The Albany tri-weekly news. (Albany, Ga.) 1867-186?, August 01, 1867, Image 2

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nfflEfflT X S. SWEET, ' ALBANY, OA., Al’<f«T (, 1$?. I’crkoxai.—Wo rogrot lo lonrn tlint our friend, Jar. Lauderdale, Kaq., tlic popular traveling agent of the Kaat Tenn. ronh' to New York, liar been compelled to rerign hir porition on account ot ill health. We trust that tbepurc mountain air, ami good ■watcrwhlch tho spring"ofthe up|ier couii. -Try ahoundr, will soSn recover him Tiis health. Ho la auccccded'ln ]>ofiition by A. M. Wallace, Esq., of Atlanta. Mr. Wallace, is an excellent business man, and tho inter' csls of tho road will meet with every atten tion at his hands. This route is the favorite ono to Now York, abounding in scenery the most grand, nnd accommodations that car- not bo surpassed. It is represented by Mr. Wallace, and our jolly iriend John T. Maf- fet, than whom their lives no cleverer man. May has shadow never grow less. Progress af tie West. A correspondent of the Cincinnati Gnr.ol t e writes: “Soventy-thrce years ago tho first boat started from Cincinnati up.the Ohio.— It was bnllett proof, equipped with two can non and small arms. The round trip to Pittsburg was made in about four weeks.— At that lima tho Queen City wns it mere military post, which three years afterward only contained five hundred inhabitants.— Pittsburg was a little nest of unclean birds, built away up in tho forks of this great highway of naturoj and between those two points a wilderness stretched on either side of tho river whoso wild grandeur wns only emphasised by tho two or three dots which hail been made by llio forerunner of a com ing civilisation. Seventy-three years ago! and Fort Washington, with a population of two ortlireo hundred is Cincinnati with a pouulntiou ol 260,000; Pittsburg is no long er a nest, but It is a great city whose breath of smoko nnd thousand tongues offiames bent tho very ntinonplicro tlint surrounds it; tho two or three dots of civilisation between tliosotwo points have multiplied into a him drod nnd ten thriving cities and villages, nil palpitating with the industry of n free and prosperous people. The steamers that now ply the river, could they all bo brought to gether, would make n floating eity in which n hundred thousand people could dwell with comfort. i' A Oirawnt’mnTTrrttMWATy.—ThcNwr York Express calls the attention of tho Lo ll) lotto fact that ttincofttic East ern tnohRTocUircrs nro considering' the porthtlin o(f liinesc labottrs. Th* pi» tokpnffnctSii China witlCthe Ualfirori five years’ work at a fixed scale ol wages, considerably lower than that now establish ed here; or else agree to furnish the laborer with food, clothing nnd lodging, nnd to pay a certain sum above that, w'liich may be con sidered ns the workman's profit. 1l is claimed that tho Pacific const is drap-frig lor its labor supply on the vn;it .population of Chinn to such nu extent that she will soon be enabled to rival the East, in every bratiml l 1 of industry, unless cheaper labor can he ob tained. All of which is very well, but what is of j more im|iortance these “men anil brethren” I will all have voles, that is if they construe I tlie matter correctly, i. e. radically. BoTdTalkT 1 Col. Frank Wolford who wan one of the , liruvcHt and moat active among the Federal 'Cavalry leaders in Kentucky during the j late war, lias come out very decidedly -for 'the Democrats; nnd in a Into speech at I Jamestown, in that State, i* reported to have lined the following language: “I ever was and am a Union man, and do* Hire to hco every State in onr flovernniont represented by a star upon tho American llag. Thottc who are opposed to this are ! disnnionintH nnd rebels in the true sense ot ' those terms. If the Kadical candidate, ! Fames, should be elected fairly, I say, let j him take his sent; and if Helm should 1 1 elected, ami any power attempts to resist Ii'ih inauguration,*aa soon ns the electric (Ires flash tho nows through the country, a mil lion ol American* will rise nnd as sert their power nnd right*, and I will hue- klo on my sword, inn roll to the conflict will • out counting tho oo*t, and proclaim to tho world that “Americans will bo freemon and no! slave*.