Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, September 25, 1885, Image 2

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THE TiSLEGKAPH AND MESSENGER: FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 25, 1885. THE TELEGRAPH & MESSENGER. I Dally and Weakly. *» TauoitArii amd Messenger 1b publish ed every day, except Monday, and Weekly OT<ry Friday. Return of Justice. The passage of the railroad hill by the Senate, and the overwhelming sup port it has received, must have filled all liberal and wide-awake Georgians dfjormiiS pwKJlhSto.SSEStJfrtn I with pride and gratification. It wasla per month, u.w for three months, $5 lor six I errand victory of riclit over prejudice months, or 110 a year. * ° # ® tS^bexx/ib mailed to subscriber*. post-1 and demagoguery. The spirit that - at - , -®,*^<i 7 u> 0 *c°?b«'ii , te5!*i?S wrought it vrns thoroughly Georgian, :ra copj to cotter up ol club, oi I The whole 1 Urned. The whole history of this railroad on which subscriptions expire will I legislation haa been remarkable. It iteiiwnnSustSnB torwanJ^h*I began in fancied and real injoatice £ e tKS^? £5? a I “liberality on the part of railroads. A prejudice was created, both personal and local. Owing to the unset tled condition ol the country and the fluctuation of values, change marked the policy of the roads themselves. About six years ago this The date _ te found on n< aubecribcrs ui root money for renewal! u rtsch this offlee not later thsu^ho date' on Which their subscriptions expire. ■Transientadvertlsemenu will be taken for tho Dally at U per square of ten lines or less, fortho first Insertion, and M cents for each I »iibecqucnt i i tlou; and for the Weekly at $1 per aqu are for each insertion. Liberal rates to corn-actors, reBe’octod communications will not bo ind°SbcuSXjMh?K°op^(i?siw^tBd,but prejudice, skillfully worked upon by designing men, was strong enough tol Remittances should bo mado by express, | place Georgia railroads beyond the ■^SpBita wniited C fn^ven’^community In the I control of their owners, where they fitato, pii 1. B bave ainco remained, without theright Write for terms. AU communications should bo addressed to TH3 TELEGRAPH AMD MESSENGER, Macon, Ga. Money orders, checks^ etc., should be made these declarations. He is old enough to know better. Advancing years must have sharpened his tem per, for he was once too fair a man to havo taken such an nndcrhold in a Legislative debate, and too good natured to have used such toe main favorable to tb« President and till | ran through it. which was attached to a I marrv. Is there any lady who will have cabinet. The Booth ti naturally glad to have a bandage atxrat his body, in order to keep me?" Tide Is not a very invittne nro- represenUUra In the cabinet, but they are Just bis tongue in place. gramme, but thegentleman hashed many now more tolerated In their state forern. —W. 8. Gilbert, in a letter to tho I jj} 1 *™ of inquiry. Women have an in- monta than they are In national attain. London Times, says: "For my part. JI rtmcUra Insight Into human ratnre, and and were engaged In reorganizing effectually “Old never quite understand the prejn- EK55S —LrlK ‘i he ad , v ? rll 'cr csDnot be the administration of the affairs of their ser- ? lce , sgstoat burglars, an nnsrrcatcd “ "* n F ld “ ha dfclarea blmaeif, and may aril rommcinwealtha “Tho war with it. do- bnr glar gives employment to innumerable have better qnatltlea than he pretendB. At oral commonwealths. The war, with its da- tel.grapti clerks, police officers, railway m0 *‘ h * requirea tome hind individual to raatatlou. followed by worm days ol reeon-1 cfflc B lal J and p ^,!bi y alt0 to .nr*eons. con “ le hiui for bis deficiencies, and old Buoklen’a Arnica Salve ,sssfjSKsa .ttasv-.., 1 qulred. It Is guaranterd to vivi £j)U*k rt- I [action, or money rerun "ed vM!