Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, May 22, 1885, Image 1

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Weekly Telegraph and Messenger. Established 1826. A SERIOUS HITCH I THE ANCLO-RUB8IAN FRONTIER NE GOTIATIONS. criilih Troop* on tha Wot Home Stop- 00O nt Al-xandrln—Speech*■ by the Tory Leadera-ChoUrtt Reaooenrs In France. LOMOR. Msy 20.—In the Homeo! Com- moos to-day bir Arthur Divett, finauciol secretory In the war office, announced that tbebrigadpof Gnarda, now on their way home from fcuakim, had been ordered to itop at Alexandria, in case ol circum- stances rendering It desirable to farther detain them in Egypt. They had not, botrerer, been ordered to disembark at AI £k*3 K 'announcement has occasioned much gosiip in the lobby of the House. It is believed that the detention of the Guards Sr Alexandria can only be explained by connecting it with the delay in the setUe- m , n t of the Afghan question. Mr. Gladstone, in the Mouse of Coon- mins this afternoon, gave notice that be would introduce a land purchase bill for ^Tbe House of Lords has passed the registration bill. tub bosphobe matter. The papers relating to the suppression of tbs Bopbore-Egyptian at Cairo, by the Khedive's government, with the krowl- edge and consent of England, were laid before Parliament this afternoon Thev conclude with a letter from Lord Lyons, the British minister at I*Aris. The letter is dated at Paris, April 19, ami quotes expressions mide by M- de Freycioet, the French for eign minister, in which he speaks in warm terms of the high sense of friendship which Earl Granville’s action throughout the whole controversy showed. ^ trSKCUES BY TORY LEADER©. The Marquis of Saulsbury, speaking this evening at a dinner of the Middlesex Tbrtet,sa:<i it was now quite evident t: d ! plomacy was useless to atop the advance of Ratals toward India. The rlgnt policy cow wonld be to use all available troops fu the north of India and to fortify the Indian frontier. Mo upbraided the* Liberal adruiatration for its waste of fires and money in the Soudan campaign, which bad reanlted only in humiliating fdlure, and urged the Tories to educate its new elector*, who would exerdte the right of suffrage for the first time this veer under the operation of the new fracnfcise. Lord Randolph Churchill made an ad- dran Ibis evening at a dinner «>f St Ste phen’* Club. Hk asserted that the inten tion of the ministry t > renew the Irish crimes act is an admission of the failure of the Irish policy of the cabinet, and that its foreign policy has been proven to be ruin- ons. Lord Randolph Churchill, in his speech refening to Ireland, said that when the time of popular disorder had passed the •.•nvrnmfit wa- hound to return to and n y upon the ordinary laws. They had reason tObelie?*‘that Inland was now marvel- 1 v free from crime Irish pd.vct would always be turbulenr, owing to the difference* of race and religion, but Rt present there was nothirg abnormal in the condition of tin* country. The renewal of the crimes act during tue short period before tbe general election, which would drive the Irish voter fo sup port Parnell and Home Utile, showed that the government must pos sess evidence that the bosated policy of coercion had failed of its object, and that there dinted a latent spirit in tbe hearts of the Irish people ready to break out at any moment. No other state of things would justify the government in renewing the n«t. ihe governm© eign policy hnd alienated Kogla ally, Turkry. A C1IAN.IE IX TUX MINISTBT. Sir William Vernon Hsreoart, borne sec retary, It is reported, will toon succeed the Earl ol Belborne as lord high chancellor. TBE AUIER't TEARS. Loxdon, May 30—Tbe Standard has a dispatch from Cabal stating tnat Ameer Abdurrahman ia dlsaatixhtd with Eng land's policy regarding the Afghan trou bles, and, fearing the worst fiom the Rut- alan advance, is sending his treasure to the stronghold of Badakahan, and is retir ing there with the flower of the Afghan army, LUMBDEN's ADVICE. Advices from Tirpolsay Bir Peter Luma- den's advice to the government was that, in view of recent events.it was best to break up the commission, leaving the gov ernment itself to settle the frontier qtes- itlon with Russia. |TIIE DYNAMITERS CONVICTED. London, May 18.—The jury in the case of Cunningham and Burton, charged with causing the explosions at the Tower of Loudon and elsewhere, returned a verdict this morning finding both prisoners gnilty. The prisoners w»re both sentenced to penal servitude for life, Cunningham maintained his self-com posure, but Barton broke down and sobbed when the verdict was rendered. When th e prisoners were asked if they had anything to asy why tbe sentence ot the law sbonla not oe passed upon them, Canninsham protested that he was innocent. Be said he was willing to accept penal servitude for life, but they could not tonch his soni. Barton simply declared that be was inno cent. GERMANY. TBE 11M0W PALACE DAMAOED BY FIBE. Berlin, May 50.—Fire was discovered at midnight last night In the Bijow ptiace. once occupied as a re. deuce by Frederick tbe Great, and now need as a museum. Before tho flames could be extinguished tbe root and attic of the building were de stroyed. The works of art and relics were saved, many of them, however, in a dam aged condition. T1IE aaCKtWICK SUCCESSION. Berlin, May 20.—The proposal of the Prussian government concerning the Brunswick succession will be discussed by the Bundesrath to-morrow. Tbe National Eeitung eays that the proposal is that the Bundesrath shonld express lls conviction that the edminls'ratlon ot tbe government of Brunswick by the Dake of Oambensnd would be incompatible with the internal peace and security ol tbe empire. kUtOBASTS TO AMERICA. Lembeko, May 20.