The Albany tri-weekly news. (Albany, Ga.) 1867-186?, March 09, 1867, Image 1

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i4W. . : .Sf','- - y$i ■-v j. F. CAEGILE & CO. rOL. I- WISDOM—.H'S'fU’K.' -JtOJ»1 U.VHUN.. ,-n -.-Man*, n, nt'..a **»*r>- ■ : w t BI-WEEKLY i\E\YS ; r umurn iso <>N uviiiiv »>’,TUtRsrfW AXW svintiuv LAW CAU!)-. ALBANY. C O I ±L O Tj d f WRIGHT &/ WAREEK, R*jj_Over Oil]®" Vumiii's 1 >ry BtOlT, oil Sol"!'' III' lil'Ollll Stl'CCl. AT TO I! X K V S A I AE.M.OV, «A vy I-’-. v? ■ : (I A.3V..Vli*ill»ti vyiu.iiwiiiin. V i 1 .<]uiiv in i M l.i.«'! I \.*D..-I 1 : JJupcnU inscliort at Ili« nil- •iI'Oiip Itollnr, J XV •! i'V','.',.' _Cents per n|t»i ISSttWn. I'"' 1 x-v-my-Bv.'. I-ill 1-v in-crLiti'i -S" 1 .' :l1 - 111 ' , ' 1 ' bpboTai. smici:. Lmhuiicciiihiii nf n.fflV' lll'‘ I "' Ill'.'.Of. $1". I naU in advance. , . . , ilfuary notices to V l ,s; ’ -1 ,v £" hv :1 l * “ocnttfttes-tubciuua.iimlvy.eo. , g.iftco ot' Ten line-, t ’'"cim. ‘ '" K L ^Advertisement 5 'bat >"*‘"*' 1 Vl1 ' Ulpr fifteen Vine?. cmmlcd x\* two « P l |, crH will mnrk on their i... ..•rii.-em -u:* ■ .l,nrolS<lU:ll'i:‘ tllOV llu'lil I" - r< nj y. felonlloU tor iu.livi.l.i-.l l.”l. I;i. will ' . Cd $1.50 per r.|.wre L*r ench Insertmn. 11 Ivt.ile. MIkihv, Nov. ly. 1* MKMt'AJ, CAR! >.\ DR. TODD. III!., n Vllfi I,,.-nl Aslv«fU'.'"ti'-t 1 -. .l .ll-CO it ,, toUmmS : ' r Hfitofcrlevy »f dghl line r 1 - ..s . i*u Sort g n B e !• i. I'M; «'>■«• I'"' 1 •• " Jcollcctor's lilies pe» ‘l ! L\ Poor letters of .Vlmmltrtnttl j !j Ii n t'.r t.'llrr- "I (i '' ••;■••••• •••;;•• «« Ice of application of (hsia i - ; • min- ^ Jinitloii ‘ Ice of apfilicalion Mr " ,u '. ( (i latiHliip •••; i no IltcalhoiO* sell , .... |ce to Debtors iui'1 ( n ' ■ I of Undp'-rf-tunn* ; A of jwrirlmble l*rn|<crty. ten *1 • 1 U Notices, sixty *l :| *• • ••• ijmcnt nt tbe • 1 ■ 1 '‘ 1 ' 1 Ii or currant note Cmni Ovn* u‘ /.■/..'•■// i, .v. / IV. 12 i ll !fj . Drx. CroinwHi A* l { LiliialiV O FFER their pi.: i of AHmiu mnl vi. iit.i.t February . I . Jl.'l- (.’OM'.M i'-rdi >X UIANT \ & o o.. BARWSTr cor rax FA c to j; S', Grocers and General Com. Merchants Al’Al.Ai ’IIU'OI. It V.,& CtU.CMlll'S.tiA. • |iiiivl in I ntu-i.lit.:i lu ail 1 i. - S mi..l Sliipmn.! • •'.-i>. i. it. N. .. A • i '.. N. \v i *. lemi* mnl l.iveri •• •!. I.i' i iv.i.i f. 1 ii V. IM A i U’i! 0;. 18t>7. ■ Cii .; OF SCHEDULE. t,*. « fit U i;m i-ftN lb H. (’o . ) , ' '/ DlNor Mm. . M. (iA., Doc. is*;*. , • ' ''U» Ui'f.. ■Mail an.l l is’ :: I!