The Albany tri-weekly news. (Albany, Ga.) 1867-186?, February 16, 1867, Image 1

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• -v T'mjfPip 1 news, !&•. rumisHBD on every fesPft i tiltiBSPAY AXD SATIRDAV. LAW NOTICE. BK.ittum « AtlV«»1i , i!il». rertlscrocnts inscrtc»l itl iho into of Olio Dollar Ijtiy Cants per square of Teu Linos, for Iho ’insertion, nml t*ovonly-ftvo Cents for each fBtfi InsoVilou—payable in mlvance. £;- . • 8 V. ii’c i a"l IT tT'FI C 11. AH announcement* of camliilatcs for office, $10, j ba pafUn rfdvonoe. ’Obituary uoticea to l>o charged for ut regular ad* I^Uoinent ratoa—to bo paid in advance. TU# spaco 0,1 Ton ,,ri,vicr i niako ono oiwW. Advert isemonlH that malic over el;;!it lines ml under tifioen lines, couuled ns tvo squares. ”\3rer<iscrs will inarU on their ndveriiuuuenis number of squares they wish them to neouj-y. fjoamunlcations Tor iti.livtdual"Tinclir, w.ll be , ;ICIU1!nK in . ;rs SrjjtW-M P* 1 ’ >q« fw j ' - •W* AT TdiiSTEYS AT LAW, I .» | (»A, ? __ _ cor lcirs..$ 3 00'TYTH.!. | r;irtu:piii l),ii|j»luriy ant! tli© Mirroncv!- ...’8 MortgnB 0 FifTa. Bales, per lory 5 oil, jV inj t.’nnntlos, in tL* Superior (’nttrls ..| t!.•> Collector’*.; Sales per lovjl. . .» 00 State, nml tin* United Italics I’lre.nil C*,uit h’ iv.m* itations for letters of Adiqluistraiioi I O'tjnali; uml willl attend to biisiirs* in ‘’untli-We.-t Citation for letters ot'Oiiiirdlnnslr.p 4 00 ijrnr-i i generally, by special agricnu'i.t. Notice of application of dismission troiu Admin- | Albany, .Oct. 21, 1865. C3— 1st rat ton itieeof uppl! diutmhip ipr'icstiqiiio sell Ltnrd,..^*. iciico to lichtoisund Creditor Kali of Lund per square r«le8,if jieviih able pr*»petty, fesirtty Notices, sixty days ... the above rat or-cuyraUtonics. be held oil th , SPECIAL NOTICE. •q.L. iif Land by Administrators, I’:; jjKhi.ts are’reqidrvl by law to bo 1m i&fi|esdiy ia each ntoutli, l.(i.vrecn ill y»*7hh'turoiioo't aqd three in the alt JCoqrt lloitso*iti thv c mnty in which the propet » linititate I. ' N lice of th-.e .-.lee be give I'll-wit rt* public 0.ntetttf tarty <1 •. Naticot ol the .-ale of per- tv'en ialiU* m tanor. iliroug ?y • fry —k — . 5. -^WQIskjS >•* •*. ' * a H*)> v-ww-J' ' ** ; ‘ DA-RO-IXiISI & CO. 7: " - IVISDOM—J VSTIOE—MODEli ATION. ■- j.r iv, .y^jyS'F^-v • fS2. ■pTsiT?. (TtTT A-OnnTivo VOL- I* v - ALBANY, GEORGIA. FEBRUARY 16. 1867. OFFlOEtrO.voP Gilbert & Vnsou’s Dry Stdre, on' South eido of F ‘ Brand street. LAW GAUDS. G. 1. WHIGHT. L. I*. I). WAItttEN. WRIGHT &, WARREN. ATTORNEYS AT LANV, AliBINV, UA. 1Y7II.I, practice in the several Courts of Lawand ▼ V KquRy it. hiU Si . „ State and the Circuit Courts of the Uqiti d States for«! • State r»f GVirgin. Alsu, especial attention given to the nurol.aeoand sale nl Real Estate. Albany, Nov; 18. 1805. — r,7 MORG.CN will practice law in nil the Courts ef I lie .S-mth-Western, in train of thettaulh- •'iLo and Appling of * ho llrimswicl:, and most '• il" 1 l’lianln t.'ivcuhs. i.o on \Vrt«.I.iugt u .Street, opposito the Er.prfss VT no , All BU» I. torxo. rtlEnCHlCK 4. COXA.VT ...... COWANT & YOUNG, COTTOIST FACTOE8 A.Ef iE) General Commission Merchants. 