The Albany tri-weekly news. (Albany, Ga.) 1867-186?, February 28, 1867, Image 2

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^ L Vfty^i}n)t'niC'nh«*'u FRJiKl’AKY -jm!., -stfV. | *!* "i ". ihittlmt'o-lHWf inidvnal « rcmf.1t. oversow., t.-WT. r. UAVcrOsr^rowtiTw, .-is'lil j^Vithainionestv -frit niBltiii'iiywluu^^f .j^j/rnmciil. mortng certainly is no tir fc'oiuli. Wo iabmitted our iCtirtae to.tlio aibitr.imcut of arms, wore 7uu.l wo Sn.iiiitUaltotlioilocisioit. of' |iuri>ose we took the the iiavi I'oilfl ? ; rhe lovnl ntonilH’W of tin: "*.t . Stqxs op tub T:MtiS.-7-Tli.' Christian Advocate, ep/»Vt»g vailing tendency of .our people . ajllMbutr.rcnurka: Alas,poorSontli! War! famine ! an 1 tint j circnsl'dcsolnie; famine to starve, • j.j| |( aiul the circus to dcinonaIir.e. , • , ath Ot li. • Ni. LATEST BY TELEGBAPH. .hope Brother l*raU Ilcdoscrven it. w, and havelaithfully .. l.oi.urablc means wc .,.st i xvo year* to regain bmal Capitol, aud quiet i... ...iiui.oa mhI rankling which .tu-luu hy tlu* fanatic* of the North, nr lUbr.s have been unavailing. The is jet ours, mul with the .Savannah 1 lerutsl wc. counsel 8ubmi»6ion. ^i&Mmcotl K*.r.i.:i:,-T]> is t!.e , '-a .is sahmit nitl. whale,cror philosophy title of * new Semi-Weekly, |.uUUi< ,1 at j ami potu-nowc can command to tin, revo- a r t.»t.i^la Fla., at *5 per anmun, l.y .lationnry pr<«4nliiig which wo ennnot pre‘ G W Pratt. Its columns arc well filled ' eat, and leave the w hole responsibility w Uh advertisements an evidem e of appro-" | " ion it belongs, Wh for present evils and cislionliv the business eommuaitv. We 'or "'-‘X future: ruin which sooner or later Brother dVatl w ill have abundant »veitakes a country whose governing i'•.iuiuiU the folly of maintaining a state ot :i.!«nation and ho>tl!ity among the several divisions ot its people. The stronger party may feel safe in oppressing and alienating and embittering the weak; hut history teaches to oppressors no.lesson more plainly Alum that time brings its opportuuilici, itn retributions and its revenges. Let those v. In. are providing the future trouble hear ail ill blame. As we vnmmt prevent it, as all our ett’orU hut aggravate the danger li t us with a solemn and dignified protest, turn to our local matters; let us iook t* our farms, our workshops, our Stale in* terest*,our . •« development and happh ness, and wail the ruining o! the-day, as it urcly will come; when passion shall have exhausted itself and inaliee shall have hung hs face iu shaiue. While this conspiracy again-1 the rights el’a heroic and intelll gent pe«<ph is licit.*: j.iv> i d with malignant energy, :'.< ir atti* d., under the circuin. i. .-imply • ..m l. rmnowd hy the vhmm. . ■ t ti. ■: who i .a.not humiliate or • li* Im-hov i.« r; e.ilm rntd-patimt Minder every r-j.i •- «•! p'.-ry eution w hich m.ilieo cnn dv- . . ...Mid with fortitude whieh knows a . ■!«.-;*.»ir; firm and resolute, with a Gcd- pur;- m to liiltill her destiny, w hatever ii nm\ be, the . > outh presents to-dny a spec* Bmaiaa'Tjmrk.—A thirty column paj.i .• baa twchty-four and a hall out of this imm* her* filled with advertisements. This is oompliinentarv to the sagneit v and lil*ei. lit v of'W i business men of Selma. kf Want Wives.