The Albany tri-weekly news. (Albany, Ga.) 1867-186?, February 09, 1867, Image 1

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— ~ ^afe,,.:: iv./r ES> Balia 7ft ; ; ■ .i:■;•:■ f'yymm' x* | ■■■■■ '■*>■'■& 1 ==** ’ !f». •; . •/:•'• • • 'r-:-Mi > % in. OARGHCI^E A CO. WISDOM—Jl’iSTICE—MODKliATlOX. 83, PER QUAETBB . ALBANY, GEORGIA. FEBRUARY 9. 18(57. NUMBER TO. BI-WEEKLY NE\yS, TpUBUSUEO ON EVHRT ESDVY.TIIUnsBAY ASD SATURDAY. lOFFICE—Over Gilbert «fc Vnson's Dry 1 ds-Storc, p« South side of Bvoud street. law-Oahds. . r. n. WAitur.s. ft it IAN o AllV<!»liilll‘J. tlsoraruts inserted nt the vnlc of One Dolhu a|yCoul8 per square of Ton Linos, for i lit mill SeveUlV-1 ^flMrtion, ami Be’veuty-llvu Rents for each hi Insertion-payable in advance. SPECIAL N O T l C B. Jmomicctucuts of candidates for office, $it>. ^Shc-lrr notices to be charged for nt regular ml T J . ... i a^ifient rates—to be paid in advance. [ftpiieo of Ton lines, of brevier, make mu »re. Advertisements tlint make over cii;lii line under fifteen lines, counted os two sutures. IrerlDcrs will null: on tlioir advertDement number of squares they wisli them to occupy, 'smmuuications for individual bettelii. will be ^t»cdSl.‘j9 per squatc tor each insertion. G. J. WIIIGHT. WRIGHT &. WARREN, A T TOltNE YS A T I, A \V. AB.ES.VAY, fi t. 117 II.I, practice m tit.* several Ruiirts rf Lawatni ▼ » Equity iii hi is 8»->ic alt! the Circuit Court? •ifAlio United States lor I lie State id (icorgui. A|pt». pqirrial attention ^ixcnlo the ptirihufciiiu 1 uih* ol ItmI Edato. Albany, Nov. IS. LAW NOTICE. MORGAN will practice law in.-dl tboConil! # ol the Soiitli-Wobtern, In Irwin of tbcSouth LV.Teo and Applitur of the Nrunswick, nndmo.*- Ii e Courts of the l**itau1a Circuits. < tflicc on Washin^ton Street, opposite the Lxiiris tlliee Albany, On., April-S, *F*'.0. US— , it. ANhr.nsoy i.or*s r. an nett **o.x t CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. REMOVAL- J. Pi. ANDERSON & SON, m«. Grocers and CommissionMerch’ts " SoUTii-'VrsTKiis 11. ll..C« , v w. Office Macon, ita., l)ee*. 2H, 18titl. j V nfu^nftfr.Sunday, ffikh insi.. Mail and Pas .1 will run as follows i .8 (Ml A. M. j ^ fi ... {Arrive nt Knfnul.i £1/ O O 11 j v-T *.X • 9 |Leave Kufnitlu H AVU removed from their eld stand to their • Arrive at Macon NUW ATOIlllon Poplar street, between Second Leavo Macon and Third streets, where they keep constantly mi Artlve at Culm..Inis, hand a larp* and eoiiiplete slock of (SIDH'LLIKS, LeaveColumbus. iJutlfatiter Heath. I'tfoAt Titu ui:i:man. PROVISIONS, iiiul PLANTATION SITPI.ILS. Agents for lb ait's COTTo.S' (JINS, and IKON IWS-li.UiUlSIl and HOPE. nlwnyfi on luttnl. We solicit consignments of Produce and th-iluti, uid a I'D prepared t*» receive and sell Cettou lor .'Maulers. Commis-sion or Storage, 50 cents per litle—Sollinp 1{ percent. Maeou, Sept 1 •*, 1 Stitt. ilin • Ml \. M. I'. P. M. tut \. M. Airivoat Macon .t... I o'J P. M. Connectinp at Smiiliville with Albany train._ ^ A jioor innn, who bail twidvi* Hiiltlron for A ;pt p y\' i whom* lnvml In* Itml to work «l:ty :»»h! uigltt, A ‘Jo a! M. Iin ilo.-pnir wliott the tbirtountli ontm* -l mi i\ M. iinto tin* world. *' ' ‘ •• • • a. r. i. \w ri>s f.eavo I-i iifiville Arrive nt Albany Leave Alb my \irivo at Smilhville... Por I lie pf» sent a Ira i’lMiieli Kond trein C.r Laek 'liree limes a wee , I hi P. M. i ,:t 11 P. M. \ * A. M. • KtClIAl.n K. IIIN US. t:i» tiAtsn iiottr.s ; IIINES U. HOBB3, ; fc* 'ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 1, ua. 