/- !l vul will rhii as foil-' : . M< f... J L? S nn'A - M '.ni,uji1 I'.uliiii. . . A V. M '4 1. ' Leave I'MifaiiJa... 7 *20 A Mv A'. 1 iv.' Ml M.u'Ull. 1 ’*‘0 1* M " 1 . > ■ iN r M.'.IO'II.... s mi A. M. . .."u n. i» \vrivr mi !'..|nnd i'". ......J R 1*. M 1 . . - 1 wTuluir. . ; v (HI A. M '1. ivc at ' bn* ai « 1* M. ' « '.>».!!<•( ! i;: • Mt -*mhl»\illi*iv»|Ji AD any train. : \.y uc . c mitlivlUc 1 10 V. M A; live Ml A Dm. ii ' \ HI'. M i 'O' 1 v .\ I’lMll V‘... 0 A. M .< .•/•.r .1: jtlu ....11 00 X. M r-r ilu',1... -ci. ,i 1,1'sthi will i-tiii on (lie Hi'i-f • Siiiiit" Ii ■ I .: T!.-' ; p.iu-i. K" . V. in Cmliltvii a.s as Coleman an.) ’ t. !. tin.-.- liitusn wool;. »-oi.iieoliji{: \\ illi. I'.ntnnla ' Sail au l- l’ l- eiijirr Train.-. . if llie ■ . 1! l • Is l ,1 VImill. IMIWCHS, lintf’r nnj Sup't. • i!. .1 i ■ •Mill 1TOTIOB! in: I'M i lie Mar It.'ill. .1 Ml!* • Iniviiijr. for I lie present Mitfol'ui il.o Mills known,as It M.I.'Sv lnvi n*i r -i’• a •. M'mtiy, jrimrunlers the failI.till fnlli^liiii lil . Ijall nr.l'.’l’s, In.Ill lor l.lllnluT jMpI Meal, *; ||...-It-lift,, fmvilij' jus! ninleig.iitef tlm* ..'.ojiVlepatr-. ' •* v - • t< i« will 1"' i'i"i'e iv'nv.nierii |,.i>.in'y piilr.iiis In iii. tr .a .1 e. • i.J Mr...’ITCKia»’f' .*»TOlll-’., they . i*. i He* Will In* l.i'lY.jtl'.lotl in mo or • .n. w!.. h'»« rtij'^.ii|*. I inlel»..l>;ueV-ot; I lit* .Mills. . • . rally M'lfeii :i si. ire «.f. j.iil.lie palroiiane. .— l mv C '.-It., •'ll v- ’• .pewiiipily p’vbl upon pvesruMi M-!!. u. :.! I f. '• .!!. , l.e V \ ill-in-: .t i:‘: .n,-l' I'il!-', " . Itai':'. 'I l.*«*r ; ! i a. m . I'm a per eenl. Will '•I Meal will l»r sobI ai eiis- II. C. .IKNKINS,* 1 .. r u 81* KOI A i. |les of LtM'l by. A, i ! ' i 11 ’" j^HOiirc rcpiin rj~ in o’. Ii inoutli. l.i' ^flfeRreiio>':i .a l tbe rlJloM-' in I be com..: . i tc<l. Notiee <*i'C- ■ o tiiizeMe f *v!. Iticcs Of tbe sale .pel Jin like manner. ‘ l.«-*C 1 : Iprcvi .tis to Bill. •’ »,>'• llice t*. ilfbl.'t • " JibU-licl folly I *:• |tice >'| ; 1 ; fdlnnry for ' ■ ) months. -• f.r l.aci UcmWC' y'C;*U-*li ; '• ■on from ''Italic Forwarding & »A i 'A I l iinuse. r w ,\.(i K M 1. U >i .A. ' S W A N T I-; I) i'i*' ■'•'.••I Siii-lii'is.prurerivil.T, - * >«»i: nf!■:—J i'lif't,.) ittUii.u'8, Speeches, &.C., of blc if. .r> i.n.: AH»im h. stepjsiens, Vitim:, \%i ■ I l.p j'li:; . M.t l*i ijrl.i. i! • That -til, l <• i;!■ lie." . i hv iiT pu! e . f a - . : : '» rr»; .ire.... n • n 1 Tlie ! in a.' a.:r •• a.-. 1 The Hpii Iih yrmbi ei The, sii ivii^s al'ier V* ■ > i • Tln’se I hiit^- e it. ii. . . i I,..,,- I a 1< l.e , .1 T'ie iimi.I ha. A la.a'Her i Tlril kilully waul iikii'i'iM - III!. I* That pla'es lliejVien l il.