** boi. For tale by UmSr. K'anhta «I spitefnl language. Ilis speech hss structlou, wlta all the robbery and mis,orern- coroners, undertaken and monumental' “* id » aa a rule are self-aacriflctog crea- damaged his and our friends, the Rail road Commission, beyond repair, and here it might he dropped but that pub lic policy demands a reply. Our contemporaries, tho News and Enquirer, are abundantly able to take caro of themselves. Somebody may have told Senator Thernton that the Telegraph is owned and controlled by railroads. There are people in Atlanta who will tell anything about the Tele graph except the truth. It is not owned by railroads—this from us; it is not controlled by any one outside of ^ ^ _ this office, and to this our readers will [ Nashville American, hear testimony. Industry and trade, Is the main lnterat of Southern people now, and thia laudable end they are giving eczema my of toltcltora, bar-1 There is a young girl in Tennessee, I a„j v~ _ Yi , I and petit jurymen, Miss St. Pierre, who owns several hundred “““ Every Species of Itch I of jslis and Prison thousand acres ot mining land, and who I„ j . ucn '| ?.”5SL , ll}22v.?I*!;l«i , -. b .“ ,I ?. e ” eDt ?fP. rises into* yWnity of | * n f» an<d Burning Diseases I Ltw« ment under carpet-bag rule, lettthe South In masons. Assoonas be Iain enstody the I tQreg< a deplorable condition. To redeem the State services ot a whole army of tollcitors, bar- ” governments from Republican sway, get them riitera, judges, grand r in their own hands, and recover from tho I [[porters, governors ol I wardens arecalied Into reijutsiuon. Heal-1 has bnstness enterprises In tho vicinity „. Chattanooga which cost $1,300 000 to or- ganiie. Miss Elisabeth Garret. wholnher- lted one-third of John W. Garrett's $34,-. _ 000,000 washer lather's confidential seo-I Eczema or salt rheum,with Its avonlii D .i.» I b I - In,and burning,tnitantlr reiiovnYi hi for S bath Wt*.!l Ontlourft Hnnn .nil 6 - VWaH an. Cured by Cuticura. PAWACR tPHIO FREE LUNCH. thefr best efforts and most ot their attenUon While doing tbli they are of course Interested In the national government and keep an eye In the direction ot Washington, though not ao I. : Ml f. ™ l “ r much us we at the North," Being asked what j." J 0 ”™ b 1 1 U,M AcId ’ 80 we TM 36. Cel pils. N» sort l Indenendent Those who I 1 ***'* While he W*S Pretidcm Ol 5* Kiln- j y r, ■ y. -i 4 ‘ uX^rtthevI Tt Boston Post: A Jersey editor rainer, oe | vised, him on many 'occasions. Mark I d.Uv“,5u'h ,w! o,‘‘thrVn a , cu '' ^ haa fallen Hopkins a widow, who is building the tlcum Rewlvent, tho now Moot'Sfrf. 101 suppose It j million dolltr residence at Great Barring- keep the blood ooot 85, ■ i on , Maas , la perfecUy able to manage her anJrmimtaUng. the boweS K o. — _ . - riye bsrg.lu with 1 l n , d K!!?. 6 !* .wm speedily 'cSlZ* lichee, pns of appeal or the right to be heffrd, or the right to fix a rate. During theso | for of no value except as a rarity. I A correscondeno of tho San Fran-1 Will McDonald'’>i2D^rh n . n .. I In tho main Senator Voorhees draws struck three times by lightning than ohea “ ,ca S'jJJ 01 * 11 **?• thc Brigham Young, go, gratefully aeknowUdves aeuSTaSS'I payable to . Ham som, Manager. [But haa it become a crime in Georgia L correct picture of Southern political ‘° me «ng“.'^^n^aStataSStta £3 „ r a man to invest his money m any an( j industrial sentiment. But the * vonnr nun »rr tirlnm.ih. Mellco . ,nd tl,,t , too, within tho kOne|9JfiSfJjj!? < ?', “ d ,k ne «* for ooeyeutS' six years tlie vindictiveness ofthedem^nterprise that he may choose? It will people of the South are watching the moment he electa himself to be the pet ot I qmrinE re2fest»to. 'Thcv'lesro^ands fo^ drcd i 01 ," medl “: docufn p“nouowd“'£ agogue has been beyond expression, he remembered that during the present pre g e nt administration with an intorest me publlc.