Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, May 29, 1885, Image 8

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■M - 8 THE Tffl.F.rtR a PIT AND MESSENGER: FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1885. HOW 1HKY STRUCK IT. Whnt Car of Investing In a Lottery Ticket. Mr. John W. Haywood, residing at No. 83 Charlton sticct, was met by a News reporter littnltfUl and asked whether he had ever heard irom the $15,001 which was reported that he had drawn on one-fifth of ticket No. 59,075 which drew the first capital prise of $75,- 000 in the drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery Company on the 14th of April. “Have I heard from It? Is that all yon want to know?" was tho reply. “Wall, the money Is hero in Savannah. It was collected through the Savannah Bank and Trust Company at a coEt ol 152.95, and was counted out to Mr. L. M. Verdery and myself, who A PICNIC OF TWO. CftAKLES HOWARD SIIIMK. Come, thou aweet little maiden, May, were partners in ' the procee^L tbe fortunate ticket, last week Friday. Let me meut for some time, but happening to gat an - — ~ ind inclosed it > send me two '•UUIV IHUV, um odd Job, I took 92 of the to M. A. Dauphin, asking fifth tickets of different numbers. Mr. Ver- dan BMM|1 to pay for one of the ticket*, the understanding being that, if eitheror both tickets drew anything we would be partners,! sharing alike. The Friday night after the drawing I was sitting at home decidedly down in the mouth and trying to amuse myself by playing solitaire. I was a few hundred dol lars in debt and my house rent waa due. In fact, I expected a notice to vacate. The door bell rang and Verdery came in and asked if I bad read the paper. I said, 'Yes. I’ve read All the papers.’ ‘Didn’t you see that one-fifth of the capital prize in the Louisiana State Lot tery had been drawn In 8av*nnah,' he asked. “ 'Well, what of it?’ " ‘Get out those tickets and look,” said Ver- derr. “I had quite forgotten about the tickets, but ►■went and got them out. One was 59,075. We compared it with the number reported in the newspaocr, the latter calling for 59,055. 1 said to Verdery, ‘Don’t you see, twenty points out! of the way? However, newaua; ers sometimes make one figure show In place of another. We’ll go down town and look at the official list of numbers.' We didn't take tho tickets with us. Wo milled In at Fernandes' and look ed at tho list, when Verdery In an undertone remarked to me: That is the number—59,075. “The next mornlug we went to the Savan nah Bank and Trust Company and gut a re ceipt for the ticket, which the bank forwarded to New Orleans. The following Thursday evening a telegram stated that the Amount In full had been placed to the credit of myself in he Savannah Bank and Trust Company. The next day the sum of $14947.05 wasoountedout to Mr. \ erdery and myself In five, ten, twen ty. fifty and one hundred dollar bills, after whirl, the Nvh. p amount was squally divided between us, and we each deposited our share iu h«nk, or rather In three banks.’’ “What are your plans for the future?" asked How mast we tie a daisy knot? Where is the four leaved clover gaj? A Which of us two, by honest lot, w Is story-teller to Princess May? Ah! let us climb some lordly beach, And build our uest in thesuuset’s reaih. Come, Utile maiden May! —The Independent. the ‘•l have paid every cent I owed except $5. am going to buy my wife a house and in her name; and In July I mean to take her to see her mother, whom she has not aeenforanum berof years.Savannah (Ga.) News, May 2. A DARING DEED. Street by a Black Ruffian Another warning to tho ladles of Macon Is added this morning to the liat of those already published. The number Is gradually increas ing and speaks lta own Yesterday morning at ll:30o’clock, while Miss Mittle Lamar, daughter of Mrs. Phil La mar, living io YlncTlUe. wgf walking op New ,'trcet, sha was assaulted by a negro ruffian . __ sick of the city a air; Tired to death with its baneful noise, Hungry for wholesome country joys; ~ “* — **“7i Come, little maiden May! Thou, with thy years of three times two, I, with my years of three times ten, Comradeship swearing, glad and true, Ho! shy maiden, for field and glen, Loving rivers and friendly trees, Merry murmurs of birds and bees: Come, little maiden May! FINANCIAL rrocoe and bonus in COKXKCTkD IT ]. W. LOCKKTT. Boot I a MA0Ol!,May27, .**. luvaetment ieourttlea dull but steady, Money in good d*m*nd. STATS BONr#, 21d< Asked is.*. V£; Jan. and Jttiy oenpeuu 6 lu<}* r-4 Potatobs.—Good demand for new potato** 92.5Pa3.oo per bbl. Caibaob—9 to 11 cents per head, Rica.—Firm. Good6c;jprlmo4>4o; lanoy 7c. 8tartw.—Refined pearl boxes 5c: do. • B boxes 6c. arrijia.—ln moderate demand. Raw ♦ stout $4.5(Ja5.00. OfeAMias.—Market well supplied. Demand light. Klc.rfda stock exhausted. Haju>wab».