• I. e. 1 . The plea i*| inei t-\ s.iftly I.real hi I . , .Will'll jii'l iee* l hi eal vl's'i 'fY' file sorrow il et ill I I'i I«; i ein i. ■ The-e Ihili;: < 'hall l:o\ei <li • ‘Lix U.» ynll fill in- ■ : .i i.t'ic, which, WouH only ‘ • t ... 1 tvnnt And to i •! • noi wi«h you 1 ,piieJii |.i>rplc.t you; : ,; :v . uls j hut in a\ \\ us your hcurtH I ..t Veil would npl, ''■•ii thin world The uietn‘..ry el a e' i-j inf, baiel, Tlie pr.-sim' op a h.s*. Ainl all the II'itlf, *weel aie! .i That inal.e up 1..%•«•' In >•' t If with a linn, iiuehaii^ii.-: faii’i. AinI lioly n-inr aiel In;:!». Those hainii have . I c p’.l, ii." • Tlirse Ihinj'.s shall iivv'.'i lie*. The eruol nu»l the IviiUr w i l Tlui^Wailleh l a - ii teP. . The chilliii}* waul at ; \ n»| .! it v, We fe. 1 1*111 novel Ivlf. ‘ , The lull'll repulse licit eliill- Whose In p, ' weie lu.iimliii ,r n lu an unfailing ivear.l Kept, Tlir-e iliin_js -liitll nevi r. lc l.el in.lhrt./ pa Ma I.fiiid s,u la a * bn lie. fiVni in I So ;-h:cl a lu'lllll Oil ! he A lot tiyr.el - V--e Tin-.••i - '. * -n ti. 1< in fcmnlo i- hnt urn I • to you, •’ t R’M'l n AMin/iblc. ' "ir ex j.i'M^o iu it, ‘.yin t.» drcM in •i\ l.l. Miislics, and ' ’i I.;i\ (' anv, to 1''11 ruin'll delicacy "■•d m the Applica* • U M?*':ui hllOWH her * .u Lrn rhe acom■ ! I f fin. st ho^om in " hut i»mi«Tinatiou • .ouu'f. <*f dr««« . and the least •a todrwAto i ymir»olfto f in the most r.l.ul houfH, :if Lamed tof • »:isily 1r*. \ • nr dross as •. Vanity, i- tlirough it. • t! proof of vi i. vmi, i:hi|.. ii -la i; r. i-t.iin I-* Sa i a I lit Ion : * G'RboBS/]: ill die N . II '. .11 • t t'l..’ am! • <•<• m.i' lei ms, am) a f •' I he Wal h. \*hllT*'S. •* I II «N 1!. I I rn . ISax : 1:1. Ailunia. t!a lies far : ■ I.|. • 11 - Taporr f ST R AUS, Belli iF in* lOll.tll I hit ', a MCe i.| I lit e <;_:i .o :i!l : Khovt's t < ti| 0-J. OUTS ALVNi;KA< i 1 l.T.RS, b. 499 BROADWAY, .i . i. elliiM l. '*ST> U Mu 1.1) Kespi .'M'liily infill in his i i. eilizeii of Allmny mi l • u Irieml , all.I > v in ’ ' hni l.a Ji . .•.ffl -r I. Mii’ne.l II ••lit New V"l'k :. f l.-eii.i. -I I he A • si. Gui'l iiiul Silver Watcher mo <; < > T T < > \ K A <' T O 11 S Now Voi'lc aat.cntluii **1‘.tic pnltlic iii.'l il..' *ra.t*; COMMISSION a fOSWAHDIXG MFilCIlANTS,; I'Al'ttit ; r.' • t'iii:.iNaMi;Ti:us. |iie mosl an i inn I. • pm j in nli! fur the I'oelu I tl l■ i// riZiiuttih, hy ilia lies! Amen " #, i-!