The Albany tri-weekly news. (Albany, Ga.) 1867-186?, August 10, 1867, Image 1

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'1 -*•'/1 wisdom—.lrsficK—M<»m:i!.vrii>\. yofxi^ ALBANY, GEORGIA, AUfflJST 10. 1867. S'i, l‘KU QUA! ITER NUMBER 83. TRI-WEEKLY NEWS, ■ * rUUIISIIED ON KVKRY | 0ffl*°t«m8PAY AMD SATURDAY. 'rnfflciB—° vor Gilbort * VmouV Dry - ..u.^rCjOii South bUU) of Broad atroct. BStno AdverlMuK. ■, Inserted nt die rale nf One Hollar Su per ot Ten Lines, lor the fl Titian, Serenty-flve flonls lor end, insertion—paynWe In ndrnnce. :i- B ,B77XT NOTICE, iiltnoonncenienls of nanaidnles for onlce, $10, Qilynnco. notices 10 be charged for at regular ad- rt , e8 *—to be paid In advance. ,«f Ten lines, of brevier, make one itUemenie.tbat make over eight lines Ifteenlines, counted as two squares, willmark on their advertiseuients ■Yuares they wish them to occupy. „wM foe individual benefit, will he per square for each insertion. Uni Advertisement*. are our rates for legal advertise- f & Ski levy of eight lines or less ;e FL Fa. sales, per levy... des per levy.. $ :i 00 00 00 c*f u«oliri»tt« r » ot ’ Administration I 00 ^JjnjVhrs of Uuardlauship 4 00 j^fr^gflliCftitnn of dismission from Admin- jJJ^ifopilcstion for dismission from tlimr- 1 4 ! ffls; LAW OAK1).*. D. H. POPE, ATTORNEY AT I,AW. AI.UANV, OA. W ILL Riir ptnuipl nllfnlion to nnv lmslno<s entrust.,I him, in nil lliel'ourln nt non glum v nml surrounding connlipn, July I, 111117. ii.,. WRiniiT, i„ r.' n. WAiiur.Hr WRIGHT & WARREN, ATTORNEYS AT I,AW. ALBANY, UA. W ILL practice in llm several Courts of Diwaml Equity in tnis State am! tho Circuit Court* of the United States lor the State of (ieorgia. Also attention given to COMMISSION in RANK- Rl’l'Tf’V. Albany, Nnv. 18,1866. —;t7 Bankrupt Laws. P ETITION’S in liaukruplry underlain Act of l'. Congress CAN NOT ISK FILED until the gene- orders of the Judges of the Supreme Court (under section 10) prescribe the form of the petition orders, etc,, etc When the Circuit and district Court of the United States can properly hear these cases, we shall gladly represent our clients before them. Cases can be determined in vacation or term. MINKS .Sc HOBBS, Attorneys nt Law. Albany. Oa., April 2, 18(17. "Ill* J. W. FEARS, Provision'Dealer & Grocer, Macon, On. The Arrow Tic % Iron Bands —roit • complete for title and do i (K»; „-JiUm11 Laud •'» thti =_ KiiiitfWbUrsiind Creditors 4 im» •a. 4 per square d u(i Uw^Mikk&ble property, ten days 3 00 bn, itaSTiiwy J»J» l !" PijBitt at tiie above rales will be required in at contnt notes. .81*50 l AL NOTICE. , f administrator*, Executors or ]u(red by law to be held ou the I Tacaday in each mouth, between the hours of blkfltUpAOon and three lit the ntlernnou. at j ilKenke in the county In which the proper-1 |fd[i Notice of these sales must be giveti 1 o Gazette forty days previous. IgiNaoftbe sale of persounl property must he ( 'rnisUkemanner, through a public gazette ten n fftiious to sale day. i lotice to debtors and creditors of an estate must MEDICAL CARDS. Drs. Jennings & DeWitt TTAVK associated themselves in the practice of 1 I medicine. uPFICK—Upstairs over llilsmnn .Y Nall's Drug Store. Bdfr- Mr. MoWitt will give special attention to G10AE eases. 70-|f SURGICAL eases Albany, July 2d, 1867. M V arrangement* livery of CORN BACON AND HAY, In store nml to nttivc, uit» lbs. Siiioaed Karon. 20,000 It.* Bulk Salt Side*. 