Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, May 29, 1885, Image 1

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Weekly Telegraph and Messenger. ~ Established!1826. aTiTnONO graduate W o*e«. - AFFflAY ,N the Aitalr--THeanbla.« and f,po.l<IOr,..L.««.r from Jolm «oaon-Th« Cnin.ee Mission ..ceneml Items, Eto. MAOOX,r Fill I >A Y. MAY 21), 1885. MAJOR BURKE IRTEKVIEWCD. Hs Deni* s that he la Financially Wrecked, and ears Sympathy Is not Needed. XbwOblban*, May S5 — Referring to the I report la general circulation that Director General Barks had become rraponilble (or obligations of toe the worl l's exposition to Assistance From Insh-Amoilcans—The to Saskatoon. He bad ion:" conversation Activity of the Oynnmlt Wa.hikotos, May !0.-Tbe caMnet , ln , to-dsy was attended by all the hall -mbfrs except Secretary Manning, who “ in Se w York on private business. The i.ion wss devoted to the consider* ion nltbe proposition looking to tne coDtlnn- o( the World’s Cotton Exposition at Orleans beyond the 31st Inst., and *1- me government exhibits to remain I. cite the continuance la decided upon, lateral desire was expressed to aid the Elocution to the full ex ent of embodiid in tl and the the amount ot 1150.000, and was thereby financially Involved, Major Burke states today that the report is Incorrect. The) total Indebtedness to the Louisiana credi- tors unpaid on I lie 20th Inst., wss $105,000, Lotipox May 20.—'The Press Allocation telllgent mao. Kiel said he did not know Loxdos, May 27—It is asserted that ' " of which has been paid, publishes the following, which it eays was what the authorities would do with bim. He the English proposals recently offered Kn kIV.m ,n.. b rfay obtained from a reliable tource: "E.rly was forcrdto fight, he (aid, by the mount- the Turkish envoy, Ha’san Fehml faaba, sons amt*firme ,a outMde of Louisiana, P toi Aylward. no.orlru. In ed police and Hud.-on Bay officers. They for the occupation of tba Soudan by Tur- getber with the amounts due to Siates'and connection with the Boer rebellion, ar- tyrannlsediover thehalf-hreede.and abused key, have been declined by the Totto. terriiotiea for premiums, will consnme the rived m London from New York. He was tnelr power. “They woo'd take every- Fellini Pasha returned to Constantinople Sw^.°U tb tS.r35i» ebm f-*Tr\ tothe ° vi ? ,! '^.SwSeTtri^'fig^VtBa. »««** «»* ►«*«•'• on ,h : Attorney General Garland will not, after of Yliit, bat oa one occasion toacbe . ° 14th inst., after having had an Interview at I« not tbi* a bad job for yon?*’ I Paris with M de Freyclnet, who assured ‘Yes; vary bad; but a^ood Providence jjj m tbat the Fre^ca government would t&e law, cl incorporation ■ measures in support of the Exposition, bn'. It Is said that a malor,t >’ oI the u. * 0 f th» cabinet were of the opinion that the President bad no legal right to anth .r- Ua an exen*ionof the period fixed for the <X i£*remy Bayard will leave Washington «.7twtek for the West to deliver an «r«- Thomas Jefferson at the8tat« Uci- llrsit? of Missouri. He will be arcom- T£52 bv bis private secrets-y. Mr. Bry so. SSSStSn Hurd. Colonel Swtuler, and probably Senator Cockrell. “rfce hdlare of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to secure the contract for nriniirtt postage stamps for the Post-office SJSartmeDt will result in a farther redae- Son in the force employed at the bureau on the 30;h inst. The force was recently reduced one-third by Chief Barrill, in cou- •t aif rue of a discontinuance of the print- irwofvl and $2 notes. It was expected that the work on these notes would be re- samed after a abort interval, but the indi cations now are that there will be no tro.-e orders for notes of these denominations for some time to come. The formal trans fer of the office of chief of the bureau from Capt Burrill to Mr. Graves will take place oo the 1st proximo. It is stated as a sin gular fact tbat there were more Democrats than Republicans employed in the bureau under the last administration. The President will probably visit New York on the 30th instant, to participate in the local observance of Decoration day. The President to day issued an executive order cl wing all the government depart ments, in lading the g ivernment Minting office erd the Department of Agriculture, th* t‘i iiin order to allow th«-fMi- ployes thereof to participate in the decora tion of the soldiers’ graver* RAVAGES or THK HESSIAN FLY. Professor Ri f y, entomologist of the De partment of Agriculture, has been sur prised for some time tohear of the ravages oftbeHesdau ily in the wheat fields oa the Pacific roast. Heretofore it haa been supposed that this peat did not extend be- voed the wheat belt east of the Rocky moan tains, and Prohssor Riley has been li c!in*d to attribute r to another whret im**ct. The entomol g'st » ai been In co mnnication with Piofs Hi'gard. Dalunefie and other feteu- tuts in California, and to-day receiv-d spedn en insect, which he pronoun* • - fftiulon iitn-mu lly, and there is n«» Jo • er a doubt ibat the insect has mad* pa wsy to the Pacllc slops. A LETTS! FROM JOHN ROACH. Secretary Whitnev has received th*. fd low ug • t «-r III John Roach : "Your letter of the 22d inst., relat r ng to the tn»i trip* of the Dolphin, is duly re ceived. Alinough I cjnsiier, and it np- peara very plain under the terms of th contract, that my liability ce-tsed an i the conditions required of me were c plied with on the termination of the 1 of MafCtt lOtn, Still I am very wiling hare pieviou-lv stated to you, to *1* in my powei to satisfy y-.