Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, May 08, 1885, Image 8

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THE TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER: FRIDAY. MAY 8,1885. AMONG THE ROSES. A Five Minutes Talk About the Nswsat and Prettlsst. One has only tocroaa the Vinevllle branch and walk the distance of a block to aee a per* feet wealth of rosea. Here wl 1 ba found tbe yards and greenhouses of Mr. D. B. Wood rut*, an! If you love flowers—If you have any ad miration for tbe rosea— you should go out and pay him a visit. In compliment to the paper, Mr. Woodruff sent a box of his rarest specimens to this office yesterday, and to see them growing a Tele* graimi man went out to Vinevllle In the after noon. And such a sight 1 There were roses of every tint and hoe, some small enough for the boutlnelre, and some large enoutch to aim st One Is lost in wonder, and as soon fasten on one specimen and pin it upon the lappel of our admiration, than another much handsomer and richer springs up to take its place. Mr. Woodruff has over one hundred separ ate and distinct varieties, and perhaps the Gen. Jacqueminot may be classed among the rarest. 1 his lathe rose over wbi h there has been so much raving. It sells for fancy Driccs at the North, during the winter, and Is very much admired. The Souvenir de Win. Wood is the equal ol the Jacqueminot in every res pect. Ill* a Urge deep pink. The La France is another magnificent rose. It is satin pink, most delicate in tint, with large peUU. The Marshal Sell is a bright, golden yellow, with pointed bnlbs. But we might go on naming them at a col umn's length. These are no common roses, and the majority of them are familiar to our ^reople. Among them are: The LaMarqne.a Mure white: Salfatore, a creamy white; James Spiunt, deep crimson: Barronno Prevost, rich do?n pink, large and lragrant; Marshal Bucket, rich deep pink, large and full; Will iam Allen Richardson, coppery in tint; Sou venir de la Malmalsoa. a light piuk; Mad. Mcreau, velvety, deep dark crimson, and sev eral others very popular. Going away very reluctantly from the roses we ent-T the greenhouses, and find every pos sible variety of planU with curious leaves and Probably a Fatal Accident. Yesterday morning a serious, if not fatal, ac cident happened to Elton Adams, sou of Mr. H. D. Adams, oi Rogers, Adams & Co. He was at the residence of Mr. W. A. Huff, In Vinevllle, during tte morning playing with other cnlldren, and when the dinuer hour ar rived mounted his horse to return home. On tbe way home the horse shied at an object on the side of the road and threw the little fellow violently to the ground. He fell on his head, •usUlutng serious Injuries. He was picked up in an insensible condition and carried to his father's home. Dr. Holt was summoned and everything done to relieve his suffering which was intense. O wing to his critical condition waa impossible to make a satisfactory exam- atlou ot the Injuries, but it is thought that the skull was in aom* manner crushed in. Luring tbe afternoon the little fellow bad aeveral convulsions, and last night fears were entertained as to his recovery. It Is hoped, however, that to-day will bring a change lor the better, lie ia only eight ^ ears old. The Saturday Excursion. All the arrangement* have been about com peted for the great excursion to Atlanta Sat urday, and the indications are that the old Central will carry cne of the largest crowds that has ever left the city at one time. Tickets will only be placed on sale one day. They will be good to return ou any of the passenger trains during the progress of the games. By ''■tying tickets here, persons along the line 111 be allowed to use them on the rigitlar schedule that follows the excursion one hour later There is every evidence that the Macons w.llbeglvcna fair showing, as the inten tion has been expressed of getting a profes sional umpire from a distance to preside over tbe game. Those who attend may expect to witness a pleasant game. A special car will be attached to the excursion for the drcctors and members of the Macon Baseball Associa tion. cut flowary, Mr. Woodruff i ami rtses are sold here so cheap that it 1s within the provinco of all to be surround ed by fragrant flower*. Mr. Woodruff dupli cates all Northern price* and gives buyers Death of Mr.C. B. Dettre. After an illness of two weeks or more Mr. G. B. Dettre died at his home on Georgia avenae yesterday morning at 10 o'clock. He was taken ill Friday, two weeks since, and gradu ally grew worn until yesterday morning when the sad event occurred. While his death resulted from meningitis, we are author ize-! by Drs. Holt and Hall, the attending phy slciaim, to state that It was notcerebio spinal m< ulngltla, the form that ia ooutagloua. Mr. Dettre came to Macon eight years ago from New Jenej, and engaged in the grocery business which be abandoned only a short time since on account of falling hea’tb. Dur ing bis residence here he made many friends pr< _ ncement of his death. He was* mb or of the Presbyterian church and was iuently identified with that Sunday- JchooiL The funeral sort Ice* of Mr.G. B. Dettre were conducted yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock at the Presbyterian church. The obsequies were conducted by Kev. A. w, CUsby. The attend ance was Immense, and evidenced tbegeneral esteem In which Mr. Dettre was held. The Asn street and Elm 8treet Sunday echooli were present In a body; a'so tbe Presbyterian Hun lay school, over which Mr. Dettrepre-i sided The discourse wae solemn andltu pres»lvo, and touched the hearts of all pres ent. Thera was aprofuslonof flowers, woven into the most elaborate and beautiful designs Among those that attracted most attentloL wa« a broken column of rosee, a testimonial presented by the scholars of the Presbyterian I