“ <J. r manor w. r. m»uo. 'a.*.jackioji. ;honj, pom 1 (ltefi tial I’lron clad oatlf lug upon his duties. JJere it is; “I, —, of -.county of ay Cotton Factors a ler pic mii'iti ros ri ^*1 Cottoa Tarns, before entpr. 12 o CLtstsot Si, Philadelphia, Pn. nnd Stale of —, do solemnly—-—that 1 have never voluntarily bore arms against the I'nited States since I have been n citi zen thereof, that I have voluntarily given )io aid) eounlepancf, counsel, or cnconrmjc-. r^ons engaged In armed hostility Incut to pel a thereto; that Ihave neither sought n«r so le J nor attempted tooxcreisc tho fune- uJfif Ahy ofilJ* Whatevei\ hnder atiy au thority, or pretended authority, in hostility to tho l.’lliled States, thnt 1 have not yielded a voluntary support to any pretended gov- tfloor inimical .... ——that, to the best of my knowledge and ability, I will support hih}) defend the Constitutionjif tho thereto. And I do further- support antkuelcml tne i -onsuuiuon oi uio United St fife* npuiust all eiiemieii, foreign Ami domestic • t hat I will lioar tnio faith and nllegianee to the snme; that I take thi* ob ligation Ircelv, without any mental re*erva- or nurpose of evasion; ami that I will well and faithfully discharge tho duties ot the of fice cm which Inin about to enter: So help moflod.” Town it Without Timin'.—Tn tho Hritish House of C’omtnon*, in the j ear of our Lord, 1770, Lord Chatham said : “Power, without right, i* tho moat odious and detfBtablo object that ean be offered to the human imagination. It i* not only per nicious to those who arc subject to it,but it leads to it* own dent ruction.” Stevens, Phillips, Sumner Jc Co. would do well lo cut that out and paste it in their lint*. No. 7 Warren Block, Anemia, On. . 4 f. -VIA-f „ jjSoyTIt-WE8TERV, Macokfe f|*ti i ^ fwn FAttontlc—connecum; wmf see * Georgia, East Tctnefscc & Virgi & Tennessee, and Oran?e k Alexander Itnilronds. Muscular Energy, Imnoicncv nr "f ,.V“u:lif,.l liuli,c,«| 0 ™' other JJL08I Consignment* of COTTON, WHEAT, and produce solicited. Have ample and excellent £ 8TOEAOE and will make reasonable cash advabcbs oa Consignments when desired. Agents for th* tale of AUGUSTA FACTORY GOODS in PhiUdelfblaJand will famish l he to it Augusta at Pectorg Prim. Also, Agent! in Philadelphia and AugweU for Athena, High Sheaia, Roe*, Steadman, Covington, and other Southern Factories. - if, I * augl—6 m DOUGHERTY SUEIUFK SALE. Two Daily Through Trains: fa «ie.u: PROM Mtrnv TO ttpiv ' YemOvenVt nervous aff*,; M FRCIM MACON TO M.n excitement, incapacity to stud* q? And all Northern ami Eastern Cii**-«: cnn,\ing-ihe i co bfiudon, thoughts 0 ! Great Through Mail nnd Through Express, Imcan.-c 1 °« insanity, \c. It *;i| p fs| . - of the CRKAT AnVAXTACl.S thi* llouto ; ,cn, * w •“••ddiofihoso who tn,.*' 1 ,< sensual excess or evil practices™ F Will b* sold before the Court House door, In ihe oily of Albany, on the first Tuesday in September ... i - — — -.