Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, September 11, 1885, Image 8

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THE TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER: FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 11, 1885. ICONTINUED THOM TIBET TAOE.l Mr. Arnhelm was interrupted by a mo- tion to extend the afieroooii hour till the bdi under consideration could 31 dliposed of. Mr Arnhelm asked to be allowed to « motion fl:«. He Eta ted tbit he would he absent to-morrow in conse quence of the day being the beginning of the Jewish year, and he deiired to attend the divine services cnstomarv. He had a bill set for to-morrow, No. 415. and asked that it be made the general order for next Tuetdev, «iiich was agreed to. Mr. ISrandt. of Bicnmond, stated the he would be ebsent to-morrow for the same season ami desired to Introduoe a short bill. The rales were suspended, and be Introduced a kill to amend section 17111 of the code, providing for tbe reduction of the salary of railroad commissioners to $1 OOO par annum. The further consideration of tbe special tax hill Was suspended by the arrival of the hour ol adi mrnment, and the Bpraker declared the House adjourned. « soils. During the discussion to-day In the House. Mr. Harrell, of Webater, whose aspiration is to ho a watch dog of tbe treasury, and tighta all appropriations with tliit alnaratsa “tliw rnTiRtlinttfin” and M College. Special Drill lor Backward Hoyk, Single or double mom*. All student* board With Principal. 8W1THIN 0. 8H0RTLIDGE (Harvard A. B. ao* *. M.) augl6-dAwlw i the marble floor; Babe with tbe dark lock! clinging. And the glow of the South on his limbs, Naked, low laughing and creeping; Nurse with the quaint slave hymns. White through portal and casement The midday sun’s warm Hood; O song of the bird in mld-alrt O bane with the bounding Mood!. Thrown on the pave the purple, The red and the amber grape; Heaped np in regal splendor The orange, the peach aud the grape. Child of the Sou‘b, young Bacchus. Stained with the purple wine; O slave in the noonday nodding! O bird with the song divine! Is, is, use, Feb. and Aon. uocpocsdtu 0 % 4a. 7t, 1888, January aud July ocu- pons, mortgage W. A A, B. 1C2 ta. 7a, gold, quarterly ocunona»12 it, 7i, if*, Jan. and July coupons.,li >K 153X Bends to the hours, and white Hut From balanced banket droops. High in the quivering aunbeat The bird in his frenzied leap— Melody, monody, sunshine— Slave In the couit asleep. L’Kjcvox. Roll in the purpling juices, Babe of the royal blood, Batbe In tbe amber Juices. Laugh in the grape’s red flood. Ere the raven locks are shaven, The red wine turns to gore. Tbe slave awakens to freedom. The gray bird sings no more. the constitution” anil “econciuy,” received n rather Btvcro thrust from Mr. McLendon, ol Thomas. The question under discussion was tho proposed appropriation of money for ■■■ hni” °' U ni ver.lty bnUdkgs. The S?cSum“tStointalB bill provoked vigorous opposition on the Into blackened ruin, fall, _ . ^ pari of Mr. Harrell, who characterized it And the worn, whlta face of the Mother as a spoliation scheme. Throu«htbelon«nl,bthaunteihen. ■ Mr. McLendoD, who favored tbe bill, 1-Harr, Stillwell Edwards, In CMcatoCu: said he bad not forgotten tbe time whui the State of (Jeo-gia was ruthlessly plun dered—when the vultures from almost every section of tbe Union settled upon her I UAW " n , tl< Xrni ,„ rt „ cahiii mui. to treasury and preyed npon it. Among the H °w a Da, * y " C 111 '" 1 few honest men m office be remembered a I President Carling, distinguished gentleman from the county | Mr. T. J. Carling, of the Street Railroad A MULE TRANSACTION. of Meriwether, Judge Hiram Warner, who Company, li exactly 155 out of poexet, and It pat aside the temptation to temporarily ml happenedln this resign his office that the salary *J*Eht JJ Tuesday morning early, a negro turned npat increased. Did not tho rule* Ol I .. hn./lmi..fara nt Ihn enmnin* r\n Vim the Honan forbid he might lhB headquarters of the company on Elm refer to others about whom Mrcet with a mule which he offered to sell tbe same could not be said. Before any Mr. Catling for 165. Mr. Carling was not In get tlemanon the floor lectured him on the need ol an extra mule especially, and declined . enliject ol economy of the Btate’s money, the offer. He suspected that probably soma- ' or denounced any proposition hemlghtsee I „tng was wrong,and asked the negro what S 1 to '“if®. “ » achama for spoils, he de- wuth0 mtttet wlth u,, anl mal that he want- ..red tkaUt might come from one whom | „ h|m T he negro spoke up oromptly I aud aald that tho mule was all right -,---7—in every respect, but that he ed by the House, rnd the gentleman irom would kies. Ho was a regular Cahill, andi i -. . - - - ^ withe ‘ — — nrrr so* os. «aeon es, quarterly l oaponi....—ifi7tf U8 fevannahfe, quarterly oonpon*..... 90 J 3iambus 5, quarterly coupons...... 90 91 Itianta tls, quarterly oauponi... MMM llO xt 1 *uiutta6«.................... .....’C 3 l'\ fl’evlcran Female College bond«., M lC2H Ml H BAIL BO AD BOPXX, tufc&tir and Gulf lit mortgage, 16J7, January and July coupons._JJ5 117 ■ntrai R. B. consol. morL, 7s, UU, Ian. and July ooapons —..ill 112 _ wrgla E. R. 6e, maturity 1897 to I92R January and July coupons. ...1G6 1(8 *>hlle and-Glrard eudorsed 8po. cent. 2d mortgage, due 1898........ 1C6 107 <?nte A Bn. end. e«,. lrt mart. dor !>-■;, January and July conpons^ llSU U’4}4 Teat. Ala. 8s, 1st mon., due Dfefc, April and October coupons .....„..ius 109 vost. Ala. Is. fiCmort., doe lkX, kn.n » nd October cou pons ...—. ni :12 tort hear tom end. 7s, 1st mort., dm ’ W. May tnd New.coupon*.....