Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, June 12, 1885, Image 7

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TTTE TELhGRAPn AND MESSENGER: FRIDAY- JUNE 12, 1885. ■g^gUS CONVICTED. —s r&szsr™ .MnintalnB His Composure— T hi p, !*J5?CI08loK Argument of the Trial to Bo Moved. _ v*., Jono 4.—The twenty- j lay cl the Clnverine trial tound the ‘ ml P«** 10 the 1011 ,Xt “‘ oI , lta M “l,a crowd eager to hear the clot- c,p ^5nment of Charles V. Merediib, W *““ secu torto the case. Mr.Meredltn fl bTcompUrcenUBB and thanking the 2Krfhtfr P*U«*« « nd attentlondurinK ^r loog and trying confinement In this £ H^^ssssssfis Iff tkeeourt. “ t bat almost all the evidence f^S>orW‘‘rcnmStantlal Innocent have not only been eacrlficed on clr- mcn .JJh.1 evidence, but also on what caniitanfial «*““«• „ poai u Te evi- J *“°He explained the instructions ? en £'t.ii and then went on to eum ia ^KLJStt on the positions taken by S’.drfSS« to the manner ot thedeatn S'the Seated- He combatted the theory « so strongly advocated by the S im 's and said tnere was not a doubt as absurdity! Mr. Meredith then took *° ...wtsslvelV the murder theory, the «»„uvefor murder and the quesUon of the SdSefloS oTths deceased by the prisoner, J£d discussed them at length and with p l*. t tbe l case draws to a close and the de cision of bis fate becomes a question of a 5ii°hours only, the prisoner seems to be impressed wiihhli terrible position. His senoosness and nervousness are pain- ^tf'.’^CTeMth 5 occupied the afternoon ..7,inn in going over the questions of ?f*X the movements of the prisoner andthe deeeazed on March 13th, day and {light the tom note and its conneoUon whb the prisoner and commenting upon. I.i.lllnr and criticizing the testimony of the wimeues at great length, to show that it was not coincidence alone bnt circum stantial evidence of the strongest kind. He concluded et8:33 p. m., having spoken “early nine hoars. His summing op m3 deductions were ol the most forcible cbsofter, and hta peroratton was powerful •ndWlective. He closed bis remarks by liking tor a verdict of murder In the first <I ?he cssa was then given to the jury, who then retired. Daring their absence a squad cl police Bled Into the court and wa. sta tioned in line immediately behind the pris ons This precaution was deemed neces sary by the court to prevent any demon stration in the event of a verdict being ar- rived et. The court-room was more densely thronged than at any time since the commencement ot the trial. An Immense crowd filled the hallway ot the building, and the stmt oataide the court wee al most impassable. Tbe subdued hum cf voices could beheardtbrougboutthacourt room, and much speculation was indtil-nl Id regarding the result of the jory’a delib erations. sentiment bring divided between a verdict o( entity and the inability of the jury to agree. No one seemed to believe in a verdict of acquittal At 0:25 o’clock tbe city sergeant in a low tone informed Judge Atkins lli»t the jury l-.mle creed and were preparing their verdict. This was soon known throughout the court room, and almost every eye wns turned on the prisoner, who was sitting quietly in his ususl place, near his counsel. At 0:30 the jury tiled into the court room and took thelrseats. A deathlv - il'ncia pervaded tbe crowded room. Clerk Layton polled the jury, and then put the quedion: '‘Gentlemen of the jurv. have you agreed upon a Yerilict?’ Foreman Keppler replied that they had. 'J tie prisoner was then told to stand up, which ire did. looking straight ahead and seemingly unmoved. The clerk asked: "Gentlemen of tire jury, what gag you; is the prisoner guilty or r.ot guilty ot’the felor.v charged :n ui‘- indictment’ Foreman Keppler—"Guilt v The clerk then tcok the Indictment and read tire indorsement thereon: "We, the jnry. find the prisoner guilty of murder In tbetirstdegree.es charged in the indict ment." The prisoner then sat down, but to all outward appearances was ns unmoved as at any time time amce his arrest. When the verdict beesme known outside there was clapping of hands ntr! a lew shouts, bnt this was quisled by the police. Judge Atkins asked the prisoner’s conn eel if they tiad any motion to make, but Judge Cramp requested that the court be adjourned until to-mor row, so they might have time to decide upon tlie curse ot action. This was ac corded, and the court at 10 o'clock ad journed until to-mo-row morning, whentt is we:l understood a motion lor a new trial will be made. WAV*L ACADEMY CRADUATES. The First-Honor Man n Virginian- Lari* Proportion of ihe Class Southerners. Asnapoi.is. June i.—The s'x men who graduated wtill the high* at h mors from the Naval Acad my are as follows, In the order named; David W.Taylor, Virginia; William McCay, Pennsylvania; John G, Tanners)*, Delaware; AlbertC. Ililt'enback, Pennsylvania; ThOO O, Fenton, Pennsyl vania, and Volney O. Chase, I-oulaiana. Those who graduated without distinction •were Wm. G. Vtiler. Virginia; George It. Bloctim, Illinois; George W. Kline, New Jersev; James W. Kittre'l, MIsm-lippl; W. W. Jovcis, Cecil.; Aleiai der Thompson, New York;Chas. B. Btoneway, Virginia; Jos. Blrauss Virginia, H. A Hisnham. Pennsylvania: John P. McQuinnea, Idaho; Itohrrt Lee Russell, Georgia; Benjamin W. Lombard, Iowa; Armstead Husi, \ ir- ginia , Davis Snres, Pennsylvania ; Kdward W. Kuerl, Arkanaas: Thomas Bo/» Blade, Igmisiaint; Wihiam W. Gilmer, Virginia; Charles M McCormick, Virginia; James E Shendill, I’eni sylvania; Geunie Tarlmi. South Carolina ; George R. Evans, Masea chuaella: Robert E. Kantz. Missouri: Charles C. Poe, Pennsylvania; Benjamin Wright, Tennessee: Albert Beraitein. aiicbigro Arthur H. Dutton, Maryland; Charles M. Curpening, North Carolina; James F. finales, Delaware, Sim I’ltner, Tenues Hubert lle.