The Albany tri-weekly news. (Albany, Ga.) 1867-186?, May 28, 1867, Image 3

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"1 [EEKLY mews. A^wi. -—-—• '-v- ga MaVasth mn. 18G7. ;al Ga- ■ NOTICE! rr ,, ou hand,nnd Is, constantly SSr.fnWTATI(>S nml FAMILY nTwirtlog « r Dr Y G 001 '"’ tlrnffrir ''- * Sc., wUlch we offer for cnali. or on gSbrcroWmeii, by making mWm- TUCKER & HALL. a,—Tlio registers for Ifcjfeh h]ipolnti'il. 1). C. rtv nml 1°. 0. Weld, ol' -. *. ^... Tl.n «><iiiw> r»l* tin* We have just received ti large supply, ,.( Clour, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Ami tin* Finest J.ot of "Welch’s Columji. ('hecse, tliis dis- . Hnnoroll city I**< *'- T!*o »«»•>•« ««' iwiLer wo have not leari.e.l, Mr. JEM resident, ami t» " ''11 h.mwif tWlcomiHUiilly. The hooks will lwc i.mlersinnd on the IMli ol ftirjst ration coininenee. We hope frKsnthat can vole, will come lor- Bull rogiater. KfnlSitt.—The lain, j Spa sunshine has left us one pitl.e s'for the growing crops, with j spoor earth is ever pleased. ; Egnuioua favors Iron. 1 Vov.dem -r, i it cscrlion upon our pari, ai d the |p,It soon cease to cry fordo-cad. | .'Annmv^-See advertisement of -great ...ventimL Us use Inis -:iv.,l SnliiM oUidlar^ Imnca f,.tar.—We are ind.hied to : |I IVI.itc, Agent, for a specimen of nries Sally I.ump. It lias all the ad joftl.cliimp which we notieedll.e Eday, will! the addition I lint, you can of oik .Wo have not fully iBtsnsl yet. Mv. White is now eaie *4uroity, nnd those desiring the nr pi be serve.1 hy hint. \ el hrougl.l to market,and which will ho sold lower it eat. Is tor cash. We also have a complete stock of mil >( 'tillIKS and CUN KKlTION KHIKS, honght recently, and which cannot he surpassed either for quality or price in the market Oili* stork o| WELCHS’ DRUC STORE ESTABLISHED W ITH our increasing Spring Trade. we an* in* 1 creasing our Slock nud facililic'>for bu*»iiie**a. j , mi* have made our large trade l»y keeping the ; BestStook and Best Goode, anil intend to increase it in Hie name way. Ton 1 can always expect to get ut Welch*' everything you ueed in the . or Medicine Line, ]■'i!«V.’ 1 1 > •'rI*)lv um 1 *1(.'ll* ,,rln ‘hut class of FANCY HOODS and sundries usually kept in Kir«l*('laas Drug Stores. W-Wl’/.U .1VTKXVIOX called to adver tisement* below. L. K. & D. K. WELCH. A Now Sensation run BOYS AMD GIRLS! Drug is unequalled this side of l.ouisville. < 'all and see us al the Albany,(<a,,March 2.1, IsilT.-in-ly ( Citizens STAND, OOPKli As Surrounding Medical Liquors. n O l’it Imported Liquor* are warranted pure * ‘ < < >. WHO VISIT MACON, GEORGIA, i \ / hi go«id ms can he bought in the market Fine French llrandy, St.CVnli Hum, __ I Scotch Whisky, old Ihunhnii \\hi*l.y. t 1 Old Port Wine. Slieiry Wine. I niinloiO Madeira Wine. t'laret Wine, UUUIIlulo Din, Schnapps. Egg N«»jr. Ac., Ac.. Ac. I., K. A It. K. WKid’ll, Druggist". \\r K u cd xi dU«h ut * Fills, and find they will «!