Twice-a-week telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1899-19??, February 08, 1907, Image 1

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7 TWICEA-WEEK TELEGRAPH WEATHER FORECAST FOR GEORGIA RAIN IN SOUTH, SNOW IN NORTH PORTION FRIDAY; SATURDAY FAIR. FRESH NORTH TO NORTHWEST WINDS. ESTABLISHED IN 1826. MACON, GA., FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 8, 1907 TWICE-A-WEEK, $1.00 A YEAR. CHIEF ENGINEER STEVENS BUCKS AGAINST OLIVER He Will Resign if The Canal Contract Is Given Out- Afraid Others Will del Credit have resulted In a demand by Mr. Stevens for the acceptance of his res ignation if the contract is awarded. It i? asserted by certain Senators who have taken an unusual interest in :■!• matters reining to the canal that if on. of bids for canal construc tion is accepted It will mea.n that the WAS HTN'G T O >7. ministration I. is b. fare with the alte all bids for the i Panama canal by 1h( if c Feb. 7.—The ad- I on brought fa^e to ! n ttive of rejecting . instruction of the i contra < t, or losing I f Engineer John F. H BOOKER IS TOO SHOULD BE JUST ASK FOR STATE BUSK” SAID ret in to ■lay of Pro ift and Cl 11 cotnmi-:- III accede to h ruction will qvemraent 1 trei to the po ll.-. conies frot doubted, bit ibdlirate and i!i th nilr surprls by Mr. mlttee on ipin bluest, and the continued by information i i taken by Mr. • out ee t li t; has created of testimony re the be In a the question ol he had gone ovi fully and he n< that the canal the Government years. His frii that if a (untri tlon he will b< of building this gi quent exchanges nveen Washington ate tom- eanlc canals a year ii.i that if fa voted ii by contract. He it contractors would islt'on to deal with iborera. Since then the canal plans enro- expressrs the belief ri be constructed by ithin a period of ten determined to dis- pens- with Mr. Stevens as the direct r of the canal construction. Secretary Taft had a conference to day with the President regarding the Panama canal contract for the purpose of determining upon a course of pro- re.jure. The President and Secretary had before them the completed bid of William J. Oliver and his associates for the construction of the canal. Aft er the conference Secretary Loeb gave out the following statement: "The bid llle j of the Oliver-McDonald-Pierce com- 'ary j j-,inmtirrn has been received and. exam- I : C1 ‘- ined. and meets the formal require- i liver tnents. Mr. Paul D. Cravath.-on be- j i t half of his clients, the McArthur-Gil- I j,. Ilespie combination, has requested a \ I hearing before final action is taken. : “ n " In' addition to granting the hearing, i ■aion the Secretary of War and the isthmian | con- | canal commission will make as thor- j Ifi ,, j ough an examination as possible into j [the qualifications, experience, business 1 " Islanding and achievements of Mr. 01- - ste ' j iver and his associates and into the j nnoi I responsibility of the sureties. Secre- . tome jta.-y Taft and the commi’-ion will [ probably need a fortnight to complete I full examination of the bid and re- I port to the President.” 1 Secretary Taft later in the day made 1 known to Mr. Oliver the result of his talk with the President and framed a ter to Judge O'Brien. Oliver's coun- I that thi Ohio Senator’s Retort Was Only Incident in Browns ville Inquiry. WASHINGTON. Feb. 7.—Five nrsses were examined today ir w!t- t!|p So Rayner Thinks and May Introduce Resolution in Senate. A WET OR DRY Anti-Saloon League Asks Geor gia Legislature to Call It. ALLEGED TURPENTINE TRUST WILL BE PROBED WASHINGTON, Feb. 7.—Senatoi Rayrier, of Maryland, had a specific Brownsville inquiry before the Sen- object in view in bringing the Schley ~ | case to the attention of the Senate in ! his speech last week. It is known [ that he has been tvorking incessantly i here to obtain the opinions of Sena tors as to whether a joint resolution, cancelling the judgment of the Presi- ate committee on military affairs. All I were members of Company D of the j discharged battalion of negro soldiers, • except the last on the slate, former 1 Sergeant Luther T. Thornton, of Com- ! puny B. He testified that when aroused by the firing on the night of j dent and that of the Court of Inquiry August 1?. lie was under the impres- | in,, relation to the command at San- ion that ihe barracks were being fired ; tiago, could be carried through the Senate. Senator Rayner is anxious to secure an overturn of both these judg ments by act of Congress, as was done in the Fitzjohn Porter case. It is believed that the Maryland Sen ator has a sufficient number of votes upon by people of the town, and that j a similar opinion was expressed by other members of the company He ; said the reports of fire arms sounded ] to him like revolvers