Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, May 08, 1885, Image 4

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■ ; ■ TIIE TKLBGWAPII AND MESSENGER: FRIDAY, MAY 8,1885. THE TELEGRAPH & MESSENGER. Dally and Weekly. THiTiLKORiru axd Uiunon Is publish es every day, except Monday, and Weekly every Friday. Puli la delivered by carrlera In the city or mailed postage (ree toauUerlbera attl per month, 12.00for three months, 13 tor alx tn-iuths, or 110 > year. . ,, Tux Wiielt la mailed to anbaerlben, poat- Kt free, at 11.25 a year, 75 cento for alx montha. to olnba of Ovo. »1, and to c'.uba ot ten, 11 per 'ar and an extra copy to fetter up otclubaof year and an extra bopy to fetter up e K The date on which aobacrtptlona expire v be found on the addreaa Ug on each paj be found on the £ .... and auhaertbera are requested to forward the money for renewal! of the aame In time to reach thla offlcc not later than^he date on which their subscriptions expire, Tranalent advertisement! will be taken for the Dally attl per squared ten llneaorleaa. for the drat Insertion, and 60 centa for each anbaaqnent tnaeitlon; and for the Weekly at II per square lor each insertion. Liberal rates to contractors, Rejected communications will not be re turned. Correspondence containing Important news and discussion* ot living topics Is sollclted.but la auensstoaa or living uipies IS■giuuKu.uu. :*t be brief end written upon but one side of me paper to have attention. • Remittances should bo made by express, money order or registered letter. agents wanted Tu every community In the fiato. to whom liberal commlsalona will be paid. Postmasters are eapcclally requeated to write tor terms. All communications should be addressed to THE TKLEGBLFU AMD SlCSSESGER, Macon, da. Money ordara, checks, etc., ihonld be made payable to II. c. Hasson Man.gcr. Mr. fox baa decided definitely to take the Turkish mission. Mb. Pkndletok may ptriuade Bismark to quit fighting thsOhio hog. Ik another column an old and dis tinguished Georgian illustrates the earliest movers (or the abolition of ilavery. 8. B. Elkinb thinks Blmne'a chances are better today for election in 1881 than they were the dey alter the convention at Chi «ago for success in 1884. The patent office is a paying concern. The Washington Blar says: “The amount of tees received on appllcaliona for psten'e daring the month of April wee $100,(HO,the largest amount• aver received m ore month Mr. CbOKUHo'e superb scorn, applied to Ben Butler In court the other day, pro duced about aa much effect, the Brooklyn Eagle thinke, as It would to break a vine gar cruet over the back of a rhinoceros. Romances of the War. The great American war between the States, though a fearful reality, waa embellished from beginning to end with happenings and deeds that might seem to have belonged to the realm of romance. Most of tho historians of the straggle have gathered and published quite as much of romance as of truth, in regard to its principal scenes and actors. The man who is In the far future to write Its true history should bring to the task a mind of powerful discrimination, and a taste that will despise literary embroidery. The Century Magazine is pandering to tho popular taste for war literature by publishing productions from the pens of men engaged on either side oi the conflict. The old soldiers are se lected and paid to tight their battles over again for the delectation of an other generation. There should be no harm in this. From out tho record thus made the truth may be at last satisfactorily sifted. Tho lead ers in tfle war are now old men. They should go about the work in a spirit softened by time and the troubles they have borne in common. The day has gone by for fighting over personal grievances, fancied or real blights, and quarrels that sprung from insufficient causes. But if they persist in criticis ing and crucifying eacli other, they should stick to cold, hard facts, sus ceptible of corroboration. Human mem ory, at beat, is treacherous. Age ia apt to becloud and weaken it. Time has not been afforded us to read the May Century thoroughly, but Gen. Joe Johnaton uses caustic aa to Mr. Davis, and Gen. 6. W. Smith applies similar treatment to Gen. Long- street. This kind of work will prodnee personal controversies at the expense, perhaps, of the truth of history. Gen. Imboden also contributes an article in which too mncii reliance ia placed upon hia memory, as may be seen l>y the following prompt and con- Honeat Crltlotsm. | worthy man. The work is inviting It is the fate of all administrations to and does not afford the slightest mar- be criticised. It has been the fortuno gin for even the suspicion of a mistake: of none not to have deserved it. The Macon, Oa , April 22, 1885,-Drar Bis: Vouri row and rumpus just now being raised | * over the criticism of Mr. Cleveland’s * ** — A BRAHMIN'S RELICION. and contents noted. In reference to the names yon send me against ■, pleaso ao nominations by Senator Enstis is too cejt many thanks. I will attend to the mat- ***7 Presidency. He left Bombay more loud to be considered altogether sin- ter to-dayor ts soon as possible. You may than nine months Bgo and traveled hither, cer0 rest assured I will (not mention your name lo via Burmah, Slam, China and Japan. Senator Eustia ia a man of Ability fo.heo was vtoltod by a Chronicle reporter j . 