Twice-a-week telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1899-19??, July 16, 1907, Image 2

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ri THE TWICE-A-WEEK TELEGRAPH Tuesday, July 16,1907. TO DELICATE WOMEN DILL Yon will never get well and strong, bright, hap py, hearty and free from pain, until you build up your constitution with a nerve refreshing, blood-making tonic, like Wine 4 It Makes Pale Cheeks Pink table It is a pure, harmless, medicinal tonic, made from vegt tagrodi ents, which relieve female pain and distress, such as headache, backache, bowel ache, dizziness, chili:, scanty cr profuse menstru ation, dragging down pains, etc. It is a bulidir.g, strength-making medicine for women, the only medicine that Is certain to do you good. Try it. Sold by every druggest in $ 1.00 bottles. WRITE US A LETTER ! “YOU ARE FRIENDS treaty and frankly, in strictest conf.J-, of mine,” writes Airs. F. L. Jones, of enee, telling us all your symptoms and ! Gallatin, Tenn.: troubles. We wiU send free advice} ‘‘For since taking Cardui I have (in plain sealed envelope), how to | gained 35 lb:;., and am in better health cure them. Address: Ladies’ Advisory i than for the past 0 years, 1 teil my Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., husband that Cardui is worth its Chattanooga, Tenn. , I weight in gold to ail suffering ladies.” ATLANTA. Ga„ July 13.—The Ways and Means committee of the House • inoon turned down with an unfavorable icport the bill by Mr. Ain. •nder, of D»Kalb. designed to permit comptroller general to go outside the railroad commission to appoint ' Slate Arbitrators on corporation tax- ■< sessmeirs. This bill is said to hive been aimed In large measure at Rail road Commi*sloncr O. B. Stevens who . has been designated to represent the ! State in this year’s arbitrations. The House at Mr. Alexander's. request had asked the committee for. an early re port upon it. New Banking Laws. Prominent Atlanta banks’ and bank ers from other sections of the State have -been- before the committee on banks and banking urging t ie pas-'age ■ f the proposed new banking laws. The House committee has spent several days on the measure and wilt sent It back on Wednesday with a favorable report. GIRLS NEED PI PILLS JULIUS L. BROWN WAS ANTI-PASS BILL MAY ROBBED OLID PINS YET BEAR BALL’S NAME 1 TOOK PE-RU-NA . WITH GOOD RESULTS, i -“""f The Tonic Necessary for Tlieir Prefer Development and to Insure a Healthful and Happy Life—Read This fctatement of an Iowa Woman. NEW YORK. Julv 15.—Julius L. Brown, of Atlanta. Ga., appeared in police court today as ocmplainant against Rose Edwards, John Edwards and Lottie Brown, the two last named negroes, who were arrested on sus picion after Brown had be nineteen stick pins, said of the pins lessness ATLANTA. Ga.. July 15.—It looks after all as if it were going to be tho Joe Hall anti-pass bill. Mr. Hall’s friends on the railroad committee of the House this afternoon brought about a reconsideration of the action n robbed of j by which tho Hall bill was reported by > be valued i substitute, an action which Mr. Hall at $12,000. Eleven of the pins were j said he considered "a slap in the face” irecovered today. .by the committee. While, no other j The prisoners were held in $5,000 ] action was taken on account of other j bail each for examination. Brown had; business. It is said at tomorrow’s attended the Knights Templar con- ; meeting practically the Hall bill, with f*lfl vo at SoroinM oniT ho«T afAnnotl Inna nr t irn minnr u mnrtfTmante will hn | • ’.V'S-. || 11| that often afflicts growing over here last night when he was rob-j reported girls, that has been called the anae- j ^ ed - ' mla of development. It requires care and proper attention, as neglect may- cause a life of unhappiness and suffer-’ ing. There is also danger of con sumption, especially if a dry. hacking cough is noticed. The -disease la in the blood, and Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are particularly well adapted to cure it. Wo have yet to hear of a case in -p, _ _ ...which these blood-making pills have rhe genera! Judiciary committee of , . .... ,.., thout success TT.auen LniTat* rAnnrtnrl fovnraMv ! “ * * . . * Southern Dental College ATLANTA. GEORGIA Dental Education SS l*‘.vitifully illustrated and descriptive cata!orue of the ::'-j:hzrn lental college. Atlanta, ga.. ,, Write today to S. W. Foster. Doan for Catalogue No. * -» AUCTION SALE FARM LANDS IN SOUTH GEORGIA. Thursday, August 8, 1907. the House today reported favorably ; the’bill by Mr. Dykes,..of Sumter, and Mr. Slater, of Bryan, putting a penalty i of $50 upon telegraph companies in j each case in which they fait to deliver promptly any message received or re ceipted for by them. Johnson's