Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, June 26, 1885, Image 8

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T H E T K L KK H A tM > A a i > M KSSENGB K: FRIDAY. JUNE 2C,18S5. liere'e a skin without, and a alrln within, L covering kkin and a lining »kitt: within lithe akin without, Doubled Inward and carried completely throughout, The palite, the nostrils, the windpipe, and throaty Areall of them lined with tbla inner coat, \\ hlch through <■ very part la made to extend, Inngs, liver aud bowela from end to end. The outside akin lea marvelous plan SfifiW 1 ! 1 * th0 ,lre * B ot tb ® fle *“ of Too much brandy, whisky, or gin la ar»t to dUorder the skin within: 5 JjJ®* dirty and dry. the skin without Kelut.es to let the sweat come out Good people all, have a care of your akin, wlthoutand tba within; 4-° !u e P rkt - S’ v « Plenty of water aud soap. To the last, imi e else but water, we hope. But always be very particular where iou set )our water, your food, your air, f. 01 i,V? eie bo tainted or rendered impure, Jt will have its efftet on the blood, be sure. The food which will ever for you be the best js that \ou like moat and can aoonest digest All unripe fruit and decaying flesh Bewaro of, aud lists that la not very fresh. Tour water, transparent and pure as you think Had better he filtered and boiled ere you drink Unless you know surely thst nothing unsound Can have got to it over or uudtr the ground. ^t of ell things the most I would have you beware Of breathing the poison of once-breathed air when In bed, whether outor at home you may be, Always open the windows and let It go free, mtb clothing and exercise keep yourselves ^■^aator 86 your clotbev ^kkly II caught in For a cold caught by chilling the outside skin Flies at once to the delicatelining within. AH Toil who thus kindly take csre of your And attend to Its wants without and within, Keed never of cholera feel any f ars. And your *kln may lut you a hundred years. Josim Poweb ATTEMPTED 8U1CIOE. A Very Raah Young Man Ma^es the Third Attempt to Take Hie Life. Early yesterday morning, B. L. Langston, a young white man living In Bandy Bottom, at* tempted to take his life by stabbing himself with a knife. It proves the (bird attempt that Langston has made to end his existence Sometime ago, as many of our readers wil 1 recall, Langston married. It wav Sunday af* ternoon that his marriage took place, and the next day he was moody and despondent. His friend* attempted to cnecr him up. but their efforts had but little effect upon bis feelings. He continued in low spirits through tne day, and toward evening attempted to kill himielf by swallowing poison. The fatal draught waa snatched from his lips before be accomplished his mad desire. Al though hA failed in the attempt he signified bis intention to kill himself at some future time. Uls friends pet listed In their endeav ors to b.lgbten his spirits, but without satis faction. Monday seems to be the day that Langston has cbosen for all bit attempts. During Sun day his mental condition appeared to be — Id that be CITY ITEMS. -The Infant twins of Mr. W. J. Banders, livi ing at Cfoes Keys, near the city, died jester-1 day morning, ai d were burled yesterday after noon at Mr. Amason's place The children were taken sick at the same time, and died within an hour of each other. _ — k slight disturbance was created In the Lanier House bar yesterday by an Intoxicated party going behind the counter and attempt- kg to break up the cut-glass ware He suc ceeded in breaking a few of the glaaaes before he was ejected. The damage was s ight. —John Sullivan, a white mao. went on a dronk last Monday and went Lome and creat ed quite a confusion. Officer Fennell sum moned him to appear before the recorder yes terday rooming to answer to tbla charge. b"t he failed to do so. The recorder flued hlrallO for not appearing. -Officer Garfield, on duty at the union depot, found a pocketbook yesterday morning containing ICO in bills ana several valuable papers 1 he name of the party to whom U be longed was printed on the back, and U will be returned to the owner to-day. It waa a serious losa, but a most timely find. —Dr. T. K. Walker, the city physician, re- 1 there is a family lu a very destitute condition on the Factory How, Ea«t Macon. He represents them as being worthy of al charity ®«d sympathy. The family is thst of Mrs Annie Churchill, and any assistance ren dered will be most worthily bestowed —Albert Hunter, the grass cutter for the city, was sumxnarl y dismissed from the ser- vice yesterday. U waa discovered that Hunter had been collecting pay from individuals in front of "ho-c h.-usea he cut down grass, in addition to drawing bis regular pay for the samp work from the city. Uls dishonest greed has lost him his position. —If you desire to have one good day of en- ioymei t go to Adams’s Puk with Center bur i.<»«ik*• n<>. i • Kuightof the Golden Star next Hatu nlay. a great many ladles and gentlsmen are going to let us all go and have a nice time and a got>d day. Round trip 60 cents. Every thing la all right for ladles, so go and enjoy jour-elvcand have a gay time. Train leaves -“We Hay Kennedy, the nine-year-old I daughter of Mrs. Kennedy, living on New day. a painful accident jet Ur* pinions In front of the residence she had the inUfortnnoto fall from a fence erected to keep Su& off n5M£«v l h “ d brok# h#r arm lQ t*o pUces. Dr MclUtton waa summoned and re- act the fractured member, and at last accounts the little girl waa resting quietly. n~£j^ U u ar . noI tf i“ the cellar ?A t M l -n e ' Nc8 v r . a 1 , a office Tuesday night, jd Manager Vn-nd thought had U«l like a iamb to the slaughter into a deep bole of blue vitriol and mud. It proved not so mueh of a burg nr as a practical Joke on the reporter. —A number of the lasebsllists and citizens met the midnight train from Atlanta last nigh’, to greet the arrival of Veacb, the Macons new pitcher, who waa expected, When fe car rolled into the depot the passenger coach was wauhtd curiously and anxiously, but nopas- seuier diM-mbarked, muchtoti.e disappoint* mtnt and dhgustof the crowd Vetch will i-rc i.