Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, May 29, 1885, Image 4

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m 4 THE TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER: FRIDAY. MAY 29,1885. THE TELEGRAPH & MESSENGER’ Dally and Weakly. IllkTllEOlurH AND MEsSZNOXB ll publish ed ovary day, except Monday, and Weekly •vary Friday. Thi Daily ll delivered by carriers In the olty or mailed postage tree to subscribers attl rer month, IUO (or threo montha, (5 lor alx rnontha, or (10 a year. mi weekly ii mailed to anbgerlbor*,post- aye free, at (1.25 a year, 75 cents toe alx montha. do clubs ol five. II, and to clnbs o! ten, $1 per year and an extra copy to getter up oI clubs ol The dste on which subscriptions expire will bo (onnd on the address tag on each paper, and subscribers are requested to (oi ward the money lor renewals ol the same In time to reach this office not later thantihe data on which their subscriptions expire. Transient advertisements will be taken lor the Daily at 11 per square ol ton lines or less, lor the first Insertion, and 00 cents (or each subsequent lnseitlon; and lor the Weekly at 11 per square (or each Insertion. Liberal rates to I oontrartors. r. Rejected communications will not be re timed. Correspondence containing Important news and discussions ol living topics Is solicited,but must be brlel and written upon but one side ol the paper to have atteutlou. Remittances should be made by express, Money order or registered letter. agents wanted Tn every community In the B'.s'c. to whom liberal commissions will be paid. Postmasters are especially requested to rrrlie (or terms. all communications should be addressed to Tub Txliobam and Messemoeb, Macon, Oa. I Money orders, checks, etc., ebould be made psyablc Vo H. 0. Hansok. Man.gcr. Rouor cornea (rum Atlanta that anal- leged gubernatorial candidate Is preparing to join the church. Well, the way has been biased oat by Josey Brown and Al. Colquitt, and the opening hymn will con tain: “Tread the path nty master trod.’’ Tux tameness of Col. Watterson is satis factorily accounted lor. Senator Beck told a Chicago reporter that “Watterson would never be a kicker now aa bis stomach was all right and he was living on milk.’’ Milk is good for sore eyes, as well as for a bruised stomach. Dexteb Smith who wrote “Pat me tol my Little Bed" and “Ring the Bell Softly, There's Crape on the Door,” for Which it is popularly auppoesd he received thou sands of dollars, Is ont In a card, In which he says he got (10 for the first and $5 for the latter, and no more. Tux story la told ol one ol Boston's grand dames at a private mnalralewho approached a young woman performer with the remark: “You play very well, Yon really must get some onetolntrodure you lo me.” This could not have hap- - pencil outside of Boston. Tux Dallas (Tex.) Times eaya that the bai ley growing in the adjoining county is so heavy and thick that a cat can walk -across a fifty acre field on tha upright strike without tracking the ground, It Is perfectly useless for a man to set himaelf up for a liar outside of Texas. Tux New York World explodes the the ory that Poe wrote the "Riven” during the "aplrit-rapplnfi" excitement origina ted by the Fox’e, and that he believed himself to be talking with bli wife, by showing that the “Raven” was written three years before the wife died or the Fox'a came into notice. I i—— — Coast Defenses. Referring to a recent editorial in the Telegraph relative to our coast de fenses the Boston Advertiser says: Our Georgia brethren are working them- ■elvea Into a needlenly uncomfortable frame of mind. At about tbe year 1BC0 there was no great disproportion In defensive works North and South, circumstances made It necessary to batter down and destroy most of the coast defenses ot tbe South, white those ol the North remained, and aa a precautionary meas ure were somewhat strengthened. Tbe Geor gia people understand perfectly why at tbe same time the United States did not appropriate money to Improve the work* on the Southern coast Since tbe war, almost nothing bat been done ot that kind in either aectlon, and If tbe Northern cltlea are now better p-otected than the Southern cltlea, It la because they were to wheu the war end- el. tu tact howerer, auch la the progress In methods of carrying on wars that all the exist ing fortifications are ot little wortb. There Is no reason to suppose that when systematic fortification la again attempted, the South will not be as fairly treated as the North. At the same time the South has been neglected, while money has been spent elsewhere. The late Secretary of the Navy recommended that the navy yards and works at Pensacola, Dry Tortugaa and other places be not re paired, giving as the reason that they were in reach of the enemy’s guns and could not be defend ed. We do not know of any navy yard not open to the same objection. The yards and works in the South have been as a general thing practically abandoned, and those intheKorth sus tained and kept in use. If, when the coast receives tome attention from Con gress, the Southern section gets fair proportion, it will be because Southern members make a strong stand. We know very well that some Southern. forts were battered down, and what the cry will be when efforts are made to rebuild them. In point of fact, and it may not be out ot place to state it here, the money spent upon coast defenses, and a large sum will aome day he justly demanded! ought to he used to make one harbor as safe as another, near as this can be complished, but no more funds should be expended upon Northern navy yards. The South now presents supe rior advantages for ship-building. We have here, in easy reach of the coast, the