—Market aim. acrses&otwfeot B r keg. Mule shoesI6.0C. Iren bound harm# MM.00. Trace chains <0*50? per pair. An'-» •hovels *11.00 »er dos. Plow how 4a5o Halman’s plowstocka 91.25. Axe* $7.0k GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY-Whereas, Mat tleF. Fannlu.g is dtanof B P. Walker, minor, ha* made nppilcat’on for leave to sell the real estate belonging to said minor. This is to cite and admonish all persona con cerned to be and appear at the Court of Or- dinary of said county on the first Monday in Ju; e next to show cause. If any they can, why •aid application should not be granted. witness my hand and official signature this fifij ' J. A. McMANUS, Ordinary. May .1885. my2aw4w* dos. Cotton cards $4.50. Wc U bockt.1* Brother and sister sworn are we; That is the vow we make to-day; ’Iwai long ago we met. yon see. Yesterday morning, dainty May. Dull last week! When toil w*s a chain; Now my childhood comes back again, Blest 1 *— iary aud July c«r.- pons, mortgage w. A A. B. B 'M 5V* I per dos. Cotton cards 94.50. Well buckt.ti la. 7a, gold, quarterlv run pons... I2V4 U4U 94.1ft. Cotton rope I6a20c per It. ftwodo Irot la. 7s, 1396, Jan. and Joiy coupons ..1M V* J»H Sa5Hc par It, refined tsiHo per a. Plow nprr aowna 60 v1cr walls 92.50—basis Of ir-d. r'o orrr sovds. GEORGIA, BIBB roUNTY-Whereas, A. D. Riddle, guardian of tho person and property of John A , Leila A., Leita L. aud imou G. Ria die, minors, has made application for leave to sell the real estate belonging to said mi nors. This is to cite and admonish all persou* >woI concerned to be and appear at court of ordi t little maiden May. J'i;nmbua 6, quarterly cou t.’anu 6s, quarterly oftepf t agnate €■ ’Of.. ► per aeg. Blasting powder 12 75. isnsd ’< nary of said county on the first Monday in It. Drop aht t ft.65 pot bag, Rsrh** win June next t> show cause, if any they can, why 7s7Kc said application should not be granted. Bioas. Wool BTC.-Hides—rtcci^ts ugiH Witness my band and official sige Wesleyan Female college bonds * railroad bosds. ti.anile and Gulf 1st mortgsii, 17, J* 1897, January and July oonpons... 109 ■iitrsl R. R. cor*ol. raort., 7«, 118*, Jan. and July oonpona -H 2 Georgia R. B. 6«, maturity 1*97 te 17/2, January and Jnlyooapons. M l(6 Mobile and Girard endorsed 3 per tent. 2<1 mortgage, due 1891 iTf IfonL A En. end. 6s,. lit mort due 19C9, January and July coupons.. 1 4 Vert. Ala. 8a, 1st mort., due M», April and October conpons Ju8 “* Viom the w« n thV^m le “ ” N««n ShStln,^* “ a c “ a ’ lb » Lipid would Imaging b2BL° bSEi* ‘i i ' >w J ork “>« P*lt two week. Z e hUi^° U n* nd p,rk, ‘ , ‘ ?! Dry Goode being lofd to tbeTtuue of th.?! “*■ "► Juit thfnk w hour*. Do you waut to km w the c»u*<“ W#n it ■ « *5® auctioneer's voir** in 'riSi r . k .h‘. 0 . T " ,t<Klle<: ' d * m *0'Sdou* «)auth.reppii , “' ,hl *“ d »oulo f : oVJtTreduS 6rii—airleriimnud In tootla.ut.'.d. n, I _ OXOROIA, BIBB COUM V-Wh.re.., U.rj , 0 jl*:L I ? b ] e ,? ni ' were .miff hun^rtd rtt, ,, Wen yinrlui. bllor no. i.ni ot. I fSStySHSSSAfftJTi*.JMHSS’SfB'Jtt f;} dry flint 8al2; saltod 8aI0. Wool nfrmtn»»- '•J UIU, MU, MIU. nw, washed 12x16c: washed 18«22c; tarry 6-10 . Wax 20C<$22C. Tallow 5c. 70c: cotton s«Nd 60; beadllght 17*950: keroecus ^I!,°i. ft,lm l ln . l " tr < fttI ?? onth ® e * ut ' of Daniel '5a: neatsfoot 7lo: machinery *5a40c; llneetd | late of ^^county, dec© ed eas7io; mineral »r-tl sic: cotton «*ed I . - . .50j_ona | isls, plain and mixed. 97.00, Sots.— 1 Tetragons almonds 72o per fR: p«c nanacpi .... ... I oeas paper shell 2ic: Frenoh wainm* 45sir* Naples —; pecans 15c: Brasil 10c; Alberts - | roroanute 940a45 per 1000. Raisins.—Fair demand; market steady; new This la to cite and admonish all persons con cerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordi nary of said county on the first Monday In June next to show crnire. If any they hare, wby said application should cot be granted. Witness my hand and official signature, this May 1.1885. J. A. McMaNUS, my2 law4w* Ordinary. A Handsome Parade, The following extract is taken from the Day Boob. pnblUfted .t Norfolk. Va. M.rch 10-1 W I iJ^ESTjTlSfrSSi'uSaS I bT°,“n to\u!«?o«''f’v 1802. . rrr l ro »«he^0MU ,, u , *7 >g»y<g»a«gff*.*W. „ Soma.” “to<S"^4 <S^"!toplrJilVu age and the local reference It contains. It fenhoaaieni end. 7s, 1st morL, dne 1 fe ntesute, and no person has applied for reads as follows: itr*. Vav .->« wow rwinons. 5 ffnffiiif 1 J 1 ?, ^nlstratton on the estate of said J. C. "The Geor,l. Iudep.nd.nt Batullon pt* Col. A Rome. end. by C. R. R 100}, HUH h^’km^rT^u’iw'w^n £L?£,'> lS«g*!‘cl’ro'J^un.Vl.d" raded the streeU of our cltjr yesterday after. »an* rmca, sberrv wtne ll.2BaJ.S6, cherry aud glng*» mlnlstratoror some other fit ard BMMrner. npoo. unde, comm,nd o^r HjJemjjP % "S SSSSfitESSt ^ I »**SS» P-!->'c.Uon . I thl.. cltoSSWE . " ^ “ ** Limb, ualoinbd FLAsraa andGRMairt.—Ais bams lump lime is In fair demind, and Is sell lag at Sl.l5a1.25 per bbl; Georgia 91.20al.35 SSJttWfM&ffilJSFSS I NoMAMOB.Ordluiy. dale oemont ll.90a2.0C: Portland cement n.ibt GEORGI A. BIBB CODNTY.-tVhereas.Hcn- 4.90. ry B. Davis has made application for letters of CRB18B.