The Albany tri-weekly news. (Albany, Ga.) 1867-186?, July 18, 1867, Image 1

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-IP I- THE j F. CA-TIGILE & CO. TRI-WEEKLY WISDOM—.11 'STICK—MOPEU ATIOX. 8Q, PEU QUARTER ALBANY, GEORGIA. JULY 18. 1867. NUMBER 76. ^WEEKLY NEWS, ! caud*. Ybiibhkd on every ; D. H. POPE, Hr.TWJj* PAV AV1> SAT,IR,,AV V ATTORNEY AT l.AW. Gilbert Jfc Yuroii’h Dry j ALBANY, R4, tZsm«*° Uth ° Hlreet. ; X1TIM. jjive proinpi altctiii.m to any Lii*mm>*- ■ ~ . . - j YY enlrusloil him, In allilipl.NuirlsoriKiiijilieily 1 Atlvcrlliiins, j Hn ' i * »urroumlliigcoumles. i.. r. i*. w Altar s'. »n«l siuroutiilitigcouniie July I, 1867. n. j. wmmiT. WRIGHT & WARREN, ATTORNEYS AT l.AW, AI.BAXV, iiA. W ILL pr.u'lice in l)u* several OnurlK nf Law uml Equity in tni* Stale and lhe (Vrtiil ('mills of the limit'd* Slates for llio Stale id (Je »rj;ia. Also niieiiiioii given in niMMl.t.SlnN in BANK RUPTCY. Albany, Nov. 13. 18(»5. —37 J. W. FEARS, 5M Provision Dealer & Grocer, Macon, Go. P E rat o >«H«datUie rale of One Dollar ► square ef Ten Lines, tor (he f Sereuty-five Cents for each ^payable in »dva.«ce. .iOlIT NOTICE. j of candidates for office, $10, **JJUlo*be charged for at regular ad- _2 hm-4o b« P»W in ttllT » nce - IP* "jo f CB lines, of brevier, make one I tfJJTLpaonts that make over eight lines ►' iftTg lines, counted as two squares. ^Jieill m nrk on their advertisements IVuesres they wish Diem to occupy. *.*.{*— f„ r Individual benetii, will be Aetr square for each insertion. -Jf-rt*"* fl ! idrcrthcnietils. Kb!UtrU| w* wr r * ,es for ft,Iv ‘‘ r,i *e- L oficigitt lines or less..? J 00 CES&*, per levy ft 00 Of Administration 4 00 “iJhUirtefOusnlianship 4 00 Lf/g^licstioesfdismission from Admin- a for dismission from t|iiar- 4 00 L«rt u«a « uD(ht»nsad Creditors 4 UUj * '" iriqeere ■' 00 ills properly, ten days . . . . nlstT days ft 00 TT- u L associated iheinsel tW above rates will be required in • JLjL n i * , jj cin ‘‘- r-nsfoiti. ' OKK1CK—l T p sums over Hil«nmn |vWTU j I store. SPECIAL NOTICE. Dr. DoNVili will give special niieniion to LdlMllby Administrators, Executors or ^airsisqaired by law to be held on the ifc* Is each month, between the hours ol' ■ mod and three in the aOeruoou, at M It the county in which the proper- J Nbtlce of these sales must he given : ' . jiQmtU forty days previous. OFFICE—LelimaiTsCorner, opposilp t.ivery Stall' SgM, ,[ p,n°i»l proprny mnsl h, RESWHXCh 4f X. /'. Utll.xSOXS. ibttliuur, Ihroilgli • public Kiurll, lira j IS Mild.,. 1 Ftfl.I_-nl 1 -It ] lAttr sad creditors of an estate must J ihrtjfdiys. i n»M ..ilsapliestion will he made In the Court ^Ului •; fefltove to sell Land luttsi lie publish* ( arrangemenis are complete for «s1e mid de< llverv of Bankrupt Laws. iETITIONS in Bankruptcy under late Ah of l'. Congress CAN NOT HE FII.EI) uiiiil the gene- orders of tiie Judges of tin* Supreme Court (uuder section 10) prescribe the form of the peiition orders, etc,, etc When (lie Circuit and district Court of the United 8tat«*s cun properly hear these eases, we shall gladly represent our clients before them. Cases can be determined in vacation nr term. HINES .V: 11 OR ItS, Attorneys at Law. Albany, On?. April ‘J. 1867. 