0 . - f.A a uul no aenlc * bitterly. in hia rooms, on Bash street, and havioe and experience, n Senator from a State Anyihlns more you can do for me will be L Isced „ lighted candle on a small table that has been well nigh rained by bad highly appreciated, and wll lm.k. It to your wlth bi , leg , oroaMd und „ hIm on h|s men and worse government. His im- “vantage ; and besides 1 will not betray you ebair, bis small bronzed bands darning bis nation™ is not to he wondamd at nn.l 00 “ Tlhl11 * wU1 do t<* me. I think there small bare feet, he proceeded to explain patience is not to De wondered at, nnu „ a ^ M oI work (B lM , ecUon of that , ha communications he was about to when tire offices are all divided out he | and , but I ean't gat up any ot It witbont make were not voluntary, but only In an- heart of Graceland Cemelerv the I „ J j , onl 7 human occupant at night of the A WASHiNoroN ROMANCE. " C '- ar E,p, ' ln: " ior -- V-""',- so and M-hl-' m fn'!‘,1 How oi tho deceaae.l, named Michael Allen, • finally consented lo take the task. Hia watch commenced the night the million f ifu 8 , r f. m * ln8 . w . ere buried, and continue! One of Them 0!v< of It, Ban Francisco Chronicle. Gopai Vcnayak Josliee is a Hindoo and native oi Bangammer connly, in the Bom- will be found to have more srmpathi-1 assistance, as everybody knowe me, and •»*? *° questions. zera than at the present writing. _ __ *-“ «*?* »SfiSS We have no desire or intention to|!"English'missionaries I «ay ll> i5 el true; they pass upon either the timeliness or the ! ^ e ‘ or 11 0 kD 1 *“r “ Pr®*" 11 com ° make attacks on my religion endcuetome. l » c “ uct me uuivaaOTMir urn t0 Macon atoacei or , oar first chance, and and I want to find out what is fact an d merits of the complaints of Senator give them in; will pay your railroad expense* I what is falsehood.” Eustis. But he has a right to utter his both ways. ‘‘Are you a Brahman or a Buddhist?' protests, to make his complaints to 1 f* 1 , 11 *»> IwlU not let say one at an knew 4 !SL1!7a.^S Mr. Cleveland, and all this talk about lU"»« •» do with soy work you can | _ We Sm .U Idolato d reading him oat of tho party on ac count thereof, is about on a par with lie some Texts casesltbe United Btates^l 8 iprerao Court has reaflirniel an ancient I elusive correction decision to the effect that auits against cor- Macok, Ua., May 4^8s5!-Edito* or Tile! 1> cations operating under 8tate laws or orapk am* Messenger—In the Century Msgn- otherwise are transferable from 8fate to I zinc for Msy, there Is a sensational story by Federal courts. I Gen. J. D. Imboden. that Gen. stonewall Jack- I son arrested me at Edwards's Ferry on our Kaibhavm, Massachusetts, has a fire I crossing into M«rjland, on account of my in- -company that is a stickler for forma and tbe I difference to the obstruction of the ford by proprieties. It stopped in tbe str*tt re- my wagon train. I »m inclined to think that oentiy while a Are was rsging and calmly elected a foreman pro tem , before consent- J -g to squirt water upon tbe tlsmes. this alleged Incident ia a myth, for the follow ing reasons: 1. My troops and myself crossed the Potomac at Toole's Ford some Are or six miles above Edwards's Ferry. Not one of ns saw General Jackson or knew where he crossed. 2. I ssw Gen. Jackson the next morning for the threats of the free traders and I In the midst of the diplomatic entan-1 ;;Do yon believe in a Supreme being?'’ whisky ringers last winter to drive out I glement, the New York Sun rises to of course not. "a Supreme Being (fas not the largest and best portion of the party, inquire after "Sapodiila” Scruggs, want any worship. People cannot wor- Only last week, and Mr. Cleveland was tenderly and affectionately alluded to "‘.‘J&fr subjected to & storm of crititicism and * n Atlanta as “our diplomat.” The I "People in this country respoit the mem- scolding by tho Mugwumps, because Sun says: MteBSjSSTi '&TK2S lie had given office to three Democrats During all the troubles on the Isthmus cot amt mothers. We worship lliose who have In New England, a section in which J "“'a h “„ b *“ ,ron > Sspodllla **«" worthy men end have left ree.ids be- n I Scruggs, our Illustrious minister to Colom v la. »na them, and who are God incarnate Democrats have not held office for those , to h „ been lUeat for monthl . J, be , hut up ike your Christ. Our religion is not idol- many years. to Bogota, surrounded by revolutionists? Is * n ^ : „ we do not wor,hi P ^ods, bat godlike Here was a good opportunity for Scruggs alive? ‘ Yon seem to have studied different re- praise and backing of Mr. Cleveland The inquiry should be propounded to T . and denunciation of tho sqnad that is Mr. Bayard. We cannot locate the uin u>y own ground. Oar *aim*U tend* attempting to ran his administration, whereahonts of Bill. He is not dead. »*roy our individuslity. We ebonld be Mr. Cleveland is entitled to the full He never goes about places where there I Sm™» oar P* 88 * 009 ’ e * se we “ re onlyant- support and the long-suffering patience is the slightest danger. “But you worship animals,’’remarked of the