- Market la qnlet; demand light; guardianship of the person and property of 30H stocks ample. We quote: Full ereaxnl4c Hen v a. Pope. Jr., and Marvin P. Pope, mi- lower grades I2al3c nor children of of Henry A. Pope. 8bkd Potatoes.—Fastern stock 12.75 per This Is to cite and admonish all persons bbl. _ I concerned to be aud appear at the court of or- Combination Sun, .old two we’ki item. b 1 ir.rJl.’.'IL 10 " ••olttlmt two week, ifotmid P |r k of our .tock, ainone which wBitute Combination Suits that we told at th.n ^h.t Ihsy oHt In New York w ben we see What a reduction wo 1 They came to a halt before ... office, and went throuth the manual. ffmtral GeoraiaBank W “The appearance of this fine body of citizen- as u. an ad rrncnr* soldiery was eminently milttalre, and the • a*«tisu and Ha v. 7 s. guaranteed ...Hr manner In which they performed the mannal, Jentral ex-dlTldend M . MM »_.. M ..... 7SU as also their marching, wheeling, etc , was >ntral certificates.....^....... 10 certainly the best we have ever seen, and ‘ icthwestern 7s.gnaraT.*eed,ex-divH5 would do credit to any body of men anywhere. Jeorgla Railroad ex-dmdend M . Mr 157 “The precision and promptness of all tho Nacon Gas Light and Water stork fft evolutions ol this battalion show conclusively • that they have not been idle since they have been In camp, and we are satisfied that, let them come whenever they may, the enemy will find a bravery and daring lu this battalion which they will never be able to overcome." 74*1 ■•"ir-- ■ V'w rork. w, wfll off.r tbl, w»«lT(ffiTluebto cannot always s s going to bo wai O J t<5it0n » * na 90iags Inge 1 -mbroldered wttb cSnUtoudA.l5?«7S^i5iHS| 7 fc 0 2 , { i y**i*!?•»»> .legit isnler House stock... Markets by Telsgraoh. | l*iw Toaa. May 27.—No<n—tffeosi dull but I Braur.—Market bare of Florida and Georgis I dinary of said county on tbe flrst MondarTn rat. eoeev easy at L Excbanri. iou*, syrups; New York sugar 80a40o; New Orleans June next, to show cause. If any they can,why 486K: ihnrt 48% •«»«* bouds neglected. ^ • 3Ca50c. said application should not be granted. — " 1 * 1 * • * “ ‘af sign: * Mrs. Damour's Will, 8o much has been said about the will of the Sugars—The market la firmer and higher Witness my hand and officii •m uent bonds steady, ... , Xrenlnx.—Kxcntnge, K86 1 ; Bciar 1. Powdered JWOi cuinuus) l' r i t M»»1885. '.aD-treaaurT balanr«e: Coin 9i4L913tfO; ®cr« J2Jw A 6jft‘7j; ~ ‘ ‘ “ late Mrs. Damour, that a TaLBOBAPH man taw ?eccy 125,993 00\ Government icccrUla* are Mr. I. C. Plant, one of the executors, yesterday SSStandsnsStSLi 1 ^ + 1 per cenU and uked him as to some 01 the Interested • 8 parties threatening litigation. Mr. Plant said: “I cannot Imagine how inch a report coaid have originated, ss I have had several conver sations with the heirs, who express the wish that the estate be settled with as little delay ss possible, avoiding all litigation." , .. UMU1 , U . ^ “What is the value of the estate and of what g] Carolina,"new 18 does It consist?" I Funding"............ 10 ’■I canssyet form ^correct estimate of Its | j, o. Brown coa.. lon< white extra C 6^'c; yellow ■>* my2 lawlw Gbaw.—Corn—market firm; stoex l*ur‘ good milling com 783 by car lot*. 80 •mall lots; mlxod com 75. Oats—good Grdiusry. Whittle appliesjfor letters of adminUultiod th. »*itoT,A"° W »V vu* “ •” lengm io suit yon. Tho w.-hi h hasroml to srsy 5 rttherco ° l tosabstltuto Matiiug for C srpcU. but now , ,nd ,ur ,i " oi!,v * >° u -waiyLsran’i’sg.Vi __ Onr Shoe trade was first clats last week. The people * re Justbeglnn'ng to find oatu..* M Dry Goods. We ktrp the 1 " 1 0ut . tb *t *QK A ? f f d< \?* rterB ,or •* well ?»!t ester. New York m «kee. The following were the closing qumeilom: ESS and hlghcf: jZ%S*K wS3S«.» "J. Carolina.... Mobile A Ohio N'asb. A Chat... N. O. Fac.. DU... N. Y. Central N'orfk. A W. pxrf Nor. Pro. com..... pref- value, u 1 have not had sufficient time to look Tennessee 6s A Lady Assaulted nnd Robbed on the csrefnlly Into this part of the trusL but pro- '/iwiniaCs sume, from what I have now learned, that it **' consol 1( will amount to about 9100,000, consisting ;»-■ » D d G„.«„ , almoct exclusively of real estate located In Chicago A North. 96l< Macon." I (jo preferred 1271% In answer to the question as to the character j eQT A a K’o G„ 5*1 of the will, Mr. Plant said It was an admirably ~h 0 drawn paper, in which Mrs. Damour’s usual r»at Tenn. T “ good Judgment had been exercDed. The --g 6 Shore ‘ 'nal will was drawn twsutr-one years •*o, 1 the codicil two yean since, when the present executor* were named. LoulST. A Naah... | M*mnhDA<;har •Bid, Georgia rasVprool 70; Texts nut-proof 52a55o: Bran 91.15. Hay.—The market higher; good Si’,; quote at wholesale: Western timothy small lots ji.53. 1U1S 1SIUCIIORUU sumo cernod to be and appear a mothVn ». I *F °* county, four wt motnv n 25, 0 l at th0 June ! ' Tn# of , Pacific MaU . Reading-... —. . Richmond A Ai . Rich. & Dan.— . Rich. AW. Y T. Rook Island— dLPanl do. pref.—..: Texas Padir Union Paclflo.