The Albany tri-weekly news. (Albany, Ga.) 1867-186?, March 07, 1867, Image 1

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. . m -. ... j. jr. CAltGILE & CO. \V1*I ','M—,H STICK- MO I >101: ATKIN. 8‘1, i’KI I OL. L ALBANY. (iEOiUil.V. MARCH 7. 1867. (^'AUTER CiYLBKIl 21. rwnTi n.r [[. WEEKLY NEWS, ^rmuisuEti (.in Kvr.iiv ir,THUKSI>AV AM* hatusdav. raj (Kit Oillicrt .fc V,won's Dry ore,on So,till side of llroad -.(ml. LAW C’.AKDS. n. j. Wi’HJUT. !.. :. !•. w-AimrA WRIGHT &. WARREN, ATTdliNKYS AT 1, A W AI.IUAV, <i.l o x jeg c it ij a. ir, CHfxNCrB OF SCHEDULE. XV ,•1 Mi HAM. ;in»uu»t'e 1 , it due vt '•inapt' (Vum t ndMiur*.*. •Mill Unto* o AOvmliMliis. Monts inserti tl>> rate *»f Dm* Holt.i f Cents per sqiin'** of Tetr<- =. I< . 11 rtiun, nml Kowuty live ■lit insertion—payaMc in S P U C 1 A L N o T 1 H- iwfluiioenientii *»l enu » l ,, r "tllco. • l' 1 . fid in ntlvnnce., |iry notices to t>c lent rates—to l»o i* »i 1 ni pace of Ten lines of l.revmiMmik.* one Advertisements tlmi ninke ov. roi;;!it line ar fifteen lines, e,mnte l as two ■iquu'r-. JJisCT. will mark m their aihertisu.u-nt- Iber of square- they wish them to "icnpy. lunimitiona for individual benefit, will he | $1.50 per jupinre for eaeli ii».-*t*i ti«»u. iharj".' i f<r at rcpnlar ml- Advertisements, lo’.loning nro our rates for lep-il Jb Sales per levy of eipht line--or 1- K.'lollFi. Fn. sales, pm levy. ■licetor's Sales per levy 1,8 lor letters of Administration J]\ for let ten of ( hip I„f aiipUcatiouufdi i.d -ioii •“ . I tin . I ini HA. pr.u’tin* in llio it ▼ V F.qilily III t.,D Stair n the ITnittti State- fur tin* Al'o, r-perial uttmitieti < :i!r o| |l-al K.J.jtr. Albany, Nov. IS, I St if,. * fair.. lid the rn t>. ill * pm-.d ■ and MKDICAL I’AiJDS. im. to o n. off n: is r/:s‘i/i/wn: lVbl2 -,ll-if] .Over <?tnI'UeN Ksitoon. tU .v. r. /utixsnx s. AUtANV, «; Drs, Cromwell & (’oiinnlly O l’l-T.ll their prute^-ional ■ of Alhany mid vicinity February 21. I still COMMISSION - i.. ih«' • on 1' .M KIJCI I.V NT 1 J,’ M the under'i};i ton. V . re-r.’ Ni'.ss i!>o s | ou*« of fneilitatln;: aniavlv , ’ n latiuii- In i with our r» \ waive edram : ,v. „„d "m :> 1 - ot Ml.Ill'll.''.!»!.'•:: for C, ,.it- ! will hr 1 r . r. eoinpri-in a . a -> IHlOtiDS suilphlo foe tlu Sut\thern Mat I, i\t* hr. II - rice! • d M !t r> ,.t ■ a; r 1 ■ant with Ihr want and t:r :>■ : i!..- >Ic. I 1 ' ■ •"! f " I • 1*1 hull, at liomi* an 1 ahi. ifil.. whin- ,,'ir [ etimpaii-'in with other ilfil'-. mv •i.ia!!: roiifidcut in sayinr that’ we ni!l *v Hi »t i|*S a rlirap a i' • «*•*! ••• , rlm-ed in an;. in ; I :.. 1 . . Wo are propv.n l to •<> ; >nd : ■ ary «' may hr in idr ii or.! i r-p. r ivo Unr ■ to till m unv time miv it ■ n iMe ov ; r The tri-ilVu-t f. i TK. ; ■ luironmlnllp ;• a.. we have hrrii eroiiihlx in; i ,.r ' ’ . ii .■ ol the South Carolina 1! r !i < i 1 ' 1 i IV oi hero and \upu-1 i will hr ■ d in r .' as that of any ollirr roiapotinu Uailroad. Wr liopo I hat l.\ lor • I|d tor lit . 1 arctioies ,.f olior.'y mrl iudt. iry, ihr v. h Sonihrni roiintry m.idr air hy i!ir • prrdily t,r r.’rr m sun! .id\ i rrinwal pro.'perity >■! a". ( i' Sorni-'Vi.Mi;r.N II. 11. <’ Maroii. t»a., I too. *2S, I SHU, Sunday, HOih insl., Mail and Pns- a i d tin-l!oad will run ns follow-: . 