Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, August 21, 1885, Image 8

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THE TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER: FRIDAY. AUGUST 21.18-55. ON CALAII) BANDS. The Morn with many a scarlet van leaped, and the world wm glad with May. The Hula waves along the bay Broke white upon the shelving itranda; The sea-mews flitted white as they A Full Liat of the Officers nnd Executive Committee. From the proof-sheets of the premium llat fortbecomlog fair of the State Agricultural Society, wo get a full and complete llat of the On Calais sandal On Calais lands must man with man Wash honor clean In blood to-day; On spaces wet from waters wan llow white the flashing rapiers play,— -Farrv, riposte, and lunge! The fray Shifts for a while, then mournful standi The victor; life ebbs fast away On Calais sandal officers, executive committee and division superintendents. The premium lists will soon be ready for mail! jt. On Calais sands a little i j span Of silence, then the splash and spray. The sound of eager waves that ran To kiss the perfumed rocks astray, Touch the lips that ns'er said “uay,” To dally with the helpless hands; Till the deep sea in silence lay On Calais sands! ENVOY. Between the lilac and the May She waits her love from alien lands; Her love is colder thsn the clay On Calais sands! —Andrew Lang in the Magaxlne of Art President, Col. L. >. Livingston, Covington, Secretary, E. C. Grier, Macon Treasurer. Captain XL J. Powefi, Barnesvllle. Vice-Presidents. First district, Capt. A. F Hahn, Springfield; 8-cond dfstri t, Capt f. G. McCall, Quitman; Third district. Col. J. H. Black, Amerlcus; Fourth district. Col. James H. Fannin, LaGrange; Fifth district, Col. W. L. Peek, Conyers; Sixth district, Col T. O. Holt, Macon; Seventh district Col. T. J. Lyon, Cartersvil'e; Eighth district, Col. J W. North ern, 8parta; Ninth district, MaJ. W. H. Per- ktnson, Woodstock; Tenth district, Col. M. C. Fulton, Thomson. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. First district Dr. A. Oemler. Savannah; Capt W. H. Cone, Ivanboc; Capt. J. O. Davla, Dar- lot Second district, Dr. W. C Paschal, Daw son; Hon. Thos. VV. Fleming. N w:on; Capt T. R. Bennett. Camilla. Third district Capt. I. F. Murph. Msrshallville; Col R. W. Auder- LOST HIS MIND AGAIN. Mr. Chaa. Gardner Will so to the Asylum One* More. Yesterday morning officcts Moore and Drew arrested Mr. Charles Gardner at the union passenger depot The aneat was cfljcted at the Instance of Mr. Gardner's son. Arthur Gardner, who stated to the officers that his fother waa in a dangerous state of mind and that the family were In fear of bodily hatm from him. When arrested Mr. Gardner had in bis nos i a double-barreled shotgun and equip- McMhuuk was notified and a writ of lunacy was issued against him. The following Jury were Impaneled to Inquire into his mmtal condition: Messrs, w. L. Glass, T. F. Walker, M. D , GeorgeL Honrv.W.W.Baughn, J. E. Whitehurst, J. B. Denton, Oscar Adams, H. A Blue. Charles McAllister, C. A. Killy Ixniis Nelson and G. W. Holmes. Sr. After an iim utiKHtion It wsa decided that be was a proi-er subject for the asylum, and ho was lorthwith committed to the county Jail. It it probable tha: he will be taken to the asylum this morning. Mr Gardner la considered a splendid me chnnlc when in his natural state of mind, and ' r sometime been engaged with Messrs “ » has btMM J. 8. Schofield & Son. He 1 Warreuton for some offense committed while in this unfortunate condition. The famllfl hero were notified of what had happened, am securing his release had him brought home! Since then his condition has been growing worse, and culminated lu bis arrest under the at>"vi- < irenmatances yesterday morning. The following concerning the unfortnnate taken from the Warreuton Clipper: vcral TlIMpnVMMMHMP Charles Gardner by name, worked at Donble Wells in this county, and by bis industry and ri i Ik ation to business, won for hlmselfH good name end an abundant snocess Though no wan raised at the North, yet when Southern —called to defeud the principles tho sentiments of his adopted home, was among the boldest of our Southern heroes. On last week ho visited our county and contracted with Mr. D. Maya and Mr. Tbompsou to repair a mlll.1 Bnt it was soon discovered that Mr. Gardner « not in his right mlud. and hissa*sequent| wb iu uia riKin miu'j, kuu utiiu"iu<{uciu action bore out this euiplclon. On the nigbt of Friday, the 12th lnraot, he met Mr. D. a! tya and asked him to return with him to Mr. Thompson's. They both got ont of the buggy, Maya going in tirat, when Gardner came In I much to tho surprise of every one, he pre vented a pUbd to Mays'a breast and told him to consider himself under arreat: that ho {Gardner) being a United States detective had been hunting him for the last four years and had found him at lut. At this state of affaire I Thompson orderod Gardner to retire ■] did so. On Saturday Gardner was brought before Justice Fowler for com] mitment trial, ebaraed with assault with In tent to murder, end though Mays, the prose cutor, and Thompson, at whose bouse the feud was committed, swore that they thought Usrd- fled t cr»zf, besides other witnesses tenth i the same thing, yet he waa committed jor an assault. On Monday, however, he was tried and acquit'ed by Judge Pilcher on the grounds of insanity. In the trial before the County court letters wero read from Dr. Pow ell. of Mi Hedge rills, to the effect that Gardner had been an Inmate of the asylum before. After ho was acquitted our good people made — -|i ftkim to his family cy enough to send -.nds at Macon, and put into the custody of the conductor of tho opening's train. THE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY* .. • . wmyiii iiiu. . son, Hawklnsvllle; Capt J. Clayton Clements, Towns. Fourth district, Col J. M. Mobley, Hamilton; Msjor M. R. Russell. Carrollton; Dr. H. H. Cary LaGrange. Fifth district. Col. J. D. Boyd, Griffin; Major G. W. Loyd, Coving ton; Capt E. B Plunk* t, Atlanta. 