-cher Powell, Mu ll igan. 8MUCCLERB KILLED. A Oeaoerado and Ilia Negro loweia Attack-id br the po'-loti Gai.vrsvo.s, June —A special to the News bom Colbert, Indian Territory,aaye Tins morning at Post Oak Grove, thirty miles west ot tide place, othcers overt-).k a band ot negroes nnde- a noto rious desperado named Dick Q.srt, who hail two wagon load! ol whisky which they Intended smuggling into the B-Iiiinoie Salim. Captain Bam Bukiller, with live poll -emen, had punned the gll g ' <ky had bee purch gltrs. ed On < 'aptaln r ng up with the ll-r demanded e-1-indtd hy I LOCUSTS FOR BRAKFAST. Prof. RI : oy Introduces!! Reporter to a New nnd Rnre Dio, and Ha Llkse It. WainniOTOB, Jnno 1.—A gentleman who had an engagement with Prof. Jtlley called at his house this morning and found the entomologist alone In his dining-room read ing tbe morning papers as he finished a late breakfast. "Conte right In here," paid the Professor. “I want an nnprtjndiced opinion about a little matter.” Then be called to the ser vant, "Bring me some hot ones." Tbe visitor, despite the fact thit he bad breakfa-ted, was induced to seat himself at the table "just for the experiment," ami was served with a spoonful of dark brown objects, like very small fried oysters, lie eyed them enspfc'onaly a moment, having discovered beneath tbe crust nf bread crumbs a laminated back, something like that of email shrimp. “What do you call it?” “The cicada. They ought to have been cooked In " "What? Bags?” "No, nol not bags, only the cicada— mls-called tbe fitteen-year locust. Don’t be afraid ot them. They are only tbe quintessence of vegetable Ijnlcev, and eve rything In nature feeds upon them raven ously.^ Thereupon the host took one of tbe things, bit It In two. mnnebed and swal lowed it with an appearance of relish. The gnest abut hlt|eyes,and at'.etr pled to bolt a whole cicada. The object crushed in his mouth, and proved t > be little else than a delicate shell, bat its flavor was found to be far from disagreeable. "AU its jnices were absorbed In the b»t- r,” said tne Profeasor, explanatorily. Neither tbe entomologist nor his visitor was able to liken the flavor to anything with wnlch they were familiar, bnt they agreed in the opinion that vnlgar prejudice once overcome, the oicada would he es teemed a rare tidbit—rare, certainly, alnce It required seventeen years to ripen—and that it italgbt take rank with frogs’ legs, birds' nests, shad ran and whitebait. "I spent en hour last night,” said the host, “gathering them, nnd they were very beantltol when freah, I took them jnst as the pnps began to break. They were oreamy white and plnmp, and looked good enough to eat raw, bnt t didn't venture. I think tbeee should have heen stewed In stead of tried—stewed In milk. I presume they wontd be nearly as good as grass hoppers." "Do you eit grasshoppers?” "Cepteinly 1 I once ate nothing else for two days, and I found them delicious when properly cooked. This is only an experi ment, ot course, hot my eating of grass hoppers had a practical object in view. The Ineecti had eaten nearly everything In a large region ot country, and many fami lies were on the verge of starvation." Having lighted a cigar the entomologist described kii experience in attempting to Introdnee a grasshopper diet In tbe West. He cooked the insects In varlons ways, and tound them always palatable and nu tritions. People Invited to partake elways evinced aversion at first, bnt, prejudices baring been overcome, the dieh became a favorite with those who essayed IL ."Both the ntdlpoda mlgratoris,” he said, "and the accidnm perigrannm have been esteemed as food hysome nations in all past ages, as far beck at least as tbe Nine- van era. Indeed, soma trlbea have been called Acrldopbivi, tram the almost exclu sive preference they gave the diet. HIBBS'S SHARP PRACTICE. The Manner tn which He Swindled the Coiernment out of Several Thou sand Dollars. Postlaxd, OEtoo!t,Jnne5.—A specie from Lewiaton, Idaho, to tbe Oregonian gives more fatly tbe story ot the defalcation o Isaac Hlbbs, postmaster at Lewiston. Ho was appointed tn March, 1881. Last Janu ary the registered mail punch was robbed, hot on official investigation developed nothing end the affair was eventually for gotten. On May 22d, Hlbbs left for an alleged allvermine on the upper Columbia. The postal inspector, alarmed at his continued absence, investigated the affairs of the cflice and found In Hibbs's writing receipta for a large number of reg istered mail poaches destined for fietttous persons in different offices supplied from Lewiston. The modus operandl was as fol lows: LaRlston is the miU distributing point tor a large number ot offices in Northern Idaho and Eastern Washington Territory. Hibbs would issue many orders to fictitious names at these offices, drawn In favor cf the Hank ot Iowa, where orders were payable. The customary letter! of ad vice were forwarded ihepajiog postmaster, lflbbs then wrote to the Dank mat he would shortly visit the town, enclosed the money orders aud requested the bank to cash them and place the aruonnta on deposit to his credit until he arrived. Later he wrote the bank that he conld not make the con templated visit, and requested that a draft for the amount of money on depoiit be re turned by registered mail to the fictitious names attached to the money order. When the draft! arrived Hlbbs signed fbe fictitious nsmes end returned the receipted cards, and tbe trans action was completed. Money orders are limited to 1300 in favor of one person, bat with forethoagbt and a judi cious distribution ot dates and places, an opening offers through which an uuscru- p .lnns postmaster conld bankrupt the United States. The amount of the defal cation exceed* >30,000, and is expected to reach >30,000. Tbe postal Inspector says the robberies will necessitate the authori ties reorganizing tbe money otder system of the United States elsewhere. The scheme ts surprisingly simple, and the officers are surprised that It was never thought ot and worked before. John Kvans.casbter of the First National Bank, wm. Kittonback, cashier of tbe laiwiston National Bang, and Alexander Theisser n-.