The Albany tri-weekly news. (Albany, Ga.) 1867-186?, August 03, 1867, Image 1

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.iM 1 & co. WISHOJI—11 r-THT -.MOUKliA'I IO.V. se?, QUARTER M.l hi"" jBTffEm fliSflRH ON HVliltV ^aCBSUll.'ASl) SAT1KIIAV. S 1 * (^((iiliort <fc Viwmi’i* 1 . fc^o ill’. Ilroinl strec-l. 'jPHjV A<lv«i'IUhr;, litfTUhO IV IV S^'rTaSviffT'"' 3'inil BMCnl.v-firo' *'>•'"« I'm' mum Xa|m_uojaMo in iulvnncW A NOT 1 015. * 9 ^gfluAnilllUiM. fof. office, $ in. ■ .charged fov ut regular ALBANY. GEORGIA. A UG LIST 3. 1867. -I-AW HAliUA ./w A ATTCltNUY AT I AW. ' A MI A N V, li,|, ^5TS7"tLl< -gi\e prompt attention (0 wny l.ttMnee* yy emruted him. in nil theCourts orPnuglrfrty amli tMroundhig>unn|tes'. .Tnly I. 1**17. IT/ ' I,. F. p. WAK1IKN. WRIGHT a WARREN, r 'l’ffi It N KA M AT a . A W. AMtAiVV, UH. J FEARS |Tilt* Arrow,Tie ^ Iron Bands — KUH— Provision Sealer 1% I Grocer, BALING COTTON I .JVLlCOll,. (J i]L. | . <•• ii. i ,.(U .. :.j li;/ . , ■ 1%/f V jivrangfruumlti are cjMu|dvic fur. • «le :. .-I •’..* j i-H HV»'. V “* > r r * I ■ COT* BACON ANli llAT. i.l'* of *»" v,e . r , , l»ll { 0 “Verm-Ai l.iu j lines, counted ns two squares. '■II uiiirk on their inl\oiiismu->ni ‘ ■ 'iw#* ih^y wish them 1*1 . iTfor Individual benev. will »• iqtfirf e««*h **•*■»•* ii"i». w m9WW .m*^ t !*'»***' 1 ’ fV^AdYvrtUvmviii^. Loitariir*l* °“ r *" r advcrti-. 1 hr " " s ‘ rlt,,i ’ » ,lM ' 1 "- v " VV 7 H*l. l»MPtie« in III .* several Court* ot Law and 1 » r.ijuiiv in Mm Stale and 1 he Circuit Ciiurte one nt the I'mlfil Stated for the State nt (L*m*gi4.' Also tuinn Ton Htento CnMMlKKlON in BANK- Rl'PTcv. . Alliiinv, Nov. 13. ISiifi. — 37 Bankrupt Laws. . 1 b 1 .1 on Uduuniayipim» jjyi’ftr GuartiUMnp ■ -jfll'Hinissi 111 from Adn min *•“* V" UipflictlioB lf» r ilif'inixxmn It «•' gferiil::::::::::::: &UdW4W* ; [dtMAW'W”')'' *« " •« ‘.v- 8P8CI.U. NUT I *’ R. **|«etd»month, bolwccu the lioui.inl l«*n opd three in tint Itfirriioi'ii, 11. • Jllf lh* oiiiiniy in whiisli (in* |*rt»|»i*r- _ J(i»!hUc« Of lliono wild must lie pvi 11 jeihktl* forty ilnye previous MfU***!# of personal piaipnriy mnsl Im> CfuMner, Uirmigli a |nihll«* ^.i/.iiii- 1 • MiaIc day* urcilUors ul'mi tfftl.iie inn>i ■fiOon will bo tnrt'le in l!i« Cmn , i sell hsiinl musl in* pnliHxIi- irletters of Ailminl*-irali »n, ( jplb|fei)>li-<lie<l tlilrljr »l«y<—lor •! IAiImIUirilIon. monthly -it inomh 4 ■ from Uu.ir4iui»xhi|i fm iy *11 y-. ifarlhfpteolosnre «*f Morigiissivx imist !"• J«alhly for four montlm—for rstaMDilti r 0(tribe full-*|i:UT Of lilt OP JilOUlllH — tm tlWeifrom IWeculovs m* A'lniinimrainr*. •halt boon [liven by 1I10 Ucucum*>K ‘ m if line monilis. | )!:TITIii';s iii Haiibviiplpy nmlor lalo Api of l’. 1 Oi.nirj^ « iVN NOfau: FILM) rai oriUirx of 1 hi* .liitlf’i* iff flic HtiprtihMliuwl c.iinler lion III) piT.-enlu* the form of llio |>oiii‘niii • it tlers, vir.. elv U lion ilia Ciiviill an.I .listrlct t’liurl of iho t'liilnl ! Si a..** i'.iii |»ri»|i««t-|y lionr I lu*s«* oi»xoh, wo slinlt ;:!.i ily ri'iirci-out mir i-lionlH bol'oro them, fuses ; can ho (letermiuetl in vaeiiilun or term. ihni'.s \ lumns, ' haw. \jnil In.7. o.lif iu t DU AL CAm>S. A1'.: .»! h.i Dv Ii ■Vyi! »«.pc mixMiiiit'. xiii: i i. lenniiigs & DeWitt iii iiilo.l llio;a«elvox ill lb. I |lr. hoWiil \> ill SlJ i:ii]l.’.