Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, June 19, 1885, Image 4

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THE TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER: FRIDAY.JUNE 19,1885. THE TELEGRAPH & MESSENGER. Dally and Weekly. ran Telegraph akd Mesbknger Is publish ed every day, except Monday, and Weekly every Friday. The Daily li delivered by carriers In the City or mailed postage free to subscribers at$l y« month, ri.50 (or three months, 13 (or six Booths, or flu a year. Thi Wmu is mailed to subscribers, post- taa (roe, at |1.25 a year, 75 cents (or six mourns. To dubs of five $1, and to clubs o( ten, fl per joar and an extra copy to getter up o( clubs o( The date on which subscriptions expire will (ound on the address tag on each paper, •ad subscribers are requested to (orward the Money (or renewals oi the same In time to reach this offleo not later tban^the date on Which their subscriptions expire. Transient advertisements will be taken (or khe Dally &t|l per square o( ten lines or less. Cor the first insertion, and 60 cents (or each subsequent Insertion; and (or the Weekly at |1 par square (or each Insertion. Liberal rates to J»n tractors. •^ejected communications will not be re timed. Correspondence containing Important ne^ tad dihcufthlons o( living topics is sollclted.but nust be brlel and written upon but one side of he paper to have attention. Remittances should be made by express, •onoy order or registered letter. Agent* wanted in every community in the fltate, to whom liberal commissions will be paid. Postmasters are especially requested to write for terms. All communications should be addressed to lu Telegraph ai«d HXMEWoia^ Money orders, checks, etc., should be made payable to H. C. Hansom. Manager.— An Unnecessary Delay. The Washington correspondent of the New Orleans Picayune, one of the very few correspondents at that point who is a highly cultivated and entirely re sponsible gentleman, writes: The greatest delay is occurring In respect to the (ourth-clais postmasters, where owing to the Idea o! having a trial o! each caae on charges, It la not possible to make any rapid progress in disposing oi the most o( nearly 60,0 0 incumbents. These cases are wholly within the discretion o( the Postmaster-Gene ra, and there la no reason why another rule cannot be adopted. The cause of the delay is correctly stated, and the suggestion that the rule should be at once abolished Is pregnant, j ex ^, u f n _®’ e 1 It is not within the nature of the ■ending back to tbo Confederate armies healthy, vigorous men, and getting starred and ,lck ones in exchange, the disproportion In itrength of the two side, would ho dlmlni libed and th. Confederates would thereby he belter enabled to continue the war. Upon thta theory the administration acted, and they alone were responsible for the act.” II this needs any support it may bo found in the “Committee on the Con duct of the War” report by General B. F. Butler. Butler states that Grant verbally ordered him to decline ex changes, and later, on April 30,1884, telegraphed him to receive all the sick and wounded thrown upon his hands by the Confederates, but to give none in Colonel Robert Ould, Confederate Southern people tobe informers, n'o'r I exchange, testifies that he have they been educated up to any ^red * band T*aSSZ TTn‘ such practice; consequently they will ■»* »nd d.sabled Un- uot be apt to flood the office of Mr>" , if the government Vilas with written charges M would furnish transportation, and tb-‘ to the personal or political »“• transportation was delay conduct of Southern paymasters. Here ttrougout the entire summer o 1804 and there individuals with sn inordi- ^ htadwd witnesses equal y good nate desire to secure offices for them- «“'*« be cited to show that Mr. Dana selves mayengage in the business, but ™ ‘ he is but a short tine before the 4tn of July. Why not ceieotate Liberty's erri" va! on Liberty's birthday—July 4tu? Despite the patriotic spasms of the Philadelphians, the Liberty Bell escaped from the bands of its New Orleans friends □□injured. Tn e Idea that a Republican can fill an office better than a Democrat may bo re form, but most folks down here call It po litical heresy. S no yet, one more. It Is stated that each West Point cadet has forty pair of of breeches on hand. Maybe they are breeches of promise. - Capt. Abel 8. Dose*., flying near Bslti- ■ more, died on Friday last from the effects of an operation performed upon his little toe to remove acorn. Ax East End lady calls her hat a "chip Mr. Vilas will find it an entirely safe What then becomes of the charge that each had two legs. It is to he regretted that the full text of the Captain’s oration is not given. Wo confess that we do not understand what kind of chivalry it was that John Pope, Generals Meade, Terry and oth ers displayed towards our people, and wo are in the dark as to the “forget fulness” for which we should be thank- ful. The South has said and done nothing of which she is ashamed or afraid, nor for which she is disposed to ask the "forgetfulness” of anybody, especially an officer of the United States army who assisted in reconstruction. But perhaps Csptain Blonnt delivered his eloquence rapidly, like John C. Cal houn; bo rapidly that the reporter thought he looked like the great Caro linian and could not -catch his words. Thomas Esaos, the electrician, hrs made an important