-. Wabash Pacific.. do. r.rcf.. w u.Telegi at the court ofortllna- weeks after date here- uotl , u- „ -f said court, to show m^oSs 0 m -h1 *“" ! ,004 JKSSi^lfLlSotoS: W T,tl<1 ‘ ppUc ‘ Ujn 1 Witness my hand and official signature, thD Mulhs.—About seven car loads in tne mar Met: trade active; »lu)a200 Hoasas.—Tcere are very few hones In ws* bbls. 16.00, iBaokml. bbl j tor bbl A 92.25, kits 60. ew crop, No. 1. bbls.. IIZOO, hal. quarter bbls. 13.25; kltsTCc: No. 1 bbls. 98^00, half bbls. 94.00, qua NOIICE signature, t J. A. McMANUB, Ordinary. find robbed of two rings and a reticule con- Wllile Stevlson Where Ho Properly *« tabling thirty-five or for»y dollars In money. longs. The deed was done on New street directly | Willie Bteviion, a well known aegro vagrant COMMERCIAL GEORGIA, CRAWFORD COONTY. - To whom it may concern: L. T. Jonc. havinr s*»»».-Mu»ru.r boxc. Amnrlcxn 5C.CC' cpplled to me for letter, ot gninHitnuhlp of ■—*— — " the property of Mary Amos, minor child of Henry Amos, Into of »«!d county decevcl. .. f. UrgenoUt; Vlrgtnto MkLtN noticetyhereby given that his application Liverpool 41; bycarload thoeo prices can tr w tube heard at my ofloo oo the lint Monday Shaded. In Jnno next. . Given nndcr my hand and official sljnature ORAIN AND PROVISION MARKETS B 5 | myldft'‘wVOEO. L, SAWYER, Ordlna „ „ T * Llt ° , ' APH ' t , GEORGU. BIBB COUNTY-Whereas, Mary Cnrcaoo. May 27.-FIoar unchanged: goo.1 C. Bmlth, admlnlitratrlx of the eitata of Jt> rtra a.I&AH, Mlnnewts I tcphB. Smith, haa made application for let. English Pins 5 Cents aPapa’at LYONS & CLINE’S. lnehL E J!'dt L . O h??K NM ? ! " >AY .9 RT0E3DA y.‘ 1, » '«* 0< tho.. Oriental Flonn-e. n <5 rl™ ch ’ h *;*’ TP'' 1 *° m * c F ol for Commencement Dr—ma. at., uotuc iS of Hamburg Flounces, w th alluver aud nsrro v Hamburg Edges to mat«.n. ' er 101 Bottom marmptr by tylbomamm: in front of the residence of Mrs. B. M. Dsrden. I and thief, is at last where he properly belongs. I J 4 ! 0 ??* Mfty ? ‘. E I e ?, lDf * ^ i «.«.«.«. nuwk udcun »uu . lC r. oi aumisnon irom saia etuue brick BtensVhaV i!i5 to'thli!£wSkfm!I He Wfkf **tt*l*& Tuesday afternoon and ar- Liverpool reported the market doll and closed 1% lower than yesterday: May 86H* This is to clto and admonlsh%ll t>ei mou& of tho allej, P at° that polnL when I raigned before the recorder yesterday morn- inanimate. Middling oplands 515-16. Sales, JnneJk^aSTK^Jnly^Maa^^N?,9 redeyh concerned to bo and appear at the foi iu gro made tho attack. He had concealed I “8 on charges of disorderly conduct and 5,000 bales. Futures closed barely steady. | I on i negi nself fence, and as soon first r close to the side of the vagrancy. The recorder knew him and his arsons - — m l a i, m -v rav Coart oi t cu opened firm xnd clcmd !(«3< Ordln.ry of iild county on the tint Monday .. I l°s>r then y.terd.y: tuh to,*4, Mxy 4iH» In June ncxtto.how c«asc, If «ny thiy c.n, u'uin'ixmu r—ch«l to! I record. And meteddoe jnitlctobim lie wu I 10 Hew ,0 ! A *J ltnn content, opened ,7 June 4554*18. July 43?4*w}i oil! opened why uld application ihould not be grsntcd. •1 i*p ho iprsncout .ndrobbcdKr ^fore SmSm or lentenccd to 100 (Uy. on thepn“ T» let « l*- 88 ,or M *T »° a cl046<1 »t ! 4.54 lower, closed Vis', lowcrth.n ycitcid.y: vs ltnrumVhud and offlclkl slgnMnro thl nc>vs««lven to turn around «nd recognlic Uoworks. In default of payment he waa sent 10.M-M. halaa, W.OOOhalu. 51411:11 6tl1 ' . . who It was. ^ to the chain-gang yesterday morning. "He'.l eooU lu New York opened dull atlOlMe i L 5 ^,"','*' 1 ;,^^. 041 I — - - J. A. MCMANUS, Ordinary. 3Ms»nt<BRA9tMM<l 3S5S money attempted to snatch from her ears a I marked wl pair of car rings that she wore. I COPT 1 - This caused her to scream, which she 1 DRY GOODS MARKET. ACON. GRIFFIN’ AND 11HDM.11 vw , GEORGU, BIBB COUNTY. -Under and by !L Whisky firm Tlrtue of an order from tho court of ordinary and dispatched a servant girl to the clt; rha'i io give tho alarm, officers were immediately mounted and started In pursuit of tho fiend. An Unusual Case. _ ... . i pursuit of A thorough search of the scene failed to dis cover him. Every road leading from itwa* then traversed, but without success. The city - Jo“. rtMth-'bccn mado' 1 ’ b< “ “ ‘ hl * 1,rlUD * hr Deputy United StatM Mat.h.l Whltely, Since tho deed was committed It ha. John Crawlay wa, conflnwl fn Jail, having been learned _ that a negro . answer- bean convicted ol llUelt dim ling. Hie sen-1 May’ and June, value.. ■B' IBIH ■ >icrvoone JrdT.Mnaea. dk-ntly he has been wi If MUs Lamar had not fatnl mum.nt. tit.- \: * i — «—Hu, Jodgt ftpesr to allow him L_ ■ else ennally as respectable, andlhe Th.’tSHU ™2„‘53 Drcember and January, buyer. A tM4 lndlen.tlim this morning would have been serreont the senunc. The court eoneanted Tumi— -■—* ■ *- — cquslly at great Mu: h.ppened to walk Into «>d issued an order for hie raleaao to whloh « p - ■-.T-'“ mrc " cl0 * M b,r "' the trap holiad eat, and wai the victim. W.I atteehed a bond for hla reaptearance. J“J. gE— J JZJJ vv hen the new* of the oc.urrence was re- Crowley wlU return aa aoon at he sets hU “»r ““ gg* — 5 JZS ported over the city yrstentay. the Indignation crop* In good shape and eerve ont hi. na- and WIJ, vaaoa.