—Three naiive Ann rier.i.s and one wild Irishman advertise in 11 • ^Humbolt (Kansas) I’nion for com *p»>: •-denco with young ladies wiih a view to matrimony. The I'nion endov them as mow of means, for they paid for their ad vertisement in advance. In Washington a woman phot a man be cause lie did uot marry her; in Cim-iunati another shot one because he did. \V hat can a bachelor do to save his baron f A Woboto You Nit I'Rom.t;.-—How ottai is it that wc see the young making fan of, and ridiculing old age, says the tnimpter Republican. Wc have often seen, and w. must confess, with shame, young pi •;•!«• i attendance on church, littering at m ! mocking tlie old grey haired patriarchs ami “mothers in Israel” as they slowly wvu*l their way up the aisle, to their M ats nearest tho man of God. Young peoplehave you ever thought of old age? Do you know what it is? It is tho sunset of lilt—it i -1 !.• tame when wc begin to foci the thill of many winters which have passed over our heads, and left their footprints visibly there. How seldom do we think in the spring timoof our life that old age, with his slow an4-fi**vy step, cau overtake us and arrest that gayety and elasticity so natural to youth, but it is nevertheless true, for every Jrear that passes over owr beads brings us bearer to old ago and eternity. Always Consider how kind and respectful you should be .to the aged. Never ridicule any one because they aro old, or because tin ir Ihrm* aro befit, their steps tottering and feeble. It may bo ibat the garments they wear are not qhito in keeping with the fanhioit their maimers not strictly in accordance with oti^uette, mid for these, iusignlieant caneoa you may have ridiculed them, lmt youmuit remenihcr how unkind and uu- callcdfor this is, and mnemher, also, that the day may come when some of you will be ranked with the aged. Correspondence of dir Albany Arns . h i»f moral Ch:l'lel.g( grandeur' and sublimity the admiration of tho - •—«r» -.jr* -aw—- Agricultural Club. Mu. Kin mu:—I was very much pleased with the notice voii took of the content* plaUd move of our plaiitiirs to lonu nl'liih lor the improvement and adv^iiieetueiit of • •aehother’s iiiteivst. li i< certainly a time for unity and tom< it with our planters. The experiment with hired labor in our section the 1.:•! \ cai\ though far more sue* eessful hen- »1..*u i;i uf other portions of South, has Ikeii^un tin factory and une\* pectcilly di .1-iritis iu many cases. Take this view "f iho'[iicsiioii: We received in tbNeilv In f.>;•(• the war in,m u bales cotton gi• *wn in tin' surrounding country. The •Ten ip!" up to this l idle of the crop of hint year i- .: 1 *«.»1; in,an l !>ale>, and most, of the e: :i lt;i- been received. l»e>ide the crop of <. ti"M, - 11!• .ii w;.> in the habit of rais ing w ar a full supply of grain and hac.ui. liTfif fifteii had nil e.veess. The crop ot grain ae l b..<-ou !:i>t year w as a failure, ll is the « pinion of . ,m ol’our best business nieii, that it r ill take tl.i entire crop of hist viar to supply ’the deficit ot bread and 1 meal for this year, mi that the r» Milt is that we lo't the.who!