Complaint* have already begun to come in from many points on the road. Merchant' lumber men and turpentine men xt £l cannotcomin^, ^ tfihipoHUt uef- Ilia diltyi are f-Ul to the boshMNM i of lsKhn merchants, who are feeling the Injus lice of the iltusllon. That they do not pro- poce to rest quiet y «nder the wrongs Imposed, was manifested plainly in the expreulous that were given. It was proposed that a xcncral mertlnx ol the busluesa men be called to dlocuss tbe matter, and to formulaU a protest aaalnst tbe decision of Judge Hammond and the conse quent injurv U Inflicts upon Macon snd lu business. The propriety of such a meeting was fully discussed It was decided later tnst the Board ol Trade should take the matter In hand and act with full authority. Being a rep- tentative body, whatever action it may take ill carry strength and dignity witn It, and at te same time appear eminently proper. In accordance with tbla undemanding, a meeting of the board will be held this morning at 11 o'clock, at the office of Malor Wm. II. Ross, the president The card Is published elsewhere. The disputed receivership will be discussed In all of lu bearings, and some defi nite action taken with regard to It The matter la an Important one and the pro- actions of a pig thst follow* d Mr. Jerry T« - I Consolidated net receipts 2918* export* to lor’s wagon trim George 8. Jonrs’ stoic to Mr. GrwtBriUln2T.'t. ’ exports to Robert Colemans, snd then Mr. James Sum GALYmsTOX. April 29—Oouon dull* mid. merlin', buggy to WKsI,,.' A BMlev'. .lore 2JS, Tho pig wss caught at tbe latter place and 90; stock 9527: exports, coastwise 1192. penned up, where It Is at present. | Noaror.x, April 29 —u<>uou quiet: mid- net receipts 188 gross 881; sale* Music at One Purchase. BI Also. pVs^-of lot No. 8. in western range, in I OTfi 8 s^jssxMnSis bouie and lot in the said town of Clinton, I Witness mv hand and this April Gin, 1885. J. a. McManus, apr7 law4w TRADE ITEMS FOR 1884-85 offlew signature I .ni"VI I b «“ r ,?\ official ilgnatnre joining property ol John Mark, and Mr,. M. K>(£o wor . on NDB.Ord.nary. ht at bouse. trator, or some other fit persou after the publl ‘ [axes' fnr Vrsi cation of this citation unless valid objection A|aJ nartoflrinJT i inmr. w in 1. made to his appointment. _ , , | 11 1 .southern dealers M. Wilburn,as tbopropertyol F.W. Wlppler, I I'lann Agt., for State and county taxes for lhSt. chaw ever 1 m£le 0 hS b lr U u 1, Lar ^- Also, part of lot No. 4, square 21, In the city Hneetal bLnrSS.® Rny Ho «»^rn h. £ v:‘on safii3is^f®i!u^,T r o ^s . « v. n c ,*, , ol * • . nr( J. as the prop- 1 Rtnielnr anrl Uu>i n “.00, | Wlllbe^jd before lh. court honw door InTchVldran.fo®'BufflSid' SSSfy uxeafi?' | ^ ^ .. .Unatedln rli.ni\i.AAA^'“P”*^^“ hn H'rGog an^Otca^bomirI m’onev.’ ™ ” uu ™ ’" !1 eave you bounded ., follow,: On jtawandoonntvtMM forlmi° Itllle,n ,or I20.IIO) worth of Imported UnilcalMj the e.,t by the property of G'ubbcdeoAHMlo All^VaSoflnVfS 4 ih. nit ' di.» ...ah.. huM, on thy north by ban Jcnkln.'