8lxth dis trict, Capt. R. E. Park, Macon: Col. G W. Adams. Forsyth; Jere klollls. Esq, Macon. Seventh district, Col. J. O Waideil Cedar- town; Capt. Pearce Horne, Lalton; Major B. M. H. Byrd, Cedartown. Eighth district^ Can J. B Eoehart Point Pe- A COMING STAR. The New Aspirant for Nellaon'e Laurels- How Sho Will be Supported. New York Morning Journal. Ever since the death of the very much lamented Adelaide Neilson a dossn differ* ent actresses have fretted their ihort time on <he boards at stars in the laudable en deavor to take the place vacated so sud denly. It is truth to tell that that position has not been occupied yet, even by our own gorgeous Mary Anderron, who. when she attempted Neilson’s Shakespearean parts in London, made a distinct artistic failnr*, and even a pecuniary one. The dialect actresses, among whom we may number Mod j«ska, Kbea and two or three others, have occasionally attempted Bhnkspeare, bat the difficulty iu under standing their peculiar pronunciation of blank verse has, pernsps, robbed them of a portion of that success they would other wise have had. The last aspirant in this direction is a Miss Adelaide Moore, who is to open at the Ktar theatre as "Ju let" on Monday, August 17. Miss Moore has only been in tha country two weeks, but she has not lost time, for already Barony has photo- FINANCIAL. 3 very fotv horses in mar*' miOJU AND BOND820 MAttON. CoatBiar.—Cockod.iaUtXJ;2 Rs53.CC. 1.4 Flock.—Strong and lu good demand. Mar- J *. ret advancing. We qnoto: Common I4.5C. \*4 COEBXCTED ET I family M>.2S; extr* *am*ly *5.00a5AO; fancy . J. W. LOCKETT. Beoxbr. ffJOaAOO: patent te.56x.m U Day Goods.—The maraot is quiet;_dsmart MACON, August 6, MS, _ _ Investments in good demand, with markets {SL2j5(^^ijS5 J S^o^ rT ' 9,n ^ otorbjv ^ ,a ** :e,s very strong. Monev easy. j ylurr.—Bauxnac, rod. fl.OQaLSO per bunch il yellow *2.00x8.00. )' w oneaflA.- Mar set is quiet; demand light; , .... _ - . -.ocks amplo. We quote: Full cream 14o; l 1 isu is, 1886, Feb. and Ana. ooupor.s.KO 0 X lower grades 12*1?o ! >a. 7a, 1886, January and July cou* nasror.—Apsnrtoa. in boxes WHOc, bairels Dons, mortgage W. A A. R. \X J(2 %%o. la. ?•, gold, quarterly ooupocs ill 12 Daron Pwiimsa-atrictly No. 1 peeled to tw a. fed?, Jxn.andJulyooorent,,1.2)4 b$K pound. CITY Bovns. PIGELES.—Pints H.BC: quarts *2.25; hall car* 1 reli, plain and mixed, $7.00, THI SECI -twooa n, quarterly t capon,.. ’.iVieinab'e., quarterly couponiiHr^tio^ I gSaSSK^i®^ ,or ' xiut0 ' 1 J ninrafcuB 6,quarterly coupon,.... . 90 91 (UaSKiaUsito llemta net bead UViuta U, quarterly con pom. HO ivl | atoa -Flrm C^l tet wtafttac: (auoy I*. 8TA*OH.-KaSne« pearl toxe, 6o; do. 1 a v•>»;«*.van femaleCollegebonds..~VAX !DXI toxaalZ XAILBOAD ECtiPS, k-.t-ntio and Gulf 1st r.ortgatt. t»7, January and July coupons..~115 ter; Col. Geo K. Heard, Elber'on; K Kener, picture noeb not tool us ir sne were any Madison. Ninth district. Col Geo. n Joues, more. Bhe has an intelligent face, Urge graphs of her In the piece she intends to phs show her as a comply lady. H-*r delightful uncertainty that she is 21 or 23 years old, and her picture does not look as if she were any play. Theie photographs i plump, youthful and com husband states with delight Norurnss: Col. W. A. Holcombe, Alpharetta; MaJ. T. N. Dslaney, Woodstock. Tenth dl*- B rckman, Augusta; Col. J. L. Fleming, Au gusta. HEADS OF DEPABTMRtrrS. General superintendent. Jere Hollis, Esq J. O. Weddell, Cedartown, superintendent. ■ I Department B. cattle, sheepaud swine, Capt. Pearce Horne, Dalton, supcrlnten ’ent. " jjartment C, poultry aud bees, capt. E. B, Plunket, AtlsnU, s«iperlntendent, .'Department D, field crops. CoL J. M. Mob ley, superintendent. Department K, horticulture, orchard, etc. Dr. w. C. Paschal, Dawson, seperlutendent. Fannin, LaGrange, superintend Department G, ornamental needlework. Dr. 11. H. Cary, L*Gra ge, superintendent. Department II, fine arts. Col I J . J. Berck mans, Augusta, superintendent Department J, tool* and implements. M. R. Bussell, E q., Carrollton, superintendent. hmell, h q., Carrollton, superintendent. Department K, rnsnufa* tures. CoL J. H. Hack, Americas, sunerluten ent. BlaeL, — Department L, Machinery. Col. G. H. Jones, Norcross, superintendent Department M, merchants’displays. Capt. J. G. McCall, Qnltmsn, superintendent. Department N, races. CoL T. J. Lyon, Car* teriville. superintendent eyss and wears dishevelled hair, fiat does not appear to be particularly abundant. From her husband, too, it la learned that ane has been starring in the British f iroviucea in Shakspeareau plays for the ait three or fonr years. that she shall not miss her opportunity here Mr. Theo. Moss has allowed her to have the Star Tneatre for $1,000 a week, which is a good deal less than his ordinary rent, and Mr. Pitou, who is her manager here, is really engaging some good people for her sup port So far he has obtained Mr. Joseph Whee- lock for the "Mercado” of the perform ance, Mr. Atkins Lawrence for the "Ro meo,” Leslie Allen for the "Friar” and Clara Fisher Maeder far the "Nurse.” If Miss Moore has the ability of any of these ■he will be snre of success, for her g<x>d looks and her youth wiilgo f.r to aid her. It really looks, if she is what her husband represents her to be, as if tha successor of Neilson might have been found. Dublin it was learned that 10) convicts b.