invention, to be ap plied to railway trains in motion. The new device is intended to permit engineers of trains to communicate easily with one another when the trains are a mile apart and In motion. The medinm of communi cation is the telegraph wires along the railroad and an inatmment in the engi neer’s cab. The appliance is designed to prevent colfliions in foggy weather at curves or on terminals. It resembles the telephone in some leepects. Flagmen and depot-watchers can also nse the Instru ment to communicate with approaching or passing trains, no matter at what speed they may be running. Teats were made a few days since of the new invention, which are said to have been extremely euc- cesatul. The device Is being patented In Europe, and will be publicly exhibited in about two weeks. The invention tielonge to Mr. Edison personally, and not to the Edison Company. rule to ignore the man who is a swift reb ?' 8 di8 ' e ; witness against his neighbor, even *"*?* »“ th « obligations which granting that the neighbor he a bad, combatants respect in he one. Therefore, if he should wait for T of P r '“? Where is the charges and specifications the end of his 1 "' 1 ”!' 7 8 » ebargeab e to the men official term will find many men hold- wb ° « a ™ * ,bc ca P tured tr . eat ; ing post-offices at the South who should «■*£■* the,r own captured received have been removed or to tho government that left its own .n one disabled defenders to starve and die for The matter is an important one. ... ... ., .. , The postmasters of the South have «ck of medicines rather than exchange formed the nucleus around which has or tham ? ble bod.ed men? History been gathered the Republican party in bfl8 an8W , cred 11118 I™ 111 ™’ this section. They have been the • nd * he “ 8w f is ° n , record ' , The drill officers, the leaders an ,i >orthconld but would not pve prison- managers of the negroes, the men ‘™ Rood treatment. The South gave to whom the Republican party looked |* 0 besUn^er^ower, for information, the agents who circu lated Republican journals and docu- rand all the Real Leader. _ ^ | The efforts of the Watersonian-Mor- ments, who managed caucuses and . , _ . . , 0 ^ ’ : _, J? . 4 , . j -I risoman Democrats to make Sam Ran- conventions, and who, by their daily I , ... . . , . ... . . intercourse with th. people, bad op-1" ne- AD 1.1131 jjUU muy VBIJ9 USI Ull “ b Ji)' I IIUCILUUIDU mtu .MO MVOl/ll,, unu Wjr ■ . , f |. H , ,« • _____ __ bonnet," because it was psid for out of I portunity to spread corrupt teachings, ro ier ’ 8 8 118 a 113 J. ' some funds her husband brought hi me I anc | w lio availed themselves to the full Pilous efforts to make him aTbr of the opportunity. It will be readily I *“ de and tr,itor ’ ,' Vo Let the Florida convention remimberl admitted that Mr. Vilas knows little or Pres a iden C t’e W baton <h»t it i, engaged in a work that Wi.1 .fleet nothing of the South or its people. He Utter unbends himself in the state tor good or evil ^onghont tto has never had the opportumty to study moment and , hat BOme ot tho '™““ eitlier. Elected elect will be associating 1 But be must be regarded as a very with the goatB> This is an adminis- MtstsTxn Fuau-a, we fear, is a sly dog. stupid man, if he is ignorant of the (ration full of surprises and marked by •He has been behind the scenes with Albert practices of the Republican party for occasional delightful disappointments. Edward. “Cump” Sherman will immedi- these many years past. His igno-‘ *• -—>- ately go to England, if any one will pay hia I ranee may be considered snhlime .expenses. if he does not know of from the club.—Pittsburg Chronicle. In a recent issue the Courier-Journal says: "Our understanding la that Mr. Randall, The 'Washington Monnment might be I the policy and practice of his immedi-1 who has abandoned ail hope of again occupy, protected by crowding the smnmlt with ate predecessor, Frank Hatton, who lD * Speaker’* «t»tr, *e«ks to retain the offenaive partisans. Lightning doesn’t would not have permitted any man to ^‘ 1 . r “‘^. h h ' P . 0 ,' strike in their vicinity this year.—Phtla- h 0 M the smallest post-office at tho South ready to agrccnot to oppose the new tariff bill sldphia Timet, ready to agree not to oppose I without a firm faith in his devotion to of the next waye and means commUtee. Oi Wesleyan College- , This is commencement week, and the friends of Wesleyan, the mother ot all female colleges, may well feel a thrill of pride when they contemplate the largest graduating class ever gath ered upon her boards. We hail it as a good sign, a sign that times are easier, and the acquisi tion of knowledge more of an object when this fine institution flourishes so extensively. It is the natural educational centre of learning in the South Atlantic and Gulf States, and its condition is an index to the times. Wo shonld like to see even its present largo attendanco doubled and its already extensive influence for good in tho land increased in pro portion. There is one thought in connection with Wesleyan College that should be expressed. In this fine city of ours we have a society and a moral sentimen distinct from and far superior to most Southern communities. It is hard to describe it, but the effect of this sen timent is seen in conservative as op posed to radical and speculative methods; in the supremacy of an east ly determined public opinion; in law abiding citizens; in sure