Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, August 28, 1885, Image 5

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jrilE TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER: FRIDAY 1 AUGUST 28 1885 news OVER THE STATE. (■O'* ALL eSCTIONS *V «»AU AND EXCHANOES. 1 without going to trial, tho parties agreeing to a final separation and the children given to tho mother. This is a sad case, and the frieudio! both par ties hope that time may produce good results. Minor Item* Told. Valdosta is to have a dancing school. The health of Darien continues to be g °H<*sare f dying of cholera in Brooks “^‘/baseball erase has just struck said to l* a lady at Tallulah _ Ji, a $500 silk dress. Smart’s Opera House in Valdosta is oo» open to ainu*. monte. Tim city council of Cartersville have the liquor license U. $1,500. Two or three n«« business houses will be opened in Tti..m.sionm the next ( e w weeks. Auiericue has a negro bigamist. His name is Aaron Jonson and his two wives live there. There are nine prisoners in Steward county jail, eight men and one woman, 2lol them negroes. sheriff Anderson, of Newton, at the me of 72 years, cau read flhe pnnt eas- y. without glasses. Auausta’s clear water Is giving out „,d the citizens are getting their filters M d powdered alum ready. The Governor has offered a reward tor Cox who murdered Strickland in Olynn county a short time ago. The term “wilpas wallapua” used bv Sam Jones is the name given to tho Jock crasher on the streets of Nash ville. Will King, a negro brakeman on the Sonthwestern railroad, was badly in jured at Americas, Saturday, while coupling cars. The first hale of cotton hauled on the Aniencus, Preston and Lumpkin rail road was shipped last week from Ifud- ■on to Amertcus. wvoodoo doctor, after a good deal of defflment ou a plantation on tho Alta- ms river, was ordered to leave by the proprietor. He was dethoraltzing the negroes. Cr d Bu I .tin. Camden county: Crops everywhere reported good. Scriven county: Caterpillars are do ing great damage. Heard county: Crops as good as were ever in this county. Murray county: The yield will be tho greatest that has been garnered for many year*. Upson county: Mr. C. A. Norris says that the caterpillars are making a heavy raid on bis cotton. t Brooks county: The caterpillar is at work. One report says they cleaned out one field Thursday night. Sumter count. : Mr. J. C. Roney has a patch of young cotton, planted June 19th, in which there are thous ands of cotton worms, who are having a picnic off tho young and tender fo liage. Stewart county: Within tho past week a decided change lias cotne over the crop prospects of Stewart county. Now the caterpillars have appeared in large numbers, and in tho low, wet places much damage is being done to cotton. On Mr. J. F. Irvin’s bottom land he says you can count from sixty tu seventy-live » "r.n- in the slalli. lie thinks by tho first of September thero won’t ho a green leaf unit. Other farms are in the some condition. Where tho caterpillar lias not appeared in many places tho cotton haa taken the rust. A R.iloof Css. oantho,pa. On tlio river bank at Frederica, be low high water mark, lies one of the cannon u«ed by General Oglethorpe, which surely deserves a better fate. The action of salt water on it will not improve it ns time pusses on. ft lies on the land ot Mrs. Sarah Stevens, who would no doubt consent to its re moval.—Brunswick Appeal. into by tho advancing freight, wltilo the main body of the train was unharmed, lint the saddest part of tho story is yet to come. At the time the engine oi the through freight struck tho other train it was oing at the rate of thirty miles per iour, and tho momentum that it ]>os- sessed stove the car behind it through the tender and into the engine itself. In it was a beautiful horso consigned to Borne party in Macon, and valued, rumor says, among tho thousands. A beam was driven through his shoulders and his head and neck wero severed from his body. He is said to be a racer, and truly it was a horrible fate for so fine an ani mal. The conductor of the through freight says that ho was due hero at 2:48, and was two minutes behind time when he ran into the other train, while tho way freight should have been at Ooggans, a station six miles below here, at tho time men tioned. No whistle was blown to warn him that the other train was still here and he know nothing of it until he turned tho sharp enrvo that leads to the depot; thundering down upon it at the rate of thirty miles an hour aud unable to pre vent tho disaster that he foresaw. The section master with his hands happened ro-uig luiuujm, n»> Hh.ui.ik u.u- to be here at the time and the track is fashioned cap and ball pistol last week, being rapidly cleared in time for for tho MADDENED BY HIS CRIME. A Wnrnlnato Bora. A 13-year-old son of Mr. Dick Lev eret, of Jasper county, was drowned fn Ocmulgee river on Saturday. In the morning the father left home, tell ing his son not to go near the river during the day, but in his absence tho young man with two others stole off and went in bathing, and going in too deep water, was drowned.—Jackson Argus. Death from Lockjaw. While out hunting a few days ago young Willie Williams, son of Mr. John Williams, who lives just over the Hue of Butts in Henry county, acci dentally dropped his gun and the same was discharged, the load striking his left leg just below tlm knee, tearing away a large portion of the flesh of the same. His death occurred yesterday morning of lockjaw.