-j *> to th ■ >f '1 - ro far as I am re*|i M** u: '•r m\ •••tract. Ko- this purp - . Um trial on long Is and S iund Wld b# made on the 2S:h last., as you ilirect, and t*.e • th*— .it m early a date thereafter .*- practicable.” CHOLERA AT CALCUTTA. The marine boipttal bureau hat h«en Informed that during the two weeks eoiled April 4th there were lSd deatns from Cool* era in Calcutti. THE CHINESE MISSION. It ff urderst io 1 that the President haa recousidured his determination to give the Thin*-- mi •, • • to i if jrnia, becau- * < t possible embarra-iraent on account of the feeling of the peoplo of that State toward the Cnlnete The friends of Cot. Denby, a prominent lawyer of Kvansville, Iud , ire urging blot for the position. AN AMEMCA2V CONSUL IN TROUBLE. The Department of 8tnt* received to day a report from Mr. Osborne, minis* rto Bread, lu regard to th* arrest and im* pnsonnieut *»f Beck ford Mackey, Unite*] Mate- Cons, 1 at Kio Grande del but. Con sul Mackey h** alio written to his rela tives here, giving an acconnt of the difficulty. It appeals that Mackey | mil for many wteks been violently assai!t»i for no ascertained cause in the columns of a new-pA .~r »*t Rio Grande del Hul. The editor, on* Amorln. wot Mackey a r.o'c bv a i-«.--r **n April 13, proposing th At if be sabs'r.b*-d for the paper it a < ild Cesse t », .v.tai k him. He defined offier aiiil kicked the messenger out of his office. Oil the next editor made a fcurrilous attack o and nMM‘!*il his mother.au excellent lady, dis'ii.g dahtd for her piety. On tne tatne eveirng, mi i\*ns’il Mack-yen' theatre, he was c*»nfronted by Willi an uulifted stick. Mackey »t o? •• struck him a heavy blow In th* fac** with h’.s waiKing ''inr. ills assailant dre* bis pistol, but IWote he could fire the con sul ahot lit ■ twice, and he fell to the floor. Mackey, aocomj unled by the consul of the German empire, repaired to the t>*)lice ii.ngi-irate ami rurrendertd himself. Auiorm, whose wound proved not to b* sev.re, ihe-i arrived at ttie head of an armed body of rulli»ns, and demanded that Mack, v should be ••'irrer.dere 1 to him *1 he police officers were overawe*! an.! tl*»d but Mar key drew h i |>i*t«»i and ke >t the mob oti' a few min utes He is held p nouer. as ihectlemu is net bailable. All the foreign consul have visited 1dm in n b stify •II, efTect the exposition adversely. Muj. he told friends at a social gathering at his Burke declares tbat he baa not been called lodgings In Piccadilly that before long he . m upon to anrrender property to meet exposi* A, a* 5 *. _ has prevented it from being worse, uw | « n *«,^..Tn,HaK Uon liabilities,as hal been widely published, woald a S aln P tove R ahar P lhorn iu the the Indians joined ns we would have neen not oppose a Turkish occapationofSaakim and tnathts family can pay three Collars side of the British government. He went much stronger and better able to resist.” nor of any put of the 8ondan over which for every one they owe; that h* is grateful to Paris end remained there a fortnight, “How many men had you in the fi<ht?” theSuluui cialicedjiur.eralnty. Thepropo* tor the ayinpatbv expressed bv his joortal-1 atav j n , ftt !he American Hotel InRnol. “About five hnndred. I expected an at-1 sals permitted the TurElah government to KIEL’S IRISH ALLV" VOLUME LIX NO. 2(b RIE . JNTERVIf V.’EO. I Ccnduot Cufl-n the Bat- la and Opirt* | Ions on Religious Qjeailcns Wwxipio, May2a-KiV. Mr. PItWaJo, | | ot Ihlf city, was on bo mi tba steamer Xorihcole when Riel was being conveyed FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Excitement In Pails Concerning the Communists—Victor Hu* ffa'a Funeral--Egypt. with tbs rebel leader, and the following is I extracted from hla report of tbo trip which | I he haa given in private letters: Pit Blado describes RM as a cunning, in- nent—Situation In Afghanistan— Review by the Czar of the Russian Fleet, Etc. tut-*ae ajmuaiuy expressed ov nil joarcai* a t av | n . i m .u., n iT/i*s,i i n i? n <. Aoouiuve uunami. i— . isUo Irieads for bi,suppo«ed financial mi«- j,v, 3 Mack nn the north side ot the river.and occupyandcontrol.heSondnu.providedsc- forinre, bat I, bsppy tusay tbataneb,Ttn H? cmtrnfv ,?£,?irft 150 men to resist It “i that ,ide. ThU tloa were taken to suppress the si.ve path v has hren misplaced, and lurther- nth ^Iri.h h■L.ir^L th. 1 '*? weaaened usou theoiher side." trade and to develop commerce. The more that be is enjoyin* excellent h«al>h b “ n,.' ’f".""”® I* 16 “Where were you durir h - the flghtiag? 1 Porte would bo Iree to assert Its suzerain and will go to workNu th. Times-Dcmo• A vmt w.s concreted with " M when “>• >“ l3t »• on the lights over the whole o( the S.ud.D lu- cratinafewdays. IBiViH'Sg..* river. I wssonth. no.th side, bntwben clndlng the province of Dtngola. The mrammt .mnnvtLn the attack was made I went everywhere completion of the railway between fimktm «N EPIDIMIC OF DIPHTHERIA. ot^cEufl*lorSMaration fmm KSSlBrif t!)e men "i” 1 *" >" rJU R h P'*", B ”l> e r under a couceision to an Ku<- .in - th.t 1'LneL .nLn« ’ How many of your men were killed? ’ hah company waa to he a part of the im parls. Psnn. to sen., th. Fat. of Pry ^t’ly bi wm“x3 Sffig"tto2 Inn n- a-ul two woun.ieel. fstslly. 1 fear, demanding with the Tarkl.hgovernment. mooth-Sanhar, M.a.ur.., i-i.