—Thirty German fami Ilea have arrived from Russia. They are going to America. They complain that an anti Geiman feeling is growing in Russia. EGYPT. MONET ktrUNDED. Cairo, May 20.—The Khedive, in conse quence ot the protest of the diflerent con s,Us, has decreed that the 5 per cent, de ducted from Egyptian coupons shall be re loaded, p Cairo, May 20.—All the troops from Saa- kirn have been ordered to remain in Egypt in accordance with a telegram from the British government. Tbe Guards will go into garrison at Rsmleh and the other troops at Abasclab, near Cairo. The colonial troops, which left Bnskim on the 18tb have been ordered to stop at Aden. TBS nosrUORE EOYPTIES. Caiso, Kay 20.—The Bospbort Egyptien has adopted tbe same style and tone as before it was suppressed. CHOLERA REAFrEABA. Paris, May 20.—Two deaths from chol era at Marseilles are reported to-day. BERNHARDT NOT WANTND IN ALSACE. ■ 1'aris, May 20.—Tbe Gtrmsn anthorl ties have fornlddcn tbe proposed perform ances of Madame Bernhardt in Metz and Straaburg in Jane. BASE BALL AT ATLANTA. r- O'. The Atlantns Intentionally Prolong the Camc-Muoh Disgust. [SPECIAL TELEGRAM.] Atlanta, May 20 —A notable game was played this afternoon between the Atlan ta s and Columbus, which was witnessed by a large crowd. At the close of the ninth inbiog tbe score was 6 to 5, and the SAme on the tenth. On the last half of the eleventh the Columbus were at the bat with one oat and two mea on bases, with the possibility of scoring. The Atlantss wanted the game called, and sev eral members, notably Sillinan, tbe pitcher, and Cab! 1. delayed tha game so as to excite the disgust and con demnation of everybody. Sulli van’s conduct was severely criti cised. The Atlanta directors were forced to protest, admitting that the At- laatas were oat-played, and the umpire, Cartwright of Nashville, finally gave the game to the Colambns by a score ot 9 toO The game was much discussed to-night, and tbe conduct of the members of the Atlantss criticised generally. AN INDIAN OUTBREAK. Ceronlmo Repeats HteTrip Into Mexico- Much Trouble Expected. Denver, Col., May 20.—A special to the Tribune-Republican from 8into Fe, says: Geronimo and 60 Chlricahaa backs broke away from the San Carlos reservation Sun day night and beaded for the Sierra Madre mountains in Mexico. Gen. Ccok has or dered all available troops from Forts Apa che, Bowie, Grant and Thomas, into the field, and a company of cavalry from Fort Apache is now in hot pursuit. No casnaltiea had been reported at noou yesterday,batsho!.: t in.-wiir': .r> i.e' -- - taken a hard fight is expected, as Gero nimo it; the bad Indian who caused so much trouble in Mexico a year ago, and with whom General Crook carried on nego tiations which resu ted in the return of his band to the reservation. General Bradley, commander of the military diatrict of New Mexica. has ordered two companies of the Sixth Cavalry from Fort Bayard, under L'eutenant-Colonel Morrow, to protect the settlers along tbe GUa river on the line be tween New Mexico and Arizona. London, May -Ol—The sentry at theUte narCttSllo powilt-r tns^izine at Chatham who went on duty at 4 o'clock this a. m was found dead nt his post twoh juts lot - Beside him lay h revolver, ami n b ill had pasted tnrough his lungs. The sentry on a post 3C0 yards away fays he beard no report of pistol or gun. Doctors who have examined the corps do not believe ill t th** -ifiitry run milted suicide, from tl.i- position in which his body nud r lie were found. The authorities are dis|«,«»d to regard the cn*e as one of ansanfinnti- n cotiKiiU'ed to make possible an attempt to t> os up th** tiuigh/. ue. The authorities at Chatham, after an In vest pation, have (om© to the cOOChssion that the set try found dead was a ease of suicide, notwithstanding the fact that tbe surgeons discredit that idea. tux RUni'RK WITH 6PAIN. The Madrid correspondent of the Times, Commenting on the rupture in the com mercial treaty negotiations between Spain andKngland. charges Spain with seeking to evade the favored nations clause. The bpai i-li newspapers Iberia and Imparc .t . on the other hand, accuse England of having failtd to keep her agreement. AS TO RkrORTKO RUSSIAN DEMANDS. London, May 21.—The Daily News this rnorulng says that the -tat* moot that Rus sia demands to have an agent at Calui and tbe complete neutrality of Afghanistan la not true. No such demands, It says, have been addressed to the British governu eut or pat foiward in any manner whatever. I’RCAS COMMENT. London, May 21.—'The morning papers nuanimoudy express the opinion that the detention of the Gaards at Alexandria ami of the Australian contingent at Aldeniaon a-.coisi t of ’ he am tide of Russia, ami t»at there i* a serious obstacle in the way of completing the m gotialien* for peat \a>m-.n M iy IM The lbn y N«w Glad-tone rat.not resign until the Rt and Egyptian questions are settled, and that the general elections to be held in November will turn on hi* foreign at home po icy. The libera!*, theNeasxay cannot tight lb© issues without him. mrstmon in isdla. Ca: t * jo — Af^l.iu a l\ir<s i port that Turcomans are continuous going from Csud-har to Herat. It in t < -i that the railroad will, be complci FRANCE. A COLONIAL ARMY. Paris, May 18 —Tha Chamber of Dep uties has began tbe discussion of tbe pro ject to form a colonial army, Gen. Cam- penon, minister of war, estimates the coet at 8,000,000 francs annually. VICTOR HCOO DYINO. Paris, May 18.—Victor Hugo is ill with heart disease and congestion of the longs, and is sinking rapidly. Paris, May 18—(Midnight) Victor Hugo la dying. His family are present at his bedside. Tbe doctor aaye that only a miracle can aave him. An incessant stream of carriages is pasting bis bonse, bringing persons anxious to learn his condition. ICYPT. WOLSXLKY STARTS HOME. Scakim, Mty 10.