Sensational Charge, i Before the House committee on ed- I ncatfon Dr. Mark Johnson. former I candidate for State school commission er. created a sensation this afterfioon j by charging that “nlnty per cent of the county school commissioners of Georgia are in collusion with the mon- umqntal book tru=t or the United I States.” Dr. Johnson declared that If j the county school commissioners could not be elected by vote of the people I that thev ought not to be entitled to | hold the'office. The bill by Mr. White, of Madison, providing for the election of county school commissioners by the people was under consideration. Sev eral speeches were made aaglnst the bill on the ground that it might lead to the election of incompetents. The committee wa* unable to agree and further consideration of the meas ure went over to Wednesday qua I da plantation in the Georgl: ten small farr i will be offer owing terms: i! payments hi ' r particulars »f 1.537 acres, ai Tlvola. Ga., 2S miles south Southern and Florida Railway, has been dl- is ranging from 76 to 195 acres each, and id separately at public sale, on the premises. One-fourth cash and the balance in three 6 per cent interest, and plat of land, write to SOUTHERN’S TICKET AGENT TO BE TRIED W. L. GLESSNEK, Macon, Ga. DM DOCTRINE NOT FAVORED H SOME the plan of President Zelaya. of Nica ragua, for the federation of the five re publics. According to cable advices RALEIGH. X. C.. July 15.—An ad- ditiohal indictment was found today by the Wake County grand jury against the Southern Railway ticket agent for selling tickets at a rate in- excess of two and one-quarter cents per mile in violation of the State law. which makes such a sale misdemeanor. There are two indictments against W. A. Pleasant at Morrlsvllle. and one against J. D. Weathers, of Garner, six miles from Raleigh. No action has •been yet taken on the indictments against T. E. Green, the State agent Miss Esther E. Durbin, of 212 1-2 Main street. Davenport, la., says: “When I was a school girl I became afflicted with anaemia and grew so weak that I could scarcely walk. There was a__craving for starch and 1 ate a great deal of it. I was pale and thin hid no ambition and was sub ject to hysterical attacks. My breath was so short that I would have to sit down and rest on the way up the school steps. I would fall asleep dur ing a reci’ation in spite of my efforts to kee pawake and at last had to give up going to school. ’’Sometimes it seemed that my heart would jump out of my body. Almost everything I ate hurt my stomach and I had bladder trouble that caused me to bloat and puff up. I had two doc tors during the two years before I be gan using Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, and at last, they told my mother they could do nothing for me. "Our druggist recommended Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills and when I had taken them about three weeks I no ticed a change for the better. Alto gether I used them for about a year, and they gave me new life and health when every other meins had Jailed. I have recommended the pills to many others and am always glad to do so.” A valuable booklet. “Diseases of the Blood.” containing fuller Information Will be sent free upon rpquesL Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are sold by all druggists, nr sent, postpaid, on re ceipt of price. 50 cents per box. six boxes for $2.50. by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady. N.Y. Doctors Could Not Help Her. “I had kidney trouble for years.’’ ; writes Mrs. Raymond Conner, of Shel- ; tqn, Wash., "and the doctors could not I help me. I tried Foley’s Kidney Cure. ! and the very first dose gave me relief j and I am now cured. I cannot say too j much for Foley’s Kidney Cure.” It j makes the diseases kidneys sound so that they will eliminate the poisons from the blood. Unless they do this, good’ health is impossible. H. J. Lamar & Co., near Exchange Bank, Agents, Macon, Ga. MIMIC.BATTLE AT NEWPORT ENDS WRECK CAUSED BY MISTAKE OF TELEGRAPH OPERATOR WASHINGTON. Julv. J5.—Reports received here by the. Southern Railway say that the deaths from the wreck near Johnson City, Tenn., tonight number from six to ten, and that the wreck was caused by the telegraph operator making a mistake in copying the train orders. YAMAMOTO PLEASED AT HIS RECEPTION A Memorable Day. One of the days we remember with pleasure, as well as with profit to our health. Is the one on which we became acquainted with Dr. King's New Life Pills, the painless purifiers that cure headache and biliousness, and keep the bowels right. 25c at all Drug Stores. FEDERAL JUDGE REFUSED TO HAND OVER TRUST AFFAIRS. DALLAS. Tex.. July 15.