^ 116 dot. A Rome, end. by C. R. R... M . M JOOH 101)4 raUJtoAD wrooKc. &ngaiu and Bay.7s, guaranteed.. 117 118 Jentral ex*dlyldend. M .. M#M # o lontral certificates...................... 89 Muthwostem 7s.Kuarr\tiU>e<l,*x-div)l4 leorgla Railroad ex-dIvMeud 150 dCsoon Gas Light and Water 9 > artier House atooc....^.., /t iA9i rreex, txchacgo Bank. lio 112 Japltalfiank MM ... MM . MMM . MM . MMM ...,. n ‘2 isatral GeoralaBank.^.— — 92 93 *w yobs. September 9-Noon— firm. w/meyeasyatL Jtxnhanve, ’oag 482^; ,u«r« 484J-4* yery dull. «e*ori.- meut bouos dull but strong. "ventnx.—ksxcuaua*, *vnna» 11 db.trea*nrv halannea; rjolu 4151714,00; ..or- reruty 826,650 000. Government BKCO’dles are strong; • per oents 121 t per cents 103. 3late bjuda neglected. The loiiomnii wue the closing qoouU&LS: Ua. mate honds- Web&ter had nothing to say. I kicked on all occasions without prtL ■ The Home to-day appointed its mem- or inducement of any kind. Mr. Caning was bers of the joint committee to lnvntigate ,l u i.l. .« n i I).. u/aLtern I be was, where he came from ana other simitar the uee of the right of way ortne Western I quert j ong# xbe darky was always ready w ith and Atlantic bv the Georgia Pacific. The | ^ tnd referred him to several parties 1 * ■ committee will probably be tp-1 in East Macon and to Mr. Robert Smith, of the pointed to-morrow. I Hazzard district. Mr. Carling haj •• riminal esses in the City Court in know all of hU references, hmMi rling happened to m... V a.aAA. u ». w—.. — •specially tbe last tich bond Is given and ,et for trial were one.aBdconclqdedatlengtfi that me-negro .1.,. nmintv ,n ,ka PhTitivillPll l||y,t^a nf I WU hOUCSt iU hiS SSSeittOl-S. UO tOld hllP day, owing to the wntinnw uiness 01 hQw he d|d not want themule term. Among the cases so continued was j when he returned the negro and mule were the indictments for criminal licel against still ondeck, the former as anxious as ever to Pledger and Burnett, editors of the consummate the trade. Mr. Carling still re- ,ri«u„ y Sf""- whioh w ““ 10 h,ve bMn tt Thi;«^forjndg..nd«llclto,.g.n- eral of the new jndteial circoit. the otone I without Inconvenience. To test the mule he Mountain, will come np in tbe Legislature was attached to oneof the cars aud driven next Friday. There are tbe usual number around. Before he left Mr. Carling narrowly of anxionscandidates, and Atlanta, thongh missed hu heel*, as they were 11 ted high In | not In lha new circuit, 1. Inmithing | ft* ^ Wft T, “«!.■■■ not kick, and that he was all right. Tho trade full Bhare. AN ELOPEMENT. ......... t signing tin. — Mis. Ilia Maxwell today aloptd with I w.dcto a clear receipt for the mule, ohn H. Sheltcn. Her father and hr wai then closed, the negro „ ltll John Wade to a clear recels. brothei Everything went well until tbat afternoon, n«» when a bal'iCT from Monroe county in search ' d , 8, ‘ t eIt ° h 1 8 ‘ h Kh r' b "; , r nr° t a ram d . ^ -nlVrt^a out flfftSlot deS>. suited bl®. Shelton struck yomg | tn d recognized the mule pulling one of the mu x well with a himmer. I be father anu I cars He boarded the car and sought Ur. Car-1 BhHton then exchanged shots,each falling, ling at headquarters, aud laid befoie him hla severely if not mortally wounded. The complaint, lie said that the mule had beep three men are in a critical condition. | stolen the night before from Mr. W. T.WllJ that DISClMr.^arling expressed wi.llnguesi to turn over the mule if Mr. Wll- >get i for RIT1ICULOD8 position IN wines IT* I Hamson would come and identify the animal. opponents HAVE PLACED THEMSELVES— He was telegraphed for and arrived yesterday I morning with other parties, all of whom sep- tmmioN or the okokoia pacific I aratelv Identified the male. He was then re- ■ ktc. stored to Mr. Willlamion, who waagladtol [•rwnt. Snittif mzPikfmnRf hlm back * left immediately with * * fi . EohApii Bureau, l«‘jPeachtreeBt„ hlB fcoine ln uoaroncounty. Atlanta, September 8.1886. Mr. Carlingnow expresses his willingness to The Railroad CommU.lon Mil to at last |“*l fairly under discussion. It was taken up In the Senate this morning as the special I a Moat Paouliar Accident. Icr, but will hardly reach a vote bslote | Yesterday afternoon about 3 o'clock!! ale hear tomorrow or the day after. I itrao,. accident happened toons of the itrect far there la less opposition ex-| car males, that was being driven to one of tha -il to the bill than hat does not yatriis or reason. The oojeenun. aa-1 imibiid'iad faiL' Thi'Si'Wm and malhly to the feature of the | npUliTonthe drlver'to check lLand^t pluscd October and November. wedged so bill providing for an appeal to tbe courts over tbe mule’s body until it wasL..~ v J0IH from tho decisions of the commission, tightly that It could go no further. Those who Tho Senators who have avowed them- witnessed the occurrence tay that It was dlffl- aelv* e opponents of (he bill, taken by their uMer.ncw In tha debate to-day, have R oomplnaly ^.u ^h. m pl"cell themielvea ln quit, a ndlcnloua cxi-ectedto see .dead mole thin the extrf posltioo. Tn.y oppose an appeal to the I cation wai made. Imagine then their «urpri«e c.'twta breonsothe judges and the jades when, after the car wai reversed, tbe mala I ate ignorant of rallru-d matters and In- crawled out, and welkin, leliuraly to on# aid. con,pi-lent to pus on Ibotn. When con- b «*“ t° nlhbl# iraiala the moat Indifferent ‘ yU !lV b ,”,! U !i^ i0 . n vi h 4 1 V , l h ,!."iu b ; “SSdWaDO. between th. bottom of the cu I and the track Is very small, and tha mystery I le, liberty and properly, cases is bow the mule became so completely wedged involving vast same, cares involving often- timeM intricate scientific questions, of vbich, preanmably, they are entirely Igoo-1 a Cood Cotton Season. li-htil courts l FlfilAMCiAL JTOOKB AND BONDS IK VACO*. COBRXCTED Bf J. W. LOOKET1. banns. RATE SCUDS, Bid, AiESft U. 61, Jan. wad July Q0ttPMS^C4Vi u» Apples.