'h, fillowliig |1T0 °ur m Sr, 8,1,3 per loty of eight lines or los.«..S .1 Atti Movlgng. Ei. En. rules, per levy ■> LAWTON, LAWTON & CO Brown House Street, jVI! n c o i i, G o<)5*g’ia. 7* HOLES A LI*. l>r. vijtis in Bncfilng, Rope, , Mail Hint IV.- .ciijitr TTaliU- .fiiiiiccliiip with Lniaiila VIlit:ii. powp.ns, Lnp'r and Sup't. l* in Diijiohetiy ai.d l!ie mi rmind* RrColleotov H^al«» pur Inyy.. ■latious for letters of Adnlulalnioou... Kution for letters of Oiurdiui;. hip I Lieeof applicationolduiniusiun from Admin-^ _ I viratlon ......./• *’ 111 * Liice of application for dismo i >ioi» tvoin t.i.arr^ Idmnship ’ jlRatioiito sell Laud.. 1 Man to Debtors and Cre 00' VIJIM prattu ()<j! fV h'p »’fiiii.tb's, In tin* Superior ('nnrfs HO I Siiiic. nml the United Stairs t Treuit (*«»nrt al Sat i; mml will! altciid to hit.«iiie-s in Soiiili-U’t oryi.t {f.*ucrary, l.yspecirtl aqiveiuc nt. Ari’ttiiy, Del. GL, I-SCm. Corn. Hay, OatS, Bacon, I-'iour, Sugar, 99- .MEDICAL CARDS. icc to Debtor* 1 and Creditors • of.La ml pit square i» of perishable property, to j «:py«.. ifliy Not iocs, sixty days..v ....... piymeut at the abovo rales will L 5cli«r vurrunt notes. • it I,cl ill 111'-', if .1) l p > i:u - TINS ■. TODD ills thanks in hi- friends fur 0 ilnyinjUlie fumneiai yea lii ‘V will set lie t 1 possible, us lie i Colfco, Leather. IJauhcre), «5Lc., do. ILiviii" removed to oiir Cuminodions 81 ore on l’otirlh siren, and luvingamp'o si •ra i ?e room, we have concluded in nccrpi Coii.i-miuciiH ofCuitii.n, Pnet'ii. rimr. Ac.. Vc.. i:, liulk. i ,r'C.isli o.ders promptly s.iieiidi >1 io. Lawton. L.\wi'ok Co. MaooUy Sopt. i •. ISOQ Out nrvrv n. i * ii n i ht i.\N BELL, WILEY & CHRISTIAN, OUT < > FACTORS luilll A liimediate >«•>! Gouorol Commission Moroliants, L’ l C i. spiun .nr mu «of Land I'" /AiuiRi-M atop-. Kx ent.n s ».r fiJlfjul-c roqltired by taw to be held "» tl'v ioe^diy in each month, between il. - . ( fr-lUo.l'irenoou and three in ih• n.i* r.i'.- u, at , ICourt M -me i*i the enmity in wduciUloLjTvi -i isiiattcd Not lee of these s‘a U- unsi he yiun itpuhlie lluelle forty d-iys previous, j koH.-cs uf the Bile of pv.y'H;.*l »*''••; ! * ’ lanialike manaer. through a pil....e oi, is :. o ■g previous to sale day. Kotice to debtors and creditnv* of aa estate mu; —UlTce. ns heiTtnIVre. nbrvc Clark's Haloon. Nov. "L lSt»0 l-’n ATOAKrCEORCHA, Or Dr. H. ¥. Cc.lla ..r- •* T XT v< iw t y I S in the . iCIPKClAI. Aiteniioii jjiven to orders f* r purchase ' of all disc'ripii«*lis o| Produce and .Mritdiaiolisr, | ninl liberal ndvaiiees made on cm-iin: cuts in u*. ilij-en or ii ii nd-*. i.i !• • ;i.' Now York, i iiiladelphiii. Pul- . iiiunfe and LiieipeH. 1 f —,f i 8. j lei..ber lb, It- ij^t F1HE-PH00E W AREHOUSE UST JEW IEJIJM! flUST&iDHRSTOH. 1 rpili: CNDliltSKlNI’r) re-peetfully l»cjr In an- noiiiieo ilia PLANTEKM and MHKCIIANTS •‘ojiiierty and adpiccnt t’omities, that they hao •In'.*-dai ifirine l a eo-pai(unnhip under the linn inline n lit I sli le of Itl KT A JOil ■ in-i in ihe Vi AltLIlOt’SK and COMMISSION himiiie**, oecupyiu^ the l-'ii , 4*»I*ru«f’Waveli«fiise ofSiM-iN-i IU -i\ ur.d confidently trust they will eoiiiiiuie In receive that generous support and pa rt ullage heretofore exteuded in each of thou. V. II. UL'ST. T. II. JOHNSTON, Aljiany, Ha., June 1st, 18(»G. JUl-wliiii The Radicals May Howl Cromweil Inabiis'ivd forty da.v.'