The Albany tri-weekly news. (Albany, Ga.) 1867-186?, July 16, 1867, Image 2

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r 4m TRIWEEKLY S. S. SWEET, :: Editor. ALBANY, GA.» JVhY 10, 1^07. Uv.M.Tn COMMITTKB.—tVllO Mid wbcie ure the* member* of tbo Health (’oinmiUee * A little* pooping around in btirk-ynida might reveal aomothingi of interenl t«» them. NN •’ hope they will take the hint. y Rk.iond NironxK—We have* roooivod thix number ni “Burke’* Weekly for Boys and tiirls.” It Uequal, if not superior to t bo first nuniher. It ban nlready been intro duced to nearly a thousand households, and i» a great favorito with the little folks. VN o are glad to nee such encouragement given to Southern publications, and hope* ere* Jong to hear oft housandi more* coming up tp i‘« rupport. A Sri.RNWi*Piano.—One ofthe Inal in. Htrumeuta ever brought to tho State) is now for sale* at the Book Store of L. K. We lc h el Co. Should anyone desire* to get a bar. gain ami a good instrument at the same* time*, they should call at once. \ National Character* As an evidence e»f returning reason, we* see that Home ofthe Hadioalte are becoming exercised about the* reputation of Congress. The New York Times, says e»f this highly intelligent bnely, that weelouht whether the reports of Congressional discussions are* >ery attentively read just now, hut one In cident in the* proceedings of Fridny did not, wo trust, altogether escape notice. It is il lustrative Iwtli ol the general tono which prevails in the Le gislature, and of tho ideal which many oiits ineinhers have* forineel ol their country. It would he a eurieuis inquiry to ascertain in what section or class in the* land is truly rcprcHontoel by Home e»l the* gentleman who figure most conspicuously in tho Capitol, nuel how many memhers there are there* altogether who reflect fairly the* practical common sense and sound intel ligence which distinguish us as a nation.— What is the fair standard te» assign to an assembly whieh, ill its highe*st departnient in presided over by an officer who goes about the country striving te* kindle the class antagonisms ed the Old We»rhl; to stir up pe'i'iiiuiicut discontent he*t wee'll the cm plover and employed, and who flings into the midst of a peaceable society tin* 11 re brands ofthe Fronedi Revolution—the false and miseheviouH doctrines that labor is an injustice, and those who have made* proper- ty l»y tlie'ir honest, liarel toil, shouhl he* polled to divide* it nmong the* idle or the profligate? Is the President of the .Senate a fair representative* of the* most iudiistrieiiiN most independent, and eonteiited people* in the world? Is a man who pauelers to the' pre*judie*e*H and ignonmee* of the* most elan gerous classes ill the* community tit to pre side* over the* delilierations of an asse*nihly whieh we are* apt t«> say is the* most perfect law-making body ever devised? Take the 1 either Houho—openeel eve*ry day with tawdry stump speech nelelre*sse*d to the* AI mighty, essentially a pie*ce of profanity trout beginning tei end, followed up by wild el olaniatioiiH troin a lew unscrupulous men who manage to cajedoor bully thenr eo leagues into fedhnving at their heels, I this the model ed’what we shemlel like a Ameriean Congress to he* ? It is not what it was in the* days when impartial and high milieled officers preside*d eiver a gathering ed* delegates composed of some ol the* ablest men in the country. Georgia A Florida Railroad. To TI1K Cl J lZK.VS Ol* Tiiomah, Douuiikkty, ami Mitciiki.i. Ceii-m i kb:— We, the undersigned, feeling a deep in tcrest in the e*arly completion «>! tin- Hail Hoiul from ThoinaHville to