The Albany tri-weekly news. (Albany, Ga.) 1867-186?, February 07, 1867, Image 3

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e - ,V* n.-.y ■>?» ,V X ... >■>■.* :ly laical .Column- rtiu iBoy. 6,r ^^Xnnvens.X- Uro-A-n, at . .jcpot in Jlacoi) jlinvo ft Splendid t0 ’f Valnntiuns, tiLwliolesuk'. ^^-Tn-niglit tlio' “ Lady of Ike presented at) TilVn Hall. s of the entertainment will lie 'fior lKiiovokuit^UOW*; .. A.good | is.tmctP'V, T ' l)p • • , ' Oomu-b Casi:.—DeUeving tills ;e a more interc'pt tlian/Wo liad aouccivM l'-nVe; tliotigli tlio of oaf correspondent “ II,” oh fog statement of tlio facts oonnoo- »it]i, wljjoh nifty 'to found in an. ihlllin. m m m — g-TliU lmnm is more closely con- v.ithUtot history and rtvospei-ily of tv than any other in tlio country, tricing hero glide in youth, Col. Tift otrn min'til Albany, and if Any one , attainted with the wants of our crtaihly this gentleman is. Audio .hide wants he has made provision— Unuso to store away the cotton, a Ui imlyotty wheat olid coni, a woolen -toniahe yotir clothes, nnd variety ■ liiaho hUnds, fash and doors, and luinher, plane,! for flooring in yonr lie is also a commission mcrclmm [tad to aaytltfng yon may desire, either Ihnnv or cisewlierc. BCfl ids advertise. as CHANGE OT SOH ^N EIGHT PAGE 1Q\1»KR, Containing tlio 1ft- PUI5L1SHE0 AT Ibany or cisewlierc. tl advertisements. ALBANY. Ri, llv.ST & Co.—This enterin';, nig KJIaeoti hare, by dint of close ntteii- KhtMiacw; and exercising excellent pcnt in linfediasing their drugs nml iinilt up a trade in Mi.ldlo nml |Mklcrit Clcgi'gia, which in scarcely ‘Sy tlio oldest estnhlislimcnts. c young, active; )>rom|)t business jjflieop constantly on lunid the very liialily of goods, nml in large ipmnti- Vyliervby they are enahled to titpply tedeaUnost reus’onabie Ilgiti'BK We B rycommeiul our inciclmuts and others tig to i\ittUo, nit('ehaacs ill .Mayon in the line, to give these young men a call tajhiiie tliciidine stoi Ic. A partial list Kyles mi hand maybe sun l,y uftr- loam liter column. loum:n.' —t'jnec the iliivs ol oiir g-rnd. lafOrtnimte motlier love, llicru lias not |mi improvement In Indies' wili'drem ■■ oming nml so bem lic.ial t" ljglhli, ns Uni skirt. Am! sad will lie the day t ilamolitshioii issms her decree that . shall be no move. I' t'iini time to tiim tveinciits liave been upon this le, rt'ihleriug it more serviceable and III, until. it hits almost reached per il hytho improvements made by Mr. snfloy. Ilis.Duplex ltlliptie lloop celebrated that scarcely any me woitl. ■ We are gl ul-to inform y.ftiends llikt hg-lma Ostuhltsliccl tpi by in Albany, with Mr. W. W, Ken- Bflgent, whero all sizes and kinds of IclcbriHcd hoop can be obtained. |rtT!!K s.Jf^SBiSiii—1Bee advertisement 1 scflect in another column. The parties ■reliable, nml should receive a liberal If of public 'patronage. >”—Our old Iriend II. J. t gives liptico to life world outside and (est of tnaiikhid, that h“ .