\h,,oiiKv«. /.ii».iii\, .inly -'I, ihij;. prariioe of • • •. 1 Mil man \ Unit« Urujr s ,,i. 0 Vpoeiiil illlenlbill In , .nnU If AN INI'IIAfii 1: AI.AINMT IE, WASTE Hi THEFT! ►Sill lor No A loro! 1.1 Mil. .Misvil.u: •1 hMiii iiily, mi-1 n •» 1; n.’i > wliii'li Ii . mi \ xtonl iiiul Noi ..I l’nnlraii- 1 i V. u|* any of joToi fun. i.umi; ..I! i.i I !.!■ Ill I Ilu , I I It 3 Vricj Yi iituve nmt (ft 'ni»^fvi‘.T y ; | / yfH» ;iniokeit a ni*i|ii:i!hMlj thr Sun^H^lty •J'V»lf'! Ib:;.jltll4 S|.|..e. ‘ ■..fMiA uua1mT*i r.r n. Ao.fmu llm■Norlhern nml K.islem Hay. 7.0 l.lih A U r Miigae. •Jill! I .I it < Silpnlin.’ I'.iiiiilv^ Hi. ir. . ,• iyi |.e>'x ,\;lil . • , 11HI Suets l.‘m'l'|U'ul .' .iV. Tlnvliijr on AflMN'T \\ .• 1 am.h^Iii»kty Imitii/. n one hue the n«lvniilng**. I'luntWantin', ptr'li >’r •Bpeoiftlly t'fllt.N. slimiM I. nnl in llu ir Dl'di'l’i Wfith IhVt'AMli in lime. Tho emu will h* trnnMereil on nvrivnt. Miti'ijr ilr.ayu.-'e. whh-h wi alwny.x he •’>eftnl.x in tiii'liel !»••• 11 an priii'.* froi: Store. This'h ^ave l f.» pmrlr.r.M •. i* n ear lond. 1 y .qI‘ AiljustiiU'iit! 'urpjssM Iiy .VoiiTc rorSIrfURlh ami AdapT Ubtltly In all llio I'ses of I'onimorcol r" | A11 1 V lire m.iniifiipfinVil in Liverpool, of the a i-e ' ,l«:i;»lisb I Mu. niuler llie perxmiHl miper- ■. 1 inn i*i 1 be Intouioi', ITmnorly a veshlent of Net. . pi . TV hen hy 1 he yo t run cm The fr':iini*l..ii_' u.a .- invnliniite nieilioino lor V lienn. Heiiml llehlllty 1' ilitct |ty. Inipnii 1 «|ueii"i-s uf y.hi.Iiiul in* IIIOHI ealinihlo piop.i. ai i.n ll will roiilote all noi \ • eaoltemeni. iiu upari \ 1 .• ineniort. o.iii'io.mii, ilu 1 fmv- ai inx'initv, 11 renew ilu hr.ilili Sensual o\00*- or. in pi uai.. Voiing Men. he liuioluijrifi'il no nuno I>\ • *• ; 1 • • |>ni**»" an.| io»un nil pnirfilmni rs. I.m simlviifi •nil ih'l iy fur lhe l.lixir. an.I heiil nnoe ve .ini'ol 1 henlili ntnl hnppine's. \ |ViTen Cure 1 timu ri lord in eteiy lU'lmn o. I',,.*'!, or h>ui h..nlr lo one nddir.-f. $1. One h uilo i • onouj'h luollVol it cute in ill i.r-lim ry •' ni“ iiIIonlu.;-', 111 inly or Ini- i iiu , hi* ul srU ile*’trii. i will ».*'..•! e l ho app • A.tin hate dr Mot l • Ii cl j, v.. i i;.\it: •Inunnry -»*th, In.7. I \i.yo. mt. .huuviu.irs sim:« ific r;i t.s for \1’lt«>\V TIF, Is preferred hy Shipnmslen the -j.o. do and perm inimi •. «• • '• I ■ •<, aw it is worked will. » In t inoh . Urethral |lHi l|iuye«>, Ovnvel. Sniriim*. and all ul- •I.. \t l.ile nil sillilil TIMS ro.piire to •» inolies, ! feel ions ul (he heli.i y - and . * . . . i .ell, it. Mini ijr 11'1‘uugh a rargn, involves a him- ed in limn one lo fit r d iy «. They are p. • p n ed li .mi !. ... ,: S4 . Sh i|, linger. I vepelnlde eMrm Is ilm are hanules' on I In* ny fei.i. ; land never nun-eile the >tmi.m-li or imporenale the I! 1'iiii \ ll !U t\V TTF find HAN US, mid SA YK j bremli. No ehmip.e uf.liel is iieeossmy wlnlr mini: ' tliein. in.r does Iheiraeiinii in any m.antioi ininteie Willi liu-iitevs pm suits, I'lho, Ml pel V*. \ I'.ilher of the a* >ve m niumi d mth le- \t i”. hr sent lo any addle--. Hn«rly sealed, and ]>•> f ] ai I hy mail nrex|iie*>x, on roreipl ul prim*. \ddri*s«nll iirdn-s in Ulilllililt, sill TTS A f.. . I '* i s. N UMBER 82. CRll LITTLE CURL. I Ii:*\ i* n litt L* mi l oflmir, A ■; r- M. n :i- tin* simiilrsl ray; \'.i IriMsiin* w ith it