•» .til ill'll, i- claimed !<•*• ilicm, mid checi tolly ivt ummciul ihcm lit | uhli»* I'nxi.r: T. II. WutM, cx Uovciimr ol Al.*: A. D. t'llihcrall of Ml: M I . Wood . •Jim Di.cidw iy, V Y . duo. W. \ Siiiil.ii'l, Nil. i ti,*y lit it ci a I oi Alabama; W Ilililt. Momv'uuici v. Al l ; I! \ Hank* New Or* lean*. # l.ii: t!c,«. M:i»uii, l.*«j , Mayor ut Wcinmpkn. Ala d C. Kiddle. V O .laic F 'll c.tntiiicloi. \ht. ami Hcoigia.* '* D\VI. FNNEK. lii.iod See. Hi hi.I I , .Ige F \ M \U. A11 im i. it i M ii. h Hulli.'lt'io I*iil • l. tic hfcn ii*•*• I in Imiidred* ol emet nmlei mx I,u..wledge, with pcrtect *iicci»*«>. - I lccoiiiiiiclol iIn in i«, !lie *«illi.*ti'il cici i where. .lulls S I’ll \THKK. t, ■f I.iiW Nt'l * Col Nil. Mil. ti.illighaii Fill I It,i\c given them and iimmI them i...* • t.ioc lime, tor « lulls and I’mcr. IT they vc cici t ill. .I to niii tjr. I hale m icr hcaitl ol il. t’lloW KU. DllODN A \ Wll.l. FIND IT GREATLY TO Til 1*1 U INTI! I! K? To MSIT Till! sit &©®sg-is®*jss OF A M:\AM) ER &. WHITE. EVERY FAMILY IS INTERESTED t IN KNOWINH Til \T AT WELCH’S coil MGR M, t lall.y! I III,I Ft dill III)'. I It .,1 lu ,1 In" I I V i. i: a ii i Fill-: in iiu< uit the pi it,, |.aM yen, a ill I II \ Cl III., I ami A"oe I \i ,: tsi. H Wild, c ihati I'uii li. ll u| II. ,•1 ill III! Cl* I do. I . JO, l hi,7. Ih'iicii'Cil IM'H ol t’lilll*' h II till", K».,.. h:ii c I hey litil- it'idcr them llte A II. V VST W ^ AT L. C. i HAW’S. SRprirAi.—Tho religious exercises jjfiHcoiitiiiucd f° r l' 10 three weeks ISwijjicthmlist C’hnreh, terminated yevemug Inst. Wo tinve nerer Joore attentive congrega! ions, and juiirgbxs liecn attended with more iiK«We'tvu»t that the fruit s may tribr many days hence, ■^m^OuhKR.—M’c call espeeia) • General 1'ope in re- br^gillrstioi,, every one sliouhl read la copy for roferonee, I*:—You arc a great man, he- ^nd must know a great many die cuds and cheese par- KntWt’meu arc always eiiiide- |Spli to get samo information (Well,tun creature so smnll as dproverhiallv so poor, 1 think you tme. Ilul first, I must tell you jlf came about. Last Sunday morn- J |iiou»lyslis|)osed, as all such ns Bscs;! thought I would go when- |Rt my small soul stirred upn little, /oflliegnodtimc they had been il the Methodist Ghureh lately, I j whiskers nibbed down to sober di- tamltuy brown coat ritlihed as satin,I twt oft to visit, tny relations I ice if there were any crumbs of t laying around that I could pick *y own .tooth, t'neln Ned, „ If two darter than myself, and'who T^cally Inctlitcd,livtatip in' the bel- pen hearty Wclcame, and told me jdjusteome at the right, time, as |ilways canto best, mid the wind jt'lo he that day, and n lug i to bo pretu-hed. To give tin- gwre, l T nela Ned, who knows fin the eliureh, nud lias hole or two here and there ^|fB accommodation, took me to SwJfc.tiglit over ono