Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, September 04, 1885, Image 4

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TITE TELORAPH AND MESSENGER: FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER. 4 1885, THE TELEGRAPH & MESSENGER. Dolly and Weekly. IJU Daily U delivered by carriere In the ■ ■ Yuslt u malted to sabeertbev*. foet- (re tree, «t 11.25 e reai.n roote to* elx mantas. 10 elob< ot are. 31, and to thebo et etn.ll per veil and an extra eopx to Stoat «f*( dabs of ‘ ! Xhe date on vbtt:i enbecetyeiMo expire wfll be lonnd on the addr.es sat on neb war. Old evbecrlbera axe reiweted to Iwwaid the money fur ronewato t! tke tone to tnee to reach this ofilre not Usee IberQbe dale on nhloh their eubtcrtptiona expire. Transient adverUKcesu wril be token tot the Dally et 11 per H°ar« «(ten Uaee orkea. lorthefirn InterUoo. and » trots tar oath inbeeqncut Insettlon: end lac the Weakly at II per square for each Inzerttoo. libera! reutto oontreotore. • Rejected oommunlcetiont *13 net bo le arned. Oorrespondence containing Important none in : din unions ot lirlnt tcflc to mltrltad-bat noil be brief end written upon boteao aOdeet he paper to here attendee. . Remittances should be made by loner order or reentered letter. areata wanted In eeery commas State, to whom liberal cmamlmlaea win be paid. Pottmaaiera are espcdoUy write for terms. All oommiinieatloas shoold be Th* TtLlaeirH exn " A Lnoustrtne Venture! I lent In all ol the corporation! rlilted, namely, Florida is fall of mirpriaes. Everj-1 tbzutme. aro getting better and bu.tneu brae- thing in flit* Bute ia well calculated to TheBooti mills were found running on fuU astonish, from the price of hoard to I time, bat mnch of tbelr machinery la 141s. the delightfnlneaa of the climate. It *W4 however, la being started np Utile by la, as wo once before remarked, a land . a is a- i, ... . will be running again. in starting miclunerj of contradictions and incongruities, yet I which hae bean Idle, the overseen report lt withal a wonderfully progressive and I very dlfhcalt to tetsood help at the wegci wealthy State. raid. Poor help le aufflclently abundant, bnt Ida. Only prophecies of failure are manufacture unbleached cotton cloth, and called fanciful and none but the unbe-1 hare a lane trade with China Their product lieven are haunted with chimeras. *° r ' ho houl ' 1 market la alto lane- This com- Th. average Floridun doe, busineas in ‘“’S every man tvas hungry for an office, but on account of a fixed conclusion that good government here demanded the change. Mr. Cleveland’s letter led to the belief that when the changes were made, the very bf st men would be selected for public servants. It was not contemplated that the Federal pat ronage would be given to Senators to pay their political debts or to provide for their idle and impecunioua rela tives. There has been, there still is, some impatience at the slowness of re movals. This will cure Itself. There his own Stoteandhanks upon the cap- reared'oreea'rem'efthJTre Jf a decided dissatis- ital of the whole country. I atop allot ether. -TV.!,»_» VI The UuuchnzeUt corporation, which Is The latest Floridian scheme U to tb. Boon, ha. bean abut down for tunng in the neighborhood ol Eustis. , w0 IHtl recently, butti now rannln* full In the middle of that lake, which con- lime. These mills manufacture principally tuna thirteen square miles of water, it drtlUo (*> *»* tbelr largest market la in Uprepowed now to erect an hotel and in ^ h , ^ gh0P| wWch „ th , prvMncmoe covering three acres of largest concern manufacturing cotton me- water. Here is to be a palace rivaling chlnery In this country, 1 found butineas very the famed edifice ot Venice, wind-1 quiet, lh *™ being only about S80, out of the SrZZT"?*- I" "tdere bare'beT'^M S5J2 flfctni. Iignt?, waterworks, saloons, I machinery, and the shop is running billiard balls, refreshment booths | mainly to turnlah supplies lor machinery j and all the faction at the fact that some rascals have been turned out, only to be suc ceeded by men no better in character or capacity. Thia fact can, may and will be aggravated if Senators and Rep resentatives are permitted to farm out the offices, without reference to the Interests and wishes of the people, and contrary to the spirit of the civil service reform invoked in the national Demo cratic platform. necessary or lux- tVnr.KK will Jos Brawn he when the|w™»* etceteras of civilization. A State road goes out? already put up. although thta shop la com- paratlvely Idle, tbe Whitehead Ji Atherton a mi . . . . , | shop, which la In the same line of bnslncss, flotilla of gondolas, steam launches, clalma to have plenty ol work on hand, and JcDouto from the enumerated the box placed in the capilol it contained “gall.” I Z—~ , | this lscastrine palace tropical plants b- I will It.n.I., ,n nk.n- • .1 1 ... ■ 1. , 1 row boats and sail boats will I the Kltaon Machine Company, also mannfac- sorroond It, and Lemmiv-Ve «n.t hatt,- Inrera of cotton machinery, are building snow shop which, when completed, will cetrly .Jr JTJ in « hg w< wUl offer themselves to the WM ” 1 a very considerable —rp or , .. v . , doable their capacity. ; ured traveler. About the borders of ■ As the bueine.’ ™ wUl be Unght to grow, and the whole the Legislature ha. had its fcoja.ttsp^ j „ pie renaonabiy cif«c: a ire*-.' : meat. Font k sn's chargi was promptly diip.