. lot, on oIMnl-ir-''' 1 '-' ■ iba wet by Willie Kn pa'* lot. on tncinuthby 1 - ' heitniititrei-t. fronting W feet on Cbutnnt . .tree! and rnnnlogback toward* the c. B. K April 6th, 1KI-Iaw4w 0.8 WESTCOIT, Sheriff. and county t.xo> for lfwt. I *’pAvTi£73RS b AI’O, partoTloiNo, :l. ,qtiare i, .withwait commiin. In the city of Mai ou, nljoliilug prnp- Jannaral "ll.V-. fre.wJP.7i' °Mnlford'u^heSroMilv ofTnen Frllik' Cheap So3o Depot 7.V. E. Ryan, admf nlatraMx of the eeiate of .Thom- fo?Stale anTcounlrraxei foMWL F ‘‘ . ,,u,l0 • bought at c sfc tMa 'ffwak.!!!,* a'-“. ,‘^.WJi.t 1 tunes |_. xcimtigi- given If Revised Catalogue .000 pieces of Sheet flVredatonly best music, -*->11.50 rer . Cent Mu. Music. ThU iduced rate* ■ DUUU. UCDVMICU, UJflCU uu PR SO* proI'trty bl I Mrs. J. R. Boon, to satisfy a State and county tax fl. fa. for tbe year 1888 In favor of I. (J. The most for the money can always be had si LUDDEN & BATES’ to.'7 r ; : down, and i la still a i • money fouad, uut yet to be Life,” the best medical work ever published * iLxix«m>x, April 29 —coturn dull; mil* or young and mlddJe-*gedjaeD. dllng lc; i; net receipt* 1C. gross 10; sales 0; i m , 1 sloes ml. We will ndvanco tho date of any »ub cribor to tho W.iklv T.LgOBAPn one w... year nn»l send by mail a nickel-silver ou Hint losifl; ne> .««ipt» 1:40. gross 1240 rbnry watch for »3.50. |SS! S °°° ! ,Ux * »aatwla. Mo,ns, April 29,-Cottoa euy; mlddltn, V) M6; nat raoalpf, 2V, groaa u; lalea ::lo; •took 14,811; export., coutwtra 1(4. HxvrBia, April 20.—Golton dull; mldd lW.^myacwlpta 106: ihlpoeot. »l - aal*. 100; Anco»TJ, April !}—Ooltcn qnlat; mid lilt, 10"^: receipt, u aa'r. i; itock 22 i.K&BLVifTon, April SO.—' uttub qnlct; min dllng H>',; nat rectlptt 41 grou 41; aa'ai 0; OITV MARKITi; Mkan.-Markot nrmer. Tut demand b light. Stack, are much rixlncd. We quota Bacon—tide* 7)ic; ahnnldera Hi. Bulk mea'e— atdu 1; i tonloera % Rama UK, aa to alac and cnalltv. LiXD.-Mirkel qnlct and Heady, itock an.- >le. W* quote: lutlcrcoa and tubaS^qc: 11 ttpallis;?: 61b pall. S><: lib pallt lv;Ion bTlllc kettle rendered, tierce, OK. Bcttir.—Martel »teady and veil atookwl ..l.vin »-i.arln- 22»J.v .ncirMafjBt 0<1 Aollr cre.m.r. AUSCc-ccnnlrv X«Ssc-T»mi“«» If i?l; market overatocked with country buttcr- ualliy poor. Cn,i>r.-AM0rted,la boxea »JJiOo, barrel' 8! <Sxs Baai.—Uooiod, lib |U0| 0 M rs.00. rLonn.—Strong and la gooa oeaand. Ms: ket advancing. w«» quote: Common II b\ family 44.75: metra family 48.03; fancy 43.26a 5.50: patent 10 25 t&CO. Dar Goors.—The market Is quiet; demsf. moderate: stocks ample. Wo quota: Prints 4V s5Kc; H Georgia brown shirting So: K do 6}Vc 4-4 brown sheeting 4Hc; white osnaburfi I 41 Cotvxa—T«e mark,' la onlet and R»' - Absolutely Pure. m ' J * 1 TomMira—f’JJVaS.OO per bbh Okiom.—Yellow and red t t.0Ca3.23 par bbt. Wax—22 to Mo. Daixn Pxicnxa—Strictly No, 1 peeled ee per P«nad. Skis roTATOxa.—Faatern itock 32.73 r* bbl. yi.cn.