Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, July 03, 1885, Image 8

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THE TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER: FRIDAY. JULY 3,1885. A PRINTER'S DEATH, And the Singular Circumstance rounding It. esterday Mayer Price received.the follow ing letter, dated at Rutledge, Alt., June 23d. “About tho 19th of May laat, a itranger catno to thi* pl«re and obtained employment in the printing ofllcohere. He waa not very comma* nicathe, and had been here tome time before he gave his name. He aald hla name wai Morrow, but to none, ao far ai I can learn, did he tell where he came Irom. Oa yesterday morning he complained of feeling unwell, and went to bla boarding houie to bed. Tbla morning be was found dead in bed. A corom r'. inqueat waa held, and upon exam* inaiion of his papers, a memorandum bonk w*« found in h!« poiaeaalon, and In it these words, written in pencil. w»hou?date: “1 ( em one tbla body may And. It la the body of J. 0 M. ..ra,of Macon. Ga, where he wishes to he buried,' “Deceatvd waa about thirty orithlrty-five years yean of age, five feet, alx or eight iuchef high, rather fatr complexion, dark hair, light or red beard, large dark eyca. “I write, thinking it might bo a satisfaction to his relative* and friends, if any, to know where ho died, and to remove if they think best, ids remains, which will be deposited here, to tho place of hla choice aa expressed in his meroorardum. He bad no money, 1 am informed, when he came here. I hope that you will take sufficient interest to inquire if he has kinfolks or friends there and would be glad if you w uld let me hear from you concerning whatever you may find out about 1 he deceased learned his trade in this office, and muco hla app euticeshtp rhoso to travel, in order that he might see the world. Hla fatlu r was tho late Jamea Meara, of the old and at one time very popular firm of Logan A Mosr.. proprietors of the Lanier House. Ills mother und younger brother live in Viuevllle. The Willingham Family. Perhaps ouo of the largest and moat inflaen* ti&l families in the Btate is the Willingham family, several representatives of which are residents of this city. There was a grand re UDion of the family In Albany Wednesday evening and yesterday's News, in speaking of the occasion, says: There were four generation* of the family represented, as follows: nt he M' Mfl * Willingham's Hr. J. 8. Lawton, of Atlanta, uncle to Col. Willingham. Children of Col. and Mrs Willingham - Ttaos. Willingham. Macon, '<a.j Mu R H7 Ba-| dale I NEARLY A CORPSE. The Narrow Eeonpe that Louis Griggs « Made Monday Night. ./ The negro la nothing if uot at all times curl- .‘trasn, Ga.; Mrs. T’ O. B. Wood, Allen* ~ ; II. L. w illlngharo. Jr . Atlanta. Ga. >. v>. , i». ii. •» Ii > >"KI'nur, Jr . Atlailt Willing barn, W. J. Willinghaili, Willingham, WililnKham Ga; Mbs Bessie Willingham. Min Florte Wllllmrisin, Miss Belle Willingham. Mlaa Pearl Willingham,r Ma*-t< r CaJda w llllngham, Mra. W, W. Bacon, Mrs. C. J. Daniel Albany,Ga. Sons in-law«nddaughters-in-law-Dr. W, W. Paeon, C. J. Daniel, Albany, Ga,; Mrs W. B. Willingham, widingham, Ga.; Mrs. Thomaa WHilngbasn, Macon, Ga. Grand children—Mlaa Tillon Bacon. Miss °allle Bacon, Mias Beaate Ba^on, Misa Eddie Bacon. Kastman. Ga.; Misa Julia Bacon, Mlaa Duello Bacon, Muter Wal see W. Bacon, Mta-1 ter Kdwln Bacon, Master Albert Bacon, Misa Tellio Daniel, Master Thomaa H. Daniel, Mu* lu-la r abaent. A Cow Overcome by the Hant. A rather unusual sight waa witneased onl Second street yesterday morning In Iront of the establishment of R. 8. Colling, The 10 o’clock sun was beating down fiercely, and| everything it seemed would succumb to the intense heat, that pervaded the atmosphere like hot steam, A wagon drove by *n which wn* noticed a young calf, protected from the mu by a partial covering of some kind. Fol lowing the wagon waa a cow. that appeared to bo in the very Wat order. When in front of Mr Collins'saeubltabment the cow was no ticed to reel and stagger. Before the wagon proceeded further the animal, unable to stand longer, fell in tho street, the tongue hanging from the month, and Ita breathing growing quick and labored. It was apparent to all who vitneased the aiyhr.that the animal bad been suddenly over* oomo by the heat. Stveral near at hand rushed out, and procuring buckets of water, dashed it upon iho animal’s bead. It was ■°n?o tunc before the cow showed any signs rf reaving, .-heteemed powerless to move, and Buffered intensely. after much effort the proHratl n wu overcome, and the animal nude to rise to Its feet with difficulty. It v. n* a strange sight, ird the extreme auf- fering °f the brute enlisted the sympathy of all who witnessed It, Th* Lost Bov Found. Mention has already been made of a llttlal n< gro boy, ion of Tom Mingo, aged five years, that w andered off from tbe park • few after*! noons sinco and became lost. Everalnce then the parents of the child, asilited by tbe police, have been makings d 1111 gent search for him, but without avail. It scemad until Sunday morning li nt tho boy would not be found, when ho turned up In a very sudden and un- expirted manner. On tbe down train from Atlanta, that reach ed me city Sunday morning, was Alice Winn, a negro girl who llvts near Miuj.o's boura. sho was ret- rnlDg from a visit tn Forsyth. Whan, tho train reached Ho!ii:k-broke abo looked onto! the window and saw Mingo's and standlEg with a negro men | Jcqulry deve loped the /act that the boy bad wandered to that place, and bad been picked up by tbe man with whom ha waa. llewas token aboard the train by the girl, brought to out. Tbe study of hla nature never ceases to be Interesting, and the oomplex manner In which it operates amuies, even If It myall flea. Louis Griggs la a middle aged negro who has been doing odd jobs about the city for a num ber of years. There la hardly a family in Ma con for whom Louli has not at some time or other done something. His reputation for honesty and faithfulness may be good, or otherwise. Certain it Is, that nothing of a det rimental nature has ever been brought against him, while It is equally sure that no one has ever sounded his virtues. L,uts, like many other negroes, la perhaps on* of those indifferent characters, of whom nobody takes any apeolai notice. He plica hla odd jobs and then bis mission ceases. Mr. R. J. Anderson, who does business on Cotton avenue, and lives on the Columbus road near