-New Oi leans Picayune. ninew-nlno years.'and imrodnee a clause B3oWa5t^fioo5i 0 ^ffl&^S^“ « 11 o* ^J> a r nd t“b:«” | the S alato^ouMsea 1 overA^erlea^uTereUino vocated it upon the floors of tho Legis- Thornton voted for a bill which for- u,o Indiana Senator. And it may be enthusiasm for old greenbacks "continues tion*of thelsuo for*a trifling* Mato possesses over America is, there is no Jt al)anl i one j ] aw and bade any railroad officer or director tru l yi that some oi them are “nsliated. they selested land In Mexico L Repnli.lcan party In Africa. rcaMn * nil strove for a social absolut- to purchase or own stock in a railroad. L atchin(5 ^ mdiana Senator very L^ 1 ? SSS®^t W^SS»«ajlS?! rus phrase "tariff reform* is big enough I j gm ^|i a t threatened every contract in If such a spirit is to pervade our legis- closely. In the struggle to reform everybody e!«e knows about you.—Denver I tk*y desire to erect n territory ol «. , lilLI L . and broad enough to_ .wallow_ up a whole Georgia . Such a. pirit we believe never latiou, pray where may the line be their poliUert Mid social affairs they v-v J SWlSf'WSlff JBSB'sS ■ A mwtAin nnrrhmmm^f fhannwk.vn Ul.ta. I ing»clean and healthy skin. 1 I general ion of political ssplrants. before obtained an ascendancy inGeor- drawn? Why should not railroad men ^ counted upon his aid, until by bis | 8 eharg^fvith^fi^d’fftranr robberies* Ame rican purchase’of the northern States lDg A clcan ftud healtb r » kl »- ranuAPs thc tivehnndrea dollars were gia. We trust it never will again. be deprived from helping to build lac-1 action Georgia was wronged and hu- He was on duty but two ntghls. and this ^*v® » locaflon outrtvaUlng 1 spent for the picture of J. Patsy Cahill But the most remarkable feature of I tories, to create banks and to aid in all 1 miliated by the confirmation of Emory I pj.j, n p r t | 8 j (0r lhe few charges.—Detroit | which was placed in the capitol corner this legislation has been the change in public enterprises? Speer. Boston Transcript: In former days stone. public opinion. Three years ago bat | During the early days of this Rail-1 Produce the BM. | man occasionally fell among thievea. Mr. J°bn Thief, Wllkcsbarrc, Tx, wrivt I m . . ..... i ? b »vo suffered from salt rheum for pt.. I Temperance people who think it f 1 '« bt .Tears, at times so bad that I coal!'n«?li I Mr. Doesheikeb’s Star coUara Mr. Pu- , J , “ 7” „. rnn ., litzsr's World. When the Dnlch meet the " ,P rot « 8t »8 a ‘ D8t the “ Dutch, then come, a ward fight in New being done to the name, the fame and York city. the business interests * of the State. w I To-day the press is almost an unit The Keverend Talmage has returned upon tho same line. And not only tho | Could anything more forcibly illustrate For sale every whore. Prico Cutlenrao. I great Skin C re, 50c. Cuticura Sow an?.' I qulslte Skin 1 . «min, r. ... . cutteaxa1 vent, tho new Blood 1'urlller, tl.oo. PtsmSS I by the Potteb Ditto amd Cnemcii co!. 1 ton, Mass. from bis vacation. The Reverend Beecher press, but the people. Tho change has I the growth of aggressive power? ., . ... .... * OT ,i w. 1 uru K «»ro »» iuiuieui»w»iy. n cr»*ies do The tax-payers would be pleased to ■ ■ . ■ . ounce ot EE* end u!,“. ot the BE No one knows what becomes of the drug are fell immediately. It creates no using tno cuticnr. Soap. | preeeoted a basket of flowers, an nnclerical I t assured that it will receive I State does not correctly represent pub-1 t0 . rI ? 1 ' A ' a P' t0 ' c ° u ' d not made men and go into politics, and some I eruployed'ltl'and'flndi'after 'imextenaive I crying through ceanUen nerves forreiUM gentleman Indulged In a solo on a horn , ic opinioDi can lt be held that a jour- a corn * M ‘«f • a “ d thi . 8 . ,ac d^e haeks.-New Oriels Hcayune. IxSSCoi, that It li ot grwt'vidSS to 1n| ^— swixaratt baiarw'w.s A Rev. Mb. Walkeb recently took occa- The victory which the people have won osition is illustrated m its statement. * g - ve Press. otw. forrests poker stories. Mon to remark at a minuter'. meeUng in | over themselves was won with cold | Argument and reason would bo "Up® 1- 1 Tte services of the Marietta brass I ,„tmX‘ne T fi?i*yT.m to h wr«t wftentog I wlnnl "« •»A0D^Tone H.nd-Ftrt^n New York: “I have heard girls tease thetr I i.j in thn final atnrnla in tho Sen-1 fluous. ., ... . -—-— ...