61 if MEDICAL CARDS. Drs. Jennings & DeWitt in ilie practice of Dali s Drug SURGICAL cases. Albany, .Inly 2d, 1867 TODD ALBANY. OA. Cromwell & "" 1 j /~VFFER Ihoir pi'iifessiounl service* to the citizens fcr letters of Administration. Guardian-1 vJ of Albany and vicinity. Offiee on D.oad St. mlM»oWiihe<l thirty days—for dis-j hebruary 1*4. 1866. ^ U -H . cAi.i.mvvv «. m. I'ot'i. Drs. Callaway & Pope, GA. JVU CORN BACON AND HAY. In store and to arrive, 'JY.tiou lbs. Smoked llocon, un.onollis Hulk Sail Sides. •>,600 bushel* Corn. bti.tNKt Him Northern and Eastern Hay. AO iibls A 11 (* Sugar. •JtMt bids Supertine Family Flour. •*i0 kegs Nails. ltW Sacks l.iverpool Sail. Having an AGENT West constantly Imyiiig, no one lias tiie advantage. Dlnnters wanting produce especially COHN, siiotild hntid in their oi'ttor* willi I lie (.’A Nil, iu time. The corn will lie IratiNfered on arrival, saving dray-age. which wil always lie o cents in bushel less than pric This 1“ saved to purchasers St ot- is a car load. from It Ml bushels J W. FEARS. January HOlli, 1867 L,a»rt U published thirty day »A4aiaistr*tinn, monthly six months—i imfrim Gaawllanshin forty days. | (b(«»hi#*ml*iare of >lorlgages must be ■tVly for four months—for estnldiHhing! g the full space of three months—fori IIfrom Executors or Administrators,: Un given hy the deceased, the] l months. vesfeen & Co. I1HO-FORTE PALMYRA, March aikli, 1867 [:UI-iy | DRS. SIMS & MclllLLW H ave associated lliemsclvss together in I lie' practice of medicine, and lierehy tendci-1heir services to tiie citizens of A Unity and vicinity. The Favorite & Most Comfortable ROUTE FROM Albany to New York! (17.4 SA i r . l AW 4 //.) Farr Through (o New Fork—$.15 rnilH folbiwing new. fast, and lir«l-class STEAM- J SHIPS sail ironi Savannah to New York every | T«i><«liiy, Tlmnihiy anil^nliirtliiy. Murray's Line. Atlantic M. S. Empire Line. S. Co s Line. 'Sail TUESDAYS. SailTHURSDYS Sail SAT D'YS. i Lt'o, Herman Living S\s S\i.\ umih, Cum'r.'-ion. linker, ConiJNickerson,Cota Deni Ion it. Vi k«ii The Arrow Tie g Iron Bands —FOR — BALING COTTON I a\ ivsi a%M-r aouvst FIRE, WASTE ANO THEFT! riiH|unllc<l lor Sim|»Iu*ity ami ILipidity of Adjustment J SiirpasMfd by None r.rSIr.iftb lUiMiy. lability lo *11 lb. 1's.s of ( oncirrrr 1 flYllEY nr,' I be«t Engli vtdon of the Ii tlctteral Hat-lies,j S\N J u-inco. manufactured in Liverpool, of the uglislt Iron, undrr the personal super- ic Inventor, formerly a resident of New Orleans, Ln. The ARROW TIE is preferred by Shipmasters and Cotnpressmen. as it is worked with * to l inch slack, while all SOLID TIES require il lo inches, which, in running through a cargo, involves a hea vy loss to the Shipmaster. USE THE ARROW TIE and RANDS, and HAVE MONEY IN FREIGHT and INSURANCE! Arrangements have been made lo secure an am ple supply of the Arrow Tie and Bauds for the coming Season. The Iron will lie heller than the best heretofore used. JAS. A. HALL., Agent Middle aud Southwest Georgia. ANDREW LOW * CO, General Agents, Savannah, Ua. Tiie undersigned is prepared lo furnish the AR ROW TIE to the TRADE at SAVANNAH PRICES, rvnrardlng and Transportation Addrd. lUTST it JOHNSTON, Hear the Insurance Agents: Snvanvoi, G.t., May 7th, 1867. The recent fires in this city having proved to our ntire sniiMfnciiou. by a thorough