*gan work venter'ay morning on the Macon and Dublin railroad, an enterprise that has been mentioned several tlmea in these col umns. Those who have doubted heretofore its future have now every confidence In its success. The force arrived Saturday night, bringing a number of wheelbarrows plcka and spades. Thcj began the grading at Dublin no the river , and will work towards Jeffersonville. The /orco Is under tho direction of Engineer Arthur Ton, »n1 the work will be pushed as rapidly as possible. The Best EmJomaro nro Bonks Them selves. An endorsement of the high reputo which It deservedly enjoys at home (where itfo lows the even tenor of lu way), fa abown oy the fact boldly advertised by tho world famed Louisiana State Lottery, that The New Or leans National Bank, Louisiana National Bank. State National Bank or Germania Na tional Bank, all leading banks of New Or leans, La., will receive any registered letters orpnaUl orders accompanying orders. The next drawing (the lM.b), will occur Tuesday, September 8, for any informs)ion of which addreas M. a. Dauphin, New Orleans, La. Showing That Young America's Wisdom- teeth are Cut too Early. Providence Journal. Day before yesterday, one of the citizens of Pawtncket noticed a small boy, appa rently 10 or 12 years of rge, snfily en- s tonced under the bjwlof a drinking foun tain in front of the Pawtucket Congrega tional Church. The little fe.'losr sat there quietly and calmly that the citizen won dered what it could all bo about, and he became so Interested that he stopped to watch him. A few moments later anoffitr little fellow who stood on the sidewalk shouted, "There’s a pigeon 1” The citizen then saw that a p!ge-jn had alighted upon the edge of the bowl to drink. The little fallow peered out from under the bowl cautiously until he aaw the tail of the bird, and then, running his hand carefully along the under side of the bowl, caught toe pigeon by the leg and was up and away. The other little fellow wan also go ing away when the citizen hailed him and asked him what bis friend was going to do with the pigeon Jr ” wai Bucklen'a Arnica Fnlyei The best salve in the world for cuts.brulae*, sores, ulcers, salt rhnim, fever sores, tetter, chapped bauds, chit lalns, corns, and all skin eruptions and positively cures piles, or oopay required. It le tuaranteed to give perfect sat 1st action or money refunded. Price *.5 oents per box. For sale by Lamar, Raukin and La- Sell it,’ 1 was the reply in a business like manner. “Do yon catch many that way?” was the next query, to which came the answer: "Yes; me and him caught seventeen the other day." "What did you get apiece for them?>’ and the aoswer was "ten ce-its.” Yesterday morning the cttizei noticed the same t*o boys engaged in the same operation, and drove them away and noti fied the police to put a stop to it. It must b) admitted that the trick Is an Ingenious one and cannot fall of being succe-sfnl, as the bird, all unsuspecting, is drinking. A Macon Conductor's Capture. M win bo remembered by readers of thel TKi.Kunarn that about thrte months ago 4 ne gro preacher named Jesse Cook, living at or near Butler, in Taylor county, murdered his wife with no axe, and succeeded In effecting bln escape. Efforts to capture him failed, though half a dossn negroes have been amit- «*d at \ nr ions tlmea. 1 hey proved their Iden tity. and tho real Jesse kopt free. Whl'oat Union Springs, Ala., on Tuesday night. Conductor George Smith, of the through freight, hired some auditions! help to dt«- ihargcsome frelghtorbagtagc. Hewastxken asldo by one of bis train hamH and told that among the men at work was tbo notorious and lone some ht for Jesse Cooh.Thecondncter saw in his mind iiu-' . r ot's proclamation, nnd other rewnriH wtth the figures 4300 looming com plo noukly In tho background, and with the aa- a uta nee of his train hr nds soon had Jesse where all hopn of escape wai ent off. The wlfc-murderer wae placed in Jail at Union Hprln?*, and Governor McDaniel’s re.iui- Uon will go forward at onoe. Conductor nmlth not only deserves the re ward n, but the thanks of the people in aiding to bring to Justice so brutal a man. who won? A arulntor to his friend did say: ‘TlUay a wager 1 can make The sculptor, smiling, made reply: Another Appanrnnce of HugalnK Mollle. The Hugging Mollle, whoso performancee havobect mentioned several times of latel hss made a change of base, and was perform) i last beard from, In another part of loi best way of sobering up i. to b.th, the h.xl and wiitt. In cola water, end take a notion o! bromide of p ituetum and aromatic ammonia or valerian. Am old colored woman upon being Immemdln F.l.tka i.e- Sunday, exclaim ed: “Bre s de Lord, die em Die'Imre tee been beptiied.”—Jacksonville {Fla ) Her ald. CorriMa letters In the treasury at Washington li nuw done by eallarapb on tte ehreti ol paper for blndiDg in ie>. Toe new proem eaves tuna end money. Visnma la about to put Into practical operation an teron.mio mutilation, where a conetant lupply ol balloons ol every kind and etyle will be kept on hand. Aican- have been coni H , , in the neighborhood of the byosgogue, corner of Second and Popltt streets. If the report of her lsxt performance U to be credited, she has enlarged her field of action endr* I ' somewhat boiler in her attacks.I The fourth and lut victim pat in appear- ano# yesterday morning at the city half, and lodgi-ii information that be bad been deprived of fUj the night before by this mysterious periM>u, who attacked him between Cherry I «nd Poplar streets, near an alley In thereat of Collins'a repository, lions are to be free. Somebody has calculated that the ad- vertisements in a recent Saturday issue of the London Time* brought in about $11.