The Albany tri-weekly news. (Albany, Ga.) 1867-186?, May 02, 1867, Image 2

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HZ 8. a. SWEET,- -i'U’tol’. theotiuMo Worldtlocanot prowm, good work wllicli know beingdone i» this Sve^oir'g^en litnSgfcr Urt W» _ ;.- t s«^:ir=.irvr.-:' the most fintteriug attractions, lmt with rill city,asI doubt not there arc many who,like; month*, ami atu nil n(otic<* to any ncedtul M QA^-MAV ttd. >800. : of thwu disadvantages there arc many myself, till very recently, arc ignorant of its (trad iinjioriant. work that you have been tin* ia .u al , l0 |,jr us who would gladly brafvo nit tlic*s*o ; existence, nntl as we should always “give «^oto«lo, before the scorching heats of "•*■ »,:U. ., r r| 7 .; w ,„ *•«'<*Job,’*ami i» readyj|wt-lVup!«nMtbeworked ties ot May Dj) ill JIACoii, Du re will he u - v ..,j n t | lls country. It tin. agent of any • to neednt tin* lust of motive* m works of. ; ,t «,jj«p, before ihe )nii-jn) root* are thrown lepers printed 01) ttfcdny. vN ( ' v -** u *'t wpit omigration society should eome into South-; ehnritv, even to those who in other matter^ out, running around it close and deep with until Friday. .... Webern <ieorgia and make any respectable may be our opponents, I think you will i a sharp, narrow ‘‘bull tongue’’ or l, *'“ 44 lA r * whleh the middles may ncos between the ( , » with the* hoc.— ognition ut our hands. I refer to the presfy 'flint which i* more advanced, is ready lor a cnee among us of a medical mail sent ex-, second working, or booh will he. The sur- GeonorA—Dongherty County. - ; TO ALL WHOM IT MAY < ONrKU>r : IB E. RAW80N bating In proper form up- led to me for permanent Lettnfca of Adminls- • /' W IN NO TI !nuTo»ojUho^wUleof 0; W. Itawson/ l*ts ofsaid -* — «*■ eorgia and make any respectable ThoTolegraiiVronuM. to fin sl ,I10 w»i(l<l I* Mlwniitii-.l at » step wliith i« taken by tho preprint.w» lo' „„, n l, c| . who would bo WilHiict county, deceased. This is to cits-all Anil singular the creditors and next of bln of C. W-. Rawaon, lobe and appear at toy office within the time prescribed by law. and sftow cause, If any Ihcy can, why per manent administration should not be granted to A. B. Raweou on C. W. Rawson’s estate. Witness, my hand and official signature. This April Utah, IfttlT- W. II. WILDER Only. May 'id, ltMt7 13tSS^S«*I DrtDMD, and i»nj ' 0 ”if« , * t«ih ,f ApriHa»L, «ne of :h,°] 1 lected itocki «f GOOfi WARES AND MERCI iiiuhcil at theiagrca U’ltli me tliis one, enn-ind <<11 * ■ miiiiiii 1111 II , • ilbRwdfiatHoutn*lcntnttoir-h»!t iCdwentw rts.IwiliurtVI.HA'tskei.t U<2» rcffuco expenses, nmVoiit'wldl-li will lie an- |,j M- , «««» ao« plants *1 pi < imut quitted in by the remVr. 'i'ho-c «vw A , ArrM mml | 1(il . llo Bul , Xwim llMlvc grownpapera never pay, niul *<■ have fo It j ,ijg | States, but are impelled by eie- enrpriscil at our Mae.,,, 0,.temporaries for | cwAuw** lu leave their pmeut locality.— aetting their sails so wide. They are disheartened as to the cultivation t f oflnuds, and of peaceful relations between 11 Jiff races that now inhabit tliia part of the Tbo different Sabbat I, sc-lmois of tho eitv 1 'nuntiy. Ifleft to ourselves, there would -win Miserable at the llaptist tllmreb.b,, Mnv ! "" '''‘i"'" "1’ a eoiilliet between the races. Alktay Union Sabbath School Celrbrallon. presalv hy’lilt* (toverniucu^ Io devote his ‘‘h f »uld ^ whole time,attention and ability to the vc- ’jevi-i''i- ; liefof tliu poor in this district. Since the',,^.,.