Democratic party. He has a big We remember to have seen a notice .... . . . . - , „ i, ,, , . I lie Brahman, however, waa not to be job in front of him. IIo was called to ttiat he was lying about Atlanta during cornered. ■' We do not worship the aer- the work by a very close and scanty the summer, just about the time it was P» n V said he, "but the extraordin.ry majority, and no donht finds it much I prudent to look after his expiring com- Ihe'fymlKd'ofeUrnity.'bEcaua'e with a'sln- heavier than he anticipated. Ho is I mission. Since then ho has escaped I Bla sting he can pas* a man into eternity.” responsible for no rascal who is already the notice of the indefatigable repor- ve 'r^ since wemnstnot'asyw orehip?”' ™ in office, but will be held responsible ter. “The cow is very divine. We respect it for every one that may be retain^or After Joe Brown and DanVoorhees mi!iJm 1 Sif s ^’},q r ,n ^* b gr b tomf e I most may hereafter get in. He admits mat had pushed 8pcer tbrougli the Senate, tell you that wa do not worship animals mistakes have already been made, and and during the last hours of that body, ttWjJwSt bat to?). r powers. I am a there can be no doubt that he will Arthur sent Bogota Bill tbrougli the is superior to youre! We etrtveto took on make more. He will certainly make the same hole. It is a matter of no »H things with even eyes. A man who great and fatal one, if I importance to the public where BUI is, I 'TfluirK U he shall organize a faction if he is notin Bogota. If he has stepped selfish. Nothing Is bad in this world. If to resent honest criticism of his action off there again, Mr. Bayard will greatly fi,b,*for fam theone bnrt!”' 4 ’ 011 *” policy. That “the King can do no neglect his duty and the public service, ' . . , wrong” does not belong to the Ameri-1 if he does not give him a prompt and I pacanini outdone can system of government, and may | indefinite leave of absence. Isomo iRar# Feats Upon a Violin by a not be assumed by the Democratic - pioy.r without a Bow. party. Honest and fearless criticism Cotton Statement. | Foreign Correspondence 8an Francisco Call, should bo welcomed by tho President I Tbe Chronicle’s cotton article of May Mr. Randall may be comforted by tbs thought tnat tbs Democratic body politic also has sereral boils upon it. Judging I th V fl'rtUni m'ttUrtr day^ "ils mat'wll m a'rom tbe rrstleia attitude ot tbe efllicUd I accident then bj hia bone falllri upon him, ^arta it ia safe to gaeaa the location ot tbe I and be put me In command of bis corps to b >i!s constitute! a remarkable coincidence. I move on and seize Frederick. Gen. Jackson I would not be Ukelj so to trest an arrested Senator .Morgan, it is aaid, baaconstltu. I min. He did not himself go on to Frederick, tional views about General Lawton'a ellgi-1 “dth* Barbara Fritcble story la as mythical billty. Perhaps this is tbs real reason for I “ °« n - Imbodao’s- General Lawton's declination. Tbe term oi Mr. Cleveland might bardly furnish time sufficient for Senator Morgan to air bla | viewa, 3. I was not arrested or reproved by anyone during the civil war. t. Gen. Jackson never spoke an unkind word to me, publicly or privately, at any time or in anyplace. These lew reasons satisfy my mind, and hope that will aatlsfy tbe minds ol others, that dsn. Imboden bat made a mistake. R D. II. Hill. This episode has led, as will be seen Tux old luau ana tho boys will take to the street again. A San Francisco journal says: “It Is well understood that Senator I ^'ton/^d im\r. Stanford has mads a provision whereby the Grants are lo resnme business, and , W I that everything was arranged to tbe Gene- 40 oxploelon of that incident over ral’e snuslactlon.” I which the North has gone wild. Stone- . ... . wall Jackson did not go into Frederick Tun administration Is going to settle anJ 0 7^,n c did not command his many open iasnea. Miss ClavtlaLd has taken n P tho old fib.ke.pearc-B.con ^ I «oldlers, not to shoot BarbaraFritchie, trovcrsyundtadwotlng much time to in- •» »be waved the “old flag” in their troversy and ia devoting much time to In . H ■ ■ vcsiigatlng it. It was at her invitation f * ce *- In fact there waa no Barbara hat Mr. Ignatius Donnelly visited Wash-1 Fritchie. lugton to expound hia theory of it. Quito as baseless is the story of the ■ General Imlraden that .Stonewall Jack- -dAVathe p hlUdalpbla Press: | aon dandled his six months oM baby, We Inter from tbo publication ot six or eight j ‘ "* * 1 - columns ol adjectives and a bill of fare In the I Julia, upon his knee after the first bat- Atlanta constitution that the lively capital ot I tie of Manassas. 0-writa has opened anew tavern. The battle occurred on the 21 st of Som. allowance should be mad. for the Ju , 18(J1 Jull , Iu in No- ch.racier ol whisky wed in the opening. vember> im u cooJd not have ^ San the Courier-Journal: "It has been another child of his, for the only other saggestsd that the reason Mr. Blaine waa | one bom died in the early days of Its! not smong the Main* Milterites who pre-1 infancy. pared for thair ascension last waek was be- cause hs had his ascension last fall. There S'' 11 * Aknlnst a Receiver, may be aomatnlng in this. Mr. Blaloa cer-1 We have ltad our attention called to tainiy ’went up the spool’ last November." the fact by reliable authority that I contributed article in oar Sunday' swept away.’ Atlanta or Macon. The hill waa filed Where Is Booota Bill? In tlie midst of the diplomatic entan- are proud of it. We do not respect the images but the holy men whom they rep resent." !hi h A?ir? ao ! il . dnring the re:ent strike »t the McCormick works, when he was sud denly prostrated and died. loni plsy was suspected at first, but a secret investigation made it appear that Allen was a victim to galloping consuntp. tlon. Kxposnrs and tho Intense pressure on his nervous system are supposed to have shortened bis life. During the strike a double guard, day and night, was pnt on, but no attempt to T °i!**?>?n 8 Brave has ever been detected. John O ituurke, a muscular Celtic, is now alone performing duly. A clock U kept at the grave, according to tbe story, and the gnard 1* reqnlred to record bis pres ence at a precise moment every hour. HATCHING CHICKENS. A Milwaukee Enterprise Which Is Carried Out on a Large Seale. Evening Wisconsin. An artificial chicken-hatching estab lishment, which is capable of ineubating nearly 2,(00 eggs at a time, is located in tbe town of Milwaukee, abont three miles forth of the city. The hatchery is one of tha largest in the country. The building occupied by the hatchery ia the old Lind- wurra distillery, on the Fort Washington road. Tbe dimensions of the room where tbe chickens are hatched are about 30x00 feet. The room 1s kept at an even teiu- oeratnre of seventy di grees. The incubator itself is abont 6x10 feet In size end ia d - v ded into compartments capable of bo d- lng abont GOO eggs each. The temperature maintained in the Incubator is about 102 degrees. The neccssa-y beat is furnished by warm water which circulates through the incubator by meina of pipes. T- e boxes in which toe cluck* ns arc kept a-ter being hatched, are bvated in a similar manner. Acotrectldea of the tlsboraio scale upon which the enterprise is con ducted may be obtained from tbe fact that a furnace and boiler are employed to heat the water to the degree reqnlred, Hitbe - to the heat in the incubator has been reg ulated by means which, though simple, and the best known lor tbe purpose, were not reliable and perfect. To obviate Ibis difficulty the proprletora of the hatchery have decided to use an eiectrio device which ia designed to regulate tbe temper ature in an automatical roann-r by mo mentarily stopping tbe flow of warm wa'er when the mercury gets above the desired point. The chickens raised at the hatchery are principally ol the kind known as Plymouth Hocka, which matnre early and are of a { tood size. The proprietors ot the lncnbat- ng establishment Intended to ba-e on hand a constant stock of plump and ten der yonng chickens with which to supply the hotels and reatauracts of Milwaukee. The hatchery has only been In operation a couple oi montha, and the first brood of chickens has bean hatched and is now be ing raised. They are thriving very nicely, Doctor’s Piesc iot on Was Mods 1 and Token. ■ Washington Correspondence CtUcsgo Kevc hum t rS Hun | ‘ on ® O' the homeliest men In Washington. He was. physician. After he had prscticed hi* pro- fession for a time ho married a Miss l;i n . gold, one of the handsomest young ladi*. to all ofMaryland. This .tor/of the ma“ tonton ■" b " n *° ld m ® ty ° !d Washi “S- familv' when 1 tT** ’ 1,lti0 K G »- Jackson’,' Wbfttt ^During soy stay I^ssa^takrn * 1 wa * Bsleep. and not wishii-* boarding school her ayT toc.me In tore? «“ d was blinded. 'I was called to ere scrtbsforhsr. For some time I kept he'r eyes bandaged, and she finally recovered her light, but she did not tee me About a year afterward we ohanced to be to! * reception. She knew that I had previously a<tendrd her. and that SBfrTsrS®*- efi, 1 ! 1 ^ 'f°'lowe,l, and soon eo'ld to 'didn’t have much gold to gild the medicire, but nmnaged to make enough to keep her Irom st Jftog." sack scattered the contents in a burning s "u fiama, set fire to the dust, causing anei. the mill and broke almoit all of (be win- Editor Altoona (Pa) Call: I wish to sir somethliiK in j-rt-.l-f of that valuable medicine —Cuticura— which I saw adverilaed In jour paper. 1 have bad that o’d leproay, of wh‘ you read In the Bible, where the Jews first lot it among them, and did uot know how to core It had many other English names. Ihate had It on xny body for over sixty years NO DOCTOR COULD TELL ■ . The piece on tbe programme which en- and the administration. It will help I 11 * farr "» bea “*• *°llowuig facta re *' I terlnincd me most was a performance on to atone for errors in the past and to 1 ?e to tl * e n,0Tement of t “® for w 115 the violin. It had jnat begun ay I entered avert them in the futon. It is expect- .. the room. The peHorraer waa a lmndaotne ed of Mr. Cleveland that il the mrel ^Jln*. hale re^hed 5CUnK fcUow ’ dre,wi ln H grotc9< l a# BaIt ha will colnat nnhlia '.' y U- t,ie t0 I.l reccips bave reached I °f, nan , colors.l&nd he was taking away to he will select public officials, 14,74,) bales, against 19,122 bales last week. I the audience as I came in in a very ani from the entire Democratic party, who 23,723 bales the previous week and 21808 