33 eOt)TH STItKBT, IT31V VOUH dSANOS or SOHEDUiB. NUMBER 13.3 Boutu-'VrsTt r.N U. V.. Co OOiro Mac.ui, On., Doe. 28, 1800. '} O N and after Sunday, noth Inst., Mall nnd_l*flfcr »ongor Train on tills Road will run n«»'illovt* Leave Mr.eon Arilveui Eufau’a Leave Bn fan la Day cluio and Pnrtlcnlar Alt utiondo «.Uvs ; Arrive nt Macon of Cotton, Tohncco, Wool, Hide, Lo. t ,*io., nml the Leave Mneon purchase of Mcrclmtldizo of ''lery Description, Ucfcmues : John Jackson, Albany, Cn. , W. II. Young, t’olumbu-*, tin. Atkins, Di<nlrnm&Co. Apial’a Young L Woods, Kttfuulu Columbus, On, Oct 27, jfiM fun Arrlvo nt C, lumbus, Leave Colmubus Arrive nt 'Mnccu . On., Apiil.2S. • 'hi. nu it vr.n it«q:i a j KOEBS, “9 TtirfC&> niu 6 ar9 om ’ v * 5vi fur . fiir Ju;jN U. ATKISU, J. t. HI.STIAU, W. »\ Uf.At.l ATKINS, DUNHAM & GO., C o 11on Jj 1 a o (■ oa• ,s Commission and Forwarding >£ERCHANTS, AFAZiAOSXCO^A, rx.OSI.OA. J/a'S" Agents for tbo New Orleans Line of .‘’tcun liips. October Id, llbhl. tim.’- ..8 00 A. M. 6 .10 1*. M. 7 20 A. M, 4 f»0 1*. M. 8 00 A. M. 8 15 l*. M. 8 (M) A. M. 1 501*. M. Connecting nt Sui'uhviUo with Albany train. Leave Hmithvillo 1 40 1*. M. Arrive nt Ailtauy ;l 11 1*. M. i Leuvc Albany JC» A. M. ’ Arrlvo n> 'u ihviEo H 00 A. M. | For the pivont n train will run on the Fort Oniv.eR Ibnnoh from Cut-1.belt n.s far as Coleinnu and ! bnek tin ea times a week, connecting With Kufuuln j Mail and i’-iieug-.r Train. % VlilOU. POWERS, i Lin 20. Eng’r and Sup’t. I Fiaiil-PHOOF WAREHOUSE raSaleiperlev; ‘ irtg'>K c 8. ST 11'A US, SM5AV FIRM! utiop for distnis'iloti ftoui litiar- ! .00' MEDICAL CARDS. eqt'.ircd in |, D v B > r.ri. i:n.-- , I'nln.migo ... and In | es *'.u us nu ii a** f money. • >: i; .*. ns l.o. i Nov, -.';j T O ID D to :mmls.for their year just clos- le the .s lie is liabilities with hnmediuta need —=3 cr: Cs=J A - /. : v -• - cp. i - •- ••.: _&2 t’-’A.r et3 -• ' * ••a c:-«a pn f\ l y o T&J8HWSTGM. eta o.. W: Ms fr* any nudsfiro'i •■i returned IV" 1 the o\v Yin 1; uliernooir, at al proputy must bo OT fJiv. iJr. V. Callaway * for . 1 ■ iho An .iv-iiiTell c: Comm ay« pr-vvi'm t Mfliioe to d.*t't«r.H and c published outy diy«* ihit NiittflDhat iipplif.iiion v.iii t- f Ordinary for leave to soil L i 1 two llionihs. fit iiiou* f<.r .letter- kin. Ac., must, b? pobl itsaion fro.n Adiiiuti*-t'. o IV 'in Hu, iio I oriMio* lit lit v lovf :ant ’ •r'dfs. Me* f«» Itbiisl.o in BJipniyv, r onipoliing i b»»i A-io.:.;:- hml thin ;i,ui. m • » A . -..iii,-' 5 j (ll’I.D Re-pe -A.:; the eiiineim <*>' .vI?• try. th.;t # ho Ims.ii with a choice selection o j Finest Gold and Silver Wat ch • Kkvi.i;*h Cii’ioxeMi.tft: q , the i i - I nr<.nr.,te perfort Hu.cltv' p r- mad : Ln <.r.-< rvljjuri can, English and Lui *11 ULEG-AKT l.m'lcs* ami Gobi-. ; Signet and Gem Ring Huttons, l’rooches. Mason i<; J jAVcddinp; OGIiD AMD 8li.VBn 7-HIMEX.BS, Superior (laid Peas villi fllamonU fcials, Silr.