*,..,,^. beginning oft his vear lm has siftended to me«l in t l.c 1:;| mellow, frequently lVe<; from possible. Xo hillin turning plow e.diure ofn.111. It is never A LAUGE ANI) New Stooh of Goods for Sale ; Of all descriptions, on the most x and at the THE near and extensive stock of Good!* recently weetls and as purohasod and opened hy Charles W. llawiou, now ■■•••* • 'deceased, *“' ' * * 4 “ *"*'**’ will be sold in bulk ON TIME, on jrood lowest Prices offered sUce Hating been selected with great e|r« 1 l “ 4 fi U, V # I s«c*why, and the .Store at Kawaon's old stand, cor- Should l>e | nel . 0 f broad and Washington Streets, in which the | Goods now arSrwUl be rented to the purchaser. 3d,at 10 o'clock, A. M., at which pbwd np- Hut with the . yatem uflahortotally derang- Ry Mr. Bwrs, who U now U j YORK Cl ..'propriato wMr««M will W ,leli*iv,l. - ; « ''•H«- n^itratico t»t there i» now Front tlicnco tl,u prodoetioii,' will irjrnir I" ‘ l-'riuMal'le organleatioi) at Ihe Xnrlb, ■TltV, Grove,and partaboofrelVeriinu-iile. i b * l ' k '"> ''. v 1'»„.Iiw"1h »l lliinisau,U„l',im„-.-, BiVi Mr. Andrews will net „« Marshal of! is to scatter broadcast seed* of tho day. Tbcwo fbrtiishing refivshuuut.- are .quested to send them to tho Grove h\ o'clock in tlto fqrcuonn of that day. Citizens generally are Invited, ami ninbcrcly trust that they wifi n«»t only « tribute, but also attend Dm ccleliniiioii. .), M. OoifKit, . .1 v*». l: lift r, v " ; ' r Chm'tt of Com. of Arram.i’nu nf- S of.listrutU mid variances between the ■ races, and pend their emissaries, bended by furnished, lo apply for e\» ry otlter tiling.-. Leeds all iti-fouls, and retptireh rich, mellow ■ Tub Latent litt*uovt.o Imckovi. mi-.m,— Tho editor of tlto New York II onio .iournal cays, on Good Friday he took .i pew in mm of tbo fashionable elm reh t * in the city, and plokod up a book entitled “tNnumon l'ray. or," on opening it, to bis sui prist-, found on tholhsido of the cover ti looking-glu-«. This Arrangement is to enable the fair ones toad mire themselves, and arrange theircdiiguous | b»\v figures in during service. •Senator Wilson, to ntir up, uudeontinuu at boiling lu at, the hatred and malice engen- Ih red by the late civil strife, mid to witnc?* in oju’own inidit the distrust and want of c'Mtlidciiee with wliicb the black man is tmight to regard his former master, is it n wonder that they should desire a better country. We knmv these are distasteful t ruths, but truths nevertheless, H pains us in make the roiilcssion, hut candor compel Is •t. We i» ish it was in our power to point (osome hope that would quiet, the restless ness of our people. Mere assertion will not which mnv be required for the establishment' .b r, " u »'d «" extend them in ; and so we again an.I cllii-ieiit working „IT.i. I, an in.-lilnllwa,. H'- ';.■■!<>< |.l'.wi.. g , •* .’.d«ip; l.m keel, the sttrjace open, Ireelv and it wift he supplied. { •» 'pulverized, and frequently stilled. This -tem u ill giu-\**u a good crop almost asou. Coi n may yel--lm planted on groundsand f.ivorahle -qmts, and Now. notwithstanding the hard thought and feelings which many perhaps naturally s,,l . v entertain towards the Government, there ,S( are (ew, f tfiiifk, who will refuse to admit the generosity of these nets and promises* amlitisa matter well worthy of public consideration whether this oiler of the Gov ernment respecting the hospital should not be promptly ne t, and a building provided at the public expen.-e, or by private sub- carry out this Yours Jfcc. diject. \* t n i*i:• Ok a Bundkii.