«t :>• rra> n the dtp thla morning from At lanta via the Hast Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia railroad. P-OtMifl from < apt. J. De present Fonttb and act aa judge* In Use military , drill Tbese gentlemen art among the best drilled oftic* rs lu the State, sni tne compa- nle» who expect to enter the contest will havs to bestir themselves, col. Wiley will also act as one of the judges. —Only two esses were called at yesterday’! court, B. Hialowskl and Augustus Fambrj, lighting and disorderly. Rkslovski waa die- missed and F»mbro lined $20or forty dajao the Rang. Chants fculllvan, drunk and dtsoi dtrly, failed to appear and waa fined »:o for contempt. Court adjourned. This ipeika well lor the behav ior cf Use cl y Tuesday. With all the t rowd and the excitement between the ilvnl baseball teams not a single arrest was made. Of the two cases that were ealted yes- te.'day,oneof them hsppened last Monday and the other yesterday morning. -The Alpha Tan Omega, a fraternity of Mercer, deserve to be congratulated upon the handsome Tablet they ii*utd and distributed at Maaoadc Hall yesterday morning. The magazine was neatly gotten op. and ta filled Wll nmw wodlig matter. The cover is es pecially handsome and Is universal y admired, u he cdl.orial work was done by Messrs. E V. Hal lv, L. E William-, M. D. Jones and J. W Mfcltti. The business management was con] ducted by John F. Schofield, C. W. Fmdlayl W. h. Hawkins and J. W. Howard. Tne Tab let w aa a inccesa In every respect. —Lieutenant General D II. nil), now an honored and popular resident of Maeoo, living ou H nd street, has accepted an invitation to deliver the commencement address next week iMfora the M^ldle Georgia Military end Agricultural Coll go at MllledgeviUe ueneral Hill hee lately resigned the cbaaJ f«-i.or-hlp of Arkansas t’nlvenity, and is re- cute rating his shattered health. The prat if dffrf fit tto MjUedgevlUe College wilt pro* ably be tendered him. General Joe Jobnstod u»4*l y depressed. It Is sai<f that be ox pi eased his intention of killing himself to *" asked her to die witiinlm. Life, a failure, and his troubles too burdensome to bear. Hts wife was worried, and entreated him not to execute his design. After much persuasion Langston finally promised his wife that be would not kill blmseif- Langston could not shake off fete bine feelings which Increased, and rendered him desperate beyond hla control. Early yester day morning, about fi o'clock, he seized au open knife and was about to plunge It in bis heart, when his wife saw him and rushed to him in time to stay hia band. Lanzston was enraged when he saw that he bad been foiled and says he Will yet die by his own baud. The strange part of It all is that Langston has uever disclosed the stcret of his trouble. THREE BOTTLES OF LSUOANUM. Mr. J, W. Hill Grows Tired of Life and Tries to Kill Himself. 8ulcide is becoming fashionable—at least to an extent—In Bandy Bottom. Only recently the attempt of young Langston to end bis ex- itence. by stabbing himself with a knife, was recorded. This morning another attempt Is placed on record. Mr. J. W. Hill is a gentleman forty-five years of age, and Uvea in the locality mentioned. He has a family, and is known as a hard working, lndnstrlons man. For sometime he has been employed with Mr. U. M. Gunn, but recently lost Ms position, and has since been moody and despondent Addtd to thlr, othertronb.es have pressed upon him, ren derlng him even more gloomy In spirit. A few dajs ago be announced his intention of killing himself, but his friends raid no atten tion to his threat, supposing that he was wor ried mentally, and tuat the condition would soon wear off and his spirits be regained. It did not, however, happen so. Tuesday afternoon, llill went to the drug store of Johnson on Fourth street, and asked for four nettles e! lauisnuxa. They were given to him, but when he came to pay for them he discovered rat he had no money with him, aud they were returned, to bo ca led for later Hill then left Dr. Johnson’s store, but came back shortly afterwards with thirty cents, with which he paid for threo of the bottles. He then started In the direction of his home, wl h the avowed Intention of drink ing the contents of all tbs bottles. How far Hill would have carried out his purpose Is not known, si his friends heard of what he had done and hastened to iuterrupt h • designs The fatal drug was taken from him and he was deprived of an opportunity to eremite his rash threat. Hill may vet carry ont his Intention, as be own Ufe U ^ re<1 °* UrlDf and wlil yet uke The Oulcldeof Mr. Corley. In our Atlanta letter of the l'.»ft lust., in which Is given the report of the eulclde of Mr. W. B Corley, the following paragraph appears: "He was in the service of the Troy Guano Company. He had a reputation for Industry and sobriety. It Is reported that he was sent out collecting for the company when the sea son closed and has been out about four months. It is also reported that he waa short i his accounts, and that the company had beau unable to bring htm to a settlement. This trouble end 111 healtb, of which he com plained this morning, wero the probable cansei of the suiclde- W# have received a letter from the president and also one from the superintendent of the Trov Fertilizer Company, speaking In the highest terms of the unfortunate man, and de nying the reports that he was short In his ac counts. They say, "he was upright, honest, and perfectly reliable In every respw:L His suicide Is inexplicable, for it Is cer tain that it waa not caused by any financial embarrassment, domestic Infelicities or business troubles. No one in Troy enjoyed a batter social position or more universal confl- denes and esteem in business circles.” ‘. n ‘5“ the correc tion 01 whu might tend to cut . reflection upon one who so folly enjoyed tbo confidence .ud esteem of hi, employer.. Our