-r and rumt Ware. I v,’tV;tcJ'.VJ*.'I‘or, Hr.-t class* niir. rNDKRSIGNI’.H res pee l li n> *mco to the I'l.Ah'TEUS a ! i> i 't en , and adjacent Count ii.-p i*:.ii ■ ; V‘t rt' A. . APi'.iitH i; .* illv be* to mi- ’ MLI’.t’ll AN fS .s, the* I it'*v have an l : Inn ih.< lui; ii.- • orenpjii of Si ms \ lit st, a eiuiiinuo io reeeiv. ■ run a wo heretofoie IT «»*•*• 3 ; •d eonlhlcnlly t flint grtteion extruded to esi Y. t itmi'STO ol i*i i\l M iM-tltl.N :.t V, ill chouse trust they will - ipport nml pn- ’h of them. .. REST. , C t., June'lbt, IMv; STn;;, l-W tint li R:/.'.l (hnins , i’i !>• • d i pi b 1 (* v. ’" in i THor/.:/.S J. FLINT, Wliolo.tnlc- r.ud RntnC. Dc:i>r In j an.v.i,> v.' WMitc, v nd IIusc-FurniBhing G-ds,. j UnlUeny,, UtiT.nt, Opp^nl'o Lanir.i* l-7cuo9, Y.-T E’ !’ om u dctfcrtiiilon, IP Sell's,- Diiiirig .‘ ; Wat**, .* I’.o V r o.iii Will . 1**.;; i mil •I. til . olishe'l Si "'.V A Ibd. i Ware of every Gauds, lied .iiidiCu.LV io i D -pi G. :iner a U r»i * C ul Dei u t 1 l e ItuKors IA V , 1-. 11V Dll imr 'Ju;;s. T:ibi« l.’uih' no W Travel* ■, Httrl.ets ..... DetauterB COMMOU SKflJSE-A HOMEOPATH* IG LAY BV A. U.WATdON. I do not claim, dear love, Hmt you, Ar© fairer than tho world beside, I. held uot fcuoh'bpiniou (rue, Tho day you Hi st became my brido. hold tlinl you nrc fair 1 do not i At Sylphs that telgu in fairy books, But, rpite of Hint, dear love, you aro n—of oi A queen—u very queen—of cooks. i lo grace n throng * is tho lypo ; Yon were no! mado to t Whoro Aphrodite is tuu .jjm { You uro not e’en the niUHo of tong, For Hebe you nre ovor ripe, You nover wore a bnll-room hello Nor wrung a r.tupid lover's heart, You would not suit for Dion, well, i But, dear you unko a firm-into titft. You may nut grace Mlncrvu'c hall Nor rhino among pednnlio tduos ; Philosophy nml othics, all AVb topics you would Bnnroojy choose, You would not pm to uf Rulo and Tonne, Nor thvough tliuboandsof Euclid break ; A graduate of common sense, Your best diploma is your cake. Give Morula up to pruinli jados A.ul Mathematics to Iho winds, Give piv try to simpering mnids A..11 l*<>’ .,est() fitronger minds 5 Su 'll tr.Pigv may rula where Folly shines, Hut not in garb of homely irinkcl It needs no Tnngetils, Curies or Lines To roast a duck or broil a steak. Let Emily bob* I Km lire fly lamp, A"d Le-iriiiiig spread i's slmdoivv ml.-.f; Give*bra*.-tongu'd Honor to the camp, dn l hi'irids to the hlood-stal'ied list ; Lc'prop v. itlings pruto in rhyrno . bile golden mnmonli run to ivnrfo; Hut you dear vpond your precious limo C.uit-.liiiig how to please—the tasto. And I will love yon n*nvo than nil Ah 1 think you i.ui* us any qii.