Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, May 08, 1885, Image 7

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THE TELEGRMHf ANT' MESSENGER: FRIDAY. MAY8.18.vi. A MORMON APPEAL. -u.vBSO PROTECTION AND RELIEF IN * HIT t hE NAME OF JUSTICE. WHISKY MUST Pay. LONCER POSSIBLE. _ k principles of Their ReWon Defended ™ d the Crimes *gnlnat Them Enumerated—Cnnraoa of Dleloiralltir Denied. but Less, Utah, M«r 2,-MeeUngj pre held throughout Ulah, Idaho and tr iona to-dav, at aU Mormon taberna- Rt which the declaration olgrievances and protest which had been formulated at |he general conference of th. Mormon 'harch on April Sth wa. read. The decla- ration is addressed to the President and plople of the United States, and begins by **"Acondltion of affairs Imperiling a vital tntereit of a vast majority of the pea- , 2 Of Utah and their co-religionists In neighboring States and Territories imiSu usTtnelr representatives, to address Inn Onr rights as American dtfzens are Espied np5n. end believing It onr lm- norMive doty in the presence oi danger to acttinst the gigantic evil which threatens Mt only our liberty, bnt the lib erties o! every freeman, we In general mass niliiine assembled, in the name of free dom justice and humanity, make this ap- SSS for relief and protection. Wa are un- iionniar with our fellow countrymen. It ffrrellgon which makes uzao. Wo •Vet/mill minority in their midst, bnt here vet to learn that these are gronnds J™ whfch to justify fn a land of liberty the acts of oppression which we as people from the beginning of our history have been made to sutler. As o our religious riith it is based upon evidence which to onr minds is conclusive-convictions not to be destroyed by legislative enactments end iudicial decisions. Force may ens ave the body but it cannot convince tDe mind To yield to the demand of leglilator or Indee the rights of conscience would prose tu reereant to what we owe to God and “"Among the principles of onr religion Is that of immediate revelation from God. One of the doctrines sorevealei is celestial or plural marrlate, for which ostensibly —*1— estomaliied and hated. This is a vitlrpartof onr religion, thedeclsions of eouris to the contrary notwithstanding.” The declaration then, fn defending the practice of polygamy, declates that the practice as understood among occidental nations is a system of sensualty, but the Latter Day 8ainte believe that tae mar riage ia one which when properly solemn- lz«3 exists in eternity. Every faithful woman in the church believes that In or der to loaure her exaltation in tho pres ence of God she should be married or sealed to an upright, faithful man. The declaration then aaya: "Asking upon thia belief, these alliances art formed, while on earth, upon the prin ciple that man is not without woman nor woman without man in the Lord. They firmly believe that God has revealed this to them as a command, but while patrl- w __ arcbal marriage, as it fs termed, is a part of their faith and practice, they have no idea that it should become univer sal. The equality In numbers of the sexes, if no other reason, would prevent this. It is a mistaken Idea that our church favora the propagation of thia doctrine or seeks to establish it as a universal system. At the same time we fully believe that women should be mar ried, even if two or three of them, as in the family of Abraham, Jacob and others became tne wives of one man. Instead, therefore, of our system of marriage promoting sensuality, expe rience hae proved that it checks it. and instead of being destructive to the family relation It is preservative ol it. Plural marriage was publicly proclaimed a doctrine ol the church in 1<>2. Congress declared it a crime in W»2. bat the law en acted against It remained for seventeen years a dead let’cr, the Federal official* hesitating to enforce It. as If they doubted its constitutionality. The law of 1862 was not declared constitutional until theCth of January, Ib7:» Piural marriage, therefore, was openly taught and practice many years before any law existed again: It, and twenty-seven years had elapsed from the time of its first public promulgation until the Supreme Court decided the law to be constitutional. Thus it Is apparent that plural marriage was not introduced in violation Of law, the law was enacted against this principal of our religion.” Thecharg* of treason amt rebellion made against the Mormous is declared to be un true. The fact is cited that a quota Of 500 men was sent two thoosaml milea overland to assist the United States In lighting against Mex ico. It is asserted that the general govern mentbai ev«r been willing to lend a will' ing ear to reports of sedition made against the Mormon people, and that when invert tigated they have always been exploded. A strong complaint is made that the government lias refused Statehood upon the although Utah lias all the qualifications Of popular wealth and stability of com merce and society. It comp ains that aliens have invariably been sent into the territory to govern the people, who, with honorable