correepon* ‘t'ct simply memidbcd that tuch were the current In A Hunt, at the time of the suicide ud before the chirectcr ol the man wu known. A Remarkable Fire. Utcon came near h.Tln, a most disastrous lire Ore yetterdsy moraine. Borne time dar ing Monday night an Incendiary erected an entrance Into the furniture estab lishment oi Chsrles Taj lor A Ban, on Cotton arehuo, and strewed the bottom floor with excelsior sharings from front to rear, Pro ceeding to the second floor, where a quantity of foraltore Is stored, the Incendiary piled a quantity of the Inflammable substance be tween the Ttriotu suites of furniture, aud then set U afire with a match. Tha flamea FACTS ARE STUBBORN THINGS From the Bunny South. Editoe Burst South: Since writing-the article for the 8unuy 8 uth. "A wonderful revelation," which appeared In this paper April 1st, I have received letters from parties all over the South and la some of the Western .states, making Inquiries concerning Dr. \V. f. Tucker, of Atlanta, Ga, and his miraculous cure of myself and others, related In the arti cle above alluded to. As to my earn marvel ous cure hundreds who know me can testify to the absolute truth of everything said la the a* tide above mentioned. The same la true of the others, as I have the most abundant means ol knowing. Dr. Tucker la one of the most co setentious men I ever dealt with and uo man living woutd acorn more than be, to act dishonorably with any oue. Those who are disposed to employ him may rest attired of one thing, vix: that he will not ' reputation and Interest, gained at t of close application and years of toll, by giv ing unwarranted encouragement, or an un- candid diagnosis Nearly all becoming bis patients have been under the treatment of a numb*r of different physicians. It is Dr. Tucker's ambition.with the aid of Providence, to raise the most obstinate and hopeless cases from the grasp ol disease. In addition to hts colleges of the city of New York. He wss also for several years professor In one of the oldest of our Southern medical colleges, which post tlon he gave up for the sole .purpose of devot ing himself entirely to the healing ol the af flicted. Many physicians employ the doctor to treat their most difficult cases for them, aud he has to my certain knowledge, at the pres ent time, two physicians from dlstsnt States, staying In the city under his QiofeisloLal care. ouTor ins jaws or dkath. 8ome two months ago Mr. James Osborn, of MllledgeviUe, Ga., wrote to Dr. Tucker con cerning his own critical condition. 8ald Mr Osborn: "I have arrived at the pass where our home physicians can do nothing more for me and they have given me up as I believe, to to die. but as a last resort I come to yon, al though I fear 1 have waited too long. I am in a terrible condition, my stomach will not re tain the simplest food except at rare intervals. It la a mystery how I live at all. my liver la badly diseased my heart and ktdueys terribly disordered. In conscqncnco of this. I am badly swollen, constituting dropsy. After as certaining the symptoms of this case, Dr. Tucker began treatment, and Mr. Osborn be gan to Improve, and despite the verdict of the physicians who had been treating him. the despair of bis friends and his own misgivings, he Is now on the high road to health.” Col. J. W. tipealra. a prominent attorney of k-ui. ii. n. n I'lmmium aiwiuv/ vi Atlanta, Ga., says: "Dr. Tucker has cured me of a chronic disease of 17 years’ standing, af ter many pbyricians failed,and some had pro nounced me incurable. I cannotaay or dotoo much for Dr. Tucker for what he has done for me. 1 am personally acquainted with Mr. Camp, of this city, on whom Dr. Tucker per formed such a wonderful enre last year, an account ot which was given In the 8annr South of March 14lh.” A REMARK AT Lt CASK. Mrs. C. J. Young, 25 West Alexander street, ..ochester, New York, says: "It may aeem strange that 1 should send from this distant place to Atlanta, Ga., for medical advice; yet such is the case. I tried all the prominent physician* in this city to no purpose. 1 was suffering from general debility and nervous prostration. I was very weak and reduced al most to a skeleton. I bad a troublesome cough, the heart’s action waa very weak and the lower extremities badly swolcu. At this time I accidentally heard of Dr. Tnckerand my daughter wrote to him. His answer con vinced me that he understood my case and I 6 laced myself under his treatment. The doc- >r did more for me than I believed any hu- oan being could do, and I owe him s debt of rat ltude which I feel that I can never repay. and of orta man being could do, and 1 owe ! ( rat ltude which I feel that I can never cannot speak too strongly in is praise hla remarkable skill as a physician." Mr John Protz, FUkviUe, Texas, repot highly satisfactory results from Dr. TucKcr’a treatment of hla case, and the same may be said of Mr. L. D. Bpurgurr, of Rural Shade, Texas. Both of these cases had been given up by the home physicians as incurable, and were successfully treated by Dr. Tucker with out his ever seeing them The latter gentle man was Induced to try Dr. Tucker by T. B. Findlay, of Rural Shade, Texas, whose wife the Doctor cured, two years ago, of a supposed incurable dlae-se. •To W. J. Tucker Is located at No. 9 Marietta street,Atlanta,Ga. His system of practice la so K rfect that ha Is enabled to treat his patients rough the ma'l almost as well as at his of fice. Many of his patients prefer tovlsltblm and do so. He occasionally leaves h'a office to visit his patients In cases where It la neces- s«ryifor him to do so,and has mace many long journeys, usually traveling by night toaave time. In conclusion I can only reiterate what 1 have already sald-lf yon are afflicted, no matter how many havo failed onyonrease, give Dr, Tucker i triad. You will not regret u. the Bwnlkwed a Fin* Last Friday a negro womin, named Rachel Branhan, living In one of the hornet boyond the railroad crossing on McIntosh street, was holding a pin In her