Albany, would most re'Speetfully call the attention ed all interested to the fact, that if an immediate nnd united effort is tiiaele* this road can be* scoured. This charter g. ant eel by the Leg i-lat ure cannot he* used for any either rondj and the* reiad if built as charte*rcel, w*l prove* a fine investment, anel a puldic he*ue*fit. We* woulel urge that immediate ste*ps he take*n by those* interesteel to begin the* en* terprise*. As a preliminary step, we- would suggest a public meeting he* liedd in Albany upon some day in August next that may hi sede'cte'il by the* Thoruasvilh* friends id* lie road, and that at such meeting some definite I lull of operations he agreed upon for Inline lion, lieil'UIIKItTV eeilMV. UK Hines, DAYason, .1 (» Stephens, if •! Cook, .1 T Dickinson, .1 B Higdon, I* W Alexaneler, C M Clark, ,.J 11 Cumphc)l, Tneki'r A Ball, IlC Todd, .IT Sims, W W Kendrick, D II Pope, O Brinson, Clias Volkor, A Bee rs, L K A If K Welch, itm’l Mayer, Shackedlord A Co, F I)i'(5ralie-line'll, .las II Hill, W 1 N'nson, Fields Jb Alley, M Mere'er, W li Dickinson, Marx Smith, .1 M Coeipe*r, .. .dm Talbott, BT Russi'l, W II (iilfieri A Bin, W C II Coope r,’ The Harvest Prospects. Tho harvest prospects, judging by the* r ports we receive from all quarters of tic country, wers probably never better than they are to-day. The hay crop is far lie*yond an average*.— Tho corn crops, even in the* Northern and Northwestern States, where the* e*edd, chill- ing rains of May ami the comparative* laid ot sunshine in early June kept hack both the sowing season anel the young plants, are iiiiversally reported to In* healthy, vigorous and rich in promise. Wheat has made amazing progress within the last ten twelve elays,and, unless all the present sign: dee*eive us. the vicbl in all the Middle States in Virginia and in the Southwest will 1 magnificent. In South Jersey ami many parts of Penn sylvania, the rye harvesting was in progress more than a week ago. In both States the opemiing of tho present month found thou sands of acres of wheat fully ripe. The re- turn of tho average crop will he at least third greater than that ot last year. A report from Illinois (which clearly takes the lead among tho wheat growing . States) says, that there the prospect ed a bountiful crop eif well-matured aud plump grain was nevor brighter. From Olim the stutementsare equally encouraging. What the Western farmers at this crisis most elroael are hailstorms. These, however, sol elom spread over a wide area; and the wcatli or—settled as it begins to look, and gcniully warm, will now so hasten the ineist hack- warel crops, that there hardly appe*ars to In* anything to sustain npeeiilation founded on n failure, in any one ol our great ugricultur- /... ul staples.—New York Times. >n * A BsAt’iiFt'r. BttACK.—Forney’* Wash* . r ing ton Chronicle, aud Mr. Shark of Indiana, rfrclw favor ot endorsing the brutal butchery * ! v Hnfjxfaril Ban. These are the moral re. forpiers of this world, crucley, and mercL f lcwneas, tlmjJcafioid and the bullet, repre* r ' ‘ fl^uttp tbem theprogreti aud moral en. ti-,m TSwy take pride in b.....: appUediflgthui act, which it cxererated by - .’