Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, September 18, 1885, Image 8

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TITR TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER: FRIDAY. SEPT 4MBS.R 18. 1885. f'OKTINCFD PKOM FTMT PA«I, Mr. bujo oppc»*d tba b'U ID ills Iren- chant, po» ularsly'e. Mr. Middlebrooka supported bis bill in an earnest speech. Mr. Tftf opposed I he bill became the] people hud not aiktd for aco* attialional con\ en'ion. Mr. H ircleman opposed the VII because th*» present com-ti'ution could be more eaiily amended than any preceding coi btiimlon. PnvWwa con*titutioDa were tm*r ded, although the process was more difficult. Mr. Rawill, of Clarke, favored a conven- veil- t), because Georgia'* growth de manded a more elastic constitution. It can be safely le't to the people to decide whether they want one or rot. Mr. Harris moved that debate close at 4 gO o'clock. Mr. Wheeler moved to recommend that tli»* bill do mt p*s« Mr. Rmfitll.of Harris, moved to adopt the amendment of Mr. Gantiu. Mr. Watkins, of Gilmer, oppoexi the amendment brcanse it w«-nld enter i^jo politics and damage the D>mocratm pany The amendment waa nUcted.by jtas£3 nate CO Mr. Turner, of Troup, offered an arm r d- ment limiting the del* gat a from each dis trict to eight insttai ot li t-m He sup- I or led the smti.dniei t in a b*ief hot pointed ipeccb. Th«* amendment was re jected. Mr. Prlrgle offered an amendment pro Tiding for 175 members, each com ty being ent)t e i to tne same number of repre ent. tiv#*- **- are in the General Assembly, lb- amendment was rejected. Mr. (Jaati i ll-rm an amendment making the rew< sMitition one from each district, was r* iected. Mr. Tarver moved to amend by making the repre*eolation five from each dUtrlet. which was rejected. Mr Russel), of Harris, moved that the committee rife at d recommend the bil* ••do past.” Lo>t- Yeas M, nays 80. The n otion to reoomme d that it do not pass prevailed, and the committee rose, the reoort was agreed »0 and the bill lost. The House then adjourned. THE fi BORO I A PACIFIC MATTER. TDK Cf MMUTER BI015S WORK PXOSPKCTS OF PAHt AGK OP TUE RAILROAD BILte“*llOTXB Tklkokaph Bureau, 17H Peachtebb 8t , Atlanta, September 16 1885. The first step by the ccmmitte, appoint' ed to investigate the me of tbe right of way of the Western and Atlantic by tbe Gsorgla P*c fic railway was taken day. I mmediately alter tbe adjournment of the legislature this morning tbe com mittee was called together and a prelmi nary mee'ing hid. After organizing, a sub committee was appointed charged with 'he duty of ascertaining and report ing a'1 the facts connected with the mat ter aud pertii.ent to the investigation, whether of record or not of record. While it would not perhaps be proper to publish at this time tbe names of tbe sub com mittee, it is gratifying to know that it 19 composed of gentlemen of high stand ng in the Legisla ture, who will make a thorough, »c*rcb. ing, hone-t investigation ot the matters Buhmlt'ed to them. ')hn importance of the subjec t demands a rigid luvra'igAtion, to the end that all tbe facts of tbe tranaao- tfon may be made known to the people of Georgia, and such jastice be acc n upo < fin%l fovestleaiiou and r«port may Mem proper. Tnereis an impression that the mvestigailon will be of great public in- t rest, and b'fng to light feet* M berto un known or bn* vaguely understood, Ii will pnbably be some d«ya yet before tbe sub coiLiMttte will be able to make a report. CONDITION or TOE WAILBOAD COMMISSION BILL. After an all day ducuarion on the com mission bill the speech makers be came eiheusfcd a few minutes be fore 5 o'cmik when tbe gerora) interest percept'bly quickened. The friends of the bill railed mr a vote on the McBride amendment hot the opposition did not de sire a vote and u.gaged In a little filibus ter ii g ’o stave it. They a on gave this up and i he vote waa taken. Tbe enter dmenl was de'eaied by a vote of 10 to 20 Tbe MARKET REPORTS. STOCKS AS D BONDS. I Local Market by J. W. Lockett, Broker.] RATS ROADS. EM. «tttaO ta. cl list, Jan. and July coupon* -• < l A Hu fi«, IS*, Feb. and Aut. oouponi.li 0 •a. 7a, IS*. January and July ooc- ••.Hw.w..; fum.ui.il, <unu»»u«> mmu ■ pr;r, mortgage w, * a. b. t u o the negro being deprived of hi* right* In I '*■ £ fitoiJS?25/nIyeKSraa:.l:V* i 1H the 8outb. Bring pt ac ably disposed, the | orrv torn*, people said nothin* to him and allowed him 4*oon to,, quartern '2# *JL avannah5s,qaar;?rItcoupoui M .. 90 *0% olumbua6, quarterly coupmu.... 90 *• taking A MISGUIDED YANKEE. Finds Northern 'dt-as of Cufffo'a Status nt > ho South V-iv BSPMIfilf** Not many moons ago, a Northener named Doollog dropped down from the land of icy vinda in'otbeqnlet litle town of Joneaboro. Be took took up bis residence there and they not only particularly in what he aatd Fish. IMSpI markon 1, OH Ji* H 12 to ezpreaa h'muM freely. It happened »oire time since that while | 6«,quarterly boupona....... . 0 “*‘ w *“ "* *■ w “ ugustasa . . air ng wl«h hlk bora*? and buff', he collided with the w*«*-n of a mgro nuinrd Mo«e W ether Dooii g or • waa entitled t» the road, • ur inform - nt did not learn, bon he evident e dlaclosea tbe fact that wht-u thf »moke waa cleared away from the wre.