mouth, when it slipped down her throat and lodged In her windpipe, causing her much pain. Yesterday, Dr R. M. Brown was summoned to extract It. During the operation tne woman swallowed the pin and seemed to feel much relief. Bnakot Picnic# The young people of Monroo county will have their annual basket picnic at Montpelier 8prlngs, on Saturday! July 11th. There will bo a good band of music present for those love to *— *“ who rben the at tot all 1st sajs that General Hill was the bravest in the confederate army, a superb eomplt- m.M lla la nan nf ik> nnV.i u . . piece, of lurolraro. Tbo feet tlut the fire mtfle no head way U mntrltable, end t. only ex plained on the theory that there wee no etr In the room to rapport the flame. The window, end doora had ell been tlRbtlr rloicd the night before, end there wu not iiifflcltnt air In the room to auataln the flaaaa that olherwbe would ban aoon annl- oped tha building. TboKparauptlmolahar- li-ga went out uaooo u tney wero conanmed. Tha aahea ware found between the counter! jenerday morning at» o'clock when r' wu opened, lb# atrengeet part of a a moaqnlto bar on one of lot beda flam# wu untouched by the die. There le no clue whatever to the perpetrator of the hold deed. The Maoon Bar Fifty Yenra Ago. We eew yeaterday the certificate admitting John Jon re t.reiham, of Burke county, to the practice of taw. It wu eery neatly written on parchment end elgned by John 8bly, Judge Superior Court, Middle district, end John Watte clerk, end dated INtl. To the certificate wu altachtd, with e bine ribbon, the aenl of the county. While Jodge Bkly wu of the >emo family of William bchley, Oovernor of Georgia In ltte, ha Inalatad on apol'lng hla noma with only four lettera. In IKM Mr. uraabam removed to Macon and Jolnad lla bar. Tha following lathe roll ol member, of that you: Uhrlatopber B. Htronc, Edward I). Tra ey, Abailom If. Chappell, Washington Poe. Henry 0. Lamer. Semnel T. BnUey, John Lamer, Abner P. Powers James A. Nl.bet, Samuel M. Wrong. Creed T. strong, g. c. Reid, end R. A. Banlt General Beall died In July. ISA. Mr. Gresham la the only aarrlror of the A HUnrloue Hoe; Lowell Courier. By the way, we are now trying a new tort of hot, tha blade haying been cut Into large saw-teeth—live In nnmbcr, and about two Incbet long, sharpened to an edge. It works to a charm, and one can certainly do a third more work with it, and fnlly a third more eudy than with the common hoc. A Card. To el, w ..o am suffering from errors and In Thn Big Fourth, The footrace Ionian of the Fourth of July entertainment promlan to be an Interesting one, and baa awakened couUmble Interest among the fleet of foot. The prlxcs will he a fine gold medal, by Geo. T. Beeland. the Jeweler; m.terl.l for e one .nit r.f ctothea and six fine ehlru, byj. \v. ^nie following have entered np to date: Maura. Brady, of Savannah: htntea. of Twlgrta; golomon. of Jones: Collin., of colam- Lu.; Roberta, ot Augusts; -. C. Bryan. C. J. Juban. t. It. - berry and Fred wtfm, of Ma con. The race will ho ISO ynrda,under the direction of Louie Dioklrr, wto will ran In the race also if hla ankle, recenty sprained, will permit. narco or was. One of tbo moat amuilng of the many,porta >t perk on the Fourth of July, will bethe t . of war, between picked teams of fifteen >■' twenty men taken tmm the active lut ot the fire companies. Ike eocteet mil be de ad..! by the opposing turn, taking hold of n ■ end itrlvli.g to j all their onponen:. !. It mil be n square pull or. I do 1 the Inn will be immen-e. Thu la very common In Eng J always "drawl " 'ibc •Dies are nqu>f,ted to 1 and get all Inlor- i Arn-oa antra. s world for cuu, brutus, -om, lever K,rva, tatijr ta, chUhtalr,. com., end all i&'SSS •Wt tvx, l vr u.v U L&zuz, li*. The Msrcer Trustees. Tfee metting of the boerd of tmattes of Mercer Univcnltf, held daring the present commencement, wu hermonlous end satis factory In every respect The condition of the college is es prosperous, the times con sidered. u the trustees could wish. It bee been decided ’o erect et on teriy dey addi tional dormitories on the colltwecampus, also bring the preperatory dtffwrtment Into e Intimate connection with the college. _ . ml other Important meunres were adopt ed, among them the eboliabment of the spe cie! tgent* of (he universltf. The centennial work will b* transferred to the officers of the association In different parts of the Bute. In a conversation with the Telegraph man y* aterday, Dr. J. II. De Voile, of the mtialon board, tprte In *he most favorable terms of the proapecu of the university. Attempt to Burn the Railroad Bildne. Bunds j afternoon about 2 o’clock, three ne gro boys made a bold attempt to burn the Cen tral railroad bridge that spans the river at the foot of Sixth it rat t. What their object was In attempting to destroy the bridge Is not known. They were discovered by e gentleman ou tha East Macon side of the river, who saw them saturate the end with kerosene, pound from e bottle. The fituds were In the set of setting fire to it, when they saw the gentleman watch- fag them, sod ran. He hastened to com muni cate the fact to the bridge keeper, who had seen the negroes or the bridge, but had sus pected nothing wrong. A cheat was immedi ately given the parties, but they succeeded In nuking good their escape. Their names were not learned. An examination showe< where the kereaoeco had berpoend, an »«v eral matches that hod been auuck lying MPO&d, Atlanta, Mayl, IMS. |(0. A. M lit • IN. | Lanier Houie itock......^............, u , Market, hr TelearnDh. axrr Toxa, June !f -Hnon-Msea. market aoney eaay at 1. Eichance. .one, quiet. «5; ihort . QuTiramcnt b.ufia firm. Beor.lnk.—Excnanae, M.85. VMtl. ano-txenrarr hataseea: Gain IWL&79.00O our- «noy X19.778 000. Government raonTitles are ^ * ** r « nU *«• , N e w York. Jane J4.