Mercer University, engaged Louta to do a piece of work for him a few days ago. It waa arranged for Louis to do the work Satur day night, and at that time be waa to come to Mr. Anderson’a house. Louis for some reason did not All tbe appointment that night, but concluded to let it remain over until Monday night. This conclusion, as tho sequel will grave, came very near making a corpse of When Monday night arrived, Lonls proceed ed to Mr Anderson’s residence, and without notifying him that he had come to do tbe work set in to accomplish it. He had brought some implement* with him, which he laid aside until the wot k waa finished In Mr. Ander- sou’a yard it happened there wo r o a number of fine chlckeua. Thieves have been after them, and for some time Mr. Anderson has been keeping a watch to catch them. AH went well Monday night until Lonls fin ished his work. Gathering up hia implements be threw bis coat over them, put 'hem on his shoulder and started towards home. It was 10:30 o'clock sod Mr. Anderson heard retreating footsteps in tbe yard. Tnlnk- ing that he had caught hia chicken thlof at last, he procured hla shot-gnu, and peeped out of the window Inst in time to see Louis's departing form. Ilia coat dang'lng from a spade on hia shoulder, Mr. Anderson took it to be a bag tilled with chicken*. He did not hesitate A load of shot went whizzing through the air, and a yell went up that fairly startled the neighborhood.' Mr. Anderson rushed out. and iu an instant discovered that he had shot the wrong man. It waa Louis. Bat he wasn’t badly hurt, the shot being bird- size and none taking effect. Rut it waa all the same to Louis. If ho had been mortally wounded he could not have been more badly frightened, or yelled louder. He »oon recov ered from tbe scare and managed to get awa» with the memory of a valuable lesson learned. AN OBLONG BOX. A 8’ght That Aroused the Susp'cions of Two Omtlemen Yceieraay Morning, Tbe usual quietude that baa prevailed about the city ball for tho past few days, was some what disturbed yesterday by a piece of infor mation that waa lodged there early* in the morning by a gentleman in the city. The senaatlon is only spoiled by the with holding of the names and the locality. Keith er of which could be ascertained, aa the par ties in possession of them wore bound to se crecy. The following facta, however, have been hinted: Early yesterday morning about 3:30 o'clock, a gentleman waa returning borne from the depot. A a he was proceeding along a popular thoroughfare in tho city, his attention waa attracted by a very dUagreeabln odor that roao and filled the atmosphere. It was tho odor that is only peentair to dead bodies, and aa the wind was blowing directly towards him he received the full benefit of 1L He thought rather strangely of It. but suspected nothmg. Me proceeded — •man going In the Of po- i, and detecting tbe odor n began to disensa tbe lengagi site c irectlon met him, stopped. The two then matter. While thus engaged, the aoundof footstep* waa heard, and soon two negroes were saen coning from a garden near by with anr blongbox. The negroes did not pass im mediately by the men, but went towards the northern part of the elty. The strange sight seen by the two men affected both of them peculiarly. Chase could not be given to tbe negroes, aa tbe start was too great They were allowed to pursue their way unmolested—the gentlemen first ar riving upon the scene bavirg determined to import at police headquarters what ho had Man. Thero may be nothing In this story or there may be a great deal. There la no accurate way of determining. Sure it 1* tbe gentlemen are positive as to what they saw, buz cannot say there wav a body in tbe box or make any other specific charges. To n»methe locality or to charge anything would place upon them the burdcu of proof. Thee can prove nothing and hence do not desire their names to be di vulged. . Tbe incident' however, will furnish some food for speculation, and will largely Interest the curious. Shooting he rape In Jones County, The particulars of a serious sbootlbg scrape that occurred In the lower part of Jones county Monday afternoon reached the city yesterday. The partita were both negroes and worked on tbe plantation of Mr. John Baker, about twelve miles from tha eity. Floyd Patterson and A'eck Greeley had a quarrel and fight two weeks ago about a board bill that Patterson owed Greek y and which be refined to pay. In tbe difficulty Greeley beat Patterson badly. Nothing more waa thought of tbe matter. Monday afternoon, however, while Greeley was at work in tha field. Patter- Jily and August, value J 41-64 August and September, sellers......5 4044 September and October, sellers ft ::9-«4 September and October, buyers....5 45-64 October and November, value 5 3744 November and December, valuc. 5 3744 December and January, valne A 8144 January and February, buyers 5 3944 4 r. m.—Futures closed quiet, July, buyers 4044 July and August, buyers.- ..-..ft 4041 * —dBeptei auction room to-day. Thoce who attend will find it an interesting sale. —8teven Turner, the chicken thief who waa sent up the other day from the Superior Court for nine months, escaped from the chain-gang Tuesday night. The gang is at work on the Thomas ton road. _i Shaker lectured to a large congregation at the Methodist chnrch in Uawklnsvllle laat Tuesday nlghL IBs subject waa: “Do unto others as you would have them tn do unto you." It waa pronounced a good effort —Mr. Willie Bata, ton of President W. C, Bats, of Wesleyan, showed ns yesterday a full- fledged cotton bloom from hla farm at Holton, and 4 lo, Au*u.»,price. heavy yield. settled down again as quoted yesterday at the -One of ibe truck wheels of engine 28, closing. Tho principal dealings are In August, drawing a train from Brunswick, flew the axle In view of our small unsold stock of spot yesterday afternoon near Stratton's brick- „ tt n r p,iiip*d about 2MOOO bales and yard, causing the engine to drop to the track «R*>o. wuoed a*>°tn 2C0,«» hales, ana and tear up a few yard* of crosstles. In con- ma»nly held by 2 parties, short sales of August sequence of the break, the passenger train must certainly appear risky. The sales for export recorded yciterd.y were for.hlpmeot August and September bnyers,-.JJ 4544 September and October,sellers 5 4644 October and November, value... 6 89 64 November and December, aellera.5 8744 December and Janaary, iellers.-.ft 8744 January and February, sellers 5 3944 New York, July 1.