exceptions, have trampled the rights of the people under foot. Petitions, protests and memorial* against these abuses have never been headed then goes on to say: ‘ The commissioners appointed und< the K lmuods law have grossly abuse*l authority conferred upon them, and h usurped extraordinary, illegal and arbl trary power*. While their sole duty un der the law was to appoint regis tration officers and canvass the returns and issue certificates of election to mem bers of tho legislative assembly, they have illegally assumed to exercise Important leei-laiive ami judicial functions. The oAdously formulated an unauthorized an illegal test oath, covering the whole life < the individual, and required each elector in the territoryfto takefit before regeater or votmg ami by — the names of all persons w thia oath were stricken fre _ - list. They so construed the test oath that It eould not be taken by any person who had ever lived in polygamy, or who cohab ited with more than one the marriage relation, but u conn be and wa* taken by pera >ns who cohabit ed witli more than one woman not In mar rlage. thus disfranchising only Mormons and permitting non-Mormon viola tors of the law to register and vote. They have arbitrarily aa- sumeti to exercise legislative power by the promulgation of rules and orders which in effect materially changed the ex isting laws, and excluding from the polls thousands of legal voter* who have iince been restored to the privileges of electors by a decision of the Supreme (’ourt of the United .States, it is further asserted that they have con stituted themselves a supreme tribunal for the determination of all matters in the Territory pertaining to elections and the qualifications of voters. It i» asserted that they have grossly abused their author.ty In the appointment of registration otlicera by selecting for such positions, whenever pos sible, only such persons as belong to the anti Mormon faction. The com p aint is made that the United Htate* offi cer* have generally allied themselves with sectarian pneets and political adventurers, lending their influence to fo nient local excitement and degrade us in th* estimation < f the people abroad. ’ ‘‘The present Governor especially," the report says, "naa acted the part of a petty tyrant.” judge or jury for investigation and punish-1 mint. Jim note the contrast: in Utah. Idaho and Oregon a con certed assault U made upon the Mormon people, npottsrianjfilifiofthr 1 - f">- exportation to avoid taxes o steps; detectives thrust themselves into 1 ~ the bed chamber and watch at the win dows ; children are questioned upon the streets as to the marital relations of their | instruct f iarents; families are dragged be- orn the commission and grand uriei, and on pain of punishment or contempt compelled to testify against their father and husband; modest women are made to answer shameful, indecent questions as to the sexual relations of men ALL QJIET AT PANAMA. | Most of the Rebels Escape-«Cnsunlties | Amo.ig tne Ame icun Forces. Panama (via Galveston), May 1.—All is I quiet here. The town has been in charge I of the national troops since lpm. ytster- AN EXPRESSMAN’S FATE.' I.'u.d b, 8ecr.ti.ry Mar,- d D[lri „ sru f I ort y. f ! d | lt Attacked Whl o cratnrv Whitney Inter- I . ... . I W.th His Advei ne-*8eeretnry Whitney Inter- viewed Relative to tha Pan' ama Revolution, Etc. hours, many, probably the greater por- tion, of the rebels escaped, taking with I them their arms. The first bdtalon of I United Slates forces is at Panaa a and the PLm. M M v WSL. Washington. April 90.—The President fecotid at Colon. The artillery, with gat- and women; attempts are made to bribe has appointed Anthony M. Kelley, of Rich- lings, are along the line, at Mataffiln, S>rs ,t notoriouslv*tSlreuuU*le* chlracters mond * Vd *» t0 b® ®nv°7 extraordinary and R«n Pablo and other places. Admiral nors, notoriously aiarepuiaoie cn*rnciers ir n t»..i Jniictt hu omu* Gr.iirtn ami hu nniuPMi ), He Grnoplei and Is Snot Through the Braln—Hle Re covery Impossible. MURCER AND SUICIDE, sr Jones Shorn* Ilia Wife and then Kin* Himself, Allttlothree room cottage near Beasly'a I croitinjr.and between Vint smUnoil stmf/ was the scene yesterday moroltig of one of I the bloodiest and saddest tragedies over enact- | ed in Macon. The report that a man had killed his wife 1 and then shot himself spread over tho city with the swiftness of the wind. A telephone ! Accident on the East Ten CmcAoo. April 90.—Th. Louisville ex- »“heell» hall for officer, to proceed nr... on t!„, («Miu v.~ ... at one* to IE. spot, far. a color of truth to the ^ h ' !" d "port, .ad toon th. 1UU. colts*. was throng Cblc.go railroad, dne here at 8 a c ock tbit ed with people with .yea thimine to look up- A OISERAL PROTEST. V | States to Austria.Hungary, Daring April, including to-day, Post- are employed to spy into men’s family re- minister plenipotentiary of tha UDlted Jouett ha* gone to Colon aud hae ordered morning, was etopped noar Harrodtbnrg, on a terrible scene. " th« »Ttr« f,irma in return tn thairItalian.. In( | _ .horlly before midnight, by n band It was officer Bennett Jonea who first ar- of masked robbers. The latter were on rired. Upon the front parch, with blood and boraeback, and compelled the engineer and bn> tos oozing from an ugly hole to her left Bremen to learn their engine. Katerina £”P I 5 w « '?