of the pil- Mh whero i could seu and -t distraction. J must soy I ^(inging. ami the praying hud Awns mightily pleased to fe'blks tliere. I know that" a BV.thetu wef-o there in good Jftpyrclf, had come to gi*{ all 'good things. Jinl there ldisturbed me, Mr. Kditor, H|&and -since, and I have sat jgueff to mb my- ear about g®t»not understand it, nud this droit to help mo with. I gwhat time the service com- •CW many times it had to begin Inf 0 *' it »:iscommenced ntall, [. “ e * r 'l t'eoplc eoiniug in nl- jgietM evci} after the minis- big book.. I saw, too, that «interruption to the berviee, ——©JJCdhnt it was very hard Bwtju) firm that tlmy could tint. Bfivirdwn'geod time, for all Of course for ^OUld bo very presumptu- ,wttb my betters, but nail i.wtittle in iny younger days, S r c* »»d concert ri ipinB, and “*»Kt>V(*r saw suclp moving ^f?Jtlaccs, X cannot help place* ■rh'gher .order of ereatinu . Hay- into. occiepiaHtical ^ Neil if it was always Aifgrpy old and aught -f,tc(«, ! ... U ug„i round I ho mU\ very aori-ow- * V viificb ni w.Ays so, Iwt IlHliivo It VKIIY I.A Ilia: slock of DIIKSS HOODS. LINKN’S. K.MIIID HDKUIKS :ui.l l.M’ES, llOSIKItY mill Hl.uYKS, DOMKSTU’S, WIII I I; HiMIDS, tin,I nil nriiclc- i».c i.niii.l in n Dry HooiU IIoiim*. To unr iTicinlt tmJ iIionc wIihiii wc wixli in imikc such, wc wmiltl any. lie Imicji very Inrgc v|«ck Tor ' I It i d HcHfon ul I lie year, which Ml’S’MlK SOLD, ami wc will gnurnnlec in *c|| you UuoUd ui iid low lig- j arcs ad any llundc in ihc Stale. You may he misled temporarily by udieiii-cmeiii.-. Inn wc mean jiidt . "hat wc miy. A gnaranicc anil rlic best one of ihi«, is that our inieredis are pcimnneiiily idcuiiticil i with lliis purl niliie coiiuiry, iim we have never hail, nml never expect i<> have, any oilier home. AH' orders by responsible parlies will be carefully attended lo, and shipped by rdm u Kxpret*. or n« directed • The money can be reuiiiieil 10 iih in the sao,e way on receipt of Goody. Miders will leceivc ilit* same ‘ nr greater aiieuiimi iliau il the parties were presenf. 'I lie ditfereuce ill price hi which we will now fiirniah flood-, will mure ihuti pny il>e freiglii lo many i Mace, points. ,lu*i received a I'resh lot of Oiuger, Dress Goods and Lilt-ach'd "DomesI ic They cun alwuyv buy O O Ol) AND Fit i: S 11 riavoilug Extiac-ta. Youbi Powdeia, Soda, Black Pappei; Alaplco. and : bill i Haiti; I . ic lakiiit- It. and l'i \ ct . Fills iifd ..I ill * *nc box id Hall | li I 'bill and l-’evei ! I I'hill* and l*i-«ci I . , V >1 KI.I. . Fills • ! \ , ^cpt l S, iM'.ll it iih ic.idy sale here, tilliei temedies tor W II VM'dl’K. > apiii i7, iJ**.: nii'tl me pel let lly ol IhMHvK are hard to get, for want of money. Dut the boys and gills iiiitwt have something lo read, and ' ihey titight to have fresh supplies of rending every week. Now. thine are plenty of monthly paper* far them; hut their old friend—nml who uoes not re* member him nml his ••t’hlldren’s (Iaide” la war limes -their old friend, .1. W. Hl'IlKK,proposes to giye I hem the Handsomest Weekly Paper! hi- FhtoiiU I'ritiling House can bring outt To do ■ • hi- he must have IIVN DltF.DH OF8UDHCRIBKR81 And he appeals lo the yming folks-to help hint.