1 .» if. BARN'S T T COT Vox FAC & r or, | of application for di-mi"tr-'ia Katimito sell hand ltn Uehlorsand Creditor- ] hand per square If perl-liable property. I Notices, sixty days.... Lent at tho ahovr rat lor currant notes. on da lohl spur i a i. N<• t ic'; L of hand hy Adminh n . Lus are required hy law t • ho Vpitiay in eaeli mouth, h iwmi llio forenoon and thrro in Co-- trl Ihil-e in the enrily in wl.ii ■mated. Notice of m e sale- ll.lic Ua/eltc forty days \ r.-vi :t*8 of the sale of per • ■ Ua 1 j , |nlike manner, lhrouj»h a pn'd: •ctloiis to -ah* day. Jjc to debtors am! er» >ii: i - • ■ i ed forty days. It that application will he mad ■ttary for leave to I. 1 mo j iiumtlis. lions for Ictli i':< of Admit. 1 -irai , must I-,- puhliahed ihirty 1 ji fiNtin 'dmiiii-lratloti. 'n Huhlysix 11 'mu fi uni ilimrdi ui hip : >i 'y >1 iy s for tho'loiTciosiire of I; Iciliimuthly I'oi f air moiiih t 1 • • • C O., Grocers and General Com, Merchants A l'.\ LACII It*. »I.A, II.\ . . CiU.I .Mill'S. C. \. V t'll’T atlentioii jjiv«*n to Olio: Coll- I Shipments and l.ivnp. .Minients. •fCotton I. d. l.ih all Coit-i New ad\ a |,rr- •II tlir .111- of • prop., hr ;:i\. Forwarding & Receiving Rouse I) II. : ■I- I- . lilia - -fo • lian- ' dia- t, tor 1 ,.o 1 Rhqf titles l>. In,ml have h. m '.ii•. nee of three moiit h' pn« i‘ .Tt 1- i i 1 rato1 . ■i .1. I l.r \ 1 *A 1 t.\i H.1 U’< >1,.\. I’. AIS SI l: : Wr re-pool fully rail lioli to 1 In* fart. 1 h it ivo li:»vc r •at Apahirhleola, Pin., for the j in^ a CriirrnlCoiiiinissinuand I'orwaidinir hu- Having estaldi-ln*il i< latio,,-. with >»inr of t|i. houses in foroij»ti al.d do,no-lie ) 11. wr air I pared loolFor unii-ua! ndv.tnl ivto -iiippri ^, i ton nnd other prodneo. Spr.hal attention wilj hr I jiiven to all n -rut u • for - a!.', oil her in >>ur own ! or any foreign mark. 1. !h addition to our foiiimi -h i, himii,.’--. we will I keep ooii.uhlillv ",• I and a! !■.»■. • *t'*eU of v GROCERIES, I which will hr ..tin d to mmrliani- and plantn- at i pliers in the Noillierti .tnd Wrslrru 1 lai l.ei-. *arrr | ly addin;.- me t I Iraiispovlati T NVo will hr prepar. d to ace ,iiii.n>'latr • •or fii.-nl- sTTipmri:* rr M" *- ■ i'o- id. • hrtw. llf'lll Ful.-iitlii r* im . :» an p. m. lllUlill 7 2U A. XI. Mticon I an p. m. icon s en A. M. 1 k. turn!, 111 a i.'. p. xi, tiiinttii** s nn a. M. XlllCOII 1 Aup. M. ill.L 1,1 SlIlilllY ill xvitli Alt,.uiy train. lilllY ill,* 1 It, P. M .Vi" my :t tl P. M ' •HI V It :t:, A. XI. :u,i!,y',1K* II (mi A. M. !!•' ,'t|| II IV.litl Y\ ill Villi 1,11 llil* I'ovl Dili III" 1 !".•«<1 IV,*tn t’lillit'i l im fur a** Coli'tinUY atul ,v dm,*- 'i XYoi'.k, :,uim'oliti}» XYipt l'litauta • it • ,*r S’tf'Yiu VIltlJIL PDWF.IIK, Kng’r nml Kttp’l. . | 4 V II. rolli-:n;n, Marshall, llitrgr \ h .lohnson. Crew- A Co*. I’. yl 1,.1,.. C. and llavnr Slrrrt' Strait* . \ an • • 1 .Meetiinr and Has*. 1 Mila r. \\ ill 11. A M . Kdtt ill Catr- A I '<•. M N..\r- A Vail. I IA M Stoll. Wrhl, a Co. ‘J** I I. Ft,Ik. Kin • - lo vy Im ip r, .1 II Head «\ ( o. j. ; vN«■ \' in;\ c.otii* nc liny. • treot. N1 1 1:1• H;N*I:I» having, for the pvesutit 1 1 yrar. ihr ■ intr.d ••! 1 Im* Mill- known as I*Al»I«*S, thivr uiilra Mhany, g.i.traiilees the faithful : fulfil!!.., a! >1 ail «"> 1«11*1 . liolli fur l.miihrr and Meal, it tin* shortr-t iiutire. having just undergone tho- I iHoij:h repair -. .It ii will I>> Muir ruiiYrltirnl lor mv patron- to : ii.,.,,- . id, 1 .11 Mr. I I't’KI'.ll’S STtMtll. they mi do atoi 1I1- >hinr will hr f.o warded to me nr lay w !,•■ ha- llir ; aiprl mti n leiirr of I hr Mill-. i" M.iiullv ■ .dint a-hare nl public patronage, r, :■-in- CAsii. Ii 11 ■ >i |>i"lupily paid upon preHctiin After I’or tIic \h any N. w I'lutiii,: nidi in> 1:1 ft- Hood hyr t" third hyr to May Ihr hi. While I | in* i,y darling, hi i • !., her .1\ m 1 . my -v res M all .