-l Wo. dwi.rth we'.- 11 to- - loud.men for >8,000. Alexander and rnriiter were secured before Hlbbs left. Hibbs wav last seen on May 30tb at the second crossing of the Canadian Pacific road on bis wsy to Missonis and Helena, for the pnrpose ot cashing drafts ordered to be sent to those places. RAIDING BY APACHES. Closely Pursued by Armed Cltlrens-.A Battle Exneoted. Oalyistos, June 4.—A special to the News from El Paso saye; “The latest news received here concerning the raiding by Apaches comet Irom the neighborhood Hillsboro, New Mexico. Fifteen armed men under the leadership of one Jackson left Hillsboro Tuesday morning, and before no.n bed recovered 28 horses. They continued on the trail, which before night been me very fresh, and the men concluded to go into camp and send for reinforce ments. Jackson accordingly sent a swift courier back to Hi.Isboro, and 120 men, meetly Territorial militia, left at 2 i.'clock vesterday afternoon to eeilst Jackson's band. The Indiana apparently are driving a lot ot captured stock- before them. Unlees they abandon the atcck and take to flight, Jackson la certain to overtake and attack them. AFFAIRS IN THE STATES. A Civil Service Commissioner Interviewed --Ex-Governor Halo’s Disastrous Failure—A Fight In Indian Territory—Accidents. Washington, Jane C.—The President to-day appointed John W. Nelms, of Geor- gia, to be United States marshal for the Northern district of Georgia. Mr. Nelms is at present principal keeper of the Geor* gia State penitentiary, which office he has h&'d for many years. He was strongly indorsed for the marshalahip. The Secretary of the Treasury to-day received a strong protest against the con* tinned coinage of the present silver dollar which contains the signature cf almost every banking association and business man in tbe 8tate of Sonth Carolina. Among tbe signers are tbe treasurer and comptroller general of the State. Commissioner Eaton, being asked what foundation there was lor the rumors put lisbed in some of tbe papers lately that there had hern i.m b-'ween »li** Civil ■" ‘rvice i’onimi'.-eion and tl.e h«n«l * of d«* pannier,t--. iri which Hit unfriendly spirit was manifested on the part of the latter, and f specially on the pArt of the Seretary of the Interior, toward the commission, - ty- there m no fotimUtion whoever for -m h rumor-. They appear, he says, to have thetr origin among the enemies of reform and of the policy of the administration. No bead of i department has shown toy disposition to evade the rules or to embar rass the commission. The story about tbe oommisaion rebuking tbe Secretary of tbe Interior in connection with a desired cer tification from Dakota was utterly baseless. Secretary Lamar bts done nothing of which tbe commission has the least ground of complaint. _ Another Teller Coes Wrong. PBOTil'iNCE, K. I.. June 6.—Wm. T. D Trane*, for more than eighteen years telerot the Providenc- National Bank, was arrested this evening for embezzle ment and was arraigned before United States Commits loner Dougins, and in de fault of $50,000 ball was committed to jail. By hta own confession the amount of tbe defalcation is $30,000, and ex tends over several vears. It was discovered that n draft of $10,000 received early in the week had nol been credited to the ban* in New York from which it came,as it tdioukl.have t>een, which led to an examination. The direc tors, aided by experts, are making a care ful examination of the bank’s condition. Tne defalcat on will in no way al’eet the condition of the bank, as it has a large sur plus. Dorrance is of a highly respectable killing him am! Johnson. Two wounded, ami a neg'o driv* other drivers were captor were brought to Colbert, where < fully identified. g Murder and tu'old*. i-, v. < I'fti*r.h on nhipb sup- j-ed to b* good n» titit while vurnb v An O d Mnn Murdered for Money. [■riCIAL TSUOSAX.! Hawkis.villx, Jane (.—William John- boh, a well knovn chancier of thU conn!?, living abont ten miles from town, waa fun ml dc a-1 y t-sl.rilay, lying In the .hallo, water of Bluff Creek, not far from home. Mark, of violence were found on hij (*r ain. showing lome i-erwn had made way a in him. Hewi- a harm!--! old man. a pa-.'}tic and ha-l r.o family. He had III, n.v i-aid him recently -a: Ich ia tu;e to have imtigated the commission ol the - rime. A party fa snapected bnt not had come, yet arre.ted, JUMPED OVERBOARD. An Old Man Suicides From the Dank of a Norfolk steamer. New Venn, Jane 6.—When the steam, ship Manhattan, of the Old Dominion Line, arrived at her berth In this city thi. morning her officer, reported to the police that while et eea yesterday. John Jones, sixty veer, of age, a passenger from Nor folk, Va., committed enicide by jumping S verboard. His body was not recovered, in tbe steamer it was learned that the man came aboard on a first clays ticket at Norfolk. He, was nnder the in- finance of l’qnor and talked inco herently. When asked for bis name he said "John Jones,” with a wink that was interpreted to mean that bis name might be anything site. He was seen on deck early next morning, bnt at breakfast he way mivslcg, and in hi. room were foond his coat, vest and hat, showing that he had pirtly undressed himself and jumped overboard, for he was nowhere to be found. Among hie few effects were found a card an empty envelope with the name "Jacob Dntcher,” Hampton, Va. Tbta is supposed to have bven his real name. A little change, In all not mnch over a couple of dollars, was found in his vest pocket. A Horrible Affair In Indiana. Evaxsyilli, Isd., Jnna 5.