-After the decided break in yesterday’a stock market unusual interest was felt this morning In the course of prices to-day, but nothing important occurred unlit tills afternoon. The fl rat prices were rather beery, and during the forenoon on alight re action* thero was a decline ranging from \i to 1 for active Blocks. Louisville and Nashville end Jersey Central U * * ing unusual strength downward movement. Tno lowest prices were made soon in the after noon, aud the market then became steady *ete bonds neglected. ■ .. general upward move ment, the advances In that time amounting 4n some cue. to one per cent and to K tor the whole llat. The rally waa accompanied by Increased activity. Lackawanna wai lower on reports ot .ales ol coal at low prices. The Vandcrbllta and Granger, were strong, eloalo U?!? •H.blflher, Union Pacific 1 hlahcr all.. Western Union X higher. Bales. 206,000 shares. tbo following ware theoloalnx qt.oi.Uovs ala. State bondt- tltaas A, 2 to 3. Mobile a Ohio.. Nath. A Ghat.... _ N. O. Pao., lata. . M ta, mortgage. IN’# 1. (J. Brown cox,, 1 venneaaee <a Virginia fia.... . „ " consolidated, 49U hen. and Ohio.. *' 'blcago A Hottk. ... do. preferred., 128 grayer A Rio G.. 4) tart'TenSrB'.'R," take Shore onlay. * Nash... Memphis A Char, Bran Hay.—Tho market higher: good demand i we quota et wholeaale: Western tinnthy n.25; small lota *1.59, ItaVOKH.—Higher: good demand: Meaaui 4 00 .4 60 Menas.—About seven car loadi In the mar. set: trade active; ttousjoo. ^Hoagaa.—There are very few horse. In mat- Fmh.—New crap, No. 1, bbli., *12.00. halt bis. *6.00, quarter bbla. 13.25: flu 70c:Va I mackerel, bbis. *8.00, ball bbla. HOG, quar ter bbla. 12.26. klta 60. ■ Liquoas—K;e «1.60a6J0, Bourbon tl.«n6.00 redistilled rye and com tlal.so, gin and ram tl.0oal.75, N C com 11.00, peach and app e brandy I2.00a2.75. catawha wlnefl 25, port and sherry wine !1.25a3.8S. cherry and ginger brandy socall.M, French brandy n.J5s5.7!, do- meillo brandy tl.e&a2.00. ■Loin, CaLcinsn 1'm.stir arm CnniKr.-Als COMMERCIAL cottor: manxitu nr tclkorawh; Macon, June 2f—Evening, Liverpool reported the market dull with prlcci generally In buyers' favor. Middling npianda 6 11-16. Balei, 7,000 bales. Futures closed quiet la New York future contracts opened easy at 10.22 for June and closed quiet and steady at 10.2g-27. kales, W.100 bales. Spou la New York opened dull et 10X and closed dull at 10J< for middling uplands Bales, 87 bales. ! UTinrooL. June 24.—noon.-Cotton dull: r . price* generally In buyer*- faror; middling raplanda 611-16; middling Orleans 691: aalea ... 7000. for speculation and export 600: receipt* counter telegrams contending thst the Kansas 13.0CO, American 6KKI, Future* barely steady, crop wouW not exceed 6,000,000 bushels, and hot ——— -*.‘..".i— — ,uo rioiu ... last year. The drain broaghtoutconsideviblo ‘‘long” property, but after a decline of ljf of- lower grades 12aI3o □NAIM AND PROVISION MARKITU BV „ . TRLIOWAPH. CmcAco. June 24.—There waa greater ac tivity In the wheat market to-day, together with a lower range of price*. Beerbohm'e cable reported advance oil shilling per quar ter for English wheat and this sustained the market here at the opening and caused prloea to rule a shade higher during the first hour. Tho Oircriuge then grew heavier on reports of attain. I change'"in" thV>Uuitlon.''Tbere > were fuue and July...........,.,, July and August— ust and September,, ember and October. iberand November,, December and January™. 6 56-64 . 2».w.-8alea Included 6700 half a American. -..1 - 6^ ta KMu. ,;il alddUD * 0tle ‘ ns r June, value 5 88-54 June and July, value ,6 seot July aud Auguat acllcrs,. 5 SM4 Anguat and Heptember, aeller* A 43-64 September andOctober.buyera * 424H October and NoTember.hnycrs ,. .S Sitat November and Dtcember.Luyer* 6 23-64 December end January. bujerl.„.s 8364 Juntry and February, huyen 6 56-64 4 r. m.—Futures doted quiet. June, value ™,..™.._,6 38-64 June and July, value: ...,.6 53-61 July and Auguat, lellera 6 32-61 Auguat aud September, baysra-fi 4M4 September end October, •ellen™64344 October end November, buyers™* 56 at November end December, buyers* *4ta4 New Toil, June 24, noon.—Gotton dull; middling uplands 10K' middling Orleana 10X- Nxw Yonx, June 24 —Tho Evening Poefe cotton article aajs: Future deliveries opened At a decline of I to 6 points, recovered 2 to 3 points but the advance did not hold out, and at the third call aelee were made of 600 bales lor September were bought at 10J2 and CC0 bales tor January at 9.92. Bids were, for June 10.26-28, July 10.25-24, August 10.33,, October 9 91, November 9.12, December 9.3s, February 10 02. March 1011, nearly 3 to 4 polnta lower lor old crop than yesterday'! closing quota tions and for new crop 6 to 6 lower. Futures closed dull, June unchanged, Ju'y and Auguat 2 to 3 points lower and the heUsce 6 to7 point* lowctUunycilerday. Evening—Colton, net receipt* 0, grots 106. Futures closed quiet but steady, isles 31,100. The following tablo shows the opening and gifting Quotation!: MW mvMxSi dance. made up end attend Irom t&lacily.' A targe time ta in note tor tlL party will be i 1 MOUTHS. r I 1027 1021 10JS 10.08 9.18 9.92 10.25- i7 10.26- 28 1084 10.12-18 9.92-93 Seeeeee November .^. December January. 933-34 9.92-93 EiT 1013-14 10.24-25 velope to Bar. Joeeph T. Inman, Btatlon D Tin PliUndelpbis paper* say that ot let* an unprecedented number of Chris tians In that city have mad* application to be received Into the Hebrew faith. A Watch Free. A nickel-silver Waterbary watch will be lent to any one wlio will send a clab ot ten new subscribers to the Weekly Telegraph. Eee advertise ment. FINANCIAL. trrOUKJB AMD BONUS IB WACOM, Gobskctup av J. W. LOCKETT. Baoxik. MAOON. June 24. tsea. inveetmeot •eeurtne* dull hat steady. Money in good demand. rati 10m S8 a Jen. end July coo poni.ll* Feb. and Aug. c January and Jj MTK j, oou pons.lt I 1C4 sneuv and July een- ^ a! ortv aane. (aeon 4*. quarterly tewpona— ltd 107 Wrannah6*.quarterlyeoupoea™, li 10 Johimhaa A quariariy eoupeca—as Atlanta S*. quarterly coupooa™.