«■ loll and vvoik of last vear. i Why ihi** gr*at. b‘*s? We had the same , lands in cultivation and woikid l»\ the same flme was quite as lillleh Slirfaee id tiuite » twn gob * limns and arolf in the Macon dailies. Wc have not had time io read it, and the length of it precludes Us publication in this mini! bcr. Uo rofdmmcnds Georgia to adopt universal negro sdffrrgc, nnd proscribe ].«; ; lenders in the late war. All this monstrous to us. Wo dip tbe follbwieu notices 0»m the Macon Press. Tlie M:. Telegraph says : We publish tho letter of Gov.llrowqi, and submit Ijjto-out readcttj^ tor the prev: withob<coj»fficnt. Wo simply enter < nr earnest' Solemn protest agair.srilm ^lb recommended. We use the mildest t :l. at our command to characterize it, when say that it is monstrous. Gov. Brown b. - Moves that negro votes are to be sought aft. > in future, and we suppose he lw- eom lmlt : to take an early start. At bust, licit lie iborAnghly demoralir.ed. no one can doc’ ' We iMjlrNW to the letter another dr., and have sqmetmng to say on its uu rit-. Tho Journal & Messenger says: Gov. Brown’s letter aiipears in our pc* i- to-day, and we commend it to the ear*:.; eotitideratkm of the reader. Wc withhold remarks until wo have had an f*pportuni; y ; to rend and consider the letter,. neitlier *' whieh we have done. Tile question ! •: people of Georgia is, not what they \v w what they womd .riiuoaK—hut what l*> * bestfor tflem todo under the eiivuui't .»* , It is u question of n choice, of altenv.itiv* It is a question of prudence and j»* !i« y. Tf is a question for independent judgment, and j it is, or mnv be, a question upon which li.i ;• the iiidiviifual well-being of the r ;»*!<■-r. ••*. the general public prosperity. The Atlnntn Intelligeneer. -peaking of thedoeiituent, says: Wo agree with the Governor th..t issue is made, and the people «.f the >.»uti ern States must at once prepare to meet h. How? we must leave that people to deti mine. At present, we ofier no-eou!:?*!. Perhaps we shall receive, ere we g<»: ; > - the President’s veto oft lie “ Sheiman Li:.’ and the dual action of C’ongres* 5 iipm. from which we may derive more inf >•: ;? and more light, We wait to see, though apprehend the Ulcgrajui will b.'i. naught but a confirmation of «*ur • I■»• nppreheiisiohs. We had eonelu le 1, m i believe still, that we had drank em*u*. !, iV- the hitter eup presented t*» u-. but i • that to drain it of its dregs will >th ' quired. so ! Whatever ]'. i i. ! < i its, wc have no power to resist. Tlie Atluiilu Opinion say n : When neccuity becomes a virtu*-. naey is folly. Gov. Brown is a man * ? great shrewdness. lie sees the apj»r«>:i* i.- ing storm,and advises preparation. 11 cent visit to Washington has not failed i** impress him with the utter helplc.—ue-s of Mr. Johnson—of the utter dem«*i ali/.ati'*n and overthrow of those wjioiu we h.n » 1- : in the luihlt of calling ‘’our N :u friends.” Ho therefore advises the lion of tho measure now propo>td by-( gress. lie does this, if we lightly u; . stand him, not because lie nppo-c-.1. m but as n measure of defence against b. .• measures—ns a measure ealeulated t«• j»i:• the vexed question at n st, ami <1*.t : piirpuics ol extreme men N T **rlh. ••Vbf Sun lias fc'onr limit!." The Kedera! I’nion, published at M.lleue- villc, discoursing upon the statu- «.i‘ail.iii-. quotes the following text and thu* t" *'• the subject: ' "Tin* Sun i»f l.ilttfily lui-i m'I. «* h i:-. I lie caildli'N of iliilnslti nii'l •< .1 . < j> {rntVATKin n:: to tijb AliiaSyxews.] SEW VtiHk Mil \Sh t OTTOA MARKET . - Xv. i.dng.