—To-day Fred Grotegant end family, living near Ed wardmort, Ind„ were found murdered Mrs. Grotegant had her throat cat and was terribly mangled about tbe face. Fred Grotegant, the father, died this atternoon. His throat was cut. It is r.q«>rtcl that a daughter was atsv murdered in the same ■aMtr. Tbe two women wen heard screaming last evening to tbe neighbors, but no attention was paid to tL It Is sup posed at Edwatd«port that Groiegaut did the killing tn a fit of Insanity, and then killed litmselt. The husband was found bleeding ccpi onsly, bnt conscious. He confeised that be had done the work, bnt reprrsen’od that It was not Intentional on bis part. Hesatd that he and his wife had a little quarrel abont tbo pig. at dinner. That abe was so abusive that ho started toward her; that in going ont at the door the fell and struck her head against a box, almost killing her. He had a razor in bis hand, and bent down to as- •tst her to rive. (She seized his hand and drew the razor across her own throat, inflicting a mortal wonnd. Sbe then told him to kill himself, and lie tried to do ao.but failed. He aaya he kept trying all the af ternoon, part of the time with the razor and again by hanging. When his daugh- t-r c-siiie lie was still engaged in Ihe work ot self destruction, hot fell exhausted. Bbc ran away. Toe flier I It arretted him, and upon examination tits injuries were found to he very bad. He was brought to town and ledged In jail. AN AB8CONDINQ CONFIDENTIAL CLERK . H. Aufd.mark, of the Eub-Tr.aaurv, New Orleans, Takes a Trip to Meiioo. New OtLEAXa, Jane 6.—John H. Aufde mark, for seventeen years confidential clerk in the United States aab-treainry In tale city, has absconded wltn several thon ■ and dollar) of government money. The exact amount ot tbe defalcation has not yet been ascertained, bat U Is believed to be more than >13,000. Tbe government, however, will lose nothing, as P. F. Her- wig, the sub-treasurer, will make the autoant good. Herwig received a dis patch Irom vVashi-glon this morning to the effect that the government bal taken tbe case of his absconding redemption clerk In band, and that tele grams descriptive ot the man had been eent to all parts of this country and Mex- ioo. Canada and Enrope.eo that hie escape will be s'moet Impossible. It la believed that Anfdemark has gone to Mexico, bnt tt Is thought that even his safe arrival on foreign eoU will not lave him under exiit- tng circumstances, because, as he has been a defaulter to tne government o! tbe United States, he can be apprehended, and brought baok from any conntry. A SALOON-KEEPER'S BLOODY CRIME. He Shoots hts Wif. and Ihen Blows out Hie Own Bralne. New York, Jane S.—Bent. Hefmtkin, _ saloon-keeper, attempted to murder the woman vritb whom be lived this morning. Hereilded at No. 200 Fourth avenue,'At 7 o'clock be led bit room and went ont to thejialoon and drank heavily. He return ed at 0.13, and after remoting hie shoes went into the bedroom where the woman was standing near thedreulngcaae. With out apeaklnt. he drew a revolver, and when within two feet ot her fired twice. Theflntshot took effect in her forehead and abe fell, and be pat the revolver to bit own head and fired twice, falling dead al most Instantly. Tbe woman la dangerous ly wonnded and can hardly recover. It Is now stated that she was Helmekln'e wife, although the tint reports made her hie mistress. A Mon.tar Meteor- G.lvdtos, Jnne 0.—A special to the New. from tjherm.n says ■ meteor of re markable lta* was teen near midnight last night moving In a southwesterly direction. The iky was brilliantly illuminated by ti for several seconds. A moment after the meteor bad disappeared a loud explosion similar to tbe dlicharge of heavy artillery, was beard, accompanied by a per- iri.Uble shock, which rallied the glass in the coart house. This phenomenon was followed by a rumbling like distant thunder. Tbe meteor ap;eared to abont the size of a fl .ur barrel. It „ also obaerted at McKinney, thirty-five milea distant, where a hiaslng aoundf was heard, greatly alarming some colored peo ple, who were returning from a prayer- meeting, and cansing them to take to flight, shooting that the day ot judgment lamlly. Wholesale Poisoning* Nashvilli:, Jane G.—Mollie Graham, a negro woman aged 22 an inmate of the Medical College Hospital, was arrested late last night for poisoning four persons, the matron, two patients and a negro employe. Mollie bad a petty grudge, tt Is charged, against a young doctor connected with the insUtaUon. It is charged that she lud been helping tbe cook, nnd that last night sbs pnt arsenlo in the food for the doctors’ table. Fortunately they did not touch the poisoned portion, which wa* turned over to tbe four above-mentioned. All are very sick and one of the patients, Fannie Clarke is expected to die this morning. Mol lip was m-ru-t-d ■ hup months ago of fatally poisoning her husband. The charge conld not be proven. Old Lawsuits Battled. Moxtrsal, Jnn86.—TheTonraay anils, both civil and criminal, that caused so mnch gossip here, have been amicably set tled by the lawyer of Wler, tbe broker, and the the Bishop of Toumay. Weir has given np all tbe bonds deposited with him by Caron Bernard, pending the law suits between the rival bishop-, on gettlnr clear receipts indemnifying him from any farther recourse. All pending salts will be withdrawn and the co: ts be paid by tbe present bishop) of Tonrnay. The snit against the Ville Marie Bank, for which there were no grounds, has been with drawn and the banks costa paid In fall. Burred In Bed, Bakiuk, Out., Jane 6 —Abont 12 o'clock lest night the wife of J. Wonch and four children were burned to death In their bed in their houae here. Mr. Woach es caped hy jumping out of a window, after a vain effsrtto rescue his wife end children, bfe shirt belrg burned off In tbe attempt Mr. Wonch ia orexy with grief. He says when he awoke tbe whole room seemed to be on fire. He tried to pull bis wife oft tbe bed, bat could not do so, as tbe fire was leaping ont of tbe mattress all around bar. He thlnka the tire originated in tbe beck shed, and says tbere were no signs of fire when he retired at 10 p. m. Murdered Dr Hie Dupes. Little Rock, Jnne G,—The mysterious murder of the old colored men Mila: Owens, near Jeffereon Spring*, Jefferson cnnnty, Wednesday night. Is being inves tigated. It has been shown that Owens wa* believed to be a oonjnrer by tbe enper- etttlone ot bis race, and waa murdered by thi m because be was feared. He was con sidered a witch by the negro community, and any ill lock that overtook them was attributed to him. A multitude ot negroes * ill tie arrested. Tup inve-tig it, n ia or. atlng consternation among the negroes. A Hat Fnotorjr Burned. Dakbuky, Conn,, Jane 0.