• «• Jon «- fcraeilr H|m prqteet Vgainst tg^StlSS^ToTtyrlt» | greatest nnmber appointed on any oned.y | gjff. u p^edduring | ,he «P f «» «« 0l « A.nerlc,nKapr«„ me.-1 ^m?ef»w from e tg^tlnn,^i the extra furcea to return to their sta'ionr. The coatlngen'e from the PacIHc and north Atlantic B> eta have returned to their ships. mio 1 ® docament ooncludes^as follows: | master-General Vllts has appointed 000 The second battalion will probably retn'rn poetaMter. at fourth cl.se office.. The tions intolerance. We protest I flea etaowa that the business of the office I 0 n the 29ih. Brennan wasdrunk and scene of the robbery is among the hUU and fi he coneclenco qf one class ot etti- during the month just ended has exceeded vio'ent and assaulted Murrey with a knife stone quarries, and Is thinly settled. I, other] 0 We'protes? aga" a^the J* 1 * 1 ' ^ vJon, n.ontb, that b.70 -hl.e the latterw.^.l.tinglut.rese^ « and religions intolerance, against the co zena being nun „ udge another. We protest against the I ■ y,, pcsce . Murray tyranny ot Federal officials and the eontto* original penaloq certificates have been a r jg, BnI j h j m umnee In office of men who dlagrace their I issued during the monti of April, 1885, I night priyate p.yid poaltione and nae their official pow- against 3,731 during the lame month laat i apt. Cochran’ era at a means ol oppression. We year. “ oTtheEdoaSda^’iLtoe* 1 patdt'hmen^o? A * “«>«*»» WHI « T one class for practicing their religion and I. A circular which ha« an important bear : exempting from prosecution the votaries of luat and crime. We protest against the breaking up of family relations formed I iueitlon that flashed across , *n«l ho le t the woman to ladies that nsd by this time arrived, and cashed forward Into tho house. Up>n the floor, lying on his face, but with straightened form, whs William H. Jones, and from a hole In his teraplo trickled the Ciiictoo. Anri) 30 —The I.oiiisvill* ax. P ur P\ e Guid. At his feet was a Smith A Wes- . , .. *1”. ——laTill. OX- H.nj.,n| Ain .n. with ,h„ K,r„lnn. to preeirrloa tbrn seized XZ, ““ol LpSTrriV^^TTSSS'l.to, 3551 ’s company, was shot by Jf 1 ® an< * P 611 ?l ve nn en * »h'ls timo a Urge crowd had arrived and i MacUauley, while trying ©•v difrurent account of th* robbery near Coroner Hodnett summoned. While waiting " I! — » nJ I " lne 1 s:! ishifsaMss& 8eutmel James . to run the lines. Brennan and Irvine were both buried on the 29th in the for previous to the the Edmunds law depriving of women and the support and protection bands and fathers. We 'y«v»w» —*»•——»- I a_,_ u, .| juuiioJ I pieuucr, uieuirauneTeriu uieoK auuujbs the prosecuUon of persons, many of whom » certain lotof diaUUed spirits belonging Hospital on the 30th ulL, the thirty-first are Infirm and aged, who entered into pin- ^ Mills & UK, °* J“L JSZL rToil anniversary of his birthday, and oa which raimnrrhK., before It™, declared n firm zomc time ego withrirew from „„ u of'enlittment exptred. —W—WWHHHWiPlpoeilbiiJ WAS plain, however, after examlnaiion, that she could not possibly live. * * I to the tragedy sod the causes which led Ti»« thieve, ID the Bo.ton navy I CsorRi.i Railroad. III.' rrlMi WMStllf -"A seogtrfromBroaswiek.tadwuth- ... j - • fi* l ’ i : • , • . - . rili | . " :ts I'-'.v ' .til ,11 Ht ^ *"•» 'bit it.. ... . ; -. v,-nteri . V k 1 - narbea wcredernl l aud tamed over ihe •• im ts were vrell-flUed tMt nobody was « - .-itir Mum sleeper with berths nil on one side wimum- . 1 up a rtr-l-t. with tli" i- • - . • .. Mirk I Kin- «hn »•; not. 1 . 1 : And almself * the sleepers w__JM others left their trucks. The btxxage pn-^scars remained on the tracks. The train reached the city sbontt JO o’ yesterday morning. The pusenKcrs w loud in tlielr praise of “ by Conductor Harris. »of the coolness displayed The Wadley Memorial. Tho Tress dispatches yesterday announced tho Arrival In Savannah from Nev Taken tho Wadley statue, that was recently ran with such Imposing ceremonies. Yesterday tho statue arrived in Macon, and Is at present *t ill' \ '"I "I II" « ' '• ’ ■ It will remain until tho foundatlons^hare been pre pared for its reception. In conversation yesterday with IfaJ. A. C. Knapp, of the committee of arrangements, ho stated that tho sculptor, Mr. Cashing, wou% arrive from New York this week, and supeniPi tftnl tbt‘w<»r* t>f plat i' g t'"- -tifi" i:: por tion. Mr. Cushing ha* tho contract for erect ing tho monument, and it will be done under his personal supervision The unveiling of the statue ■sd 1 take place .ui" ti:r..' during tli- pr.-srnt nv.»'id wtll be attfiidfl by imposing corrmoni.