—in moderate dea a ad. Jfanoy stoos IL50I5.00. Nona In market. Oust.-Aaaortaa, m twxcs va.ee. barren nr. ORiNnr i.—Market well anppllad. Demand light; |3.50a3.75. rtorKla itock exhanned. flaa.—New < crop, No. l sou., ru.au. nail bbla. 2S.60, enarter bbls. til5; ktu 70c; No. I mackerel, bbla. U.00, naif bbla. UOO. nnar- tar bbla 12.75. kits 60. _ washed 1606c; washed 20.25c-. bn.-rv 6,10:. Wax 189200. Tallow 5a Oils.—Market ana arid mgoodiletcsaat <!t- cal 50.60c; We«t Vlnrlnla black 17c; lard ml 70c; oottou wed <0; haedllgat 17.70<; kerosene iso; naataleo: 7>c; macblocrv Mat*:: lm.eeit 66.710: mtarra! w.1 Mo: oottnn .net. raOaad HAxnwari*.—Market ana. HcraoaMoi tt-.i>. par kot. Yale shoe, *6.oC. Iron hotiad aemr, fJ..VUt,00. Trace chains tOaUJo per pair. Amo. •hovels 110.00 aar do*. Plow *ooa **5o rru «.v.w "Ol uu»i iwn /»* HAiman's plowstosks 8L.00 Axw E7.(k« iLOOpordos. Cottoc cards |4.60. \Vcl; boekoii (4.40 Cotton rone 16a2Co paT lb. 8wi»de l»o v ia!»4C per B, refined SaSHc por lh. P’ow »>.*.• Jo per u. Nstls 82.40—bJufs of lo-d, Po/ar $4.00 _ ‘ “ par E *7145 90% 116 100 Glass A, 2 to 5... 93 Class B, Cs.. teorgla 6s.....o MN *102 H. 7s, mortgage. 103 tr. Carolina.... v. Carolina, new 20 fnu*Hng...... MobiloA Ohlc... Nash. A o:h(.« N. O. Pac.. lau... If. T. Central.... 97« Norfk. <9s W. vh’. 22*4 Fliginla __ " consolidated. 49 ihus. and Ohio... 7 Chicago A North. do. preferred... 124^ > jnver A Rio O.. 11 UkoShore.... oolsv. A Naih... A*% foaphlaAOhar. 3d pro/.. Richmond A Ai. Rich. A Dan.-. Rich. AW. P. % Rock Island....... St. Paul do. picf.M.*^. • Texas Pacific..... Union Pacific... Wabash PartOn... '/’eh.-rni' Raisins.—Fair demand; market steadr; nee layers kL60 per box; acw London layerr it.lt per box: loor-e muse?tela 83.00 LiQUOaa—Rye 81.60a6.B0, isonrbou 11.60*5.01 redistilled rye and core. tlaLtO, gin and ran Il.05al.75, N C corn 81.60, peach and app t brandy 82.0Ua2.75. catawbo wine ?1 25, port an? ‘■"my wine 81.25*3.85, cherry and glngo> . nay 9Qcall.60, French brandy 82.26a5.7f, du» meatiebnvudT tl.t5a2.0C. Lime, Galcinsu plashis ANpCxMarni.—a;* hams lamp lime Is Id falx demand, aud is sell — -* “1.15*1.25 per bbl; Goonrla 81.20al.25 l platter l2.75a8.C6 per bblj hair 40a50c; Georgia cement MCiO; LoalsvJlle and Boson dale cement H.3Cs2.0j: Portland oamuct at,:ft* 1.00. Balt.—The demand la modems and tht market steedy; large s*:oik; Virginia 41*1 ft Liverpool 81; by car load theto prlno< aan bf shaded. uabdihxk.—G.carier boxes American ot.00; dull: prime crude 28&29, summer yellow S8K Naval Ntorea. RAVANNAtr, September 9.-Voaln quiet: strained to good strained 95*81.62^; •ales — barrels, flnlrts ot turpentine quiet regular SI*: sales 100 barrels UHAELMTOS, Bep. 9.-Bpirlts of turpentine dull at 31M Rosin quiet: strained 90, ed95 Dr. SALMON’S h °g cholera specifi c ; 1EN POWDER. - SHEEP POWDER ’ good stralnc Wilninoton, Sep. 9.—Spirits of terpentine \ firm at 8L Rosin dull: strained 67K, good I strained 90. Tar firm at SlJtO. Crude \ terpentine steady: hard fl.10, yellow dip and i virgin 41.60 New Yoax, September 9 —Rosin — refined dull at <1.02*1.10. Spirits of terpentine steady at S4!4 CHICKEN POWDER.- SHEEP POWDER CATTLE POWDER. - CONDITION POWDER ^PREVtNT & CU RE HOG CHOLERa we CAN ^kSS^SSSI^SISSS ■„ l«“t c SSS«rSSaSSE“- BY the VETERI NARY MEDICINE CO NASHVILLE, TENN. MONEY TO LOAN “*RH.L'C£§i I'oituAi.K by FLANDERS BROTHERS. COTTON PaotojjI | IN WAGONS, GUAN03 and FAKMER8' BUI'PLIKJ. MACON. a < £ EB8 ’a“r'l0w m B! l Farms and Town Property MACON, sepllwlm Imp •rastedT^Xs: powcertd7»4c; granniau'C 7\zt, 7^<o; A CJ-iv.Tc; white extra G yellow (t Hat.—Tho msraothigher: gooQ demand; w* quota at wboiorale: Western timothy 41.25 •mall lots 81.50. Lrmons.—Higher; good demand; Masaint 15.75*7.00. ssxd Potatoes.—Eastern stock 12.75 poi bbl. Btbut.—Karkr,t bare of Florida and Gooxgis •j-rops; New York r.ugar S0a40o; New Orloani Mules.—Ar-out seven j&r ioauls »n the mar ket; trade aorivc; «iiCa20r- Homes.—There &ru very fow horses tn roar* Tickets onlv si. Hharea In Proportion. | within six months previous to the receipt of the order on our books, will be cooxtkd. Tbe.o watches are not toys, but accurate and serviceable time-keepers. They are sim ple, durable and neat. Tbe esses always wear bright. Tens of thousands of them are carried by people of all classes throughout the United Core Bee*.—Cooasj. ttt> 12.60; 2 lbs *3.00. Flot/b.—Stroug and lu soua aeruAUd. Mar ket advancing. We k^otc: Cocimau 14.50 family 36.25; extrs # tn*llv lf\0Ca5.60. fSAry Louisiana State Lottery Compauf. | state.. We do hereby oenir/1 hnt we supemao u e arrangements fo** f'l the Iroutblyand Bern: annual Drawing 4 of the Louisian* state Lo - Company, and In person manage and oov. ---the drawings themselves, and that the iamo are conducted with honeaty,fairness aud in good faith toward all parties, and wa au thorise the company touse this certificate,with lac similes of our signatures attached, ln its advertisements." CQMM£K£iAt,. LOTTOS MAEK.KT KBVOKJ BY Bet Goon*.—Tho m*r*t»t is quiet, unman modezsis; acock* am(le. We quotes: Prints \y A *5'4c; fi Georgia brown shirking 5o; X to.6\c; 4-4 nrown abaenaq 6Hc; while otnabergs 8 4* «; checksy*rru.32fco for best matte: brown drilling* o^a'-o. Fmon.—BmivntM, red, Sl.<E*a).60 per bunch: yellow 82.00ss.00. lshseks.-- Mar cut ts quiet; demand llsht; stocks ample. We quote: FoU cream l«c: lower grade* 12*130 Dried Peachx»—Sfricuy No. 1 peeled 4c pai pound. Pioxles.