and shotguns. He i told of the call .to arms and of the inspections, of hearing that Company , pledged to enable him to adopt his res- ; C's gun racks had been broken. He olution In the Senate. Admiral Schley’s ' was cross-examined sharply about the : friends insist that such a resolution, if ; possibility of a soldier getting out of ; possible, ought to be passed Admiral j the reservation in the night without Schley is now considering the matter i being detected, and said this could be ! to determine whether he is willing to i done, but be did not think the man I risk a violation of the President's semi- j could get his arms and get out. It was official order or demand that naval of- | pointed out that the men already had fleers refrain from agitating this fam- ds tve t is let for coi robbed of the if cablegram and the is ter stood. This letter stated, among other things, that the Presiden was very much inclined to give the con tract'to Mr. Oliver and his associates, i him | but that he would not surrender his -true- ; right to reject all bids, even after the credit further hearing has been given to the Ftp- : McArthur-Gillespie combination. Mr. be- j Oliver left here tonight for his home hmus in Knoxville. EVELYN THAW SACRIFICES EVERYTHING FOR HARRY ammunition had to be ac counted for at inspection, and if any | were used the loss would be discov- j ered. , He said he had not heard that bul lets from army ammunition had been i found in the town until after the ar- I rival of Major Blocksom to make an j inspection for the War Department. Sergeant Fraser was recalled, and he corrected his testimony of yesterday by saying that he had surrendered his ammunitip.n at Fort Reno instead of offer no resolution - unless Admiral Schley gives his approval and urless he Is absolutely certain in addition, that there is a sufficient strength back of it to Insure its adoption. It is up to Admiral Schley to determine whether the case is' to be reopened or not. If such a resolution should be intro duced it would simply deal with the proposition as to who was in command at Santiago. No other specification will be taken up. The judgment - of the court and the'judgment of the Presi- Fort Brown. He said he had noticed _ g his error In a newspaper repot or the [dent leaves it in absolute doubt -as to proceedings. . | who was in command in. the sea fight. ! The next witness called for by Sen- j and as a matter of history, right and j ator Fornker was Winter Washington, justice, it is claimed bv the friends of j and Senator Overman asked if he said ; Admiral Schley that Congress ought Booker Washington. “No.'* said Mr. i to nut itself on record that Admiral NEW YORK, Feb. 7.—Evelyn Nes- bit Thaw told her story today. To (save the life of her husband, charged with murder, she bared to the world the inn-rmost see rets of her soul—a portrayal for which a sanctuary were t more fitting plage than the crowded, gaping court room. It was the same • lory she told Harry Thaw in Paris in 1903. when he asked her to become his wife, the confession of one who felt there was Insurmountable barrier to her ever bec.-iruing the bride of the V- man she loved: "5 In the big witness chair she ap- ] pearad but a slip of a girl, and she t. f -old the pitiful story of her eventful IJ&ung life in a frank, girlish way. r When tears came unbidden to her big brown eves and slowly trickled their way down scarlet cheeks she -trove in vain to keep them back. Though the lump in her throat at times seemed about to smother heS. she forced the words from trembling lips and by a marvellous display of courage, which t ;ok her through her staggering ordeal, shook off a depres sion which threatened to become, an j absolute collapse. As thp young wife unfolded the narrative of her girlhood ( and told the early struggles of her self and her mother to keep body and soul together; of gaunt poverty that stood ever at the dcor and how she finally was able to earn a livelihood by posing for photographers and art ists, she won the murmured sympathy of the throng which filled every avail- I able space in the big court room. J Wrecked at 16. j Then came the relation of the wreck of that girlhood .at sixteen years of age. It was the story of her meeting with Stanford White, the story of the , sumptuous studio apartment, whose dingy exterior gave no hint of the lux urious furnishings within: of a vel vet-covered swing in which one could swing until slippered toes crashed My through the paper of a Japanese par asol swung from the celling: the story of a glass of champagne, of black, whirling sensations and of mirrored bedroom walls. In short, she told all the story. "Don't scream so,” it is all over; it is all rigat.” "And this was Stanford White?” The question came from Dolphin