Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, August 28, 1885, Image 8

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TTTR TFLEGRAPH AND MESSENGER: FRIDAY. AUGUST28.1885. IN UMBO AT LAST. Th« Original "Hugglrg Mollle" Fall® Into the Hand* of the Police. The timid citizens who hare been afraid to ,ventiro near the synagogue after nffhtfall may now cast away their fears, and pass that locality without any trepidation. The "hug ging Moiiic" that has for some time past been the terror of that neighborhood ha* fallen Into the clutches of the police, and Is at pres ent confined In the barracks, with bright pros pects for a term In the penitentiary. The arrest of this mysterious character, whose real name ia Sarah Smith, was effected Bun day morning between 12 and 1 o'clock, under the following circumstances: At the hour mentioned, Station House Keeper Qeorgo Henry and Officer Murphy were seated In frontof the station bouse office, engaged in conversation They were ap proached by a man and woman. The former afterward proved to be Mr. Geoif « W. Case. Ho fa d that bo wanted “ searched, as she had Just r_ ml $50. M r. Case said that he Intended to have a warrant Issued against herand that he wanted her locked up for safekeeping. 1 ho woman was conducted to the office thoroughly examined, but the missing money could not be found. Mr. Csse then suggested to officer Murphy that they return to where the robbery took place, and examine the scene for the money, they did to, carrying a lamp with them,but failed to And it. While they were absent, officer Henry obtained a confer Blcm from the woman, who said that she had taken the money, at d that If he would allow her. fhcwo’ild return and get It. Wneu Mr. Case and officer Murphy returned they were told what the woman had said, ana they carried her to the scene. W hen she arrived there, she atooped and picked up the money from under some sand whereahe had conceal ed It. She wars then taken to the barracks and locked up Mr casomgie the following statement of thetrannaotton*. He started to go home about 10 o’clock; while going out 8: cond street and when near Plum, he noticed a woman ou the opposite side of t >e street When hefreached the alley between Plum and Pine he was accosted by Yho woman, who told him that a lady liv ing up the alley wanted to see him. He started to obey toe summons, and when a few i< et in the alley the woman grabbed him sud denly and demanded hi* money. He pushed her a *ay, but she returned the second time, and throwirg her arms around him, clasoed him tightly in her embrace. When near Sec ond and Plue ho discovered his loss and re traces his steps rapidly, and fonnd the woman In the alley where h« left her. 8he dented having tho money. He then made an effort to grab her, whpn she threw him fully ten feet from her. He frightened her into accom- panning him to the barracks by threatening to The result has already been given. She ba< since been identified as the same party who has been working Second street so systemati cally. .Sunday afternoon Captain Hurley who for a long time was connected wlih the . force, h fter seeing the woman. Identified her a« otio J sepblne Slater, who ten or twelve year* ago committed a number of like rob beries. This recalled to watch r that ho had taken from her a letter _ _. to “Mrs Jotepblne Slater, Nb. 20 Jeff rson atre* t. Macon, Georgia" 8he emphatically do :ii< d unit ahe Is such a person, but said that Slater 1* her niece. Captain Hurley is ttrmlv of the oplirou, however, that the woman and Slater are one ana the same person. At the recorder's court yesterday nomine the woman was arraigned on the charge of vagrauc r. Long before the hour for the open ing » f the court, a curious crowd gathered aln ut tho doors, anxious to catch a glimpse of the notorious chtracer. When she was brought Int > the court room, and arraigned before the desk, the court could barely contain Tho evidence was complete and overwelm i highest sentence Attempted Suicide on Bridge Row. It 11 seldom that one Is called to note the su icide, or even the attempted suicide of a ne gro. The instauegs when they attempt self- destruction are rar*\ and when found aie b*td to explain. Yesterday, however, an a tempt to end her own life was made by a colored woman, that was as deliberate as aoy tbst has yet bero recorded. Edna White formerly lived In Knoxville, Tenn., but removed to this city a short while ago, since which time she has been living with Gertrude Jiggette, on the corner of Whaffand Fifth street*. - For the past few days, according to her own story, she has been feeling unusually despon dent. Her morbid feelings were increased yesteVday morning by the reception of a letter from her parents. 8ne had also heard some iiuui uci u “® “».* »-•>» •*- ***;• !'®P' remarks that had been made about which led i i-band her to conclude that sha bad no frleuda left. tala*, feeling this way, she determined to end her existence, and sent out and pura hated an ounce phial of laudanum. —The Italian artist, Elia Volpi. of Florence, is at work on a fan intended for the Qu*en of Italy, which i* described as a marvel of e aborateress. It la painted on kid leather and represent* the Queen surrounded by the grace* and other alle gorical figure*, with tbe genius of Italy in the act o! crowning her. Jr all so-called remedies have failed, Dr. Sage’* Catarrh Remedy cures. —A Bar Harbor correspondent saya tha Wldiam H. Vanderbilt walks uearly half a mile to hia dinner, pays $1,000 per week to Mrs. R -wler for the cottage he oc cupies, and $25 per day for t» e only four- buckbonrd . Bar Harbor con- March, 9.99 for April and 10.09 for May. Sales 1 up to 2:15 p. m., 17,000 bales. Future* were suddenly run up and dosed firm a* below, eales, 49,000 balls. Nxw York. Augmt 28.