—Federal Judge Bryant at Sherman today fused to turn over the Waters-Pierce Oil Company’s affairs to the State re ceiver. but the court stated that the Federal receiver would not be allowed to sell anything but commodities handled by the company, pending an appeal on the State’s udgment against the company for more than 51,000,000. NEWPORT. R. I.. July 14.—The war maneuvers. In which the United States artillerymen, the State militia and sev eral Government vessels have taken part, came to a close today. Fort Adams, with its searchlights, put out of commission the two torpedo planters of the "enemy” and repelled a sea attack after the "enemy’s" transports. While the land attach was being made on Fort Adams a detachment from Fort Greble made a forced march across the island and captured Fort Wetheril! and made prisoners of a detail of twenty-five coast artillerymen. Taking charge of the fort, the captors turned the guns of Fort Adams and made a strong attack on that fortification. The mimic battle ended promptly at 5 a. m., closing the entire maneuvers. JUDGE CLEMENT A. CAMU ASSASSINATED. SAN ANTONIO, Tex.. July 14.—A spe cial to the Express from El Paso. Tex., says: Judge Clement A. Camu. at Rancho DeFeloncillo. was assassinated last night and Jesus Amparan is in jail charged with thee rime. AGED MAN BEAT ANOTHER’S FACE ALMOST TO A JELLY. received at the State Department to- l day from American Minister Merry at h , e ^ e ’. The ,. S , t , ate , ***? reta * ned to as " San Salvador, the Salvadorean 'gov- 1 THE HAGUE, preaching dlseussli proposition relntlv of pecuniary debt: interest, especially July 15.—The ap- in of the American ^ to the collection is arousing great because of .the at- ernment has begun court proceedings to determine what disposition shall be made of the property of George and Edward Moissant. who are reported to be American citizens and who are Im prisoned on the charge of aiding the revolutionists in the recent revolu tion. >f ihe delegations of the Latin- Amerlean countries. Several of these delegations oppose the American prop- osition personally, but have received Instructions from their governments to vote in tavor of it. They complain, however, that the administration at Washington has - J ITT! Fenced their Gov ernments to side with the States. Everybody here Is c so-called Drago doctrine would prevent the employment'of coercive measures to collect debts In Latln-Amerlcan countries, that it_wou!d_not be accept ed by European powers and that it would also be strongly opposed by of the South American countries Notice to Our Customers. We are pleased to announce that Foley’s Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles is not affect ed by the National Pure Food and Drug law as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we rec- United ornrner >d it for children and adults. H. J. Lamar & Co., near Exchange Bank, vinccd that the ; Agents, Macon, Ga. A. L. HEADQUARTERS TO BE REMOVED TO AMERICUS. AMERICUS. Ga.. July 16.—The headquarters of the fifth division of __ the Seaboard Railway are to be re- ipedally Brazil, on the grounds that I raoved *2 Amcricus from Savannah such a principle would be altogether! Superintendent Grimshaw and ruinous for the national credit. ,!S official force, the chief train dis count TomeiHl-Brusati DiVergano. Pftcher’s offlcp . together with other of the Italian delegation, is receiving! Jj,‘ vi?10na ‘ offices, will be brought here, congratulations because the coramis- ' favoraWe location of Americus in slon of which he is the president has | ~®. center of the territory of the fifth been the first to-complete its task and division is assigned as reason for the pre-ent a new convention adapting tha| rem oval of headquarters here. Red Cross to -naval warfare, so thaj now a plenary meeting can be called for its ultimate discussion and ap- er C. B. Aycock. E. J. Justice, speaker of House of Representatives, and Mayor S. G. Ryan, of Raleigh. This Indicates that the case will be pushed despite the injunction granted by Judge Pritchard of the Federal court. Governoi Glenn tonight announced that he had written every judge and solicitor in North Carolina calling at tention to the fact that the railroad rate law is daily being violated by the Southern Railway and the Atlantic Coast Line, that the agents of those roads are responsible and should be prosecuted criminally. He declares the law effective since the first of J;aly, and that the Circuit Court of the United States has no right to interfere by injunction against prosecutions in criminal, cases In the State courts, and that Judge Pritchard is in error in granting the injunction he did before finding that the legislative act Is un constitutional and confiscatory. ELKS OPEN SESSION WITH MUCH ORATORY NEW YORK. July 15.