—Gsn. Woiseley and CoL MacNeU have sailed for England. THE BOarUORX EOYrTIEN. Cairo, May 19 —The French newspaper. La Boephore Rgypticn, tbe suppression of which by the Khedive’s government led to a rupture of diplomatic relations between France and K*ypt, resumed publication to-day. The rrpublication of tbe paper, it ta amiouLCvd, U made by permission of France. THE SOUDAN. THE BRITISH EVACUATION. Donoola. May 19 —The British evacua tion of tbe Soudan commences next Thurs day. Merchants and civilians are already leaving, fearing to remain after the de parture of tbe troops. The thermometer in this reaion averages 114 degrees in the abide. Rl Mahdt’s general, Aba Angas, who was defeated at Kordofan, afterwards with his surviving soldiers joined the ranks of the new MahdI. bis conquerer. to Mu U-.-n nf! l:ue to t ’a Mm ha ete the FRANCE. HUGO STILL LIVES. Pahis, Mej 29.—Victor Hugo, although troubled by bis illness daring the pest nieht, is rather better to day. Victor Hugo's right long is congested Morphia is being injected to relieve his suffering. His condition Is hopeless, TUB rSOFOSED IMPEACHMENT. The committee of Initiative of the Cham- i her of Deputies refused by e vote of 11 tc 9 to consider the proposal of M. M. Leisant 1 Dsifoese to Impeach the Ferry minis- by l,o!d Hasting a Boetwymi'a chest* id, I/jrdt'ad mii'a uy. MACON, ^a., FRIDAY. MAY 22, 1885. & CHILDREN MURDERED. r Russell, Late of the Artesian House, Shoots His Two Little Bovs and then Hlmself—The Causes Ascribed for the Aoc. VOLUME LIX-NO. 25. THE CONFEDERATE HOME. Th. Building I. Formally Turn.. Ov.r to th. Mnnnsar*. Richmond, May 20.—The formal open ing of the Confederate Soldiers’ Home near this city took place to-day. R. E. Lee camp, with their guests, tbe Aaron Wilkes post Grand Army of tbe Republic, Tren ton, K. J„ and tbe city military marched to the home, where, alter prayer by Rev. J. William Jones, Colons! Archer Ander son, in a (eliciloa.spetcb, turned the home over t-> (I-r.ern! l,l.-!uH;h Iv h-> a-v-p'- ed charge on behalf of the board of ui«na- gers. A large number of notco invited guests. Including many ladirs, were pres ent, From the home the veterans in bine and gray and the military proceeded to Hollywood Cemetery and participated In the annual decoration ol the graves of the Confederate dead. Today being decora tion day, thousands ot persons vhitrd tbs cemetery, but there were no unusual care- monies. A HORRIBLE MURDER. A Fronchmnn Detected loan Attempt to Tn row III, Victim's Body In North River. New York, May 20.—At 3 o'clock this morning a Frenchman named Louis Fran cis, of No. 307 Tenth avenue, was arrested on his way to North river, bearing on his back a bag containing the mutilated corpse ot a woman Francis explained that It was the body of his wife. vrLo bad died, and us he was too poor to bury her he Intended to throw her bo y Into North river. It turned out that tbe woman was his mistress, who was in good health last night. Her body 6 resented evidence of a murdered the most rutalfashion. Can. Grant*. Condition. New York, May 20.—General Grant bad a good night last nigbL “He slept right hard,” said Jesse Hoyt this morning. “It was tha best night's rest he has nad in quite a long time, and he looks and acta brl.ht this morning.” Naw York, May 20 —The nsnsl semi- weekly conference of Dr,. Douglas and Shrady’ took place this afternoon In Gen. Grant’a house. The Doctors found no marked change, gome part ot the swell ing below and behind tbe ear has subsided and less pain Is the resnIL Since Sunday the General has experienced cone of the darting pains that last week centered in the ear. Both tbe doctor, referred to tbe night of 8Xcellent rest (Tuesday night), and staled that ibe patient waa appearing exceptionally bright to-day. New York. May 20.—General Grant had another good day. US dictated for sev eral hour* to a stenographer, and then rested, after which he resumed tbe compi lation ot notes for (utnre dictation. Tne fine weather has tended to’riise bis spirts, and heis much improved in hla general condition over last week. The result ol Use medical examination will be mad. known to-morrow. Cuthbert.M ay 18.—One of the most heart rending scenes and diabolical crimes ever known to onr people was committed on yesterday (Sunday) two and a hail miles east of Cnthbert, in which a father kit ed two of his little baby bays and shot him self. The perasn alluded tots Mr. John B Rusted, being famous for his skill and suc cess In bee culture. Mr. Russell for sev eral months hss been living in onr city and has been engaged In the hotel buainesf, running the Artesian Honse. Hii success at this enlerpriee did cot surpass his ex pectation, bat, on the contrary, fell below it, and be lost money on the undartaklDg, A few weeks since he moved to the conn- try again and pleasure rc'gned, as It bad heretofore done, supreme in his household. Yesterday, though, reversed the above, and persons who saw Ihe sad sight could not help shedding te.rs with the afflicted ones. Mr. Russell ha), with a five-shooter No. 1 Smith A Wesson pistol, shot nil two little sons in tbe head, ki ling one instantly and mortal ly wounding tbe other—then shoo' ing him self three times In order to take bis own life. Mr. Russell may recover from bis woumjs as neither ot tbe two shots pene trated bis sknll, although he sailers much pain from a wound to bis side, being tbe third shot. It is known that Mr. Russell has lost tome little money- bat that he has enongh duo him to meet all his obligations and that his financial embarrassment could not be tbe canse. In fact the whole otigln Is wrapt in profonnd mystery which may yet be unraveled. He had just re turned from a trip to Thomas county on Saturday where he had made all arrange ments to move soon. In conversation with severs! men in our city on that day. he talked a. freely aud was in ns good spirit, as was ever known of him. So it cannot be Ids