-R. The committee It casting about to arrange a his revolver, but before he could reach it has been running ss an extra on tho ^ the mtu hit him airo, and then, tsking I Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia rail- away the revolver, shot him in the he id. I Uo nxarrlodiMlts Kato Norris nearly tiho was bis second and there was a skcle- wblch gave ri-o to numerous crime an i have never violated any law. JJ 1 ® J™rplmnn^t A detachment of the first battaUon, un- He then made the baggage man open the h y ad ” 0 JJ^idren We reapectfnlly ask for the f R ITolot- wj^^.whl^chth^ afterwards reimport- der Colonel Hayward* expects to remain jafo and take oat tho raooey. The tramp ton In the oloset whlcL by the President of a commission to .J® 1 c ,[V 7? 8 «??K? < 2l2r.»h 0 « at Panama until peace and good govern- | h «n F[JW th ® 1l * el ! cord stoppwl the quarrels and domeitio warn. Rumor, with lu .—..j and thoroughly investigate the *° admit on the ground that the | men t eball have been assured. The last trajn. but first fired at Webber, the bullet ready tongue, has coupled the name of tho StoSly proSiunSSt 5 * ,tS r? - POrkWO ' I riefachment of line J ekets left Faduu | Jn_the_fqr P he«ri.,W e bl,rr | *«. .?? “}}* .. „ , iheconUnnance rawitotlteobjectofayoldingthe payraent ',^"iveiI“,, u inTdelachm^ 1 toremainon of these merciless crusades.’ 1 th® Internal revenue tax when it wo -Id I dQ jy ^ Piiraso, Matachin and 8an l’ablo, i Ul * .* u,, ywRBH umu-iuu- ■ ..... v».i rc mncsrnsd it wm nuin tn the hnm. be «nri d | a hi«r^mo^thln e ?hB 1 lnh1hlflon llni * 1 ' 1 ' UtoieaaMl Mason, Huntington l)' r hzri dl!»pp8.red In tk«iiarzrieaz. An | n.takborz and lnilmata frlrad. that were yJthneMMwIthtotbatoiJMUon ,„d ElllotL Th. .ick list la .mall »ml .Tirr. »l»rm «u not gir.o until the tr.in had succeeded In reselling th. .moker and I ** 11 “flitor eovtr.Imonthshuibzndsml wife gsve the slsrm, bn the solitsry trsin-rob- pJJ® 0 llTcl1 A,oe ’* w 10 10 ,ar w.rai.il FROM SAVANNAH. I <I,,, _» I ana i.iuott. ine sica ubi ia Biuauauu iiieie i ~_P ’7 —, ** I po cs.es oi aartoaa.UtoM. among our "«ched Bloomfogton when a aureh wu ending to ,t .11. oultl be either au open rupture or a dreadful Ths Cnvnlry Tournnm.nt •« Crnr.d Sue-' At 'yf< innprlzl ‘'tllat 's-n 'r,t"< xporte.l I , f ’ ”,,, V, 1 ,^' w tt‘«V e ' ‘ aVJ. ",!M-fm'i I biueiwdl '"ui'-K ’'iVa'v'ia ‘ ami’ 1 Nvl'hW j »0">k «' ’ nZZtflVZl on“e P r"h. D ^r«i”o“. 0,d f I bo » rJ U « De I bUl th ' '° rmer C ‘ na0t I “JfSSltS?, saotUn Or/IA^r tl.a wsrl.n,! stomtn. I “ ' ' ••• ' ■ I I* tUSSlO OI SOIUO SO ft. Ml cess —The Priie Winners. K.r.■<•<.H 'rn * LM 'nnO nf ,ecll oa 2500of the r.rlaed ztaiutea. Sataxsab, Ga., April oO.-One of the Mills & Co. appealed from tne decision of grandest military parades that hat ever the collector to th. Secretary of the Trea» taken place to tho South took place to-day «rer. who inadeclzion rendered eeTer.l , t day, ago anztatoed the collector, bat m honor the lnter-8tate tournament I that the spirits be turned and as escort for the Georgia Hussars and the internal revenue authorities, the visiting military. Folly twenty-five| ..The dreniar issued.to-day authorizes A SILVER CLINCHER. How Banntor Jones Knocked Out Croup of Cold-Bugs. Canon Index. FURTHER DETAIL*. Thursday evening, mid made the remark ta^telUrs for one of them. In -..Jsort, Mrs. Jones secured I one of the pistols, and taking out tho cylln- t vr.ti vipat .j t n .ji -m fn.* I der, threw ft under tha bouse. They then had I u I ^!i IA .I! AP0LIfl, » .il"”^huu^following a genersl fight In tho front yard, anti Mrs. another account of the robb?ry near Jones aucceedctl in getting tho other pistol .warrodsburg: The express matter is usu- which she p aced In tho boio.n of her drei I ally csrrt-d in the baggage car. occupied After the fight, Jones told hit wife to cor . . by *be messenger andrUM baggagemaster : nto *b® nousa and mako friend*. Both beg.... Senator Jonea told a good itory the other The messenger's name was George K. Da- •SB 111011011,0 foU i ?'! n a hundred tieonle witneasisi the cavalry tiu I the collector of Internal revenue at Boston I eventog on his arrival In Nevada on the vt>. of I.nnisflll,. Last night ist 11:10 Itbaprayer. Jonez araat fRrm° tba nfa aqd •t Ten . Th. TSto-to. to * [lr " 11 'l" ‘ bo 'plfitl to Mills A Co. upon .abject ol the standard dollar, it Ulus- S.i 0C t k .! h ®. t ." 1 “! U J?i'!ii 0 2 r or ? ,n ' threw blatoUacroz. tbV&AA few at Tea Broeck race course. The following the ptymen t 0 f the internal revenue tsx 1 — — gentlemen acted as judges: Gin. J. C. Da- upon the spirits as gauged at the time of vant, South Carolina; Gen. R. H. Ander- ‘^withdrawal from the warehouse, with- blc program 10)17-—*= s Ion. It will bo t-d In full kceplug with tho importance of the occa- o a big day for Macon. An effort will be m*dt> to have all tho employes of the road In tho State prevent. In the event thi* Is doin', the city will witness one of the largest crowds ever seen here. Tho work'd prt ptrlng the foundntiun will r undi'rUkun hn so in an Mr Cu»hlng arrive*. Am 1U bo pushed forward to a speedy c “ the meantime Its pro ...th keen Interest and every ettize MeteorolOKlcnl. From Mr. J. M. Boardman wo have received the following statement of the meteorologlc a condition* of tho month lust patsed and a f-omparatlvo Statement for April, IkM: The mean temperature for the past month »<* ...tn ..as Maximum.. Minimum.. Rainfall.. The mean temperature f-»r April, 1»84, trates the •nrronud the i ia „ i -MtiaBa -.Li.t, I Ui®* fov water at Harrodsbnrg, Monroe I passed between them, when Jones cried out; incidents and questions which I county. J. II. llainilton, a pasienger, I you don’t go away, Kate, I’il windup tlu be straggle for bimetallism. A happened to belnokiog out of the window, buslneM.” This remark hu repeated aeversl son, Savannah; Col. G. M. Wiley, Macon; Col. C. H. Olmstead. 