• eiel Iliiropxtin Mmiiifiijuiiirers. No. 47. CAHCNDEIiET &'.'?RlTiT. v.:r iij • jyi’ - u -.*■•“ u a> t-v- i- > eVVao.l I’i- Mu'.a e our Nev; Seale Seven Octave i' iFortrs, which fur volume ami l m > 1 ■valfed hy any liillici l" > I'vere . in t J contain all the uimlcm imj r >v< a" ■d Action, Harp I’e.lal. Iron l'i..i §, do . ami iml HU] BN, Who lias hud a pi.iellcal e-q erieneo "V ov. V By years in ll.eir nmniifaelure, i fully warrani- li every part lculm. ail I lvIiaMc • ' laelne-vl'i. I’I*-. Uelat"-r \": lit - lit e---1 .Mel i.V . I Uii.lia ELKCiAHT JEWELRY, l..'ttlti">" tttnl Ceil Is' Finn Cojjl I'liaiiis. i, : - t ati'l lieu lliiij; :. I’itir, Sleeve-Slmls ami Itrouches, Seals. Keys, ami M •'! .--ini i < • Id in hi o ui s . ATKINS. DUNHAM &0 Mr. .1. It. (ii:*ivi:s, Co ( foil it a <' I ol's Commission and.. Fonva'ilin'" MERCHANTS: APAEAOHSCOjjA, PtLOB-EA jy-y • Agents lor the New Orleans Vine »<f .11 i 11 g- .s , OOl.D AMD GII.VBK Till MULES, ; in-,'lor Mold I’piis ..ill. Diamond I’olnls, SHi'i-r and I’lalrd Hare. I' 1 ’' i . an I V. ■i«ienlinliiis’ superior, lirul class |e' ( Grov( i slecu Piaiio-Eoi'lt', 5 Heciivcd tin' 11ighf'M :i\\iird»'l 1.111*1 it over nil olhi-V.s at llm eeii -lnn- ' • ti*d WORKI«-- : I'A Hi. c wcv’(xli'l.i!< tl i' bis of I/omh 11. i tii is, |ii.oie, Deslou, ami ^ja>u-l)i*tiii.tu l»• • • 1 Silver Medals f''< U il t l ie i*y, els, Kazurs, Scissors, Miip.s. October 1i» i iii'uanicn .1. • vsm CO^AiiT & YOUNG, COTTON FACTO -~j --£.1 '.General Commission' Merchants. 1 lint 39 SOUTH STREET, HEW VORK . Hi tie] |* .y cl )-e iili.1 I'atlieilla w.liei*>. in-. Iiudu.-iioii ! *1 itlieel P. .no ’• r e ,lj 5 with a -if.* •. WldllMimmtit Cwf) pel'll lull, roY-Xt’.i it: Deseripliv 0 .* JJ ••III ,il I * Il I'V' 1 ' i u f it 11. r* 1 eliilhlcl \.':ll pre- All. l.i tt.aceo, Wool. \\\ .Mercbumlize of every Jie.'.'i ipii-u ?'.•!« 1 euee* : .lulm .lacksuii. Alh.n.v. li.i. W. H. V.ning, t'uluiiituis, (la. Atkins, l>unl*niu&t'o. Apia i’i Young \ Woutls, i'i.:' ii!a t'ulmnUus, C»a, Oct *27, 18t*(j * in riiii(i>. lire ur'i A F.UUlA i' \ i 51H. 1 WKKKLY CONSTi’l t Ti« >N MAAT Iblihhfd Every Mcdnrsilaj .llnrnintf. BROWN’S HOTEL. • i r.osil;- TJACOA, (tiA. i., 1:. r.intWN \ t'l':'. ' SilSi WELL KirOWN HOUSE j 1 ini aii'l 1 "pairi'.l. ami if now oi.e 1 , ! i.'T i!< * * II.S in I lie ni..| ihe r d*| i HI iii I lie ej|y. The lion I IS Mlppii. 'l vs Mil »;• • v thii.'