—Thirty-five next, between the usnaVhours of sale bales of cotton marked 8. k T., to satisfy two' fifas from Terrell Superior Court, May Term lr?66, Samuel D. Irvin, ndalnisfrator de bonis non of Thomas J. Johnston, deceased, vs.John T. Howard, James W. Henderson, and Wm. II. Turner. Levied as defendant's property, and pointed out by ti. D. Irvla. J. S. BROWN, 1). Sheriff. July 80, 1807 QioirttA—Dougherty County. Whereas, B. J. Johnson, adm'r of the estate of Robert Johnson, deo'd, applies to me for leave to sell all the lands belonging to said estate. These are therefor* to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they cnn, why t>nid leave should not he granted. Oiven under my hand and official signature, this 20th day of July,1867. W. H. WILDER, July 80,1867 rtrdina y. STARTLING DISCLOSURE! Macon, July ao, I HitV. Business, here, like every where else, is quite dull, anil every body hns gone to the Springs. Some new buildings nro going up, which creates some noise in certain localities. Except at imuket in the morning, there is lint little stir upon tho streets. A few sales nl groceries nnd provisions arc about all the t ransaotions in tho commercial circles. We heard of but ono mnu say that business wns good,'and tlint wns a Druggist. Mulberry street has lost her prestige and business is last, leaving tlint portion of town, why the old haunts nro forsaken, we were mmhle lo determine. Second street is claiming tho Dry Goods business, while Cherry nnd Third control tho Grocery nnd t'otinu markets. Ilnllingsworth's new Black on the comer of Fourth and Popular streets is nearly completed, and is decided, ly the most substantial Block in tho city.— Its cost will lunge between seventy-five or one hundred ‘ tnousund dollars. There are ten elegant storerooms, many of which have already been rented. Travel lias somewhat impaired, yet it is not near so good as it wns Inst year, Ho tels are not doing much. Tho Brawn House still continues to lend ill patronage,ns well ns keep up its old reputation ot being the host hotel in Middle Georgia. From our county almost every body stops at this Ho tel, nnd consequently there is no need of a word of commendation. For stopping oneo is i mire evidence thut they will stop again. A most outrageous nfTair took place on last Sunday night in Rutland district some eight or ten miles from this city. At a ne gro meeting, while the preacher was dis coursing his congregation, some white men without any seeming provocation’ came up, and disobliged a volley of shot into the crowd. Striking tho preacher, and wound- some eight or ten others. The whble affair will undergo an investigation, as the parties have all been identified. So far as any ex pression has been had, it has been condemn ed in the most emphatic language. Politics arc more quiet here than at Allan, to. Registration has closed, and the blacks are in majority in tho city. Wo heard hut little conversation on the subject of conven tion, and those who did express themselves, are opposed to such an institution. More interest is manifested in the coming crops than in reooottruotiot). Preparations arc being made for a large trade this fall. Filling Congress with Nkgboks.— Mack, the Washington correspondent of tho Cincinnati Commercial, writes: News come herefrom Virginia that, in the recon- struction of that State, it baa been agreed that the negroet shall have at least half tho officer*, including one of the United Statee Senator!. It is safe to prediet tile same re sult) in other Southern. States, and to look dec a pieMd .delegation to. Congress from each of them. Under the rigid exclusion of nil who, in any way participated in tho re bellion, it would be desirable, I think, to i.nenda ftiUnogro delegation from most of the rebel Statee. ilor Out.