The Albany tri-weekly news. (Albany, Ga.) 1867-186?, April 06, 1867, Image 2

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.. . this'ri*d. 1 Il6 accniM ion* of doubling hUivnweUy, find try ing to pat down his paper, bht ho wont toll who it la. This ia unmanly , and nngener- ooa, to say the least of it, and onr syntps- thin arc with Charley. We molt cinplmt- Ha Wlio <Iaro 1I1--0 bool a (Charley) displace, Must meet BombxalM fata 10 face. ’ A mooting of oitiaona, hold in Atlanta on Saturday, appointed n committee to meet U*tb'Fop«;»nd rcspcctfollv “urge'’ to make hi* headquarters in that city. Atlanta has booh so much accustomed to military rvtlo oflato ycara that aho rather likes it.' IsaoiuxoE PoLicaa.—A goaaipping newt- paper ' correspondent remark* that Doan Richmond’had (tl00,001) inanrod on hit life, while Daniel 8. Diokinaon hail ♦128,000.— These iniuranco polices have am oral paral lels <m the maturing Hat. A. T. Stewart has police* for*l 00,000 In vnrioua compn- nies. A distinguished capitalist and rail M*0 king residing in Albany, has pi t|),ooo of simllu Insurance, which la .believed 'to be thelargcttnmounton record. ,lioa,rrcehar 8 ! , an Act of the Congress off The following embodies much wistMi the the United States wo have been elevated to | a „,l discretion, nnd right tt>.1* 4*1*4 by *«*• *7°*****^USi political equality with our white brethren, ^ „ oycr j lgnific d wIl0 c .,„ wo I|0 rea5on n i 00tl . n S 5 ”fta,e n el«Hre P fmXCo^ “ i to accept thorituation. It i, the report of ' In the bestowment of this great btmn we! the “Committee on Federal Relations,” of reeognir.0 the hand of Divine Providence, ] the Louisiana Legislature] and as a race we should implore his blessing T)lc n ,., ort 6nys . rkffWSSWSSSV w— t»«■ right we aro ignorant and need instruction. The licit way to obtain this, hi the oatitun' tiouof theundenuj * * ” all idortlgned, la to call a meeting ;!‘‘ J °“Pt 1 people, and Invite inch men ntidonco In to talk to us, and of tho colored na we hnro 001 inatmet ua in tbeae matter*. We therefore call a meeting oi the colored id surrounding counties, toroeetat Albany, 011 Saturday, April 13th, 1807. Emkmukti Gotten Wiwt.—Tho Western (Kipcie report among many oilier items of in. forest concerning tho numbor ol emigrants now finding homes there, that there were •even hundred and elghty-thrco emigrants who passed through 0110 town, (Columbus, Ohio,) during the week ending Saturday, March 18th. Acoording to the carcfli! cal' oblation ofChief Justice Chase these leven hundred and cighty-thrce emigrants repro sent tl83,000, added to tho industry nnd wealth of tho West In one weak, nnd nil perhaps to the snnio niighborhood. TorVote ixtiiu Oi.n Xonrn States.— The Raleigh Sontinul calculate* that there tire in North Carolina 80,000 bona tide wliito voter* under tho reconstruction bill. Be- fore tho wrtr there could not have been made moro than 40,000 colored voter* in the State. Tbit number the Sentinel estimate*, has been reduced by enRimlitie* nnc changes to about 35,000, making the total vote under tho reconstruct ion act, not less than 1 16,000, leaving otii the disfranchised. A four day* since half a dozen youths' went out on the lake from iMilwatikco lor a Hall, And, having a lino breeze, got j net tv well out before noticing that vising elovut* hohind them had hidden the laud from view. Having no compass to indicate the way they should steer to return, their situation was perilous in the extreme. Some of the boys, after hour* of hard work at tho <mr», lav (town in the, bout in despair,« The others kept at work, however, and at about 0 o’clock at night, had the good fortune to reach the shore. True as Preaching. There never was a truth more forcibly Stated, than tho following from the Nash ville Union and Dispatch. The IVc** and Times is the organ of the Ihownlow Mon archy of Ten ncssee, and ilscnndid nekuowl* odgeraent of tho truth, is about tin? only ovideneo of honesty wo have ever seen from that pspor. Tho Union and Dispath, when tho bill to confer the right ol *utlr:w«' upon the negro was pending before the legisla ture, asked: “ If It wore rendered certain tbit