Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, August 28, 1885, Image 7

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iTHE TELu GRAPH AND MESSENG KR: FRIDAY- AUGUST 28 1885 Mr. Tlgner, ot the Thirty-flitb, ottered ns a substitute, toat the bill be referred to tbe general Judiciary. U pou a vote, me aubitltute was lost. The r>' - Ilium U'lc r.. 1 I.,- Mr. K ink in, to rider the bill to a apecial committee, waa agreed to. Under a tuapension of tbe rnles the roll waa called for the Introduction of new mat ter. The following new bills WHS intro- dnoed: Mr. Day, of the Forty-first, a bl I to amend section 010 of the code, defining who are liable to work on the public roada. Mr. Nortlien, of tbe Twentieth, a bill to prohibit tbe keeping of]pool.rooma or pool boards for the purpose of belting on races or games of any kind. Mr. Rnssell. of the Eighth, a bill to com- >el honest sod fair returns of property for taxation. Mr. Tlgner, of the Tblrb-fitth, a bill to compel Immediate record of all sales of per sonal property. Alto, a bill to prevent the right of act on tor a tort abating by the death of either party either before or after the action has e in-i hanical purl has i ot been coi n-It aught. He spoke ot the d i e- in itie wsy of the AgriculturalC the state capital • reuLAR PROCEEDINGS OF THE STATE LEGISLATURE. Thirty-fifth Dar. Atlanta. Auguat 20.—The Senate met ( t 10 o’clock, with Preeldent Carlton In the cb A«ertbe reading of the Journal, Mr. Wrilrde moved a reconsideration of. so Such of the action ot the Spate yesterday Sp ates to the passage of Mr. Tlgner a "Zrari bill. The mo ton waa lost. “tm consideration of the bill to require llie introduction In public school. cl a J , book on pbyilology and hygiene, with •w-isl reference to th« effect of alcoholic Simulants°<> tholmman sysieni, was rt- ">S?r ) kovle. ot the Eieveuth, favored the ^Mr^Sortben, of'the Twentieth, who In- ernln'i-ed t”* hll 1 madafnrher aigument be: un. ■ ■ ■ Sfavoro’ the bill. H« reviewed t e argu- Mr. Falligimt, chairman of the special Sent, sdvsmito ou both aid aof tbe ques- — * li0 Mr Davidson, of the E’gbteenih, con cluded the discussion on tlio bill, tutoring "Vpona^vbte lha bill was lost Yeas 14, Ct [message waa received from the Gover nor announclr-g that he had approved and ■Irned the Joint reaolatlon reeervlng cer tain risk's as to the service of process,etc., over the lands in Macon ceded to the United States. Under a sn pension of the rules a nnm. btr of Honse hills were read the first time. At noon, under the joint resolution, the Senate repaired to tbe hall o( the House, when the General Assembly was addressed br Cbanoi llor Meil on the condition and wants at the university. Upon the reassembling of the Senate the Senate adopted a resolution, offered by Ur Northern thanking the chancellor for hls'able and Interesting address, Tbe morning boor Diving expired the Senate adjonrned.to 10 o'clock to-morrow B,0rDln!? - HOUSE. Tbe Honse was called to erder by the Speaker and opened with prayer bj tbe chaplain, Mr. Connell arose to a question of privi lege ai d read an editorial from Iba Man ner-Watchman relative to the bachelor tox bill. He handled the editor ol that paper without gloves. On motion ol Mr. Fite, the Honse re- cctKldered ils action defeating the bill regulating the practice In the Supreme ^MrSlartlett moved to‘ recons'der the bill defeated yesterday regulating tbe rate of Interest In this State. Messrs. Bartlett, Ballard, Hatdeman, Gardner,Calvln, Rea- C n and Turner, of Cowe a, favored, and essre, Bemer, Arnheim, Fits, Teasley and Everett opposed the motion to recon- lider. Mr, Berner celled for the yeas and nays, which call was bititeined ai d the motion prevailed by yeas 7-J. nayeT7. Mr. Berner explained toe connection of the firm of Berner it Tomer, of which he was a member, with tbe loan business, whirl! was entirely eatisfactory to the Broils Mr. Harrell, of Webster, offered • reto- lu inn recltiug that the bill creating tbe Stone Mountain judicial circuit being a anb'dtn’e for a bill of a differen nature was re>d only one time, and tnat the Sen ate be requested to return tbe bill to tbe House for perfection according to constitu tional requirement. Mr. Eiiis moved to table. Lost, yearn55, n ”rne resolution was referred to tbe gen eral judiclaty committee. At tbe request of tbe committee of edu cation Mr. doeed was added to the com mittee. O • motion of Mr. Dart theblll amending sections 1612 1513, 1616 o( the code waa made lha ep-cel order lor Tuesday next by veaaSd.nays 41. Under a euspens on ol the rnles the bill amenolrg tkc act creatirg a city court in Clarke county was read the second lime. Mr. Hartrtdge offered a resolution that a comm ttee i ( five ba appointed to wait noon ltev F. 11 Med, cnancellorof the University, and escort him to the Hail, which was adopted, end Messtrt Hart rid,e, Utt.es, Fitzgerald, Willis and La- nnr, ot I'ulaskl, appointed ms said com mittee. Mr Calvin moved to make the bill to or ganize the militia ot thia State the ipe- ct l "rder for Thursday urit. which pre vailed. iir. Banal!, ot Clarke, moved to make the bid ap r-ipriating (5,000 for buildings of the 8-ale University tLetpeclalotder lor Wednesday. Lost by yeas ill. nays G2. At 12 in. Lin- Peuate entered and were teat it, 1’iesideut Carlton presiding over the Jelutae eion. t eprearptatlve Boyil moved that the Governor ba invited to accompany tbe cbai cellor, winch prevailed, ami Repre sents iv.v Iloyd, Everett and Hall ap- pmmed tn inform Ins Excellency. G ivernor McDa .iel, .'-.nator Brown, Cbauce! or Me l and the committees came In amt were sea'ed. Cbai ce lor Meil addressed the General Attend iy on the wants a- d Interests ol th- ht-ii- Unirer-ny He considered edu cation as a unit, dtSarli g In only the de- g.e- o' an v-i i meal. Everything was an e. uca'. r ami ni ght be uti.lzrti. Thera were two plana for advancement in ednea- tlun-goveroii i-ntal piau and that by vot UUt-rv a* sortatlon. -| ha Stale War commlttld to ti.e edoca- tlonuf all Cla-Se-. He waa phased to note the areal -ork dot ebyp'iva-e and ileno:,. Iralioti-I ins ItuUona, al d hid Ihem God- • peed. There ware taro d-fflmltiee tn the way ct the governmental plan, l’he t-ie- mantary aoboola languish, while there la an interval or chasm between low.r and h-gber ednea lion not yet occupied. In higiter e lUL-a'ion them are Iwo brancuea —B'st, in tne liberal arta; second, in tbe mean ante aria. He commented on education In ti e lib eral arta -that by Hie Co I-ge or unlvera.ty ami the Oerman theoretical plan. He era, Ilk-ally portrayed the practical char,* -rr n! education, tra< ing the history and career ol a Minimi dsveli ping into a fttate-luan, div ne, phtsirtan, lawyer, tear ier, editor, auilior ml diy lomatiat, the result ill ednea itoal training. Noah Webster, atbOyeira ot age, mastered sev en or eigni dill went languages. He wool,: nui advne every child ob« '-nt to Frank lin i".ii eg-- if a I were made clrsslcil acholan where would be Hie laborers? They ehoald he edu Med la the basin.