-oxed hy lie >:•« Business indications. From a long and able review of the family of Southern flowers be given I dry goods market by the New York ; funding room the year round. Journal of Commerce for last week, we Aside from the attractive novelty of gather three suggestions that will be of this fair scheme, there have been urged I interest to onr people generally, anil of that Under 1 " th* mL "* argument* that seem good. In the I especially so to the planters and cotton one. false in all," Foragers 'fiery tffjtt i mi<Jdl * ol ^is wind-swept lake, the manufacturers of the South, ends In a fizzle. j breezes of summer are cool, and in win-1 The first is that American spinners ter the winds sre tempered to the took 700,000 bales of cotton less from opens!thee°ephsnt tdwt]w*g<ri^ooa« and I Umb# who C0Be t0 ** » horn - There I the ct0 P’’ 118S4 * 85 tl,an in 1882 - 83 ' makes .sensation for lirereporters. Much n0 mottoes to lull the Second, the exports of cotton go of the success of a circus depends upon traveler into false security and for the past year havo been about 35 the training ot an elephant stab him with polaoned daggers. Tbo per cent, larger than in 1882-3. _ tread of the midnight cockroach will | Third, stocks ol cotton and cotton not be heard ascending from the but- goods are necessarily light and point to Things torn out to be mere serious than that^sn^dranoed^cadlt I !“** ^ treacherous I fair prices for both for tlie coming poUed the nose of Tommy Driggs, a plebe. ta f” tut ‘ Ile ln . ,ra “ to d*stroy. The | year. Tommy told liia ma, in place ol koockiii,' | scorpion cannot walk th© the advanced cadet down. We assume that any statement of I waters, nor can the centipede draw his I facta coming from the Journal uncanny form across the wet landscape, of Commerce is true. With the i liritibh cricket team, just arrived l^ n d more. Being in navigable waters, reduced stocks of goods indicated to this cjgyy, eontslay mnacntoUtots- wm ^ np guta #n(J county tax by a falling off of 700,000 bale* in the tain’ll J h Thornton. If American ba’e- offlcers t0 * ,and off > nor law officer to takings of American spinners, and the hall becomes more fatal, every nine will re P° rt th « drawing of corks and the large increase in exports, as stated, we have to employ a chaplain as well as a sur- starting of bungs.' There will bo found cannot see why, with good crops and geon. I all the comfort and attractions of Flor-1 fair trade prospects, the spinners of Ida, and none of its drawbacks except cottonmay not have a profitable sea- I tbe hotel bill, and from this there can son’s business. Wo are none the less Who enters there will gratified to find that, upon such nu Says the Qraph’c: “It la said that a ship that recently tailed from Boston to 1 Weitern Africa carried 132.000 galua. of L Denocsca P e ' t . ., . ..... rum eml three missionaries. That ^ems I lc4V0 cash or heliipd. thority as wo have quoted, cotton to ha a -rat deal of rum for three mis- Joined to Euatis by natural or artifi- ia likely to command fair prices, even stoneries. bnt perhaps they were from cial channels are lakes Harris, with it n large crop is made. There aro Mistoorl." I thirty-seven square miles of water, | evidences from all the great centres of Ir the member, ol the Legislature will Griflln wlth eighteen, Dora with eix.jan improvement in business. These Insist upon tsklng mileage from the State anJ Apopka with seventy-six. This are choerful signs and we think that and free passes from the railroads, they embraces the lake region, and when the worst of the depression ia over shouldhavetbecommondacencyofgivlog the hotel is in full blast, here will as- with and henceforth wo may look for their friends and constituents the mileage Isemble the canoeiits, yachtsmen anil steady, although alow, appreciation of to travel cu in the place of loaning or rent- scullers, and amid races, picnics, fish-1 prices, log them the free passes. • | i ng an( i hunting excursions the season Tub Conrlcr-Jonrnal makes this point: W1 " g'ulo away. No guest will ho “The embezzlements, ilela'catlons and rob- without sport. Even tlio sky- berles in tbe Federal offices In New Orleans light boarders can fish from since the cioie ot the wsr foot something their windows nnd rattle away at over one million five hundred thousand | floating alligators,who soon become se ct dollars. It should bs remembered, how- customed to acting as targets and take I a slsnlltcint and powerfalcommenUr; on the ever, thet the cash In tbe treasury balances nav | n Bcrl ms | "— —...... I. a .Mil »• _ _* Tauntlna the Administration. Almost daily the administration suf fers from taunts, similar to this, from the New York Tribune: ‘Turn the rascals out,” was the cry on which the Democratic party came Into power, It le Democratic administration that In tha first tlx months of Us existence It appeals to the Under the warm blue skies ofFlor-l publlc(or confidence because H hu kept so to » cent ’ Wim.K the adventurous reporter o! the | id*, fanned by tbo perfumed breezes I many of the old offlco-hoWera In place. New York World only Invaded the Preal* f r0 m which insects have been sifted, The Tribune is not correct In ita deni's camp anddHcoTiied lhedilapidated BUrroun ded and lulled by tho crooning facts. Tho administration does not condition waters by night and by day, what appeal to tho public confidence, be other newspaper man hu coddled up very I ... ' , , „ . . , ^ close to the head cf the nation. Col. Belo, could , be . “ ore ’'eligHUul? cause so many rascals yet remain to be of the O alvcston News, has been playing And the strangest part of all ia, that turned out. whist with Mr. Cleveland along Into the the scheme is popular and may ho ma- Very early after the inauguration it small hours ot tbs night. Col. Belo may torialized before the thirteenth moon was announced that the President now be considered above the ordinary looka down upon her shadow In placid