Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, July 17, 1885, Image 8

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THE TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER: FRIDAY, JULY I", 1885. THE LANE-M'NtCHr AFFAIR. particulars of the Shooting of Captain Mark Lano by Tracy McNight. The Enslls Lake Betlon furnishes the fol* lowing particular! of the shootiog of Captain Mark Lane by Detective Tracy McNight, at Suit!*, Fla, a few day! ago. At Captain Lane has many friends here, the account will he lead with lntereat: “Sometime, a complication of circumstance! growing out of a matter brings about results and difficulties entirely foreign to the hist cause, yet Indirectly connected with It. Aa an Illustration of tne argument we can cite no clearer Instance than the dlfllculty which took place on the depot platform laat cunday after noon at 4 o'clock, since the robbery at the depot a few montha since our town naa been kept on the qul rive for any information that would Indicate the perpetrators, and the pres ence of one, two, and at times three detectleea here has not helped to alleviate the feeling. These employes of the Expre>s Com pany have set med to follow but one lead, that of dogging the footsteps of the depot agent m charge at the time ol the robbery, Marry Peeplea. The relation of Mr. Peeples to Capt. Lane and the knowledge that Mr. 1'tcplea was an Inmate o! his residence the nightthecrlme was committed, has given him the sympathy mud t un title ace of his Innocence of the family and their numerous connections, all of whicn are among the first families of the South. Sun day morning Mr. Pteples was arrested, but furnished bond for his appearance on the 12th Inst •‘On Saturday, McKnlght, whose right name Is said to be Tracy, was gloriously drunk ou the choicest of Tavares Whis.y, and as a top off to his drunkeu spree went down to Capt Lane’s house in bis absence, sud frightened his wife and daughter by s recital of what he ws* going to do to Mr. reeples, and acting the ruffian generally. On Sunday morning Capt Lane met the individual and upbraided him in stioDg terms for his conduct, then got in Ills busgy aud drove away. “McKnlght was to suit away on the Sunday afternoon train, aud aa the cars palled in was on the north end of the platform. By a coin cidence Capt. Lane gotofftbe cars and started on his way up town, passing by McKnlght on the platform. Who spoke first we are Uardly able to determine, although we were c.ose by, but the first audible words we were ab.e to dtatingush was McKuight bragging of his visit to the Captain’s house, to which the latter replied that it was a mo t upgemletnanly and uncalled for action. The detective asked him what he was going to do about ir, at the same time taking his traveling aack, which was fastened to a snap across his shoulder, and giving it a pitch down the plat form. The Captain's answrr was a hit, straight from the should*r, which caught McKnlght on the side of the head and knocked him staigerlng against a freight car. The parties tbeu clinched, but another blow put tbe de tective ou bis hack with the Captain upper- • Reports differ as to the subsequent conver sation, but we he- rd the Captain ink him if he was satisfied and if he would give up. The reply came, ‘I am not that kind of a man. but some of the bj slanders say that he surren dered unconditionally aft rwarda, whereupon the Captain released nim. No sooner had he regained his feet tnan he started to draw h a pistol from his pocket, but the quick eye of his antagonist caught him, and with one gigantic blow he was knocked off the platform, turning a complete somersault and lighting on his feet. Before the Captain could recover himself McKnlght s revolver was out aud the .eadca messenger on Its way. The gentleman on the platform was not »low, and the sharp report was answered by a return, until seven shots were tired. Tbo Captain staggered to the other end of the dei>ot and down the railroad track, wbere.with smoking piste 1 in hand, he awaited the detec* tcctive; but tho sheriff of thU county, who was present at the lime, had disarmed Mc Knlght, and he then walked over to the Cap tain and relieved him of his weapon. “From the conditional the latter.lt could be seen he was bacly hurt, as he stood wavcrlDg on the railroad track. On tho shoulders of two young men he was helped to 0. L white a room ana a physician aummoued. Lxamlna- tion revealed the ball, the first one fired had struck him in the right hip, passing into the lift and lodging at —" * v ‘ utslde,. from extracted an Dour IfTerl iun nuuuu, barring tho possibility of mortification, is not necessarily a dacgcums one, but la aeverely painful. Both the operation and the shot the gentleman stood with remarkable fortitude, refuting chloroform, and the attendants who held bis bauds said be did not wince when the keen lancet of the physician entered the llesh. McKnlght was uverely bruised about the head, but was able logo aw* yon the fol lowing afternoon, no warrant being sworn out for him. “While it la a fact In law that no words aro justifiable cause for personal vlolcucc. yet tho provocation waa so great, and the conduct of the man so insulting, that the whole commu nity *Aya it was right, aud extend to the Cap tain their warmest sympathy. "Wo cannot understand how Captain Lano missed his man when he fired in return, for from observation we know him to be a dead shot w iih a rifle and we are assured be is none the less expert with a plttol. It can probably be attributtd to his wounded condition. "If it can be proven that the