*t uue buggy wheel waa dem«.l- l-ht*d Daoling claim ed -noihrr wuet-1 and M ae kearrhe i the uelabbo* hood for one, but failed to fiud it Dunn - hi* aba t>c*i Do liua batched a plan h» whl h he Wi.nld he retm- bui»ed for nia •»•*. and wbeu he returned the tnau from th- North lt-vete<r hi* pistol at the m groand told bun to *ahu"k hi* c tat," 1 be COat*bU«-k«d. the v*at came off uuder tbe same toaxlug mfiueucea and three were transferred t the biug of Do<d bg. who told fie negro to meet him in Jonei* oro on tr e following day a»d bilng money enough to pay for the damage to the wheel l be two M-p-trated. Loth vehicles limping. The mat day M-te w ilu Joiuaboro accord ing topromi-e with money t-i pa f-r tbe breaen wheel, bu* D<oliog failed to>li vealevan Famals Collets hoodf MM .i;3H f* H sailboad bo rut, uiaatfc and OuiX lit mortase*. 1*017, January and July ooopow.. JJ5 J utral R. R. oonaol. mort.. 7s, 1*1, tan. and JulyjaoupouaUt I orala R. R. 6s, matarity 1W7 U> <70, January and July ooc pons... 160 Cottle and .-Girard endorsed I per rent 2d szorrzfgo, due 1*2....... :rc Coot. A Ro. end. 6s,. 1st mort. dtte 17 o, January and July eoopons.. 1 VA h 4H eat Ala. Is, 1st taort., due 1W, April asd October coupons..— luS eak Ala. 8a. 2d mort., due 1190. 1. „ nd October coupons ^.^ ill ortbr-aatern end. 7l lrt mort., dec ««« Wi* -n- coupona..^, lot. A Rome, end. by O. R. K ~.JC0J4 101H IAU.KUAO STOCKS oguaia and sav.7a. guaianteeC.. 117 lontral ex-dividend^..^—0 h.—New crop, No. 1, bbla.. I12.UU, nail quarter bbls. W.25; klu"0c: No. t onl, bula. 18.00, naif bbla. 14,00. quar ter hole. Kttt, kits 60. UiDte, woou »TO.—Hidse-reoelpU Ught; lty flint 8h12; salted ma10. Wool nominal: un washed !Oil8c; wifhod 20t25o; berry 6al0c. Wax IWAic. Tallow fio. Oxl».—market firm aud in good dmrul: tig- nalbOaeCc: West Virginia black 17o: lard oil 70c; cotton soed 60; headlight 17aJOo; kcr-neue i6o; neatafool 78e; machinery ttAiOt; liuaiod ttaTle; mineral aaal «8c; cotton seed rrflrod | C, flAX!)WAEE.—Market firm. Hcraeshoes 6M\ , er keg. Mnle rhoca M.GU. Iron bound ham*. t3.&Oa«3o. Trace chain* toaSOc per pair. Amo* ■Brels 1.0.00 dot dot. Plow hors 4nftc >h- ■^Haixnau'a plowstocks fi.,00 Axes F7.0us konperdoL Cotton cards RAG. «Vellhm*kct» 14.40 Cctton rope 16a2Dc per lb. Pwodelroi per a. refined per Or. Plow ' wTb. Kalla I2.4d— bar-fso! 10-d. Power i/cvl Sr per — —, , tentralcertificates...... Move probably UM.k npth-Idea th*t Dooliug ^nthwestorn Ta,ruara«teed,ex-dlv.;4 ba i w ongfully dl*po»s-aaed him of bis coat I teorgla itAi!ro?dox-dtTtdend 1R0 aud veat, and aa the gr-nd jury of C aft. .u I faoun (4a« Light and Water *rtoek. 9J count? was In *e**ton he went before them [ House «ou>k.. a d laid bare the facts of the collision- Doo ling «#■ lhdlcaPd or r. bbery ne waa ar rested and tried at the r cent term of tbe court aud couvlcted on Kata* ay aud seutenc- td t*» t*o years in the penitentiary. The case excited no little Interest In the county for the reason that tne opinions *• to thu status of tbe negro lti t e Hout • a* t orrent in the North are Juat now demanding atten tlon. to r. Dooii * g in bit new position,«111 pnhape. bavt> auotber pn.se of the utgro to study and comment upon. anler House BY Tf LBGBAFH. •w Toez, oepiembcr 16 -Noon—Bl:^ 1 _ steady. oc»*> easy all. *• •• # »anre, lota 484. taort 4S6. »♦••• neglected. 9ovr- ,roi bunds doll bnt firm, evening.—Rxoaan« w H.b3 kfoaev 1H- !«a k oou- onr- era*>tte« are dud but firm; • I5J9< 3 percents 03H bond* neglected, rne following were tne dosing quoudons: la. mate bouda- :iaaa A,2to5 M r-^ Glass B, 6a.. 104 foorgla Cl 102 II 7a, mortgage, lot ftail'ond Connecdona for Entonton. Captain J. B. Reese, editor of the Georgia Chronicle published at Eatonton, talked rail road to a Telegraph reporter, last night. . -*I dou’t know," h, ..Id, -‘ih.tlhe people of ^SUm cnB. 109'< Eat on von are fully alive to Ueii lute'eata In | •‘enneaaee 6a -8Vi tbe matter of railroad connectionL The town | need* another ontlet, and it looks now as if ft i h< ffSnd Ohtet '*4 Alch. A W. P. T.. 80 oat bet sally oMaioed." I Ihloago A North. 97f “In what wayT” a*ked the reporter. I do. preferred... 126! “Two lines are projected.»o h of which will I j R nrt r A Rio G.. 12’ fltf **— “* 1 ‘ ?he Covington a**d Marou will ia*a through I 'aat Tann. R. R., staufordrill**, Putnam c unty, and tbe Geor-1 xge Shore...»^ vu S a Mldlard. if It he built to Athens, will pass ^ulst. A Nash.* 45K rough Hearnvllle. in t e aamecouuty Tmo I <omph!iA Char. 33 former place ii about fifteen nt es from Ea tonton, and th* lat er U about six. It would *be au easy matter to build a road to Hearn- “Do yon think your people will build It?” 1 think they will. .They will be forced to *oMle A Ohk- 12" ••ash. A Ohal^. 45 N. O. l*aa. Isu. . 68 W. Y. Central... 97’ Norfk. A W. pr*i W Nor. Pac. oom^- 2 •’ M pref.... 47-; Pacific Maii._... 4->> Heading W Richmond AAl.. 40011 Island.