— De wants to know how many will vote for Ihc pa* per hr agreeing to take il. ‘ Let them send in Iheir imig lists ,.f name* that he may sen how the tote stands, and whether it will warrant him inootomen* cilia it. Never miud the money jmd now. If he finds tlie vote all light, lie will begin the puldiea* lion, ami cull for the money : for then he will hold that nil win* hn\e voted f«v it by rending up their names, will be under obligntlotU lo nuhscrlh* for ibe paper. Who says “Hurrah for a Weekly Paper • lor the Hoy» ami Hirls!” and what hoy or girl will soonest send in the longest lint of subscribers? We shall, in the llrst number, begin lint publica tion of n Sequel to the “Youug Maroonere," Nearly till the hoys ami girls in (he L'niled Slate* have rend (he “Young Marnniiern"and heen delight ed with it ; nml Mr. Hotildlug assures us (hat lh« new siiuy will be every whit ns gpnd an the old line: Htid who could waul anything better? Hurkc's Weekly for buys nml girls will lie a hand* Miine ijiiitrin of eight pages, splendidly illustrated, and elegantly printed with new type oil fine while paper, making ill the year a hranlifhl volume of ••ver It Mt pages, w ii Ii a tine title page and index. TV MM*. Single subscriptioti*> $ i! <K) per annum. I’oiight at ihc late decline in pi let April IHlh, 18i#T—F*Htf , which will be sold very low. ALEXANDER & WHITE. •II Trliingiilnr lllork. Candle*, i Qeletinca, Ci earn Tut tar, Engllali Muutaid. Cayenne Peppei.'| Cloves, Nut Mega, Soaps, Potash. Ac , Ac., \. tj. KoNAl.DSHN, . i, i* nil ci i ’••iinty; tin UM>„ l'«t by nil Dlttp,tiaftt "•»*« br*Y" «'• • nutiy V. i : ii,; ‘ii| |di»d at. wlndes,i! A Kl.i'll, Albany tin 3ST OTICE! T" UK I'NDKHSltJNKD having, for the present year, tip* control of the Mills known as 1IALLS, three miles above Albany, guarantees the taithfpl. fulfillment of nil orders, both for lAimhcr and Meal al the shortest notice, having just undergone tho rough repairs. If it will be more convenient for my patrons to leave their orders at Mr. Tlt’KKU’S STilKK, they can do so, and the same will be forwarded lo me or my son. who has the superintendence of the Mills. respectfully solicit ushareor public patronage. Terms CASH, If not promptly paid upon presenta tion of bills, an additional tweniy-fiva per cent. Will he charged. Liimlirv; nml Meal will he sold o! cus tomary prices. H, t\ JENKINS. •I annary -•», 1 SOT. 4—U .1 SPRING. FASHIONS l-’on iKov AV . Bradley ’s CELEBRATED DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (Ol! DOI’I’.I.U Sl’IilNt.) Hoop SkLirts. L. K. k II (A/. I. SIX /.’