— — —„ mothers for hats and ato Uie advocates of the existing law The troth is, that tho supporters of '^ThoexTcutiveand' the orator of the HghtnWrtM’mam He^hila^bont con* SwtfZ^lghtharo^U^hXi did “ ot ha y e le,t , one , , ? 0t ! 10ld : * he prC '? t ^ .Tr^to •“ occasion rode in a carriage. This ^r. 1 ^* ^ C “ 8 ** bl »» l888 - ublca « u GEN. FORREST'S POKER 8TOR!ES« Chemical Co., Boston. ter to the ttre<l, overworked, irh. I l['K muscles. Do not deny you*.*» I Itho comfort afforded hr th’« I iew. original and spsedy anUloie I to tmiu miai Inflammation. At dragststsTla* I fire for 1100. Mailed free. Potter Drag of I f'liiml/'al Pj. Unafnn I Hundred Dollars from S7.20. Nashvlllo American. I was sitting in a room in the Maxwell I JbwsanjJ , f win GEORGIA CHILL REMEDY never heato^rMctorTam hiV wfleto I bad driven slowly hut rcsistlessly I have not met the argument fairly I should havoto : cn‘chc“.p!'“ , ‘ ,I!>0 ' ""T'A man was rwantly robbed of $2.00o| Hon8e ,,Uh ForratTeverai I S°m?known. U ^u?.~r?p^n^m"^ let biru i'et up in the night and wait on tho l from point to point, and when routed, I the forum of reason and argument, and I The printing bUlfl must have been h5 hile 2 I \ hl ® wa X r in . tb *“ rB from Ixjdr before his death. I iSSre? of aelnSuSU br.bv. I gave na their last cry an accusation of have been overthrown. Innendoes, I.. , Rranch toNaw York. Sta^menta of this "Gen. Forrest, I asked, "it has often lufactuTing drugs in our BouUieni ciisuts, I dishonesty upon the part of the whole charges unsu,tinned by proof, wild g Jt ' cannot h. conceived that tho Gate f hotol'^f.,^.- 1 ^ b " a How ^ 10 R 1 press of Georgia. statements and bad temper are weak . Ti^jYwkGnphlc. Wfre * terror at the poker table. How I had for a long time muted tha • * The bill now goes to tho House. Of forces in debate. | ^^dZillnBandfircmcnand I IS** Jt I 1 Of I The matter !<■" limn -1 \ iinr.!!, -t.itillM vrU I permanent cum. In that time . m-1 Iwoutd ipand double the amount lor qri-1 ■■land yet notboenmd. I append .lev I rcrtlHerlc .bowing »P.ut h.« .rcomr'.lit^ Col. Bon Iaoaasou. recently said reporter: “It seems to m. there Is a belt) r fmling between the North and Booth than , . . .... . .. ever before—better than at any time since I lta fat ® tbere should bo no doubt, til. revolutionary war. I believe in cnltr ultimate fate wo have no doubt. It commission has voting that feeling, and to doing and say I is charged that interested parties have discussed that the people nave uecome | wa ^ acommittee - p er h aps th e com-1 Kentucky mulelhat way. “I “And what did you hold ?' i_thmi.nd. tag what w. can to contrlbnte to its begun to attack the Legislature in the familiar with it, and when the people I iUeeworerosettes Bnt oven allot When a Washington girl can speak forty “Three kings and two nines.” .udgoThoi growth. We have hated long enough and rear with hastily gotten up public meet- see a wrong they will remedy it. *»,«• ennld not havm eoal »sno words in French, play a little tone fora I have always regretted I didn’t sak fought enough. The colortdp«pt.never I lng3 nnd peu^. It remains to be Dilatory raoUon. and facUouso PP o- had' refresh- K.rlffi“kfstoid'to."