rail roinparr, Its hranlv raiinot pass away. < ! • l" my lips I pvt ss ilu* prizr; 11 in.iv In* weaknims so to ilo, Hut • unirfhiir.; melting in my cyt*s I • t lie CNiMl M* I oiler you, This little i ml .if ipihh'ii hair lo my heart of one who «lic*tt — • I hoy, ns ww*ret ami fair A * «■'> i invi' a lather's pfitle, t hu* smmm r'-r llowers ahovo his l»o«l Hit. u c. i Iv l-li oiipal ami jjfonr to rest I'info In l I In hi his little hca«l A -niiisl in\ sa<l fim 1 aehino hreast. Above hi > sleep ilu* Sliowy white I In • -ulily untheivil, like a crown, Ami In.l.Ii n li'nin ii’iv eves’ditii stirht inh r tri ads hlailen seer ami hrovs n ■' I" Mm The MmNIA in KltMUJIlT and INSl It WOK! \nuiu'emenlH h i\e heeii made hi *< onre an nin- I I'll* supply of’ihe Arrow "fio and Mandft for tlie ! romi.n.’. a> i will l|0 heller ilun I lie Tim to- •tore tired. J 4S. A. H A Mo \ s*ni Middle mnt SiVUthWeat (lem-gin. I • itt w hot her w ith I lie roses ml,. (, r with the u inter's ilr ipery, Ir lilt !.* *'.ra\ e he oarlun.le.l, * h i. a l-.u ly spoi to me. 'I heio, w in n the shallow* ol the night, Ai i-e ami ilri\e the tiny afar, I see hi in with his erowiiof light, •k *h.w«i Irom heaven liken star. I.. iJ 11 'FOHD., ll.".:- •I.eintiau s (Nirner. Opposite lu very Sul lo. j: rsn>// v< •/.......t/ ,v. /*. nn/xxovs. •blJ till II| Al.liANV, toy, .at#' The Favorite & Most Oomfovtaltle DEidO'o-'r'aa rm'iM Albany to New York! |»7.l X I U l A A .1 //. t 'll. AADUIBV LOW Al t'O, U.'tieinl Agriils, Sitvatiuali. tin. • in. I rsiyited i- prepared tu fetnieli the Alt- Farf Tit roue: It to New Vorh.. r \m:il il.eir pr.:le‘'ii..tml.t>ervii*es to theeltizenn v / of Alhmtv and vicinity. Office oirltruml St., I , 'tbnt.tty >1. 1 »•*!•*. . Id--if lilt following new. fast, and lir«t-« laws S'fl’.ANj- SIIII’S anil Iron. Siivaiinali to New V»n'sever; Drs. Cromwell & Coniially T Tuesday, Thursday aud Saturday Mnt ray pBsleen Co. rrr i)fs.. Callaway & Pope, PALMYRA, GAi I’.reb .Utili, IN',7 | 1 \ ) SIMS & McMILLW USHMdaU'd lltettli'dlhs lugeljifr . Atl.-iiitit* <'. M. 3. l!tit,-ii•- l.ine. . ,s. Du's I Sail TCKSOAVS. SadTIiniSlfVS Sails \T I* V.- Iii.u, • Herman hiving- S\:, s\t •• > i. - • , i |.. ' liembuiu, t’.im'r. *ion, llaker.t urn. NirKer-nn.l I \’iinto, 'ttencrnl Itnrne*.'S\s .loiv. u. MAN VI’ ACT l'l! KI! S, 499 BROADWAY, \v York- rn .a Albany and vinniiy. • |»rng Sfore of Itilbei'f \ Itfo. •et. May ‘-M. 1H«7 (1 liTl A. tiOVIl, Silt. H. AhllAN V, (SA. :iiil fnrlli'er mtfleel fll i .'ue liie le-'id. iti'ii of Mav Sib. liis Ur-iilennv. I ‘mplain liditi A. in 17 Id ly ! Buckley, t'um'r. Marlon, t’om’r. Aikiita ( -h'uiu •. | Those Sieamships are all uf large carrying o i] he icily, well adapted in tins BoiUe, and an* liiud up [•ic I with especial regard lo lliu f.iul'oiI ul l‘a eengu . Slate l'noniH largejind airy : Ilu* Siewn i' , ‘ dejnni- inenl supplied with lie* best the New ^ rk and Sa vannah matketx all.u'd. The Tlir<mgh Freight Ta- 1'itl having been much reduced, Freighiers and Fa - i bengers will lind ihis the fp’l<'i\i:ST, SAMIS 1'. and MOST Kt’oNOMICAh lioFTK !