* 000. This would make 966000 a week, $204,000 a month and $3,1G8,00U a year. Tiie total eclipse of the uun on Sep- A Lest Fiag, This ofilco is la receipt of a letter-from Lieu tenant thaie M. Healn, at Laconia, N. II., ask in g for Information concerning the colors] of the Twenty-sixth Msisachnaetta Volunteers, captured at the terrible fight at Hinchester, Va., by tho Twanty-slxth Georgia Regiment A thorough search t>as been made for it, but no tidings have been received. The survivors are anxious to hsve it returned to them by October 18. when they will bold their reunion. Any ineiAt- r of the Twenty-sixth Georgia Regiment having any knowledge of thefiig can communicate with Lieutenant Swain at 1-Aconla. {’•store Suicide of a Cat. On Sunday morning as several gen- it men acre crossing the bridge over the fieoa and Western railroad near ware's ,h« y saw the fc *t mall train from Atlanta ^ ng an<l stopped to see it pass underneath, on looking down they aaw a large cat on me fide of the track and one of them re- mat ke*l that he Intended to see whet tha cat would do when the train came along, suppos 'd comae, that It would be frightened d climb up the embankment. m . i the tram approached at ita rapid rate the Oil waa noticed to crouch Itself for a spring, am at the Instant the ponderous engine waa fMatfta, Tabby sprang under the front tracks. I W hen the train had nassed tha observing par ty n* tost the wheel had eat the cat in half, I as nicely aa tf it had been done with a razor- edg' d ' leaver. So swift was the movement of | n fortunate paiaay that it reached the op- pot-lie rail of the beck. i Author of Beautiful Snow. Ml ON. Aufa.t 11. IMS.—)furn. Editor.: I rt.'i jour I'lltorUl on "know poeu to the ■ nC I knew Henry W. Faxon IMlautelyi • boyhood end mine k. k. •lw.yi cUlmed to be the author of and no sun It.In, than In C.JM douM'd thel to y.xon brlongcd the credit wrtuiw the "Itc.uttfut snow." Bom, yel after ifenr, • death, Chertmi A. Ye*< rom ltd, huge mail of ibapale.. day A patient woman nuu lut.takc," I’ll taka yon." waa hie friend, repty, And toon the KUtptnr'a work we. done. ■ KUIVIUI, PHUIIUP, WWIO IVF'J • „ A perfect woman inonld have none. Mother! If the little darling Is .pending each deep- lest night*, dowly and ptlnlully waiitlng away by the dralnege upon Ita aji'em from the dT-cte of trethlng, procure a but Hoot Dr. BUgera' Huckiirterrv Cordial, TIE UKEaT SODIHKKN REMEDY, and Dnd what many mother, have by Ita me—a cotoptata care, at It will In all howell affection, In byth yonng and dd. For aala by all droggtat) at 80 centa a bottle. teoiber 20 will not be vinble In Iba Dotted State,. The only land on ibe i lobe from which the pbate of totality will be vlr'ble I. tbe ihort of Cook’s itialt, In New Z;a land. A Mohammcdan university 000 years older than Oxford la atill Hjaiiabing at Cairo a ■ In tba daya of Arabian connects It contalna bat on. room, tha ll'or ta paved and tha roof la tupported by 400 ool It ig n curious fact that wasps’ neats often take Hre.aalaiuppo.ed.by ib.cbtm- leal action of tbe wix upon tba material of wbtchttaneit 0 compos'd. Many of the Brea of nnknown origin In bayet.cke and farm bnltding. may tba, be accounted for —Ithaca Journal. rArgB baskets tor farm and factory net art now manalietured. Tbs lima art protected by a wooden hoop on etch tide, both nailed together, and tha large baeketa (two-bnah.l ilxe) are ttreegibened by woodea ribe, and fnrniibtd with iron bot toms and rib,. I JTiie longest reapito on record has been granted by tba aovernor ot Delaware In tbe cue ot Lewis F. Llat, who wai aen- tenced to death fora murder committed in Wilmington. Tbe law prohibit* the governor from Dominating a death len ience, io be overcame the legal prohibition .... .. May 20, now ’ by respiting List until Friday, U 1W0—over Blty-foor yean. He ia i hta twenty-filth year. The town of Brierly Hill, in the En- glUh coal refloat, tbresttn, to diappear from eight. Clafta are opening In tbe •tracts, and the people fear a sadden en- galfmcnt Into tbe mfntn. chamber' which honeycomb the grooud underneath. Tbe owner* of tha pita have off,red to a*U them to the town for a fair consideration, and the council Is now oomldming whether It it beet to hoy them or, to tut a slang term, to let the town glide. A wealthy lady ot Philadelphia ia haring bail! a miniature cull, for the nee ot a pet dog, a handsome-looking tali' blooded maitifi. The fntun home of bit dogahlp is modifed altar one of the famous round tower, tf Ireland, and when com- plated will cost $800. Tbe honra la fire and a half feet long, six feet high and fonr and a half fast la width, only highly pollebad antique oak bring need in IU cotutrncUon. Tbe entrance to the boose la by a fin* arched doorway, and that portion of the front adjoining the latter la ovaUbaped. The corner* are rounded, and in every way the onUlnee are pleaeicg. Tba front and (Idea !4.60*5.00. None In nurket. OaA»ee>.—nwaci won supplied. DemanO light; BA0a3.75. im.k Ida itock exhausted. turn—note crop, No. i, obis.. «u.oo, nail bble. *6.00, quarter bbl«. UMt nt» Joe: No. * mockeroL bbU. N on. pelf bbli. U.0f. qnir- wr hbl«. JJ.I5. kit, 60. HAaew.sa.—Market arm. Herts I par keg. tlnle .hoe. 26.0D. Jronbonodbaue iLARSil forhaleby FUN0EHS BROTHERS JOTTON FACTUpj ’ :J?“P.0ERH. DKALtto •nMOafc- ArfLies.—in mof 4 erated**maiK. Fancy stock IN WAGONS*GUANOS wn«l FARMERS' HUPPMEg, M \CON. O a Lie.', January and July coupons.~.j ntral R. R. consol, mort., li, 18W, ixn. and July coupons —..„ UHM ui tvcrala R. R. 6s, maturity 1827 to Lttl, Janaary and July couvom. M .lCC senile and .Girard endorsed 8 per ••■iuu 5kl mortgage, due 1K3S 1C6 dont. tb Hi?, crd. 6s,. 