Delmas, now conducting the defense of Harry Thaw. "Yes. sir." The stillness of the crowd, which was big. bustling, shoving and snar ling over some especially coveted seat when court convened, was its own ’ _ tribute to the effect of the girl's story. ' Into the narrative there entered nothing of the woman of the world. A girl in face and figure, Mrs, Thaw was still a girl as she withstood an ordeal which might well have startled into terror a woman of maturer years. Touches of Simple Pathos. Into the narrative she injected ninny little touches of i young girl's hopes and disappointments. Of her early life she related how her mother had gone from Pittsburg to Philadelphia to se- i* ■ . cure assistance, and how she and her brother, Howard, the brother who has been in court many days, but not once has gone near his sister, were placed on a train by friends and sent to tlieir mother. She recalled that the two lit tle travelers had trouble with the conductor, who wanted to put then- cat out of the ear. But she naively added, they held fast possession of it, just the same. She told of her arrival , in New York, of her life here, and ! eventually the acceptance by her . mother of the thlrce-refu.-ed invitation ' of a girl of the theater to meet sorr.v ; of her friends at luncheon. The girl's ! mother told Evelyn's mother they were i people in New York society and per- ; fectiy proper else she would not Jet her girl go with them. ."When she eame for me it: the han- , com." said the witness. "I remember ; hoping we'd go to the Waldorf. I had • heard so much about it and wanted to be all right, that he would look after me. Finally she went. Then eame an invitation to a. party, but no one else was there: just us two. They all seem ed to have turned us down,’ he said. After we had dined and I-’wanted to Foraker; "Booker Washington is too busy, attending to bis senatorial duties to come here." He referred to the interest of Hook er T. Washington in the question cf having a negro .appointed to a Fed eral position in Ohio, patronage which has- been regarded as belonging to the home, he said I had-not seen all of the ! from .Ohio apartments and we went to a room I "here was .nothing unusual in "Win-, with mirrors all over the walls. The j "Washington's testimony. He. was room w as a bedroom. On a small tabic - a member of Company D.- and ., b.l? stood a bottle of champagne and one | fitory was not unlike those told by his glass. Mr. 'White poured but just one j former comrades. His "idea of the glass for me. and T paid no attention [ Browiisvfile affair, ho.wever. was that to it. Mr. White went away, came ~ ’ ~ back and said: ; SPEAKER CANNON IS CONFINED WITH COLD i "I decorated this room myself." Then he asked me' why I was not ■ drinking my champagne and I said I ■ did not like it; it tasted bitter. But he ! persuaded me to drink it and I did. j “A fe wmoments after I had drank ; the champagne there began a pounding and thumping in my ears and the room got all black.” Mrs. Thaw was almost in tears a't this stage. Mirrors All Around. "When I awoke my clothes had all be.en taken - off me. I started to scream. Mr. White got up and threw a kimona on me. As I sat up I saw WASHINGTON, Feb. 7.—Speaker mirrors all around the bed. T began Cannon is confined to his home and to scream again and Mr. White asked probably will not be at the capitol for me to keep quiet, saying that ‘it was ' two or -three days. He is able to be all over.' When he threw the kimona about the house, but is suffering from over me, he left the room. I screamed a very severe cold contracted nearly harder than ever. I don't remember j a week ago and his physician has ad- how I got my clothes on. , vised him to remain at home for sev- "He took me home and I sat up all oral days. ■ night crying.” j — "Where was Mr. White when, you Frenchman recovered consciousness?" "He was on the bed, beside me un dressed.” “What did he say afterwards?” “He made me' swear that I would never tell my mother about it. He said there was no use in talking, and the greatest thing in this world was not to get found out. He said the. girls in the theater were foolish to talk. He laughed afterwards." Continued on Page 7.', Schlep was in command, so that this expression may sro down to historians of the future alongside the judgment of the court and the opinion of the President—that the battle was a cap tain’s battle, and that no' one was in command. Of course, if the resolution should come up with the consent of Admiral Schley, either-at this session or at the next session, there would he full dis cussion 'upon that point in order to substantiate what the friends of Ad miral Schley think was the truth.' that Admiral Sampson was- not. within Mexican greasers and Texas cow- j fourteen miles of the battle at any boys" had one the shooting In order. ! time from the firing of the first gun to to make the trouble for the negro sol- j the surrender of the Grisfobal Colon, diers.” | Friends of Schley contend that histo- The other witnesses were Sergeant } rians and writers at present are doing Reeves, who was called for cross-ex- I a grave injustice to the Admiral and amination .and Corporal A. H. Rowland, j are founding their statements upon Nothing of importance was brought the President’s judgment, out. . ATLANTA, Feb. 7.