-Eananaa, red, ILOCaLN par boaej. ypPow IHOalJE GEORGIA, BIBB COriNTY-Whcrcaa. Cor if. x *• «»• for the year 1SS3 In favoi nellua Snllvan, admlnlatrator of theeitate I ll *! lt ' Uenfcrce, va. Mrl. J. It. Boon. of Mary Kerwln. late of aatd exunty, deeeaaed. I Alao. pari of lot* N. 2 and x rquare 6, aouth- OnilTUCDW MllCIf IJnnor baa made application tor letter, ofdtam'aaton weal common, In the city ol Macon, aolotnlnt OUU intnN IVIUoILf HU USE. from aald eatau. property ol s, 8. Dunlap, a* property of Jnllua I ThU la to cite and admonlih all peraona I for state and connty taxea for 1SS4. I SAVANNAH. OA. concerned to be and appear at the court of or- A1 *°' '9“.•» * nd 19, tquare W aontbweat dlnary of aatd county on tbe drat Monday In rofxnion In the city of >lAf °n, °n Hazel itreet, I bow canae. If any they can why >ud hno.n aa an armory lot, aa tbe property m ahouldtiot bearanted.’ 7 I g MrmJKveSkalowakl, for SMte and county Alao, pan ol lot No. 1, St. Paul', iquaro. 1 fronting on Cbeatnut atrcct. In tbe city ol Ma-1 con, adjoining property of William llar'.e GEORGIA, BIBB COONTY-rWhercaa, Robb h , un . t - “ **>• Property ol J. Snmmerllald Mar- - ' admlnlatrator of the e.late o lln - ,or st * lc *»'' eonmv Uxea for l«tl. 1 ■ " - ol 1 A ao, lot No. 4, block L, In Eaat Macon dla- apnllcatlon ahould noth, aranted. Wltneaa my band and odldal altniatQre thU April 3, 1885, J. A. McMAfiDS, aprl lawJm* Ordinary. A. Johnston, 'county | THE SCIENCE OF LIFE. ONLY $1 By mdii Fost-Paid Eliza S. Johnaton, baa made application for . Alao, lot No 4, block L, In Eaat Macon dla- lettera of dlamlaalou from raid eitate. lrlct,,on Garden «tract, adjoining property of ThU la tocite and admonlih all peraona con- P””*' “ ‘J* property ol Peter O. Saw. ' learatthaeourtofordlna- yer, lor Stale and connty Uata for 1884. the flrat MondavInJulv Alao, 240 acrea of land, more or learn. In War* ■ —- &'S?iSStS^ 1,7 “ i KNOW THYSELF, snd official signature, this a K en <* for 8Uto and county taxes for 1881. I ..iclal slcnalnre. this I -■—* . , April 8,1885, J. A. McMANUS I Also, part of lot No. S, square 40 southwest I t n l If J 1 lir 1 tf L i “gas:-»5PtaE*tJasft. , *B8 l wa5 a Great Med cal Work rn Manhsod, 1 bSaWoo^Fy^^ !%'• «n.n, X. Foster, has made *i plication for leave to I ot le»*. In East youth/ sell the real estate belonging tn said estate. I M tc . on d . l * lrlct .' lh# * > !w I>erty of W •- Jordan, on tbe corner ol property o! J. ThU powder uevor varlea. A marvel ol pnrity, it'Kigth and wholcaomeneat. More economical than tha ordinary kind, and cannot be aold In oompcttUon with the nnltitode nf low teat, abort weight, alun •ir phoaphate powdery. Sold only in eaat Both Baxiku Powoil Co., tQB Well etreat New York totem t. An Unprlnoel, Prlnc It taenia a, thongh Prince, the alleged cham pion blcyclUt of the world, end bla manager, Morgan, ban not bean meeting with the pe cuniary anccraa lu Ihtlr golrg through tha oonntry ai they would wUh, or ala* they have made money and are endeavoring to get through tha toulh without giving anything for vain* received In tb* way ol hoard, print lng, ate. While in Macon recently they were enabled ..