test, ilie superi- •rity of IRON HANDS for baling purpose*, we trongly recommend them to I hr use of the lHnnt- eVs of Georgia as an efficient ngunt in restricting lo*s by-Ure; aud we agtW to discriminate, when practicable, in favor of Colton thus secured. A. WILBl'K. General Insurance Agent. CHARLES GUKKN yV SON,Agent-.Liverpool, Lomiou amt Glolm Ins. Co. CH ARLES L. COLBY & CO., Ag*t«Sun Sl At- lantie M. Ins. Co., N. Y. K. II. F(M)TM AN, ln-nnnce Agents. WOODBKIUOK BROTHERS, Insurance Ak‘l«. .1. T. THOMAS, lnsurnuce Agents. J C. MeNl’LTY, Hivretary Sou them lii-iitttiicc & Trust Co. JAMES T. STEWART. Agent London and Lnuctc-ter liisnrnucc Company. LANE %V WEST, Insurance Agent-. XAHUFACTCllKli.S, OFFICE—At the Drug Store of Gilbert on Washington street. May -d. 1867 DR. W. A. LOVE, ALBANY, GA. office (until further uolice) at Id* Bro. I DG| | Buckley, t’oiu'i-. Morion, Com'r. Atkiu«,Coin'r The«e Sicamsidp- are all of large carrying capa-, - —■ city, well adapted to Hus Route, ami are tilled Up .. .. . with especial regard to the comfort of I'nssetigers, j . ucos, i.a., .May lb, I8f.«. State loom* large and airy : the Steward's depart-! 7 he recent tire at the Warehouse of Mr. B. T. nieiil supplied with the best tiie New York and Sa- I Chapman, in this city, having fully demonstrated vnnuuh markets afford. The Through Freight Ta- Ihendvnmage ot IRON BANDS tor baling purpose*, rill' having been much reduced. Freighters and Fa*- fts n arcuHly against loss by fire. we. the undersign- sengers will find this the QUICKEST, SAFEST, | ‘‘‘I Insurance Agents at Macon. Gn.. take pleasure and MOST ECONOMICAL IIOi'TH to New York. in endorsing the notion of the Agents at Savannah, ' Georgia. 499 BROADWAY j nearly opposite tiie residence of Caplnii i Davis'. May 8th, lStl. ■"'New York* DOUGLASS HOUSE i •«hlenee lidin A. i ■If. ly i luinlln otihf publif .ml ih, trade is it,vi- JwrNew HcaU Seven Octave Rosewood l’i- A, vklck for volume ami purity of t oue, are IV*1 kUUrto offmil in this Msrkol. ImUla til Ihe ino.lom imprnT.menls. Frrnrh ' ■sAcitm, H.rp Mil, Inn From., Overslrung |W.W«-Mk inunimenl being nraJr un.lpr. One Square West of Court House, Albany, Ga. Stages leave I hi* House every day fur ThomasvUlo, Bttinl.ri.1ge, and E. (’. OR AN NISH, Agent for several Ins. Co’s J- W. UlIRKE, InMirauce Agout. Ii J-JOHNSON fit. CO., Insurance Agents. .1. MONROE OGDEN, Insurance Agent. J. M. HOAKDMAN. Inmirniii-e Agent. JNO. B. COBB, insurance Agent. May. Wth, 186*. ft5-6m A. IVow Sensation ll«n in Ihtlr nimiftclurp, la r.illv wnrrnnl. : l|^r particular. pfirovesleen Piano-Forte,’! ^'S 1 l V highest nwar.1 of moril nt the cole-bra- Hi WORLD'S FAIR, . ■ \'lt [RSuy l “ ,,tnn ' n, » fiem 'he boil ’ P,rl "’ l'hila«le]|>hin, «. Mi New York. Also nl the l«le for*,, „, CCM ,i, e |be r from both of which cin be Sion of ioiproTcmonlA wc mike n n,, ** no forte, And by ntAniilhclur- flkAHrlclly ci,h iJAleni,ireennhlcd j ■•nl it a price which will pie-1 *®*rtl» Correot Fills. Catalogues sent free paper. constitutionalist ^<5T^ BM4ay isS^Hall 1 ^ a K 5’ con,oinJ ‘ , K **»<• 1*- |Sb, ilf rhlitorlalA 5'P orl ». Miiccl’.n.ou. l 'W«W,7 , !7T"'e r [ginAl Slory, And Ar- 'SWImaI. F ""* “ nJ ciMili nmkcii ’ 'ftfPn A Family Journal. >l‘li'l. f«HSL;; -v-v •»> iq* - C4) each. deaired. v htockto.n A CO,, * Augu-ta. Ga. jUTtttTIOHI , , • tW**®**TLAIM8 oa «r Nmm oa which _ * *Md M • fiAlcrarnl Bm**B«IN80S. N J-, Florida. TJae Tatole Supplied with the l.KST Ihe inni'bel nHiu'ils, March 21-26 If The New Cemtral Inland Mail Route BETWEEN THE SOUTH AND THE NORTH, AND BASTED 1 CITIES S —nv TUB— , Richmond anil Danville R. R. And llN ('oiiitcclioils! T HE Charlotte and South Carolina, and N'ortli Carolina Railroad*, via Augusta, Columbia, rlotte and Greenshnro to Riclimond. via Wash ington, Baltimore, rhilndeiphia. New York and Boston. To secure speed, safety and com!nil. ask for TbrbiRh Tickets VI* Columbia & Charlotte The Roads upA» this Route have been put in ex cellent order, aad furnished with New Engines and First-Class Paswnger Curs. Sleeping Cars mi all Night Trains, and first-class Dining Saloons, and ample time given.In passengers to get. their meals at regular meaftime. This Houle passes through an elevated, healthy country, and cannot he surpassed for its beautiful Mountain Scenery. This ia the shortest and quick est All-Rail Route from .South-Westerii Georgia to any of I he Northern or Eastern Cities. Arrange ments have been made, and will soon go into ope ration, lo Ticket and (.’heck through from this place. I0T Tickets and Checks onu now t;e had at the office of Ihe Central Railroad in Macon. A. L. WHLALINC*, Agent. May 30, (7*6) JOHNSON’S "hOTElT '* Smithville, Ga. T. W. JOHNSON, Proprietor. i. ’ T HE Dowu Trulna slwji ,»l ihif4>oi|il U>t I'M-, Til# Ilouse ii new. The table i« »|ipp1ied YlU| .SAVANNAH AGK.NTS. , Murray's Line---limiter & Gainmcl, Agents, j Atlantic t’. M. S. S. Co’s Line—Wilder ,v Fiili.-u-1 ton, AgeuIs. i Empire Line— B. II. Hardee, Agent. GEO. A. Mi-CLESKEY, j General Traveling Agent- June Si Ii. [60] W. F. HAVENS ,..,...11. M. HHOWNJ HAWS & BROWN, | Ainl Hkiail IIOAl.r. In DflVO A TIT H PIDTOI NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, D U I 0 A ill) UlIlLo! Litflil mid NlHiidurd Lileralnrr, Slat ionor, I SPRING IMPORTATION 1867. Ribbons, Millinery and Straw Roods. ARMSTRONG, GATOR &C0. IMPORTERS and JOBBERS OF Ribbons. Bonnet Silks and Satins, Blond*. Ncltn; .Crapes, Velvets, Ruches, Flowers, Feathers, Straw * Runnel* anti Ladies' Hals, trimmed and untrimmed, Shaker Hoods. Ac., 237 and 239 Baltlmora St., T* A LTI MO HE, MI). Ofier tiie largest Slock lo be found Ql Uiis coun try, nnd uixKiiinlled ip oho|qppa|i»ty t|u alienpneas. Oi.lers ftoliciletl aud prompt attention given. . f«b 2ft. 18 1m ' j HOOKS are hanl lo gel, for want of money. Bui 11lie boys ami girls must have something to read, and j., _ t they ought- lo have fresh supplies of reading every j t\0* 91 4 Of Try M "IAtOiv» l«.l* I week. Now, there are plenty of monthly papers for i 'T..IHIIIVV 17 1RP.7 i.i,n i them; but their old friend—and who doea not re- I * " I momli.r liim oml III. ‘.Children'. Oulil." I. war tiuien—their obi friend, J. W. Bl'KKE, proposes to giye them the Handsomest Weekly Paper! his I'liuMiix 1'rinting House cun bring out. To do this lie must haveHCNDHKDBOFBUHHCRIBEnB! And lie ap|>enls to the young folks to help hiin.