The Albany tri-weekly news. (Albany, Ga.) 1867-186?, May 16, 1867, Image 2

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mam jA All l» Over. AI.BAXY.OAV ttAV&flltli: Uto. .^RiShS Giurtix, May‘lull, ijfi.' , '*TrsKT, Editor Albany Xcw*-Sm: Tlio great auapenso which Una filled tUo hearts and mind» ofonr (Kloiile baa at last been relieved. The injunction cnao lias at Inst been thrown out ofVCourt fiir want oti iiitnMitiinLtfJ! Mr. Darla before the Catted Stales Jits- f '" trtet I'oart.■' n: ' T" -1 \ ’ nit lisTKL’s ncro noNoa andib err at' . Liniijfri-. •V;'X; a'^ V* arr- flooring to pnrehate BACON on »r* • « H,rv ^ um T , 1 Tr i Un HUojfi), May 18.—Tho Stato Conrt „ I jnfWuiotion. I Iiih wo (nought evident from ! wnB | ( ac*ke«1 tliin morning. A military gunrd ** j the tenor of Attorney (iouornl Stnnbcrry'A : wh* ntationed around it and utrong police r , argument. TIiohc wlm have I iron waiting —A shorttitno ^inro, tiling It Mi\ #1. SN . | 4 * tin* «-inl :ir«* m.» \v **:»t i«*ti«Ml :»i.’«*nst i- Sparks, we received a donation from a poi- st hutiou f u Froidcnt.or a Supremo Court, tion of your citUen*, for the benefit outlie. cannot withstand flic cncmnehing menaces' of Radicalism. AH.are like straw* before Indies were Memorial Association of this place. The amount forwarded was *00 no in greenbacks and 91 In gold. •. Throttglit bo medium of your worthy Jour nal, we preacJit our «iue#re thanks tor this timely aid. • Wo receive the gilt ;> another evidence that those who fought 'o bravely for South ern independence, are retm inhered with af fection by the living. Mfty tho evergreen u l*i**!i wunca over the soldier's last resting place, ever ho an em blem of tho h»ve we hear our noble dead. Very Ilc.-peelfully. *Mi:c. In.v.m \YI N'll ll‘. 1’ios. Mrs. Ilrnii Moituow, Soen-taiv. force in-idc. About twenty among the sneetators, also tidy negroid.— At II o’clock Mr. Davis w as hrotigiit in. and took a seat next to the prisoner box. with ( Hurt on and the Marshal. A servant accompanied him. Mr. Davis, sit- the w ind. It is a painful admission that tho tiug by an open window, remarked, “it is:» Oliver.uncut to which we were taught to 1 hltlocohl, i.n.ttV aTO he was then re- . . ..... , ' moved to a seat near Ins counsel in front ot look lor protection and relief, is no long, rm t|u . j ud?li# |! m Ws return to the existence. It is in the la>t stages of disso* writ was read, and the Judge complimented lutiou. And *•«.<.n the fearful and terrible I hut on in obeying the laws and released him realities of anarchy will rush upon ns,- and 1 °l tliu custody of Mr. liavis, I he Marshal all that was noble, mid worthy, and good* ACCEPTANCES, Payable Firs* .Vove«brr N*xl, I'flu nuke arraufcnu-nts to J.» m» l»y calling «*n a*. iii:rci:r a niitii. Muj hlili, |s»,7 [60-81] LIST OF LBTTSRS it.itu Haiti- Till'. Mkktin*;.—The nxixnl Hin ting is still ill progress at the Methodist church. — Quito a number have already joined the church, and scores nic found at the altar evfrrv night. The meeting will he contin ued during the prei-eitt Week. ltl*X. J. I’. Duncan thus far has hern t!.• • principal la* borer 'll. Ibis good Work. lb lias crowded houses every night to listen to his earnest presentations oft ho gospel. K«-v..). S? Key, ofMacoti, arrived last V\* ni:ig, and was greeted with a Ml lions*-. .Max the good work go on. A h'lM'TlAM.- Our enterprising friend, John Talbott, bus purchased the “lock of goods belonging t'* r. \V. Ilaxv-on's estate* and will open in a lew days, ready >*• dispore of tho goods at moderate prices. Success attend him. 1)kmuiiki:t s Mom in v.