-w it: ly th liral h tlo* 111 1 . , ; ! I., The bird- are eai .ding A? if chant ill;, ll.ei, im hat h Hole a- ii - 'luti.l- I'.n* il rhrrr- me I.. 11,1 \rm lay - ,0 ll.r an . , toy d a, ah . a tin ill .( l. li* 1.1 ..I II,.' d. ,1 one To day thou alt nh-ml villi the light ■ y . ur An exile to wander with Irinid- lor a wliile. Hut -oun you'll 1 < 1 ni 11 with a - pi 1 it >■: i ■ vo, l.ikr an angel of light eoiniu;; down li .oa ah, TiidiOetlilat, lliy Si\rrf •i-.tling, ag.a'*, Tftldkk the Iniglit Ido- while 1 . Illumegfoeil fields nnd m ■ id.-w m- evening sky. • Where so oft we have wandci, d m tin* hy. 1 1 i I I i j liii' ii il 1 went v Iiwi per rent, will n.h, . and Meal will hr -old at hi- II. f. .11!SKINS I If r\Ncvt:«»m»s, n»1'.i. • A (; K X T s Nolth. Si. elc WII l.rlU;liirk A Sell. 10 krl -t-. loin. S I'nirly •> t o !., V\ I 1 lie],1 l . 1' A W A N T K l> . r • pi rfrt'l ed ), Von,' 11 Heel ion i- rlieriTiil, While Wr ptr - In rarli otli And oil,* lou* till united n Ihlt while on earth Wt in grow. • I i om 1 rue 1"\ • 1 1 ll.r t,o„I w, I, . *,arrow will ’u, till, twill rr 1,1 i II III* Pure and rlrar are the W'liirh -ililir ill till* hr • tlir pathway- at** plea And w liilr h.ippnn - • the -I II vot Ihr o lo illiaiitlv in i III' Hillirr > ■ p; 1 I. v e, Lclters, Siidocims, &c., of 1 four. i\ :(.rxA8»En ir. Stephens, l.rltgllirU l> I! W illian Veil. I i. 1 -in >C. CoMislilntioiinlist Kdwin Ihil'*! a Co. 1 I. i'.ilk, King Murphy. I.ittlr a c W lli‘i.1.. \ i,'l. 1 1.1 *.- A Co. M" lit, • • :S- I ol I l.« i n* and *, ■• unr terms, and a full Work. Address, * A I, IT IlMSlI I.M1 CU.. I hi\ .".I;.', A1 In lit a, tla. will, advances on nilluii -ah*, and 1 o fiirni-h them with i,,r ihr ruiain'g ri'.q, and during N. 11. i Ini' lion-e in Culnmhi tiiiurd at the old -laiid. rorin r ha. 1I1.' rlit i 1 . Will hr . . t lair and !L h?oves, ('.Mi A.- (. A). SAIO-fOlTE 15 \ .t > S/iTT tS; 4 O. .1/. J A/ >W *»!•!,■; t Til. I ill/. mu//.\ C. . I • Nh'Klr.iirll, s. 11. Smith, •lliiir-t. Miss . /'• MANIMAUTniKIIS, 499 BROADWAY, Now Yoclc I .1 .l.n 1'. (.:'. .1. I.. Ilir,!, I U . r. I:. 11I1. Apalachicul.i. .. Child. 1 |.« ITIIH; ' \ 1 I'liilViJ "; 1 , SI Mi 1 S i’ll A US, !l \TS r II. 1 y. II 1 Vt:** t i> 1: 1- 1 Me 1 ( ALI’l.TI' 1A'I • . t I. Merritt, Dunham, McKinnell & Co„ 1 , lla.- t l»i;UG8 A' w * ,1' 1,1 * IL-pi.,fully* inf his Irinid-, and \lhaiiy and siirromiding «oitii' • ju-i ii tmnril from New Vork 11 of I lie ll«*liit-11. then. While I wail 1 Tin* eiergie. u III ill, III,' id • w iy dear , ■atIi (lie The >|iii« I dull nioinn " liilr I w nt l"i, in -III ely lyV. the el 1a, Till’ll lew \\ lieu to limy the day - lie, «1 lire wi ll inert : Imp, lo tell dwell I" 1 111. till-ill • '»" ;• » ' ■*. 4 i tMijilctl pinnolt in ;.tol I.-i,; lidlc to do with the " >! " I of 1 In" . .1 \ i'tiMi i' , s erirl. You : ' l'l* •<! 11 ■ 11 • • hlm whose wpto .i'.\ 1 i;p .s c only lo the Ct'OWIIH • 1 ■ • *'l mind. The workingH ■ •l’l ir.'.t -t and niimilcsi (omtK ■ ,v .• hof* tv yoti, and toiieli tuul i*\ t Ii- if • \ mholir loro. There art* ,i"> i‘ 1! " ; \t.lmors ii... which ^iintily nil htij'i' t i d* ' it*»lhin-jj high—• nothing 1 "id l>ii! ,*: * 1 v.o,«*hc«*i*fill scenes; "l'l*- 111 ,11, e tc" qo,i,l jioi* (00 had,Inti like • ho 'l.iily . ujialions, of daily life, not witliout oortain t'liai'iii, Thoso hooks *"••" ' ' I •'':•' h tt> 1 rite, guild, tisofnl lessons ihfotfCi romiiioi, plaoo things, nnd n great •I"ul "I I'l.nd .