-— He wants to know how tnauy will vote for the pa per by agreeing to lake it. Let them send in their long lists of nainns that lie may see how the vote stands, nnd whether it will warrant him inenmmen- cingir. Nevermind the money just now. If he finds the vote all light, he will begin the publica tion, and cgll for the money; for then he will hold that •all who have voted for it hy uendiug np their nnuiea, will be uuder obligations lo subscribe for flie paper. Who says "Hurrah for a Weekly Paper for Hie Boys nnd Girls!" nnd what boy or girl will soonest send in the longest list of aubaeribers? We shall, in die first number, begin llie publica tion of a Sequel to the Young Marooners.” Nearly all the boys nnd girls in ihe United 8tatei have read (ho "Young Marooners" and been delight ed with it; and Mr. Gonlding assures us that the new story will he every whit as good' as the old oue; aud who could want anything better? lktvke’n Weekly for hoya and girl# will be a hand some Quarto of eight pages, splendidly illustrated, and elegantly printed with new type on fine white paper, makiug in Ihe year a beautifdl volume of over 400 pages, with a fine title page aud index. TKHM*. Dingle subscription* $ 2 00per annum. Three copies *7 00 *• •* Five copies ;it. 8 00 •* << Ten copies 1ft 00 ♦* «* Twenty-one copies fid 00 •• «• Single subscriptions, K months... AO cents. Hi ngle subscript inns, 0 months... 1 00 tST We want nn active and intelligent boy or girl at every post offiee in the Bonlh to canvass for subscript inns ami will make It to their interest to work for us. Hewd fora Premium list aud Circular giving Yltll particulars.. Address a. w. huukr a co _ ]’ubll«liom, Silicon, (.«. May 14, IWiY ’ ' o-ltn EXCELSIOR ! EXCELSIOR! UH ASTJbH.LAR’fJ • HAIR EXTERMINATOR Foil I »‘R MO VINO tSui'KHFr.UfWA IIaiu. To the ladies especially, this invaluable depilatory' recommends itself a.* being nn almost indispensable ,0-ticle lo femala benuty. is ensily applied, does not burn or injure the akin, but nets ilireclly on the roots. It is warranted to remove superfluous hair from low fdr#1tMd*,[dr Awuy Any ‘part of Ihe body, completely, totally Ann radically extirpating the Maine, Waving Ihe skiu soft, smooth and natural — This Is the otdy rirticlehMtofrfcy Uie.ttonck, and is ihe only real etfectual depilatory in existence’— Price 7A cents per package, sent postpni.1, ip any address, on receipt of on order, by . .. «“ssmw'r:' M *r' b Yr-rhfiF/ :u/ MERSOHAUM PIPESf- sale. Very chenp J t «he ! (<♦» qlqque A “tblft $ IT: 4 KNUINI’ tar 1 < 11 AIMaY SMir'IiU'tt ->»i Mi MUM! TTAVISO Ur*. .nUra for floor,la lUBEfitflQRUiaSS . I* W«ol, *r *r*. IT market frier '•-ca«?rrtl*H NStCf-fMwIwtaRj’i.'. i . savajRas, h. i. OUJLUARTiM ft/CO,, [From tiie Home Journal ) Tin: mu././■/,* m /> u f:tnn:iv. (1700) Itv w. i. slim msI.»:i!. I lulu tlii> mill ajil 1 lightly tii|i|icil, A iiiaiili'ii lilitli..'anil' livi*; Wlii'ii mil n' tin' mill hIio slun ly ali|i|ii'i1, In sm roiv uml slimiii' w.’Tii alii 1 . TIii> tuilliM*. In* pl.iyi'il :i 4:iN«>, |alsi> |i:irt; Falsi' wriv tin* unv* In* Mvui'i't \\ itli wilt* mill j.