Sunday school, and a pillow of the tame the gift of Mr. and .Mrs. Woodruff. At the conclusion of the exercises at the chnrch the remains were born to Rose Hill cemetery, attended by a large following of Jrlcnds and sympathizers. The services were concluded there. The following gentlemeu acted as pall-bearers: Dr. P. H. \5>lght, Dr. J. I*. Stevens, ltev. J. W. Burke, J. Madison Jones, K. If. Link, W. R. Rogers, It. W. Cub beige and J. It. West. The large attendance and the general ex- rr. sslons of regret testify the high place Mr Dettre held In the esteem and confidence of the people. Ho was a good citizen, and in his death the community naa sustained a serious lOSS. Ceorae Tnylor Absconds With 878. Sunday morning George A. Taylor ab. sconded with 973 belonging to J. B. Williams A Co., for whom he bad been working since January. Tayior's history during his stay In Macon hu been a checkered one with bat light shades to relievo the dark aqaares. It will be remembered tbat while employed with W. C, Turpin & Co. he was guilty of a highly ques tionable transaction, and had to leave the city, lie was afterwards arrested In South t>r dine and brought back and confined for for mractlmo lu the eonnty Jail. Following till-, iu January be Implicated himself in a scaudal that came near resulting In his mar rjing a young lady, well known la the city, tgaU n her f *tber T s wlihes. After this occur rence he wai employed by J. B. Williams A Co. to deliver beer and has been on the de- livery wsgou ever elnot until Sunday, when rather easier; middling uplands 613-16; mid dling Orleans6; sales 8,000 bales; (or specula tion amt export 1000; receipts 6,000—American 2,100. Futures dull. May and June...............................5 6 > 64(<4M-6I June and July —6 60^59 64 July and August « W August ami September . 6 4-*C<9 3-64 September ana October..**** 6 16Kfl 6 November and December, 5 51-64 2 P.x.-SsiN tnoluden 15.600 hsi'-s American, middlings uplands 51516; middling Orleans Futures dull. May, buyers - — *M64 May and Jane, buyers 6 54-64 June and Julv. buyers....**, 6 5MI July and August, buyer* **.562-64 August and September, buyers 6 i64 September and October, value. .*5 6S-64 October and November, seller*....5 67-64 November and December, sellers 6 51-64 December and January, sellers 5 51-64 4 r. n.—Futures closed steady. May, sellers * 5 55-64 May and June, sellers....**.*.**. 5 55-M June and July, tellers * 5 59 64 Inly and August, buyers **. 6 3364 August and September, buyere...*6 >64 September end October,buyer* .... 5 63 64 October and November, velue 6'4-64 November and December, value...* 51-64 December and January, value.... 6 6164 N«w Toax, May 6. nno.-t.—cottou steady; middling uplands 1013-16; mlddllug 11116. Futures market closed firmer; sales 48,900. The following table shows .no opening and oloalng quotations: June.*. Jnly.... Novel Wav of Opening a Correspondence- The following inscription appeared on an egg that was one of the number received per express at the European House yesterday "The young lady in whose hand this egg falls will please communicate with James 8. Cox* Ward's 8tatlon ” This is a novel way of open ing up a correspondence, and tbe sequel may prove that It la a romantic one. It is not as serted positively, but from our knowledge of theatersge Macon girl, we imagine that, in the event the egg were to actually "fall” into her band, tbe note the young man would re ceive would be anything but romant.c. In fact, it would be most unsatisfactory ia its na ture, and would be calculated to blight all rosy hopes previously entertained. The Catholic Bishopric. At Plo Nono College yesterday there wai held a very interesting meeting by twenty-one priests, representing every Catholic church In the 8tate. Father Bazin was chairman. The meeting unanimously adopted a resolu- -on favoring Father K. Cafferty, of Macon, for the bishopric of the Savannah diocese. Another resolution waa adopted ordering that a cable gram be sent to tbe Holy Father at Rome, ask ing Father Cafferty’a appointment as the choice of the pilests of tbe state. It Is possible that, should the Pope make Father Cafferty the bishop, some important changes will take place In the laculty i f Fio Nono College. Georgia Downs Canada. Owing to the recent sickness of Johnny Jackson, which unfitted him for riding jester- day, and the refusal of the owner of the horse to allow him to go five miles against Prlnco, the only feature of interest in tbe bicycle tonrnament waa the ten-mile race between J. H. Folhili. the Georgia champion, and Wm. J, Morgan, the champion of Canada. Mr. Pol- hill Is a flnelooklug and graceful rider, and bore the colors ol Georgia proudly and well. The race was hotly contested and elicited cheers from tbe crowd at every spnrt. Poihlll by tea yards. He rode a 40-pound "Vic- and Morgan a 23-pound Spaulding racer. —Augusta Chronicle, 6th. Stole Her Engagement Ring. Yesterday morning officer O'Pry arrested a email negro girl charged with stealing a ring and bracelet from Mrs. Hogan, who lives on the corner of Cherry and Fourth streets. On the way to the barracks, the girl confessed to so rejoiced to get it back that she refined to prosecute the thief. It was an engagement ring, and was bishly prized. The bracelet hu not been found. September.. October...... November., December *. January..... 0h*-h6 10.95-93 11.00-01 11 07-08 JO 82-83 :o 4.1-41 10 28-79 10.28-29 10.36-36 Death of Mrs. W. R. donee. Mrs. W. R. Jones, who was shot Friday by her husband, Engineer Jones, died last night at 9 o’clock at her house, near Beasely’s crow ing. Since the shooting she has been In an unconscious condition, and hat suffered in tense pain. Her right side was paralysed al most Immediately after the shooting; a high fever at once set In. Tbe chances for recovery were all against her, and after lingering be tween life and death, abe expired hut night precisely at the hour stated. Her fnnera! take place to-day. FINANCIAL. 