throwing away of his satchel and his attitude at the time the first blow waa struck was combative, a strong case could be made out atalust McKuight." half an inch from tho where it waa hour later. The wound, A THVILLI*C ADVENTURE. Mr. J. J. Nottingham tins a Desperate Encounter With a Burglar, Early yesterday morning, between 2 and 3 o'clock, Mr. J. J. Nottingham, who lives in Vlnevllle on tho Guttenberger place, came near losing his life at the hands of a bold bur glar.. The particulars connected with the affair render it one of the most exciting that has occurred in some time. I Mr. Nottingham's residence in Vlnevllle Is divided by a ball, on both sides of which are a number of rooms. One of the front rooms is occupied as a bed room. ThU room Is con nected wlih a sitting-room by a door that is always kept open. At ulght a lamp is left bu ruing on a table that la placed in the stttlug room, near the open door. . . Early yesterday morning, at the hour men tioned, Mrs Nottingham woke, aud as she did so noticed that the Tight was suddenly extin guished. Tbiuklng that the wlod had blown it out, she called Mr. Nottlogham and told him to relight it. He arose and proceeded to enter the silting room, where the lamp waa. He had pasted through the door and was in the act of reaching for a box of maichea on the mantel to the rght of the door, wbeu be was suddeuly dealt a terrific blow on tbo bead that almost stunned him. It came from a person concealed behind the door, and Mr. Notting ham! drat impression was that he ha 1 been ■hot at with a pistol. TUe weapon used waa either a heavy stick, or bar of lrotr, and waa wielded by a powerful arm. Mr. Notting ham as soon as he could recover from the tffects of the blow, turned aud attempted to grab the person. He received another blow on the head which almost felled him He then clinched with the party, and a sen file ensued. In a short while both were on the floor, aud the struggle was carried on in the dark. At this point Mrs. Nottingham started up, and hearing the noise, asked Mr. Nottingham if he wanted his pistol. He replied that he did, and she hastened to get itto him. Before she reached him, however, the burglar snatched away, and gaining the open wluaow through which he had entered, leaped to the grouud aud disappeared through the dark ness. .... Mrs. Nottinghreached am her husband too late to give him pistol in the time to accom- liah anything. Perceiviug this she hurried .o the window aud flrtd a shot at the burglar a ret eating form. It did uot, however, lake ef fect. He escaped aud no trace of him could be found. When the light had been restored itwes found that Mr. Nottingham had been badly wounded. Two long gashes had been cut on hi* held, from whicn the blood poured freely. A terrible lick waa alio received on the arm that a!moat broke it. Dr. Uolt waa sent for, and dressed them. An examination showed that no fractures bad been made, the wounds all being scalp wounds. No serious trouble is ixptctcd from them. Yesterday afternoon Mr. Nottlogham waa resting easily. While painful they are not of an alarming nature. The occurrence, as aoon as it happened, was reported at the barracks by Mr. Wm. Cason, officers O’Pry and Holmes wero dispatch* d to the scene at once, aud made a careful examin ation of all the surroundings. It was found that the burglar had entered the front yard aud, observing through the front blind by means of the light that Mr. aud Mrs. Notting ham were asleep, took a flower stand in the front ySrd, aud, using it aa a ladder effected an entrance through the aide window. He heard Mrs. Nottingham call to her husband when the light wa* extinguished and concealed himself beniad the door to wait In attempting to get away, the burgla-, who waa a negro, left a piece ol hitshirt aud a por tion of hla suspenders witn Mr. Nottingham, who all the while hold toh.m with a tight grip. They are the only c.ues in the possession of the officers. SHE LIVED IN HARLEM, But Figured Prominently In n Scene that Waa Laid InMncon. Th« city !« seldom without ts sensation. Almost every day brings to light a story, and almost every story differs from its predecessor. A case was developed yesterday full of gen uine interest. It Is rendered t ecullarly enter taining by the highly dramatic manner In which it ended. Among the paiieogers who ar rived on the incoming Augusta train Wednesday afternoon waa Mr. J. N. Gatnewell, a New York drummir, en route to Mississippi. In appearance he waa rather aged, but had a kludly face and manner. He wat accompanied by a lady much younger than hlmscif, and altogether attractive in her style. She was above the medium height, waa fair, and bad a wealth of auburn hair, which was arranged In a plaltte that feU below her walsL Her face was slightly freckled,but her figure waa graceful. Emerging from the depot the two entered a hack, and were driven to the Stubblefield House. It ,w -‘ * w “ " had a story VON HABBY FRITZ. Yaw! ynst I vaa von babby mans, I laugh mtneaelf to bits; Mine vlfe she rant* re caldt him Han: I dink* ve caldt him Fritz- Pot vaa our baby. F-r-i t-x dot vaa speldt— Dot vaa my name, you see- Veu I vaa younk und hadt no goldt, Hans don't got lofe vor me— Pot vaa mine vater-in-law. Voat 3 to loegk apoud, stay I got __—. Jo hundt me for a blace; I meet one fraulien vauikin oud Pot hof a prettv vace— Pot vas Katrina. Den I hire oud her vader mid To help him magke de hay- pot vas pizuets. Katrina she vaa vork mid me; She abreads de bay I cudt, Undt ven I stob to loogk at she, Her acheeka got red like bludt— Pot voa pasbvnlness. Ve Talk oud