-- for w ne n ha is designed, and not awav from ll or a'eive. l ake Hie boolbla k. If y .'1 send hi 11 to r eg- and give bun a j li r I education arid lie continue a boot- ha k-i a,, |f yon edu ate him tn ail tbe brai c l aontnbutory to b s calling, tudi a, li.e bet. Ill r. tanner, b up maker brurii met. r. cheu ist at d i' . t dat, would b. ree .-li a n ".i ilack. N : and abound 004 If n-a " la more eoeceestill than brawn loin wit; If mind Is more ancceiafnl than n u i le, toil iw it. The ,b->otb!ack on y to- educated to ftkk to tiia i.,g if educated a! ive it he leavetL There is con ecteil with the uni vereity the Plrle Coil- : * of A.-ricullure an.1 Mechanic Arts; dm and mining gtnaere, phjslcht-i and |>ractlcal Chun judiciary, submitted a report. Mr. Colley, chairman ol the committee on railroads, made a report. Mr. Smith, chairman of Ihe committee on agricultnre, submitted a report. Mr. Tborntcn, chairman of the commit tee on the penitentiaty, submitted a re port. Mr. Caban as, chairman of the general judiciary, sobmiUed a repuit. Mr. Rankin, chairman ot the committee on corporatiuns, made a report. Under a suspension ot the rnles. Honse bills were taken up tor a third reading. HOUSE BILLS OB THIRD READING. A bill to change the time of holding tbe Superior Court ot Paldiog county. Parsed. A bill to exempt from jury duty 100 member! of tbe Governor's Horse Guard, of Atlanta. Passed. A bill to abolish the county court of Crawford county. Passed. Mr. Davidson, chairman of the finance committee, submitted a report A bill to incorporate the AgticoUnral and Commercial Bank of Jackson, with a capital of (100,000, was read tbe third Umo. Passed. Mr. McBride, chairman of the committee on enrollments, submitted a report. A bill to amend the charter of Tbotnaa- vilie ao as to establish a system of drainage was read the third time. Passed. A bill to amend tbe act Incorporating Summerville, In the county of Richmond, was read the third time. Passed. A bill to transfer certain cases from the Superior to the Comity Court of Lee coun- A rsaulntion authorizing the Governor to fnrniah Bowdoin College with eighty stands ol arms. Passed. A bill incorporating the Macon Fire In surance Company was read the third time. Posed. A bill to amend an act providing (or the disposition ol fines and lorieltoras In the Countv Court of Sumter county was read tbe third time. Passed. A bill to amend tbe charter ol Eaalman. Pasted. A bill to amend tbe act Incorporating the town ot Wrightsvtlle. Passed. A bill to prohibit tbe eaie of liquor in D-mg!aa county, providing for a vote by tbe qualified electors ot tbe county. Pat* ad. A bill to charter tbe Fort Gaines Ware house and Banking Company. Passed. A bill to repeal an act providing for the election ot a county board of education tor the county of Haralson. Passed. The president appointed tbe following special comraittte to wbom was referred the Stone MonntainCircuit bill: Messrs. Rankin, Tlgner, Colley, Davidson, Brown, Faler and Ridley. Un motion of Mr. Ray the robs were suspended for the purpose of reading tbe second time Senate and Home bills favor ably reported. On motion of Mr. Falligant.of the First, the Senate adjourned to 3 o'clock Monday afternoon. HOUSE. Tba House waas called to order by the Speaker, and opened with prayer by the Chaplain. Mr. Charpell offered a reto'.ntion which was agreed to, that to-morrow be devoted to tbe reading of the Hcnse bills favorably reported on, the second time, and Stnate bills tbe first time. Mr. Hall moved to dispense with call): g the roll ol counties for the introduction ot new matter, which was rejected. Tbe call of the counties waa then c:m- menead. On motion 200 coplea ot the bill creating board at immigration were ordered printed. OIBItAL bills BEAD risrr Tint. Mr. Welker, iticorporati. g tbe Anniston and Chattanooga railroad. Mr. Ballard, providing for Iba election ol Commissioner of Agriculture by popular vote. Mr. Thomas, amending the act author Izing the lease of penltentiarr convict*. Makes the fine for escapes 260 Instead of |200* LOCAL BILLS READ FIRST TIMS. Mr. Pool, correcting a clerical error In tbe act prohibiting tbe manufacture and sale of liqnor In Gwinnett county. Mr. Abhitt, changing the time of bold ing Fallon Saperiar Coart. Mr. Russell of Clarke, incorporating the Athena Sat legs bank. Mr. Clav—Ktqniting tha registration ol veten In Cobb county. Ur. Brandt—Requiring the registration of voters In Richmond county. Mr. Chappell— Requiring the reglstra tlon of vo'ere In Muscr-gze county Mr. L-tmar-Riqalring tbe registration of voters tn the counties of Polaakland Telfair. Mr. Beacb—Requiring the registration of voters in Appling connty. . Mr. Miller—Amending charter ot Way- tron. aiaoLtmoxa. Mr. Watklna, ol Gilmer-Flxlng tbe 101b ol September sstl-adayo! final adjourn ment. Mr. Abbott-For the relief of tbe South ern Telegraph Company. Mr. Clrgbora—For >be raltat ot Fleming Moss, ot Chattooga county. On motion of Mr. Gill, tbe Home, by yeas 07, nsya 2, Agreed to take up local bills for a third reading. LOCAL BILLS TAMES. Submitting the que.tIop of pri hthltlon to the voters of Oglethorpe county. Yeas 96 nasaO. Amending the aet submitting tbe ques tion ot prohibition to the voters of Madison connty.- Yeaa93, nayaO. Prohibiting the sale of liquor In Bmlth- vide. Yeaa 100, naya 0. Ami ndlngthu charter of Jifferson. Yeas 99. nayaO. Amending the charter of Atlanta so as to provide an additional water inpply. Yeas 90, nay a 9. Repraltng tha aet prohibiting acining and netting In tbe waters of Emanuel connty. Yeaa 91, nays 2. Prohibiting tbe eale of liquor within three miles ol Cbnbhs'i Chapel, in Floyd county. Yeas 95, nays 0, Revealing the act creating a board ct commissioners in Dooly connty. Yeas 101 navi 0. Exempting tba 8onlbarn Cadets, of Ma con, from Jury doty—yeaa 89, naya 0. Extending tbe corporate limits ol Macon —yeaa 100, nayaO. Prescribing a salary for tba treasurer of Carroll county—years 94, naya 0. Creating a board of commission Carroll connty—yeaa 97, naya 0. In orpiratirg tbe Propeller Towboat ami I.tghlerkge Company of ttovannah— yeas :•>, naya 4. Girina right of way tithe commission era of Cnitnim connty In all pnbiic draini and .lit-lii*- in me county > *-a- -i nm.i Prohibiting fronting and fishing oa tbe Units of Aiiotber with' lit consent In Oc- midge* River district, Ccffee county— yet - 83, titys 7. Amemtlnjg the road laws ot Coweta c innty—yen 91, naya 3. Making prohibition effectual in DeKalb county ae to tbe roanofeclnre of liqnor In the county es well as the sale, incor- Mr. Abbo-.t offered an amendment Itrik- Iroad ing mu "manufacture or cause to be man ic on Is• uired. Hecootended that the people I I f DeKalb bad the right to be heard loop- ntle.