— fid** beautiful and favorite periodical comes to us with all • the IVeahness ami fragrance ot the June roses. It improves with every issue, and we are not surprised that ladies find it the in* dispensable companion «»f tie -ir working as well as their leisure hours. Its varied eon* tonta embrace almost every topic of interest in the parlor, kitchen, ami nursery, w hile its Hcnalblo tone and the amount ot valuable information furnished, nut to speak of the money value of’its excellent patterns, render it a capital investment of $a, without the premium which i-* sent ton-very yearly sub scription. Address. \V. JKNNINDS DK.MOUKST. !7:: |li-«*\i»\x \x. N. Y. will he swept away before the whirlwind of pus-doii ami fanaticisni. The only hope is with the pcoph*. and w«- must confess that as an iudiviilual, this is very weak. The same populace who sing liossanas to-day, will cry on to-morrow, *• axvay with him, crucify him, crucify him !*\ 'fin- duty, lioxs ever, of action is non*.* the less bind in;:. We *dinuld seize iipiin tlie opportunities granted by the lull of the storm, and come forward and reg* iiter, ami prepare to v**te, uml it' possible, to sav«- something out of the general wreck. He who HtamN aloof in this hour -I peril* surrenders all. It istr.ue, as om i.fihe g.ieat iniu«ls «»t* tli«* age has Haiti, "that one .revolution plants the see*I for ajiother." IJv tin- ileeision *if the .Supremo < otirt. the people oft he South stand justified hefiiix- the world in their ap' peal to arms. Hy their net ion they have made rebellion honorable, not odious. That allotlu-r will follow, i- evident from tchtiuio ny gathered from different seel ions of the country. Moles-, an individual than Caleb Cushing, 'peaking °f Xcw Kngl.iiid and lu-r malignant spirit, says; “Proud in the hour ofti iumph over lu-r ancient hut now fallen foe, and while the South is now a prostrate country, lying like a headless body exposed to tiie spurn of the passer-by, New Kuglniid immediately served on him a bench warrant to answer to the Norfolk indictment. Mr. O'Conor spoke of Mr. Davis* long imprison- has tlii* reins, and while she holds them she . will drive niiiL'Ii'shoil ,„vv thu .ffinioicl l, "" il . v ' a»'l a Ihw iamsi.uaI IVi. i.iN States, and place the imp she has prepare*! even to the lips of her hitherto Northern allies, lint the hour cometh,” say« Dcncral Cushing, ‘•when the awakening people of tin- West, who have in the past followed the lead of the Kast, xxill assert that strength xxhose iiTcsisiihle poxxt-r is to emitrol this count ry.” Tin total disregard for laxv tlnoughon* the rami, and tin 1 great conflict that is now going on it* ih. West, hclxvtcii capital and labor, in cx'useipi* in i- of the New Knglaial eight hour sy-leii.i, points to tin- 'rune li-arful TlliYKItKKNA. • dYi- )i iv«- reei-ixed from that enterprising film, M*--rs. Ilmen A Brown, of Macon, a eop\ id this uniipie pul*- liention. It is lull«-t tun and f.uu'j, as w«-lh as wit and sarcasm. It i- gotten up by our goniul and facetious friend. Darby Doyle, local on the l.ouisx ill*- Comicr. It not only contains tlx- outgu>hing-- • • l Darby s soul, hut ftlfm rclcctions Iroui Brick Poiu« , l'*»y ; 4 ‘ Asa Hart/.," *• Yuba Dam," mid others.— It Usent postpaid on the receipt of M\y cents, or it may he had of tin- nexvs hoy>«*n the trains. Maovoi.ias.—This hi-atux of the South is now lndciiiug the iitmosplw re *-t«mr vicinity with its pleasant o*lor, as xvell as beautify ing the skirts of green with its appearance. Mki.axcuoi.v'.-AVe are pained t*> , learn (says the Atlanta New V'.ra of yester liny), that iutelligeiu e was reei-lvcd here yesterday conveying the information that on Sunday last, Ira II. Taylor, Kmj.. auditor of the Western A Atlantic Kailmad, eom- initted suicide near station Vo. H\ Central • Hoad. He xvent into l i- In >tln-r in la w*' room, locked the door, uml shot hiniscit.