1st mort. fin? , .— ... . .. ------ * *09, January »nd Jnlyi»npon»_lM}4 :f4>( M.5"cf.OO rernn cb.m. fOrtV; Mr pair. Am« 'cn. Ala. at, ut mort., one lfwt, «hovel, S O 00 oer do,. W<mO>oc* tilc w April and October coupon* lu! 109 ?• Hrim.rC p.ow.tooti H OO ire* 170* • rat. **. la. 10 mort.. doe tUC bon oet >1'«. OottruR6ti. WeUbnoXr') LO'd and Octoberoottpone ..,.,—311 U3 4 40 0o;ton root 16o93r: por Pi. BweOcIm <<>rtbua«ern end. 7e, lrt mort., duo ’>« », M9nod'MV4cj.cn Ih. (Iw* 'W. SoT.eonpope..^„Jit us Ucp«rS>. H.47--ti»«f»r.f UM. poeu )0l. A Rome, end. by C. R. R 100V, toiR »V.OO net aec BImotk powdw 1978. <e tAUitoao vrooxs. I W Dree s»et a-.astx aud Bov. 7s. xaxrantoedm.117 ox-dividends...mm. '0 j-vairal certificate*...—*. * 89 tuntkwextern 7».«uamriU3ad,sx-dtvil4 »f-.>fgta Railroad ex-dividend -.150 [ANDERBILT UNIVERSITY,^"? -wi [ ACADEMIC; RinLICALl LAW| W MEDICAL; PIIAIUIACECTICIL. .,r ' ! ' !,i I I Clrll Enrinearing and Manual Technology rmbrawd In Aculralc DrnartnreL B™, .fill _ 40-3U Gas Light and Water stock. 91 jxnlirr noose stock...* ss •AWE *TOCX. Bank. *.110 ■tesdy. -os#;* easy at 1. Nxchanrr, .oca inz st 2l.Uel.2S per bbl; flooraii 484^; taprt 485«. sute bond very dull. n«v. O flulcM nlaxter tJ.75al.00 per bbl; hair iCaMc im .iout bonds strong. I Georgia cetnont *2.09; Louisville and Ru Evenina.—Kxonanxc, |L?4^. JEcmsy l@lj a . -isle cement n.tnpy.oo: Fortlsn-l qkuuci " 'xiV-treaxurv tielaonai: oulu #162,238 u*; nm- 400. OYoy $26,361000. G^vernmert ser.mllt-M are Balt.—Tbo demand In mudurAt* And dull; i per oonra« t» s per centa •*«><. market steady; lxrto stock; Vlraiuia *u*». bands about steady. 1x1x071)001 IV. by car leaf these prices ox 'he (niiowiug »tie inecloslcff qaoutlGus: | s*»ndcd. .la. state bonds— __ N*f” A A Chat°**“ 47^ I AKD ^XOFISIOM MAMKET1S SIV A STORY OF TWO 8M*LL BOYS. Qians A, 2 to6. Glass B, 60 ieorgla 6s....«.« la. in, mortgage. 102^ ' Carolina....^ 80 . Carolina, new 20 fnndlnK 10 * O. Brown con.. 10s; •Auror A Bio G., li J 17:- -list Tenn. R. B.. 6> 'xr.ke Shore ... M noisv. A Nash... 47j fannhla* Char. 37 •Bid. Sales, 8,000 bales. Futures closed steady. I ’ uhicaoo, Anyust 19 —Fleur quiet and weak: In New York futuro contracts opened Southern W/Oas.so. Wheat opened very active .teady at 1096 tor Augu.t and cloaed barely £11 , c 1 , 2*LS£T£roJwb^ra?2 at 10.19.20. dale,, 93,000 hale,. No 1 ! £5h%T k *onf‘ evened'act! vo Spots in New York opened quiet at 1094 and closed lower than yesterday: Auiru«t “ a °‘S7l.* UT “ m ,0t “ ,4 ‘ UIn * mvu1 ’- riK‘ 4 %t.^nSd7Sd 4 S^rS? 0 NS2SS SlSS^^^rt^So’; to-iolS’ EH STSSf American 1000. Fntnraa qnlei but .teady. I Aocnst and Sept«mber....^^.^..Ji 27-etit28(H 2S*!S^RiW^ 8 *a i£a mI September and October .A266'Q23-64 October and November 5 21*4 {A SSSSZSi. XSffia 1 fi November and December 520^4 I £S W iJSW B a5 BChM,f,ds ,UadtM A ** 88“5«a? IomS® 2 ^ 64 -yicmnowcr: family reornary ana alien » ^>04 | H ^ ^ ftncy 4440^4^ w CM | #r . ho 9 red winter, new 92a92)f- fibfi MjUfcaMg March and April 5 27-61 2 p, m.—Sole* of American MOO. Future. I N~9’mlSd“47" OamVaitari" •teady. Auguit, eellera ..A 23-61 anamtand Ecptemhcr, ..Ilf r, 5 24-M Seplembcr and October, buyer, 5 2364 October and November, value....! 21-64 iNovemberand December,buyers..!2064 December and Jannarr. buyer, A ;o«4 fanoary and February. bmer,. H ...52l64 February and March, value A 2161 March and April, boyar...... 6 2664 4 r. w.—Future, cloied itcady. Anguit, buyer. Auguit and Beptcmb Uprwnb.r ana Oett . October, ieUete...6236t October and November, teller, 5 216, November and Deoember, buyer,..! 2061 December and Janaary. buyer*....5 r06. Not On* of the Old Mnetera. New York Time,. Old Ltdy (gaging at oil painting)—Who palnled thei air plctor, mlatarT Dealer—Rota Bonheur. Old Lady—One of Ih. old me,ten 7 Dealer—Mo, ma’am; one of the old mleetue,. tannery and Febnuuy. bujeri.—! 2164 rebraary and March, value.! 2464 arch and April, value „...! 2664 Catnrrh Cured. A clergymen, after angering a number ol yean from that loaUuom* dlieara, catarrh: after trying every known remedy without rue) Hu, at but found a prtKriptlon which com eau, at but found a prtKriptlon which com plrtcly cared and laved him from death. Any ■ufferer from this dreadful dl,rut lending a •elf-addrtsMd lumped envelope to Dr. J. A. Lawrence. US Dean etraet, Brooklyn, Mew fork, will receive tha receipt frae of charge.m —Harry Jackson, the English actor, wboas death oceamd Uut weak, will be remembered principally for bl, repreien- titlon ot Napoleon I. He bore a striking facial reaemblance to that character and wl'h etaae accstories I, taid to have pro duced an appearance for all the world like that which the little i corporal presented. a Card. To al>» -o era aufrerlng from error, and In* Iteration, c -oath, nervon. wrakneu, early decay, low of m, hood, etc., I will wnd a re clpe Utat will cure m. free of charge. This great remedy ww dl.cor.rcd by a mharionary In Month America. Band Klf addrewed en velope to Rev. Joaeph T. Inman, Btatlon D Raw York. A Watoh Free. A nickel-silver Waterbuiy watch will bo sent to any one who will send dab of ten new aabscribers to the WgscLY TsLKOKArn. bee advertise ment. Absolutely Pure. Wood Wanted. Thfa powder never vanw. pority, strength and whoteeomeneea. Mora eoooomlcal than tba ordinary kinds, and eannot be sold In eompatttloa with tbs malUtndeof law test, abort weight, aloia or phosphate powdm Sold only in cant. Botai Baanra Pownaa Co., lOeWallgtraat Mew York. I York be booght at 8. B. IZSS’ XllGAUEt) kXULww.*.. xplisl Sankw.... wra........... siitral GaortrlaBank C0J4 !!Li -tvf ti.i I NwRstlllfeC ffif MDl 1 miu I *l.