1(0 j town with 176. coUeeted for ellvcred during the week. eft here with a young man named Mat- ■TOOKB AMD BONDB IN 1LA.COM, coaasenn by J. W, LOCKETT, Blow, MACON, May 2,16*6. investment securities dull but steady. Money m good demand, flifl BOXDJi Bid. Afifcefl Jjm. and July two pens. *-c u,v,i When the two reached Atlanta Taylor unbo*. orm-d himself ar.d told what he had done. He ul he w as going to the Exposition, and from him and left on the first train for Macon. T.iu polic e were promptly notified of the faet. and yesterday telegrams for his arrest were tiled to various points. Taylor h—been leadline a fast life 1st ly, and those who snow him will not bo turprlaed at ths announce ment It Is likely that his arrest will be ef fected. as the telegrams were tiled promptly and covered all Important points. Mietlng of the County Commissioners. Tho county commissioners met in regular session yesterday. Ia addition to routine work, business of Importance waa transacted. The appropriation of 921,000 asked for by the board of education was granted. This lean Increase of 91.&U) over the appropriation ol I year, the amount then being 92MHO. It l*L_„ mated that this amount will suable the board to conduct the schools during the entire scho lastic year ol !*»■>* 1 *<• . lection precinct of tbe Wart lor district wan changed from Warrior post-office to Burke ett’r store. . • l ho board refused to take action on thj hi .plication made to open a new road to if .im >u. it was decided to hold the matter tstf ■Bill the right-of-way should be granted! A. tiiin on the letttnfof the contract to fur- beating apparatus for the new jail waa postponed. Ths Sunday Morning Fire. The fire Sunday morning proved to be the residence ot Mr. Z. B. Wade, situated to the left of Cett r's Hill. In East Macon. Mr. Wade recentlt inrctaied the place, and was mak ing considerable improvements thereto. In order to watch it -at night he allowed three ofl the workman to sleep ia the house daring the I progress of tbe work. How the house caught fire la a mystery. It ts thought that before going to sleep one of the workmen threw a cigar among some shavings which were after ward fanned Intoh flame. Mr. Wade left the 1 city Saturday night to visit his wtfu who waa in Griffin and knew nothing of the fire until his return yesterday morning. The loss is covered by insurance. a H*«ro Woman Falla Dead. Sunday night about 8:3d o’clock, Harriet Borrows, a negro woman about forty years old, fell dead on First street in front of the res idence of Mr. T. B. A r to pc, while on her way to the colored Baptist church The alarm was given by tbe tiro daughters of tbe unfortnnate woman, who were with their mother at the time, end who filed the a<r with shrieks when they saw what had happened. Dr. J. W. Good- w)-n, who lives near by, heard the cries of the i ur .girls, and ran to the scene in time to r th*- stricken woman ask for sons cams its:® 4a.7a.UM, pons, mortgage Feb. and Aug. coupons.if 1 January ana July oon* tgage W. A A. K. S.***lf4 Id, quarterly cou pone **..31 VA M 4 S * Jan. and July ooupooi .Ah H U6tf cmr Bone. Macon ee, quarterly coupons...**, if5J< I Savannah 6a, quarterly coupons*..* 69 A Oolnmbua 6, quarterly coupon#...... *6 a? Atlanta H, quarterly oon pom...**. 19* io» tugustaCs *...***.* **...» 5 t'9 Wesleyan Female Cortege bends.. *.u 1 2M BAILXOAD BOYDS. Atlantic and Golf 1st mortgage. 1397, Jenaary and July coupons... 109 111 Jentral R. R. consol, mort., 7i, 1AW, Jan. and Jnly coupons ******* .110H 119 Jeorgla K. R. 6a, maturity 1697 U 17J2, Jaunary and Julycourons.*A‘4 ’IS Mobile and Girard endorsed 8 per cent. 9d mortgage, due DM *.***1CS 110 Moot. AEu.end. Cs,. 1st mort dne 1900, January and July oon torn*.ICS It* West. Ala. Is, 1st mort* due UH, April and October coupons ****.ltS 110 West. Ala. ?«, 2d more., due U90. Ad-ii and October coupons ****109 112 forthrottorn end. 7s, 1st mort* due Vav and Nor.coupons**** ‘3* 'UU Col. A Rome, end. by C. R. R..***.ldOJd 10i£ BABX STOCK, Itch ante Baa OepMelBauk,. Ointral Georgia Bank*****..***. lAO-MAO crocks. Augusta and Rav.Ts, guaranteed*. 11* lie Jentral ex-dividend*., ..**. 74 75 Oantrnl certificates.******.**..*- SOU h southwestern 7a.«uaranteed,es-dlvl)6H Hi Georgia Railroad ex-dividend.**- 148 If 0 “soon Gae Light and Wator clock, ea 66 anler House stock.****.. U 20H Markets br Telesranb. Nrw yoxx. May i.-Nooo—mocks active and Arm. «onev easy all. Mxchangr, ,<-r , UMH. wort 94A>K ^ neglected. Government bonds strong and firm. Averting.—kxenangs, HMli- AtBf; 1@1H- •ob-treaaurv balances: Golb 4138.676 uU .• rency 129,719.000. Government htvare generally uuchanged; 4 per cents. 122}£ 9 per centa *102?*. naif nouns negle ted. The following were tho mucin* *wotailoLt: Mobile A Ohio** Vi ash. A Chat “ J. 0.1 ac.. lata*.. N. Y. Central S.H •Htng 107-16; net receipt* 74’ rmt* 74; sales 253; stock 9,7C9: exports, coastwise 630. NoaroLB. May 6 -mhu. u steady; min- d in* W<M6;uoi receipts 58, gross 58; sales 41; stock 4154. WiLMiiteTOB, May 6.—Gotten quiet; mid- ding 10*4; net receipts l. gross lr saloa 0; stock 716; exports, to Great Britain 625. QtAVsififAH, May 6—Uouuu steady; me aling 1014; net receipt* 84, gross 84. sales 00; •took 7510; exports, coastwise 500. Naw ukj.kank, May 6.—«*rtUm firm; miming 1094; net receipt 99, gross 299. sales 1500; stuck 116,520; exports, coastwise 4708. Mobxlb, May G.-Cotton firm; middling 10 5-16. n*t receipts 1 gross 1; sales 40; stock 16,251: exports, coastwise 83. M kvntib, May C—Cotton steady; middling 1094; net receipts 188; shipments 573: G50; stock 29,432 W Augusta, May 0.—Cotton quiet; middllny 10*4: receipts 11: sales 00. ■GHAtLievroN, May 6.