best and the cheapest iron, thobest ship-timber, and coal in abundance, Land nnd privileges are cheap, the cli mate salubrious, every month of the year a working month, and rivers and harbors unobstructed by ice. When the time comes for the general government to engago in ship-building, the Sonth must be heard from upon these points. It is not too soon to be gin to pave tho way for such a bearing. It coats $1 to be a dog In Michigan, and the dog has to ba mighty particular what eoit of a dog ha Is or ha will be cut oft be fore ha gets 30 cents wortb of existence In Georgia dogs are welcome, without re gard to age, cj'or, race or previous condl tlon, and allowed to have mutton for breakfast. Tiik Atlanta correspondent cf tb*Sevan nali Times lays Colquitt la going to Wash ington to get Bryant’s place (or keeper of the chain-gang Nelms. This has been on the card for some time back. Colquitt owes much to N’eltqs. bat this la not in tbr line of civil service reform. Fromanother quarter we learn that there will be aeon vocation In Washington within a few days to divide tbe Federal swag tor Georgia. Col B. F. Camp, whoever be may be, on the principle that tbe early bird hii the best show for breakfast, bts announced himself a candidate for Congress from the Eighth district and has already entered up.n an arduous campaign. lie an- noucces that he le an anil-blond* curl re former from Retormvllle. II Saab Reese ever bean that anybody la running against -hint, tbere will be trouble in the Camp. Ex-RiraxalKTATlv* Bxoadbxao hu left Washington for Faria, France, wntre, as apodal government agent, be will examine the recorda of the prise courts to search o' Information in connection with the French spoliation delate. The Secretary of State has received information from the Doited States minister at Parte that the prelimi nary legal proceeding! In award caeee will cost at least 110 in each case. Perrons in this country who are Interested In the matter should make arrangements to mart such expenses. Tiie New York Fietman, a negro organ says: “Let us be manly nod consistin'. We have no right to expect benefit! where we hare rendered no service. If we are anxious to share tbe advantages of Demo cratic victories wa most help the Demo crats to win inch. To lay that Mr. Cleve land has been Inconsistent toward ns be cause he bat not appointed or retained In high placet colored Republican! la highly ridiculous aud absurd. He it doing wel He will do better.” The dairy commissioner repor.a tbst during tbe past jear 80 per cent, of tbe begus batter treffle hu been enpprveeed. Oleomargarine facloriee have dosed nod -dealers to bogna butter have shot np their shops, being no longer willing to risk pros ecutions, of which there hove been daring tbe year lorty-two, with eleven convic tions. The natural result ot this diminu tion In the manufacture of bogus batter hu been o corresponding increase tn tbe pare dairy article, the receipts ot New York pf dairy batter being Increased 1,000, 000 poonda n week. Captaib Dawiob, ot tbe Newe and Coo. tier, hu appeared before o Democratic club tn Booth Caroline, to defend and ex plain tbe appointment of Mr. Morgan u consul to Melbourne. Amorg other thiogs he U reported to have said: “Pastit g to the question of Mr. Morgan's eligibility to office, under the fourteenth amendment, Captain Dawson discussed i P late involved at some length. Tbeqoev- ttoo !e oovered by the opinion of tbe At torney-General in Gen. Lawtcn’i farther, by tbe fact that Mr. Morgan wu not an 'officer' when be wu required at Annapolis to taka an oath to support the oonatilntlon of the United States.” Tho Newt end Courier evidently hu more re spect for Attlornsy-Oeneral Garland's opinion than it hod daring tbe diecustlon of tbs Lawton ret'. It la tbe only thing that can ure Mr. Morgan tn Bdiosii. Needed**Public Bathe# The finest sport of summer is swim ming. Nothing compares with it. Healthful as on exercise, important from a hygienic standpoint, it should be encouraged in every poseible way, But uide from swimming as a sport, it is as a resource one of the most im portant of accomplishments,and should be possessed by every boy. Day after day wo chronicle deaths that occur be came this pleasant exercise has never been practiced by certain unfortunate persons, and hundreds more are never heard of. It is safe say that every active man feeli at some time in hli life the need of the swim mer’s art. Recently n son of a prominent Mex ican rode across the country accompa nied by a son of the banker, Kngene Kelly, New York. Reaching the Sa- hlnu river, they concluded to bath*-, and Kelly, wailing in over his head drowned almost in reach of his com panion. Neither coaid “swim a lick.' Is it not singular that this accomplished young New Yorker, brought np in light of the ocean, educated, polished and doubtlcu skilled in manly spirts, had never learned how to swim six feet to aavehii life? It aeema incredible. And yet here in Macon probably, every other man, if similarly aitumled, would have perish ed also. Macon, five years ago, was without public conveniences of any description. To-day she. has a free mail delivery, postal boxes on every comer, electric lights, water works, an elegant theatre and street can. The TiLaosAra, re membering that ita assistance wu given to these enterprises with good effect, ventures to propose public hatha for Macon. Think upon it, gentle men. The coat would be comparative ly amnll and the revenue large. Water and space are plentiful. The city needs public baths and will support them liberally, if properly conducted. Their effect upon the health of the place will be beyond meuure,sndit will place the young in a position to perfect them