—The anti-saloon league of Georgia, which has been in session in this city for the last two days, today elected officers to serve for the ensuing year, and passed a res olution calling on the general assembly at its coming session this summer to provide for a general State election on the question of prohibition for the eitr. tire State. W. R. Hammond, of Atlanta, was re-elected president, and J. C. Solomon secretary, and all of the other old of ficers were re-elected. Dr. Broughton, who was chairman of the committee on resolutions, made a speech this morning in which he de clared that Georgia had elected a sa loon keeper for Governor, arid that anybody who expected to get anything out of the Fulton County Representa tives on tile line of prohibition might as well call off the dogs. Dr. Broughton’s committee, of which Rev. Sam Small was also a member, reported the following resolution, which was passed by the league before its adjournment this afternoon: "Be it resolved that we hereby re spectfully ask and urge the general assembly of Georgia, at its forthcom ing session, in June, to pass an act that will submit to the lawful vo ters of the State, at a special election ordered for that purpose and that alone, the question whether the said genera! assembly shall pass an act prohibiting the" licensing of the sale of intoxicating liquors in any form here after in this State. "Resolved second. That we cordially invite all citizens of the State who will indorse the above resolution to join- us in urging the notion, therein set out upon the ensuing general assemb ly. "Resolved, third, That a State cam paign committee of competent ability be employed to visit the county seat of . every county in the State before June 20 next, and publicly arouse the people to petition the general assemb ly to grant the above asked referen dum as a matter of right to the citi zens of the State.” The resolution was signed by Rev. L. G. Broughton, chairman, Sam IV. Small, of Fulton. Wilbur Colvin, erf Troup, George W. Gleason, of Rock dale, and AY. B. Stubbs, of Charlton. WHITE CUPPERS RUN OFF NEGRO LABOR ATLANTA, Feb. 7.—Acting upon a petition filed about ten days ago by prominent officials and citizens of Habersham County, asking that a re ward he offered for the apprehension of unknown white cappers in that county. Governor Terrell today offered a reward of $50 for the conviction of each person Implicated in the affair. The petition seis forth that, several reliable, honest negroes were warned Grand Jurors Connected With Business Combinations Are Turned Down Akerman Says He Will Prosecute SAVANNAH. Ga.. Feb. 7.—Assistant District Attorney Akerman announc ed upon the convening of the District. Cr purpi art last December to leave their farms and | 1 ,. * , , ‘ that section of the State. As n result. J " a general oxodus of negro laborers has "•’J' . ' that : gaim- taken place front that section and ttic lack of labor is becoming serious. TILLMAN WANTS TO KNOW WHO PAID HANKS WASHINGTON. Feb. At the sug gestion of Senator Tillman the Sen ate today agreed to a resolution call ing on the Attorney General and the secretary of commerce and labor to report' whether Charles S. Hanks has at any time been .paid from public funds for any services rendered by him, and what sums and for what service: also what reports he may have made. The resolution has ref erence .to Mr. Hanks’ employment in connection with the interstate com merce commission. and solute and imp: le then MRS. JOSEPH BRYAN GIVES BRONZE STATUE OF JOHN SMITH. • NORFOLK, Va.. Feb. 7.—It was an nounced today • from the Jamestown exposition offices that Mrs. Joseph Bryan, wife of the owner of the Rich mond Tiroes-Dispnteh. has given the bronze statue of Cant. John Smith, which will be erected at the James town exposition under the auspices of the Society for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, of which Mrs. Bryan is a leading member. pm SECOND DAY OF MIAMI MICH REGATTA Says Working Class of Europe Perform Harder Work Than Negroes in South SHRINERS SWOOP DOWiN ON VALDOSTA Speaking of immigration in connec tion with the convention to be held in Macon on the 19th, Monsieur Louis Avenel, the globe trotter, who was in Ala con yesterday, said: "There, is an idea that the. work in the cotton and cornfields of the South is such that only negroes can do it. Let me tell you that the working class of France. Belgium, Switzerland i other countries. perform every : much harder work than is' performed VALDOSTA. Ga.. Feb. 7.