and steady growth of business and public and pri vate institutions. To sum it all up, tho tone of Macon is admirable and distinct from many seemingly more enterpris ing and ambitions centres. Whence comes this tone? We be lieve that it is the result of refinement and edneation, the influence^of the city’s mothers. The touch of the old college on tho hill, if we mistake not, is the clearest and the gentlest upon the city’s pulse to-day. Long may Wesleyan flourish. "The Lord will be with u, during the the Republican party. If any rule as| oowtoeadmtnlatt.tlonattolto.CartU^wm morning (communion) service and the to these people is to be established, it I “ff^tatwl'f require him wlive..undent Iflshopln the evening," said an Illinois would be fairer and better that every bond or guarantee. Neither the country nor clergyman recently, while addressing his postmaster in this section should prima I the party can afford or will consent to any tor- congregation. \ facie be held to bo an offenaive parti- lhcr •»»□«>»"* upon thu great issue. The timo I* _ * I hie e( 1e>t romn foe llnnlilillnn ’’ has at last come (or liquidation. 1 Mr. Carlisle, who, in the Courier’s A rCNSTER'S QUERIES. Upon what did tho “wagon-spring?” From whence did the “peppermint-drop?” IIow long did the “Tammany-j ins?” And where did the “organ-atop?” Oh, where did the "postage-stamp?” And what did the “cotton-hook?” Oh, where did the “sugar-camp?” And what did the "paatry-cook?” \ Catarrh Cured. A clergyman, alter suffering a m .„, v 1 years from that loathsome <lisoR>.o Umber ®! I after trying every known r.-m.-.K .1 cess, at last found a preoeriptlon^Meh 18Uc l pletely cured and saved him from death c ° m I Senator Harris, of Tennessee, has a'level head a boat some things. He says: "I was opposed to the law creating tho com mission, and have never seen anything to cause me to change my views. I regard it as a humbug, calculated to do more mis chief than good. I am epposed to the commission; that Is, I don’t think that tho three commissioners should have au thority to nsmo the appointees ot certain classes of clerkships under the government; bnt, on the contrary, 1 hold that the heads Oi departments, the men who are moat in terested in the snccesstnl administration oi the departments, shonld have the right to select their own subordinates. I don’t think it follows that, because an applicant tor a clerkship passes a successful exami nation on subjects that are most foreign to the scope of his official duties, he will make a better or as good a clerk as one who Ib deficient in the classics and higher mathe matics, bat who writes a good hand, is intelligent and has had some experience in clerical work.” Oh, wherodidthe "roller-skate. And where did the "ginger-snap?" Tiie New Orleans Picayune prints this rtatement, which may be a dreadful yarn: “Dr. Dred Carlisle of Chickasaw county, who was born in 1780, has used to bacco for 03 years.' 1 An epicurean doctor sayB that in or der to ootBin the full flavor of butter tne bread upon which it is spread should be introduced into the mouth with the but tered surface downward. Although as high as 250,000 alliga tor sains have been tanned in asiugle year in the United States and Europe, it -.a said there is not a single tanner of these hides in the Southern States. Tns Washington correspondent of the New York World mast board at an F street hash honse. Writing of the restaurants of the city, we quote him; “These restau rants have been made necessary by the great Inflax ot Northern visitors here, who have rebelled at the Southern standard of cooking, which has been so long main tained In Washington.” As Washington bis been In the complete possession of Yankees since 1861, there most be some thing good in Southern cookery. Mr. Cleveland Is said to have dismissed his French cook in favor of an old Virginia colored aunty. The soldiers cannot complain ofany san > an< l tte burden of proof slackness in the pension offles. Daring should ho placed upon him to purge, _ f4 . . . May 8,000 pension certificates were issued, himself satisfactorily. It may be re- °P‘ ni0D »would seem, is a sort of uliich is the largest number eyer granted garded as settled that the Southern I ,ar ^y autocrat, will nevertheless do in one month since the orgaultatlou oi the! people are not going to make informers I ^ his tariff plans - before Mr. <)fflcc ' . of themselves. They voted f or R^aU and secure his approval, lest The King of Barmah refines to give the Mr. Cleveland os a Demo-1 j 10 commit tho mislako of .ry- FrencU coniui an audience unless he will 1 crat, upon the assurance I force them upon an unwilling come without boots. He tried this once t h n t his administration would be Dem-1 countr y- ^’o doubt tho tariff can bo on an Americsn Republican, and when ocrat | Ci tbat he wou u select honest Ottered by trimming and filing. Mr. the latter complied, sent him back hurried- L nd competent Democrats to fill the R*“ d »> 1 represents tho great mannfac- Jj to put bis boots on. offlceg( BnJ everythlng would ^ tnring sentiment of tho country and The dry counties in Pennsylvania have 'done to reform tho abases nnder which Bt ®nds ready to acquiesce and assist in a damp dodge. All the consumer bai to I they have suffered for many years. I perfecting the bulwark of our factories. <lo is to place bU empty Dottle on a tree They expect a full and fair redemp- i{ccen ^y ^e