ven de moon vas schine, Ve aee dose sdars apove; I oakes her leedle hindt in mine; She loogke mid me vld lofe— Pot waa vlirtatlons. I holdt her vaist; I don’t can ibeak; She loogks right in mine vace, Und pud her hedt yuat on mine scheek; Katrina like dot blace— Dot vaa nice. Who dondt vaa dere ye know. Dot dakes Katrina py de gowndt Und yake he up -yuat so— Dat vaa mine mutter-in-law. Den Hans he come, Katrina’s dadt, Und yuat he loogk at me; Mine Gott lu Himmel, ho vas madt As I vas nefer see— Dot vas hoffie. He says; “Katrina go to bedt;" He schalp his handt mine ear; Ach! I yustitandt him on hla hedt, Und den I vaa come here— Dot vaa aeniebleness. A leetle paker shob I puy, Vor I vas como to aaay; Katrina write dot abo vaa die, Vor dot 1 gone avay— Dot vos mitveepin. I send t her goldt und she vaa come Right off avay mid joy; Undt now ve got a iblendidt home, Ve haf a bapy poy— Dot voshabbiness. So now l vm von habby mans, I laugh myself to bits; Mine wife-she wants ve calls him Hans; I dinks we call him Fritz— I mean dot paby! —Eugene J. Hall. Consumption Cured. _ An old physician, retired from prac tice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formu la of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung affec tions, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility, and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested in the wonderful curative powers in thou sands of cases, has felt it his dnty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it- this recipe in German, French or En glish, with full directions for prepar- ng and using. Sent by mail by ad dressing with stamp, naming this AVery Narrow Escape. Yesterday morning parties on Second street wltueaicd a narrow escape. The carriage of Mr. Henry Horne, In which Mrs. George B. Turpin Mrs. Horne and baby were seated, wai being driven up the street by a servant girl In the employ of Ur. Horne. When oppo site the establishment of J. W. Burke A Co., the horse took fright at a melon wagon, and bcg&uto run. The servant girl became de moralized at once and Immediately let go tho rclna. In attempting to Jtsmp she fell between the wheels two of them passed over > waa unmanageable, and dasbe< her holy. Tho horse town til* tllO When near t— , —, rushed out from *rtopt’s marble works, and, turning the animal'll course with an umbrella, succeeded In s came trausf i checking b*— T parti* a came up at this time, and the ladles were transferred from the carriage, placed In a hack and driven home. The harness ‘ ‘ l oT.' eaa waa badly damaged, but the vthlcle was uninjured. The servant girl re ceived several painful bruises, but was not seriously hurt. The ladles, of eoorse, ware badly frightened, expected every minute that the conveyance would be overturned. It waa a narrow escape, and should teach a lesson. Similar runaways and escapes have been coled before, and ladies especially should be careful bow they allow themselves to be driven abont the city by careless and in competent drivers. Unless more prudence la exercised, a fatal accident will some day be the result from tin. were dr™WB****W**W HR .. wm soon dlicovcrcd that tho lady [.story, and wat only temporarily under ISSprotectlon of tho gentleman. He waa bur rylug to bis destination, and halt- nod to leave tho cur. Before ho lch however, ho made known tb« peculiar clrcumatancea by which ^aw|Mbo placed to charge of h a Uarlam. she further aald that the had bean mistreated there, and that ana waa coming to Macon tojoln some (f bar relatives. Her story was a plausible one, and won the sympathy of Mr. Uamewell, who contented to act at her escort. When the city wts reached bo conducted her to the Stubblefield Home, as stated above, and before leaving consented to search the city for her relatives. He did so and found them. Returning he advanced money lot a week's board for net at the hotel npij left. A telegram, received In tho city by Uenten ant Charlie Wood yeaterday morning, die- doled the Identity of tho lady, and furnished the true fact* of the — It waa from Mr. E. 11. fUoekton of Harlem, and described the party that had arrived In tho city with Mr (lamewcll. The telegram atated that aha waa hi; wilt, that she had left her home, and aiked 11 aha had bean seen In the city, Lieutenant Wood —. ... to the city on tho same train that Mra. Stock' ton came In on Tuesday altaraoon. She waa pointed out to him hr Conductor I'irkius and her name given. The lieutenant had known Mr. Stockton, and on teaming that aha was his wife, noticed her more than ordinarily. When the telegram st rived inquiring about her, bo laamodialaly dispatched to Mr Stockton to como over at once, lie reached tho city yesterday afternoon and waa met by lieutenant;Wood and driven atoncele tbe Stubblefield Honee. The matting of tho two la describwlaa bring quit, dramatic by tbo* who wltnetwd H. They embraced Immediately, and a happy reconciliation followed. Tho husband con. fINAKClfti. ■'•tX’K:- AISI) BONDS 15 CORBICTVn BT J. W. bOOKRXX, Baoni macon. July 14, tns. investment securities doll but steady, Honey in good ct.tr.ce. KITE kORSS »!•> 'Seed ta.ia.UM, Jan. and Jniy oocyoas.jrtM V6 la. Ss, ivFab. and Ann. ouupooij, 1% O-i.S a. Vs, INK, January and Jnly one coni, mortgage W. A A. R. 6 111H >2 7a, gold, quarterly coupons. n 12 7s,Km.Jan.and Jnlycor.rcss.,1 2K t 3X errr icnrr. lacofi ca, quarterly -onpons ,P CH 177' tavannehts,quarterly coupon!..... 90 'OK lelambna », quarterly 90 Iilantada, quarterly coupons....