—From intimations in the StfAimaU Advertiser, it would seem that thoio "odd fellows” from Macon who rejoice Ih tilO "art preservative/’ have bad a gay time. YVo do not wish them one pie Imb. one the other day of a certain Colonel in the late war, whieli, we think, will hear repeat ing, The Colonel aforesaid was riding in a Mage coach, with several other passe tigers, i when he accident I v dropped hat outside the ’ e *aelu Put ting Ins bend out of the window . Im exclaimed in a seiitoriau voice; “Charioteer, nauseJ I have lost liiy , eiiapenu !”• [ ’I lie driver paid no heed to tin* eotumnnd. ( \gain the bomhastic fellow authoritativelv j «p:tkr—> “ Charioteer, pause! I have lost my ] cliniienu!” . , No attention being paid hy the ilriver to 1 <Mllou tho second time vvlieir there was any ! this l.rM eomnuiml, a plain, blunt man, whb thing good to eat at hand, We wonder ill hid become disgustnl witlihis fellow trav- We couldn’t gut a ticket, too, ns Albany is I el i v -silliness and pomposity, put Ids head Hot A contestant ’for tbcho,, „•* vihi.-li -'inu. “ u{ V 1 'vlmlow, nil.) said’: 1M«our village ncighW- l, " M "" ! •' i; "' 11 «** > w ' This was perfectly into combat the locic of events, or satisfy tliede- 1 ion, t mauds justilied hy the fa. ts. There are thotis'iucla of acres of laud in South- Western Georgia that eonld he purchased nt very "ISVl|H«llcd (if tllj* (1(-|.IVK- | ... Xl A.-c/N, Aj.l-il nti.l 307. '• ’ J Corros,—Our-market opened this morn- n m miL _ ; ing with n hriak and active demand (br Cot- en.MiiiiTuivii Wohi-.-mlM-nn,!! , ”’' 1 ' vm ' va-.-riy lakanliy Albany, April noth, Itm/. laitKiTrs? shnuhi be put in every It is oim of our “great slide efforts should be abundance. Cotton in now reside and bring to a stand.* ' soon sis t lie seed leaves while the kind scraping your « slide, s'• that t! (AptMed to the j in this working, I says Dr. Plumps*, for it 'that gin- lrouble." lb ■ quarc rood oi lamb •tuples,” and no pos- spared to proiluce tut t o sera pc, mould, llegin the work ns hilly expanded, and i- tie di and clean. After -t i n, mould an mhiii as pos- young rootlets may not he reselling efi'erts of tho Sim. lean oil sill the old surlaee, this first grass •rt'vfid «t this Tk Eruou.—Our friend Charley up the roadliM been led into error in reh ronec to BHaj CelebrationXo ronie oil at Mmiilivilh or Saturday next. To ivniuiier:;ie him for hU cfforlaIn imagination as to what was to be provided, they have sent him i ...mj.ii menUry ticket, Charley never had i-» lu Truth Frri.v Si*oki-:n. -.1 udi; * Fr-kine OR the recent trial oft lme. Id.rated I'l.inteih* 4s Mechanics' Hank ease , thus aptly n- marks.' And I will liorc lake occasion h> remark that while I have the honor to Gt a-a.lodge of this court, I will discourage, nay, dis- Opuntenancc all the delicately emuiiiig and curious devices that Imveerej*' into Dm* m ' once of pleading. Tho law, says Lord Coke “speaketh by good pleading,’” and tin* day has arrived when this wise axiom of that’ great lawyer it to bo interpreted liberally. Ih'u is';m age of progress and iitililariani-m in law a- in oiher BOtcuccs, ami i is iheivlore higii . time that the subtleties and lisputn- tlOD» of tho nneient pleader, wav i common sense and common reaum. •d. vplrt »v gildetothe dri •and nil, and the hat was sr buyers at J t.j cents, rnluvorable telegrapl. ie advices at mum enu-ed the inquiry to ee.ise, and no sales were made in Dm after noon. ^ Liv»:nroni, April market less firm today and closed easier at a decline. The following arc the author- ized closing <}in«tati«*i»s: .Middling upland.