*'aI ondo:«'oi' grows put of tItem. If O'.!' hook world tlioy may have an h*»iioi-,',| j-'.,la la do for I licm titny 11 it i\ :it*•«!, pari iotdaily hy the i al. Ini oinot inn's 1 In fail lo iiii" 1 o ottr tla ory, t horn loro, n taste oim iimos jiornii'ioiis, and im|ii'i Into n stljiol'X 1 tl.M hat 1 Tiio 1 hlo*;*iag which onu r lot. \Yo *':iin,ot too constantly •I"'" 1 h mind of jutrcnls tin* aitso- \isis for a constant ks which pass into n. Few young •.! \ \\ luol w lu-al, harm, .d'oni 1! > Ihila lirtnly I. oonillal Tho , s 111 > -111. a In- I. ; l: A Taslt* for Headline. I i* | I'rum l lie New ' »i I,"in • Tin If,” ways Sir John IL r-ohol, prav lorn la-lo Ihaf w**nM st ind me in slosid, tnnh r cv« i y \ ;iri«■ 1 n of oironin d aiiees, and hen son ivo of happnio-s and ohoorful ness to 1110 t hi'oiigh lilo, and a *■ hi* Id aoainst its ills., howo\or thin'.'- might :;<» ami--, il would lira laslp l«>r rtanling. <ii\i ,1 man tliis taste and the-moan*- of gratify ing il, and yonp.m hardly tail of malxiio: a h:>pi>\ Ihoir ohildtvn. I'\*w . intr.*V\ 1 Im chair from the :,,, "k dors 1 Item no absolute II • 'I”' I Item an ahsoluto 1ml. oriniinulo loading has hi'ought III ' 1 '••'> •"". o\ iL of this ago. ' • 1 'hr,'riod lo\ o of loading is, we ' (•'*•. I h, only wiapon It'll IIS to • '' 1 "'1 lic.’ii -o of the times. 1 ‘ i\ 1 'Mi,. of fi-l,i,in nro at least i i;t t wlm l, sook highcrail* p, i\ dr",, ,,f sorirty must take •<\ h< n cullix ati-.l minds move in ! ■ '.hi a--orl l lmir indondeiiee i*c«ltti-iii«»n;-. With llio poet »y * * «'l.tim oil y "lie 'qi.ii Ming dntteo, 1'" ’ 1 ' ' on I'n.-liioti'H lilnxc, "" h < >"• 1 • 11tnm of rich rn* I h, I h, old 1- ■ liil'i'i r Tiro ' Id 1 , I , Willi Tin,.' . w, 1 ali of royal days • illi'itil ,,iir.-, ml like ii 1 Hirrntn of **tniH.” *• M h»rm- "!' S*. ' My find a oitdof I 1 i I i I: • Il . I. rv 11 ; 1 In* folloxving extract 1 an art iolr i,, a late mnnher ", over the signature of It 1 i" the point, and will ' i" litany a heart. \Vc fully ,p« lAlluttliotuof the jmtdir lour Now Seale Seven lift cm, NVlliell I'm' v.dumt' Kill'd hy any Iiidiertn • !.nr i ill puilain till I lie !iio*lern impr e.vii I Action. Ilttrp JVdrtl. iron 1 ram , nyd citL'ii iitvifuiitciik lning [rMHiul Mipervi-iott of Mr. d. 11. i.lKt'l , who tins had a practical exp, riett, «" I years in their nmnuftti'inro, i- tolly wnrrui (every part Iculnr. ind the tra Ir i- it.vt* i\.' 11 I-.'W...' • l’i- \ of tour, art* i li7Tr"MaTT;TTT' H'lit**, I'l'-m lt «'vet t-iiii;.: lu.idr tinder CO TTO N 1*’ ACTO i: S. ! COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANTS. No. 47. CARONDELET STREET, j VU LiL* IL ui 1AJ. -U xj *1. I*. IM'SII.xm. of tlir at uvr firm wa- an old nnd ndiahlc cili/ett nf this place—^-latterly f A| t- l.tclticoln, Fla., of the linn of Atkin-. I<taili.n:i \ Co drlohor Id.' Groves!ecu I’iajjo-Fortc,’ Imivi'l the higltest st'vm'dol oxer sill others at the 00K • U'd^YOlil *!»‘S I'AHi' f won* cvtuhili d i:. ini: " " s of l.oitdon. l’.vri \ Cei m.i' lion*, Host mi. olid N* • L.lilHlillile for live .-ti' " [tid Silver Modal** from hull' . I.. 111 ill.' .el iy. I'lii'iad'lplii.t. ,k. AIm, at tin* s-,vr yrais. Hit* ,.| wiii di can he .tnllN f. ATKINS, I.. ot Nil ' M, '• ATKINS, DUNHAM & CO., Cotton ID fi c I o i* s. Commission and Forwarding 3viEE>OTa:Yv.iNrTS, APAEAOHIOOEA, PLOniDA. j>,y*' Agents for the New Urlentt- hit Ships. Oetoher HI, i t:r.fKith:k .1 CONANT & YOUNG, C IOTT< ) X l-'ACTt) I i v j-a isj General Commission Merchants. 