-e.l a | | n-iiiuo to the luaiiutactire ot whisky, i cate a i .Mr. .Middleorocks (averedths amend- Mountain me e V The call for the yeas and naya was su-. tained and the blit passed by yeas 118, nays 9. I-BXSXRYISO OBDKR. Mr. Harris offered a resolution that while billa rere on a third reading all con versatlon most be suppressed, and tbe Sneaker Is authorized to name any person offending and arraign him for punish ment. Mr. Bartlett moved to table. Lost by yeas 41, nays G5. It waa then referred to the committee on rttlea. Hones adjonrned. Mr. Clay, of Cobb, has sncceeded in ob taining a favorable report from the finance committee on his resolution appropriating 23,374 to repair tbe Confederate graves at Marietta. The report was ainioit unani mous, and will give great strength to the resolution in the Honse. DEATH OT AN OLD CITI7.XS. The death is announced ol Dr. Joteph Thompson.which occurred at hil residence, - - min pi -. -,r street, this evening. Toe deceased was over 80 yean of age and one of the oldest settlers of Atlanta. He was proprietor of the old Atlanta Hotel, well known in early dayr. He was in good cir cumstance, owning among other property the lot on which tbe Kimball Honse was built. He was tbe father of Joseph Thomp son, Jr, Edgar Thompson, Mrs. Dick Pe ters, Mrs. T. M. Clarke, ot thia city, and Mrs. W. P. Orme, ol West Point. NOTES. A Marietta street car rnn over a little negro boy this evening, from the effects ol which death resulted in a few boars. Tbe car driver was arrested and the case made against him. The capilot commission convencn to-day, bat transacted no business ot importance. They will hold a session to-morrow. Macon will pntnp Miller and Green to morrow, Green'e first trial with Miller. If he can hold him Macon hopes to win the game. THIEF, LIAR, SCOUNDREL, COWARD, AMONO TUB XFITHXTS ATPLIXD BV BXTBI- SINTATIVa CORNELL TO EDITOR OANTT— A BBIBT BUT LIVELY SPEECH— SUICIDE OP A WELL-KNOWN LADY—THE CAPITOL C0WHIS- SION. Telegbaph Bureau, 17J4 Peachtree St., Atlanta, August 20,1886. Mr, Connell, the gentleman from Deca tur, disturbed the serenity ol the House ol Representatives and the monotony of local legislation by rising to a question of per sonal privilege this mornli g. Mr. Con nell was tbe anthor and introducer of the late bechelor bill, which, lot a season, gained a State, and perhaps national nolo, riety. The character ot the bill and the 'asset citizens it proposed to burden with _ special tax, the indlgoation meetings held at the capital by bachelors, brought tbe matter into some prominence- ami It was widely discussed. Some editors made tbe bill arid lie author the butt ot their humor and sarcasm. Mr. Connell was of the opinion that the Athens Banner-Watchman went over the line and attacked him without warrant, and nnjnstly and mallclonsly. Tbit at tack ot the Banner-Watobman he had read in tbe Honse this morning, and said: "Mr. Speaker and gentlemen ot the Honse, toe bachelor bill oidnotccninmeten min utes’ time ot the Legislature, and 1 am cheerfully willing lo leave It to this body how mneb it cost the State and I will pay hi amount out ot my own pocket. And, have this to say ol Mr. Gantt, editor of the Banner-Watchman, that he la a cow ard, be la a liar, he Is a thief, and he Is a scoundrel. He ought to have been in tbe penitentiary ot Georgia ten years ago, and be will never get justice nntll his neck la stretched three feet by a good, new hemo rope. If what I have said wUl smoke him ont ol his den, I would like to hear again Irom 'ho infamous, cowardly poppy Mr. Connell is a gentlemen of medium height and bnild, with a frank, open face, broDzed by the low-country son. He is rather qnlet tn his manner and bearing, and baa the air of a man who la amply able to take care of himself. Hti remarks, as quoted, Indicate that he la decidedly ontspoken. SUICIDE OP MBS. EDDLEMAN. To the already long Hat ot snlcldes which is rapidly making Atlanta noted is to be added another which la In many respects nnnsnally touching as well as remarkable. Until a tew years ago, when it fallal, one ot tbe most prominent basinets bonses in the city was the shoe honee of Messrs. Kddieman & Brown. The senior member of that firm wea Mr. Frank Eddlcman, who died about two years ago. He lefts wife and a daughter, who was Happily married a lew weeks sg->, and three sons, who are all well and favorably known in Atlanta. It is stated that Mrs. Eddleman nevsrreeovertii fr.un tin- gri.-( i r mi i.-u-i by the death of her bnaband and haa ever since been despondent and In ill health, Both her mind and natrons syitem seemed more or !•■• afiected.bat not to inch an *sf tent as to cause the family any uneasi ness. Last night the family gathered as nsnal at their pleasant residence at 1G6 Ivy afreet, and over the home circle was cast noahadowot tbe sad trsgedy which the morning would reveal. Daring the day and evening Mra. Kddieman up- pmed In unusually good heailh and spir its. At the nsnal time the family retired. Mrs. Eddleman went to her room apd was not seen again alive. At wbat hour she took her life is not known.bat tt la pro snmed from all appearancea that It was very soon altar going to her room. It seemid that she took a sheet troro the bed, twisted it into a rope, tied one end to tbe onter knob of the door, threw the other over into the room, tied a noose aronnd her nick, stood upon a trank which aha poshed near, and when tbe fital moment came, del beralely jumped tff. the wae found in tbatman- ner impended this morning whan the ser vant want to tha room, whan the body waa discovered life had been tome time extinct. Death resulted from itrangnia- tion. Tbe deceased was an excellent lady, re fined and cnllnred. She was tbe daughter of the late Major Steele, who was the edi tor ol tbe Atlanta Intelligencer. His widow Is still livirg. Mrs. Eddleman, the unfortunate de ceased, was in her 46th year. She was a member of the Central Presbyterian church. She will hi buried to-morrow at Oakland. SI.