mated manner. Itseemed, asnearly as I will reflect credit upon the public eer- bale, three week, since; making the total ^r^nTnnlcM' vice. His cabinet should not be per- receipt! aince the 1st of September, 1884,1 anbatitute for itbecoald not do his pari In mitted to use patronage to promote U/WFO bales, against 4 713 310 bales for I the concert. Did any of hia audience bap- friends, nor to punish enemies. the same P-rimf ,1 MUt. sowing . de_ If the patronage of the several States I creMe •* nc ® Beptember 1,1884, of 1 he d< ? Would anything else answerin- i. »Atsninr nA .iF.iv.P Ibawt. Utpad of a bow? Couldn't somebody is to bo turned over to individual Sen Th() rKc| u at tha tntarl0 r towns for hnd tZhlm something, etc. Of coarse ators, or coteries of Senators, who may , h . _ mV ha-„ R non k.i.. .1..... tola was all made up. Tbe object ot the have'secured the' Mod will of three of - ■ ■ “7®, b,l 'l; ' 1,1C * violinist waa to get bold cf seme nonds- have secured tho good will ot three ol j September lit, 2.663,430 bales. The re- «jrtpt objects with which hs cmld play on tho cabinet while serving with them in I caipts at the same towns have been 11,5381 hi* violin instead of a bow and so show bis tho Senate, this will be a mistake far I bales less than the aaroe week last year, graver than any of thoio which may and aince September lit, the receipt* at Lutly^omebrHly baScSd him up a visiting ■ ' ‘ 1 all the towns are 231,761 bales leas than I card—a common, plain visiting card. The To llln.tr.te, nothing could be • I ,ord “*‘f’ n , Macon „ S“w’i!rX‘vrito^“Vn"; greater political mistake than to let Among the interior towns, Macon •• then applied the ed<e to the strings of bis ralonltv i-nntlnna «n hnvn hia wav t n ersdited with 7 bales lot the week and I InstramenL It answered the parposo very Cohjuiit continue to have his way in I ^ fof ^ |ta|on ^ , ha wtll tn d h , played quite a nice tune. At Ute Georgia appointments, save to give recalptl for tha week wer# s _ U(| the end there mu . tow tof apptonre. Joe Brown tho samo liberty. This , eaaon w ,878bales. These figures show b e eatri. H he^<»ht“ot do a Utile better, proposition may bo reversed witbont I an incresse'for the week, as compued with I An officer ot the army who was sluing losing anything of iU force or truth. I that period, of 4 bales, and s fsUIng ofl I “*“ »!»» stagspaaasd. up hU sword, and An administration that flinches at open for the season of 11.CM bales. violinist, aftcra moment or two'sexMrf and honest criticism, and attempts to I The receipts since September 1 up to to-1 mrating. played another nice tone, over resent and punish it, will not tartd-** « popular confidence. we ” tbe ,am * d * y °* *“® month ln 18841 back , 0 , he 0 m cer and a ,ked for something Tha lA-atobt nf the heat nnhlic ODln- * nd 074,136 bales leu than they were to .1*. A lady banded him op an urntrefie. Tlie w eight of the best public opln U, iam , day of o,, month Anumbrella'l How could anyone play on onU that Mr. CleveUnd has done Thee![po| J, ol ^ fromltha United an"nmBr«Ua? But this fairly well so for a. he has gone* j states tbe past week, as per ’latest mail re-1 gndlng a smooth plsce a tew inches in The balance mny be tamed the other t ar ae, hare reached 24,600 baits. I lenath on the handle, want to work with it way very quickly, by any attempt to The Chronicle has tbe following lo say I "'m ease and eucceedad surprisingly well, prevent a full and free discussion with- of the market fluctuations for tbs week |.Mhin ever anl what had'been* before n tho party ot what tbe head of the I under review; a I a scene of mere amusement on the part of party may please to do. -m. towerlof aspect of the reUtlons be- »>tol«nw, seemed to rlae into som. A Rascal That Ocotti to Go. | twain Orsat Britain and Karels be. greatly | _ A fd nov^th. rioll'nUt good-naturedly Ornnt'a Cancer and Clorer Tea. Interview with Senator Stanford lnOmaba Bee. The care nf General Grant is attributed by Senator Stanford to the nse of clover tea. which he has been takiog (or tbe past three or (oar weeks. Among tbe nnnteroua letters received by Mrs. Grant ingxeatlng various remedies, clover tea was urged by tbe majority of writers, and this so Influ enced her that aha finally ioalstad on giving it a trial at once. The doc- ’ore laid they bad no objection*, although they had no faltb in It whatever. However, they gave It a trial of one week or ten days and then dropped 1L Mrs. Grant and tbe family, however, continued to give it to tbe General without tbe knowledge of the doctors and hart kept it up ever since. His Improvement wav noticeable from tbe day be began to take 1L Senator Stanford had a friend named Bishop, who some years ago had cancar break out in three different places on hia face and neck. Tbe best physicians in the country treated him bat felled to do him any good. Finally an old dootoc of Jersey City re nembered clover tee at a n-trilier of the blood and possible remedy tor cancerous diseases. Bishop tried it and soon became a cared man. Stanford aaya that General Grant told him that at three dlflerenttimea hs wonld have died bad not tbe doctors been present to revive him with stimulants, Stanford bimseif was present at one lima