—Admiral Baron Yamamoto tonight gave out formal statement expressing apprecia tion of the courtesies received and re joicing that he had been instrumental in eliciting sentiments of interna tional amity. The admiral and his staff will leave tomorrow for Boston. They will visit the Fore River shipbuilding plant at Quincy, Mass. The admiral dined at the Hplland House tonight with eighteen represen tative Japanese merchants and manu facturers. At luncheon tonight he was the guest of General Grant at Gover nor's Island. A Wondorful. Happening. Port Byron. N. Y., has witnessed one of the most remarkable cases of heal ing ever recorded. Amos F. King, of that place says: "Bucklin’s Arnica Salve cured a sore on my leg which I had suffered over SO years. I am now eighty-five." Guaranteed to cure . all sores by all Druggists. 25c. TERAUCHI COTRADICTS THE STORY OF JAPANESE SPY. profit It Is expected that a plenary meal ing of tho peace conference will be held Saturday next and It is afsertod Long Live the King! Is the popular cry throughout Euro pean countries: while in America, the cry of the present day Is "Long live Dr. King’s New Discovery, King of Throat and Lung Remedies!” of t mt there Is a gro ■at speech in store for V*Mrs. Julia Ryder Paine. Truro, the delegates. The British delegation. It is understood. Is preparing a propo sition regarding disarmament to be presented In one of the plenary meet ings. .The Charming Woman is not necessarily one of perfect form and, features. Many a plain woman who could never serve as an artist’s model, possesses those rare qualities that ail the world admires; neatness, clear eyes, clean smooth skin and that sprightlin<js3 of step and action that accompany good health. A physically weak woman is never attractive, not even to herself, store weak women, give strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin beautiful complexion. Guaranteed ai all Druggists. 50c. Mass., says: “It never falls to give immediate relief and to quickly cure a cough or cold.” Mrs. Paine’s opin ion is shared by a majority of the inhabitants of this country. New Dis covery cured weak lungs and sore throats after all other remedies have failed, and for coughs and colds it’s the only sure cure. Guaranteed by all druggists. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. 15.000 UNION GARMENT WORKERS OUT ON STRIKE. NEW YORK. July 15.—About 15,000 union garment workers employed in trie Bitters re- I the East Side, went out on strike to- PHILADELPHIA. Pa., July 15.—The forty-third grand lodge session of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks was formally opened here tonight at the grand opera house, when the visiting del egates and members of the organization were welcomed to the city on behalf of the Elk's reunion committee by Daniel J. 'Shearn. Congressman J. Hampton ‘Moore made the address of welcome on behalf of Phil adelphia Lodge No. 2. Mayor Rayburn greeted the delegates on behalf of the myntcipalty and Gov. Edwin S. Stuart welcomed the Elks to the State of Pennsylvania, and Grand Exalted Ruler Judge Henry A. M eIv in responded to the welcomes. The first large entertainment for the visitors was given today at Park on tho Delaware, where about 1.300 guests sat down to a sea food dinner. FOUR PERSONS HURT IN AUTO ACCIDENT TOKIO, July 15.—General Tehauchi, the minister of war. in an interview today contradicting the reported arrest of a Japanese spy at San Diego, Cali fornia, said: “There are-no Japanese military of ficers in American except military at taches. The war office.” he emphati cally declared, “has never instructed any officer or amateur spy to exam ine American forts.” Failed. All efforts* have failed to find a bet ter remedy for coughs, colds and lung troubles than Foley's Honey and Tar. It stops the cough, heals the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold. J. N. Patterson, Nashua, Iowa, writes: “Last winter I had a bad cold on my lungs and tried at leant half a dozen advertised cough medi cines and had treatment from two physicians without getting any bene fit. A friend recommended Foley’s Honey and Tar and two-thirds of a bottle cured me. I consider it the greatest cough and lung medicine In the world.” H. J. Lamar & Co., near Exchange Bank, Agents, Macon, Ga. GUATEMALA HOLDS BALANCE OF POWER IN CENTRAL AMERICA and shorter hours. GUATEMALA CITY, Guatemala, July 15.—The two delegates from Sal vador who have been here for some ATLANTA. Ga.. July 15.