. l l -inidL-n'. inti will I * ^ kulicc that upplijntivn > UrJinary for leave to s it Lind uusi L- ft wo nnuilhs. I'itiiioii-- tor L-Mirn of Admlni rail n. ; i-i l)»,]fil''.ts , .i?d i!.. >y •! •.* • • lijiou iVn.u N-L.iiiiiutrniinii. m iii.ity-; ' lili«.iiis'ioii from Oi• u-Rfoiiy . laics to/ the fo:v,-I a * a I . 11LI.P-I ummiil.v .:s.* *_.i - 1 pipersf«»’ ti c tu ■pelliitj! tui."* fi'oi line bf.lid h ivr lie - 1 cpnee of three c.i 'OM.ii ;o>; Cunnailvi Hardeman & Sparks, 1 , . . . * R ^i LNr.W ihe tender of lh*-ir sei \ Joes to ihe l'T;!» i ■ ImX iV 'i’-J'S of tSe.irylu, Ili.d l he Public generally. a~ j " , ' - a j Ware Houbo and Ccmmioelon r.lotohnula, j and me prepare l to icceive. stole, and sell Cotli a, I i i’.lU ’i i A N l’ .. , or ol hey piudii.-o elilru l v < I t • • l heir earc fi v ball or j HUT Til NT WILL NOT PREVENT MEGRATH, PATTERSON & CO. { .Mi<Cl olfuing In the people _ Ueorgi.i their Pull Stuck of of SoulliAVc.-:lorn ; WlJ.I.Il >1 I icroomt Gone io a co., i CcnuuiEsion' MERCHANTS, # tlffi .i-iillnS will l ! hose w ho • Of " ei lib M. OtS, i J'* det cV, .IksMX.. hi--.1. thirty yen in tin mi ire Ralisluc our' 1 Vi ly of ilui'C v. Ii i i v and geatlAui ih to I mi (ho piodnet 1* inarket j i Cine I part i Staple and Fancy Groceries, ijiuum mid cluiieo V. etc. l jllows: It oon-.istH ih wiinii vjms AH ORDINANCE. W 1 -"' upjirtllihtil hy Ihe Jf./i/u 1 ' H’i'1 ('■•inic! >■! ' ( ■ I f/AIhuji, oiiil if is u'‘ J>u O'ddhi <1 hy nutlmi ity >J miiiif, kftVP'lliH f> IloiDr.j; ,lm.I bi tin* r. te-. <>! I.iedr* ^■p htr ih,- mm 1c |.:C jc*ar lb'*7 : "iWuil thall up leMneri <1 ti*|t»« rs.. • • %.•*-•*> ( ,f) (esb|'spirit cutis I'qunr-. cm Ii ‘250 Oi 1 ijfs.uf l.> Di-ry ‘I'.qjc. t.-, ntid till! As.*i» li« n Adonis, r»:; Ii <plVu.paiiy. Agfhrli’s,' aril idit- M->t, re*, “ mITT.W, “ wtg AHryjs. ‘ k ........ Ru i.t irai'firs * f jtockTs, wait-s, and tner* ift.d y.o.i’-adi. tirst week r.h week thr realtor any lb' | f mr l: i lio ahi - nj: l ' lill'1' I' . \«i i'/li wehivej nud i-hip < 'otten ! •alinse, Ili.d 1 ■ i hy lliei.i, » a if-.til • i me ui Mile*. : i-.M. ALVANCRSmndo on Cotton In .Store, i : u . i will I t- in j.leasv ifnu-c v im J'llirolii/' i i uni" i ■ ff 'f o', c i: it, j.i iniers li .un every ) c t- l liio Si .it o, whom inteii'Bi wo haio for . Icil iff iiiiiiiilniii i.ii'lL] roinoie. lU.hU'l :.a •. r >'i 1.1.1 a A. Hand C, Ceuslnil :tu I Powder’d Sugars ' *2 hlidsntid 5 I.Ids Mu.>covudo Sugars. l'» tudifl Rio Collect. f» “ .Imvo Cfiirro .» 7”. 1 Ids and bo*! t.s and half sucks Flour, t. tib|:‘ Col.a Mfii..s*»c*«. 5b’ Is .Su ,.:r HotibV Syrup, i!( nt choice Hit mu. “Pul Him Through,” HIS null.iii, nfth ml ton: ; ■■ line 'fax U| • *11 nil I J. -Ilin I lieugia . r I I. [Nov. 2 till ■ BUTLER & PETERS- COR ART & YOUNG,' COTTO N P;\.UTO 1 {9 O „ 0 ,.' COMMISSION MLHUlAiV l S General- Commission Merchants. _ _ B rn ;RHESt YCHK d Pnrtlnilnr Allcntlbn In sales' ATLANTA, OA. lot. •25i) 0 ! >,. 150 ('() . 50 <:J. t i5-CU- _ ’—— — G i !!N Lit A L Agents for Ilin City Flour Milts of At Iflanlii. FlouroT all'grades Iresli ground, eon- fill uo siunily on hand foi Hiilo m the lowc.-:t market prices* fiy ( f> i>iders prpmMy aitendcd to’ ’ oj (jy Augu-t il. lik.’ti -1 l-ilni ICO 00 1 ( Oil . W. 8TI.UALI. 15 00 15 00 •25* 00 15 00 ‘2d 00 •25 00 •25 UO lf«tfrs;’rHm*Hiid fruit fintuls um rtrects, Y Agent lea anti. iWikers, cue' ll Lunin* Coinpitny Agfuric^. eaeli 'neb 4 lfiir*ftuutiipiu* or ft age gli J lmr-e luiiuiliHA or lute k........ IgHgf w.Hjfiin, i-nrb I Fit eh 2 Imifce wagon ui dmy yifrieauam! similar Aitirtf. I Hotel I ** JJverv KUiiltf. i l.vnuMisbull bo allowed to charge Dr each •iliKid nf 2 Imrso wagon or dray [for .1 h irse wagon or dray I fc*Cll kl|c of cult Oil -- ftordalned by the Mayor and Council of ilm _[y| n g Allia r uy,aml il is hereby tuduiucil by author* x*H>c r sil Cash Advances on Consignmentti of _ja!l)wf'bo iuw’ful for any person. («*.<L*epi Ii-; Cotton to-Us. to ecll liquOr in qauniiiiea less They will nl-u ohiirin Penults nml Pay Ii lernaT k ‘ quitrl, according to atuudard meiistin*, and Kcveuue Duty for Planters. Hie sumo lobe drank in Ihn house, or osj till* ; -Jiff,•mice Ly J'ermit-.lon : »tulurlted thereto, without tir.M Hiking out M<ts?ra Ill)s , & Jobneton, C. W. llaw&on, Ksq., i paying therefor One Hundred Uoiktrs., L. S. MeHuiic, Ksq. H f J. Cook, Ksq. d January Oih, 1807. ^ ^ m u Jud^e John Jackson, Me«srs Stroxer & Smith. Albany, On ,• October 13, T800. .. bnD SLOAN, STUBBS & STEGALL, COTTON FACTOll£, G-sneral Forwarding and (JEbminisston JHcvcIjants, No. 4, Stoddard's Lower Range, BAT S'TRSEI', SAVAKHAH, C-A. KFsn J . Y.iso.v A’ Hum, niv our outhorlxed They will ut.iko 39 SOUTH W Pay rinse oi'Cfilton, Tobaeoo, Wool, Hides, A.*., &e.. nii'l the purchase of Merchandize of every Description, licfeieutej : • Jcdm Jacks.oi. Albuuv, Ha. W . If. Young, Uoluiiibus, On. • Aikius, DiuiIvtui A C'o. Apla Fa \ .mug Si Woods, Kiifaula Coluinbiis, On, Oct 27, Ibdl . I’ai WILKINSON,.WILSON & CO., COTTON FACTOliS l General uiiiiiiissioo- m Hi* rti.-lii'.l out ot'liis house* Utenuuu’cl tonsktlic* llrst purson he* uu*t to In* tin* > ir»*.ltatlu*i‘ to tin* ill*w;Iv hunt. A bri^lit nml Lr:iutitiiL)"''tn tipju'Uic'il to him. “ Hoof man, I pity tli.-c*. I will hold thy child at the* lout; I will ratv lor him, and lie shall 1m* happy all his life.' l’mt the mail attswprudI know thtfe. I "•» A. M. j \. ill not have* tlieoiJor a godlalhiT, for tlioti will mu on Ihe l : yrl Onin.’s j srivest t «> the* rirh and h.*avc-t flu* poor for '^R'lu-iii and; iiuiioi*r.” 'J litis Ik* npoki*, who knew not that I’rovi- ciotKi* is all-wise in gifts, w ho only felt tha*. poverty is hitteruess,. So lie turned from iis friend ami sought fttrthor; and upon a lark shape appeared. “ NVilt thou h ive nti* to In* the gtodlather of thy child V'it.said. “l will heap jrold on him and he shall enjoy all the pleasures that earth affords.'’ ^ '-‘^o," c ried the man, “ l'kimw too Well; thou do-l rtrrHrrp-#w»d lead me to sorrow •nml to sin.” lie went on, nml presently incngre-leyged Death stalked before him. “ Take me for thy g;odlathcr,” said, he: ‘‘I make all men equal.” “ I accept l!p*i\” answered the man, “for limit sp.iivsLneUlter rich nor poor." ” I promise thee,” said Death, “that thy child shall he rich and honored, for nothin,!' lacks to him who lakes me for his friend.” When tin* hoy had urown to he a man, his j'od/y flier came to film, and led hint lotth into a wood ; then showing him an herb, lie said: “ Now will I fulfill my promi.M*. Tlmu shall lien meat physician. When tlmu ail with tin* sick, il limit :»ecst me* at tlm head, thou mayst he sure this weed will cure ; but tf 1 stand at tlm foot no art will save, for 1 shall have chosen. Hut, however! Use not this herb with the* desire to defraud me, or thou w ill weep the day.” The young physician’s natty' became famous IhroiitxhotiL tlm world; from far and near men sought him, feir his word Of life op death never failed; fortune smiled cm him and he became rich. Al last