^. . ■n. Paul do. praf.M^. '*exas PaclCi... ulon Pacific... vabash Pacific.. rapt do. pral.M *. l». Tatovr do a . ", 7* ' nir urui»uu, m nuiuwi. uvuu umuiuii o ww, *1 with those Of Macon, and we would like I «v- *trlrt low mMdln* low o be more closely connected with the city ®«ddllof 8!*, strict low mlddtog 8K, low .f a road is built m either the t ovlngton ai d middling 8vg; strict good ordinary 8%\ good Macou < r to tbe Georgia Midland. Macon will ordinary 8& receive much of the cotton which now g- ea IUITm -.w r - from Eatonton to Savannah ” . *“!, “ ^ “ r0KT * i apUln Rteaeaald that some of tbe Eatonton I Received to^Say oy nu ...~~.... . tfifi .pople do not believe that the Georgia Midi nd I ' . . wagon 390 wlli bebmlt Heaieoaalo thatMimeot them I ' previously..™...™,..... 4,181 entertain doubu a* to tbe Covington and Ut dtock on hand Peptemher 1,1884— 668-6,298 con As to the f«-rtoer road, the deubis may I aoiFMiina MS-J5WI Tha U'-tieo Stntea Court. I Stock on hand... l, r .Cl Unfed States District Attorney 8. A. Darnell I by txlxoeafii. bu been In Ibe ritj for th. pul few d T». »»t- untnoi. September i«, noon.—Cotton Ur, cue. for trial In lb. Cnlttd eutn Court, itudr, fair demind middllti.nplud. 5 7-10. Tb. next term will beilnontb. 6th of Octo- SfeiHSrtSSf’aoof-iESi: her. (can 0. Futures ate dy. The dockets u arranged so far show two I September...^.. Important clTtl cue*, fonr po,tnfflc. «»«. two pension frauds c»ses, three perjury cssei November and December, aud twenty internal revenue cases. I Decemberand January...... The net important criminal cue to b. tried J^bKIw ud’lluSu^ Hen.If n eri-Kl to b« utUfled with tbe vote >nd x'joarped. It la tboniint a final .Ole can ba reached to-morrow. The a'r.rgtti indicaleo be th. Tote tbla after- to >n nliowt that tbe bill ll In need of three vote, toiuslt, endtbea. the friend, of th, bill think will be forlbcomloR et tbe pr»|>fi t tin>f. Hie, claim ■ duappoinl- meat In twoToteawUcb ib.jexptcted to be ca.i (or th. bill, but which were cut ■Xhimhi li. Tho fate of the bill la yet la e elate of doubt, bottle frleuda are hopeful. roe uMaeua.^Hg^^a lion. J. 0. Parka, of Dawenn, an ,x{ Ben.ior, was ?• ported lut n'ghtty yoor corre-.pl>' < cn- aa f»Tlt>, wltburawn from the rut > for file', librarian. He atetMl to me I<) tlav ihat the report wuooi reel. H, iu.de up l-in raied >ereral days ago that the -alery ol thaifflce w.a small and its dutie. ..nerou., and u wuulo nut be to bit interest to moT. bia t-iudy here, eteo III the «i |>oit tniml Bo^n-d be tendered. He u tncn.edbera eacne nftba ueiitant .tcret.rn ■ ol the 8 n«tr, b-.t upon tba ad- jourumenti of tbe Ltalelature, will return to llaweoi and enter Upon the eclWe prac tice of isw in partnership wlitr Senator Hcyle. bte«t,r.. George D. Torpid and James H. Campbell, of Uscon, were in the city to day, ml were extended the naual [ratals tlT, colir f -1efl. Col. Ko Hichaid-on, Ihe well known cot ton planter, ol Uluiulipi, weetnibeouy today. ■ Hu.t for |inooodani.gf« waa filed lo-day .g.iii.t the Erenii g Journal by one Ltnd ..y, lor .u nlltgtd nb-lona publication to baiurdny '. la>na. The prupnetvra claim to ih> not -1. m. d. II I >. WUt, a freight conductor on tbe « r>t l’.iint, w»a ar».lg-ed betote tbe re corder to n y on tbe chatge of Immoral ronet ft and public indecency and fined tin-. He g.T.bini SLd appealed. Tin- police detmUiiiuit w.a Inspected to- d.v for the new winter nullorma. The (r end. ol the Kailroad CommUalon b'll claim to-nigbt, II .bunt Heoanir. get here, they will euiiy pua It in-morrow. Ihe ' n-tro e committee o' tne Hooude ht Pi reportlavorauly ih. geo- l.g ' aUb.ll. Hu If they do not, K.ionton'i trade w-ll COTTON. TDX LOC.X. MPRKET. V Macok September 16 -Rrenlnt. Tbe local cotton market cloeed iteady with THE YEARJF JUBILEE. All Crea’ion Happy, and Buying PI* anos and Organs. Unusually Easy Installment Terms Now Offered by Ludden A Bates' Bouthem Music Honse, Savannah, Ga. Jpcrxeg. Blasting powder 1275, Uad ft. Drop ahot tl.6s per haa. BaVhart wi RAiawL—Fair demand; market steady; ne* layers 12.50 pc?.- box; new London layer* W.7i ' ‘ we mcacatols 6J.CO . Rye 6L60a&.b0. noarbon fl.60a6.i» r.xllf tilled rye and corn flal.30. gin aud rui* tl.05al.75. K 0 ooru 11.60, peach and api- v brandy Jl.0Ca2.75. cauwba wine J! 26, port an •herry wine Il.25a3.t5, cherry and aluae brandy 20catl.V>. French brandy 13.25af .75. d-'- nmetin hratidT HiialflT LimlOalcinid PLASTBB AWDClMXjrr.-Ai. oama lump lime ii is fair demand, and la ati. ing at 8L16aL26 per hbl; fHorela H9M.F Calcined plaster f3.7bAi.03 per bbT; hair 40a50c Georgia cement 62.00; Lou'.svUle and Konee dale cement 87.90a3.se: Portland cement fi*.?*- 44)0. flALT.— 1 The demand li moderate and in* jarkot steady; large ato-.k; Virginia |1»l.v Urerpcol II; by car load ihece prlisesovn h* iABoiNxs.—Qnancr hoxea Amorlcas !6.00 imported fis.50. Hat.—Tho market higher; good demand; w» move av wua'eaLe: Y/eatorn timothy 61.96 tmall lota Sl&J LtMoss.—Higher; gs-Td demandi /leoaie *5 75a7.00. dKKD Potatoxs.—Kaateru stock *2.75 pei m£ 3ybuf.—Earxet bare of Florida and Georgia •/rips; New York sugar S0a40o; New Orleani MuLM.—About sever oar loads in me os cet: trade artlTe; 81uoa30T Hoxsn.—There are very few honee in m Voai* Bn?.