—Tho Evening Post'* cotton article says: Future dellverle sremain neglected. Afte an advance of 2 points for now Orleans 40a53. Cuba i wtea Rice steady: domoatlc n ottor see t "11 steady .. . . Pork firm, fairly actlvo: mess spot Sll.0QaU.16, and lo “ —Shellman Miflin. who has been wanted by the officers some time for various acta of meannesa about tbe city, was arrested by offi cer Tbarpe yesterday morning at the union depot. Miflin has gl7en tha officers several chases when they attempted to arrest him. but be waa caught napplug yesterday, and will be made to answer beioro the recorder for his various misdeeds. —It is probable that arrangements will be made by some of tbe enterprising business men on Mulberry street to have the colored brass band given open-air concerts every af ternoon during tbe summer from the band stand la front of the Lanier House. It is hoped that the effort will succeed, in which event, Mulberry street, as an afternoon prom enade for the ladles, will become more popu lar than ever. —Amanda Pitts, Ltddle Pills and Rebecca Clark, three negro dsmsela living on Bridge Row, engaged in a three-cornered quarrel yes terday morning It wa* over a nat which Amanda Pitta claimed Rebecca Clark bad stolen from her. 1 he latter went to the house of the former, and the quarrel became so bois terous that officer Holmes arrested the entire party and gave them quarter* at the barracks. —Yesterday morning Walter Warren,coloreu porter for the firm of Vaunerson At Wilson, dis covered a small black snake in the water-pipe of Mr. W. D. Palmer’s office, over K. 8. Col- ” *i carriage repository. Workmen have engaged repairing the pipes that furnish the water for Mr. Palmer’s room, and la this way it is supposed the snake found its way out. It meaiured four Inches. •The Southwestern train arrived in the city Thursday evenlug three hours late, dne to an accident that happened to a freight train near Cuthbert. Tne axle of one of the cars broke, causing five cars to bo derailed The cars were slightly damaged but nobody was hurt The freight train was on the main track and the passenger could not pass until tbe wreck bad been cleared. —A change haa been made in the time ap- E dnted for the celebration of the picnic at outpeller. Instead of tbe 16th Inst, ns%as been announced, the 25th haa been fixen^as the day. This has been done, in order that the occasion shall not conflict with the district meeting that is to be held at Forsyth ou the 16th. Those who have been contemplating at tending the picnic, should make a nute of the change. —Chief of Police Palmer, of Columbus, pass ed through Macon last night on his way to Helena, Ark., where he goea after a convict named Frank Madden. Frank is a notorious negro, wanted for a dozen crimes, and broke jail in Columbus in 1862. II* was captured by Chief Palmer in Vicksburg, but escaped when the train reached Kesacca. The chief has never despaired of gettlDg him, a.d Frank will never get away again. —It was stated in baseball circles of yester day that Manager Bryan had received a telo gram from Cyclone Miller, asking for a ticket to Macon Rlnce tho decision of Diddleback, secretary of the National Arbitration Associa tion, that Miller could either be held or ex pelled after receiving advance money, the Cyclone haa doubtless concluded that discre tion la the better part of valor. Hence tho cyclone’s very modest requesL A Youthful Murderer. On Mr. Ben Newberry's place in the lower part of the Warrior district, la t Friday, a ne gro boy ten years old made threats against a negro girl about toe same age, and for fear that the boy might do some mischief his father bid his gun. Later in the day the boy found the B n, and taking good aim at the girl shot and lied her. He then told bis father, who was to the Baltic on an order from Savannah. Neither at the second or third call were *ny purchases made, and the entire aalea up to 2:16 p. in. amounted to only 18.000 bales. Future deliveries closed dull but steady at 2 to 4 points higher than yesterday. Bales, 21,000 bales. Nsw York, July 1, noon.—Cotton steady; middling uplands 10%: middllnr ftrlaenf 10%. Evening—Cotton, net receipt! 88, gross 89; Futures closed barely steady; sales 24.000. The following table shows the opening and closing quotations: trifle better and closed quiet: Western steam spot 16.80, July fQ 7&A6.80. Freights to Liv erpool per steamer firm: cotton %d, wheat 2?£<L ■ Chicago, July 1.—Flour unchanged: South- —I gi JOaft so. Wheat opened %a% higher and ^(■higher than yesterday: July b7%s88%, September 92%a92%; No 2 red ■ Coni opened quiet and closed % higher than yesterday: cash 47%, Jute 74‘Ja 47%, August 47%a47%. September 47%m7%. Oat* opened quiet and closed steady: No 2 cash rrt T l-y 31%a§2%, August 27*27%. Men pork ed and closed qnlet aud unchanged: I cash S10.2fta10.30, July H0.27%a10.00, August S10.3ftal0.40, September110 45*10.50 Lard qut*-t and dosed unchanged: cash i6.C2%a1.Gft, July sa.82%aft.6ft, August $6.70*6.72%, September $6.62%a6 85. Balk meats steady: dn* salted a louiders I3.75a4.f0. shor 4 riba 16.87%. deaf I ride* S6.8fta5.90 Wblaky firm at SI. 1ft Sugars steady aud unchanged: standard A 6%. granu- April 10.33-84 1041-42 10.19-W 9.93-91 9.84-85 9.85 9 93-94 10.04-05 10.14-16 10,28-27 New York. Jnly i —cotton market Arm; sales 1270; middling uplands 10%; middling Orleans 10%. fiousoiidutt-d net receipt* 104: exports to Great Britain 919, to continent 214. ftaLVXf’TON, Juuly 1,—Gotten steady: mis filing 10%* net receipt* 16- wrt>m 1G. sales 18; stock 4290; exports, coastwise 7. Norjot.x, July l.—Cotton firm: »ilng 10%* net receipt*, 2, rrosa 2; sales 17; stock 1833; exports, coastwise 2. WiurrwwroN. Jnly l.-'Jotwm firm; mid dling 10%; net receipts 0, gross 0: rales 0; stock 120. Savannah, July L—Gotten market dull and nominal; Mtfuimg 101-14; net receipts 2, gross 2; sales 0; stock 1789; exports, coastwise •eTeuth district of orlglu.lly Baldwin, now “-*■•) county, being tho property heretofore reyedby H. J. Peter to Jurats L Kenncdr. led on the property of m.i j tme , L Kennedy by Tlrtue of end to utl.lv k ii fe. luued by the County Bosrd of Comral..loner, tor the county of Bibb, In fevor of seld County Boerd of Commissioners of Bibb cuotr against H J Peter T.x ColleHor ot sefo county, end bUnonrlUes. ippleton p Collins James K. Ellis, William P. ooo-Ul , James L.’ Kennedy end iltcbeel Loh. 1 u Also, at tbe lame tlmu end place, wharf lota twenty-one and twenty two. lylnir b. tween Sixth and Bo.enth streets and rannlog t > the riser and fronting two hundred raid ten feet on Wharl itreet and on which are situated . , . ,—uun o lumber yard and mill. Levied on as'the Lud,len . president; J. A. Bates, opertvof James E. Kills, by virtue of aud ' " " ' satisfy the above described II, fa. Also, at tbe same time and place, part of lot fifteen, northwest range of two acre lots corner of Bond and College streets, fronting 170 feet more or leu on College street, end run ning bicfc one hnndred and fifty-,lx feet, more or less. Levied on u the property of William P. ooodall, bv virtue of audio satisfy the above described tf fe. Also, at tho same tlmoand place, pirta of Iota number one and twotn square seventy- two, cornerof Pine and New streets, running along Pine street two hundred and twenty flrmr»miqn->d-; U ,bt «^A.o^rnV Levied on ss tho property of Appleton P. Collins, by virtue of aud to satisfy the above described fl. fa. Also, at the same time and place, part of lot number flv 0 , in square twenty-four, fronting w M ,1 i b ® rr y and adjoining G. P. 8wlft, *\. B. Johnson and others. Levied on as the prop rtyof Michael Loh, by virtue of and to satisfy the above described fl. fa. Also, at the same time and place, two* undi vided one seventh interest* In part of lot ■® v en, and all of lot eight, southwest range, in 8t. Louis, July 1.—Flour unchanged: family ♦8.75S3 8ft. Wheat opened unsettled and closed higher than yesterday: No 2 red cash 9b%*97, July 96a97. Com opened alow and closed fraction higher than yetterday: No 2 mixed casti 44a4«%, Jnly 42%a42%. Oats opeued easier and closed firm. No 2 thIxhI cash 31*82, July 2**%a28. Provisions steady and unchanged Pork—job lot* cash S10.f5. Rmk meat* qnlet—Ion? clear S6.30 short ritis 15.40 short olear 15.60 Baoou—long fieu S5.6fta5.70, short rib* ift.90, short el ear $6 00 Ham* quiet at X8.50all.50 Lard quiet and nominal, small lots, $6.40a6.45. Whisky steady H.13. OnrcnrwAn, July 1.—Flour steady: family S4.25a4.50. Wheat heavy: No * re<J winter 98 asked. <’oth higher; No2 mixed 4S%a49 Oat* lower and weak: no 2 mixed 83%. Pork firm S10.75. Lard quiet: prim* -team $6.37%. quiet sa^es 514; Attempted 8ulc ! de In Thsmasvllla. Tbe report reached Macon yesterday that Mr. Robert Reid, of the firm of Reid Bros., at TbomasvlUe, attempted to commit suicide on Tuesday morning. No particulars could be obtained, and it is possible that the report was unfounded. Catarrn Cured. Inga number ol disease, catarrh after trying every known remedy without sue eess, at last found a prescription which com plctely cured and saved him from death. Any sufferer from this dreadful disease sending a Mlf-addreaaed stamped envelope to Dr. J. a. Lawrence. 199 Dean street, Brooklyn, New York, will receive the receipt free of chargo. A Card. To alt a o are suffering from errors and In- discretions r voutb, nervous weakness, early decay, loaaot m*> hood, etc., I will send a te‘. clpo that will cure, hi, free of charge. This great remedy was discovered by a mlsafonsri in South America. Send self-addressed en velope to Rev. Joseph T. Inman, station D New York. --'■L tSSii 1Ullu -bu-urrei.T ...tt wnrxIn th.fl.ld. Hitter- KxowTjT.xi.rbT reading tb. --gclmcol l-i'd r *®n JpproMb.d him with * gun. Tha lurking u, «. tho but modlc.l work over pul »-gl! •ttraotad Oreolej'. attention, and hi 0» joungand olddlt-aged men P - . ‘S 0 ,: iW-S* 01 “* Xf**! ?*'*- r !'>rn<’d]»i! In time to toe Patti-reon levtl tbe I road nnd followed U (qCotton avenue and onl _**vL. tv. nothin, with whi.h ‘ - i.. J * V. lu * mraet ran*« to t guo.-.kltn, He .bai mil be ro.cbed the Micon and WeM rnrelb - YOftJ, tthi'. n hO fO.lr.Vlul iiiilll picked up by the nt itro man urnr Boliugbroke. Ills parents w crc rt jolccd to find hla, 'vdm MoCnrthr* Little Scheme. Jim McCarthy Isa negro, aud hu for Mvaral Weeks been begging through tha city. His opei at lor s have been confined almost entirely to tho washerwomen, from whom be baa ob tained v a rlous small inmi. Tha plea be nrstd to all was that his mother was dead, or that his i 1alav was dead, or that soma other rela live was deadend that he wanted to raise MBiytn order la attend tbe funeral. Thai inotuy obialutd was always spent for whisky. McCarthy was having a regular picnic, when his ■••• me was »u<iri«*uly spoiled by officer Gusl 1 he in as. who caught up with film and brought him before ibe r»colder on tbe charge ol vagrsiicy. Ye Herd ay morning that rfflciall M-i.i Mc-carthv to tbe chalu-gaug lor a term of d*y«. He was seat oat yesterday after-1 wad Aootdanr. •rday afternoon as Cslder and Alfred, I * o! Mr. Calder B Willlngbam. were s post a e boys. * uot sc d tvs* not so fortunate and struck on tend. He was taken up and carried into house, aud up to a late hour was having m:V.ons Dr. Holt was summoned and 1 all tm wit pow- r to relieve tha llitla auf- «r. w no is about six years old. t i» ti-ctdibatba is not so badly Injored !.,*»{ tacud and that be will soon recover. Runaway Lata Vastarday Afternoon. What came nr»r being a serious runaway ocl currtd late yeatevday alternoon on Cotton ave nue. Mrs a. Gibfau and Mr*. Jos Danneuberg were out riding, a very careless driver having rbattru of :h»- reins. Ihe team waa being drtv.-u down tii# avenue at a rapid gaiL when the driver carelessly turned the bones and rani the v«tii< e agsiint a pool in Iront of tbe store “ 1ha short and nnexpacted » loll “ c*l I n cf the Fourth Ceorgla Rrgtnieni. .. mu-rs of tbe Fourth Georgia Regl- e roakinc active preparations to have [.union at MUledgsvtila on August MMHBMBt was composed of some of at companies that entered the war from .IMlNisBiil reuaion laexpectad e iu oocaston ol much plrasanttnter- m fnVMda have offered reduced rate*. WMiaal Will aaieabie at tbe old oo'hat day will be one of the largest MM ever emeiuioed. Among tbe sofiheosy will be an addrem from l l'hil Cook, Ute colonel of the ragl- SfieteorolORical. i M r. J. M. Boardman we have received lowing itaUment of tbe meteorological urn of tha month just passed and t attve statement for Jane, 1861: i an t< inperature for tbe past month _ nothing' . defend hlmsell, and he aUempUd to I _ mo. As ha did so PatUwon fired, the load 1 of sbot-all slzes-taklng effect In Ytri^ B parts of fireeley s body. Fatfiy.soa biUmptad to fire the second barrel, but the cap relused °tlreciey was tikan to Pa 0. C. Gibson and hla wounds rAtended. All were found to be severe bu\ not neceaiarily fatal. 