would leave the clearing ont ot the de- newspsper man. | Euatis. I partments to hU chosen secretaries, and would bold each cabinet officer re tro SEASON WITHOUT ITS ILLS. It eeemi In onr New England clime Each season bas Ita Ills; We’r, drawing very near tbe time When Icemen send their bills. And Irlgtd winter brings Us woes, As well ss torrid summer, For then our water-pipes are froze - And we must pay the plumber. Aktificial human ears made of cel luloid are new. The very newest notepaper and en velopes are yellow. CniNA has 3,600 miles of telegraph line, and only seven miles of railroad. At Yakutsk, Siberia, the earth is al ways frozen to a depth of over fifty feet. In 1876, 8,000,000 cigarettes were mannfactnred. Last year the number was 800,000,000. There are 6,000,000 miles of farm fences In tho United States, costing over 32,000,000,000. Eight cents for each letter will bo the pay received by tbe boys employed in the qnlck delivery system. One hundred million pounds of hon ey is the American crop foretold for 1385, in spite ot the July drought. Tiie English sparrow has driven the bobolinks irom tbe fields of riprned grain along the banks of tbe Delaware. A set of buttons made from the fin ger nails of a human being adorns the shirt front and cuffs of a San Francisco man. Since 1875 the United States has not spent a cent for construction of seacoatt defenses and ouly small amounts for re pairs. In Son Francisco there are 300 Chi nese laundries, employing 3,000 men. Tbe is roughly estimated at tbe Methodist Episcopal Church, Is one of the richest women In Denver. Many years ayo she went to Denver a pcor, hard work ing sewing girl. Her face wns her fortune, for as she bravely plied her trade she was wooed and won by one IlltT, a miner, and when be died he left her a fortune ot sev eral million dollars. —Mile. Rhea, speaking of Mary An derson, says: “X was greatly surprised when I sawber act. I nad often beard people praising bar beauty more than her acting and when I saw her in the “Hunch back-’ It wai a revelation to me. I thought that heaven had endowed her with all the qualities an artist could wish for. Her voice is wonderful. America is proud of her and I can well understand it.” -Tho apple of Horaco Witt’s cyo was bis daughter, hut Mr. Witt has lost that daughter now, and this briefly is how itbapptned: Frank Lslbam, the maiden's lover, drove to Oxford, Mies , sod at a rignal Miss Witt slipped from her father’s house there and Ilea like a lapwing to her Romeo's arms. “Dome of her friends In tbe secret kissed her good-bye tearfully,’' says the local chronicler, “ and she mounted the buggy.” At Cleveland, Tenn., stood their Hymen with his golden torch. POKER ON THE PACIFIC. Bonanza Kings ar.d Their Heavy Playing at the Caul Table. Chicago Herald. Manager Hayman, of the Baldwin and California theatre, who has been in town for several days, tells of a poker gsme now going on in Ban Francisco, the likes cf which was never before heard of at the Golden Gale. Every afternoon a half dozen or more jolly old boys, each with a handsome bank account, assemble in a club room at the Palace Hotel, Lucky Baldwin, when In town.sometimts takes a hand. Sharon, of Sarah Althea fame, is one of tbe coterie. General Barnes sometimes drops in. Schmledell, the rich broker; Dr. Bowie Fillmore, of tbe Central Paclfio, and a lot of others are al;o members of tbe new club. The aim is to play poker like 'gentlemen.” Eight ot the jolly oid boys usually sit down together. They have no chips, and nothing less than af5blUpasais current. The ante ia 35, and it is a jack pot game exclusively. Say there are eight players; the play begios with 3X0 In the pot. Nothing less than a pair of jacks can open the pot. Frequently there Is 3120 or more in the pot before anybody can open it. If anybody holds anything bet ter than a single pair it is lncnmbent npon him to raise the pot—he mnst do it or pass ont. Blinds, straddles and raises are unlimited, and beta are limited only to A turtle farm. A Florida Sheriff'e Scheme for Supplying tho Market With Cieen Turtles. Jacksonville Tlmes-Uoloa. Mr. H. T. Ailing, who has recently been appointed deputy sherifi of Duval county, hu traveled extensively all over tbe United Statu and South Florida and Is a close observer. Hearing that be bad given tho question of turtle farming a great deal of attention, a reporter of the Times-Unlon called on him yesterday afternoon for hla views on the subject for tbe benefit and ehllgbtenment of the public generally, “Wbatls your opinion of tirtle farm ing?” uked tbe reporter of Mr. Ailing. "Well, from what I know o( green tur tle, ns they are found In certain portion! of Florida, 1 don't know of an}- other specu lation that will compare with It; 35 000 In vested in a turtle farm will, attbee>,dof five years, return the principal, together with the Interest, at not less thin -40 per cent, per annnm, cumpoanded. to ssy nothing of a suDaequent return, which will be equal annually to that of tbe filth year/’ “U| lions 1 "Well, e’even-twelfths of the supply of green turtle thst go Into tbe New York market come from tbe waters of South Florida and the West Indies. This sup ply Is annually decreasing about 10 per cent. This fact will Insure future prices being at least as high u they are now. One female green turtle, welghiog from 300 to 400 pounds, will lay from font to eight times daring the season, and from 100 to 250 eggs each time. Say she lays four times, which is less than tbe aver age, and 100 eggs each time, which Is also below tbe average, her seison's laying Will amount to 400 eggs. Of tbeie 400 eggs when layed and hatched, under ordinary circum