—Oodked, 1ft 62.0}; 2 fta *6.00. Floul—8troug aud to cooo ueraano. Mar ket advancing. Wo quota: Common 64.50 amlly 65425. axtr* , air>Py I5.0ifc5.50 fane: tf J0n6.00: eateut H^OlTOO Dry Good#.—The maraul is quiet; Jeman moderate; slooxa ample, v/o quote: 1’rluta 4H v5Hc; H Gcorgta brown al.lntng 6c; % Au. 6Hi 1-4 brown sheeting 6Xc; white onaburga 8 41 to; check* IXWiv; yair.a.Kfcn f»n heai max9* brown drillings eKa^c. Fault.—Ha.ianas, red. 6l.Oral.KO perbnnoh: fallow w.ooafjt/ft. Chbesx.-Marxc: la quiet; demand light; nocks ample. We quote: Full cream 14c tower grades 12alXc Dried piachas—strictly No. 1 peeled 60 |w sound. pickles.—Plum 11.50; quarts 6XV6: ha’-l oar i els. plain and mixed, 67.00. Potatoxa.—demand tor new potato*» at I2.50a8.00 per bhl. Cabbage—3 to 11 cents per head, Rios.—Firm. Good 60; primo 5y,i; isnoy 7c. Starch.—Refined pearl boxes 69; do. 1 n ooxesfto. Ii that of the United States va. V 8. of Crawford cot penaloo noun receipts 2000-Amer- ™A2l-«<j25d4 ......521^1 .......5 19 61 AUH4 619^4 ™. 6 20 Cl „ .. , 52MM Holton, parch and April 5 26-94' bolding 2 r. m.—Rales of American 6300. Futures weak at the upeutug to-day, but develop d strength as tbe session advanced, aud cloaed with a strong bull tone prevail lug. The mar ket was raided ear y In tne day by aome of the big bear*, but after prices had fallen off from laat night's cloring.lt was found th*v very little wheat wasou sale, and the efforts of the "aborts” to cover earned an imncdlaie and tbarp advance of 114 from the 1 wc*t point. Tho market clotcd at the h!gh-| leal prices of tho day. There waa more outside buying aud several K reromln»nt local bulla were noticeable, owing ■> tbe confident way in which they made [larger purchases. It was cited tn«t the re ceipts of both winter and spring wheat were the smallest of the present crop year, while ^Mesoeeded the aggregate receipts j ■nlpmenta < rawford county In w*y, 1884, tbe grand 1 bepiember, ae- lera... .59MM specific charges were, that he withneid pen sfon money, ard that he forged vouch- November and December, nuy ri .618 M n. ard that he forged vouch-1 December and Ianuary.huyera. MM A20 M _ the raso of Mrs Ellz>beih January and February, bmr wJ vo84 Rhurley, widow of a vetoranof thew*rof 1812 I 'ebruaa and March, value....^ 623-84 At the time. Mil Shurlev was more than March and April, sellers...™..... 5 ab-64 nln* ty y*ara old. Holton obtained three sums | April and May, value.™..529414 of mooev one of 8406 67 and two of 624 each 4 f . M.-Futnrea moead dulL 9 n •.K 0, 'W > , u-> wa * » ! t«^ «»« Beptember. aelUr* m .A2l-CI September and October. value™.5 21-4M Tee indict meet was secured at the Instance .Vtober and November, buyers^.* 18 04 of Mra Bburleya belra November and December, selkrs.A 18 C4 The case has be*b n peatedly postponed on timber and January, vaiue^^ 1*^4 Bci unt of Holton a alleged a'c»ue*«; but, al- r« n uary and February, seller* .„. 5 AHH though he refunded the money when threat I February and March, aellen 623 64 entd with suit In a Hlato conn, be will hardly I , rr b and April, value...™.........525-64 escape trial at tbe approaching term. | April and May .value..5 »64 , New York, September 16.-The Evening The Tables Turned. p 0 ai» g cotton article aayr. Future dellverDa On Ifonday night last. Jack Pbllllp^ colored, I to-d.r are quiet, ro-y little btlni ilone. Al waa Ijtns In Ik, twikp-nof Perryman’, bar- tb. .eeond call only 10) b.ka lor January Cotton a,rnn, aa up. H* waa , 0UDI ] , buyer at 0 02, and at the third call 100 awakened by feeling .omebnd,-. flnxen In bt. bale, for January were .old at ».«2 and 100 for coetpitket. Ue wa. not .DtBd.ntly at him-1 uay at 10 0V Bids ware rrfn.ed of 0.U for aelftocaremocb tb.utt.ia malt r.andaoon 8.pt,Bbar.OOCfarOetobar,««forNoT.tnbar, wentio alcep aaaln *• xt m-.i.-Jn. ml.red 1,54 for December, 0 !2 for February. IB for on.dotlaranil Otiy cent., and » Join Black, B colon d. had bri-n alone with hin> to the bar- Mtrc “* 901 ^ or A i’" 1011 room, he »u*peeled the latter ol b*.vUg atolen j Futorea cloaed quiet: October 4 and the bal- “ 7- . . , . . _ I aoce 3 polota higher the yeatarday, September I av BornlDg. the bar-tender at Perry-1 viog teei u ld of Pblilipa't lo^ re-1 nn«naigtd. “■ maw vobk. Sept. 16, noon—<’«ww>n iteady •AIM Cablca quoted firm foreign marketsau-1 It waa citlmated that the amount of wheat all *at for Euro.* would ah^w a very considerable In crease. These facta appeared to encourage tho bull t adcra, and their belief In an advancing market appeared to become ►tr nger. It was rumored that th« Minneapolis Millers' Association bad ad vanccd the price of wheat 2 oents a hu*heL Tne market doe d % higher than yesterday. There was very little animation In tbe tracing in corn and Prices showed llvtlo chante, ex cept September, which declined !$. Th • re ceipts were no* Urge, but the shlppiug demand appeared to be lighter, which caused a gener al falling ol boainaea. Tho oata markvt waa nrelectea and pr'cea showed very little ehanaes. Provlslona ruled very quiet After au early opening In pork, prices rallied a trifle and closed steady. Chicago, September 16 Flour unchanged. Bouthem 6450*5.30. Wheat opened active and strong,cloaed >4 higher than yeaterday: Hep- torn her 79)4*81 j« October 8194*82^ November *2X*»4W; No v red cash 84 - & *orr opened very quiet ana closed H lower: cash 4“.