-ootton closed easy; sales 488: middling uplands 10 MO; mid- dling Orleans 10 7-16; consolidated net re ceipts 2242; exports, to Great Britain 1159. ^xlvxstow. August 28.-ootton market firm: •a^oiin* 9%: net roiwlwts 1228 grots receipts 1223; tales 601: stock 8768. AtwutTio'clockyesterday morning she walk- wm contract for Mi on • d into one of the rooms of tbe hou»o where lTey Broi • Macou Ga * ed Into one oi vuc rwui* v. a man named "Joe" was patting down a car- au7W3t pet, and made some inquiries about the effect an ounce o! laudanum would have. He told — her that It would produce death, whereupon Life, the best mi she drew forth the bottle, and placing It to her lips, drank the contents. . . . _ The man who witnessed what she had done gave tbe alarm immediately, and sent for medical aid. Dr«. Ferguson and Moore ar rived in a short time and found her under the partisl Influence of the drug. Restoratives were at once applied, and In about two hours she was relieved of tbe 111 effects. —A party of citizens and officers was made up Monday night to search for Alex Ether idge, whose attack on a Mrs. Robison, while she was going to a spring to get some water. Sunday afternoon, waa noted yesterday. The party b ft Kaai Macon about 7 o’cloca Monday evening, and did not return uutll yesterday morning. A thorough search on tbe premises where the d* d was committed was made, but no trace of Etheridge could be found. Hh was too shrewd to linger In that neighborhood. A Card. To ah w -o are suffering from errors and in discretions c vonth, nervous weaxneas. early decay, loss of m* hood, etc., I will send a re clpe that will euro >u, tree of charge. This great remedy waa discovered by a nmslonary luHouth America. Scud sell-addressed en velope to Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D Sew York. or young and mldd.e-aged men. A Watch Free. A nickel-silver Waterbunr watch will be sent to any one who will send a club of ten new subscribers to the Weekly Telegraph, bee advertise ment. _ FINANCIAL Mr. W. H. Ma r sfi’-ld has a field of corn below tho city which Is sa*d to be tbe Quest in this section of country There are one hun dred acres in the field, and be expects to gather from it 10.000 bushels of corn. A ham- pie ear brought to the city yesterday and left at Wllliugham’s office, had<ove• l,200gralns or tbe cob. Those who have seen' be c«>ru grow log pronoii: ce Is aa fine aa any raised In Kansas or Missouri. FOR AFTER DINNER. Misery—A girl wiih it new dress acd no place to go.—Marathon Independent. Gnns are only human after all. They will kink when the load becomes too heavy —Merchant Traveler. Emma Abbott says eo far as kissing ia concerned she wouldn't even trust Mr. Til- den.—St. Paul Herald. Which ia heavier, a half or a fall mono The hall, because the full moon is aa light again.—Brooklyn Times. It ia said that Princess Beatrice cottoned to Batter b?rg at first sight—a case of cottonbattenberg, aa it wero.—Boston Tran acripL i A ladv stenographer advertises for a po sition. She should apply at an office whnre Ing. and sho was given that could be inipoled on one chargo-$t0or sixty <Uy* on tnu chain-gang. During tho trial it wm * devcl ped that sho wa» tho same woman who. a number of years ago, had committed (numerous robberies of a similar nature ft was also shown that she waa Jose phine Slater Instead of Harah Smith, aa Cap tain Hurley suspected. fcbeat first denied U, but afterwards confessed that Sister waa her name She has been engaged In the highway robbery business lor a period of y. am, during which timo ahe has been unusually bold aud successful. Tho instances could be multi plied where sho obtained several large amounts, and thepnblto will rejoice to learn that the prospect* are that ahe will get a long time in tho penitentiary, after her present —tenee ha* been served. Iter the trial yesterday a no* Davis applltd at ihec * rsa tho same womi back fare, he bavl _ ... eral occasion* to different parts of the city. I > refused to pay him.and on Tuesday last he ored her trunk to be levied on. She de ed tys execution of the levy, by promising •ay him the following Saturday. She did keep her promise, and when officer Hen- »on went for tha trunk, he waadold by woman at whoso house It was, ,t It could not be removed, as there * over 111*) worth of goods In it. Theofllcer ot h sit.to to secure It, however, and It l sold next week. It Is expected that -t» It Is opened there will be a revelation, v’heu Hater has serv d her term on tho tin gang* warrant for robbery will te la- d Ji/iiust her, and she will be g ven tho l •-.-ut «.f the i‘W. She confeaseu tohav- ; robbed Mr. Caa* of $50, which Is sufficient :uuvict her and send her up ter alocgtorm. Con* D \tt on “Sanctification.' i sad spectacle waa witnessed yesterday a( noon ut the union depot upon the arrival ol I Southwestern train. imong tho paseingera that dlsembaskedi * Mr. John C. Ward, ot Cutbbert. He was Lwoca two guards, and bis strung* conduct mi ri traded the attention of all tha visiters the depot. He cams om of the car singing| oca of Ages," in tbe moat plaintive manner, iciiho waa < rrled Into iba waiting room he Kau Immediately to pray, and continued un- hia minner grew so violent tbst * guards were, compelled to Interfere •t quiet him. After remaining composed * * f.