39 SOUTH STHEET, HEW 1IOHK jx-y~ pHv ehi-e and I’aitimilar Atlentioii t" il I rit'li. II",1- In 1 Mei ting • tt I Jo W io \ M"i*r. !', Kill;* • « Fima uti lit M M- Ki y perl Gold and,Silver Watches, nnd I'Al'I’.i: .‘••TAM i. a: HY AM) iM!l\ I’l.iC .1-;, pit Wall "I*. C"* Ii>'l' M' ■ !.(;,) I S, L 1: n Si. Id ,:1 c. T M Hi i-toll. -uei Meeting ptreet, !» F Fleming x C. IMwind I'.il.v. A*. SAIMM.KIC*. I!.’* ,:;x nu;. ! MATi’.ltl \i: in • and Mark ft xK . & • > in Til sing ; ', K ru: i#r Nvarei'oom-. Mrmlqpllon «>l it' Q perfem I*, m* !'• Irgcly with a -irn '.i' lpliiesh inKtiumttil > ■ (MilllpulitioU. . fms-.\ci l .'ixli in x tirrcixl I mills. *• Desrripliv, Catalogue.- *eiit Ire,.* <,.iU jut . ''iiir i,l' and hy eaeli v- a V" '* ,,v hi ,c make a amtfaclur- re enabled 1 will pre- I „f Cot ton. Tobacco, Wool, Hides*. ,Xc*., \< .. and l i purehufc of Merdint>di/.c of every HrM ripti, 11. Mleleietiei's* : John Jiu khon, Albany, Ha. i .XV. II. Young, Cnluiuhn**, On * Atkin.-, H1111 Ira ni ,k Co. Apia Young xX Wood-j r.miiulii 'ullllllhllH, (In, Oct 27, 1 Stiti 1 In P( »1C i idtS •». KM U.'il S XDDl.I.i’A . i |ii.-t il*. * kliilnUII Ik.;. ■ 1 lilXI," s' III", FANCY •;• < t'lU» v\(»i;K:-. T, »Yr; lit FLCt’iONi IF.IKS, ,x, |A V^n S.iiit' t.. • :! 1 S.*f 1 1 — Jiio King et. 1Ml’i Hi I'F.IIS (»;•' Flfl’.Nt •IICONFKtTlDNAIJIF •rt>i s v\ ( ' . \\ Kin.-mati, e-:.i ; -i, * as, a7'.» K11 g *tr t'ANDX F \('T< Mi Y. W Kir. >7!> Kite ci:n. KKIl Y. \V 1. W •■Lb in-. • )■ \v. !,:> i*. \\ j |.|j,, ,, \\ .. ; * • mi'. III!. *11 •• XV i ,1 II.: ..'A 1 ,.'..'i , i.i..-. I,',',. \Y XV 11 ("1 A '■ ■ I!. " nil I ' In striM'lf. \V Ii CUa-l"' 2'»7 L," .1 . , • N. u. ('„ . Ii «•'•. i;, „ w c; d.* 0.1 n •1 I 1.'. t I'li xj,,.'! • ‘l.u.l., 111:111, iinhfNS, imh ini, yen pul inti* hi** Immlsa limstpfl'Y (WM* M'lret inn «H‘ I Minks.' 'The exception nit whieli the h arm ,1 man iighlly touches hi,Is fair t<> hceome a general rule in an mri* " h* ••* *l»« "*; • • ‘ ;• *' . ‘ Judge*I hv the amount ol sensation it veys, and the xvild ami extravagant tin it advances. \Vc have pa.-M'*l t It* • si rata ol gems and gold in tic* rich treasury of in* tellert, XX’JlIell llie*llia**twr lltilfls of the W d 1*1 h« ape«l up fonts,and are imxv in tlmgiioine's undergl'oiliul reeesw-'s,. xvltel'c tuoiislei.- and • plaint lautnstie creations serxe gratify that xvomler, xyhicl, wa- a prominent taste in the dark ages *,f l»arhari>m. \\ - suppose the cycle* "I time have brought us round again to-llte starting point. arc at the tertiary period it, geology, where! I,> genera oi'aiiinuils indicated a la«*u-t t'iiM* or wutnpx eomlitioii of the regions they inhabited. \Yc are in a Ureal LLmal Swamp, indeed, and titling ourselves rapidly for,.nr hat »it :i- tion. A calm jutlgmeiit, a correct taste, an association xvitli the thinkers above the • average ot humanity, has given place tx> a . morbid craving for the “caviare” of letters.' M,|ll'llor ft,,1(1 I’CIIN «illl Man (I Polnl*, Kvc-rythios i»'t.,0' Slow r.-.r us ll,:,t -l.„ s „.,l j in the same breath gather, compare, and jdraxv eonelusions. I lea.-on is the last, thing | we seek rtt hooks; ami to say that olio is ■ marked by sensible xiexvs is to damn it tlio Ann alliema • ! lean an In- font, liL-li.g: 11 i'i:n uall,id t.he-e\\rsoof— mil inn, Init xvhat greater au- . Iteape ’ •d , t Inn,, "P'.'U u people than "I" 1 " " , • hick as hailstones, .11, N„v».L ' •»• •• 11 o V •c • murk" " //«’• I'li'.'