- Il : /d; middling Orhams I J ; sales pj Don Imlci. Arm -r.\, April—Cotton market open- 1 ed active and closed dull; sales tUO bales; reccipts r tU.r» hales; strict middling *J7. j Savannah, April ;m.- Sales of cot ton 171 ( " 1 -‘ M,,i V b iles; market closed .lull mid heavy : utid- ,1 1 illings 1*711-7.1: r<*eeipts mi bales. * / to day Ciiai;i.i:-jon, .vjiril mo.- Cotton market {> ( l v < 1 > * opened strong but «dosed easy; sales Jinn bales; iniddliiigs l’.s ; reecijits fiuo Ynv Yoi:u, April an, livening.—Cotton dull at one cent decline; sales |noo at *jne. working not to break down the bed or to bruise or injure tim young plants, for rough usuage at this time often emisi-> the plants to die out wi eks lienee from injuries need* le.-sly reeeiv i d. \\ Imre, from bad seed or other came, there i* a failure in procuring n stand, the planter mu-t use his judgement in regard to what shall be idautcd instead. . ^ ! I hinese Sugar (’nue, Cow 1 Van, and Sweet imig.—l "Uon ,1’ntnilf .li|w imitlii'sc wllicli :m- m.isl likely to succeed. Ground as thoroughly j.repar- ;‘*d as is necessary for Colton, should he made to yield a return of some kind, in ease - "fa fad stand. Q | {Southern Cultivator. April 30th, [2«r] Temporary Atlminist^ni fifteen hundred eases without fee or charge, necessary, except incases where the weeds j Persons wishing lo purchase will apply at ouce to Rn.ll,-»v..,ntmt,iiinv,liM...M-, ,l,-i,,n,-li„. 'll! "I’t'iii'V'l - M<ri> :i lootlioM tlmt they ™ "ibioribwfor lmn«. Thta lii »oikori«t<lby nn , r • - 1 1 T - k, l.ut-T.-.l Im-m-.l mul.-r-kHt wo order of .h. tWofOri .««ofDo 0f b e rty co,m.y. tlm extent ol the requirements of one regi- i , , , .• , , , • ANNIE E. HAW SON, \ , . , ,i It i i * • “I Dial none oj oin readtis allow then Temnorarv Administratrix. Taking sdrsnUM of th% 1*1* r«di incut in the hi my. He has made requisition ^cwops to get into that condition. In break- r v I I'M* a further supply-of three times this ing up lor corn, vve cannot plow too ileej)— ijiinntity, and which he is expect im; to ar- 1 ’"‘h "j ‘''dtivating the crop after the first rive imiiiediatelv. j working, the harrow' and sweep are the ...... ' " , . , , . . . proper tools; for “as lar as can )/e avoided, ^ He is further nutlmn/ed, I ant jnlonued. I|tl ,. (Klts „rshort-lived annual crops should if a suitable building for a hospital can be ever lie broken or wounded.” Tho corn NOTICE ! Atl persons concerned will tako notice thnf the 1 notes und accounts due the estates of E. II. Kieiian, 8. S. Crawford, Stephen Egsn, Daniel Wingnrd niul Henry Thomas, havo been placed in tho hands of Stroicr & Smith, Attorneys, for collection, with in- ALL structions lo HUE ALL PERSONS indebted lo said estates by the next return day of the Superior t’oiirt. You wi’i plesso therefore tnkc duo noli? and govern yourselves accordingly. J. V. CAKOILE, Adni’r. , April 27, 2w CASH BT Groat inducements will be offered. *y«9 Soil on To the first of .November RexttoMn^I satisfactory arrangements. Albany (in. WM. W. 1 April 4,1W7. Worth Sheriff’s Sale. LIVE AND LET Will be sold before the Court House door id the town of Isabella, Worth county. Gn., on tho first Tuesday iu June next, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wii: One lot of laud, levied on as the properly of J, T. Lamar, number not known, lmt known ns the place whereon Dr. Lamar now lives. Property pointed out by Lamar, lo