insanity, on account of busi ness depression. Yesterday bis wife and two Utils daughters were to spend the day at Mr. Red Ferry's, a neighbor. Hit wife, noticing his low spirits on leaving home, asked Mr. Perry to go over and converse with him tn order to cheer him up. Mr. Ferry consented. As he approached the boosa he heard a pistol shot and heard some one groan, lie quickly approached the bouse and found is closed. Breakiig In, be found a sight which would curdle tbe blood of any unman being to behold. In the dining room lay Ihe two little hoys, Johnnie ana Charlie Ruitrll—one drad. with a bnlletho'e Ibroneh bis head, while the other was st uggling for bwath, with two shots in his head. This one canuut live. In the room aujscpnt he fonud Mr. Bussell, with three wuunds and the pistol in his hand ready to send another bullet into his body. The pistol was taken away (ram him. and secured. Tbe neighbor, aronnd were won notified, and like wild fire It tpread. Dr. Toombs was called In from the town and the coroner notified to hold an toque,t. Whstlheydldlsnotasyetknown. Yuly 200 people Tiflted the place of tbe awful tragedy on yesterday, after 2 p. m., the time ol enactment and beheld a sight that waa too horrible lo describe. Tne two lit' lie bahts, five and seven summers respect- ivI.i; f .; ' ,!■ d) : ill the room, tne father in the room aJjacent with three bullet holes lo hi, body, the rooth-r stricken with .-rief and uttering walling exclamations, t to litile pi: I, look ng sadly on at the territls scenes unc lu scious oil's mighty gravity and sorrmss. while every visitor who entered tbe shrine bod been ungovernably convetted into a mourner. Mr. Russell Is well known to our people, and Is liked much by all who knew him. It Is not known why he committed this ra'li act, as be was a devoted father and a loving husband. Other facts may come to light which will jet enable your corre spondent to find a clue as to the came of the deed, which will be fully reported to you. It may truthfully be said to be one ot tbe most terrible and blood curdling tcenrsever perpetrated and beheld In onr county. An Old Man's Bplc'da. Raleiod, N.C, May 20.—W. H. Crow, a h'RLly esteemed citizen ot this n>ace, nearly eighty years of age, who was suf fering from temporary aberration of mind, was missed by his friends yesterday even ing, and it was learned that be bad pur chased a pistol. -Search wa, at once Ins'.i- tnted, which resulted in the finding of hi* body this morning In a ravine near the cemetery. Uia death bad been canoed by * ballet wound. Tbs deceased was general agent of tbe .Etna Fire Insurance Com pany. lilt affairs are not thought to be embarrassed. He was a man of means. Frede u'.he . Mlltai-e. and k on eihihition at Ihe .nvt* he.n rut. scratched t.(dated. The outrages have been pr smptcd by e to the p.rpelraior has RUSSIA. HRooTikTioii column. 8t. Pbtwsboro. May 20>—Rumors are current here to tbe sfiset that tbe Anglo- Russian negotiations have collapsed. Ill* belitued, however, tbe romora originated with tbe war p wty. Tbe Bret predicts an outbreak In Macedonia and Balgoria against the Tnrks and Greeks, which will startle the whole tflavonlan world in arms. Sr. FzTxatnnta, May 20 — It to believed that l: i--laclaims Maruchak a* being tn the Fecjdeh district. IRELAND.. NATIONAL CANDIDATES. Dcn.tM, May 20.—Four leading Nation- all, t. Will contest Tyrone In the coming par;.an.eniary election, and will attempt ill Ihe seats. to carry Th© Situation nt Plymouth. Wilkesbakob, Fa., May 20.—^Tha exacts- live rU;**f commit'-ee at Flymontb anb* mltuM their ctfidal report to a meeting of oWM this tnornlog. of which the follow- OnMeyStb there were Bnti»h ! "»l c**©* oltjp' ca a*» hi •o in all. I';, weeks have nun f»»M, 1 -I lytr g ol th.- . k »re id ferer. Since that date i been reported, making !©&tb* in tbe peat two ^red which leave* 8C3 vivaleacent. A majority ortril tc lr» on the mend, I in a critical condition. t -.diced to 1 E.-a.oi.'-'wry Fre: l..s , re-'en- Ni - ,sv N. J.. M, ,.r (o the h'lySFii ' i rf-tvry | this Afttruuon. y J .-Mr. A Bloody Affair In Florida. Jacksonville. Fla., May 18.—A special from theTlmeo-Union says: “A bloody fight occurred at Hickory Grove chnrch, nine rallra from here, yesterday between tbe West brother* *nd Longford brother*. The fight w»» In consequence of the publi cation during Ihe tost campaign of tome totters which were ot a very personal char- actor. In tb* melee Wm. Lunatord was killed outright, George Longford was ao seriously wounded that be to not expected to live and Led Lrngford waa wounded in tbt bead. Eaaene West waa abot and Abe and Johnson West were cat, bat cot seri ously. _ A Fall of SoaffDldlnEe Baltimore, May 20.—About 4:30 this af ternoon the scsiloiding wnleh waa used to day for th* firattlma on th* new poet-of. 11c* building gave way and seven men who were on It at the time were precipitated to the ground, a distance of seventy feet. John Rogers, a brick'ayer, fell beedt rst and wasTnatantly killed. George W. Mil ler struck on bis back and was seriously it not fatally iojand. The other fire men all (uatalned some Injuries, bat are not thengbt to be seriously hurt. Murdar and 8u'cid*. Desveb, Mty 20i—A epecfel to the Tti bane>Republican from Camargo, CaL, taye* Yesterday morning O. W. Brom, a coal raln**r, while under the ir.flaencecf liquor, abot and killed liana Johnson, rAuroitl employ*. The murderer w»< pa saed, and.ie*i.*r that be co*<M not* cape, abot himself through tb*head, dyin instantly. THE 8r»UCCLE IN ILLINOIS. Leu in's Lon* Fight »t Last Successful --One Democmt Unfaithful. SrRiNortELD, May 19.