™ *7the pnbllo was grcab That a lady should tenoo. ™y and Ani^oouore»~.e attacked on the open street, a the hoar ■ nTo’SSfiiSliSnSSBt Sovare” »*MI harracke w'ie eu«m > *toams*°to°f'cUDg < ol "Yea: I eh ell break the engagement,'* October end NoTi-mberjeellere..... IJMJ the people, amt thoremenwonld *n fit pW 'he said, folding bar arms and looking do- X'.u'mW.’nd JSS5t"v^0 J MM ability hevoeuirertd had he been caught. Hoi fiant; "It ie really too much tronble to I December and January, value.—ewe. standard I °f county will bo sold b-foro the court house door, in the city of Macon, in said conn- It , on tho first Tuesday In Jnns next bets sun OnoomAn. May 27.—^Flour doll and lower: the legal hours of sale, ono un lvided one- family Rir.ai.90 Wheat dull: No t red winter seventh inters t in the dower lands of Mr*. 11.00. Oorn lower: No 2 mixed i\?;ai v ^ Faith Carlos*, widow of William Carloss. both Oats irregular: hoi mixed 35^s06?4. Fork dull lite olsald county, deceased; said land situ- atlll 00. Lord dull, lower; prim* steam96.20. ated In the fourth district of originally Hons- * —guafi containing one bun- s, and known an the , on the north by the Hams—8ugor curo-3 quiet end on- lands of 8. H Peacock and W. O. Hard v. on A at9l2.ro. Sugar quiet and easier the east by D. L. Birdsong and J. A. White- hard (refined, 6M*6^, New Orleans sldet. on tho south by John Lancaster, on the Hon weak: n-muon and light 9S.25s4.lu, I weet by the lands of J. T. Cherry and Jsmss packing and Vutchcrs* ISfiOsLlO. Whisky I llnlcy. cold as the property of 0111 o B. a ad steady at ILU. Joshua J. Unity, mluor children of J. W. Tin- BT. Locis, > May 27.-Flo«ar lower:^ UmOj | > ®y» l1ll *®is£ Terms cash.^ TINLET, ••xpori o«s». n Fntnre* quiet inne and July 5 5864 July and August.....—.5 62-64 An unusual paper has been served on Jailer I September 1 su'd Octobcr.^T!!-*-! 6864 Birdsong. It was presented at the jail Tuesday I 2r.w.—paits iMridrt 4,800 Haics > bihtIosji, imih w. wuu mm. lunu. iuipi,mcuh««.wi i ,ku m ws itwnu uuuivi w middling uplands ft 15-18: middling Orleans 6. Rnik meats lower shouldors 4S.87R, short ribs ton, now Bibb county, contali Futures dull and Inactive. 15.37V*, short clear 95.70. Bacor. lower, inactive: dred acres more or le«s. and May, value657 84 shoulders 95.00. short ribs (6.12>*. short clear Carloss lands-bounded on the •' ** ’—'JG.50. Ham»—Bufarcurol quiet and nn- lands of 8.B I’carock and W. ( Changed at 11X00. Sugar quiet and easier the east by D. L. Birdsong and hard (refined; 6%t6% New Orleans 4slder.on tbo south by John Lanvuvcr. »u >uu — ^ 18^26*4.10,1 west by the lands of J. T. Cherry and Jsmes ki.10. Whisky I Tlnlsy. v eoldu the prop - * - — — •* T( VVINSH 1 ? & OALLAWAY LEADERS IM CLOTHING AND HATS, Have taken anuaual pains in getting no tbelr f — Spring . wer® mane to order.^of the best jniported goods sml h>* March^(it«Tai‘or-*. Stintk. Mnatof u»*-ir Fine i-ntii hy March<nf,Tal‘or*«. We gnar^ antee to glen a* good Ut as any Merchant Tall >rin th» roamry even siv** nnd will «»va you at least $15 per Suit, Latest at vies and b*ft qiiailtv I (4 00*4.10. to neat opened ac Ivo and • lower than yesterday: No 2 red eaah 8 1108, June $l.(X2V*al.02V*. July $l 03al.04&. Corn I opened lower Bat closed Hett higher than} yesterday: No 2 mixed roan 4fHali% Jnue I 4tJ*at5. Oats olosed dull and lower. No 2 mixed cash I5M, no options. Frovlaloue dull I and lower. Pork—Job lota, cash IU.C0 Buik I bmsu—car lota, long clear 9560, short ribs I Guardian of Ollle B. and Joshni J. linley. m)5law4w Administrator’s Sale. STEALING A LOCOMOTIVE, GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY—Undee »n<1 by virtue of tu order irom tho court of ordtnery I ax.'..—-XXV - ■ of teld oopptT will bo Mid before tho court nrU:'!Mfil; Mwlm lu the city of Mncon, In aud coon- I fhDrt ribs 95 90, abort clear 18.10. Ham* quiet |- on g^t Tuesday in tune next between y yet bo brought to ltutt—ru’th. nolle. I converse with him; he'oo'deat Ml poet,I h'xw York, M»y27.—Tho Evening noi'i Mtt|MoU£R L»rt qnlet ot h.M. \V hUky tho lce«l hourt of >«le, port of lot ot Innd No, re x very occurotc deecrlptlnn ot him, ond god folks like ho hid 0 mouthful of muih. I ootton orttcle eoyo: Inetcod of expected fovor- ,leIa F ot two „ 1A In tquore 01.1 the city of Mocon, la .old will exert arcry effort toopwehend him. I S3Kr- TV- .-1 .. . I urcrenux, Moy 27.—Wheat lower: No 2 county, on which la eitueted one two etory Mis, 1-omer, in oddltlon to toeing tho ortl. I t! 1 ” 1 ?; ™B * w . *5“ * ble * llTlc ** 5°? Uvcrpool’Uiot morket ro- Lo—oeny ,iot; mo 2 red 11.02. Corn lower: frame dwelll fond other outhotuee. Hold — cl— mentioned, .utfi-red eomowhot yeaterdey tU'Knstlng. Don t brook tho engtge- opened otter the holiday .week ond ond prlc— No* ratxod to: Mo J whlto ,7. OoU lower: I the property of Un. A. E. Foster, late of e«ld afternoon from tho rough treatment^^to which mint lor thgf;toll him to take Dr. 8ogo ■ I n.re'y eupported ot 61H-. ond 0 for mlddUng No 3 mixed 37oT7U. Pro.tetoni dull and llot. county deemed, for dtvDtoei omongs. toe she woe subjected. The aetro seised her end Catarrh Remedy. ItwIU cute him com- . 