—The extensive hat factory of Deckert Sc Co. was destroyed by fire at 4 o’clock this afternoon. A gse machine exploded, and in fire minutes the three-story strnctare. covering nearly an acre, was a mass ot Dimes. Mr. Beckert and four hundred and fifty employes were in the bnildins; at the time, and ali escaped, many jumping from windows A number were badly burned, among them Mr. Beckert The (lames spread to and destroyed eight dwelling* owned by the firm. The loss is about $200 000; In surance $00,000. A Brush With the Indians. Sab Simon, N. M.. Jane 0 -Twenty-four cattle men, led by Parks and Fisher, of Dancan. who arrived here last night, had an encounter with a band of about twenty* five Indians Thursday night at the month of Beautiful Canyon. About one hundred shots were exchanged. Two Indiana are bellbved to have been killed. The cattle men brought with them a pappoose whose mother is supposed to havu beeu also killed in the em*ouiit« r. Kigt h^ad of stock were captured from the Indians. Pleuro-Pneumonla In Ohio. Co lux an, Jane 0.—B. W. Carlisle, of the Ohio live stock commission, and Dr. Batler. veterinary surgeon in the employ of the board, made a report iait night that pleuro-pnenmonla has b*en discovered in tbe short horn herd of Henry Mitchell, of Barton; that three head have already died of the disease, and the entire herd seems to be afTected. An order lias been issued for the fnmlgating of the herd and the slaughter of the infected animals. FROM ATLANTA. A Furmir Killed by a Train—A Woman Accldsntally Shot—The Roberts Case. Atlanta, June 5.—A frightful accident occurred at 0 o’clock at the Mitchell stree*. railroad crossing, which resulted in the death of Mr. James Crawford, a farmer, who^e homo is near Dallas, on the Georgia Pacific. Mr. Crawford has been in the city ome days, the guest of ills brother-in-law, Mr. J, M. Howell, on Mitchell 6treet, near the crossing This morning he walked op the track to Peters street, a distance of sev eral hundred yards. Coming back, he walked along the track of the But Ten nessee, Virginia and Georgia railroad, and soon met an engine pulling a dirt train. The euglnter, Bob McConnell, ooe of the oldest and most careful on the road, blew the whistle, and expected the man to get out of the way. But Crawford kept to the track, and was apparently un der the influence of liquor. The engineer tried to stop his train in time, but unsuc cessfully, and the huge engine rolled over tbe unfortunate man, cnttiog off his left Crawford was carried to tne near est mulence and Dr. NIcholion, tbe read physician, called in. He discovered that his patient was doomed, and could do noth* not get about wit nout .. ingforhim. Crawford did not aeem to 1Ie . h *‘ i a trtci of land that T ADAMNhG CONFESSION. CIRCUMSTANCES ATTtMOINCTHE MUR DER OF WM. JOHNSON. One of the C-lmlnnla, Frightened by Ar- | rest, Cor.foss.-ttf all tne Dreadful Cjnsoir.icy—A Crime Prompt ed by Lust for Cain. m ' WARNER’S * « TipfecanoE Hawuwiuu, June 5.—The evidence which lias transpired concerning the mur der of old man Wm. Johnson, in the lower part of Pulaski connty, which was wired to you yesterday, shows it to be one of the most atrocious crimes ever recorded. Soon after thn commission of the deed it was di^coY.'rfd, and suspicion at once pointed to two men—John Trammell and Frank Williams—'who were known to have had recent dealings with him. and they were accordingly arrested, and this morn ing were brought to town. William**, on being arretted, at once turned State’s evidence and coofesse l his , .elk Knowledge of the crime, tbe details of leg at the thigh and the left arm above the *nich are most revolting. OJd man John- elbow. Crawford was carried to tm» np«r. fou was living alone, but was well-to-do, Ht bavlog a good deal of valuable land, was paralyzed from hi* waist down. Civil Rights In Illinois. JSrRiaoriELD, Jnne 4.—The Senate this roorniog passed the House civil rights bill, which gives colored people the same rights as whites in hotels, restaurants, theatres and other public places. It provides that or any violation tbe person otlending •ball pay not less than $25 nor more than $500 to the person aggrieved, and shall also be deemed guilty of a misJemeancr, and iopoQ conviction shall pay a fine not to ex ceed $500, or shall be imprisoned not more than one year. Ihe Printers* Deltaates. Philadelphia. June 0.—A large delega tion of the International Typographical Union arrived here at noon and were met atthe raiUav station by thj reception committee. The party numbers 111, in cluding delegates ana their wires and friends. After lunch the visitors were driven to Wiaiahickon creek, and took dinner at the Balmont manshn in Fair mount Park. sutler great paiD, but pleaded and cried to tee hia wife »nd two children, who were at their homo in Dallas, and for whom he .ftrneU to entertain tl.e warnn at affection. His death occurred about 12 o’clock The coroner held an inquest this afternoon, aud a verdict waa rendered anbltantally in ac cordance with the above statement of tbe case. WOEK or A LOADED HSTOL. An Innocent looking unloaded pistol waa fooled with rather recalessly yesterday af ternoon at 42 Powers street, and to day on. negro is minus a finger and another 1.lying at the point of de.tb with vearcely a prob ability of recovery. Cnarlle Hodge., a young negro, waa playing with the pirisl, thinking it was unloaded. In dna time the pistol went off, cliopiog one of Charlie's nrgere.anl the ball pasting on entered tbe back of the wife of Jerry Gilbert, who Is Hodges a aunt. A fibysician wasatonce called in to tbe woman. The ball has not been found, and the woman le thought to bn dying. Pistols are uice thing! to play with, and perfectly safe. .. IB . I! Wl *• Bonkers case. o C( S 1, l nQ ' 5 “ *!