the majority of tho negroes would vote the Conservative ticket, i* there u man out of y ibainiAtio asylum who believe* tho Had- deals yould confer upon them the right of Suffrage ?” To which the Pro** and Time* frflftly replied: **Xo, xvuno not ukuevk TUKnfi IS 80 CONSUMMATE A FOOL LIVING. Here is a confession that the right of suf- frago was conferred upon the negro *imply to get his vote to )>crpetuate power in the hands of the ltndicals. In other words, it the Radical* had not felt they needed the negro vote to save them from defeat, that class would not have been voter* to-day. R is also au admission that the negroes would 1101 have had this right conferred upon them If it had boon supposed they would not have voted a* tho majority in the J^sUtuxe desired. It was purely a self- iah transaction, and not an net of justice to UiMtdgm. Starvation" in- Qkokoia.—Dr. N. M. Cook, a reputable of Marietta, G*.i give* the Southern Famino Relief Com- miasion a distressing neconnt of the suffer ing from want of food in Northern Georgia. H»Uy. of the pcoplo have no bread and nothing to buy it with. Dealers in corn and.tamo.will not sell either without the - cash to pay for It, and money iu small sums easttot bo procured short of five per cant —*l^.,tho ben security. He testifies .t n ear Dalton, four chil- ItjrJdMaf starvation in February. “ “tft Others hart died in the Mb* moro must perish unless them. Men, women and » Marietta antJ beg, In a ' ) luck of food Ci'uruw Ginns, W. M. Miller, W«. Anderson, .1. H. Coleman, D. M. Pomikii. Wo give place to tho abovo with pleasure, believing and hoping that good will result from tho gathering. We Imvo watched intently the march of events in which wc have seen no little to alarm us, and much that lias been contrary to onr preconceived opinions. In reviewing tiio past few months, and tho remarkable changes that have been effected, wc nrc forced to one of two conclusions: Kither that tho whole system of onr Government has been changed, or that tho net of Con. gross enfranchising the negro is unconslitu- tionab—If we accept the fuimer, then it is passage of the measure commonly known ns tho “military reconstruction bill” nnd the“SttpMfmtntal bill," precipitates upon >pl* tho consideration of most mo mentous questions, affecting not morely their present and future political welfare, but in volving the very political existence of the State. “ It seems evident that active steps will be nt once taken for tho re-organisation of our State government in accordance with the principles of tlicso measures, nnd that general elections will lie speedily held fur that purpose. “ In this emergency it become* absolutely necessary for tho people to determine forth with what lino, of conduct is necessary for them to pursae, “Your Representatives in the General Assembly have not failed to give to this question the most anxious nnd earnest de liberation. “ Tho subject matter is placed beyond tho pale of our legislative system, hv a powut- over which wc have no control j hut we feel it our duty to give to our constitu ents the results of our sober nnd serious reflection, and to ndvisc them as to the course we think they should adopt under tho cir cumstances. “ Whatever may ho our opinions of the l the t fflls, Ite inly, Isvii I-OlS l 337, sll levied on held recently for their benefit. We do it, so that our colored peo ple here may seo what their brethren at other points have to say. At a mass meet, ing of both wliitos and blacks at Savannah on last Monday, among others: The Rev. Mr. Campbell, colored, did not desire to make n speech, ns sufficient had already been said, anil not tnuen jeft for him. 'He confined his remarks chiefly to the blocks requesting them to lie good, law- abiding people, industrious and holiest.