— Hq led a note, ass ignitig as a cause rash not that he found he was tending t« • ward insanity, and rather than become un inmate ot a lamitie asylum, he would his existence. .Mr. Tailor was highly teciued hy all who km-w him. 11 o leaves a wife and two children. truth. The rchelIinh xx hi«-h i' mi 1 In- ex*- of open denum-t ration in Hu- city N«-xx ^ ork.tells . itM/^vu .story, 'l l,, Times --ays edilorially. V^\ve have reccix c*l dir* «-tly from the police authorities ol tin- cilv, iuldriiiatiou *»f re. cent **rgani/.ati"iis xvlii* h are now in pro. gress l,n-1 lie purpose of resist ing l*v viohmee ami bloodshed, if neecssar), the exeention of the exeis** ami >*ther laws w hich are oh. noxious to a large el.-iss of oureitizoiis,** Ami last.-hut not least, the m-gro molts that ar** rising up in the South, and especial ly those whieh have recently I ran spin-* I in Hi* I• 111• >itd ami New Orleans, reveals tin- madiiezH that rules the hour. aUo the fearful truth that a may In-precipitated at almost any moment. If any man can gather hope from these omens, he must In* a perfect volunteer jn faith, especially when In- miicuihcrs the truth, verified hy centuries «•( «>\periciiee that rex olutious never go backwards. It in perfectly absurd, it is luoti-df t*> dream thsA we will ever return to the .simple forms of Hcpuhlieau Oox cuiMicnt. It would he a contradiction of liNtorv ami eontrarv toex Da-. Mr-.MIev Ucrr-rT. H F IJr.iswc*’. t • J Hr*-,xi- ! . W If Rfd-wl-AV A . ^ t . Itr.tniieu, (i I) incut and Icublc health and asked that he he Csrniu li -I. H . hailed. There being in* opposition upon the pmt oft lie prosecution, t lie hail was fixed at one hundred thousand’ dollars. Tin- Judge announced his readiness toaccept the hail, stating at tin* same time that the re sponsibility of the delay to bring Mr. Dav i«* t rial into court rested upon tin-1 o.x eriunent, not him»u the Di'ti ict Altonn-y. lit* also said, lialf the hail nhouhl he i\*• 11 hy p< r- j sons re-i'iiiig in the Stat«- of \ irginia. Th> 1 sureties then came forward, Horace dm ly being the first, followed Schell, of New York : Jackman,«*f i’liilmh-lpliia. uml • ■ tIn i.-. A number of gentlemen residing in Yirgin- i-i olfeivil their names as Imi!. Mr. Davix was congratulati *1 hy >* x* ra! fi iemls, hut their was no deiiioiistraLioii or noise of any kind. -Viler giving hail t«* ap- pour at f.he .Ndiveinlier'l't-rm of the ( *mrt. In- was taken itl :i ei*:«eh to tl. - SpoMsxvned Hotel. I I IMIll.l! OAUIIt fl.AIJs. Ill* IIMOM*, Mav I1*. 'I. - It W : - tleeitlcd to-day hy limse fiaviug .1 t-tli-i -■*»ri Davis in their immediate charge, that he slmultl he conveyed to the court room as- prix alt ly as noi'ible. In tin-hack with liiurwerc t *cii. IJuit<>n, Dr. Cooper and Major .M*'Kli’ath, and in the other hack were C.ij.t. VYiliarxI. (who was a Cuiou ofliecr timing tin-w ar ami is now one of the courteous diopriclni-.- of ill*' SpottHWood House.) Dr. .Met Jill :i>»*1 tin* Hex. Dr. Miiihcgcrodc. tin the return to the SpollMVood 1 l**tel, Ht-v. Dr. Miuiicr- gerode in thceompauv of Mr. Davis an 1 !ii- * '* ’ olVen .l iiI* prayer in thaulifuhic's lor the n h-a-e *d bn friend, his restoration to the h.i-mn ol’his fricmlH and family, and for his future pro tcetioii. A large umnher ot visieors were afterwards receive*l hy him. The follow ing telegram was receive*! h\ Judge I ’mh-rw «*o'l in t he court room to day, a short time before lie admitted Mr. Daxist** hail: f •* \V xsiiiM.i**N, May la.-—Judge Ciehr- xviwtd ; llexiareof (ireeiv. Ueiueinher I .ill by jtrisoii, Aiuiei'Milix ill, lh-lle N<-. I'iflx millions are looking on and « \p*-ct y*»u to t|«i v*»tii* *hilv, while three hundred thous and patriot s’graves cry aloud for irvi-ng*-. (SiglU’lif V »•! Ib-V’lMUM*.