*on, tit hinin^ e’eti th<* lilur.ln;; hollo, \tl'u 1'otJiitu*'. tiii'inting robes are seen, Tlu n call me ••d-dt,” or wlmt you will— V.'hnt namo your generous lmpulso tods — You cniniol rail me aught that's ill, Unless—too late to get my meals. C«n U bo Trike t—Superabundat Verdancy. Tho Cinelnnntl Enquirer tells the follow ing story: . , A luw Jays sinen n newly weddej couple flyni Ihu ijitoriorof Iho Slate Bi-rivcd at tho/ Burnett House, nnd took apartments for I ‘ j ] 10 , c | nittllt at that well ordered hotel. It was qultfc evident (hat tho whole party Wore un- mmillai- with tho metropolitan sights. Tho vmms, corridors, mnrhlo floor and gorgoous tahlo of tho ' " • V.W.M UIIU nrv-ll-gpri 1 tol cl row from thorn tno most ingomious roinnrks of surpHso. In tho evening they visited tho opc*ra house, nnd wore so nston* lil 11 m k* meguHloeneo llmt even Mrs. Wullor’a wonderful itnporsoimtion of “Meg iMcrrlllos’* almost failed to interest them! Nothing more was thought of tho verdant p.v.r till tihout one oVloek in tho morning,at which time tho boot bhiok of tho Burnett House, in making his cuBtomnvy rounds, ob- served the Bcui'diot boated in tho hall near tho door nf his room. Iio naivoly asked tho polisher ul understandings if ho was the olork. Iloooiving a negntivo answer, ho in- iormed tho hoot-hlack that ho should liko to roc that individual. In a few moments the attentive ollleo man was nt his side, and po litely asked what ho wanted. “ Couldn’t vou make mo a hod in tho parWV” or! *d the disconsolate individual. Mu the parlor!” echoed tho dork, “I’m afraid not. 1 '* ^ *’ii« 1 d l‘*»o to have ono spread down mewheiv.” Why don’t you go into your o\vu room?’* a sked the clerk. 1 don l liko to,” said the bashful young man. NVhy, what’n “Wliv, what’a tho mat ter’r” continued toe dork. «• lias your wife turned you out ot your room?” Mercantile Law. . ,l0 drawling, “ hut vou Boo I invon’t never Leon married before, nnd so don’t much liko to go in, particularly in a particularly i •*aid tho dork, “ uho 1. That which is originally void, docs un( by lapse of time become valid. 2. A personal right of action dies with the person. hi ./;•. 11"’ tyw compels no one to do iniuoss:- llitieH, •' 1 it'll eqvict of I - (.; ^,OEf>IRAKCE. 1# iF.flrd.ihrJ fy Ihc.Mny » nnd•/ t-f'f&e. Y; Milts of Al vi.uii.l, cjii mliet juice* rv-7 '• *-!.» .1 be rfAVniitf, nnd U i* iho nt (nr th** npiih'ipi: year 1^67 : u!.ma t cr U'iininWd liquors.. ytai ! rr-« oi -ptrirtdiiM jiqVtun, pm li -A 1 •:r.u*r>’ul D'lii-iy-T cl;. U and Gilt Al-< ** ^i«»a*u AieMi'i*each. SLOAN, STUBBS *-£a ! .Yri'in^ ana l».**;r j V.’srraiM' Miisicii IIns, H ^ o - , i!I. f“, E.ct. l !\ r.t onulnr* X^Tcercchr.nni FL;cn « ;.*.:», v.'.ill.i*./ L’tli-e:-*, f;c , &c. t - ii' ay A 1 ? tUHL 0*' •-.;Q OJ Cijinpnny Agrfiiaciv srlr........ T.iflm* Marten, - “ ........ PtS.ut Tnlih Pj idwlfiijf Alle-v.*. 'r.iiii-iiijl ifipIprA • f gon«h« wnie?,njiu rjrnrli. tlW «cek I'ftkeh- \vpek* tlicreuHer; 1 r.n oi *J. r )0 OJ 150 00 ft0 00 25 C'J 100 00 LO 00 cotton facto:: l- G-on oral Forwarding' and Commission iUcvcijcuUs,. No. 4, Stoddard’s Lower Eango, 'HA'S STTU535V BAVAXSIVJX Va , a a. msirsmenw, ;GuH.i~*. Violins »,*:* *, F’.ufej, A ncci lloiis. r.n MXTSIC 3BOX.TLS. PISTOLS. : of CiiRb'.* nml the imirt nppeovod Momi:nrtn. rvp. , Caps r.iul Cavii iilgCB, n11'hi/.