> make quite a large purehaM of doe dry good,, and yat th* two champion, tiled to >llp ont of town wlteoat paying h.lr board btU at tha European Hum., tbtlr ad.inutna Mil at thU olllre and.printlngat Georg* r. Wlun. repUlnlferviyu.an.ged to get nearly all ol bU blit by hu clerk running bare headed ■cron th* atreet after them, they having .llp- pedont ol the bona* and ware taking long atepa toward tb* depot. Mr. Wtng collected ilh* amount due him with th* aid of an oSkHd a few minute, befol* the train relied out (MR under the depot, end th* amount due ihl. of- Ac* waa not collected wntil Lientenant WylU ol th* police lore* went over to Angutta with a warrant tur their arid on the charge of ebeattux and swlndllnc. J They did not auk* any effort while hereto make acme ea.y arrangement lor payment nlth the partlea to nbom they war* iudebted, but on tha other hand mad* mUaU'amanta and promlHi which wan never fnltUad, th^^-M^aVa-tSrnT^ tha Aouth. none to tho wreng Man. The friend, of Mr. Kd Irvine, of the GaorgU Mmlc llonaa, hava laeantly duesvered that itheWOwagat'with Polhill waa a blind,' and xsstasftissaf p Irvin* freqnaatly drllghta hU admlrcri with ape linens of bU ling Ing. Th* other day h* .track a new tong, -Rocked fn tha Cradle of the Deep," and aftar he bad rang It over aeveral time* decided to call In tha opinion of olhera. To thU end he called up Mr. Sam Everett, who 1, agoodjudge of mmlc, and then with the telephone w!<!.; open be poured ban .train. Into the Iranian;, ter until tbe n Ire. bummed with the vibration Altovh* had rocked tb* cradle In the deep for three verve, be ra.bed to the telephone *n 1 ■.kid. In the lananege of CahUI, thoAlL ,u klekcr, "Hue's that?" Earn bad bren ll.tenlng. an ! proUbly en- ' ih.mnma.rtu h* could not .Turdto UethtqpgaatnnUy la play a good|okaon n^ 0 ^‘y , ^ , uVJil , ?r I ‘S,*n'ffi fxsbait ot*t fa> »Ahrr»- Baas waa and toU Llm jg.Mv.Camj'Uil bad bwngiBiSS SSuSlS!a With n Pnataboard Maak. On Monday morning, while Mr. Back Dick- ■on end hU lore* ol hand* wet* at work In hU Acid In the Hazard dUtrict, leaving hU wife Von* at home, a negro, whoa* name coold not b* learned, went Into the hone* with hU lee* emrad lnre meak mad* of part.board, u* •vidcnUy knew that Mra. Dieaaon waa alone, end when th* eakad him a hat he wanted he ssafens&fM ssf jrSa&s; •WP6. 8bfnuTto tbs bell used for^Sllinf HP 1M binds for dinner, snd rsne U furiously. Tbe bands heard tbe slsrm and rxn with ml ttt&SWSS S'lJSf ^BS’SSiS! fiffsaasr wo ' k oi A WondeKul Ditcorerr. Conanmp lvce and all who tnffar from -nyaffe turn of th. throat and l ing*, .an dnd a certain car* In Dr. K rg'tNcwDI*- eovary for eonenmislou., Toouzanda of permanent cor. a verify Uw truth ofthla a ateme .r. Vo medldn* cat. abow aoch n record of won Jer.’hl care*. Thcnu d*of one* non*!*** roffer.ri now gnlefally pro- d.lm they owe (heir live* io Ihla New D*- covery. It nlll coat yon nothing to dva It a trial. Free trial botllec At Lamar, Itai.c.:. A Laiiar'r. , POTavoaa.—uto*. diaand lor now penaio. Thu powder can be bought at B. R ! at31.3nal.00 pea kkl, mourn, corner 4th and Cherrr alreeta. I SueVS^; taney 7. Btxxch.