—Jl B attantle _ 1*07, January tad July ooopona-.K* Jcctral R. k. consol, more, 7a, Ik*. Jan. and Jnty ooepona J12 h-orata K. K. la, maturity UR ta liri, January and July 0oop*pn_J16 KoWleendBGtraid endomd (par,.. April and October coopooa___H« ReeL Ala. **. Id mark, de* UCC, an-titnd Octoberooapoua ill f rrthvesaern cod. 7a 1*1 morL, due -see. Mev *11-4 Nov.omxkws—.«« Pol. AKomc. end. byC. A B lOOJt loin 119 task- fsntrai Uaawlskack - MM as S3 Ibk, June 21 —notion dull; . tddltnf uplands UKi —tkkiif Orleans 10} ConsolMaict net receipts Ml export* to Great Britain 2239, to continent 1600. OaLvxanm, June 24-cotton dull: sme lling 10*4: net reovpta B; gross a isici 3; stock Ml. NoaroLX, June 2t.—Cotton quiet; mid- lima utt receipts, 19, gresa 19; aaiei WiLUfnoTON, June 2L—Cotton firm; ml6- dUng^UX; net receipts 0, gross 0; sales 0i Bavaxnak, June 24.—Gotten market dull end nominal: aaiaeun* 10X: net rocoipu 2, 2; ssiw Oiitock 2009; exporta, coastwIso 6L Nxw OxLxaxa, June 21—Onsten doll* saunllng 915-16: net receipt* B, grais Ni aelee 400; etoek 64,7*3; exports, coeatwtae 2232. MoxiLX, June 24—cotton market nominal; tunoitug 10; DM receipts 6 gm* 6; inlet 0. stock (007; exports, cos*twit* Its. Maxima, June 21.—Cotton dull-, middling It!,'; nee receipts 7J shipment! 9*6; aalea 226; Ml 13,014. aceuna, June 2t.—Cotton dull; mlddllnt I0K: receipt! 6 aanw, —. OKAIPUTOX, June 2t -Cotton dull; mid- mraii reCj; net receipt* l groei I: eaue 0; OIVY MARKKTO: Mian.—Market steady. Ta* ucmand ilr. Wa qnota: Bacoo—*id**7Xc; ahouUUrl *X. Bulk meets—aide* (X9*X; moulder* 3X- Baas 10 ,a’l. u to also nun uoalltT. Itain.—Market qntM and steady, etoek am- ’■er'^M^nscksJ. «&; market overetocked with country batter- Quality poor. CAKiir.-Aieorted, la boxes PSlOc, hairels ^ Baxr.-oooxad. in »i00: l a* W.oo. Fiona.—strong end In rood oemaud. Mar ket advancing. We quote: Common UM, ftmlly »5.2J. extra family |AOCa5dO; fancy •5A0O.C0. pa'.ent W.561.70). :jxt GoonL-The market la qnleti moderate; atocka ample, w « quote: , laxe: X Georgta brown ehlrtlng ie; X do IMc; 4^ Drawn sheeting me; whit* oeuMrgx 1 FaciT.-Binanae, red, tl-OCiLBO per yellow 12. VMJ40. Potato a*.—Good demand hr newpxtatoea •112.6 -I per bt l. Caaeaea—9 to 11 cents per heed, Biea.—Firm. Good *e; prim* axe; f . Biaaox.-Beflued peeil boxce Ca; da. boxes id. unn-u moderate kavaxnd. Fancy stock 44 60*5.00. None In market. OsAv.*- Aar set well auppllcd. Dcrr.aaJ ll^bl^HMnTTS. ficrtdn stock exhausted. l zn\ ohnvnla WLOO ms floa. Flow Mi m. Hainan’s plowitocka fiUfi. Axes $7 ( ^00p«r 4m. Cotton cards 9LA0. WcUbnck< H.a. Cotton ropo lisJDe pot». Iwodo ir tantf KdOget ear .»tasting powder ^^Ue^e Irmc ^3 laRairrv*.—Fair demand; market Maadj; sow I yen IL60 per box; new Loudon layers 33.71 pet box; Vooee mnsceula *3j0i. V; washed Uario; bury 6*1*2.| 70c; cotton iced 60; hosdllght 17*20c; keroaone 16o; ncatafoot 78c; machinery XSetOn; ..j— r Malle: mineral seal on: cotton am : retired PtcXLxr.—Pints *1.80: qnaru 12.96; half oar. lela, plain and mixed, 17.00, Nut*.— 1 Tarragona almonds J2c per »: Prit. opaa paper IhaniMc: Freueli wamuu l.w-4 Naplea —: pecanalio; Braril 10r.,- Blberu -i nocoannu *40*46 per 1000 Baaooraa.—qaaeter uoxee Asnenmo m.oo. Bvnur.—Mnraet bare ot Plondn and i-.-orglr Jjrupa: New York anger 90x40c; New Orlean* noOAia—The market la firmer and hlrhor ur-ialiod 7\r; powdered 7Xc; grannlatod 7X • 7Xs;A(X*7c; while extra 0 6Xo; yolin* a. Balt.—Tha demand la moderate and the market steady: large stock; Virginia Hat.* Liverpool *1; by car land these price* cat. tr shaded. Coma.—The market is quiet and atoady; choice ltaUXc: good 11X»'2«! medium toX* Iter ccmmOD 94*102. Tcnrirs—I2.6a.VXi per bbL None In market Onion*.—Yellow and rod ts.uuaa.m pci „o,. None in market. War-18.0210. daixd pxachiii—strictly No. 1 peeled tc pc- pound. fixatit.—Corn-market firm; stock latlr-- good mining oora 78c by car lota. 80 ■mall Iota; mixed corn 75. Oats—good rlS E rDr.SALMON’S - CHOLERA SPECJn n : "c?ND E mo5 0 ?owSki w.e can CURE CHICKEN CHOLERA^le itof’ av ’ C URE SHEEP ROT TAPE WORM 3 ™* VETERINARY MEDICINE C NASHVILLE. TENN r UR< , m emcuLAKa , for sale by FLANDERS BR THERS COTTON FACTORS IN WAGONS,GUANOS and FARMERS’ 8UPPLIE< M ACO^ f,°, CER:3 - DEALERS ' v/ '. u a. ajrlOwBin a™**.. . i, uno 21 Roam redued d™ a* 1 *’ 1 ' 17 ^* 120 Splrlt * 01 lur P0htlne Wool H J* Ton*. June 24 -Woqlalead) U>2t. turpentine THE SCIENCE OF LIFE. ONLY $1 By Mall Post-Paid. feeling followed, the market closing ty J, above the bottom and IX under yetterdav. Tho announcement that rail freights wonld be advanced July 1st bad some effect upon the market. Tho receipt* here were smeller, but larger receipts were prom- taed L*r to-morrow. JExport cleerlnga were lair. There wai a fairly active trade To corn, hut the advene* of yetterdey was almost en tirely lost. The ipecnUtlve offerings were large, end there waa a steady decline oIX to 1. Largo receipts wore esti mated for to-morrow, which helped to weaken the market. During the lut half of the ses- S e feeling wu Headier and prices closed under yesterday. Oats dull end to ex on of lncreued receipts, dosed *4 to\1 Provisions were quiet end a shade easier. cnicAoo, June 21 -Flour unchanged: Bouth- rn *4.50a6 30. Wheat opened firm end lower -rrUunyceterday: June _ August 90X*»1X; No 2 opened In good demand aud ►r thauTeaterday: cub 47!Ja id closed 6a7U lower: cub MO 26110 90. Jnljr M0.22X*)ai6, August *10A2X*10 34 Lord opened quit! dosed lower: cub •6.I7 1 ; *1AO, July ja.tlXa6.65, August *6 70at7? Bulk nseeu quiet: dry eeTtad shoulders " 76*1(0. ahors rib* l5.33e3.t7X. doer aldee 80*587 Wblsir firm at Si! 15. Bogus firm: standard ACX 0utloal7a7>i granulated 7*7X* LOUITtLLX, June 2L-Grain steady: Wheat -No 2 Longberry <1.04; No 2 red *1.00. Oora—No 2 mixed 60, No 2 whit* 66X Oats—No 2 mixed 57. Frovltlone quiet tnd nnihanged. Pork—meu 111.00. Bulk ms a Is -should era H23, deu rib tides *6 50, dear aldiaicco. Bacon-shoulders 14.5tal.75, clear ribs 16.00, dear aides 16.60. Uama-Bugu- cured I9.o0a7.to. Lardqulct-cholco '.taf P.CO. prime steam 47.00. Cincinnati, Juno 24.