?h°. n is hlm wbal b ' 8 °PP° n * n t held, but I did ctiii*Remedy' have been well treated, bnt they are being | Been jf t hj„ demonstration will not BS- j sition may prolong the fight, hut the P Tf aa tha cnatia mail* account- *u> 7 preparoS to baeomatha wife of a Con- not - He told ,b * following story, his evCTMw-c&Atrn^freeman 13 better treated now than ever betore. It ^ * accom lilh that wh ich those en- powers ol tho Railroad Commission ol m . en £ * re ' 8 “ aD - N ^ Yor * J '* nraaI ’ * y *’ fllllc K wltb * 8 « 8 dnrlD * «> ‘octobSi «'• ■ BIB to aaompma mat wuamwose «• | ^ ^ | ed for. Generally we have little re-1 Philadelphia Call: When it is Intended I “When my wife and I went to Memphis I n aU a Oeortfa chill Kemrd^ Jbo. .. ij?eof tbontiM-1 Uio Macou * lrcuit. w«a cunt* I chills And fever by tho nso of IIaII'i Georg* I takes a long time to do away with preju-, ,. . , . , dices that were based upon religion and | 6»ged in it do not desire, rascality—that la to aay inspiration and In terest. We mnst rtmember that slavery, . .... i. ..... wm the crime ot the whole country. Now, When John Shorman broached his himself haa given it publication. Ho if HenitorBherman has made a speech cal- proposition to disfranchise the negroes declares ciliated to excite the hatreds and prejn- wo took occasion to express a doobt as the Railroad dice, ot the North and South, I think that I to the precise method of procedure ho opinion. be baa made a mistake.” I would adopt. In his latest speech he I He reinsea to answer for the other. _ .. „ _ , , I makes his meaning and action clear. If ono commissioner may bo looked s.. o,> u luwd Ib. tma.i I .Knk““ i?SSi V!.,S!.“S I J-r U» (Jill When it'll intended I "When my *ife and I went to Memphis n " u ’ a , J^oreia Chill Rea^Ttte f tjftjhui I apcct for a watch dog of the treasury | to ratse a mOTomint thTa «e seven rales | alter tha close of hostilities we had $7.20, Sm of/.tlffSI* c., ' ’ 01 I ‘ We spent one Mr. George If. riant, of Houston or an old port- Ga., ssys ho has never known ft to fall. * “ • *’ Mr. Henry 3 Feadn, another proa citizen ol tho samo county, endorses It abort I every other preparation in tho world. LA H there was no other reason to cn- . ] ~ er “ 10 observed. Firat: Bal» roough S» orTra' v force such a result. Senator Thornton anu n ,, , u,uu0 I money to build the monument. Second: entire altemon ransacking 1... „u.a„ n ..Mteetlm. | two swell the expenses ofthe govorn-| ——Well, Mine tothink ol It, It doesn't | [ 0 ii 0 hoping to flmt some ol i old uncollected CHAT ABOUT PEOPLE. I t your I I Isn’t ltabont time tor somebody to reform I absent face waa not a haunting rebuke I I this thing, and inatead ot extending Its I over one ehoulder. Now, 1 have been to-1 LAMAlt, RANKIN A I.AUAE. Macon. Ga Bold by all druggist*. an27 mnAnklj ansi etatemtnt ot the cotton crop of 1884-85, as I to vote, wprcicntatlon cannot bo reduced uu* I an “ “ 088 P°hf^ ca l power, two in the I spent In writing an essay on George KtloL I wife; and now it la a common thing to hts I m , , , , , follow.: Receipts at shipping ports, 4,773,- der tha Fourteenth Amendment, because I place of one might not be above bus- —The Red Prince is to have two neighborhood tor married men to spend ,A”®' . w h “ 88 Jg* 1 All bales, gain, t 4,800,534 tata. to | cannot point cut to. State Uw that to term, picion? 1^“' on ® a ‘ I,oUd8m “ d h Many years ago «i foreign^company .ALogancounty, Kentucky, woman Iy '-^"‘ 08 L T ™“ r| P‘', „ ““‘•Ye,,’ said I ’but the Lord h.a been ^ „ . , , , IttoeconaUtttUonol toe Dnlted 8tatee, which I odHt a railroad in China. Tho govern- sleeps two or three days at a time without A New York yhvslclan haa written ani ,i 0 w „( late, and aeems to bo gittin elow- hatoa. against 501,580 bale, to 1883 «• l Z>Z!Tl.M ment did not appoint a commission toSwaUtog. J^mnnto.Ung ?SSi"“ ft^uToni 8be 1 ..... i —Austin Dobson’s new collection of I ESiSSSrS?..mBS Jz” I never eon«ent«l. hut ebe ditto t 1883 31. Shipped overland and direct to I exclude, them from voting. It la (orcaah manufacturers, Including Canada, 033,241 bouse to Judge ot to. election ol lu membtn. r rt^JZSS, SITU I = d | wrack ft, hut proved to do. it by m mam. /,/vll#a» I ^UUIUlUDICmMIlK IViaeUe. Ah DM lODR I «• 2! be€n known kiuthg cauiea a ipociet °L th> h® of heart dlteaaa which terminates in mat- pose it I laacn irom pone, aw.w uazee, . b0DM wlu judg# ior lu#lf wh#u »er membere I tearimr ud tho track and burning tho I £Sn°nini!kf L Ti^w ** ot heart dU€M ® " bich terminate! in mat- JJJJ Jhe$7 20^ d It wwlJit ilexnect/d against 321,000 bales to 1883-84. Total crop , n4 Senator. ia.l^todacconUnf to the con- tearing bU ™ g th0 publl.h«l at the beginning of October. rimonlal fever, and the vtctlmdl.. pooa.r Utfli we« ^ig at Sne^M.i ol the year,8,700,lOdbalei.agatnat 5,713,200 stltutloD, and toa cau may arise when tola cara and locomotives. -Jndge Tonrgee la an aspirant for I <r later. Generally later.