—Jackson Argus. “5. We lavor the enforcement of the, SOM* OLD MULES. constitution °f Peontvlvanla In Its ever, article and srOflon. and especially demand I * Ouartstte of Old Tlmiri and Their regulation by la w. In accordance therewith, j Reonraa. THE AWFUL MISDEEDS OF A DEBPER- of the carrying .corporations ol the Stare, I . ATE TEXAS CRIMINAL. | the equalization o.’ths tax law-, the np-l . 7 , V •, propriaHon of pabh/* moneys to pubtioj opeaking of mules, Judge A. I. uses only, an honest vTanagement oi the Monroe informs ua that his father owns The Exposure of hi. Mi.doina. Cau... | ^ate^reMu.y^nd a rlg.d Inforceraent of L mu | e with which he baa made twen- 0. We denounce Min n»*a-ant violation }7* ei 8ht crops. The mule was about of the constitution the attempt to con- threw years old when tho elder Monroe aolid.te the South Frmnyiva.nl* and purchased tier. Beech Creek railroad, with to. IVnnayl | The late Major J. R. Whitehead, An Old-Fashioned PWtoL While Mr. Lee Gsliaher, one of oar young farmers, was loading an old- lie experienced a most painful and al most fatal accident. It seems that he had already filled up ail the chambers of the pistol with powder, and was ramming down the first bullet, when from some unknown cause the pistol went off, the powder flashing up into and burning nis face very badly, and the bail he was ramming down tearing ont the iron ramrod and escaping, for a wonder not hitting Mr. Gsliaher. Al though Mr. Gallaher’s eyes are pain fully burned, we hope that he will soon recover.—Warrenton Clipper. Killed By a Hand-Car. On Sunday George Minion, a negro, jumped in front of a hand-car that was going at full speed, near Salter’s Mills, on the Americus, Preston and Lump kin railroad, and falling under the wheels was instantly killed. The wheels crashed his head. vtiey Saw a cho>t. At the jail, a few nights ago, the col ored inmates decided they saw the ghost of George Edwards. Edwards was a terror while living, and as he had joined the spirit band of departed de mons, his powers have been consider ably augmented, and his return was unbearable. Such screaming for help wo never heard. One fellow rubbed all the skin off bis forehead trying to get out. The white prisoners saw nothing.—Blulfton Springs. Thnt same Old Coon. Harrison Bailey, the trapper, reports that about a year ago he caught a coon in one of bis steel traps, but by gnawing his leg in two made bis es cape, leaving the left fore foot behind. no foot on the left fore leg. He feri* r|{r{“ sore it is the same coon he caught . D . omul „ uuu year ago near the same place. Hit had mo>l pular dry KOO Jg firms> returned nearly gnawed the other foot o£jt- b* f rom Indian Spring yesterday. lie cer tainly had every prospect oi enjoyment there, but his hopes were blasted by an attack of fever. Albany was never dnller—socially, financially, atmospherically—in fact, in every way. Among thw F. rmen, Jodg* Sears exhibited a stalk of cot ton in town yesterday that contained ninety-eight matured bollfl.—Dawton Journal. Major Brunson bought a bale of cot ton from Mr. Benn**tt Barfield last Monday that weigbtd over 700 pounds. —Pcrru Journal. Mr. II. O. Hunt says that he has 135 arr**s in-corn which will yield fifty _ bushel* to tho acre. This will give apparently him 0,750 bushels—a pretty good corn negro had i crop.—Calk> un Timet. It. A. Louihx has a model one horse farm near BlufTton. lie has twenty nine acres in cotton that will make eighteen or twenty bales. Ten acre in earn that will average twenty bush els to tln> aero. Three acres in oats made 225 bushels, one acre of which made 100 bushels. The land on which the oats were made la now planted in peas. No manure on oats or peas.— Fort Gaines Tribune. A MUROfc RER*w DEATH He S «• Hid Vi .'Im Writhing In thw FI m • Of « Burn ng S Our readers will renumber tho do- tnil. of . .hooking murder which was (■mii'iiill.-I »i tin- niinp ot IVrkini Brother, • arly in the spring on tho line of the America., Preston and Lump kin railroad, when a negro man was killed and his remains burned in Ida eliantr. At the April term of our Sa- perhir Court a negro lsiy named Simon Prin.-o was put upon trial for tho murder, but for want of aulli dent evidence to prove his guilt lie wa- acquitted. It waa be- ii.ww«l by II vo .It many, Imwi ,. r thaV sim.’ui Prim e w.is tiie murder, r. Last week, in Webster county, Simon lay upon hia death lied, and .a be felt thn - 1 i.dowi of deatli draw ing closer around him hit mind reverted to the midnight acenti above Sawyer’s mill The ghastly vl.ilm lay stretched upon the ground, ar.d lie could see the burn ing liruber- of tlin shanty fall upon Ilia ed face The sick man shrank ie awful spectacle, and in ag- m-a cried out: "I have killed ■ e; keep 1dm off, keep him off." mb is said lo have liven an awful d as ins end drew- near the re- ance of hia fearful crime became i upon him that ids eyes seemed tart from tle-ir sockets as they d up' in tho last vivi.l scene of the rder. lighted up by the fitful flashes ;er at 6 o’clock. There was a carload of beer on the through freight and a good many kegs'.were burst by the force of the collision. Although no lives were lost it was a fearful loss of property and dangerous on account of r ts possibilities. ARTESIAN CITY C08SIP. Dull, But Our C.rreipond.nt Finds Some thing to Write About. Albany, August 26.—The dry weather prospect is again abroad in the land, predicting that the present dry spell will be prolonged into—what we have fallen in the habit of expect ing—a fall drouth. If prophesying bad been as common in tho days of the Jewish judges as it is now, nobody would have expressed surprise at find ing “Saul, also, among tho prophets." The wonder now is to find a man who ia not among them. There comes a rumor from tho west ern portion of our county that tho army worm has appeared in the cotton fields. This report gains little cre dence. Numerous misfortunes to the “fleecy” have probably caused its worshipers to grow morbid, and they imagine a new enemy in every fiij?n. An old sport lias been revived in the country about Albany—that is "beef shooting." Each man pays a small sum to enter the match, and each takes .jearly gi — . . which lie was held, and in a short time would have been at large again.