—The party time have departed. It is stated in of United States army officers who some quarters that both are going to have been following the trail which Washington. There seems to be no! General Sherman took to Atlanta ar- doubt that the balance of power in rived here today and spent a few hours Central American affairs Is held by Inspecting the battlefields around At- Guatamala. which has more men and lama. All of the officers report having money than any of the other repub- j had a pleasant and instructive trip. lies and lias a strong alliance with — Salvador. Efforts have been made to i Sir Wm. Henrv Perkin Dead, influence Costti Rica to take sides ini LONDON. Julv 13—gj r William Central American politics. Henry Perkin died today. He was born Jl is known at the State Depart- Jin 1838. He founded the coal tar color me»t that all of the Central American industry by the discovery of the . . , , - -- PITTSBURG. July 15.—Peter Wal- , -ttvcordance with a decision ser, 56 years old, his daughter, Stella, their oc*l unions issued last night. 26 years old, were fatally hurt .and The strikers state that 4,000 workers ; Clara Lausman, 22, and D. F. Alden, 1m. \- ork ’ Brooklyn and nearby 22, injured, but will recover as a re- , t _ Jersey will strike to- suit of an automobile accident just ' 1 l c ', rro ^' • men want increased pay ; outside of the city of Allegheny to- nlgfct. The machine struck a rut in the road and turned turtle. SETTLEMENT OF CIGAR MAKERS’ STRIKE WAS RATIFIED READING. Pa., July 14.—William A. Thompson, aged 70 years a former coun cilman. was lodged In jail here today on the charge of killing Joseph H. Hughes, aged 63 years, one of nts tenants whom Thompson wanted to dispossess. Last night they had a hitter qunrrel. Thomp son beat Hughes face almost to a jelly. Rumor That Tolstoi Is Dead. LONDON. July 16.—The Daily Tele graph prints a dispatch from St. Pe tersburg that there is an unconfirmed rumor there that Count Leo Tolstsi is dead. MEXICO WANTS SUPPLY OF BASS. SAN ANTONIO. Tex.. July 14.—A spe cial to the Express from Guadalajara. Mexico, says: George W. Baylor, of this city, who for two years has been working to secure a supply of game fish for Lake Chapala, has j ustreceived a letter from Congressman oJhn N. Garner, of Texas saying thot ho has asked the bureau of fisheries of the United Sttaes to make an exception in favor of Mexico and forward 2.000 bass to El Paso. Up to this time the American bureau of fisheries has not supplied fish to a foreign country. ALL CLOTHING TAKEN FROM THE ITALIAN KIDNAPERS NEW ORLEANS, July 15—All cloth ing was early this morning taken from the three Italian male prisoners await ing trial for the Lamana murder and they were left naked for fear of at tempts at suicide. They were strip ped immediately after Tony Costa, one of their number, attempted to hang himself. GUATEMALA AND SALVADOR SAID TO HAVE JOINED FORCES WASHINGTON. Julv 15.—The State Department today received unconfirm ed advices that the republics of Gua temala and Salvador have joined forces and are beginning the mobiliza tion of troops to resist any attack that may be made by the Nicaraguan Gov ernment. Vs Cl HON. C. SLEMP. FIFTY THOUSAND TAILORS WILL GO OUT ON STRIKE NEW YORK. July 14.—Fifty thous and members of the Brotherhood of Tailors, including local unions In Newark. Brooklyn, Brownsville and this city, will go out on strike tomor row. COm MARKET WAS QUIET YESTERDAY LIVERPOOL spots closed. 7.08 NEW YORK spots closed 12.85 NEW ORLEANS spots closed 12% Hon. C. Slemp, Congressman from J Virginia, writes: "I can cheerfully sayBj that I have used your valuable re.yedy yj‘ Peruna, with beneficial results. and dffi can unhesitatingly recommend yourBtj remedy to my friends as an invigorat- ng; ing tonic and an effective and perman- Sag ent cure for catarrh.” Splendid Appetite. Mr. J. C. Huffman, Rea. Mo., writes: "It is now about a year since I wrote Bi Dr. Hartman for advice. I followed his £ advice and began using Peruna, with- *• out much faith at first. By the time I » had used one bottle I began to Invx f* prove. I have no symptoms of catarrh !§( whatever now. and feel better than I ’ • have for five years. I have a splendid , appctjte. I give Peruno all praise and believe I am cured. Peruna is all you claim for it. and I can truthfully rec- ’ ommend it." “Completely Cured.” Mr. Charles Bauerbler. 815 Main St., St. Joseph. Mich., writes: “A few years t ago I suffered with a severe cold which !’ settled on my stomach causing a loss jf of appetite and sleep. Peruna was called to my" attention. It_ brought ir relief, and within three weeks I completely-cured. I' have used it off and on in my faimly sliice. and am satisfied that it is a reliable medicine." wa s j me*jf»> was t 1872. Dft. J. J. SUBERS. Permanently located in the specialties venerial. . Lost energy restored. Female irregularities and poison oak. A euro guaranteed. Address in confidence, with stamps. 310 Fourth st.. Macon. Ga. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT THE LOCAL MARKET. The Macon cotton market yesterday was quiet and unchanged at the following quotations: Range of Prlcc-s. Good Middling m! Strict Middling 13 Middling .12% Strict Low Middling .12& Low Middling 12 Spot Cotton Movement. Rects. Ship. Sales. Julv 13, 1907 July 15. 1907 ’ Stock on Hand. Sept. 1, 1906 ...2.574 July 15, 1907 : :. 410 The First Requisite of Beauty. The first requisite of beauty Is a clear complexion. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup clears a sallow blotched complexion as it stimulates the liver and bowels, and the eyes become bright and clear. You owe It to your friends to take It if your complexion Is bad. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does- not nauseate or gripe and is very pleasant to take. Refuse substitutes. H. J. Lamar & Co., near Exchange Bank, Agents. Macon, Ga. TORNADO CARRIED POPULIST POLITICIAN FIFTY FEET NEW YORK. NEW YORK. July 15.—The cotton mar ket was comparatively ^quiet today, sales being estimated aY 200,000 bales. Fluct uations were irregular with the close steady at unchanged prices to an advance of 10 points. July showing the maxi mum gain- and th-; new crop generally unchanged to 4 points higher. The opening was. steady at an advance of 2 points on August to a decline of 3 points, the imporvement at the begin ning of the call being due to higher ca bles than expected, -while later nositions eased off owing to continued good weath er over the week-end. The Tulane University of Louisiana Its advantages for practical inst ruction, both in ample laboratories and abundant hospital materials, are unequaled. Free access is given to the great Charity Hos pital with 900 beds and 30,000 patients an nually. Special instruction is given dally at the bedside of the sick. The noxt ses sion begins October 21,- 1907.' For cata logue and information, address PROF. S. E. CHAILLE. ,M. D.. Doan, P. O. Drawer 261. NEW ORLEANS, ’LA. • PARKER’S HASi? BALSAM Cleanses and beautifies the h&Ls Promotes a luxuriant growth. If over Fails to Beatore Gray Eair to its Youtliful Color, jum scalp diseases & hafcr faUnur. 50c, and $1.00 nt Druygis-s m DEVIL OF TODAY” V His work in the Home,'Church, Society, Business, Politics and every walk of life. A book portraying the grave dangers found in all conditions of life. Pitfalls and methods of escaping them.- A wurn- Ing note to save young men and women from wreck and ruin. This groat work reassuring j contains more than 500 pages. A singlo er over tne weea-ena. tne reassuring i contains more than 500 pages. A singli cables were received as to the situation ; copy wllI bo mailed to any address on rr in Alexandria, where unsettled finan- I J MITCHELL. S. D.. July 15.—In a tornado which swept this region Sat urday evening, John M. Pease, a Pop ulist, politician, who took refuge in a grove was killed. The wind blowing carried him fifty feet in the air, and dropped him to the ground, terribly crushed. ■ Two women were reported killed near JIt, Vernon. ARMY OFFICERS ON SHERMAN’S JRAjL REACH ATLANTA SOUTH BEING WON OVER TO CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYMENT WASHINGTON. July 15.—Civil Ser- republics, with the possible exception Mauve dye in 1856 and Its subsequent of Costa Rica, are strongly opposed to 1 production on a large scale. i vice Commissioner Mcllhenny has re turned from a tour of the Southern States, made in furtherance of his ef fort to bring the people of the South to an appreciation of the benefits to be derived by entering upon a career in the classified governmental service. His tour began some weeks ago. Starting In North Carolina, he visited all the Southern States except Florida and lectured extensively before teach ers’ associations. Young Men’s Chris- HAVANA, July 15.—The settlement of the cigar makers strikers, which was announced late last night, was form ally ratified today. The trust facto ries will reopen on Tuesday and the factories of the independent manufac turers will reopen tomorrow on the old terms for one week, after which they will accede to the demands of their employes, paying the wages in Ameri can currency. Elmer G. Small Arrested. FREDERICK, Md„ July 15.—Elmer G. Small, president of the Premier Silk Company, of New York and Philadel- Kilied by Explosion of Piston. JOHNSTOWN. Pa., July 15.—Harry Shaffer, a machinist, was killed and Jacob Habner, was horribly mangles by an explosion of an engine piston 111 the Gautier mills of the Cambria Steel Company today. EXPLOSION IN SECRET BOMB FACTORY KILLED SEVEN LONDON. July 16.