*>“brgun,thecaie of W. B. Roberta, of Augusta, will be a cel ebrated one in our coarts. Roberts's oounte , Hon, J. C. a Black. Jndge Hook and Salem Dntcher, Esq., were before the °Sf,'5 rn ?, lr ' * nd ‘“•ynlttea argument on the application made by them recently to .De pend theexecuttre warrant turning Robert* over to the New York officers, until the indictment! periling in the Richmond Su perior Court can be dUpo.ed of. The Indict mentsfonnd by the grand jury of Richmond county charge him with peijnry, larceny after truat and being nreanhnt of an In- eolrent bank. Hon. Frank H. Miller, of Angnete, submitted tbe application. At- torney-Geceral Anderson was present rep resenting the State. Hon. J. C. U. Black concluded his argu ment late this afternoon, arcing the Gov ernor to revoke the warrant, holding that it was clear he had the right to revoke it as Umg as Roberta is within the juriidlctim of the 8tate, and that the manifest spirit and intent of the law is that he shall not be turned over to the courts of another State until all the demands of jaatlce In Georgia have been satisfied. Mr. Black cited many authorities, and made an able and earnest argument. If the application fails, it will not be throngh any fault of his counsel. At the conclusion of hia argnment the Gov ernor took all the papers m tbe case, and will give the apj llcaiion careful considera tion. His decision will not be announced till next week—probably next Thursday, HESIUXATION*. To-day Hon. James B. Neil, judge of the County Court of McDuffie connty, sent in his resignation, to take eiiec: at once. The canse assigned is ill health. The vacancy will be fi led at an early day. The work of laying Belgian blocks oa Decatur street was begun to-day. The- blocks wiil be laid a distance of a mile and a quarter. It Is an important thorough fare and is to be made a handsome street. Hon. Tom Wation, cf McDoffli, was In the city to day. ROBBED HI8 BED MATE. A Faithless Friend Betrays His Truetan Robs a Sleeper. Chattanooga Times. Wednesday night Mr. C. N. Kttg, o! Rome, Qa„ who w.s stopping at the boarding house of Mr*. Buffer, on Chest nut street, asked one of the boarders by the name of John King, a brisk mason who had only been In tbe home three or fonrdaye. to arouse Mm In time to leave the train for Rime. Bnt Instead of doing as he hid premised John entered the room and took the sleeper’s money, amounting ts >73, watch and valise con- talnfog all hlsdotblog, and left with them. When he awoke Mr. King saw what had been done and reported the matter to the police. No trace ot tbe thief could be tound that night and ye.terdty. Lilt night it wa* learned, however, that the tlr.ef had been veea on the streets In a drnnken condition, g dng In the direction of Ihe filth ward. He was folio «ed and the valise and clothing were found and retamed, but tbe thief, money and watch are Mil! mining. It w.s reported later that the Ilian got on I the .Meinpbta and Charleston train last night while It was In motion and made hia escape. A Stage Robber Esoap.s. Galtestox, Jane 6.—A dlipttch to the News from Ben Antonio eeya James Mc Daniel, tbe stage robber who was recently •entenced to ninety-nine years'Imprison ment at Cheater. Iff., m«de hta escape from the ooonty j ill yesterday morning, by knocking a bole through tbe stone wall In the bath room. A Chlnnman** Sulo'd*. Boerox, Jane 0.—The Chinaman Yefl Fang, who created quite a consternation on Kueeland street a few week* ago by as saulting one of his countrymen with a hatchet, and who wa* indicted for an as sault with intent to kit!, waa thi* morning found dead tn hie eetl at the jell, having ended hie life by banging. ^ Ftaht Wuh ii Poas*. Gelvietox, Jane G.-A tprcial to the News from Waco lays: Information reached here to-night of a desperate en- counterin Basque connty, this afternoon, between an outlaw named Tom Vsmell and a aheriff'a poets from Hid county, In which one deputy waa killvd ard Varnell wonnded. Varnell escaped, aniH' posse U pursuing him. Drowntd. Prmerao, JuneO.—This evening George Dallae end J. F. 8L Clair, accompanied hy their wive., embarked in a row boat on th» Adcghany river for a pleasant ride When a ehort distance from the shore tbe boatcoliided with an ore barge, and wav nps-t. Mr. and Mrs. Bt, Clair were res cued, but Dallas and his wife were drowned. wanted, and, to get possession of It, lie laid a plan worthy of a devil's conception. Coin ing to town last week, Trammell had a deed to the land written out. conveying It to him in the usual form, then taking it home, nnder pretense of its being a road commission, he prevailed on oldman Jchmon toalgn it, thus convey ing away a valuable property. Haring got the possession of the coveted land, the next act In tbe tragedy was to get the old man ont of the way, ao that Trnmmeli might eDjoy nndlsrnted the fruits of hie •O'irmlag. To do this a most villainous plan was concoced—nothing less than to lock tta old man up in Bis boose on Satur- day night, eatnrato it with kerosene and then apply the torch,to burn up tbe help- man alive! Thta tithe tale that Williams teds, lie ea d everything was prepared for this to occur Saturday night; bnt even hta own mind revo’trd stanch a horrible thing, end ho prevailtd on Tram mell to forego It and try some more mere! fnl