—Bluff- ton Springs. Lost His Land. Mr. Zachariah Kennedy, who lives about two miles from town, refused to allow the Macon and Dublin railroad to pass over bla land unless they should pay him $250. The company forthwith condemned the land and referred it to a hoard of arbitrators. Messrs. David Ware, Jr., Jno. W. Glider and W. G. Wright were the gentlemen before whom the case was beard. After hear ing tho evidence aa to the value of the laud and also as to the damages result ing to adjoining lands, the commission ers decided that Sir. Kennedy was benefited rather than damaged by the road, and therefore should receive no remuneration from the railroad com' puny.—Dublin Gazette. A RUN TOOEAlHr A NaE'O Man Run* Until Ha Falla and Dias Ftom Eihauatlon. Gus Steel, colored, took a strange notion Sunday afternoon. He told some of bla family that be was going to run himself to death, and sure enough ho began and ran until he drop ped on the ground overcome by heat and exhaustion and died In about an boor. Mr. Miko Anderson was sitting on tho river hank near the city hospital and his attention waa attracted by a negro running np the river toward hfm, " r almost exhausted. Tho negro had an umbrella and a hat under his arm. When lie saw Mr. Anderson lie changed his coarse and ran np on the south commons. He had not gone far before be toll to the ground. Mr. SANCTIFICATION Mr. John Ward, of Randolph County, Loaas His Mind, CiTimzr.T, August 25.—Mr. John Ward, from the lienovolenco district, this county, was tried for lonacy in this city to-day, before Judge John T. Clarke, of the Superior bench, and was ordered to tho asylum. Dr. R. E. Toombs acted as foreman of tho jury. According to the statement of Mr. Want’s brother, as to when a change mentally was wrought over t to brother, and on account of the poor fellow’s actions, the verdict of the jury was made. Tho cause of Mr. Ward’s insanity is that of religion. He has been a deep searcher of tho Scriptures hero of late, and especially upon the point of santification, upon which nil attri bute to his mind being unhinged. Mr. Ward’s insanity is ol a violent type, and when ho supposes that the Lord commands him to do anything he makes a vigorous effort to accomplish such. Several days since Mr. Ward, in one ot hia fits, terribly beat his grand-lather, Mr. Phipps, an old man of eighty summers, pounding his grand mother severely, and pulling any amount of hair from the bead of hia aunt, Mrs. Ward. Ho haa been chain ed hand and foot for a week. Mr. Ward is ot fine physique good family and favorably known. The i . ... . - ., . „ condition of the poor fellow ia univer- Anderson and others who saw him faU gaily regretted by all his friends. Ho went up to him to see what was the gpends his time in Binging hymns and matter. They found him speechless uniting in prayers. He waa a pitiable and completely exhausted. He iu object to behold when so engaged. He taken to the ct’.y hoapltal, and an ef- -ill be carried to the asylum to day, fort was made to revlvo him, but he being accompanied by hia brother, Sir! died as above stated in about an hour R 0 bfrt Ward, Deputy Sheriff Barry, after ho fell. No explanation ot hia strange con' dacteaabe given, other than that bis mind was demented. A woman’s white belt was found in one of his pockets.—Columbus Enquirer-Sun. A TELESCOPED TRAIN. No Lira. Lost, But a Valuable Race Horae Kiilta, Barnesville, August 24.—At 2:50 o’clock this afternoon our citizens were startled by a aeries of blood-cunllini shrieks followed by a tremendous thm ami crash of talllug timbers, and many rushed from their stores in time to see the down through freight run into the rear box of the way height as it stood on the track jut in front of the depot. Mr. Hodges, the engineer on the through freight, says that owing to the heavy curve just beyond the de pot, he wu not able to see the other train until he wu in fifty yards of it. When he saw it he reversed hia engine, shut off steam and blew his whistle, in the hope ot attracting the other en- fr iu t niz-<l i him Ol mainbi tun lie n bis cniorton / U„i. thi victim.—/. t. August 2t.—Mrs. j suddenly lost her i Sunday, was found ■Tsshii.g into the box in front of it and band, Mr. II. tly Improved. Her 1: njiathy of ri.< and lias ; th. Ibis nti.ruing; | tireITi ISSS^C *?£ pipe-stems. tioo, and the Indications are that the At- lamage totbe way-freight was totney Oenerai wti) txindorsed. About iTeiomam train. fSSTtSS'. JrA"S | comparatively flight, Mr. tied Iheae were the ones that Him to Murder Seven Persons and Cut His Own Throat—Tho Details of the Affair, f open- THE O HO CAMPAICM. John 8herman Opt ns It Mith a Speech Against tn* a<, u \h. Mt.Gilead, Ohio Antin’. :0.—T;. ingfipcechof the Ohio campsjgg < psrtef the Republican paity, m made - !■ - a" l " hi I./ . e : , rT . ’ ">• » :; IV- "I • :t i-ir age. Thrspeech wu" cun-folly prepared III mi- V HM ’■ H’.’l 111Hki - .itj ’it •: .T - • :. :t:y l.e*S- ■ ! '' - 1 a r. .v I, • . )M ,j, e charged con ;i ion of hfl iir*lnth«n»tional ad nuilitra i. are as fo hws; Mm* f til” V r / ill** » V.,. I f .... :'•! Iy tbr*a .”ieil tj break np the Unijn, and with he oath of cilice ia rapport of the •ti'a'ioa fresh upon their lipi con spired a d confederated to overthrow it w-Kfil w r again* It and were the ciuse of t -e I is of half a mu: ..