‘«a*3^, September 4t^4a43H> October 42.42*4 Novaai* ber«9?4A3^ »*•> opened dull aud closed atoady: cash 25^*24, September 25H. October 2i>'/ n Meaa por* opened 2 *a5 lower and cIom^I steady: cash U'MN), October lS«7U*8ao, November 18 60*870. Lard quUt and iteady: nase 66.20. October 6620*8 November 961C ■6.1214- B n k -ne* a steady; dry salted about " - *VK man’s laving beet b-ld of Phldipa'* Iomi. re fused to deliver to BUrk on* dul *r and fifty cents which ibe latter bad »l«etii to the former I iaIti ..iddUng uplatda 101-16; mlddlius o krtpcfb M«hday night. Black called In al ltolMll . 1Ala1A polic»mantnarre>t tne bertender, but Phil I Jrtaa*ie lO^lg, Hi e enierea Ju t at the time, and black him- Evening—Cotton, net receipts —; grom 634; self waa ar.eriad. He rerioted toe money, I paturea cloaed quiet but firm; talcs 85,400. but waa locke. op never befeaL B. muon Park.” We are r e* Ipt of a small caae of scupper- nong trap-* lrum tbe above pl«ceatGri*wold- vllle. TbU la * new enterprise of Capt John D Fred, u( Vacoo, lie baa ooaverted tbe well known farm of Col. E C. Grier into a plant for thoroughbred and grade Jersey. Guinea and Tbe following tableau?** the opening and Qloalng qnoUUocc: DnVbameatUe7ITerinoand"Hout'ndown• he«~p' I December Adk* ra and Si>*ui*ri Hi rikhire svrme. lAUuarv.- It la also tbe vkdHlty vt kdgewood poultry I If 1 }'*!* 1 **"' yards, WiUow brook creamery, LeConte or- rffn *~~ chard and market gar euL | Jg" 4 *- One mupnn and beef and . butler. We shall ba* e more i lerprise later in the »ca*ou. piy Mficou wua i tit-edged J. reey s say of tbla en 1 *'** 1 tma | 965 9.46 • 49 • ftJ • 61 t.7l • Ml • S4-67 tfitaM ■ 74-70 4SV-M • «a-»7 1007-0* iai7-u tow-vfi • 16.—Cctton ateady; Naw York, September sales •^.middling uplands 10 '-16; middling receipts 16,910: exporta, to * -wmea market A Teacher's Promotion. ProL R. A Ryder, who ba. rerved tbe board I g«S8VlStMS&USSf of public education for tbe last six yean aa | "ilfUSS?, principal of Heath Academy In Hauard dU I firm: aieilltu • 1-16; ** *eeet_ trict, has consented to Uke the place of pres-1 de* t of L Vert Coll* ge. Tallygion, tendered him by tbe truaeea of that tn»t luUou. I gt. gtoca 0; export*, coastwise 417. rroL Ryderwaantaatoedby NupHrintendentl ’*11 muFttm, September lb-Cetowi firm; K. n ,.d,tapo.. J ,T.g.i.b 1 .,.nd tb. tine of • ■ nlutlon of .1 plieaut.,. nd tbe. taction of o cxprttaJj for a l dUoaaca cl the nl na nr aticcere „m*bm. A (or aifktdn.j dltcaaca la Hont'a rly lore of phy.lnl power. A is fcLDd Id Hunt's Banudy. CURRENT FANCIES. Ui K id March of material for craryl quins ef. u:0 apply to the railroad eompa- iii.r. T'<r> throw away tbotuuda of old ti. - ev.iy year— Beaton Poet. F 1 a of Amoncana aratobam.tcTcry ] where ■ nd ibe bun lad manner In which tb,y rhbii ili'OOEhKurocoatiikaaona*llbI Woudcr and pity.—Londoo Tioth. A i.< w wrlnkl. la to wear abendaome hr.-..11. i.f i rccl. oaa ot.aa In tba middle ot H e h • k o! adetolato conaa.. or, rather .t the 1 >p uf the waist—Hew York Com- iiien- ,1 a,1 yciUser. A 1: -c lietUr* balr-drtiwr baa tbaatart-J UipaiiD ncamont in bla tbop, “Ladiaal aboiict.ii.ihfa mada op and arranted.’ \vi 01 ei> in niaoire bu.ioMa ba must have un l Eui - New York Graphic. Ihe only (oar In-band at Lnrg Branch lh 1 * .e.fM! in Uw proparty of apn' atonal (unb'rr. It fa not unlikely __W| four -ii.-haod bad aomatblDR In do with Motdrtofc tba a.Id propcriy.-Pbiladalpbla rt old. 1078; _15‘0; Wdick^ DM30; exports, COMt- r firm 115, Ttm 119; For Hunting in Crawford* I wlae 2UA to oamtfnm«^JL_—. A few day! ago Mcaava. Bid Dent and Bob I ««noi(M 115 ig***IHa Mwtia Culverhousc. of Crawford county, bad aa cx-12C0; stock 2817; exports, coastwiac’ioi cblDE fox bunt near KnoxTlUa,reiarniii( wllii “'a? pt ^i5Ma^e«‘ 1 ab5rmjnta"w •tree brushes. iSSa en.pemnia On Tuesday tulverbouae went out with bla I * a September 16 -Cotton on let and 720; dogs, and tutor a ton minutes chase caogbt ooc fox tbe afternoon of tbe same day some boys . t out muacadfne buntli g In tne same to callty and f«>ut>d three foxta aa cep in a tree. They bad a com moo car and a fits dog with :.ttion at the Fate of John Came ron and J. Q. Morrison* y. a.r- r. a Cameron and J. *.Morrisra W. rt- tL. -K-ty owu-ra of onc-fif b of tfeaet No »- . i» toe Loul*laua Mate Lottery which ii.ru the i^.OCU prize In the •) awing of July 11. Tbi* -re away w':b toe reasoning of Utoae gifilM Iran 4. beeaoae ibree geottemeg areM » w. l. .lows to a^ottof a tbougkt mat tore would lend toemaelraa aa par ties to de ceive toe i-ubiiL Tbe fact ft. they held tbe tetrt and ft baa been 1* emptty caabedand y pri frien'a veer tr'-Ai amllre because Will ... isck.—With;:a Falla (Tex ) Ber* Jack. Addrcaa lyey iteady; mldoian# 8 U-16, net reeefput^O; ship- ~aenls —; warn* 709 l atiurew September 16 -*Mttoo eteadv Jitd Hot 9116; 2255 ream, sales 6JO; stock 15*807; exports coastwise 1557. Meats.