mttbod. On Monday morning, both being at Jobnaon’e home, they bitched up tbe old nun’s steer and cart, and, placing him tn Ihe out. started hlmoffto them.il, not very far distant. Filled with the do slro for executing their purpose, (hey did not watt until darkness might assist them In biding the cruel deed bnt started to boldly commit a deltboratu murder on the high way at midday. They took a near cat through the field, overtook the old man nr nr the ford of tue creek in which he was found, and there finished the nefarloos crime, i rora an examination of the body by the coroner a jury it waa shown that he old man was struck a severe blow on the back of hia head, which probably atun- ned him, and then cooked by a crip around the neck. Te prints of finger grips were perfectly plain on each aide of hts neck, rhe old man,although helpless iobisluwer linn*, was unusually muscular in bli arras, and it ii raid was more than a match for an ordinary man. So tie precaution they ®° t m,D ff upon him unaware* and striking him from behind is obvious. Af ter committing the crime they threw the ad man’s body In the water near his rart, and then unvoked the steer from the cart and tied the lines to the cart body. One of the pins was out of the yoke and tiro af fair was a clamsy arrangement to deceive one Into thinking that tbe steer by tossing bis head threw cut the pin and became un- cart * Rn dthat Johnson In endeaving to control the ox was thrown or fell in the water and drowned. This to about the glut of the confeision that Williams makes, but avows his own tnnocf nee, saying that Trammell conceived and executed the whole affair, bat ther* is ittie donht that he is mrre or less impli cated. rhe tracks were seen that both of them made throngh the field to the ford, and then b*ck, without crossing the creek, tto same way to the mill, where it is said tbvtvHvfft in a veiy excited • tate of mind The body was found within hill an hour after be was ill ed. John Tramc e l is a slightly-built jou"g tuan of about 2J years of see; has slight moustache of ro'ber light color and brown hair; eccxns to be of ordinary intelligence, but has nol a prepossessing face. Ills eves are ra’.her retreating, and the upper lid? droop, tud catlog a dlfpoeltion \o prevaricate, vrblcb *J£ur correspondent learns in his principal charac.eristic. He has never borne a good reputktion, nor, oa the other hand, lias he Mfsro this been accused©! anythingrea'lv Jw* He has a young wife and one child, rriink Williams is also a young, slender fellow, unmarried, lleba? borne a better character ilinn hie accomplice. Both waived preliminary examination and are safe in jajh Th« Wadtoy Monument Krooted. YciU-rdajr at noon the workmen t-nniReU ... the Wadley memorial, under the skillful dlrcc tiou of Mr. Cuihlnf, completed tbe erection of the itatue. The work has been progrcnloi ;ral days and ha* moved along with bui one accident to retard lta mbm. The mon umentthh morning ii ready, a« far as It In tttC’lf Ii concerned, for tho uuvtlllng ceremn nle». and Mr. Ciiihlng U to be congratulate', upon the excellent manner in which heba performed hia talk. Ills connection with th work 1. now „t kii «ltd, bm fiu will rnna I -outh until after the unwiling rerernouUi dlof a portion of tho lntcrvenls; time la BI S. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. H.H. WABNEB 6c GO. Rocheater, H.Y. FOR a:l l gone HJCNHATIONa 1 81.0 O A HG’XTLE, H. H. WARNERTcoTRochostor N Y. Phillip Van Ts-: ark, N. Y., *n(r,-r«i l "da and mal-nadm- * lhat he derived Warner’a Tippecanoe, the bcKt, than from any other in diciao ho ever i * * d Hi- dll’ L’tit.r h!m> iim I U w it »> ‘>icce«« when every other known remedy failed. AS A Constitutional Tonic It Has No Equal. 8 1.00 A. BOTTLE H.H. V/ARNER & CO., Roch:ste r .N.Y. during the lato war. Ho returned hc.... v „ wreck, both iu mlad and body. For twenty yean he simply existed, half the time more dead than alive until he waa restored to by Waro#r*a Tippecanoe. The Be*t ii ■ ad- vises allold vela to try It- Write to him at Bt. Johuv, Mich. PEMBERTON'S FRENCH WUECOCA The Grett Nerve Remedy, rarts dheasts of tho Ilraln and Nerves, railed Nearalgia, JSpUepsy, Fainting Fits, Paralyses, *tc. It n «o cures diseases of the liyer, nerv- w e-akiu l'» s of I. TV • M" He. It is •• s;.»fur p\ mv-* if "Writer Brash,” ‘jutting b • >• > *. hm ■ *f *»;•;» ti v weight or ful nthi under left breast sml stomach, nausea, tl.ituVure, codiv* >-■< diarrhea, palpitation of the heart, dizz>o *, pain in the h?ad, despondency, peevish hph, irri tability, general debility and cold feet. Pemberlon’* French nine Coca is the medical wonder of the world. It is accomplishing great r»»u!ti frr th* people, by restoring ht*al!h *.o body a^d miud, and happiness to’he heart. There is joy and health for all who use It. J. 3. PEMBERTON A CO., Proprietors and Manufacturers, Atlanta, Ga. was uncovered for s few months x-——« —fore tbo veil wm drawn ar toi of heroic size, mud I* a fine llkeui Kiilad by Lightning. 1’ATTIMOX. N. J„ Jnne a-The .table of Daniel Van Guilder, a farmer of Saddle river, Bergen county, twelve mild from hire, was etruck by lightning yeat ' afternoon, and Van Guilder, wno v,« 0 ... the stable at tbe time, wav killed. A ne gro, who was standing in front of the sta| bif^ was stunned. The body of Van Gall der was found with hia hand on the halter of three horses, which were killed, but was removed before the deatrnctlon of the sta ble, whlsh was set on tire by the lightning.| Myriads of Loouats. DcaviB, JnneO.—A special from Can non City says myriads of yonng grasshop peri, evidently just hatchel out in the warm sand, have nude their appearance on the south tide of the Arkanoh* river opposite that p'.ace. An area probably of 100 acres is literally fillel with young grasshop; era. It la said that theso Insects are not dreaded as much as locnvts, snd will be incapable of doing much damage. Tha Confederate Dead at Winchester. WiscnxwcR, Va., Jnne 0.