<• New ^ ik. I I.OW TIB to the TKADK at SAVANNAH PFvIOES, | I'anunlins uni) Trans|ivrlali«n AiMril, lll'ST * .lOIINSTON. Hear the Insurance Agents: Swasx.ui, <J\., May Till. 1bd7. Tin* recent tired in this city proved to our • uiiie = iii-i.e ihm, by a thorough lest, tho auperl- ■ • i:y ut lllo.N BANl»S fur haling purposes, we -imii.1;. ri'eamiiU'iid ilu iii lo I lie use of (he Flmil- ••r*. id lieurgi.i ns an efficient npenl in lettrieting j hei- i,y *ire; nml we agree Id discriminate, when : pr.-n ii mWIc. in lavor ul t’otion lima neenred. A. \Vll.lllJlt,ttencrnl linmranee Aifent. iHlAlll.Bri UlliMN A. SON, Agents Liverpool, iy'lull'll liful (Jlohi* 111-. Co. ( IIAll!,I)S I, COI.RY iV CO., Ar' At- i .•.••. ,vl. Iii-. C..., N. ^ . 1 ll II. |'iii t'l’M AN, Inammco Agciit*. WoninmiDtli: tmOTlIKItS, Insurance Ag'is. .1. T. TIKtMAM, liiruiniict Aijent?'. •I.t . M.'NTI.T.V,Seeriiiiry Southern Insarunee .V. Trn-l Co JAMI'BT. STFAVAKT, Aarnt l.ondmi and Ijaiica-ler 1'isurmioo Company. I. \ NI. i*X W K»T, Iiimiranee Agent).. SAVANNAH AliKNTS, Mnrrav's*—Hunter \ (•ammel. DOUGLASS HOUSE i Atlantic C. M. ton. Agents. I'.iii pi re l.ine S. S. C, i l.ine -Wi! Ag, ul-. ' I'nll.i tjleil'^on of the puldie and Ilu* Ira h* i - invi- Me Spven Octave I'.o ev. ood I'i •t*,i^iclifor volume and purity oft one, are *IWhyiny hilliarto oflere l in tlii.s Murkel. lin gillie modern improvements, Fieneh hlink^iVedtvl Iron Kmrac, Dveratrung itU,, ttul ^ftcti instrument being made under t»lmptrvision of My, J. II. (lltnVF.S- ft hM had n practical expei icnce uf over [je’iyfti tn their manufaetnre, is fully warrant - ttery particular. ^roveslecn Piano-Forte,’ wm. the lii^liost award of imwit * N*W l #illMliorM at tiio och'-hra- ’ u .WORLD’* FAIR, ViU'Sl.i * RSMMM inwruiuenln from the T.e- Pjpls, Her many, Fliiladelpliia, and >'ew York. Al.m nt lIn'* pittite for five Buccc.^'ive year. , tin* r Medtlr from both of which can be fc rooms. Kinciion of improvements wc make a :tFiano Forte, and by inanufaciur. ffttflrictly oaah system, arc enalil.. I ■ament at a prioo which will pfo- lojff frhii ' ^ * a r ' lrrcnl PanAfi. R|Jj*Vh® Cntalogucs sent free 'x^a 'ma*ajih,v | .lime Hih, [bn] II. 11 at dec. Agent. til'.<l. A. Ml I’I.r.SKFY. Geneiiii Traveling Agei Mvcn.v, (I; , May ItUli, 1RB7. The jecrnl Iho W.irelimiso of Mr. II. T. Cliapman. in lliih fit,, having fully demoustrnted tho adv.image uf IKON HANDS for h ding pnrjioscs, a« a -e.'.ii iiy u,,iin-i !o.*s hy tire, we, the undersign- ed lii-uiMficc Ag. nts nt Macon, tia., lake pleasure in luidoimug i tic acii'in of the Agent s at Suviiunali. H. C. (Ill A .NN1SS, Agent for aevoral Ins. Co’s. .1- \V, Ill'llKH, la-urauco Agent, li .1. .IiMINHON A. CO , Insurance Agents. .1. .MttNIlUK Ui;iM*:N, liiSbranee Agent. .1. M. BOABDM AN, Insurance Agent. .IN’tt. IT. COBH, tiiMirnncc Agent. May 2dth, ib«57. 55—Am WHISKERS AN U MUSTACHES "It tit* 'I'.D in prow upon tin* ‘•mmuho-i in ^ from llnoe lo live weeks hr lining Hr. ITlNI'.S lll->T.\ I. 1 BAT I'M'll c Ai'il.l, Mill), most wondeiTiil iii •'.»*■Try in liiudei u HMeiov, i. upon i|,«- Beard and lla*t in -n aluio-t tuirar liuililier. ll hi- tui It ll-ed hy ilu eiile of l.rtlldun w*Mi the ! o.' i rtatiet ing • in m • •••. Name* el ai! pur*{risers will he register* d. and if entire sal- isfuoium is not given in every in-'aiiri'. Hie mnney will bo cheerfully relimded. I’l ice I.v mail, m ni'nl and pualpaid, 81. Ile.-eriplivt* • ituular.- atol tr li ii inis mallei f.•*.•. Addreee I Klliil’.l!. .<111 TlS .\ CO.. Chemi-i*. No. •_’}*.