-w moiaenta be began singing "Jesna v cr of My SouL When be bad finished he zan to preach Mud used such profane laa- ago teat theI guards were forced b) inter- edlhat_ _ . «-t of religion and tit doctrine of sanctification. tiiuate condition wa* dereloiwd only days ago, when kia friends soon dlaeov- ihat bo could not be allowed tosuy at in safety. He was a« ordtngly placed r guard, and started off for the asylum. :u *rds left wHh btm last night on the An* they are not short-handed.—New York Graphic. A firm of fnrnitorc movers aendo ns a pamphlet entitled, “When lathe beat tlm- lo moveT” We should say, when the rent ia due.—Birmingham Owl. The honse-ily ia very alow in its move ments when you want it tOROontof dooia; bat quicker than qnickness when it wants to come in. -Pittabnrg Post. An anxious inquirer wants to know if $0 % week ia enongn to get married on. It ia i( the is a princess and they Intend to live with the old lady.—Texas Hidings. The .jury will notice," said a Texa* ndge, "that this is no ordinary case of lorse-srealing. Tbe animal belonged to a particular Triand of mine."—Philadelphia Milk i« reported aa aelling for a cent a quart In the Western Reserve. This must be up in the northern p*rt ot the district, near the lake.—Columbus Dis patch. Bockera are awful, first In drawing the water up*in the pump and afterward in paying ten cents a quart for it when it is whitened—with mhk.—Pittsburg Chroni ole Telegraph. ‘Are yoar domestic relations agree- able?'' waa *he Question pat to an unhap py looking aptct'iien of humanity. "On, my domestic relations are alt right," was the reply; "It it my wife's relations that are canting tha trouble '* Tropical maid (to Irish milkman)— 'Missis says she's sore there's been a great deal ol water in the milk lately, and If—'* A wan llox Captured. Yesterday, Mr Baba Phillips, who lives In East Macon, carried to Mr. W. H. Wood's meat market on Fourth street, a curiosity In tha shape of a wild bog that was captured in the swamp about four miles below the city. Tbe animal weighed 1!A pounds and waa a most •curious specimen. For some time past Mr. Adderhold wha has I a farm • few mile* from tbe <Uy. has noticed that la« fields^ ware beiug dam-l *K'-d «ud hi* stock injuredl He oonldu’t <xplain tbe matter sstitfactorl- ]y, but con- luded to watch and wait forde- velopmenta. They came. Late Tuesday after- ii«x*n w: lie tome of the hands were murnteg from the fie d, they dlseovcrad the hog on the edge of the woods n*ar the swamp. I be ani mal h..mediately tiegana furious attack on tho negroes, and would probably have done harm had not a sun been Wrought Into tluu ly rt quisliion and the brute killed. wh*n Miaa Kelohen Felt Lucky. 9. M trim Men.Jibe dUtribution cigar st j..* .onJnlylStb. met the Denver agenv^.J Thu I^u l*iana State Lottery, and bought fifj IMP t < : u from bim, and sent ten of theml to Lead i tile to a customer who aaktd to buyl them, that night by mail took five of them home, gave two to Miss kalcbeo, bis sfs^r-ln- law, who bad told him she felt lucky and to run iim- for her two fifths for two dollars in Thu Loutefsus Bute Lottery, and reuinedl | terse n no sell. .Itext morning a message he money coilecud through 1 Bank, of Denver,Col.—Den- Mr. W. A. Juhan. When tbe friend* of this gentleman wish to i.al him, now, they can visit The KaplreI Stare. Mr. Johau enjoys a circle of friends that extends all over Middle Georgia. He le the best known dry goods seen In this saetlon, his experience dating back to tbe times when Mecca we* hot a hamlet For thia reeaou he I p»rc Store Uy Mr. Juhtn. i at The Em- aTOCEtl AND BONDB^tW MAPf ? GOKBXCTXD BT J. W. LOCKETT. Bicx*k MACON, August 6,1895, Investments in good demand, with markets very strong. Monev easy. eran norms. 'r* a. ta, 1SSI, Jan. and July ooupona.iriVi if5 to, 6a, 1888, rob. and Aug. ooupoui.il 0 OH 7a, USS, January and July ooc- pons, mortgage W. & A. B. R.^01 U 2 1; stock 814. wilminmtox, August 26.—Cotton quiet: m*d illng 9U; net reoelpta S, gross 3: ss'e 0; stock 806. havakhah. August 28.-<Jot»on la steady; a'‘idling 954: "»•» rar^ipt* 798 eroaa 798; sales 50; stock 1995; exports, coastwise 742. *<ew obLKAhh August 26.—ouam market easy; middling 99-16; in* reoofp*s 60 groaa 813^sales 200; stock 11,004; exports ooastwlie ■aOiiLJi, August 20—Cotton dull and nomi nal; turn,,. v 9H net r®oetoi* 7 *nv»«r “ sales 50; stock 1340; exports, coastwise ICO. Jt % K>4 —^ sales 0; «uick 2194. Augusta August 25.—Cotton dull; ■j: net *«winu 71; shipments —; *alc* 207. >* *. Linoif, {August 20.—Cotton dnll and nominal; mid mi* to; not receipts 150. gro« ISO, sales 0; stock 1203. CITY MARKETS- Miatb.—Market steady, xne uemand fair. Wo quoto: Bacon—sides 7®7^c; shoul ders 6. Bulk meats—sides shoulder* 5J-4. Hams lOHall. a* to size and duality. Laid.—Market quiet and steady, atoox axu S o. We quote: In tierces and tubef" palls yl. 5 Ih pails 9H\ t lb naUs Isville kettle rendered, tierces 9*4, Butt**,—Market steady and woUttOOkcC oloomargarine l0a22c;ncwMay gilt edge26a28c creamer/ 29a10c; oonntrr 90a*JSc: Tennessee K a2»; market overstocked with oountry butter- quality poor. Coir**.—The market la quiet and steady, choice lSaUKc: good 1114aview medium ;o>4» H c: oommon OtoalOo. TuKNirs-82.50a3.00 per bhl. None in market Onions.—Yellow and red fS.0Uaa.2b per doi. wtt BOND*, larxm 8s, quarterly ' onr^na—~^H7>4 1(8 tovannahto.quarterl* ooupona^. 90 90)4 foiambua 6, quarterly coupons, itlanta 6s, quarterly ooopoas^. .ngustafta TMlsyaa Female Goileso borda D 2)4 o H XAILKOAD BONDS, ttlantlo acd Gulf 1st mortgage, 1837, January and Jut7iKmpoca.».l16 0 ntral K. It. oonaoL me:*.., 7s, 18U, ian. and July ooupona .U. i Ktrala R. B. 6s, motmity 1897 to i«2, January and Jul; K !btle and-Glrard ©m wiuL 2d m M nL A Eu. - 1909, January and’July coupons-108)4 - r 4)4 feat Ala. to, 1st morL, due 1*8, April and October coupons lu8r 109 Teat. Ala. 8a. 26 mort, due 15K, Ao n snd October coopons .