—The twenti- •u annual Confederate Memorial day was observed by 1,000 persons from this and adjoining counties. The procession, formed of duferent city bands, military companies and Confederate camps, re paired to Stonewall cemetery, where 4,000 to 5,000 Confederate dead arebnried. A short service waa held, after which the graves were eleborately and profuiely deed orated. Atlanta. Ihe tu;i v« »tur Uy be ft u. InsdisUngulahcU gentleman wht ■eritff. As erected, the statue face*. Third itr'cet, ana wm prove a Conspicuous ornament. A* ttitlroonUm u enduring and beautiful, an antl'WUi be cheiMted. with the handsomei A Narrow Eeoape. J Yesterday morning Mias Fannie Manghal •ccompaniel by Mr. Dick Cubbedge, went to] the depot ot tbe list Tennuaee, Virginia tad] Georgia for the purpose of acclng tome friend off. the remained In the car until u began to I move off, and In attempting to Jump fr<> Platform fell between the Platform an. Mr.Cnbbedgecaught her hand and hUilP armly to prevent tier from falling under the carwheels, bat hia strength waa not MflUfiS and ahe fell. A ahndder ran through the < rowd aa her head disappeared below the plat- torn, and everyone expected to ace her ma: If .vl body. The train finally posiod and Mi ll annle was found unhurt Hy almortamlrl ac.e she had fallen between the track and plat^ fora, and her presence of mind enabled her f itiU until the train pasted. A Card. To all who are suffering from errors snd In- dlicrt-tlonj of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, toes of manhood, I will ' receipt that will cure you, free of chargelEMH great remedy waa diicovered by a m 1m Ion ary Two Very Bold Sneak Thieve*. One of the moat daring and provoking at* tcmpU at r'obbc-ry occurred yesterday after noon at 2 o’clock. The principal! In the affair were two small negro boys, whose names fatrliUr W IU police. At the hour mentioned Mr. Wm. Abel, \ conducts a butcher shop on Mulberry atrec. and Uvea on the corner of Hoaa and Aah, was sitting In his dwelling near a window that opened on hu rear lot. He hta d the gate alam, and, looking out. isur two negro toys going ont of the gale with a bag on their head. He snfpe< ted tftat they hod itoton a hide, suit he sent his little son, Oocar. to Inquire of them what was In the bog. They mfuaed to tell him, and Mr. Abel went himself. In tbe gr.H Hopeon.Hooe tver. What Sufferer Need Despair Prolapsus and Neuralgia of the Womb Cored. A lady from Amerlcus writen: "I hare d* lectlve menses, Buffer great pain, and have prolapsus Have used many remedies, but have never found anything equal to your Reg ulator." , A gentleman of White I'ond, Ala., writes: •il r wife, during four rouflasmeutMuffersd really with Neuralgia of thetwomb. leucor* ho-a or whites and prolap«u«. and always a<l a fearful time In labor, aud loat the child. I mrlnghcr fifth and alxth pregnancies ahe took 1 field’ll Female Kcgulatordurlng the whole l*. and had n quick and «*?•• delivery both •n and both children were healthy, living child run. It promptly cured the whites, the Neuralgia aud falling of the womb." all particular!. Thi BsaDfiiLD Rson.iToaGo.. Box 2*. Atlanta. Go. They Stand at the Head. THI BEST SHOE* For Gentlemen's Wear, In the World, for the money, are made i-y STACY, ADAMS & CO. COMFORT. STYLE AND DURABILITY. Auk your dealer for the y. Adam* A Co. Hhoe. 1 he*© g«w>*l* ar** mad • of th* hot French and Domestic »t*M'k, Kangaroo t. ; • m hand and marhltj" ** wed, In < 'o s<, K K - - h: I H»N and I.A< K, KVKKY 1A!K WaKKAMKP all.fac tion I* guaranteed everyone that wear* th# story. Adam* A Co -i. '*-. --.I everywhere by ftr»t-claai dealers. If these goods are not kept Instock by yoar dealer at n 1 your address to Stacy, Adams A Co., Mimmer street H< * • THOv. J nr NT, Agtht. Macon, (Jo. apr7,tu.thir.aatAwJm meanwhile the i wsiron ... . _ •poUs. At Mr. Abel’a > ere panned ss far a left behind them secured. away with their ad th© wagon they New York. 0GWQ*™a Workn i Killed. Qcisec, June 6 —A. seal!'.1 i seventy feet n!^h on Sh J oh t’* Bo nan Catho! ic church A Suit for Oitmagai. oemia* 1 § If iimn i fin if TUll— *lEni~iWi I PM Juafc »J.—Sine* tile opening of i r nightsuit f3r$100,(*») damages a.’alr,*t i iw.i Id thirty Dr. Berry, city vaicinator, for earning the will | agw I death of his two children with tap on I | lymph. The doctor says the children dfi .l :n rnetr.fi an 1 that he ha* a nieu;c*i tiLcate to that e:Tcct church save away ih a afternoon, an i Louis Oa- laml :un, Joseph 8avar*l nnd Kd/ar Cardi- precipitate 1 to tbe ground, (ia- wai instantly k.i *d. barard is dy- C*rd.:.al received injuries which e fatal. —Bcrnhfirdt’a J write aood poetry. hiel ambition y ts to grow Danville*# Tobaeco Trade. Daxvulx, Jnce 6.—The report of the Tobacco A vs'Ddsiton shows sales for the last month of 3,430 000 pounds of ieef to bacco. against 1 470,0C0 pounds for th< month of May ISM, and 20JXX)/AOpoond for the last eight month*, ageiuit 12,000, 600 for the ratue months of the previou year. It to now estimated that abont 00 per cent of the crop has been marketed. Death In Lew County. Mr. Tlioma* E. Bryan, of Lee connty, died I eSSST »n Monday last, and waa buried at Americu >n Tuesday. Hu wan the father-in-law of Mr ‘ Mf!..r t r. (May. formerly of Macon ID* lif. • ' - • f"r •' •< H • :• ft *,th- r \a.uabi* kusalona Uj hia only child, Mrs. Clay. , • » •'* .ItTWtSJB. LB FAMILY MEDICXW1L Diseases of the kidneys liver, m nary organs, ar© speedily cured by t fallible Hunt's [Kidney snd Liver edy. Captain .Wins hip, Providence poll* fured fiveyears from knim-y dirwa* cured by Hunt's [Kidney and Li vur unri- upay rt.ioir^]. It perfe* t sailsfSrUoie. or 25 cent* p«i hex. For Sudden Daath. MONEY LOANED 1 On improved farm* end City.Property. For term? anply to IK. F. LAWTON, UAXHWKi Mar on, Georgln.