(l?ol.75. N O i»-n *1.60, petwh anil apt* • brsndv K.011x2.75. catswbx vlmfl 25, port a’i' •en I sierra wIua tl.TtaU.U. nnerry and qinv*- .. ^ox; looro rr.nv.atulfc 42.00 LrqTJOH*—Rye ll.aw.Pc. BonTkwi IL&Ca^.a liii.se, fin and ■■ fry . v .ran.If 90qs4].SC, Frr.nr^ brsnfir f2.25a5.’#5 nortlo hraH'lv 1LWa2.00. ... _ ^ , Uwa.uuxuijrrb PLAs?ALartt»CEdEtr..—aim *w roax. August 19-Noon—ettcAi market uaxa* lumr. !lm« Is In fuir demand*ano is wv* 48 NO consolidated. *48 ibes. and Ohio... 7 Chicago A North. 108^ la preferred«, 137 We will mail a Nickel-Silver Waterbuiy Watch of the style represented In the cut be low to any oue who «111 send us a club of ten mew subscribers to the Weekly Tkloraph amd Messenger at one dollar each. This will enable each subscriber to secure the paper xt the lowest club rate, and xt the same time compensate the club agent tor his trouble. Only mew so use hi bees-that is, those whose cxrnt-s are not uow and have not been within six months previous to the receipt the order on oik books, will be counted. Thebe watches are not toys, but accurate aud serviceable time-keepers. They are sim ple, durable aud u»aL The cases alwnys wear bright. Tens of thousands of them are carried people of all classes throughout the United 8taten. TELCQWAPH. ... Chicago, Anguit 19.—There was very active Norfk. A W. pref, 2.V i trading In wheat to-day an1 the tone was con- Nor. Pao. oozr.~.. 24yi slderablr stronger in the varly session, but the " preL. . 51 market broke toward the regular session and Pacific HH1.H.H.. 50V again on the afternoon board, carrying prices Reading............ *22V down 2 centa from the top figures of the day. Richmond A At.. 2 Tho market finally closed 1 cent under jester- Rich. A Dan..- day. Thero were signs that the old bull party do. Tkzu Union Pacific,.... 50 Wabash Pacific... 7 do. pref..«.,^, 15 W. U. Tolas 70 iAsked. COMMERCIAt oorrow markits uv tilicsapa. Macon. August 19 -Kveutnt. _ 81U time were quite buoyant. The announcement prel 113 that a lot of w ^eat had been pouted in parlftc«... 17V New Y’ork as out of condition gave tho market a severe set-off, however, and caused a weak feeling at tbe closing hours. The extreme weakness devel oped In provisions also added to the depres sion In wheat The receipts here continue verr linht as compared to those at the same period last year, but shipments Ukewfie <m- tinue small. 1 here was a somewhat toner feeling, not Influenced by fair rec<~l -ts and somewhat larger arrivals for tomorrow. Prices declined % to X tor new futures. Oats ruled firm, closing at an advance of J ito % - ------ jig,, pQfjj niled active bm over yesterday. Meas pork ruled acti . _ w very weak, prices declining 40 to 45c, as fair demand. Middling uplands S 7-lfi, I ln * t * me - declined 10 to 15 and closed easy. we «1U rend the Weekly Tkleorafv amd Mememgb » one year and one ot the above de scribed watches to any address. This propo sition Is open to onr subscribers as well as those who are not. * J mixed : I anoUidnM 13.62)4*9.75, short ribs 15.50. abort clear *5.80. easier: ehould*n U.87X I short riba !6 35, short clear 16 65. Hats*— Bugir-curr.' quiet and steady at 112.00. Ruxar (firm: hard (rafioo-) 7a7H. • cw Orleans Safi Hog* firm: common and tight *3.80x4.00, 1 panting and butchers, *4 354495. Wt dull at fUS. I family 9i.50 (3.66 Wnsat opened very unset- tied and closed ^s^ higher than yeeWrdy: I No 2 red cash 92*1-2*. September 9^4*93fi lOorc, dull and lower than yesterday: No J 1 ♦. -• - “mber I mixed cash 42*434$. September (MS closed lower and sow: No 2 mixed caah 21^8 23V. September 2%. Provlxlon* unchanged. Pork >910x9.70. nmk moats dull-long o.ear 195 40. short rit** *5.60. sh irt ole*’ ’5.10 Bacon AttMtial 10 nivt^ —Oftr-nr nnlri> I Clear 16.10, »UO- tlbS 16 25, •!«>!♦ Clf* T Haw TAB*. Anput 19, noon.—ookol quiet, I j^. rjj litici quiet and steady 99.75aU.50. ■ale, Id; middling npUnda I0S: oladllni Urddull: imrillott 16.10*6.1!. Whlaky.taady Orlaan, WA. M f l.u. gvenlng—Cotton, net neetpU 522; mu 227. Laonvnu, Anguit 17-Oratn quiet: wti.t Fntnrei clOMd itcady; ulea 25,000. i^^S^IAko 1 white 42 o*t«-- The following table,now« Ibe opening end n 0 i ‘ B ncd 26a27/Vo,triom uncharted, eloeln* qnouuon.t | Baoon-cl.M rib. (623, clear udea v>.62. •bonldrr. J4.76, balk naate -olaar rtb •Idea 15.75. clear rides *0.1254, ihonldei. t - i I4.C0. Fock-nea.ni.00. H«n.-dng.r cnicd 1110.00*11.00. Lard qnlet-chotoe leaf H.M, I prime steam 17.00 0.1949! N aw Yoaa, Anguit 19-Flnm—4outn.ru 9.7J-75 quiet: e wmmon u< tatr sane (J.75M.13; irood 19.50611 to choice extra (4.20,550. WbHh spot Mat a^H 1 higher: nngnded rad 75*9754. do white (192, 9 44-451 9.17-1' No a rt ! August noralntl, Heptcmhci 9 : .. 96.5-66 Coro, ipot upeni-d higher »n l no-el Ilria: 9CV66 unrrad -t red whlto r.: .^onthern I Bleed Sl'.riti;.'. itoy. quiet and».,k: new 1007-04 2U.2S, tail to o.-olce 7... Coffee, .pet :•!< Rio itcuty u r<.r.7:4, No 7 Slo «pct (6*5, Sep, Maw Yoaa, Anguit 1*.—Cotton market tember (6.(06 73 onfir very *trong, active: •uy; uloo 523: middltne upland, 10)4: mid- Barbodoo. 644 oaotriftwal 3M, BL Crouij^ ditne Orlean, t0!4; cnntolldated net receipt* H«n Domlnau ISf. Frcnck Island! I (M; export,, to Oreri Britain 3166. | Dematara 4M. Marttnlqno, y.Antjgna| ■ n.L.aaToa, Auguit 19,-ouwon market Bruit 4)i twraastbara 6. Cna^^^^^W •teady: a>«Ulnq 9)4: net neelen 421: tm> 116*5:4, Mokot.^o 6:4*9)., Forto Btco 6J» ^^magwrigg: sales 2ig|wra|teriMwKWi|rig^ragUaKmMgMri4gg4riBriw*rimriria^riaggg receipt* 423; eales 280; itock 1273; .xporta I awtaaM. <ag*r 4:4il^, i..i to iood re-u coutwltoec. ling 6)4*554; mnueo flrmer-0 631 *554, Nuarona, Angnat 12.