stances, not more than two or three, In all probab lity will ever come to maturity. This great watte is due to tbe enemies of the turtle. Tbe eggs are laid la the sand, the young turtles when hatched being about r e size of a silver dollar and tbelr shells cartilaginous. They meet at tbe edge -: the water a small aperies of shark and g. rat numbers of baraenda and a great majority of them aro devoured before tbey can get into deep water. If these young turtles could bo protected from tbelr natural enemies and at the same time kept within control, there Is no reason why turtle farming, or the raising ot turtles, should not be wonderfully re munerative. This could be accomplished, I think, by stretching across the mouth of >me of the coves which indent the wes- , I* 1 September. BmSifR ,ro,t V8row. nnd cold. Drown the Kra-i on MU and wnl,t- vluJr-"“’“"I"-', sharp and clear KB52VP' warm and atni; 4*?Jde“baae bangs o’er the hill ^“ b ' r ‘" n >hiue't on the lloor Ul1 ? I? 0 °P« n door; Still tho crickets call and creak- KSSEfer Ia September. |ar?v , ?a«Mp?“ ,> ' Klreburua and kettle sings, Smoke ascends in thin brae ringi- On the rag the children He; In the west the toft lights die; From the elms a roblu's tong Blogs out sweetly, lingers long- la September. 31,000. Tbe most fan in the game, how- tern coast of Biscayne Bay, in Dade county, ever, Is Jn the preliminaries before the a fence of galvanized iron wire net wiili WouLn-na-OoviBSOE-or Ohio Forakcb i atnrtln*theMiilz. : "I am aure I bat .peak tbe sentl- W ith the opening of tbe business I Z^rtment" menteontepubiusn.everywhere wheal there are algn* of activity , P aay that the Kepnbllcan party cares noth-1 .. . value of which 3250,000. Fifteen hundred telephone instru ments in BofTalo, N. Y., are supplied with electricity made by the waterpower ol Ni agara Falls. The phenomenon of red hail, the col oring matter bring dlfTueed throughout eome of the stones, was lately observed in the Irish connty of Down. To keep steel knives from rusting when not In use, dip them in a mixture ot one part water and fonr parti soda; then wipe dry and wrap in flannel. A Nevada court held that a man who has five dollars In bis pocket and his board paid for a week ahead la “a capitalist” within the meaning ot the law. Colorado has 815,000 head of cattle valued at 322,000,000. Only one State weal of the Mississippi has a larger showing— Texas, which has 5,500,000 valned at 302,- 000,000. A correspondent of a Chicago paper claims to have made the singular discov ery that American citizens descendants of the Tories of the Revolution are always Democrats. Flahinoo tongues were eaten recent ly by French epicures. To the old Romans that delicacy was worth its weight In gold. A cask of anchovies from tks Black Sea used to coat 370, Five dollars was paid a tow days ago for a blrdz eje pineapple. It Is dlllerent from other pineapples In that It hu no core, cots like a cheese and poueeses an exquisite flavor. An old horse w ith tho brand “U. 8,” on lm flanx is palling a bread cart about tbe City of Mexico. He entered tbe city when captured by Gen. Scott, and has been earning hla living there ever since. Careful estimates piece the number SLAVISH SUPERSTITIONl The Corlurlf-K Trick, of Negroes on tha I Ola Time Plantation.. a M. M. Folsom, in ValdostaTlmsi The negro Have, aleepe.l In ignorance sod barbarism, inherited of all the weird lore, dark traditions and that suptrsttUoa that was a part ot his religion, all these engrafted on hie simple nature, he n quite ready to receive all that was prevs lent In the new land, whether it came from the forests of Germany, the locks »nd crags of Scotland, the clill'j and of W.'.. or the somber graves and desert woods oi merrie England. He picked up all th. stray bits ol superstition that he found lying around, which added to the .mol, stock the brought with him, filled evert nook and cranny ot his soul, and was thi greater part of his religion. <n! And there was not wanting larder, among them who were proud to eulovih. distinction of conjurers. The more in'el. linent ot them brought over their triha' preferences and antipathies. One old darkey had been kldnacr eil when a youth. Ilewxs otalamoualamiiv In his own conntry, noted for their brarerv and obstinacy. By and by this descend ant of Egos raised a stalwart son. Their master was a man that rnled with a rod ot iron, and punished thieving wlih#inn- epairing hand. He owned a line bine hog that he Intended making choice bacon of Old Sambo and Ills son took time by the forelock and made pork ol the hog, but un luckily they were found out. The master brought them up, tied the yonog negro in. Tns draw. Frequently the jack-pot Is up to 32,000 before the momentous event, and then it ia great eport to watch the jolly old boys study over the relative value of their hands. Sharon Is usually tho luckiest player ot the set, but he sometimes gets nipped. One afternoon they got a jack pot worked np to 34.000. 