Courier-Journal admitted Stump, with the necessary money, and re- t ( on 0 ( these pledges within a reason- that the ,a8t attem Pt this direc ' tarn at a proper time to find th. bottle HU- aWo riod ^ do not , ook wilh favor tion was not what it should and the ™n«ygone. upon the ob , Ucle8 #nd hindrance8 have been, was rash and ill-judged. The life of a New Orleans policeman, It which are being raised to delay and Still the plan had Mr. \\ atterson a un is stated, was saved on Sunday by the bul- perhaps to defeat them. Mr. Vilas piualifled approval, and was indorsed let fired at him llriking a button onbiinn- J shonld have an assistant at his elbow Iby Mr.Uarllile. Mr. Uau- demhlrt. This is Interestlrg chiefly be- L-ho is thoroughly informed as to the I J>U P laccd the I” 1 ^ ln P 08 * 1101110 take out. it establishes the fact that New Ot- machinery of tll e Republican party in v,is0 Mtion n P°“ thls matter ' 101 tho leans policemen wear undmblrts. | , ho Soul ^ anJ the ^ elhods by which leader8 confcr " ,th him ! ,or ' de P cnd Ulus been used. upon it, any such scheme as was pro posed last winter will meet with his a Question Air.adv An.w.t.d. I oppoaiUon and with defeat, whether ho The New York Tribune of tho 14th bo chairman of the appropriations com- thanks. George WasbingtoD’shstcbethas j instant contains the following: | mitteo or not. The results of the last Mr. J. Estes Cook comes to tbs rescue -of the Smlth-Pucatonlu romance and • claims to have found letters that prove the facts stated to be true. Mr. Cooke haa our Ohio Renubliean I mou * dts'etard of all th. obligations which Pleasant thing to be an official visitor ■ became it tries I rivUIxed combatants raped, to which as jet I at West Point, outside ot the honor, [ha whnle field of 80 1***!* 1 ** 11 * answer has be-n mails. Worn The government pays the expenses of :ne wnoie neid ot I ts> rml t nt rsvsrds mtn .ho wers to chug. I ■ - - - - p«rtshcdbutthe dub.cfPonhgttan remains But there U on. other fact which will not be Wteen , or 1 ® 1 * bt , een “° nt1 ' 9 , hav0 overlooked bj thoe. who have cither memory strentgbened public confidence In Mr. _ . . , , . _ I or a sente ot Jostles. Oat ot the Union aol- Randall. He ig stronger to-day than »ar. it appears that eTer an d in tho full confidence of the -van, has been engaged by a theatrical man-1 more than 39.<k0 died in captivity, or u a re-1 — ., , agrrtoposein tableaux for six weeks, inltol the treatment they received whila cap-1 1 rcsiuent. Tho gentleman it now rehearsing In Chi-1 lured. It would b. well It the number of cap- csgo, where be auumea the pose ot a I tlT *' at any time held could bo published Ini Cnntnln Blount nt the Point, ■drunkard asleep in n bar room chair with Uounedlon with this omcltl autemeut. Rut Captain Blount has been an official great succe»___ | WZZSltfoTE&ttSA™" al "’e.t Point. It is rather. The reason why th. . platform seams so thin Is because to stretch itself over the whole 1 inet-raiuenirewarasmcnwnowcrcmcnargu 1_ , . , na'ional politics. You cannot get the Re- ol YZ cspilra during the w.r u he hu the • fflcia, vi81lor - and the official vi8 ' publicsiM of Ohio together and make them a'rtady tcwst.lcd not 1 tew, let it be remcm- j ' tor K<its a bite at all tiro good things, believe that they are not bolding a nation- bored that ha Is hone ring and rewarding Mr. Speaker Carlisle paid part oi his al convention.—Si. Limit Rtpuhliean. men guilty ol the most barbarous sortol mar- debt to Captain Blount in this way, in Ccn peripatetic friend Colonel UMbod ^,- tbat r!"™ ^ Whereiure Avery will soon begin tbs pub- ? ^r 7 to ^ ^ f ° r Mr> C “ 1U,e for lic&Mon of a newspaper in Atlanta In order p® n * tor Bt-nj* H. Hill, of Georgia, in Speaker. to fill & long foil want. Colonel A.v*ry bat ““ niemorable reply to Mr. Dlaine, Captain Blount has been unofficial run niiny a joust wilh thcTELEoaAen am! j made a very intelligent answer to the I visitor to West Point before. It is bandies the lance with tha almost ikil! and statement contained in the Tribune’s ggid that he was so much shocked at good nature. With the assistance of this paragraph. Indeed, it was considered the extravagance he witnessed he new knight, we thill endeavor to keep the so intelligent that the Republican press immediately desired to reduce the grass downtothe tourney ground, and tte has never repeated the accusations, I numbers and the pay of the band, c'olka interested. although many years and unnumbered The New York journals more than bint Cotton Statement. The Chronicle's cotton article of Jane 12th furnishes the following facte rela tive to the movement ol the crop tor the past week: For the week ending this evening (June 12), tho total receipts have reached 4,729 bales, .gainst 3,917 bales last week, 0,991 bales tbs previous week and 7,429 bales three weeks since; making the total receipts since the lit of September, 18S-1, 4,710,007 bales, against 4,772,088 bales tor the eame period ol 1883-84, ebowlng a de crease since September 1,4884, ot 02,613 bales. The receipts at all the interior towns tor the week have been 4,881 bale,, sine, September 1st, 2,699,797 bales. The re ceipts at the same towns have been 401 bales less than the same week last year, and since September 1st, the receipts st all the towns are 237,183 bales less than tor the same time In 1833. Among the Interior towns, Macon is credited with 48,213 bales tor the season. Last