—Norristown h wcn , n00(! h at 60 cents ante to go bales in 1883-84, or 7,035 bales leas than In | will be Its bounden duty. | Bnt China haa learned somothlnc, | the K®P«b/^,nomtoarionJor riUteSena-1 H «rsld. .. . „ | at a higher table later on. Well, nir, 1883 cl. Thc difference between the mates ot the total ciop cf 188485aan _ _ _ _ by the New York Commercial and Ftoan-1 ment by one thousand votes. One of I take atock in thorn for the ready money, I private Mcretiry. luia beau imilad'toM» I bcraavamanL Providence, indeed. Is In-1 daylight [ pu t n.yhaton with the mo'r.ey cial Chronicle (5,6G0,021 baler) and that ot „„ , ,b n conductor of n Crawv'lle, N. Y„ by tho Illness of one ot when she goee aroand removing to it, withont counting lt over, and wont ■ i 1 T. • I the * Me,t an °«»»»> outspoken of lto- oven though ho bo tho conductor oi a hucblld ^ n . J aHooodog from our stage and sparing home. At I came near to my house I the .National Cotton Ijtchanieol America hlican organs, the Philadelphia newspaper. —Chief Jn.tlcn Walt* of tho United 'h®* 5 dog* »*‘b which onr stage caught a glimp»e Irom the ontatde of my <5,708,Id) Is 37,144bates. I Pre M “^e.Tp hl. Mheme in .hit I Wllh theM oUervation. W. Uk. I to*h^ I ‘TS^Kr'phv.toi.n-’ Youdo I Sa^'aM J'T&PZFS-1 Tut fleh oommiasloncr haa noUfied language: leavo of Senator Thornton, and turn ,,blo * , leaT ® 8 LlT,r ' not need madictoe at alt/ Taka plenty of i™e, end when I went m I jnst took oil to him over to the tender mercies of the I . ........ 1 exercise and » mild tonle-eay a bottle of 1 g»E n«» «" d ompded $1,500 la her a f ' is than in I will Uiu boundtn doty. | But China has learned Bomethioc, | Jns uepubucan nominauon ior maieBcna-1 aeraiu. I at a bivher table later on. Well, sir, as the »tl Senator gherman ia hacked be hla I and now nronoses to build railroadB i ,om tb ® < a, * ut * n ‘l n * district in Now We era sorry to hear that Joseph K. I won—end I won right from the first— the estt-1 Bonator Sherman is backed by his and now proposes to Duna ranroaus Yotk> KmmeU’.$4 000do* l.dead, and wesin- I just dropprd the money Into my bat 5 aa made I party, which loet control of the govern- herself, and she will permit any one to I —Colonel Lamont, tho President’s I rarely sympathize with tha other In bie I on the floor, end when we broke up at Cong.oilman PuUls-r that his carp spawn 1 w « “s'? *»™ ‘be cotuUtuUonal ri«M .a reedy. Mr. Pulltser, who knowa all * lp ® ,u ” r F; but erary epporttobm.nl rora i preii . I ,V,„. 1 gives toe coaitltutlonalopportunity to reduce 1 about carp. Uins lease* the oommlseloner. y,* representation ol aay 8late which directly •We congratulate Mr. Baird that there la I 0 f py neglect refuses to give to its cltlaena aa . „„„ of nay net ana emptied 41.MAI m her ep. —Professor Church haa solocted the claret every day.” Patient (In alann)- Wt tani for h«, to* aha oouldn’t bit E sriod of toa great rebellion to England for “Oh, no! I can’t do that ” * U’m. Tern-1 *•' i*l«h‘s doings; hut, sir" “It wtu a is new historical talr. It will be entitled nersneo man?” “Ob,not But the fact is great relief to m*."’ “With toe King at Oxford.” 