—rv Raw nan, - far rail (il \V,i ---r ar , niendnient {re*rkrr*i i n the bill. Thu axueniimeQt wai «d. Ha PWilt Btd the ,>urfeCl* bat practically the pilot laws of 1790 have Einco been In force, covering a period of • v-if y Th-» pilot ayetern of thia State, ao I am informed by Capt. Fleet- wood, an old Savannah pilot, who has been in the businesj for thirty-five years, is the same as that of ereryport in thewoMd. Under tba custom ami under the law aa in terpreted by eighty-*ix years, every vessel incoming or outgoing has been compelled to pay pilotage. The vtasel is bound to take the first pilot that reaches her coming in, and ns 1 understand It, is compelled to employ the same pilot to come out, or pay ti ' :nl j*il ktug»*. ! hat 1ms beer* the law and the custom for eighty-six years. Re cently a decision rendered by the Supreme Court waa by certain parties, the owners of tugboats, construed to mean that vessels that got into port without a pilot are not compelled to take a pilot going cut. 8in> 0 that time the owners of tugs have gone as extensively as they conld into the pilot business, without any <»' Urn itMrirn.i'iN «n Hit* n. »- • ", out auy of the compulaoiy duties, penal- ties or forfeitnres that attach to rtgnUr licensed pilots. The pi'ota now come to the Legislature in tbe bill referred to and ask for the passage of a law that will pro tect them in the rights and privileges they nave enjoyed since 1799, and which are given in every pilot system the wjrld over. In many countries the pi ot laws have lately been revised and perfected on this poiut. and that is all that is a»ked by Georgia pilots. There are abor.t JG0 pilots in Geor gia ports, skilled by long training, having thn confidence of the shipping interest at home and abroad. They are lictneed un der many legal restraints, have perilled their lives year in and year ont In the business, and it would seem that what teey ask is reasonable enough. Tbe fight against them is made by the tug Interest and it may be called tug vs. pilot. The landlubbers in the L-gtslatnre taking an active interest on either side of tbe question, talk glibly and eloquently of naatlcal matters, as though they had all been brought up at sea, and what they will do with tbe matter is aa yet known only in heaven* DIED OH TOE WAT. The Air Line fast mail from the North came in at 10 o'clock to-day on schedule time. In one of the sleepers was a gentle man who had been spending some weeks at tbe Bnflalo I.ithia Sprirgs, Va. He left the springs yesterday, as a receipted IUU Pjinti^a jratc.uny, aa n <(ruci)nru hotel Bill indicates. After getting on tbe Air Lino, bo was taken sick, and 10 seri ously that a physician was anmmonex. After examination tbe physician decidrd tbat hia patient conld not possibly live till tbe train reached Atlanta. Tbe medio.- opinion was nearly correct, for aa tbe train rolled nnder the car shed here tbe sufferer breathed bit last. Capt. Konts. ol tbe Pullman office here, was notified and responded promptly. The dead man was carried from tbe depot to the nndertakei'a u, .umu . uumm ornuvr, ..m , establishment of Patterson & Bowden, in .ipim confident your well know n qualities ol Tba Benato la not In nation to-day. Tbe Honse waa called to order t y the Speaker pro Uat., and opened with prayer by lha cnaplaln. House bills were read a second time. Un motion 900 coplea ot the minority report against tba appropriation of tbe North UeorK a Agricultural college was or- dared printed. Altar reading over 100 bills, tba House adjourned until 10 a. m. Monday. Beamed until 10 a. m. Monday. Wbat la kDown aa tne "pilot bill” Is as suming bogs proportions In tba present l.-giitature, end when it come* ap there is likely to be ta warm a fight over It aa tbere waa ovar Mr. Pringle's local option, or Dr. Feltan’s reformatory. While Georgia has a considerable cots, line, with noted ports at'Savsnnab. Da rlan. Brnniwlck and Atlanta, visited by vessels irom every dvifiied country on tbe globe, wtlh vast shipping interests by river and sea, tbe people ot tbe State, in addi tion to being crackers, are essentially land-lnbbers. Especially la this true of tbe nroch abated members of the Legislatnre. These represenutivii ot the people, these pstricis have, I be lieve, In tbe coarse ot their pablle service, bare been called by many bard names, In deed, almost every other known and Igno ble epithet has been publicly and promptly applied to them, aaveto call them land- tnbbers. Holding tbe diaiingu abed bod- In aucb blgb esteem aa 1 do, i-m] have at waya, ll is with acme mlaetacce and pain tbat in tbe reference mule to this pilot bill the (act is to be admitted, cot charged, tbat they are mostly land Inbbera. Dunne my correspondence wilb the Tils oaara Irom this, the greet dry lend port o( tbe conn try, I hive bad little to do with nautical matters, and from an nnfamilUr- Ity with tbeanbject mater la', I tball go (low antfc tbe pilot bill, bat a few words on tbe ■abject may throw soma Ugbt on It lo it' arnrral put,In:. Tbe firm n-lol I, In this State was in 1?JU. Inl-. J about.. Ibtie was -clue UtLe le DOMESTIC NEWS. Arrest of a Prom'nont Republican fPost- mrrster—Exoloalon of an Infernal Machine—Waahlnuton Notes —Killed by Ills Son. Richmond, Va., August 22.—Rt. Rev. Bit bop John J. Kean, of the diocese of Richmond, recently wrote a letter to Hon. A. M. Kelley, in relation to what be terms the "shameful perre-utlon” tbat gentle man la suffering. Tbe letter la written from St. Paul, Minn , the Bishop being at present In tbe far West condnctlog a ae ries of spiritual visits. Tbe Bishop says: “I allude to tbe treatment Inflicted on you seen insult, not only to one ot the most highly and deservedly estenned Catholics of tbe diocete ot Richmond, and one of tbe most honored citlaeni of Virginia, but through him to ail his fellow Catholics and fellow citizens in tbl. country, and to the Holy Father himself Bnt in this Insult to yon I can see no hu miliation lave to those who have offered it. It were no honor to be welcomed by » government wbose whole coarse be. been marked by injustice and Irrellgion, and tbe government of Austria, having by Us re- cent act made Itself an abettor of the guilt and a partner In the shame, has thereby made itself incapable ol lromillating you. "While I have regretted tbe attai-kt made upon you by h part ot tbe dally press, still that need not concern na much, aa nothing was to be expected from each partisan and interested sources: but I have especially deplored thecrtticl-m< passed on you by earns Catholic scribblers, who, in their zeal, bare overlooked tbe fact tbat the canto for which yon were suffering was a refutation, as well as tbe THE OLD FIFTH. ARtiln tneSurvivo-aM-et toCrnenFrater- rial Hands. Griffin*, Ga.. Anf?n*t 20.