11a will probshly recover. I'atterson atumpUd to es cape but waa captured. At tbe preliminary hearing at GrlswoldvUle before Justice Van Boren he was committed to jail at Clinton in dtfaultof bond, to answerHhe charge of as sault with Intent to murder. Greeley L««ra a splendid reputation aaa peaceable, hard-working darky, while Pat terson la a bad negro, and la said to have killed a negro In South Carolina before he came to Georgia. The New Holton Rond Tbe county commissioner* are awaiting tha report from tbe road commiaalonera concern- ng tbe proposed new road from Macon to llolton. The route chosen is a good one and will make a well graded road, it branches off at the Vineville branch and leads through the Rice place. All parties owning land thror gh which the line has been surveyed have cheer fully given right-of way, with the exception of one who wl*h»s damages. Tha commissioners consisting of Messrs. R. E. Park, W. S. Brantley. I. B English. W’m. Lundy and A. T. Holt, with Capt. f. C. Wheel er, county surveyor,went through the country last spring and pronounced the proposed new road to be from two and a half to three miles shorter than tbe present one and a much bat- tergrade. Tne said road would develop a fine section of country now unimproved. Col Wylie baa proposed to open a road at right angles from She lfolton road through to StinaouvtUe, which would give the road an outlet, should the com mlstkmera fail to be able to proceed. Parties between Holton and Jackson have agreed, as wears informed, to continue tbe roed to Jackson when it reaches Holton. This road will be of great interest »o ail tbe proper ty bo ders through whose land it passes. Death of a Mercer Student. Mr. John Green, Jr., eged about twenty-two veara, died yesterday morning after a week's l lneai, at hla fathers home, one mile south of Georgetown, Quitman county, Ga. Ha had been home bate day or two from Mercer Uni versity, where be was a student the last year. His death is a peculiarly sad one, as ha was stricken down upon the threshhold of his lttbfMt operators for June, 1164, Min-.iatim MOT . m . . 7V1D-IC0 lMlM, FINANCIAL manhood and i expect. Id tptac. ihl III, tw it la a wall known (act that pant cam phor l, one ot tha beat remedial (or bowel trouble*, tnd combiotd In a cordial with pi.prrmlnt and tha active principle ol tb* bnckletierrp, It preaenti la Dr. Blteer-, Huckleberry Cordial tb* ORE AT WJUTH- KRS REMEDY that restore* tb* little one •offering Iron tb* effecli ol teeming, and core* Diarrbora. Djaentery and all bowal trouble*. For aale by all drngglata at 00 cm ta a bottle. Death ol Mr*, guaan Jewett. Th* aaaay (rl.mii In tb* dtr ol tbla aetiru ble lady will regret io lean oa ber deatb, that cccarrad at BlounmrlUe yaaterday. Mra. Jaw •a waa a alater ol tbe late Mr. Paler Selosoa, and waa lor maay yaaia a rt.Ideat ol Via. vllie. Bar deatb waa orodured by parelyata. Kite wu aeresty-dre year* old. and bad a largo comber ol Menda aad acqnalnuacaa la Bet (aaerai will ba eoaducted -roaa tbe Vlaerill* Ctareb tbla aftereooa at 7 o'clock. TOUKB AND BONDS IN Mil’ll'!.:, OOIUCTtD BT J. W. LOCKETT. Baoxaa MaCOK, Jnly t, tax). aviauaaat leeurUlu doll but itcady Haney in gcod nemnu. arinioasa IB, A| U,taka, jan. and July oobpau».ii« V7J< la. la, UK, rub. and Ana. ooapons.Ul Ut a. 7a, ltaa, Janaary aud July oou- paea, mertgaga w. A A. K. B._JM ltH ia. 7a, told, quarterly coupon*„JUE lit; ta.7aSJd4,Jan,andjnlroonpoaa,d3*M 1M ciuaakos A quarterly conpona*a I tlanu aa, qaanorly coupon..—.t .o.nilati ,lib vr.lrran Vernal* College bora,,.„iiil JalimiB BOIDSa II Untie and Gull let mongagt. D9«, January and Jnly conroc».^.108 itrtial R. R. oonsoL rroru, 7 s, UN, J*u. and Jnly ooupons h*m» .132 us eor* la R. R. fie, maturity 1MT to 1922, January and July coupons *»116 11.7 [obtlaacdiGirard eudorsed (per cent* 2d mortgage, dne U68 —^109 110 lonu * Ru. end. aa,. 1st mort. doe 1X7, January and Jnly oocpona..lC4 1£8 Yr*L Ala. 8a, 1st mort., dne 18», April and October cocpona —lufi i 09 WoeL Ale. la. 2d morL. dne 1*90, AmU and October coupons ...—11J 112 fitTtbrf stern end. 7s, 1st mort, d^c tm* v*» *r.fi f*ov.oonpQna w , MM w'ii Col. & Rome, cud. by G. R. R.™.100% 101% NkW ORis.irsi, July 1.—CO*rna , mtaaHng 916-16; ne* reoelut* 28, rro* aatrw 800: •tne* 48,623; exports, to continent 1650, coastwise 3242. Mosul, July 1 —Cotton market la easy; ‘nidd'ii-g in; uet r*ocluta 0 ttom 0; sales 150 stock 6411; exports, coastwise 53. Miwriuf, Jnly l -Cotton steady; middling 10%: r.fit -.xicipts 14; ihlpmonte 67; isloi 150; IU>Ck 12,367. Augusta. Jnly l.—(M»on dull; middllnr 10%; receipt* 12 aaio*. 104. OHARLMrros, July 1 —Cottor dull; mid Jllng 10: tout rancint* 0 wn*« (* * itoei 1399; exports, coastwise 70. CITY MAKKKTRa MjIats.—Market steady. 7 fair. We quote: Bacon—"idee 7%c; shoulders » i. Bulk meate-sldea V'/tWix snoulderfl 6%. uai lOWall, sji to also ana Quality. Lari>.—Market quiet and steady, stock am- tc. We quote: iu tlorcea aud tubs 6'A'$Q- U- »palls 9>^: 6 Tb rails 9%: 8 Tb palla U; Lou- ,vlUo kettle rendered, tierces 9%, jsuttxr.—Market steady and well stocked, oleomargarine i0»23c;newMay fflltedfie26a26o: oreamer* 99a80n: onnntnr 90a36c: T«nne***p iZ2; market overstocked with country butter- qnality poor. Ojkdt,—Aisorted, in boxes 90610c, barrels m WL ItflWi WlOB| Hd ket advancing. Wo quote: Common $4.50, .V.n'.l" 14.25; extm # amfly $5.0Ca5.50; fancy 15.50s 6/0; patent S6.55s.7W, Dry Goods.—The market U quiet; demand moderate: stocks ample. We qnote: Prints 4\ afl%e: H Georgia brown ahlrtln# 6o; U do 6%c. 4-4 brown *becUng 6%o; white ossaburgs 6%r ?o riss > ?rti‘Mjr w><cto,fc " i naw Faun.—gaaaaaa. red, n o »l.w p,t bcaoa yellow 91.00a3.00. BMiTOaa.-ucw. 060*04 lit MW pjtktoa. at IJ.KiaS.00 per bbl. (Ubbxpk—0 to 11 cent* per bean. He*-Pina. Good 6o; BTxarn,—Befln/xl pearl boxci 6c. Arrt*-.—« raoxeratnimaafl. Fancy .took tl.60aJ.00, Nono In market, oiu-ova — Muxui wen auppilm. Denaao eht; t3.50n3.75. Krartfla atock exhatuted, UakUWAUa.—Market arm. Ucreu uun B.Ut per keg. Muleaboeito.u-. Iron bona b.xu.:» W.50*i.0C. Trace cbalna ,0 tVi per pair. Aut. ahorela 111.00 ser doa. Blow boca taSo pel IV Halman-a plowatoeka 11.25. Axaa !7.c>. aJUperdoa. Colton card* IL50. Wellbooketa li.-is Ceiu-u rope lCJCo per Hi. Seedolron ff.Se per Ik, rebned SaSHcper P. Plow nee) 6c per lb. Ii alia 12.60—beataol 144. Powac* tt.oo por kOf. Blutlncpowdar 13.78, Laid to y. r lb. Drop abet par ba,. Par bed win Nujiua.