— Educate, that you may he qualified toper- iorm tho duties of your new position. He courteous to your white brethren, and culti vate thoirgood wishes. Wc must work to gether, for combined notion is necessary to secure peace, licwarc ot demagogues who, for power, will rido rough-shod over your liberties. The most cxaltited positions in the land are open t<» your children. Educflto ' carity. -them to fit them for tlioso positions. Mr. Campbell’s address was replete with good sense and wholesome advice to his race. . The following is from Joseph Williams, a colored speaker, at the meeting in Nash yille, recently: He commenced by saying: You have give motile right to call vou fellow-citizens. Wc live ia a distracted country, desolated by one ol tho most sanguinary wars of his- ofUnd.Vos.253, os the property' of James Maples lo a.lisry two « fas, issued from Mitel,ell Seperlor Court, in f.vor or Itobort Wnlker, txMUtor of David-W.Uer.dn- eeased, ti. Jsmea Mapes,.F. M. Colqnslt A Charles Cox tad Ctrhart i Brother to. James MtpleS, pro perty pointed oat by \tm. bastion. Also, at f ' ‘ ' Ibe some lime end piece will bo sold one tad ono-half toroo of SU7, ia the 10th blftrlet of Jlltobell county,"- known no the John Thomas piece, whereon John A. bolt now resides, to satisfy two Jnitieo Court II ms, issuod Pom tho 1178d District. G. It. Wm. R. Holplu rs John Thomas, lory mode end returned to mo by a oonsto- by a Constable, April 1st. 1907. * 1IENRY SMITH, Sheriff. ~ Administrator's Sale. T>Y virtue of on order from the Court of Ordinn* Tl ry of Worth county, will bo sold boforo the Court Houso door, in the town of Ilobclle, in the county of Worth, on tho First Tuesday in Juno next, Lot ol Land Vo. (58( in tho 16th biatriet of said conniy, containing (2021) acres more or less. Alto Lot (108) io tho 15th Uistriot, containing (202)) acres more or loso, tho preperty of the Ute IUrry O. Ford, deceosod. Terms, note end approved so- This April 1st, 18G7. R. G. FORD, Jr., Surviving Administrator. of the utmost iniportancu that wc accept the, status of affairs, and cncouraga every effort that ia made to enlighten the froedmen in reference to the responsible duties of the elective franchise. If the latter conclnaion U true, that the Shcruinn Military Bill is unconstitutional, as is held by tho most ermnept juditfifL,talent both North and South, headed by the President of the United States, then it is dangerous ground to tread upon. It will he exciting hopes and ambition in the minds of frevdincu which tho Supreme Court will crush at one fell blow, nnd the relinquishing of which will he attended with move turbu lence than the attempted net to enfranchise. A strong effort is being made to place the whole question before tho Supreme Court atonec, blit whether tho effort will be sue ccssful is a question of doubt. If the Court acts upon it immediately, before any elec tion tukes place, tho question will he settled. If not, th*n it will lie too laic In any event, therein no reason for strife between the white and the black race, who are compelled by inevitnhlo destiny lo live together in this country. Tho prosperity of the one is tile prosperity of the other, and a mutual dependence Is acknowledged. Tlievcfore lei tho eolorcil people come up, nnd listen to the instructions of those “In whom they have conffdenei We learn that tho following gentlemen have been invited to address the meeting: ; I'"#• A. Vason, Col. O. If., Howard, of i tlic Frccdmeii's Bureau, Gen. G. ,1. Wright, Cols. A. P. Hlli,P. Stroxernml II. Morgan, of Albany, ami Gen. A. II. Colquitt of Baker comity, Also, Phillip Joiner, C. Brondenax, J. A. Chestnut, C. Gibbs, Rev. 11. Watson nnd other colored speakers, “ i whom they have confidence." General Order* from General Pope on Is- **■!** r«M**d of Ike Tklrd Military District.,, w llKanqVARTEiui, Third Military Div,, | .Montgomery, Ala,, April 1, 18D7. ) General Okdeiis, No. l: In compliance with General Orders, No, 1R, dated ilenduunrlcra of the Army, March 1 i' ! P,I 4}, 1 . , undersigned assumes command of the Hurd Military District, which com- prises the Stales of Alabama, Georgia and Florida. The District of Gcorgiq and Alabama will remain ns at present constituted, nnd with their present commanders, except that the Headquarters of Georgia will be forth with removed to Millcdgovillc. Tho District of Key West is herein- merged into tho District of Florida, which tviilbc commanded by Col. JohnT. Sprauge, ‘i *® S. Intantry.. Till* Headquarters of tho District of F lorida are removed to Talla- hasse, to which placo tho District Coats fetaS. 