*. Itiver Htie. i. Tn*y, N. '.. Side iigeiils fur |t I'liited Slates. I ■ am runs smilo (>iisliritu*d in hiiuht ua\rs iVumtht* slurry w*n- •1 vuirr in tilt; wind, BEAUTY .tfi Auhurii, (luldi n, l’la\«*ii mid Silktu ('tills,' P uoumiD i. v Hu* h-i* ui i’i or. hi: inii:t.\ ; Fit IS Fit I.K CIIIIV Kl X. Oik* iippliealiuu j wurranled to eiirl llio niu-l *h-aiglii and Huhh m 1 hair of either se.v into wavy l itiglcls, ur heavy ilia • five eurla. Ila-been used hy llit* la-hiuiahle- u! Paris and l.undou, with the iiid-i graiilj jug ii'-ulu Hoes an injuiy to the hair. 1’iiee Tty mail, smiled I wild postpaid. SI. DeH'iiplive Ciicnl.irs tnuilud I free Address BKIMi lilt, SlU TTS t th, t hen, ists. No. 2H.1 Itiver Si , Tiny, N. Y.. Sole Agents lor ! (lie I’ltiicd Si.lie-. I lirar In That inunmirsthrough t*at*h hh»SHom\l tnk*. And well I know that,could lit* leave Hi* In •me in (lull's ini re realm of hlisa, 11• '•! < uinr, and 'round my forehead wcavu Tin heanty ul an ungel's kiss. Y«m may inunminet* my sorrow vain \nd e.Miiibc! me with kindest hreatli; I hit du yuti kiiov a father's pain W ii* n li * first liurii lies eohl ill f^entli? Tu In ar the hist lom-std'a voice, Tin* sweelcbt linisir tu his ear ; •Tu furl tin* rarest of nil joys— '1 In* rich* rt ” I ad i icss tlisappenr, Tu see the shadows close about Tlu* hri^iitest rav that ever shown; Tu sue the cnllin lid shut nub Tho <h*ai'rst id'd he has known. This lhr pain the father feels Win n death has made his hearthstono Whrii Tu < Vr tin' sih'iit lorm he kneels « p nlumt his loved one's hier, <•. snrrly you'll put rail me weak Iu'c.uin* I love his lock of hail*— ‘hi- mil whirli o’er my first horn’s check « hire lint tried In the summer air. One Square West of Court House, ;,,. K l(AVK ss Albany, Ga. ! HAVENS & II M. BltfMVN BROWN, A iVrvv Sr u sal ion leave lids House every day for Bainbridgc, andi i Wliolemilo nml IIi-iiiH Oeattrs in n fl V 0 HMD PTDICI NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, dUIo A if U U i ll L 0 ! Thonmsvillc, Florida TR© T^Tj?10 Siipflii il will, till- IIKST llm 'Iiarki't ntVnrilx. MnrcliSI-iB " ►, ; The New Cemlral Inland Mail Route t'.KTUT.r.s' Tim south ash Tim south, AM) i:\STEItX eiTlKRI I.laio mill Mil min ril I.iK-i-uInrc, St:.l loner, i'i;.'., No.91 Cherry SI MACON, ft!. .Inmmry 17, 1x*17 T Ilu CilASTKU,Ail'S WHITE L I [I U 1 G 3GX AMICI,, Tor Improving and Beaulifying tfu* Complexion. I The must valualdi! and pcrfccl prepm a lion inuje. for giving (In* skin a hcniilil'ul pi'ail-like tint, linn 1ft only fnimd in yuiiili. It quickly !<>mnvc* Tan, Freckles, I'iiiipies, Hlolehes, AJoili I’ntclicx, Salluw- I liesa. Ihuplions, and all iuipliiilieii of eIn* .-kin, kindly liealiug ilu- same and leaving llieykin vvliiic nml clear as nlitlui'ler. I is use cuuiiol he d« let le I hy I lie olosesl snuliny, and being a vegvlahlc paration ix perfeclly liiirnilcsx. 