-Vatr demtudi markatMMdyinaw layers S2JM per box; mw London layen T«r box; loose mniefitaliJROO HfPIt, Wooaw rrc.—ill-Jv*—r**ipU dry flint 8al2: salted M0. Wool noalnid' nr. washed 12olac; wished I8a22a; hurry 6*10 Wax SRhe. Tallow 60, . Oils.—Market firm and In good ccm&di Si* talftCmflOc: West Vlrxtnl* black 17c: l«d of! 70c; eotton seed 60; honlUght 17a20c; keroeenr 15c; neatefoot 78c: machinery 85a40o; llntec: 6S&71C; mineral seal no; oonon iced refined wo. picklks.—Pint*tl.Miiquarto$2.26; half oar* 2els. plain and mlxod, $7.00. aud butchera’ *3.90*4.40. Whisky dull and nominal at SL13. IjOUIsvills, July 1.- Grain firm: Wheat -No 2 Longberry |t.04; No 2 red $1.00. Corn—No 2 mixed £0, No 2 white 66. Oat* —No 2 mixed 35%a36. Provisions steady and unohanied. Pork—mess ill.(k). Bulk meats -shoulders 14.25, dear rib side* 15.50, dear sides 16 00. Bacon—shoo 1 den S4.50*4.75, dear ribs |6iX), dear ildea M.ro. Hama—(tngar. cured 19.00*9/0. Lard qnlet— shoice ies f Sa.00, prime steam <7.00. BiLTiKORi, July 1.—Flour easy and dull; Howard street Mid Western aititerflno IS 00 •3.60, extra S3.C0*4.25, family *4.60*5.26 Mill* superfine S8.2ftaS.50 extra 93.75*4 00 Rio brands $4.93a5.10, Patapaco family 45/25, ►nperlatlvo natent <6.00 flrm and quiet: Western higher and dull; Southern r«d 90*93 do amber 97*»1.0l, No * Maryland 97% bid, No 2 Western, winter hi spot 93%a93%. Cora—Southern white higher; Woatern firmer: ' * ‘ yellow 56*57. NKW ORLKA1 l -nour unch S5.‘2&a&.7ft, Cora firm and qolat: mixed $4; yellow ea, white 72. Oats quiet: prlmo Western 44. Hei icarou and steady: prime 816.00al7.00, cholc* iS18.50. Pork steady and unchanged at $17.75 Lard quiet: tierces (reflntd) 99.00, keg 19.60. I Bulk meats quiet and unchanged: ahonl- dew. packed, 17^7%, long clear 11.70, cleat I rib 99.70. Bacon quiet and unchanged, Coffee atea'dy: Bio (cargoes) common to I prim# 7*9%. Fngar firm: common to good common 4%i5%. choice yellow clarified 6%a7 Molasre* steady: common to good common prime to choice 26*33. Rt*c steady Jf^nlslana ordinary te prime 4%aft%| duu-MH ». mo. axapisv..—HUMWrt uoxea junarlcta W.00. .ported nuo. BXSD I’OTXTOK.—Vwlcru atock 12.76 pel bbL Brapr.—Market bare ol Florida and Goortt* rrrova; Now York tr-uar SOalOo; NewOrluau. quaaaa—Tbe market la firmer and btabur ctnaBed tUri powdered 7So; jrannlaicd 7!J1 jjjoi A *3ia7o; white extra C 69401 yellow w "fUi.r.—The demand la modsrwo aad to. market ataady; lazgaatouki VbgablbUk' Untpool U: by - - ■ ■ r cat load tbeae yrtoaa oan 1 a txobaara Bank... Qapital l»*nk........ BAKK ROCK, Otatral Georgia Bank a. aaruroan arooga. liagaau ana fi*T.7a. gnarantaad,)’ 1 ssBBfflfflssiSfiSis 51 a?* Mnrk-ta br TelegraohJ ■aw Toax. Jnly l-Koon-*reeaa market qnlet, Irregular. • -weyeaay atL Birnanw, luua. tir«"or»4AV<. stale bond, neglected. Qav.m^.atbooda dulL tSSSKTSSK? &%£38, l &- .■art ,12,155.{(W. Got-row.*" t recovilea an alvedy: a pet cenu U2%,«g-ial.; I per centa lXW^exlnl kata baoua qoiet. COMMERCIAL OOTrON: anAWKgTO IV TELIOKAPK. Macon. Jnly l-gvenlng. Liverpool reported tbe market doll without quotable chanje- Middling upland, 511*16, Bale*, 7,000 balea. Fntnrea cloaed qolat. Lmaroot. July L-nooo.-C moa dnllbo, Ame7£S'“ S? fSlSre?"Jl«'uSittooc: choice UaWK*: P>nd UMalJo: medium 10H> per bbl. None in market OFinm.—Yellow and red 88.uu**/a pox odl Nona In mark*L Wax—18 to 2io. Dxixn PiACHxa—Strictly No, 1 pcelod 6o per ound. Grain.—Gora—market firm; atock Ullfib good milling com 78o by oar lota, 00a ■mall lote; mixed corn 76. Oats—good De mand uid higher; we quote: Western 62s&6 Georgia rust-proof 70; Texas rnst-prool 62a56c, Bna 11.16. Bay.—The market higher; good demand quote at wholesale: Wcetein Umothy IL25; tm*U loU $1.53. ^ w , Lavona.—Higher; good demand: Measlns $4 00*4.50. MULxa.- et: trade —*w Hours.—There are very few horses in mar* Fish.—New crop, No. L bbia.. $12X0, haU bb!s. 16.00, quarter bbla. $i.2ft; kite 70c: No. 8 mackerel, bbla. $8.00, half bbls. Rob, quar ter bbla. 92.26, kit* 60. . M Liquou—Rye Sl.wa5.50, Bourbon |L60aRflO redistilled rye and com BsLM, gin and —— 6. N O com IL60, peach and a.. K2.0Ta2.75. catawba wlno 8125, port and ■berry wine Il.25a3.fvft, cherry and R.nge* brandy 90ca81AO. French brandy S2.ifta5.75, m,.atir Lrandr fl 65*2.00. IJRRt UALCtVxD PLAST.XAHDCimnrt.-Ala bama lenn llxr.o Is In fair demand, and to soil ing at 9l.15al.2S per bbl; Georgia 8L20al.25 < Calctned plazter ti.7fta3.0C per bbl; hair 40aft0c; Georgia cement 82.00; Lonlsville and Bostn dale cement 8l.90a2J)0; Portland oemect W.Tfta Uk > Cnitsx.- Market Is qnlet; demand light; stocks ample. We quote: Full cream 14o; lower grades 12alJo GRAIN AND PROVISION MARKKTR TKLKQRAPH. NKW YORK, July 1.-FIOOJ-southern stead; common to lair ext'* S3.75af.C0; good l choke extra 84JSaAN). Wheat, spftt %al hatter: ungraded red 90a94%. do white |l 00; No * red IL00* fa alerator^Julv I9%a8‘ Com, spot Xal higher: ungraded nd ungraded while 54, Son them white veoeleval ‘ , «m November and Decamber. *8744 'ir.H.—sales tocluded 5000 balee Amartcac. firm. JI1G Futuna fij July, boyi Cons, spot fair Rio firm at SUSMt H Rle.spoi v.93. JulyI6.96s7.00. SugarduUl nuchanged: Barbadoea 4 9-li. cectrlftifal MlflRmRmMmijiitoaMbb 4%. Demorara 4%. & 1-16, Brazil 4% P ly, lS8ft, b . — following properu lt ^v»u i^a iff Jte- ^fining) 2L, Part o! lot number seven, in block eighty’- 1c 4%i»7 rsngocn 4>L nine In tho city of Macon, fronting on ly at 82; ernd« 8S&39. Oak street, bounded on the west by an Vlev i:maae TOotSU oo*ti 15 land nn tne east by property of Airs. C j’ ** - of lot n square three, southwest common, situated the corner of Gilmer and Bay streets in said city. Also part of lots number one and two lu square three, southwest commons, between Division and Gilmer streets, and tor property of Mrs. A. A. Menard and tho Bibb Manufacturing Company. Also all that tract or parcel of bind, situated in said county of Bibb, containing three hundred and fifty acres, more or lets, and known aa frac ttonat lot number eighty-six, and parts of fractional lots eighty-seven, eighty-eight, nnd one h ndred and four, and par s of lote elahty four and eighty-nine, lathe Macon Bes rve East side o! the Ocmulgee river, and part of •— ninety-seven. nlnety.*ix, and eighty-six. of fractional lot ninety-eight, lying in “ HH^H ■ fij Idwln, i ner: Sou*>cra white 67a68: strained to good strained 91.00al.20; sales 4C0 barrels Spirts of turpentine firm regular 31%; sales iw Darrels. OHARLxnoit, July 1.