1 "*• I. The civil officer* at present in oflloo in- Georgia, Honda and Alabama, will retain their office* until the oxpiration of their terms ol service, unless otherwise directed in special cases, so long a* justice is faith fully and impartially administered. It is hoped that uo necessity may arise for the mtcrposition of the miliwry authorities in tho civil administration, nnd such neccssitv can only arise trom the failure of the civil tnbunals to proteot tho people, without dis- tmetimi, in their righu ot person and posed upon us by an authority which we have clearly no power to resist; nnd wc, therefore, solemnly believe that it becomes our duty, not only to abstain from fruitless nnd factions opposition, but to exert all our power nnd influence to to direct eveuts ns that tho least harm may come to tho State from their execution. “ We, therefore, exhort tho peoplo to or- ? ;anizo thoroughly nnd take an activo part n all elections, under whatever authority they ntay bo held. Avoid nil scmhlunce of opposition to the freo nnd fair suffrage of every man haring the right to vote under tho nuthority of Congress. “ there he no collisions or conflicts of any kind. “Avoid nil discussions among yourselves. “Bring forward ns candidates citizens in whoso wisdom, discretion and courage you can placo implicit confidence, and whose qualifications slmll conform, ns far ns practi cable, to tho requirements of Congress. Suppress, as far ns possible, the consideration of all questions which may lead to a di vision of opinion among von, “ I.ook to the character of the men whom you elect, “ l)o nuUscck to hind them in advance by any particular course of policy, the wis dom and propriety of which munt at last be determined liy the “ logic, of events but leave them freo .ami untramcilcd to act ns their judgments may dictate, for the interest and honor of the .State in recoiuti under tho aot moro lie property. ms “• H «> k® rfearty understood, how- „ ever, that the ciril officers thus reamed in office shall oonfltto themselves strictly u> the performance of their official duties. „mt whilst holding their offices they shall not aseany lndaeitpo whatever to deter or dls- “ “-sffltesi&sjssas ss Bute* comprised in thii Militarv Distr’BtL exocptsuoh aim provided for'in this‘act h tko mnnnet- therein i*L* U LS cs,ic,M in civil ° m Which of the term* __ . . before ofTotere i* tory, growing out »»f* the question of slavery. The war »h over and \ieaco reign* through out the luml. Slavery has been abolished by the sword, and it* abolition has been made apart of tho organic law of tl»c laiid. 1 do not idame any man lor having owned slaves. Tho Southener who owned slaves was not to blame for it, ns the government ofhis country recognized hi* right to them as property. ' The constitution which the great leaders gave as a model of good gov ernment, gave any one the right to own slave*, lint the war lias settled this ques tion forever. I have no fear, nor has any sensible man a fear, that any. effort will ever be made to restore slavery, I see uo reason why colored men should* not belong to the various nolitieal parties without be ing called Rebels or Copperheads. We j know the political record of those now in • power here, nnd when the proper time comes we intend to unmask them to the be trayed people. It i* our best plan to unite with those who were onr former oppessor*. They were acting iu obedience to law in keeping us in bondage, nnd they aro now just a* ready to obey flic law which has stricken the yoke from bur necks. There is no cause for sttrite between white and black. They propose to give us all the rights guarenteed by the organic law of die laud. Why should we lie- split up'(— tVliat are ye, my colored friends? We have been made poor, nnd destitute by the eurso ofidaYcry. \N o cannot prosper with- out we stand by our white friends. They have the land ami wealth, and can do more for us than the stranger who has come' among us. They want our labor ami we want their money. Their interest is our in terest. The one is necessary lo the other. To* Notice* 13 V