.li *!, : (iMi;t»:i:.-. tin* iu««st nerurate n'1'rt 1,ride fur tin* Pocket. mi I //••!ismiliil*, hy tin* hi'-l Aineii- I I'liropiiin Manufacturer-. J2I.I50ANT JEWELRY, I :,(lies' .imj drills' l ine Cold Chains. Siviii'i and Cicn, llin^-. Fin-. Slccvi'-Stint- and Hint 'im. ItrjioclicH, Seals, Key-, and i\I asnn i.<* Mm 1) 1 <* ilk h * Wvddiny; It i 11 *>' s GOLD AND SILVER THIMBLES. Silver and IMnlrd Ware. :d Wu-ti'iiliiihii*** fniporiur, tir-t "la-s CJ 11 1: 1 «i * y s, H'tzor-, Sci—*,r«, I'nfk cl u£E LL-1 LLi \£f S3 |{OWWiIOTEt. Rkiin A FAJIHA 2' si-i.u. .NVKliivlA (JAXSTHTTK>N.YI.IST| sbtd livery 11 olufsiljiy .Woniins. | Opposite ikepot *:. 1;. mtt'WN ,v IJAt OK. UA, St »N, I'ruprii tur-. lilUHT F.\(IK l , .M , i;i;. - 1" ,inir.g C.c 1 at tuny- hy Mail and 'f,g L. l.diiu i. Ihlly, full Marki-i j. '■"» Bng.rind nSeidctcd ihij iiml . !■ •')'. 1 1 apnerlniiiiitg-to llus Farm and !'.nr\ *••, I -Wesliall cudfnvor in make ii 1 • r rHIS V/ELL KNOWN HOUSE Im- I v,'lilted and rcpail'ed. and i> ii"YV uiic i Xi.XTI'.ST IHt'IKI.S in the Slate, mi I tin* ieiit in ilii* oily. The llutel i- -upplie* .,, rv tiling 1 In* matk*'lH alf- rd. m'ichii, January 1 Tilt. 1 xr.T. •*— 1 ing mid Hl'e-.-ing Cane-, WnllelH, Fockdl ItnokH, I'uilci ;-ei-, (',111,1,-, Urti-ni'H, A'c., it 11*1 'd r • i'll 11 in«■ Moorschauiu Fipea & Stoniv 1 !■ . Walking Ciuics^c , SiV. ii. , I I J i'.a • t Ik . I" . . I‘i7 Ik r I lie ,1,1,-t will, lYcslnxil vudfiYV, ktddiiM ikirxvx A: JonrisiiL V Bleu. scopy«.«im year 7 I'.'pios, -out nl one time... '•* "" , ‘' 1 '' l Pptcin^eii copy sen, xvlieiutlnsired. IS* 7 **? “ KTOCKT.kN C'h, August a, tin. 16*8. • For Sale, Kr salv'ii pi-lUlnry.du <;.*»uplctc oi«ler. L — Is in g'lmj eonilitintt-^eon-i-ting Vwcr.thiiler. oni? l!or-<r l’uwer hn|l Hit other 'n«(ie-«ary fixtures. a ailftclicd lo this huildiiig a good UltlST I '.Tith ft Hpletidid .kpL of Mul llockt?. ■ For r particxdftrV cnll ou nu* at die-Drug 8u*rc #f Etn&UaU. * , M. C. BALL, bu—1(1—1,., FiMM’ROOF VVAliEIIOUSE NEW I" I IiM! rost&johnston. I,mi -• r T.,«'iii|.- 'ii '• II M"i-e, !ti»|!llisi 11 |5r«»t! Hinge. William • iuru Henry IksTHiirX llernard ( Ffxmvt ‘ , ‘.* H:r»t H-y- (Vi, 11 I loop.«i„ 1* .> IJ. > IIAIIDWAilK. cl TbIJIlY. filhN’H ANH iMmimjts lliislie. ) lx Ad: f (Lav lit^eil TnVK Mnsiral instruments, ■ ni.,!■Vi1 din>, Hniijiis. Flute-, Aooor«lhn»-, and MiJSIO IJOXKH. PISTOLS, •m» . and the iiioel approved MamifactureiK. .*,• i « '.»i i 1 i*all <ize-, mid nf best quality. ;<[ Hoc-! nml Regulators, . s*. i J.i-rl r* et. KANG Ik'. GIIATKS, I'J.l'iliKHS, xx aim: AND Ii*»l's’I'. M'ii.VSIlINt \dmn-, D.111 tl; .id t. ,(ij,;- WAlll! r r , no,.nco'(o llic I'LANTJJIIS on., MKIICIIANTS of Hmiglierty and adjacent Counties, that they have • his dav funned a co-partnersjiip under tlie firm name anil sly io of ItCST & JOII^RT ON r ergo go in the WAltKIIOUSB an«l COMMISSION l,„ 8 lnMH, M0,.p*(0g (1,0 FI,-,'-Proof W*hI,"«io orSiua & llveT, and collide"'!)' Irusl llioy *J1 (tonlinui! to «Ml»• »«* ""('port and pa tronage heretofore oilcnde.l lo each of them. .-V Albany, Oa.,Jun,1«t, 18IW- r. a, bust. t. If. JOHNSTON, 30-wCm A N 11 m vncI'Actcui.::.' or Slii'iilterd xV r. •■(. Ink • -tr.*. t. DKALKUS IN TIN.NKliC «ani|)S AND Tt <* *1 Si,C|,li. td A' ( k In 1:, 2 *7 Iy u <j •'r> * !. SASIIKS, I JODI’S V NH I’d.IN Ik- W M bird A Co ,20:1 i; -I IJ»ix A(iUK CI/mtAl. IMrblvXU.N’I. (’ tiravelev, . f >2 I'.'i t l»av. PAINT'S, OILS,(il.ASS. VAKNISMI LAMPS. W .M Mini iV ('-• . 