tin* kin# fell ill, ami the skillful doctor was called to his aid. When he readied the* royal bed, Death stood at the foot and stared ill the sick man’s face. Hut the physician wbuld not despair; for the sake of’such a patient, lm i;e.m|\ cd to outw it the godfather, trusting! to he for- ijiveil Ibr the ii 1st ollensc. lie therefore turned the Kind's head, so that Death stood irfi hyioer at the foot, hut at the head, lie then administered the healing herb, and the King; was mired and arose. Death scowled and pointed his long linger with tlrreaten* in;; gestures. “This time I pardon thee,” ho muttered, “ hut betray me not again, or woe to cl tee,” lint siekness’again entered the palace, and the King wept day and night over his only daliL'hler; in his despair lie promise^ that she* should he* the wife of wlmmsoevVr saved her. The physician runic and found Death waitin'/ af lmr feel ; hut the maiden’s beauty and innocence tempted him to defy once more* his godluthcr. In vain Dentil frowned and shook his clenched list ; the bed of pain \yns turned, the. herb was ad ministered, and Inn It h and st rengt l^ret it rued to the* sullerer. Then the stern"godfather, thus twice eheatfil ol his prey, sbized his ‘/oih'hihl with his iee-eohl haml and dra'/gt-d him into his home beneath the earth. There 1 millions of Haines—some large, some less, some very small, in immeasurable! Some few days ago a brace of lovers 6u& - tei’cd a photograph saloon, and wanted thou* pictures taken. The Ijidy.gave prccedenoo to hef swain, who, slto sajd,-” hadf to bo tuck fust, and retil and natriS|jr.' lie hnujned uji Ids tow hair, gave Tito handkerchief n twist or two, and asked his pirl it' his color was X, and placed kimsfflf In the operator’s chair, whore he assumed the* phjfyiO'glmmica! charsictoiistics of a poor mortal in thc dentist’s hands and about to to part with one of Jus teeth. ‘‘N°\y do look’pnrtv,” begged tho lady, castingono of her langtiiHliing faces. 'fhe picture was taken, WMien produced, it reminded the girl, ns she expressed it, “ just how Josh looked when ho got over the mcasiof ; and ns this was not an era in her lover’s history particularly worthy ot. coinmeration, she insisted that ,“ho should stand again.” He obeyed, ami sho attended ’ him to tho chair. “ Josh,” said sho, “just luku smiling, nud kinder don’t,” The poor Icljow tried to follow tlm iiu- junction. ’ “ l»n IVsaid she*, “ yoii look all puckered up.” One direction follow ed another, but with as little success. At last, growing impn* ticul and desperate, she resolved to try au experiment which site considered infailiable, and exclaimed: *’ i dmi'i. keer if tlmr is folks around-” • She enjoined fhe operator to stand ready 1 at the camera. She then sat in her fellowV lap, and throwing her arms round his neck, managed to east a shower of flaxen ringlets as a screen between the operator and the proceedings, which were betrayed by sound* which revealed what was taking place. When the billing and cooing had lasted a few minutes, the girl leaped from Josh's lnp # chipped her hands ami cried to tlm- astojK Dhmciit ol tho artist: “ Now you’ve got him, put him thro*.” half Lam-la, quai'tor L. *v Mai-kcrcl, In 1 Larii-l.-. a l kits. In Fine IJroeprlo'q em* F'./*-•){ euniiol i*c ckn lli 'l. Tlie urlictos art-ii> > iiaiiii-iaith (,» inpiiil,*«i 'ol ilie vi-rv Lc-it qimliiy, itial ui tlio Viat/ Lowi.vr Fkici;.-! Wc iiITi-r Ten lLincls of (h*«irpin Corn Y»M«.U*y,ni i*» S'.! 75 ja r callon, j.