•> < ;ves •uni thjaeands of mUlious of treaaura Austin, August 20.-A gentlemsn from “commolf- who *. e P'““totion ‘lies in Miller Johnson Oily, Blanco county, gives the wulth, through the Governor and Attor- ®? U j? t !7.7? 88 « >n t hwe st line details of a terrible tragedy which o<J MT-Generaf. to protect and pre erve the Sf”®? * n l uIe rnrrpd in thnt ninrn TupsiIav ai ivu*kie rignUof Um people tuidtr the comtlta- J* 8 5® a . r,ir y®«ra old when she died, carred lo that place Tuesday. Al lXMkle, lton> Tj, e Major bought her out of s drove an old cltlxen of exteoaWa connections, “7. The nomination of Matthew 8. Qnay when quite young, and owned lies* had a step-daughter living with him by the ring Republicans for Hute treacur- till her death, which occurred several whom.it ia alleged, he seduced aeveralIjjJJ.J?•jf 0 ***® lbe «tsUl«toot and In- yean ago. The negro who "brukt» M yea,. a<o. Lately hU own d.ughr.r w.s B Vr lb °, .““I" the only |K*rFon who apparently pregnant, and thla had been legislative debauchery, official apoli- F° u ever “° •nytning with her, and disturbing his mind, as his relations at-1 kwon, the pretenaiona of corporation I h* was wont to “lay *-iF’ all iIihtoab „ trihnted to him the crime of aedneimr her Powefi the »buae of the pardotdng power °n the plantation, each planting tiintv been place 1 in high office T . -ffprnrnn it« wpnt from hnma’ ?l' d lbe newoffloei to harai-s and no much of thin kind of work wu* 'ti»* v-ry seats of power which they hb Tuesday afternoon be went from home, the people and eat ont theiranbstance. done by this mule, th*t after * ral u«m«*d with rco*n and rh tiaoce. Two raem intending, as he avowed, to go to John **8. The Dem i^raUc party ie, aa It al- yeura, it vu found t-niirelv of the Confederate Corgresi and Green’s place to borrow a turn of way* haa been, opposed loeumptuar? leg- to1IMV - mousy. Urtcn and family wars away. Illation and noequ^ t.xatloa in\n» form, r y J° U an“vL i„ 1° He entered the bonae and took Green’s and it lain favor of the largrat liberty of , r * y*! 11 do was to show Winchester rlfla and returned to the reri- private conduct conaistent with trie puolic r 8 corn ehuck tied on to a stake, and dence of his brother, Berry Lockie. A welfare and rights of other*, aud of rtgu- Bhe would strike a heo line for it, and neighbor named John Nickolion rode up Mating the liquor tmffii and providing the negro being an excellent plow just then. He forced Nicholson to go with fgdnat the evd« reauiUug iherMirom oy a hand, you could never find a hobble nim to the boose of a neighbor nemed judldous end properly grededlloense eye-1 j n the Major’* rows. The negro and There'NUsholaon'was lost elaht of.°UH The following wee e’ao adopted: to ea?h otliwnn'l°(l| , mPllmnt ll | horse was tied there when found, and it is “In common with our patriotic country- *9 eacl1 other and died about the same supposed he was also killed. From there men of all aeotiona we mourn the deatli of t 1 ™®* . , Lockie went to bis own bonae and ahot and Gen Grant aud cheriah the memory of hU The writers father also owned a cut the throat ot Mrs. Henry Lockie, of I mode* and heroic character and rut great mule which was in the neighborhood Llano county, wife of hia aup-aon, who deede. We aympatbiz^ with hit bereaved of twenty-five yearn of age when death waa on a vivit to him. He also ubot and widow and children, • nd we trait that bi« claimed her aa bin own Sh« wna * killed there Mrs. Stokes, Ktnir«« I ilvinv wish tnr ‘hirmnne ...h „n, | Wl » ,u,t3u ."or »•. .own. ene was a he had killed previously! daughter, Miss Lockie, t pregnant by him* He then attempted . . - K kill hia wife, but bla cartridges being ex- prisoner t j cluveriiir 8,m0Bk Impossible to slip upon hausted, he could not fire another shot, prisoner t. j. cluverius. her . Old Kit, as she was named, hail and eheeecapjd. Having failed to catch a horror for gopher holes, and many is and kill his wife, he cut bts own throat, H0W H ® stands Ills Lift In Jan-Calm and t | time w u„ j r : v : n „ t i„ - , monnted his horse and started in the di- Confluent that He w mo* shew Trial, fho olnev eSSa of mteSVS reclfon of John,onCity. After riding a few Richmond DUpstch. . ^ . hill yards he met Thomas Brunswick, whom „. . . , break neck pace, hsa a half-concealed he attacked, and Into whom he plunged a The balmy air o Innocen i and confl gopher hole or salumandermoundbeen knite, Inflicting «fatal wound. The mur- dence which Clnvetini has gener. ly the means of causing ns to abruptly derer then rode toward Johnson City, but maintained remains with Mm to this day. P" 1 company. Old Kit at an advanced ral^u'VM^o’dorkl'hte momi£l“c.hi. trial he hu Improved J!?.!«!!“ toa 1 “‘S r0 perished m. He also shot and widow and childreo, • nd we trnvt that bis claimed hor n« bin nvn ««« n tea. wife ot the Stokes dying wish for -hermonv sod g tod will l*' n , h ° “ sly. Then he killel hie between the sections’ will b) fully real-?"77t,v.^.i !„ ( l°u th . a n '> Jho e, the one said to be ized." 7 oee of the sight of one eye seemed to Ie then attempted to — intensify the sight of the other, and it iter to death. S»JS3Sr,rSSljUMS. SrJ5K»’SV3LR!