1 *7 M wtto ulc of onlv e un Pork-m*o nun. Mk rneou ehoolden htire ol sold Un. A. E. Forter. dcc.uod. pnohrd her violently off the etepo Into Wool- pl.tely," "Well, I'll tell bin). 1 do hvto I upl * ad * J. I H5 h clear rib .Idea t5C0. clear tides H.10. Terms coeh. 1,y when^ae effected too robbed The ihock | io break It off. for In ell other re.orcts ne’e I '-alee, ond thla In eptto ol toegood outlook lor | Bacon--houWera M.74, ctotr rib. re.20, | mSUwtw* the received wo. also very greet. quUe t00 charming.” Of course, It cured the pro erroUon of peaee ond higher eontols. cjrer aide. Bujo-tau««ml ttMt — bio catarrh. | Arthral, eloredborelyet.ody .1204 lower than ^ ^ qntot-cholco leal *20. prime Bibb County Sheriff Sales, on toe 2aad. ThU dluppolntm.nt canted _ „ — — , mUM1 l nn , 1 A wild Rid. with a Craty Nigro'a Hnnd I l.eond C.orgln anttnllon Drill. | future doPfortoo to decline keep 8 > c * ,t * ou^ I wmMoa to tau Ug it. 00.4. «0, gcod on tha Throttle. Tho annnal drill jenp hae a local eharacur In too shape of o ttUon wlu trkmptre lunatic negro who Is known as Crexy BUI. He ,lUl - * n<1 wl " * ltc lounges around too depot and .eemi to have! volonteer companies —, ... M developed apeiston for locomotives. clUxene, who wUlgoovwtowItueaa too drill IquhtDOtoUady, oldcrop7toc t-1—, «h'l enjoy tho attendant exe-rls—. Very tow g polnta lower than yesterday. Yeiterday morning too through freight train here been Meo-ad. Member, of toe saw Toaa, May 27, n too.-notion dull,.™, coming to M.OOO woo mandlog to too yort j mn.go yd totom gm, n ,urda 1015-H; mlddlla, OrUaee *t«- ready to leave on too arrival of too pauenger vatootlaeW”* 81 -!*-. Amttmhorwlll UEoad. | nne! train from M.coo.whloh wu dn. In Jt.np at, I Se 5Tc,pit«l- T _ o’clock. The hostler, Mr. Ii.nry Bn-gay, pnt »»« futuree c'lored lUady; •alea'm.OSO." ’ I «mlUh'Tri.'tS 454,' Muaoovado 4«aH-U --- vi on on. of th. pump, and left to. locomo«y.| , uokl . n ,. Arnl0 a.n.... in. foUow.n. toh.V.how.U^nmmto. ord 1 £ °“ ^ v -' A ' Tho olceri l :ilt I1 rhc 0 am #r fev»r r «ore« b t.itor' I Olorinicnouiloni^ | extra whlto oxua.G Wt _y.Uo to OKOROIA, BIBB COUNTY—Will ho Mid odjotnfng Mn.C. Mo 1 mixed ouh"!7a275t Mope nDehaogod, | ion, hoondod one .Ido by on alley rannlng •toady: now 'JOa'A fair u choice 10.10 Cuff— from Oak street. Alio a part of lot No I. Ie not fair Rio .toady at M.:\ No 7 Rio, iquare A eoutownt. common, .(tu not 17.OR. Jane I7.0ua7.08. Hagai firmer ana a>«d on tha corner of Gilmer and Bay unchanged: Barhaooe. 4 9-10. wntrungal 654 streeU. Alaoopartol lots boa. J end 2, In Don Domini o 654. Frencn Island, eks, I square A Mutowt.1 commona. botwi Martinique 454a* 7-16. Fornamhueo 4 IMa to attend to oth.r dnUea At gftoaa minutes to three o'clock Craiy I Mr.., atotbe * ‘ * — Bill stole, nnoUervel, Into tot cab and blew chopped bands, ehUMalna conn, seen I skin eruptions, and pMltlyely eurea | whet waa the matur, they saw tot train oil - ,»,e of fe cento per box. bound- * Lamar. thirty ran shooting ewer it a lively: speed Irom the station. The train Ind ■■ ed aerate toe switches and In aoma way kept toe wain track. MrBurgay an] theyard mas- rerandod. Lamar, Rankin May.: wots ever pub ter started out on foot after the runaway I Life.” tha bast train. , or young and middle-aged men | Meanwhile too lnnatle we. moving hla train 1 lively. Ae be tnmed a curve there wa — grade to climb, and right hero too He Member-— October govern bet — A nickel-oil ver Watcrbury w»tch I• I **“ bo ,* ent t0 “r on ? * lu ""I * | S23S Tho lnnatle blew Bve whlstlca for too ■ dub of ten new enbocriben to the 4S, rquare 3, Muthweit common.- between Dlvte- 16-lt to. and Gilmer aireeto, bounded by property 51-16,1 of Mra. A. A. Menard and Blhh Manufacturing ulng raC , _ IKai, oft a 5,'.,mould A 4*4. esandat f. < On(tiCtlOU«r»' A C$6, nrusnt'l « ••* I Wf, uunrviui, •«« uia ewvurtuce, n i> WW.- ,0,1 tJ4 powdaead A c.',a7, graenlaiM 454, Una, J. E. EHe, Wm. P. Ooodall, M. Loh and cnboa 7!<r Mol* oa quiet and #rm: Nay J. L. Kennedy. , , ^ . , ■- [ Orteaua OMhl. Cuba \soee- rename) ’.d Alto at the atmt time and place that parcel I0S4-M Kiev atcady: domeatlu «4>7 raugnon A. I of laud In tho city of Macon on toe northern to RMO uoitAiiaeeo oil atoedjr at . 