.' ijh" !;• 1 t'l;*. ’ • iiIa'iM. Mae.10. .lairia. v I’.ih. I-"7. Jl—■Hu rate ami Pocket , WnlluKMb.cker ll-ok-, IIHIIM. Ac., \e. raclfamji Plpea & Stem* l bines? jiiNf'.il) instruments, ir • Vi .linn, llannos, Elites, Accordions, ami M U sly: LOXES. . amtihe ui'.;: npprove.l Mnnufactiim-s. R’ ntiidgvs, all sizes, ami of best ijuul'lty. iK'iiw and fit'gulntors, K\* ry |" 1 i<"l .d lit'- I1.1 - whirh :tiv ii.iIim.:) nnd | 1 • limy .iji.lul jc 1 lie v nri' i \ «• 1 I ln*M\ \v11 i!«• \ "it kri p w il iii:i 1 lint pimpi iH \ v\ hi.!, i- s , H'X. Stum- iiimiM'iiu nis nvc mu.d'.iciN. ns \.ui"iis Lind** "I’ I'M'ivi'C ■.*• • 1 nil cl v\ il h .pi.ilit ir.H ivnllv n-• 111 chi kiiuls "I wmIik ii’h w.'ik, ami iin stic i'oih'i rii'i . I’ n , ••h'g:ml ;i<'|'li •liniciit s, a . .! 1, . music, and di awing. Sn. li I.*-.!,- r 1 ,1 voiir umli'siIniuini'., ciila: .'.' \ • >»1 r km . i edge, and ciiltivulc M.m last., ma;. !>. t , nidoi'cl in u hit lii'l* | "ini of . i u t. an nu r. 1 III list'll K'llt Ss. TlicIV Jll'c A \ ala IS > . (»t lll'l's. which me neither uvcful 1 *a "i:miiiciit:d 1 ucli us play of .Ii lie i'i nt kind-:. 1 would particular!v ivcomim i i i" \".* those that oldigc y«• u t• • 1* mm i, abroad In -I lit* ope11 air, such as w, . ... riding on horseback. This will \ .. * . 11 your const it ut i. mis, and a bloom to \.. u 1 complexions. Il* you accustom yours Cm to go aliroad always iu chaii - ami can . you will s""ii become so « nerv at. <i lu in unable to go out doors w i111 <> 111 '.In in. Tit. ; like mo t art id. s of luxury, ic-cful ami iigr.i able \s In 11 judiciously u-< d. but when made l.abil u a I they become l> d!i :>i - ij.M an 1 leiu’U'iolM. \ll iltteiilioii to your Le.'lltll i.- a ■!;. : ovv<• l" youi'i lw s :iml your IVnmi iltli seldom fails to have an inilu* ii' <mi I lie spirits ami temper. The liin : •_*«'iiiu-' , the most delicate mind- have very f;< picntly aeorrespomb iil delicacy of l»>dily constitutions, which they are aj.t l<> ncglc. 1. luxury lies iu reading and late Imtn . Cjual enemies to health ami beauty . lillt though good health is "lie *>f (l.e greatest blessings in life, never make .1 l-.a 1 of it, but enjoy it iu silence. We ••• nat urally associate the idea of female soft 111 iiul delicacy with si correspondent delicacy of eoiislitut ion, that when a woman speak- of her great strength, her c\tiu"rdiiinry ippetite, her ability to bear e\ee.