virtue of *n order from the Court of Ordinary |i of Worth County, will be sold before the Court House door in Isabelle, Worth county, on the 1st Tuesday in Jnno next, thirty accree of land, upon which ia situated a comfortable and commodious dwclliug liouce, good brick chimneys, with eight rooms, with other out buildings, a good and healthy nuramer residence for Rome wealthy perion, situate iu Isabella. Terms, note and approved security. This April 1st, 1847. K. H. FORD, Jr., WM. H. HARRIS, Executors. B Aduilulstrator* Sale. t Y virtue of an order qf the Court of Oordinary of Worth County will be sold before tho Court jo door io -eald county nn the Jirat Tuesday Jn June next, Lot of Land No. 98, in tho 14th Distrlot of Worth County the Property of the lat« Stephen A. Sherman, deceased. Sold for distribution.— Term i Cash. April 4th, 180^. MARY SHERMAN, Administrator of 8. A. Sherman. Admiui«trator*a Sale. W ILL be sold before tho Court House door in the town of IssboRa in Worth county, Ga., between the usual hours of sale, nil the ladds of the said Calvin Register, deceased, on the first Tuesday ia June next. Terms of Sale, note and approved security. This April 1st, 1807. MILDRED M. REGISTER. Administratrix of Calvin Register. Administrator’s Sale. m M Pig Hams, Sugar ( Flour, . , -Applvs; T PidttWr kw°hijfr*na Eiho Apples, Wine Crackers, SqijJiucs, H ct BEST ARTIILE CHEWING Freedmen’e Tobacco, Dnrham ■ Tobacco.'" CHESTNUT GROVE i BOURBON WniSKV, 1,000 Lb& LEAF TO ARRIVE. targo lot of Cboico Family FLOP Large Lot of FrccdmonV FLOt A fine Lot of Sugar Cured HAX Also, n very largo stock’ DRY GOO] Of all kinds. Orders for Corn and Bacon will „ 5U«d st 2) per ceoi. commission on origl gar Flooters are offered lime on Fretdmen, until 1st of November c.i April 2, 1867. rmanoro * ae> Confeotioners and Gro 1 South uldn Broad Street, ALBANY, OEim \\Z E hav. on hand a superb stock «t On W eonslsting la part of Bscoe, Lsn) Sugar, Tobacco,.Begat*. Snuff, Flour, M.1 Poiatoes. Cheere, Crsckrra, Cukes, Ctndla Sardines, Pickle., Herring!, Oyslen, I fiah of every kind. Alio, powder nut everything ties to bo fould In t first els nnd Confeotiouu'y. All wu a,k ia u fair ,, wo will convince tb. pnblio that we con r belter bargain, than any nan else. * AprlI2 2, 1867. jjj bY virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary ’ Worth county, will be sold before the Court ■ntfl Pmi u Lot modoration ami tompornnoo gn’nlo j *| a y < , p 0U} ‘ < m*w mid livighUw era in iho you in counsol ami conduct. I test min and *' ol, tlioi , n ^talc*. Tlicgrcrt honor ofheing control tho ubulitioit* of iiicou*idcmtc, rash u recognized on n.pout tea I equality i* to-day and turbulent men, who ntay precipitate ! !' <,< \ on ‘ , ‘‘‘ ,,}l * “ ,H highly appropriate that colltHion* from which nothing but injury to >t come hero in this land where the State and pcoplo can possibly result*. ! s *|tvcry was once cherished, The true men “ Use all fair nnd legitimate means within ol the North aiv ^vonr friend*. The good your power so to intluuueo and direct the suflrage us to elect trustworthy men to office, and thereby prevent the power of the State from falling*into unworthy hand*; but at the same time bo suro that your choice shall be respected, and* tlpit the men so chosen shall be clothed with nuthority which none can question. “ In following out the couroo of action here indicated you will be called on to cxer- ciso a spirit of extreme tolcranco and for bearance; hut we believe it to bo the only course consistent with our present condition nnd tho safety of the State, and you will not hesitate nt titty sacrifice necessary to that end. “ In conclusion, wc would say that we place an abiding confidence in the people, nnd believe that by the exercise of wisdom, S rudencentid patriotism, they will so con- uct the State through the ordeal a* to command the respect of friends and'foes.” A Southern Delegation. We were visited yesterday by a delega tion of eight or ten gentleman from all por tions of Georgia and Alabama, whoso ap pearance took us hack to tho period when the war was in full blast and the rigid blockade, shutting the South from