-oe^ ' tar" „.ore ‘n,:, i: ,g,p. .heahn'me" j tne’pr.f,?, X ' ' rrP PrrTSBCBo, Jfay 25.—A Chronicle til. I , .Jf^JJL.sHmmiy'an cxperiruent T (iy I "'verctnepneaiaitier.ciyiovonc rtph JtwUl from Steubenville, Ohio, | ,: K „ea_to cause French Canadian, to*feel L.“Th«y were not,_ and they jnalate^on SITUATION IN AFGHANISTAN, A dispatch from Tirpul of the date of 1 Saturday last, the 231 inst., states that the .iIuT I British section of the Afghan frontier com- *10f | Ut.lvln pitsr.ta nf Hir Pnlnp T.nrna. was mission.lately in charge of Sir I’eter Lama • ,Jr, den, was then in carau at a point twenty- Biriituy lust fcwu, isujwu, auunov rxpeciea i Minn. After bis arrival at 8t. Paul, many I ^‘f/f* miles to tho westward of Herat. Thi to live, as is also his itep-daughter, named officers of the Irieh Republican Broher- n.5..! 12 *2h JSh.i? dispatch als > states that the officers of the Gardner Kennedy. - Triox. who has lost ^ wot westward including Oapd of Z* vi nl* [ '£ ***&''“Sf were 7 r fi I rccelT f d .-. ■, n *.. n . Tnomas a. Mullen, who, in the years I “ ‘ ne f v.vJ wi wim *»,,« I by both the anthoritles and the peopl*. n* m irc J, ° 1 «“•. ! 808 .- regarded a, C.pt. | JR,*”;., 1 ,.”Uv*nfH^MhlwTl^nriMS’ I neutrallxatlon ot the l’enjdeh district ease tion, several from Bi Paris to day, and will hold a consultation | days' THE KGRTIIA'E TkRl WAR. A DUpatcn fro* JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE. from 8ingan, commisbio.i fa proclamation rariato-uoy, ana win noia a consultation i nays’rations. Mullen made no secretof I ^“1*the‘Mollahs nnbliclv invoke™*"hll-isimr with Dr. Hall and other physicians In this bis destination or intentions. Aylwsrd s jfjf®,nn» T for thereon The^reports that tbc Afghans infected. Sinltary me.stre, are beieg October, 1883. Aylward volnntarily pre- “ ec *°>e 1 rchel.ed, but.Ucuoae 1 did not It I, rumored hero that Co 1 . French, who adopted nt all neighboring town,. rented himself before a committee »i .Si tSiiS...?, ih. uni. wa, on the continent a abort time ago, 1 Beta's immediate .upporter., and Jo-ti- ««ten,lb'v In the lcterost nf the African tied himself stains; ihe cnargeaot nnialth- b ? 1 L ed bl ™ International Bode'y. bat re illy to watch fulness. - K° b-ek 10 Mont,ns. He Wi. on hla way the m0 „ ments of .' hft dynamiters, hsa —— 10 * v ” y—Middleton when glTea warn | ng : 0 8ir Wm. Vernon Har- T HE INDIAN OUTBREAK. icaptnred by the sconta. . cout, home secretary, that there are many ■ ! A“ .’her evmct from the o.-urvatton , lyn „„,|,, rs in i,i tH „, n . an 1 Oeneva LvxcitncBO, May 25.—'To-day, Whit- Fl»hts with Var,lng Success Ranorrod— '“Vji.8ome have recently .rrlveii alao in Parle, monday. waa observed aa a holiday by the Tn. Cowho, a. . Bo.dLr, .^^'t kSiSfoSSrt attack on the Bf*aL^gg , "*«5aggL T «* colored people, who celebrated it with a Tccox, Arizon a. May 20. — Advices Indiana prevented tnetu irom joining ua. c nine!. 5 military and aedety parade, baieball play- from Lordabnrg atats that the aoldleta at- Had tbay come a, they were expected, leg. etc. Darings baseball gamo In the tacked the Indiana on Blue river Teeter- ;totufwraty"fiTe‘‘f 8 tbem triffime.'’ afternoon, ayonng man named Samuel dav, bnt were compelled to retreat with -DM yon scDd messmsera to them ‘ if their number wounded. It la be- over the country alter the Fish Creek | n! , icil s ue( small colored toy, for which he was at once I lie veil that the Indiana will attempt to rt- a,.—..it. ... n.„t. itaotiginal Into Sonora by way of Arizma. It f 0 ,d. rot not w (Li. o«r?y.” “‘ !n * f "?• and ordering that the FRaNCE. Hugo's rcxituL. Meredith, for we clause, elappeil a ) three of their i.ttn.her wtmn.ie.l, I; i, he. j over^tih.' country alter the Fi«h F-eet j ',‘nP»m"j!m"io original use as a receptarle for the re attackedbyannmberolcoloredmen.Asthe crora into ^miWVHL —«w. lh~t. of vteto. it,,., h. Kon'ie , h . excitement Increased his aaiaiianta grew in will be impossible for them to do ao with- Aa to religion, Kev. I’ilblado laye behad Hng0.b..icriea.th. riawnwai mcreaaeu m miiuaaa grew m ***** uc itujruMij.i; wt uiviu w uu au mtu- ai iu xvw*. a tm.auj a*jc uc un»* i r .1.. 1 Uo„d.- number. He took to fight with titty o; oat coming la contact with the troopa and eeveral longconveraitiona to-day with Kiel “ 1J ' Monday more negroes in pursuit, and finally turned _ h „ ... ou the mojeot ot bta re,igioua views. He I June iai. at bsylh the doorway o( « house, when a cowbny, '" bo * rl e If ry seems to be qnlte will ng to talk, and da- a occnTrCL victory. batbtr named Law!* A'lami attacked him P 41 *- which number fully 120. Tho- elareafthat hii is now dona with theCburch Reports are In circulation that M. Allaln with a knife. Meredith shot the barber rough y armed men are trailing the of Rome. He la evidently trying toicrrate | -orge, minlsier ot tba interior, mcdltatea dead, entered the house and eicane t toe in.iiani Should thev meet the hosti'ea »J®P a thv for him* l! among *ne Protes- resigning his p-mfolio. Many nawspaners woo. When the excitement bad .ubalded. „«?, L/! taala * Hl * « reat ^Bpathj to the oneata as doubUul >he victory of the min- many of the negrore who had followed j iw- i« e J? w „. be ft conriita tn his hatrrd for their Interference Uuy fn the Caamberof Deputies yesterday Meredith admitted that the kiliina of I ft#!??