.W'VlMe'eivlUnd World and whieh con-1 •idmnurfJoftvre and hi* supporter* to ercrnal twice as dear to hot* sons. Wc deduce from our own feelings that our wealthy class, as it general rule, will stay with tho State, and ride out with her and with those notso well ll'in worldly goods, the coming storm aud bullet it, and swim or sink together. Advanced this tar, then, i. e. that wo are ill bound together by necessity or by equal 'n**; of nature ami kindred, and must togeth er meet tin* future ahead of us. What is it our manifest duly to do? In wlwt pathway shouhl our footsteps tread that we may go safe ami sure through the dangers now in sight ? First. Most manifestly a general feeling of dependence upon Heaven, and a silent, 'oiistuul prayer for light and aid, would well become a people now under such trials is are we. Though things look black, ever md anon may we think be seen the finger of the Most High plainly indicating that these things happen not by chance, nor yet ure without rich blessings, hidden far away under tin* cloud that oppresses us. Secondly. We should forget the bitter feelings engendered by the late war and its disastrous results, ami cultivate kindly feel mgs to all men, and seek to get out ol tho warped ideas ami strained and olten one siiled views which frequently result from dwelling too long upon one side of any question. —. \ Farley, Kicluirdsnii, II Pulaski, (} West brook, N Westbrook, P Graves, ; miiviii:i.i uht.l Bacon, II Jlacou, r T Walt on, W Fears ami M I*, ark Husnu ami C < (' <) Brooks, LIM) Warren, S NSweet, <) L Woodward, F G t'onnallv, W T (irniit, M l> , rut?NTY. .1 .1 Bradford, W A Strother, Troup Butler. Calloway, of Macon. I Farmer, of Terrell. The Evil and the Hcmedy. Once more our thoughts, dwelling upon the situation of things around us, would ml expression in ready words going forth half matured ami hastily thrown together, t/full ofthe importance ol the theme we have attributed most of the evils ofthe pro- tit time to restless, uncertain feelings in n* hearts of our people, ami said that this lom* would be sufficient in I lie present I* •stroy our usefulness, ami would hatigliki pall over every bright prospect in tin* lu lire, Mid begged our people to give way to them no longer, hut, dismissing them as un worthy of u highly educated and noble peo- le,tumour hands in earnest to the work fittest for them to do. We assume, as self-evident, that two- birds of our people are tied to the soil that il they would they cannot, emigrate— that the bosom of Georgia is destined to a resting place to their bodies ns it has to their ancestors—and that therefore, with our State, their destinies, lor good or ill, is irrevocably at (ached. Audio this class it would seem idle indeed to say one word a* o tin* importance of instant ami untiring ef fort to better the poor prospects ahead of us, for their weal or woo being so confessedly de pendent on the figure of the eommunif\ in which they live, that evident self-interest should urge them to work. The class of >ur people better oil ill worldly goods, we think ure equally interested. We think il vident that though they are able, yet hav ing remaint'd here this long since May I sun, hey will not go, and we cannot deem it heir interest to do so. It is a hard lot to he compelled to give up the land of our firth and become a homeless w anderer on he face of God’s loot stool. The heart of man, busy, worldly, money-loving as he is, glows some strongly rooted products, uml largest ami most (irmly set ofall his passions, is his love of father-laud ami home. The associations of early youth cling closely to him, wander where he will; and memory even goes hack lovingly to his earliest home, the frequented play ground, .