^..~111 112 gortiiNUiero cud. 7s, Is* mort., due Msv *n»i *»ov.f!OUTy)n».,.«... HI 115 Ool. A Roma, end. by C. R, r. ^..100)t 101)4 BAU KOAD STOCK*. lOguaut and 8#v. 7s, gaaraaWr^ M 117 Jeutrat ex-dlvldend N .*. MM . M .... M ..... 0 tootml K* > r*4fioates.... WHM . 89 louihweatorn ?s t guaranteed,ex-diviT4 »0Off 1% Railroad ex-dlvtdeudWO gaoon Has Light and Wafer stock. 91 ,«n!er House stor.k....^^. if aasx eroex fxcbaaxe Bank.^...^....^ ^.110 lapltat B(tnlr TT . T „„,„„ r ,.,|„„, II , l ,.. 1 „ T *1 watral Georgia Bank 92 -aw Ton, August» -Soon— Wo.*as market strong. <i*o» easy all. »vfbante, long <S4 jon 43')4. *v*nrt* dull, heavy, term sent bonds dull, but strong, evening.—Xxcnaugs. *.*4 Monov 1®1)4. 90)4 115 100 no-treasnw bsdan«*ra: Coin 8164,172 000 eucy 826,940000. flivemmsv *4 *»▼:«%•, are firm; t wt osma 122J4; 8 per cents*;03)4- *»uu> ‘ »m*is stronger Nxw York, August 26.—The decline which has been going on lor several days past was checked at least ter the time belDg to-day, the result of tbe days' operations showing advan ces with two or three exceptions fo'greater or lees amounts, bnt in no case exccedln 1)4 for an of the active Hsu The street was very well supplied with rumors, but of a very un Important character. The notable feature • t the day's operations ha* been active, open buvlng by prominent operator*, who for some time part were classed among the leading ia, but have been e recently. On the there was good selling . houses. Tbe result is that tbe atrect Is con siderably hmtled regarding the fat Tt-of the market, although a majority of the board room trader* are Mill on tbe bull aide. One of the notable feature* of the situation la tbe (act that among the ten railroad* reporting earning* for either the second or third week of tbe current month only three show gains, and theearnlngs of onr of these, the C„n«dlao Pacific, ts due to Increased facilities. The market opened Irregular, though generally lower, aud In tha early dealing* there were In *ost cases father fractional declines, the lowest prices bMng made generally In the first hour. This was followed by a reaction, which continued with ooly alight Interrup tion* until 1 o’clock, or somewhat later, when the highest prices were reached, tbe advances beingM to 1?4. In the la»t hour tbe market wa* decided)- dull, and there waa a fractional decline about 2:70 p. m., matt of whieb again recovered before to'cloea, end tbe P.t—“An’ e»D j. w.nd.r »l if my d’«»rT rreorerwl b<-(-r. lo'eloei. .nd «b. m,t A Sil.nt Accident. A • uht . i l.-ut occarrad an lb. C«ntnl .1 t;rUwoldvllI« TsMdmy night ck the through freight train thxt nn (l. rmiied, bat vhentb. train wtu, 1 tu tt* r oi.ti.p. The detA, OCCL ■fii* 01 ol m w.nihcr, poor < r.lar.! ’—Lotxlon Punch. "Hu nny on. ny.t propotrd to yon be fore?" h. uk.d tenderly, nfter the Itupor- tent i]unttaa bed been put .ud .tiUfeaio* rily M.wered. “Utore. Hmiueon cetu. very near It only lant night," tbe replied, •hyly. "He wet jut ou th. point ol e,k- Int- me to be hie wife when mum., c.ine into tbe pn-tor. But I am cry glad cie did." went on Ibe girl, earaeaily, "1 don’t ihlok I wrt’d have beau happy with George.”—New York Bun. FOR AFTER DINNER. The Empress of Au.tri. be, 224 pfttra of walking shoes wbieb coat her tu per pair. For half Ut. moan .be could nd. to • beck or.lt on.am.body’. fence.—Hetrolt Ptee Press. Tbe men whose heir tarn, white la a ■Ingle night 1. no shakes at all compered with a man wbo eaves a not. from going to protest by jact two minute..—Hetrolt Free Fret. When James Kenry, the Pennsylvania twenty-year cot.vice who wev written up th. other day, wu released from prison, th. first thing be went to see wee tbaclr- ctu. He reeogplied the joke, without dif ficulty.—Boston UUbe. Hie Da Houtoneour—"Hy toy., I bad ■ueb ■ fright this morning. A ferocious tramp Invaded tbe hall and wanted toh ii- row smarter.” Mr. D. M.—"Goodgre- ciousl What did you do?" “I alupty picked np the kettle end pointed to tbe door.” "Good. He took tbe blot, I sop. pose?" "Indeed be did. And be also took yoar cane and spring overcoat as be wm pusing out." Father—"Come r'ght oat to the beck yard, my son. I'll make you sea .tare." Boo—"Are we going to mage an Ameri can flu, fether?” Father—"Wo.t do y >n fnean. you young rascal?" Son—“why. Pm goiog <o provide the .tar. while you furnish toe stripe.." Fether (falling on hi. neck—'-Where did yon inherit this brilliancy? Off with your coat, my ton. I must »aye you or perish In th. attempt.” —Philadelphia CHI. Like an Old Creaky Window Shutter. That tsathe way a man's rh.um.de Hot. sometimes us. Hinge,old, rusty, •nd worn, and bully need oiling. Th. tronbl. I. in lb. blood. A men wbo U of any account t.arortb repairing. Tbe re pairing can b. don. by mean, of Brawo'a Iron Bltt.n- That enriches and purifle. th. blood, drive, oat Ut* print, end work, complete restoration. Thousand■ testify to it from hapny vxoeriens*. Mr. C. H. Huntley, 018 North Sixteenth street, fit. Louis, says, “I tiled Broen'a Iron Bitten for rheumatism, general debl'Uy and proa, tratioo.wlib tb. but results.” —Tito Mabtli. in an addreMto hi* •oldins acme lima before hia t'eatb, arid: "Oh. y. faithful, I arstira you that, if you dia In the morning flghtlng .galnat tha Infldal*, you will, in. era it i. noon, b. with th. Prophet in paradise. HUken lobe, of green will doth. you. and golden bracelets adorn you. You will repcss by iba banka ot cool riyara, ripping refreshing drink*, while titty ever youtnfal hoar Is, bright m the moon, will smile upon you.’ Catarrh Cured. western,1)4 ... other stocas. Bales, 261,000 shares. The fouowms wsie tuo cioain* qaua no. six. BUis txmds- Olass A, 2 to6... 92)4 OUseB.Se........ T~ teorvta to....MM M % L . U. 7s, mortgage. 14*2*4 9. Carollnn...^m. *Jo 7. Caroline, uew 20 Atnfilnc h,... wn.t 10 1.0. Brown oon.. 107 foblle A OW-.. Naan. 61 Ghat . t*. O. I'ao.. leu... N. Y. Osntrai. Norfh. A W. prnt Jinr. Pao. con, . " ?r«f.^.. ttocuto Mail..... Jhe*. eud OhU/M. Jhlcaic A North. 10*^1 do. preferred.^ 185 Mmvtr A Rio 8.. l.)j a Shore ..1 lav. A Mai 5*4 Wf 7H Rloh.B'W- > 14! feM*rausd. .Bter a ktodfii. .. vem.Oih P0t!lfl< ... wftl, ■ffukife?!! COMtetHC IAL narrow makrits rv Macon, Ascott 26-Evaninc. Liverpool reported the market steady . somewhat inactive. M>dauu« 07. (UIm, «.«■ 0 '**!«'• hritnr©* rl«Nwd steed j. In New York future coot rson opaned oeav *t 10 21 i«k August eud cl’/aod firm 103110 -*.«*, 49.000 oeiee Spots In New tors opened quiet st 10 5-16 and uioeeo ra»r at to 5-If * * lands. Bales. 486 holes. Uvbrvool. August 2*. noon.—Cotton steed j thscgb suite "bat Inactive; middling uoiamm 5 7-14; middling Orlt-a/u 54; seles 6.UOO; * — rt MG; rocelpu 4 dull but kteadjr. jaoer ....^^-.......6 October..... 24 «< ibruerf ......MMM.M^ft 28 64 speculation and export American 900. Futures d august aud Septet toptember and O January and Pebp _ February and March .5 25-64 2P. k.—Sales of American 4000. Futures quiet. At tugust, sel’ars.. *5 2944 August and Baptember. sellers, A '£><A September ana October.buyera 525-64 totoher and November, buyers 2244 November and December, buyer«..5 21-64 ueoamber and January, buyers-.* i\M fan nary and February, seltera ...5 23444 February and March, tellers 626 64 arch and April, tellers .529*4 4 P. w.-Futurea cloaed steady. August, valus 29-61 August and September, value—52^64 September and October, buyers...5 25-64 October and November, buyers....6 22444 November and December, buyer*..5 21-64 December and January, buyer* J> 21-64 Janaary and February, sellers. JmA 2364 February and March, sellsrs^M*. 6 2644 March and April, sellera^.^^ 6 2944 new voaa, August 26. noo*.,—quiet: salat 501; middling uplands 105-U; middling Orleans 10 7-16. wssssssfo ttsse- 1 *> M following tehleinow. the opening ut rioriogonouauu: Rich firm domestic tfikl, MPgVfB <)otton seed oil steady a» ??aS5: druda 87.1 Pork firm: mess, root I10.25al0.62'4. Middles I dull; long clear «5 75. 1 ard opened a shade J lower, dosed 2 higher: Western steam spot 1 *6.G0, September te 4to6 51. Freight* to U»- erpool per steamer firm: cotton 3 32 J, wheat Sd, Baltimorb, August 26 -Flour quiet, easier: Howard street ana western snperflp * J8.00 ►3 40 extra 93.50*4.10, family $4.25*5.00, Ol7 UlUs superfine tt 25 4.50 extra f3i0a8.75 Rio brands ?4.C0a4.6 Patapsoo family 85.25, -uporlatlvo patent 95 50 Wbr^t-HouihorD firm; Waatam easier and dull: Southern roa 85*89 amber 93*9 i, No 1 Mary land 90)4 bid. No 2 Western winter r-td spot 8>)ssh5^. Corn—Southern white >>teady; Wcstoru dull: Southern white 62% 53, do yellow 53aM it 26 -nour unchanged ;h grades 85.25a5.75, Horn 'firm aud quiet: mixed 64; yollow 68, white TA Oat*quiet: prime Western 44. H*j 4carce and steady; prime 916.00*17.00, oholct flBJSO. Pork steady and unchanged at 117.75 Lard quiet: tierces (refined.' 17.00, keg t7.W. Talk meats quiet and unchanged: shoul ders, packed. S7.S7)©, long dear (9.70, ole*' rib 89.70. Bacon quiet aud unchanged Shoulders 88.00, long dear 8)0.25, clear ril ■idea 810.25. Hams—choicesogar-curod quiet, choice oanvasaed 813.50al8.75. Whisky steady and unchanged; Western rectified fl 06to$1.25. Coffee steady: Rio (cargoes) common »r prime 7)4*.%. Sugar dull: common to good common 4)4a5H choice yellow danf-c^ C%. Molatae* unchanged: common to good common 16*71, prime to choice 26*83 Riw steady Ixmlsiau* ordinary to prime 4)4*5%. DON’T YOU SEE THAT J.W, Rice &, Co.’s Prices Will offer ynn a chacce t » save money. Ran ove-the fnTn«..in» t> . you Will vee that not an arlioU I, orici- ’d at anything Ilka its folTVrini",“ 4 Giogh.m, ara worth 10 oanta H-w York to dav, and c n'd not bl I o last. Mao m ahett ngoannotbe hough by the bale at the pn ^ w« ,,0*0 , r yard. While the quotation* given include many desirable artful!! 1 fraction of onr bargains nre mamlooad. 7 ot airablt. articles, Pn | T , Y'ARD WIOK MAO 'N hHKEriNO II‘■‘8T8 J\V\ OlN iHAMa ,? tenia , BEST PA<JIFI«t I,AWNS fsl c»n!i. BARKER U BLBAIIH ceit, 1 SrANUARU • W.ICOES • . ] ceoh.' EAR- A \VIL-"'N'S INKN cm.I.AnH A t'ntt. 'iBILOKES’scOu* l KED HsMOXkBCHIEFd, DOZEN. M INCH TABLE HAMiSU ol Cfnt a •• •“ ceau.i WE WILL SELL None In market. Wax—18 to 21c. Grain.—Cora—market arm; stock is Ugh good milling corn 78c by oar lots, 80t small lots; mixed corn 75. Oats—good at* Bund end higher; wo quote: Western 52*55 Georgia rust-proof 70; Texas mst-rroof 52a56c; Bran 11.15. Nuts.—Torragona almonds 22o per tt; PrU com paper shell 24c: French walnuts 15al8c Naples —: pecans 15o: Brasil lOo; filberts —; oocoanuts 140*45 nor 1000. AjrrLii.—in mt^eratefinmand. Fanoy Itocl 94.60*5.00. None lu market. Oahdt.—Ataurtea, m ooxea 9310c, barrel* Cbanovs.—Market well supplied. DeraauO light; te.S0a8.75. Florida stock exhausted. Fish.—New crop, No. l. bbls., aixtu, oalf bbU.86.QQ, quarter bhla.te.25: klUTQe: No. » mackerel, bbls. 99.00, hall bbli, |4,00, quar> 'er bbls. 82.25, kits 60. Hioss, Woou arc.—Hides—rocclptfi Ugm dry flint 8*12: salted 8*10. Wool nominal: nn washed washed 20 25o; burry 6al0c. Wax 18 (8 akj. Tallow to. Oils.—/Barret arm and lu good demand; air ualMMUc; Went Virginia black 17c: lard or 70o; cotton aeed €0; headlight 17a20c; korortce 'bo; neotsfoot 78c; machinery 85«40c{ Vlcsceo 88a7lc: nlnerrl aeal stc: cotton seed roflnvd Haxnwaru.