—About one by the negroes of this country. They hundred and fifty Shriners from Sa- , a re used to the hardest kind of labor vannah. Thomasvllle, Waycross, Bain- .and the coarsest food. Why some of bridge. Cordele, Macon and other places : the women of the poorer and laboring swooped down upon Valdosta today ! classes do the work of men. Such work DUBLIN, Ga., Feb. 7.—A highly sen sational petition- was read in Laurens Superior Court this morning- and en livened an otherwise very dull session. While the attention of Judge Lewis was not engaged in other matters, K. J. Hawkins, Esq., one of the attorneys for the State, arose and presented a pe tition signed by Mr. J. B. Tyre, brother of J. L..Tyre, who was killed last No vember by G. A. Tarbutton and Jose- W. Fluker, asking that the defendants be remanded to jail until their alleged physical condition could be inquired into by a board of five impartial physicians. A statement -of facts accompanied- the petition, showing that the men had befen remanded to jail by three commit tal justices, that bond had bet n allowed by Judge Lewis on the statement of the defendants' physicians that they were j in bad health, and that the case was j continued because of ,the absence of witnesses claimed to be material by the I defense, and that so ion fendants.are out under bond ly that they can always comply with the law in asking for a continuance. The petition states further that it is SOUTHERN RY. MACHINISTS STRIKE AT SELMA, ALA. SELMA. -Via., Feb. 7.—All machin ists employed in the Southern railway shops here went on strike late today because, it is said, a new night fore man was appointed who is not a union mar,. Thirty-five men are involved. PELHAM’S NEW CITY ADMINISTRATION IS IN. PELHAM, Ga.. Feb. 7.—-The Mayor and new city council were inducted into office Wednesday afternoon. H. H: Murrv is the Mayor, and J. L. Hand. W. S. Hill, J. J. 1 Mize and J.' W. Everett are the members of council. They expect to calif-for a bond" election for $40,000 to be expended on pub lic- improvements. trust. fair nd jury lie secured, d Judge Speer tn ask the grand jurors if any of them were connected with the turpentine trust or any other monopoly. Judge Spicer asked the question. Juror W. T. Hopkins answered that the fertilizer concern with Which lie is con nected is already under indictment as operating a trust and was excused. George F. Tennil. with the Southern Cotton Oil Co., was challenged. Ho said In- did not know if his con- , cern was a. trust or monopoly, nor dirt 1 ' lie know anything about it having a connection with the Standard Oil Com pany. Nevertheless he was excused. Judge Speer delivered his eh.irga, after which the grand jury retired. A number of naval siores men were examined. The presentments may lie made tomorrow. Mass of Documentary Evidence. The Federal grand jury for the Southern district of Georgia was con vened today and Assistant District At torney Alexander Akerman pre sented evidence designed to secure in dictments under the Sherman anti trust law of the alleged “turpentine trust.” There was presented a mass of doc umentary evidence, mu -h of which had been secured by the Government by se cret service methods when it had beep,..., shipped by the S. P. Shutter Company, from this city to Massachusetts. A number of naval stores men of,- this city ami Jacksonville were exam ined. It is expected the grand jury will, report tomorrow. PROHIBITION “DOWNED” DISPENSARY IN TERRELL DAWSON. Ga.. Feb. 7.—The fight between the prohibition and dispensary forces in Terrell County waxed warm today, with the result that the prohi bitionists won by a majority approxi mately of 158. Tile tight was led by. the' ladies, who from early morn to dewey evening buttonholed the. men, sang and prayed until tho victory was won. The -church hells were rung every half hour during the day. The polls closed with the victorious side, singing -'dPraise God front Whom all Blessings Flow.” and prayer r.y the Rev. J. B.'Johnson. TCrrell is'dry. $32,000,000 DONATED BY JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER MIAMI, ,Fla., Feb. 7.—Four, events marked the second day of Miami’s first annual regatta. The feature was the time trials of E. J. Schroeder’s racer Dixie for the mile. The Dixie's, fastest mile was 2 minutes 21 1-5 seconds with the tide and 2 minutes 22 2-5 sec onds against the tide, making the rate per hour on the average mile 29.2S statute miles. This is slightly lower than her record at . the Lake Worth regatta. The. four knot event for working launches of all classes was won by the Hoosier. the winner covering the dis tance in 29 minutes 27 seconds. Five , . . ,* . , I the belief of the petitioner that Lee ™ e . f ° l n. k t n , 0t f .