— 0 .'jgustaks 1( S rwlayan yemala College bonds..., W M ■talUOAO kOlDt. .uantlc and Qnlf 1st mortgage. IJ,'. January and Jnly oonpons.»U5 I.tmral R. B. consol, non., 7s, UM, Itn. Mid J nly coupons Ho Thought It Wu n Rat. Mr. Roland Ross, the worthy ordinary of Jonee county, had rather a peculiar expert, cnce while in the city Tuesday. Tho particu lars came to light yeaterday morning. Tuesday night at an early hour Mr. Boas en gaged a hack on Mulberry street. He entered U and waa driven off. He hid not procredod ftr before ha felt something pullrng at hla coat aleeve. Halookedaroind.bat law nothing, and concluded that hla sleeve most have hern caught on the teat In soma way. lie had not rlduen lar before ho experienced tho same feeling end l oked arontd again, lfe >iw something running towards the back of the aeet, and concluded that U waa a rat. After tha laps* of aibortltme.tboienia' tlon waa iaeln cxnrtenced. and, thinking lathtwanMklll the rat. Mr. Bore ordered se hack man to itop. A, ho did so, a negro ho waa perched on tho rear axle dropped ctr, and ran away at a rapid rata. He bad been there tar acme lime, and waa making a systematic effort to rob Mr. Uosa'apockets. ;ro fled through Ihe dir — Reunion of tho Third Georgia Regiment. The surviving veterans of the Third Oacrgta Regiment an preparing for a grand reunion, to he held at Waynesboro, Bntkc county, July ■_'jth and doth. The Borvlvora' Association, under whose ana picas the reunion will he cost' ducted, an making svtry effort to render the occasion a pleasant one. A number of Invita tions have been leaned, and tha affair promise* to ba enjoyable In avarv respect. Tha follow ing Is a copy ol a njat Invitation that has been Ie ^Arocgri, oaH Jufy 4.—EDrroaaTitioaarH and MKssmsoia: We have the honor to an nounce that the rnivlvlng veterans of tha Third Georgia Berimeut ol Conlcdcrato Elates Infantry will have a reunion on tho 29th and aeth Instant, at Waynaaboso, in the cblvelric emoty of Bnrke. the horn* of enr former com rades In arms, "The Burke Guards," and yon are cordially Invited to be with aa on that oc- T,rT "LTAnioang grrxxD, President •‘A. A. Wns.v. Beereury." Catarrh Cured. tha reunion took place, and In urn happy 1 menu that followed tha past was boned 1 forgotten. Mr. and Mrs Stockton will leave this morn- log for their home In Harlem. At tho Scissors'! Point. Mr. Jim Doody, who Uvea with hla brother Mr. W. A. Doody, on the comer of First and Pina streets, waa the hero of aa Interesting adventure laat nichL Bs tween « and 9 o'clock the lamlty ware seated on tha front porch After awhUo they retired to tho parlor to lietan to some music. Before the music began Mlsa Doody retained to the porch to get a. rocking chair. Opening tha door aha was suddenly omlrout- ed by a burly negro man. She tha alarm, and Vr. Jlm Dood porch in time to ate the negro descending tho a tap*. He waa unarmed, but ha qnleUydrew a pair of scissors from hla pocket and ordered tha negro u> stop. The negro thinking it was a pistol obeyed the command. Mr Dsmdy then ortered hlm to take his bands out of his pockets, which ha did. At the sclaiora point Mr. Doody then marched him to tho city hall ahead of him, and turned him over - station house keeper Henry. Tho negro gave hla name as Richmond Trice, and said that he waa Irom Baraeavllle, where ho had worked for Mr. Blalock. Hoax* plained hla presence on the porch by saying that ho waa looking for Judge 8 house. On t h trying every known remedySH at last found t prescription which coml HrJ cured and sated him from death. Any inr.,r, r tram thlu dreadful dltaasa sending a Daath of Mr. J. L. gnulabury, Tha death of Mr. J. L. Seulatrary occurred yeaterday morning at 11 o’clock at hla home. No. 1 Washington avtnna, after a lingering and painful HI uses. Mr. Esulsbury waa among the oldest real- dentaof the city, lie ctmi here from Dele, ware fn mil, when It yearn of an, with the Macon Voloauen la tho war. Ha was connected la tmstneas hare a number of yean with tha well-known fl _ of Mnlabniy, Reapeee A Co. He wee 70 yean old. and leaves a number of friends who will secret to learn of bis death. Ills funeral will b« conducted this morning atllo'clocx. The notice appears elsewhere. A Card. To all w -o are suffering from error* and _ Gacar. iota 01 ma 1.000a, eic., i win kdu a re. efpethet will core, m, free of charge. This great remedy waa discovered bj a mJaafonary Ca Booth America. Bend aeU-addreaaed en velope to lev. Joseph T. Inman, Bfatioa D Haw Yorfc Know TVYIELV i Ufe," the beat i or young ands mp, r, W. A. Noyes, 11 ochester, N. Y, P»i 19 Power’s Block, November and December. 5 30-«4 December and January 5 30-64 January and February 5:ufl February aud Merab 5 34-64 2 r.ii.—Sales. • merJoan, 57C0; middling up lands 5 9-16; middling Orleans 5%; July 5 31 64. July buyers 6 84-64 •uiy and August, buyers... ft iH-64 August and September, sellers 5 38-64 September and October, sellers 6 38-64 October and November, sellers 5 36-64 November and December, buyers..5 3164 December and January,buyers ft 31-64 January and February, sellera ft 33-64 February and March, value.....** 5 31-64 Futures steady. 4 r. K.—Futures closed steady. July, sellers.....^.....*...-.^..... ft 33-M iuly and August, seller* ~..S 33-Gl August and September, sellers...*5 36-«4 September and October, value 5 36-64 October and November, buyers ft 31-64 November and December, *ellera.5 30-64 December and January, sellera....ft "•<>-64 January and February, sellers......5 31-64 February and March, aellera 6 31-61 Nxw York, July 15. noon.—t;octot» quiet; middling uplands 10middling o,*©*** sales 1,527. Nxw Y0Rg, July 15.