—Market firm. HCTscihoes85.ee C rkeg. Mute shoes86.00. Iron bound bamsi DOaf.OO. Trace chains 40af/)o per pair. Am et shovels 870 X nor dos. Flow coca 4a5o per ffi. Ha'.mau’B plowstocks 11.00 Axes |7-0u* L0n per dos. Cotton cards 54.5b. Well buckt t* *4.48 Cotton roue 16a20c per tt. Swede iron Sa&MO per IB, refined USHoper lb. Plow stvo) Kcperra. Nail* *2.49— basis of ic-d. Po/raer 9V00porKeg. Blasting powder 1275, l/xdtc per Ik, Dr ‘ ‘ elKc Raisins.—Fair demand; market steady; new Knval atoret. Savanna-f, August 23 - Korin pales; steady strained to good stralued 95aflC2'4; salos 6f0 torrels. Spirt* of turpentluo dull regular ■alee—barrels. Cbarikston Aug. 26 8vlrlta of turpentine quiet at S2tf2J4 Korin steady: strained ** good slraiued95. Wilxinoton, Aug. 26.—Bplrlts of turpentine dull at 32. Roalu firm; attained 87)g, good stralued V0. Tar firm at $1.80. Orude turpentine ateady: hard 81.10, yellow dip and virgin tl 60. nrw York. August 26 Rosin — refined ' ““ Hplnts of turpentine 91.06*1.75. N C corn $1.60, peach and app * bran ty 12.00*2.75. cauwba wine II 25, port anr sherry wine $1.26e9.M. cherry and aln«e> brandy 9Uca#1.50, French brandv 12.25*5.75, d* unUq brandy $t.W»*3LU0. Li ax, Oalcinbu PLAvrax and ubm XMr.—a l» bama lump lime Is In (air demand, and Is sell Ing at It.l5xl.25 per bhl; Georgia 81.3yi1.2- Calcined platter 82.75aX.00 per bhl: hair 40a5rc Georgia oemr.nl 12.60; LouiavUteaud Rum?- date earnest U «v.) njj Prirt'«nd oemerl fl.Vi ‘ 00. Salt.—The demand la moderate aud un market steady; large stock; Vtrvlnla 81*1.25 Liverpool It: by car load thoee rrtceeean b* haded. dAMDiNBi.—<4nsrter Doze* .tmarioci 16.00 opened 913.6*. 40wa««—tu«i luarzai is flrmsr and htebei nisoofl . powdered 1W'\ graunlatod V>%'* 7><o;A 6H»7o: white extra titejc; yellow *• IIVv.—Tho market higher; good demand: *t .iote at wholesale: Waetern timothy 11.25; •mall lots fi.no. Lbmons.—Higher; good demand: Messina 5.75*7.00. Nun Potatob*.—Pastern stock 12.75 p«n bbl. BTBur.—Market bare of Florida and Geotgl* jjrogej New York sngar I0b40o: Nav Orlean* Mules.—About seven car mads tu tao kef. trade active; tieoaW Hoaam—There are very tew horses in mar- kei. Oonn Krev.—Oooked, ID 82.00; a ike tx.00. ••jxiuq.—atroug and lu guoa uemana. Mai set advancing. We quote; Common 8L50 .'amlly x\25; extra temllT ss.00a5JW; fancy te 30*6,CO: patent te.S5a.700. Dev goods.—The market la qnltC; deman medoxam; stocks ample. We quoui: Friuto \% sftVtoi H Georgia brown shifting 5o: X do 5S‘: 4-4 brown aheeting 6V8cl white oannburc■ 6 ^a JM'rii?!3S ! ^& rc ' w<ato,b “ “““ Fruit.—Btnanaa. rad, 81.0naL60 per bunch yellow •i.uuii.'i.uD. cm■*«*.- Martek te quies; demand Ugi stocks ample. We qnot«: Full uremia i< lower grade* 1‘ialSo DaiEu IteAcnaa—Mtriouy Mo. 1 peeled so ten pound. Hioexaa.—Ftnu 81AU: 'fiians 1175, half ear- jela, plain and mixed, $7.00. Potato**.—wooa ae/o*uo (er new potato* •t 5 j.NWi.no per bbl. Gabiaur—• to II oenia per head, Rioa.—Firm, flood 6c; p Ttabch.—HcduHt pfwrl GRAIN AKn PROVISION MARKET! BY TKLKORAPH. Cricaoo, August 26.—Floor unchanged Southern 84.ftOaft.ao. wheat opened weakei and closed % It fe.WS 8SSSS February.. March „ VSt s4s C Torfc »U1 rtcriv. Ut. rvoript free of cbui^ KxwYo.x, Anfu M.-The xvcaln* Po.fi notion utlcl* out: Fntnr. dellv.rtra, tftcr mvm.1 up. to J do«M, wm oolJ utk. third call MO brie, for October ri*.et,lM for Xov«m- hoool»Jh joofor Jonuory it 9#. Bid. wore rofoaod M1AM lor Aafut,» 7* lot (optoabor, M0 lor BoMShor, for nbruuj, Ml lor VMllT hop yeotirday; Aotuat oM*. OctohorMM. k t'ovn opened nnwl- _ »nd cloMd VOK >o»,r for c»»h: Aaxaftt hl.|ier than yefttard.y- Nov , ■m&fiX. 8.0C.BIW Oeul . Mm. bai t opened fritly .cure end (Iran, rlo.ad at-edv: tuk MMd.lt, Beotember Hit ■8 MW, October (8.U.I Pfjv Lord opened quirt end eloaed 1^*5 hi.her: oooh I* si:i««.vs, Hep- tember * amm, October ik — ft.t.ftdy dra Mlted .noniden M8MM.2& abort riba .5.7 »), cltar aldee It ytiB.iaj. wtUfttynoBlerirtU.il. tluaera unchanged •tenderd Jk *54—I'd trenoleua A t’i. Un .TiLoe, AutttatOreln ,elef Wheal -No t Loot burry ti; Mo 1 rad M. Corn —Mo 2 trlxed I7; fc Mo 2 white 4». ueta No 2 mixed 2ta27. Prnvlstoua firmer, hi Beooa-eloer rtbo t.,25, Cher ttdoo •boulder. 14.3*. Balk eieeta -dear •Idee 15.78, ctoer aid to to. It >4, ebonldor. family cloaed utUftUle 1: No > red can .skua A usual ttHi. t'orti dull end lower: No 2 mixed oeea 4Mie4t, BepMmber eovteto'f OeU hl.ber: Nolmtxen eoeb r.’Hma , 8rf».vaber UK- Provtrioo.blfher,alow. FwkifSMM. ooit meet. Orm-moa ateer (550. ebon rib. 15 75. ebort ctoer f5.il. Beeoc—ton. deal I* (hart rib. *«5’4, abort etoer M«MJ2M Heme quiet el no.oOeliAO. Lard higher, dull: •mail lou Wblaky needy at <1.18. riuciN*An, Antuat 21 —Bloat lower: family ISUO.I -'J,fancyM30el50. Wheatitoedy: »o. red winter, new (W. t.v.rn firm, higher: No 2 mixed <8iMX- OeU quiet: ool mixed XU. Fork firm el >250. Lard Hrooger: onm. Ream e.it'dae 15. dnlk mean held higher. ,boulderi «£I7K, short mo I47M5.M. abort cleat 15.95. oeui firmer: ahouieen ebort rioo t* I7H, abort dear 1470. Bema- {agaoeand quiet and Ready at flxfiOL Sugar firm: hard (iMnodi 7a7>,. «'ev Orleans i,r, Ready: common aud Ught LSMil butchan' 5430.4 85. WhlaXr ROW Yotk, Auguit 21—Floor—fionUorn onlet, weak: enuoa 10 fair extra 83.75a4.15: good to choice extra 142X580. — Haw Yoax. Ang.28 —Wool iteady: nnwaabed OBESS GOODS H«»Vj enuugli and dar's vnonslt lor IbW wear at 20 per cent off their trne Jnok them ov. r now tvbllejoa have time, and save money. No troub'e 'j price gooda. PARASOL Yon oon miy n' your own figure*. In one week they will bo pnt a„ v R . trail carry ibnn over we will sell low enough to a.ttisfy yoo CARPETS. YOU