< «, niul of beat 'qiialily. Clocks and Regulators, Eight day and 30 hour ueeuraloTinu keeper*. Broad St Albany, Ga. j rHMJK iir.'brHlgnod, nn Aiirfionccr of several years ji cxp.ii.'iice, respect fully nuiiumicr* lotho pib- ill.r lluii lip hesjuMl pommciicfilbusincsaat tho GltU- iCKJiY 8TUUE OF iV iiirt fruit vi'Hiidi on tlreei: lhnV'A‘gi4icii*i* nri;!' n'koo*. cm b irtitii f m** IA uiijiqiiy A'jfr|ii i*’ii, iticIi p«oli 4 hi*weppii'iihiii *■> ftugp •Hch -J bur; e ur.iiiihun br bin k lugiiHjr,. w-iyiat, «*atill • Fvr Piti h 2 hurtc ivug'Mi.erdisiy ♦». j n . .»• »• Ihfrnerreiiu and slmijiir Adlpfi*. Vdrpui’b Itulpl...*...../..... JJV. iTtfortlfo ftO ( 0 JJib?ral Cash Is^^jjipy will lira!:o 'aah Advancoi cu UD 00 loo oo; 10 oo 25 CO 1-5 0 ) * 15 OJ 15 UJ 20 00 25 or —25 t.‘U' Cotton to TTn. They will also obtain F.*‘.mUs tind I’ny Internal Kcveinio Duly for Planters. Inference lj Pemiiuon : .‘Ti'SsrH. End f: Jtdui^lon, . C. Vi. Enwpon, Etq., L. McGuire, Esq. II. J. Cook, E?q. JmL-c John Jaekartn, Messrs Strozcr k Smith. Albany, Ga ,.()clobcr 10, 1800. . . ! t<ri7“ Arrangements have hen mado with iho ire ar authorized loading innnufuctitring I.oiih*-* by which sjiooinl ' orders for Watches, Clocks, .'■•’iher. Ware, Diamond Ccnslgntr.enta of n,, 'l (!r '* 1 * t p v *0'.'’*_ fire Art.***, ke., will t"i executed B All If BTT &. OO,, COT? OX FACTO I!S, z Grocers and General Com. Merchanis, Mfayau’nidi'nM he iilfo.vrJto rharop f,,r cmcIi ' tai l un«| ot;! or dray Do. tor 1 h.irseAvni-on/a dray fmoh lutlc of eotlon. ■fMCUCODA. FDA.. A COU'MBV,. OA. iiauw, that, ! luit-be.lawful fur, any |-erson (oxL-pt li* ^^^t|;raittTlferKi)Yo rftl|.Uq'^tr in qua.,lines lets a quart, according (u atiuidufd measure,, and lit the rum© to.lpi dmuk" in-the bouse, nr on the utinise^ lutached tnercio, witlmut’ lirrt taking out ifcehse,^aiitl pVfing theretor Oue Hundred Uullara. Approved January. 0;tr,:1867. . ' . Ci\ J. WBIGHT, Mayor. Mcsr'J. F.CAitfitt.E,jbl’kol Coqmil. January 12tli, l|3C7. * P ROMPT attention given to all Consignments nu l Shipments of Cotton to New York, New o.Icun.i mid Livorpool. Liberal advances mado ou c'lin-lguiteonts. 2-3\v Forwarding & Receiving House, r.EOi’GIAFpakci- County. LI. perso Joaial, APAIjAOHICOLA. FL. S l-.vr, SIKWo ...pcctfully cnll your utten lion i®** 1 e at Apaluchl fact,.that wo have established Apalachicola. Fla., for tho purpose of do ing a- General Commission and Forwarding biwinosa, 1 favinifestabl 1 sTie3 Vcla 1 kous"Wifb sohus^jlJUboljest ^ionddtAying tdalras against the estate ot Jl0U8 ,. a s in foreign aml domostiQ npvffj’wo aro pre- aiah Winchester, latei of .ttaukcounty, dec d, i C(1 , 0 ,5fp cr unusual advauUTgesio bhlppers of cot • tl>q . l . n tcr,,,a ion and other prodn.c. SacotnU attention will bj peraons Indebted to said ertato . to coUon fP nt US mr tolo.cUhcrin our o' Will pay upntoncei *^ Dec h-ifiOC iB 1 ' 0 ...... w or any foreign 'maraeG "MAjn: J. ‘WIKCOESTEB,’Ad«ir’x. . j w * i“ n "fuiditio>‘ to ourdo«m'6fifiia.^»u«Ine|j», jfo y0 00—Cw* 80DTl'(.\, .