-ooil I'.ouvl•>-n u( 82.‘25 i. 82 5 ’• anil jirime HimiiIioii Un i. I. Wc ill "i ol’. l- ii lurj'i* f lock of’ Vint5 uinl 1 J<ptoi H, .lint as we liny nml : til only rou CASH, we •»11Vi BARGAINS. . Mograth, Patterson & Co. OrPOfc'I T E XAIVIER K O 17 B E JSep *29. 00 1 rrSm About Love mid Matrimony*. Never he nfruid of becoming an oUttnald r . lair reader. An old mad is far moro bon* orahh* than a li cart less wifi', and “shtglo blessedness” is greatly superior ;n point oi ImppmcsH to wudde«l life without love, “b’nl' iiot in love, dear girls—beware,” says tin s mg. lint don’t lie guided hy tho song on lies question. On the contrary, be assured. 4 that it is u geo.I thing to full in love, if tho loved object he a worthy one. To fall in love with an honorable man !h nspropor iis it is for au ltonornhlu man to full in love with a virtuous and ntuinblo woman; and wlmt could ho u moro gin;ilyiiig spoctaolo than a sight so pure, as approaching in its devotion to tho :titaUrb*L4‘>— No, fiili in love as soon us you • - * like, proviilml it bo a suitable person. Kali in love nml then marry, but novor marry • I I.1..U J . . I.. I ,1 . , T i.H'h ss you *do love. That’s the groat polnf. t a “ Itonse,” or a 44 husband.” N ever marry for a' w ... Never degrade yourself by hocomfugaparty to such an alliance. Never sell yoursolK body and soul, on terms so contemptible’ Love dignilles n.ll things { It eUnoblOp aU conditions. With Ittve, "the marriage rita . ...111. ....4 I, ,1. a . ..... h tmriy a Miommi-n(; witliont it, tlio cot-c-'. m pi y in 11 ImSo frauil, 1 ' — ' Agnnts for tlio jiur.cliafo and Hide of nil k’niJs ..f Ootlon Uomcstlc8, ■ 1 Mbcrsl Artvnncfs ir.r.ilc oa fionslKiiinrnts, OrrtcK No. U Sroim.vnu'R Lowe it JUanuk,^^- liAV STHl-KT. ;-AVAXNAHf L-\. 1'. IL WilkiliKOii, of Newi)ntl'(Tri. M. JAUbou, funijA>rIy oftikcctuMkceCotton Mills, F. II. Woo<\, Jfu.o inUTlrm Rabun k Co. ^Stiyniumli. * iPna V (». J. VVHKiUT, Mayor, ■tffd• J. F. Cahgilb, Cl’U ot Cuuntil. , Tntwry Wlh,1867. 2-3 .v i**r*Baker County. BARNS TT &* C O., CUT TO X I'A C TO II S, CLAYTON HIGH SCHOOLS^ JOHESBOEO, GJsO. 1 , nml tlio act la humim- ilu.-n'i-rutii)ii. Murry fin- lovo or notntall. I to an “ ol.l jiiaiil," if tlirowa not in your way tliu man ot your lionrtj np4i tlioiifilillin willoss may hiiolt, anil tlio jeator.- may laugh, you will still Imvo your reward in an a]i|iraving oonteioncc mid a compara- lively iioia-oIVll life. VIE Sjiiiii" Term will fij.oii on Hit* Second Moii- J ly in .bum 1 r.v l s -»7. 'i'lio ciiiPso nf iiMinio* lion is more 1 leu»ii;;li, more cniii|n*»*lic'usiv«*, lei nioiv ,»rjJrti«*nl tlmu ilmt of any o:!u-r High .*■ t* Ii * ,i.l in 1 i/oij*ia, Ii airoi'l/nll tin* ii'lvnnliijos of tlio C'nllege—tlio norm'll nml tin* commercial or general bin-J- iic-.-h FuMnl. It-i*<ai! -a II»e CH L A I’K.ST .School 'hi tlie State*.— Two EIred EPoSIais wMI j-ny for tioiird nml luilioii lor a year. Ruunl iiiiihI Ih* jhiM mniitli* ly in ntlvmice, nml luilioii nt tbe lii'giuiiiiig of each term. Circul trs m-oi on ii)>|»ii«;uii,»n io A. ]). (.'ANDLKIt, A. M, “ 0. C. Dec 1, lfiCO LOONEY, 1'rinclpuln. CO-wGvr l .I. .M.I, „r Lia coanty, ilco'il,' Grocers and General Com, Merchants, AIMLACIIII.'<>r.A. I'f.A.. & COl.UMm'8, OA. • gP*y up at once. *'.'