—'TH© Grlflln Htnr wiy* thnt “Coufiin Bohn** Tlimsher wont to hour l!i*i» Hill N]icnk, and wn* *o overcome with a *eu*e ol Bliaine at hi* portion thnt hero- tiotttioetl the “Loyal Leaguer*,’ 1 and mourn oil like a true penitent (or 111* error. Now wc don’t know thut “Cousin John” over took the “iron clad” by tl o bluo light; but we nro mire- it be did, Homebody told. him it wn* a charitable institution for tho benefit of or phans and widow*, and tolled him in that way. Kverbody knows that’s hi* weakness, if ho ha* any. Savannah.— f Iho dullest day of the sen son occurred ut Savannah last Friday. Tho New* d: Herald Ray*: Everything seemed to have come to a sudden stand *till, except the heat, which, unlike business, kept, in creasing, and dwindled down into a warm, sultry evening. Husiucss house* seemed deserted, the street* presented a vacant ap pearance, tho river was unspotted by a ves sel of any kind,and the (’ustont House, we are iujornied by the entry clerk, Mr. A. T. Smith, thnt tor the first time since October last, he had neither an entry nor a clearance WoitM.s in Cotton.—The Montgomery Advertiser of tho 18th, says: “We regret to hear that the worm* arc making their ap pearances in the growing cotton in portion* of the country. It would he a sad hurt to the country if tho cotton crop should be injured to a great extent by the worms or otherwise. The cloudy weather of the last day or two will doubtless be of considerable disadvantage to the cotton.” Ska Island Cotton.—Account* front all part* of the coast indicate that the present season will prove a disastrous ono to this im portant product. Grass is greatly in the ascendant, and tho boLtoin farms lost. Twins.-Within tho last eight or nine mouths in Milledgoville and vicinage, there havu been no les* than eight pair* ef twins born.—Southern Recorder. Tknnkhskk.—The Nashville papers state that Ilrownlow’s mc1i*h are being scattered throughout tho State, to superintend the ballot-box farce to como ofl’ uext Thursday, Shjnipu.ant.—On a terrace at Port* mouth, England, past which the railrond trains rush with tremendous speed, the docT ety tor promoting tho Gospel havo caused to be iuscribcd, “Prepare to meet thy God.” The Kdilnr of the Hcssier (La.) Banner thinks that by thnt tnio he gets through with his experience in district No. fi under Sheri- hm, he will he able to stand h—1 very com fortable. Council Proceedings. Corscif. Chamber, 1 Albany, Uu„ July 20, 1807 j ('iillril Mfflini/—I'rpxont Hi* Honor, tho Mayor, nt>il ComiciluuHi biivi.t, Johnston, Hnbhn ami Welch. Absent—Cotinciltncn Stephens tiu«l Mercer. Minute* of Inst regulnr nnd enlled meetings, read nml confirmed. The Policemen of the city reported for inefficien cy, were, on motion, d inch urged. Tho Counoil pro ceeded to the election of two oltiera to fill the rn- enueies rc-mlling in Ihe choice of P J Willis and George Mock, The Committee on Wny* nnd Mean*, lo whom wn* referred the subject of taxes for the prenent sonic ■ .vrnr, report thn iiidehtednesnof the city, up to July l*t, I*67, including otlieer* nnlarien due $'-!018 48 Tnxnlde iiidehteilncsa of city *ix month* Attempt lo Rob a National Dank by Tan- ■Mint. A bold attempt to roll tho National Bank ol Lawrenocburg, Indiana, ennio to light a day or two since. The facta of the case arc these: The Imnk building is located in melt a way that its rear is on an alloy, while in a yard, neroas the alley, is a dcop'privy vault, recently dug: tho thieves evidently had made themselves fnllv conversant with tho untilrc of tho ground before commencing op. orations, nnd wont to work with a lull knowledge ot what waste be done. For many nights mysterious noises were beard ill llio bark yard of the hank building but tho wntehninnwas unable to trace theu't honor 6450 00 $8468 48 (IvcuMK; * Total value of city taxable properly rendered $1.1X10,!!8fl, 40 Tax 65c per $100 $6,601 80 Tax on lVIs 28,600 “ “ Prof * 360,00 Street Tax ... 663,00 7810 86 Deduct for insolvent taxes <!