-Gotton quiet; m<n uilDg 1094; net receipts 17 sros* 17; 25; stock 5448; exports, coastwise 199. CITY MANKKTf. Ubats.—Market steady. Tue uemand Is fair. Stacks are much rednod. Wo quote: Bacon—sides 794c; shoulders 6V4. Bulk meat*— sides 7; shoulders 594 Hamr Ua'194, as to sise *,nd Quality. hi bd.—Market quiet and steady, stock sm ile. We quote: in tleroos and tubs 8J4(4o: 1C b pails 994*. 5 lb palls 9*4: > W palls lu; Lou- svlllo kettle rendered, tierces 9}4. Buma.—Market steady and woll stocked; ileomargarlne ‘.OiSSjinewMay gilt edge 26a28c; croamerv 99O0r: oonntnr wtamo* Tenn»«»^* -C a22; market overstocked with country butter- quality poor. cmot.—assorted, 1b boxes 10lOo, barrel! S 'ooi:s Bnr.-Cooked, lib 12,00; i R>. W.OO. 7loub.—Strong and in gooo aemana. Mar ket advancing. «vo quote: Common M.6T; family 14.75; »*Ttr* family 16.02; fancy 95.26a 5.50: patent $6.25 46.50, L*r.r Goons.—The market la quiet; demand moderate; stocks araplo. We quoth: Prints 4*4 *6V4c; 9i Georgia brown shirting 5o; M do 5Hc 4-4 brown situ-Ung 694o; white oanaburgt 8 4a Corras.—Tbs market Is qnlct and steady; ohotcc llal*94"’ good UJ4\V^ • msmutn 0*4 4 ltr- rotnmci 9<al0\ Tubkiiw—TAfifaS.OO per bbl. Obioms.—Yellow and tea K.OOaS.26 per bbl. Wax-72 to 94c. UaiBi) Pbacbbs—Strictly No. 1 peeled So t»t> pound. Seed Potatoes.—Faatera stock 92.75 per bbL Fault.—Bar ana*, red, ll.OCaL&O per bunch yellow CLOOaS^u. Cabbaok—9 to 11 centa per head, Ricb.—Firm. Good 8c; prime CHo; taucy it. Starch.—Refined pearl boxes Bo; do. 1 D b)xea 6c. Armts.—In moderate demand, Fancy stool 94 50*5.00. uajuteia.—Market well supplied. Demand light, •'•oftoa stock exhausted. H abdw a as.—Mar x et nrm. Mcrso shoes |t.< per keg. Mule shoes 16.00. Iron bound basnet tJ.50ai.00. Trace ohalna 40afi0o per pair. Aue* snovcls 111.00 oer dot. Plow noes «a6o p*» Tb. Halman’s plow stocks 91.26. Axes 97.0* 8.00 per dos. Cotton cards 94J0. Wall bucket* 14.25. Cotton rope l6a20o per Ih. Swede lion 5a.5|4o per refined UXUopn lb. Flew steel 5c t er H. Nails >2.50—basis ot IC^d. Fowccx |5.00 per act. Elasungpowder 12 75, Le*d>e jerjfc, Dtopshct tl ftpcrbsf, BarlxyJ wire on •. -Market firm and in good data and. sia* nalfiOoCOc; West Virginia black l7e: lard ou 70c; cotton aeed 60; headlight 17a20o; kerosene .'•o: oeataioot 7Sc: machinery >5a40c; Un*<Hd tsaTlo; mineral seal Ho: cot ten sood reensc CHixik.- Market Is qnlct; demand light, stocks ample. Wo qnoU: EuU cream He lower grades 12al>o Hinas, wouu arc.—Bide*—rocetpu Ugm dry flint 8al2; salted >*10. Wool nomine* '** washed Luisc: washed llt22i; burry 6 10 Wax uorf’Zto. Tallow 5a Pick lbs.—Pints il^u: quarts 12.93; half tar leis. plain and mixed, 97 00, Nm.-Tei — oess paper i Naples —: pecans veoannta 940*45 per 1000. Raisisii.—Fair demand; market steady; tow layers 9X50 per box; now London layers 4X71 per box; loose muscatels 91.00. Lxquoaa—Rye 9i.6uaa.cA. aourbon 91.00*5.a redistilled rye and oorn 41*1.10, gin and rua 91.05*1.75, N C corn 91.80, peach and app 1 92.0Ca2.75. causes win® II 26,port sn ~JMa8J6, cherry and flora French brandy 99.96a6.7S. d.i 10.00. Lard lower at 96.60aS.C5. Whisky steady 0161,14. Louisvilli, May 6.-Grain firm but dull: Wheat—No 2 Locgberry 4 Do; No 2 red 11.U\ Core steady : No 2 u.ixe<t 64; No 2 white C6. Oats-No i mixed 40>4. Provialona flak Pork—mesa 912.26. Bulk meats shoulder* 14.50, clear rib sides 96.00. clear aides |6 35. Bacon dull -shoulders >5.00. clear ribs <6.to. clear aides 97.00. Hams—Httgar cured I10.U) alo.60, Lard-cholce leal 98.25, prime steam •7.00. NbwYobx, May 0-Flour-eoutheru quiet, euy: oommou to fair extra 94.25 4 90 «nod to choice extra I5.25a5.95. Wtie«i spot *4*1 higher: ungraded re<l 8^*99. ungraded wrute 91.00; No 2 red May 98 , /4a9to0, June 9914*11 ol. Corn, spot a fraction bl her. uugra<Ud red 55a 57, ungraded white 58; No 2 red May 55; , i.66, Juue >5^*56%. Oata closed a shade higher: No 2 mixed cash s0*40J4. Hops quiet and unchanged: new *0a£> lair to choice 10* 17 Coffee, spot fair Rio dull st 98.12U, No 7 it te apot (6 60, May 96.25*635. bug»< dull and unchanged: Barbadoes 4)4, centrilugsl 6>4, Ban Domingo 6H. French Islands Martinique 464x7-16, Pernambuco 41.V16 English islands 4a4}{, Muscovado 4 9-16* Porto Rico A% moiuws sugar fait to *o>m. refining 413 it>a41516; refined quUt-< 4‘4»*?* extra c 474*6 whtn extra C 6>-16a^4. yellu 4 7-16*474, off A 5^ >4. mould a 6, ►tauast Ms. oontectloners a ojg, nrnsh^t . 74, cm loaf W',*fr>4, powdered A 6 8-16 614. .raru'ated 61-16, cubes 6 9-16. Mot »»unchanged: NVw Orleans 40*53, Cuba (50-ios. ret,i.mg. 18 Rico steady: domestic 47i*' ^. rangoot* «H- Cottonseod oil steady at 4214*85; orude 3Ja41. Pork quiet, steady; mess, -i-h 91150*12 62^- Middles dull: long clear *6.62 4. Lartt ojmued 'Jat higher, receded, closed weak: Western steam spot 97.06a7.0774, May <7.06a7.0J. Fretsni* to Liveipool per steamer steady: cotton Ud. wheal 8»4d: Baltimore, May 6.—Flour, high grades lower Howard street and Western 014.1 Ji - <3 0s 4.00. extra 94.10a4.50, family |4.65s5 25 Clt Mllia superfine 0.50*3.75. extra 94t0.t4 25 rlo brands 15 00, Pstspsco family 16.60 superlative patent 96.2V Wheat—flootiiert quiet and firm; Western higher, closed quiet: Southern red Si 03at.06. do am bo- ll.10al.12 M 1 Maryland 91 C6al 06)4: No 2 Western winter red spot 97J4a98. Coin—Southern white firmer; Western lower: Bouthem white 59a60; do yellow 57*68 New Orleans, May 6.