8naron drew to an ace and ten and got two other aces and another ten, giving him an ace foil. He bet tbe limit and got raised another thou sand. Then tbe jolly old boys laid down their bands face to the cloth, and Sharon bet two bottles ot champtgne that be would take the pot. The wine was brougnt and the j. o. b.’s knocked off tbe necks. Then two others saw Sha ron’s bet and stood tbe raise, but the rest ran. This made S10,- 000 io the pot. Then Sharon threw down bis cheek for $3,000 and said he'd go another thonsand. The three other j. o. b.'s stood In and called. Against Sharon’s ace fall there was a king fell, three queens, and one of the j. o. b.’s care fully (fanned out four little blta ot deuoet, ana said he believed he'd haul down the paper. Thtre was not a word of protest. Mr. Sharon said “he'd be d-d.” and that was all. And then the Jolly old boye etert - ed in to bnild tnolber jtek-poL It le a very dignified game, this Paltce h del poker, end the jolly old boys manege to extract from lt a deal of dignified fun. sponsible for the conduct of hi* own of deaf mutes et 800.000. There ere 397 institutions in the world for tbelr eduoa- , tlon, of which Germany haa 90 France 67. The work to which each cabinet of- Qreat Britain 46 and tbe United Slates 38. ing whatever how the people may vote In I am0B 2 nxrau.actoriea. Our t®'®' I fleer was detailed wa* a very delicate the South, or any other piece, so long as lff*phic dispatch-e noto the fact that ^ one> nn j these officer* 2,000 ponnda of,arsenic Into th* valley In they vote ea American citlzena ought Hi® mill* in and about Baltimore are have been very greatly impeded and FAMOUS DRINKER*. A Comoarlion ot Modern Tipplers With Ola Tims Convivial Klnas. London Time*. The Lotlng* case chiefly commends It self tooir reooUectlon through the state ment of Dr. (fluid, who declared—and the eminent physician wai on bis oath—that he had known meu who took their elx'y tumblers ot punch per day, and seemed Id no whit th* worse for tbe Indulgence. The allegation sett ui traveling _ search ot parallells. We wake up the dead ashes of the deep drinkers of mitwmiy, anmi-g them our friend From- arebus, who polished oil ble fourteen quarts at a sitting, the liquor being heady Roman wine and that other notable pota- ti-niiHt. Hu- Kn ;-r..r MnximUliau.whodls- posed of bis two gallons ol Chian wins In one bout. We moderns can get a quart of Chianti win'- l-jr nn-iity penoe at any Ital ian restaurant. There wire strong men before Agamemnon. Tboee of ns who love this tort o' litera ture can rscaU from onr reading such bright exemplars of the latter epoch of Peter the Great, who could fulfil Major O’Oonnan'satandard of eobrlety by walk- every Where-vote according to tbelr own preparing to goto work on full tta® embarrassed, In their honest endcav- free will and detire." We put tj;li down and with renewed hope. b the utioQ of Senat ora and lfep- aa tbe monumentalOf Ibe nineteenth We find in theBoeton Records let- re9entaUvc8i who have entirely lost cenmry ' Deb U ° tl o de ter from Lowell, Masa., giving fiont® L g ht of tho public good, In an As the State Agricultural Society and’l encouraging Indication*; insane detire to serve them- the legislature are making some motions Theelfusof a revival olbozlneas thatererj-1 a olvei and their political henchmen, toward an exhibition prepoetd to be held !^. T ^'“‘ Bl ,' 0 '^ The fact haa been eetabliahed beyond •"k^i^mav be wehto lMk'into’thls^Dro b ? » thremah the mUl.Jl doubt that hundreds of Republican of- taken It “•* ** * J® !fj° the lev**corporations, made la pnnnlt of ]oit ficiala have been retained in service at posed exhibition, very cloeely. Tbs New rodl ^ nt Merrtm «, which -Washington, in erw'Vfqn*"^ of bar- York Time* of recent date, speaks very wu me first corporation visited. Is , f , 1 “ contemptuonily end disparaatngly of the the largest in LoweU, and the tecon-i * ainB tradeamadewith Democratic enterprise, more then Intimating ittobelor third largest In this country. I Senators and Representatives. We a Speculative band. The constitution o! I U has five immense six story, mills, give an instance embodied in a late Georgia forbids any money to be spent In which turn ont an average of M7.000 ytrde, or -\ynghIngton special: th la way, bnt In spile of this th. St.t. I I®*® o«ce of the CommUalonaro. later- . vert mast of this clcth Into print goods The •‘‘•^“toundcrwUted to Ui. K .v. the Philadelphia Record- "Th. Ma- conn “ * r «®' » b “‘ •”*»>•*» 1,a ? t 01 °, e0 . rl1 *’ *"5?* "**1,?™** Bat a the Fhuaaeipnia Record. Tbeua » peraons. X W» women and euu publican refinance and In reeognlUon ot his con Th ruEzrn publishes an anonjmotx. fl Di en p l0Tm eat »«Ttema.alUpul>lica», who,he.ld« tele* attack on Philadelphia, which It le hardly J,,, ^ (rtlmIC - 1 Qt1rchImne . u one ol tho appointed as a partisan, wee InefllcUnt and possible theTliicaArHUaelfcan believe. m ia.~.>hin f .height»inearly Incompetent,everyreaion existing wbytais Why tloean'tthemellricue scribbler elxn I joo feeL end more than 1,500,000 brlckj were piece ehoold be given to a good sad worthy name to blaacned?” Bnt what doe. I uMdlnlu construction. Th. holler house. Democrat. The arrangement, to, each . the Record want with a name when the which supplies the eteem for Urn whole yard. ®7r^rlSHfa statements are at hand? What osb mrtvfLSTiS £* a'S*’h^ (£& accomplished by attacking a peraoo? The JSfJJSaktoa aJouXM UleskU retained. C f. r ^ , Tbe“c™.M.^ , 'C^, t ?o T f Yhe*. boiler. Senator Brown i. hot alone In thia alouearetobe CO dered. The bellelof TOtp , y l0 dghty-eix engines °< I respect, but similar cliarges have been - 7vi ■" kaiu norths name of thecorro- TUtoai ,jze*. Betide* the power given by *7 , , .. . n ondent affect th* matter either oneway I these engines, t,*o bora* power In addition lz| m,d ® Senatora and Rep- or ihe other. I obtained from waterwheels. As I peeled reaentatlvee. So far aa Senator Brown i -*■ I through th* different muu of this rut eetob- and big colit agno are concerned there Tue l’hlladelphla Time* saye: “John I uahment I was zlrack with th* air ol httsaa* hg this to aay in mitigation. Both are Y.blg brother William stopped .cuvity whlch mnred to pervade .Wm. Not f lMtin obligations to twenty yean ago. As a matur a loom wu etopped, not a spmdU tdle. tiers “ uue ‘."