when Grant was nneonsetoas for fire min utes, an-1 at another lima when he nearly atiangled to deatb. "Ha certainly has had some very close calls,” said Senator I never would — ad venlatasat In your ralutl.le paper. First, It 1* a trilv al- fcctlonof tbe akin; uext.lt looks llkebama- clci on a Vestel's bottom, or an oi l log that bas laid In tbe water a lor longtitae.atHlIuit the same tn my feet, kuees and elbows, and leroscopo sod looking at me 1; ln other words, wc win call It IOHYTHYOSIS, OB FISH SKIN; then comes on what I call the wild burning Itch, that will strike you with n thouMiud electric itchy needles. You cannot tell where to scratch first. Yoi then have to ran out into the open air to get relieved. Why, It is dreadful, and having »o ninny eminent doc- tora ami nono knowing what lo do for you; but 1 have the lost ireasuro nt last, it did not two spoonsful oi the CUTICURA RESOLVENT Stanford. Breaking the Nawa to n Sick Youth. Lawlaton (Me.) Journal. A Lewiston yonng man waa sick In New York city. He andhla attendants thought ha wa* dying and sant word lo hia parent* to come to him. After they arrived tbe doctor feared the abock of sating them would kill him. How shall wa break tha news of their arrival to him? waa tha question. "Lsave that to ma,” said the nurse, Bee bow ikillfally site did IL ' Wonld yon like to see your father and ''a—■ tween Great Britain and Kuala baa greatly yuia- A « A Ji.« U ^atree “fmm ^Dena-1 d,pr “ Md prlc ** 01 “*?“ ,or ,Bla ™ d *“ T "» I ofiarid^to'trTraM ^'mor’e." And" wb‘a"do Below we give a letter tram a ueptt-1 „ this markeL Saturday was weak, and an I yon think waa banded up to bim tbit ty United States marah.'iof this dil- I early advanoe on Monday waa foUowsd by a I time? A shoe; au old a boa I Surely ha Irict, which fully explain* IU meaning. £3 g YZvJ'll'JZ It ia aaid that Gan. John A. Logon is I “ ” u ‘, “““7* " It waa written bnt a few days eince, 11[m 0 n Wcdnewlay there wa. a aeml-panlc, ‘f,*. very fond of reading the history ol oldan iMU « *“ error in • omo °* tbo a, » t f “ d “«“*» •» oml ‘tod tor obvious nnd „u,. reportthsl tha Russian forere ware i|dVtolwren to2 href .“d t”, wh.r.?hJ ware and then tolling his friends about mento made relative to tbe receivership reason*. adranclogon Herat; thla crop ctvtng way projecting ao* furnished a short, sharp them. We can Imagine tha General pro- of tho Ea»t Tennessee, Virginia and It contain* a plain attempt to enlist ““««• Yesterday tb* markat partially neov- .dxa. Whan ha had found that ceeding a. follows; ”fn aiuahnnt t.mre Georgia railroad. It i. a miatak. to a party to work up case, to .well the two celebrated compe-ty-tsrs, Hannyball I *ay that person* having claim* against fees ot this understrapper, and the I tn, aaw cotton Exchange. To-day tha market I guaaetbat will do. Anddottdld; tor with and Bky-peo, w»g-g«red a war with great the receiver are compelled to go to propoeition is made to bear opened active and buoyant, but became <“>■ I tri D nini iii'nh^lTatretevervbodv’a •latter.” Knoxville, Tenn., and get permission ail expenses and share prof-1 setUed tnd rarlablt in tho lator daaUngs. I a-golng, and whan ha bad finished Tns Philadelphia Record, referring ,, the Federal Court at that point to ita In the infamous enterpri ^reld t^reratonlfor fifi.d^ro^^ffi a^mi^rocu^ tbe daily dlplomstle trouble* of tb* ad- fl,e thelr ,ult * against the receiver. Thjji it a fair sample ol the way in Quoutlons were reduced 1-Ue. on Saturday smile ln a moment he was gone, ministration, lays: "It shows thatevsn on- The bill under which Mr. Fink which the basinets of the United States aed again on Tuesday, andHe. on Wednesday. - '«*■' der an administration with tba best Inton- ia receiver is pending in both marshal's office in Georgia has been I To-day there was e reoovsryol 1-I6c., tba mar-1 18 CUBA FOR sale. ons, the diplomatic service is trea’ed | the Northern and Southern dta- conducted, the way in which testimony [ btt clo,lll « ** 10 lot midd lng up an s. I g pa i n - a secret Agent Negotiating with mother?" she caked the bjy. He wills pered a faint “yes.” "I'll send for them," said -ha. This, after they bad come. Half an hour lator aha awoke blm from a dosa •ndaald: “Tbey are on tha way.” Tbe bey smiled, and ln a minute was nneon- •cfous again. In another half boor the nnraa told him they bad come, and brought them In, The boy thought twoor three days had slipped by in that boor which tba nurse bad employed in prepar ing bim for seeing them. He picked up, and le now in Lewiston alive and almost welL Chiefly as a means of bestowing partisan tricto of Georgia, and the per- has Ireen suborned to convict innocent I 0 c» diplomats are still in trouble. Aus-1 rewards. When, Congress cornea to this mission to being snito can be gotten men, or to rob them, in the name and trt* object* to Minister Kelley oa account - cw tbe nio'.b-cxten establishment will bs 1 application to the court either in under the guise of law. | of hit wits, and Mr. Grata declines a con- tha Covarnment of thl* Country. New York 8pedal. Ol apparently good foundation It it Savannah correspondent of the I both in Atlanta and Macon on or abont Charleston Kiwi and Courier suggests the 12th day ot