year the receipts for the season were 88.991 bales. These figures show a fall, ing oil tor the season ol 11.680 bales. The total receipts Irom plantations since September 1,1831, were 4,740,493 bales; in 1833-4 were 4.773.8M bales; 1832 83 were 6.981,434 bales. The receipts since September 1 np to to night are 69,180 bales less then they were at the same day of the month in 1834 and 1,113,801 bales less than they were to the eame day of the month In 1883. The exports of cotton from the United Statea the past week, as per latest mail re turns, have reached 21,482 bales. The Chronicle has the following to say Captain Jack'Hussey, the veteran life saving hero of the New York docks, re cently brought lrom the depths a little boy, thereby running his score np to thir ty-eight. Gixixally speaking, the ioreign dry goods market is qniet, bnt the Afghan bor der and the Vale of Cashmere are some what unsettled.—Philadelphia Press, Now tbat the last ribbon has flattered oat ol view, the last composition page been turned down, and the lest echo oi song and applause died sway, the Tiliobaph wants to stand up lu court and more to do away with bonqueta In the future. This is, we know, a difficult question to deal with. 11 is natural that our people shonld desire to lavish flowers upon the sweet girl graduates who bear their names and blood, but it seems tbat it can not be dons without heart-burnings and jealonilee, and the custom should end. Who haa not ielt a flash of shims open seeing a young lady, after a most creditable, sometimes brilliant, effort resume her seat without a contribu tory blossom, while next to her sat a home favorite literally barricaded with floral offerings? This may seem a small thing, and yet Inflicts a wound that la hard to heal. Until Macon la generous enough to crown worth. and beauty with flowers, re gardless ol name and peraonaflty.no snore flowers shonld be allowed upon the stage at Wesleyan. lOaaplea Not tha Day of Small Thing,; Little things may help a man to riie—a bent pin to an ea,y chair tor instance. Dr. Pierce's "Pleasant Purgative I’ellets” are small thing,, pleasant to take, and they enre sick headaches, relieve torpid livers anddo w-mderi. living purely veg etable they cannot harm any one. Ail drugging An Opportunity for a Fortune Loat. On the 12th ol Mey, the drawing of the Loolelina Lottery Company showed the following rendu; Ticket No. 21,238 drew the prise oi 478.000 It was sold ln tilths at 41 each—one to Harry Dutton. Melrose Maas.; one to Geo Williams, ol Washing- Tiie bicycle is to be officially intro duced in o the Bavarian army, a number ot soldiers of the garrison of Munich are at present doing urderiy service tor the purpose of trying the practicability of the ‘wheel.” As ox woighfng over 1,300 pounds, says the Old Colony Memorial, was recent ly slaughtered by Ueorge Bradford at his place In West Dnxbnry. This Is the largest beef animal be ever killed, although in the business for upward of SO year9. Tiie cheapest railway iu tbo world is In Prussia, namely, track from Thorn HI ft lion to Thorn City, across the famous bridge over the Viatnls, a third-class ticket costing five pfctolgs, equal to one and three-quarters cents United States cur rency. A gentleman ploughing recently near Tapelo, La., ploughed up a skeleton and with it a silver medal, bearing a Span ish Inscription, indicating that it was a relic of Da Soto's ill lated expedition. A hand bag marked C. Columbus will be found next. Hothouse flowers are rare in New Orleans, because the wln'ers are ao short It wouldn’t pay to build and keep up expen sive greenhouses. When the Northern visitor orders a hothoure bouquet be la as- looisued at the announcstnent that be must wait until It can be ordered from Lonlaville, Cincinnati or New York. In midwinter there are no flowers in the city. It is a singular historical fact that the elegant soft hat of the Spaniard has re mained the same from the earliest period to the present day, while among all oiner civilized nations a transformation of the style in that article has taken place. Com fort in the wear seems to have given place at all times to fancy and the demands of fashion. Wires the yellow jessamine blooms in the Broth, the honey whlcn bees make I10111 it is a nea.'ly poison, being imp-i-g- nated with gelslmium, the active principle of th, flower. At BranchvUte, S C., a few day, elnce, Mra. Jacob Dake, "robbed" her bees and the honey was distributed throngh the nelgbborbo-d. Everyone who ate it became sick, and three persons died. Sonth Carolina papers say that such esses are by no.means rare. Lank hair among tho ancients was a sign of cowardice; auburn hair or light brown, evidence ol great susceptibility to the tender passion, as well as rare intelli gence, industry and a peaceful disposition; black hair was not highly esteemed, the possessors of it being thought jealous and quarrelsome; red hair, in general, was in aversion, a mark of reprobation, even be fore the time of Judas. "As wicked as a red ass,” was freely applied to any one having bright red hair, and was a popular and opprobrious saying, and lo make the sentiment more binding one of Unit pa tient tribe of qnadrapeds was made to atone for it every year by being thrown from a high wall. We will mall a Nickel-Silver ateh of the style represented liitheeiuv low to any one who - ill Bondi tie acluh,}, | nxw subscriber, to the WkkkLT