the market* and manufactories of the world, compelled tho peoplo of that section to rely on their own resource* for tholr clothing, Ac. The gentlemen referred to weredrea*! ed in real “butternut” clothes, which looked as if t heir term of gorvtco datod back to the war at least, and some of them used for shawls an article much in vogue iu the South during tho war—pieces of carpenting* The parties oamo hero making earnest ap peals for bread to keep their people from starving. Their representation orthe con dition of things in their respective localities waa enough to make tho heart sick. They men there are witii you heart and ftoul.— The New Vork Tribune licarily endorses" the meeting at i’olttmbin. This * meeting is on the same basis." It* you and I cannot live here together, wlmt will become of us ? We must be ns one political family. All we ask is for you to sustain us iu our rights. I am ready to sacritlicc nty life to vindicate your rights. The Radicals tell us that they are our friends because they liberated us.* Kmancipation was the result of the war, but was not thought of till the republic was in its death times, and then the shackles were stricken from our limbs, not to benefit us but to weaken the Uebels. If the rebellion could have been crushed without giving freedom to the blacks wo would to-day nave been slaves. The best thing fonts all is to cul tivate good feelings towards our white friends, nnd go with them to polls and vote with them against those who arc rushing our government as fast as possible to de struction. I endorse heartily tho speech of Judge Whitworth, who ha* iust preceded me. Accept my thanks for the honor you hpve conferred on me by inviting me to ad dress you, InterfstiDg from Washington. PROGRESS ok the radical FELD—TIIE at torney GENERAL DECLARES SHERIDAN** REMOVALS UNAUTHORIZED. ^ AsniNGTON, April 4th.—The Cameron* Stevens feud is deepening. Cameron favors the confirmation of Democrats in preference to-Stevens’ friends.-—Stevens is represented to be furious. It is probable the Kussinn treaty will be postponed until the next session. The President’s participation in efforts to bring the reconstruction acts before the T> y ti n ° f .. Huiibc iloor in snid County on tho First Tuesday iu Juue next, one-half of Lot of Land No. (G28) in the 6th District of Worth, the properly of the late Wil liam T. Whittington, deceased. Sold for dietribu- tion. Terms Cash. This April 1st, 1807* PEN NR WHITINOTON, Administratrix. Dissolution. T HE firm of Gilbert k Vason has-thle day been dissolved, by W. II. Gilbert retiring and en gaging in the Drug DusinesdP W. H Gilbert in au thorised to wind up the unsettled business of the firm; GILHERT&VASON; Albany,' April 2d, 18G4. Tho undersigned, in retiring from tho firm ef Gilbert & Vason, acknowledges his obligations to Ids friends, nnd solicits for ids partner a continu ance of their custom, who will conduct the business nt tho old stand on hi* own account, nnd will he prepared to give his patrons good bargains. He invites also his friends to call and look nt his sup ply of Drugs at the Farmers’ Corner, where the firm of Gilbert & Bro. will be able lo accommodate them with everything In their line. W. H. GILBERT. Albany, April 2d, 1807. vTlio undersigned is prepared at the old stand of J0nbert^& Vason to accommodate tho publio with e Very flung heretofore kept by. them, and bege a share of the trade, ns he is satisfied that he will be able to make it to the interest of all who call to deal with him. W. I. VASON. Albany, April 2d, 18B7. 