January, 1885, anil has that General Lawton ba sent to Atlanta been pending in each court ever since, The people ot Georgia ttdlj need a minis-1 The obtaining permission to sae is mi ter resident stlh.t point. The rale thsrt W gy. necessary before suit can be it at autocratic aa In Rusal a, tba climate t, ' „v, almost as lnhoaplUh'.e, and aa tha Chronl- br00 * ht 4 re *® heP > ^ether ho dla's Centennial say. there to a fitly then- 14 recelv4r in 4 » R»«t« court or a tnd dollar otoomargerine factory at that In » caw in a Federal court. As tothe point, there wonld be no difflcnlty in seen- case of the engineer which is relate*! ring the daily dist of tallow candles. I in the article two facta are alleged to A Wish moron special aays: "The Prea-1 ' le , tr ?S : , , ... ident attends the First Pretbytorian church 1. The injury occurred to the engi- once in two weeks and to quite a model of I neer while be was in the employ of good behavior, never taming bis bead to the company in October before the observe a Isle worshiper. Mr. Cleveland, date of the receivership, however, never bows hit head in prayer. 2. So toon aa lie wss able to attend His sitter does all th. preying for (fat lam- to the work be was promptly assigned By." Only tb. offisr |Uy wqwsre infonned to dut ln , he ^ o( ^ K r- Viee of toog with a beritons vole*. I ^,4 uth. desire of “ . : . .... ““ “ stated that a secret agsnt ol th* Spanish The letter is gennine, and will be aoiato to Greece, for tbe reason that he ■ 4 lhll 4uu intw is nunuine, unu wui w bu.bio iu urceue, »ur iubiwuu uw i C0?9rQmtn | ^ n< J w ta thl* country wlttt forthcoming when the time shall have C-.-htohrntaIif.hr arrived for ita nse, In another place. I flddl «'» Mr - Walker Feara. There cannot and will not be any di- [ the parpee* of conferring srith the admin- A clbsovmab In Hall, Eng., bis just totrallnn aa to a new treaty or th* amsnd- vision of sentiment among honest peo-1 | nQad a reTiltd Tnt ion of the litany, in tnent and perfection ot th* one recently pie as to the propriety of turning out which, ttys the London Truth, he prays I P'opoaod through Mr. Foater. and atoo to this rascal, or of the immediatoc com- not only for the royal family and bishops, Vithretormc* toCnbaT^enor' Batuefo! mencement and conclusion of this in- prints sod dsacont, bat srith a solicitude who is entrusted with tbit mission, is a teresting proceeding. ^.^ttcoc^,inc.ndre "editor, hwm.r --tor^ ffi. Bkit hew shall it be done, whn will I neasptpera. r I airaira and Spantab poudes. do it, and whenT The Attorney-Gen-1 BacuTAaT Maxhixo ba, nndercontld I It.lssald hereffiat Spain to vxtremaly uu 11, aau sucin xuo Aiiurucjr i anl [ oat (q The appearance in era! cannot be expected to look after e ration oavtrel propoalUans (orthetrans- earuin ntwspapere hsre. whfch are nn- the small rascals and aa vet bas not portotion ot 133.000,000 In gold coin from I dsrstood to have baan subsidized by Spen- hwonn ♦« Wive hia attentinn tn th* hie ‘h* sub-trsasnry In New York. It will coat lab agents,.of paragraphs advocating are- begun to give bis attention tothe Dig * ' ,, n t> smncthlnw ol a I Tl *ioa of the treaty, so that It may ba ones. l: Tbe loyalty 01 Stanton waa qoeatloncd tho receiver to adjust ail meritorious at the brgtonlng of the wmr, on aeconnt ot cUimll the road to the extent tzsiKiS" ““SJfTr?’ hour of San ton’s appointment. General J 0 * 1 H 1 * 1 * n p “ r * 4n 5 e of tb ** design be Me !. llan says, be stopped between the h “ *1^ 4inc « J * n “U r Ust settled President and Um .commander, destroyed 0Ter cases, which were Heading ail —«z—« between them and, in one against the old company in the court* Instance, intoreepted a report which Me-1 of this State. CteUan went to Washington expressly to In this way Secretary Stanton A Taxxgaass journal taye: "Tho an- thwartodthe plans of th* commander of I nooecementle made that a bseebali srar ia tbe Army of tbe Potomac, and mad* U fat- immiiisnt tn this eoontry." ItwiUnotU McCieliaa to pot an I sarprUag if the umpires are tha tint rio- _ , , ... , satisfaction to know that tha Repnblicani h, ttic tint* to bus Cuba. Is deemed •Ignlll- Beyond some change* in the per-1 had not nmortd lt | ^ t 0 o ffi, heSv CoT Bataniro’e ."- and sonnel ot bis own office, the supplying of a few law officers, I rival. Ha la now tn Washington, where hia Taa Indian Medical Gazette records the presence was disclosed by attempt* of tothe various departments, nothing I Z&tZZgSS £ imsb^ndone. The South ha. beenL. ita ..g^4, A ^ganumber of peculiarly harassed, oppressed and in- animate were kilted by tha storm, which, eau* for eetaies confiscated in Cub* sev- snited through what is known aa the from tbe accounts, produced mteellei quite | "rijears ago. about which there has been Department of Justice. Tbe greatest aa di boon that she has anticipated tram a | ball*. | ministration by tha accasaion of Cuba. change of administration is tho prompt STANDING CUARD AT A CRAVE. Not Bo Remarkable. New York Mall and Express. One day a solemn man entered a Wash ington aaloon, and asked— “Is this the saloon where Broth got drtok of brandy before killing tbe Presi dent?" " Ye». Mr.” "Have yon any of the same brandy in. air. "In tha same decanter?" "Yea, air.” "Give me sens of the same brandy ont of tha same decanter." It le given to blm, and ha pats down the SO cents and tha liquor. “Ia that tba aama brandy that Booth drank that night?" “Yea, air." "And th»n h* went out and shot President?" Yea. air." I don't wondar. On* drink of JIM brandy would malts a man go ont atai his grandmother 1" Is a German grist mill recently a . C !