-MiU has a hotieo nndlsdoUig a commission husi- Mr,;Cook is one of the best business »n Southwestern Georgia, and all who J\ him with their, patronage may rest il that it will be attended to. lie yes ripitee to owners ol' owtton stored irchouse, tlmt storage must be paid hftAst of March, or n portion of iJiC Ita will ho sold tp pay expenses. WliT Vn amu itusi i.c V—The Fed- 1 ’Union says : With Yankee teachers ffipTolored people, and a journal like Kfyal Georgian, Which is taken and re- Js tlio best medium in ISoiitnwester Georgia for Advertisers to reach the IPoople. Its C5I.LIOTT L ATI ON Ts in|iidly incrpajditg in the wur- i(;m>di:i»' enmities', mid will soon lmve (lie ini'gctt ol any paper in this pari f ilio State. IN THU JOB DEPARTMENT iEDULE. WjtPxr.iis R/B, Co, | Office Mucon r 0ft,rt)oc. 2d;i /"AN and'niter Sunday, 5l(Wh Itisf/f'Mall andTns- \_7 a’angor Ttnljicn lltia It 6ad'1^Hl^un As follows: Leave. 00 A, M. 'Arriront Eufaultw 80 P, M. Loavo EufftoU....;....;...,.,..............20 A; m, Arrive nt Macon.,t.60 P. M. Leave Mnenn.. .. Leave Macon...... ...y.8 00 As M« Arrive at CoIuMbus,.. 8 18'P. M. Leave Columbus....... ..... .8 00 A. M. Arrlvo at Macon GO P. M,. Conhcctlrtg nt Bnjithvlllb with Albany train. LoaVu Bmithvillc f... 40 P. M. Arrive nt Albnny,.. ..8 11 P. M. Leave Albany ..0 88 A. M. Arrive at Sm|ilivUto i... M ... v ......... 11 00 A. M. Tor the pment a tr^tTiviH-run on the'Port Gaines Branch Bond from Gdlhbcrt as far mt Colctnnn and hack times a Arn'k, cpuucctiug with EutauU Mail and l’«ucng/r Train. VIRGIL POWEUS, jan 20. i Kitg’r and tiuji’t. Tbnnkful for the very liberal patronage of past . .. . , .1)1 yeara, 1 would ask a contlnunnco to tho new firm, who will endeavor to merit the eamc. £®f“AU those Indeftod to tnp aro requested to eouto forward uud aottlo us trnuuna pusslbio. i. r u'i,’ Albtihy, Gn., Jati. 15,-1807. L.' E. WELCH; i—tr Morn's Fresh Garden Seed T hose will r»cv yFAMlLY PAPER. TIIE 'WEEKLY CONSTITUTIONALIST Vnlp&hcd Ercry HVdnesdnj Woriilnff. HOSE that have used THORBOllX'S SKKPSv will buy no others. Wo guarantro them Pi t'ih mid Ificllitblvs A LARGE and COMPLETE dTOClv lor «alo by 1 L. E. & II. E. WELCH. Albany, Jan. 17, 1807. 1—if PIjA-ISTTA-TIOISI AND FAMILY MEDICINES. Broad St......... Albany, Ga. rjlUE umlcvslgncd. nn Auctioneer of several yoara experience, respectfully minountsoH to tlio pub* llu'ilmibo lirHlunt couimeuccdbusincasal tho GUO* UBKY STORE OF ten news by Mali and Telegraph. Kditovluln oftlio Daily, full Market RcpnriH, MisecVanoous RTtbltiig. and a Selectlm| or Original Story. nnd*nr- tlcKs appertaining to tho Farm nnd Dairy each week, Wo shall eudeavor to make it . A COMPLETE STOCK—nut up with great care, nud us cheap as the market affords, at WEl.OU’S COHNEH. L. E. ^ II. E. -WELCH, Dniggi. Is. Albany, Jan. 17, I8'i7 1-tf FlrtDCItttm Ncwn & Family Journal i»*n i c v.. $;NH) 2,50 each. Single copy, one year.,.,...' Ten copies, sent at one lime...! A specimen copy scut when deal red. Address STOCKTON A