82tf NOTICE. miiE hou Beers & subscriber is now receiving at .the store house on Broad street formerly oocupied by leers & Brinson, and will offer on Monday,- the 16th of April inst., one of .he largest and beat se lected stocks of ■GOODS, WAKES AND MERCHANDISE, Of all deroriptions, on the moat reasonable terms, and at the L*trcsi Prices offered slice ike W*r, Having been selected with great care lo meet the Wants of all Glasses of Persons By Mr. Beers, who Is now ia NEW YORK OITY Taking advantage of the late reduced prices end lo CASH BUYERS Great inducements will be offered. We will also Sell on Time To the firvt of November next to persons making satisfactory arrangements. i .l i bupremo Court, with n view to cnjouiine report that deuthi have already occurred tho District Commnnders, *- 1 — trom actual starvation, and that unless sup- plio* reach soon reach them hundreds of des titute women and obildren will become the viotimtof famine. Although pressed hv demand* from varloti, section*, (Hr bevontl •heir ability to (apply, tho . Southwestern Ro’icf Association promptly sent, yester day, sevaral ear load* of grain to tho order of the** partiea; but that will only bo as a drop of water in the buoket, and the necessi ty is overwhelming for increaeed and notive exertions on tho part of our poople in behalf of our unfortunate brethren. [Louisville Courier. Albany (la., April 4, 1807. WM. W KENDRICK. *Auction Sale. O VER two thousand Volumes Books, *« damaged at the lale fire, will be sold , lion on Saturday, Oth April, commencing o clock, A. M. Consisting or Standard II Light Literature, Religious and Miscellaneoi School Books, Childrens’ Books, Blanks, & L. K. WELCH j Bankrupt Laws. T)ETITI0N8 in Bankruptcy under into A JT Congr.,, CAN NOT RE FILED nnlil tj ral order, orthe Judges of the order., ete„ eto. When the Circuit nnd district Court of Its Stntoi can properly hear the.e cs.evi gladly represent onr -clients before tin " oan bo determined in vac.tlon or term. HINES & I10B1 _ Albany, On., April 2, 1867. Drs. Callaway & PALMYRA, M.roh 80lh, 1867 [80-ly] Hew Goods From New York The Fire. 4 splendid stock of Pocket Knives, lUi sors, Table Cutlery, Pistols, Caps. C ing Tackle, &c. • -*7 •A L. B. WELCH theTatefire bub: Welch’s Coiner, But our Friends and Customers will Ban’s New Build JUST BELOW RAWSON S,.] Tl EADY (o serve them is before. V XL ceiving daily NEW GOODS to take ofthftt lost In tbs Are, so if you want! the DRUG LINE, go ss usual to Welch* New Building. L. E; & H E.J "just rec W niTS LEAD. Linseed Oil, Sperm Oil, Maoblne Oil, Van " ’ ALL RIGHT AGi TtATR. MORSE is again ready .46 reC IfX Clocks, and Jewelry, for cspnl.s. We guarantee all mo L. E. WELCH &'( Booksellers and J«( Ball's New Saved from the. Flj /*"\UU entire stock oMVatohcsand fi( VJ 8Uver and Silver Plated Ware, nhi sell at s—"— 82m8 t small profits. iThe ImJtttea. April 3.—Tho levco nt - . oopositc Natchez, has The dieaater cannot possibly 1 before the water ™ hes will bo ini igiuceruttboorovi • report* th*t ho _ is niithoritntively iloniod. Tho whole storv ia regarded as speculative. English’s majority for Governor ol Con necticut is 979. It is stated,that tho Attorney General has advised tho President that Gen. Sheri- dsn exceeded powers in removing the Louisiana Provisional officers. The Radicals claim that tho second and sixth sections confer unquestionable power. General Shoridan writca, that faithful enforcement of tho law will necessitate other removals. Sheridan’s action iu removing officers will probably go to tho Cabinet before publics tton. . Active measures have been adopted by the Agricultural Bureau to distribute fifty thousand dollars* worth of seeds, appro priated by Congress to the South, * ,. A marriage was indefinitely postponed, in ’ ofUv? bride being too drunk to Notice to Builders. S LL person, th.t are in want of good Lumber l ss Q be supplied promptly by bunding their . to Capt. Armstrong,"fit tho Depot. H. A. SCOTT. Albany, April A, 1867. 82ml LIVE AND LE’R LIVE. ll ESPECTFDLLY to those la of amt I u. something good to «*t. in tho woy of take bread, will please give him n call at Ua ntw place of business, opposite Town’s Block. Albany, April 2, lftq. *lml In Wright & Warren, 'Attorneys at L*w, Albrntyj ;p«,igU, Notice l L.E.WEL Booksellers ka«, • BhU’skt To City Tait; JL HE books for the asscssmeni of 1 city of Albany, will be open at I he ,( from (ho FIRST DAY of April to the,! of May next. Persons ghf 1 ble properly within that time, are I' *•*- J. F-.0A 1 March 28-27-1 m . JYOTJIC) A LL persons having loft Wnl A. repair*, aro rMneated K - redeem them WITHIN THIB will positively bo .old to pay c tSt“ At tb« Storo'of J • L.t ■swk28-!-w«w ■» SCHOOL ' A 1L kinds used in I tionery, &c. - - Albany, Jan