selves in swimming. Every boy should learn to awim; and every girl, also A Wrecked Agricultural Department# It begins to appear that the rascals have been turned out of the Agricul tural Department none too soon. An examination of the books and cash reveals the fact that there hu been great waste of funds fn all the divis ions, and but $38 left on hand to pay the expenses of the fiscal year. Title is a sad state of affairs for an Agricultural Department whose mission it is to show the farmers how to he economical and self-supporting. A great and important division of the government, such as the Agricultural Department is supposed to lie, Aught not to find itBelf reduced to $38, and that too when the blackberry and wa termelon crops are months off. The trouble with the Agricultural Department ia tbe same old trouble with which nearly all State experiments of a similar nature have suffered. The men in charge are not practical, but gifted with most visionary fancies. Appointed upon the supposition that all men who understand structural botany and chemistry, and have a half-score of agricultural maxims at their fingers’ ends are valuable fac tors in the great business of planting, they carry to their work un bounded enthusiasm and numberless hobbies for which in the long ran the people pay exorbitant prices. In the Washington Agricultural Department, the funds came to grief partly by being applied to the purchase of seed which cost the commissioner six times as much as they would have cost any body else, and the government six times as much as they did the commis sioner. How much Monsieur Le Dnc paid for his tea experiment, or how much vari ous Southern States have paid for chnfas, dhuro, milomaize, and various agricultural experiments that have yielded nothing, is a matter o%mr- mise only. Technloal Education. A correspondent of the Florida Her ald who has been to New Orleans writes of the boys who are at work in the Louisiana Industrial School: In their obscure department at the Expoll- tlon they were each at a bench, with all neces- ■ary carpenter!' tools, btully Intent upon mak ing a number of boxes which had been or dered bye merchant ol this city. One ol the boxes wu handed the Jonrnallet for examina tion. Several unimportant detects In the dore-talllngwcre pointed ont. A smiling tit tle urchin itcpped np end laid: “Sir, Itlethe third one I ever made of the kind, end It Is only a ehort time eloee I wu pnt to tbe bench to be Initrooted In the mechanical arte. Now, don't yon think It good work lor a beginner?” The qneitton wu prop erly amwered, and the writer wu real ly much inrpriled that eucb good work could be done by one a tew days after beginning. Tbe little lel'.owe.had tbe proper conception, end It wu easy to dliUngulih their drat box from tbe tut. Those who hail been longest under instruction were making molt wonder ful progress, end shaping themielves a good trade end a Hie ot usefulness. They ere In- stnoted tn ell the rudlmenta ol the trade, and one by one aro turned ont into the world fin ished and Intelligent mechanics. One who bed been rtcelving Initrnctlons in railroad bridge (molding said he (ell competent now to plan and superintend tbe conitrnctlon ot almost any kind ot abridge. What a pity it is that the Legisla ture of Georgia cannot he made to seo and understand the importance of a technical education. A technical school at Macon would offer facilities to tho youth ol tho entire State. Here ma terial and apace are cheap, and ail other conditions favorable. Give the hoys a chance. become dearer than July’s: but the close was quiet. To-day an early advance was followed Pi | NHL by a tree rolling movement, under which a There Smyth became a hopelees drunkard, posed, proceeded to India. It appears that instead they were brought back to London. slight decline took piece. Still the final close aD< * * ^ ew wee ** ego. le several polnti dearer than lut Friday's. There is a rival to the electric light, Cotton on the spot hu been fetrly active lor jf we may credit the Norrietown Herald, hnma,nnnimnthn hnt the exoort movement Iff ail invention of Prof. T. a 0. Lowe. f , Hi! Incandescent light, which Is not elec- •ubslded with the trensacHois reported on b , ,, pro . Jo „ d by allowing a lighted jet Saturday. On Thursday quotations were ad-1 of the cheap fuel gas to come la contact venced 1-Mc. tor Gulfs end '/I/s. tor uplands | with a spiral ol metal, whose composition baa not yet been made public, but which ie said to be Indestructible. This Is heat ed to a white beat, becoming brilliantly end stained. To day tbere wu no change, | baa not yet bran rnide pnbllc^ bu^ which middling upland! doling at lie. St. Aca 7STIFE is to have a million-dollar I luminous, the gas meanwhlle'bnrnlng a£ hotel. Hurrah for Florida! The tourl.. P;^““^ |gh ^^ under tbe present •dmirable arrangement with ga». Tbe cheapness of the gas used buys the land be walks on, the air be in prodneing the light may be indicated itrentKo« frrH ho mu nnd we n*ri*r b ? th ® »t«teraent of tbe inventor that a breathes, the food be eats, and we never , ight o( twenly cind , e .po W er will coat the could understand why he has been allowed consumer but one quarter ol a ceut to wet himself free of coat to Florida we-1 hour to: the gee. ten. | TWO REBEL LEADERS HANGED. 