—Spirits of turpentine steady at85 Kmln steady: strained 95, good lUalncd |1.00al 02%. WiLMntOTOif, July 1.—Pplrlto of turpenUne t U ni*w4« firm at 31%. Rosin steady: strained 90. good J uni *w4* strained 95. Tar firm at 81.10. Crude turpcatlno firm: hard 8L10, yellow dip and virgin 8L90. N«w York, July 1 - Rosin - refined steady at 8t.20aL22%* BplrlU of turpentine 4 - city of Macon, tala county, fronting three hundred and fifty feet on Oglethorpe street, aud running to the corner of Third or Cougres* street, along aald street three hundred and seventy-live feet to the cornerof Hawthorne street, down Hawthorne street three hundred ,eel 10 * ,ot owned by Mrs M. M. Wllbourae, thence three hundred and seventy-fir* fe*t to the starting point, and known as Findlay s Foundry. Levied on as • h e property of C.8.AO. W. Findlay, to satis- . a fl. fa. in favor of the American Bolt Com pany, against the said C. F. At G. W. Findlay, issued from Justice Court 664th district O. M., Bibb county. G. 8. WES rcOTT, jc£-law4w. Sheriff Bibb County. Bibb County Sheriff Sales. . GEORGIA, BIBB COCSTY-Wffl bo »ol4 before tho court home do r, in the city of Ma con. Id tho county of Bibb, on the first Tues day In July. 1885. during the legal honrsof •ale, the following property to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying in the Macon re serve, contaluiug four ecu acre* more or less, eleven acres ot said land bounde-i aa follows: on the south by the d vlding lino be* ween lots 72 and G5. on the west by Henry Harris, on the north by lands of King and John Right, on tho cut by J. Rutherford and the Hightower “lace; two snd one-half acres deeded to J. W nrkebyMrs Wm. Hightower, ooc-halfacre by J. W. Burko to Mrs. Hunter, being lo* 65, —on the south by thaline dividing lots 172. west by tho Hightower place, north _ the Campbell place; said fourteen acres moro fully described in a deed from Thom an T.Cbilsttan to Seneca B. Burr, and the same conveyed from Charles «. Conner to William Fspinncr as trustee for his wile, ado K En- “inner. Levied oa aa tbe property of Ann E Spinner to satisfy a mortoas” fl fa !«sued from Bibb Superior Court In favor of Bernd Brothers vs. Ann E. Eaptuner. Property di scribed In said mortgage fl. fa. G. 8. WE8TCOTT, Bheriff. Guardian’s Salc-Jones Wool. NaieTo**,Jnlyl—Woolateadv: t “ io M. doauuo floooe 27 to afi. Absolutely Pure. Thla powder never rerlea. A marvel ol purity, strength and wholeromeueee. More economical than the ordinary kinds and MDnot be sold In competition with tbe mnltltadeol low test, short weight, nlaw or phoephete powders. Hold only in earn. Hotal IIakiku Fowokr Oo.. 108 Wall eueet New York Thu powder can be bought at 8. R. Jacqnea, corner 4th and Cherry itreela, Macon (it. NOTICE. J. B. Latimer, Executor, vs. John H. Zeillii al-BUl of Equity, April Term, 1U? •»* Superior Court, Aptll Term, 1885. It appearing to the Court that the defen dants, John H. /.cliin, Emelina Zeilln. Carlton B. Zeilln, Hue Eveline Zeilln am MaudO Zeilln. are non-residents of said Bute and county, and are realdents of the ~ i of Pennsylvania; that no service has made upon them. Upon motion of com pUlnant'asoUcUorsttto ordered that service of this bill be perfected upon said non real- dents by publication of this order in the Tele graph and Mesienger, a newspaper published In the city of Macon, oice a month for f™ lontha, be Lera the next term of this court T. J. klMMONf, J. a. C. April 6th, 1186. A true extract from the Minntee of Bibb Su perior Court. A. B. BOSS. Clerk. Jana lath, 1886. 19 Uw4w Natiei for Sleek Law io Jones County. Oanufiav'e Omci, Joan Coorrv, Oa. Idle- ... ;■ O. M.) dtatrlct and tha 1‘opea (Math O. M . triet la Joaaa coanty, 1. now ol filelnthu. lice, eaklni lot an election to be ordered _ ■aid dlalftcfa (or atock lav therein aa allowed bylaw,andnnleuaom* good andlecalcanae ba ahown to the contrary, I will paa. an order (or .nch .Motion on th* 20th day olJuly next at this office. Witneaa my hand ofilcUUy. inn77 l.vlw Notice Leave to Sell Land GEORGIA, JONES COUNTY—Four weeu after dale 1 will apply to the court of ordinary of Jones county for antbor*ty to seU all the real estate and interests In real vstase belong ing to Beajamln Beck, Jr., deceased, stta au In tbe county of Jones. NEWTON ETHRIDGE, Administrator. Jt ne 37, M65. 39w4w Pernambuco 416-18, KnxiUb 1966, at . -a- i • —. iiinr ItAikina t*« i ty and personal . i of bowes^Ad, aad I will pass npou office. j. a, McManus, A same at 10 o'< personalty and setting and valua- * * * mm • - - »n the 2;..ne. Ludden & Bates Southern Music House Converted into an Incorporated Stoc< Company, with $200- 000 Paid in Cash Capital. ’ ™ REE ro, Mu.lS WrXndlre a?‘on®^ trade, it has stoo<l, unihtkJn amid flnanrtli J'mnrn ^ l ^ ence8 * cyclones and iires, and to officers aud employes. The officers are: 7 W Si b« B ,', 0 k. ‘SAnUa h»vo U° Itara ns to tho pt> theso TRADE ITEMS FOR 1884-85. More Pianos end orea SZ.J9 othcr Hraithe: <50.000 worth ol Chlckt...,. ,, ono purchaao In Octob-r fteat ave joa ■d Musical Mcrc&n. old yearly than WwSrff«ffflSSSnf^!2»a C S5ig l - ,,id * spurchRaoin Octo‘ K chase over made by a ^ 4P freight paid. Kah> fnsUlll&nt 5S55S,. ®«a money. 120,000 worth of disc, suchas Violins, Uni tars, Ha:io. a™. (leone. Strings, dc., fconghl at onepnrchul Irom the Kitcy Organ Co.. Atlanta! oa ft one-hall the co»t ol lmporuUoo. lmmiS bargains now oilored retail bnyen. AnS. deone, 75 cents each; Ro-htvr H.-rmonlraa“o cental Banins, 11: Violin, II; OoliareSTri ■aainl Italian string. 20 centa each 7 Strata per ret; Clear Grit Italian, IS caat^NeSS Merest; Orgnlnetten, withfttnnca to. rriTUtg* oil return or exchange given li 5^u , .r?b D CT.*E!ft C «^vne U^SX^&vSSSjgSS^JSA ten cents a copy, a il new and best mn»ic, same as usually sold for 30 cents to $1.60 per piece. 