>:■ $7f>IO 80 Finos Total probable income $8700 80 That the cttit.o. of Alhsny nicl .arrouniliog country bn,, long nr.tlei! s Hmsc Fnralshlig Goods Establishment, is beyond question, nnd we are now on htnd with the most complete assortment that hns ever been brought to thin market. Embracing every thing Neat, Chaste, Ornamental or Useful To thr Tidy H o r .* i: • K k k p r r Wp cannot enumerate lb* nne-hundrcdi'i part, but will mention that we have a LARGE und VARIED assortment of COOKING STOVES appi SUIT THE TIME8. Plitlu, Fancy dcJitpancd Tlu-Wuron, of every variety. If you want ANYTHING In the House-Furnishing Goods Line—no matter what— call on us, opposite 19* TOWN’S NEW BRICK BLOCK TOWN* Sc BROTHER. Glass Fruit Jars! QNLY a small lot, 8 sizes, the hcsl in market. Just received at the House-Furnishing Goods Store of TOWNS k BRO. For The Ladies! J ELLY Moulds, {beautiful patterns) Spice, Cake and Sugar Boxes. All very nice. .Inst receiv ed TOWNS & IIRO'S. Toilet Setts. (Most Beautiful.) Jt'ST RECEIVED at TOWNS k BRO'S. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST Cook Stoves. A large lot juat received. If you want a GOOD Stove for a little money, he suretn call at TOWNS k DUO S. I F you want any thtar in the TIN Line, at the LOWEST PRH LOWEST PRICKS in the State, call on TOWNS k BRO. Pressed Wash Pans! (SSVKRAI. SUES.) TJUMSBD i)t.h r»n«. r Pressed Milk Pann, (from 2 quarts lo 10 quarts. Juat reoeivefi at TOWNS & BRO'S. Albany, Gu., July 27, 1867. [??»)— GtiTeeit fuller ISTo' Wln-n by the ceol p|t. j„ INVlti J’",i M " '*• -“"'I permanently I ut; n.-iouiidiiiig success »ig_l . M »l Itivulmible medicine for i'liysicsl^jJ m-. General liability and possesses over all others in time and di: 116 nm»Eg . being SHORTER Than any Competing Route, A N J3 A I, I. U A 1 I _ 2-1 Tin'vhM&tn? V «- 1,P ,lUmbu ggcd Hfletors^lind IgffWffKt practltltn,, out dolay for the Elixir, and hew health ami happiness. A Perftd teed in every instance. Price one addre«s, $8. | Onobuilloij enough to effect t The Traveler by this Route n not Vuhjeet to the r * .... 1nipviI . p numerous Steamboat and Omnibus tnui’-leri nml n 'i S SPEC] T.xatidtis (tvlnye, incident tn other |it„ r, « I „ THE CCINNECTIONS ARE I’LOtfV. AN I* f , ! nf f n g i ’ 0rnv « | . »trieW PERFECT. This I* the only Route that » i ,, . • n ‘ ^ and * e.lin f (o^daya. Th C y ltll Bncrcrnp'0 ThrOllffll | vegctalde extract* that arc harmless w ■ UB 6B ,1 6 0 J.uiuut^u 1 and never nauseate the stotnaah e W To >11 points which Through Tirhcl-i coil f„,.. 1 hcc.ith. No chnngc of diclinnet t hem. nor does their action in any ■ Magnificent Sleeping Car* on all : withitumlne** pursuits. Price, |u NIGHT TIi M\K' l.iitier ot tho above-mentioned a iMLvll l J HAI/it i sen* to any nddresH, closely sealed, | t j1 The country along thia line of road* is romarka- ! tnixil or express, ou receipt of pri^ * scene- . to rich* • Checks ble for healthfulnps8, grandeur of imuitit ry, beautiful and fertile valleys, affording tin eat and moat abundant fare. * In fart, thriV country on this continent that offer* great, duoemente to tho husiucss man or pleasure .« for aummer travel. For further information, &e., apply loth General Ticket Offices oi Southern Railroad-'. BERGER, 8HUTT8 k (L. No. 286 River Htreehb .m ker, I July : JOHN T. MOFFETT, Oeiicrnl Boiniiorii Agrtil. , 1807.-70. WHISKERS AND MUSTACHI Horse Stolen—$25 Reward ! S '”»j ' 1 !» to grow upon the j; !’-■i Hirbe to flrVweeli* by > RESTAURATEUR CA1 S TOLEN from my past lire on Sun day night, 14th inst., a dark bay P ! I III--! «• j upon tl- ! umuiM-r nest- ty , \ \ “usii Horae, (some persons call him nohest- nut sorrell,) about 12 years old, a «m blaze in the face, heavy mane, li feet white, a fresh wound on I ho rigid hind fooi, near the fetlock, old sears <.n du from zores, but now well. I will pay i for hie delivery to me. JAMES G. FREEMAN. . Toombshoro, Wilkinson Conn' Central Railroad, Jnly 27, 1807.