° r spee v , boa if Woodum, who was not present at the was won b.v the . wallow, C. j trial, is now, and has been, in the cus- i tofly of friends of the defendants, and that he would have been present if the defendants had desired to be tried at the present term of the court. As soon as Attorney Hawkins, who drew up the petition, finished reading it. Judge Lewis directed that an order be taken denying the petition. The petition was the first one of the kind ever presented in Laurens Super ior Court in the recollection of the old est county official, and had the effect of making everyone in the court room sit up and take notice. Ohio ing to a to dition of r< $3,262,500. further total sum THIRD DISTRICT LETS minutes 27 seconds. Fice racers start ed in this event. ^ & The eight knot race for gpeeffers called out three starters. It was won by a local boat, the Hot Stuff, which finished only nine second ahead of Godschalk’s Swallow. Engine trouble and Itept the Swallow from winning the. day event. A nine knot sailing event, with five starters, was won by the Klon dike. the onl boat finishing within the three hour limit placed on the race. The. Klondike's time was 2 hours, 53 minutes, 50 seconds. NEW YORK, Feb. 7.—Announce- t South Carolina, Georgia. Louisiana, ment 'was made late today that John j Missouri, ICan as. Ipvu. AVisciiv.'-i-.ri, In- D. Rockefeller has given the general diana education- board 332,000,000. lie h«»-l previously given the board $11,000;0U0. The gift is intended to assist in the work of the board throughout tils country. The educational board is in tended to help educational institutioi The gift is in the form of thirty-two million dollars worth of income hear ing securites, the largest single prize ever handed out for educational pur poses. Mr. Rockefeller's contributions as the _de- ( 0 work now amount to $43,000,000. 1 it is like- Th,-, general education board apparent ly was not prepared for this gift, which was announced simply in this letter; New York. Feb. 5. 1907. “General Education Board, 54 Wil liams street, New York City. "Gentlemen: My father authorized j me to sav that on, or before April 1, i 1907, he will give to the general board bciys' dormitory income bearing securities, the-present j several 'propositi AMER1CUK. G; Terrell met the 1 district.; agricuUur cus this morning, conference being ing contract and are holding a ceremonial session tonight at which thirty-five candidates are being conducted over the hot sands. The parade this afternoon was a unique feature of the day, and was witnessed by a. great crowd in spite of the inclement weather. After tlte ceremonial session a ban quet will be given at the Valdosta Ho tel and h promises to be the most brilliant event ever held in this section. Mr. J. D. McCartney, of Savannah, will be ton si master, and speeches will be made as follows: E. A. Cutts. Sa vannah. "Alee Temple:” R. L. Wylly, Thomasvllle. "Why We Are Here;'” Rev. J. A. Smith. Bainbrldge. “Wire- grass Wanderings;" R. M. Hitch. Sa vannah, "The Camel;" T. G. Boat wright, Cordele. "Come With Us;” ] Rev. A. M. Williams, Valdosta. “The as you give women to do in this coun ' try would be—what you call it—a • picnic. ' Monsieur Avenel is making a trip j around the world, walking, riding, and j in any way. He left Paris four years ; ago and has been on the road | since. From Macon he goes to gusta, thence to Florida and then to Cuba. In- every city he visits the Mayor's office and obtains an official certificate of his having presented himself. These' certificates cover two large scrap books, and these are about the only baggage he carries. He walked from Atlanta to Macon, coming in with a fever. He makes notes of all he sees and tells them to his countrymen through the columns of La Petit Parisien. Since the ques tion of immigration has been agitated MARDI0RAS CARNIVAL 51 ON IN NEW ORLEANS NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 7.—The Mardi e ^ er Gras carnival week began tonight with Au * the allegorical street parade of Mo- mus, god of mirth. The seventeen floats composing the parade moved through densely packed streets, and were lighted by thousands of gas torches with polished reflectors. The floats represented the places visit ed by Momus in quest of the fountain of vouth, and included among them KILLED Ilf S.1 SENATE market value of which is about thirty- j am M&nuf two million dollars, ($32,000,000), one- [ was accepted third to .be added to the permanent j w. Shiver, a endowment of the board, two-thirds to I der and copt be applied to such specific objects j acted In the within the corporate purposes of the j Umlnary det? board, as either he or I may from time j (rround for-tb .. Feb. 7.