—Flour firm: family U6*4AO. wncatfirmcr: No'ired winter <Us) al.Oh Corn itronger: No 2 mixed 4sX*l9 — ,dy: bo a mixed 80. Pork dull at Lard quiet: primo steam *6 35*6 40. and batchers' *3.35*4.30. Whisky dull u Bibb county Sheriffs Sale. ♦kl'i 1 .! ** f?J d Coart Hoa* o door In L^ e e C ris ly ta?iMacon and county of Bibb, on the flrst Iudaday In July, 1845, bet^rceu tho leiral hours of sale, tbs following pronery to-wif °y 1 ^l“ UI ?, bcr ,‘ e , T . e “• in block eighty, nine in the city of Macon, fronting on fim!: boun<1 ® <J °n west by an a’leyl and on the east by property of Mrs r j Thornton. Als3 a part of lot number one’ In iquxre three, aouthweit coamou, altuated SI »• corner of Gilmer aud Bar atreeU in *tiy. Also part of lots number oue aud tliree *.*outhwe»t commom. between Division and friimer itrtet* and fh« h m! \?. pro ? e ^ ty , of Mrt * A - A - Menard Iml SjWStMdnnfMtnzinf Company. Also all B Huated in laid flfipr»?B lJ nn l f n 1 n * three hundred and nuy *crc«, more or less, aud known aa frac Spna* lot number elglny-slx. and Sru^Jf nnn h°«!? iSf* tighiv eight, and one h >ndred and four, and par a of lota elahtr- fc *Bbty.nine, iu the Macon Kia rve lh# 0cn } u, K e o river, and part oi S9 el L*. #e Ven. ninety »ix, and tiithty-iix “j* bt ninety-eight, lyin* iu the KKS.lWg« ot °r , K lu#11 y Baldwtu, now 2SS225S3 r '«! >e ! n f 1110 P ro P«riy heretofore LavT2?n b ! a B tk ^ eler t( »J»mcaL. Kennedy. Property of »at-i J«mea L Kennedy by virtue of aud to aatlsfy a fl. f*. Pj the County Board of ('ommisilnuera* R°n«M # c °, u ?* °* ? lb , b ’ ln f * vor of Mld County S -,l B .‘f„ b rrf Kennedy end Michael Loh. ’ “me time and place, wharf loti Rhfih , £ 0 2o * n<1 'wenty two. lylng bttweeu ? HcIeu ! h atfects and running baca tath*rive, nnd fronting two hundred and ten Vh? ,tr . Mt *?’00, which are situated the lumber yard and mill. Levied on u th»* pr°Pfrt/ of Jamea E. tills, by virtue ol aud to ■ftiafy the above dcscrib -d fl. fa. flf^JS’ Ume and Plscc, part of lot of lwo >cre lota, corner of Bond and Coltege streets, fronting ninL e€ h.^ roorI ^ ,0 i? c ? ll ek«»treet, end run- b .‘r C U n * ^v^n^thVp^rt'P ttUUffyJ dSSSSi'iV ti! tu<! 01 ,na ,0 Kleo, at the same time and place, p rta of lota number one and twolu iquate eevunty- two, corner of Pine and New streets, running along Pine street two hundred and twenty gjrvp.*.ra n l0 ^r&v p . *‘ th » »»“» Woe and place, part ol lot ta, q«a<5 twenty-four, fronting on Mulberry sueat and adjoining G. I-. Swift, W. B. Job neon and others. Levied on aa th» nnd lower prop nyof Mlcbnel Lob, bytlnasof sndta •attafy the above described B. fa. Also, at the lame lime and place, two nndl- Tided oncaeventb lnieresu ln pert ol lot •even, end ell ol lot eight, southwest range, ln *7.°* Mac™, laid county, fronting three ou Ogtetborpo itreeL and running to the corner ot Third or cougrraa •treit, along laid street Inree hundred nnd •J«;tT-*v. feet to tbo corner of Hawthorne “f«t. down Hawthorne street tone bandied “6 *a»rnty-flve feet to n lot owned by Mrs. M.M Wllbournc, thence three hundred nnd ••Tenty-flTri Int to the start in* point, and known as Findlay a Foundry. Lerlad on as the proner;r ol c. 8. A G. W. Findlav, to aatla- ly a fl. fa. to favor of the American Bolt Com- Ul ? ,,ld C. F. A O. W. Findlay, '"•Ucd from Justice Court 664tb district n. it, Bibb county. O.8. \VE4ttOTT, Jee-Uwtw. Sheriff Bibb County. opened easy and dosed alow; No 2 mixed cash S&aaK. July ‘.BXaHK. August ttfe. Provu- Iona quiet and easier, l’ork-job iota, cash buik mcau—lon« ribe IS.40. Uoit olttr tf.10. HWPMI SS.?0a5?&. short ribe (&.80z5bS ahar. dear K.UOaA.10 Kami quiet at U.Wall.60. Lard nomlnale imaU lots, tfl.SSa0.4O. Whisky steady ii.is. ■Boltimokx, June24.—Flour steady and quiet 1 iHoward eiiv*;i ana Wes tern in r ■ a3.I0. extra l-i.C'.at i'». ‘ ' ‘ quiet; Western superfine 1300 . __v flllll lh Mill* superflno I3.^a3.i0. extra U75a 10) to brands t4.90a5.10. Paupaco family 95.J5, superlative patent Ifl.CO. Wheat—Bouthen steady aud quiet; Weetero lower and dull; Southern red wa»4. do amber »7a|1.00, No t Maryland 96H asked. No 3 Weatera winter rid spot 93*4 t'jfi corn—Bon thorn white easier; Weatera firmer and quiet; white COafll; do yellow 6fla57. Naval Stores. June 24.—Botin 'pole strained to good strained fi.0Oal.l7j.. n •) tar rein HpirU of turpentine daU regular S3*: sales 200 barrels. CRAOLseron, June 2L—Spirits of turpentine good stralne^ flO? 10 Btr&ln9d fLOO, Wiuiiiiotom, June 24.—Spirits of turpentine firm at S3U. Botin firm: strained tw, good ■trained 15. Tar fim at IL1Q. Crude turpentine firm: hard tLlO, yellow dip and virgin 11.90. KNOW THYSELFu A Great Medical Work aBwerewsaiaB itll HI a 4*9* nil O’ HUT ^t^MTmt^raii*^ 1 F " n " i ' *m? ,ul1 l' 111 * BUorantciHl to bo a ^*5 svns«t—mechantral M*ar M? r /. nd .»?« ro,ei * lonal “ th » n any other work *rnSSSM fiSSwSL ?8jS futbor by the N.tlon.l Medical \ m thei Preildentof whteb. the Hnn P. a. Rlwrii “4.*SSluHy 0 reSKy! * h * the fflclJS w tieY. It will benefit all.—i.nudou Lancet ^ aliSi n* bfr of t 00 *** whom the science of Life will not be useful, whether youth, parent, guardian, instructor or cleray. man. — Argonaut. Aridreia the Peabody Mrdteal Inttitn** a* Dr. W. H. Parker, No. 4 RnSflncb ara m B^ ton, Maas., who may be con.tilled on ail diL •taf* requiring ak'11 and rxp.rl.-n. r. rhrnnla Jfm «! 