—Ftour unchanged: family 93.60a3.75, nigh grader ♦tvzfia.v**. Corn firm and qnlet: mixed 64; yellow 6>, whltoTi. Oata quiet: prime Western 44. Rs> scarce and steady: prime 916.00*17.00, oholc* 818.50. Pork steady and nnchangod at 917.7.' Lard qnlet: tiercos (refined) 99.00, keg 89 fl Bulk meats qnlet and nnchanged: shout ders, packed, 87.37H. long clear 89.71), cleat rib 99.70. Bacon quiet and unchanged ahonldera 98.00, long clear $10.26, dear ri\ aides 910.26. Hams—choice sugar-cured quiet choice oanvasaod 9l8.50alt.76. Whisk? stead' and enchanted: Western rectified 91 06’o*i 25. Coffee steady: Rlo (cargoes) common t* prim* 7s9?4. sugar quiet and steady: common to common 4V4a4J4. yellow clanfleo 6Ua Molasses unchanged: common to good common 17*22, prime to choice 26*33 Mr* steady Louisian* ordinary to prime «74<t694 Brat, quiet at 91.07al.10. Cotton set- on unchanged: primo crude 81, aummer yellow 88%*39. THE SCIENCE OF LIFE. 0NLYS1 By final) Post-Paid. KNOW THYSELF. k Great Med cal W< rk cn Mash od, Fxbauited Vitality, Nervous and Physical Debility, Premature Decline in Man, Errors ot Voutb, and the untold miseries resulting from indiscretion or excesses. A book for every «, young, middle-aged and old. It contaius prescriptions for all acute and chronic dls ases. each one ol which is invaluable. 80 fouud by tho tnthnr. whose experience for twenty three years is such as probablv never before fell to the lot of any physician. 300 pages, bound in beautiful French rousliu, em- bossed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a finer work in every sense—mechanical, liter- -xv and professional—than any other work old in this country for $2.50, or the money will be refunded in every Instance. Friceoaly 91 by mail, post-paid: Illustrative sample 6 cents. Bend now. Gold me^al awarded the author by the Natlonil Medical Association, to the President of which, the Hon P. A. Rlssell, and associate officers of tho Board the reader ‘ 1 respectfully referred. The Science of Life should be read 1 y the young for instruction, and by tho afflicted (or relief. Tt will benefit all.—London Lancet. There is no memb* r of society to whom the Science of Life will not be usefuL whether youth, parent, guardian. Instructor or clergy man.—argonaut. Address the Peabody Medical Institute, or - W. H. Parker, No. 4 Bill finch street, Bos- , Mass., whomsy be consulted on all dis eases requiring skill and experience. Chronic and obstinate diseases that have baffled the skill of all other physicians a 1 r V A T sue clalty. Such treated success 1*1 TjA J Jfully without an instance of fall mir VO T TjI ure. Mention tm.paper, ill I blilLF Claw A. 2101m. >7 Olu. B. S. U > Georgia 6a. M .. MM .*l0l is. 7a, mortgage. 104! 3 si. Carolina..™ » **. Carolina, now 18 Funding............ 10 A O. Brown eon.. 107 rennesse* 4a 44 'irpuUh •» “consolidated, as the*, and Ohlo.„ Chicago A North. do. preferred 8up*ri7r Court. Tbe Hnperior Court waa eogaged yesterday ta bearing tbe cue of J. II. Rom vs. ths East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia railroad. All vteuetlwooy waa takes and the argument completed, and at a late hour in tne afternoon ths ease was glvoa to the Jury. The amount •t damtee* clsDmed ia fw.ooo. The injury •eosU^.1 of a broken ana and was su»uin*d by theplsinUff while coupling rtn in the jard* ol the roU la this c«F ia it*L Richmond A Al.. Rich. A Dsn™ Rich. AW.P. T„ Rook Islands... 112*4 & COMMERCIAL. brandy 92.0Ca2.76. caUwba bnm7y Mo^jo! Fnmch I m«wtlo brandy tL46*2.00. Limb, Oalcihxd Plajttbb ahd osmbut.-ab bama lump lime la in fsir demand, and la aed line at 41. tfial.26 pot bbl; Georgia 9L20al.‘A Calcined plaster 92.75a3.00 per bbl; hair 40aN)f Georgia cement 82.00; Louisville and Rosen dale cement 9L90aX00: Portland oeneat 18.76s {K Brauv.—Market bare ol Florida and n*or(is syrup*; New York sugar 90a40o; Now Orison* wuesaa—The market is firmer and btgbei crushed 7$4c; powdered 7He: grannlated 69ftr“ A 894*69(0; white extra C67ac; yellow < Vit. 'JSAi^.—ooru—market Ann; a took tally) good milling corn 7>c hy ear lots. 80, imalllou: mixed cornftfiaceu. Oata-good ht mand and higher; we quote: Western 62i5 Georgia ruat-piooC 70; Texas nut-proof 62afi6c; if at.-The market higher, good demand; *• quote at whole—le; western timothy 9L25 ■mail lota 9L5X Bibb County Sheriff Sales. GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY-WIU be »oM before tbe court homo do r, lu tbe clt, of M«- con. In the count, of Bibb, on the flrtt Toe>• d.y In.June, 18*5, durto* tho leiul hours of Mle.the following property, to-wit; Put tf - 7. in block fc», irootlugoo O.k ttreet, In citrol Macon, .djolnlug Mr.. C. J. Thom- , bounded one side by an alley running om Oak itreeL Also a part of lot No l. In square 3, southwest common, sltn- a ed on the corner of Gilmer and Bay streets. Also a part ot lots Nos. 1 an«l 2, lu square 3, southwest commons, between Divis- j and Gilmer streets, bounded by property Mrs. A. A. Menard and Bibb Manufacturing Company. Levied on as the property of J. L Kennedy by virtue of and to satisfy a 11 fa Is sued by W. A. * right, comptroller-general of • K “ State of Georgia, against H. * “ i. ' ti .*5°U?S tor J l,l V“ B«cufities, A .. Wl - lins, J. E. E:lls, Wm. P. Goodsll, M. Loh and L. Kennedy. Also at the *ame time and place that parcel f land in the city of Macon on the northeast coruer of Bond and College streets, fronting «"»*'ro or less on college street and ad- property of J. Madison Jones aud _ck 155 feet more or less ou Bond street. Levied on the property of w, p. Good- to satis! ythe la* t above described 11 fa. Iso at the same time and place part of lot in iquare 22, northwest commons,front- feet more joinlog the. running bad Absolutely Pure. Tbli pcTilcc n«»or rules, A iuniiot K it;, it/enRtb and TrholeaonicncM. re economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be told In competition with the multitude of lowteet, thort weight, aide or phoephate powdere. Sold only in coni. Botal BiKixa Powdki Co., 106 Wall etreet New York. Tbit powder cen be bought et 8, H. Jacques, corner 4th and Cherry street., Macon Go. Ludden & Bates Southern Music House Converted into an Incorporated Stoc< Company, with $200,- 000 Paid in Cash Capital. THREE TREMENDOUS PURCIIABE8 FOR THIS SEASON'S TRADE. $50,000 Wodfa of Chickcnnf