8 av Ann ah: Major W. A. Wilkins, Waynesboro, Ga.; Lieutenant Stonsy, Charlesion. The score possible The Georgia Hussars’ team No. 1 made ral Jouett jesterday: several Mr. R. J. oat allowance for leakage or evaporation. I few day. ago the Senator was to one ol the I by the reflection of the light from i too ra.fn wltnczi In the cz«a ..... .. . cloak,oom. of th. Senate, chatting with ^ p „ e SS* ioe fro “ W na S„ m ,‘ h n e °SSE :gsfe“ 'VZo his confrerzs on varfona topics, when, I and disappear in the direction of the en-1 yeitvrdzy mornlnr, between 10 audit o'clock, as maal, his own Senatorial bobfcy | He «rrled a club or stick. When | “dzaw ^tb^two i Joneses standlnc on tho THE ISTHMUS TROUBLES. Washington, April 30.—Secretary Whit ney N ot th, following telegram toAdml- cam. to' th. front. Senator. Hoar, | 'SSjSRg SStfSTMlEPEX ral T,i-iaMrnttor,Un< I \r til -^,1 ralk.-a o.11^,1 | V 1 a»riOJSOUrg WS1 reAC.ieU, IUS nCAna ltl M . tllMUh hu wu trtn swi Morrill, Edmonds and others called ,) lar[l r ; n . -“j'KbS-rStaTOs; ssa»»wjftsja»s the train, ami before an inquiry forward and present a pistol »t Mrs. Jones’s |WltvlJUUI MWbJwi.Hwu.t.uw.jin.. i nioet important attitude, ths8*&atorpro- “zht?there to, prufs iero p^wntod. ' c ‘ t,llU,limcQl ot*ubleaownmenL ] : .w-. Yo ?_? 1U 1 _ laf 2 rl,l ..wL* I ’' 0 ' 0 scitiertd .round in contusion. Da 1 eyesjt bsdto—Jdtod. I blood br the sldeot hie a tie, I Whilttb, toqoMt wss In progresi, tho ph teen broken open and plaiT I ”-to toe )SMt room attrodlcag Ererywhere was evidence of a ter- relous? The'bMl W Mi!e!-!i < ii 0 nw«3 l ^a U hon?: rifle struggle. The floor was littered with J death was not inttantaneont. .The suicide Maximum.. Minimum., Rainfall ,. 3 40-100 lnchea The Revenue Office. Deputy Collector G. A. CabanlM Is In the city, and will enter at oncoupon bit duties. H" wil 1 be indy to itmic l'feii-"*, iifw noriel, to morrow or Tucaday. If i** orti"** will remain III th" lx I. K'. If a n f A N fl MK-.NKN.iKH 1,'ilUllng. Cspt. W. H. McWhorter, who for tome tiin" hs* ht'bl the i"itiito i in Miron, will U n." in h 'Uy or no 1 ,r Ailani* During bla t"i:u "f o:Vi ■ • ti ■ giv niiiv-'Nil Nutntfec- tlouto our mfrohaata. Ho made friends of h.:w.**i w !i »m ti" 11 <" l bii'ifii'NN tr,in»;i"tlon«, - b" inn • ' *rrie« with him their best wlihca for hla success. Dead Body Identified. PlTTSduro, May 2.—The remains of the man found in a trunk at the union depot have been identified by an Italian woman ni thofe of her brother, Pietro Caruso. They were alno it!e ilirtetl h/one of Ca- y«terd.y afternoon Admiral Jouett tel- S5S5 J ^!L h 5SjL ‘.‘LV' . vta. who wu breathing, was. carried Into f 01 !'*HRSJS. b t.»K , 2R2** Mies Angela Forsyth,of Mobile, hae been « 1 w h i£„ S {££„■ lar which the majority of the Sene- Jhe’eMto He had neen shot In the’nn man - •"'> ever drsnk. H» li^t'bccn eqneeted by Captain Branch to act , Jegraphed becrctary Whitney aj follows. claim la worth only 85 tbe r V?. 0 , o[i h . h b P ' r «‘ d011 ‘ °>.“«»? f°r a nnmber of year,. ^ •r- ^ a^.i I » -- ..... "ihall I I er 1 “® ,ieai1 - ... . Tho verdict of the coroners Inquest was . ' ^ ebber, the baggage master, afterwards that tho deceased earns »o his drum from revilo I 8a ‘ ,, l ka* both doors of the car were open gunshot wound Inflicted by himself. I at Ilarrodsburg, and he and Davis were I at a la»o hour last ulght Mrs. Jonei wat Four Men of a Posse klilsd by Cattle Thieves, Galveston, May 2.—A special to the which Admiral Jouett was placed. He — I . r , r . . I K'»>K wALU UBUI. Auu iiirsaviiKT was In an interview this morning Secretary P" at I told yon7 J™ P*JJ - bespattered with blood, which wa* flowing Yeiterday rieaa WO Whitney explains tho delicate posiUon^ln | Y . W W*. I a wound la his head, he also haying | porter at tho office of t News from Gainesville, Texts, says: bloody tragedy la reported from Indian says: The trouble et Panama Is t I think. Admiral Jouett wit Territory opposite Delaware Bend In this to to. ezpjdltlon have ta ? y^toJ-JJg- that silver dollar. II* ssiJ that ’them old dufi«rs wer* tli* biggest fools he ever heard of.’ He was willing to take the sil ver for adolla*, and hi j only trouble wan that lie couldn’t get enough of them.” The coterie of Senator Jones's Senatorial companions had awaited the denouement, and had tacitly consented that the tele ‘ b^y should decide the discussion. _ I the result was announced they were dezvoused, the latter fired upon tho posse, killing (onr ol their number, Andy and Jos. Its IT, a man named Matias and a tionv. and ahould not be (Jojuk Itbaa rwultcl He delivered to them a lecture, which was member of the Indian poUoe named Goss. | a.MtUem^^th^jMUew and | ^ the effect that vihrtr ia the money of the None of thieves Andy Raff was ad _ __ and a large cattle owner. The parties I £n der uydreamsUaoeseaecMd.' ’They hav* I street flnanders. While comical, It was who did tue shooting livs in Delaware therefore surrendered without flxhUng. 11 nevertheless a most impressive incident. Bind, but have eluded numerous attempts think Uw conciliatory manner of our people, and confounded the grave and reverend to arrest them br crossing Into theCblik- ettoosaf >%totoMto»7 showed Aslsrmjtod .rigniors. Oar people msy become mere mew Notion. There li talk of ^nlltog on W«tog« »hen enjtojna Aom wbtoh | Kn , ,i,. v . Kven llxon, tho well-known . _ aa i - . | a a vr aaa a nuuuu tu tits ueaw, uu ouu uaviUK i pw* *vs ■» suu utuic ut 1 tllO Southern Express “ d . 1 e Ti J e n Uybe-e-n • t ru ckw It li the club whlv Company, diet afu-r z brief Ulnezz. II... vs . f-ll.fo the ll »r. ltovii | I,.j in n„. „( the f.tmp.ny fur managed to loom hie right hand and twonty-Sve years, aud was perhsp* the best draw Lie revolver, but before he could fir* I known porter in all this »ectlon of country- the robber wrenched the weapon from his Ho *** * l ? , / l J rB . a ^ lenlI,r . 0 and polite, and re. grasp and fired. The bail etiuck the met- ,r . l V"!* SfJSl TO IIo „ WM s*nger in the heatl and ho f^H. dying. lI l ( j r 5 t f !rJ[i n l 5J. l n , j?J* l J„Ki , *S.. ln . tho .** t,ma ' When the safe had been rifled, the robbv I that he has beratakena.*i*> ... left the train as it slowed up in answer to hint ral will take place today the bell. Davis liv*d at Louisville, wh* 22 ployea. of the t-.mtbcrn Rzproas office, | ^ maptie married and has several children' .. Jk. years of age aud unmarried. Webber I of tbotr respeot for l*ieas, will spcochlesi, and iucontlnently gave up the lives nt New Albany Ind ia28vearjold hls remains are Interred In the best m had won l.la point. | 0 “ , • I “• «“ » m-aro. and Id. friond among thoae for whom, ho worked, and t*Anut vender of Chicago. IrtVf'*Mga<ion allows jirohably t :nt <' irino dinl froru !<*n. bn. fo* ft nt) further than this. Chicag) people can throw no light upon the subject. Oonswmotlon Cured. An old physician, retired from prac- ti:f, having had placed in his hands by an Hast India minHionary the formu la "f a Birnplo vegotahle remedy for tho speedy and permanent cure of Conmimption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung atlec- tions, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility, and all Nervous CornnlaintA, after having tested in the wonderful curative nowers in thou- nands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by tliie motive ami a desire t*) relieve human Buffering, I will send free of charge, to all who doeiro it- thii ro.'ijio in German, French or Kn- ;liah, with full directions for nrepar- ng and using. Sent by mail \>y ad- lreHfling with Htamp, naming this pa, >er, \V. A. Noyes, 119 Power’s Block, tochcHter, N. Y. arresting and ridding the section of this very desirable testing of respect, and desperate band of thieves. I *t the same time has avoided that feeling of hoatility likely to arise from the A Fatal Accident. V3XwS!& SS tS'oicSHr?- Cincinnati, May 2 —This afternoon I ul j oa ^ unfrlendllnese. 1 tKak the expe- while workmen were removing a,heavy dltlonwiu result ultimately In beaefltla* our stone cornice from the Barnett House, commercial reDthna down there. It baa peasants, but they arc not fools. Even efeU old Italy accepts sliver as a precious I metal. JOHN MORGAN’S ESCAPE. How the Famous Confederate and Hie Party TunnelUd Their Way Out of Prison. Columbus Special. who respected him moat. Moving Into the New Jell. Yesterday the prisoner! conflned In the Bibb county jail were remorod from tho old struct uro corner of Fourth and Poplar streets to their new quarters on tho corner ot Fifth and THE BARTHOLDI STATUE. B Chief Justice Ulncs, of Kentucky, who Mulberry. Tbs tran-fer „„ m. lo br Jailer lias been in thecity forth© past few days, Birdsong, aaalated by Deputy riheriff William gave an account ye.terday ot the escape .?i r *twemy A & prisoners In all from the penitentiary hereof the famous conflned In the county J*il, and the Confederate raider, John Morgan, which where they 1# vv ,_ L _ ... r.u.itu's I jutigp, men i_api. nines, anu ms Clllti I in neat stvlc au<1 to which is being remodeled, one of the men, shown that we were r««dy to act effectively The Bartholdi statne of ’’Liberty En- and sixty-eight others were captured early ways kept in order. named Leffel. Incautloufiy stepped on the 55l2l tightening tho world,” which is now being jn November, 1863, while raiding through The Jail jester Jay aftc , jge of one stone and it leU, bringing lev- f*ate,aad.