**??. ' * n msny matters, ©ley have too much I In tue vot- expreuti g confidence iu the Adam* was done In lelf defense, and do do wita « 1tU a,ulra * . Tbt I * wrvat of tt.e government in e->foreleg clartd.i*. was josiifiab*. rji *4 QRrter ** CT 7 °* the cow- canned at Batonrhe naaacd » for the national 1Ij« znd In pre- __ ximw*t A . .k J wlUiaof flFred of dlatlnc: ‘icc'rine^ which , vmdi.g the duplay of red fltgs And ban- I)KN\KR.CoL.May^.—A special to the thiy wbhad to tea:h th*- people. Mr. nerv. d thus aosEBuar a mu*ion, "slide I rnmnre*l on th** »>our«e that the «e* l mi—ion of tbs Karl ot boiebary resulted in fai'nre. CENSURE FOR THE FOUCX. .u aid pal au;horitVf have resolved 1 « ilte ptofayct of ;«r»ii* h and the | o- l lie*' officers lor then acdon of Hun Jay. partsof the State, and fears tbit It will be- Alma. The Indians were roattd. Their Inaa.roud letter Pirblndo dveiacDn- orne Wta-ntnd are ML Dr. n r ldgar. lou wu uuitnoAn. Th* trot pi im «owd- ihl?h K- m JlfrihS. tlta Star* w.p^n.ry.nrxwm found a bard i„ K the rcdsklna. Another conthct is «x- claims ot hilt brildL.^. I atOrctbroukTiiutaday.wnich was affi'cKd micted any moinant |aatmiur nut othu< - :u Uie dlt"la-. Seven o! th* CUU. were | r at onco killed and the other* inoculated. There Is danger Ibat tbe outbreak oi t'luero-pnenmual* in N'ev.tmlo county, Uelawate, may spread to ibis State. THE DISBASl AT TUE WEST. Whv sbunl 1 you Ttaei to g. t granted T ’ ' Wedldnotrtbri. This matter Is nut a Franklin, last night 1 v „ .-.^i- rshelllon. Webav*nevery.tbeen treated H,* 7 ,a U ° c, “: wits about onr tight,. Th. hait-hreed, rinnf 4rii nf.n n nnu»?f. Till °* Manitoba h*ve entered into a p nnodred men qnietly took from jail Watliy That treaty elipula'.es that One*oo, May25-Br. Piaren, th* 1111 I Si arrangements t. be 1 made with ™ nois State veterlnarien. D In tb* oity, titer *'' b ba ™' n * U ” 1 "* b .““* “ d tbe half-breed.- oi tb* Terrilorie. would be having mad- a lour oi tha pleuro-pnenmo- S*g». * ri °£ almllar to that, n tde with Manitoba. No f?,, , 'CiL JE2? I"' 1 , *J nia infected district! in Mlseouri. Dr. S22Il!S7h.'irtn ,rt » l 5 h “""been made with ns. We ? Paoren declines to deteil tbe reanlu In full ffJKKJ g** y Jv" h* ,onod hinging to a n „ e f tr.nsferrwi onr right*, and before lY',' pi: oi bis investigation, ae he had not yet n- w _u..u I the^ ar* tak« from ns we with •» h... I ?? to Lrw ported to the Governor, bnt emragu !» !. 111..L Y learned from him to warrant tbo Miertien I “o* “h** “<* RU*(iA. oriNiaa or tbb *at cinau ....., rrra**Bcia, May 27.—The *e» c»nal Na Til formally opined to-day. Tbe Czar nuuo xuui -w/ | «»,. eti„u m .t(; corps, tha large crowd were pretext at tbeco'emony, h the Czar and Caarioa proceed- hl. «.» m. i unio this morning. I I to Cronatadt and Inspected the frigate of W*.invMfUaUon,ai he bad not yet re-1 Ft4JirL1J(| Kr^May 20,-The mob which iS?tbtnk wa have* right I Sohyiofl andrevlyred the aqaadron. „ lbl , a to .expect that Ibeco jdition* of tbat treaty asaygo-a i KVBiarggryJtt 1 ^ 1 firac reported. Great pressure has Wen L2fI tho settled balf-breeda in Manitoba. r* Drought to be*r on Governor Og’esby to No, my friend, tbi* 1* not CENTRAL America. hare nlmrelsx *omd.h»t lnbi*r**triotion f t . fe * a rebellion. Wa limply defeod THI Taocxtxa »ot TBT XNBXD, regirding the receipt of cattle from Ml*- )“**, .hit i.VV^h onmelve*. Wedon'tbeloogto the Hudson LaLibixtad (ria OalrtatoD), May 27.— souri in tbi* atat*. Dr. Fanrtn's report SSSj* jS aBlff* ' ...ViLiL Ln, I;?. Bay Company. Thar eold th.lr Interest Tbe Bin Salvador gnernmanl U coocen- will undoubtedly have tha •fieri of ctudeg I **'• P^* I In the country. The Indiana who took tba trailng its military force* at thla place mod tie Governor to modify the present rules I T, , ,L r :' . Tl.^ I treaty aold wbst Interest they bsd in constructing eutbeorka and entranch- to a large degree. The State reterinsri ,n ‘ « the conntry, and tbe half breeds menu. Hindi oi Insurgents. Isr. ely com- ot '-l,oonsin arcmiptnled I)r. Paoren,on ,h * *"Oinen still dangle from a 0 f the Territories are the owners I posed ol Indiant, »re concent rstuig fuor- a visit to ihe quarantined localite* in Kane r , r I ot tbe toll they occupy. They have an in- teen leagues from here. Aa attack on La oouuty. Dr. Paoran aaya the people in that .... .... „ terot In the conntry with which they have Uoertad la threatened. Thero Is no section impreased tbe wiacoosln reprenta- never pirted. They desire to have an American or other war vesiel on tiU coast, tion as being avert* to ald ng th# Illinois -'‘“^ -^“Tu-Mraut man- ,,,, u t» r |e arrangement lor tiieir interest, and lorelgaerj are consequently much Slate anthori-.iee tn their etr .rt to stampoot ,^. th l?‘ U £J ?£ d f! Tb*y defend thro.selves.” alarmed, the plenro-pnenmonle. H* decided to re- L, Sii vrlh„ a .i He concluded his statement by laying: 1 — ■ p rt lo the WUconsln State authorltlra }P* PJ?P*f*y tb ® ,,I have not reto H-d against the Knglisn Stdvlilng a qerantlne agaieet Illinois. | —-.1.“* 'JSft I government.,and besides I am ■ citizen of n. MldaUt >n ro the Canadian Covar-tmenr* Ottawa, M»v 27 —In thn liouae of Com- [ioi' — this Hfternooa the Miniiter of Mi itia read * he following ttlegraui, dated Batile- ford: ■”I have prisoners of P< undmaker, Lean Man Yellow Mad, Blanket, Break ng- Thf' ugh-Tb**-!