-si\e iatigtie, we recoil at (lie description in a way she is little aware of. (’lie intention of your being taught need!, work, knitting, and such like, i not on account ot the intrinsic value of all y on can hi with your hands, which i * trilling, hut to enable you to judge more perfect 1^ ..! that kind of work, and to direct the evacii tion of il iu others. Another principal end is to enable you to (ill up, in a tolerably agreeable way, some of tlm many solitary hours you must necessarily pass at home. It is a gn at article in . the happiness ol life, to have your pleasures as independent ol others as possible. Jly continually gadding about in search of amusement, you lose tin : !•* you are i would : m \er allow ! with mirth, • v. Many ; "1 iuimM’enee • ver a p^irit tl' it gives Midi •I f'litiment, or I. aIII perry* to b 1 romedit'H ‘■•mek to her 1 et the coin- behav iopon 1.. t ac.juain- \ tlay and no hour aeciirateTiuiekeepers • VI'..', KAN I ED.IIT VAtiK PAPl-.U. eonniinin^ the 1 Wfe new? by Mail itn«l T» h'jrrnpli. ILIu<»eis»lr-, daily, full Mu flea Itcp-.n.-', >»i .-.-r -u nUigiitQil nBch'.ctcd cr Oi'i^itiaf Si ">'>*. niiT.e 1 . t ihhi;\1Ti.'I.x •'In'i'li "1 <v (' ie <•. iSpcrtninlng lo the Pan., ai.-l M.di'.v e.idi, {t 1 f > |\()(; p \> A |{ Jlil ) L'lSJ^ , r 'i.'MI.d. :">• d;.- AM) iil.lN K.”* Ail* k!i nil omli.n vii.' In 1, t:.!t<* il * * ! VC Vt i. . \ I i. ! \ ;i; \Ti;.:, pi.i Mbbkv.T i. 1 i i:.M. ctinws ! ■ A* 1 • . .. * -to.'!. Hi Him..! i M ANITA*"n’lJl.l .' «*1 ’ TIN waiu: | .‘-Im'i.Ii.T'I v t . : : PLAbbKF IN.T.'NMd'iiiiitts Itnve been nmdo wiili.ilic iic.titifaoltit'itig l.ottHp.i by which spoci'il l.-.y !-.i Wnti'ht"), flocks, Silver Wiiru, Dinmoiid .. in Jewelry. I'iro AniiH, ,S:c., will he executed !. :.ei mi .cy mnl ilispalch. and mi the most i .wohaiim; tkiiws. 1 MI kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jew elry ' ' ".le d and In an efficient nnd (.»!l n.’S A,Ml '!'«'! *!..-• r We shall endeavor to i. d-l’InsH iVev.H A. Fniiiib Ao«:*»i:it- N IU W R I I iM! t copy, i,n.« year . kphy, seni ni one lime. peciim n copy ' cnl when d* .-in *h-" • :•*; (Tlx 1 !* &*»• •:; .v t ii \u:riu 11. •"». ""''iK LI G T & J 0 Vi SI 0 M.|^o.w& AN -" Uu " bet bind idrrpip. W M L 1 • a t • AViUKTl/H’UAL lMl'I.f.M\.\TA 1 ' ' .t.ivrlev, !'• '•> I* 'v FAINT'S, OIL.-, til. A-'-'. VAI.’M.-IH : I. \ Ml'. W .M I’i'.I «•„ . JO.; I';..: b'sy. IlMllin e A*. Oilder 1*2« M**ri- \ ' Ml ill*‘I IAN'I .*■ )*:.-• v -mu Gold, Silver and Specie • iiu'lii, Solti and idxcjhanKcd. Albany Watch and Jewelry Store lii’e’.D stiihet, - - o.inw, <;i:o. iti I A 15 Jarvi-, 8J K.isi 15.. !.» an- (Ji'mII I l..pp<.ck. ISf» ILi 1 S. STEATJS. MU.u.y. n-iuber‘J7. ISi'.n lyrcdtly Ik IIAVI.NS .....Jl. M. iJItOWN For Sale. c,nle n Uistillciy. in •:«*i»»|»lct•» [ctft m del*. drting lll~* "d i'l'i.d.1 i« :i r vfer.Li'ib'r. on.