11 is llm only nr»i- clo of the kind iisriUhy the 1' icnf'li. and lx i on-ill- ere»l hy llio Parisian as indispensable lo a polled toilet. I'j.wards of .JO.immi hotllex were xul.l .lin ing the past year, a siilliciciil guaraiileo of its ollicncy. Price only 7''» cents. Mem hy mall, post paid, on — »V Til K — lliclimond and Danville R. R- And il* C»uncfllloii*l rr.Alir. ChnrloUe and South Carolina* oud Norlh j[ C.ivoliiia Bailroads, via AuguxU. Columbia, i riiarloiic and (Sreousboro lft Richmond, vift JVhkIi- : iugtoii, ’Baltimore, PiillftdelpWft, New. York nod : |h,stuu. To uecuro speed, auloty and oonUort tor MERSCHAUM F.NUINK or no sale. G Albany PIPES. Very elienp at liook nml Jewelry Store. L. K. WKI.CII .S: CO. BOOKS nre bard to gel, for want of money. But iIn- boys and girls must have something lo read, nml | r ecej(it of an order, by they ought in I.mvi* licsh supplies of reading every | UKItGCU, HIIUTTK & Co., Cl.cmlsls, week. Now. there are jilenly ftfmonlhlv papers lor i 28.') Itiver Hi., Troy ,N Y. ilieiii: but their old friend—and who does not re- “ . member him nml his ••Children’ll Oulde" in war! (!i:otu:i.\—Worth county. li,„c»—tllcir.-l.l nirml. J. IV. JlL'nKK, P roiio.„ lo TIiom- mo In nulif} tin- kln.lro.l nml give ihem the 1 a* d nil others concerned, to be and appear »t my Handsomest Weelciy Paper ! office within Iho lime presnHhed by law. nml show I bis Phicnix Printing IIoiihh nan bring out. To do ciiiih*. il any they can. why (Vila K. Bnckelew. ml- j ibis In* must have 111'NDKKDStiFSCBSCKIBKItN! , minisiratrix will. Ihe Will annexed on the exlalnol ! -v Cu.m Stoky.—A very eminent law- i in New Turk received a very Kovei'o re|»* limand fruin aw.ijnes.s on ti e stand, whom ho was Irving to brow-heat. It was an im portant issue, and in order to save his cause from defeat, it was necessary flint Air. A. should impeach the witness, lie endeavor ed to do ii on the ground of age, Tho fol low ing dialogue ensued: Lawyer—I low old are you ‘t Wit nesH—Seventy-t wo years. Lawyer- Y our memory, ol course, is not so hrillianf and vivid as it was twenty years ago, is il V Willies* —! do not know hut it is. Lawyer-State.some rirrumstaneeR that oeeured, sav some twelve years ago, nml we shall he tilde to see lion* Well you can re member. Witness 1 appeal to your honor ii I am to he interrogated in thi* manner; it is in- is/>lent. \ Judge—Ves sir, slate it. \ Witness—Well, sir, il von emu pel me to j do il. I will. About twelve years ago you | studied law in Judge TVs otl*iee,did yon not: Manhood: How Lost, how Restore;!, ./«</ juiblix/i' tl. <i ti4ir nti<•/ And In* appeal- lo I lie young folks to help him. He wani.s id know bow many will volt* for the pa per by agreeing I" lake it. Let them send in their ioug iixl« of nn in ex that he may see bow Ilia voir Moods, amt vrhciberit will warrant him in commen cing ii. Never mind I lie money, juxl now. If he Iiiul- the vote nil tight, lie will begin Iho publica- lii.u, and call for the money; for then he will hold , Dr.C»lVVrwcll»»Cclybml< «l IN- iiy ^ndllif up ,l,rt7 I ,nynn,l.i'r.irf.TO/™r,.(iy.ilM.iii i , T ;|1 hi, imilrr iitiHgaHini, to .nkMrihe for ; the paper. YVlio snyf i lor ihe Boys and (iirL! Hurrah for a Weekly Paper ■lid wliai boy or gil l will axk •*i.v ci )nstiti:ti. > x aim Ifiterjr Wednesday Morn in?. fey'''*' 1 !”' c< >n*nitiinp iLn, ’. 7 'p'l oo*l TilOnr.i,>li, Vi, liL? arkpl honoris, Mi.-ccl ^blCled or Original Story, airl nr I*.to Ihe Farm’ and in Through Tickets Via Columbia & Charlotte r»*4 ij f k. .. I * l< ‘ Form’ and n,n . k< * h fe** Fsunily The Bonds upon ibis Uoute hnvedieen pjU »» «- ! cidlent order, and furnished, with 3'nginvs and il'i,M-Cb.M Passenger Cars.. SJefl'iug.