*’ .1* tf. Hax is, on his ivlca>o, tch-graphi d his hr«itli«-r, J. t'. Daxi<.in Missj-sippi. the fact, ami iiifhu.n-d him that lie wouhl wiite iV-mh New V ork. * Mr. Da Ms and wile visited the graved .tln-ir non this evening late, at Hollywood Cemetery. As Mr. Dax is eailie out of tin-Court II- and entered the carriage alter hi- release, there was a loml cln-er from the er«'W*l **J negHM-s outshie, ami about lifty i*fth»n. gathered aroiiml the co,v«-li ami shook haml- with him. lie has remained *piietly in hi- hotel all the exeiiilig. lie will visit Canada in u «lay **r s«* to see his ehiidn-n. The Hi*U mime sigm*l to the hail bond after that of Jefferson Davis an R EMAINING in the Post Office, at All'Oiiy May 10th. JS07. I lardy 2 l.ycn, 0 I Mis- i’Vtn inline DisMer, .1 R Oil*., Dr 2 ()>n<ioil, Cora 4 l**ittpr*on, l* B 2 Frurfioa, BradtorJ Foxx-ell, Miit* V* lisa a I’mier, King Kicks, Jotin Royal, Mra Sua \ Oii.j l"; <’aarjlnn,Col \V f * tk, Mrs Marllm S C-.Ut, l*ui::fi • t'lirrv. Win f. Divis, i: A Ilex'.*, Mi:*-:. Fr.i/ii-r. .1 C (i.iifjey, VV 11 I j.- r.miny, Aiexan«l*n (i i•’■'ll It*thtH8/-(*. Il.r«:.*i.k,.l \v llait.'ox .1 ones F II H'teks. II ’. It*'i*:.iii*tii III ,tk> MS, F M l> da* knm. 1-iiHi'. .t>tlll's"ll. ,t«lllll .lo.uer, .Me - Sarah Jell-s. IH' K* en, M *s Liu y I'.-rsoii'- culling f*»r any of the above letters will I lease -••e. :mIv* ui-*c-l. M. J. UirilAllliHON, »». M. M iv IOth. IM57 Hnusp, James Scott, Mi's Harriet Sims, J (rolore*!) Singleton, II <’ Shmnoas.Thorntrti 2 Smith, John rcolored) •J Stringer,John Stevenson, Joseph 'Pa)lor, Mrs N J Tluirtnoiiil, A T Thompson, I* If T* mi'i limn, A 'J'nrrer, llen.\ White, D C Wheeler, .Mr* .1 I' Wisliard,'!’ (.' Wellson, Mi it go (t-o'oi’d) Wil'.tn, Homy (colored) 0: IT. f HEIGHT Retnalnlnfc uncalled f-*r in ofiic*- at Albany, Oo. May Pth, 1807: Pol—Andrew* 1 ' l< Hot—llrown, It f *» —rrcii'hme, .i »*ae- 'V Keg—Basis. S I’—W I. Keg—liaiids W Ti link— 11 lids - • li B IVl—lln*tl, M. * : Box- •K*-«-ie-. B *i I.vx—Leli.iCui. bud- Trunk—I.*-'<*, M'.ss T V Trunk—.'1 a! ne. Mos»-» Foil lt*.|)*J — Uo' I'm •' it Uu.-’x-U. *1 Box—Boltin.*.on, » > i r IVl—f-itlnu, F Ct Pet—®carhr.roiigh. Mra It Triink--Smhii. '• :> Plow Point—Y:»*••>**, M Trunk—Vn’oti, Billy Trunk— Wilkinson. W 1! The above freight is now stored m • - and will lie sold tor ohm /«*.*•:I not r.»lled i -r vri*:.ii 20 days. L. f. SHAW. Av'-'nt. May 11, Jit __ me. w. i. i.ovi:, ALBANY, C.\. Oflltfo (mini flirth* i* notice) at h.^l: nearly oimoMU- ihon dth-nce *>f Captain Pavia’. May Kill. DOT X HC subVerfbar-h naw » ar house on'Broad r» S 1'rin-on, nnd .^, m "’ ' Obc } 18th of April insr. ! lectcd stocks of G- O o Of Hit ilerMlpfioni, » Hn-J at (ho -b** Loircsi IIavir I’rices “ff'ertd si; boon Reeled rriih Wants 'of all Claa c * Mr - B ««. >1.9 yoiJ -ly A cl mi nist rn tors ^ a l* Y virtue of au onler ot die Court Taking .dcntajij of il.o|„ ct CASH BX Greut iuJ-jcomcnta will ba cdl £3 ©12 022 i ■» ifc l.ii* of November neittlS vat: .‘tetory arrangements. ..vSP Albany On., April 4, iflfi? of Cltallinm county, and .‘state *.f ( bo sold before tho Court ll-u county, on the first Too>day in .1 tho lcgnl hours of Milo, the fol: lots of land, xii: Tp LIVE AMD Lift • t oen 1 i o vc , 1st di-*lric!;;1.( . con Furniture, Sasb, Blinds & Doors! yiH, y(j-j, 312, , LB », .iiih ill* 82. S3, 81. vrh •* 333.71, 72, 'A', i. S3,861, 86V, 13th r>;>, 32. 1 .'>1 h 21, 22. Wl. 1 7i>. ! 170, l fit il 111. 112. Ib2.: ITT, 17,10 22", 221, , :;<>] 1.200 2 ’1. 2‘’.i», ■ • :. 201 2'2*itll «l i -1 l i ct -f Early ( Opposite Town’s ■jT> ..■'• ULLV,t, et;.