8ayi an excbar.ge: “Two mocking birde got to fighting on tbe ktreeti in Telle | p "* t « n Charged by One with the Firing ha-see Friday SLd became so much absorb ed in their battle that a little negro ran up and threw bis bat over them and captured general, Pau'rlxelle- and George Davie, both.” Southern tnea who have entered «f'« Corobolo, a West Indian negro, ot . . . ... .... . Preaten’e bend, which burned Colon, were into a struggle for patronage may take a executed ou the 5th lust. Both werccrim- hint from this. T he negro may be oo hand I mate of the woret character, the first being („ iggg tbe author of the burning ot Jacmel ■ » —- They were Condemned to death by a Wx find Ibis Item tfloat: “Tower Hill, Colombian court-martial. Tbe proofs of A SILVER SUNRISE. The Splendid nnd Peculiar Pnaeant el Mornlna In (touthwestern Ceorala. R. E. V. in N. Y. Snn. Poets have eung of rosy dawns, orange lunaeta waning low, and ol that later hour when large Helper glitters through In the rosy spaces, while mid silent spheres rises the deepening night. But tbe poet ii yet to be who will tell in nnmbera worthy of the theme the story ot tbatmegtcal drama of nature, the silver sunrise In the South, or in that part of ft known as the cotton beltot southwestern Georgia. There the isotherm Is semi-tropical. The almost flat, slightly undulating landscape ie, or wee twenty yeare ago, under tbe high cultivation of tna'elave system, a sheet of verdure breathing incense in tbe months of March, April and May. The tall cypress the thick-leaved ambrosial live oak, the heavy-scented magnolia grandiflora, form tbe upper foliage, belting the clear dark poods that dot the low, flat, level tracts. Around their eedgy borders the cranes and curfews call, on their dark bosoms swim tbe broois of mallard and teal ducks. All tbe beauty and picturesque charm of nature do not belong to tbe mountain lands alone. To the lover ol nature in all her phases aud moods, this p-md land is aa full of beauty aa ot bloom. It ia lively at all seasons of the year, all hours of t he day, but especially when seen Catarrh Cured. A clergyman, alteriufTerluEfi n,™» Ii." . ( ' mo ,hllt 'oetbsome “r«?nV^lf r « 'Djegevery known wmefiy\rithoi?I5 Til L^hor Advocate •' Sines I commenced I guilt were undeniable. They were* arrested under a silver sunrise. ny Lieutenant Robert M. Dot le on April 1. Not every morning ol the whole year running this office every expedient has a ( ter having lingered around the scene oi been resorted (o to run me out of this place their villaiuons exploits for overtwenty- by ridicule, defaming and every other way ( «? r hours after Prestau and their ecoom- •l ,. , .... lplicee had fled. Fautnzelle made a few they could devise, but Monday morning as djjpMition , Iegarding his business alter I came to the office I found on the door the hi» sentence and addressed the following infamous initials, K. K. K, with a skull note to Pedro Prestan, the rebel leader, and cross bones depleted thereon with tho *1*y-fioFeLr Pedro word ‘warning’ underneath, and In an-1 /v„t a n, <„ Yife-FKitto Prestau: I die other place written ‘a wtrd to tbe wlee,’ on account of (acta accomplished tn the which Is going one step too far, and I wish hurning ot Colon. Although I am in the , ... . tomb, do me the favor to clear me In the dlettactly understood that the mob that mind , 0 , th( o( Colon, that I am waits on me with ary Ku-Klux designs I the author ol the crime. I had already will see that subjicts for six funerals are surrendered to the government troops prepsred from out ol the mob for this edl.« |ock l 0 ^“ k ed fi 7 e hf j‘ n , h *‘ cll 2 tor don’t icare worth a damn.” We are The Colombians I do not blame. The not surprised at tbe courage exhibited by Americans whocaptnred me on the streets the editor, but we are astonished to learn Colon “•“T assasslca and not the Co- ,,» —' ... , r .... i. ■ I ltmbians. I die as a soldier, but you well that tbe Hon. John A. Logan is confronted kaow why It lt bscsuse of you; because by Ku-Klux tn his own State. I had no right to political color in Colom- -■■-« - Ibis. Mv family remains on earth. I have BREVITIES. sacrlttced their mesne and resources (or you. Farewell. Gex. Paithizelle. carol for a ocM'CHEwer. This posthumous letter is sufficiently The bumblebeo bums through bis blizledy- clear to fix tbe crime ot incendiarism on gung, . , . the chief of the rebel party there, Prestan, And the thunderdnim thumps on his thole; who, unfortunately for tbe ends of justice, h. , .^hofi' db “ 118 ’ »u«e«ied In maefng bis escape. A half- While tbe hoop-la hoops tn hli note. h our after eentence bad been pronounced cawto thi twoth. | the two prisoners, securely handcutted, marched between double files ot soldiers to ward tbe old calaboose, where agallows bad been erected. With anoosoabouthisneck Pautriztlle made a abort speech, renewing bis charge that Prestan bad tired Colon. Cocobolo said notuing bat 1 adlos.” Twen- minutes later both were dead from The llmmycnuk Jink! with the Ilog.edegee, And the lullpug leap! like ■ lamb, When the tympeutoazle takes toddy and tee With tbe noisy blvelvuler clam. CAMTO TRW THBEKTH. be mnllygrab munches the merry meizoon, I ty minutes later both wi Which the thingumbob thrum through the 1 jtracguletlon. Tbe bodies were removed And th.“”nltywl* blow. Me brrozy berooon, *2 ““j Yet the girl still keeps chewing the gum. they were found, uncofflned, and with no Tine mventor of^Jjarba on.fence wires | ove^the'ir’felon'yravee. 0 ' h0P * prononnctd receives $10,000 royally a month, or $120, 000 a year. Sixty-threk members of tho Indi ana Legislature bre applicants lor govern ment offices. A Louisville voter had the first tooth ot his grandchild mounted on a gold pin and wears it on bis scarf (or an orna ment. THE HANCMRM’S ROPE. Extraordfnnry Notions Superstitious Peo ple Entortaln Concerning Its London Standard. People sufficiently superstitious, not to say weak-minded, to attach value to the In the United States there are about possession of a piece of rope that has been and 700 ministers. perhaps, find their belief In tbe talisman. Tombstone, Arizona, lawyers ew I»"»”!»»