—Contrary to the programme jnsvioasly annenneed, it wa* decided on yesterday to ha%’e the re union exercises to day instead of to-mor row, consequently the attendance not so large as it would have been, a* many wbc could not get here to-day would have been on hand tomorrow. Nevertheless the attendance was vfry good. All the companies In the regiment were represent ed except one. The jurvlvors present formed into line at 11 o clock In front of the hotel, and headed b/ tbe 8tonewa!l brass band, marrhed to the brick warehouse, where a piatfo in and seats were arranged for the occasion. The meeting was called to or drr at 11 o'clock b, the prtsidtpl. Ma jor D. H. a nib y, of Ad.ma end wa* opened with prayer by Rtv. R. 0. Lvster, Chaplain of »h- regiment. ColonH 8. \V. Maugham then Introduced •ir. R. H. JohuaoM, wbo delivered an ad dress r.f weLoiue in t*e r »alf of the citizens cf Gtiffln to »he suit vort of the regitulot ai d uieir friends. His address was very app'opriste and was web rccetvsd. Judge L uis Niles, of Marshallville, by tp*cial request, replied to Mr. Johnson for me regiment. Hia speech was short but to tne point. In conclusion he said that it whs one of hit greatest p’ea-ures to mept and break bread once a vear with hia old mends and comrades and talk of the past woen many times they had no bread to ore-»k. The minutes of the last meeting were then re *d and confirmed. . Tbe secretary then read letters from the following survivors expressing their re- ire’s hi not being able to atteud: Mr. fitevens, of Monroe connty; Capt. d. P. Hone, of Aflanta; Mr. John R. Briuk- '•;y. of Q ifiry, Fla, and Capt. John A. Fallon, ot Dhwsoj. Tne toll was then called by companies, titer wtiicb came tbe election of officers for the et.sum. year. Capt. Jo-in Klildoo was elected president, eitb tbe fdit.wipg vice-presidents: For condemnation and abame of their .trie- Cjii p.ny A, U.j ir D. Hiintley-Company tnrefc Bat it Is, acomfort to know that •>, Capt. O' nuns; TTifareU l> SB tbe utterances of these wholly unauthor ized critics have absolutely no weight beyond tbe Infinitesimal weight o' tha individuals themselves. I am confident that - all Catholics whole opinion yon woi ld esteem, honor you 10 the perteentione yon have Buffered for troth and justice's aake. Yonr position is indeed an embarrassing one, with a family to provide for and yonr badness trans ferred to ethers; bat surely It can’t be that oar government, whose well meant aolion haa placed you in this embarrassment,wll leave yon In it or fail to provide that yon be In no way al-iser by tt; and even sbould that happen, which 1 cannot believe, atilt 1 morning. tbe Markbam House block,where tbe body waa prepared for burial. Tbe dead men was T. r. J. Nolen, of New Orleans. He bad a round tiip ticket to the Virginia Springs, Issued July 71b. In hia pocket was about 260 In money, some receipts, papers, etc., but nothing tofurtner Identify him, A dispatch has been sent to New Orleana, and it is likely the remains will be forwarded tbere to-night. Tbepby.lclan stated that hia death was canaed by rheumatic goat. Tbe deceased was about 46 years old and was neatly but plainly dressed. OOLDEN WEDDING, Tbe Atlanta burean of tbe Telegbaph baa received a very handsome Invitation to attend tbe golden wedding of Dr. tnd Mra Mandevllle, which happy event will occur at their residence on M.pio street, Carroll ton, Ga., next Monday. Aa the Doctor and hta good lady are unusually and de- •ervrdly popular In Carroll, the occasion will ba a pleasant and memorable one. an eaely'adjoubnmirt. Tbe Indications as yet ot any Intention on the part ol tbe Legislature to get through buslneia and adjourn are exceed ingly vagne. New business la still piling up In Iront and very little has been ac complished. Dr. Felton's reformatory pnton, after occupying days ol tbe Uonae, is itill In an Inchoate snape. He Informed your correspondent to day that be thought the bill practically killed for tbe session. He thinks tbe meaanre will meet with nl timate success. It will have to fight its way to victory through defeat, as the •MBBOlOCV bill did* The liqnor bill, which haa been fonght back ana forth in the Hoaso anil Senate, is left somewhat In the latch. Tbere will be still another li.r it before it gets through. Many of the most Important bills are yet to be taken up. Nearly n thousand new bills bava been Introduced, and still they come. There ta more buslneia no* before the Legislature than c tn bo oitposrd of before the holidays. It is time 11 cry a bait, and the first step In that direction Is to tbat off tbe Introduction ot new matter Tha Legislatnre has had time to get through with all neces.ary legislation, and It behooves them no* to burry up. At their presen rate ol urognaa they will bo hero sixty days yet. THE GEOEOIA MIDLAND. II will ba a matter of little surprls* If the public spirited citiaeni between Athene and Columbus finally gat tha propoaad Georgia Midland railroad. Il hat been of fered Atlanta npon certain conditions, which are not bring compiled with. At lanta either docs not want tba road or It not able to make the necessa y subscrip tion, or connta too largely on tne evident desire of Coiambus lo eome here. In either cue, or between the three, tbe road la lUtriy to go elsewhere. Tba great ana* vesting committee which was pat on the track two works ago, haa accomplished literally nothing, except to discover an apathy and Indlfltrerce on the part of the people tbat la absolutely appalling to ail enterprise. TUI OOLITIC TISTED. Tha Capitol CommUslots concluded III monthly session ladAf. Only tba regular routine bnilnrts wu transacted. Tbe usual monthly estimate wu mads and pitied upon* Tha comml'slon spent much ol tbe tima on tbe new rapitot grounds. Doric g the day they made a fire end water tut ot Georgia matb'.e, Georgia granite and the oolitic limestone. The granite and marble filled cotnple'ely to atand tbe tut and crumbled to piece*. The lime stone came ont of tba test to perfect shape and condition. I think tt may be stated the commission la emphatically opposed to making any chance in tba maieri.l and are entirely laUtdtd with tba ooll lo lime- lions. Major Dan Sncar, president of the Ex position Cotton Mills, hai just sold to ex porters for tha East India uadi 1,000 bales ot sheeting. The latt Dr. Joseph Thompson was buried this afternoon. There wu quite a large procession at the funeral, as tbe dt ceased was widely known and highly es teemed In this community. bead and heart will yet a-care to yon tt career both ol honor and profit.” A VINEYARD ROBBED. Th* Propilstor Threatens to Prosecute the Culprits, S.v.rsl ot Whom me Laeist—Ace-denr. (aractAL tblbobam.) Maiietta, Ga , Angnst 21.