Pianos at Or.a Purchan 920,000 Worth ot Imported MusltV Merchandise at One Pur* chase, 75,i00 Pieces of Sheet Music at One Purchase. Read this, musicians and muslo lovers. Bus iness has ruehed ns the past y«sr so that we could not post yon, as usual, through our ad vertisements. and to make amends, we here gives fow solid facta well worth taking in. Ludd»n A Bat— Southern Music House is.. household word from the Potomac tn hhe Klo Grande. Who has not heard of U7 It la ~ Mammoth Muslo emporium, from which _ solid musical South draws its supplies. Eleven large branch houses and over 2UO wide-awake agent# distribute ita goods through every Southern State, and its yearly sales are nearly bait a million dollars. Founded fifteen years since on the solid red rock of large capital, enterprise and square trade. It has stood, unshaken, amid financial panics, pestilences, cyclones aud fires, and to ensure its permanency for generations to come. It has been incorporated aa a Co-opera tive Stock Company, with a paid up cash capi tal of 9JU),(00, which i« owned solely by the officers and employe*. The officers are: W. Ludden, president; J. A. Bates, treasurer and manager, and J. D. Murphy, secretary. Pair ms are, therefore, aa safe ludeallua with this house ae with any bank, and need have uo fears as to the permanency, responsi bility or guarantees. It is solid. Now notice TRADE ITEMS FOR 1884-85 More Plano« and organa sold yearly t! r all other Southern dealers combined . 0,000 worth of Chlckering Pianos bought a one purchase in IXtobT last. Largest pur- var made by any Southern house, bargains. Elegant Pianos only $210, chase ev< Special b with ban . ■tractor and Music Book. Organs^ 924, '$60, 876, 9100, with Stool, Instructor and Moalc Book. All freight paid. Easy Installment GRAIN AND PROVISION MARKETS BV TELEGRAPH. Ckicaoo, May 6.—Flour qui to choice spring extra 83.2—1 . . _. bakers’ a.T»4tf. Wheat opened active and unsettled and dosed Vi higher than yesterday: eltmtdy&tl hither then yetterln: rub I'S* 47J4, May l' 1 ialaM, June Jaly 47*» 49M. OU< opened Urm and elauf bleb, rtbaa ulnr and dosed easier: cash 91190*11.26, May 11.40 Lard qnlet and . firm and nnebanced; >und.:; A : \cat loal7a>M (rannlaledtKMK. CncmnATi, May «—Flour t4.4M4.tt. wneu Cower; *a> uked. oorn weak; No 1 mixed Kti/tSOi. O.te eteedy: No t mlxwl ». Pork weaker M.cox, May «- Crain,. L rerponi reported Ibe market quiet and rttber Miter et 5IMM ter mlddllt, upland. Ulee, t.OOO bate, ruturu cloud itudy. In Mew Tore future contract, opened •teedy at U.72 tor May and cloud Inner at Halu, 44,SCO balu. ■pou In Mew TorX opened Ann it Ml»l< and cloud Ermer at U U-ll tor mlddlis, up. lande. taler,-AM balu. narrow mammtm ,r nununi UnoraoL. May « -M0OB.-CUWO qulet.ad lr: hi It ill 6iH«ll.75. Lard culrrprtme—— >67Sa&70. dote mute aalet; .bo.Idem ssz •but Mur 17.00. Hotel taur mud qdM land unchanged at I1X>». Hour In mod demand: bun mined) t'.iSJikn ortea-i. Bern wukienmuaaudlUbt 0.40a 4n iwekln. and bolcbui' 44.001400. Wblaky ■teady at M.U. Br. Lot-la^M.y E—Floor doll, euy; family to U0.410. Wnu! opened weak and cloud U a 1 ,4 lower Ik*, yeetrrdar: Mo J red cub tofu al.Oilt May to u?;»l ol. June to.<n!4al (09t tor. opened mm, claecd MX hl«h.r than j. -t. Hal mixed run iVt.iv., May 4V..f.u, Oau cloud 6m and elaw: Mol nlatd caab KHUTte, May MoU'4. Piaftetone dull and wa.a. Poik-Job leu, cub toUb. hoik aute doll, lower—ur leu. Ian, Mur to to ihon rtkaton ebaei c ur u.aa Beau —loo, clear WjONAW, iter. Rts MJUA uon dear toa7HM.Mt Hour quiet at IMk d.ied Corn, Wool, and we will ure you fJojSb worth ol Imported Muilcal Mercan- MfinSSS r.M r e, w V uld .pp,l«Mon .bon L d »q. be'Enu,’ - - from Ibe Matey Ory.n Co., Atlanuu Oa., u "“"'to ane-h.lt the co<t ol Importallan. Immenu bargains now oflered retail buyers. Accor deoua, 75 cents each: Richter Harmonicas, * A cenu: Banjos, 91; Violin* $1; OoltantS; ' ganlnl lulian Htrings. 90 cents each, 75 ct per set; Clear Grit Italian, 15 cents, 60 o prrset: Orgulnettes, with 5 tunes 96. Privilege ofl return or exchange riven goo«la are not satisfactory. Revised Catalogue Jaunary 1,1885, free to ell. Cheap Music Depot. 75,000 pieces of 8heet Music, bought at one purchase, offered at only ten cents a copy. Ail new and best music, asm* as usually sold tor SO cents to 91.50 per piece. Bend for a catalogue of Ten Cent Mu sic. Don’t send North for Cbeap Moalc. This la headquarters. All musical reduced rates. Come on, buyers, we are with yon every time in prices. Wo know how to buy, bow *- —11, end bow to please. Times are bard, a money must buy more goods than ltoaed The moat for the money can always be had et LUDDEN & BATES’ SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE, SAVANNAH. OA. REASONS Win: ton**. udjolnlD, th property of A. B- Foiquber end Au,0.11]. Harvey. Lar on u the properly ot J. E. EUte to itttely the last above duerfbed 6 fa. Alioattbcs.matlmoand place pert of lot ~ *. ,n ■quote 24, [routing on Mulberry et, aud adlolnln. o. V. Bwllt, W. B. Johu- .on aud otheia. Ateo pattol lot So. 4. lu iquare56,aoutbwett common.,bounded lu part by Johnson end Columbu. .tract, and Macon and Worn railroad and adjoining A. Y. Ad.miou and »r«. A. M. Wtlke-. Levied on - Hbo property ol M. Loh to utlify laid above AlfO, at the ixme time and place, part of lot 65. froutlux CO feet on Spark, street and rtlu* nln, back one hundred and .evenly feet to aa allay Alio part of lota one(l) and two (2), block .evenly, two (75) corner ol Pine and New streets, In the city ol Macon. Lerlad on .. tbe property of A. P. Collin, to tatl.fr laid lost above described tl. fa. Property polntel out by plaintiff-* attorney. Ateo. at tne eome time and place, the Inter- eet ol C. W. Morrell In parcels of land belnx part ot lot No 5 1lu tbe 4lb district ol ..Id county, contnlnln, 10 acres and bounded