20:i Ku-t IJ.iv Holmes &. (Jaldi'f. I2(» .'h'eliii'j .-1. WINK AND LIQI’OU MLIH IIANT (J W Clarke&. t*n.,eo/fier I’.a-t l».,v and In nd streets. A H Jarvis,82 Ka-l Hay. Cool! Ilopnock, 1H5 Kif-t U»y. FACTO US AND COMMISSION Ml’.I’m A NTS. (ion W Williams Hr (.*«»., e..rt,cr I Lyii** h u*l Clmreli streets, 81 IIP IMtf>KKKS-AND CI4NKKAl. (:< »X XIISSKIN MLItC I IA NTS. Kisley •StCreighlon, eoriH'i La-t Hay nml Ae, <.in- nintlation Wharf. SUIPPEHS OF TIMUKK AND LU.MHKIt TO KMUKICN AND Dt »M KSTIC4*(lid’s i .i ,:,t May ami im hour accurate*Tiinckrcpcnt ; . Ai'iiiiigeiiieiitH have been made with the I' 1 ling im,„'ila*auring lion-es by which -peei'il i ..r*i,'i s Wiuchi -. Chick-, Silver Ware, Hiauion*! Mid Dei,, .Jewelry. Fire Arm-. kt\, will he executed acouiaey mid di-pal^,, and 011 tin, most IMYOirillU: TI3IKMK. XII kind- of Watohon, Clocks and Jcw- h'iiM'1 and Unpaired In an ellicieut mid • v, J* y Gold, Silvor and Specie ought. Sold ami KxohaTtjgod. 'll.,.he KOUKKLN AND tn»MI.S’llOd'Olt'I'S. Itifley &. Creighton, corno l!a.-t l!ay nnd Aee.ntti- nnaiution Wliarf. February Blh, 1867. 10—ow Albany Watch and Jewelry Store, mte.lll STB BET,’ - - itl.ll.YKV, «B0. S. STRAUS.- Albany. Or■mber 27. I KUO lyrciUIy XV. Ik MAYF.NS II. M. JJUOWN. EV ENS & BROWN, Wholesale and Itelnil Healers in NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, I.iglit atul Muii.litrd Literature, 1 --SfaTi.onfjrrXjo., ~ No. 91 Cherry 8J V ..... MACON, (3A. January H, 1807 ■ . . . v . rl^a -•'J- iiTdtfieVahly. To call il *,iitrsigi'*Mt-, .-hatm ftll7insulting t*» common •lee* in , x, is to gi\ < 1 finite to the author, and a xvorhl-xx ide eireti- • lation to Itis hook. As for morality, ileaven save the mark, 1 in what corner of Mesopotamia, or j he island of the Si ren < 'ities, has her ladyship hitldeit herself? She has a double, xvhidi like the impresentalive of Louis Napoleon, rides abroad tinder her east oil' (‘lollies, ami plays t|iieer antics with them. She bids us do and say xvhatcver license may dictate, and lay bare every ungovermd passion, every incipient vice,every evil suggestion in the naked, human heart, for the world to xvon- derat and admin*. Hat that—oh! most unsophisticated reader, (if, imleed, you are not a mythj— is candor, jii.x i is hon esty, tiTat is the purity which rejects vine and tig leaf, and moves on in the innocence of Kilcn before the hlo-soming of the tree of knowledge! Women certainly seem to lorgct the delicacy and purity of their sex, and paint for us in their hooks scenes and people ou xvhich modest thought xvottld shrink to dwell. Charles Unndc calls them “ ymrient prudes,” which Charles Kendo xvns^St—fccur fordoing, lloxv eonhl he eoinpr* hetid the startled delicacy xvhich is on the look*,ill for tin undertone *»l indecency in the commonest usages and observances ol society, and xvhich utters a loud protest against ex 1 Is that might have remained in lheir pri-t im* ob scurity hut for their alertness in bringing them to the light of day. Sxvcct reformers! May victory perch upon your banner ; Imt the “ honi soil <jui nml y pen sc,” gives you some stout blown, from Which you nmy .hardly rally your forces. There is a book world, however, as re mote from these miasmatic mists and noxiotiH exhalations, as the pure limpidity of mountain springs from the stagnant pool of the marshes. I Jo you, reader, belong to this best society, this “creme dc lu creme' of p^st centuries, ^tbis association of the wisest, wittiest, greatest and purest, whose Hearts have over answered tho throbs of the great jiulso of .humanity V if so, our vo- • und have up signify *• Hove all the etc'! book-lores tlie material color*.I lid- IS poll l'l." by tin* pn I,*,1 i, \ Lack 1 rash, Hensatioiml I Iie,htning romances,mid. 1 "• whifli an* to he found in thn 'I llie pre.