-';bnjiy attd Wclttl® ,|,„ , 1 ““J rill b 0 p!tlli • lij r. i. oiiAiin <o be c'Oi ■ eoittr., Bold ft** the property ■ f the c teto • f i.-heahan. late of Chatham comity, dc:ea ; o I. , i tho t.cncti: of the heir® nn«t ercdit>-r« f-T • .to A. M. P. • •• .*■'110 'll * A Ho May H, I - T. , panonago, n-t b!*“j *' Cvl ln his line of busini Orders' Froxx Tir -A, 3D t-is.i' • f . rr anything else in M* ju, ,J !Hf»u:ir their lure? 'fiir per Hi: \it v’ f "holcsaU- and Betail, at AIHV VOVII4 IMtICCN f.*r cash on delivery—from Steam Kac- i•'*% oit Wliarf Street, fool of.‘Id nr-lilt Street, MA- « ttS. t: l. GHBNVII.I.E WOOIi. Milt, It. ts*;7 [I'JSro] AOT3(f: L-oticcrned will • . N c w B ooks I OT llKt’KIVBI) BY All porsons * • note** uml iieeoiinifi <l" ■ tL-* • S. S. Crawford, Stephen IT-' • Henry Tl-'-tu i~. hax- )•. -u j i Strozer \ Smith. An •iioy-. ,••.• struetions m .*>/’/.' .!/,/. A - riti'l efitntes hy the next p-imii 'lay ••; • - So. ; Court. You wi'l plea u tin r*-t• te tr.l.i- tin: n- nnd covcfit yonr-'-'.vf- a.-eordtnrlv. •I. I . r \i,«i!I.i:. Ar’ t* April 27, 2.v A | ri! 1.1, Jtv *m-.i hi.imiuoI o. HO DAKINS Wholesale and Retail D| -IN— Fife tas, fislijr AND L. F. Welch & Co. X|..-t.y .not hi- Men ; i't ni-<‘- * »ftIn- Sli.-um tiidonh { it. * lift Mil l San-* S-Hiei—by MueB'aek : Village on ilu- I'il-f •t>y AIiTltuskeny; Phiy***lttnt- by .Miss \ntiie T!t"iu;t-: M..d M*inetuit—by Welker I''illiliH: l'l»u lll.tek ft •>.'!; 1'lu-trKed: Sat l.oxcug dmI'h Yaril-*; rit-tth- I*iekin'- .Nov*-!- in p«p* t ; Mrs. ! 1«* * i \ W -it’< N.iveh-in paper; lleynold-. tht^enc 'u : F-fi*-r.-.*n Beuuet -* IHiiiiii-*, \e.. Mi*. .'Ii-re ot Si. t.i" <; .!«*-,-pit II. hii-I his ; Mere hunt of Berlin : Twj Marriage), \«*. Anv I . idered fin- cistomer-t xxithmu extra i-hsirjA*. I.. B. WELCH ^ t.’O , May II. [ I■>| Bookfieilersnnd Stationer!*. T TO PLANTERS. Host: who tit -ii • t• • 1 i- Sporting Go of every dcscriptio#, 1 F . GI N and PISTOL MATfiBtl i.titt-l, and fintiiolici the trade. April 1C, [37.] si ppi,c i:s om Can heneeommotlfttr 1 t>y e-tllnt;: Agent, SlIUM: ATKINSON . foiiud at my - tor,* at nil tit...- . ttll-npl 2-1 •a’ a ?i e:. Notice to Debtors and Cm CiLottot.x—Baker County. Vvl.o IN. nil »j. -»N. VTOTin-: hereby given all per* XT niaioli against Daniel 1>. Jfflj • anty, deceased, to present thcm-lS O. Piano Tuning. {. ItlOJ . to present thcraH the time prt •< * fyv thru-.character nna amiiufii -i.- indebted to said deceased are h o itta.te imamli-xte payment. R. D.. MARTHA Ma«h 13-23 Ad “' M (Irceley, then Sehrll, of N*-w Yolk, ;iml Jaekiunti of l'liihnL-Ipliia. A !i!tl>- lower tloxvii is the iiunie of John Minor l*«»tts.— The Y’irgitiin letiilents who signed .xver* jiroiiiiueiit^eiti/.eUH ofHi'-lmutml, un-rt-Iitints uml lawyers. There seems to !>•• a g. iu-rul feeling of relief among the eiti/i-t;*; u'i.l an- lirmt'O x~ Dougherty,Foamy. tH’IFK ii In-reliy given to all pc-ri'inseotieerued Mi at "it the > dnv yf ISO . Davis Paee, late *. !>• •;!.ert\ e .'tnty, depnrtrd this life ip«tnt<*. and I.Mxing dutia A. Paee Kxecutrirto his last Willniul Ieifti..eut, and 'In- having iuieimarried with Peter Mel.aivti. ntnl by mid intermarriage snid' estate is not now lepie-onted. nud no person has applied for t'lininisiration with tho Will Annexed on the estate •*f-aid Davis Paee, nud that in terms ef the law ad- Horace - ministration will he veiled in the t.’lcrk of tho Su- WILL lie in Albany in a few iliyi frv • of luni - g nn*l rep-tiriti Man-■*. Have v that SPLENDID I'l.W that i otf.