^, befpg themostluflaen- tial aadd«Dge*ons uieu nbjut film. Have also Wntte Bear, who killed Indian instructor Payre, end Wap wain*, a who killed Fremont, the rancher. My ^ex* task may ba Big Bear. Poundmaker h* >ngri*. in »he lenma taxen ami gave up2t0 *»t*»i n o* arras and five revolvers. I bare or,i*-r**d them to g*ve up th* flour taken «» dh »rre» erd rattle, aud am tviufing a part of tb* por.ee t j eee that itU al'RiVE-uup. Tue Niueietnth ha* iutt anivvj t»y steamer, tna is iu cuup. The rest are comlna by land. It ordered to move on the Indiana, I propose to or ganize a for:e of mounted tofantry, made up '>1 mounted poliiv, lieUoii’.i ao<m*a aud some mounted artillerymen, in all about 300 men, and with light carta and as little baggage and fcuppH** **•* possible, so as to sc^iiir the whole coantry and strike rapidly. I expect that Big Bear will soon give up. If he does, I shall trea*. him as I have done Poundmaker. If he does not, I shall attack him immediately, [Signed] “Fred Middleton.” rOURDHAKER’S SURRENDER. Winnipeg, May 27.—Battle ford dis patches give the following particulars •if Poundinaker's surrender. The follow ing is Poundmaker's message to Gen. Mid* dlfton, received at Carlmti: "Sir: I am camped with my people on Eagle Hills, whete I am reached by news of the surrender of Riel. No letter came with the news, so I cannot teli how far it may be trne. I sent some of my meu toiyou to learn the truth aud the terms of peace. I and iny peoplo wish yon to send the terms tn writing, so that we may be nnder no mis- understanding, from which so much trouble arises. 3Vehavd twenty-oue pris oners, whom we have tried to treat well in every respect. With greeting. I Signed) Poundmaker, By mark X Gen. Middleton’s reply to him waa as [follows: “Steamer Nobthoote May 23.—Pound-' \maker: 1 have utterly defeated the ba’f- and Indians, and have made pris oners of Riel and most of his council. I have made no terms, with them, mither will I make terms with you. I have meu enough to whip you and your people, or at least to drive yo \ away to starre. and will do si nnleis yoa bring In the* teams which you took, youreell and your counselors to men with yonr arms, at luttleford, on Tneoaay, the 28’h. I am clad to learn you treated the prisoners well, and have released them. [Signed] “Fred. Middleton, “Major Geu?rd.”l In a'cordonce with this, Pouud- maker surrendered to-day. o'clock this morning a wagon train numbering sixty-seven vehicles ar- rivi-d with the half-breeds, who corralled juit weat of the bairacks and then laid |OOWn tbelr arm*. Tne party nutiffier abof.t 150, nil told. At li o'clock * u I* dl rider, i i lull war paint, dashed In, saying pjuudiintA»r aould a y rive within an hour to surrender with all his cunusrllors. Promptly on time, Poundmaker arrived with the .captured wacon train, some stock and a wagon load'd with rtpea**-ra ami nbo’guns and with a few flint lock numbering In all 210. Gen. Middleton then held a’blg powwow which lasted three hour?. P*.ucdmake blamed Riel for leading the Iudiana t rise, and said he came in to te._ the General to kill him, 10 a§ to save his people. Several chiefs followed, blaming Kiel for mir'eading them, icet.e cc ’urredduri g the powwow. When General Middleton demanded the In who killed Barney Krem*mt and I one brave rore from the circle, ki Mildletcn'i fer-t a*'>i aaiil the grea* ntu rou'd Older him to be cut in pieces, a* [had killed Payne. He further m id not want all punish bis offense. He said killed Payne in relf.defense. He said he^ demanded ten days' rations from tne la structor, as he was going hunting. He wa refused, and alleges tbat P«yne attempt* tn(grasp)his shot-gun. He succeeded, but the Indian regained it and shot him with duckfthot. His grandson confessed murdering in cu.d blood Barney Fremont, who waa greasing a wagon. The mnrderers were thei taken into custody. General Middleton said the government would detain Poumimakcr. I .ear.-Man. Breaking-Ice, Yellow-Mud, and Blanket, bnt informed the others that they could go back to their respective reserves for tho present, and if they con-; ducted themselves properly they would get rations. Tbe braves drpatted hap..y. Icorapo * 1 while te'ling yoar reporter or the atr»ir. Hep >rts say Whitten wounds will | prove fatel. _ GREAT FIRE IN NEW FORK. rn .JSiSiTK* V;..: xoternmtnt. and bisidei Msiaa J h ^ u . gSs? hi£7S2SS3 A Ban Franoiaoa Trw.dy. | Q7 tn r^; ^m»uiTof‘phTMriphi* dTlt | *£*’•*!£ thf'^iniro Waa DUh“U *ra dlaplri^d ai tbalr Tw Ban Feaxcuco, May 25-Ur. H- L. Back, a(t , r , h . clo*.ol tha war. * U Domialoo totT , ew wU ^ th , n’.^t hf n iV.Z?i It wa« aaalMtautlal recognition of hla val- gomom,D ' 0“' o!t d A^ b ^i lI ' t i " tcu * *- r » lc, a for tha prawrvatlun of the <? A* n. u “l«o. Th*eomiaili*#|*id»J3aOOforih*l *ut A, 0 ',^ Pfmiae* In IMS. end tarnDhrd IL ITALY. THE I Rim BlfHOPS. Rome, Mey 27.—It ie reported that the suicide at eufaula. CEORCIA*t NEWBONDB. arrested. At the police station be said he shot him because hit wife told him BncE had taken improper lib eries with her while ehe was Henry Clews’* Efforts to Prevent Their Sals In Nsw York. Naw You, May 27.—The Slate of Qeor. gl4 tome few yean ago repudiated 13,000, Eufacla, May 28.-E. L. Cotteville, an I m cl iu bonj,. j ait recently Georgta I An Old and Rssptotsd Citizen Shoots Himself With a * fatal. (SPECIAL TELEGRAM.I no p» lit’* of th< •Mid* r***l their iPAtlimr lawyer of that provlnr* tn-red for his defense. His trial plat•«» next werk Mackey >a a yo in his twentv-ti.ird year, it** with theblan^ ~ Murderea by His Brotnar. St. Loci*. May 20—A apccial from uuderbla prof«.looal car*. Dr. Wythe, nron^°7n th^amho.h^ot^’ml'^t. T.T friftul of the murdered shnidin I nouncw, on the auth^tity of a private til _ .it attended Mr*. Priodt* Mr a time, a. d' ftgn>* i t*»lll«.N. O.. that near old and promlr ent dtiaan of Entanla, ani- Unud 33.500,000 of bond* known aa “new MUMB her to thme, ahe labor* nnder a SS&fiafKCSlA I t?r.