-tin* shaded brooklet, the crowded school room, aud the scene ofthe sports of his boyhood. Who could imagine himself happy and con tented far away in some distant laud, ever separated from his native (ieorgia ? (’ould the kindly associations ofthe past la* forgot ten, go where lu» may ? Oh no. Old crowd ed England, with her antiquated customs and settled habits, her tine heel and mild climate, her logs aud her busy centres, her self would bo but a lame substitute lor the freedom from caste, the energetic youthful- nossol society, and equality of social worth, whieh our traveler h*t\ behind him. And few emigrants would lx* called upon to give up for feeling’s sake, such a home. (Ieorgia ranks second to no land under the sun in blessings of soil and climate; her people, lor energy and character, are peers of any nice—her sea hoard, her valleys and her mountains, in their sphere, each speak proudly their claims—her cotton lands, her grain farms, and the middle |torlions, suited to those crops, and fruit and every cereal— all pre-eminently challenge comparison with ■anv. bejhey where they may. Childly. Our intercourse with the I reed- man and his family should he characterized l*\ a high-toned, chivalrie feeling of kind ness and jiMiec. We should remember that they are hut two years and a halfold in their newly Hedged freedom, aud that it is not i matter of wonder that queer notions and Grange conceits should find ready entrance into their poorly lit up brain. We should give them full credit lor their unexampled good conduct, during the war, ami trust them' Ibra similar behavior in the future.— Should itinerant meddling strangers inter lerc aud seek to estrange hint from you, your kindness in protecting, feeding, shel tering, nursing him aud liis family, will soon banish from his simple heart the had advice mill wicked councils of this detestable class. Then, too, go with him to these pretended friends of the black race, sec if they will give him clothes, lend him money, give him \and. Test each impostor in person fully, send to each radical apostle tho blind, the halt, the lame, and the needy among the freed me ii. Sec how* much he i.ovks tiikm is \io\i;\, how much ill sugar, cotlee, et cetera outne*.,and let this In* known to the freed men ii i.\r ir tiiky auk uis rmiisns I'll ICY \\ III MINKIKIITO HIM IS THIS WAV stead of trying to make money out ot him aud swindle him by hollow impositions,aud let them rise or fall accordingly. Surely our people could easily convince the freed men who are their friends it they would.— Very little iiiaiiagcuieiit will test these pre tenders to the core. AFFLICTED, READ THIS nmotrs oleum vita. T ills gre.t Gertnnn I.lnlintnl in on olmooi infnl- lible oure for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Rheumatic Fiiins ill the Back, Breast, . Sides or Joints, Toothaehe, Nervous Headache, Earache, Sprains, Bruises, Swellings, Cuts, Insect Bites, Burns, Ac., Ac. Thia great remedy should he in every house.— For Horses this remedy tins no equsl. Ask for KAYTON H OLEUM V1T.E. Take qo other. 8eut by express for $1. KAYTON’S MAGIC CURE, AN EGYPTIAN REMEDY, Fnr (lie cure of Hiulden Cougli. nnil CulJ», A«t!i mo. Aclil Stom.cli, Sore ThroM, llc.rltillrll, Sea SickueM, (’holer.. Diarrhea, Pain, and Cramp, the Slom.oo, Scnl ly ripr... for VI. Kayton’s Dispeptic Pills Are a «ur« and plca.ant cure for Dj.pcp.iaJ Uil- lioua Dl.ordorn, Cop.llpiiliou. and all Disorder, of lh. hirer, and Dowel., and when luken regularly will clean.? (he blood. These nr? (lie .realm onli-Ullioii. Pills ever placed before (lie h If yon want Sue WHISKY and some ICE WATER .all on T. M. Cnenav,at .mllN TAI K'ITI •'Hlliu CEUY, Ravrsou’a Uuildiu^. Don’t fiiil io call. July likl HOT. READ ! HEAD! W E tiro rogiihotv in -mniuifiieimiip; UN WAKE for the Wholesale and Retail 1 at astonishingly low prices, "o witt r 1 "' * allenliou lo Tin Roofing, Guttering, &.C., Have You seen theEiejJ which will tie under the por onat v\\\ti'v\u i.m Mil. ^USKELL, and executed in inni iil.