-' C’olton !. . ■ ning.--C* i- ■i'ui'*-. a i, I*led .;* .-lined ol. during Id. - •——Colt -n j ci....: e quieter, at c. tr-.i irregular, at: i • •b* vn.war■; t ; . the day... ; • Liv... L< v y .1at l..-,'.. •'> Vor.rc, 1*« h • (Ml 1-. I a i, !••* )*. -(’"tfoh J’.f-avv :.l -Noun.—<' I; * • (' •MoiiJ •iitfla •K ni il *-f Tiie F.vmu.t Nkw8i*—Dr. Frat rcpiarbs that a maiiam for the one lib spends infonhing liig ruS^3, as he does for ^dbllarlaid out in any other trav. A man eats a pound of sugar niufit is gone, and the pleasure he has enjoyed is ended; but the information he gets from a j-nowfljuipcr U ii'o.ivnired up to lie enjoyed ! anew, and t* ’ 1 vvlienever oocasioli 6r j iumliiaitT-a . b- for it. A newspaper is not the wisdom rf i ij;e mAn or two men’; il is 11wif-ib :a of tiie age, and of ages, ■ !•*•*. A i'm.ily without a nevvs].*a]jcr is al ways a ye:..- behind the times in general i;iformatio tl ; besides they can never tliiuk nmeh noi fm! mr. -ii . » think about. Ami then there are tin' little ones growing up withoa'. :-.ay tv.. ." ibr ivivltug. Wlm. then vvfnild he without a newspaper— and who would read one regularly vvithou; j-aying for it V A Goii:» Jiu; 1» urge i’t ahody pro-’ to approjuiutc the residue of his j*ro; !• a* ;i h«•site* for rejected iillice hold- rs. lie has given £! to,«>fm to the INse’x atBismlsrioxf'from GuirJJ Aerlin, Into of sail! County, therefore to cite and admonish a ?J kindred and creditors or said n; penr at iny office within the !r.w, and slum cause, if any ther® 1 tcra of dismission should not lie L*,, (iivcu under tny hand nnd.offioMl 'J.ui February, 1807; L. \| nJ fcbi’8, 18 Out Ordinrliyh ..Ti:- Institute in •rilem— OiMO,tM’t" : ment *»f ju-oie-- *>.?;.i;*- and *r t !.< •-? !''. end tvv- TI. T- *1 t.. W :, i- ; I 1 * f 11 • :utc*r stat* • th.*t *i with a cash a cotton fa*dory . **u the I hints- iys an oV'ler has mat hiuere. i t- 'daiii.rd Soldiers Wt l.t*u lu the loll. Inferior t urt of •I V. ; •• • -of ti. r ill Tc ImliKcnt Vt ifitafs an:! Oi'iilmns of IM-- tjascil s’jUi'-is :iutl lii'jliii't! SoU'.is-r > of Counl'.' A.- .. Ofo»QU, Irwin Cotint y ,~~^ 01 CONSIGN® . AND FOR SALE BT | litJST & JOHI 10 Hlids. Clear Bacon | —ALSO— 1 FINE BU< AUuay. (la.. K«t>. ‘23, lbf»7._ni •I. \r. -i; / • M. . 1 nm •Mile :, l • J XO. VV. SHM.LenOSS, j 'Vf./ { JSn. M. COOK. - licil, Shallcross Provisit AND Commission IHtrtfci LOUISVILLE, - .\].|ir.*j'|-iiit i.. the-ti-u- ‘■nt*, Ait. v 1 /. !l \ -dtiabie i antalion In j Odiiiiiy for Sale or Hcj :o:- ■ *f the !:’• ith Ik * -I . eha ■I ! la : i..- *j■ ; i i. • dt >y uecev- t’orn t •• v. i * • m d i —rn- • i i • I.,\ • rib* i p« i>on- i ldauti ; w ith : tl.i-. t. h Uit i!»* l u'.t :a- i.l. ' thi li tb-lL in ■ it? TheM-ar »pu Mb* to discus*, tillOl j*r*'fattti'l udy . f to SCO a lit.g«- ini*:ntng next, at llouie. J-lVjUlk.i 4- er. ;.t eiitv rprUv t- ON TI1K WINU. Ma»on, G.v,, Keb. 24. 1 si;7. jPkahNkws .—l arrived here late Friday evening. Tho down freight train run ctV tho track between here and Fort Valley, detaining ua there until four o’clock in tin ' evening. Some adroit thief stole our *.: tack, with all our worldly g l> therein, i ! ,: upon our arrival at the depot )■ :•«, nhi. h !’ detained ut until to-«lay. 1 i\« *v.;\«l it. i ; " ‘ kndcontcntH, by bribery. lhmitu > s lu re i- ; : • • at a dead lock, owing to the late action of; l ' Congress. Gloomy appivlu n-i.-n- of tL»- future pervade the minds of all. King Cotton is entirely th»oml. In fart,. n .. r •tagnationexists in every branch ot trad,-. Macon has improved wonderfully -ir.!-*m v ▼kit here tome twelve months ago. Fin.- huge buildings of business houses have burn erected on almost every vacant space. N ■ withtUnding rents are very high. New hotdfl have been opened nnd old on, - thoroughly jpcjvaircd. 1 am .‘•ojouruing .it my old place of rendezvous, the “.Lanier i House,” and was completely"«»'! the improvements it has undergone since my lost visit. From collar t*> garret ii pro. lenta an entirely new appearance. Its f -mu r urbane and accommodating clerk pre aides at its desk. Its old proprict**r stillht»l*is full sway over its destinies, loads l.i> table with all .the delicacies of the season, and to render hU gn,>ueo«-|4, w ^ ntati ,e < t .f t (,e, w? .! t ,- •till prevail, here, priuei- 1 ^ ' are .pleased to leer ft that the l.egi*hi* ' pftll^iunong thenegroc*. Tie. I tore Aiiai:-.:- l.a« pw^ed over the veto ■ • » of the Uadi, al tioveinor of 4hai Stale, the •/Vi" Sorrn Cabousa Toirrt.:.. I’;:;- ; l.'.ii j...-.-. l.y !Lly j.roviitiiig fttitffbr A Washington dispaleh say.: The ! tie ;':,u::iei. of dei.lienv apeci»lcommittee, appointed to investigate ! viding r.rtif.eial iimi.. lhr aueh-u art the matter of discharge of four citizens ofi nitmiicsl ,r.:.l not provided for by Mb I’M SouOi Carolina, after conviction of the *;*rjaijT^srof: throe Union soldiers, have found that the conviction was a jnst one, nnd con- ■ demn their discharge atter conviction. The President commuted the sentence, which .'l. " irue .that they should bo hanged, to 'fnr ' pristmment nt thoDry Tort: then transfcrrediio r ^ .s' ill'll :j:v I MlOU !•«.; *:• mis n i .\i» ll 5 hi .11. h: ; 1: V < f i 1 *. Ft li t •sioinllv -\\y -i-rtv v i;:.l Miii.t'ii :: y • ; « ..: . t"i':;i \n! inirirv M*r.-( L'*'.” '*' h ih- i •! i::,• 11 r -M 111*-* I l . I I iblltillg .\g**ll? t-l i’.- n Ti:-.v ;:l! p isoi»b ■f.ielb ^ :l.v \ v ;*;*{»!'*- tin itlay, t»U - r b i T-'l ' ;n,i • It ■ jiiiie*! t.. : • ibilii v bi ■ at). ;• swear •dinn nr iL an .•Vi*!" •li* .1*1* ail! bi' lb. Dough. I*!:. ..Mil l U It * ;• *.i' -S11.* ’When the British Government u* : pressing her North American t'olenie* taxation without- repi'rsentation, th< pie ol the colonics sent Dr. Frank tin a- agent or eommissioncr to plead t L* ir« la'forc the British Parliament. Dr. lb Mil was til London when the stamp aet, some other acts, injurious to the e. !- were passed, and wrote home to his t; : ill the colollies the meuiorahie U".-.- head this article. Hi- adviee v\ a-g**. 1 that time, ami is equally good and up; hie to us at present. There i> very many laborers em- hope that our politieal light* u ... .1. and lilt I. Notn iiil’io i ; : .i Uiuo.-iUt. li.'biiwj' . Fo.irt i,| * ( ii:tluburj», lVh. •_ l'.viit;n.r, CUik. X :u' ii- VMi-' t iv a • »TTOV nil Vestel :• " ', iiiitj- i TIFT'S HALL! I liintatiou tw# | i- on the ptnatki i;s of Inml, (5 • 1 *n a hijjh itatt 3 .