‘ Char“-.,'‘j«w‘a"^." "knit"‘ar*,l | In the head with a piatol. He left no eri-1 ho M„, n . the repudiated bind* friend* .alert on the contrary that Back r'“Wd. Onto 151* brother a breiataeren dence that haa yat been fonnd which ex- 0 b]ecL They think Georgia abou’d waa guilty of erery thing charged Mrinat [ime-. killing him InsUnUy. The murderer pIalna hi, actif aelf-dealrucUon. HeUred redeem the repudiated bonds before zl Sw * wldow,r ,,B ' 1 ,ea ™ • hsfS’ssr 1 grown tauiiiy. I county, aaya: Laat night Wm. Kiley cut ^ and children. He wa* a long time to Oeorgla g!ateor rill r0ld bonCi. The _ . , hi* aeten year old daughler'a throat and treaaorer of the Montgomery and Kafaula official* of Georgia, repraaented by a com- ... , ,7. . • h ..,,,_„ tSencuthiaown. Their dead bodies were railroad, and waa highly eateemed by bis mittee, are seeking to hare tbit order tL*Y«LASD, OMay 25.-A abort time ( 0nDl j [ n bed this morning. Kiley and Ids co-offlclala for bis tfflriancy and integriiy. repealed. This atlcmo in Deputy Attorney- !,«?. !'*y. 8 - Hath way, .city, edltorof^the | wl(a MDtrate d sir months ago. ind Riley I Mhts death L wm clerk ot the oTty of General Wm. A. Post hit a meeting Kafaula, being in the second or third term with some of the holders of the repudiated ot that office. His death U sincerely I bonds and tbe representatives of new M ked mourned by the entire community. His I bonds. Wolll «k Co., wno are seeking to remains will bo boried to-morrow. place the bonds in New York, were also ^ represented. Henry Clews stated that his firm ha l never been financial agents Georgia in New York. that time. id I« *h< s' I which he charged several young mar- ol- ried men with ruining a young married ike la iy (a former resident of Cleveland) And | ftn. of being tbe u*d happy home c ol- lie mentioned H.'th Water In Texas. Dallas, May 36.—A report from Waco d- I ■ i aof Judge J. T. Ifira. VIaeon, G*.. a school of Georg*-tow iKjiiited cooeul. He Vloclu-y, of South Oa A COMMON 8COLO. A Corvlctlin Followed by nn Unuaual Scone In the Court Room. ruiLv'jEi.iuiA, Pa.. May 27 Margaret Brooks wm convioud to-day of being a common icold. and waa atnu-nced to four months' imprio*)nrnent. After her wn- year-old daughter a truck one of the ly. In the face with • !i»t Th*- TDoll.e- and daughter then be ne intent'Iv excite 1. cry appeared at the Sl Charles Hotel, three or more of the—MMMi e«l i.hje him to the rear men I lArgeiron brldgcs.costingnearlv $1,000 000 !?J e u° r * r or th ® 8tate of Georgta, and ne- I ir> filL The storm loll rtat iinnn tJ# btll for a lectare. I gotlxted its bonds. Pending the ol tbehotal, L Q .*tn^ p0D nndmtnoditw*adon. priodpaliy Eu bind* tb* 1m knai a costume of tar and feathers. Mexican Editors Coming. aped to her f-**i anuMd loot aim io me rear oi me noiei, i xtr'll’" f Zlnern* w I »*id be understood it was done principally I of bondr the firm "loaned a.np^l liiiiiuf hU closing anfi gay. him I Waco an Immeffi.U damage o. I M.ooa. L y lh , Berobta^gd that ‘the DSmJ aam.'SnSonn to the State, holX Locu.t. in Loul.lan.. 5* U 7?JS ?* v ® l . b * *liL' I ,|,e bon.fi M collateral. Wnen lh- h'a'c NawOluaxa, May 31—A apeclal to the *!• *u d lb i*A. , £. < LIff. , i 1 .h.^^,:, , ii? ul * rowt . b I ‘.pudialeJ U* bond* they aere I.tt in tbe -W — i Tiinee-Deniocrat from Lake Providence 1^1^ Heberated the liepublican party |u r ch f with many other*. Ex-Ooreraur Cbicaoo, May 25 —Tb# coming exetir-1 La , aaya: “Locuiti, eommoniy known as I *i! n .“l* by ,? n l c , 1 ‘ im:n k j liullotk coroborated Ocaj'i atattmaat aa ,i not Maxfon editor* to the prlndpi: I the „ T y n .jeir loeaaU, bar# mada their ; "ftarded the FbairUi NaUonal t^;n< the Inter lean nti.e .ill leave the.i-y “Met M Ki-: <'arr... I’amb. I hut * ,> ’'! K J 7,' V ’• ,“'’ r “ 1V “ '!••' - «v a:i I - jpyingaixweekalnthetrii:..; f. r they have done no demtge to growing : 7^“ i b, ,5fL ,b , t „ T L l 1L*“5!S* c, ,^ ly » Uo ° of H** ”P 0,,l 5' , ‘' 1 ‘ h T CtaWl* .re being made tor their , cropl . fhe iwatupv are Inti of tbedreaded | UriVraMa’nf'tSrrttnrJ’Jw* r 30- 0“tbe*«bolJunetheOeergl4n» wlil 4-piion and entertainment in many i intecU | mere waa a largrf area oi t*-rrito.y wher«*, state their aide of the case. By procuring i .win,*. — a repeal of Superintendent Hepburn's order the Georgian* expect to be able to place their bondi with savfngs bank*. Census at Chattanooaa. CniTTANoooA, Tean :t May 27.—The j rurht id Ml. After mother bad be . Hi*- judge i-tit«nc»*l to four monthV Imprin temp: of court. At thi thi Dom the 1 ooliriM of tw* the paUenLi h Isle quarantit rttmlDg •i^d dea- i.l Of her ,oung woman, u to»ja a.1 me ** r two of tb* lUor.geit officers of the court to remove her from the room. Cholera Reoorted -.nr,nnnn- • -r-t-- lirl ( — Aue n >. U-T.. ii-.T -S.-It Is TfportM I dwennial'cinini ol’tkla cltyta' con' I Klll - d »» L' B hmie«. ■ ‘ p>»e-t. and E-vei tue n ru : >*-r **i iuhaoi- i G\ki \m>, Ili... Mmv .