■?« the.afore-nsmad reps to- warned that no cate will b 1, district court calender in t the puttee have at least $5 «, su«z . D reu, ln Pari., and, u It Ircquently hap- An applicant for appointment on the I pens, the rope employed was cut up into the Kaneas City (Mu.) pollcsforce received small pieces to bo distributed among a blank to fill out, one ot tbe questions the students. One ot ths letter gsner- being, “Wbet ie tbe general state ot yonr onaly divided bie portion ot tbe cord ot many another leathered songster, alih?" To tbil he appended “Missouri.” I with a triend residing at Amiens, who, for whose names yon must Itarn from Mr. A WOMAN In Tiffin, O., was arrested the lasteighteen years, has been earnlng ‘ * ' ' ' ' for realatlug an officer. He wanted to kl»s bto living as a chemiit a atsUtant. Th^a loe Judge ll easpended eentence, 0 bot ££ In^e’of*. lew SnUmXto 'of jo her /at it dengerou. to trill, with s , purse. Henceforth he will probably bo a A CLOCK company at Thomaston. yetflrmer believer tn such a tnlieman, tor at Conn., alter making up $30,000 worth of { he last drawlngof tbeCredit Fonder bonds stock, began putting tbe movementsi to h e won the great prize of 100,000 francs, gather only to discover thet ell of them It mnat o( coarse, bell convinced, have tamed thetr bends or pointers backward, been the bit ot raps that brought btm tble 1 unhoped for good fortune, and very likely round ia this wonder witnessed. It tatee peculiar conditions ot the atmosphere tn p:olace the phenomenor. To the savant belongs ths task ot tellinu what the condi tions are tbatprodnceasllversunrlre. Cbe efiect I will try to describe. In April or May .when tbe early apring rains that have eosked the porous eolf and filled the ponds, and given tbe llusb and tasty green lines to the earth, have ceased to (all, when the at mosphere Is rarified by a heat that makes tbe young cotton plants grow visibly under yonr eye; in the darkness ot a morning that is only slightly cooler than the night In which yon hive watch'd the motions of the constellations In the chadless heavens, you may rise, as I have risen, morning alter morning, to catch that fleeting first scene la tbe first act of tbe spectacular drama of a sunny day In the Sunny South. Do not watt to hear the clock strike, or look at your watch, but when dawn Is near, tbe awilt-psaslng dawn of that latitule, which you will know by tbe low asareasi of insect and bird life around you, rise aud hasten forth. Yon can see the while sands under your feet, but barely not tbe long, gray mosses that hang like aialsc- tit-s from tbe branches of tbs trees above your bead only faintly In the gloom made vtsiile by starlight and tbe swift moving dawn. In that latitude twilight and dawn are matters ot only a few minutes. Tbe stars bltze out, as It were, in the beams of tbe rising sou. In tbe negro parlance ot tbe old times: “It Is broad day before yon know what you are ebout.” Toe sedgy nms ot the ponds, the tall cypresses and oaks, tha heavy trailing creepers of tbe vines, tbe light swaying banners of tbs most, every tiny blade ot grass and leaf ot plant amt wee t, every flower petal and whetl of field oob- web la gemmed with beads of dew, but it does not drip. It looks almost or quite like hcarlr-iht t-i-reml over tbe ooean-llke panto of land and water, like a white i. Mending ami making more besnufnl the darker verdure <>( tbe (OllSgS STOODd tto-1. hu i tlie growing smsrald and cooler shades of ths oottou and com fields, A thousand mocking birds are ell of e sadden clearing tbe blue vault above you with each strains of unpremeditated art as skylark never dreamed of. In fact, If ous of tho Southern mocking birds ever heart tbe soog of one of those l-lngllsh skylarks which the late Isaac \Y. England found a h jme (or In the meadows ol New Jersey, be will beat him so badly In bis own tonz that tbe British warbler will bide bis bead under hie wing, poor thing, end die ot grief and shame. Afar oi! from thicket end Ieety covert sobms the cooing of a thousand dares, tbs soft whistle o( as many quails, tbe shrill cries of tho red bird*, Ilia sbetn— calls of the cat b'rds, and the notes -M* • Nickel-Silver Weterbu,. -Vetch ol tbe styte reprerouied tn the emu n«V^ 7 ^* ' Th ° ' 111 ,cna u * » e’-ub of £ NSW subscriber, to the Weekly Telo,,- ANDMcslENOEBttOuedollEretch Thl.tm enable each eubscriber to ware the pepeTS the lowest club rate, end at the same^ta. U “ dub ,l * en, ,or Me trouble' £9 Only new EceecarBaas-that Is tho,. whose names are not now end have not been " tbln * ix monlh, prerious to the receipt ol the order on our booEe. will be cocsted” There watches are not toys, but accurate end serviceable time-keeperi. They are slm. pie. durable end neaL The cases always wes, bright. Tens ol thousands of them are carried by people ot ell classes throughout the United States, ii No Danger In ths Eighth. Tho oppooition to Hon. Seaborn Reese, member of Congress from the Eighth district, has so far only arotued abroad smite along the ranks. Mr. Reese will not be beaten by anyone nest year. He had the manliness to stand np and denounce the internal revenue system in the face of the assembled whisky ring, and relates now to follow tits parti-colored coat ol Georgia’s great Joseph, whom an All- wise Providence has spared unto tu for some mysterious purpose. These facto will not be forgotten. Tbe Sonth cannot send to Congress too many men of Mr. Reese’s stamp, a fact that tbe Arcadians of tbe Eighth thoroughly appreciate. He ia not noisy member, striving for notice only, bat a quiet, working member, with plenty of purpose end considerable in ti oenc*. He is a man who will grow •tnmger with each