—At the Joint sea- tiom of the Legislature to-day there was a great Jam both on tbe flior of the Home and in the galleries. There were present 61 Senators and ^representatives. When the vote was taken dead silence prevailed. The Democrats refused to vote. Tbe Re- pubi'csn Senators all vo ed for Logan, giv ing him 20 rotes. Knger’s vote was re ceived with cheers. When Blttlg was call ed. In a long speech explaining his posi tion, he voted for Logan boder protest, am! the announcement waa received with the wildest cheers. This gave Logan 103 rotes. On the call of absentee! the Deaocrats voted solidly for Judge Lambert Tree. After tbe roll call McAlmey, Cald well, Qtlnn and Crafts charged their vo'es to Charles B. Far- well. Barry (Democrat) changed hit vote toJohn A. Logan, and the wildest confusion prevailed. This iuiured Lcgan’s elertton. The roll call was proceeded with after a time, the Democrats attemp'lng to elect Far.ell (Republican), and hoping to V-'- m- R-pr.van volt.. IWrrv with- dr<w his vote from Login, but slated be would not allow any other Republican than I.?gan lo be elected. No Republican sup port went to Farwell. and Speaker Haines finally announced tbe vote, deflating Lo gan elected. THE NORTH MESTERN WAR. Ill-Treatment of Captives—Another Half- Breed Leader Surrenders. WlNNtrio, May 19.—A letter from El- monston says that Mrs. Delaney, one ol tbe Frog La re captives, was outraged un til she died and her body then cut to plioet by squaws. Mrs. Grwaclock, another captive, bas been taken pcsiestion of by one of the young Indians as bis wife. Nothing has been beard of tbe fate of Me Lean’s family, but it to supposed to be a horrible one. JATsxtrio, May 19.—A delayed dispatch ■Mi Goardapny’a Crosdng eays shortly after tbe captnre of R nl Maxima Lepine gave himself up. Good progress it being made with tbe prepsratfims for marching to Prince Albert and after wards to Battleford. An at'empt Is r.ow being tnsde to repair tbe telegraph line to Prince Atbert. Du mont 1a still at large, and wifi probably es cape to tbe British Hills. Tbe latest state ment ot losses at Batanche to: troops, 9 killed and 42 wounded; rebels, 81 killed and 172 wounded. A Btttfeford dispatch ssys all fa quiet there, anl scouts bare been tgain sent out to look up Foundmaker. WiNNirao, May 19.—The report of an engagement between Col. Otter's command and Foundmaker bas not been confirmed, and op to 7 p. in. nothing has been received tending to sbow tbtt such an engagement had occurred, A private di.patcb from Battleford reports all qnlet there. SUNDRY'S TELEGRAMS CONDENSED. Two tons of Mr. Farris, at Tampa. Fla., while yesterday playing in aesve they bad dng In tbe sand, weie instantly killed. Their ages wero 11 and It years. B'thop Mils*, colored, Bishop ol tb* Methodist Church of the State, delivered a sermon at tbe white Methodht Church, at Meridlsn, La., Sandey. Commodore Jonathan .Young, (com mandant of tbe New London, Conn., navy yard, died Sunday. tn Loruat Gap, Pa., Miss Julia Kramer. IS years old. was shot and fatally ioja.eJ Sunday by Peter Knolbatch, a icj-ctfd lover. Kno'bench was arrested and an at tempt made to lynch him, bnt tbe timely snivel of officer* prevented it and he was carried to JslL Private advices from Hermoslilo. Mex ico, stale that Mexican troops s tacked the Yaqnlna on Wednesday near Miss. Three honored of tbe Ytqtslni are report ed kiled. Tbe Mexican loss Is eighty killed and wounded. Four Americans were with the Mexicans. Two were killed and one was wounded. Bonday afternoon a fin In T. F. Thotnp son A Co •« mill, oa tha lumber docks, at Oscoda, Mists., burned 5,000,000 fret of lumber. Th* loss to lOO.OUO. It falls on right different owners Censral Jaokaon Leases for Hit Post In Mexico—Other Items. ItriCUL TELEGRAM.] Savannah, May 18.—Oenatal Henry R. Jackson, minlttor to Mexico, toft this aran- iug via th* Central railroad (or hitjnaw bom*. Ha was aacoriel to Use depot by th* Irish Jesper Greens, and an Immense crowJ of people. About forty years ago th* Jasper Greens, under command of Captain Henry R. Jackson, left Savannah for Mexico, bnt that occasion waa of slightly different character from tha pm- The Raopsnlna of th. Etnosltlon. Chicago, May 18.—Georg* M. Pullman was last nigbt In receipt of a telegram from Superintendent Jeffrey,of the Illinois Central, dated New Orleans. It stated that tb* d' tlorent road and car companies reach ing New Orleans who are interested In ihe reopening of the New Orleans Exposition next year are to subscribe (100,000 to farther that object, and he asked for an Immsdiat* response from Pullman ao that they might know what to <top oofru-n ta. Pout lancoaipussr. l* lih says hia company will do its tall share to wards the continuance of the Exposition: that the enterprise to ot great i-tvice in many way-, and It would be a shame not to reopen it again. A JUMP FROM BROOKLYN BRIDGE. Professor Odium Cool. His Ambition for Fame In that Wav. Xaw York, May 19.— Professor Odium, formerly director of tbe Natatorium at Washington, and more recently engaged at Old Point Comfort. Jumped from the Brooklyn bridge into Eist river this after noon. Hediedsoon after l eingUken from ihe water. Odium distracted tbe atlentlon cf the bridge police from hltmef by tending a decoy party ahead In a e.h, which pa-»y climbed on the railing and pretended to Ge prepatlrg for a Jump. Walls i bes© men were occupying the attention of th© officers. Odium drove up fo within 100 yards of hla decays, slipped off his outergurmeata, and leaped on the railing with only a red shirt nnd trunks on. lie leaped clear of the bridge with his hands over his head. He descended in «n erect position until within thirty-five feet o! tbe water, when bit body turned and he struck on his lid©, tug with a number of newspaper report- 9, with whom was Paul Boy ton, was stationed close at band, and was on the spot before Odium rame to tbe surface. Boy ten threw overboard number of lif© preservers, and then went over biros8lf. Odium was insensible when he came up and blocd and froth were oezing from his month. He wn qatcklv taken on the tog and restoratives applied. After roach rubbing he revived enough to a*k: ‘ What kind of a jump did I make?” He died before the tog reached Ihe shore. He has been fcinbitiou.