-ftnmi manner. All work warraim-l. W«* JfWV,," 1 '" f !*, cured the services of It. \N. Al.l' mi "Id resident of Albany, work i‘ (“•» wsu to need coiniiient. IN TIN Or«lers from Something NEW GOO] —AT— NEW PRIG] LETTERS CUT in the most pet feel style of the ai l. abroad for any tiling in our line, wilt receive prompt attention. . Mt- Hemetnher the |dacc.o|-l'"'ilo A.-I. t<’» ' * s NEW IJHh’K IH.Ot'K. Call tun, heeoim* o..l»»-»|. A. J. TOWNS, mniTHEU .v CO. To Ti»p. I'—Mr. M. I’ussell Hoof on my New building, and l am with it. U will compare with any^r Albany, July 2d, 18<!7. put the Tin well pleased >of I know of. J. T iWNS. 7<» -)•») puldic. Kent by mail for 30 cents per box. The above medicines are prepared and sold by I*a*.r. II. II. KAYTON, Savannah, Ua., To whom all orders should be addressed; or to the Agents, A. A. SOLOMONS & (•'<)., Wholesale Drug gists, Savannah, Ga. beware of counterfeits. The genuine has I rof. H. II. Kavton's signature on each bottle and box A liberal discount to those selling again. For sale iu Savannah by A. A. SOLOMONS & CO., E. W. MAKSII Hi CO., W. M. WALSH, H. 11. TATKM, and by Druggists and Country Merchants generally. j«»ly 1«—lyr. L, E A II 1? Welch, A gen Is, ’ ALBANY, UA. 1 NEW HOTEL ! have just completed my New llolo’ building, il is conveiiidiily arrang- and handsomely located A good Cistern in the yard. To an experienced man, a liberal oiler will In* made. For particular' call upon K. H. Towns, Albany. 1 A. J. TOWNS. For Hnil. am now receiving one I most complete Mint DRY GOOlj 1 1WO LAUGH SToltK BOOMS, in p uuder (lie New Hotel. A. .1. ■rfect order, TOW So. GxoxcttA—Worth county. Notice is lieret»y given to all persons concerned, dial I nhall apply to (lie Honorable the Court of Or dinary of said county, for leave to resign my trust as Guardian lor the person and property of the mi nor heirs of Janies N. Ford, deceased, ou the first Monday in September uext. July 1(1, IHH7 K. G. FORD, Sr.,Guard'd. Gkoruia—Worth county. By virtue of an order of the Ordinary of snld county, wilt be sold before the Court House door in Isabella, in said county, between the lawful hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in September next, lot of land number (190) one hundred and ninety-niue, in tho 41th district of Dooly county, Ga. Sold as the properly of Leroy Kenedy, lute of said county, deceased. Terms—CASH, JOHN M. KENEDY. July Hi, 1HH7 Adm’r of L. Kenedy, dee d. Gkoruia—Worth county. These are to notify I lie kindred and creditor*’ ard all others concerned, lo he aud appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they can. whyCeila E. Uuckelew, ad ministratrix with the Will annexed on the estate ot James ltuckelew, deceased, should not he discharg ed from her said trust. J. W. HOUSE, July 111, 'U7. Ordinary. I. The Parts newspapers are tilled with ill eiih nts enniiei'leil with the sensation occa sioned l»v tin* representation ot Victor lit go’s liei'iiaiii. One line, whieh was sup pressed at tin* liM representation of tho play, had hern restored. An attendant walks in and addressing Don Carlos says : •• /’/»■• l.'iiijitrur Mmim,H,in in ,lr>nl. " referring to some old lellow whose very holies had erumlded into dust ages ago.— But tin* words ran through the audience like an elee|t ie shock. This was on Thurs day, June JO, aud perhaps many of those present at that representation will hereaf ter eonneet the shudder, eaused hy the reci tation ofthe line, with the Inet f list tin* hotly ofthe unfortunate Austrian Prince was then lying, scarcely cold, on the soil ot Mexico. Thomas Coi vrv, hy a vote of her citizens, has suhscrihed one hundred thousand dol lars towards tht* const met ion ofthe “South Georgia, ami Florida Railroad.” The total amount thus far suhscrihed in said county, is about $*2,*10,1100. This is an excellent com mencement; and if the other counties will do equally as well the movement will prove a success. TO C1TT TAX PATERS. 