1 waa in the win* boslneta myself ooce. FORTIIK •promiie of e sufficent .apply of G«m.n ^ th® couroeofhia.pr^hagatost ^Beriiu and 1 bnowhowlt^ mau. <: *.rp to meet all raaioiiablc requirement!.' acltatlon sty pare before thia conaUtntlonal I the railroad bill, Senator Jordan said ^ m#r j5*n general, baa renounced theCatb- odds and ends. ctainly haa econgh to meet all of oor I rlibt la ezarclaad; but axardaed lt will bs. I on Wednciday that there ought to be olio faith and bccoma a Proteatant. | _ r> quir«; mints if be hasn't a single fiah. A«iuUon u needed; tha plUleaa iteration of n0 nppea t from the decision of the com- —Mrs. Lawrence But If tb, German carp run short Mr. 1 faetsaad toa tlrelMsdemana tor Inatlee win | mlmlnn except to the Legislature; I »i U ^Sl,' b * .?th° ** “•» batoat tba whole nation will be tired that “thia body represents the aover- will join them whentv - rijNniuia of rTm?iiTi g m °“b* issue. Itgnwveiy Ured of ebotwion eignty of the people, and if wrong or permit. khafltmsntof seme mattm to Weeh- Md ,boUtlonl«.; but we do not recollect haa been done the roads let —Canon Farrar, who baa just arrived gton. And, to toe words of bis eloquent I that tots feet stopped the denunciation of I . w ,, . .. , I for an autumnal American tour, was first ...t o, lt ’Will continue probably until tot I slavery. Nor will en,thing short ot Juries them »PPeal here, and the aenao OI maiJ , famous by ripudlaUng, In West- Tba poet who claims Thera's no rhyme to Oaumta, Should taka to tha woods And hlmaalt then sequester. p.. P, 30WELS & CHILDREN TEETHING UvarPills" (sugar mated), eon tekaadl. awl 1—Chare iity tewl Mllona headache, aooratomad* aad l^aM 1 • I “ V I •Huka Rt ilinwiiti laM MOMWM NMttl HE ■■ attacaa. uy cirugK»»t». litimnier coapUlnU. At a ***** \ rhea violent allorkii of the bowel* »re i no protester. And the public at large Ha will never then pest** Which of there rhymes rough, 'r- f uUr |»*srl. ni tk> t a gco«l bxly . „ , - —w furs Jock or stork, the wk»ga nnd b»a*i S° llu ]'L one gi i 1 ItSS-oTra aiSTSST being set with tb* eem* pnoioM ,b aea. end ib* feet made of gold. Advice to Mothers sgcmtnt nL-ton. And, ,u ui. wuma or maeioqueut i that this fact stopped to* denunciation of I .. , .I ior an autumnal American tour, was nnt | which of these rhymes piat:o, It ’will continue probably nntiltot I stavary. Nor will anything abort ol Justlea I tbem »PP«al nore, ana tne aenso ot Ulll ] e f aIU0 ui by repudiating, to West- Do you think la toa beat, tb? ot the year,’ or even longer-that ia, to .eery voter quiet to. “blocdy tolrt" lmue. jusUca ol this body will accord to them ^” t J r m Ab u b ®*’ lh ® doctrlD, ol ® ndl “ a Diamond rings for men are doomed. ii.e tart of seme of toe more old-feah- We cannot agree that war gave a tb * ir J“* 1 right*. —M r Ahbev in addition to his en- P™?®* wears them, and the small dark I t"b* child. toftauUM *«umaT* wiiTj‘»Trt a! .onc.lDrmuaat.ot thaJeffemon-Jackson conltitu0onal right to wipe out slavery. Tho question arise., does not the UrpSi'^toJAml«S£ ito J°fSkSie’S SSKS a »SSrtSjS v^metoL^in''min 0 .™'i“? ,1“' SUvory was better protected by tho Legislature frequently misrepresent open In,Nen Yorkon^Ootober 12.will ““R togjJweli?! urdoares! snfon-1- J.'an thoro pertaining to to*‘distribution I •““‘■titntlon anil the eonrta than negro “the sovereignty of the people, ’ and p*^ dnripgth® coming aeaaon. Galasal A Noam (Jabolina soldier who I —y »•«"• a a a I suffrage ia, hut the constitution waa I * lve employment to the Supreme I wiUb* cne of the aingen. I makes application to the Btata aulltor for I L, |\ #1 A ibc dispenratlonof more desirable fiahe?, j throat aside by the sword, and the Court? But a far more important ^-DMin^the recent {ja°*n°iated T to lsCJ. KB |lla «“wm tvldeSiy L Za L. IVI IT ith toe accompanying loaves. But lt I negroea were emancipated upon tho j question la tills: ''hero ia the ,„ r p h#w|l ,„ Uckt<1 b y toothache, n*u- 0, ' h ®®*' l7 “ doI, ® n “ >rb m ik.baeaitef ■mm. - nfl mast be distinctly understood that too sole ground that it had become “a mil- sense of justice In a Georgia Legists- r ^i 4 an d rteumatlim, and is nowunder It baa been settled by a French iBitor of toa World neither aeke