satisfy one tax fifa. f At the same timo and place will be sold lot of land number 18, in the loth district of Worth coun ty,/cried ou as the property of A. J. Macarthy to satisfy three tax Was. Property pointed out hy Maearthy. Also nt the same time and place, will bo sold lot of land number 182, in (lie Utli district of Worth county, as the property of E. Hoy, deceased, to sat isfy one tax fifa. Also at the same thuc and place, wib be sold lot of land number not known, but known as the place whereon J. J, Williams now lives, to satisfy one tax fifa. Also at the satne time and place, will he sold half lot of land number not known, but known as the property of Jns. M* C. Holomnn now live*, to sat isfy one tax fifa. Levys made ami returned to mo by a constanle. WM. KEEN, Sheriff. April 22, 18117 TO PLANTERS. r pHOSE who desire to he furnished with Mixed Mfctinffin Columbia, April *jt». - Another im- Vitv !v aUemb’d, Wscul t ill‘1 * Iu. SUPPLIES ON TIUR, Cun boncoommoilnled liy calling on my ftntlioritctl Ay.nt, Sli/U>K ATKINSON, JN,,., w |,n will be l.mml at myicoro nlnll limes. IV. I. VASON all-apl -u Amullto, known na ‘-Cni/y 11. s,” i ,m- flnsdiu tho oayliiui at lta<-iul>, WUrmoiii. lmajnat prosenlvtl Uio ,-uijmr iii-.n niiii .1 present in tin-fiinn c-l u ti..>mu-iin' (<nii- "l lirln«. “Be” is a “lone woman," lias luui confined in tho anylum for swa al vvars. Rod the strangest par; of the wludv atlair H that "Botsy” WAS iievep s > tuprisvtl alomt anything in her whole lit \\ <• fiml tIm* above going tin* roiiml of nvwspapvitloin. Having had the pivasnre "I slinking the Imtnloftlu! afinvsaid GoloiH‘I wo ran add tnir testimony as to the enrrenl ropoit, only, ifour momory serves ns rightly :t was inoro « , lj»l*nr;ite. The gontlomnn re. lei'ivtl (ti, is('ol. Iloimsrl, of <Jrn. Floyd’s stall', ami well known in Among 111!* St ate* Line boy fbuierals right hand man. Aside from . i.i., lit* was a gallant soldier, and a m in oi t onsiderahJt* alt.'iimuents, bring, ' in the estimation of many, one ot Die best liislm-l.-m* nf Iris tiny, l'iii-ts :in<l flgim-a : never (■*< apod him, and for this eapaeitv and , "..*>■ bis genial qualities, Gen. Floyd heeame ' muelt attrelied to him. Wo believe be was a graduate ot the Military school at l.exing- M* n, Virginia. -I'nrlianunt resumed iu the House ot Coin- of A Young LahyV rit wois.—A young — Tldj thus describes her feelim-s an 1 courts »ymp,thy. Wo hope she may soon lvalue tho chango that . she bo devoutly w isbes for; j question, causing in I’aris. LuM'ii.n, Abril .10. its session yesterday. Western Virginia | nions last night, laud Stanley, Secretary, o iv* In- w-ns rocnriloii Alljilrn, In fo).l.v j'n gC iniAm-y • n that the piopesitioit Lu* a pcace-eott gresK had been aecepleil by Frauv I’russia, ami he was of tie* opinion that the Luxemburg!* atlair n onld bo s:ili>l:ictorily settled. I»i:i:i.i\, April ;u». -'I'iu I*russiau Diet was opened xes'.erday by the King in a speech from tin* Do one. King William said : “The unity oi Germany was an assur ance of peace lo Europe.” lie urged a speedy, adoption ot the Foustitutioii. The Jvyig [ was silent in pgard to Luxemburg. I li’n iiAioNo, Abril TiPmormw Die j Mi.i.i.—Tlio Now York Tiim-s, in com i «lm-l Viir Coiuimiiy «ill mil lour MU* lor ... , . , , '! both wlutes and Iilaeks, and two cars for I nii’ii!ii f! i.poii the cluimrtrr ol *|>,’colic, ,1c-1 1:ll|il , s , t . olu| ,. lllv „,’,i v )ul b\ercdt*» the ncgroi's in tbo South by He- i 'fids is done alter eousnltatioi publican speakers, says we observe tiiat Schofield, they are told ngreat deni about their rights j From M«l*blngfon. ‘ ami wrongs, about the eriminulity of the ; W.