.S'. | Ac., K. WKLt’ll. *1 Varnishes, Brushes, \VII« K.lwn.l W il.'ci \ Co. .Nrw < h Ifii l\e*M.|M A Itobbii Ma'v Im.i* II I *l !-.s \ I,Il. IiY lll.Ol'XT Ai iiai.i:, M.uitj'.uueiy, Ala. i . . I ..ut i»\ tile. Ky . Hal lu ll ut il lb I. v t’o. mi Nio Wai.l Me Tlnce copies 6 Oft Five copies M INI «' " I'cu copies !•’# till “ •• Twenty oiieeopies .“,0 (Ml •• •• Single subscriptions, -t moiiiIih... Lo cent*. Siugle subscript ions, it uhiiiI hs,,, I ftft Wc want an aetivu and Intelligent boy or gill at every post ollice in Hie Hmilli lo cauviM fop -oltsciipiinn- Mini will make it lo llielr Interest to work tm- us. Scud fora Freiiiinm list and Circular giving full pntiicuhr*' AddieH* .». NV. Hl’HKK & CO., l*ulilislicra, Mncoii, Ga, May H. 1st*" Vol LVIII. —1867 Lvxn. r.oi PIANOS. .1- Ohina, Crockery and Glass Store W imADl.EVK DKFI.KN SKIRTS • ’nave piiuletl in HKD INK, on the band I .1. W. DllADLKY’S Dl'FLK.N SKIRT DON’T III'Y ANY HTHKK. I You can always find full assorlnients in Savannah at ! Ami Complete Stock PainLevs’ Matevin l^- • . —AT— Welch's Corner. PREPARE FOR SICKNESS! [ .1VKRV PLANTER would save time and money J it* a little bill of medicines. Plantation and Family Medicines .lliintif.-uliiri'il lit tin- X. V. I'iitni) ruin|i'n), Ml N •.»' I • t II « 11 I XI J. W. BURKE & CO’S, m.uon, t;.\. iMacon Journal'and Messenger IS PUULISIIKD DAILY AMD WSDK2.Y, (it illiiron, till. The Fropi letors of the above Journal have spired I iio labor or expense to place il in tiik IHoNt WANK I of Southern uewspnpei s. ami arc gratltic.l lo an- I iioiince that their etlorH have been liberally reward- ! ed. The Journal ,J- Mestnij/rr has now a circulation ; ihat rettehes every pan of Hem-gin, and extends lover nil the I idled States, and Ha daily Issue in c.|ual to that of any outside of New Orleau*. An I mi ADVERT IS INI! MEDIUM il preseu a peculiar | mlvii luges, and wc are determined that It aiiALL Nut be surpassed as a Vehicle of rrliuble Xrwi. It coni a ins the Lii.vt. AnvKitTisi.vuof nearly *1! the adjacent counties, including BIBB. CRAWFORD, UPSON, MONROE. HOUSTON. DOOLY, TAYLOR, MACON aud TWIOG0, Making it aluiohi inmihi*rnnaiii.k to bmdneM men. Rate* of Advoitialng reaaonable. THOS. J. FLINT, Importer, Nil. su MitUicirv St., Always on IInml U„1,| 11 Hint, Wtitle nml liwnrsir.1 t'liins. in full nell’ 1 OltX or liy I lie silljlli- Jiiece; -W. (1. I'. UIhsm Mild Plated Wares, Ten Trays, Table Mats, Table Untie- ry, and other I1oiim(i|ioI<I F II l-IIi• ■• iU|( Uo«(. ' Lumps. Keroseue Oil,'Tubs, llurkem, Huskcls. Ilrooms. Hollies, Specie Jars, Vases, ! Flower Pol a, ! Ac., Ac. . . j ji Liberal lllsrouul lo llie Tr»il«.. march 12-23—Hro | WHOLESALE and RETAIL AT ; .1. <’. MAKER .k t’O., LATH HOP A t’ 1 ),, ASK FOR .?. W. HEADLEY’S DUPLEX SKIRT AN I* %i vt “SEETHE NAME ON THE HAND.” MAUIN, ’*•' | For sale in Albany at Retail—hy W. W. KENDRICK, GOODS, CLOTHING, “ \MJOTS Slit IKS, Ill'll II.UtDWAIfK. Put up with care aud at LOW FIHL'IIES. i Medicnl Che*lfl, very complete,^ at WELCH’S L. K. k II. E. WELCH. rimis Compute | Pianos per jo In—l judges io he INTKmtHJ Thec are no Piun like them They with great, catc. h seict led from the Is now prepared in min out fifty f] ■I., whit Ii are pronounced by the TO \oNi:, ob- lb it xx til Hay in lime Did. . t ihe b»—t material. • In'most skilllul Woikmeii DO YOU SMOKE? OUST I' \ cto i;.i i:s At wholesale by the Exolusive Manufactur ers mid Sole Owners of the Patent. WESTS, HR \DLEY A CARY, Wnrerooms mid ottice, Nos. H7 Chambers, and 7'.*andMl llendcSl. feb7-ft New York. w‘b *1111 ke*p those FINE CIHAIIS and THAT TOBACCO* everybody brag* on whoTt»e*. MKR.SCHAUM PIPES, which we warrant genuine, from $0 to $40 each*. Dur- hum Smoking Tobacco, nnd other fino hrnnds. L. K. & II. E. WELCH, Druggists. ATTENTION! —,o:— » NV fERSOS MJiuu NOTES or CLAIMS oil \ Beets & Brinson, or-Note, on wlilcli ilier are Eniloriera, will |.U»ne iieiij ns a sieu-inenl of t!.I tome. . ItKKH'S IttUNSON. loO-n21 if JUST RECEIVED! W HITE l'FJAD, Linseed Oil, Kerosene Oil, Hnerm Oil, Machine Oil, Varnlitbe*. kc. * L. K. & H. E. WELCH. ALL RIGHT AGAIN. M il. MOUSE is again rraily lo rrcelrc IVulclir-. (■lock., and Jewelry, for reimiia. Wc guarantee all work done. L. E. WELCH k CO., UooksellerM and Jewelers, Dull’* New Ruilding. Saved from the Fire. 9 UR entire Block of Watches and fine Jewelry Silver and Silver Plated Wjkre, which we wil at small profits. n.~E. IVELCIT &.CO., HookseUers and Jeweler*. lull s uew lluildhig THE LATE FIRE BURNT UP Welch’s Corner, Unl onr' Frirnda and OnMomere' will find u, at Ball’s New Building, JEST HEI/IW H.XWSON’8, EADV tn wr»e lUsm •• befer,. We ere re- eetring dolly NEW QflOOS lo toko Its rises JVoiic.c / • bmfcy noli- Dp. -N. A. Pratt, (Si'tvxssuit i«» I'li xt r ^ Wilson Duos ) IF 'h ole sale Dr ugg i sts, Analytical and Coiisulliug (.’hernial, No. 23 Ifayne Bt, CHARLESTON, 8 C. in Druffs, (bftnicals, Palais, Class, and Druggists’ Sundries. Analyaia of Orea, Eidla, Ferlilixem, i - c., made with grealeat cure nud arcufacy. Chemical udvicegiven in ull branches of the *ei ence, on moderateterni*. toy Dr. F. Oliu lliMiiid'll), (Late of Heorgia), nnd extensively known throiiglmnt the Stale, i« !n lliis Home, nud solicits from his friend* nml acquaintance* n libetnl y.atrnnnge. march ’ll, ’JtJ lit Mitchell, SlialIcross & Co. Provision Conunissioit IRtrcIjauts, LOUISVILLE, - feb’JS—Itl 1m 1 - - KT. Administrator’s Sale. V virtue of an order of the Court of Onlinary Ti of Chatham goumy. and State of Heorgia, will be aold before the Court l(ou»e door of Dougherty county, on the first Tuesday in July next, between ! the legal hour* of Bale, the following unimproved lot* of land, vit: No. mV, Ini diet riel Dougherty county. •* GUI, .302, 312, UJl», loth di*. Thoman Co. “ 82,8J.84, ftlh “ llerrien “ •• .300, H.33, 71, 72, A»», W. M, 864, 807. 