term ha genres, and ons for whom wo predict high bonore. Cotton Statement. Tbe Chronicle's cotton article of May 221 furnishes the following facts rela tive to tb* movement of the crop for the put week For tbe week ending this evening (May 22). the total receipts have reached 7,429 bales, against 9,413 belie lut week, 8,633 boles the prerious week and 14,746 balsa three weeks lines: making the total receipts since the let of September, 1881, 4,69097 bales, against 4.743,833 bales for the same period of 1SS! 81, showings de crease since September 1,1881, ot 49,139 lain, Tbe receipU at all tha Interior towns lor tbe week have been 6,933 bales, since September 1st, 2,585.528 bales. Tbe re ceipts at the same towns have been 1,492 bales more than the same week lut year and since September let, ths receipU at all the towns are 235,841 bales leu then for the same time In 1883. Among tbe Interior towns, Macon Is credited with 2 bales for the week and with 48,246 for the season. Lut year the receipU for the week were 9, and for the season 60,001 bales. These figures show a decrease for tbe week, u compared with that period, of 7 bales, and a falling oil for the reason of 11,684 bales. The total receipU from the ptanUUons since September 1, 1881, were 4,711,467 bales; In 1883-84 were 4.761.600 bales; in 1882-83 were 6,902,810 bales. Tbe receipU since September 1 np to to night ere 47,611 bales less than they were at the stmt day of tbe month In 1884 and 1,079,762 bales lees than they were to the same day of tbe month in 1883. Tbe exports of cotton from the United States the put week.u per laUat mail re turns, have reached 30.788 bales. The Chronicle hu tbs following to say of tbs market fluctuations for ths week under review: The speculation la cotton for lutnte delivery At this market daring the Bret halt the put weak wu eaeeedlngiy dull end the changes untmpoitasL Tbe transactions were among the etaalleet reeotded. There were no active Influences at work. The rapid reductions stocks U Southern ports end Interior towns wen connterbelennd by aunafactoren, at home end abroad. Crop Accounts received el the Cotton lxehenge were generally favorable, although there wu a repetition ol exeeeslve ralna In the extrema and were, therefore, worthless. _ The Department of Agriculture is re-1 bo wifi be encouraged to try tbe spell egejn celving many requests for silkworm eggs, by investing tn more bond i or lottery tlck- and replica that they cannot be shipped eU. succe’s [mly till Ml Mulberry trees and a ra'.itfacionr ollma'e are eaun'iel, tbe South being the but field ol labor. A TOO YOUTHFUL BRIDE. The epidemic at Taria Roads, Pa., ia 0n * Mlnt.t.rnt Least Who Refused to now supposed to be black (ever. Its vie-1 Marry n Child, tin ■ are powrrlcss after 1U first attack to A New York special lays: The Rev. O. atd themselves. There hu bsen twelv. | H Bribery, telle a etory of an unnraal ^"towMareKiom“g P ri«m?§. “‘ J ‘' sensational character, bat withholds the A womam i. living in RichmondvUle, “ J ‘ D * h# w “ pledgwl M< N. Y.. who has twice m her life had her|“®**y** funeral appointed, her frleudi supposing * ‘A short time ego »friend of mine, who her tn be dead, and she has two silver platra I U the brother-in-law of a Governor ol one Hv, p . a / Ch ^ ! h d .iShJ ^m. J n o' theBouthem Statu, called npon me coffin. Bh. is quite a healthy woman yet. ^ h< W|mled ^ ‘ and had As artist, employed by Tfffany in ... ,, . .. New York diy, was arrested a few days ,in ^‘ d m8 out t° perform the ceremony, aiaee ou a charge of cruelty to animals, as I was a particular friend of hie. I Uls crime consisted In placing a canary consented and a few evenings since bird In e paper beg. and then ecflocatlrg be called upon me with a young girl bat ths liny songster by fling the beg wltn thirteen yean of age as the bride. After tobacco image. questioning the gin I became convinced The Pike’. Teak railway, which wfflg^*^- ».g«jjPjbU be in opera!Ion probably next year, will be ifftrtd me } 10Oatld Anally offered me $500, tbe most notable piece ol track In the h t t m j r *[ u , ed ar d they ]t!t the boose! WOtll. Itwill mount ”C«j0 feet higher than tmmedlstely I ^t mysell ln coniuiunD.: tbe Lima and Crojs railway In Pun. It Is JSfwlth tS Jlrl'e parents-one of the first 22r‘ n ° P "i U ™V 1 «overUyiOOfeet flSaK ,o iSwYoTk^ribandtheir xdoy8 me sea letei. dignation knew no boundi. They were in The Illinois Legislature baa passed total Ignorance of the lnUnd«l marriage to a third reading aimoat unanimously a and for hii own safety the would-be groom bill providing that no telephone company lift New York for the South. He sa d be- •hell charge more than $3 a month when fore going he would get square with me. I one telephone is used, and fixing the have promised the young lady's parents charge for sending messages from one thet I would not make the names of the town to another at 10 cents. A teak ago, aaya the Buffalo Courier, a golden wedding wu celebrated in this city, two slaters and a brother of the bride of fifty jeere having already enjoyed tbe same privilege. Tbs three sisters are etlll firing, tbs oldest having enrvived her golden wedding eighteen jeers. At North Haven, Conn., on Friday, P arties public and I will keep my word." DROWNED IN A SWOLLEN STREAM. A Farmer and Hit Wile Swept Away hr Current-*? he Woman Lost. A Liberty, Va., special says: Mrs. John Glen, wife of a prominent Englishman of Mrs. Beds Button celebrat'd her lOOtb tb’a eonnty, met a sad death by drowning birthday. 