CO., Augusta, Ga. feho-8- Pure Imported Brandies and Wines (I-'Olt MEDICINAL VVKVO^KH.) Fine Old Whiskey, &c. L. E. A IL E. WELCH, Druggiata. Albany, Jan. 17, 1887 1—if Extra Inducements NOTICE! i'l'IlK partnership heretofore' cxirtlng between I tJILl.ERT A lill.SMAN, 1ms been" dissolved 1 by .mutual consent, and by tlio snlo of the in terest oftlio Estnto of Gilbert to 33. C. tltbL, Tlio old business ol Gilbert A Hihniati will be aeltled by me ns surviving parCu r, ami all ptHBona indebted either by note or account, are earnestly rnptoMed to como forward and lifpiidato their In debtedness. . J. 1NLSM \N, Surviving partner of Gilbert A llilsiiian. Albany, January JHtli, 1SU7. 2—Cm O FFERED TO CC»VNT«Y MERCHANTS, TEDDERS, J'llY.SH’lANS, TL’ANTEllM, and tlioso buying in qtinntilies. L. E. A H. E, WELCH. Druggist h. Vllvmy. Jim 17. 1PC.7 . 1-tf The Best t^toek 01' P rescription medicines in tho country, yvr—*»»*- * —— Vrttcrifion* jllltil with core. I..JJ, A H. E. WELCH, Druggists. Albany, Jan. 17, 1807 1—tf Tlio undersigned have associated IhemselvoH to gether in tho DRUG HC81NE88. at the <»!.!> H T A WU of Gilbert A llibmnn. They keep on hand EVERYTHING IN THEIR LINK, and respectfully solicit patronage. Dr. lliisumn will give his personal ai tent inn to prescript hum.— The busihesv will bo conducted upon STRICTLY A CASH BASIS. IIILSJJ l.Y & HALL. January 18th, lMiT 2-llm DSeiBt 22Sra.slisli, JjlRENOH, and American PERFUMERY, Soaps. [~ and Toilet Articles; Comb;, and llruslies, in every variety. I.. E. A II. E. WELCH, Druggists Albany; Jan 17, 1KIJ7 1-tf Next Door to Kidd’s HotoV ovoho will be pleased to servo them in his best e. All kiiuh of GOODS, rnOl'ERTY ASDMlpHAXDIZE, sold at the best prlco^ to bo obtained, ami prompt etu rns iiiado. L'pecdal attention given to tmlc of Real Hstato E took, &o., &.o. Ii. V. CAUTHHON, Attoliom'sv. 5S7“ He suit to cult nt tlio Grocery Store of Messrs. G A Ii 1) XIi & Ii I ti Ii M A X whu have Just rccclvcil n will pctcclcil ntock of a IT OCERIES direct |rom Baltimore. Alao, n largo lot of old North Caroliiia.Apple Brandy. 'rOUAC CT7, T11HVLLG11A])KS,_" the kept coHstantly on hand. Among tho rest, atisuixt: mmit.ui kmokixq touacco. Albany, Ga., Doc 1,1800 THOMAS J. FLINT, Wholoonto nnd ttotntl Dealer In CII1.Y.I,p&A&SAA'k, CUOCKHUY WARK, aud Hnsd-Fui’nisliiug Gla, Mulberry Btrout, Oppoalto Lamer House, W ! HAVE JUST RECEIVED, AND ARE ufTcritig to the ■ TRADE FOR .CASS. OR; APPROVED PAPER, ON 8U0tlT TIME, THE FOLLOWING GROCERIES: 6t) bales Gunny Cloth, loo coils Rope, 10,000 lb*. Arrow Tiff, 1U0 boxen Soap—assorted, . 400 boxes Tobncco-^all Rrados, 60 eases assorted Liquors, 40 bids. Whiskey, 60 citsos Cove Oysters—I and .3 lbs.. 40 boxes Starch, 100 boxes Raisins—±, J and wholes, 300 kegs Nails—assorted Nos, 100 BOXES CANDY, PLAIN AND FANCY, X7TEEI r constantly on hand. Ulius Ware of every IV devcrlpliun, llom-c-Furnishing Goods, Red U.nittt Belts, Dining Hells, Polished Htono Ware, Willow Ware, Toilfel Hells, Fancy Articles, Travel- ling Cases, .Shaving Mugs, Taldo Cutlery, HuoUats nml Brooms, Dti-terH, of every tliweiiptieii. Candy Jars, Lumps.ami t’oconuuis. Bar Bottle.