|iili' In* leu I ivoii lii'i lii'n i*t I ini In* vuliii'il it Himn no nioiv. When nil tvns lumheil, save lIn' mill M'lii'Cjfo hum, Ami the Niililii'y vale una Jim, lie iiunleit least, ami limit* , Ami the mil wine Jrink will him. II ‘■Till! wine it is hitler—oh, hitter, mv ilear! II hy sliimM I Jrink the Jrau^ht lint as she JeenieJ his hive silieere, She had no fear, nnj i|imfleil. The Iiiifht I'llsseJ hy with its lnnj nf ill; Faint shnue the merniiie-rej : 111 the misty air o’ the mnsv mill There lay tlu-‘|ioof jrlrl- -JeaJ. lie liuricj her Jeeii iu a tielj near hy, lly xlielight n’ the uinriiim* star,’ Then fast nn the M int's nf lirar JiJ fly Tn Ihe }{nry |Jains nf m’iii’, III The Springennin nn, mi l the grain j'reM' gi't’en, Ami,where the Inst nne hit, Snnii rijie ibi‘Umrea|ier*shauii Twin, seen, lint it tvilherej iu a Jay, ^ AtlJ tile selfsame sum they nnweil again Twiee, so the nlj crniiessav : w itli a ^nljeii hi'iiJ si inn tvaveJ I lie irmiu, Hut it tvilherej in a Jay, They |JieJ ihe iiintlnek—they pli.ij the spaJe; Hal with treiiililiui'anils, Iguess; I.n! there lietntv tvas the Inst .me laij, With tiie meal still nil her Jress, IV High rminj a stake the ravens Itew, Anil their eries wereeries nfJreaJ, ASjJ.leuehing in sun, ami rain, ami Jew, Then* I a human lieaJ. C'l.lltereJ the mill with the ulJeii Jin, lint, miuglfj with the suiiml. Was a mijiiiglit treail by hopper an J Inn, As the millei'-s ghost tveni mnnj. A ml often in the ninimlight nights, Wlien the tielj nf gram grew green, III her meal.white Jress, hv lielatej wights The wreath n* the girl tvas se it. [Fi-niii die Cullilieri a,i|ir«l J Annual Examination of Kaplisl Frmalr I'ollcgf, This seminry fur vnnng laJies under the joint eliarge nftltev. T. II. Stout nuj Miss Cornelia Hansel, was re-nrgnnizeJ n fen- months sluee, tiiuler many ml verse eireittu- stimees, hut is daily growing iu ihvor, and estalilishing lor itself n reputntinn on the iiiosi. iKirmiineut and substantial basis.— Hcniititiilly situated in a retired grove, re- mote from the distracting sounds and sights of the crowded portion oftliu eily, with am ple play grounds, nud shady walks, and in close pauxitnity to cool uml relreshing springs of the purest water, nothing is link- mg to make the Ideation the most eligible ol any in this region of country. The ehnmutvr uml miteeedents ol the as sociate heads ot tiie school, must inspire con fidence also in the enterprise they have un dertaken. Mr. Stout is a man of great uniformity of temper, and simplicity aiid gentleness of manners, and every inch a scholar. To teach with him ia an absorbing passion, which is not content with superficial polish, hut must probe to the ImUolll every subject lie investigates. The duty of imparting the languages und higher branches ofinat heinnt- les with that gciitl ninn, is u perfect labor ol love. Indeed in his earnestness; and de votion to this occult sciences, nnd the min- tion nnd abandon with which he ciigugesju them, wc are forcible reminded nt tiie an cient Domini-, who was at once tlni embodi ment of simplicity, learning and exccJonec. No mull could be better adapted lo the training of youth. Of this ueemnplished ussociate it is needless to speak. Her repu tation is broader than the limits of our State. Eminently (|tiubhed to inspire ro- pect, aud by ber ealm and firm demeanor to command obedience, she combines iu a wonderful degree tho |iower to draw out and retain the afiections of her pupils.