—Market . Kaow twysxlf by reeding tbe M 8ctence of I fair. We quote: urooa—*;dc« Life,” tbe W*t medical work ever pnbUa&ed I lore 6. Bulb meets ■ Idea 6H_ or young and ariddr+eged men. I Baase lOHaU. aa to atae aud eaalltf. Laxo.—Marxes quiet and ateady. atooxam- ewjyw taTtll. kcttl. rendered, llcrc*. l.K. , A Chinaman*. Tbr.fr. bam Ice, tb. Cblncw taundrjman, wbos. _ Place ol buatoMs la undw tb. Lanier Hcom I BtITtaa.—Markm MaaOr sod well atock«5. ta. thrifty B.nol ba.luu. In an UtarTtaw; alaommartre mMacmawV.tjtltailt. 2eaac, yaaterd.y afternoon, carrtad on to choice «z ; irtiXHoreretockM with oonntty taottar- Pl««on Enaliah, aTxuaaarw reporter obtain I qnallt) .oar. •A from him sautomcnl ot bla income and I *«Uyi .apndiura. for tail mouth. It w.i aa fol- low« ; JUnt, »: bo«nl, f 0; tu. ta; starch, ft; wax, |I; coal, K-toul eapmohurea. ta> Hta •» “H f»• wWnit V W, *»■, flr wk*-vJI, ; coal, K-toul espmOUures. OS His Korn, was | ICO. Imytoc a profit of 1127 Lew’s Unit may well leech Ms great corrax—Tbe market ta mist ekototUan!4j:s<»a UMaliaimi ... TvantoHOjaujB par bbL None In market onion.—TaUsw sod rad am pat ear. font In market, i Wax—li to 210. I GBAia.—oont-market fine; fBkEeUMiJF B BS5 nBSHBHflHSU (tons, and poaiUteJ/cures pUeL or no pay rn-j jjaeoda Mojto> quired. Jt la lutuicrd u> airr trefert miii I sea* paper tkeil 34c: French walnuts lfialfe?] I Action. JZTSn. *eplca Mcjrw Un; Brain Mot llharta-1 box. tor sale by Lamar, Baskin A Lamar. I aouiaaan Ntott par Mfik 1 Arrua.—is aMnara*naauad. Tauoy stock lt.-iMb.oo. Non. la muket. (.'is or. Sqnera Talk with Furchaarre, Glv- lug Bpeclal Info, malfun About Our New and Ear. filetboda ol ttalllr.R Plat ol • and t rgane. It’s a Long Time Between Drinks.” Bo ren arkrd the Governor of S mth Car oliDStolbe Governor cl North Caro ina many ),are ago, before tbe temp.ianc. wav. bad ewrp- orcr the South. He prob ebly apoke bi, honest convxtlooa. end to we wbtn we aay HALO G TIME BETWEEN CROPS. And to tbie tbe tbouaande of (atolly breed wlnnera" In the South who are laf ting until tbe next crop It garnered be fore they buy Pianos and Organs will ray amen. Bui we i ay wby wait, when yon can buy now on such yery easy terms? Only think of it, PIANOS *25 OAHTT AND *10MONTHLY. ORGANS *10 UA8H AND *5 MONTHLY, Wby, it’s almost a am to deprive yoor aell aud ftmlly of an Instrument when one can be had so easily. And to those who cannot meet monthly installment,, we of- ffer there Bpecial summer terms: PIANO--. »5tiCAl-H AND UAL. NOV. 1. ORG a NS, *Ni CASH AND BaL.NOV.1. And ii crops tnrn ou- poor, so >bat when No.ember 1st comee tne entire balance cannot be paid, we will accept one-half ol li, and wait until November, 1, 1886, lot the other half. Now, come up, buyers. Our instruments lead the world On* prices ere > he lowest, our terms the easiest, and we oiler every Inducement Ih ,I can be houestly lived up to. SEE THESE SPECIAL SUMMER BAR GAINS. Only *210 for an elegant Rosewood PF auo; large alar; all Improvements; sweet tone; guerenteed a superior and durable Piano. Thousands sold. Beat Piano sold in America at the price. A new Upright Piano for only *150, on very easy terms. The Sever-toned Matbuebek Plano,*300, *325, (350. Toenregolficent Chtckerlng PI,no, the best in the world. *1(0, *425, *500 to *1,0C0 Only *65for a beautiful Parlor or < hutch Organ; solid walnut care, with high lop of rich design; 4 rets Heeds, 10 genuine “ops. Greatest bargain ever i Tered. Tne incomparatho Mas in dc Hamlin Or- gana, from *24 op to *750. Rented unul paid for. Nearly three years given for payment. Fine Stool, Embroidered Cover, Instruc tor, sod Book of Music wiih Pianos, and Stool, Instructor and Music Book wito Organa. All freight paid on both Fifteen days’ trial, and we pay freight both wayr If loatrument don't salt. AND JU.-tT ONE LA8T WORD, If yoti ere thinking of buying an Inetru- ment, wtlte us, and we wih make terms to «nltyooroonvenltn*. Ask f r Sommer Terms, 1885. Mention this advertisement and paper. Tfaey Are JF-'tolling AT 97 CHERRY STREET ->„ JL.< 1NS 4& OI-ArVTOi THE LEADERS AND CONTROLLER-? ’ You aiwaya find goods at prices within the reach of mrybodw W.hu . I the beat are none too good. We don’t belUwa In extreVaia^t nmfita h -?L d ol tho matter ia we don't want to make it all in one e. a,.We i L J 1 ! 8 1 ■ t prices the cafih will command and sell at tbfflowest paeSue nrufirt lo *‘« Of course the ladles want to know what ig going to be wn L ,; • wiek.ome W ° SVe reielwd New Uo^. U ’ WelT,°™e^ 1I , ^j| NOVELTIES IN DRESS GOODS, SottnTjEu^^ W Cheviotj, Rohes at *18 O ' to *28 00. Tt.ey are the newret eff, eta? barge ins* #dd,nK t0 our B1 “ k and Coll,r e < l Bilk Department We also op LUDDEN & BATES’ SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE SAVANNAH, GEORGIA The Great Wholtaala Piano and Organ Hanot of the 8 mth . THE SCIENCE OF LIFE. ONLY $1 By Wntil Post-Paid dare *.7-alio short rtna lAMtaaVO, dear «to«» 6 05*6 to. w nt*k) firm at f110 tfuiars atraly amt uachangcd; ataodard A 7, granu lated A 7*4- OiBoiwFATie 8 pt 16 —Float firmer; family •4.90*4.20. raoey 64 to* 150. Wbau atrongcr •> J red wintar. naw 89«*0. Coro caster: _ mixed 4*?.vtG. Oateflrmsr: '•of mued 26a27. Fork dull at .9.12X. Lard firm: prim* 6615, a*nlk m>ma easier: sun*'tores 1640, •uort riba two ah<>n clear 1595. Baccn easier: ahanldtra H25 abort riba «9I9, abort -••**1 16 65. llatos—"njar-turo' quiet and firmatiiAao. bugar iteady: iiani 'n»aurd 7}i a'.?; few Orte*r» 6*6 ouk» ateady: common *»-«• llaht 63.50 *4.45 nackint and butcbar* 6390 4 49. Wbiakf firm at 8) 06 iWaaat -llalM|HMIMPMIVPW —Mo 2 45r rio-J White 47. Oati-Bo 2 mlxad96te. Provisions steady. Baooo-etear ■ 133*v clear sides 18.75, sboutorea >4.25 ia*-«ta -clear rib aides 15 75. olaai >6.12* >. shonldcrs tSM. Fork—mre* si at *10 25 Hams—bugarenrod »9 7,a St. Looil September 16-Floor strong: family 6U0U.