a. follow, on the north by land of D. 8. lmdioux, on tbe cut by public road, ou the soutn by land, of J. A. Whitesides, on tbe west by lands of t.'arloss estate; uld land held by eaid Morrell under baud for title from U L Birdsong, and pari of pun-base money baring been paid by uld Morrell, who la In posses slon Levied on as tbe property ol c. W. Mor rell to unify a a. fa. Issued Irom Ju.tlce court 550 district G. M. In favor J. W. Bbinbolser r.C.W. MorrelL Alio, at the same time and place. I w IU sell the following described prop, rly, which wu lcvlt d on by tbe bybijr county court under aud by virtue of an execution Issued from laid court In favor ol George K. Barker against J. B. Arlopc, trustee ol bis wife 4. M. Anope, and ol hfe children, T- B. Arlopc, It A Hiiycsi w. H. Artope and B. J. Arlopc, and which lerywu returned to me. Tne laid property levied on u the trust estate of said K rsuu above named, and which le described ■aid execution, being as follower One lot £0 feet fronton Third street aud tuning back 1<» lent to John Knight's lot, being pen ol lot No. ft In square 54 In tbe city olMicon; * one lot Istlng potto! lot No. 5 la iquoral... ■aid clsy. 50 ml front on Tblid street and 105 feet front on Plum etreat on tba northeast comer of sold lot, and balng tbat formerly oc cupied by J. B. Artope u a marbla yard; alia nineteen acres In tba 4th district ol uld county In Urn Macon reserve, on wbleh told J. B. Artope formerly resided, and morn lull] described In det ds recorded In tbe offloe ol clerx ol Hnperior court ol said county in book "H" folio u.'4 and book -N’’ folio 290sod ?. to which reference 1- hereby made. G. 8. WKdTCOlT, Sheriff Are the Leaders and Controllers of the WE ARE WIDE AWAKE I KEEP THE BEST GOODS i BUY OUR GOODS RIGHT! HAVE UNLIMITED RESOURCES I SATISFIED WITH SMALL PROFIT'? AND FEAR NO COM PETITEOT^ SIMPLY IMPOSSIBLE Say the people, for Lyone & Cline have clipped the wiuxs'ni n,™..,,,. ■trains ol their loir orlcoa atm vibrate, and tbe coho ha* MnefiXi!} 0 ,?". Tlie ,W(cl . palbetlo While upon trie Alpine belgbta ibo rose, bloom. Lyone d^’oiliJa'uaSlP evcr i' hui '*c'i ld beco w mpciuor.fM! te.njoy It. whtlc we. the publ % the father) •o“kn(®w O .h?.”* t 0 l i\ h uTyoQs r i W |mi 1 e“s°bu"{u!“ k j2u , t ^ ,l ' L ' rcll 7 of tbodoll* r ,of yard, good Calicoes at 2?J an l 8c. per yard and beautllul White £!Sf at L fc Sifyi* 101J 3c- pef en°tbey*sco fw^smallsum^ht’c^mgrdtT^Ther’longing! *Thte^week 1 w^m'.k" 11 .sVicl'll 1 ’ 1 ’^ White Goods, Laces and Embroideries, 5,000 yards flgired Lawns st 2 and 3c. 6,(00 jrardi of good i.allco*i at 2& and So per yard. 5 000 yard* of vard-wldu Abevtlng at 51, worth 8c. 4.000 yard* of yard-wl^e Bleaching at 5c. n^r yard. 7.5 Pscce* or figured Dress Goods at 4\jn.. wortn 8c f!i pieces o( Twnled Caohmer-s. new Mhs'les. at 10c. 70 pieces of Bmc4ded Dress Goods * VJU, worth vOc. 150 dozen Utdaundrled Shirti st25, 87& 6>, 75 and 93c. 60 dozen Ladles’ Lisle Thread Gloves m le, worth 25c. The month of May U the month for picnics. As this season has h#*en ^ chickens are not quite ripe, but then there are other things Jmt *• esremUlfflatiifSh^^ 8 the little ones hat>py. and especially the girls »uch as White Oo»»t* L-iceiamt” aud f lh « »'»And the bet stock lu Middle Georef.* ^ Meries, 5.000 jsrds of Ton hon Lsces at lc. per yard. * 2 600 yards Torchon Laces st 5c i»er yard, worth fc. 760 yards of Torcnon Laces st 6f4c., last week 9c. 1,00) yards of Torchon Laces at 8c , l**t week 1(K in addition to tnesewe have about 201 piccesof very fine Torchon Lac*»f with match, which will be offered at prices lower than tb*s- goods have ever b^ert s.Vld f? r nLfL? (We are overstocked In Torchon Lace# and want to unload •. Received wh-l-nl? re ’ ul and Egyptian Ljoes from % Inch to 42 Inrhea wide at uuapproachable l mfcHiI oJr < l^ aro'very h.tifi?ome < in!^irop I ulsr. f ° r -N«row P lL.s „g I)B9% &SS; Laces is the largest in the State and lower thin tha eowest. uckol GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.-WherMB.Hsn ry B. Davis has made application for letters of Manshlp of tho pertou and property * r a. Pope, Jr., sod Marvin . P. Pope, o nor children of of Henry A. Pope. This is to cite end admonish all persona concerned to bo sod appear at the court of or dinary of said county on th* first Monday in June next, to show cause, if any they can,why ■al 1 application thonld not be granted. WltuusH my baud and official •tgmture, l May 1, 1886. J. A. McMANUB, my* l*w4w Ordinary. GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY-Where-. Mary Jane Robinson bai made application! for let ters of admluUiretlnn on tbe estate of Daniel Rot luson. lateot »ald county, dece cd. This la to cite and admonish all persons con' certied to be and appear at Ure Court of Ordl< nary of —id county on the first Monday in Juiso next to show cans*. If any they have, why said application should not be grauted. Witness tny band aud official signature. my h« Ibis May 1.1885. m>2 law4«* Jgneti J. A. McMaNL'8. Ordinary. LYONS 8l CLINE, LEADERS AND'CONTROLLERS, ilACON, (IBIfflN AND Mil,I EDGEfli LE, ,cE , Dr.SALMON’S u -Hog cholera specific! CH1C.KFN Pnw/nPD _ curm nmimm < CHICKEN POWDER. - SHEEP POWDER. * CATTLE POWDER, - CONDITION POWDER. 23 * • /PREVENT&CURE HOG CHOLERA. YA/c- r* Am J DESTROY* PREVENT HOG LICE&WORMS WE CAN <CURE CATTLE MURRAIN.TEX AS fiWs MAN Up.. |CURE CHICKEN CHOLERA & GAPES. AC ^Drn dy ICURE: SHEEP ROT.TAPE WORM.