-0>4ton quiet; aid- extra O 614451116. whit, extra C 1*4 yellow • lie* 10; B04 receipt., 3. gmm 3; mlM 1 454a')4, on A 5J4riL wmld 6U. aUudai A 173; itock %ta; export. coattwDo 10. 1X6)4, oonfectlouen’ A *3164*34, ornriud Wicatastoa. Anguit U.—< otton qnlet; raid-16’icut lo.!*J4 powdered , t'„i6*4..rannl*trd -ling lOU; net rooelpt, 1. grow 1; net 6216, enbe. *54 Mol- • ee doll, onebeaged: 0; stock 107. New Orieaa*4*M6J, Cuba (60-tea. ioUDlng)l6V4 CTureaX, Auguit 19.—Cotton la steady; Rtcc Heady: doauatle 454«7, canguon tj Middling na, reoalpt, <4 i».i 66; i.utlon teed ell steady at <2*35: arateMMS •ale* U0; slock 1500: axporta, coaitwia* 15. Pork nnebanged: a«4 .pot 119.10. Middle. N,w oaLX,a. Angurt le.-uotto. market dull: long cirar 1*37)4. lord opened 8*11 doll; auacung fills: net reoeteta *7. arm, lower end eloeed wiaiker: Weatera Keam <pot 175: kale. 123;stock 16,096; tzporta,coaatwlao f6.t0a6.52H.Heptetuber(646*1.31. Fnlghuu 1314. Urerpool per itcamer fitm: ootton M2d, uomnJL Anguit 19-Cotton market noml- whuiU. rat; mittniw. 9 tl*Ig;iw4 receipt. M erase 85 | hiltixoss. Auguit 19.—FIol ialaaO;riocktasg;ezpcrtacoaktwUe26. Howard etraet ano Weatarn luperflhe 18.00 ule, 50, riock 3788.^ I*. JSUS 1 dull; weriern firmer end dull: red fan. do ember 9j*2«, Mo uuniunt; t»~ •‘••■u *». -< •‘— i y M.nUnd 93 bid. Mo 2 WMtern wtntor 9, 8*lee 0;etock6,3. red raol Dorn—Sontbrnw white firmer: Wettern qotri: Bonthern white 83*61, OITV MARKKTa: do JOllOW 64*66. IfiiTf.—Maikct stoafiy. no acmacfil NewOeleamb, Anguit 19 -Eiour unchanged: __irTWa quota: Baaon-sldas :^7Uc; shoal- knlly *3,50x3,75. nigh graOos I5.2U5.75, dan g/BuSt meats—»l<5ci ahonlfiors Uom^flrm and qnlet: mlxod C4; yellow U, 5S. H.miMMaU. aa toiUeandqnriltv. whlte72. OataqaM: primevtcrteratt. i:,j lasd.—Market qnlet and iteadr. itock uc- w»rce .pd iwauj : prlao (16.00*17.00, choice Ba sswsts.' UvlllokctUe rendered, tierce, 954. Bulk mc*u qnlet end nnchiased: ihonl- bcttsb.—M*rket ktaady *nd well ktocked; Oe'tjtjckod, (7.17)4. tong cle»r 89.70, clem 0loom*R*rine20*2iBdMwM,y glltedge JUJac. rib W.70. Bjooo qnlet tad aachantM: cream erv 29*»e: eonntnr Tffflft: Tenn ease, li ritonldera tkOD, long clear (10JS, clear m *22; murketoventockedwith oonntry batter- <«<* fto.o. H*m,-cboice,u6*r<nreJ quiet; qn*llty poor. choleoe*n reaped (11.90,18.7*. WhUky needy L’orram—The nurket ii quiet »nd eteedy; end nnchenaed: Weetemrectified tl.fl»to8L23 choice 13,11:4c: rood u)i»12c: median 10)4* .tutri: «? (o*reoe«) common tc yellow clanflad aiffcrt Wax—is sate flasil ikbb ■ailfil firm: stock lallch _ good milling corn 78c by c*r lou, 80c. qnlet: grigit end* 28*28, snmmct yellow *8)4 ,m*ll lot,; mired com 75. Oris-good ot- *39. higher: we quote: Western 62,66 m — ppeooiT;: - ‘— Bran (L13. Osorria mrt-prool 72; Tew rnet-prool *2*56c: Marat aroraal Mcm.-T*nagen* almond* 22o pet B;Ms I aivnraiB, Angnat 19.—Borin 'pales) steady tea* paper riuu3K: Frmeb wrinnu UaUc strained to good Brained RjOttulKi ule, EoSSnn»^S?iJuia’“^ ‘ 1 i?S**g*^^ftof.ton»»tln.dull; regular nMrtSriJJa 0 *" 4 ' An " llta ** naaLgaron, A«g.l9.-WrtU oltnrpenHu. aurkat Ufimar aodbleh.r 22 ■*«>*• “ it sawdarad 7Hns granulated TV* s*rataaa95. - M 1 WnjfiNaTON, Aug. 19,—Spirits of firm at 3114. Rosin firm: strained HAT.-Tba raazkat h!ghar;caoddnmaiidjwr I strained 10. Tar firm at $LSA 1 •note at wholeeala: Wastorti timothy (U6; mrponttne dm: bard IU0, yellow dtp twidii lots (L50. I virgin SI CO. uaoim-HIdber; good doetand; Maariaa Raw Tots. Angnat w.-Bortn - refined 15.7la7.00 . I steady at lLl0tLlfi4r grtrits of ano roTATOka^-FaiUfD Mock (2.78 fm \ aini, M54 5 ' wvuvt ■Mart** bate ot Florida «ad no«igii ew York, auger I0*40c: MawOrioan, , . . _ . Maw Tobb. Aag.10 —Woo) ataady: sawaabed —DEST IS CHCA1-E3T OoriePoTCft iHRESHERSS? 1 ^ 3 l.lamivlr*, TO'weak^i ninnhood, (-to. I will the s!m>to di«-s»ei».*ltodirect chau*. Addre— prof. If. o. i gwMg,iiaa y**;«Kttn lsi <1.21 • • *51 I’eMnLaiUUml> of N. vr.er.d a “The Waterbury.” -< e.i-t: J-, thMWMwkt J •No pula, nerrowBicworV-rt SS,SS! uTuTf J»J>« xTLJrafflM ••■tilnt.orlntrFn e. ., c- v 1 1!tS'' • "■* i-irdcrnenUnnd testlm t.trr.'tiL ' BwsvgMia'Eifg'iaE OOOK STOVES' ALWAYS StTlSHCIOM EIGHTEEN SIZES AUD KIIIIIS IU fBBCBASERS CM IE SCIIEI UAMUrACTTBBD I Isaac A.Sheppard & Co.,Baltimore I Mi AND FOIL SAI.U BY FOR $3.50 junC GEO.JS. OBKAR, Agent, Macon, ua. THE SCIENCE OF LIFE. ONLY $1 By lAall Post-Paid Act Promptly. The above propositions will be kept open for a limited time only aud parties who with take advantage ot either should do so at bnce. Unless otherwise directed we will send the watches by mail, pack ;d In a stout paste board box, and our responsibility for them will end when they are deposited lt> tbe post office. Thoy can be registered for ten cents and parties who wish thlsdone should Inclose this amonnt,pr we will send them by express, the charges to do paid when they are deliver ed. Address THE TKLKGRAPQ AND UEASENOKB, Macon, Georgia. Make money orders, checks, eto., payable to H. O. HANSON, Manager. KNOW THYSELF, A Ureal Med ral Work on 14, I Fxhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physics! ' ■ IT. 1 . t’ • I :m Mmi, }•. :■- ( Youth, and tho uutold mlsc-rli-s rcannlng from indiscretion or excesses. A book for svery^ man, young, middle-aged and old. ltcontetas I 125 prcicrlptluns for all acute and c hronlc dlt- 1 rases, each ono of which Is invaluub’.e. -o found by the Author, whose experlencs (or neverM Or. J. VI. Huoluvn & s»on EASTMAN, GEORGIA.' Private and chrnnlo disease# a spec laity Hundreds of certificates ,of cures. Will visit adjoining counties. Consultation free. Media sine by mail or express. janOwi j REWARD ! «£SZ _ . covers,. « finer work In every sense—mechanical, llte ary and rrofe*»loral—than any other work ■old In this country for *2.50, or the monsy will be refunded in every lmunce. Price only «1 by mall, post-paid: Illustrative sample • cent*. Send now. Gold me*‘al awarded the author by the Natlnnsl Medical Association, to the President of which, the Hon. P. A. RlsasD* j and associate officers of the Board the reader la respectfully referred. Tho Science of Life ihonld be read t-v Ute young for Instruction, and by tho affilctwfor relief It will benefit all.