« Wueat opened uoseutad closed tia^ higher than yeaterday: Mo > ' goto dull lgber: No KNOW THYSELF. k Great Med ral \M (in jknh -od, Vxbausted Vitality. Nerroua and Physical Debility, Premature Decline to Man, Error* of Youth, and tbe untold mlscrtta reaul-ing from Indiscretion or excesses, yi. -ok for aver} man, yonnf, mlddle-aK* d a#i old. It contain* 125 prescriptions for all acute end chronic dla «eses.eachone of which la Invaluable. Ho found by ibe Vntbnr. whose experience for twenty-three years la inch aa probably never before tell to the lot of any physician. 800 page*, bound In beautiful French muslin, em- bnaaed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to he a finer work In every sense—mechanical, liter ary and professional—than any other worl sold In this country for fl/iO, or the metie- will he refunded in every Instance. Price oul} 91 by mall, post-paid: Illustrative aemele 6 cents. Bend new. Gold me al awarded tbe author by the National Medical Association, to tbe President of which, the Hon P. A. Rlseell, and eeaortate officers of the Board the reader . , iKrSeSraMof Life should be read by toe sang for lnetrurtlon, and by the aMletedr -t yln^uLflno! liter. It will benefit ell.—London Lancet ODIPCC’i There is ne memb- r of society to whom the Science of Ufa wlU not be useful, whether youth, parent, guardian. Instructor or clergy man. -Argonaut / Address tbe Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr. W. H. Parker, No. 4 Bu*flnch street. Boe- too, Mssl, who may be consulted onalldU- I requiring sk*Il and experience. Chronic obstinate diseases that have bsfiled the •kill of all other physl dans a mbroidered | some new and rare uIXdVewTl^nff.'ww.V.di;! 1 Hn '' ° f rlala and Velve- Bbfid?.3 ,e qu\my. ,aU a “ 60rtment 0f K,bbon8 * nd can " bow nm. t'-em in ever. Our now lino of Shudda Combioa^m[SgitimK‘ar(^yer7 Imndsomo ar. d a-jlith But how conldit be, for every ladr know* that Lyons & GUne keentlmv .. goods and Bell them lower than all competitors. ®*P “fitfik BLACK J KfcSS GOODS. In this department you will find new. freah and desirable goods „ guarantee our prices 25 p. r ceut. below the market. *’ 8 - an<1 to * '50 ° PenCd Ul ° P88t W ** k a ful1 liaB of Black French Cashmeres from 30c at Jai°?*M. PMt We0k a " ne0 ' nlack AI1 WoQl Frcnch Suiting 05 and*95c? DC<1 ' h<J Pa,t ^ ali " e ° f Bla< * AU W ° o1 Prench T »cot Cloth at Wo opened the past-week a line of Black French Ladies' Cloths at 65 and We opened the past week a line Black All Wool Cn-ncl’a Hair Cloth at s,v We opened the past a line Black All Wool Armura Br„ c he at *1 00 1 °»Jerseys the past week was very large. Wo sell All WoolJer Don’t fail to sen our 6-4 Tricot Suitings at Ooc, worth *1.50. Vacation is over and business has opened. The travelers are retuminv- some from tlie mountains, where the cool breezes reminded them that Sentem her bad come. While rome even yet may linger these autumn afternoons in tho dreary air of tho to ashore, removed from the excitement of wearving turmoil cl a crowded city, watching the waves breaking on the shining sands, Sr folloair..- the sail of some distant nhlp. Butthisisall over. In a few days schools wifi open and the children must be gotten ready, and what hurts the childranmost and cauats the parents much trouble is shoes. Well, wo have tho best * SCHOOL SHOES, In the market, and will guarantee you a saving of 25 percent. 6 cases of Glove Grain (school shoes) 8 to 12, at 75c. 6 cases PehhleGrsin button (school shoes) sole leather, 8 to 11, *1 per pair 5 cascaof Philadelphia make (school shoes) 8 to 11, *125 to *1.50 5 cases of boys’ school shoes, rehle Grain button, al *1.50 to *2-11 to ° 5 cases misses’ solid Grain Polish (school shoes) warranted solid, worked button holes, 11 to 2. at *1.25, *1.50, *1 75 and *2. .1 cases misses’ fine Kid Button, from *1.60 to (3 per pair, 11 to 2. We have acomplete line of Ladies’ Shoes in-Philadelphia, Rochester and Baltimore makes; also, a line of Eastern g iods. 300 pairs (laced) at *1 25, worth *1.50. 300 pairs grain button 3 to 8, nt *1.50, worked button hole. 120 pairs kid button, 3to 7, at *1.50, worked button hole. 180 pairs fine Kid, 3 to 0, nt *2, worked button hole. 120 pairs common sense shoe, 2 to C, at *2.50, worth *3. 90 pair* Rochester make, French heel, 2 to 6. *3. 130 pairs Rochester make, Frenclt heel, *3.50. GO pairs French kid buttons, at *5. 600 pairs Woman’s Call Polisli, solid, at *1.25,2 to 8. 600 pairs Woman’s grain standard ecrew, 3 to 8, *1.15. 