—Gi- ii o-ab-ge in . Ihe purpose to academic lv After inspecti is that mi af Coni pa Valdosta-.’’ John W. Moore. I he iF giving the matter of cotton fields Waycross. "Wheels;” P. T. Knight, j considerable study. "The Hot Sands." Numerous impromptu addresses will also be made. The out of town mem bers will return home in the morning. go there. But the hansom stopped in front of a dingy looking building in West Twenty-fourth street and I was t'dd to get out. My mother had dress ed me. My skirts were jus: to my J sW«es then. This was in August, 1901. ] He was a big and fat and ugly man. : I remember his meeting us at the head ‘ of three flights of stairs," she con- ! tinued. i White Looked After Her. BROKEN TRAIN RUNS TOGETHER NEAR PELHAM PELHAM, Ga., Feb. 7.—A wreck oc curred from running together of a broker, train on the F. R. & N. E. R. Tt. th’s af-erao.ct at 3 '’-clock, resulting in the injury of A. S. Speight, roadmtts- ipr. .T. R. Bridges. H. C. Davidson, Geo. Arridge. of Sale City. Mrs. Nor man, Pelham. None fatally. 'FRISCO OFFICIAL DENIES REPORT OF RAILROAD DEAL. NEW ORLEANS. La.. Feb. 7.—B. F. Yoakum, head of the 'Frisco railroad system, upon arrival here today, de nied that there is any truth in the report that the 'Frisco intends to pur- ■' Chase the Mobile. Jackson and Kansas j OFFICE MEN OF SOUTHERN WANT SALARIES RAISED ATLANTA. Feb. 7.—It is - reported here that a movement has practically! been set on foot among the office and ! SUE BROOKS IS COLUMBIA, S. C., Feb. 7.—In .be State Senate tonight the prohibition bill, was killed, 30 to 10. The anti- state dispensary bill was taken up and a test vote showed 23 to 17 in its favor. The bill was not passed but was held up for amendments. It has passed the i n r the board were the "center of the earth” and a I House by two-thirds majority, and will scene on the sun and the moon. The pass the Senate tomorrow. This means Knights of Momus accompanying the that State dispensary will be abolished parade-were all masked. After the pa- and'that there will be prohibition in the rade there were tableaux, followed by j State. These county’s which now have the annual ball at the French opera ! dispensaries will be permitted to vote house, wl-.'rh was participated in by the j whether tlfey want them continued un masked knights and by: New Orleans j der county control, society and business leaders. About 59,000 visitors are in the city. 1 desk men of the Southern Railway j Company to secure an increase In I : their salary. Increases have been I j granted in tbe wages and salaries of j • nearly every other class of employes I I except these. There arc some 200 men ! j connected with this part of the work ! I in this district, and they feel that j ; a.ime. consideration should be shown j i them in view of the prosperous times | j which have brought increased wages ■ I to every other ciass. but so far noth- [ Ing has been done. Their living ex- I : pense? have advanced just as rapidly I ; and just as extensively as those of the I other employes, ar.d they think that 1 just as much should be done for them. GUILTY OF MURDER COLUMBUS CONTRIBUTES $1,000 TO GEORGIA BUILDING COLUMBUS. Ga., Feb. 7.—The city council last night passed for the sec ond time a resolution appropriating $1,000 to the fund for a. Georgia build ing at the Jamestown Exposition. GAINESVILLE. Ga.. Feb. 7.—Mrs. Sue Brooks, charged as accessory to the murder of Jack 'Collins, was to day found guilty and recommended to mercy ■ f court. She was sentenced to imprisonment for life. Her son. j Foster .Brooks, was last week also con- I victed of this murder and al=o.seni up for life. .Motions for new trials have been nad’- in both cases, j A mistrial was declared in the case j of Harry Strickland, the fourteen-year i old boy- v ho Saturday shot and killed his brother Newton Strickland. WANTS COTTON TAX DIVIDED BETWEEN CONFEDERATES WASHINGTON, Fob. 7.—Represen- | tative Spight, of Miss'ssippi. intro- i duce-d a bill today providing that Secre- j tary Shaw shall divide the cotton tax fund among the cotton growing States 'or use in p nsloning Confederate sol- liers and their widows. Maher W ill Begin Taking Testimony, j cause me .Hoone. jacss.’n ana Kansas ! WASHINGTON, Feb. 7.—Commls- He gate me presents and niv mother I City railroad. Mr. Yoakum said that ' sioner Maher announced today that . me go to other parties. Then he ] in about sixty days tie Colorado, I he* -would begin taking testimony in id mv mother should visit some Southern and Pacific railroad, a ’Fri.-- j ihe Sheriff -Shipp oontemp' case at ir.Vnd.