— They nil love and reverence her. \Vc have never seen a teacher more capable of im pressing her own elmrucler upon I huso sub jected to its influence. Ol one thing we are assured; those who may placed under Miss Hauieirstutelage, willnt least liccome In dict iu llm truest healthiest sense of tho word. IV hat an important consideration is this 1 Hutto return m the subject which pic fanes this article. — The exercises opened on Monday the 1st *n»t., anil were numerously attended.— Without fatigm illg the audience, each class was aiibjecled »o a thorough and rigid ex amination. and sustained the ordeal in a complete and aatisfiwtory manner. Wcwerc amaalltt struck with the distinct/ommrta- «on,of twipnpibt, anil the ease and com|io- •nW Manlfcawd in their deportment, 'fho dmciplmo of the school Is perfect, and every- thing Went nwaelcialy forward byconecrti'il ingnala. Themmt casual rtbswrer tnnst have noiicnl, from the training!and remits- • • •' W l inns of 111!' younger memhers of the school, l lint no little cure aud pains was devoted to’ 'hem. They were grounded nnd drilled must assiduous!; iu Arithmetic, dengraphv, Spelling,mill English nnd Latin (irnmma'r. 'I Inis arc the foundations deeply laid lor the suhscipieiit easy ilyipilsllioii of ihe more oh- sirnsc hraiiclifflSifscinlleo, mid Ihe pupil IK -. •'"pics a vmilagc-grouiid wliieli ho never loses, iu his struggle for superiority, in the race lifter knowledge. SiniiUering primary school, arc the banc oftlie country. I" Ibc dead languages mid the higher mnlheniiilirs, mid lielln leltres, great' pro gross had Iu nude, aud the pupils evinc ed a thorough knowledge nnd npprocialion ol the various authors under review. Time and a pact! forbid a fuller sketch of this ex- uiiiimilinu which closed Kvcry patron mid visitor of Ihe college will pro- flffljiw fke utliiilj ns admirably eoiidiicted mid relb'cting the highest credit upon tile institution. Surely our city is blessed with ediieiitionid adviiiitages unsurpassed in the Slate. .May our seluuils and colleges receive tlial abundant pnlrnnnge jhev all so emi- IHMltlv lloscrv)'. Inlintary at Night. Wluil i lnsc observer of die wavs of snri- i-tv tins Lull’ll to uotL’c how soon nn intro- duetioiii is lollmved by tin* invention, “1 would be pleased lo have you call and see me, sir.” A comely luce and pleasant address are the only I'ssenlnils necessarv lbra stranger to iiisiniiale liimself inlo ihe society ol the most select of our daughters. I (he isseem- mgt.v oeeiroallniiless, the heller are his elmnres. From idloiiMs on the part of the inale, (lie inference nf wealth is generally drawn hy Ihe oppoKJe sex. Men, ,,g „ gen- e,a| rule, are more emi'f„l iu Ihe selection of I Ill'll- Iru'iuls l Inin are wuinen. We have Ire- <|lloi,t!_v geutleiiian deliberately cut a handsome roue upon 0,0 siren, who ten minutes after, would he raising Id, hat i„ acknowledgment of n graceful nod from said £<’iit Innun .*« sistor. Umlor homo influence*, women ImhUiiI out uml kept upuit iVnin much of tho world’** wicknlnoHK; hut us the wannest olmlareul- ways II,u most susecpiihle to taking cold, so are those most looked after the most liable u. neglect looking after themselves. With all u nman s B.irMly wisdom, she is seldom worldly WHe. ihe purest in mind • . : m muni seem to siieeumb the soonest to the magnet 1,in of impurity. I liny mv emeliil mily'tn lie care less and wise only to he entrapped. Moth- ers know "ns and ihe more hem,tif„l and hash 1,1 their dmighlers, the they fear lor II,cm. A romp ol a girl, ",e byiv-girl of our school days, seldom causes nn'ensiuoss at home She prolecu herself by her ahan- do", and earns modesty in fearless,,ess.