*' well iiiii'ravel I • • gootl Mule*, J ■ •2 Tools, WngM^I i-'uon. iibout (» !*• 'nils Foddw, ] ■ vcryihinfu . ; or son wli*i wiQ or I will a n i- one i FLAN TATI if hi in: The place if 4 o l unny. ' tijn koc . i :. '.t i;,“ " C 1 ficresi : ' :* • :. or SeJ • v.'V i b* 1 ! iniell.ll • " ! Low the ■ •><i;i, of Albtt M. ILl ■ ii'! 1 • ry ' -ll** I it'll. no wee VV Kill \ ! : :!•: \\ . UC'AKO AND j r: astkh. -*'11 f. W loot i t.i *. ‘.ti, slii-eci froi| ■ii 1 ■"••* vnttuni, .mi VLASTl '• k.ilii.-thlt | mill 11-I'd *’ ii l to Uioiv ihaatj VVjm'-lliiusc. nur l N. *M Tlii ri.ii mi MiltilMV — A I.SO — MAl.l’Il i ,V H( Saturday iiitemoon. ll* A. II -• • n .lull an l w .y diftVrent result. It nixed until after the next I’m M.b-. a -tiiig will not pav it . tioii, unless tiiere sllioubl be gr. at j i gun' a» to the crops*| changes at the North. It is u«*a :ij»j* ;•. * laborers, the manage, the Radicals have dctcrmiiu *l. • >.-t wj • 1 ‘ • "-mt «*l Icililixers, may, to keep the Southern s:at; > i • . meats? or ,what is repivscntatioti in order to pcrpetu.iM tl. I'. I-.Jiiu'.u,; and important |power. To gain their point they aii i:;t. Ibgeiit 1»« *d \ ot i da liters. the risk of ruiuing the country. < • ; : * \ ;. mi engage tiu> must! is, that the people at the North who ; m i l whose living; |K>|ilicimis, will see the ruin that i*ab, id* •- ! V:'.:,". ' i- disc • • iii«-- lift!'-; >*- Lur..;t.n «vii.»i. ‘ V; 1 .If', m,< IF. t AI/. Vhi: or UKVEL.Vl Ii As Tllft. Lost. S7!!A ! I li pe therefore| IkiUH the country and Fin :• :t.-. l Hr. hi ansi in .ijjss tiie u:i; i;: an ..t quistioii: astonishing that it sho u|d l the l igl.tvTu Irntuln d and sixtv-svven,i -eat on Sat unlay* might and hurl* these uupriucq M ^ *»** L at the I’ourt cians front power. But at pn->en\ . ; Ji*«*ii part in-this; whilst thischiiigoat the N««rth ai»l \\\ : .ib!i.'weal. ^ is taking place, let ns attend to ».nr juivate D.*i liijtnrv. atfairv at home. Let the Southern Mato • i . x., make provisions and cotton, pav utVtL'i; i t ishii.nctl ideas,! . . . ; debts aim live at home and vvitlnn t!nr m- 1 . j cotue. Our political sun is in*w l-ii.-w :!..* a* *v utic«K*trt, in |, or i zon> | e t Q * “light up the candles o! in- , . , , , '* dustrv and economy.” t*« deK ml me ’.- rr of Congress those * -mm-m m |>itviMar rig'.:' f a f.vcman, the jury irinH The Cdnott Tax.—A friend ha? I.• .... and the vvr.: . I habeas corpus, against the! fitruisbed ul Pays the Tallulias»t-f Sv-ntfnr-r proposes) action «'i • the majority of Uic with the following items in relation to the amount of revenue derived from tin. v tax, in this Division, which may bo of inter est to our readers. In September’60 the amount of t:.\ r.r- •cMed on cotton at this ofllei- was: 8 - 2 In Oct. *66, 20,e;: la Nov. ’W, iuquny In Dec. ’«6 42,672 In Jan. *67> about 4A,<j(:o Messrs. G. AV. Scott JfcCo. of Tallakaucc have paid np to Ihk^date over six ty tlious- and dollarsUx apoHcotton shipped by their honte. ti>..ii*i h, r if h. ■ I’nct •*<• \.Ti.ii*t f-’ 2-. ii SP..1JN'G •L*uacs HAu^J.c.tisTmi-. f. r r. : war! *•: IfcOnighlV. IKIPOFT 1S6T. . iOjX Itlfboii . .lillliRcrv an:! Str;i«' Com'iS uriUu M.issLviiintffl sox k tVhoit Hih* ;>i '.igei^is MAC Uitful'ilicratcil Jinfgs, Pure Mcdiel 4 le.its*. I in port c I Tuilcl Auicle*,Fi tVindow (ilatiji. Paints anil Oik J • i’h::i'<1:d Virjiinih Smoking! : : ' ti . ii: I. ;, i.f Dealers *pfei(tUgQ « i. l SUK OK PRD K8. !'i r. .