•? I X^UOMl’T ntteniiuii Riven to nil Consignments WlKCIIESTKIt, Auinr's. | R „,i ShipmetiH of Cotton to New York, Now *1,1806 ’ 00—t»w* (iViemis ami Liverpool. Liberal advances tmulo on — conidvitiucufs. Family and Plantation Medicines. Cologne, roulades, Soap, Colics, Brushes, Knives, Cigars, Fresh. Garden Sped, &o., &c- • at Wholesale, at Very l.ow I’l lecs. L. J3. WELCH, PriiggUl. Albnny, November 17, tf THOMAS J. FLINT, ■Wholesale nnd1 Retail Dealer in any a, class asd chock eh y wauk and Huso-Furnishing Gds, Mnlbeny Btrcot, Opposite Lanier House, K FKl* conet fin tly on Imnd, GlaM.Wnrc of every S'rt ■ I BOUTII-AYRSJERlt RAIL UOA D COMI”Y, \ j i? Oric>, Bgco^ gA., J-itt), 8th, J807. / RE Ammai Klc’etion for PreBidenfand seven Wnnngo the affnirii of this Company for ■envuin^r year, \vill be fafid nt their oltice, in iho lot A!noon, on ThuYedny, l4ih day- of February I* * * - >• , J UHN .T5 DOIFfiu iLLET,' I-**. ’Secretary an\i Treasurer. I Unary 12th, 1867 ..ZAx ( H I M B S;; prepaved to make to e Roots rtn'rl' 4 dm tha f}ne?i and J r-also French'' tthTn Forwarding Si Receiving House APALACHICOLA, Fl> . JOHN P../..TKIN8, B EAR sill:—Wo respectfully call ynmy atten tion to tho fact, Ilmt wo have established n iat ApaVichlcoln, Fla., for tho pttrposu of do ing a OcnerftlCJotnmlKsion and Forwarding bushiest*. I Living established rclnlionn with nomo of the best hofisog in foreign nnd domestic ports, wc nro pre pared to offer unusual advantages to idiippers of cot ton and other produce. Special nttonlioii will be givon to all cotton «cut ns fu.r sale, either in our own ir-a»yfor4ign«arkct. L. HUNIIAM, 'V. 0. UHALE. ATKINS, DUNHAM & C0„ Cotton Factors, Gommission and Forwarding 3x2CE3^OT3:A.Isr'Z , S,; AFAI.AOHZOCZ.A, FLORIDA. I&r Agents for.{jib New Orleans Lino pf Steam ships. October 13, 1800. Gm.* dcimription. House I'lirnixliing tioods, Riiii Itooin Set la, Dining .Sett;', Polished Stone Ware, Willow Ware, Toil let Setts, Fnncy Articles, Travel- ling <-'a»e‘«, Shaving Mugs, Table Cutlery, Duckets nnd I‘rooms, Du»t(-rs, of every dotcriptfon, Candy Jars, Lumps uud Cooonnuts, l):fr Dottles, Decanteru etc-, etc. iiov'*2J,(Ui Vafftn fiiws. At I'vri’v tnoiiifiit Home* wen* (\tin-! T\ mat a in; you LrviKrt For A pastor . 4 ,iis!.i*d :u.«l others kindled; so that coil- j ."'.tlknitf out rocontly, mift ft Ilitjoffirl belong-, slaiillv dis.iniiuariiig thuv Hocmcd ever in , 1 lit.s liuuk. Aa thoy .walkudon togatK . motii'ii. I''-K|K'lic lo l,c-i-ol hwjtllrllc-H, nn(f w»0 “Tin-:-'-,” K.ii'l Di'.-tili, “ nro iho IIrIUk of, 1° find ho|! imiiiifi)»Iiii(r'nn.,|iit ( stc»F iiil-ii. Tli.-,.P higlic-Kl-nnil In-i-hk-Kl li.-lmig, «'». , m , tlii«i , !ii , o»l. i Io enthimiimm in tho'oM r tn i-liililrffi llii- next in. kizi- tu iimn-ii-il. "V. 1 , 1 . 1 " 11 I<,r ,!!!!'"?,' llieir.iirst, i»e*t. yc»nis; the le:M >ut why, Elite, asked b<Tpa8tor» Uaro, “ to lll« llgt-ll—lllnujrll HOIIK- l-hilllt-t-n .„|,| V"IIMIIlllxl,illKli.K",.m'..rtl, , v n ,„.....,1l„„« • . - voting people have also small flames.** ' The physician n4:ed to see his own, and 1 ,l / ,0 . r .\' nu f?*: 1 I* .1 c . 1. ~ c.:... .m I “Oh sir,” said the m you so anxious to sueceed in your studies* ?— ’ V>-^*. What do you mean to do with your cduca- >■ V S.V' ..i*.,........ ...... t. mi - «-1*. ,»—* -, ' O w J)eath poiritetl to a faint, glimmering lkrbt,! air,'' aaid tbe-girl, “I,,Wflnt^o iofli'ftjj which seemed at tin* point of expiring. , 1 , do some good in .tlio world..' I' °'don t want to have Io toll tluj LordiutboK l remb- J Htlgeiijoiit that Iliave,ljved BQ long I must i j n !»e world without lmving done any good r v b Ii.n-m I HI It. •w 4 l\SsS L ' Tltat,” said lie, “is tliine!” “Oh! dear godfather!” aaid tho troml)*| ling man, “ let tne enjoy more life! I t be theliushaudof litt* little maiden X have! 1'”. rcplio.l I )«|I II:; ^,'hf slini vi"g nmluTil^tb “Sgo^Anl^’'' " “ the old llauto must die before a new one can who of*ua are making an every iinpresi for *' g< od ontbe l.c.i.tsnnd lives ol’thoso among U'imili U'fi hini'n V * he lighted.”