- So "ineti lor the shell now for xiid kernel Iu large nt lea likeonr o«ii,m„g ladi,'., eminot lie too car,'Ini to ini|iiire tlffijnnteee- dents ol a gentleinau before admitting him n their hollies. Meeting a stranger nt a* party ,s far Iroir. proving him a R3 l Jr? n "i •"."‘i ay V‘‘ ■' firet seen hy > n,,r the llotsnm and jetsam ol some summer resort, or bis neipialnlaneo may have commenced hy tho assiduity with wlneli lie picked up Hilling gloves, or the steadiness of Ins stare at tiie church door on Sundnys, which Would admit only ofrceog- or insult, and the former was prefer- able as the least of the evils. Tlfo proba- bility ,s that mi agreeable mid well ini!,ruled stranger ,s a gen,leinni,-the chances are that lie is a rascal. Tho fact that a min’s 1 ' , '°'vn, and that he is well dressed ,s not snftieioul. It mnst he ascertained \\ liLtljci ins pa rent h wem nnincd Brown now they HuhsiaU’il, how the present Brown subsists, nnd whether Ids elmnees for litture subsistaiiee are uiieloudcil. A prudent man will invest in neither house or laud until the title ol such he clear. A prudent wc mini should nil! no mail friend or ucimaint- miee until III) title lo the name of gentleman be as clear as honesty „ m ke it. There "my he romance in new ncqiinimunees, lint most romnntie young men desert their in- "'“on romance censes to be profi- llrotliers and fatliers owe il, no less a du ty lo their daughters and sisters than tn themselves, to hiul out tho character of the young men who frequent their bonnes.— Only rascals would object to this, and hon est men would seem all the hrigli'erforlbo investigation. . If daughters would bo more cnrefnl -'Titl the selection <>l their friends, there would be’ fewer dtyorees and desertions, seductions and heart breakings in this wide world, and » e might therefore havo a groat deni more of sunshine and much less of shadow. It is siiid (icnornl (irnnt contemplates n visit to Lookout Mountain in a lew days, and Hint lie M ill remain there until alter the August elections. If ho would make the tour of the State of Tennessee about that time it would perhaps put him in possession other way "I* “ " 0t likt4y 10 ' mrn ""Y When a steel pen has been used until it nppea^o be »)folod, plate it over a flame (a gas light fof instance) for, say a quarter ' ol a immite, then dip it into M ater, anil it will he again fit for use. A new pen, which is found too hard to write with, will become fiollcr Ly being thus heated. (1ratihvix.i1—Wc are indebted to the l-.uflnlo Courier for the following ineee of political pleasantry: It is said the freedmen in tho South have placing ol the disfraneliiscd whites into shivery. U,km aiming prt,Zt of thohwet, they! will hire them ffcZh^aa.« thqnties ns;l ,q people of Cut* him Coolie., wi 11 .iiot egn^nt to auv more direct trefllc Iu Tiuman lieinmi. * .To ttioM Imvinrr Irfendsof^mT^/^uTm? , iioiincouioiit will U* gratifying.