8he le the oldest Inhabitant of I In a email etream near this place on 8on- the town. and was born •f wbat U known ^ a(ttrn00n | ut 0wlng to , ata heavy rid'lody'?UMta^tluiulFaml round!, ihi- r * ln » lh « ,ml11 much ewollen bts oo direct descendants, bat a number and thecorrent to rapid as to upset the of her nephews and nieces are firing in buggy In which the couple were seated. Tattoo* parte of the country. Mr.Gleu with great difficulty etcaped. but -» . »- . , - . hli wife wu drowned. The body of the Lira lu New \ork is grimly ifiaatra- uQfartaagre lady wu carried down the ted by the experience ot a well known stream half a mile, and it was several broker. Two years ego he booghtaUO- bourealter the occurrence before tt wu 09) home on Filth avenue, tarnished ft loond. The hone wu rescued, hot wu handsomely and tnoved Into it He wu wuhed down the stream sever at hundred president of a mining company. In lut yards from Use point at which he wu this a year he lcat hie presidency, hie driven Into tbs water, mine, hie money end his bom*, and now The led occurrence bu cut a gloom over has a desk in eo obscure lawyer , offlae on the enllrenslghbcrbood. Hroadwey, and le sought only by hie crad- 1 l tore Or the twenty “oldest. Masons” in Curious Man. ■nreka Prase. A saloon keeper of Eureka, who had , suffered from tbe prevailing doll times. Brian though be ie, does not coma among posted a large card on bfs outer door bear- them. Ho (ar as the Muonic Token can fog the Inscription, ••Positively no admit Ittl. the really oldest Mas mb John Tree I tanre today” Every one who sew the the world, eo tar as anybody knowe. the three who take precedence live in Great Britain, and Bir Moses Montetiorc, cretin- Audubon. The thrushes, too, hardly less mnatoai than the mocking birds, sIdk M the leafy boughs and shrubbery i.carer J, ,VhIla bathed, as It were, in this out- I- -r-t -.I liquid melody, this first diapa-m of the opera ol the day, suddenly, with out warning, With no rosy clow to ht-rdl.l hie eonfiot, np from ths whits misty imri zon bursts the inn, a blue of silver light bigger than the biggest cartwheel that ev er wu made, ilazz ing. as If composed ol ten thousand bnrnlebed silver mir rors flashing electric llgbt through panes of crystal, flooding tbo land scape with silver lacs dotted with dia monda and powdered with sparkling silver dost. The aense ot the exquisite coloring of the ecene Is lost in the wondrons radi ance ihei over a landrcspe thet stretches miles away, until the dusting view la lost in the silvery haze ot the horizon. It looks n it all fairyland hid met to battle on a field ol jewelled silver, panoplied In silver mall, and every ahleld and every spear decked and tipped with gems. Not ore moment is there rest in this wondrons scene, which lute but a taw minuter, (or tbe fire* brans of morning wavu>g the sparkling banners ol tong mou, end tbe Drat wum kies of tha eunoeama eweepthe glittering pageant all away. Outdoing Odium. Bristol (England) Timet and Review. A woman Imped from ftsOMWIm pension bridge yesterday, but, strange to ear. did not meet with her death. She landed In tbe mnd, it being tow tide. John Williams went to her aid, brought her to tbe bank, and took her into tbe refresh ment loom. Extraordinary to relnic. the woman was alive and eouidon?. Hhe was able to reply to questions nut to her. and •tated that her name wu Sarah Ann Hen ley, end that her age wu 2J years, and that sbs lived at No. 30 Twlnnell Road 6L PnUlpe. At-er some delay ahe was taken to the infirmary, where ebe wu examined In the casualty room by tha madteal staff, aud then transferred to one of the ward-. Her o ndhton was found to be critical, for, beetles rec* tvlrg « shock to the system,she erwained other injuries. Thsre is a posit- hi Itv that eh* may recover. The height of the bridge f.-om high water Is 215 feet. Figures Full of slar incnnoe. 8t. Louis Globe Democrat. Tha good peopl* who fear that we tut becoming a nation of drunkards may profitably-think over corn* statutes re- costly published In 1800 this country consumed over 86.006 030 gallons of spirit ooa liquors. 109,000.000 gallons ot mill liquors. 1,800,0C0 gallons ol native wines Our population wu 31,(00.000 then. List year It wu 65,060,000, and then tbe con sumption ol Spirit* had decreased to 73,- 000,OOOgallons, while the malt consump tion had Increued to 560,000,000 gallons, and the native wines to 17,099,Cm). There figures ere fall of significance and cfc- -m- tse, and carry their own moral. Th* Latest on CahllL Taxes Sittings. The widow Flapjack, who keeps a fash ionable boarding bona* on Decatur street, lain the habit of giving bar boarders fried oysters for dinner on Sunday, but las. -undsi, Instead ol getting two oyiMIbffiN of tbs b jsrriere got only one. "How le this, Mrs. Ftapjeek?” he uked, to wild dismay. “I usually get i wo oys ters, bot I only find one In my plate t” “1 reckon th* cook forgot to cot th* oys ter to twothte time,” re*ponded Airs. Flap- The Waierbury.” FOR 83.50 we will fend tho Wssnt Tei korath and Mxukmoia one jeir aud one ol the above de scribed watches to any nddress. Thli prepo. sltlon Is open to our fubicrlbert as well as those who are not. Act .Promptly. The above proposition! will be kept open for a limited time only and parties who wish to tako adraitago of either ahould do 10 tt once. "•Unless otherwise directed we will send the wntches by mall, pneked In a stout paste board box. and our responsibility for them will end when they aro deposited in the post* office. They can be registered for ten cents and parties who wish this done should Inclose this amount,or wo will send them by express, tho charges to no paid when they are deliver ed. Address TBE TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER, Macon, Georgia. Make money orders, checks, etc., payablo to H. C. HANSON, Manager. Ludden & Bates Southern Music House Converted into an Incorporated Stock Company, with $200,- 000 Paid in Cash Capital. THREE TREMENDOUS PURCHASES FOR THIS SEASON'S TRADE. 