()mop., Mi •THE Annual Lice >treciora .to rnaonge .... -fto'oniming year, .of Macon, on Thun ' I ko<*p constlmtly ob hand a lirgo T * 4 grocbbibs, Wbh,U-»lllbe oflered fomcrobuots a?)d plnntors at prices In HioTTwUmcn ind Western markets, moro- ]y adding cost of IranspU! -Wo will bo prepared to nccomra tag -7 . r ^ . _ __ iuf lVlonds. witlTadvances on cotton aent us for'sWjimcnt or ’1 -iale, and to furoish them with Bagglng^hnd ropo for tho coming crop and during tha- entiro seSsbn. ' : N.'.B.—Our house in Columbus, On., will bo con tinued at tlw old stand, corner St. Clair ond-Broad .Slrefl*. ’. 1 .. /B^nserr** 0 '. Tjuno lCih, 1804. . will. iR'Cutaey mid lUjpntth. and -n tliumohi FWOUARLK TKKMS £©» All kinds of V/atchc.i l .Cloclcri nucl Jew elry Cleaned and Repaired In an efliciciit nnd Gold, (Silver end Spcoio IBouslit. Sold and Ldxoli.mycd. Albany-Watch and Jewelry Store tlllOAU STREETr - MESSRS, GARDNER & I'Toxt Door to Kidd’s Hotel, •1. No our shall he twice vexed for one ami the suiro can jo. -• pronicr contniiiH tho Jcsb. i*. The la"/ f.ivoi-H things which aro in the custody of he law. .. the hi.Ho ;rl v.ic a wo .a;jo person, 8. J* very not ©bull bo most blt on^ry taken atfninht the maket. ». Wlion two titles oocur the older shotihl ho prcfcncil. in. Agrccmenlrt ovcrntlo the law. 11. lie who <k*i'i\oB tho advantatfo oncht to BtiHtHin tho luinlon. lii. No man shall tako tho advantaifo of his on'n wroiiff, 13. VVlion tho rlglit if equal, tho claim o{ tho party in actual poHsossion uliiall prevaik WImitiIm* will ho pleased to serve-them in his best stjlc. -)A11 kind] of 14. Ho lias tlio bettor title who wuslifut in point .of time. 16, A right oi’notion cannot- riso out of fraud. 10. It is fraud to conceal a fraud. 17. Tim law asiiists those who are vigilant, Mil lint flinUA ».*l. A _>-...- .1 * . ' . GOODS, rJffll’ERTY AND MERCHANDIZE, AI.Bl.lT, CEO. S. STRAUS. Albttny/Octobor^J, 18fld Ijriflt ly Q-rovesteoi L & Co. l'3S irtl'1 a* Hit* 1 v ot u rns iiiude, J pi'looi to bo oh(ahc*d, and prompt Fpw'cinl attention given to Mile of Real Eslato f: to ole, &, o., &o. JU-CAUTHItOy, Auctioneer. , ...... . .gilts. in. Ignoi-finco of tlio law excuses nn 0115, llh M ho does,not onnosowlioii lie might oppose, -eoinu to consent. 30. Wlieri.ooiitrnry laws eomo in quos- tmn, iho inferior law must yield to tho superior; the law general to the special'; an old law-to a new law; man's luwa lo (iud s laws. daUtTtlkms, n eolMorgrifidluesH tooronmntio, n modesty loo retiring. I will not go so'fur Kinmnwvur. eoitm:m<s.—An awful anil tro- of.Mi ! "u-mlemis Howl Ims gone up- from tho shoe- e makers of Massaelmsetts, There is a strange Ho sure t« cnll nt the Grocery Stor li.l II DIVER. & KIRKIHAX l!"" 1 teiTffde falling oft - in their snles of «bo l.» received a well .el.elcd .took .of! ??.? 0 - t "L" ,, ? 0 * , > Brogans ^ltmj)« andiflimlow.; J he shoepeg men are opining to grief, and . . t 1m , 5 i.iili.un ■.. 