\suiN*.mi\, April MO.—Tlte third remit , and largely attended. Goteru lo-sc.l Diem inn speech of an Di^ giving tin* e.>lored meiind- \ if.* a> to their political and toeial duties, and urgbtg that they .-It*>uM allot present attach ;hem.i.lve p> neither the “ nor Kepuhlb an party,but to wait and ar ray themselves upon the platform of the National Fnion party, that eonld be occu pied in common by both racesSoiitb ami all the people North. He counselled modern* r.uNi.n:;, April SO.-King William ol |'VV ^i 11KUi “! le "> ,h ?'' !’ r0 - Prussia is entirely silent on the Luxemburg Piano Tuning. O. B. RICE VS f«r the | Hi*to yn»j all seen I'urrlRii \cns by the cubic, L ut hi Albfiny oi a lew I,- . I of mui’ g «nil ropolriug 1’lnlio, Ilciimmuic ! ,| 1M rtl'I.KNUll) 1’IANO 1» olferc.1 tor ,«1» m Mr. L. K. Welch’s Book HioreT April 23, 1807 [40 •KIN*. \\ II l,| A XL 'oiisiderable uneasiness \ bled the tie*, pie South lid their duty, the poo- •add s(e fheui educated and rea«<i!i!»ble j»rivi!eges of free st v ears,— tiler consultation with General ecu roil iti men. f l lie Oommittee nn rc-i»lutlojj,s consisted of I M, white and bhie^. The platform, wliieh i-* eon.servatiu-, was unaiiiinotisly adopted. ’) It.provides for free schools for tho education •nut I *d* ! ill ehiltlroi', and for the revision ot the 1 (Yimimd (’ode of the State. I c*After the n**!i»bilions, a speOelt was made* by Hev. I lenry M. Tunuer, (eolored) oft i Washington, 1>. He said he eared Kir | no party—he simply desired tlto rights of i hi- race, and u> <mhl adhere oiifv to that or ganization which i n tired all the privileges ot tnatdiood. lie wished, almvo all The things, to see a united South for ho felt sal- i-lied«hat, notwithstanding tlto education of the past, Soutljurn gentlemen were the best and I rue-t la tends of tlto negro, Hon, .lames G. Gilibs, ex-Mayor, followed with muelt g*>otl a*lviee, referring to the duties of colored eit i/.ens, niul gavo assur ance of a Cordial co-operation of the people " to their advancement. in measures looking ’ Mr bwrtlsiick, my heart e m»I, out oh! the c r«*bels —. — ...e cau'H* l jjiite not u*ti, I am not griev*sl, 1 miii not t?t.» !, I on oot lII, I am «ot well! rm not rayvclf, I'm not th6»nnu*; • in mw» luyreii! i . M 0d T ^ ,UnV ; — _—..din all. except in tu»in« - Ou, when ahtil I bochin^tMi in thn! I ,A i Cbkkriso From Alajuua.—'The Mont gomery Mail says: From ail parts of tho State' we hear the moat cheering Recounts of the next crop.— Cotton and coni are growing, finely, and. ihe generality of farmers are blessed with good-stands of both. With anvf hiw; im afsvorublo Scaa&n, Alabama will relieve herself front starvat ion in u few motidis Benator Wilson tolls the Bouthom people that it is not only necessary for them, to re ceive political grace, to Reconstruct under tho laws of Congress, but to join the Uadi- cai party. In sfto^hocomo political Pnsey- ita, and always when they pray turn their faces toward ti the East. and the lovt'liness »>f tho last ('on- gti ! s ; but no one scents to have informed then that we have a Constitution in tills country,and tlmt our Government is based Coustitalioiml principlesnnd has Constitu- thuial limifalions. It will be admitted on all bands Dial it is highly important that the negro voters who will hereafter control the dest inies of large portions of our coun