—.It* "I-1 till discovery in modertfi Board nml Hair in an al» 11 lias Been need by •kf «U> ^ | i.uti ;i-n uiili Ihe mort Halteringhui | all j u.«li.'.seia will he registered, a_ * | *-1 » ■: ii tj is not given in every instat | will 1 o cheerfully refunded.* Price IwJ I and d -ijiii !, SI. Descriptive cirtiW^ int-i-itilf» Miiilo I free. Address UEIldELl ,\ t 1 t'l.i-misl.-', No. 2H6 River Strtet,jT Su’.e a.vii.s f..r llio United Stales. ^ hack L’ward mmm Bankrupt Petitions. Auldini. ( Having received the lll'LFN ORDERS together with Form* nnd in Bankruptcy, as promulgated by. SUPREME citrilT of tho United Stales, we are ready to llleea.j(s,.vc- .11 INKS l!i(!;!t.‘l. July27-70. Attnrnr F0U SAI.F A'U Rust k .lohnstou's Warehouse, Emeiy's Improved W- Coiton Gins, HIGH may he run by hautl m l.y powi and makes a mueli heller i|tniliiy ..i ;.i any other Gin. Also, one of IN'GBUSt»1.1. PROVED PORTABLE HAND PBI>SI>. , . improvement). TERMS—Lint Colton 1st nfOetohn- next, July 27-701 in i 'ban ! IM jCie.H XOTK’K. A LL persons indebted lo the estate late late of Dougherty county, dc ipieHted to make immediate payment, and tjll t|> having demands again! said esiato will p> e ent i!, properly authenticated within the time ] rc-. il hy law, lo Wright k Warren, Albany. G-i. J. M. Itll.L. july 2?, 1867. Adm'r C. 11,0 AFFLICTED, READ SAYTOH'S OLEUM VIM, 12IC" T HIS great German Liuimetil ! I - an aljoG-' iiif-il- lible cure for Hhnitnntisiu, Nourtilgin, Hnounmtii’ I’ttiiis in tl»o Ihtok, I Irons!, '■ Siilos or Joints, Toothache, Nervou* Homlnoho, Knraelie, Sprains, Hrnisos, Swollin«;s, Cuts, Insi’i-t liii Jimn hlcn, Flaxen nnd Sift |)PO|»rCKl> by the us* of Prof. 1 | FRISK!! LK OHEVKUX. warranted lo curl the most straight i hair of cither sex into wavy ringlets,n vivo mil-. Ha* been used hy the f l’ari" ami London, with Ihe mostg I'•*<-- no injury to the hair. Price by f ami postpaid, !?|'. Descriptive <Nrt ‘ free Address BKHGEIt, 8IIUTT8A i a«. N-. 2.s:» River St., Troy, N. Y.,8 • lie United Stales. CllASTKLLAItrn I 1ITE LI ENAMI3 Improving nnd Beautifying t. Tlie most vnlitnbloAnd perfect rn .. .t l.:.. .. i _ ‘ . for givin-'; I lie skin a beautiful pi lie cari-1 only inuml in youth. It qui I'lyikb’s. I’iiiiples, Pdotciies, Moth . Eruptifii", and nil impuritiei kindly healing the same nml lea' ami ch ar ns alabaster, its use hy the eloscM scrutiny, and heii para It.n is perfect I v hnrinlcs*. j't i* ole of ilt« kind lined by llio French, iu civil by lilt* l'arlsiun a* imUspeiiMblt] toilet* Upwards of :;0,GMS> bottles ter • in* i i-i year, a fuHieient guarantee ol Price only 76 cent*. Sent by mail, p receipt ol an order, by BERGER, 8HUTT8 & Ca.,Cki 2*6 River St., Ti Gi. im.rA—Dnnghtrty (Aninty.' To all whom it may Concern; E iGIN" M. CI’TI.IFK aifd.1. R. HolliOq e I in proper form applied to me far lette iniuisit-.ition on tlie estate of Luein'U Ml of said county, deceased. This is lo til' “inpular tlu* eveditorsand next of kit d Mabry, io bu und appear at my office? time proscribed l»y law. nnd sliow cauiti can, why permanent administration shoiW granted to J. M. Cutliff and J. R. HolWij ••inda Mabry's estate. Witneos my iiaud ami official signiinrt,* April. 1867. W. II. WILDER, Oft . April 18, ISt “ . jr St., Titt &c. This great remedy should l»e in ever For Horses this remedy lias no equal. Ask for KAYTO.VS OLEUM \ IT i.. other. Sent by exprosy for .