658, Uth di«t. Miller “ “ W»,|2e loth “ Decatur 4 * Ano flier* Lot. C fOMUS, BRUSHES, , SOAPS, PERFUMERY. TOILET ARTICLES, POCKET BOOKS, PISTOLS, KNIVES. Ac., at **!»***§ «•««%%• ; NEW BOOKS. Merchant of Berlin- By Mthlhit li, Frederick the Hreat, “ “ Joseph II, “ “ e Two Marriage*—By Mian Mulut-h. Noble Life, Sunny Bauk, 11 Marion Harlan. Dr. John*, “ Mitchell. Sir Brook Farhrooke— By CharlcH Lever. Citizen of Prague, “ Mia* How ill. The Dove iu Eagle'* Neal. Mute Singer—By Mr*. Anna Cora Ritchie. St. Elmo, “ MIbi Evan*. Just received hy V.. 13. WELCH & CO. feh 19. II If BEYOLVERS. C fOLT’S, Cooper’* Self Cocking, National Atm f t’o’*, Whitney'*, Bacon'* Merwin k Bray's. Prices from $12 to $25. L. E. WELCH k CO. Albany Book and Jewelry Store, A NY GOODS in our line ordered for cttBlomer* without EXTRA CHARGE. K'pecial pains taken in filling these special orders for either Books, Blank Work, Magazines, Music, Musical Instruments, Watches, JeweDy, Silver Ware, Ac., Ac. L. K. WELCH k /’O. in tin- and il Id n.uuiiy. and folly wairanlid loj .*•1111111 in any climate ami t.»gixca»g Isatiifaclion ' as any Piano* held t'<o s'l.U'iti. I liaxcbeen through j all the first chi - P'utiu fuutui ien lu Uullituut'v. Phil- t udclphia, Nexv Yurk nud other cities, find have! found none supeiior to the New l ock I'uioti Piano] ('..mpiiuie** make, whi« h are enfilialically the , lor thr Country, i Is Published EVERY WEDNESDAY, and cantata* • ilie most reliable and itPereMing rending' matter to ! to* found in miy paper in thin seel ion. 'Ft* r him of Sub script Ion: 1 Weekly, (per Year; $ 3,(HI Daily, one inoiilli 1.00 | “ ilure mouth*,..., .<f 2,At) *• one year, I ft,(HI l{i iiiilhnn'ri hi/ l.'jpim, or J(effi*terril Lettert ut our i >'!>. Address L llOWE A BUlhll, May 21, IMI57. Macon, Ga. -JPuk 7 ' ,# 1 n * tu '’ r •* ntittLi “ 220,221,8 . .221,200,5 jr ' *,c 205/ 2t)t b « - Bold a* the property ofthe estate of 9(S Bhebhaa, . TCdBjn m, county. late of Chatham county, deceased, for the of i he heirs and credUorx of skid estate. A, M, hosh; Adm’r on e»iate M. fftieaban, doo’if, |«HII(.f. k EobU, Alt/'*, Fishing Tackle. I F /ou v>nt food luck when jot. go fiahinf, go lo tho Book Flora aid bujr lha bait Tackle. A largo alock HOOKS, UNI 4i. t in gnu rorirlj. BB, BOBS, FLOATS, L. E. WELCH A CO. O St TIM E -it* BUT NOT Fine Watches and Clocks Repaired AT MAOOU tKUmi, lion coonmitM. Sbuuaola Piano for the People, U Ibr they can Lc * .aid limn one lo two bundled dol lars I I'm* than can lo* bought li'oiu any other reliable maker. They tll'c the V <- l- y T It i it n for those living where they cannot get lulling done ollt'll. I am agent for the - He of these Pianos and will wnrmni them as long as any Others will. I have been t-ngiigeil ip i Vm* loi-iiic- thirty yen i s and Apeak nd\isedly. o. II. IKK.'i:. II riving roll sen ted I •» keep I he # e PI INKS on‘ale, we have had » n*m thoroughly tested, and from the rxpre«-»'.