—A dispatch from Odessa says that seven persons were killed and many injured in an explo sion in a secret bomb factory in that place yesterday. cial conditions were said to be the result of over-speculation in real estate, but the market worked off during the early session to a net loss of about 3a4 noints on the active months. This was followed by a rally on the Southwestern bull sup port and covering, accompanied by bull ish crop report accounts from Texas, and August advanced to a net gain of about 19 points on covering of shorts in the absence of .offerings, while- the new crop position sold some 7 to 9 . points net higher. Realizing cheeked the ad vance and the market during the late session eased off from the best under scattered offerings. Southern spot markets were generally unchanged as compared with Saturday. Weather reports during the day were con sidered generally favorable and a favora ble weekly report is expected from Wash ington. There was hardly any business July, but one sale was made as high 11 "7!? on 0.1 ....t.: rnl. The as 11.75. or 30 points net higher, close was at 11.55 bid. . Receipts of cotton at the ports today were 1,848 bales against 2,726 bales last week and 5,835 bales last year. For the week (estimated) 15,000 bales against 15.822 bales last week and 25,197 bales last year. Today's receipts at New Orleans were 1,281 bales against 2,607 bales last year, and at Houston 135 bales against 261 bales last year. Spot Cotton and Futures. Cotton futures opened and closed the following quotations: ceipt of the price, $1.25. We want agents to sell the above book with a full line of standard subscription books, red letter family and teachers’ Fibles. Catalog will be sent free. This is your opportunity to make money. Write today, p. E. LUTHER PUB. CO., Atlanta. HELP WANTED—MALE. WANTED—Reliable young dairyman, or •buyer for good dairy. A. 'O. Andrews, Gainesville, Fla. • good ordinary 5.98; ordinary 5.38. The sales of the day were G.OOt) bales, of which 500 bale® were for speculation and export, and included 5,700-bales-American. Re ceipts were 2,000 bales, - including 1.800 bales American. Futures opened easier and closed quiet and steady: American middling G. O. C.: High 11.86 ANTI- MILITARIST PLANS PROVED A DISMAL FAILURE PARIS, July 15.—Outside of Paris the anti-militarist plans fqr a general demonstration today were a dismal failure, but collisions between the po Open. January 11.’ February 11.80 March 11.88 11.95 11.87 April, bid 11.90 May, bid 11.95 Tnlv Otn [July, bid 11.42 August 11.30 phia, was arrested today on. a farm in fiee and the workmen at Toulon and Frederick County, where, since -ast; Montpellier were directly due to their Frederick County, where, Friday, he had been employed as harvest man. Tonight he was taken back to Philadelphia to answer charge of forgery. . He is charged with presenting a forged certificate tian Association, etc. He visited and • from the recorder of Franklin County CURES o SKIN DISEASES Thor^f* m «yapa.~&-*ioa £V*m the body going on continually, day and night, Swonji *itt porea ifab-js of the sk’n. This nature’s v&y,o; mSfttniiiiW ttroper tempt-;.' • > of our bodies find of preserving the Sofiatas aK^ctacibliity of the sio p : _d »o long as the bleed is free from tin- interviewed the State superintendents | of public instruction and many of the college presidents, securing assurance }of co-operation from practically all-of ! them. Many of the college heads promised to instruct their studencs j along lines which would fit them for | the special classes of work in the civil , service. He says the Southern people j are rapidly changing their view of 'Government employment. ALLEGED ATTEMPT TO FINANCE FILIBUSTERING EXPEDITION. NKW YORK. Jujy 1.5.—An alleged attempt to finance a filibustering ex- pnrities 90 «*onbl« snll mult. When however the blood, from any cause , pedition wit J the ultimate uprpo - se of becomes With huoiore ap4 impurities these, too, murf be expelled overthrowing the "superior” Govern- and oomfaD hi (leaUct with the Jtblicate tissue Pa., that he owned property worth $80,000. Small denies the charge, Sktti la 6* dbuHaiatily bunpHed fchajrj»rodtice irritation and inflammation, and the 2»oet by JEczem*. Acne, Tetter, pimples, rashes and skin tissues and fibres with which, the ment of the "Minas Geraes, one of the Federal States of Brazil,” led tonight to the arrest of a young man who, ac cording to the complaint, has intro- ; duced himself to prominent bankers and brokers here as Sebastlne L. De- magali. a Brazlian. Demagall is charged with violation of the United M. h acids and thoroughly cures skia affections of every kind. S. S. S. supplies corapfa/nant 1 ls & wiUiheld 1 ^In*^ efreu- : * r '.theblood with the proper nutritive qualities so that the skin instead of beino lar which the police claim to have vi'- rTitatod and diseasod by unhealthy humors, is fed and sustained by cooling. fount3 in his room at a boarding In it- taltby blood. Boole on Skin Diseases