- in Pittsburg. Sin- said siie ro line, will run into New could not leave me. He said it would over itj own rails. Orleans j Chattanooga ai 10 o'clock next Tues- 1 daft ISABELLE URQUHART, ACTRESS, DEAD. ROCHESTER, N. Y„ Feb. 7.—Isa belle FryUhart, the actress, died to night at 1.30 o’clock. F, F. Coley Was Found Dead in Bed. MONTEZUMA, Feb. 7.—R F. Coley, of this place, sixty-nine years of age. was found dead in his room Slinday marning by his colored servant. He was partially paralyzed three or four years ago. and had been very feeble since. He was a Confederate veteran, having seen ser’ice through; ut the war with the Eighteenth Georgia reg- <lmsnt la .Virginia. time direct, any remainder not so designated at the death of the sur vivor to be added also to the perma nent endowment fund. "Very truly, “JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER, JR.” Most of the members of the board were surprised at the announcement and amazed at the size of tile gift. Dr. B'uttrick, the secretary, said he did not know the gift was to be made until he received the letter. Other members did not know of the donation until the letter was read. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., acting for his father, appeared shortly after the meeting was called to order, and hand ed the letter to the secretary. Dr. Wal lace Butterick. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., remained throughout the session Asked if he had any- thing to add to his letter, he replied j he did not believe he could add any thing of importance to it as the letter explained Itself. Members of the board when asked what the “specific purposes” referred to in Mr. Rockefeller’s letter meant, said *bat U wejs in t it fine of educa tional wo. k n\] was intended, in their opinion, to ve Mr. Rockefeller the right to dixksu- the disposition of the fund to such institutions, within the province cf the board, as he may deem proper. The elder Mr. Rockefeller is nor a member of the board, but his son .is a member, and the active di rection doubtless will come from him. No Aid to State Colleges. No gifts from this great fund are in tended to he given to State educational institutions. Certain colleges will be 'selected for donations nr endowments, forming a chain of educational institu tions- across the continent. It will be come a question of the survival of the fittest, it is said, for which i: is claim ed a .better and higher standard of education will result. On the maps ir. the William street office of the Rocke feller fund the colored pins marking the institutions will seal the fate of many a college and work out the des tiny of others to prosperous ends. From the income of the original fund of $11,000,000, conditional subscriptions hat'e already been made to eighteen colleges la .Virginia. North Carolina, broken during for buildings t those in other and iccting the the Gresb- y, Griffin. ■ $31,000. John ‘.mericus httii- ikewise in ter- varied.- Pre- mph-red and Mings will be The plans, duplicates of G. GUNEY JORDAN CITES ARGU. MENT FOR ENCOURAGEMENT OF IMMIGRATION MOVE MENT COLUMBUS. Ga.. Feb. 7.—Columbus has set about in earnest to rais^ $2,000 for the city's adequate representation in the movement inaugurated by the Georgia Immigration Association to in-; crease the white population of the State. The local association of textile manufacturers ha.- given Jl.oon to the fund, the other manufacturers here, wll be asked to give $500 and the cityj council has been requested to approi priate $500 and will probably do so. Vice-President G. Gunby Jordan and Director F. B. Gordon of the Georgia Immigration Association appeared be fore tho city council last night and made a strong plea for an appropria tion for the work. Tn his remarks Mr. Jordan d that Georgia was being outstripped by- other Southern States in the matter' of securing desirabls immigrants. Of the one and one- quarter million immigrants who came to American last year Georgia secured 752. Virginia secured 9.000, and in one Texas port, alone, in the month of No vember last. 750 foreigners- entered, youth Carolina is already being bene fited by the influx of foreigners of, de sirable class. Mr. Jordan • illustrated this with an Incident with which he chanced to be personally familiar. A- Columbus man recently went to a town in South Carolina to assist in the sale of some farm property in which be was interested. The, three owners fixed a good, stiff price for it. and to their surprise it brought that, with 22 per cent added, so lively was the bidding. The Columbus man Investigated and found that a good many of the for eigners who have recently coir.e to South Carolina have settled in that town, there already heing a German colony there, and that with the in crease in population, land values went UP.