—Ueflnod pearl boxes 5c: do. l 8 FxhsiiAtf.l Yitslltr I*. Mlity, IT. mature Imclliu- in Youth, hii'1 tht- untoM i in'UNcreilon «»r i-xh Mnccrn5nobKnnpp5rsMb#Srtordffi!*^™V?™™?^^?V^W?' I SSmSSrtDUons'foi nsry of said connty on the first Monday In ana county taxes for WW I JSca. each nno of *whir■!» h |l «« |, \?*> 0 wcttwe,lf enyUtwesn, why a. . found t.y the Authc said application should not be granted. I Also. part of lot No. 7, squarei 87. on Sfiftfif 1 — ■ J ....— —- * iad and omclsUijrnaturf. this rircet, in the city of Macon adjoining tin* real nuto toIon^InK to ifl.l cststc. ^Hs is to cite and admonish all concerned to be and appear at tbe court ordl- ®S M1 g^'sagBaa^iissWffiBtaiagWfa I wKKssii'bScaa"' SSSisaaiBaawaft JFSmt "“iTulytisvT"- *'“• «•» «"• »»« or Ima, in AJ • • . . . the property of Andrew Uolmea. for State and Administratrix s bale. county taxes forint. GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Under and by !3 vlrtne of an order from the conn of ordinary I wffwlhi?i?S2S!j*h of said county, will be sold before tbecoo.t tbe bouse door In said county, on tbe first T es H “ ton ’ ,or But * day In May next, during the legbl ^mrapf c TH»!£H!5HB' nit, part «1 the . Itlh»< 11, author by tho tho Prraiilentuf \ 1 s^socl*t«* ol respectfully referred. Tha Bdenceof Life should be read lyths jo'inil for Initrui tlon, mid by the aflllrted ;■ »r • 1 M t-tllf-al / \ hi. h. the Hon, of the Uou rellt-f. It will bei There is no a Science of I.lfe youth, parent, v an.—Arir man A«idre«s the I Dr. W. II. Park) toll, Mill., whi imbi cet a the ul Institute, nr ay next, during the lex*! bou« of I «*xearor was. I re ' tef lot of land Tn tho city of Mscofi, v^riSSiiViIsfias^HiSfJA. IvSfSLS! RI11 ' obs onntv, known in tbe plan of said city I Jjjjst® rhii!ifl!?Vn3/ 0 p Dl !^ wuliL skill of a flo»«o 16,1a the wratera ran., of a V.V?’ * cl.Uy. I la: In said count; m part of lot No. 16, in tha western range o. i i«ii; Tnrt^. i«V B .. (a - ani , city lots, measuring on a direct line TO feet hj* rropertJ of Jolta Jackson, for 8tate snd front on Orange street snd extending back on I 7 taxes for 1861 adirectline lit feet bestnnine at a nolnt on Also, two acres Of land, more or less, in Oransa street71 feet from the l cornerof said I YlnerlUe district, adpdntng tho property of •SSwSSSmi^SS rona*between I w T. HoUlnswonh and J. 8. Stewart. M^the | and divides said square 16 from sonero Na 17. JJJIJJjJ Ko,i ’ * or Wft ' 0 * n ^ coant y Sold m tbe property of James O’Brien, late of . n ._a u ._ v ,_. . sal.) county, deceased.for distribution. Terms fSHSlSb Is* cash. MAkoARET J. CLARK. !« *pr7 lawtw Affmlutatravlk. 1kbiftol. (^ “utoEFSlm* HKAL NOTICE. OEORGIA.BIBB COUNTY.-Wbereas, J J u i*.* , °' A , Ufwl , n Tlnley, guardian of OilleB. and J-J-Tlnley ..AI*®. two acre* of ljn«.J«ort or leas. In lodMrlh snee with thodecreo of th< dered at tho Noy> inner term Superior Court, amongst th’ nitums to It since July 1*1, 1 May 1st. 1»M r linn, n is>L ofClarta FINANCIAL. OfilOKH AND BONDS IN 84019, COBRCCTKD BV 1. w, Lot'Kkrrr, b*okh MACON. April 24 1U3. tnvaetmant aeanituet dull but needy. Money u food Mui. ■IlTl BOXD-l ltd. IHIe-ii**, Jxn. end July ooopon.. e tt. 8a, lOAFtb. end Anr. coupon, Jll — ta.T>, IAN, Jannen end Jnlyooc- raw..