—Pints a.0>: quarts half ear. joIs, plate and mixed. 87.0C, PotatoEa.—G'jou oauaua fci n«w oetaioci at 82210*3.00 per bbl. Cabbsob—9 to u cents por head, Rtc*.—Firm. Good 6c; prime «hc; tancy 7c STABCK.—Refined pearl boxes DC: do. 1 E boxes 6c. Incorporated In 1868 for 26 years by the Leg islature for Educational and Charitable pm*, posos-wlth a capital of «l,000,000—to whiei a reserve fund ol over tvo oon ha* since born added. Telegsavu akd Mva«niMca. Macon. September 9 -Evening. Liverpool reported the market good at unchanged rates. Middling uplands 6 7-16, 8ales, 10.010 bales. FutnrM dosed steady. In New York fnture contracts opened stesdv at 9.65 for September and oloaed firm at 9.67-69. sale*. 46,000 oale*- Spou in New York opened steady at 10 and oiosed steady at 10 for middling uplands. Bales. 876 bales. mxogim since last EiroiT. decslved by rail.-™. 156 Wagon — 134 - 290 Receipts previously., 2,0 a Rock on hand September 1,1884 Total.... •HirMEHlS. Shipped by rail shipped prevlou*ly......^........, 2,981 GRAIN AND PrtOVlblOM MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Chicago. September 9.-Tbe wheat market ruled strong to-day on firmer cables and rainy weather throughout tbs Northwest. A frantic desire on the part of tbe shorts to over was shown early in the session, and prlbes were marsed np at a jump at the opening, un til October, which clo»ed at 79'^ last nlaht, had touched when a reaction to ensued, fo’lowed by a strong rally and succeeded by a relapse toW?;. where the market closed on tbe regular board. In the afternoon tbe feeling continued firm and he latest tranli g was at prices a shade higher. Buying orders from outside were more numer ous and the local bull element appeared to have materialized, greater confidence being shown than for some time past The receipts continue moderately free, with a comparatively free ontward movement. The The only lottery ever voted on and endorsee by the people of any state. It never scales or postpones. Its Grand Single MumberOruwlngsW.il take place monthly. Stock on band.. Gorro* MARnSTti BY bad weather had its effect alto ou tbe corn market a* d an advance of was obtilued and partially anstalned. Oats ruled firm with an Improved tendency, near options showing an advance of to % Provisions ruled a shade firmer, but showed no appreciable ad< Liverpool. September 9, noon.—Cotton business good at unchanged rates; mlddllug 7-16; middling Orleans W. »< • speculation and export 2)00: cetpta 4OuO-American 8900. Futures quiet at vance at the close. 17-64 I said yesterday that hla cotton receipts to date lain 1 !* wer# double What they were this time last gains* I year. This indlcsiri. ho thinks, that tho »». r.nt, iliej rallte lotba rather weak ground | Mr. B. L. WUllnihara. trie wart-houicmau people, would be prejudiced against the rni'roadi and invariably decide^! .Inst them. To this the reply was that I The outlook, he considers, very encouraging! • railroads would be astisdea to leave * n d la satisfied that the largest cotton dusi- these questions to the courts. One 8ena-1 neii ^ / wr * Will be transacted this year, asserted that the railroads are afraid of the people and of the juries than 1 Tho Chamolon Horse Swoopor. of th.commlsrion. TDs atBUtnent of the Mr. Ira Jeaslais came la jtitcrj.y irom rI »*ition tathat the Jadgra^ and UwJjri | the Warrior dUtrictandjgtr^tha^aUili^of a that are fgnorsDt anil incompetent, and I bone swsiiDing that lm.n tha omytt.l intellieence and ability » k k on MenOaj. A Wei n he found ln onr distinguished Bill- boma with fourteen dlfft-i Warrior man are lo be iounu in our disUDgalslied Mall* I •?*** with nmrteen different men, and at the road Commission. I close of the day went home with the same When tha Senator, referred tn 1 .urtol with and one hundred iloUira their position outlined in cold print and I rtcner *° 1 published to the world, there ii abundant reason that they should ft*l ashamed. sslsidi _ 10.000; for speculation ''and export cetpta 4000-Amer* an advance. Bepiemher. September and October».«..^....«A 19i October and November 616 6k November and December 617-84 December and January M ...a 18AKB17-64 January and Febraary.... MM ..... MM . 518-61(91944 February and March 5 21-64 2 r. m.—Sales of American 8000. Futures are quoted: September, sellers....^ ..^.A 23-64 September and October,sellers 6 2084 October and November, sellers ...6 '784 November and December, scllcrs.51784 neoember and January, sellers ,...A 1784 January and February, seller*^..61984 February and March. buyera MMMM A 2184 March and April, sellers...^. ..- 5 24-64 April and May, value.. .... 5 27 C4 4 r. M.—Futures closed steady. September, sellers —- ...., 52584 September and October, sellers...6 2084 October and November, buyers...A 17 64 November and December, sellers .81784 December and January, value A17-a* Unitary and February, value 5 *984 February and March, value. ~.5 22 84 arch and April, buyers..,^..,.. 52484 April and May, buy *rs,.~...~...„~.. 5 2784 nbw Yoax, ScpL 9, noon—tioitou steady; sales 1293; tulddUng uplands 10; mlddllLi Orlsans 10*,;. Evening-Cotton, net receipts —; gross 511. Futures closed firm; tales 46 000. The following table snows the opening and storing qnou tiers: and closed 1 higher than yesterday: Sep tember 7»KaS0, October 7fc->i*8t, November 8 *4*82%; No Jred cash 83>* coru opened stronger and closed %a% higher than yester day: cash 41%, September 41)4*45%, October 42%a43%, November 40%a41. Oau opened flriaer and closed higher ihsn yesterday No2 cash September 25Ha*jg, October 25%a •- --led and closed steady: 88.75*8 U2J4, November 88 72walMn. Lard quiet sndelosedstesdy: caAh •a.72^si.25. September 882214 , October 88.22 27%, November firm: drv salted hooldera J 3.90s4 00. short rlbe «5.n%a5AO, clear tides 76 15*6.20. Wnuky nominal alii “ Sugars firm and unchanged: standard A granulated A 7%. OtvciEEATL 8*pt 9—Floor dull: famllj 3.90*4.15, fancy 54 30a* 60. wneat From present indications, if no gfMltr . 