—The Evening Post’* cotton article says: July, August and Sep tember future deliveries commenced selling at the first call at an advance of 3-100, but a doward movement set in aoon afterward and with alight fluctuations carried prices July excluded 6 to 7-100 below yesterday’s quotations. Reduced quotations for Eugilih consols In consequence of renewed warlike news may be n*med as additional cause ror the decline, although there was previous really hardly anything to be found in favor of cotton. Stocks are quite sufficient for present requirements and the prospective supply la large Indeed. We notice that the first bale of new cotton was received at Vlckatu-g on July 9 from the Butler-Halpln plantation. Before and at the third call there was a slight Im provement in futures but it was mostly lost again Immediately after the call. Future de liveries closed weak, 10 to 6,ICO lower than yesterday. Sales 8 000 bales. Tho following table shows the opening and doling quotations: (in coosols advanced JL but fell back j % uuder heavy offerings. due in tart to the report that the decline in Eng ILh securities was due to the failure of the Minster Bank In Ireland. There waa a renew al of wat rumors duriug the day and toward the close of the regular board and again July * August Sepiumbor............. October ................ November..* December * Janoarv.*......* February......*....... 10.05-od 10 06C I 9.V2-031 972.-73 9.G6^J 966.-67 9 74-75 9 85-86 9 96-97 10*6-07 10.16-18 sales 1527; midi Orleans 10%. uonHonoured net receipts 242; uplands 10%; middling exports costwlie 1287. 3ALTSST0W, July 15.—^Cotton market dull, •mauling 10 MS; net receipts 3;gro*a 3; sale* 0; stock 1.295. Norfolk, Jnly lft -Cotton, is steady; ald< AUnx to. net receipt*, 0, grot* 0; sales 2; stock 1298. ■WiLMiwotow, July lft.—Cotton quiet; mid- dllng 10%; net receipts 0. gross 0: sales 0; stock 292. Uavammaw, July lft.—Co*on market dull; m market finally closed for the day about 2% cents over yesterday. Trading waa the heaviest seen on 'Change lu many weeks. One large operator, who has been a rampant bear, waa credited with coveiing a Hue of short wheat estimated in round numbers at three million bushels. Chicago, July 15.—Flour steady: South ern S4.ft0aft SO. Wbaat opened active, un settled aud closed 1% higher than yesterday: July 86%s88%, August 88*89%, September 90</*92%. No 2 red caah 93*94 'to**, ope tied active aud very unsettled and closed t higher than yesterday; cash 46%. Julv 4ft%a46%, Au- guat 46%*46%, September 45%a<6% '**«i firmer closing % higher: No j caah 81%. Ju-y 81%an%, August 2e%*26%, September 2>%a25%. Mess pork irrregular, opened 10 higher, sold off ft, rallied 15 to 17% and closed atosdy: oaah S10 3'alO-aft, August 10.22a 10.40%. September *10 35*10 52 . Lard active, higher; cash $6.62%s6e5, August |6 65a6.70, September fO'2%. Bulk meat steady: dry salted snouldera *3.90*3 94, short riba J5.G5ab.70 clear sides 15 85a5.90 Whisky steady at 41.1ft Sugars easier: standard A 6%. granulated 6%. Baltimore, July 15.—Flour steady: How*rd streot ana Western aap<«rfir«j fg.uo S3 40, extra {3.£0«4.25 family I4.50aft.25 Cm Mllia sapetfluv W2ja3.60 extra J3.75%4 01 Rio brands |4.9Caft 00 Fatapa«x' family *5.25, aonerlative patem 16.00 Whe* 1 .— firmer, gyod Inquiry; Western easier and dull; Southeiu red »5a»6. do amber 96al.00. No Maryland 9 %a97, No 2 Wesum <*lnte» 3 spot 92%a9>% Com—Southern white steady; Western lower: tkrathera white 60*61 do yeilow 54aJ5 Nxw York, July 15 -Flom-touthern steady; common to fair uz'm J3.75s4.10 gooc to ohotoe extra M.lftaS50 ^hoat. apstUtol i red 8 f a94%, do white | .00: . ... . __.y 99*101 L«m. spot, opened heavy, % to % lower, reacted % to % aud closed strong: nngraded red EOafS, un- f 'ed white 52}^aft2%. Bonthern white No 2 red elevator 52^*52%, Joly52%a Oata, spot easy; No 2 mixed 8&%a Jift. Hops dull, nominal: new 20a25, lau to oholco 7al5 Coffee, apot fair Rio quiet at *8 62%, No ^ Rio, *p<t 46.96, July 16 95. Sugar dull, nominal: Harbadoes 4 0-16, centrifugal 16%, St. Croix 5%, Han Domingo 5%, French islands 5%. Demorara 4%, Martinique 51-1 , Antique ft 1-16, Brazil 4%, Feroaxobnco 4 15-16, Eugroh Island* 4%a5%, Muscovado Porto Rico ft 3-16, moi rmm's sugar ft 1-16, talr to tood refining 5%*ftJ<; refiuea zteady-r extra O 65**5% •♦hlto extra •*• f%, jellow f%a&Vi> a 5%a0, mould a ateuuai A 6^&6%. oomeulonera* A 6%a6>{, crush'd 7, cut >o»t 7, powder^ a granula ted 6%, cubes 6% k U i>. »rs dull; New Orleans 40&53. Cuu* (G0-tea; re«ilng)v0, Rice steady: domestic 4%s7 rangeen 4%. Cotton seed oil steady at ^a35t '‘mrt*- 88a39. Pork firmer: dism, spot *1150. Middles dull long clear (6.GQ. laird opened 6a7 higher and closed firm: Western ateam spoi 16.82%, July 15.85. Freights to Mr. erpooi per steamer steady: cotton 3 32J, wheat 2%d. Cincinnati, Jnly 15—Flour firm; family 14.25*4.50 fancy S4 60*t90. H&eat stronger No 2 red winter 94a93. < • n» steady; No 2 mixed 4SVa. Oata firm: i mixed 85. Pork firm attU.10. Lard strong: prime stean |6 42. ^uis higher: ahonMWl J4-00, *Lort riba »ft.75. abort clear 16.55. Bai*- stronger: shonbw r- 34.62%, short riba 16 47. short cleat *6 65. fiiutn-8ngar-curo quiet and steady *> 112.00. Sugar steady uuch&nged- usn* i're fined) 7a7%, a«v Or,can* fta6 Hogs firm: common andllgh* J3.60a4.65, put- lpg aud butchers’ 1410*4.75. whisky steady at <1.13. • cE ’ Dr.SALMON’S U ^0G CHOLERA SF_„, „ CHICKEN POWDER.'