* A. R. a. 134 wik ^Avrivii—In moderate demznd. Vane, moo t4ACaS.OO. oxz.-uie.—Market well anpplled. Demand light. K,unde itock exhkuted. HakDwa»s.-Marit, arm. ucneehe*e33.V a*, keg, Mnlcehoee 33.00. Iron hound bum- n.Wai.'<.. Trace ehelne tOHNW per pair. Amo Unvc'., III.HJ ner do*. Flow hor.« <*3r r* ih, Hatmen’e pkrwatock, 11.23. Axe. ft 0 . U i per doe. Cotton eudaHM. Well buck.) 11. J. (Mono tap* lieJQc pot th. Awed* l ei ■»5Ho p« n, reCnw1«4«4op*r tk. Flaw ale toper m. N.U. 12.60—bextaof 164. Po.-i. ■ UXBtot xe*. Blutinx powder ,2 IS. Lead tt got tk. Drop iht t n.Ah per hag, BerN<d w». leave to nil an undivided Intenuln the dow er lend! of relib C rlou, widow olWlllti Can ' ‘ " erloea, both let* of etld eounty, decaewd. th. ,2.of 55l Thlalato ell* end admonfah ell pemon, I ?.!!!*■ 1 "* trlrt -. »^i? lnl °« V* fP* °l *2: concerned to b* and eppee- at the court of or I Into mCTfi dioery of said county on the drat Monday In " ,'»“ nl * M.mey, lor AUte And connty Uxm w „ Ifoe,^ asSSUou. xa3?t sal 1 application iboolfi not bo Witness my hand and officii Aprils. 186V * * £gfcfSaoar.Ei CUT IONS*. I S3; neetefoot 13o; meehtnery meUe; line, d Mecca c, qnerierly leranSAh quArtetly cc Jalambu, 3, quarterly co leUenu 6a, qneetaily con eugtuU .wleyenF.m. . >' c boi . ..ltl 1AILBOAD BOXTjS iiuntlo and Gulf 1st mortg*ga> 1X07, J senary aa! Julycouront... 109 tenrele R. K. u. maturity 1841 te 12/2, Jenn.ry end July co'l 'or,... h I Mobile end Girard enJoraed Spa It; maatatoct 11c: meeklsarv tsetoc; Unx-d (eerie; mineral aexj 13a; cotton load leaned ten I t er box: locec mnecalelt I3.0P. — ^xtt la firmer and higher MoM.e end c.irard rotor.,-i 3 per | cent. 3d mortraxe, due IXO 1 Moot. A tn. ea dTte,. lrtmort.dn> 1M US 1460, Jennery end Jnly . Week Ale. 8*. let raor— due 13S, April ard October coupon, ™_lt» v. .l, AlA. iA >d Eton., due Uts. Ac It, cd Octot e r con pon, 1C9 f ectbraeura end. 7e, let zeocl^dn, ’me v.v .ed Noe.onnror«___rt3 1I4K CoLitiomo. end.byC. R. R IOOK lOlK BANE troex, axeiung* Beak... leptunUnk l.nue QcngUBASk keiLMAD noext. agnau and Aev.lk gnuamecd-lU cfuhad IN-; powdered TKc: grauotaiadAMI loj^A C';r6JJo; white extra O tKo; yellow U I (iziix.—cerj-nerkr; drat: nock la Ugh I good milling eon 136 hr cat 104a, .He, | imall lou; mJxed oora Macao, OeU eood aud and Uabae: wa quota; Waatara SNA; 1 taorglA mat-proof 70: Taxea nat-wraol MeSSc. Brae 11.13 Hat.—The b erkrt Ready; good d. mend; we qo«* *1 wboluala: Waatoza ttaoehy ALSn •mall Iota 31.10a: .20. ; iv r; mod demand: Marais. •*.■0.1.00, Mclza—About aaven oar loeda In tha mer ket; trad* ecu va: llinam Tkere an vary few hortaa In me ur... to ", qnaner u.i.. iu, zju . no. • gtebSSr M ■» SAkoisae.—woaetat hole* Amertcen *6.00 | Imported 113.50. Bii-T.—The demand Ii moderate end tb. citnl axhllvtdend. maihwaatam lyraeraakaadwr dtvUAH UA taorgla Railroad ex dividend Its Ul to'j AJ attodad. *0K| Naval Stores. Aatawwaw, April n.