40,000 POUNDS BACON Vttli SALK TO PLANTERS ON CREDIT CALL SOON ON Our jiaat history as a Stall" is gnrgooua with glory, anil shells a lustre far out into those realms where the light of great ilmls shine. For our State archives reveal, many names of great men now gone to their rest, who have «ted, written and sjxAon nohly in their time, ami are oure of being remem bered while memory ofthe good slutll last. Tin* bonks tin- collection of City Taxes for the year Ihii7 will be opcuetl from this time until the Hull tiny of September next. Conic up promptly aiul settle, uiul thereby save thn cost of execution*. J. F. CAHG1LE, Treasurer. Albany, Ga., July Hi, 18t»7. 7o—tlOd Manhood: How Lost, how Restored, Jml joihhihfil, <1 up ip tdition of Bi'.CiilvmvcIPN Celebrated Eft- *ny on the r,b/ic,il cure (without medicine) of Si'kum AToiiKim* i, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, impotrsct, Menial and Physical Incapacity, Impedimenta to Marriage, etc. ; also CoxsrNmo.v, Erjtrrar, and Fits induced by self- uduigruce or,-textual extrav agance. £V$r IVov ill a sealed envelope, only C coni*. The p’-h'bralpd author in this admirable essay elonily demonstrates, from u thirty years’ success ful practice, that the ulnruiing consequences of seif abuse may be radically cured without the danger ous use of internal medicine or*the application of the knife -pointing out a mode of cure at once sim ple. ccriniu. and etfeetual, by means of which every sufterer, no matter what ills condition may be, may euro bituself cheaply, privately, and r<rJicalltf. fkajr This Lecture shouhl be in the hands ot every youth and every mail in the land. Sent, under real, in a plain euvelope, to any ad dress poft-]»u,l, on receipt or six cents, or two post stamps. Address the publishers, I’llAS. J. 4\ KLINE & CO., m Bowery, N, Y, P, O, Box ISM. May 23,18(17 M— MEGRATH& PATTERSON Mulberry St. Macon July 13-7-4-lm BRICK! BRICK! have just burned a kiln of No. 1 Brick, which 1 otter cheap, (’all on H. it. Town", opposite the ew Hotel. A J. TnWNS. Albany, July 2d, 18'i7. . -Im FOUTZ' CILIBKATEIl S Tlii* |irt-naratlen. long mid fiivornhly kitosn, will tlmr oiiKlily rctllvIgoriUe tirokeii down »tul |ow-*|>lrit(st li«,rs.-n, l>>- FtrensthiiniiK uml clcan«ing Hi**' yWOiHt-h uml titles 11m*. )t J, * sure Jire vi-ntlvf ot nil ills enses IneMciit t>» this animal, such as Ll’.Vfl FF.VKH, ULAM'KKfi, TKLI.OW tVA- TER. HEAVES, COUGHS, PIS TE M l* E R. FK- TF.RS, FOUNDER U)SR OF AFI’K- TITK AND VITAL K.VEKfl V. kc. It* use Improre* Die wind, Increases the a|>petite -Kivt s a ■ m o o t It amt ■ glossy skin—uml* transforms t h e * miserable skeleton Into a line lookitiR and spirited horse. To keepers of Cows thi* i-repartition is Inrnlmii.te Jt i nr reuses the ijuuutity uml iuiproves U„- tjiialUy of tilt-uiilk. It lets In-t-n |trovt n by at- tual cx|it-rinH nt ti* iticreusc the t|uun- tlty of milk uml cream twenty Jnt cent, unit make tie- butter Him uml { sweet, lit futti nint: 1 gives tin to nil W}||H tile, loti--, in their I, i it e , unit makes them thrive la all diseases of Swine, sucli as Coughs, Ulcers in the Lungs, Liver, kc., this article acts as a specific. By putting from one-half a paper to a paper la a barrel of swill the above (Hocuses wilt be eradicated nr enUrely prevented. If given In time, a certain preventive and cure for the Hog Cholera. Prica 86 Cants per Paper, or 5 Papers for $1. PREPARED BY 8. A.. FOTJTZ & 11X10., AT THEIR WHOLES4LK DRVU AND JHF.DlflXK DEPOT, Ko. 116 Franklin 8t.