-eiit day? lleeattHO ;«'i' inaiiulaitiiringthesocaimry- - i In exhausted, do not la\ 111 *• Haltering uiteliim to your soul” tlcit t Ic Mi ... S«ml hxv ,»rt h school lias hueome .•xlm.'i, or 1 !,*• d, ire to r. a*l such haldornsli gno.u, * I ,'.mtilully less.” Would to lb ax, " all tlir,'i' nml,I lie buried in otto ur: 1 \*•! | would make it niy«Npccial duty to II IX ,' • "'Hgn -S (l.'Xot** some of its WAHTJ4 t••frit*,rial lainls wher«‘<*ti they shouldvkn' '""•"■I ! :|| "1 the pride of my life woulabo *" * •' 'T .a tnaiisoletim to thoir respective meiiiorie- which -liotild pul Artemisin tothp hlti di eonhl -I,, ret urn to »,(•(} if,, Xu thisu- common sepuh ln r I would certainly have interred I!" 1 hut’s itiliitiioiis Ledger, Frank L*-lie .-* and I l.irp. r’> Weeklies, The Police Ka/eite*', and a thousand others xvhich are to in-igiiilieanl to mention, hut xvhich, I lilu-h to xvriie, are often to be found upou,,^'* Southern tables. Iimt lor a moment ibink 1 assail thcsd\ it Lull tnn/.fa !' p:ipiT,-oii aeeouut of 111«• ir political tenets,' xx'Itii'li, diabolical as they are, arc nugolin " when t.unpared to the (lemorali/iug and x it ing inllueiice l iieif lileratm'e (so called) exerts upon youthful minds. “As tho sail- lingi- inclined, so il, t tree matures,”and a’ drunkard is not more xvedded to his cups 11 m 111 It** young in ind 1 o this kind oi'iutoxica* • lion when once llieh d>il is formed. A I»1 -xt in t i Skntimk.vt.—Shortly be fore t he depart tin* of the htim'uled Ilehor l*»r India, lie preaeln d a sermon xvhich con tained this hi'uiiliful illustration: Life lu ars us on like the stream of a mighty riv r. Our boat at first glides down the mighty channel—through the playful inn rum rings of the little brooks and the winding ol ils grassy borders. Tho trees siied l heir blossom# over our young- hands, we are happy in hope, and grasp.. eagerly at I he hchutics around 11s, but tlio • stream hurries on, and still our hands aro. empt y. (>ur course in youth and manhood is along a deeper and wider Hood, among * objects^nore st l iking and nirguificoiit. Wo are aniinated at the moving pictures of on- joyuient and industry around us, wo are ox-A"' cited at some short liveddisnppointmciitf— 'fhe si ieain hears us on and our joys and . our griefs are alike left, behind us. Wo. " may he shipwrecked, hut xve cannot be do- laved whether rough or smooth tlio rivor ‘ hastens on till the roar of tho ocean is in our ears, and the tossing of the wfives iflbcn'a&W^ »ur leet, ami.the Hoods are lifted up ftrotlnd us, and we take our leave ofourth and itdin- >v r x habitants, until of our future voyago thoro is t no witness save the finite anil Kternftf. f ^ Ttrx 1 *. S r 1: pi in.vs.—A cotomporary pitys that, when'field. Stevens was °0V0rC(JIBdf|;M > tin »■» . f,- - by his exertion in tho House, science st rieken.” There is one thing that coi fidelity—no one ever repentod i tian on his death-bed. Claims to the. been made, b; leasees , of tlio-' J* at .mount of *^.00,i livnto pnrticn, < mljiimmjr proporty from liroftlpt of; , ■% ' *. IL *r