— I> iring a -vrr. anu at 25,101, an increase of 10) per cent, j •term Sunday night the realdence of A. B. Witigiee. seven rellee northweat of thia city, was struck by llghti.iog Tbe f!a»h Oetaya a** Danaeroue. | carue througf, • window, #-ni. r**.l the ad- nent hai liwn i of cholera having ap-, ,r<l D-iurul Teaeel. that Killed hy Hla ttep-t Mivrajv Term.. May 27.- orcurre*! thia aftern<ioa Schuyler and h a a'-i-ton, M a la.i •/ 1* which rraalte.! in A mg ahot and matantly kil e.1. a «Uo'. gau lo*ded > »1 and ih •pittfn, hack- | ting rcoi Mr- W. .-!* i wera Mr. Wii law a.(d l m PiaTOwAWD SHOT CUN. Peihap* Fatal Affray Naur Haddock' Station Yesterday. Milledoiville, Ga., May 27.—Quite tragedy was enacted nenr Had iock'a 8ta tion thti morning about half an hour by inn, the principals being Mr. 8. H. Lane and Mr. Wm. M. Whitten, both of whom stand well in their settlement. Your correspondent sought out Mr. Lane and obtained from him the following ain’e- meat: On Monday evening Mr. Line went to Mr. Whitten's store and told Lira Lewis golrg to Macon by Tuesday morn ing’s train, and asked If he could do any thing for him whils there. Whitten five Mr. Lane $o and a*ked hint to pay it to a party on hii account. To this Mr. Line proposed to add I10.S5, which he owed Whitten, fo which the latter assented. Mr. Lane rose early Tuesday morning and itarted to Haddock's, bit hal hardly time to have proceeded n ore than a mile, before Whitten knocked at Mra. Line’s bed room d )or, anti oaked he r to lend him a »aw. Mrs. Lane was tn bed and told him she would hand it to him when she got up. When sae ha l dreaied, she went out the back door, leaving the front door locked. Whitten weut through the psnage to the back way. following Mrs. Line ir.tUhe dining rojm. She handed him the saw. which he refused to take, whereupon she asked a .second time It be wished the saw. He still refused and made u-e of some ungentlemnnly re mark*, repeating them the fourth time. Mrs. Lane all the while ordering him out, an t stating tbat she would inform Mr. Lane of his conduct. At this juncture a r.cjro boy who was hired on the plae* ap peared, seeing whom Whitten left the home, going in a cirectinn opposite from home and toward Mr. SYesley Bonner’s, but returned in a very short while and called Mrs. Lane, telling her he did not want the yaw and didn’t know what he was thinking aiwst to in*.u.t her; made an Gijrt i) apoiag ze, which she refused to hear, and again ordered him to leave. Whitten then went toward home and return*-! again ihcrtly afterward. Hi called Mrs. Line ***verttl times, but she re faied to listen at him ami again ordered him to leave. When Mr. Lane returned from Ma?on hii wife told him what ha-1 occurred, f hii morning about half a;i hoar by sun Mr. Lane went to Whitten's JiG.J, approach*-! near to where the latter was plowing, .. A ° ,a: ' t ordered h.tu to »t ji*. then fired two Mr. Ur... li. :.*ai of New* jt la -a-.- *•:. >u at him fmn. a orearh-ioa-lir.g doubl* My wife ban b-'i t*r: roily afflicted with barrel ihotrfuo. loads took nf-c ,r twe:.*/y-an. and tn i ar.d Whitten fe.l. Lax.e then turned tolrave . ri.’g more srvrre.y than ever before, thinking he woi dead, but Whiltei , Lit I M.*- .‘-aiinwri many rsmedtes without r**- got op and fired upon him three times witi -1' -.fig urge! to try I)r. King’s apUtol Mr. Lane's gun g^t out of or.t^f it J New Dia *'vvery. did »o, with most gratify-1 and rtUaed t.* »r jrk t>> that he couJJ Herman’s Furrhu-e FHCtory Entirely Da- strozed--The Loss Heavy. New York, May 27.—The vail furniture factory of Herman Bros., Rt Mangin and Tompkins streets, was -vered to be on e at 3:30 o'clock thi- im rning. It is a hve-story brick building, and occupies a whole b'osk, fronting 200 feet on Delaney and 1000 feet on the ether streets. Itwui the old bollding ociupied by the Kicger Sewing Machine Factory. The whole building is surrounded by miserable tenement hou^e*. occupied by the poorest c'aifei in the city. The fire was intensely hot, and nearly a hundred families were driven from their homes. They rushed out in th« .r n gh: clothes and were coiup* l*-d to camp ji tit-river side where they shivered in the chiily winds of morning. At four o’c’o:k the whole building wan in flames, and there was no hope of saving any of the property, and firemen directed tneir efforts making the miserable peo ns comfortable as possible. At 4:30 this morning alarms were sent|out for extra engines, and it looked as though the whole surrounding neighborhood would be destroyed. At 6 o’clock alarms w**re still being sent «< it for extra engines. The reason the flames rpreid so r»j idly on account of the oil in the lloors. The factory was tilled w.tli furniture, and is estimated that the loss will amount to more than one mil ion dollars. This is the hu\v season of the year, and tn*' loss will be (till heavier for the company by this reaic n. Over three hundred men will be thrown out of work. The streets at 5:30 a. ro. were crowded with peoo'e and the greatest excitement prevailed in the neighborhood, as every body in the surrounding tenement house* was moving furniture and teekieg to es cape from th* tl mi's, which were fast spree-ling in all directions. Surerinten- deut Piunon, of the factory, said it wm impos-ib e to say where the’tire originated but it was believed that it had started in the engine rooms. At .V.’in o’clock this morning special calls for extra engines were being sent ont, and it was estimated that the loss would amount to $1.500/n0. Though the e »tire available f jrce of the lire department was summoned it was two hours before