Tkwjj! ' and Mammas at one dollar each. Thl. t? enable each snbscrlber to secure the paper? the lowest elnb rate, and »t ih 8 P *, r *; componsate the elnb agent Tor hi. trouble W-Only saw soRscaiBkEs-thatis.thr,,. whoso names are not nowand h.vo not bet" ! within six months previous to the reed- ot tho order on our books, will sz couxtid Them watches are not toys, hut acctnis and serviceable time-keepers. They aie tu ple, durable and neat. The cases alwsys wei, bright. Tens ol thousands ol them aro carried by people ol aU classes throughout the United “The Waterbury." n; % Thx people oIMacroowe it totha mem- opportunities have passed by since, that the Captain had the item stricken ory oi a man the energies ot whose Ills The Tribune’s writer must be very ou tof the appropriation bill providing were devoted to Georgia, to the men who young or very old. f or better accommodations for the offi- have resolved to perpetuate their gratitude Senator Hill's reply was based upon c iai visitors. ‘Im-’ tb * r *p° rt °»Surgeon-General Barnes. The government owns tho hotel at lbe CTrt ° 7 °* * b * U ?* ol It showed conclusively that a larger \v e> t Point, and compels the leasee to the Wadiey monument. Our city author-L__ __ l sau wmipvamciwscs w ities should provide tor a ceremonial I f r “ nb 01 men d | cd m J'Qrthern I keep it open all the year. It is a small w„-tiiy ot tba honor that has has been ,ban in gouthem prisons. IVhat the hotel and badly kept, a cot in the bath paid Macon in 1U seise tiro as tba place fi 8ures were we are now unable to state room being considered a luxury daring that shall bold the itatae. There should I positively. An old clipping gives two I commencement season, be I/O litti-nesiolsentiment or expenditure out ol every twenty-three in Southern The Captain has been indulging in ia this occasion. prisons again,t two out of every fifteen oratory at the Point, not before tiie ca- . „ th . , in tbos ® at the North. The figures dels, but in the presence of the old to to. Ute New*OrleaM *x£.fltoa lho« C0 "* Ct ’ ’’ U ‘ ^ ^ U H - ldier8 ' » ' tbit the total of miIok entrances during * j ports him : tU 17U day, of its existence were 1188 3101 11 18 couceJcd that the great suffer- Congmemaa Blonnt, of Georgia, imooth- Of town 47.3U0 were school cbildrM at U in K “ Southern prisons occurred si- laced, bro.tad, wideawake, aad looklna Uka teen cants Mto; 00902 were children atkr January, *8*4- For thta. ™ have twenty-fee c«ntv; 973,523 w,r, adult, at it upon the authority of Charles A. I jotmuraa toward to. South ihown by fifty cnli; 74 J52 were Sunday admiiaion, Dana, assistant secretary of war then, oBctt,. ' at twenty-flva cent,; 28,090 weraadmi, and now editor of the Sun, that the The Captain is bronzed, for ha has aion, on extaarion day at II esch. Tbt g 0 uth was not responsible. Here U been electioneering under a Georgia sun total neelpt, ware 4838,361.K. This show bjj testimony: .1^ to. of rln log does not look fayorabla to to* reepen" 1 ever since the adjournment of Cou- iac of tba exposition next fall, whan toe "Th* adsalntoratlon ol Mr. Lincoln wu re- Igrett, and the Captain doe* not wear gorernment axhiblu will b. withdrawn, j | whiikar* oi civil or military pattern, and Colonel Fulhnan w J1 haodio U la to* I uoi oi ti to. omro Sv^i bat the moat .triking re^blance be- ioknatot his llaepicg cart, 1 —■— — — - 1 * «■» The ipcculxtlon in cotton for fotnre delivery at tola market ha, been comparatively dull , week under review, with prices quite variable and showing Irregularity. The Southern At lantic Elate, have been vliltcd by a cold rain ilorm, bnt It wai not anOclently HVer* to do much injury to to, growing crop. Foreign advices hive been generally unfavorable, th* defeat and ralgnatloa of toe Gladstone minis, t y being added to doll trade report*. The mor* active market for cotton on tba spot had bnt Utti* effect on futures,in which there were sharp decline* on Saturday end Monday, farther decline on Tuesday was partially re covered la the later dealing a ol that day, end on Wednesday a small advance was recorded, to* distant months being quite freely dealt la, owing to their chetpneis and toe excessi-e rains In some sections; bat to* close wu dnll, and yeeterday a weak opening, with Liverpool depraaed, wu followed by e general decline, moat conspicuous lo the next crop. To-day there wu e further end Important decline, tn sympathy with Liverpool, end there wu IllUe or no recovery in tho clotlnt transactions. Cotton on toe apot bu been more active Thera have been unusually large sales reported, for exoprt and home use. New England spin ner, ere no* almost wholly dependent on this market for supplies. There wu a decline ol 1-Uc. ea Monday and again on Tuesday, and a recovery of 1-lgc. on Wednesday. Yesterday toe feature wu to* farther narrowing by 1-1*. ot to* rang* between upland* end Oolf cotton; recently It wu <{e, It la now bat He. To-dsy there wu e general decline ofllSo.wllhe fair business; middling uplands doting U MHO. of the market fluctuations for the week toD, i). U-; one to Orsini Zs'pp, of Ronml under review: Top. Texas, collected throuen Mean. Jea. A xicxKL-siLVXB Waterbary watch and the Wexxlt Txlxoxaph for one | year will be sent to any addreff* for exchanges, oa to* ground that hy'tweea him and John C. Calhoun is 43.50. See advertisement. If. Raymond A Co., of Austin, Texas one to 8. F. Bpencer, ot Greenabnrg, Ky.l