and any medical advice desired sen' IVTn ^ f0r o . th , e \ Chicago? to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC GO., ATLANTA, GA : an adventuresome band recruited j I else whor*. _ J dis troubles various kinds. To effect & cure the blood must be cleansed and purified. This «annot be dtene with external applications, but requires con stitutional treatment. S. S 3. is the best treatment for all skin diseases, sr It goe# down into the circulation, neutralizes and removes the humors: HEALTH INSURANCE The man who Insures his life If wise for his family. The man who insures his health is wise both for his family and himself. You may insure health by guard* ing it. It is worth guarding. At t h e first attack of disease, which generally approaches through the LIVER and mani fests itself in innumerable ways TAIfg — inspiration. At Brest the police occu pied the labor exchange to prevent trouble. SIGMOND ROTH8CHILDD DEAD. NEW YORK, July 15.—Sigmond Rothschild ,a wealthy leaf tobacco dealer of this city and Detroit, died today at Hotel Savov from a compli cation • of diseases. Mr. Rothschild returned to this country from Europe on Saturday. While automobiling .yesterday with his son. Harry S. Rothschild, he wa staken suddenly til and brought back to the hotel, where he died early today. NO NECESSITY Tutt’sPills And save your healths' FOR BEING SICKLY The fact that Hostetter’s Stomach Bit ters has restored thousands of sickly men and women to robust health dur ing the past 54 years should convince anyone that it is ’the only medicine they need. Try 11.30 11.35 11.80 11.81 11.91 11.94 12.02 11.55 11.42 11.41 July July-August August-September .. Septomber-October . Oetober-November .. November-December December-January .. lanunry-February .. February-March March-April Anril-May May-June October 11-66 11 Nobember. bid.. 11.63 — December 11.6S 11 75 11.62 SO 11.67 11.68 11.64 11.72 Movement at the Ports. Receipts and Exports Today. Week. Consolidated net receipts. 1.S4S 4.108 Exports to Great Britain. 9fl 1.175 Exports to France 402 402 Exports to continent 2.114 3,502 Stock on hand all ports... 313,443 Since September 1, 1906— Consolidated receipts 9.793,314 Exports to Great Britain 3,742.140 Exports to France 888,766 Exports to continent.... 3.368,697 Exports to Japan 247,737 Exports to Mexico ’ 60 Price, Net Receipts, Sales, Stocks. The Ports. I Prlce.lRects.:Sales.| Stek. Galveston . . . 113 New Orleans ,:12'4 BOSTEHER’S STOMACH BITTERS today and you start toward good health. It cures Poor Appetite, Head ache, Dyspepsia, indigestion, Costive- noas, Bloat lug,-Cramps or Diarrhoea. Mobile Savannah . Charleston . Wilmington Norfolk . . Baltimore . New Yorkt. Boston . . . Philadelphia ,‘112*4 f -I I .-..I 26458 30Qj 59535 J13H • |13% .,112.65 . 112.85 -1113.10 230| 1281] 5i... 311 10! 19938 891 i 4375 •I I i 443 I 1731 241 16250 1 4721 I I 45001182075 1 10! | I 29| | 157i NEW ORLEANS. NEW ORLEANS, July 15.—Spot cottbiY closed steady and unchanged, middling 1274. Sales were 625 bales on the spot with none to arrive. Futures opened steady with the active months ranting from 4 to 5 points below the close of Saturday. Clearing weather and favorable crop accounts received over Sunday having a bearish effOct. Imme diately after the call, the market ruled steady, but the presence of some larg' selling orders subsequently caused weak ness. and October, after being quoted as high as 12.08. slipped back to 11.93. The weather reports indicating rain and fear of continued increase in the number of boll weevil offset the bearish effect and caused an advance in values. At th close, which was steady, prices range from unehaneed to 1 point below the ein.= of Saturday. NEW ORLEANS, July 15.—Cotton fu tures closed steady at the following quo tations: January bid ....' March, bid July, bid August, bid Sent ember, bid October, bid November, bid December, bid 11.99 12.05 12.15 12.S4 12.70 12.45 12.03 Interior Movement. | Price.!Rects.|Sales.| Stck. Houston . . .113 Augusta . . .113% Memphis . . -(13 St. Louis .....13% Cincinnati ...J Louisville . . .113% 1851 | 13639 1091 491 8643 93! 550! 49338 1 231 12098 95j j 7039 * LIVERPOOL. LIVERPOOL. July 15.—Spot cotton quiet with prices 6 points lower: Ameri can middling fair 8.12; good middling Z.S8;_middling LAS; law middling 6.72; JUDGE WHIPPLE WILL IT A letter received from Judge Whip ple states that he will be here tomor row and will hold court Thursday, when he will appoint permanent re ceivers for the Exchange Bank. Judi Felton being disqualified. The auditors are confident that the’ will have completed the work of goin over the books of the institution am will have their statement ready by th< time court is opened. The stockhold ers will also meet Thursday* Y