-rei Mr. h. K. W.h lt * B k > .i-? April 2d. 1 *'»*T peri>*r Foun. or sonic other tit and proper |tt-rson. ihtr'y «lav“ titter the publication of tills citation, unless vvine valid objection Is made to his appoint ment. Given under my Ini ml and official signature, this l*'tli day **f May. Ih*i7. W. II WII.DKK. M *.y I Itli. I>'*7 Ordinary. Georgia. I kix i- :tt vt at liiorities that Ji-tli-t'oii lilMitv. It is stated that tin* (»iaji*1 J.itry has in- dietod Joint ('. Hreekiui''i*lg«-. Judge 11. \V. Thomas, of Fairfax, tuuj four others, f-.»r treason. A Nexv Sensation MERCER & SMITH 5 CORNER-ltfiOAD ASH WASHINGTON STS Albany II AVI! »ll l.r.r.l. ill. I r. [.■!:; A Good Stock of •e Consisting;, in part, of Piiycioiaus* Mee At a meeting of the Physicians ot '• t hy. held April 27tli, 1UU7J -* Ii ■'■ , » u * Doitghcny county, which : • las **Tlie Albany Ml ; :* • • ,wing resolutions, iclativei : - witlYeodmen, xvero adopted, 3 — •e j.- i.-i-.d monthly for. (lie space of<] '• herca«. ilic following rcfolutlw’^™ }' adopt ■'*•1 i-y the Medical As social • i G ; tia lately in council amen.l Goods .It, Cheese, Sjuuff. I’l.l t • C u; t lilted si,itrs siipmur l ourl. BOYS AND GIRLS! Bacon, Flour, Sugn’r, ' ••fT*-,-'. latoes. Tobacco, Cijj .t Pickle®. S irdji «llc5, Moita. Liijinui, Powder," .Shot, Lead, Percussion Fup®. H- H -w-Wnrc, NoiD, Plow Mccl, Trace Fhr.i»; H r Iron, Plow : for th perieuee. It’God interx cm- not t«* sax o tt- fnhrio of American (»«>x erunu-nt, ltd j of sand, etttnd.'les to atoms. (HOPS?” , l hv like xx hole a I'ojie ; XNl* M|s -I••-—11*1*1 * ASKS MSMH>* |i. STAPLE DRY GOODS. 1 ..It \< I |o\ Books arc hard to got, for want of money. But boys and girls must have something in read, nud j HATH, Dfparlurc of Mr. Untls from HlrhmomL Kifiimond,Aluy 1«).—J* , tlert**»n Davisaud j , hiK fHtpily went on ho.-ud t lie st*-anu-r Niag ara to-night nt ten o'clock. Sh«- sails for j f t . ( , xv0;lt j l( .,. Sow York to-morrow morning. Ho goes 1 thence to Faitada on a visit to his eiiihlteii. Wasiiinv.ton, ^lav 13.—In the .Supreme Court to-day, the De Ilura, from Cali fornia, has heeti decided adversely to til*- De Marti interest. Thu caso of Virginia versus West Y it gin- in, iuvolxing jurmlietietinn «»x er eertaii- eouttties, was continued. they ought it* have frenh supplies of leading every *vei*k. Now, then- nr*- plenty of monthly papera for j them: but tlu-ir obi friend—and xvho does not re- ; member him nud his "Children's tJuido" in war , tim'i-s—tlteir oi,| friend, J. W. BL'KKF, proposes to 1 uiye them the - SHOES. BIIOOM SKIVES, Tn:- •\C. The liighest market jiriers |>r ALL KINDS OK K1U»DF(’K. id J'or & *• < •* J From Rlcbuond. Richmond, May 11.—Hen. Schofield has ordered the I.iue**ln Mounted Hoards (col-' Orod) to disband, and prohibited their pa- i radca pr drill. ... . . . ' l|pi}ACO.Greeley ami <»orr* tt Smith, who j dieatmus point t*' an abumlan . liavoconioon to sign Mr. Davis' bail bond, are nddrptMng tho iwnplr at tho African clmrcli The mi.lioii. f is limply | fanner slir.uM lie , eoldred. N vAn intimate friend of Mr. Davis say-* he t^&KMJiddHti'd plan for his movdtnents 'until / Mrs. Davis will reside in Nor- * Mi:. Fi*it"i:-Tin* past xx*pek lias been line growing weather upon corn and eotion, atnl these crops e«*nsot)uently are tioxv *h • itig finely. Ihi-- is tli v first really soasoua-' The judgetueut *>f the have had. And if it con- cd h« realU’r. ti nues xx itli an occasional fall of rain lortw.t Wasiiinotox. Mav 13. i*. m.—Only the er lln*pu week., every l:m„ in ,„ v iiijurli.iu bill. Wi.s 1<m1»v Handsomest Weekly Paper!i MilcllOll, Sliallfl’lKS & |o, t:a Cue!v in council ns«eaiQ^ J’*'- • Th:»t in the opinion oft :• •■ •- : no brT.'.f-h of tho Code of ■ -‘ r --ag the Profession for Phyd - i*:: *iv. JH-rn or ngentsof Plantatioai ::iv.ui <: FrccJmeu in their employ.'v ;u o.c.i c;ty, county or neighburkr charge* be observed nnd underM TiturcSore he it— ■ 2. so!Tlmt for the purposa ofet •jood ftith ihf Proviso of tho Associii iuin : * tho privilege granted to theWS vir.te by resolution, n commiun? pointed by the Chairman to draft! •') trj: •: t^r contracts, which shall l Hi.