* -*» lloi>o Power * t uljicr ncce.-Mify fiMiti'Ch. lh "'«i i htillding a ci.C'd (JU18T I'd Mock-. Fot «han x J'.ii II. qKcl .of Mf.l i’.orV«. Mil llo> Ilriij: Store of . . VW/tk DALI. HV ENS & BROWN, im j ... „ WholoHalo and Hoi ail Dealer* in il'.i'/ibiv formed a co-parinerdiip under the firm J streets, i . " K " KI:|!! ' ''TT'-TiT- " ,s !NEWSPAPERS,' MAGAZINES, rsMIH L'NDLIISIGNLD n-p.-clfully 1 jj iiouuce to life !M.A.NTi:it^a„d MLID IIAN IT ; KACTOUS AND DbM.Ml opDoiig'ioriy and adjacvi.i t'minli. s, il.m 1 hoy have W W if MKIM HANTS. ", '• '. T.'i I III.fell . , „.'c? occiipvui}? the Fire-I^eoof 'A aicln.ii.-c .! ID st! aii'l confi'hntly m:M they will .-..niSuue 10 receive that getwr»u» fill] j.m t and pa- iintMgc hcrctftfore extewd-d to nud» <d' them. 1. ti. IIIjM. T. II. .lirllNBTON. 0-wfin Albany, 0«t.i Ju«>® l»*. K:l-t I! Iti-H'i vN’ ; Ciei;;R-' n.iMiitinii Wlmrl. rillllTKUH OF ’l IMLKP AND J.t'Mld.15 '1*0 I'OUF.KLN AND |H»MI.* I It I’tllt'JS, Iti-lev A < reigliion. c • : ' Pay so.'! A u tnndiiiioti Wlutrl. RM.-slH sum! SlaiKlartl IJIeitiiurx*, Stal ioner, ^ I •!..<!,, 1 !>*-•" ib. 1 I..-! ' ; v>T 1.1 !!.. f y our sex, nutl ' ir judgment '*' "'t ii lo’flrs very '’’ *• mttrr ftowitto " !i pIio iloen not •?, ti 1 r*f*t ungen- ’"rv'.tul offeAtvtTeH f miml, which you • r. ilrgree fiirbo- ■ ’ .'nt ohsorteri, ■ H!*! out rrv. L** " it! nil tlie situ- ' '■'■■■ '•<•» n<*e, for no "f. ii.l witii'othor then Relieved to ’ L! -In. ffslie does :i imjiroper thing, dtl .listresa; she * th" mo.' 1 sensible litm is .ash.lined of T injury. The only : ' • if.< iices, is'never L iihvvly ofTensivu tti'jerlH you to no 'will often soften I" il. !' am! a--, it !■ I im • >1L! >• 1 lining, the luiiies «t .'.Imost ptranger* iid irirurnldc vice; i nnd turbulent ndimiM in your soi. "in- playing ft littlo • a variety in your ’ dial, what you cftn 1 riliv ns can neither au. I ami.ilil. I imporUnt points ! ' ! * imined resolution Ui : in tlie lenst in- a: . : i!. p ""Poe! i ami gentleness so , v. ' I 1 hi tlie contrary, it : d and sweet dispo- s apt to degenerate 1 • you respectable 'Mlios you ill ours. 'I': li li'il 1.1 ilu", it respect ofsdl ymir ae<|iiainlaiiees, whom you oppress with those visits, which by tt more discreet management might. Lave been courted. The domestic economy of a family i- en tirely a woman's province, and furnishes a variety of subjects for the exertion of both good sense ami good taste. If you ever come to have the < Large of a i.imiiy, it ought to engage much of your tinn* and attention *, nor can you he excus'd from \hi* by any extent of I'oiTum*, though with a narrow'one tlie ruin that, follows tlm neglect of it may he more immediate. I am at the greatest loss what to advi; »•; you in regard to books. There is no im propriety in your reading history, or c.dt i rating any art or science t<» wbu-n • ■ *■ 1 *i«1 • or accident leads you. 