2aJ6; erode s»3 corner of Bond and Coltog. atreeto. fronting *0 »W7 Pork doll, In buyers' foyor: men enoe ML60* Vt feet more or lemon collets street and ad- 10 K-m i|.7e. Middle, dull: lout elear <6 *7>4. Uro Joluleg toe prooerty of J. Mad toon Jonae and 10.17-00 opened 7a> lower and cloud week: Western rannlng hack 166 feet more or leu on Bond 100047 aEua*■pot Toroi Jnno'NUag-74. FroVghta to I urwiT*Uvladon the property’of w. P. tiood- 1026-74 LtoKpoot per steamer atoady: cotton 54d, all to stria! y the last abore dcacribed fl fa 10.5 4-26 wheat 2* .1. »lao at too rime time and place part of lot 1 'j)4d. SSSI ’ ■TbTt'iw May 27-Flour quiet and .toady: I *»• l0 ’ U “ W How ora «Ut«i »ua Wwww ®BMr8nv^«8.t0s How ora stn*t I fw iT MM.1X7 (till. Id ol A. B. Farqahxr and Aufnstos Harray. Lev* I on as lb® pnSpsrty oi J. E. EUU to satisfy Ut nan and then lefttbs enrins to alt down on w ___. - m_. vn „. p „ _.i.. A _a:„ N«w Yoa*. May 27.-Co»um market easy; gJ“5 f- SPiftr» a5 25Fataiw<»Unlly lW0 latt abovsdeacribed fl fa. ^ . SiftS-ss- Tilkorapb - 866 .85! “ | mnl^«L4j2i.»; NO | Inga Tvatameot alwaya carried by him. ment . Tha train Hopped nearly By. mile* awey ® en >- Orleana il!4. turnout. When the houier. yardmalter and olaon tamo up panting, baring I | run tha entire dlatanee, the Inutile V»ktd up from toe Testament ae unconcernedly at ft nothing had happened The tint thought ol the men wu to tide track the train to •• to al low too down. passenger to peas. ThU II waa accompUehed last In Umt. The negro waa then token and to now la Jail, llewlirbel placed la the asylum wben he cannot attal lo comotives. Had he asetndrd toe hill with hli train a collision with the peaaengar train I would have been tot result. It waa a cltM I call, An Officer In Good Luck. Hanltary Inspector William Btephan, wore j a genuine smile yoatorday afteraooo at toe I city kalL when bo approached a party ot gtn-1 tlemenahd ehowed them a letter from Beva-1 ria, Germany, convoying toe pleealag Intelli gence that he had bean left a snug sum ol I money by a relative who had recently died tha re. Tbo amount will aggregate Bra or ton thousand dollars, and tot letter conveyed n I paper conferring opon n party at too bomoofl hla dead relative, the power ol attorney to TM relative, whoa, death occurred about I two montoe ego, waa an uncle, aud wu quite waeltoy. Itched oo direct helm at toe time ol M> deetn. and hto property went to bit brothers and ataten and their children. Aa til the brothers and atotart are dead, tbachll- Mateiol whom la Mr. Otophone, will get I prrpi-rty. He Informed toe reporter that toe property. He Informed toe reporter ti be and a stater would obtain onotclrd of I ctato, wbleb will prove a enng mi| m eoe»n win bo made at once to a , j. an t ■< !!, cr ctepban will aoon be In Orcat Briton 164, to continent 47L ttuneme, May 27.—oouen qnlet; mid- I dltog 100-14; ut reoelpto K- erma — 16; stock 4813; at- rata I ■ ■ aTfnawn ?! v^ir*inww se-ite7m white »inarc y,.aou:nweit conmcaa.bonnd, «•; ettob; JJJohnMnondWtomb^.Uretou uO JCUOW MSM. I A(1*1 —* **— * ** ***■” * dggmBtSS rSsS?a«tSi , 7<; Stoe Jjgj 0 J3ixi. ,, ‘ 1 !U 7 -"*^3£ un £SI!76 : “ft ; exports, coastwise »22 and Macon Adamaon etxl Mre. A. iTwaike'. Uvlcd too property ol M. Lob to lAttofy laid above Also, at too eamo time and place, port of , Wttwwstoy. May 27.—tiotton atoady; mid-1 Whlto T2.“oiuaqejet:' prtmo'weitoTn'tC na; I frnoUng CO tut on Spark, etreat and r I dUnt 1054: net raempto 1, pen 1; aaloa 0; Jmrra and .wady: prime «16.0<).17.QO, cho.a nlng tack ono hundred and eoranty fut to an stock 67a. I via mi pork steady unchanged at (17.76. I alley Atoo part of lota one 41) and two (2), BAVAtntAn, May 27.—Cotton study; mid- Imid qnlet: tie raw ireBned) U.00, k« 1040 Lutodoo^itol I 4»n« MS! MWW. R.rrai «. 0; | Bulk nuato qcto^on^cnchanjrft^toonl- | Bre^k talb. dty^MUeoo. Jgjtodoou to. • aSTbSsms Exn&a&'n I I u,, .ne«,. cl,: i: lid; export",coastwise ■ Niw Or: »tx", May • 27.-<’ettoi Tmiddtlng 1054:. riat reoalpts 7A Atoo. at tod earn, time and nUeoTtoo— lealea to; Itoca 86,377; exporta, coaatwtoo M0. I ^o:re’t^aiK-d tlT^lkts Whl.ki nearly I oet of C. W. MorreU tn parcolTolland baton ■ Moxtu, May 27.—Cottoo market nominal; I andnuchanged: WeetornraotlBed tUBtotl TS. I part of lotNo. 2'1 In toe 4th district o| arid FB»5»nsasaas , Jf , “" 8»“si!WBi!maB?s 104: reralpu a, antpmeata . sties m. „ H c.-nda 27.20. summer yeUow 1654 CEAtunon, May 27,-Ootton atoady; mid- ana. dun: prime ends 27.30, rammer yellow 2854 | tuck JTdu;' export, eoaitwtot 300. receipt* 20 great 20; atlca 0; I OITV MARKETt: Naval Stores. Satahsaw, May 27,-Roaln 'pales) arm: atraiur-l JUOaG 12!i; ..TOJBga. jsaai »««»»» 88; sales 150 barrels. pis. We quota: In tisress and tabs 8M0M; if He received many eongratnlatlone from fr ends jft rday who rejoined with him to Absolutely Pure. M BCTTaa.-Mamt.sissdy„and wsUstncksd WtucnoTOir, May 27.—8plriu of I ■22; market oratmoekad with country botter- -. ™_jRUj-“bSr?u , y&s diS’ia ie [ Tirsm $L75. ToaL SwOuei A Card, ifikrtnf from smvs and In- dscaj, elpscaat will ear*. >a, fres of E M reuedy was diocov* * ■oatb AmerleB. ?snd ▼f-.o** v» *st. Joseph T. Bvw York. SI Thla powder never varies. A marvel of parity, ot/ength Mors soonomicai i end eoimot bo told In eompotMoo with the maUttsdoof low toot, tDort Wright, alas: or pboopnam powder*. HM only in amt. Botal Baxmo Powoib Co., 108 Wall ttrttt Now York. Thu powder eon bo bonght at 8. B. Jaeqooo, corner 4th and (Mow Macon Ua. -Assorted, la botes oaiOe, barrrir ,tggdj at X254. Niw Yoax, Kay Boris - radaod firm at n.lML125i. iptrito of tnrpontlno xtreeta, bat adyanrino. _ family citra famRy IMCaiJO; tanoy a UK IhrCeAtO: uatoert fit l6a5K 10 21. Det Boooa. Tbo maraet to qolri; domaar. Wool Niw Tool, Vey27.