&e ^dby thcVETER|narymed1C)NE; c? Ttarn NASHVILLE,TENN. ULBCULAR3 ", koknalkby FLANDERS BRrTHERS, 0800EU IN WA0ON3.ODAN03 anl FARMERS* BUPPl IKf, MACON, OA. f jj, M 4Ut 4 '* Guardian’s Sale. nouH uuor, m mo l-iij ui hkuu, iu vuuii t , on tbe flr*t Tuesday in June neat, bd *ee th* leg*l h .urs of sale, one uu tvtdvd one- seventh intere t in tbe dower lauds of Mrs. Keith Canos*, widow ol William Csr'ois. both l to of said county, dece—ed; said laud situ ated in tbefourtti district of nrlglna’ly Knits- ton, now Bibb county, contslning one htttt- dred acrea more nr less, and known as the Carlo— lands—bounded on the north by the lands of 8. b Peacock and W. G. lisidv, ou Utoe—tbyj). L Hlr-wng and J. A. White- side*, on Ure south hy John Lane—ter. ou the west by tbe lauds of J. T. Cherry end James Tiniey. cold — tbe property of OWie B. and 'o.-btia J. Tlulvy. miuor children of J. W. Hu ey, deceased. Terms cash. J. J. T1NLRY, Guardian of OUie B. and Joshua J, 'Unity. mj51aw4w QUEEN:SOUTH PORTABLE FARM MILLS Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY—Under and by virtue of an order from the court of ordinary of said couidy will be sold before the court houso door lu tbe city of Macon, tn »*<d c utt ty, on the (list Tuesday lo June next Iwtween the legal hours of sale, part of lot of laud No. 5, in squared. I the city of Macon, In said county, ou which le situated one two story frame Uweill g and other outhouses. Mold as the propertj of Mrs. A. L. Foster, 1st* of §«id county decease*!, for divlslou amunge heirs of said Mrs. A. B. Foster, dare Terms cash. J. A. F03TKI m 6 law-la* AGENTS ISTRAUB MILL CO. i IM OYtll, 0. Coopltte & Cheap FUr Iifi Os'-lU. 80H0FIELD A SON, ld°,tn Agenta, Mncon, Gfl. IVtMl U - DR. SCOTT’8 * DR. 8COTT. 042 Hr istd I. A. FOSTER, Admioistrator. GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY-Whereas W. Gottolall, executor oi tho estate of Robert .. MeKvoy, late of said county, deceased, hits made application for letten of diamlssiuu front said estate. 1 • n.i « « This U to clt* and admonish all persons I rented *tobc and* * ”* at the ^ e f said rotiutr, four we**x* a'ter date here- ujAtyon the first of, at tho Juue term, oi said court, to show GEOROIA. BIHB COUNTY-Wh re—. L.N. Whittle applies for letUrs of admluirration on the estate of George W. Carpenter, dece—ed, lata of the State of Pennsylvania, aud bavlcg property lu said date and county. This is hi cite and admoulab all persona con* * appear at the court of ordlne- r , four w Monday in Juue next to show cauae, if any they can, why said application should not be granted. ""‘tiers iry hand and official signature this n6th, 1—5. J. A. McMANUS, Ordluery. GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY—Whereas, Mary C. Hmlth. administratrix of the estate of Jo seph B. Rmtth, has made application for let ters of dismission from said estate. This Is to cite «nd admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at the Court ot Ordinary of said county on the first Monday in June next to show cause, if any they can, ^ppiidijoQ should not be granted. my hand and official signature this March 6th. 1885. marTlamSm* J. A. McMANCS, Ordinary. from said estate. This is to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at the court of or dinary of—id county ou tbe first Monday In Jnly next to show cause. If any they can, why ■aid application should not be granted. 'U canee. II any they ran, why sold app-lcall n .bnuld not ■ e gutted. Willie., roy uand and offlclal .Ixnalnre, thte May 4, IIW5, 1. A. McMAN US, m>51aw4ir Ordinary. HABIT l/.M ‘—vg BEST IS CHEAPEST.” . ..iHHFSHERS " ’ (loirrHsL ro K MEN s IWUntHP thU April 3. IV ■ apr4 law 3m* itgae J. ▲. McMANUH, Ordinary. GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY-Wbereas, Mat tleF. Fannin,gita-dianof B P. Walker, minor, has made application for leave to sell the real estate belonging to —id minor. This Is to cite and admonish all persona con cerned to be and appear at the Court of Or dinary of said county on tbe first Monday In Jo* # next to show cause, if any they eaa, why said application should not be granted. Witness my hand and official signature this *my2aw4w* J ' ** Mc,IA1,U8 • 0r ^ lniir 7’ GEOROIA, BIBB COUNTY-Where—, A. D Riddle, guardian of the person and property of John A , Leila A., LeltaL and LeonG. Rid die, mtnora. has made application fori—ve to sell the real estate belonging to said mi nors. ffiThls is to cRe and admonish all persons concerned to be and eppeer at court of ordi nary of said county on tbe first Monday In June next to show cause, if any they esn, why —Id application should not be granted. Witness my hand and official signature, this May 1. IMS. J. A. McMANU8, my2 law4w* Ordinary. GEORGI A BIBB COUNTY.-Notice is here by given to ell per ons concerned that J. t\ Thom—, late of said county departed this life utestate, end no person b— applied for administration on the estate of —kt J. C. Thomas, In said Htate. tbat administration will be vested in W. W. Cara—, county ad ministrator, or some other fit and proper per* son, after the publtcaUos t f this citation un less valid objection la nude to his appoint- menu vn lines* my hand and official signature thie May 1. 1585. mylllawsw J. A. Mr MANUS, Ordinary. ARDISARY * OFFICE, Jow— Co., Ga^ May VJ 1.1M5.-Wbereas. R. V. Hardeman applli a to me for the adminUtration on estate cf M — rots orace on or o next, if any they ha^ be granted. Given and— mv h A LL WHO WOULD LIKE TO MAKE LARGE ; roflu from moderate amounts of money through operations in railroad stocks and stock privileges will receive very Important information by writing to 81DNKY GUTHRIE A.CO., 48 Broad street, New York city. spr?8dltAw9f 0 BDINAll’8 office. Crawford county, Geor gia.—LsFsjcrte Kelsey b— applied tor ex emption ofpers uality. end retting aoert ant valuation of homestead, and I will p*se upon the same et 10 o’c ock a. m. on th • l- .h day ot May, 1888. GEO. U SAWYER, Ordinary. April 20,1155. apr24dU*w2t s .OUR ILLUSTRATED CATALOCUE FOR I88S, OF “EVERYTHING FOR THE CARDEN.’ ■ mi ullinww{lS^ < lhtt^tt&L W> aleM>hhasslteh>ds| to oxter poassge (S ctau). Te cessaewrevd lest seasMicst freewhhsWspplkaOa* PETER HENDERSON Sr, CO., 33 A 37 CORTLANDT STREET, REV/ YORK