-'. DeonuieYs etc., etc. nov 21,00 2s!hi» FOIT SALE. A GOOD RWELLING 1(0(’HE. with Four A* I Rooms, Kitoheu, Servants’ House, aud [jlijw Good Stablu* ou-il.o |.f..mi-'u£»!r ncro ■■ or ground,, more or le-s—oil CommcreoKlrrcv—fa*; mcrly occupied by JOilN WRIGHT, end better known ns (lie JIM GEEEN HOUSE This properly is situated in a healthy pnrt of tho city, and being near the business portion make it a desirable residence for a business man. My Agent will be in Albany between tlio Ut nud IDih of Feb ruary, 1 will also have nt the abovo stated time; 40 Head Good Broke Mules Wo aro now prepared to do ALL rciJSTDS OK JOB ¥0E1( pmily believed ky'(nniiy of tlio more in' geut. nerfi'o'cs,. it IS not strange tlmt they fclowin realizing.tho fact that thoSoulh- Ipeople aro tl'.cir best friends. M ill not A toa«hing lmvo tho eilco desired by tho Itheru people, pf making tlio negroes Ic'and in;iro distnistful of their former IcrsV The iai.<ortnu6 they have to ou- Vise aa freed people, they are taught to are tiny “result ofr injustice- oftlie Tlmt they do as Well as they do, t:tlio'cirumsfaViea f ijbpjoiuJy:sttgl»,uta' p the fact llmtthohibiulicTn peoplegen- jly liaw treated them yith justice and pity. Wo mtist endeavor, by kind- ■« coimtcract this influence, or it will hatred ■ between tli'oi'aees i to both,, iiartieularly ruinouucing a city . has ox- 11. Irwin for m ON SHOUT NOTICE, Witli Neatness and DispatoST Dissolution of Partnership. Tl HE partnership licrotoforb existing between “IELDS & CO., baa been tbia da> dissolved, by the withdrawal of J. J. Mayo. A1C per sons indebted to tin; la c fir.n either, l.y note or ac- Ti count, arc earnestly requested to come Tor ward, and settlo the same immediately. 1:. .^ ALBERT FIELDS, W. C. JELKSiY . * January HUb, 1FCT. Or-ltn '. .The business will still be oaVried art at the SAME OLD STAND, and rccogoUcd as FIELDS & CO. * -TliBtjkfuI for Jbe very liberal patronage heretofore extended to tho old firm, we.confidently ask a com rlrnamo? of tbe «.»« lo Hie new. . FIELDS A CO. For nalc, and foiiio Gf)OD FAMILY HORSES. G. J. WHII'B. Albany, Januavy 2!, 1807. -SsqrsOt URGE SALE AMO LOW PRICES. W ’YVihite Lead. I.YSEED OIL, I IXS. j lvEJl^HENR OIL, TRAIN OIL E. G. HILTON, T. M. RANDELL. Siiv.innuli, (in, ‘ New York .AMP OIL. VARNISHES, IVIN DOW G LASS. PUTTY, &a.,&o. L, U. & II. i; WELCH. Albany. Jan 17,1H07 1-tf DRUGS -AND M^OISINSS, ■—- WELCH’S C0ENER. PIIOPOSE TO 150 A r 1 Cash Urifff liusiucss. All Accounts and Mcmontudunw not rottled promptly in SD will bu discon tinued. We pledge the eotutnunity our bed ctuK-uv or.