« Baltimore, Hd. For Sale by Druggists aud 8lor«¥eei»ers through- • out the United States. [-£>" For snlo hy I.. E. & II. E. VVololi, Hriqrphlfr, Albany, ti.i July 13, 1807. 74- . (4 IfOOKRII ICvpi' Immgiit in tliis * I lmvo for THE L A Dll riant ikUtl Stripe Jaconet, Orgatulic Muslin, 1 Main Jtiiil dotted Swisse, Kiiibroiilorcd “ Black and white Lawns, Stripe Mozambique, Plaid Barege, Brown and blue Barege, Gingham, Lawns, Fink, blue and white Tarletoti’J Mink, Kinbroidered Handkerchiefs, Alexander Kid Gloves, white&l Ladies’, Misses’ and C’liiblrt'tts’| IVints at 12.1 ots. per Yard, Latest Styles SHOE S| nf every description, and bunditdtl eleM that cannot be given ‘mail mlvcrtr FOR GENTLEMEN! l’roneb Call’Boots and Show, Fat. Leather “ “ “ . Fxtra Kip “ “ “ Large sizes Mens’ and Women*’ Bby.-i’, Youths’ and Childrens’ llats,all descriptions, Latest styles Linen Bosom Shii Drawers, Best Alexander Kid Gloves, ik colored, Handkerchiefs, Socks, Cravat* Large lot of i Gents’ and win In- Plantation Supplies, W K began Io supply Planters with necessary supplies to make (heir crops, early in fhc season, before there was evideneo of good cri-ps.- We are still prepared to supply CORN Ml DACO.V, sue AII, U0FFEE, tt„ Either for cash or on time, due 1st November. We will be ready with a good stock of BAGGING and IKON TIES in due time for I lie trade in Au gust. Our arrangements will be such that wc can sell these necessary articles on ns good terms ns iv house South. PEARS & LAWTON. July 13-81. Third St., Macon, Gn. FUMITEM * A.T COST! M. P. CALLAWAY A SOM — Corner Fourth and Cherry Sis.,— Intending to close out their present business,-not offer their Kntire Stock. Furniture At Oos t! It i Boys’ Oil i>1 »t'ii in a few day*. In the Grocery XjD I have Flour, all grade*, Ciinvnssotl mol l'ig Hamn, U' Ten, C'Jgo >nol lticc, A I! C uml Criminal Sup Sugar, Knriun, OyuU-r, ('rarkt'iK—by tlic ]>numl < (lyuti-rx, I.olwtors, Vickie*, l-'t-ciu-li Musliml, Snuecu, I'ruitB, Smln, Cream Tartar, Xuls, liniaiiiu, (iiiigrr, I* 1 -U’llicH, all kimla, llrandy P< J—i nc Apple, Citron, Tapioca, roni, Curronla, Potflah, bjtf cast-, T.yo, by tbc lb. or caic, by (lie lb. or box,Powder, Caps, Smoking Tobacco, oral now brands, Che, '.u.iw.oA iiir Matcl CliBH F. M. THOMPSON, Contractor and Builder, JOHNSON’S HOTEL, SmithviUo,. Ga. T. IT. JOHNSON, PrdprWtor. * far dtwar. MVHMwSh AM) t)BALER IX BURIAL riMIR Down Trains stop ol this poial ‘ The table is I The House is new. ‘ I. ■ k I l. . I .1. - _ Sucli mew i« i »>kr our erythiar ftnifhtllj that the market ofordt. gmhhviUe, Jwly 2d, IBH? id-la CASES, ALBANY, OA. I an ,>ap«r«4 (a aoMrMt for »U kind, of wark la mj Uaa, aad promUa ulblkedaa la afar, i 29th. 1867. CW-Cm. Fine Walnut Set Parlor Sets, stands, onsista of; ! Gettnerv Sets* Bureaus,AN uhlt- Whal-Xols, lfnt Hacks, Trundle Bedd, C’radles, Mnt- treasys, Fpat^iors, etc., He., etc. ALso. a large assortment uf Window »>hft(lfiv , r - f "i r AT 7 Wall - l»aiif’‘rr r ' iUl t’arput^fji v ciiiatS ..JiiUt'u®, M. la teat, "aaa^ihiaf—aaUaUe 4j,t : ia»a rinl-CUu Sandtar* CsiaUlsbnirul. Jata *b, 18(17. It Tobacco, do., -'Ujchckl Tubs, Buckets, Chaff 1 Trays, Bowls. A Splendid bot of lalQUOB Champagiu- lVioc^ .Madeira u Sherry Claret „ Vo It . , Hal ciin, Brandy, Wbiskf, 1 " Sebnap|u>, McGinnis’ Ale, Urotkcry Hardware, (tuns and Ifistols, and Cl»a ) UElVf all it. ,111^ »lll*a a •• »- I / • IM0IT1CTW 5?^” CfU W fbr ttlr» '* ' w. i Albany, Jour 4th. l ss f