nor will i,» lure? It would appear that a body I • new treatment invented by a celebrated oourt that a person who pays to aa* or In heartfelt graUtud* at toe wonderful rceulti ocuor ot tne woria neither an nor will itary necessity. * u “ v * , ^ phyafclen ot Amsterdam. hear a theatrical or musical performance 1 deem it only my duty to give It this unto ire any favors from the administration | Those easy aonla who have satisfied which could be adjourned by a drunken _Dr. Richter aaya: “When I be-1 b M_“. mnchnghttolndicat* hla dlaap-1 llclted letUmony in Uvor cl Swift’s Spcciflc Tnylor'a Ch«rok«« Nemndir of Sweet I Jum find Mullein will ■ 'iri* ‘ diih • and Conaumpiiou. Prlce2Vs.andllabott.e. I 1 t| I few i".; 1“*"* V i -ecpcdally to too form ol fish.” A WA.ai.oTo. special givee this Item as setUed, may n»d in the lanpiageol the themselves that the negro qoeetlon is I rabble and anbmit to the outrage lacks a an to be a mu-lcai conductor I took ell ^nnun.f 8 settled, mar read in the language of the I not on 'y 4 proper sense of justice but I my comporitkxm and mad. fire^wlth I *PP‘s a ”' as aootbvr to rbow l My wlfa has bean afflicted with hereditary ec oraaltrhaam from her Infancy; it ha TUE COLLEGE OK i: to hla duties a* a clerk in the Treasury! iMiartxnant. Intbla cotmcctioo tt Is wall —Mr. A. Victor Benham, a young care, as tire mother had been neglectful of 18- »ni follow atrlctiy the direction* in re^ Commission and tha Press. . . , .... , , . , Divested of all dodging, denying, ex- P 1 ®" ol tbo 8ut ®’ b Z ,ta leamed i“-1 k: ‘ 0 , W “ ‘ planation mid qaallficaUon, there can ri8t f’ “ d ^ P"- * putor. of unaflI church., employed hi to. U ^ conrtroctionof the language °* wbole con,ltr 5 r> 80 “ Icpartment*. Bar. Arthur Fuatar, who , „ cuubutu-uuuui iu. language support ed I _,t lnden.nd.nt Fnl.nnn.1 .hn»K Senator ThomtOn, as used OUThniB- I . auppurieu ,la * " aen, r.pucopei church i .ml Mimdni I , vertiblo facte and reaiatie*.arguments. ». I MttuiM. ^ I luwnHM, n,u » nnua 111 some years ago under the oricciDlea I »a*t, ana reporteu in our issue oi I , , ... T .. . I n . w „. n »,.. . I Wkw for cntialsss couples, and to married | third boule the lnflaainuiion dlnppc . “ . L -n,n—i— -m. intamni.iinn i. ,ki. What is the result? It is meton eyery . —One of George..B*ncroft’s moat In- couples wbo were childless It wee widely SdViSi JSi. d,i.‘,r?n .i, turJ i, LM:mlJ IlRLKVEA ; toyed cii toe professional nines her* in to* departments. Two of to* present Na- Uotni club are government employee. By mo* kind of tofioeoc* Uw members of toe debs were allowed Icartsof abetnes when ever they desired 11 to go on hue ball play ing tours throughout toe country." Iambus Enquirer. The press of the Stato does not fairly represent public opinion. The coantry press ha* been, subsi dized to oppose the Railroad Commit- Senator Thornton doe* not believe Did you Sup- >mL . < r ~tri' ne when corporations appeal, ieviatov Vc.orhtea on the eouth. Voorbees arrived in Iudlaaapolls a ETTainfaroperationTr perfbrmodTb* 8 «b»y ••• laugh In hi, tv'iH I jm*StSfSBXS^ • o:,l veann i . T e i:r> empbvvt* mat ev[rj I ^0r JiofSCS ? It 13 for [ Washington hospital.' He has bean for s I Ion - Nh>* ‘bus suffotog Irom a na ignant d: y A Viennese paper contains an a, Ivor- wafeUto gSd. g^^"^?^^S^n*wofto! boo* affvcttijghla low« jaw. I ttsement which runs aa follows: “Mr Al >? fuuber Infonaatlon _ E **? .*** P* ,pc<np ’ , Art - Oa Wadnaaday tore, leches of the Jew nam.U FrclcrickTl am «s pair u I Tm ‘^-““‘r.^'uilyri.enbvb.r.rifrt h Ire,. •: c the chin backward I c.:v,_andri_.Dytntoj tin exceed j "**«*•' “» , „\ Liniment only good inflan:K->- the opinion of mac, Southerners In record io I i removed. A fur toe operation the W It is my dixa^reesble < theadmfnMrttlee, Be had losad them 1s|petteol', toegoe wasplt.-ccd a:: l a to.-ftd|sj41e of these dtaadvrotagw I aspire to Detroit, lfleh,Msy 16,u*i! iriiwoWl Street. tion of all flcih.