* to keep a FIRST-CXAMS JOI2Din STOCIi:. HILTON & RANDELL, Whole Stile Grocers, AND DBALBH9 IN "Wilier, J-iiciuoi’Sj&c IO'J HAY STREIET, hAVANlifAII, «A. I NVITE ihuVwtcntion ef DealciH to their large and eompleiStcftorlment of C^roocvios azzci Lii^uorff, 25 lx»xes Macon Candy, 25 hales Osnfiburgs, 20 bales Macon Hhceting, to ImIum Augusta Sheeting, 76 hags Rio Cutlet*, 1,000 lbs. Mhccoboy Snuff, in jars, 100 don. Untiles, do, 150 hctts Ivuivns tind Forks, I.AitUi; ASSORTMENT POCKET CUTLER V 3P0lhomnmi (•. D. Caps, 40 “ 1‘lly’s “ 40 “ Cox’rt " 100 dnpkx Pickles—q's. Italfgal.and gallons, lOO.grunn Parlor Matches, 25 ettsen Paulines, 7.1 HARRELLS silGAR, A. II, C, CUUSHI'.i) AND POWDERED; wiileh th»y aro prepared to offer at 1 ho lowest mar ket rut.eH. (Mil Monoiigfllirhi. Rjp amt y1 Ktt offel' gooil nml rcllnblo aboil nt Ibc hOiVHST amirlcr kc,«, nml a«c». biviNu I'lton'K. , .. • ■ if p.. s ii. i;. wfii.cii. Albnny, Jim. IT, IKilT. 1 —If [ Bourbon /Whiskeies. onstnnlly on liaml- / gfcjV Agentn it.r ite rcl/hriltcd “S,TA/r Wl.i lay jp-jy Hazar.l n l«un Powtler, in kegs, halt keg-*. Sstiam 100 dose. Cut toll Carda, 45 do*. Axe.**, aeiinitetl brands, 600 pairs Trace Chains,■ 300 ihr/. 1 loosi tiRHorit'd biros, 3,Olf5 feet (lubber Bolting, 2 to 22 inches, 20 bbls. lllue Fish, AO RRLS. BIACKEREL-No. 1, * M« S. 40 half barrels Mackerel, No. 1,2 and 8, Ioo kits Mackerel, No. 1,2 arid 3, 100 kegs Hoda, . 100 luxro, do., 60 lu’g* Posvder, 500 lings Shot, 60 do*. Mustard, 50 DOZEN YEAST POWDERS, 10,000 Clgnrn, all grades, i 150 boxns Cheese, State, Cream^xul EuglUA" Hairy, 10 rutile 1 PotilHii, 100 cases Potash, PBUFIEXiD, GA. E HAVE NOW IN 8T0IIE ONE OF TIIE LARGEST STOCKS OF mires, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, PAINTS, OIL nml -WINDOW GLASS, Ever offered ip this section, and nt very low prices For tlio CasH, MASSENRURU, HON & HARRIS, Wholesale Druggists, &IAQOZr,GA.. Dceember 15lh, 18(10. 2-OOai Gri’ovesteen. & Co. Gents Fine G old Watches ti Chains L'DIKS' FINE 001.D WATCHES anil chains. I SILVER WATCHES, ’ j —r -- - -- FIN ii 'GOLD JEWELRY, ' ;Tf^lHS -lu.ilituiion is now fully nfilecrrd, nml is * DIAMOND RINGS | J prepared to afford young men all Ihii'mTvnn* imi ti vim* so «r tr.g».h of a THOROUGH t’Ol.LtlUlA IT. TRAINING. U ‘. J’ ” ,S ' , Tho price of h.u fop. he lull Term, is fi-Jf*, All Goods llnmtiift'tl as-Represented, .nd r»r tii. Frr'm; Tmii 433. ! Im'l in tlie vill.i;," nt per month; room rent, fuel, viU'hing. ku., about P per inoiith. I Tlio next Hprlng Term will open on Ilia 24d day of .1 ntiuary, 1HC.7. Disabled Soldiers In ntrat- teuud ciioulnatauocn, will rocclvo tuition Gratis. I «>r further iiilormutlon apply lo Rev. if. II. TUCKER, D. IK, 1 Ye.-ideal, or h> E. WlLLET, Hecrelnry of the Fueulty. Pcnficld, Ga., Dec lGtls. 1^00. 01-Gat 1110 HALF DARRELS AND BOXES SODA, RUTTER AN!) OYSTER CRACKERS, L. E. WELCH & CO., llook-Kellerp-nnd Jewelers. Albany, Jan. 17,18(17 I —If im titila.'Pink Byo Rnd Mcrcor Potttocs, 40 bbla. Onions', while and red, . 60 lurch Drake's Hitters, 60 dnr.. Helves, 60 d< *. Hronms, 3,000 lbs. Lcadi 10 KEGS SALTPETRE) IU-paired. At M ACON P il 5 c the lone star saloon, *'.