‘‘"s on nil : Night Trains, and lirfd-class timing Saloons, and ‘ho l i-, le time given to passengers tft g* Uieu^talx lit..rbils i a| ve . ular «»cal time. , , ’..'I’ I'aneou- This Home passes tliroligh an elevated, lieallny '•*! countrv- luwlcnnnot bo Hiirpassed for iin. Beautiful Dairy each { ^j olinhl j n Scenery. This is iho shortest aud quick- .fnivviinP ' V u i <: k . Iiil-ms I..1V1' lii'on ranilo. .ml will >««» '"»> "K; W'wj. |ft(f k !l<M5<nT j 1«»W ■ 1.-.1 .1 il.« j... $;{ no Jlofre timft 2 -.U each. ^ U "ii H * ,n * ^hnw desired. JjU« ^ ' Stock Tun a cn„ Augmia, (fa. L»Ji i.v» .. ft-or Tickets and Checks can now be bad al the Hiciiol.lll^nrmriAIH'i'ri'ml III Mnrff, li. I,. WBAWM).**" 1 ' ' Muy i'.il. 1'iT'l iiiul lino J('irr)iy jfvWUkd ' ».■ nil K.’WKI.i’ll A Cl}:, t H Bftok^ellerft and .tewifiV". Bull'', litW Build.llV erything ihni Smiihrilte. dob • •• of SmaMATiiiinmn;, or Seminal M'eaknc Involuntary .Seminal Bosses, inimitknc JrajTnil'l 1'liJHic.l Iin-npuoify. tKrilimrnlii I. BUUIM ; t , .Im loiigwl lint of mibicriU.™ J MnrrlntK cdf.; nW.'o.M.Mi'Tl.n, bm rti', nml , |ml> || c „. Kith indnord by m-ll- niliilp'iico or reslunl nslrnv- |; n of # I'ricc i.... sriiieii cnvci..p t ', oni.v«ran. Sequel to the “Young Marooners," The celebrated aullior in llils miiiiirilble i-imy \ v ,. a „ ,| 1( . l, nT , „ ml K i r |„ in llie United SIMM clearly ileia.nairalea. Iron, a llillly year- »„ece--- , t |b<] .. Voln M.rooher.'' and been dollgll ful lira,Hire, that llie alarming c...iae,,iienaen ol "ojl i . , m , „ nm , Mr. lloilWIn* naaiir., I,a lhal Ihe ahnac l,my be radically eilie,I ham tho < nlljrr- | » st ' nl .^Will lie ererv *hi* a. goad old oimilne of internal medicine nr the npyllont 1 .n, ol : nndwlto ent.ld Want ,my I hint boiler 7 llio kuifr-folnlinj onl o mode ol cure nl ..nee sin.- f w „ ( ., ih . Kil .|, wiU beahond- ple, cerlitin. and elfeelnaI. by means ol nlileh every splendidly illnslraled, ailflerer, nn manor vrlinl Ida oondlllnn may be, ma« a|i ,, ,, „ y r ,. i|iu „| ,f,h new lypo on line wl.ilc onro himaelf cheaply, privately, anil rnil.rilli/. I tniper, miiVinp in Hie year a beunllriil vnlumo of ' -»hoiiMbei,ilh,.|,'»ofevo,j,i t J r1 , 10 w „ h „ (in, mu p B ., u and index. Thiu Lecture youth and every man in tho land. Pent, nnder'ml. in n pliiin envelopo, io any ml-] p;' J dreaa poaf-jinirf, on receipt ot six oenls, or iwn 1>“" j ^ stamps. Address the pub,Fishers, C1IAA J. C. KLINK Jit CO. I2T Bowery, .1,Yi P* Oi Box ISMi. _2«» i’ ■ L M ~ “BROWN’S HOTEL. Oppoallo B«;pof.. ppoalio lie -AIAI'g.V, UA, [UlwV St SUN. 1’ropi lelnrs mma well known house hns beeii conveuienl l^fhodny. I’hft'lTotcl Is supplied with markets sttovd. . Macon, January i7th, lHb7. ■ mll JOHNSON’S HOTEL, Smithvillo, • •• • ,i . r . .TTTgT QEIMED ! . everyihinK lhal the i„ark«U»«»J.. — ;0 _ lw I.A'.ThjiVv-Ai (yv,|| tl sftSWftt fiu(* title page and T JbUUli. S 2 00per annum. r, IH) “ " fiw gopicw..T.-.i,.ct H 00 •« «• Ten ciipicti I’i 00 “ ** Twenty*out* copies 510 (Ml •• «• sluglQ-snb.^lriUlioiix, 0 tn'ftifilis'... >*.0cents. 8iugi»*eubs«i iptiiiiis, O'meulltXi.i ) 1 00 Uii~ Wu waul-an uclirfc aud Intelligent boy or girlat t'ftS4'oyice in iho timilli to oanvaxs for -Ubspri|-thius and will make 11 to il(«*tr Interest to Send f.ina Piemiuin liel nhiT Cll'cular giving full iiaiiicularx. Address J. W. BlTftKK it' CO, f l’llLliblicru, Mtiron, (in. . ni.r* ■XnTKVlWO Urp. prilnr. f.r Uwrp(ft Wwd, «. are 11 |H.JM«d 14 |uy Xm.UUIUXIIT ntuki'l plica mi < T .