collrcled through National Bankot Leban on, Ky.. and the rest elsewhere. Ticket No. 61,985 drew toe second capital prize oi 425 OCX) told In tilths—one J. D. Lengsfleld J clerk of Healthmao, 8mlth & Co., of Green ville, Miss , collected throngh the bank there; one to H. N. Calderwoad, Ottawa, Ku.; one to P. G. Sexton, Bruton, Btew- art county, Tenn., collected throngh the Northern Bank of Tennessee, at Clarks ville, Tenn.; one to John R. Jewell, of Cat- tarauRus. N. Y -, the remainder sold else where, No 02.001 drew the third capital prize ot $10,C<«). sold also in fifths; one to John Godley, No. 67 S. Oto St., Coiamhuv, O.: others to parties in San Francisco, CaL; LaCygne, Kan-a-. anil elsewlie-e. Ticket No. 6.289 and 18,807 drew the fourth capital priaa of 46,000 each, and the enllre sum of 4265.300 was likewise broadcast through the land. The whole thing will be repeated on July 14, of which all infor mation can be bad on application to M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La. Let not this opportonfty slip by you, as you have hitherto Wa still hava a military gorernmenL Capt. McCree, tot new captain of the watch of the treasury, hu issued order* to to* wtlchmen compelling them to rise and live a military salat* upon the approach of any of toe department officials above to* grad* of chief of divition, including the captain of toe watch. FOR $3.50 *c will rend tho Weekly Telegraph asd Me5«esgf8 one ye*r and oueol the above de scribed watches to any address. ThU propo sltlon Is open to our subscribers m well u those who are not. Act Promptly. The abovo propositions will be kept open for a limited time only and parties who wish to take advantage of either should do so at once. ^y-Unlcss otherwise directed we will send the watches by mall, pack id ln a stout paste board box, and our responsibility (or them will end when they aro deposited In the post- ofllco They can be registered (or ten cents and parlies who wish this done should inclose this amount,or we will send them by express, tho charges to oc paid when they are deliver ed. Address THE TELEGRAPH AND ME33ENGER, Macon, Georgia. Mako money orders, checks, etc., payable to H. C. IIAXaoy. Manager. PEOPLE AND GOEIIP. —Lawrence Barrett has gone to his Cohauet borne (or tne snmmer. —John W. Mackay will contest the Senatorial teat with Senator Jones, ol Ne vada. — I ictirvicu- Wur.l is winning more tame aud money acting well for New Zea land people. — Frank Mayo thinks ..I iming tn London before many days to arrange for tiie presentation oi "Nor Seek,” —EllaF. Kldd.of Ke n.-, Ky., bag Jnst finished a ertzy quit containing 100,. U00 pieces and n.arly 1,000.000 Hitches. —Mme. Nilsson says she never grows tired of hearlcg hereoil ting, though to lis ten lo toe singing oi others is tomedmts a boro. — I.'-r-l Salisbury Inn no intimate friends, bnt lives a tcclndtd life, taking bis recreation in mtlo-dramallc romance, ot whicli he la a generous pstron. —Clara Morris says that Mr. Tilden I. the ben conTeritll.nshit she has aver ruei. In her opinion he is far too lovable to have mrmint-tt a Irai-lirlor, —Nicholas Cook, aged 10 years, lost his lire in endeavoring 10 save tn.t of a companion nearTrentoD, N. J. “Greater love than this hath no man, that h, lay down his Ilf. for a friend.” — I.'ir.l LytUiu'e imuim-rs urn du- ■cribed a, being "a cross between those ol the Parisian petit maitrt aud the dandy diplomat of Great Britain.” Men do not like him, but ladies prononne, him charm ing. —Washington society people at first objectedtoMi»Clevelsnd'a style of wear- ingber hair,which la short,but tbsy are now reconciled to it, eava a correspondent, be cause they have diicovered that (he re semble, Roaa Bonheur, —When Secretary Bayard Yisited Kan,e, City last week be bid hlmeelf weighed 00 th*Male*at Arunmr's park ing bouse, and lipped the beam at 202 pounds. Senator, Vest and Cockrell weighed 172 and 200)4 pound, respectively. —Arthur McKwen, editor of the San Francl-co Poet, does nut like toe English, and being on a spree recently he amused himself by firing Into an English club house. The Briton, sillied out, captured Ludden & Bates Southern Music House Converted into an Incorporated Stock Company, with $200,- 000 Paid in Cash Capital. THRgX TWIMINDOUS PURCHaail FOg THIS IIASON', TRADE. 150,000 Worth of Chlckennf Pianos *t 02® "urchawh 120,000 Worth oi Imported Musical Mcrrhsiiflisu at One Pur- chtse, 75.UX) Pieces of sheet Music at One Purchase. coultl not post you, i vertlsemenls. and t usual, through c l-HaeiHWHi »..•* a*/ aelSkO StneiidS, WQ her® gives few solid (sets well worth ukiiiK In. I.idM' n A 1UU » Southt-rn Music Hons,: is A household word from the Pot ,m*c tofihe Kto <irainle. Who Iish not henrd of itT ll las Msuunoth Music Emporium, from which t solid muhl. nl south draws its siipjilles. Eleven larxe brsuch houses and over ‘JO wide-awake squills dUUlbuttt Its go<i«ts ihrouKh every Southern Slate, and Its yearly sales are nearly half it in 1111 1 m di.llnrv Fouuded fifteen years since on tho solid red rock of large capital, enterprise aud square trade, it has stood, unshaken, amid flnaurlsl panics, pestilences, cyclones ami liri-*, audio ciiMire itn pertnatu-ncy fur gencratloiis lo come, il has heeu liicorixirated as a Co «i>era- tlvo Siock Company, with a paid up fash capi tal o( f.’OU.fuo, which is owned .olely by ine offleera ami employes. Theolhcers are: W. Ludden, president; J. A. Hates, treasurer and manager, aud J. 1). Murphy, secretary. Pair ms are, therefore, as safe ln dealing with this house »s with any bank, have uo (ears as t bllltyor guarani i to the pcrmaueiu v, rcspousl- _ iteea. It la solid. Sow notice Uteto TRADE ITEMS FOR 1884-85. MorePUnoi and organs sold yearly than by all other Southern dealers combined. |.i0,000 worth of Chtckerlng 1‘lanos bought at one purchase lu Octob’ r last, largest pur- cbm ever inado by any fiootaafn house. Special bargain's. Elegant Vianoa only $210, with hand.