***!. KAYTON’S MAGIC CURE. AN EGYPTIAN REMEDY. Your ComniilM tlilnk that » 1.m .moantIk.o 65; out, or even form a rational conjncttire as to oral, an $100 will bm nor. tkan Ji.y tb. .arrant their nature. Other pnrties were then call* J of ihe city for th. preseal municipal ye.r, ed but they were ns luueh ptixzled ns tlie | Your Commiuilc iherrforo recommend that a taa of lyntchninn, and tho whole tliiiip, night after ti j cent, on array hundred dollars be collect,d. night, lemntnetl n 111 J’It err. All of which 1. re.p.ettully .ubmtttwl, Ono thing wns uotieed: it jrmdnully ap-i JOHN A DAVIS 1 ]ireachcd the bank building, and on Sunday night last It became louder, and appeared to lie a filing und pounding in tho vieinity of tho hank vault, where the money was kept, nnd accordingly several pnrties went into the building, and in so doing mnde a distur bance, and nil of n sudden tho noise ceased and wns heard no more. Still there wns no clue to the matter, but s strict guard wnakopt round the premises, and thia morning it was discovered tlint the privy vault was nearly filled with fresh'dirt when an investigation showed tlint a tunnel hud been dug from it to the exact spot where the bank sate was, and not tlie watchman been alarmed at the noise they would soon havo succeeded in obtaining nnd carrying oft the treasury they coveted. Aa tho tunnel was not discovered for two days, of course the villuns escaped, anil no traces of their whereabouts were left behind, Of course no one can form a rational con jecture as to who they nr*. Corn Crop of Mipdlk Alabama.—The Selma Times learns from a gentleman who has recently traveled over a greater part of Middle Alabama, that the corn crop in tung- nifioent. The entire cowntry look* like a land of promise. There ts no doubt that the corn crop'tliujrear will be ono o(tke finest erer raised in Atitbnnia, ‘ J E, WELCH, } Committee. J. M, MERCER, J Th* petition of J, M, Cooper for the ereotien of* wooden stable on th* N, W, Corner of hi* lot on Fine Street, was presented, and on motion reoeive*, and the prayer of the petitioner refused, HILLS I’ASSKD. Alexander Duncan $1 60, P, 8. Regers $75 00, Dougherty county $900 00, Israel Adame $12 60, Kpirtiu Johns on $14 o>, James GRbeti $62 60. DllHgb$. 6*66 Charles Irwin $25, A J Tarter $50 00, i'tiillip Kenny $60 00, James L Robev $11 60, John Drinkwater $16 00, Gilbert A Ken dall $83 00 HILLS KCrxaKXD Kohl Quick $20, GJ Wright $100, J F Carglle I’ J fltroser $61 90, Samuel Polfus $4 20, D 8 Meads $23 85, N ft A F Tift $90 00, Tucker k Ball Volker $36 92. >2. C 1 On motion the account of Everett Drinkiratcr for $012 60, ordered paid, with the akoeptioa af the balance appearing to he due him of $92 60, nfered to the Chairman of Committee on street* for his etmulnation. Council adjourned. J F. CARGILE, Clerk. Albany, Tuly 20, 1867 T. K. WIIITAK1B. *. a* izmu. WHITA1 ProprWraa wwwawg.Vtttta** Tax* "TWotwi . . V . , , OsrawAitatashaaMPiy etSts. ATLANTA. OA aajd—TO*-- '-•• •• h • '•> r J ' .. ... NEW BOOKS! Partisan Life with Moby. Muklback’a Historical Novels. Loaita of Prussia and her times. Fredarkk The Great and his Family, •r M «, u «« Court. Th* Merchant of Berlin. Berlin and Sane SooeL Joseph th* II. and Hie Court. Banry the VIII. and His Court. Th* last ebronioal of Barset—By Trollope. Raymond's Heroine—A Novel. Mavola— By M. E. Brandon. —ALSO - Standard Literature. Blood and Thunder Novels. Now School Books and Stationery. Any Book published promptly ordered for customers. L. E. WELCH k CO* july 27. Booksellers and Jewelers. lawton & Lawton, Wholesale Produce'dealers, 4th at. MACON, CA. CORN, BACON. NEW and OLD FLOUR, Choic« CANVASSED HAMS, aawa-io hay. &o.. ,k «—*■ mm *1 &c. ■ r 1. For the cure of Sudden Coughs nnd Cold . A si li mn, Acid Stomach, Sore Throat, lloaitlmin, Sen Sickness, Cholera, Diarrhea, Pains nnd the Stomaon. Sent by express lor $1. rn nips