try, should he informed of this fact. tauee of forty seven hundred and liliy dol I a is, making* a total of $17,not) in gold ha- beeu received from Fa iforma by. tho the Southern Famine CVtumisMnn, Tha Secretary of the Treasury has issued a Circular directing Assessors to tax shin- plasters ten per cent. Secretaries Browning and Stanton are sick; tbo other Secretaries attended a cabi net meeting to-day. v Internal Hovemte to-day amounts t«» $i:io* 000, AVIin! :t I’l.'Jicuiotts iilva, when Mr. Rny. :' lr - SUiibwiyV iijlcipn.t.itioii <.r tbo i„ ,i...I >.-.*!•» reuonstniclumbiU'riljbero.l sinntjou of tin) Constitution" lost winter, Ami sntv it tlocoutlff >\*nsbingt8Q buried before lie left TaJ-oSA Bios.—Tbb^rtSrKilriwijIyT^^n bas given Mestri*; StbrficM Ari Cole man permission to again lfang out! ijieir eign, the “Lone f*tav .Saloon,’’ that Captain Uo la hleasn ordr rod tbom to' take tlotvii •onto three months since. Tin: Cash op Jkpfkhkox Davis.—A Washington dispatch of the 21th says “‘In telligence was received here to-day from Richmond which shows tiiat it is, alter ail again iit doubt whether Judge Underwood nil) essay the trial of Jefferson Davis at the May term of the United States District Court. It the term be adjoiirtcd without aimU tiiat, the, President has determined to at once release Davis front confinement nt Forties Monroe, on nominal bail; The President has hi his possession a letter sign- ’ '(M^-^hS^so.o.proporiUon JUrecly, offering to ho'oribof I)ondp»nen. r ttHhe-Cabinet rn'FvtdayT - Tho published statements as to its character are very spec; ulative^ Amonjr tho articles sent by J’ntSsia to tbo 1-ceneh K\jio-ij-.'jj at Haris was a colossal equestrian statue of |he* King, represented iu warlike attitude and with a drawn sword. We do not know whether the statue has yet been set up; but if it has been it must be a very suggestive study to Nai’olho.n unq tlto wits of Haris an this crisis. Wilson at llnlclgh. K.xi.r.n.u, N. C„ April mu.—Seiiator Wil son’arrived last night and spoke in the Aftican Chuach. Do advised tlic negroes to educate themselves, acejuire property and buy land, lie denounced the lattei- day saints and ceutioned’tho slaves against them, lie uas followed by two colored speakers, who made Foiiseuyutive speeches. Wtbon spoke KKlaV 'Itr Capitol -Squire will* the same tone as last night, and was listened to nttenlively l>y .a large audience of white mid black, among them several prominent citizens. Mj. Bncqanan, - TvlfosT fortune is reck oned at $2000,000,5s the richest of' our stir? viviog ex-T-reridenU. — - . Mr. JudaR lVBeJ\jaR*in has been complv* mented froin the bench,t&jp I^ndou forhis ''S'siSs.v, ' ' will read:, it i-i e.vpeetei!, lift y thjn BKS. SIMS & iiIc.1IILIi.VV H AV I’. nnsociiiuM iltcmsclrs* to^clhcr i» the practice of mcdicinr, and hcrchy lender their mm \ u-cs ii) tin* ritisem* of Albany am) ricinify. OFFICE—At lite Drug fc’torc of Gilbert .S; lJro., on Wa>biujjto» >trcei. May gil, J8D7 [44if] ^ Oi Srlntefftal Revenue Office-, IOtii Div. 2o Disthiut or Gbokcua. All licenses expired on Ibc MOibday of April:— tV Dailies interested imtuodiAteiy, May 2d, 2vr nre rcqttireil to renew tbo aarne A. N\ HINES. As-lstnnt Assessor. Notice to bridge Builders! jpBOrOSA'6 arc solicited' Yy tbo Inferior Court, of Do»nhertji..<N>nnty, t u biiUd a tBrid^ on oi • the silt* of the o'd Bridge, ncrosn Klnchxfoondi near the sin* of ih«* o>l Bridge, acrosHKlnchafoonoo Greek nt ill f'S 1JLU MILL, in eahl county.