«^>II fur any quantity of same. e. ‘ILIbWAHTI* k f'O , limit'<muilib|iiN Merck t« iiv !••• ' rmsMdn l.nwycr—Yes. , WittuHs—Wi'll, hit*, I ivutcinhoi* your James Buckelcw, decease'll, hhoiiM in.i be .ijvharg- ! ihllicf coining into luy ollict* nml flrtying to ed from her mi id tiusi, J. W. ilOCSi:, ttir: Mr. I)., my son is to ht* c*\umiu*»cFfo- July 10, ’07. Ordinnry. I morrow, utnl l wish y< ii would h*nd mo f 15 to buy him u suit of (•lollies.” I I'cmombcr, jdao, Mir, from that day to this he hna never paid mu that sum. That, air, I romuinhcr, ns though il had hc*i*n hut vustonlav. Lawvcr—(Con.Hi«loi'aftly ahashud) Tliat will do sir. Witness—I presume it will. ISkouuia—• Worth county Notice ix hereby gi;en to nil persona emicoriied, that I shall ajiply to the Honorable the Com i ot'Ur- ditiary of said county, for leave in resign toy tj-ust as (lunnlinn for the person mid property ol the mi nor heirs of James N. Ford, deceased, on Do* first Monday in September ue*l. July 10, 1807 ll. U. FollD, 8r,, (iimrt)'n. Bankrupt Petitions. Having received the KI LLS and ORDUItK together with Forum nml I*ro('«*c<lliibH in Bankruptcy, as prni.iulgnled by SUPKKMK CdCItT of (he l ailed Stales, we are ready to (Up cases, fur IIINKS K HOBBS. july27-7l*. • Attorneys at Law. roil SALE AT Bust \ J.ihiiston'H Wnrchotise, one of Emery's Improved Colton Gins, HICH tuny be mil by band or by power gear. EXIF.AOBIUNAKV An’SWKK.—A |>t|pU of Ahhu Sicord, gave the following oxtraordi- nary nnswors: “ What is g rat it tide V” u < traliludt* is tin* memory of the heart.” “What is hope ?*’ "Hope is the blossom of hnppiuoHB.” “ What is the diHerenec* between hope and desire V” “Desire is a tree in leaf, hope is a tree in IblAver, enjoyment, is a tree in fruit.” “What is eternity V” “A day without yesterday or to-morrow; si line that has no end.” . .. “Wind is (Jod Y’ ,r Md r k “ H Botiet; •!*»f. , ii v of Lint than • “ flic necessary being, the Rim of eternity* I'liovKU I'o'ltTAi’.nV:Ti'anij i»‘ukxkks, 1 *'«. M Bt«li '! 1,1 n '.'. , "[‘ < '> ,l "'.°)' Pa ' h the wjitehnmker ol the universe, nml the improvement TK11MS July 27- 1 )• bint Coltoa 1st of October next. Hiu onl of llm world.” “Does (Jod reason ?” “Alan reasons, because he doubts: bo de* Horso (Stolen—Reward.! ■ liberates—he decides. (Jod is omniscient. lie never doubts; lie thereforo never rcusons.” * • S T<H.KN from my paNlui'o on Hun* * * * day night, I i.l. iuxt., a dark bay Horae, (nuiiio persons rail him uchuxt- iiul xariell, pabuiil. 12 yearn old, a amnll l.lao* ill the face, heavy main*, liiud fwt white, a frexli wound on llie right hind fant, near llie fetlock, old xcinx on ftHMii tMiieft, hut now well, ,IH* Ills dultveiy (o mn, JAMKK 0- FBFB.MAN. ToomMioin, Williln *.n Cimtdy, Owlral ITailn'.nd tin. iniy: I-*.: Winv.—.Iiist ar nil auctioneer was wiy- ing “gone,” a lew evenings niiico, hisaudi- .... ilm buck wont through the floor into the callar, I will pay *ii.» reaaid •nit happily without hurting them. Tho mrlloiieer, ns soon as he found Ida lega, re- marked that the accident would enable hitn to m il lower than In-litre, and railed torn hid Mini ilu*) hi,| him ‘'uo«mI night,”