480 pairs Woman’s grain, sewed, 3 to 8, *1.50. 480 pairs Woman's grain polish, 0 to 9, *1 60. OUR CANHET DEPARTMENT la notv complete, and we are ready to display to the trado the handsomest line of Carpets ever shown in this market. 4-1 Hemp onlv 15c, double Cotton Chain, 25c, heavv rag Carpet, 25c, Wool filling ingrain, 33c. In Tapestry and Body Brussels, Velvets and Moquctts.wo Bhow ft liandsomo lino with borders to match. NEAT, CHEAP, ATTRACTIVE DURABLE, And only 20and 30 cents per yard. We refer to a line of Carpets wo opened tho past wreck. They are Chinese hnd Mosaic Carpets; they are artistic in color and design, and are largely used in the North and West. A-k to see them. Twelve months ago we infused new lifo into tho Drv Goods, Carpet and Shoe trade, by tearing down and upseting olrl ideas, and we aro going to con tinue in the same line this season. LYONS & GUNE, Le-dt-rs and Controllers, 97 Cherry St. * TVTnoon. GrllTUn 6)61(1 MillpdjYpyS lie* »1*«1 higher th»u yofiicr. f 90*4*91, October 90*fca9lK j fur futur*•«, c*«h clo*e<l hit ■Ea*J> 41^*43 UflfitoifeBlIftto r: i*i 0*l>, c*»h t -24HI. October 24 Krovlatona quiet sod lytllfto btuk ttMti -•««* tuear 65 60 riiurt nw te.70, short clear 610 Bacon—wax -’iw? rc.00, toon riba 1615 a*abort clear to.C3t6 4) Lard, amall W*a 16.21 Hams quiet at I.OOallMK Whisky iteady at 11.08. Baltixoxb, Sept. 16.—Floor iteady, active: Howard street aud Wasters aurora* • <3 00 at.40, extra *50*4.10. family I4.M-00 '*• Mills saperflm <3 004 25 extra 13.60*3 75 Kto brands H.l0aL75 Fatapeoo family fefe, •Moerlattve nataoi 16-50. Wrteat—«Mit**** b firm and actlva; **aatera easier a"d dull. duuUMCB red Ma9S. do aiuoer 65.97, Mo 1 w. nr land 92% bid, *o 9 Wceteni wluuf- red ipo* 87.84. Ooro—«mo! w — —* firm; Wcataro item do rellow 46a48X. Absolutely Pure. mapordartMTarvarttfi. A marvel ol wo id w.int rants oak or blaikTtata purity, (traugth Man aoBnomlcal then tba ordinary kinds, and cannot ba sold fa eompMUtoo with the multitude ot low tost, abort weight, alum or phosphate poadars. dtldmlf toaoma iRulmHhnnOfi, 108 Wail street Haw York. Tbla powder can bo bought at 8. B. Jaogtws. corner <th nod Caerry i Macou Ga. 6^, m ,cE , Dr.SALMON S u Hog cholera specifiq, CHICKEN POWDER. - SHEEP POWDER. * CATTLE POWDER. - CONDITION POWDER. fPREVENT&CURE HOG CHOLERA. \»rtr S' a a. DESTROY* PREVENT HOG LICE& WORMS WE CAN -TURE CATTLE MURRAIN.TEXAS FEVER 8c? .CURE CHICKEN CHOLERA & GAPES. j ICURE SHEEP ROT. TAPE WORM.& c WThc VETERINARY MEDICINE C? NASHVILLE. TENN. ■ncreat || Vst% lifuiiy K'THYSELF MONEY TO LOAN I -ox- Farms and Town Property At 8 par east, par annum. Apply to ELLIOTT ESTES, 141 Sieond Street, MACON, aepUwlm Notice Stock and Fence Law. QEOROVA, JON** COUNTY -Notice ta berebv (Iven -hat a petit!->n for noea la* for WblteV tne seiito H. dlatrtet Jones county, Ue. la now of 01a In this offloa wltn there- quired nnaherof names, and noises toms t o 0 cans* ba shown to lbs. on'rarj an order or tbe election on tba fence queetloa will be ■rented on tba SMb nay ot tbla mo-th. Taka no-tea. Witnaaa my hand oBclally. KpllwU II. Stoee, Ordinary. OKOROtA, BIBB COUNTY-Whereas, John ■ Jones, administrator of the retau of Jaa. |. Bolder, has made apt-!(ration for let- ten of dlsmiaeton from sal a data. This ta lo rite and admonish all persona concerned In ha and appear at the coart ol or dinary ot laid eonatyou the first Monday In October next lo show canao, If any tbar can, why said apoUeatMin abonld not he granted. WHn.ee my band and ofiteial elan store bla JnlyX, t--7. J. A. Mi maNI’H, Jj» tawSm* Ordinary. Victor A Co et al w Patenoo. Oliver 4 Co. B. M. Oliver A Co., Mrs. Uargan' * ~" ebaa J. Alien, at al -BII In E, Ha parlor court. Ap>U Term. MM It appearing to tba aonrt that tare. Mutant A. Oliver audchas. J. Allen, d.leacanu in Ibe abort mated caee.do not renlda In tba Hula otUcorataLbnt are allege to wide to tba Blau or ftortb Caroline: that they can no , therefore, be tarred according to tba ordinary jrgej metbode, aid that they bare not to tact complatnantt* eoUeUore It ta court tbal aarrica at the shore by ' FOR8ALKBY p UNDERS g R THgC S< "Sgg IN WAG0N8,GUAN08and TAKMRR8'8UPPLI* M v OS.lli. aprlCtrtm GEORGIA STATE FAIR 1 The State Fair wl 1 begin at Central City Park, Macon, OOTOBEE 26TH and continue one week. Premiums amounting to over $9,000 cash, coveting every possible txhibit of products. Field crops and cattle displays made special feature and will be unusually large. Annual sa'e an 1 exchange ol J jr sey and other blooded cattlr. Every amusement will be supplied, including games ol baseball between the two greatest clubs in America. For premium lists send to E. C Greer. Secretary, ar.d for general information as to space, etc., apply to JERE HOLLIS, Superintendent. *•-'*£ BEST 18 CHEAPEST.’ £S1ij!8KHERSK‘ or d, red by tbar bill ba null ou eaitonoftbUordtruibs Mogcr, a nawapapar publlihtd in tba city of Macon, count) of Bibb and Otata o' Oaorgta, ^ coca a mouth for fonr months, baton tba I are,a ntxt term of too court ^ JAMES J AM h - A* 4 111. TV A HI) ! »-b'e Inf i ol . (IllMONA j. a c. bbt. B — utThisOui^ . , t sr*8 f