‘,. 0 l!! 0 .'i r .' e iL <l0 * n opened and GHTHYOSIS, Wild, Burning Itch ^iat Strikes with a Thousand • Electric Needles, before it took that burnla< itch by the throat aud bid th* in hold off. My lh-nh !> becoming soltcr, my hair Is becoming »o(t aud *1 ky.nud L’’*t '.'i IIMlig CXtsTllHi M | -1 * 1 ■ ill i - • IIR l '1 tlcura Soap—and MDuolnt tbe i>nrts with Cutl* Hoap—and i cura. If the thou this mcdlcioo an 1 do they would Mbstvtn* Ifvfoor hours without it. it U not only adapted soda knew ihogoodn to my case, but to aU others, and if any one disbelieves this, let blm atop next door to tho Logan Houso here, take my tnieroscopo and re for himself. JOSEPH W. KILKY. HolUdaysburg l’a., Not. IS, IMS. ECZEMA, TETTER, iKWorn, psoriasis, lichen, prultas, scald head, damlruff, barbera’, gre era' un<l wai-her* women’s I oh and • women’s 1 oh and every >pcclt-s of Itching, scaly and pimply humors uf the scalp and skin are cured by tbe Cuticura Resolvent, the new blood purifier. Internally, and Cuticura and Cuticura Hoap, the areat akin curai and beautitiers, externally, when all known reme dies falL Bold everywhere. Price: Crncvai, 60c.; Boap, 28c.; BseOLTBjn, fl.00. l»re uarc«l by the PoTTsa Drug and Chkmical Co., Rcston, Mass. Send for "How to Cur«i Bkln Diseases." t Cuticura 8osp. A We will mail a Nick. I-Sllvcr Waterbary Watch of tbs style represented la tha est ba> low to any one who will send us a club o! ten Biwaubscribento tha Wixxlt TrTroxxrx and UxsscNoca at one dollar each. This will enable each subscriber to eecuro tbe paper at tha lowest elsb rate, ami at the same time compensate tha club agent tor hia troebla, XVOxly new ausscaiaxcs-tbat Is. those whom nazaea are not now and have not been within six montha previous to the receipt of the order, on oar books—will st countsn. These watches are not toys, but seen rate and serviceable Umc-kecpe's. They are simple, dnrable’and neat. Tbe cases alwsys wear bright Tens of thousands ol them are carried by people ot all classes throughout the United Matos. “The Waterbury.” (the 1 kill Sroanxo Lin shows why no ons bss and thorough cleaning oat of this stall I been able to catch a ball thrown from Use in tbe Augean stable. There need be top of tbe Washington monument. Tbs I Lonoir Night Vigil of a Friend at tho Tomb no fear of undue haste in this qaarto.'. I velocity of th* ball on reach leg ths ground I of Crrue B. McCormick. Tho world will not famish the equal I* ISO test per ^second, white tha initial ve- Chicago Special, of these rascals who should be turned b " d “‘ '• ont. Their offensive portiianahip | «b°nt 100 feet p« second. | of Crra. H. McCormick, th* Inventor mil- as unquestioned as their personal and official dishonesty, and Mr. Garland - BOOth.' I, '.. ■ - , . .. - — - - - - IV—. im --*mi . l.ifcn w 1,0 very sv.-t to tn .st.onA Icourage to itan J gua; Too Mueh forth* Tramp. Detroit Free Press. "Sktpl" The exclamation was nttered by a cit! of Brady street and was directed at tramp who had called to uk for dinner. “Notmneh I" "Yoo won’t, eh?" "No. lUI” ^•ThraPUmako yon I" Did tba dttxes pall of! hie coat ami s; it oo bto hands and knock tha tranin into the middle of next week? No, air! He put bis finger into hie month and uUercil a •harp wbfstte, and hia wife came to the door with a hoc-handle in berband and in quired: "What, another! Well, look out fir splinters!" Her husband stood aside and she made a rash, hot when tbs weapon came down the tramp wasn’t there. From tbe other side of th* (enca bo lilted bto hat and gently but firmly observed: "Any woman who strikes a man, save In ths way of kindness, deserves the pa.isil Keen yoorold cold rittlas and g> to Hali fax I” FOR, .S:l.5() can swing ids official axe witbont the | slightest danger of decapitating llionaire, has bsoa constantly wstcbsd It is a singular fact that many of the sioos th* intormsnt, a year ago. Tb* eo-pw-^ion for t woo wifi not religious at all, op I vtail has hsm tff) a s*claims to rellgloo wars basedoo ^ itaTa wo wtll sand the WKtXLY Tf.l McaaaxoKa one year and one of I •rribed watches to any address, ition la open to our subscriber hoee who are not. Act Promptly. will be kept open ’he above proposltloi a limited time only i lx tbe year 1777 considerable inter est was manifested In an aunonneement that alx stoves had been e mpleml In Phil-1 advlpbla. The asnnst prod net of th* stove I In this city it now val .v-l st ft.- j id the ind utry sup;-,rlj abo :l | * i»t ■ : will send tbs watches by mall, paeked ln a atoat pule boftrd box* and our r*»;«* albill'..y for them will end when they are deposited la the p<»t- ofT.c.-. They f *:i r- r- r»r un r^itis, and paritee who wish this done should thla sanest, c* vs win Mod Um by cx* pm«, the cT sric**a to be paid wht t they are 1 Ilk. Ik ’.API! . , V. R, - - - . !• rs, rhorks, ft. psyabl u. C. UANdON, Mxnsfer.