“P , leaet, 1 laid to mjeelf, btulnees le tcUro. Republican Influence and rotes for And so Indeed It wee. For th* lest six I their present places. Both would now portions of them works hare been be enjoying a hopeless political retlre- little real fighting uCnmp 8herman. And i D convenation* which I had with gentle-! been backed by n sort ol mongrel he did not stop fighting twenty yean ago- men connected the Marrtmsc and with aoma coalition In which Republicans No n AU hae done more to keep up the ML | of th* overseen and ma employed, the f«n-| are prominent. They are pay ing off political obligations, lev lh* winter wu quit* good. | but unfortunately at the expanse of tha At the Tremoot end Bnffhtk nuny Improve- Democratic party. It la altogether in- A 8an Francisco drug house haa aent Ingaway with half a gallntof nectar his ~ ~ia{e*tv delighted to call “Irish wine" nder hla belL Tbe twenty-one tnmbler mania, or used to be, a common prod uct ol Irish and Scotch convivial ity. Boswell waa up to that, eo waa John 1’hllpot Curran, Eraklne upon one occasion compataed hla two dt ran tod dies, and Bully Kasan, when convlvially demanded, zoirad ball a dezeo draughts tbe lut tew days. Tbe preparation le found to work like a charm on the grass hoppers. The hoppers eat It. whether wet or dry, and rather aeem to like 1L The catalpa yields nectar in largo quantities, and this year hee-knpera hare secured much excellent honey from thia •euros. Itle worth while lueelectlngtrees nearer to the state which accord inn to ^.i3?^ b h^ir 0 L 0 n?v Bom! '' m “ ke » lh ® P»“«nt "O’er all the Ills coneldtr their, honey-producing quaUUro. 0 f life victorious.” I might rite. U It was The worthlessness of the murdered thought advisable, tbe instance of that ;ood old soul who died lut week in the tue Vivienne, In the bouse where Mr. P. Fgan for some time established the living exchequer of the land league. Thlac ' about an Inch metb. I am acquainted with a locality where such a fence could beconitructed at a cost not to exceed $1,200 that would enclose about 800 acres of water This core Is entirely auitable for the par- G eo, being a natural resort of a large num- r of turtles et preieut, containing deep water for them to lay in durlngcold weath er, aa well as broke and aboala for feeding grounds. It it also surrounded on tbe land aide by a dens* growth of mangroves, tbe foliage nf which is the beat possible food for turtles. They could be fed in thia way, In addition to what they would natu rally get from the apace enclosed with a minimum cost and trouble. After having enclosed tbli cove I should seine If tor the purpose of removing ad enemies of the young turtle. 1 should tnen stock it with 100 fe male turtles ot not less than 800 pounds weight. The number of eggs laid by these one hundred turtlee during the first eeason would be over 40,000 Erert turtle egg de- f milled In th* land will belch. Protected root their enemies, with an abundance of suitable food, there Is no reason why n very large percentage ol these 40,000 should not com* to maturity. But to bo on the eaf* side wa will say only one-half com* to maturity, or th* aga of five years. You would then have, five years after your Investment, 20.000 marketable turtles A turtle four or five years old will bring more per pound than an older one. At five years a turtle will weigh from thirty to forty pounds. Suppose tbey only welgn twenty pounds; tarries of that weight are worth now In New York marzet from 22 to 28 cent! por pount. The price moat eonetantly Increase with the dimin ishing apply. Suppose I only get 20 cent* per pound, that will give me $4 apiece for ray turtles or 380.000 for my 30,000 turtles. Suppose that my figures, which have been below the minimum to start with and twice cut In ball, are still too large, and auppoe* that l only real aa 340,000 fur ttu- first flee years' profit, tbet would be a verv reipeeiable return for tbe 35.000 which it would be necessary to Invest. And remem ber, too, tbit this Is not the end, bnt only tbe limit of yonr annual income, or tbe retail of the first year’s laying. After five yeers there is no reuon. tbet I can sis. why rinse figures should not represent the annnel output of the farm. "At 1 said, It would cost In tha locality I have In vitw, $1,200 to conatrnct tha fence. Female tarries weighing from 300 to 400 poande can be bought for three cents per pound. That, together with the cost of collection and transportation, would make my hundred brood Inrtles cost me about $1060 Add to thee* two iteme tbe cost of armall steam Izunch.togelhi r with a acow and drag for collecting food from tbe neighuortof bake and ban, and yon bare tbe total amount necessary tor tbe enter prise. The brood tarries cost me only 3 cents per pound-, this is became turtlee of Ibtl six* aro not salable. Tbrnc welghiog had deliberately tint a bully for merely annoying him. Tbe judge pronounced it uneound law, but tbe jury let it justify in tbelr minds a verdict of acquittal. ■TniWlNoi Saratoga have a aub- •tltute for kltslng, and It consists In rnb- Thls celebrity was a retired shipping agent from Marseilles, and the dally draught In wlrn-b hi-ili'l pwia-.i >• rompriaad foaE bot tles of Burgundy, fonr ot claret and two of from twenty to forty pounds will bring a belle- pries per pound than at any other age or else. "Terrapins bare been, and are being, f irofitebly railed In this manner In Mary- and. Delaware and New Jeray, and inas much as green tarries are wortn double per pound wnet terrsplne are, I can't see why this plan ie not entirely profitable,” How n Bank saved Itself. Philadelphia Record. Some year* eg® <h* presl lent Of a bank VI ■ oltw of V. _. V...L A1..I. .... J .ud'barifebDUt ,.?o? 9**Jg.”