CAM SAVE MONEY Wearc In dead fftrceitwhen waaay you can save money by buying (v 1 now. i»ur facilities for handling Carpets are almplv unrqiute i b? m aa in tbe city. We will c'osa out our present atocik at 23 p- r t. !./, pet* hnnsa w w the same goods can ba hoogh* e’aewhera' V»lvft-. Bodv B>u*«ela. Tsp»».tri»w. Th Chills and fever* have for year* affected thousands, and will contiime to do ao until tbe merlU of Hsll'a Georgia Chill Remedy be come known This Is no patent humbug nos trum, but tbe result of tbe experlcure of a quarter of aceutury lu corapoundlng aud man ufacturing drugs in our Southern climate. I have cured mjself and thousands of others of chronic chills after they had ‘for a long time resitted th** effort* of able physician* and quluino had ceased to have any effect One bottle in all caaeaof le** than alx months standing will effect a permanent cure. In that tlran a suf ferer would spend double the amount for aul- nino and yet not ba cured. I append a raw certificates showing what <t has accompMi**ird —thousands could be obtained If desired , udge Thou. J. Simmons, ,udgo of tn«» npc rior Court of me Macoa * ircult. wss f ared of 3hm* and fever by tbe use of Hall's Georgia Chill Remedy. Macon. Ua., Octobers. 18S3 —The best chill remedy I ever saw.-CIIA a. II. FREEMAN. Marou, Ua, October 15, 1881, -I consMer ball’s Georgia Chill Rem dy tho best chill remedy I ever saw. C. L O’GORMAN, of the firm of J. W. Rice Co. Mr. George II Plant, of Houston county,- Ga., says he hss never known H to fall M-.Henty 8 Feagln, another prominent citizen ol toe same county, endorses It above every other preparation In the world. LAMAR. RANKIN A LAMAR. Macon, Ga. 8old by all druggists au27 suadtwkly ; Dr.SALMON S Hog cholera specific; KE!N POW/DE1R. - SH FTP PnlA/ncD « CHICKEN POWDER. - SHEEP POWDER ' CATTLE POWDER. - CONDITION POWDER i f PREVENTS CURE HOG CHOLERA tA/c- «~*R, ; DESTROYS PREVENT HOG LICE&WORMS WE CAN <CURE CATTLE MURRAIN.TEXUS FIVER & iCURE CHICKEN CHOLERA 8.GAPES ICURE SHEEP ROT. TAPE WORM.&C BY the VETERINARY MEDICINE C? NASHVILLE, TENN. 1. At I kt3< chili Hi I IfitH | ce»r nW L «pi Tl | tihc : »« I -s- that | T** 1 von bill B I mil **! Victor A Co et al vs. Peterson, Oliver A Co, R. M. Oliver A Co., Mrs. Margaret A. Oliver. Chas J. Allen, et al — Bill in Kqulty-Blbb Superior Court, April Term, 1885. It a(•:>€«rtog to the court that Mrs. Margaret A. Oliver aud Ghaa. J. Allen, defendant* In the above stated csse.do not reside In the State of Georgia, but am alleged t<* ic*Ul>* In the of Nortn Carolina: that they canno , therefere, tn served accord lug to tho ordinary egal methods, aid that they nave not in fact bceu served. On notion of complainants* solicitors it la ordered by the court that service of the above bill be m*d« • n the said defendants by publi cation o! this order tn the Telegraph and Mes senger, a newspaper published in the city of Macon, county of nibb and State o' Georgia, once a month lor four months, beforo the next term of tbe court. T.J.81MMON3, J. 8. C. June 25th, 1885 A true extract front the minutes of Bibb 8u perior Court, June 25th, 1*>5. Juute lamlm A. B. ROM, ^lerk. GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY-Whcrcaa T. C Burke, administrator of tbe estate of DeuuU Daly, baa made application for tetters of dls- mission from asld eatate. Tolsla.lher fore, to cite and admonlah all persona InteresteNl to be aud api»ear at the court of ordinary of aald county on the first Monday In October nest, to show cause, if suj they have, why said application should not be Witness my hand and official signature this July f.,1886. j. a. McManus, Jj4law3m* Ordinary. Notic- Stock or Fence Law. r\RDINARY’8 OFFICE, JON Eft COTTNTY, IF Ati«ust3.1885 No«lce Is hereby given to all concerned that a p«tltl<m for stock law In Lester's O. M. District No. 3 5, Jones county. Georgia, has been filed In thia office In com plianoe with the statute, and uni* is some legal cause be shown tn tb* contrary, an order for election tn said district will be granted on the 26th Instant for stock law In said district Witness my hand officially, R. T. BOSS. autw3t Ordinary. Ordinary’s Office, Jones county, Ga., July 21,1595,—Whereas, A. R. Hosier, ol Bibb county, applies to me tor administration de concerned to show cause at this tor the first Monday tn September next. If any they have to the contrary. W lines* my hand official v. ROLAND T. ROSS, Jy25*4w Ordinary. /YRDINARY'd 67fIc*T JUNE* COtiNlV J J Ga-, August 8, MA-Wh* eas WUiUm A. Zlsii applies to me for administration oe o* Mrs. jtensh U Roberts, deceased, are therefore to cite and admonish all is concerned to sb"w cause, If any they . to tbe contrary at this office on or by the fim Mood., tn MpramlKr next. Wltn.u nj hand oBcUllj, a T. NO.43, Orfitnxra. xn4»4| Manhood Restored mi Ben steady: packing and dull ailui. 9m3 Wheat, spat BAtmluiI MwhM.hUriawuio.7kU ColTeu, reottrir WebwrirrtMdr .iO.37H.SM. No? nio <vot W.n. B«pwmMt 88.43 8ntu kcrii*. wfi firm: J.rtrtMw 5Jt emtritatri t, fit. Croix 6H. But PemlMo <a. Franco liUad. yZ\ Dea.rux 4U Itutlnlqii. s. Antlfuk 414. lirastl l'L-rn*CTV:<V. a hr.r.i.h tckno. «K. Mu.cot.Oo iHkM. Porto Blco 5>{. ■WMJW 4H»t;<, trir to rood r».n- In* HttW: rtaiioa tmir-C KiHfLl extra c ,»% whit, extra o a u-ifjcT- ' * on A 4 moalo 4H, ,ra:.3ar a IA 1% iwranrlon.il* A 844 owM 04 lent«rafCJi nown.rM a f;..cv ,ranaUu-o Bi cobra 6\. Mol.t.ra kritj, nKbuiri: • n Otlran* NHM, cub. (60-tc.i rifioini. uij. C00KST0YES ALWAYS SATISFACTORY EIGHTEEN SIZES AND RINDS ALL PDRCHASERS CAN BE SDITED MASUTACTCKED BT Isaac A.Steppard & Co..Baltimore,Si AND FOB BALE BY GE0.