—A crowd of boys and (trie of this pUce visited Kennse- •aw mountain lui night, and while tbere broke into Mr. William Hems's vlnevsrd. They palled half ripe bancbw and In othir waya demolished the vines, There Is t high bubed wire fence uoond the vine yard and tbe git* la kept locked ao tt It a wonder bow they got In. Mr. Hametwas In town this morning and vows bo will prosecute every on* ot the partiea, bat on ecroant ot tbt yoaog ladles It Is thought be will desist. It was only tut wtek that another crowd of adnltt, among wbcm the e wu a certain preacher, did tne same thing. Wnl'e th* band wu playing in the park thia alternoon, a limb which hu lor along time been dislocated, fell from a treeon s little eon of Mr. U. F. Medi c hey, batting him coaildrreb'y, bat not diDgeroasly, Crrlng InitsCorrin. DtTBOtT. Mutt., Angnst 2L—Tnesdty morning tha iniu t child of Charles Snlli- Tan, of tbts dty, apperc ily died and wu prepared for liurtsl. Fifteen hoars after the suppoeed death, while the 1 i- •• ,ts w.-. .-i : i-ri* I a*..ill Ihe i .i'.i, in in i-ii- I 111 h«tler litre.tl WASHINGTON NOTES. A Satisfactory Explanation—Precautions Agnlnet thn Introduction of Cholera, Eto. Washington, Angnst 22.—Hon. T. 8. Brown, chairman of the Maine Democratic State committee, called on Acting Post Imuter-GaatralSteTanson to day and mali en explanation rslatire to tha case ot Dot ton, tbe dofanlilng deputy poatmutar at Lmcolnville, Me., who Is now In jail, bat who was recently appointed postmaster at that place and the appointment revoked when the department wu Informed that the appointee wu In Jell, charged with crime. Mr. Brown explained tbat the algaatnres to lha petition uking for tbe appointment of Dntlon were obtained and tha papers forwarded to Washington two months before the defa cation of Dntlon was ill'covered; that pre viona to this he bad borne a good repute- tion, and the rccomim-datlon for his appointment was in good faith. Colonel bt-venion said tbe explanation was entirely satisfactory, and tnat be acquitted Ihe citizens ol any intention of lecummendlnr an unworthy man far office. Acting St cretary Falrcnlld has d-dded to comply with the request of Ihe Governor ol Michigan for the temporary appoio'ment ol sanltaty Inspectors to aid the State su thorltlea In preventing the introduction' i small pox Into Michigan from Canadian ports. These Inspectors will be nnder d • rection of Ihe marioe hospital bureau, amt and wiltibe located at the prlncl al port' ot entry, inch na Detroit. Port Huron and at tha crossing ol the Canada Sontbern railroad. Surgeon Sawtelle, of tbe marine hospital, stationed at Detroit, hu been In structed to arrange the necessary detall- aml to art In conjunction with the iccal authorities. The Internal ravenne bureau Is prepar ing a schedule ol taxes to he ifie-xed against the Great Western, Manhattan, W’oolner'a and other distillers ot Ptoria. on acconnt of the excess ot spirits over thogange measure found in recrotthlr- inenia by them to Philadelphia, Ne* York and Baltimore. The assessment* will ba forwarded to the collector at Peo ria, for collection. 1h* tax-a will nn- doub edly be paid according to the nnfier- standlng had when the spirit!, which had been seized for examination, were released. It Is stated, howev-r, that the payments will b* made tinder protest, and tbat tha dlttillera will take legal steps to recover the money. Th-lr claim for a remission ot the tax will. It It said, be based on tbe ground that the spirits In dlipate were ganged twice by » gauging rod. In Ibeonly manner reengn z*d by law, by tbe proper officers of rile gov ernment, and tbe action of the cornmta ■icoar, tn causing a anbrequent examina tion by cap nreatare, was utmuihoilzid by law and not binding on tne distillers. ROBIINQ THE mails: ATsnrssss# r.publican Colonel Cauaht Nobbing Rcalstsred Letter*, ■Knoxville, Tun., Angnst 92—Tbie morning Unltrd State* Marshal Joe J. Ivan* arrested CoL A. 8. Mariner p>st mutes at Carrivllle, who wu caught robbing tbe mafia. The cue wu worked np by Poet office Inspector Cuss 5. Djs •st.* Ha procured warrants for tbe arrest of Mariner, and yesterday. In company with tbe msrshal ami the United Ststse district attorney, J C. J WtlUame, con fronted h m In the po t office tn Oerrtville, and showed tbe postmut-r tbat he bad certain evtdacce ot nta rifling registered letter package!. Doeser recrlpied ti.Mnr iner for 2988 of money orcer (aids. Mar iner took a fite dollar bhl end four one dollar tills from hie porket and banded them to Doreer. The Inspector at once Identified the five dollars end two one dollar bills u tbe Identical bllla milled at Ca rrtville In a registered letter tba dsy be lore. Mariner wu placed under gusrde at the hotel. Hewaeobeerredtodropxmc- tblng from bla window. Msrabsi Ivina picktd np tha paper end found it to be a letter from Dr. J. Orertoo, eddreieed tn Senator Isbatn U. Harris, mailed at Carri- vtlieTuesday. Mariner failed to give two thousand dollars bond and ,• now lathe Knoxville jail. Col. Mariner wu for- ■natty commandant ot the cadets al lbs University ot Tennetsee. and several years ago was the Republican candidate for mayor ot Knoxville. , , . Commtny . n'.iTi I non pson; Coni piny E. Cant Jutin H I n io-i; Company K, Capt. John M. I-tilling; Company O, Capt. II. W. Ctctir. !; O impany H, Cant. 8. R.Weston; - inpaiii I. Capt. John Iverson; Compatn . Capt J 8 Kins. 51 r. G-d W. li—— wav unanimously re-eente-l se-r-tary nnd treasurer; n ! -n, it-v It. c Li-st-r chaplain and Dr. R. T. Bivins mrgeon. , r*i« meeting then adjourned until 3:30 - cl. Ci tins evening, whin, a[i-r cintld-i •hie dlieu-tlon, it was il.-cidrti Hint the nut niie i'igof the regiment should be held ill Tbomastiti on August 2T, lvifi— — me d«y and placn that ilia Thirteenth ■Georgia mee's, and tbat they join that r-g iu-nt |n the pleasures of "the day, by death -proved a great shock to”the Invitation from the frienda ol both regt mrik * lu-nts. li It Ihata-l bn-ii,eis hr transacted si-para ely and privately. Kesoluilo-’S w-rethen psretd thanking Mrs Geri J. h. Jack,on. ol Augusta, for a .carefully pres-rving the battle flag ol the regtiuaoc. anil fo aerdt-git over on this i-ccislon. Alan, to Capt,in Thomas 1. Burn, v fur b u g ng the Hag. To the idti.