5SBfJSSa& SS2 MSlnn. 0: oppositicii is developed, there is excellent r K !5- w A t JJre ** lTe7Bro> ,Mtcoa Ga * proepect that the bill will pass the Mena e. I , , m9m catarrh. , ‘nisocG 1 prescription which com A prominent member of the Hoase as- today to your correspondent that, . If tne bill passes the Senate, it will tro jc.n irlSTli.i lo.th.ome H ihri.UKb the Home without any great oil- iltcr Irjtn* ev.-rr known maadjr ilCUlty. I fffcn, at U»t fouti'l * nreftf rlt>tlo:i H H TO IEVKSTI0AT8. I pletcly cured and saved him from death. Any After some dal... owln. to the nh.i.ele. I ■aff«« from this dteadlnl dUesM Mndlnt.«| placed I.t the lt.rMett mccreile „ , ; to-day hla resolution to Inveallgate e by tbe Georgi* Pacific railroad ol I ch.no Whltkr. , Piobia, September T.-Tbe National Untie, the anffiotlty by .tilrh they ec-1 Deti ocr^t, having Interviewed prominent d that tight, etc. Tbe House con- distillers ana what it vouches for the i delay, owing to th. obstacle. WW.K calling It up. Mr. Xokl}£ Raw ceedcl in getting np in the York, will receive the receipt free of charge. curred la the amendment! made by tbe bottom facta ln regard to tha Western Ex “"“'•notion to Immediately transmit to I SSL 1 - A .“ccl»Uot,, will, ssy tomorrow Tt . n otion to immediately trantmlt (o I .--Xbe Whisky pool. and. ae it U better { h B 'M7 n KLlis C orFmthi 0, 5Sd 0P slf? ,1 w?S’ k,,own to <be Wad*, the Weetern Export SB'S tESC?hu' been’ £ br0lE ' n - A,C ° h '' 1 .•broL™. Alcohol counted ter kgr.tlU pretouc. ol tosl | ^ S coqoitt abont lh. capital for.. veral day., m. We,t it|1 Olio | (»?e7p^f £ on. with apparently a load on hla mind. Aa w , credibly iatocmd that private .. considerably lnvolwd In »b. trono Jd„ aro t7l n y . “TEX? S low a! , to te l.jves.ieated 1. would perhaps ard jl 03 for prMf grilon, thU being hlnv ^round iD tl —hillrn ,h? » toss ol from 3 to 5 cents per proof gallon toVto lh. dlstlfler. We are also inlormrilthst ,T r ir h.rmioov d hU K V h mLV.7 t HL .ih lf tolc contltitin, of which there tesnia to ? » 00 donb *' Price, will go down toJLOOl ga rng rommlTtVe. ^ 7 1 ° Tt,U ' | P« f 8*“°° tor high proof aplrlti. A M.atlng of Fra. Tiad.ia, Catcsoo, ADJUDOID IXIAII. moolhs ago Mr. John Simmons,, promioent firm of Simtuons ] aecrei nmond, was ln Philadelphia Uagno,' *l'h hi. wife on a visit to rolaUves. Ha retary of the Iroqnota Clnb, of this city, ! tcc, .P l . lt ‘^ “ .Invitstlon ^b^the clnb ex- icaoo, giptemb.r 7.—II. II. Hawker, tarv of the American >'ree Trade ue, hsi a idreeied a letter to the eec- y of the Iroeptols Club, c,f this city, ptiLg an invitation by the dob ex- . . - — . . . . io the league to hold its next an* • -ht Ihaf hi. mind' but sustained a gray, nu.l coof^ce fi thl. city. Mr. B.wk.r »biv-k Upon hla relnra tp this city last names Novamber 18th and 19th aa the we. k hla family and friends reached the dates for holding the cooventlon, and re- ant conclusion tbat bis mind was se- flmsly aflectad, and resclve.1 n.iulirg him to MlUedgeville, the hope that Immediate treatment and proper medical care would restore him. There was ah-utog before the ordinary to-day on a writ of tun and Mr. bimmons was adjudged Ini aide decree made that be M sent to the »ylum. Mr. Himnons will be eccompe- - ' * *.l. f.likf., i —if- a .si • d*-l l«s 1 by his faithful wife, and ail expenses --- *<1 by the family. It hts been i thhi the mother of the unfortunate ie<§ io a lanatic asylum. LU< or young Raltinf open; th. M.tr, , K ,lit lu "OhjsUo." miou.o-ftged men Ws season October 38, at i opera house, New York, (jnesta tha Ir.quola Clnb lo appoint a local committee of arrangemen'i to actio con cert wlUt representatives from all poliUeal parties ballevine In the doctrines of lie. trade. Iter. Henry Ward Beecher and other prominent tree trada advocates have promised to attend this conference. Nervous Debilitated Man Yon era allowed a free trial of thirty days of the nae of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt with electric sue penury rpplianerr, for Urn speedy relief aud permanaotenraot nervousness debility, lem of vitality and manhood, and til kindred trcnbiei Also, for maty other dlaeaaes. Coro ‘ , vigor and manh steady Mart ( — firm; common auu light 83.76a4.7J, »»*teln* and botchers’ R2i*4 80. Wblsxv weak not firm: lepwaWsHNiww. October [ovembet. MM December^ snuarv—... A T9Rt Ml-41 9.528S 9.65-66 Nsw Toex. September 9.—Gotion steady; sales 776: middling uplands 10; middling Orleans 10}£. Consolidated net receipts 8808: exports. Great Britain 1934, to continent 1289 lA'iii! . w iuu Ju-w; upi n gross 3120; sales 1UI: .tack 12,081. Iloie'u, September Uouon easy; -line v.ii net recelpu, 118, grou 118; 8l;Moex 812. wtunawtoa, September »-Cotton steady, mldtimr S,: net raootpta 1M, grou 1M; sales 'dxvxusiir. September O.-r-nnon itevdj —uraime 818-16; net receipt. S’.a), grow JS20; •ale. HO: Mock 18,188. Haw OBuaBi, s-epumbero -rioitan weak; M'd-uine net roe—po MO, rroas «7V sales HO; slock 10.U); exports, ooaMwls. ISO. 0; stock 1867; exports, coastwise to. Man ruts, Hepn-mberO.—svHtooqolat; an- dune 81%; net rwoetpU 288; shipments IS sales 100: Mock 2101. Abacus September o.-nottoo quiet; miamtre,net receipts MS; shipments iiexauurron, September o —cotton firmer; mid mot 8; n»- roonvu. 1010: eroes lots; selee 810; stock 6821; export., coastwise 188A city MARgrrm: den e. omamea-.s-s'.deaeViHHriSionldaro 1)6 KamslC.stl. sxtoslu.1 ‘ ‘ nxxn.