Kayton’s Dispeptic Pills Are a sure and pleasant cure for Dy^popria, Bil- lious Disorders, Constipation, nnd nil Di-orders ol d Bowels, and when taken the Liver, Stomach nnd regularly will cleanse the blood. Tho"i- me the greatest anti-Bilious Bills ever placed liel'ore tin- public. Sent by mail for 30 cent* per box. The above medicines are prepared nml sold by l'nor. II. n. KAYTON, / Savannah, ‘tia., To whom all orders should he addressed ; nr to ihe Agents, A. A. SOLOMONS k (JO., WholcriUt Drug gists, Savannah, Ga. Beware of counterfeits. The genuine lin" Prof. H. H. Kaytox's signature on each bottle nml I.ox. A liberal discount to those selling again. For sale in Ssvonuah by A. A.. SOLOMONS >* CO., E. W. MARSH k CO., W. M. WALSH, H. ii. TATEM, and by Druggists nnd Country Merchant. 6 generally. j„i y JO—hr. L, E ft H E Welch, Ak'i | u!t, ALBANY, G \. GeouiIia—Dougiicrty County "VTO’i’ICE is hereby given to nllperaoni x^ ed. thnt on the day of- Iney R. t'rcushnw, inte of Dougherty parted this life intestate, nml no person has ' liniatration on tlie estnlo ef midS* tor administration on ^ Vltaw, and tlint 'in term* of the lsw w iinu* vested in t li> t let It of the Stiperie nr Home other tit nml proper person, tilriy^ tot the pul.iicati' ti of this citstion, unleM* id objection i* made to hi* appointment. Given under my hand nud official sigMk 12th ..r April. 1*ii7. W. II. WILDM April IK, 18>'“ 1 AdminLstrutor's SA* » V VI It rtTHwif n'i order from lho«* t It I l 1 l-.rat n’» oruer irem dinnry of Dougherty county, wi|l - • • ‘ * 1807, ,»* .U tlie first Tficsdny iu August ioo<» j^jj llou-e door in said county, between of hale, eity lot number 71, on Bresajit* Ilia,,.. Ilfi nu-noil l.V John S’’ u 1 oil,-, a I.t n iitituiiu. «*. — — city of Albany, Ga., owneil by John containing one acre, more or leM,.WUhP, ntetils thereon. Sold for the benefit W and creditors of said deceased. Tertn*“ June 22, 1867. JOHN R-lt Adm’r ol J. H. Administrator's Sdt*, irltte of an order of the Conrt^of|0t ’be first » B Y virtue ot an oruer 01 me Dougherty county, will besoluberor^ Itonso door.of stid cthtnly.-on toe nrz* August next, hetwoon the legal hour* real rslnte of John B. Hardwick, lots situated on Jackson street, being^e 0 * numbers 4t\ and 48 ' fti» dC. ' rhhmn, and necessary oetblilU.-*-,- m and lot. on tho alley being part of 1<>| street. Bold a* tho property of wick. Into of said county, dccoaeewij^ of tho heir* and creditorsofefcl^*^ sion given 1st (tetober. Twrit*****^01 L. B. Juno 22,1807. ' '* ■ G KOIU11A-— Dough wV • NOTICE is hereltj girrn l«s»T«JJ" • i that on the day of 1 wlidUVR* Giobuia—Worth oounty. These are to notify the kindred and emit tor* a* d all others concerned, to bo nnd appear at m office within th* time prescribed hy law. end show ! '" " . ’" v , thi cause, if any they can! whyCeilu K. Buck,-lev. «,(- ! Dougherty enmity, dgfiSX! ministratrix with tbe Will annexed on tho estate of James Ruckelew, deceased, should not ho discharg ed from her Mid trust. J. \\. ROl.'SE, July 16,'07. . Ordiiinrv. leaving Julia A.”fice FxecnttWjJ^^ Testament, nml she having McLaren, nnd bysnid interuiarri p not now represented, and1 no Gboboia—Worth county.. ,, Notice is hereby given lo alf persons 1 Votiocrnotl. that I ahalLatiply to the Honorable the Court of Or dinary of Mid county, for leave to resign my trust ae Guardian for the nerson nnd propertj,e£ the mi- ■«r heirs of James N. Ford, deceased, on (the first Monday in September next. ■ July 16, TW7 R. G. FORD, $r., Gunrd n. 1 administration with the WiliannWH . pmhr voiiri, or sflme olner (I »■ .--j tliiv»y days after the publltottie* utiles? some valid ohje^^* 0 m 0iraa undernyk»nd »" d °* £i ^ 10lh flag of M.j. - ”• n (b» May Illb. 1M7