the Himes were fatrly under control. The li »mes «r** ! timing fiercely In the ruins yet, but all danger of their ‘urlber spread lias pasted. Tue factory, a five story brick building, is a total loss. Mr. Herman cs'imatcs his I its at about 9250.UU0, which is covered by insurance large number of companies The loss on the building, that is owned by •»stat«\ he estimates at near^3<o/o0. This, too is cover* d to a large extern by insurance. Five hundred ►killed workmen were employed in trie factory, and lose all their toon the aggregit** value of which is about $20,000, and on thesi there are onlv scattered Mims of iun'ance. Later advices place thedsnisgc by the fire at the following figures: Stock of H. Herman, $250000: building. $'-OO.OCO; damage to adjoining property, $22,000; nrkmen's tools, $20J)00—total, $302,000. Mr. Herman stated iliat ins Ion i< insured way emir* ly satisfactory to his firm. Tbe burnt building ha-1 for vears been lokrd upon a* dangeroun by firemen. Extraordinary measures were taken to protect ic at tiig.-t by means of special atchmen II -v ' tire b*-oke out ii ■ my.Very. hut •'r I give? it ni his op n'ou that it vm ’ha woes of an incen diary ; but th* re l- i. • • iu that d.- rectfon. HAPriar mimicn ooctEtv. Its Annual Masting ut Sn*ntoi:.t--The Work of ths Vanr. . N. Y.. May 27.-The fifty- third anna a 1 n e» ting of the Baptist Home : *>ciety began this morning in the nurrh with President John H. f Now York, in the chair. 8 cre- ry H. L. Moreh -ure. I» D . rea*l the re- !»• *rt of the ' 4a * r d. Tbi ety hn u forty-five hia'es and Terri- :--r.. a I •. Ii>*- iirni-inaries also in Ontario, M»m o'**, Brit sh t’oltin.bia and Mexico It has under it* charge ►eveatttn - h >ol« f-»r colored pe ( plo, a day *-ch'ol for ctnl- diso, and two schools* In Utah. Nearly 7.000 members were received in the mii- tlor. churches during the year, and the society hAi oiganizedISOchnrcbea. There are'JlHKtl tueiuberii in cburcht-s under the Charge of inlailnnarita. Tbe total receipts for ths year were ft 17 370 05, km ii.erfa-r over last year ol $505, yet the exp- ndituret exceeded the re ceipt* by $03,017. Ths debt at ths begin ning of the year was $51330, making the entire deficit $117,097. The losses by the H*«'gnment ot J. II. Deane, ate about V Ji V| I < M Tne supplemental cvnraitiet ot tbs board reported progress iu the lnvrstiaa- tl*m Into the canv*-s o! loises, and aik*-«l fer an ther year lu which to raakt far ther Inquiries, The«e lostes in no way Interfered in the work of tho society. Legaciss aegregatiog $400,000 have been received. Dr. A G. Lawsnn. of Breton, read a pa per on “Systematic Beneficence.” lie rec- omnended tbe appoUtment of ageneral' •eervtary. who shall dev.itc bis Urns to or gan' zing church beneficence on aajit*- tnatic bn-is lo BapCIit churches Ut the country, thereby preventing deficit*. ThO plan awakened much enthuaiaim. • t I*- early ttajjea. cunB .uip buck-1 Ducovery, as thu-aa druggist*. i can testify. By oy , coni'.uci condition, nr.-l i not loo* con»r.ou»rie»j. r..« on lire, but the liaruea were «c x it j New Discovery, did so, w:ta moat gratify- I ar,.l rtl ji**-d t-* w *r* that he f-er S -ter. j in< revolts. fh« first b>tt.*» relieve*! her j rtturn tne fire Mr. Lin* the in an uri- rer ^ii-ach, and^ th^, sec >:id b >tt a hai , . w herit! KnnD h it afterward car Trial bottle* ‘ robeputy -her :! • G L’araker. Mr. I »mar « dreg j hsi every apj#«arahce a h.’ghtiy reapec- ) Ub*e, high-toned geubeman and WA4 -nUtc A TCNE KI NT HOUSE COLLtPIEt. • vernl Psrsona K-lied nnd Ma-r Otha-s Weuadid. Jer)kt City, May 20—The thres-stoiy frame tenement hooee No. 76 Oolfate atriet, ooiiapved this morning. Fira fsm iles occupied *ha premises, Including twenty-*even persons. Four were kiii'-d. Barney, Ntlile ani Mary Anderson, aged nine and seven yearn and three months, r-ipectively. were nil smothered la bed. Michael Webb, aged fifteen years, had hia head crushed. John Coyne, an insurance agent, was btdly injured. Nine other persons were hurt, more or less seriously, and were cared fur by neighbors. The budding was known lo be insecure. It waa to Lave been repaired next week. Fortunately no tires broke oat in the ruins. The firemen and police are engag ed in the work of c learing away the Ub< it, An immense crowd is collected at the leant. The building belonged to Jas. Anderson, who, with his wife and five children, occu pied the first floor. He Is father of the three Anderson children who were killed. Anderson, who is a baker emnloyed at the county prison, was at his work. IDs wife and two children escaped. The building was knownjto be insecure, ana Anderson had contracted for repairs which were to begin next week. The other occupants twenty-three in nnmber, were ail in the building when it collapsed, and all were more or leas injured, but none aerieailj. PATRICIDE IN MASSACHUSETTS* A Drunken Father Shot br Hit Son—The Circumstances. GreenriELD, Max-., May 27.—Gilbert Prentice, aged sixty years, living m Or- aege, was shot and instantly killed by his son, William, aged thirty-five years, b*-- tKeen 12 an I 2 o'<: •*: D-day. Gilbert l'rentice li.nl b-en on a lira' tod spree, ami this morning, wiult drunk, hr seized a gun and tbreat-fia-d to kill hn him head. c:ip <• ib:- Wi f >t**d tn- part* tiers of iheadi.raa stove. William Prenti-a claimed that be was not, tnough the belief <sai that he f»ad ixr-u drinking. To the p:.-.v*n! stage the c;r-