8cnd for a catalogue of Ten Cent Mn- tdc Don t send North for Cheap Music. This is headquarters. All music at reduced rates. Come on, buyer*, we are with you every time In juices. We know how to buy. bow to sell, and bow to please. Time* are hard, and money man buy moro goods than it used ta Themoit for the money can always be had at LUDDEN & BATES* SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE, SAVANNAH, GA. THE SCIENCE OF LIFE. 0NLYS1 By Mall Post-Paid. County. ■Will be sold before the court house of Jones I county, In tba town of GUoton, Ga.. on tka Iflrst Tuesday lu July next, between the legal hour* ol sale, all the undivided Intercut, bciug | one-half, of the mlaor child. Mary I/Oul»a Day, Hfoir hundred and fifty acres of land, more •ess, included In lota numbers 219 and 220. the 9th district of Jones county, described ■ plot one lu survey of laud of John Lamar’s e*tate on partition by commissioners; the other hslf Intercut therein being owned by John Ogden. Tha said balf Interest ot Mary I I Lou is* Day to be sold under older of tbe Court of Ordinary of Glynn oonnty, authorising the undersigned as her guardian t sell tha same for tha purpose of her support and education. Terms of sale: Onc-bal! cash, and tbe other half with Interest at six months and bond for titles on last payment. (Enquire of Lanier A Anderson, Macon, Ga.. or R V. Hardeman, Clinton. Ga ) H. C. DAY, Guardian m ■June S, 1885. jel law4w linila and Cbiu’laa jHl/^imelC m (nor •* under fourteen veers of axe. This la to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at the court of ordinary of said county on tbe first Monday In July next to ■how cense,If any they can, why aald r lion should not be granted. Witness my official signature this Jane 5, 1M5. J.A.MCMANU8, Jan* Uw4w* Ordinary. Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA. CRAWFORD COUNTY-I will •all before the court house door In Kuoxvitle, Gs., on the first Tuesday in July n»XLl86& within tha legal hours ot sale all the rcsl prop erty of the estate of John F. Taylor, deceased, Ute ot said county, con«Utlng ot 60 acres of land, more or less, of lot 104, In tha sixth district of said county. Sold for, distribution. Payable Aral of December next. JAMES TAYLOR. jnn5 law4w Administrator. GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY-Wbereaa, G. W, (organ has made application for letters of sd- linlstratlon cm the estate of Mrs. Martha L. [organ, late of said county, deceased. Tola is to clto sul admonDh all per* concerned to be and appear at the conn of _, dlnary on the first Monday in Jnly next to show cause, of any they can,why said applies- “on should not h« granted, Witneaa my official signature, this June 5, 1865, J. A. McMANl’S. June law4w* Ordinary. KNOW THYSELF.. 1 Great Med cal Work on Minhoo Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical Debility, Prematura Decline in Mad, Errors of Youth, anil tho untold miseries rrsul* ing irom Indiscretion or excesses. A book for every man, young, middle-aged and old. It contains 125 prescriptions for all acutoand chronic din- . a-• - .•.H'li one of w Im h |- invalnrib!.- --> found bv tho Author, whoso experience for tw< nty throo years is such as probably never before fell to the lot ol any physician. 300 pages, hound in beautiful French muslin, cm- bossed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to bo & finer work In every sense-mechanical, liter- arY and profcMlonal—tban any other work sold in this country for 82.50, or tin* money will be refuuded lo every instance. Price only 91 by mail, post pal.I: Illuntratlro sample f«. cents. Bend now. Gold me^al awarded tho ' author by the Nation il Medical Association, to the President of wkSeh. the Hon. 1\ A. RlsaeU, and associate offirt-ra of tho Board the reader Is respectfully referred. Tba Science of Life should bo rend lythe young for Instruction, aud by the allllctcdfor relief. It will benr fit all.—London Lancet. There la no membrr of society to whom the man.—argonaut. Address the Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr. W. II. Parker, No. 4 Bulflnrh htr« »t. Boa- toTi, Mssa., whoinsy bo con»ullcd on all din- eases requiring skill and experience. Chronic and obstinate diit-asos that have t at!t«-«i the of id! i.'Ii.t j-h\ M •inn- *||V/4 I < «ltv. 'in h treated -n.• | | F/.'d I , I jfuny uro. Mention t EXCELSIOR C00KST0VES ALWAYS SATISFACTORY EIGHTEEN SIZESAKDKIHDS ILL PURCHASERS CSS BE SUITED Isaac A.Sheppaid & Co. .Baltimore, Hd. AN1> FOR 8ALL IIY GEORGIA, B*BB COUNTY—Whereas L. N. Whittle, admlnUtrator of tha eatate of Gao. W. Carpenter, deceased, has made application for leave to sell all the lands of said estate i Ru sted In said county. Touts, therefore, to cite and admonish all . eraona interested to bo and appear at the court of ordinary of said county on tha first Monday in July next, to show cause, if any they have, wny aald application should not bu granted. ntyen under my band officially, this Jane ft, ». j. a. mcmanus, June law4w Ordinary. junti GEO.'S. OBEAK, Agflnt, Macon, Mi OPIUM SLAVERY! Citation. w^ORGIA, BIBB COUNTY-To all wboi*... mayeooeern; Mrs. Elton E. J. Deure having in proper form applied to me fer permanent letters of administration on the estate of Geo. B. Dettre. Ute of said county, deceased, this Is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of aald G. B. Dettre, to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law and ■bow cense. If any they can. why permanent administration should not |be granted to said Mrs. K. K. I I>ettre in said estate. June lawiw* J. A. McMANUd, Ordinary. GEORGIA BIBB COUNTY.-NoUce lsherc- by given to all par ous concerned that J. Thomas, Ute of aald county- deputed In life ntesute, and no parson haa applied for administration on the estate of »sld J. C. 1 homes, in said State, that admlniitratlon will be vested In W. W. Carnes, county ad- mlntotrator, or aome other fit a*d proper per son, after tbe publication rt this t iiaiionun- laaa valid objection U made to his appoint ment. Witness my hand and official signature this May 1. UR. myltlawtw J. A.McMANC3, Ordinary. GEORGIA. BIBB COCKH Y-Wherei LOCKHART’S Hot Springs Specific. r the ci norrh< of Syphilis. ', rofula \f HTphllitlv N< Mouth, Sor«* Nipple for aay mercury powders. Br mail: may-21 Wim c R-P.LC Proprleto. rt H ART cite Aim t H nellus fialUvan, administrator of th<- Mary Eerwls. late of aald county, d ,. has ins !•* appib allon for Utters of dismission ytn# \, 7 In a! Is 1 to^ cite and admonish all peri ooocerned to be and appear at the dlnary of said county on the first July next to show can*c, If any they _ said apoUcaOon abould not be granted. Witney my band and off.* lal slgratura this April Rim J. A. Mi MAN i s, «iHi«wr Ordinary. l^tpjWU. CBaVtORIJ CO I MV Nolle I I Jr, .J. >1. U.K-Imu Al Mon, EAsTMAN, GEORGIA.I Private and chronic diseases a sp^claitv. lon'fn-o. **Mc<li- JanJtvly dfleates - HE AGENTS utofiuoreio 0 Monday in free to tho«e tn. j serasf pvm I.- g.-'.atnre tn July > bill cntlUed "An Act Court of Craw ford Cm next for ps«Mg<- i,i i . junly,’ Mi) lv wav St., N. Y. DR. aCOTI'S beau DR. SCOW. H42