->'.'4 r i.'ili 1V»7. isod M.'j * h:»i:i I.rrlin—ft.v MfthH»nch#^j Fredi'i i;'«i llie lircnl,. 5 !i II, , Viv.i '*!:in i.j f !i»- 15v Mies Mulofhi* N* bit' Lift*. *• •u:: .v Hr-iik, •• Marion 1 1 i* •• MitohoU. ."! I'ru'.k liar! moke—UvCht^ t'lftxen Pi >:.v. •• MissiJ —Yin* iMfi» 111 IbiglTS S'csf. Miiio .Singer— I^v Mrs. Anna Cor»| . St. ILiuo. •• Miss Kraus. •U.ut rcccive l t»v :, i;. Welch ■(Ti !.*. jnn,-p. ‘.I-. a:iu u‘.d States. Sktji i;o.—There has lx^*ngoing on in the Tallahassee papers quite a dis4*usl»ion |Xs tween thc.ckrgytitfcu of that city, and tho, ladies Memorial • -* «•!! : :■ many ' CflUft*..; • < ' j uiid- j 0*1 •, . : : : :i»i**v. . . . fiblt* ci .uVuija. T to the :, .eh f>ec«b - m. well ■ . '.vnti r in *.nv j‘-t ufthe wheat 1 *•-*!•: try : the country to . ::: y p:vvi,.»u.s w;itm’gr"::nd i: within four or th o ; • big ".:uil the xb Vviuber, it. sit'.Ii as !..i> not been The thick coat ut a matter of i-i.d, in another ir wheat as 1 '.i.**-. and a good but not CATOR&CO JtMtrEKSop . . iv;>. UiomU. Nci i.«. ARKSTROl'iG IMPOr.TKUS :• i U '• llauni'l Fi’.ks aa ( ..ji. 1 , \tlvrti, r.ufliv, rti.wor.i, Konllur. J . Sliaw r»"nnit:.f iiid l. itliti*’ *11:11*, trimmed am! untiimni 1, Shikcr llornh, 237 anil 239 Baltimore 3t., H A LTi M O Ii E, AI I>. - r il-.e tur^si Slock io he found in ii„„ conn- :rv. .it. 1 i i.r «niallc*<l in choice variety nnd cheapness. 1 '* ‘"‘iiciusl ami promptBttontion given. ; ^ 18 In, County Court vV orth County. SCHOOL BOi ! used in the country. v. xc. L. E. WK .Ul..iuy, .bn, 17: 1PG7 • ut alive; vI.i-.-I-. K {Mc-beat pos- •‘'iuUj.ivecesf^irv j •’Ol* are already nf rpilK Ttrng yl thjg Cot;it will ho h* ft,Hiwrr=» L . r X Fi:-*t Quarter Swwion on :l.o 2nd .Monday • larch; First Sen e AanmU Term let: Mandoy- ^ * ■ Jane; ^cc^nit Quuiicr tession 2nd tiloadny In Sep- icnW; Second Semi-AnuunJ T«rm let Mf.n-lny in December; J.W^IlOrSK, ISTOTICBl so tru-w usn: it xibq lroad f (•mot, M^eex, Ui.,\Feb. 1% A Dividend of ($h) Five Dollars p piial SlOek «! this Company, n^h »: ■ i tt*. l;.n * d,ii ,Uy heen jleclaredl 'MmingH of V hi'lmo, paj inunUij. on'lbig ai tyrffhlelj&tmiLJiCljjBH Thi, IrovernmoiU mix will be 'tMocVhdhVi'iH'in K.ivxnnsh will Mohds iTt the l.Vntrat.KnilroaU Ban! • JOHN T. BOH feb 28, 2t b JuilgtC, C. *«V, 0. >- Oi.t.Di.m, Irwin Connty. .---.riugr-ur* .. ’. -yrii.-g nm:!:: . tini i -.• , nncrvn*. A.i.ujul, luck or np - . a;«i-' *v * .J I of dijuiiiMinc finiu udmuUstmtlon of the ■ -*W' of nnd i John H. Tucker, late of void ™ W ~ tViicrvas. ML'ujuh Tucker npplien to me for !c »lismi>sim:fi.i;u udminlstrnilon of the Wai . . , JfV hn II- Tucker, late of said county, <1bcmun »h- Uarcd now These «re therefore to cite nil nnd sirgaUr the ; hut bill is a dr«d 8»»J l.zxiddetensed. io be snd Ct al fteeab- :tl in * i in jila’ecx. Ar T C *V •* IfMWu t he time prescribed by , ,2. OrJhivj I rci.fiv.- ■ /. I' till-.air :: I’i-tilL' . - ... * ti all Othci- nee^ I hi* .hnllditifC * 1 of MbH ,nl lhe D