1 A ..ale... ..... f V nl * • MANUFACTU S, NO. 499 BROADWAY, Now York- GEOCERIE S roct from Haltimore. Also, a large Jot of old North Carolina Apple 13randy. TOBACCO, OF ALL GRADES, kopf constantly on hand. Aiming tho ro»f “K.N’LTNE DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO. Albany; Gn. ; Dec 1,1800 u tho .. ,tnmg tho dealers, in leather uro in tTeep aflUotioi). While tlio war laHted, tho tlemaml for, ami tho comsumption of shoos, were enonnotiM; for the fioldicr liatl-to - bo Bhod. anil they marched out their shoes very rapidly. The Puritan cobblers did a lino business with fat contracts, swindingly performed on their part, as long as hostilities continued. But also;! pence came, or at least tho armvwns dislmnded, and Massachusetts coultl no longor fleece the Govemmont by shoocon- \l)l..i a 1 n tin • • The attention of iho publio and the trade ia invi ted to our Now Scale Seven Ocfare llosowood IT- ano-7fbrtt^r which fur volume nnd purity of tone, aro unrixalh’d by aby lii'herto ofTcrcd in tills Market. Wiry coutnin nil the modern improvements, French Action, Harp Pedal, iron Frame, OvorSD'uug Bass, otc , and oacli ir.rtruu.ajt being made under (Jjo personal siipcrvialon 6t Mr.- J. H.t GltOVES- TEEH,*wbo has had a practical experience of over thirty years in.thelr manufacture, is fully warrant- ctl iu.ovory particular. LARGE SAtE Ji' LOf PRICft Thc'Groveseca Ptao-l-'ortf,’ M' LJ MtiriU, JfeKiimeU jf Co. A J)tui\um£ *K<rwOrloau»j- 7,0* (|3lcKi.DncH, 1 John D.’ Aw -v;<,r' ' A Tbox* IL SintthtrM^D'. -Dunjiaibj; - r> ;,*• uute.ihuf6t,?ii£^jAv. r'** 5 -’- - :o.N* Repqive4,the higficBt itwnril qf merit •ovcr.nll otlicni attlioccle-iya.. t'.U-'-' ‘rea avokT.w*s kaik, Where were exhibited-inilrumenls from, tlio Lest makerapf LonflunV.Yalis, (Dchiany, . Pliiladelphia, j^dtliDOTCS:'B°fton, and New York. Also a,t tho Inalftkte, fot* flViySncccsAivo 'year*,' JJie and Silver Mqdula from •both c*r which cattle, **!\f ^'oitr waVor^tRjit'.':' H '*:■■■‘.V-. : By thi6;btrojIucttoi^ti( sb lustri RAVE NOW IN STORE ONE OF THE largest stocks of mtpos, JIEUIOINE8, PERFU3IERY, FAINTS, OIL and WINDOW GLASS, Ever offered in tills /cctlon, and al very lowprioes For tlx© Oasli. . ‘ MASSENBURG, SQN A HARRIS, r Wholesale Druggist*, would come forward, us of old, and bo cheat ed as badly as ever. Not a bit of it. Not, however, from a ‘determination on their pnrts to bonneated iio longer, lint liccniiBe l| my wore too poor t6 buv, and lmd no no- gvooB to buy shots for. This ia tbo' first so- nous recoil 6f tho calamitiea ofonmucipa- tion upon its chief authors, and tho blow strlVoplard—for every third man In tlio Day .Stale is a shoemaker, or directly inter ested in tlio shoo trade. Bli-nngp place. “Oh! ;;n right in," won't think ii wrong. Here tho door l.f tlio room opened about j nn iiieli, mid through tlio uperturo came a | \ oif., musingly saying— i “ i "i e®u jp, John,d won't hnrt you. I ; l.uti'v .1 tliey d think Meiftigo ol yer standing nut there. Como in iinn^won’tycr?" I’vo •»1**Weil out tho gas and its till dark in here.” I ho odor ol the room assured tlio clerk lltut site lmd Indeed, “ Mowed out tlio glis,” sopushhig open tho door, Iio stopped tliu thnv, rnievd the window, nnd rvluruod to the hull to persmtdo tho verdnnt Imshand to retire with liis wife. All arguments were fruitless, however.and he was compelled to assign^ the simplo individual'a separuto room from that tils wi(o wao in Hint qiglit. Bkautifui. Wuxtimksts.