*!S *!” . b y^ a »g t . t P-"L*g.g of his moist but bamlcae career. In feci J : “iSrTlSSrvfSm of Otero comparisons, however, we candid- K'“' 1 "SSLSSK thPmonth. ly doabt * hclh ' r “7 A* 1 “>• they part at the corners of the mouths. rtcot j 0 f Dr. (Jiind’i acqur-iutanee In The census taken in Tennessee shows practical illustration of the grand old that there era 300.000 worthless dogs in the maxim, eframui Hum ritinui, State, which consume food enough, if fed to hoi s, to make 30,000,000 pounds of ba con, or enongh to give meat to an army of 100,003 able-bodied men a whole year. To carry tbo calculation atiU farther, lh* ba- ternetaoflbe war, than this inebriated, era! feeUoa seemed to be thittimes were, mendacious, end vainglorious crank. .Up I Uttls better, If anything, and that tha outlook j carry eon. at 10 cents p*rpour.d, would be worth 33 000000. This, If paid In silver, would load down ninely-fonr two-bone wagons. Thekroplngotthseedoga prevent) farmers from keeping 2,000,000 sheep, the morion and wool from which would bo worth 35,000,000, PERSONAL. —Mr, Birch, the sculptor, is at work on a bronze monument ol Geo, Earle, for Liverpool. —Anton Dvorak is about to compose tbe music of a stored drama oa tha ab ject ol "Sampson and Delilah.” —Hannibal Hamlin baa an imitator in Colombia, a man who hasn’t worn an overoost for thirty yean and who hu never been In bed sick. —Edward Everett Hale’s assertion at Chautanqos that tha leader of the choir should be U pious a mu ss tho pat tor is mnch quoted, end with hearty approval. —It ia eatd that Worms Found In lea. Philadelphia Ledger. At the last meeting of the Academy of Natural Bcltneee, Ihe president, Dr. Jo seph Lt-idy, Staten that a member bed re cently placed In hit hands for examination a vial of water obtained bom melting ice which la need for cooling drinking water. Prom time to lima, among aoma sediment taken from a water cooler, th* gentleman had observed whet be apposed to be living worms, which be stupectid were introduced with the water Into tbo cooler, and rot with the Ice. Upon melting some of the ice alone, however, tbe worms were trill ob served, and tbo water submitted for exam ination was lorn* that waa tho* obtained. Prof. Leldy was surprised to find a num ber of worms among tome duculent ted I- meat, mainly conilsiingof vegetable bain and other debris. Betides tbe worms there were alio mlolatara Angolllulas sod a number of Koltler vulgaris, all living. It would appear that these animals had been contained in tbe ice and bad been liberated oo melting. It was an unexpected source of contamination of our drink ing water, it being generally supposed that * to tbe lime of hla retirement ad con to uent leek of importance, lit wu a speaker ,, cn. In acdoutdd. of Grand compreheiuibla to the people of Geor- X. M. teodtllngsoteooftbtcocpoiatlou'oM tallla, . .. and Ta. .,y ol the Republic cancuscs. Uia month I a qwv ooa bu been boUtudalsoaoewchlra-18*® tiikt recrctancs l.arland and Ia- says for war, u may be aatn In I and boiler borne. Th* new chimney le 1 mar have not interfered tad thwarted > at New Hava and Weal Point, j modeled riter that of the Marrimac, and lackj I this game, which set forth Me true atfitlmenti. Since I bat a few toet of beta* u high. It mar be stated again, aa hu been lt ‘ a P~P>® of the 8ooth are now ranningoofull Ume, aUhough mow j would not have voted for Mr. Cleve- rooma tie etfflldlA and only ebooltwoxkiida land nor any other man, save upon the of Ike usual nsmbet of halp are emiloyad. Sanriifcauadiag the fast that this enepeeaUw passed 1U list dividend, and that the market ter Its goods le somewhat cnuyaMba genet- hie coerced retirement, ba makes a nnl- ■ascent l.imtdf, whenever occasion offers, by dancing, and kltzirg girls who have not been raised to resect th* lmperUneno*. And to hla retirement be hu carried a melevoient dttlra to lie about better ma, which be Indulges, whenever be ca en gage th* cu cf a reporter. le not supposed to give the subjects __ osd thought altar her trunks ms checked for bom*. —'The ex-Empreaa Eugenie ia mak ing a round of European watering places u 111* Counter* da Tlerrafonds. The de tective police of Carle bad. learning that the uaumed title wu fictitious, reported her u an adventareaL —Tbe present Charles Dickens, who done not inherit the gains of the oilier CbtrlM Dickens, la rtnalog LotU’i "Mir* auurance that there would be a sweep- cbfooaee.” which she hu succeeded In tog change in the Federal office, in this ^fn, 0 ^,^ ■action. This fa a fact that cannot be I Shop.” raid that a society girl who water obtained from melted ice le above engaged while at a watering place suspicion. The UUl* worms beloog to tb* EgJEffi al («:i* U the time ibat stems to be prera- gainexyc-d or questioned. It wu not that I —Tho wife ol Bishop Warren, of KtwXork! 1 ume family as tbe oommoo earth worms, tbe Lnmbtfdda!, and are probably an un described species of Lambrlculns. Tbey ere from four to six milinwtns long and colorless. Tm body fa diridad Into thirty segments, bearing spines. 