- SHEEP POWDER - CATYLE POWDER. - CONDITION 0 P0WDER •® , rPREVENT&CURE hOG CHOLFDa^ WF r AM J PREVENT HOG LICE&WORMq WE CAN < C «^ r CATTiLEMURRAIN.TEXAS«V*R^ ®CULARS^ y CURE SHEEP ROT.T4PE WORM VETERINARY MEDICINEC« nashville.tenn. FOHSALKHY FUNDERS BROTHERS, cotton FAUTOP^ tN WAOOyaQPANOS «n.l FA.RMEU9* -SlIPPUK-i. Macon! (1v ’S 81 ROBERT COLEMAN. BOLIVAR RAY. COLE MAM & RAY, '(Successors to COLEMAN & NEWSOM)," cotton factors* AND DEALERS IN Groceries and Planters' Supplies, Nos, 67, SO, 61 and 63 POPLAR STREET, MACON GA Liberal advances maria on cotton in store. * i Y'?. 1 *° PI ". y ol Gro<*rfe, and Ragging and Ties AUrjs on hand. We re.necilnl trusted to o», erp-ciaily in the sale of cotton COLEMAN Macon, Ga.,s one 25,. 1885. RAY. |nnM.1,t»im V ANDERBILT UNIVERSITY, r r : ACADEMIC | niDLICALt LAW| MEDICALt PIXAUMACEUTlCALi DE.UlL Civil Engineering and .Manual Technology embrace! In Academic Dapirtm-nt. ^Dfriii ... L iven to Civil KnKin»eriug. Full course In Manual Teclmolo«y. Se»M*u uperu Sent it; Tvii t on iterary aud tkicutltlc IX-piuttueut, goo; in Thcoloslcal, free. ForCat*lo(tM(Ii««) a «a4ioaM?' > * THIS ELEGAfIT Bales 1800; stock 26/59. Mobil*. Jnly lft.—Cotton market dull: •moonnz 9%; net receipt* 0 gross 0; isles 0; stock 4868. MXMrnt*, July 15,—Co«od easy; raid ing liquet raoelrjjK 17: gross receipts auouita, July lft.—cotton dull; miudUni 10%; rcoolpta 0; saka 0; stock 215. OHAitrjtrroiv, July 15.—Cotton dull and nominal; mid illn* 10; net loce’.pts 5. gtou* ‘ sales 0: stock 1315. iwftn R. B, 6a, maturity 1W7 to :n% January and July coupons..*: >ht »e audiGlxard andoraed I per *J04 ir« siortaue, due 1«W ”ll 0 M7 .nut, A Xu. no.H,, la, Bort. doe Hf»,January and Jnlreonpona„.l2 HI -eat. Ala. as. 1st non., ana IMS, April aed October coupons...._ lut 109 Sail. Ala. la, 9d mon., due INC. A» >1. nd October conponl... .11 ltf lortheastern end.7a, 1st inert., dot >*. ar,» and "’<>▼. nonroe.,,,, )]| 116 dot. A Rome, end. by O. R. R...™100!, 101H (AkX nock. __.m 112 »* 111 mra) R»orrUBank_ aiaaoan rreaxs. .uiost* and Bit.7a. guaranteed.. 117 » ntrel esrilridand — •» vpTrftt eeftifiratea , 87* j I.-uiliwestern 7a,xnarantaed,ex^UTllS>a lit iMigta Kallroad emiTUend 1«0 161! ( (soon Ou Light and Water stock. 81 Unler House stock. is Markers br Telearnnh. New Yoax, Jnly IS.—'The stock market hks been vary active and strong, especially (or IUats.—Market steady. Hi* ,remand (air. Wo quote: Bacon—.Idea 7)<ot,boulders , Bnlk ueaB-ridet ar.ocHen 5H. rms lOMall, at to rise son enallty. La kd,—Market quiet and steady, stock am. >le. Wo quote: In tltrcca and tabs r " psllr »!j: S ft mils 9M; > lb palls rllle kettle rendered, tierces 9VL Bcmlk.—Market steedy and well stock O'!, eleostargarine 70tS2o:newMay gilt ed»e«.28c, oreamerv TtaSC.,-ccnntrr TPaTtc* Twracc X t22: market orcratocked with country butter— qnallty t>oor. Oxnat.—Assorted, ta toxea TOIloe. barret. Yoss.Bkar.—Ocokau. lib 22.00:2 tbs rir.ee. Ficon.—Strong and lu good aerusna. Mar- tot advancing. We quote: Common 24.M family 26.25: extra -amiiv 25.0faS.50: fanny '•.60a«.ro: eaten tAMvtOl Day (toons.—The maraei It qJlst: deananc moderate; stocks amnle. We quote: Prints «H a6Hn: H Georgia brown ablrttug So; K do. 6Uc iri brawn sheeting OMe: white o*n*t>urgs s Jc; checks ejirXHn; varaaflHo for best mekre " town drillings 6}(sfc. Pntny.—Banana., red. tLOfsLH perbopcbi yellow tf 00s7.fo. Pm.toaa.—uoorl demand hr new potato* at t2A0aS.M per bbl. C'ABBArit-9 to ll cents par head. Rtcx.—firm. Good ta; vrimo eve; tancy 7e. Braaoit.—K«0nrit pearl boiM Jo: — ' “ ArriM—in moderated*meud. fat-.cy .lock ft.50a5.cn. Non, In market. os.nms',.—Market wett supplied. Demand „ .... light: 2J.50aJ.7J. Kimtda stock exhausted. 25 bidt tale. 100 barrels. Iuanwkaa.-Mtrketntm, Ucnn.nomH.OC per keg. Mule shoes 18.00. Ironhonndhunt, Trace oh*ln.40a50c per pair. Amts .hovels tll.CC ner das. Plow boos 4a5c i Calman'a plowstocka 11.25. Axaa r.l - doa. Cotton cards I4J0. Well trckcti ■Write Iren “ nw steel Pownei try sell blits, 1 gin rt. 1 N. w York Central and Northwastani amount, ed to 325,000 share, out ol a total business 475.C00 shares. Lackawanna and Vandarbul.. attracted the greatest attention and scored the greatest advance In prices Instead of being leverlah and and Irregular as yeaterday, the stock mentioned moved steedllr upward until Lackawanna rote New York Central ' 3V4 Lakeahore R iot prices being reached shortly belt ock. At the tame time Parldo Mall wu weaker on the report that a dividend will be passed, alto on account of tho probabilities bat Australian will be taken off alter Novem- X next. Stock closed !; lower than last even* Ing. 8L l'anl also was about steady until lata In the afternoon, when It became very str and closed with a nat advance of . Western Colon woa comparative!, quiet all day, selling only H ebove lest eve* Ing, end entirely without change. North* act mao 2%jH°t which wee lost rathe San) market closed weak eta Me llon below the highest of thaduy. There were report, of a Ru><lan advance npon Afghanis tan, and any number of stories concarnlng trank troubles and allegations that Vanderbilt waa secretly buying largo blocks of Now Yotk Central. loo tollowuii wero Ihe closing qoetatlocs Mobile A Ohio-. 8 Nash. A Obet 41 M. O. Pns_ lall.. 56 N. T. Central—«. 96X Norik. A W. pref. K Nor. 1'ac. com™. — prat™. ei*»sA,*tos_ n t'la.f B, 5s 102 ff. Carolina SJ 9. Carolina, new 18 running............ 10 S. C. Brown con.. 107 ' 47}; Padflo Mail.*. Richmond A AL. Klcff. A Pan * Rich. A W. P. T* 22 Rock Islandmm^a atPani do. I< X.i* PadteraMw Union PadflCm... :M Wabash PadflCm. 64$ do. praf S8% W. U. Telegraph. COMMERCIAL. MACON, July 15-Evening. Liverpool reported the market moderate anchangad prices. Middling oplands 16144. Bales, 7,000 bales. Futures dosed •toady. In New York future contracts opened ■toady at 10.IJ lot Jnly and eloaad steady at i0.G5-10.06. Balsa, 81,780 bales. Spots fa New York opened steady at 10% and doaod steady at 10% for middling up lands. Bales. 