*, and made a wager he could jnmp from tbe Brooklyn bridge. Ho was seconds in the air before strik ing the water. A Fatal Accident. Pobtlakd, Oregon, Mav 19.—A special to the Oregonian from Spokane Falls, Washington Territory, says • An accident ©ausirg the death of turee men occurred at Fort Spokane ye5.2rday. Twelve men ot Captain O'Brien’s company of the Second Infantry and eight mules were crossing the river on the ceble ferry. a heavy wind was blowing at the time, and whence boat reached tho mld.lleof theitresra the cable parted. The boat was carried down the stream and went to pieces on ths rocks. J. M. Kobo, of Com pany C, Second Infantry, Wm. 8t. Chirp, blacksmith, end Patrick Boyle, a packer, were drowned. The remainder were saved. THE SLATER FUND. Meeting of the Bonrd of Trusteae—Dr. Haygooa’a Report. New York, May 20.—The annual meet ing of the John F. Slater fund truitees, for the education of freedmen, was he'.d to-day at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, with ex-PresI- dent R. B. Hsyes in the chair. Among tboie preeeat were Chief Justice Waite, President GUmau of Johns Hopkins Uni versity, Rev. Dr. A. O. Hay good, of Georgia, general agent of the board, and U. O Orr, dtate superintendent o schools of Georgia. The report of the general agent, treasurer and finance com mittee were read and approved. Dr. Haygood submitted a voluminous report, wherein he showed the progress of the ne gro in the South and how hia condition had been aided through Hi© munificence of Mr. 8Iater. Upwards of $25 000 had been domted during the past year to various educational institutions from the fund. At the afterno:n session an Informal dis cussion of tbe affairs of the fund took place and the boird adjourned until to morrow. John Sherman's Candidacy. Cincinnati, May 20.—Toe Commercial Gazstte today, refening to Gen. Beatty's statement that benator Sherman’s candi dacy for the United tilates Senatorsbip wm an amiable fiction, and that ho would not serve if elected, says: * Senator Sherman says in a letter before ns. dated March 22: ‘I haveconcluded to allow ray name to be canvassed with the rest and to serve if elected.’ •• Cotton Mills Close* Wilmington, N. 0., May 20.—'The Great Falls Manufacturing Compauy, at Book- in&ham, have shut down on account of the low prices of cuiiu -i gojds. The ktverdale MLH at the SAme place wid close this week, Both mills will start again as aoou as the buainesa situation improve!. Shot by a Tramp. 8ioux City. May 18.—A.t Hnbbard, Nebraska, to-day. Frank Williams, brake- man on a freight trai j, was shot by one of two tramps whom ho attempted *t > eject from the min. Hie bul!ei enU-rtd William.-.' head, causing instant death. The tramp escaped, with a mob of nearly 100 in pur suit. intent on lynching them. A round up waa made ot tramos about 6iouxCity Utethl'i aiten ton. K even mo-e captur ed, bat not until a large number ot shots bad been fired on both aider. Ojs tramp was killed. Ttxaa Cattle Man* Kansas Crrr, Mo.. May 19.—Information Ibaa been received here of a new move on the part of the cattle men iu the northern part of the Texas Panhandle to prevent the driving ol southern Texas cattle over their rangra. A herd pAiting northward waa stopped at Tascosa, on the Indian river, by the sheriff, acting under a writ of trespass. The matter has been curried into the conrta, with tbe intention of mak ing it a teat case. POXEEAET, ijl village waa night, about 1C rtasc. May M.—6omcrset itroyed by fir© Saturday ) hoa*es being burned, in ch (Presbyterian), a foun* l.: ig John B.irn* »: ! ?! »*l.iof the chi fire originated i iug b** g mostly w; lo,eaof the c >mp*ny, j rapidly." There being no fir meg IIj'jmai Kimar. 1 V :, a,'-. . . wa. i A Fam lr Fight* LvNcnsrao, Va., May 19— On 8atnrJay last Pedlar's Mill, a village in Amherst county, was tbe scene of a general fight between two families and their connec tions, In which pistols and other wexoons were tiled. Tha officer, ot the law, how ever, bail beard tbe affray would take place and were prepare! and slopped tb. tight before any one was killed. Arraat.d for Murder. Fstiubl-ro, May 19.—Henry and I.'ziie Stokes, colored, of B acks and White* Xottaway county, have been arretted on luspldon ot baring murdered their son, Stiuael. who. it is supposed, was stunned by a blow nnd then burled alive The feeling agaimt tbe prisoners is very strong. Visas.rated Report*. Nasbtilli. May 50.—The reporti from tills point abont tbe distraction ol the growing crops by cat-worms are much ex- tggrrated. Tbe ravages are in fact not so great aa frequently occur when no mention Is made of them. Tbe worms bar* ap peered In some lands, bnt Ihe Injury to by no meant general. The stand ot corn to better than nanal. Murdater Arrested. Paris, May 29.—& P. Holme*, who fait nigbt nearly killed bis wtf* and killed hi* wife a sfator, Mrs. Tight, and Prof. Yon- mans. a music teacher, wa* arrested tost night In an adjoining county and brought back here. He oefessed th* crime, and says he was impelled to commit it through Jealousy. Mrs. Holmes may recover. Th. Cradle* of Cotton. New You, May 29.—Th* reries of pro posed amendment* to th* mist governing U>* Inspection, grading and delivery ol cotton were defeated on mvote being taken to day at th* Cotton Exchange, 124 mem bers voting for them and 117 against them. Their adoption required a two-thirds vjte, St* John Srubbed. SniNGriELD, May 2Ul—In tne Home this moraine ft resolution giving tbeoeeof the legislative chamber next tb - nday night to ex«GoTernor fit John, to deliver a tem perance lecture, was voted down. The lit publicans voted almost soUdJy againit it. Killed by a Tral*. Craelottektills, Va., May 30 -R. O, Williams, of Lyncb’e Station, was ran over and killed today by the fut mail train on tbe Virginia Midland railroad, near Ward Springs, _ A© Ead to B?n© Vrapvg. Edward > .