8everal dead worms swarmed in tbe interior, with large cfll’ated infoeotlacs similar to thou found infesting Unu'iili, A Card. Ts at, w o an angering from entai and !» d lee redone t rowta ' doosy, loHofauuhot In a oily of New York Blato came down town to find thet there wu a run upon the bank. Ail day long money wu paid out. Wnen the hoar for closing arrived the president blmielf posted at the connlera and In tba wlodowa placards announcing; 'This bank will reuato open nntil further notice from 7 a. m. until 10 p. in.” Prompt ly at 7 o'clock lh* next morning the doors were Hung open, end nntil the sun let the stream of frightened depot- Don atarea and took out tln-ir money. Av evening fall there was a lull, and at 10 o'clock, th* boar for closing there was no one lo uk for th* cubing of a check—the run wav over. Next mornlog at 7 the doors war* opened, but tbe principal basi nets transacted wu tbe receiving ol money thst bed been hurriedly withdrawn the day be ora. Tbe extension ot bankioi hours ta this cue wu a demonstration o. coneelout strength tbet carried conviction, end tbeloitltutiun entered at once upon an era ot renewed prosperity. Iryou have caterrab, use tbe euriit remedy—Dr. Stga'i. To *r*sen* Finite. Boil plume ten minutes; elgbt ounces ■OKtr to a qairt l« Deeded. Boll bleotberrice tlx minutes, with six ounces of agu ta tbe quart. Boil ripe currants six mlnntu; amount sugar to a quart to tight ounces. Bollcberrinfive minutes: the amount ol agar to the quart to six ounces. Boll peaches, wboe, fifteen urinates using tlx oancet ot eager to the quart. Boll Mbtriant, or crab applte, whole, twenty-five minute*; elgbt ounces of sug IO a quart. Bou whortleberries fir* mlnntu _ amount of agar to a quart jtr she .id be fonr one cm. Boil pear* for twenty or thirty mlontcfl— twenty for halve a tod thirty for whole peart—wing tlx ounces of sagar to a quart can of fruit. down, and began to lay oa the las... youth was obdnrate. “Whack! whack?' “Now, will yon tell me who stole that blue barrow?" Old Samb© stood by andex* horted his son to be firm. “ ’Tan’ to ’im bod! Nebbertell'e massa 'bout’e bine barrer. Egoa blood 'Im nebber fail!” "Whack! whack! whack!" "Now, you rascal, will you own it up?" "’TaD’ to 'imsoa! Nebber tell ’© in&ssa 'boat V blue barrer. Egoa blood ’im uebber fall!" Turuicg to the father tbe Irritated planter laid on two or three blows. "You old vil* lain, I’ll see if yoa won't tell." "Kl-k—II Massa. rea must, I tell'im ’bout’e blue barrer!" The Egoa blood caved under the pressure. Hfiin! > was a conjurer. Tied up in hii medicine bag were nine hairs ont of a black cat’s tail, some dried blood of a blackcock, taken from the neck before tbe foul was dead, numerous roots, herbs, dried lizz&rds and other uncanny things, used to "trick" folks with. Ooe day Bob, in a spirit of recklessness, offended the old man deeply. ' Nebber min', ote fellah, I git yon some dark night. Ebber let me git er han’ful er dirt fr’m un der yo’ foot, an' 1 stop yo’ night walkin'." Shortly alter Bob was tramping along one ittrfc iiiirht, when suddenly he stepi.»d into small pit with one foot, und as tie halted little a dark arm was thrust un der his foot just ns he brought it down, and from behind the trunk of a great tree that stood by the path he heard a low cbnckle, and then the retreating footsteps of a man. Ills knee was slightly sprained, no doabt, bat he attributed the pain to bambo’a conjuring. He turned and hob bled homeward. Next day h* returned to -he place, and in the pit lie found a con; ,u e ball, made up of all the various in; J gedieuts of the conjure ba;, about the ize of an epg. Bob wai Rreatly troubled, rile knee pained him a greitl deni, ami he said he could feel lizardr running np and down his leg inside the lleah. Old Sambo was highly elated at the success of his trick, and was held in greater re spect than ever. To get relief Bob had recourse to an other conjurer ot great repute. O.d Minao was of one of the tribes of negroes who lived farther inland, and who are reported by Livingstone as superior physically, mentally and morally to the tribes nearer the coast. He despised the Guinea and Argola negroes, a few of each being scat tered about that section of country. Gulnny thief an’ ’Gulla docH he de scribed them. Wh m Tub applied to him, he studied the cace a little and muttered. I)at old 'Gulla do£, Bumbo, done tricked Then he btUlad 2 mixture of con- iioihe and poured it in a vessel, .iwas settling ha brought out his Indicator. This ci.rhus affair was a small carved piece of wood, contin- ed in a bottle 0! greenish liquid. The bot tle was about three parts full, bating himself before the vessel of hot "medi cine," he began an incantation in his na tive tongue, ever and anon gazing at the bottle and mattering, "ready my lef' ban’ Jack!" Finally, by the movement of 'Jack" and the BAttJiog of the medicine, he seemed satisfied as to who was the conjurer that had tricked Bob, and in what mauner he had done it. He then instruct ed Bob how to act, and how to obtain three hairs from Bambo'a head without the latter finding out, gave himaconiaro bail to prevent further injury, and gravely dismissed him. 1 gresa Boo followed the advice of Mingo, for he soon got well. Bat he never offered 8ambo, or any other con- 'arer any more ‘ •Jaw." yo’." Th . are medi While lt 1 niUaw. *», trti oTchana ■ I diwovand toy a aiwli Know th Yizi.r by reading the “Science of Life," the hot medical worn ever published or joang and mlddle*agtd r IT IS ASPECIFIC POR Kidney Si Liver Troubles. r Bhdtbr, Urlm ar.A Dtct»7. Onnlud DUb*lM. ' ! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Tt r-.r+m DQlcu«n«M, TI»*zlfc<*h#, Jaurftviff ^ eu.rr.4rb. PyapApatM, Cor^tip4t3Dn and Pl-«a. IT WORKS PROMPTLY Th* UneonalntF ot Mundane Affair: Tit* world weald (O on verr much tb* eflB If w# thould be aw.r ae if we wtre ture. One teio leaver, anoihertskeehl* nleet: but Gen'U. U. T. Beauregard, of I t., ana Jabal A. Karlr.ol Va.antaubtaliotbetreoLageaeal, to conduct la ptteoo tb* graad ateaUrgdraw- InxeofTbtLooletoaa ton Loturr at New iiricear. La, TUalt praeeaoeeBdenUreeaiii I ^rilL- tiont-.iy i t Did m*T4.1 ZManty. Ex •raeea 41^1 ) 7rsild Wakiidid. USE it“at~once. thd jmurXTa, um and now. tad CVTLZb «b*n all *!• i t.«.LnTH.