6,000 l.u-li.l* Com. •*•0,1 tOO lbs Northern and Eastern May. 60 bids A It t' Sugar. 200 bid* Super'tine Family FI.miiw 60 keg* Nail*. 100 Sack* Liverpool Salt. Having nn AMENT West constantly buying, otto lias tho advantage. Planters wauling produce | v especially COUN, should hand in their ortlct <> | | Willi lll« CASH, in lime. The corn will be' trnnsfered on arrival, saving drnyage, which wil | always be 6 cents in bushel less than ptiee* t'ron Store. This 1* saved to purchaser*. 5500 bushel BALING COTTON! an in.*11: \\« r. a». vtx*r FIRE, WASTE ANO THEFT! nml ooeived 80V- ('oust it ot ionol < lovennnont mol tin* cjualit v ! of 1 lie Stalo*, exposes ami denounces the | Tennessee election larco : “Tim result of tho bogus election ill Ten nessee ought not-aiuLil is to bo presumed, will not — surprise anybody \\ Ito has boon at tin* pains to Loop himself informed of tho condition of tilings in tliat unhappy State.— That Rrnwttlcw should Imvo elected him- soil*bv t wont v-*ivc or tbirtv thousand major- ! Snr|iASsril by Xnm> fur SlimRlIi nud Ad«p-1 ilv i s '<-.-iOOnly »<>iliin t ; lumaikuliTr. While lability lo nil llir I’scs of tomuirm*! I bo was about it, bo might as easily Imvo • tnado il lill v or sixty thousand, or, if nood riAIIKY ar* mnniificltircd in l.iverpocl, of the * bo, “unanimous.” , I be*t Kngli*h Ivon, under the ncr*ontv\ «mvev- * . , , . ,< . h* lt,vMHnr. I'lirini'ily „ 'v-i.l,.,,, „r Nov I . I1 "' I.-lls W lh<> tthnlool llll< mu leans, l.a. | oiijht ('onjfrt^snion nroalso olootnl. Ton* Thf* Tennessee juggle. ] sjvootaldo oitizons »xot into a cUftionlty ono of thoin, Mr. A.T. Owens, roooivot Tin* Now York Kxjtross, ono ol tho bold-j oral outs with.a knife, which ijL iH said will ost as well as ono of tin* ablest advocates ofi)'»ovo fatal. These affrays nt such a time, Uno«|iiallcd for Simplicity and Rapidity of Adjustmont ! i« a car load. January 21'ih, 18 J W. PE \ Its. Tl.c \HltOW TIP. i- preferred by SI,ipto:t*l. in<l Cotuprex-tucti, a* il i* worked wiilt \ to I inch •■tack. while all St if.I It TlP.N I equity to '> incite*, which, in miming ihmilgli a •*argo. involve* n hea vy l**-s to llu* SbiptniiHiuf. <V. THE Alt HOW TIE and HAN MS, mil SAVE MONEY IN FHEM1IIT and INSPIt.SNCE! I Atratigotuenl* liave been made to micuit an am ple *np|*ly of tlm \trow Tie nml Hand* fur the i • •oiling Sca*ott. I'lie Iron will be better titan the I l . a hcto'ohu'c tt*ed. j*s. him.. Agent Middle mid Southwest tieorgia. AAlMfiim LOW A CO, tietieial Agent*. Sataimab, M.t. fhc ntiderxigned i* prepared Io foini*h tho All* It* »'V TIE to the TH AME at are serious) v t<» bo rep; rot tod, nud wo trust, that when tin* particulars of this disturbance | is kuoxMt, they will Mot lie so bad as report* Lod.r~[Mtilaiila News, • AdvrrtMnp;—Thc^Trne Way To Do II. The I.ottisyiUe JOurunl, in 'commenting upon tin* soionot* of Advertising, olVt*rs tho following exoidont ailviooto its patrons : “Wo oil on sot* advert isini' publications issued monthly in circulars, embracing noth in*? but advertisements in their plan. Sure ly it is not, worth any one’s while to adver tise in Hitch medium**.’ Jt, is not tin* way to reach the mtblie. It isn’t the best way <w even any way at all. People are not in tho habit ot ovou looking at periodicals tilled en tirely with advertisin'? <>r mainly devoted toil. The newspapers, with its’editorials. nossco lias one Donservativo member in tlte|ils miscellanies, its dispatches, its intcHi- DR. TODD. i OFFICE—Lehman'* Corner. Opposite l.ivrry Stable. KKSIPKXrh I/.V. /*. It HI.VS OX'S. Febl2-i.ll If| ALBANY, OA. h Nbliihed forty days. iU trill be made to (he Court jfipl if OrJiury for leave to sell Land mint tie publish- dli9 ooathi. GUtiea* for letters or Administration, Uuardinn iUakic ; ,a(l«tjie puhlished thirty days—-for dis-; Aqrn ” ‘ 1 kin for tl ji Administration, monthly six montlts—, fihliiloB frmn Guardianship forty day*. r the foreclosure of Morlgagos must he l»ly for four months—for establishing i the full space of three months—for’ front Executors or Administrator*, I h*V« beettgivcu by the deceased, 111ej three months. Drs. Cromwell & Connally l ‘* /“\FFER their professional services in thociilzntts t \ f of Atbauy uml vicimtv. Ofliec on Urmtd St. rehniary 24, IHiitt. * 13 ~tf *- tt-y. . CAI.IOWAT Drs. Callaway & Pope, The Favorite & Most Comfortable ROUTE FliOM Albany to x New York! ■ ( 17.1 Care Tlirongli i« Nnv Vork—s:li T Grovesteen & Co. PALMYRA, GA. March 510th, 1H07 [JJO-ly] tuts, sets & AYE associated ihent*elv*s toguther in tin* •a«*li«*n nf medicine, and hereby lender their services to tin* citizens of Albany rind vicinity. MIE following new, fast,uml first-cla*- STEAM- 8IUFS sail from Savantinb to New York cvet v Titestlity, Tlmi'siliiy aiiilNitliirtlay Murray'* Line. Atlantic C. M.S. Empire bine. S. Co .* Line. Mail TPESM.vVs. Sail Tlll T ltHI»*\ S Sails NT'M'YS. I.i:". Ifeitiiait l.iaitig-S\\ S\t.v\nott, . I ! Mearboin, Com r. *tott, Maker, Com. Nieker.'Oii.Ct'tri : I Viut.o, liettcral Marne*, San J\rt\oit. SAVANNAH PRICES, I'orunrilincr and Traus|iorlallun Added. IM’ST A JOIINSToy. Hear the Insurance Agents: Mw w:\ii, ff\., May 7th. 1 St*»7. The recent in ibi*i*iiy having proved to our cntiie by a lli.n-ougli l«**t, tin* snpeii- •n it a of I 111 tN HAN DS tor bating purpose*, wo Miotigly tbetii to the U.*e of the lMitlll- er* oft Snot gin ciiieieut ngnti in restricting 1 1..*s by *irc; and we agree to discriminate, when practicable, in l.ivor ol Cotton tint* smiled. I HT' servi ! if on )i\n*liingtoii street. iO-FORT® IJFFICE—At lha Mrttg Store of Gilbert ,v Hrn. Manufacturers, BROADWAY,; Now -Yoi’k* ; May 2.1. Ihi;7 | I -Ilf] im. W. A. LOVE, ALBANY, UX. Gllice piutil further notice) ul hi* iiemdonoe A . WlhUDit, General ltisnrnttee Agent. CHARLES GltKI.N SON,.A gout- l.lverp boml.iii uml Globe In*. Co. CHARLES b.CObHY A CO , An t-Sum I tulle M. In*. Co.. N. Y. 15 II I t»OPMAN,ln*nra*iee Agent U J M HMSH tlx; I: HIM m I EH S. I . -I.rum e' Ag'i*. .1. T. THOMAS, liiMiriiiiee Agents. -EC. .Me-NIT/I'Y, SecrcMty Sootliern liiMirauee A: 'I‘ni*t Co. JAMES T. STEWA4CP, Agmt lemdon nml l.riiic ii-let liiMir.incu Coiiiitaov. LANK »X. VVl'IMT, lionrniice Agent*. nearly opposite the residence «•( Maviti'. May 8th, 'a plum 181)7 I*.Im A. 4';-ly DOUGLASS HOUSE i >rSr±«.»i^«:!0“3Pquflre West of Court douse, Albany, Ga. Httekley, Com'r. Morton, Cotn'r. . Atkin*, Com’i The*e Stenmi'liip* nrc all of large carrying conn- j . city, well adapted to tin* Houle, uml are ruled up! «. ., with especial regard lo the couiluit of Jlassetiger-. 1 ‘' *' ** ' * v “ , ' 1 "' ' Slate room* large and airy ; tin* Steward * depyrt- 1 im recent tin* niibe >\.'relmuM! oi Mr. it. 'I', mem. aupiilied with l Iks best tho New York uml Ha - .Chapman, in thi- Irtving fully deiuoiistraled vatinah market* atloid. The Through Preiglif Ta- ' the .vlvfitit.ige ntJItoN M.