-Koaln 'pal**) Arm —— .trained ISelUA; aalai of tnrpeatlno quiet regular Markot* Dr Telaarnnh. I loobamla^ 0 Ntw Tomx. April '.j.-Noon-sucxi dull, 2»K: oway cevy tt I. Exchkrve, tong, hri. ewakuatox. April2»-Aotritaof Wrpendo* •«n W "•*>' nagiacttdrttavara- rSSSmoWms wSS! rtSSid i5 I good atnlAod m. na iBin '?.: I Wiuriaarow, April ».-8p4rtu of turpentine r-ocy IlLoOd AOte Goverameai leci An *V*Sl Bm: bond* quEu" U5 ' * *** etOU IK ’" bl<1 ' I t irpenUne.eteody: hard IL10, yellow dip and orat hand* irragnlar. gvanlnc.—hxonabAa; HAS Mi •nvtroaanrr bAUncee: Data 1131 3 qnlat. COMMERCIAL. COTTON MARKETS NY TELIORAFMm Macok, April 29—Eventut. Liverpool reported the market doll wlihl only a ggtall tuslae•» si ft IK l for mlddUng , , New Tout April Ml—Boala —radsad | quid at t; Spirit* of tnrpenUno weaker et32!4*33. wool Niw York. April22.-Wool ■! 2i to 44, domestic fleece f. V) ay 1st. Ihc illsirlbatlTe shs.'e percent, of prrmlunn psbl. Th I ■< . uu 1 !'<"» r.M .1 l« th<j par Tslue of Utalr shares, nru rwflvln< nothing. All persons v wi re csiift lied by payment of 1«. ke claim before Novt-ii ,1 by the decree from fstl ton u McManus, Ordinary. Citation. oitabslf sere ol land, moro or Has In lie district adjoining the property of Cbnrles Marshall and Hilliard Burley, as the property Judy Jackson, for tbs StaM aud county taxes for 1864. Also, 3/7 seres of laud, more or less. In War rior district, adjoining the property of Draw- birn.J. C. Hamlin and John Smith, as tbe property of lr*> Jennings, agent for wife, for — i —_— — i||u and county taxes for lwi form applied to me for permanent letun of ad- a 1m, twelve act,, ol laid, more or leee, la mlnUtnUon on the mate of Elijah It. Car Warrior dlnrlet, adjoining the property ol ban, late of teld county, dec*e»ed. Thle U to Tidwell. Heard and Ween ClIeltendTharpe clt* ell end ilngnlnr Ih* creditor* and aaxi ol I academy, w the property ol W. A. Jennlnge, kin to be and appear at my oMcr, on Uto (gut lor Mra. E. R. Joaea, lot State and dr.t Monday In May. 18*5. and ibow rtnee, II county taxee lor 1S8I. any th.y can, why permanent admlaieUatton aleo. one-fourth ol u aera ot lud la God- ■hould not be granted to John C. Van8yckel frty dLtrlcL adjoining the property of Je on said estate. I a. Dam our snd estate of Tnomst 11111. si Given under m^ bud and oOdal ilgnetnra property of Tbomea W. White, lor Hut* blJ I ...... ..— CODDIfUZWlarlttt. Alao. one-balf acre ol land In Godfrey die lrii.4, a/ joining th* property oTC. W. Noltre, . . a-. M.B.T1iomtnon*ndWfm.H.Mtn>0cld.oanur „ „ executorof th* Mate olBolrartP. I nnkoown. for 8laU end county Uxm: r>-1 MoEvoy, let* of laid connty, dMetxed. hw Alio, earn hundred and dftyacn* of land, made application for letter* ot dluaimlon nioiworlcii. In llaxzarddturict, adjoining lb “2?. . .