^Pf5> p ini nnf fSVr r „i5JI . * v„ nr i. T«* r * *t the southern part of Ohio, and hin.Mf many people returning from i .riin'hara with it Th© nun struck s It 1 rights and not infringing upon I loaded on therrench transport Issr©, at I th© plan and executed the succr^-ful I same, and the universal remark S^ySdbroklto^h uTn.o.b»r . whL .. I'.ris. for shipment to New York, la toe I delircry. 11. s.y.ne r b rf& W “ o r “1 J. XUtC h D .V. eSeble them tneecAns. Lefi.1 w?s tostenUy E2S?12ia5S!L2SL2SP«2 , B!!: wl'hto th. bead. A sli-foot — ^ more comfortable. Jailer Btrdioag E irters as a amall boy !t of J” He Intends to lit them that they are al- r afternoon wa* vUIfcd by he bajiuball wa*. that exutcnco anywhere. >«ci o. to. up*, .m’y i-t 1 £}; idgarlagr” I which Lincoln, Grant and man, stand-1 two knivee from the dining room^ be dUir I prlsonere areiUllghted wtthTthe change’, asdl t a I his wav iltivrn ihmnth th* r*ni*nt ffrwwnf I Ifpoaalbl^ are smmw reconcllM to their lot. ama press dispatches pubHsoed this morn- teg o» tne tevei oi me upe, omy jusv * atrU ck the sewer, secreting .h! np ^JP" 1 ro 5 m ,V? in,. They are from Uw najal and con,a-1 reached the eyebrow. Idflsen t«o- lht d#bri , ln bl , St «» »■ P*Bor.«°d wlU lav si it i ittr i i!.-« in. Mm th* mh o mtn. mUHft t t aroand the flam* I » . .-*ir. ^ a 1 " T 41 . ! I 11 attractive !M SOmloctaDle. A haM> r.rr. iTi.Tra»i*.i MMan.h.vd mala ad- »«F« l ney are irom vne navai ana oouiu- reacnea me eyeorow. rmeen w other historical persons have made aa I stl tbocUiew. and from the cable com-1 pie might »U around the flame iJUnSxK A D* n MeT°l*^Sdro" men I htTe^takenpeaeablc possession of Panama. I wllhln the ouUtre'rhM . -on. Business U crsrywhere resumed and tha of the statne Is 410,000 pounds, ol which I mucsm torooah I er. Tlsltore toth. Jellra haataess'or diL«- SSSfto toc^Ill hero' of | ar. oed.r*l to h. .1 an end. 1170.000 ponndsarw Copland JUj-^njto: | “> 0a th.’nightot Norsmbcr J7, at mid-1 «“«‘^ 11 “v *' 10 - • - 1 --rl last night to I _ • fJVUPvSiVSSis sha«d^.f > Ma* nl *, h *' tbejr dropped into toe air chamber Tbo<e who hare not seen toe Inside of tola pany’s rcpre-entatlve Alzpnru has ad»en 1 of the torch, ' np lila arms and the government troops I be reached by 'h. b . kb .nTi!f tbecetlaol hlscompaalonz, and to Iwenty. sBdotbsrthtoi ii.tSX.hlt mnSnSSi two days had due a hole through the toto ‘bis roomie to ‘JWaSgNAgh- T ? floor of each cell Urge enough for them to Is 440,000 pounds, of which I ,nueeze thronxh. work. Once to the sewer ha easily locatsd I WAR ON THE BUCKET (II0P9. death, made * desperate effort tost night escape, bnt were foiled. To-day the sher iff received fnitrnctiona to (turd the jail with a Strong force. Troops | Tho Chicago Board of Trad. Shut. Out , vdik.hnnt ihi "VI, r.'V.. .uu, ut. »ir cu.uiuer inew. wno nate not«een the Init io of t «*>dgroped their way toward ths ootleL model bulldiu sboeldtaka advuuieot ‘ They were dismayed to find the month of °«‘Jopporualiy to in,peel 1L „ ■ | pnrnou i,| S! Union Ttckere. l ' errice* wero nee.W. The mattor excites Chicago Board of Trade and toe Western arUatic merit of the .tatne the poae atride lhe KroaDd . Au „ tunneIln) , upw , rJ » L, m, c ” r iZrn Jm Ml of the re.t interest, as Bay and Anderson have 1 Union Telegraph Company broke 00 ‘ omnonn e«t b perf«t^toe drowryla pbort time they found themselves In the ea£ra%JSvar8e&t2S&y ^Jm*u ..lain- friends in this aectioo, who may at- .fresh thia morning. Fix months ago the rtJ. .n',t n VnTmrn priaon >' ard - Tlie nI * h ‘ waa cold and nsuaL Afur the hind, tempt to release them. The men »re now ,, cladc j f r0 n, the floor of the Kx- both mei-iie and fine, end n some psrta j re ary, a heavy ram falling at the time, «> I «»»*•«_"c'edlich..-c.-l ItelYpending an appeal to to. —W ^ »*7iadtSto to fear from the Kn.rde, f 00 *^ 0 " fc «nd.«« Oooxt ■ to. board, -fh. Western UnionComply, Vhe “nc2pUon° and e?«n- ^ wo?k of S°m!nnt, T ° oZZ >«t‘fuli? BifimB I however, procured an injunction to T®*|u n nAf thi* creat ereat work are due to I work oi iniunte. Dace free, I Rome have bitn deprived ot work on acc< Fatal Railroad Accident. .train the committee on quotations from SSPJiLA®pJSISn .riiintnr Mr lUptiini,n | h «Pftrt7 separated, Morgan and Hines of the present complication! of the r. Reading, 1’a., Mav 1.—A passenger train J e f vlilDK ^ e m tiiotations, and thiv ^SSXSfjESSfA JSStt**Vi of hi*S’lteanA ^rdlng a train for Cincinnati, ami get- ThU number don not include tho%e who v. i the Reading and Co umbla railroad was j r i ancl j on & till hold*. The board on 1 li 1 "? “ 1 '. 0 ’*. J* 10 01,10 rivor . 1 >'i'? re •“» SNttLSS* 1 001 o( 1110 ,1 ‘°l" 1 1,1 Allailla r " I 1 "!" '3''““ thU roormeg me man« n -»is ot he fl<nr# b«In K made of broDze. mature. The passengers were badly l lhe trade declined to allow nini r k*l silver which it is now de- ;en up, bat all eecapsd without injury. | th# ^yeetern Union topullo its wires, asd | n w ia tf to subscriber! throughout thr '. I as a result there U no yjte at a.1 united States for )1 each. Ail remlttanc+s Murder InjAlabamo. today, and the brokers* offices in this city. , h ‘ ou:d ^ tUnued to Richard Butler, I lwe<a J ad « e Lis, M»y L—A Chattanooga, I the bucket shope and the open board of American committee of the ed by the State© ecialto the Post-Dispatch says: SK?. i*s». X 33 Msrcer street, , wrt i on 0 f the E dtfuir IWmHICDfPfc Jta w”“ > t”;. b ¥oo , lT." 1 . r , prncol Ur _ . _ _ . volTed render! H nece«**rF th*t the fcxpenit** Course cf Action of the Connecting I should be cut d6wn. ho t;ame can b« attach- Road* In C*orela. ,-, l lo th'* authorlUo* for the action, n. . _ sp.. P r0 “F^d by a de«lre to accomplish forth* A( gista, Ga., April J).