-ens ..I rllll . lure .urtesies extended; r-i'lie Gridin Light Guard; lo thn Stone- w* I nra»« hand t.i ci'y press, and to the Tr.LEURArii and MEseiNUKB, fur zeading up it-p-cImI reporter. After a few otuer resolutions the meeting Hitjo-jrnMi I'hiMurI rhp binqaet tendered (hem by ihe l-rile* i f thij city. tSPECIAL TELEORAM.l Gisiffix. Ga , Align t 20.—The banquet A Lucky Find, Omaha, An*«H 22.-S. P. Horn Jk Ca, who purchased Ihs dry goo** »tock ol Smith, tbe abteorder, for 178 000 at a U. it«d State* coon sale, discovered yester day in the baasment of tbe Salih bail itng a lot of secret drawers and panel cloaeta, in which were r nmerons gold and sliver watches, a lot of jewelry, silks, larea. etc., amounting in T»iae to between $lo 009 and $15000. Tbit goes with the sale and wid make tbe purcha»e of the block nrtrxp+ct* edly profitable. It U sn, poted Sodth had oonwtlsfl these goods for secret shipment, hut his failure coming sooner than expect od, be was obliged to leave them. Harlan Wins. New You, Acgost 22—Tba rice Rock*way H* »< •» i > .•«>• Hanlin by tne former b Funeral of Mr. Lorln* Waal**; An WAS announced yestenUy, the funeral of Mr boring R. Wad ley took Hl jq o’clock yesterday morning at Boliiu ' rokc, the homo cf Mr. Wad ley’* family. It waiad orcaafoa and one that will remembered ly the num ber of sorrowful friend ’ Thu sj.«( ini train, i friends wbo wished to be union depot yesterday morel”* c “L®..-. 1 *- £V K s'.‘, lH . r train . ....„ ” ‘ook advantage of the *trc present, nded to convey tho t, loft the the ached- waa oppor k* pre unity nil. red by tbe Central ientonthe sadoccHston i. numbcrlm f-irty Or Btrire, Pn-.lilent Ilnad- Atlanta, t.'.t < . r t'.lrt ' a* l.rt.'i.f It Mr- Sarah Wad Icy tt :i.'him A _ : , nr M«rhv • family an-l Mr, and also President Rat Mrs George Wad ley. rviecs were complete l oy the . rcctorofChriu Church, The fune* . Rev J. It. Wiuchc who read the solemn EpUc Vices la i is ii-.. mnraaitVA eVriHu .ft? f“ n i7 lu,, “ ,1,,! tot"-tin- were : •; X’li'/n.^*'.: ?.*• '.'“.‘"'V- f***a*ed, acting at th. Wiiluun R» gera, W. M. Sievem. T. W. carried to the family _ _ '■ i of the de- in irerc; Mcs«ra. !tevtn«.T.\\\ Barrow, Jf., John Woolov n m -■ .-•!»»•.. r. H. Hi::-'. „ I ;;,± p Clerk. The cemetery Inelorerela lm Direct line front tho front of Ihe reiWrnrc an-l about *■! - • ah "1 -t mil ■ .! -u: ■ a - ,;* i! t Sh " ’ ' "■ h" to Hu- i""V" I.--1 l,laid off, bat the members of the |i H ti thn r- f it tn.it nigh! *<> f.. , ;n ,, 0 f t j,o in. nt.ra'.’.f . rt)'.vd t!i;,: f.. . ,v. <. , re r « V o the remains of the late lamer.! dCil Waldey Auguat 15th, 1"2. A massive etone Mountain ir - h • 111. • w al. • :ircf it'll H , l!k: ), Bur . 1-1- :r. 'll «. - .. of col. Wadler and Mrs. Lorlog Wadlsr. Mr. Robert Cashing, who m>lelei tne hronsa statue of CoL Wadley, now haa aa order forU marblo monument for the grtre a*. Bollna- broke. Sudrtan Death of Mr. Mr.Lorln K Wadlev Tho many friends In the city of Mr. Coring R. Wadley were stA.-ted Thursday sfternoon to learn of his death, which occurred very sud denly at his homo In Rogers, on the Cen tral railroad in Buiko connty, yesterday at 12 o'clock. Tho particulars arc meagre, but m near as < *>’;.d 1.0 • • r;i••• 1 thf SH 1 irr.-mc was l r..';.!ht Klii. it liy Hc.iiig.'*. 1 :,.'. i; ; which at- tH'ki-1 him ti,;a,'t:mii Wetlnogday night. Ho was neon bj Iff, frlenid Wednesday “—'— good na* b« _ ....Aa,, w »* ,,c,ir lhe Ud no Intimation hla i,,i -- given until ba was f, mn d early yesternar morning by the servant who applicil at hi* room wilb bis morning moal. Ho was fonnd in a helplciv condition, and waa unable either to move or to ipeek. Aid wav summoned Immediately, but h nrrlvod too Into ta do him any good. He di.d about o'clock. Mr. Wadleyvras a young man, about thirty " 1 Hi.d v%.,A ,1 a.,william ’ H" «"» '»••-: «" i«:i i:> tr city, and had a ho»t of friend* who admired him for hi* Many worthy traltn. The new* of hi* ' TT I vr.'-it Ll. , K to Ili.-m and called forth genuine express. >□* of rtgret and and Interred at Bollngbroke. Thtv win pa through tho city to-morrow afieruoon lendt-rml tho sarv vors of the Fi'th G»or- gia was a brilliant a air. The tables wore ivery handsome. At 5 p. m. the Griilln Lgbt Guards ar d tbe survivors of tho regiment, beaded by tbe brass band, •uarcbed tn the ha* qoat bail, where they were met by tbe following ladies, who are widows ana daughter* of members of the rygiment: Mrs. d W. Meogham, Mrs. J. W. Oox Mrs. H. Haaselka*, Mrn. Robert irhompaoo. Mrs. Lola Nail, Mrs. Thomas Nail, Mrs CbaTlet Hi g. Mrs. R. H.Jabn- ston, Mrs. John L Moore, Mn. J C. Ran |*otu, Mrs Fi»t m. B own. Misses O's Ran- l*om, E* tell# King and Minnie Cox. These lad'e* d-serve mnchcredit for th« raagniii- keut feast. Toe old hat'!#* fl *r of tbe regi. ment. and tha hands jrnr fl tg won by toe Guards in 1881, were dtsp'ayed. JESSE COOK IN JAIL. He Claims to b« rnnocent nnd to be Able to P«uv« an AUDI. ^Bdtlbb, Ga., Angnst 22.—All eyes were jtarned to tbe j*ll ( whose iron doors stood op-n. ready to receive a welcome visitor, Je se Cook, the wife mnrderer. Condnctor dmitb tearched hiia carefully before leav ing him, finding nothing txcept an empty purie and some letters from different per sons in IJoion Springs. His vaiiie wav lal»o examined, In which was fonnd a tes tament, old clothes md an old rooty Colt’f pistol. He has been interviewed several times, bat nothing of Lnportance concern iugtbeca*e has been devrlopel. Yonr correspondent vlsitrd him in hi* cel! to day, bat gained li t'** information I firmly denied guilt. He is sulky smlMH iurllned to talk. Hesavs bo Irft b*-for»- bis wife’s death and htard noihingof it umlt a few daye ego In Montgomery. In answer to • quet'lon es to his whereabonts for the last month, h^ said: •'! have been ne.lii-g teaUmenu; have been to Chicago a^d to n»vrly every place in A'abvms. Have written to people in Bn Ier, Box dprioge *nd mhur placer, nsl >g pcstai cards all the while. I hare never charged ray earn*, as you will see from the card I wrotw Iaani Turner, a ne gro In this place. I was to have be«*n in rfathr, the 20th. 1 wrote a povtal to a frier d in Golambns, telling him 1 would pass through and wanted to see him. 1 did the same to my brother in Box Springs and to Is*m Tun er at B Hlar, telling him I would be at bis hoo<e Tnorsdvy night My main o-Jeci in coming to Butler wav to be el co< rt la other cases with which 1| coon*c<el." ' Why did yon not go to yonr mother-in law’s wb»r» y .n wer** accustomed to go?’ M W*II, I k-iew lh»y were tnsd wit.i me for my oih-r < ff-nte>. anti aa my wife Lad j jit bica killed I prei- rreti not to ro there eifi'lt I Intendrti gnli r tosietnt-m.be fore I l.fu I am tot KUii y. 1 ran pru en alibi and I am r iIor to do IL” Einlosloe of an I. fsrnal Mnohlnsj MiLWADKaa.au.us 2d —Soutb Side last evening w.s l&rowulDto excitement by tbe • xpluK-.n of an infernal innchine. A man named M-liskl, sgsd titty year- and we 1 known,picked np In bis yard on Graybush street an odd ebsped coutrivatoe ruem- Mtng two bttla abuut tbe tlxe ot blUlaril balls, festsiied In en oblong form. In bei.dliog - be myst»rtuD* article It exploded, I blowing off the old mtn’s right thumb end two fliuers from bis left band. Al Uioogb a carsfol search was made, not l particle ot lb* internal contrivance could be found, endowing to bis frzbt and tbe injary rrolve-l by lb* explotlon, no clear description ot lb* machine conld be bad. He It not known to bare bad an enemy, end bow tbeoootrivat ce came in bis yard, whet Ibeobj-eteoaid have been in placing it tbere, or wbat was its construction, re- inalse a com;I-t« n-ystery. A strut ge men btd been seen in the neighborhood dm lug tbe afternoon, acting in an extreme ly odd manner, aril tn. g ner.l belief is that be li a "crank" and re-ponsible for tbemacblna'a pruence on Meliiki, prem ises. Another Auemtic at Suicide. LateTnesdsy evening Mrs.T. J, Davidson, living on tho corner of Fourth nnd Hazel atreetx, attempted to tako her life by drinking two phials of latidannra, earn containing twenty grain*. Betoro tbe epixie h»0 mull- elantitmeto street her. the fanthsi -hi- hid taken It wasdlicovered by frl-n-t-, who Inter fered In time toeave her 111.. Dri.Johnxon and Gewlnner were also called In and -uc- ceeded tn restoring tbe nafoitmute woman completely. The causes that lc J her to commit the rash mj l'H-1 t - • k' / -:i ■ o:r..'«tir trou- * !*■•* w l.ii i 1 fI** ' 1 Ire to. To unveil tlit-in wouM tn- to IiiYH.'-.t . avrtrily the -•>: tity f t -i home < :r- » r : i »:io .1 , un- . lrciim-tiui-4 s. 1I,.- ! m, r.-1. When seen by tho Telegraph man *t hur home ye«- t<T'!ny Hii"ri,n'i!i, Mrt. I'dT. I«.n had recovered fully from the effect* of tho drug, and talknl calmly and fully titouMl.f niHtifr. Her hiMl>nn<l. Nlr. T (*. Da vidson, hu been In Ul-health for some lime, id taring bis sickness she been rom- -■-! In m MUion to In r rf»’'.'.ir 'lutira. to o ik Hltrr tin* maisHKcmcnt nf the More, which nnd tho do camedcapo! ment of ncrvoti' cxclttmcm deed. the re*l- ilnei Accident at Ml ten Yastcrday. Early yesterdty morning an ncuilent hap pened at Milieu, on tho Ccolral railroad, in Burko county, that resulted In the killing of a negro boy uatnul Kra\k llatton. llattonat- tercpt^tl to steal a ride on the Aonth bound fri-Ikt!.’ No. : 1 that IrftthiM’ity'lh-imdajeven ing at 7 o'clock. How far he ha 1 ri-Men when the it' 4-i.lfiit 04 fMirr#-4l I*, not known but when the train r, •clu-.I Mill*-:i !.•• ft* 1 i :! tn some way and wm run over by the train. Both legs ■ “ died sl Wt-ff rut ol! mill hr tllril atn-rtiv aUerwArd*. An Alligator on Fouith Street. Quito a lively acetic wai wltoeiied by a few p«ra mi on Fourth itretltarlyyciterilay morn ing. A tourist returning home from Ocala. Fla., brought with him an »'.’.lgator that measured four feet and eight lnchw, which he Intended to deposit aa a mrloaity in hia poi.'l. He t<»ok tho rrj.tllr t4t Ilir founra I, n! t!..- .-i'. tlon of Ko irlh nn 1 *.r • - * r •hr ir ofglvlcgitM mo wiit-r. WkHc !hu-• -'gaged, Ho animal In "ornr way *••! aw«y fr on tho K-nt'.rinan. ami brfurr hr ■ ..!(-•••' ip ured, • • 'h"l in gi\ lug hi - o-a mra ■ oly - ha«e. Tha Grant Morumant Fund. New Yokw. August 22 -The rrceipt to day by i!n* Grant Monument Fund As- ^ociaiion were $7 Ji>. prrviomlv me- knowledged, L r )l,32H; grand total, J. of 31. m 'SKT I SKIN HUMORS.■ It la at this season when tha Pt if t ami the Blood mi l 1 • r-1 with Impurities, that llumlUalli ire clog- irr laden jjrurituc Humors, . Eruption*. Ii I • rt :-Salt Khriiin or K- .-.-rna, I'-nria.-:* Tt-tu-r, Ring worm, Bahv ll imori, curuf :>''.s ^ires, Ab- « »ea, and dUcharKiug -*l ami every »14-4 low Of Itching, .- a’.y v. 1 iMapIy IHaeaaaa of the .-kin an«l c.-alt a •' -m H-y And economicaQjcored wj tit Ccnccax kemc- IT IS A FACT. Ilncdreds of letters in our powesalon (eoi-ieaof which may bohadby IT-urn mall) Hr. .. . r .1, (1. my for t: »•*• *’ " " -1 h'.j*. an 1 Bio. .1 Hum< r, w:.. .‘.rr • 1 -r ‘hmra - » N*»A t stsdr esnd by Conccu BootrwTths Blood Purifier, Internally, aadCcncrex CuncuaABoar, the Great Skin, Biautlfltr*. externa * * and expense of any other leaion. GREATEST ON EARTH. Cumseea Biwiots are t-, •»•.<•?'. bcii- - - - . . drill. Ha ! t * « V e oj 5 .5 thn rt.ui.tr; : -" r had It ’" • .TV %. dp», and n fit -d I b»- i w.k,:-! : r A-fc. My tree,tassel end bswi sy govert-i for iSiepTiere slislienihlf or nire< i sstt I eiid km CvncTBAMmevny ■ musr- ■ d .V. in 1 • : 1 k A • ‘ ■" »• • « x * tensehy. J. W. ADAM8, Kswara. o. GREAT BLOOD MEDICINES. The half haa not been told as to the great curative powers of tbs Cun* v HSM smaa 1 bare paid hundreds of d ars for medicines ! >i ana of thi- *1 and skip, and ut-v.-r found anything • ». the O n<x- tioxo Mlsalsslppl Oomoornta. Jackfon, August 22.—At 1^0 a. _ . „ ter sixty ballots bad bo«n taken, the I)em ocratictfi U convention nominated Y. Mj Miller, of Vicksburg, for attorney general, and at occ« proceeded to ballot for superintendent of education. At 5a m., afters twenty hours’ seislon, the emvtntloD took recess till 9 a. in., and at 2:30 p. m. nomioated John R. Preston, of Water Val ey for saperlntendent of edu- eaticn. It then adjourned line die. The Tba following is tho btate ticket nominat ed: Governor, K ibert Lowry: lieutenant- governor, G. D. nr. at ds; secretary of sia;ts 'te- t M. tfisVd'i t.'7-dvirer. M. L. Hem- ii.-.T-r-j It’nli'or W. W h or.e attoiuey- *j**:.4-r«l i M Bn rr; iupe-riutendeut of 8-ducatiun J R. Proton. The convention wav th*- ar*e«t fvrr held here, #51 ■» deJe- Aa timr.nK answered to the roll call on organization. j . R. I. —kRim CUAS. A. WlLLIAIOl Pnrk d» r UrurK'<i!« : 1.7- IM 11 4JU » rrupertU by tha POTTO DIM aKB cum: « O., Boston, Mass. •end for.‘*How tb Cura *k»n Diseases.’? JJ J,v yipy F<ir Tan. f unburn, and Oily CHOLERA AND YELLOW FSYER. over^ihe *i: ■ '.hf :ns a - wll h tct-ted by It when sll I'i-rf : r * ** lr . .** *• •hr L-r**t piaster ko.jwi. u»;-'• > «>• *'-‘d drug- fists. Atd.-uggijta ^4 r. ■■1}. Willed free. PyriaK Dkch (.uj-ykai. Co.,