-M.rXet quiet au-l tu- Bpvm.—Market Heady and veil stocked; M—frgsr1isMaV8r,aa. y and <rollsto<ke •MtyrltedeeJUM rarodiriTanueasw s.-i: market overatockad with country hethtr- quality poor. corras.—Tho market la qolet and stead; ' do; 1 UKalJo; media choice U'slfii a-.vt 11J, .‘.Ttraairs—Ji80x3.(i) per hhl. None In market Oaioxr.—Yellow and rea tx.ut.uca pm sat. Kona In market. Wxx-li to 210.1 Baxlic—Oaf, market firm: Cwx fa Ugh* goad aalffiag ate; 78a by jaxMOm/Sr. small leu; mixed earn 51 Os-j—good at- Mod sad hffikori wa (Mr WaMM | Omngla nut-praaf *; lams ram-proof 82aHc. f SM D, ?F.5?5 0, *3Wi T D Y WJWfetS class K. IN THK ACADEMY OFMCSIC. i pnrk opened : family l*MOW|^A No i red Winter,nsw 87*88, Corn firmer: «i mixed 4674. Oats firm: No 9 mixed 26*27. Pork dnll al 19.37)4. Lanl quiet: prime •*»-«« 86 20. oulk Uumi- quiet: »oooM*r* (3.62H* s.65, short ribs <6.80 «udvt clear 16.10. ■ t: shoulder* 44-25 snort ribs 8650, short r 16.75. Ham*—snssr-enre t quiet and dy at 112X0 ftngar firm and uucbanxvl t (refined) 7il7J4. Hew Om«m« > 1*6 ava» ; common auu light 83.76a4.7J, •-'otlni THE YEftR OF JUBlLEt At 8 p:r cent, per annnm. Apply to LLIOTT ESTES, 144 Seconi 8treet, A8F*CAPITAL PRIZE. S7B.OOO."Wh We will mail a Nickel-Silver Waterbuiy Watch of the style represented lnthecutbe- low to any one who *illseud us a club of ten nkw subscribers to the Weekly Telobath and Messenger at one dollar each. ThU will GEORGIA. 1 enable each subscriber to secure tbe paper at the lowest club rate, and tt tbe came time compensate tbe club agent for his troub'e. £9»Only new subscribers - tbat Is, thote whose names are not now and have not been liSL. “The Waierbury.” O^mmluioners. ORLEANS. TUESDAY, O3T0BER ’ 13th, Itf*«»l85th Monthly drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE. 870.000. 100.000 Tickets nt Five Dollars Each. Fraotion* in Fifths In Prooortlon. list of mm, 1 CAPITAL PRIZE., All Civa ion Happy, and BuyinaPil anos and Organs. Unniua'lr K-tey fnstulltuent. T« r& , >-.,l Uffitran by I.mldtn ,v Bate,’ ‘ 1 I Southern Mu*lc Ron,, Savannah, Gt. ’ A Sqnsra Talk with Putchuvr, nul Ing Speclff Inln-matlou About OurNt-WKi.dEjtu Method. Ol I'e'Mtig Piat o, and Orgsng. “It’s a Long Time Between Drinks; 1 80 remarked the Governor al Ronih r., ollMtolbu Governor of North cKS many years eg... before the 1.^5 ave bad .wept urn tbvFooth. H e , - ? t cony.ttlon,. ably apote htv boot »o we wbtn v, ,a' IT’a A 1.0 G TIM Is BK CWKKN oion And 10 tbia tfce thoueand. cl [in -v "breed wlttneia" in site South „hTm waiting until the n.xt crop I. gsrumd hL foretbev bnv Pianos atd Organs iu pS amen. Bat we tay why Walt, *hm von W.nTo/?,* Uth VaJ t " JU ' a " I'lANO.v $25 OAbH AM) fin MONTHLY OHQ ANS.filO CASH AND fh MONTHLY* Why, It', almost » s'nto tlvpnfo yoor.' self and fsmily ofan iLatrutuent vtbrnot! ran ballad 80 esa ly. And to tbowalo c.nnot mrct monthly lusitliu.Ui wee' Her Ih.sePptC'.lsnmnitr term.; ’ PfANOd. 850 0AHH AND HAL. NOV 1 OBG..N8.12) CASH AND BaLNoV l ALd 11 crops turn 1 u. poo;, ,0 that who No.eu.hrr 1st comett the entire btlaces cannot b. paid, wo will accv;t one-laltol b, and »«it until Nt.vnuber, 1, ISM lb. otbtrbelf. Now, cume up, buyers. Onr loatrumenli lead tbe world On- prior, are the lownt onr terms lit- easiest, end we oiler tvrrr l> ducement thvt can b* honestly lived cp SKKTHESE 8PKT1AI. 6UMMKKBAE- OAIN.1. FOR $3.50 Only $210 for nu elegant Hose wood Pi ano; large six-; ail iuip'-ovemeuts; sweet ton*-; gu»r*uteed n *ujH»rior anrt aoiab.'s riaao. s housands sold. Bast Piano sold lu .An.enca at thn puce. A new Upright Puuo for oulr $150, oa very easy terms The ^ver-ionedMothoahex Piano,$200, 2 PRIZES OF we will tend the Weekly Txlkosapb awd 875.0U I Mxssenob < one year and one ol iho above de- wqm [ ,cr ^ be<1 »°7 address. Thispropo- izun! ("Blon is open to our subscribers as well as 10,000 those who are not. 10,000 Act TPi-omptly. so,one 1 25,roi The above proposition* will be kept open 2W** I for a limited time only aud parties who wish to take advantage of either should do so at 6,7M I once. l2|%( £9*UnlcM otherwise directed we will send the watchea Dy mall, packi& in a stout paste- b !ppKuoM“?ro^lta?iutoii«^“h«mM, *»«d box. and our rropoualblllty for them ooJy to ttTofflw o* m ecompiiStnN cwo. will end whan they are deposited lath* post * office They can be registered for ten cent* $325, $350. The ui4gulficent Chlckartne I’iino, the i OOO h** 1 to uio. $125, $5U0~to$L,*OCO Only $05 for a beaatiful Parlor or < hatch O/Khii ; solid watuut cate, with hi/;h top of rich design; 4 seta Keeds, 10 g^auiss •tops. Greatest bargain ever ctTsmt. The iticumparade M <s >n & Hamlin Or gans, float $21 up io $75J. Rented anul paid for. Nearly tbiee years given for payment. 800..... nary let* *5 and upward* at onr oxfionaei. addressed A*, a.oauphih. New Orleans. La, Make P.0.Money Orders piyable ed. Addreis THE TELEGRAPH AND ME88INGER, Macon. Georgia. Make money orders, checks, etc., payable to U.G.nAN feON. Manner Fine 8tool, Embroidered Cover, Instrao- tor, aod Hook of Matia with Pianos, and Bi-iol, Instructor and Music Booc with Organs. All height paid on bo’.h. Fiftetn days' trial, and we pay freight both ways if instrument don't suit. AND JUST ONE LA.8T WORD. If you are thinking of buying an instre- msnt. write us, and we wib mnle terms to suit your convenient. Ask tt Hummer Terms, 1885. Mention this advertisement Rod paper. and address Registered Letters to THE SCIENCE OF LIFE. GNLYS1 HEW ORLEAN* NATIONAL EA*» , 1 _ _ Raw Orleans. La. OR LOUI8UNA NATIONAL BANK, Naw Orleans, Ln., STATE NATIONAL BANK, N*w OrUans, La, GERMANIA NATIONsL BANK, sat wedaw New %i By Mall Post-Poid SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE, BAVANNAH, OKOBUIA Wherrof hu> wTlTnltuan'baa .pplUfi' r UT_ •mptlonof Mrsonalty aud setting apart and valuation of nomestead. I will paaa upon the •ame on the 5th day of October next at 10 o’clock a. m. This (September 7ib. 1885. GEORGE L. SAWYER, sepllw4t* Ordinary. Tbe Great Wholesale Plano and Organ Dtq»ot of the 8 ,oih . tss restoration to ...... I _ _... (aaranttftL No ri.'s fi faenrrod. l!Jo»-1IroaEjaH Iratt-l pamphlet, »llh fall InfurautinD, SCTs.