1,1 ii n *.a ,h “ h * r « >-rfiled tbj skill ol all other phya 1 dans a T1 r- . v .» dally. Bneh treated I'u iraa M A l/li’i. without an Instance of fall rnTTyvciTlV *iv ure. MenUnn thla parer., 111 X oLijU Bibb County Sheriff Sales. . GEORGIA, BIBB C0UNTY-WU1 be fold before the conn homo do r. In the city of Ma con. In tho county ol Bibb, on the first Tucs. dayfxlbl/i.11% daring the legal bonraof aata, the following ornjirrty te-wit: All that tractorpareelollamllilngln tha Maconra- •rive, cnnulnlng fnurccn acres more or lcs«. eleven acre, of said land bourn!cm at foUowi- ontbe south bytbed vldlng lint-between loti Tiand 66. on the writ by Henrr ltarrlv, outbe north by land; of King and Jibn Right co tin-east by J Rutherford and the ntanunret placa; ran and one-half acrea deeded to J. W. BurkebyMre Wm. Hightower, one-half acre by J. vt. Burke toMn. Hunter. belugloKA bonnde^ on the-aouth hy thallne dividing lu« 6- and 72. west by the Hightower place, north br the tiempbell piece: aald fourteen acrea more fully dearrlbtd lu a deed from Thomae T. Christian to Seneca B. Burr, and the same conveyed from-iharlci it. Conner to William Fapluuer aa truatee for Me wife, Ann E. Xa- S Inner. Levied on as th.: property of Ann E. ■P'nner"! laGify a mnrtga»A fi fa luncd ironi Bibb Superior Court In fivor of Bcrnd llroth-r. va. Ann E. E.ptnner. Propertyde- •crlbed In raid mor. gag. fl. fa. 0.8. WK8TCOTT, Sheriff. Junlewte* Administrator’s Sale. Guardian’s Saie-Jones- County. Will be sold before the court bonae of Jonas county, lu ibe town of Cll non. Ua., on the flr.tTu.;..tayln Jnly nett, between tire legal hourai-f rale, all the nn-llvbl -I Intercai. being one-half, nf the minor chii.i. Mary Louisa Day. Pajablo first ol December next. JA54K8 TAYLOR, Jon-7 lawtiv AdmlnUt-alo-. GEORGIA. HIBB COUATY-Whtreaa, O. W. Morgan has made application lor letter, ol ad- ralnl.tratlon on tha estate of Mrs. Martha L. Morgan, late ol amid county, deceased. Toll la to cite eui admonlih all persraa concerned to be and appear at tba court ol or dlnary on tho first Mouday lu July next to •how came, of any they can,why said applica tion should not be granted, Wltneeamyofflctal signature, this Junes, l»*3. J. a. Mc.manu.-i, June law4 »• Ordinary. GEORGIA, BIBB CODNTY-Whereas L. N. Whittle, administrator ot the eatateafueo. W. t.'arpenter.deccnrcd, h— raids apwlle.iioii lor leare to aell all tba lends ol aald citato .Hu nted In sold county. Trials, therefore, toclta end admonlih nU . mom Inb rcitcd to be and appear at tba court ol ordinary ol aald county on the first Monday la July next, to ihow cause, 11 any they hare, why arid application should not ho granted. i6 0tvea under my bend officially, ^thle June S. JonOlawtw J ' A ‘ '^Ordinary. Citation. GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY—To nil whom It may concern: Mrs. Ellen K. J. Detlra navlng in proper form applied to me f r permanent letter, of administration on tha eauie ol Geo. ■un, tain ol irifi county, decerned, thta 1. ta ell and lingular the creditor, end next of kin of raid G. B. Dettre, to be end appear at my office within the time allowed by lew tnd •be w cause, II any they can, why permanent ndinlnlitratlon ■ hon'd not ,le granted to arid Mr, K. E. i Deltro In laid astata. Juafi lawtw* J. a. McMAKUB, Ordinary. fiJEOROIA, CRAWFORD COUNTY-NOTICE x* li hereby glvan of Inuntton to apply to Leglil.turefn Inly next for paraige ol a local bill entitled -An Actio Abolish tha County Court of Crew toed County." May 27, lies. ur.umjii niDO uuunii.—aoi'cciidcic- by given to all per ona concerned that J. u. Thomas, late of aald county, departed this Me nteitate, end nopanou baa applied lor admlnlatraUno ou the etute ot raid J. C. Thomas, In sold Mata, that administration will be vetted In W. W. Cerate, county ad ministrator, or some other fit nnd proper per ron, after the publication rt thla citation un- lraa^valld objection la made to his appoint- Wltneea my hand end official itgnalnre this Mae 1. IMA. J. A.McMANCB, Ordinary. GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY — Whereas, Cor neliua Sullivan, administrator of the citato of Mary Kerwln, lata of raid county, deceased, hummj* appUeatkm foe lettera of dismission Thla la to cue end admonlih all perrons concerned to bo and appear at the court ol, dlnary of laid county ou the first Monday ^, n p'n«n 0 ^Mtf^“-'’ hr Whsieaa my hand and o:!lrial nignatnre thla Aprils. D j. J.A.McMANLrf, aprt iRwi.ia*orditury. Louisa Day to b« told under order of the Court of Ordinary of Glynn county, authorizing tho undersigns 1 aa her guardian t sell the amo for the parpose of her auppor; an-1 education. Termaofaaie; Oue-halt cash, and the other half with lulerctt at six month* and bond for titles on laat payment. (Enquire of Lanier *fc Andc-rion. Macon, Ga.. or It V. Hardeman. Clloton. Ga ) U. C. DAY, Guardian. Ju .e 3, lfr-». jetiRwiw GF.ORG!A. lHttB COl’STY—Wfciveaa. Ben- jomln J. Jordan haa inn le application for let* teriof guardlanahloof tho pe-sop and prop, erty of Eiiz-tbeih, Funny, Gertrude, Mary. Ma- lluda aud Charles J. II. Ruuel), minors under fourteen years of age. This la to cite all persons concerned to bo and appear Ol the c-.urt of ord nary of said county on tho first Monday lu Julvuextio dappUca- ahow cau-e.if any they can, whr said tbla June#* Dr, .1. M. Uaclmii & hou, EASTMAN, GEORGIA. Private and chronic diseases a sreclaitr. Hnndredsof certificates of cure*. Will visit adjoining counties. Consultation free. Medl- sine by mail or express. jan2lwly OPIUM SLAVERY! •—HE BEST IS CHEAPEST." tv,i\k ,'yDCcuFRQ s ^' lllLS ' I!.niPusiri I tlnf oriLnO (loierDh'ler* HABIT TO weak MEN LOCKHART’S Hot Springs Specific. Tor the core of ByphtUs, Scrofula. I^ncorrhoea, Gonorrhtra. Cutaneous Diseases, Ulcers. Kal> [niThis Out ci * ► >'3 IUI 1 lllw wUl aCQLCCM BOX 0fC03C« ■ ' .■■ . T”. ..- . UJatMjan '--M-m*. I throat, Mevenriri I Absolutely Pure. This powfler never vnrtee. A marvel of purity, etrungth nod whnleeonteneee. more eoottOknlcnl than the aedhtary Unde, usd entrant be sold In eompetlHou with the muJUrade of low taut, abort weight, ahm orpboephate powdnre. Held enly 4n emu, Rotal Baxne PowdiaOo., 106 Wall etrut New York. This powder can bo bought it B. R. Jecquee, corner 4 th sod Cherry itneti, J-EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY—Mn. Itta " lleaktna haa epplleff for exemfKlon of really an4 pereonally and letting and valua tion of bomeauad, and 1 win peae upon the roaeeat 10o'clocke.m.ootbe8A,!iyc' Jcne, LV-7.nl ray office. J. A, McMANUB, May 1A. 1863. Ordinary. ttful Eie ■■free to tMnsi risk, quick tiles. Terriio tlon guoronteod. Iddrm BrOudwajr tt M *(. Y. QUEEN-SOUTH PORTABLE FARM MILLS 10,000 i’rt U8U