«~.hr•“-» “ “"8" »• UHslS.fSS’Ai'S mitred in this Uiate. By it abont twenty raftn in lhe pn»on seems to have a lew advanced sge. Mr. Price is about children are left orphans. PENNSYLVANIA DEMOCRATS. Meetlnjs of Their Convention ot Hnrrla* burg—The Number of Detonates Larne. troublesome conscience. He talks, eats, thirty-eight or forty yearn of age, and aud sleeps like one who has a pienant lm declares his first lecollection dates future before btm. He still reft his metis f° DiOtime wlicn lie first knew from a restnnrant; still rect-ivee regular old Hal. Old Sal then muat have been vUUa from Mrs. Tunaull; kill I efusts to cloae on to two arore vears. »re visitors who are not personal trie, da; still declines to dltcnia hie case or to ex plain hia movements on the night of the AN INFERNAL MACHINE. I^amuibcbo, Pa., August 26. — The I murder, and atill eaya he feels eure of a a Box Contnlnlng n Loaded Pietdl Sent Democrats State Convention wai called to new trial. If be gem that he wtl br ••Riat«r«d Mali, order thl* morning athtlf pait ten o’clock, “K 8 fa Chattanooga Tlmea. the opera house bring packed, over four am nng ttfem, probably, th.t on toe night | '°?7 << ^* * g *l! hia turn at a target—not beef, however, hundred delegatee being present. R. P. ot the trial, before the verdict was brought ?* m, ~ ‘!* bt **•*night, which teas yet as the name would lead one to suppose, Allen, of Lycoming, waa elected temporary #k2i.h? 0 iT n i„7i.fVi l , , 9 |lc,bl *- \ box “““G'ning a loaded but a target of the. nsual kind. The chairman by acclametlon. On taking th. m preT«t a ^l« demoo.tr.mS U t!.' ^»S b U>«>«ri.Ured mall best shot takes choice of the quarter* ch atr ho spoke ot bit party being in po«- crowd the roim with pollctui.o, about |'° * udj '°' ,bl * °J 7 » nd ,0 " weapon was of the beet, the se.-ond best second . e8S i on 0 f the nelionel administration, end h* 1 ! a dozen of whom were et.Uimed lm-1 ‘° arranged that It would be dicherged choice, anu so on. A party of Al- . . - . , j , j.,,. mediately about hint, and that .hen th. I wn.u ib. te-x was opened. By a wise and banians went ont to-d»vto engage in •*“ - b&t ; llPy b , 8 perfect right *° I verulct was r.ad some of ih. crowd In the fortunate v ec.ntfo" of the post-office at- this snort and three fieeves will bo preient to the pnblle utterance* of lmpor- ,i m t cheered. There it little doubt that I tsen.a the n far ous ,lot waa laid bare alanaliieretL making fifteen prizes, tance. He enlogixed President Cleveland, Clnyerins expects a new trla*; hut the. » l,d * , *riuu» crime tnereby no doubt pie- eiangiuereu, maaiog that the people were now haring I hte jndgment la not Ih.besL Bam al.er I a higher, better and purer administration I hit arrest hr told fiUnds that he would be ^ dayf since, «hen tin registered -—-- _ _ t _ . . than hu bran known for years. The fact home In a week. He promised to explain I ? 8 ‘ , . waa opeood, a myitcriuaz bjx w« >lr. D. W. 8haffer, of one of our ^ public < IHce w»e a pnbltc trust was everything at ihe trial. Yet bare be is in J handed to the regi.try ci.rk, Mi-s Hick being carried oat. In Btete Iwoes be sin-1 J.II—oonvlctedl I It bed been c -nveyed lo the regular led that the lime was tips presentation ot living lssur people, Referring to the new < oe arid one of the great questions rm .J Hi, Clnverus'e mother wee here three deye. register poocb a crag »ttfi other mail and lea to the I 8he visited the jell twice a dey, and was «*• »tv»n ber lo be sorted out with other constitution se eflecilontta as she c old be towards her p*'«.gre., i he box ««i addrerod to a oe Mia one oi me grrab iiuviiioDi was the I ran. Hii annt, Mrs rnottall, ttays bvra 11 ibl* city. Wnq Misv Hickman regulation of the laws gjveroing great nearly all the time, and is constant In h»*r picked up the box it st^med to bsve un- corporationp. It was a duty to keep then. 1 visits and unremitting In her attentions »o I ••’ght, and on • closer inspection within the bonds of the cons'.iintion. He I the prisoner. Bho bu alrra iy expended I dJpty.vsrvd a hole to the lid, which charged the Republicans with allowing and without murmur, a contlderaols por- h»v« be«n produced by a bal- the laws to remain a dead letter when they lieu of her fortune in bis defense, and bu I ***• rne edgvs were scorched and bad an opportunity to enforce them. Gov-1 no thought of withholding her purse as pisekeped with smoke end Its appear ernor Patuson was highly comolimented I long as it can av«iL J aoce c early indic«t«d tb*t a weapon hid for hls move on the South l’ennsyivt-l U-c*ntIy a lady preacher from Ohio got I oeen dlscba»g-d y#ry O’o«« to it Hsrsui- nla road, and the st eaker requested that an interview with the prisoner •nd gf c »® ,,, " ,er 5*f ,,| >^ l » a *>l«'nckier lnsre.% the Governor be fully indorsed and sn«* I exhorted and prayed with him. He it, I decided not to s**ud the box oat. mined in bis course. Various committees however, usually shy of strange vsl Tbs Isly to whom tt wu addressed wna wsrs then apj ointed. after whl'h the con- tors; peonle call to tee him every dsy, I notified that • tv»x «« at the post-otfl:e to ventlon took a rece>§ until 1 o’clock. bat to a'l inch 8-rgeant Lweor Jailer Ker • h* r a^dr-ee. W t«n she arrived and the The convention did not reassemble on says: ‘You can’t a»e him. He will see »*cU wer* *ui»d, »h« oecauie very indig time,but when called lo order the atten- nobody bnt personal friend*. nsut »nd Ma-ed t<i reo^ve It. The poet- dance was a« large as in the morning. J. 0.1 “Bat esn’t I get s peep at him ?” offle* clerss v<dantrer«*d to op»n the myi- Tarney, of Wesimoreland. was elected I “No; he won’t see you st all.” teiioos psekage, but w*nt at it very cai permanent chairman, and the usual num-1 8acb visitor! are bard to g»t rid of. They I tloovly. due lid was finally oer of vice-presidents and secretaries were oftentimes insist sod insist np to the point 1 remov'd *bd the e mtrnts found to appointed. Mr. Turney’s remarks com- of rudeness. consist of A loaded pistol. A string osooded the orderly manner !u which they Cluverins Is popular among hls fellow-1 »u*p«nd»*d from .the lid »m had assembled, and advocated anti-din* prisoners. He gives them portions of bts I attached to the bamuM-r of theweapon.su crimination. The time hid come, he said, f<»oJ, and if ooe sh«.nld want a eOsUgo l0al »!;*° Jjidirigi.ir tt»e t<ip the we-pm when the people should restrict stamp and asks him for It be 1* pretty sure I wo o’d be dbcb» g*d li w«s wrapped ln all corporations within the limits u> be supplied. The tfficers all speak w.li •*> ordinary . Iro» • f wrapping pap-r, bat Of the lew. The oonstltation os amessare of bis brbavlor, bat they are no la the do wrWng of auy tort wu discovered. It tn that respect Is a dead letter, due to the h»blt of jadglng of the gul t or innocenca •• tboaahi the oeapon wh*-u first pUcrd tn dominant party. * Is it possible,” he said, of prisoners by their demeanor, as it Is a I **• oox wan rockrd and wu 'IPcharged in “that the day has come wbtn the peop'e notoriously unsafe guide. translu Tne pistol •• ?«-ry old aud the • * ' SHmi had been cut oQ ht- al ioche*. The post** 111-« *nthoritt»s will uae every en <te*vor io di*c< v<*r tne p-r eirator, and * _. mocrsUo party to take this matter ln band. Will yon allow snch IN SEARCH OF A HUSBAND. _ ^ . a monstrous onirsgs tobeoommltted? Pot I T7". ' , I .onsaithsd bo will p*jr dtsrlj Ijt M yonr protest lo plain language. 8 Woman In Mascuiin* At»lr« Commits a I vilU|uou« sttrmpL We have stood It so l jng Thsftthatsh* May Be Who 1 that patence has cessed to be a Her B«lov«d. virtue/’ Hecloeed with s’rong remarks k Di.i. mM ,4 v- ..... A.»ul.T r . M L V' -k* * ,o«. Mr. Peter Keeso and Mr. John Hardin, whore, by proper treatment, hls friends hope for a speedy restoration of mind. An Explosion of Whisky. New Yoek, August 25 —A fire of un known origin broke out this morning In the liquor store of Martin JJyrnee, 72 Lewis atreeL Several men were drir.klrg there at the time, and they took a hand in trying to cxtinguiib the dames. The fire com municated to one of a number of burets of whisky storrd In the saloon and the barrel exploded with terrific force. Two men nau.ed Thomas Ltatrange and H. W. Goldrick, aged 27 and 30 years, were del- ogsd with the fiery liqoid and severtly horned. The men were rctnov* d to a hos pital. Tbs tlsmes wars afterwards extin guished by tbs fire department. The lues was not very heavy. A Big Insurance Suit. VlCZEKTbOj cers of the wboe. store tree burned fn the dteat'inm. fire of April 21. have brought toll in tb. Circuit Court far 160500, the amount of policies leaned by in* foi owing tuearaom composite: Factor, .nd Trader, uf New ginec-r’e attention,'end seeing that a ••rieane, _ Ptceolxqf Hartford, Queo of collWoa waa unavoidable, jumped fJysrpqol’ bewOrieene Inenrence Aeenel- eiion, Oeoigte Home, Home of New York. Uermanla of New Yotk.Wea'eru of Torun- to, and Crescent of New Orleau,. It is elated that tb* dry aoode eompsoy will also brlcg eult egtlnet tome ot the co panlea for deftmatloo of ebara-ter. s comps- rom bis engine, as did bis fireman. Tho engine, with its wheels flying backwards, stellated manfully a.-.ii at the momentum oi the heavy freight boxes behind, bat in vain, and soon the crash of mighty timbers, as they were rudely snapped, told that it waa done. The rear coach ot the way frt-i.’ht was a passenger box, ln which v several drummers, and, strange ay, not one o( the waa injured, while the car directly in front of them, on hichwaa a heave staUonary engine, , 1Ul , r lb . Booth Penneylvanii or Bt.cb 1 completely demoli abed, break- Cr»k roade. The bill I, bs*»d oe article .. the cnj.na in pieces and sending 17 of tb* comtimtlon of PtoatylTeDlt, itft part* high in the air. Its fly-wheel which preblbt e th* eooao'ld.Uoa of coa- r ken tomn IU place end sen .tkK’mbJ w.‘5 PniLADKLriiiA, Anguit 2A—attorney- Qeneral Ctntdy fited a bill In equity In the Deupbln county Court of Corn moo Pl<aa restraining tb* Peoneylvenie road or It* treats from pcocartng or by any means, direct or Indirect acquiring eon ml of “ xth Ptenaytvaala junction vu grantrd, v L-.I some yard-i down the ftabSi “‘'’'.telih' 7,y J K. h a. J Ktetto."u Walker coan’y, Ga., yesterday, tn a quar- run rel about a wuiuan. <uau who sympathized with the rebellion are at the head of gn at d»pArtra»nt«of the goverrjniMit. I SAW fhs tJaion fli t :l if. must, tl JAtirg over tho Interior Depart ment, * »<fm of honcr and mourning for the death of Jacob Thompsoi, vliom we regarded an a defaulter and a coospimtor. This country la now represent^ abroad by men who within twenty-fire j>arz were in arms to overthrow it, and the .’"vxr: i- K p uvr* in th.* ex- > hrnnch + «-f tl**- imi»*nt i-< in ,v wi»h the ^ ideas of aud select the officers of the gov- ** r 111■ . nt r<mi in* n wtm vu-r** i:: A,r ajmnet it 'II •» s ra- turn in pyhi!< hni t tn one ♦■x m p c in h.i-torv, end thnt Wd.-t re*s- t ration of Charles II, after the bruiiant ■ut in;• f pro'ictoraleof rron.we;i and like that restoration ia a reproach to the civi.i- zatlon of the age. In the8onth it may be Haiti that no ktr-wn Union man hu been «l p .1 it tl t.» . Iff (.Hi H * tilled from the rebel ranks. No maa whoaejui- f-f. 8 in til- rent its of the wur, wi: » honor ably demands a fair ballot ar 1 a fair count, cau be appointed to office in tl..- So ith. 1’iie n-heli tirf iri h • )'ute mastery in the 8onth as they would hare been it the Confederacy bad 8uccp#.le<l. Fellow cilizmi, the line drawn between 11;•* t ••«> puriitT in tio’.v ii m .! a’ir.rt hs it •Afi*- ■: ; i’ g th* 1 war, but *.• h dif ferent field ot battle. Then we fought for tin* | r- '* r \n i -u of the I •! arid tin a me Hid to that end tor the abolition of - » •* ry. Nnw f kt the I’ .