'flic whole volume ot Nature lies open to your eye* mid fur nishes an infinite variety of cutcrtuinincnl. If 1 was sure tliat Nature had m/ivu you such strong principles of taste and senti ment as would remain with you, and in fluence your future conduct, with the utmost pleasure would I endeavor to direct your reading in such a way us might Ibriu’ihai taste to tlie utmost perfection of trut h ami elegance, lint when l reflect how easy it is to wurin a girl's imagination, and how difHcuit to deeply nml permanently affect .her heart*, how readily she enters into every Xo. Ill Murry St AIAt!ON| <iAi|rcfineiucnt ol seutinieut, and how easily siie ‘ i . * roup is an 111- 11'n «• ol' tlie wind- i' ut, nnd that 1 "i* the patient will onmipi (|librtB arc mudo ii; .'is. of an attack of cro':)', r. Ii. 1 prompt as it is sur- !•••: Li l ! ngi.ifhl, .Ml know that cold v.'.'i:-! I in will certainly ‘•bo! ii o!i'. ;i,. ajiplicatibu pf iced *:Lfn .1 •'! 1 Im, "i - almost hot water wiUi w< i! . a v. ,.b .1 t! thv I'Vlinnry 1Mb, ISH7. Di—bw | January it, IH07 wo folds largo * . .. mill throat and uppor ; pul ilu so iu a pail of Ii.::: ! ' m i bear, and keep . :. y.'alnr from tlie boih| I • ' i\W»or three’flannols bd !!:< lime, aial one on the • ai , ii!i a dry flannel cov- ri- -h do keen the boat in • ilannel should not bo • • 1 •: v. ii'iiv ' «•: :.s to dribble, for it i ' iinp : in: 1 • k" j« tiie • lothing dry || Up 1!;« Jii'l.< e , 'il the plllcgl^ffg •, - iid i ami beginning to : as! . , tl.' 11 . ...i\ rap a funnel ovor : o,..' \'. I... • n. r.. a : to COVOr It' eiilirely, and llii"e!/M i . i\ed. XVllOll it wakes up both 'ahh'.ds will be dry,/.[Ifall’s .journal ol' IlealtliF - • * - l-|m Ivart: sacrifice tltoin to vanity or (.•ynvenienee j J W Th i/'-i.w 1. 'I’i. .on.—Coinin^fider Cooper, of the sieaim.T Win mm l.i, reports, as the. rv- ull <.!' :v cruise uvouiul Cuba to IuVORti- ga!" I he rep*-il.. - !' imidiiig ncgro^’that no smdi landiie b <1 taken place within; thd year, tin; importation of coolies, about fifteen thou rand, of .wta'u.u worcrbrougl4$< over in 1 bO, liaving almost- done/fli with tin deuuin^lb^nogiioes. J< * J .. 4