— I'ropoaiiji to be deposited Wirh the t’J.crk of the Court by Monday, tho Uikinet., nt lOo’uiock.A. M. JOHN Jackson /. j. JA«. M.‘MEUGBtti*t IX MERCER & SMITH, CORNER BROAD AND WASHINGTON STS. Albany, Georgia. Have on Imnil, nml iwo conslnntty rocoivlna, A Good Stock of Goods, Consisting, in port, of llacon, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Salt, Cheese, Jririi Po tatoes, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Potash, f Pickles, Sardines, Can dles, Soda, Liquors, Powder, Shot, Lead, Percussion Caps, Hollow-Ware, Iron, Nails, Plow Steel, Trace Chains, Hoes, Plow Lines. STAPLE DRY GOODS. HATS, SHOES, BROOMS, TUBS, Bl’CKETS TUBS, , AC. SHOES, BROOMS, SKIVES, kC. Tho highest market prices paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE, • jan 24,3-Cw Mitchell, Shallcross & Co. Provision AND (Commission llfutljiiuis, LOUISVILLE, - - tobsa—ta lm ’ KT. o 7, < Repaired At MACON PRICES X^ROM THE ENTIRE satisfaction given by our Experieiicad W or km an, In tb.lMt four months, we conCdtnily Mk frte&ds ud cuMomm to Twin; in their J uiuuno tutu UOKUIIJ) For repair*, nod gtunntco MUjfa,tion.' Done to -Orden at L. R- Welch St, Go’s. BOOK A?D JEWELUVS^pitte. ; Spoottole OUases refitted to oult all ages. Albany, Jan. 17, 18G7, ” ’ - ■ o. Spitz, Opposite Town’s BlJ Ti, ESPECTFULLV an&oancei to Ute • Albany and ticlnlty, that he hueafc- ... BAKERY,and will bo pleased uj Ghl friends and Customers give him a 1 SHARE cUhalr-patranaf, as his eipei' to lie excelled in bis line of butlness. — Orders From Tin— | ADIS for Cake, or anything else Ja his Hat, t up to suit their taste. Gtra mi aCail. 1 April 13, 18G7 ’ ESTABLISHED It D. C. HODGKINS A'l Wliolcsale and Retail Dealt — IN— Fire Arms, Fishing Tai AND Sporting G-oc of ererydescription. S0UGUN and PISTOL MATERIAL t hand, and furnished the trade. April 10, [87.] JUST AMR Pig Hums, Sug»r Cut l''lour, Applet, Tom I’icltlcs, nssorted enil i Pir.e Apple*, , M’ine Cracker*, Sardine*, Hct BEST ARTIttE CIBWIHfi Krccdincn’* AltO, Tobacco, Durham | Tobacco. OHjDSTWVT asm 1 U0CBB0N MUIBKT, 1,000 Lbs. LEAP TO ARRIVE. J-nrgc Lot of Choice Family ] P- T-argc T.ot of Freedmen’a FI A fine Lot of Sugar Cored HAKS.J Also, s very large att 0-001 Of all kinds. Orders for Corn and. Bacon vfll.^3 filled at 2$ per cent, commission os 0 Planters are offered time ’§0 Freedmen, until 1st or November. ~ April 2, 1807. Dlssolutlc T HE firm of Gilbert & Vason has d dissolyed^ by W. H. GUbi _ diasoired. by gaging In Ihe Drug Business, tborited to wind up the uns firm. ' OIL] Albany, April 2d, 1864. The undersigned, ip retiring froM Gilbert k Vason, acknowledges his * his Irion ds, and solieita for t . ance of their custom, who willoosdt at the old stand on kt. oilrn aeeoj prepared to giro his patrfoa good* inv|tes also his friends to/e “ ply of Drugs at ths Ftr/u firm or Gilbert & Bro. will be aM them with everything Iniheir liae.__ Albany, April 2d, 1867, The undersigned is prepared at tk«w Gilbert & Vasow to aceommodatathsf everything heretofore kept by ■hare of the tfadOfis he is satisM J able to make it to the’ Interest «f •* deal with him. vT. . Albany, April 2d; f BoathriiUBrindB ALBANY, TE hare on hand a superb “ J . / " consisting in part of I Sugar, Tobacco, Sogars, Snuff, Totatocs. Cheese, Crackers, Ca - Sardines, Pickles, Herrings, fi8h of " everjr kind. Also, now everything else to be fould I* •* and Confectionary- All Wiaskmi! we rillccnrinca th* public that* better bargains than any s April2 2, 1867. 5BJ" Notice to peraous lhat ar* im 1 , at t