—The public ia j road as much as Is po«»ltie unOer the clrcum- very much iuteraated in the contest be- ?^ nc « e# * wn who hiv« brought about i. . . , . . the clrcnmitaneea that hzve rendered the iisfp tween Judge Doraay, the receiver appoint ne< .»»*ry must shoulder the bliSS. “ ~ ~ ^court to take charge of that jj./yA 0 ??** r y?a^ are KneMed portion oftheEiatTs^H t recited that hr bv the Leg'tlaturf fo university, and al*o i ance with tli* h lniiuw tinu:mc«* of th** l tah declaration th**n a«*ert • rue Kdmun.il Uw. vitlea for th* pabUhmr *d a bill pi of hill paitetl i ich not only pro of p" vgamy but nam< 1 Me la- tO Ol>«*r»te* unit yet of U»e transgress legion. Al": a n'-V."- 1 "' " "I"; 1 ■ - 'I'iirVd V n ;o r* 1 o'j V, , m.nn.msdHMajB.a toZBMt. Jgygjs^g P«»d«0^famlahkBSM,k.”t I Qltvar by tha Uci'-I Btatel non rt for u„ »;.rk, tl,.., l., ! .-/form Hi-1 while out waltlog wat approtelMd by a bsin placed In autne newui. ei, ana tne lfrt j Tei t nc nesln *• «*—- 1 * **-»- 1 - * —-— n . . I su* b scenes, it U hoped by the public th**. railroad in | the *:i*lrs oi the road m»y t>e tiraightuord ppointed re-1 ont,^ iu' order that th*»c men may resume « waa ai proacnej dv a 11 --"i twflrei ir eBTHITheight, at $8each, dellv] HI whom he only knewby warnmg only c»me after bailnesa bail lrtd Itil Lopnl that the Without a wird Ward knocked him I baan antarad npon. Tho ootoome of toe r()t ,ntry will be only too user lo tesUfyTanymoney ■ ihrd hit ahull srtth a stone. 1 eoatrovaray cannot at pretint be foreseen. | Kr a>,f a i .eoie of tha fnendllnesa of | Jj, waa captarsd, and It h*-d lilt :*o;’it- rh"r,*.. phis eommunlcattora with Lang-1 A Murderer Lynched. R r -, KaszaJ Cut. Mo, May L—Geo. Mack, her cu ba iearnid. who munlarad Klchzrd P«k«. bto «n- I pioyar, at Grtat Bend, Kai.tu.ooBnm'aT, wsa irmtt.1 btr* yest-rdzy at..i on r»ai . ! foe Great Band la-t r.i^'ht he wm taZrn c :r.t:n no 1 ll" !.-■! !■>' * -n. toe lew tu* i °i- • ut al r.1 uy ..-to-day. It r paramour - rssrs Ub,ror. from pr-)<«'Ution. w*ik* tn* «ir* in .n pro , lje _ on j whet might her* * dey. No I nit*d htetet offida 1 pot* » cr ' mp lh * b-jdy into the tr epotter on his trail or make* en plsuaLOQ has been reached, drag Ids deeds ol shaoie and guilt before » ^ : w»rd*d to M**:on i i will not arrive uul. Mey 1 -The M. Wadley *<oo. he*, ar i hte m&gnanlmoas offer on tli* pert of thi nch people, and to reciprocate thi Uy and liberal ••ottaents to which It J, by thus aiding In anp pru-ecution cf the lab jra that me; j'tired to give the statue _. -•>- entire system. Dorsey hu notified gfl of which they have been wrongly deprived, pie of this I connecting lines in Georgia not to pay over r to testify | ^ny nior.ey to Fink. It h*s b*»*:i pnbli>h* , l . ^ railroad will obey Doney en l declines rewgnize Fink. This it not correcL John VV. Green, general manager of th* Geo gia r»i road, stales that he will not lllrd. tey nnh either Dorsey or I i>* taken by all buauu-M with the no r*y required. It i» g’*ar»i. --1 t; I i per lei t •ailafacUon. or mouey ruf mii-l 1 I i, rs d'i per t»ox. For h*ie by L*xn*r. t < g Lamar. *tes. Ca: WOM E N browns" THE BEST TONIC ■ Tbk awdis-la* frtr,l !r*< Iron wgfc par* ■E9TMEEbf*nM£iM3wti it • . MWllAalHir ' » n- Irhrai and r.irlfl. -, Oa* DIo.mI. -iimulnlr* wApprlilr, Mrcnstkrai th* I* •« '■ ■ ’. : v; l , , .'V?r r .!ri. rt a. P It (Lmnoa Uackm Hm ImSlmshbMd«< i^. * prodne*con*Up*Uc miliSiWiwda ARjfBT 40 ' -1 Ut. llnrwi.'ilrvn &• Ul *» CMkint, *it<l ikjtt nr c.«bU« li r--l. lit* U«n brt->-f: u|toiqrdflftna” *» ■ t r r»N II— t: t nttifi- n • >) try *11 tV-*Wr« la m*d» u I'lHs a! ■ H»n sn!v 1 at a »•) (''.'fdl'l ■ r ! • -1 r ■ t. I ■ •* 1 »T f r “ D 7* m •ML 1 *Bll:<au*a**«. ?— H«»d*cbfr ki .'A.KhswMM. |trr«fil»tntaT > i«»T-»jJ t ’«n» AN INI I. E >..M Y x:: i-'rrXiT’ Thousands of testimonials pro** its msrtU CONSUMPfiolr I b*** »p*sitt*T t» ,.d|t J r»s**‘ • •'‘^,7*“ n«At .•». y f ;*’ • ■' * * •; LocLn.iurMnt A Crawford County Fsmals Riot. On last Bn ala y there occurred a moat d: graceful fight la and near KnoxvlBa, •lx necro women. There was a general scratching, wool-fathering, knock-dowu-and- drag-out, hU-yon wlih-a brick fracaa, tn which the haU-doten ebony ama^-.ua wi-re more or !e** Lrtitied and battered up. toHtoff- they ap{>«ir : t. • wl at • thirty d Halamanders have been di» overed at tie p*-*U Injuring lii* !>»-( /nte |»*ar Ire*** buwsnnee couufy, K a , by cutting the i Life tie . » reading the U.il.L-LgC-1 UCU. The Mirror is no flatterer. Would you make it tell a sweeter tule? Magnolia Ualnisthecharm- <tr that almost cheats the looking-glass.