***5!f- , , , . „ I property ol David clay, M. Johueoa eudt ho . . Thle U to cite and admonlih all peraont buley. ai the property ol Wm. W. Heath, » l omcenied to h* end appeu at the mtotxtrator ettzto A'. W. Heath, for Stale m l ' Coort of Ordinary of eeldoonalyon tho drat Icoanty taxee lor 186L ■Ml KB 'Sh,a^2 B 4c , aaiiftaBs*“* ^^•braifcs.uSit'iiiK*wuo?is? n thu 6th, Imh J. A. McManus, Ordinary. | and connty Uxea for iv>L A m, on* act* ol tend, more or leal. In ■quare 30, Eeet Macon dtxtrlct, adjoining th* •• fllfl'l. In slid .. auditor, Albert I.. Mlctb Ihc l Entity of mslmanta mluistrat xt. otc.. most i Urs with cerUficaSts * that they kn >t been < ■ Clsbu Will be raid w aud Hoc, iu the order of \ n the Hank of ih ( a., upon receipt In llu “he company. Rlauka for making da r ^iesdos tothemnt*: ad all it>rrcs|>onduQco 1 111 be $ 1 w,> " I Ht ’ > :l ? W >■ 14 f K Wltnese March ah, mar7 lswtm GEOROIA BIBB roUNTY.-WbereM, J. O. Davis has made — B _ mlnlstmion on late of said county, BIBB COUNTY.—Wheress, J. O. I property of B. F. Woolfolk snd Joe Hrooki, a- tde application for letters of ml the property of DocU Banks for Bute and on tbe estate of Mary A. DayU* county taxee lor 18B4. >unty, deceased. I Also, so scree of lend lying In Rntlsnddls-1 bbi »«f-!a Tirttn-ii bd.ow i otb r to ludun* you to !►«*« rlb«T to th. Wural Hf ol onr st «-tlt >pc< 1 ... VPDcwSt Ksrsy Oxhesrt Cabbage. Beet, LlTlngtUm n Perf»-< flsllai OsBg, jhdy q This la to die snd admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at tbe Court of PI——Ml Ordinary of said county on tbe first Monday in Brunswick railroad trlctand known in said district aa : tlonai lot No. 267. situated near Macwe and | xie warrant»Ml u> be of the very best xz .%%VicM^s,*U'sj^r' wh7 ssid“ u '* ^ rt7 witness my band and o4BctaTsl(nalure this I ^ my t April sd* \m. aprUlawQW o. s. wE-mrfrr, Sheriff Uibh County* J. A. McMANCS, Ordinezy. I rttOEGIA. bibb COUNTY—Whe: NfYl lf'F vt johnzon, executor <M the eeti HOllLC. I Bryan, deceazed,hu made appll n.t pure end nf thezruR ■ ,( 1331. Full (llrwttoni fur culuvetlnk ■* evaryp.rk.zu. A,idi,.« 1 HE KL’K\L HOME, PhllzdelphU. Pa < o Monroe Female Cvliege, FORMYTII, ti V. GEORGIA,Bibb County.—Ail whohavc a tSraefdbSlrafonhOTuW?fite*‘TStel •en*isst*L*2r “^*,,"7; JR S»... 'bus them aettie I at ihe^rdinary’a office on tnc toriiowSa»rlfuy , th*y , haSf wkyiaMap! I,r ^f-ftad"* ajtmenG,of P uVcrft'iire Brat Monday In May rmat All thou In-1 “icrionSiulnEVi wfal-i S I : M ~ ■ “ ' dab ad to tb* bii'i will eom* and aatb* and tboa lava coat ol anlt. CH AS. CRAIG, Admlnlatrator. JXW11,,-WU-U.- | -K>.'l<»MaKI. LAB LptoStefrom audarate emoonteolmoS ggftaaffsia mgf^wigia :as5BHss»» (trriauf IS peranne I • rr.nl to b- zr. lar; -»r at the Conriol ordinary of »tM rot aty uu Lbe Brit Monday In Jnoa next to .how canze. If uy they can, I why mid appUcallaa ehaoU aal ho graaled. I ewpri.e efeeraiaaUlT, tad eecJm t\.-. •*.. »r.I (.::.'-*i .^nature thl« vtlnz'.l-.’i .,1 Lomr.toail »■. 1 I win MOiH • lit—Ininwiak m ■ :-:h ,1.4 J. A, M'.MANL H. Ordinary. | May. . •• GEO raw t ER. ordinary. pr/4Jl!*«/t A I tkeiai R f 1*A-7tCRY. Pr»-d. I>r, .1.31. lluclmn .t son, KA.iTMAN, OKORGIA.I Prirmto end -hn.nlr .1 • Ji"" If'inilr.-l. ul rcrtlfl: .l-. "'“J A? . 1 ...... ^ ii... i f! •..'••lion fr—