-Tarra.ona aUaaofia22ev<( tt;Pric Urns, ate. maikd fro. by add main* Vol- ' — P-P 1 « *-r-i 2<ci ffrucb watanta I8^8c. txlc Belt Company, Marrc.ll, Micb. I 1 “* Louisville, September 9 -Grain Wheat -No 2 Lous berry 92; No 2 red 89. VMM —No 2 mixed 45. No 2 white 47. uate - Mo 2mtxed2u^. Pxovialon# stvsdy. Bacon-olwu irlbe t6.40, dear sides i6 no, shouM^rs T4.ro Snlk meats -dear rib Bides 15.95, clear Istdes <8.10. sboolders 14.00. Fork-mMsI nominal at |10 25 Hum*—Bugsr cnrM 110.50s 11.00. Lard qulet-Choloe leaf $8.74 prlmv steam 17.00. 8t, Louis, September 9 —Flour unchanged! family sx.&o«x.C6 Wheat opened excited and I closed lKalH hlfber than yt-sterdayaroMj red oaaL 8a*M, tteptsmber 87V;«t»7^. d 88J4*9.^;. ton higher and closw IrmHH mixed cash 41a42& 8«reember 40^. Uctiber 39J4. Oats higher and closed slow: wok mixed caan 24*':r4, September li\. Provutous easlor. Pork |9.40a9.t0. Baix ccau-i^n* I uea/16.71. short m» 90 short dear 16 io I Itterwn—tong clear 16 X5*6.23, shn-» ribs *0 451 [afl te, short elesr 88.16. Hams quiet at I10.UU J2XO Lard steady: small lota 18.2$ bid J | Whisky steady at i* NSW Yoax, Beptember 9 — Floor—HouthernI steady: uommuato fwx exirec.iuit co. good lo I "TO lixir* $4.16*8.40. wheat spat la l 1 ; l.Jrfhi-r: uu^mded sprlogSIHaM,nngraded lr.fi 7i7aSJ, Sol red *p«t 91^, Beptemba* 909£al vi. ooru. spot >;aV4 higher: ungraded red 49^ 1*51, do white U); soared 49 *a49K elevator, September Oats.spoi ^alJ-S higher; i.io 3 mixed -v: a . Hops dull and nominal lacw 20*25. f*u u> chntri* 7*15 Coffee, spot I fair Rio quiet at *8 50o682K, No 7 ElO spet te 90. September $6 7o*6.W. eager quiet and firm: barbadoee 594. centrifugal 8&£ Be k'rotx Ban Domingo 4'i. french islands 5'L Demarara 4J4, Martimqne 5, Antigua 4M, Brazil 494, Pcrnsmbnoo 5, Kngiisb La land* Mu»onvsdn 5 7 16, Porto BlOO $Vi moiaMCk «ugar4MealVi fair to soo.1 remting 67Ua59-lf; refined firm-0 894*58^ exu» UmMK whit, exua O yallow Iff A ty„ aoubl A lUJixt * nniecuvusra’ A fit eroilud :!;, fT’i powdered A »‘ 4 *7. -rsnulau.. RHHHw* <9* Molassse duU and nominal: Law Orleans «m52, uubai«Heat. rcholng) ns. Rice steady: domesuo iK*i, reugoun 4K. . ou >u seed oil steady at WaSS: crude 37* [Pork steady: me**, spot 810.W. Middles dull: long clear (600. LaM opened 2 points lower and closed weak: Western steam spot •8JC*4.te>, Beptember 86 4$. Freights to Liver- Lori per steamer firm: cotton 7Cld, wheat [ , SepMafecr 6*4Rw steady: Howard street auu n eateru icK-rfine 8A00 • 3.40, extra 83^>0aL10. family $L25*5.00. Ch«| Mill* «Bptrr.... /:<•• v. -I'.:* f1.88Ri.001 Uto brands 44i0stii, Paupeeo family 86J5.1 ■nperlativo patent I6A0. Whoat-Soathe:n firmer; Western higher and easy: Southern red 89*91, do amber 96*98, No 1 Maryland 9884 bid. No 2 Western winter rsd spot 1. Corn—Southern white higher and active: Webern' ’ " “ - do yellow 52*38. NXWORLRAXR, September t—rionr steady:! family U5C«3.75, rign grades $5.25aV.4, Corn firm and quiet: mixed 64; yellow tt, white72. OauQuiet: prime Western 44. llaj acaroe and steady: prime fl6J)0*l7.00, cholcv 113.50. Pork steady and unchanged at $17.71. Ixrd quiet: tierces (refined) 17X0, keg I7.SC Balk meaU qnlet and nnchanged: shooM d«jrs, p*cked, 17J794. long clear 19.70, clear rib 18.70. Baoon qolet and nnchanged: shonldexs $*.uo, I5n< clear 810J5, clear rib sides 110.25. Ham»-<.aoIce»nf*r<a!«jd quiet: I choice canvassed flX50al8.7a Whisky steady harEMftsWei; Western rectified 4L06 to ti.25. Coffee steady: itio rcargoes) common U pritic «:,*/ dull; common te good MHM ftg*68ft rtiee yiihrw ftaaftedi 68C MoUmaiiifelimihftttftttghftMi j«O„.an..Lto|0fl|f THYSELF, K Gnat MeJral W ik on Hiabed, Exhausted Vitality, Nervous aud Physical Debility, Premature Decline lu Man. Errors of Youth, and the uutold nsUcrics resulting from indiscretion or excesses. y ,,IM,k for every man, yonng, mtddloaK< <1 n#l old. It contAlns 125 prescription* for all acute and chronic dl*- *ases. each one of which Is Invaluable. Bo found by the Author, whose experience for never Nolle j Stock and Fence Law. OIOROfA, JONES COUNTY.—Notice Is I tatofi Vv lha iutbor. wkoaa aaparinea bar.by Riven that a petition for itaca law for Iw-utj thre. jaar. 1, lueh M proUblr a< walu'a, tna361MO. M.dlMrtet IJonea conutv, before tall to the lot of anj phjalcUn. Oa., I. noir ot file In this oSlco with tha ru- paces, bound tn beautiful French niualiu, em- qutred number of names, and unleu some I i>^«*cd covers, fall gilt, guaranteed to be k ro'mI cause be shown to the contrary an order finer work in every sense—mechanical, liter- for the election on tha fence question will be and professional—than any other work granted on the 29th day ot this mo.lh. Take | ■old J“ ^6.552?