^ “Oh, put iton another table that it may whom wo moveP kindle ns lids expires !” cried the jdiysieian. Death feigned to grant the petition; blit when ho touched tlio little IlieKering flame, it, lull and was extinguished, and Death’s cold hand clutched his godchild,” PENFIELD, GA. In Addition to onYConunisdon Inttlneis, we will k«op consthnlly or band a large Mock of 3-YE6 O O ID TbX S S, rffic’i xrlll be offored to merebauta nnd planters at iiTocs in tho Northern and Western markets, taoro'- rnidlpiccoBt of tram-port,niion. v ’ . Wj-wllt bo prepared t o ncootnnodato oar frtends L. Jlf. Merrill, McKirnidl Jf Go. Atkin*, Dunham y- Co ,Ncw Orlcnne, .1.0. C. Mci'lanolUl-Jolm Dr Atkips, mills lnatitution»iK now fully officered, and Is B prrprircd to afford yoifng men nil the r.dvnn^ tngta of a 'J I t’OROUfU ( CO LLKUI AT H THAtK INC. Tho jirice ol tuitfon for the Fall Term, la tS'i.'V, Dtsrr:ns.-uv ‘VnmiNiA.—A Washington paper says that in consequence of the pro longed cold weather there is a great sulFer* ing among the whiter and freed men in Vir ginia. It ih.reported that over two thous and li eedtnen have--been thrown out of em ployment by the suspension of work in the oVo <vu fii -r. )Tii.,! J''j-(.‘L'il"il-'i’h llurt-.-iu s luiMimg rAlion* lu tliu (lifatiinW Gun. O. 1J. iUownu, nfsistnnt coniiiiizMmier of tliu lJiii-ciiii in in .WiiKliington cmU-avoring to prcL-uio I'olicfibr lliuin. A lll.rsn.—Goctliu wna in compnliy w II Iiiothci- nml iluugliter, xvlion tlio latt lit-ing ru|n-ovuil for Koinctliing, IjIiihIiciI r.. _ burst into tunrs. IIu sniil: “ How, beautiful Viini- i-ui'i-oncli bus lmulo yotiv.^ntiglitcr, rimt c-l'iniBoii lino ttnll tboxl illtjery Aoifra boubino tier in null bettoj- tl)/jb ni)y. onmmunt of gold or |iMrla; theno may -!)o jlmig on tlio of iniy womnm‘tlio'sc nro novor noon ol iniy woman, tho* noon uonnoeted but with moral lull-blown Sow or nprinklod w!tl Itlli. Ik) llnl .-.-V lh..n.,4. I*. .1 ..n a.*. HaIII'-AI, DuiNliK IN.TKNnKKBl^E—TlktlK- Iiiio is not bo lioanlifiil astliisoblld blnsliiiip-, . J? Iiynciiili bur |i:iront’s t'i-iil-rnniirt-, nmfilingfcWfUaBB tliug tuara ot noi-row. for fiui-fiinlt. A blimli . wtlio sign wluub nature bangs ont to sliow -B^^ where olmstity ni)d ]ioiioi dwell,”,- .. .< 'o-^K| l Thou. 11., BuJth^ pJ^L. Dunham, ila*elhurat, Mit».) Iionlp, fuel, crashing. ko. t about 0-U per monili, in.on cotton eent us for shlpmept-pr andd .witUbaggip Tiic next Hpring Term will upon ou Iho. 23d day of January, 18C7-- Dlaabled JdoUllosa in ptral- OlK ciiounictancea, will locclve lultloi gratis. For (iirijior ini;om^ ,, ‘ )n D Hbl- IL tl. TUCKBitft).* to* . £ m» '-:w! from tlio spooial dimiiiittoo itoqiiimoniliiig tins impcaohniciit of Judge' Krazlor, ol 1 the . —iintiul 6oui-t of Davidson .-OQnitty, qccoi.1,! niciLiy actidsj of hiijlcncliijiimt.:; * ’ ' V oS'orioo wnstbb Jibqra' ib'We*%i executed at j nflk'irin Root! s( vlo. A!s<,>, rnishud td -every iioScriptibn, r : • jocfi isl.-itm-o nrrostotl-fitast BUtmnor Tor j tltcul&elvvs and leaving the House 1 ; n*,,Ai..,., lr Jfu \vi 11 -probably- be.ij»u a corrupt good nu J*