—Woot quirt: ■ ., Ba(e# jj to K ' WC.4--CB iw r |W ;y J mi brviwa 'lrt.-:-<v ^ssaq. ssld Morrsll undsr bond for tills fromD.L. Birdsong, and part of parches* money having “ who Is IBIOMIS wrtyof C. wTuor- from Jostles eoott 5J0 district (J. M. la fsvor J. W. Bhlnholssr vs. C. W. MorrslL Also, st tho MBS the following sooth by '.L. t tho mbs Urns sod pises. I will sell wing described property, which waa »by ths bailiff of th# county court levin! on b? the bailiff of \h# eonatjcoart nndcr and by vlrtns of an execution issued from said mart tn favor of Gsorgs R. B.rker •gainst J. B. Artopc, trustee of hT« el hCeT ** * Artoos, sad e A. Bancss. W. H. Artops and B. J, Artopc and wbleb levy was returned to ass. Tbs sab property levied on as ths trust estate of said LYONS & CLINE Leaders and Controllers of the HATS AND FURNISHING -GOODS. Uo>i* *udChildren's I’ioiMnf. Hq»rs «:i 1 SJO ^ND m*T "Fl* w- ,ct , Dr.SALMON’S J CHOLERA SPECIF| C ; rmrxrki oniA/nru _ currn nm„nr n , CHICKEN POWDER. - SHEEP POWDER. ' CATTLE POWDER. - CONDITION POWDER UPREVENT&CURE HOff CHOLERA ... r- r ... j DESTROYS PREVENT HOG LICE&WORMS WE CAN \CURE CATTLE MURRAIN,TEXAS fEVER 8i c vANur • .CURE CHICKEN CHOLERA 8vGAPES. iCURE SHEEP ROT. TAPE WORM.&- CDBY THE VETERINARY MEDICINE C? NASHVILLE. TENN. KORSALRBV p LAN0ERS BR THEf'S. '"It OS r.V'TOR8. IROOEKd. U- ALEKS IN WAGONS,GUANOS anl FABMKttv SUI*P1.I« , MACON. O v. aptluwtim THESCIENCE OF LIFE. ONLY SI | By Wall Po3t-Paid «QUEENI SOUTH . PORTABLE FARM MILLS KNOW THYSELF. \ Gnat tieical Work in Ikkd. Debility. Prematura Deellna In M au, Emirs ol Yonto, and toe entntd mlavriva rcaul'lug fnrm Indiscretion or exceaaea. A honk for envy man, yonrg. middle-aged and old. It contains 120 prescriptions for all acuta and chroolo dto- react, each ono of which to lnyalnable. So found by too Author, whoa, experience for twrnty three yean to rach aa probably never before foil to too lot of any physician. 300 ^racs, bound In beautiful French nuilln.ro- red covers, full gilt, guaranteed to ho a r work In every aensc-mcctiinlcal, liter- pu^and profts-Ional—than any other work will ho refunded In every lnvunce. Price only II by mnlL poit-pald: Ulnitratlre sampln 6 cento. Bond now. Uold me tal award,-I the |author by too National Madleal Association, to too rreaidenkof which, too Hon. P. A. Kluell. and aaooclata orieon of too Board too reader to respectfully referred, STRAUB MILL CO. Cl.Xt 1)8411, 0. i: 51 t'ip I, ur 1,1 Oatcta ; J. 8. SCHOFIELD * SON, mcb;ilil:im ArvnU, kfnmn -XE BEST 18 CHEAPEST,” _ uv-mift Clever Ha'-iert threshers; iSaitaSS* i/:a The Belenco of Life should bo read hy tho youag lor Inacriartioa, and by tho affilofonira rellrt II will htoafi talk-London Uaeat. Thera to do mombrr of aoeloiy Io whom too Bclrneo of Life wilt not bo naofnL whether youth, parent, guardian. Instructor or clergy- man.—argonaut, TO wm MEN A-7 lr, an too Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr. W, H. Patter, Wo. 4 Buldneh street.'Boo- bo coniultcil on all dla- 1 ,-v . ri.-rir... r'hronlo - . that have halllc-l ton, Mam., >bo may hi rc,iutriog^^ a28,r ts&ssfcssa h r a\> ® N^ontan|n.UDe._olj_all YS EIJ l* nrn. Mention toto paper. OKOROIA, BIBB COU> Ooodall, exaenlor of too Melroy. lato ol mid cm county, decearud, has r letters of dismiss wo made application from said estate. Thto to to cite and admonish all person, oTOrdlraryof ■aldeoox^oo too fl'r'.i and which t> deaertbo iK5rwl < and^lniilngho!S Xardkrih,TfL. J, A. KcMANUi.Ordinary. ■■StoJouSKhtohi'.lot,bring partoflat ^mmikraiHiBH ■ No lu eunarr cl-y ol Macon; also Ire part of lot No.., In aquoraialn . Mint fronton Third • lu »,,uarc lultallgpi said City. 60 fori fronton Plom atrett on toe nortbaori corner of sal t lot, and bain* that formerly oc- ?^^. A, £»5m“ArStt^aS Bounty tr tbo Macon raairTO, on wbleb told J. B. Artopc 'ormarlr maided, ond mora fully idMeribadin drrda recorded In too ogee Mi sun of aauHy mar7 la writ t ltUtra og dlamtoaUm clerk of Ooperior Court ri m I *-B" folio Pit and book -K" folio A0and2>L to wbleb reference la hereby mode. 0,»,7rt)TtOIT,=tn.;.ff. GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY—Wbereaa, t> neiloa cn 111 van. admlntotrator of tho estate Mary Katwln. late of said county, di baa made application for'*»»'* »* At* from said estate. Tils ts to etts and admonish all p«rvons eoocvnjpd to ba and sp*«*r at Us coa rt of or- dlntryof said county o.t Iks first Koa la? In •f Jmr next to show cans*. If 1x7 Cher ear, why k I said %p» llrafon sbaokl not be granted. I Wwli L_. ..— Wltnass hr Land and official *:*• Alar* I Hud‘1*' Nofcer.i-' *’<t this sp-u3. ltftSe J. JL.mMAM- |p i;>;1U —* Orl.-f'J. I. W\M SLAVERY! .1 a. iiufii KASTMAN, CEC and chronic