120,000 Worth of Chlokcrinc I'lauos at 0*0 '‘UttbaJtL $20,Ow Worth Of Itr.(»rtcd Mu til’s* Mcrrhanillne at One Pur- Read this, musicians and music lovers. Hus- IneM has rushed us the put year so that we could not post you, as usiul, UimuRh our ad- vertlscmcnu. and to make amunda, we here give a few solid facts well wortb tnking In. 1.'ill'll ll A. Halt'll Miiithi ri. Miimc Home t« a household word from the Put imac tu |th<> Klo Grande. Who has not heard of it? It la a Mammoth Munlc Kmi-urlmn, from which a solid mimical South draws Its supplle*. Eleven largo branch houses and over ‘Jio wlilo-awake HgcntM distribute He goixU through every bouthern Mato, and its yearly sales arc nearly ball a million dollars. Founded tl(ii-i-n years since on the solid red rock of large capital, enterprise aud square trade, it h»n cloud, nnahhlen, amid financial Paulo, pcfftllenccff, cyclones and firec. andto • n-.ure its permanency for generations to come, lt has been Incorporated aa a Co-opera tive Stock Company, with a paid up cash capi tal of latm.OOO, which Is owuM solely by the otllcers anil employes. Tho officers are: W. Ludden, president; J. A. liaies, trcaaurer aud manager, and J. D. Murphy, secretary. Piilr uis are, therefore, m safe In dealing with this houao aa with any bank, and need have uo fears as to the permanency, responsi bility or guarantees. It U solid, how notice these TRADE ITEMS FOR 1884-85. More Planoi and organs sold yearly than by all other Southern dealers combined. iSO.OUO worth of Chlckerlug 1'unos bought at one purchase In Octob; r last. Largest pur- c*hai>e ever made by any southern house, podal bargains. Elegant Pianos only $210, ilh handsome embroidered Cover, M'-d. In structor ami Music Hook. Organs, $24. $•'■$), 17.4, |luo, with Hlool, Instrudor and Music Hook. All freight paid. Easy Installment terms. Oi o price to all, and that the lo is Wiue known. Write us, aud will 120,000 worth of Imported Musical Mercan- dlse, such as Violins. Guitars. Hanjos. Acor* ileons, hirings, etc., bought at one purchase, from the Ester Organ Co., Atlanta, Ga., at one-half the boat of imjMirtatlnn. Immense bargains now ottered retail buyers. Accor- deous, 75 cents each; Richter Harmonicas, 10 cents: lUtiJns, |1; Viollus $1; tin liars $3; Pa ganini Italian Mrlngv „i) cents each, 72 cents per set; Clear Grit Italian. 15 cents, CO cents per set; Orguinettes, with & tunes $4. Privilege of) return or exchange given If goixls are not nattefaitory. Revised Catalogue January 1,1B85, free to all. Chi itii Music Depot. 75,COO pieces of Sheet Music, bought at one purchase,offered at only ten ceuta a copy. A d new and best mutlc, $ann* m UMiKlly sold for .u. < t ut» t<> ll.'opcr piece. Bond for a catalogue of Ten Cent Mu sic. Don’t send North for cheap Mimic. This |U headquarters. All musical reduced rates. VCome on, buyers, we are with you every time in prices. We know how to buy, how to sell, ami how to please. Times are hard, and money must buy more good* than It u«ed to. The most for the money can always be hail at LUHHEN & HATES' SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE, SAVANNAH. OA. -Whereas. K. V. Ha O V 1. l'V».- t > me for the administration on ei P. Ho'.emau. deceased. These are I admonish all persons ronr. medtoi at thi- office on or by she hr»t Mon<! next. If any they have, why tt' -*m be granted. Given under my hand or. lally. Eo^^^ut.statau.^MtowresMF ggTwjSg; rasa s&r loc example, at times ttaveUiped an appearance -|>h # obta«t tn America still appears to be ootlocked/wterredil/ accomplished. Tb* ot special luUnaL A sharp advance to crop look place ou Kswnlar, howerer, ead wee duo malnlj lo tho eoufinutton t? tho Chronicle ot U. reports which bad bare cur rent regarding Us* great reduaUou to th* visi ble eztd toTlatble supplies to tbe nurkets ol the world. A liberal tmelneei tor export also con- trlbutod sosaethiag to tho dearer tatures. Ths (allure ol Uvatpool to respond to caused a partial daefia* on Moodag, and Taead a j ajsdWedweadAj there were changes. Oa Thursday speculative Uou censed e sharp advance la this crop, with June options a leading feature, they bavin; I Dff WIFIl ID ammea IUU appru« Be HW* PAi.»cu. wwirvuij (W-LJluimauni, IU6 CapL Bylvenus Hn'cb, o< Port Lavaoca, genial barkeeper scat found at hie poet, Texas, tuttlatod In 18U9. and, with a nonchalant air, would Inquire: ^<&5S4Psrs“« l fr& SSSSSSwS Uoitmatarefioufog to. noticeoSfS rise to to* perk, and npoa Idea iljing them I waved his handkerchief as a (tonal to| James Curvy and hie waltiog bend ol I -— —pardon c Vera, Vara Uttto Things. But very important—your blood cor pasclca. They arc bright red. They arc Fo email that it takes over 3,000 of them in a line to mako an inch. The bright red color comes from the iron in them. When there la not enough iron the blood it thin and watery and w „ impure. Purity and rigor go together. eaeitos, reertrad a free pardon oo becoca-1 Is the title of sa interesting 11! nitrated jmntonicevwMusde "’hell riches T/e tug an Informer. Ha and his wilt went trestle* (M0 paga) scut, post raid tor 10 I'SSLrTfrfl?* “ Uct | rlcl ‘ e * - tbe first to Auitrallx, but as the people of 8yd- cents in itsm;.. Addrera World's I).a- Wood, builds up the gyetem, Rives nry wou -l hire nothing to do with hi'-t r-natry Medical Association, Buffalo, New health, -trcngth, and enjoyment of they quilled the country, ead, It wm slu- 1 York. life. tlon o! hot xt 10 lsU, xt my office. k &. m. ontheVbdffiyof Ju: ~ J. A. HcMAjrUS* LOCKHAHT’S Mot Springs Sp- cific. Of SyphilU,?< rofulx. Ia .-on For thecai iStvfSS »Xty$u mercury Hr mill 7 *Ky«