1557 bates. OOTTO*: MAKKKTB «Y TILKOWAPH2 for speculation and axport .94; rautfpto 14000; American 3.700. Futures steady. July and Augnat ; stock 3.058 CITY MARVttYBS Com—No 2.nixed No 2 white ftftavi. Data-No 2 mixed 3 *. Provisions strorg. Bacon—clear nba 1612%, clear aides <6.00, shoulders 44.C0. Buis maar* clear nu sides 15.75, clear «M«a 16 00, shoulder? *4.25. Pork—mess <10/5 Hams—Hnear curod 99.0J. Lard quiet-choice letf 18.00 prime steam 97.00. 8t. Louis, July 15.—Flour unchanged; family Hft5a3/5. Wheat active, opened % to % off and closed 1!«to 1^ above yesterday. No 2 red cash lOlali J, <>wt> opened dull and weak, closing firmer: No 2 mixed cash 44%a 41%, July 44>^at4!ii Oars easy and alow No 2 mixed caah 32a32H, August 24 Provisions higher. Porg—tiG.60al0 75 Rn>* meatt—long ms»r 95.60. abort no* J5 50 We will mall a Nickel-Silver Waterbuty Watch of the style represented in the cut be low to any one who * ill send us a club of ten new subscribers to the Weekly Telobaph and Messenoer at oue dollar each. This will enable each subscriber to secure the paper at the lowest club rate, and at the same time compensate the club agent for bis troub’e. £J5“*0nly new auBscRiBBRs—that la, tboae whose DHtnn are not now and have not been within six montha previous to the receipt of tbe order on our books, will be counted. There watebe* are not toys, but accurate aud serviceable time-keepers. They ate sim ple, durable and neat. The cases always wear bright. Tens ol thousands of them are carried by people of all classes throughout the United States. “The Waterhury.” *.00 per d< 14.28. CO IWHOH .saw orlkans, July 15 noar unchanged: lamlly 93.50aS.75, hl<h «tadua 9ft.2ftab.7ft, Coro firm and qmev. mixed 64; yellow 6ft, white 72. Oats quiet: prime Western 44. Ha) soarca and steady: prime llft.00al7.C0, cholct 118.50. Pork steady aud unebanted at lit 75 Lard quiet: tldrccs freflurav <7.00, keg 17.60 Bulk meats quiet ar.d unchanged: shoul dera, packed, 97.37%. iong clear 19.70, clesu rib 19.70. Bacon quiet aud nsehangad •boulders 18.00, long clear 910.25, clear ril aides 910.25. Hair.i—choice sugar-cmad quiet oholco canvassed 91f.60al*.75. Whisky st?sCv andunohanged; WesternreoUfladlUlftto91 25. Coffee steady; Rto foarvoet) common u prim* 7%a79% Sugar quiet: common to good common 4%aft%, choice yellow dan fled 6%a7. Moiauva quiet: common to good common 16a22, prime to choice 26*13 Rice firm Louisiana ordinary to prim« 4%aft%. Hrar quiet at 91.07*1.10 Cotton asco oil steady: prims end* 23%al9. summer yellow Nnvnl Stores. SAVANNAH, July 15 -BOSlD palCS) dulll strained to good strained ll.OOatlft; sale* 300 barrels. Pnlrta of turpentine firm regular OKAaisarow, July lft -Rplrfta of turpentlna dll ts 80,10 qul,l: Blrmln * d 91 %' Wilkinotosi, July 15.-Spirits of turpentine A— J, “" —*-1 9oT good Co .ton rope l6a20o per fft. Bwedc I or are. Blaiusa powder 12.75. L.a So per 2M0sl. per TV Drop Hut I Vtuo BataitSA—Fair Oomacai marvel steacj; mw 1.7.1111.50 per box; now LoaJon tavmi >4,71 pvr box; loose mnacatels I3.cc lunar. Wool, »»o.-«ta*-rtcoira :i,L*. dry Bint laid: taltad ialO. Wool nominal: nr. washed 12aUc: washed Ua22o; burry 6.lor. Wax 20021o. Tallow 5c. OILA—JAarkri Brat and In goad drasini; r., -alMMOe: West Vlrrinta black 17c: lato o:: 70o; oottantMdK;b«tdll(htl7a20oik.roivro 15c; nooutoot 7ta; machinery JUtcct Hnaarii 44.710; mineral seal tin: cotton scad r»6v.d *EO Ptcxx.11.—Plata 21A0: quarts 22.25,* half oar. rets, plain and mixed, 27.w. Nuts.—Tcrrafona almonds 2ic pvr a*. Pith eras paper shell 24o: French walnut. 15al‘> Naples —: nccans 15c; Braall Uhf! eiborts - ooooannta 240.45 per UCC. Bauds is.—unaner doxm American ts.tB iportod 21550. stroaka-Tu market ta firmer and hlaher ■maned 7Xo; powdered 7V6o; aranntated 7!i'. 7X0! A tH«70; white extra OHac; yellow so Hat.—TbomarXathlfher. (ood dorsan.i; »• quota at wholesale: Western ttmoifc? tt.25; n Lt 1 io*I-Hl*hert rood dutand; Msutns 24 0OS4JO. Bun Potatoes.—Fa.lent stock 2575 per Dbxbd PxACBka—Btrictly No. 1 p«ied to pot Bvacr.—Market bare of Florida and Gentle tjrrngi; Now York antar 20.40c; flew Orleaci Moixa—Abont seven cat loads la tho map It; tradoacllve; 210 . Hoaaxs.-There are very lew horse, la mar- ■lokonk beta. $500, tar bbla. IL25, kits 60. ■Liqooaa flyo BM [ Eonthoa 2i.9Ca5.0C Ujiai, tin ud ram ll.iwal.T •• N C braii'iy IJfs.aJ.7 sherry w*.:;c : r,r*:.'fr >, all.W. french mastic brandy Jl.6fta2.00. ImouSmruma AUCnomre.-Ala bans lamp lime li In fair demand, and U BBUj ^ a unit, low * i a is naa iTallo bait -Tbo demand la moderate, and the market steady; lartettoAk; Virile!a llaL'd: Liverpool 21; by car load these meet can ts shaded. Ooirxa.—Tha market ts quiet ud tteadyt choice UolfSo: wood UKalioi medlnm 10Ha VcaUfre^LKtai.lipet bhL None In market Ottomr.—Tallow ud red 250uaam pa ma None la market. Wax—IS w Do. Gsadi.—ooro—marXat Irm; Hook tallth tood mtlllst com 7M by car leu. too, •mall lota; mixed com 75 Oata-to- ' Bin lLlS. P Cmnr.o, July li.—The day velopcd Into ore ofurct ex. too decline In British coin. . . . txwad proepeetof a poeetblo war between 0 ttM Britain and Russia/ The imarksl opened firm ot 25. Romu doll: etralned 9ft, food ■trained 15. Tar Arm at 11.20. Crude turpentine Arm: bard (LIB, yellow dip ud virgin 12 00. r Tost, Jnly IV-Rosin — redned — at ll.20ai.22if Spirits ol tnrpontlno dull at 28^aJ8^. moot. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tbit powder neT6rvsulM. A marvel of purity, strength and wboiesouenees. More economical than the ordinary kind,, ud cannot bo Bold In competition with the multitude o! low test, abort weight, altun or phosphate powder,, field only in cans. Rotai Baxibo Fowdik Co., 106 Well etreet New York. Thl, powder can be bought at & K. Jacques, corner ith and Cherry atreete, Macon Go. Notice of Leave to Sell Land GEORGIA. JONES COCNTY.-NoUco _ hereby given that four weeks after date 1 will apply to tbs Court of Ordinary of Jonea coun ty for an order to sell all the real estate be longing to Mrs. Sarah Btrdp deceased, situated in Ukecountv of Jones. L. O. BIRD, July l l. 1&5. Administrator, FOR $3.50 wee ill send tbe Weekly Teleosapk and Mkmzngis one year and one 01 the abova de scribed watches to any address. ThU propo sition is open to our subscribers aa wall aa those who are not. Act Promptly. The above proposition, will ho kept open lor o limited time only ud partlet who wleh to take advantage of either ihould do so at once. fl'nleti otherwlae directed we wllltend tho watches by mail, packed In a itont paste board box. ud our responsibility for them will end when they are deposited in the post ofllce. They can bo retlatered for ten rente and parties who wish this done ihould Incloeo thli amount.or wo will lend them by eipreu, tbo chargee to do paid when they are deliver ed. Addrete THE TELEGRAPH AND MK83KNGEB, Macon, Georgia. Make money ordera, checks, etc., payable to H. C. HANSON. Manager. TOSiMMEN JSK8 manhood. •««. I will saadroaaTalQablatrvatiMiM t h- rWw <ti»M—.also direct inn* for tolf^urw. frwtf mtft. A4tewrwiK0J0fllMwii««kUia ut This Out " 1 ' ^ 111 BmaWKIacQLDlH 8CI Cf G03C9 ■ ■’■•TTTTv >’ m MflRC M081Y. In M^ma. ’2iAneiny:ii . i*-In Am.-rT--» A r .-.. v* Ncv-vlliUi'Ui>iUL M.Youutf,i;jtir<w-nwi4.’bSLN.YA s#18M SLAVERY! tSSffS Ul t IliiS \avoMilkiy ■fSTarrGegyad^tosS Vj i paln,iwnrotaan^MSorl>-t ,\,*m Acwrt’inRnir - •t»l« cam, ondoriod » y tho Jfc !i - »i i r. to »« nr llumt u.-. N„ omfing-girat,r»* '.mini, orldrrfVrriU'cwIth l.u.l-ip... f*AMPHUT ;uti full :«rtlfu!ard, chaPM, prtn an<l mrdlc*Tr» Victor A Co ct alva. Peterson, Oliver A Co R. M. Oliver A Co., Mr*. Margaret A. Oliver. Chas J. AUen, et al — B 11 iu Equity-Bibb Kuperlor Court, April Term, lSh5 It anpeariug to the court that Mrs. Margaret Oliver end Chaa. J. Allen, defendants In lh» above stated case.do not reside In the btate ■* * ged to * ‘ | i*| that i herefare. be served according to the' ordinary legal methods, and that they have not In fact been served.! On motion of complainant*’ solicitors It la irdered iy tbe court that service of the above hill be made on the aald defendants by publi cation of thU order in tbe Telegraph and Mes senger, e newspaper published iu the city of Macon, count) of bibb and State ot Georgia, once a month for four months, before the next term of the court. T.J. SIMMONS, J.8.C. June 25th, 18*6. A true extract from tbe minutee of Bibb Su perior Court, June 25th, 18S5. jnn261 am 4 m A. B. BOSS, Clark. Libel for Divorce. Aainie Harrell vs. John W.Hamll -It appear ing by the return of the sheriff that the de fendant In the above case la not to be found in the county of Bibb, and it being shown to the court that ha does not reside in the State of Georgia, It la ordered Out said defendant do a - this »K or oatiflfartory end In good faith. Three* i>witcS: it ha*UK rddfl*. anchor U» vr movtuat; I hand;stem vlndman then|)|N'nrnnreof -inv*. ,y if fcttii o» \.\TLI\ WATtll t. Uwoklyn.X.i« •‘"HE BEST IS CHEAPEST.” ENGINES, sniLwen InRhhncnO ciotuD: a '■^ir*t to all wctlon*. t Wri»«fop.' , *K*nieal5eaf ! v 5n t Trlt-wR tnTho AulUnan i Taj lor U, ir stUm fjuTuyTn Ur."»7» HTi Iw! -nu5 W ’ P, V* * nS EXCELSIOR 800KST0VES ALWAYS SATISFACTORY EIGHTEEN SiZESAHD KINDS ILL PURCHASERS CAR BE SUITED makuyacttued by Isaac LSteppacd & Co. .Baltimore,Mi AND FOR HALL IIY GEO.fS. OBFAR, Age j'JnO Macon, i KNOW THYSELF,k A Great Medical Work en M&dM THE SCIENCE OF LIFE. 0NLY$1 By Mall Post-Paid. • iu Ma thereof the conn will proceed jusucc shall appertain. Further ordered that service of said petition and process of this or der be perfected by publication of this order in tha Telegraph and Mkssenoxk once a mouth for four montha before said October term 1*85. Let this order be entered on the minutes of this court. In open coart April 29,15*5. J. BRANHAM. J.8.C„R.C. H. F. STKOHCCKXR, plaint!:r* attorney. A true extract from the min a tp * of im>b Su perior Court. A. B. ROSS, Clerk. Jane 19. lteft—Jy4 lam im* Youth, and the untold l indiscretion or excesses. A book for man, young, mid He aged and old. It o< l-’*» prescriptions f.»r all acute and rhror »aie^, each one of which is invaluab found t»r tha Author, whoae axperlcnea for twenty-three years U aut h a* probably never before fell V * *' “ tjaicc-4. boun lot ay phj«' LOCKHART'S Hot Springs Specific. For the care of Syphilis, Scrofnte. LeucorrboNL Gonorrb'i-s, Cutaneous Disease*, Ulcers, Eat- Mercurial 9ore >• 11/no reward any mercury ' ^ lngor HjpkJlltfe Sore throat. Mi Mouth. Sore Nipples. Sort Eyes. J for any mercury found In these ptIU a o:«. By aaU 7>* R. P. LOCK HART, ya warn Proprietor, Selma, Ala. J« Ola Hnolinii Private and chronic dliaaeei Hundreds of certificates of cum adjotulug counties, comultatloc due by mil or txpreua. ed c Ss wilt be 91 by n is^-mechanlcal, liter- L poat-p author by tho Nath the President of wl ilouaV—than any ntry for 12 oi ‘ ' ry instance Medical A«400in ch. the Hon. P. A. ■4 of the Board tho f-o’ldoti U • , 1 " MIKA ; TilYSK1.K clw.jy 01., N. Y.