| we are prepaid! lo recommend them. J. NV ' Ill'llKE .S COr May IHth, 1st.7 f.l ly MERCER & SMITH, CIIIINRI! I'.r.OAM AND W VSIIIMM'ON STS. v. Albany, (jeorgin. TTXVI! (ill l.mi-l, lin.l :(((- (.'(ili-l.nitly ri-eeivitlfc. A Good Stock of Goods, Coifbling, in part, of Bacon, Flour, Sugar, ColTce, Sail, Cheese, Irinh Po tatoes. Tobiieeo, Cigar*, Sunil', Potash, Fickle*. Stiidiiie-», Cull- •lies, Soda, Liquors, Powder, Shot, Lend, Pereu*t»iwn Cup*, llx»H<»vr-W«ve, Iron, Nail*, Plow Steel. Tiiice Chain*, Hoe*, Plow Lilies, STAPLE DRY GOODS. A LECTURE I’O YOUNG ME 1ST. Ju' t I'lihltt/ml, in u Senleil h'noflope. Price tlx Cent*. A LwfiiM' on llio Nil I lire, Treat* incut, and Radical Cure of Spermalorrloi*, or Reml- nal Wi'*kn«NN, Inxoloninry Enii>*ions, Srxual .D*- bilily, nud Imj.cdimentH to Marriage gruerally.— Ncrvoiisiie**. Consumption, Epilepsy, nnd Fit*; Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self-Abuse, Ac. - By ROBERT J. CULVER WELL, M. D., Author of the ••Green Book,” Ac. The world-renowned author, In thin admirable , Lecture, clearly prove* from hi* own experience (hat the awful consequence* of Kelf-Alui*e inay bo *f- ' I'rotually removed without medicine, and Wilbotlt dangerous surgical operations, bougies, inalrumenl*, ring*, or cordial*, pointing out a mod* of cure tit once certain and effectual, by which every lufferer, no mailer wliut hi* condition may he, inay cure him- self cheaply, privately, and 1'nilicnlly, THI8LKC'- TUKE WILL PROVE A BOON TO TflOUHANPS AND THOUSANDS. Sent under seal to any address, in n plain staled envelope, ou ihereoeiul of six cent*, nr two post age stamp-. Also Dr. t-ulverwell'a “Marriage ago Htainp 1 t'-'il/tN. JI7V. KLINE Guide,” price 2j cmitu Addj-es^l^e^utdliihsrs,' i-iiA*. *->• *aiaiub. esc Wm IDT llownry, New York* P. O. Box 4580. May 23,. 1887 W— HATS, SHOES, BROOMS, SKIVES, At.’., TUBS, AC. BUCKKT8 "I’li'* I»*jj?li*'st iiftti'hfl jitifOH pnitl for ALL KIN-I'S OF l'RODLVH. jan 24,8.3*1 Notice* B Y virtue of an ord$r from the Honoi (?nuri of Ordinary or Dougherty con projirct J* belon,liigl(i Qto. II. ilprop.1—. id cnuuiy. deceased, consisttng of , lot* as hereinafter Ueigrib^d, tu-wD.i Corner ou WeahiuglDii nud Pinentreets, fronllfigCook’s NVarehonse,.number not known; lot lying East of the above tnenitotted l«>l on Hwith side of Pine street! r»ran*og 95 feet on said Pinesli-eet, and tiih- 7 . on.^ Lrond reel, all llopniroil At t 'V-‘J MACON PRICES -O- - i: A I^IROM THE ENTIRE sollufaelion glven by bttr Experienced Workman, in the Iasi four months, we eonfldetiliy ail oifr friends and cuelonter* Id bring In lh«lr , - ' • Ifot repalWi «bU guaranta. a, En(?tfvvin« Done to Ort BOOK AND JEIVEUIX- STOKE. Hpeotiol. OluiM r.fiiud to •ctl.U( Alban/, Jan. 17,18(17 rjN