-: meeting for ratiQcation. Past Thai it is to be distinctly utriers •• •m-tacts arc not with 'ho frccilm. j.l.intcr, whe* in each and every iaiiuaj .v; party, nnd who shall M writing (ut the option of the Phydi f.lincttt of the :nwo. Passed. , ih/, That to obtain perM"- <!' charges-, and to prevent | 1111'Vi'; i'nyriciuiie, the following I . -r o r.rr.n-ts t>»>. find.lht* sumo is herd - ::.e i'i e Bill (hat isuoxvin use. ( A Tim: tj»c coutr cl cto ! ’ l ’* 1 n 'halt be tho an:ount4_ A to r-.i !i and every fr.eedmen ionig eoi Jitjp i - :!;c rate t, laid dotVnini "i® I'luenix Printing House can bring out. To do The Cpot’gn and Mi"i»i«lpi injniietionHhts lie mu-t haveHFNDRKDjtOl-’.Sl'B.^FRIBERS ease.-, were dismissed for waul of jun-diction niri will be deliver- farm in mv region : xvill be clean of grass as a purlor Hour,— } A« far as I can leant, there i' hut lit t L* gras.' now. so that the farmer xxill have but little trbuhli* in overcoming it. Present in- harvest f*.r for want of jurisdiction. The Mississippi bill, as amended t«»i over the Arkansas ea<e ol Treasury 'ti/.im*. xviM probably be argu- d **tr Fridnv. The Axe at V*or Moitiu:, Mav 11. —The Mavor and Coun tin'farmers : but there's "many a slip In- eil *>f Selma, Ala., xx ere removed to-day by lwe* n the cup and the lip, * that everv ! °»'der offlen. Swaync, and ttexv ofiieor< ap- \nd Ik* appeals to Hit* young folks to help him.— j il.- wants to know how tunny will vole for the p«- p.-r by iig-.eeing to take it. Let them send in their I ! »>b’ !‘st- names that he may see how the vote -innd*. nnd whether it will warrant hint incommon- Icing it. Nevermind the money just now. If he iduis the vo'** nil litrhi, he will begin the pnhtica- j - bn. n tid fall for the money ; for then he will hold 1 that all x*ho have voted for it by seuding up their I names, will bo under obligations to subs-ribc for I In* paper. Who says "Hurrah for n Weekly Paper fo?t!u* Boys nnd Girl**! ' nud what hoy or girl xxill u-HHwest send4n-fhe-K»iigo*t lit*t of subncrlhers ? Wo shall, Iti the first number, begin the publica tion of a Provision AND Bill. A . •'•cop;,. Attest i GEO. n. ( T.-doif*, President. ’, i.-i.r ; pointed by liim were installed. MIHKLTS. Mamin, May 14.—Cotton—YYc have Sequel to the “Young Marooners!” a'cmmissioii |JlfvcI);tiji! LOUISVILLE, - - - feb2d—D’. 1m 1 iLTOTia.i-:! T ^ nil u M ZZ£.IOUTd liASii Ooi-foctionero am j Souili side Broad 80 ' j ALBANY .1 KT7T ; Imv<vcn hand » superb j tv consisting in part of 0 - , 'tt par - Tobu c cOi 'Sega rii 8nul j Nearly all the boys nnd girls in the Fnitc*! States till: 1.avc read the-Young MiroonersY nnd been delight- May 1st,' 1SC7 il- Tlittfgl* Ml^Wlh tlio lolmcco w:(rc- JfDO»M.ti»ve ttrmk fur liigli.r wiigcs. Xo ^j'OIrtartiMWyhB, opcntrwl. Crreify at KlStwaU. Uk ujio.Vd, May J*.—Tlu 1 African I’lmuli uduuwlv 110-Iii;;tit,tlu> ;iiulii'noo li L .- ing equally Jivulnl ill color, ami outride ol thu building :i» ..iwmblage nearly », l.rg, nro oongr,gated. Mr, Ctreuloy epoko and jjointedout tho otwtude* which had Jin- pedod jjWJHiisU’uutioH, commeiii * buyers *»v fellers seem to be anxi**u to ptcss_ nf ‘ w >d , »'.v''ill ho evt-r,x whit ns good as the **ld .... . , * t in-: ittitlvdio COIliil Willi nitvihlna huttcr' \iplaut until tit*- crops I are sale beyond *jtu*stion. Hut our farmers may congratulate themselves 'o far.—’ YVe escaped llm frost which threatened lo M 11010 an ‘l inactive market. Neither «"l with i*.: and Mr. Gouldiiig as»nrt-s us that '"tiic j last week—at least tho little which was j found about the lower places, did no dam- I agr- ;; -l'hc idantir, arc making progress in 1h»- . ,. ingoubthoir ootton to a utiind, and.quite t,!