®.J°L ^ BcteQy. R. T. R038, Ordinary. notice. Witness my hand oOclalP sepltwtt will be refunded ln every instance. Price only fl by mail, post-paid: Illustrative samuln 6 ‘ 1 . r* 1.1 cents. Bend now. Gold me<’&l awa: author by tho National Medical Asaoci GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY —Wbtroaa, John I tha PrcMentoljahlch, the lion. I>, A."K1' E. Jonas, admlulxtrator of tho cute andaMocIata officers of tho Board the of J.i-I- Solder, has made application for let-11. rc«peclfully referred, ter. ot dUmluton from sail o.txto. ThaSelrncoof 1-Ifo thould he read tythc Thia fa to clto and admoulih all peraon. yoanfi for lu.trni linn, and by tho aimcledfor concerned to b. andappe«r at the court ol or- relief. It will benefit ML—London Lancet, dlnxryol said county ou the first Monday In There la no member of society to whom the Octohernextto ihow cauac, It any they can, Science of Life will not b. awful, whether why aald apolteauon xhonld not ho aixnted. youth, parent, miardlan, lattructor or olaigy wiinroa my hand and offlcial ilaoauua Man.-arfonauL hu July a, lisi, J. A. MeSJANUS, Addreia the Peabody Medical Instltut. ]jtUw3m- Ordinary. Dr. W. H. Parker, No, 4 Bntanch Hr. ct, Doii- ton, Maxa., who may he cotuolted on alMto Victor A Co. et ai va. Petrnon, Oliver A Co. I ea*o« requiring ,klu and ,xpnf.nc«. Cl, 7a7H.<nbei7 I _ ; reqnlrio, .kill aod MMja _ k Ca, Ura. Marxarot A Oliver, and ohillnaio rtliiom that have baOlcdl , et al—Ii.ll In Kqnliy—Bibb I aktll of all other phytidana tirDiT < rt, April Term, 18KV lelalty. Bach treated anccws II TiA life K. M. Oliver A Ca, Mrs. Ctuu. J. Allen, et al.—B Superior court, April Term, 1H&. It aopoarinr to tho court that Mra. Kanuot wlihoutanlnriaticeotfalinVLrVQTr' I IA A. Oliver andChu. J. Allen, defendants lo M». Mention this ooper. i H. JL olllljL' lha abovo suted cxic,do not realdo In tbe State Stale ol North Carolina: tbat they canno:, NOTICE. indebted tn the estate of H. been served. Berg are liorehv notified tn call at the old *1 Third qnmotlon o! eompl.lnaniC wUMton lt U | ’ rblrd ,ellI e u ‘ c ir ordered by the court ■■ bill be made on the said! cation of this order ln the 1 defendants by pnbll- against tbe sail )-Telror.phandMu- within30dija, wor- r, a newiptper puUl.hedln the city of Maeou, county of Bibb and fitato olUeorfla, oocaamonth for fonr month!, before tha next term ol lha coart. T. J. SIMMONS, J.S.C. Jana JSth, 1U3. A true extract from the mlnutu of Bibb BtJ Clark. P. M. llKIMl. 8. BLUUKNSTF.IK, Execntora of H. Herd, d-.ceased. Macon, tit., August 4., 1885. (dlhkwdw "KfTHORNSisiaiFLESH GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY-Whereex T. Bnrke, admlnlitralor ol tha nut. ol Den Daiy.hu male application for letters of < mission from said estate. Tala la, therefore, toclto and admonlihall persona Interested to ho and appear at the coon of ordinary of laid county on the Brat Th. ii rp*r houttoni ltomaaro-. h.uwM^raUto. An,.., raaw* aad-riMte rwTaWa.- II mad, appllcatton for letters of dla-1 n. j'TSj.V) .. — 1 -— v - ta UUBBABD 11 Hub.. . . Unary of laid county on IL Monday In October next, to ahow eanae, It any they hare, why aald application should not ha Witness my band and oMelal signature this JnlyldUU. J.A-McMANL'H, jytlswtm* Ordinary, NOTICE. LUDDEN A BATES’ 'tialarii and Fever and Ague Positively cubed and thoroughly from tho i>y»r.-m by otifig WBITTXX 8*caaifEETO fipscmc. Contains nothing in- uriona to tha mmi tlcllcUo cons' tuition. It s a splendid tonic for those Buffering from dabll ty, Impoverishment of tho Mood sud los» of appetite. Prepared br a punstfUtof twenty yr*r»’ experience. II not to be had ol tee druggists lu your vicinity send one dollar to tho manufacturer. F. w. wkittxxob^ Hudson, N. Y , nud ho will send you a bottle to any part ol tt\»' country. For ln At- Unta by Jacob s Phtirmttcy aud I.am«r. Ilsn- kln A Lamar. Dr, J, 51, Uiiolmn non, EABTMAN, GEORGIA. Private and chronic diseases a specialty. Hundreds ol certificate* of cures. Will visit adjoining counties. Consultation free. Medi- 5lne by mall or express. janaiwly H *H« BEST IS CHEAPEST. mm. (JjflJSHERS 51 1 Clour HA81T I'H. H.H. KiVK , n ';cw:3 T0«™ HEN 0 tiood. Me. I will ■Vrwf*. t. C. tOWl.UC Mo< utThi$Out^tii;viS Nvvd>MJtmi<lUU. M.YuUn«r > l<3iir.wuwrk:bnC-N.Yo^L EXCELSIOR COOK STOVES M.WIVSSATISFACTOM to this coart Is made that Boale Phllltpe, or phan child of EUa and William Phillips, de ceased, la without a guardian: These are to I a lmonlM) all persons concerned that the guardianship nf tbe person and property ^ro|Af)mtaPfililips will be vested in some ol this c»nnt7 oa th.; first •mnH pi coospeuat person o Monday In October next ualees_ shown to tbe contrary at this office. Witness my h»nd officially. K0LA.NDT.R03S, nu. Mi. Ordinary. Ol $10-150 to every is vaf- REWARD! uab’e information of school vacancies and need*. No trouble or expense. Head stamp Jor circulars. CHICAGO SCHOOL JGE>OY, 185 rowth Clark Blraet, Chicago, I1L N.B.-fjjm want all kladt of Teachers for schriois an families. «j2Jwly GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY-By virtu "i* power vetted In me bv a mortgage ptottbyMPly HumbI ttri‘ y, 1864.1 • the ltth d Pehriury, UN, 1 win. rn the flr*iTuc«d*y tu October next, before the court lions** door lu the city of Macon, cxp:s* to public sale to the highest bidder lor cash the following de scribed lands, to-wlt: Fifty-five (56 seres more or letsol lot of land number sixiy-threc (83) tn tile third district Of orlglnAUy Ht.u«ton, now Crawford county, being the place ou which the said Mitly Thurmond now reaides. :~s!d land sold ln default of the sum* due on said morlg* «. tc wit, $18 h2 principal, beside* Interest ondlld attorney’s f8< «. for the benefit of Coleman A Newsom.'he ben.-fl'-Urle* mere In. ROBT. COLKMAN. Eurvlvlng Partner of the late flrmol < o'.vr. *u AtKessom. sepdiu.wft ARDINARY’8 Georgia. A*jj after <*.*-•) I win ary of Jones soon the Ur.'!*».« oi l- gtO'-ute of , late of ialdconnty.de* »»od. JAMES JAM54 Adu EIGHTEEN SIZES AND KINDS ALL PURCHASERS CAH BE SUITED Isaac LSheppard & Co.,Baltimore,Mi AND FOU HALF. BY WALTER T. JOHN" junfi i )N, Agent, Macon, Ga.