—The bea'iitiiul extract below is from tho pen of tho Hon George 8, Hillard: “ I confess that inoreas- !"g years bring with tliem nn increasing respect lor men who do not succeed in life «* those-words nre commonly used. Heaven U said to bo ii plncoot Ihoso who Imvo not HUcecedod on eiirth ; nielit is sure that ce lestial grace docs not thrlvo and bloom In ‘ tlio Imt blaze ol worldly ...prosperity. Ill . success sometimes Arises'from a stiporubim-- ' iltiueo of qualities in lliemsolvos good— from conscience loo sensitive, n lasto too as to say with a living poet, that ‘ tie world knows nothing of its man;’ hut there aro ' forms ot great ness, or at. least ovoollonco, ' winch < dm nml mako no algn.j’ there are mnrtyis that ,miss the palm but not tho stake; heroes without tho laurel, nnd eon 'qnerors without the triumph.” i A i?» A r D i“? UT ” a Durtram.— 1 the p 0 rts ' !2!»ljL^LArgus tclls.thp fol|owlngTtory.: • neei nl ly a iiiulily party was glvon In this . oity (nr tlio purposo of testing” the eatimr city for tlio purposo of tcatlsa; qualities of a lino turkey. “ done to n turn” mid setii position at tlio head oftlnTtl y,' ,f <l' c >‘"t;BC wanputtingTho’-fiIIidling touches on tho*tabIo au-angoments, when to her horror a largo dog entered' tlio' dinit: room, grubbed tlio turfeoy nndv fell"back i good onlcr. The alarm, was giVen and ' ' spirited pursuit (ollowcd, but nil in vain, tbo bold raider got nwny with bis plunder and tlio party were obliged to stay their -• '’ stouiaolis on plum puddings nnd pies, but the joke so good that a dinner wns uover hotter enjoyed. traits,. What then f Why, she thought It is reported tliat Brownlow will not or-' Uintlifr good old-taisiomers inllte South ‘Jer speeial elections' In To'nnessoo to clc ongi-essinon, and that consequently tho Statu will not bo represented in the session" 1 ? ol Congress that moots on tho 4th of March r tho regular olretlon in Tennrescc not com- ingofl until-.Angust. It seems that tho afraid to risl December ttih, 1800. i Dnuglilc r-IACOZir, GA. . 2-aCin AVikii op a Goon ilLt-v.—“I would rather, said Dr. Sharp, « when I nrn laid in tlio grave, that some one in his manhood should stand over mo and say t “There lies one who was a friend to "me, who. Warned W. K.-DAVESS... )(r ■ »Ui M, UKOWti, WlioletatsHIKlltptoll Dealers In * , - - mu of the dangers of the youiig, Nq one knew It, hut ho aided mo in tlio' tlm'o of need; (owo ivliat / am to him.” Or would ' ‘ow wf " Iren. risk an elec- majority of Urn w,dre“ men oft.Iio Statons "rebels,” but contemplate waiting until a law can bo passed giving ttni, and bred Dpaglae.willptump tlm St Ibis nimouncoipout lngy give us nil ink ot tho kind of stumping that'will' ho can on in other Southern. States; if “unit*, btidr.igo" prevtiinf.Vj,^^^j.\jgjj3ggg^^ Sheri- lEtrmacnt Chcrr; .o-"V;