**$) i (Three doors btdow tho Printing Office,) lA-LBA-lSTY, SPICK, grain nnd ground, P UPPER, grain nnd ground GINGER, racoand ground, GA STOC K OF MAN UFACTU REUS, NO. 409 BROADWAY, In lliolitnt four raw*., "" craMrailly risk our , I »m now rrh'nml to nullitlio p.,l:mK , f«nj_l,raly IVi.n.u .,.u cu.loraor. lo bring in llirir 1 receive X C! I', ITgnlinl.v limit Mijojlll., I -'Now York. Tlio ftltention of liie pnblio.nnd the trade la !,..)• led laour New Soalo Seven Octave Hoeetrood 1’i- ano-Fortes, which for .volume and^nrity-qflone, are litlflvallctl by any hitherto offered indliia Market. They.contain alMhe modern Imjtroveinenl., Ffonck Or.itd Action, Harp I’edil. Iron Fr.hie, Oyeretrung rtase, etc.; and each invtruincnl being made under llto.pereonj,l aupervieiou 'of Mr. X. II. OIIOVES- TEEN, who ltaa had a practical oxporlenc. of-over thirty.yenre in their manufacture, ie fully worraut. cd iu every'particular, ; 'f ’• *■ ■- [rdsTi’okED.] HEPUTf 0'0Lr.ECT0F.'3 lio oul-i WL „. . .. . 10nt Htv. 2o •> Jldccf n » • nVi ffl of merit' . were exhibited I makers o I lost on’, - mei icon lnHlituto old *mi.Silver YlcJ • 'V;,‘ - tteto **■ . the l r-l , " >n-l«ia-J ' kill! til which - ^lROM THE ENTIRE saiisfacti n jfiven hy our TfJ AVIInG just received u fresh ntipply of ALL £i KINDS OF THE BEST LIQUORS with -pv ’XT f\ (\ TV 0 i» Ir 1Y1 tl. 71 whje)« tho Northern market I* ntvchvtl, such us II |‘| V l-r llll ll 1 Brandy. Whiskey, Winv, Champagno, Gin, Ac., kc 1.J XL X \J ’JLJ r xperiou c c d W t ho'last four mni‘ ,l,n > r '’ c co „n,u-Xi.a cuMomcrH lo briny fine Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, am in constant receipt of GOOD OLD ALE. Gall and hco me. THOMAS II. CLARK. Albany, Ga. Fcb.JJ'L 18CG. 14—If For repair*, aud guarantee sallrtfaollon. j - • . • I. ItinKraYinK Done to Oi'dov at Ii. E. Weloh & Co's. ' HOOK AND JEWEMtY STOIlfi. ! RQy* Spectlole Oltuues refitted to sultall aGea.! Albany, Jan. 17, tHdf. ’. ' , 1-tf* j A LL kindsused io the country. School Sta-j /vflohtahto. u.Ji-rT^T-. • L. E. WEI4 Alriany.^u 17.1807 THE WCLCH U CO. Mf BLANK BOOKS, Underwriters’ Agency Or New York, CASH ASSETS, Three Million Dollars, ^ J - ISSUE POLICIES OF - Fire & Marine Insurance lisdi payable In GOLD or CORKBNCY . Booksellers and Jewelers.. 107... v. • A : *-tt J Vi VfW^h,aldn»d'fle,aIIDoalev,lu;. M, .- mm tiptiDPy, &c., & Negotiable and Bankable CERTIFICATES OF INSUXANCB Complete. J. B. ROSS & SON Would announcp to tlio .v Wholesale Trade Only, Tint their Ktodk or DRV GOODS !«.noiv/:oiD|ilete, imprlelng a great Varlatp of , DRESS SUCH.AS:" WWWWBBi DzI.AlNES, ofallgradaa, I k , r . jf’! 1 . . SCOTCH I'LAIDS,in 1’ofl'do Clievere, and All WOOL POI'URa, */;• I’LAIN l’OI'LlNS.uttd , LMFRESS CLOTH, ' , , SHIiAIfttAIlD'SI’LAiDS.I^- 11 MBI.ANGES, in Erocadcand 1‘laln Otioi.nane, VAL13NSl|JS,»fid atl-'Cl.™ .of Drite’C HLBACll ED GOODS,' In every var : <3k Kust 3 Age.rrtj, < | -.M-tt yASK |jB NOTION^ 1 ' 118 ^'*' , _V ". . ' CLOTHINO. UATtvX' Do'Yori^Yaut ,A| Tin* dciiarttnoi Senior i- niof