©pneri. of Harrbbaif, III., ■•T* "Having received so much benefit from L*«ctric Bitters, I feel it my duty let •un«iln K ' ham rally know it. Htyi u» l e runni / eore on my Jew foref^h J' *- toy il - tor-to.-I joe! wouldheveU hive the bone scrapM or leg amputated. I u*rd, instead, ti.:t* bottles of J-.'tectrU !'• *..<! .• , x .-v .. k „ Art. Belve, nod my leg le oow aoond sod «veU.” !. »• r; I'il'ers t-- - 1 x*. :.f*y cent* a •■i . UucaIc:) a Arn i .‘ia.v? at >c. prr -jt by leamar, Kinkln t I.amar. ft - 8HREWDDETECTIVE WORK. *obbtr was How an Expert Exp Caught at Vi A very slight clue ir. tb» •inrHsofe -kilf- ful and shrewd detective freqnent'y leads to the ari-tri ami convlt ":jn a criminal. Such wns the ra.e recfntly io Vlekahnrg, when one of Fitrrefl'a tletectire., whole name if suppressed at hi« earnest request, arrested a neg-o named Henry Funtaino for stealing money from » package in- truslttl to bis csre, and which had tun sbipp il from New Oriest-s to Ylckthnqr. The detective, in , moany «|.h Mr Mendeoa t. route agent id toe Southern l.xpre.i Con.ptny. examined the package front whence the money had been extract ed carefully, and on the real detected the faint imprint of ft man's thumb Three harries were sutpmted of the crime ot first, and manures were t»ken to eecare an impression of each of their thumbs in such a quiet way that thejh ad no idea that they were farniihing the shrew detective witu means to accompli h th#® arrest of tbe criminal. On comi-nring tue*e imprints with that on the seal of the package, iliftt of Fonteioe was found to fit exactly. Tbe detective then placed all th se of the suspected party under close surveillance, *nd soon fastened opou Fon taine as the right man. He caused pedd.'ers to proceed to Fon taine’s lions©, and by f Bering their wares at a ridiculously low figure finally succeed ed in inducing Mrs. Fontaine to make purchases, and saw her Jn possession of quite a larg* turn of money, which fact tbey promptly reported to the detective. Then it was concioded to cause the bsa- anc© of a search warrant, and on search ing Fontaine’s house, although no money was found, a lirge quantity of perfomery brushes, combs, etc., inch as are usually sold in drug stores, was found. Beeiding with Fontaine was a man nAmed Willie Roach, who was employed in Me Re as drug etore In Vicksburg, and he was accordingly arreste 1, »s was al*o Fon taine. On th© way to the s» ation the Utter was seen to thrust .something into hia bosom, and on being searched five ten- dollar bills with ho'es In them were found. Th© holes were mad© by a need!© used by Ihe express companies in threading bills ‘■o thht non© can bo abstracted without be ing torn unless tho package be oi*ned. Tbe holes in the bills, od being compared were found to correspond with the hole in the envelope which wasrobbej. The detective also found several wit nesses who saw Fontaine hand his wife a rollof bills the day the package whs handed to him at the expreis cilice, ami found tw« other bills with tradesmen who hxd re ceived them from Fontaine for purchase*, and both of tdese had Imles in them simi lar to those found in Fontaine's possea- sion. Iloach admitted having robbed McRae's drug store, but in extenuation pleaded that Fontaine and hia wife had both induced him to do so. Itecently Fontaine was brought up for preliminary examination at Vicktbirg. and so Urong was the evidence against him that the commuting magistrate before whom it was tried felt juititlej lu bending tb© case to a higher trioona!. It was a very neat piece of detective work, and worthy of eino'atlon on the part of some of the city’s detectives. FUgro Convicted of Rnoa. Baltimore, May 20.—Cooper, the young mulatto who outraged Mis* Gray in Balti more county a few weeks ago, after nearly beating her death, was tried In this city to day »nd convicted of rape. The jury re turned a verdict of guilty without leaving the box. Th© Maryland law prescribes the penalty of death for this crime. Kilted by Llfthtnlnix. New, Orlzos. May 20.— James G killed by lightning t colored. tbt Carolina pi current entered hit left shoulder petaed diagonally through his body, com ing out near the upper part of hla right thigo. DU0K8 ON EXHIBITION. Philadelphia Treii. Fifty dudes have b©©n canghtbv sgenfs of Hagar & Campbell’* Dim© Muifum Ninth arnl Arch streets, nn 1 will b© exhib ited there to-morrow and during tbe week. Many of them will b© dreiMd in checkerboard trousers aud all of them will wear broad gauge oollar*. One gentle man will be attired, among oth**r things in a single eye-glass. It is said th»t he was ©©cured at great expense and after a good dea| of «©archlng. By the side of the dudes there will be put up for inspection fifty ugly women. Thev are said to bs all tli© w jmen iu I’nil- Tneelectnc Ju/of thj£ 0 *'” "°* U ‘? ul,fui ' Al k th© lady who il decided by popular vo’e t » b© the moat r©pul»ive will rtr^ive e pru», and th© dude who •»» meet bewitching will b© given sum© were privately Inipect- THC PROFESSOR'S CAT. A Tale that Awaktnad m Many M«mortea at Pee Could Use In a Month. Lut Monday morning, aays the San Frinclico Post, ai a lot of np towneri were waiting on the wharf for the China steamer to get in, old Profee©or GutlVy drove ap la the office buggy and solemnly lifted out an apparently heavily weighted bag, securely tied at the mouth. ' what have you got there, I’rofeaior?" aaked a friend. ‘‘A cat fiend," replied the Profeisor, gravely. "A catfisht” repeated the crowd. "No, gentlemen; I said a cat 11 md," ex plained Guffey. “That tack contains four cobbleetonei and e cat that has made my life a burden tome for three years, fch© •teals everything in th© home ail day ami yells like a pirate walking tb© gang-plank of tbe back 'bed all ni<hr. I’ve made one attempt after another to aiaassinate tbt beatt, but I failed every time." "You know that cats have nine lives Profesior?" "Ninel Nineteen times have I given that creature pfijoned meat. I threw her off the roof twice, and I’ve shot at her foor times—ja%t filled her plumb full of qai •hot, and the next day nhe’a round schedule time, drinking the milk so soon a* it's left bv the milkman, Laitweek I borrowed a $100 bad-terrier (o eat her no, and aba killed him In eleven secondi. Wby, I blew ber clean into tbe next atre©t with a dynamite cartridge yesterday, I hope to die if abe wasn’t on deck retch ing for tbe canary thif morning without a bair Binged.’’ "Going to fix ber this time, eh? "Yoobet I am.’’ said Professor Goff, y emphatically. "I'm going to throw her off into forty feet of water, andiX that don i finish ber she's tbe devil himself.” "Como, take a diink lint, Guffey," (aid hit friend Bogga, and tbe crowd followed Into • laioon on tbe corner. While tbe beer we* being drawn Bogga slipped quiet ly back and untied the bag. Aa «oon a* the indestructible cat had skipped up th© aueet Bogga retied tbe bag and hurried beck to the ftloon. Pr©tty soon tbe crowd •merged and helped Guffey to carry hla heavv load to the extreme edge of the wharf, Irons which It waa aotomnl, dumped, "I bate to kill even a cat," aafd tbe old Profu j -r aadly, "but tbe fact*la I haven’t ft.^wt night’* Bleep in two yeara." Yesterday Boggs was coming off the ferry boat when be beheld tbe professor coming on atop of a four-horse load of lorniture. aXV 00 ■" not moving, are yo3, The Professor moodily descended from ble perch end drawing Bo<tgi aside whii- pered huskily in bis ear: 11. 1 D°fg»—I’m moving over to Alameda. That cat a come back." ' Hello I" we beard or.e man aay to an other tbe other day. "I didn't know you •'.first; whr you look ten years younger than you did when 1 *aw yon feat" "I SS ,f ? younger," waa the reply, i 9? kD e OW 1 ***** l ^ b# onto tbe weather a’l the time and gave up expecting to be any batter. Tbe doctor said I had coo* sumption. I wax terribly week, bad nigh! *w. »:% cough, no appetite, and loat fl©9b. I saw Dr. Pierce's 'Golden Med.’cal Wa- epvery’ advertised, end thought it would do no harm il it did no good. 11 baa cur* >1 me. I am a new man, clothes ©dyeverd managers afternoon by the ru\ repreiMitalivea of the nrwM>ap©M. Manyof th© tan'j are familiar fi^urff on Cbcdnnt atrret who have been compelled by tbe hard tiroes to exhibit for a price tho grace and beauty that under b©tt©r circ , im*«t%n''©s they wou’d be j:la<i to dieperiH© fr©© of < barge. "We are going to give the public a treat," declared th© prize du<!©, 'and to allow »h© young men to atudy tbe <liiTerent patterns of men of fashion, ao that they can decide on what they theonelve* shall be. How They Put Out a Fire. New York Hun. When the book an i ladder cowt.!.«*!»« reach a fire the first thing they do U to the smoke out of the building as qulcxly as possible. This tliey do by going in stantly to the roof aud tearing cl! t'.© scuttles or breaking ho!©?, as the cat© m\y require, On their way up to the roof they open the windows of the lower floors so that the moment the roof is cp?ncd the •moke is drawn oat and the fire Mazes up. The old-fashioned method was to direct tbe water at a volume of smoke. But it has beeen diicotereu that the locality of the smoke is seldom if evt r. the locality of tbe tire. When th© smoke hss cleared away Ihe firemen a enable to direct stream in the exact n»n where it is re qnired, and thus xave uanvceviarv dam* age by water. In the fire in tbe Madiron bo He. in West Fourteen street, cn Friday morning, the proo*9 ru< ntioned was j ,r- sued wuutncn succtNi that tbe fire t:.ut extended from roo to kuvtmeot whs ©x- tli guivhed without t! >xl;ng any floor a ith water. iof re- fius Uca May S3.—Tb v-!4 . • by M tiiujm iri i’.ir - Mu .. (o deputy I.. makir.gpolrganiVarrM«*9. r*' -r;t:y ’.©.•vraphed wr.i an entire fabr:-i cation. 4 A Poet's Scorn. Cleveland Plain Dealer. A tramp walk ©.I into a warehouse on Water street Fri lay morning, went ap to the office window,poke,! hi* head through, and said to th. proprietor of the store: I am \ ictor II mo! Look at me wall. I have been in two hundred and elffht bari ties and never received a scratch. “Althonsh victor, Huvo somtwhtr* and soak jouraelf, will you V' said tb* propri etor. After stsgfericK a few tori, Use tramp tamed around and said: "That settles it, * *** intending to ask you to ’lend me a dollar,' but a r©«pcctab!e man that can talk to a soldier like that Is worthy of ray contempt." And before the proprietor could give him tbe twenty-doUar gold piece be had in hia band, the tramp bad segre gated toward a peanut stand An Important Discovery* The most important discovery is that which brines tbe mod good to the great** t number. Dr. King's New Di*cowry for < consumption, cough- and colds will pre- serre the health ai d §»ve life, and fc a priceless boon to the afflicted. Not on.y doeelt positively cure ^cramption,but coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma. Hoarse ness and all affect!ons of the throat, chtst and lungs yield at once to its wonderful curative rowers. If you d jabt ti. t, g©t a tdal'bottle free at I.tmar, Ban kin at La mar’s drag store. Heaven for SSOO. A Knoxvfi'e man n«s written to Her. Sam Jonee accepting the i a tier's proper*- non t? ray $500 loan/ man who wot Id make alfidavit fo tbe fact that he did mu ofoto l.-avtn. Mr. Joom this fact In aiermot and added: • Oa, n >r\. drpthi yon cm go I Many rii e would spurn an otter c. w out t.'.rJr Ch* I tt (,f bCdV©:. A.Ml ' 1 I • | • th© poor wretch from Knox