|S. OBEAR. Agent, JM6 Micon, Ln, THE SCIENCE OF LIFE. 0NLY$1 By Mail Post-Paid, 5ULARS RRIC£S?i uy,1 FLANDERSO , BROTHERS.7Iorwei : : l x IN WAGONS,OUANQ3 and FARMKUd' tilTPPLiKd. MAl’u - * FACTO Rg. Aue.hd apQQwfia We will mall a N’lckel-8llyer Watcrbmy Watch of the style represented Inthecutbe- low to any one who 'intend ut a club of ten new subscribers to the Wkrkly Tklorapb and Mxssbkorr at ouo dollar sacb. This will enable each subscriber to secure tbe paper at the lowest club rate, and at the saao time compensate the club agent for hia troub’e. » ‘IF-Onlt nkw suBscBiatM-that li, those whose names are not now and have not been within six months previous to the receipt of the order on our books, will ex counted. The-e watches are not toys, bat accurate aud serviceable time-keepers. They ate sim ple. durable and neat. Tbe cases always wear bright. Tens of thousands of them are carried by people ot all classes throughout tho United States. “The Waterbury.” FOR $3.50 wo .111 lend the Wiiklt Tkucuts Mtraura.. on. r.u end on. ol the .bora de- Kribed watch., to ttj addreu. Tht* propo- ■Itlon It open to out .oUcribon u wall u thora wbo are cot Act Promptly. Tho.boTopmpo.iUou will bo kept open for a limited lime onlr and puttra wnn with to tako adrautnae of either ihonld do to at once. £»-Cnlera otherwlra directed wewiU lend tho watchM by in ril, packed In a .tout prate- board box. and onr rrapotulMUty for them will end when they are drpoalted Inthoi.-t offle.. They can bo retlatorad for ton cent and puttra who with thladone ihonld Incloa. IhU amounLor wo will rand them by exprma tho Charara lo Do paid when they aro deliver «d. Addrra* THE TELEGRAPH AND 1IK8SSN0KB, Muon, Orarg Make money order., check., etc., payable to H. O. HANBOW. lf.na.er Ur, J. M. Ifuoliuii A EASTMAN, GEORGIA.: PrlTklo and chronic direct a ,rccbiiiT Bandied, ot eortlfiostra of carra. Will et.lt raljolnlnacounllra CotunltoUon free. Ji.ol janfifwly KNOW THYSELF,/< \ Urn' Medcal \V rk in Huy, Fxhaustal Vltallfy, Nerrou; ad Pbyi u KrronS ^ —Ki _ _ Debility, Premature Decline ln 51 Yontb, and the untold mix- rl< s resulting froa Indiscretion or excesses. A book for erirj man, young, middle-aged and old. It conulu *25 prescriptions for all acute and cb rods dls arcs, each one of which is Invaluable Si found by the 4uthor, whoso experience lot twenty• three years Is such os probably nerer boforelell to tho lot of nny physician. M unges, bouud in l>< autlful French musllo.CB- boased covers, full gilt, RUirantecd to be i finer work lu uvery aemte—mechaulcal. libr ary aud proh s?local—than nny other work sold ln thia country for 82.50. or thesioofy will be refunded lu every Instance. Price oily $1 by mall, port-paid: lllnrtratlre sample I cents. Fend now. Geld in • nl awarded the author brthe Nation*\ Medical Astocltii.in.:* the President of which, tho Hon P. A R anlassTkClatooffli t rsofUro Board the reader Is respectfully referred. The Heimce of Life should be rend >yik* youog for itirtruftlon. and by the aflHctedfot relief. It will benefit all.—I/>n«1on IaSiiccl There is no memb< r of socluty to whom ths Science of Llfo will not i»c usorul, whether yotnb, parent, guardian. Instructor or clergy man.-argonaut. Address t*>f iVat>ody M^ll^al Institute, or Dr. VV. JI. Parker, So. 4 Ji j’Jincli striet. Bos ton, Maas., whomsy bo consulted onalldit* eases requiring skdl and cxporlcnee. chronic and obstinate disease* tbst havt* baflk-dth* skill of all other physi dsns a 1 r * 1 •:<» ••laity, ftneb trtated success ll Ps/v Jjfully without an Instauceof f. imTl VCJ1.R V ore, klantlonthI1 11 1 M , 1,1' NOTICE. AH parlies fudtb'ctl it «atatP <1 8. B -rg aro hcreV-v notlfi d tociU a*, the old stand. No. 110 Third sip et.at d set tie their ft croon», at d all |» rt it ; * having claims •gainst the enld eatatu'u 1 .• i-* .t them witbln 9) days. P. M. HERO. 8- BiOU KNsTBIH. Kxccatora * f h ira r - «! c«-MN*d. Mncon. an , August 4. 885. 8u5.Ut.Vx4t NOTICE. Stock Law in Jones County. Ordinary • offine, Jones eonnty. Ga. July 18, 1853.—Kotloqy in iofth) glVtltl tmll % titl.Ml wltha majority of freeholder* ln th* ;"ttiO N ‘ ' i «*' i ... h — *>‘t if . 1- ih . ■ • ,•!,•■. ••. **• riK for an elertion for ste.ck law i i said • Mstrlct,an! ' I will c*«a the nulrtii •»rder for t* • ‘Ain* ou tho 15 h day of luguit, ltoS,un!ea t legal cause be shown to tb*i contrary. Witness ray hau l o !L Ully. *» MwTOd K. T. ROiS, Ordinary. GKORGIA, BIBB COHN S. Junes, admlnirtratf of Ju. f. Snider, has nail tors of dl»ml«flon from This la to cite and a \ concerted to be snd appe din-try of said county ou October next to show ca why said apollcatton ithoi VMin--# my hand u. best 13 CHEAPEST.” ‘SAWMIUn ^ Clover Ua *t iifHRESHERSg oln. bj mall or azpraw. REWARD ! “b'« Information of rahiilV Beads. No trouble or expenae. for circulam. CHICAGO bCHOl to Jlng ua raf- vacancies and - fttftft Many AlUiVAliO BCHOOI, ACiEN. V, LOCKHART’S Hot Springs Specific. Fortb.enr.of 8n>knu,Srrofnl». Lmir«ih<p« Oonratkma, Cntanrana Dite«.t., L\.. t.i IncorSTphlllUe Bora thro.t, MrroSrtri -urr Month, Hore hippie.. Sore Ky.. nwi r, to. any Mnnrj I , . I-,. 1. ]:, M.l! 7K. I*. l.lft'ftllAKT XZZ’j 21 vr2a Proprlptor, Helm*. A la. Noticed Leave to Sell LantT GEORGIA. JONES COL NTT.-Not ice u hereby given that four week< after dete I wi;i "Id :y l" the* «'irt .If ordinary of Jon.-Bfoun- »y for an ot ter to ic'd »:i the rtii ekt-!^ »«.. .^.r.gto Mr-. Bird, in ibe ran July ll. ity of Jon-i yu.Wti OPiis&iS; TO Vliiii MEN I he abc^ra* jt • D ulnct ina n share C ut This Out ■ i.. /; *'»• * n Vii CTS. • .-.a A 001914 ICI CfGOODS TJJlst M «cUu lothe Piaiittrs ot Oeori ia. n tufactorv k*lc«. My eh rule. Macon,oOnlj kugidlwAwlm ■BH wm