-ome embroidered Cover, Btool In* structor&rd Music Hook. Organs, $JI._ * $75, $luO, with htool, Instnutor freight p IBpocJH terms. On known. M Music Installment ue prlcutoall, and that the lowest Write us, aud wu will save you —Misa Emma Beverly Tucker,daugh ter ol tot let* Dr. Dam H. Tucker, of Itichmoml. V*.. ami gramldsnghter ot the llete Hon. George M. Delia,,Vice-Prealdent of th* United States, was married at lObarlestown, W. Va., Thundty, to Mr. Forrest Vi. Brown, a young lawyer, and commoawealth’e attorney lor JeUVrson couLtr. The ceremony was p-rformed ln Zion Epi,copal Chnrcli by the Rev. Dsllaa Tucker, rector ol toe church, and brother of the bride. The bride was given away by her uncle, the Hon. Beverly Tncker. consul to Liverpool under Bachman’s ad- I ministration. A Urge nnmher of valuable gtitt were received by the bride, (Deluding I * stiver tea service med by toe Hon. Geo. U. Dallai while minister to England, and presented by the bride’* mother, who had inherited it from bar father, Miss Libkbty has arrived from France, and, sad to sey, her quarters are not ready for her reception. In toe land of Liberty, ■he baa no place to reef her feet —From a Washington letter it to learned tbat Mra. Bayard baa a relined face, bright tree and dresses like ■ tody oi the old school. She wear* a bead dreu of lace, and out of tola aland rows of little K curi-, something like thoe* which Folk iron when the presided over to* Whlteilooie. She to an acoompliebed eo- riity woman, nod her daughters educated under her cental training are among to* brightest women of tb* capital. A xickcl-siltkx Waicrbory watch and the Weekly TiLtaxAra for one year will be sent to any address for ♦3.50. See advertisement. bint and bis gun and turned bint over to the patrol wagon. —Rev. Sam Jouea’a sayings have be come comou property. They .re hia own They are gathered from ail source-, end they always have a point. "Brother Jones,” said a nervous brother, "what makis you chew tobacco?" “To get the jolce o it,” said 81m. —Tlmrlciw Wivcl’a estimate of the cigars he smoked or gave away ln hia life time puts the cumber at 80,000. He was somewhat proud of the figures, and was not ashamed to confess, eitner. tbat he al ways drank whisky, ‘ toongh," he adds, "I was always particular about the quail- ty." —Beatrice geto from the Queen’s household a «et of allicr chandelabra as a wedding present, and no doubt her royal mother will give uerthe conventional cash mere shawl (of which she get, a bale from •very Indian Viceroy) given by Victoria to "better class" brides in general. —H. B. Phillip*, of Big Rapids, Pa., celebrated his marriage recently by pre- tenting to hie bride bu teething ring, the tint lock oi hair ent from his head and the first tooth be cut, and receiving in ex change one-hali interest in aprorjierou, grocery store. The exchange certainly tn- uicates that hia eye-teeth had all been cot. —Mr. F. Swindell, who has just died at an advanced eg*, wa* a very romaiku- ble men on the turf, end from an bumble poeiUon amassed a large fortnne by an In- stinctire knowledge of the turf market. In days when immeoM same were bet on hornet long before tb* race, he used to arraogeto*heavieetcommLiiotu. in par ticular ha bought off a great r . ,> tor the Into Sir Joeeph Hawley, when iMadwo won tha Derby, and ftlso tramfcrretl a fo - tuna from the nog Into the pocket* of M r. Marry. Oa th* tarf b* wti always famil iarly addreattd a* Lord Freddy. De. Pxmci’c “Favorite Fraaofptton * U everywhere Acknowledged to be the ?t»n.l- ard remedy lor ft-male Omupla.nlf axul weakutura. It 1 s sold by druK’guu. $J0,( *) worth of Imported Muilral Merctn- dtaa,»uchmm violin*, ciultiira, JUn'of, A»or- daonaJErlDgt. etc., boiiKht nt eaeporchise* (rorn .he Knur Oltin Co., Atlanta, Ua., at onc-bnlf the coat t) f Importation. ImmtaM hiirKatnM now o(lere«l retail buyer*. Accor* deoii*, 7i cent* each: Richter Harmonic**, 10 cent*: HhuJ.ii, $1; Violin* $1; Guitar* $3; Pa* gatilul lull An f*trlQK« -f* cent* t-*i h, 7 > cent* Italian. 15 eenU, CO centl Pe pArdaga^offrviuerTSTexchange Riven if good* art* not ■atlafactorr. Revlicd Catalogue January \, l'V>, (rue load. Cheap M Ulc Depot. 75,000 piece* of Sheet Music, bought at one purr’Lain*, offered at only ten cents a copy. Ail new and beat music, same as usually lold for cents to IL60MT piece. Send (or a catalogue ol reu Cent Mu* *ic. Don’t lend North for Cheap Music. Thl* la headquarter*. All mu lie at reduced rate*. buyer*, we are with you every price*. We know how to buy, howto -1 howto please. Time* arc hard, and The gioSt'for the money can alwaysbi had *t LUDDEN & BATES’ SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE, SAVANNAH. OA. time in prlc EXCELSIOR C00KST0VE5 & T.W AYR SATISFACTORY EIOHTEENSIZESAHD KINDS ALL PURCHASERS CM BE SUITED itNirtifmimr saac A. Sheppard 4 Co..Baltimore,Mil. Jim VHBKi