• -rtve<| rt’. i -1 tvp-\ eh '.i died, we ;._ht f jr the tqaal political rights of all men end the faithful ots^mnee of the rnnetitiilioiiHl hum mlniciiti. We h:.* for the rx-rrite of titc rintioiml »”:t* ority for ilie p-t’xerviii m of the r :V.i r inferred ny t;n- <• ) .'i t iti. ; . h m1 uj. , . t.. t hroad n-sue we lnvite co-operation from th 8 South as well as the North.” Bather more than cne half of the speech i-iyi/ento a tii.-r i-**:i*• i of the x« ie be- tween tile two p.triiei ill t»-M.N - tniar to those employed in the extract* here quoted. _ Railroad Truffle Stopped. Out KANri, August 2A—A MifCMll to tiie- I l i.* >-l>pinocrai irom Mt r;«! Mi»., says: “There is no change In the anpect ol afTnirs between the strikers and the railroad company. Superintendant Bel knap. Of the Vickabnrg and MeriJiau road, was here to-day in consultation with J. W. Fewell, attorney of the system,and the lat ter met the strikers to night It is under stood that he has offered them to-day on b-hrtlf of tin- omipHiiy, n month's puy if thay would g j ba k to work, end the ai»-ur- ance that tverythlng would be as if no te'rifce Mud Uki-m place. Tf.e t:.-i r*-f s-d this offer and are apparently aadfermiited «h when tiiH 4*< r ke cunuienre»l. No f** i<ht trains have been moved Bince the begin ning of the tronnl**.’’ A Wlf* Murdeter Convicted. |irCCIAL TKLXORAN.1 Hutlck, Ga., Augutt 20.—Jessie Cook, 111 ri.r.ll, UA>, JzukII.I -J jreatn v "ua, wife niurderer was, trietl to-dnv and found guilty of niurde*. Jndge Wilhi will pro nounce sentence of death to-morrow. c. M. D. Walking down Broadway is very plest- SQt when you feel well, end T K — never f• t better than e hen his friend asked him h*>w he g >t over that -evere coug-i of fnv **') speed !y, ’Ah.n.v boy,” sildT ,‘O.M.D. did It!’ At.d hia friend wondered wliat G. M. D. meant. He knew it did cot m**tn a Goxl Many Ihrto *•. for T K !>*d tried a derm in vain. ”i have it,” »*id he, just hitting tti** noil on t.'in tiead, vou mean Dr. l’ierce’s ‘Uoiden Medical I) sc >very,’ or (.old Medal Discovered tin my friend J — a always dubs it.” Bold by druirgutz. Out of tha Mouths of Babe*. Life. Teacher (to Sunday-school class) -Now, bosi, in placing your «.t!-rit.gv on the plate, 1 want each to recite lomt appmpri- ate verse. S'ephen (placing a penny on the H« that -I* )- c-l au • of a ilylr B Maoniiv*. . 9 4, _ ri i M * ^ •FV U| S . FrsWr.M.r l(«f«»* of the Bomb Pennsylvania railroad «u ii,n Th» twi. ... re«,(tn*^Tr. u,- another Credit Mobllier. He anlorirodIVX*XWS)***! both the national and Btate sdinlnPstra 8 1 tion, and denounced I t eent a^jy amir, the Inventor atuch-ditbya male atroog *1 e to the etrra of toe eteamer * n fi»E*in t a Mr.*me he»d-wind ne poonendeth to the Lord. John—God lo»th a che'rful giver. Teacher—Very good. (To the next boy, win is imlined t > keep hii i *• .ny)-Uome, Thomas, why do you hejitatr? .Sjjeak load, so that all may hear. Thomas (reluctantly)—A—t fool atd hie money are soon parted. raonocadOiaw iha^TnwiVn J»l‘ or wtl Informed by Jim FUk.otw of MiidM for fiate trejeorer. a, cor- W ottl™— I " 4 retul * to* tbeboet eelawl lb. .puar. u, r.l eJ lu heed sod d.rted toward t . bio. vault it It'd fi'-dli-K a t.cjre retting- darted nkt* eton nipt,, end held tbet ob "place ,h? 1.11 .1 J'7* T, °.’ «'H fi-dl-g . ...jr. needed clearing out more than the Tree*- u? c r.. 1?™°”“ I Mt*** tn mat ttlxtinorboud. It orj Department of tbe Slate. I “ >"■ tb * w«n«»»’» 6* I down* rd like efl -n. 17.- re-e.uu After the report o! tb* committee oo I I to»P6»««Pnad l)k» tdp»,i*ma. ibeoanvu crtneotialt w», tireaented, W. J. Bteneer, 1*.'i JiT* “* eb * I •■t | FP»«l e-U idr-r epli-'o'lv, end the work eecretary ot tbe oorotEODweeltb end ea.tr the loom the^oMao^It 01 i?." *’*'* <*i,app-»red be jeetii ihe man ot tbe t omroltt. e on retolotion,, pre * 0 b n - l °^ 18 - - 0 * 0 * k *°- t 'orbote. I Onto. I bw cro.d rneered tented the platform. Al each rreolnUoa bench, aree^d 1* Urbl grey Ibe tnv.Di-w takedeari. rh wu Wei read, it we, received with h.srly ap I tt"?! ted join-eteevve. n. eure J K-ntoni) depUvrd uf the I pleaze. An effort to adopt reeolalloo, wl, ,n«mV wl,*A,tei?. HIt* Jh.Tihi h. d . "! b,l ‘’* " 8 t**" flel 1 with « 0l¥h3ldtShbLwaa r thaaMe2£22tf l“* her husband IVn. Hlx. who d-**rt«1 M<aa.er-aw, Inaiana. out oppovtt'jn Jtoi "rtd?Ste l« Slate b,r 10 “j ,lon ■* T ’’ r81 0 • 0u,b • **’’•. I 8 * KooiLta. Sara. an.u.1 a -Tb* report treaiurer and the emnv.ntlnn .rttrmrn^i I Jor Dg tb, ronver,atl'if, ..id that I ot tn* MUd.r r.f tn.iv A" erlcan, and TbTBSefirto tSJe&SSS? a< ‘ l0Orn * d ' •»>.,*«» born to the \V.,t lodteelboi cam. rixht M-XI -, . al P toeb. bv Ihe A", "h- "The Democracy V,f Itenwylvanl. to 8bo '}* ,h, “ T,*". | **_?*.Jto-o wh flrnet b, . Mexico who cunrenUoo, dadare thrir hearty ai>Dr‘oval f nd ol> *ri'ied emuloymeat lo Bui- arrlvrd bar. jaehrrda, Iron the scene ot .rd inoMrt nl Ih. nVlneioS; .in!.PIt tl. P 8 ” 8 * w *« h ' r »"d lroner. 8b* tuai I then.a-Mcre. the Chf-ago U-iuocrallcc'iivV’tlon ^Jolv J Vm ' h , 11 lI , lB cl, J' 8 " . To*^r.vi, Aatz . An,o.t 25-Oo Fri- rph iva fh.v farirrm tmn..r ■i married btm et e piece call'd |d,y lavtilx'jr Apaub-a iu«de a raid on eluatrivil tt2wLm‘u» 7 Owee iprine. After I vies with blmab rot ra, cites hears,,, j'-dto, Mexico forey vbionoftKt*5?tland athor2olh IT-1 008 Ul * hw - HraHng that hr I m^lr. south of mi. cfy and carried ofl a form of th« methods of administration WM | D i ®* n **° 0 «om»ipr of b*»r»#a. Tba raid wa« witnessed which obtained uiuftr R»pnbllcan rule in t * r “ * n ►qaad of Mtx>e«u aoidbre, but no In- stnrtl5S3S?wHb uK?t2ma ***.