—Loudon LenoeL There is va member of society to whom Ute Science of Life will not be useful, whether youth, parent, guardian. Instructor or clsrgy- ~ an.—Argonaut. Address the Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr. W. H. Parker, No. 4 Bulflnch straeL Bos- ton, Msss., whomsy be consulted onaUais- ea.«es requiring skdl and experience. ubrpM and otiMtlTiate illseaaea that have bsit t-dlhe •kill of all other pbysldans s TT I? a T*5J claity.. Hu< h treated anc<11 lvnli ■ d wlUumtanlnsUnceoffailfrilYsj'l j' lbK.VVil.lsi/ i person sending naval- ore.^IcntlonthUi.aDor. utb'e Information of school vacanclea and needs. No trouble or expense. Hend stamp lA.,iMiii.n r'lirntan uciirtnr \* for circulars. CHICAGO SCHOOL AUESi Y, 185 couth Clark Street, Chicago, 111. N. B.-We want all kinds of Teschera (or schools aud ^ Jy24wly LOCKHART’S Hot Springs Specific. For the curt of Ryphllls, Scrofula Lrucorrhoea, Gonorrhoea, Cuuneona Diseases, Uicera, Hat ing or Syphilitic bore throat. Mercurial Pore Mouth, bore Nipples, More Eyes *1,000 reward for any mercury found lu these plU.i aud powders. Br mall 75c. R. P.LOC<*HART, may 21 warn Proprietor, Reims. Ala. Notice ot-Leave to bi ll Land NOTICE. All pnrllra lnd,L..d ti tba aetata ot 8. B.rg era bar.hy i.otili tl tooall at tba old Hand, No 11!) Third .tr»tl,and.ettle their aiynnn a, *■ d .11 ;.H)tl»^ having claim, hgiiiiHi the naid ,f tnte will t.' , .85nt them within 30 day.. P. «*_. BBBO t OEOROI.t, JONK8 COUNTY.—Notice _ hereby given that (our weak, alter date I will apply to tbe Conn ol Ordinary ol Jone* conn- y lor an order to tell all Ute reel trial, be- onitngto Mr,. Sarah Bird, dMearad. titnaud In the county ol Jones. L.O. BIRD, Jujj lt.ir.ro. Admlnhtntor. Victor A Co rt alva Pritraon, Oliver A Co. K. M. OUn r A Co., Mr,. Margaret A Oliver. Cha«. J. Allen, et el.—B.U in Kqulty-Blbb I Superior Court, April Term, 1M5. ■ It aopcariog to tit. oonrt that Mra. Metgagat A. Oliver ana Chaa. J. Alim, difmOann ini tha ahova stated cau,do not re,Idc in tbo state of Ueorgta, but an alleged to reside in tbe State ol North Carolina; that they citino:, therefore, be kerreduconllug to the ordinary cg*l method* and that they have not In (act I been served.') On motion of complainants* soUsltora It in ordered by the court that service of the asm bill be made on the said defendants by pablla cation of this order In the Telegraph aud Met sengir, a newspaper published In the city of Macon, county of Bibb and State of Georgia, once a month for four months, before the next term of the court. T. J. SIMMONS, J. & C ptrlor court, June 25 th,: Jun26 lamtm A. B. RQ88. Clerk. Tothe Planters of Georgia, I have thie day pnrcbaMd the Inter.-,: S t Ute partner, Col. Thoma. Hardeman, la t iwarehouiabaitnc,, In the city of Mx-on. wilt continue the tmilncu o! the late firm H Hardeman * Glh,on and will fnrnlih to my patmnsallthe farllltlct anl advances p.It J the planter, by warehorue men. li. to recetTeaconitnuincool the favor, Uw patrosiof lb. old firm, and of all other,I who may kindly givema lb. handling ol thetr cotton, will gnarantae correct W.'rh:, and ■atlifactorr aala*. My chain* will be (1.00 per L, 1«. Macon,Oa, Jaly M, L'-<■ ■ angOrlwAwlri. A. w. OIBBCM. I S iRDUVAUY’S OmCS, JOMFS OCTCNTT ■ Oa, Angnat «,U65.-Wherea, 5V!:.Um A ■all applies to me for admmi.tr.'.on or Thee* an therefore to cite end alnonfth j^erwn, com erned to_.how cmira, If an j th»y bar., to the contrary at this office on or By the OrriMood.y InBcptcmUr next wttac>* lay hand officially, B.T. K'JSS, Or hn.ry, BB4V8) 8. BLOOMSSTUN. Exvcnturs of tt, il.rg, d.ceaiea. Macoti, lia., Anguit 4,1884. roSdlLl* It - NOTICE. Stock Law in Jones County. Ordlnairs Jones county, Wg 1& 1885.—Notion la herab) glven tbat a pj-tlilou with amajorlirof frreboMer* In IbeSWWG- M. dUtilct of this manly, kuowa *• { district. Is now of tile In tJH* an Hectlon for stock law lu said district, ana i win pass the nqnlrad order for «»• °“ the I5*n day of August, D>85,unlras legal caase be shown to the contrary. Witness my band officially. rt ., nl . v ly 23w20d, R. T. R038. Ordia*^ t.hMKf.lA, 111 MR ' <'l N 1 v J "'“* of Jaa. I. Hnlder. has made application for 1st- ter* o’ dismission from nit* *! l f le :n US This is to die and admaalsBi .•on. . r::•-1 lu »■•■ m 1 hj ;- r ■«’. . u . dlnsry of said county on the ftfJtSSrw* - >..f r i.f * t to ihow t ini*'*. If any in* ■ vhy said npollcatlon should v/torauiffy Und and his July S, Dv>5. Ordinary^ T.C* GEORGIA, BIBB COUMTY-Wkajj^ Burke, Miimlnlatrator of the e»t*-e Daly, has made application for U-iiei* mlkMlon from said cnUtc. This tab thgnfora, to rite an l wlmenu penon. lnlercttcl to t>.: and appe« h -- J; ,i reurt of ordinary of arid "•>»»» 11 ' , 1 Monday lu OctobernaxL to showi A * ,, 4 they have, why said application shj granted. . _ . . t W itut>ss my hand and official ► rj» . lly It* July ' Notice Stock or FenceWW- JONE9 C0J2J-; vRI»IN un S o I'D A Ik . 1^5 -Notice Ifl petlth lUdsrtiLifcMIHifBA Georgia, has been filed In IMS •■JPf.ggmf Ipllance with the sutnta. . w0 <dtf concerned to show cause at thla c by the first Monday In isepumber 1 they have to the ** _A w ltness my Land o£h Jr2>wlw MJMl&gbs.