‘cniitinuud aotivoaud closed firmer numlrcr have Unit-lied thii pnrt of I heir ~ [11!K co psrim .. . ! C-rno-^'ta.ww.' Crackcra ( d.-«W»J i IIENRV .V l.ivsr.v id I.: »„.; !■•„, I ;T IwklM. lure Buaines,. Is tlti‘ .!:iv di- =..lce-d ' !■ of eycry kind; Aiao. pos^ consonl. Mr. Heavy to r.ud.oi ir • 5 rer. ipi *° and Mttlonli nvvcar.t > duo tin* concern t.--:.uc * \ ar ‘ ^ ‘’Hleetinna-jr, All hi ask s W lli/x'ilY i wc w ‘ 11 0, ,5Tln cc th®.public IW j xv 1,1 VSEy' ! kcG^r^bargains than any ontJ cl - safe'. The tninsnctioi fined to a few bales—the . wli’eb br«>iiglit 2IV. Liysupoui^ Mav 14. tx>-*lay were eon*| better tpulities <-t »Johnson■ policy. The p:-esent most pc- ot»*^I»>*tJ»hle, InTllipugnt, 'van the umvill- Xbtr nation of Lincoln and coming down the negro n»y right® except " * Thit* nittPt be eon L *ir ope- 1 tiling Cplands 11 1 Jd, Orleans 11 j»d. rations. * i Muucuester adv ices favorable; goods a A moderate min would now be desirable t vain* aetivoand advancing. (u*m*ral mar to soften the ground for the plows. OjwicnvKtt. . Anotubh J5cppLY.*-rMfcsara. iliUnmn & Ball have ju»t rwivexl (mother largo supply Gf jrvsh drags and medicine*. Also, agood ught, wan the umvill- Mtpply of tlmt for-famed, nonexplosive Metro * " ,U p, ' n 0». !#'• to ... tmpt'rM®* all u.hrr Let, mi, h-mgisl. Sav.\s<au, May U.—Cotton steady with lair demand; middling 2j, Salrt :tiO hales. --etttttttilWWX, May 11. .-Cutton nlendfy •ales HO bale*, middlings 20 e; rceuipU 140 bale*. - nnd xvho could want Anything better 7 Burke’s Weekly for hoys nud girls will *»c a hand- 1 v.t.ti* \mnri-o ol eight pages, splendidly il1ustra»cd, an i olcgmtly printed with new type on fmo while Keening—Colton paper, making iu the year a beautiful xolunus of * * Mid-i" vor l ' HI papv-*, .with a fine title page nnd index. TEUM9. goo*ls and ! Single -ulscript ions 2 Wpcr annum. Three copies i. 5 00 •• •* Five conic* 8 00 •• •« Ton copies ].% 00 •• •. Twenty-one copie*....., 80 00 •* 44 Single subscriptlen*, 3 moMtlis... . 60 cent*. The burincss will Mill be *. irrtc-1 - r. hy tl.o ua- deraigne«l inaUitedepanmcut;. Th-.nkt'ul for past favors, 1 solicit a comiuuance of the sum-: S\V JirNP.Y. May 2J, l?i»7 2* Apt i 12 2, 18ti7. : — Notice to Build LL persons. that ..arp In wahLCil : \ LL persons. that aro la wttUfl ' x'A. ran be supplied promptly bji . Litis to Capt. Armetrong. at tbc I burning fluids, any quantity, stock, ■; r HPJPnfifo' • * Mm* A 1*0, laiiijui nnd liurnurs in fall arouud and si-c t HcxnniEu, 0. tli, HUilu*!., al llt»lc.!ilouegpi' K. C. .leu kin,, bj Ih, Kn,. Ilwrjt l>. Moore, S’.mi, R*s*»k. , oval Mi,. S.mui: 1". Ji> k.. IM lfi w«a»V* totl.t >n.l 1.1,111.,at bo» or pirl«i..ov,ry post nffico in tho South to ctnnu for .Ubjoripiioas nr.J sill rank, it to thoir int.rmt I. ” work Iw uc. Send fora Premium Bet and Circular giving full partlculai-K. Addrcs* BURKE A CO., . «»■ T. cTre To City Tax Payers, Albany, April*, 1807. JOHN V _ HE book, for 1 ho n,,re*iaetit of inset for (bo [ 1 b.^op'en .1 (1,0 Conn ! fVom tho FIRST PAY of April 10 iho I’IRSt’iYaY rraionaR,q f ij. s P ;SWk*f of M«jr noil. IVrup*MlUg to g ire la IbhLruxZ- Hfimgftjr whHwihni I Into, hr, lor Joublo JP? 1 A?A l T , - W ." ? hi* properly trill "a. ... . M«rcb ^tUKUf' et&H, C?. CAItOtLEiCWrit. • • • •• • •; Incunset 1 may have fiutl I Chatlea inert at tInto* to seru 1 • 3l»y 4, lvr | f , J I yi'"rerji Obscnco. tho . n. will., find Mr , who wilt be in read- fanned To o«»ayi M. EJRStS. ” m fr |0 pU« n call 1 'tjeforepop found over (ULBLh BE. 20ih, [SOIm] lOTfc Division 2d • y Albany. ‘ Book? fw the assessing the yearlfOO. ar* now