*}? prtoCH forrsalfog In order lo get »er»ar.n<w w.s telle njM ( ad. A Ghleaao nlatform nwm" M ph 1 2 r ' 8 **! with him ah« determined tn commit eoniw I twaoned hero to-day * • M.fP.r? y>r loeaoresu hai sh« would be i-nt to Jtl. o« .lluora*.cb. A^aoSri^v£-FMlSut?tS2n>.i^ri ? n e OWlr * ,uU w * 11 «>•' *f w«drrave.i ItKiWn hastin.iea, b*d BiaSw ” C * ' 1 mWeut o( 158 Ulliud lo female app«r*l ahe w. n»d h co. fi*.ed in | owing to bo 4 depraitAtiona of ho-tde Uh •t« WemrHitellw annrnf* Hi*nenA,-v.t I clepanm-flt and cmi l toiNte j di«ns. A pa tf ol I’rihI dtizm baa left ie Tt-f, riu tdinlfiilreihrn ^J^rrew!l!; ^•.^t'Sfln’bVr^.llL^V"' l d?’*" ? r,1 ", t t !, V 5 '? 1 ln a™ 1 . 8 * 8 * bl f 1 gS.t&TS^Sd.’TJ ^“t?. 1 iff** “*• Iud ““ ,romUolUd b:8t ‘* to?irvtedteiteTb.‘bKsIs oSrsHx, *“«°° uom ■*"•» hix ..id <bu <b< 1 _ Brsolstixhs Manifesto* Kflirm . i. .fix ■ ^ 1 when tb* waa broortute tnet»J ll-c.r-l, 1 ® 8DOB . *“*»« 28 —Bradlaueh baa r C .mt^boreted tbt marrlaga In true partku- temed acamp.un n arilfe-t> to hte cot.- lor°ptr*iaaand I Ur ' I J?. » *' b8 «’Pton. In tb p«’M»al end,. The tborongh re- fotm . of tbs ab'tres and tb* . , tho aesrcblog invaaitea'lons already made lu th* atTertl departmen'te ol tb* government gtv. ae«urance rh,t tbe pre*. I , this be nre** jl. mej.irt'y brooutUine torendblm V; ”* Utew-r-t. d..pile the reftualot tbe H"tie, of Co umoo* to p-rn.lt btm to take hi, aval, uiibl In. • nmmons be ihamnl or AfCoff.e Drunk.rd. rbltad.lohle Pnaa. I nunipelied ny pxpol.r lldtawb SSMed - , -- - I "What a bright eyed men.” tti,'. a re-1 h,ni u ■ rtehta BradUngh boua up to hlj 18 ■■■ffyggte .yW. faf .*b*l porta* who leaned rg.ln.i the caahler'e eonetito-O'. tb. rx-.uii.1o of ihe voters of etei? reiviri 1 ,b ' desk ot a reatanrant bear th* pob'te bolld Jf* '<|terex In *w timxrig to ulunt John nr7ci?eir7nd W ?mci»n! 'A D ofbiir?.!i <M, * , V ,r K». on# d.y let; wet*. Tb» oran I'l q i„- Wilke*. ■ otnflhar.pdiiK bla expulsion by rh;7ov.'rnni»nr l 8< * ,n,n tete*Ui)0 o! tioo bad Jaw s ten rent cheek and ,li|^ed th * Hoore.oo li the Ueue became a pub.ic An attempt to Pr.tant Con*olidatlon. -iTTalV,n r n . not ot th. door with a J»rEy moT.menr 1 end t"» Ownn-Ohs were forced to 0. .7! t y-°AP OT * r °? f P8> -. I end eefatag U tb* Lne be carried to tb. will of the elector,, tl—>ti. by a h ru and b'rneat execn ion of I which drcldr.l.T eodaneered Ihe Deoute’* I ■ the law and a faithful and right ore 7 * lae P ^* “ I A t.lndlma aun.rint.ndent. » .*** . T8t0 ■ t w, » r r fn tbe In- "Bdtht-gredf Yre,” .aid tne caahter: „ Waskuot w. Ao.uat 26 —Tb* Htar pob- J*™ 1 * 81 '* 8e0B00 *'I’ be's andreem'k«nl.” I l.lhee th.ai.bmrnt that John Dickereon, '“l 7 °?r. n !I, tb *.[ e, P ,c t I “Wbat’a a coffee drunkard?" I to*m r «Op»rtDter.itent ot the new pemion Sr w?—f,.b ne * "Aman vhoconie. In here foort'analn boddlng, la under Inveetljatlon upon O. iernorai!d , nia*offlcU?. , Sri‘ C ' ,w0 h '’ n ’ , * '•>»< nun h.e tn.. niorntr v J* T, ri O. kind, of enlteenan In U*jywfPOC and bib official adt iteri, in tbrir I and (loci wTerv morning and tnkr-t • *. wl f I wharwby th^ g vtrnment waa hesvi- tot°2 to CSSStSa “b" 1 ' blbt^l CbffZ every''ilm.. tea tof?” He k.V no books, .old preV- Idrrokaid. Bright ejee! Well. I eboold I Wl .bvtepglng to the government, and tlooaeaeMe gamrd l6* tnteweta al the gere I aev SO. Tbet maa’i cjodltloo ell the llmel failed to aeeoqntfor tbeprocee.lt; paid Sttr«erv2nm«ft D ^,^T ?* I ■* the MR * »* ibatof ain.Dwbol, getilrgl l,r *e «m, to oateciible empioyee who . .. r^tRXtte. eed lo reform long ex owar a big ‘natier.’ I mean bts nerve* are I -endereo no rervlce, and waa in collusion Bayba ..and*,*, rooUd InequaiiUe, uv | n *o/ hi, mmcle, are all a quiver and *J'b 8 tboe,*ai dratera In aappliea fnnstab- I r „.LKH..r. - ■ . . ■ . hi. mental Vteirwil. abnormally ctear. Jfa *d to tb* bolldi:. g. I i-.very Ie. 'imat# effort of labor toll, ;i,j, .... - 1 * “* -->■ , tTdi I*?' Dr.LA Mott haves brace. and prote.t ttw rig 1 pathy and ■un- part v. Thw foipoi its command* thw i ft ot the ITemoci •n :*-r < -edied by JuJUlous legiala 1 jou know many «"ch?" t I'aat haif a dozen. !*ajs nier. Wv*t«riy, I. iV 1* tt. • f »-7t lit, aJrntJSt rai*«-l thr ■ lead. 1 .wn, My.Hr. Conn., >ay«; of tiroj>«y rraultlng from hich Hunt's ilemed', rr- Uaw of Turpin:lnm In D>ni<hw U. A n ariio!»* tn thr l’grrs*ri t I or l,**,jger •I* "I'ri!) i Dr. Vilviftt a ■ur**.»ful use of oil of turi*r-m:m* in Hie tr*-atin* t and pro- 11'ivlm11 of dtphthfria an l kir.«ire*i dis eases. He statva that he haa Diver area anv of tli*» dnrai»*t *|irr*»'l tr- t a -ick • inld to oilier meinheru • f the family when this r* rtn-dy was employed. 11.* method h t ) pour from twenty t > f r:> -In (>• of a in xt’irr of •-• j'l.i! jmrt* of ! hte and .r >i ■ acid into a kefir >r which ketit i inmerif it, ovrr h vu • *» that the air of tilt* sick room i* - >h*tantly im- j.rrL' 1 at»i l with the o lor -if th**-** t vo »'ib- ■‘tance*. A favornoi** in’! i<> h n'*oex- ••rtHi by tins in ’an* ui»on t..te *-x i-Jation in d'.phthteria, although it iir.d at all cura tive of the Hemp. nyn li teii it cma wnra All* OTHER MEPI- CIXE8 FAIL, m It acta DIRECTLY and AT ONCE ca thw gipygra, liver and BOW- ELB, rcetor them to a LeAlthjr jt is'both a safe cure-'? '■ and a ’ SPECIFIC,., It CTRFN all DUra^e of thr KIJ»'T*t . I-lvrr, Hlnddrr mad I rtnmr* i‘ra*n*4 Hropav, hrnttl. Dlab. ie*. IlHwM’a l)U«asr, > *r» orjg I Hereei-n, ».«« CW- Krnelit ffrakar-a * Jit until,-*-, lllljon.n. e-v H lu' hr, *>utt r si.. u ,..l.. Ilttpr <'onwLi|,tsII llarl., l.ulit lUrs. k-ldt-' •rTAKE NO OTHER.-ea ' ujtrot—1 of BuLd T*W- ikOeiuL# Cws*. liCNre HLMu.VY COre ■ FrwvUeaew. H. I.J