\NI»S tor h,.ling purpnoe*, ritf iiaving been uuicii reduced. Freighter* and Pa*- !l ‘ < a ‘■’'•eurify agatn*i l..-« by tire. we. tin* utob i r*ign- 1 sengcri will find thi* the gl ICK-EST. SAFEST, cl ln*uiatu*e Agent* nt JUncnn. Ga., take plea-ure land MUST ECONOMICAL HOI IE in New York. <*mb*r*tng the not ion of the Agent* nt Savannah. 1 SAVANNAH AGENTS, Murray's Line—Hunter & Gaiitinel. Agent*. I Atlantic t). M. 8. 8. (Jo's Line —Wilder .S: Fttllar- j ton. Agent*. j Empire Line—It. H. Hardee, Agent, j GEn. A. MrCLESKKY, j ‘ General Traveling A'gont* June 8th, [60] E. C. Git A NNlsS, Agent for set. .1 NY. IHUtKK, liiHiiiuiii-.i Agotit. E .1. JOHNSON A CO , In-in an. .1 MON HOE OGDEN, b.-nrunre J M HO A It DM \ ,N, biMir.mee A. J NO H font:, lii.-tmuiee Agent. May 28th, 1867. ..I In*. C. e Agent*. Agent. jnvsptit u Rtitit|», but it looks ns it* i»vt*n Ito (in tin* Memphis «listr'u*t) bus been onnntotl out. “Now, wt* »lo not hesitnt'* to say llint this so-rallfl tdoftioti is, ill all its ifspcots, ottt* of the boblvst. nml most, turn*parent IVamls upon tin* people llto country lttts wit nessed since tin* aeecssion ol tin* Radienl parly l«» power—ami this is savin'? not, it lit tle. About every man avIio was not u Rtnl- ienl was set, ilowu as a rebel, amino rebel was permitted to vote. In this way, il is estimated between lillv nud sixty thousand white men were disfranchised ; at the same time t* eorrespondinj? number of negroes were aemitted to the ballot box. And, tlS we linVe beret«>lore shown, in nrdei to pre vent the possible election ol any of the (’on- servative candidates, in the more serj nest or- e«l parts of the Stale, Itrownlow l»rouj?ht his State militia on the stage to intimidate, where intimidation was necessary to secure the success of the Jaeohin candidates. “And now, wha(. in the result of it all?— We answer—*!o keep Tennessee awhile longer under one of the meanest despotisms with which ever a people were cursed, and to send to Coni?rerfs seven fraudulently elected members to help make laws, not for Tcnnchccc alone but roll t s, ber.o in Now York, ami lor all the rest of (lie country,— These Tennessee Radical members of .Con gress thus forced into the Capitol,as it were, by fraud, toree, terror, nrutosif there perchance to make constitutional amend ments for us, to impose taxes upon us, to help impeach and remove tlm I’reKident, and to aid the Stevenses, the Sumners, the Wil- sns, ami the Butlers, lo plan new ustirpa- •utrapes.upon Coiibtitution- rij?hts of the people J— bered, wliilo Dem- P«rtw, which for volume ami purity of lone, are J tilledi>jr any hitherto offered in thi* Market., contain all the modern improvement*, French I Action, flarp Pedal, Iron Frame, Overstrung j •to^ and each instrument being made under pcnonal sopervlsion of Mr. J. It. GROVES- j TllOinfl-SVillC, who haa had a practical experience of over j Stages leave this House every «fay for Bninliridgc, and J yeata la their manufacture, la fully warrant- l» every particular. e‘Grovesfeen Piano-Forte,’ lUeeivod the highest award of merit ove? all others at the celc-bra* ^WORLD’S FAIR, • exhibited instruments from Hie best of London, Paris, Germany, Philadelphia, Boiton, and New York. Also at the for Ove sueoesuve years, the liver Medals from both of wliieh can be JJiwrwarerooras. T^UtrodUction of improvements vre make a .perfectPiano Forte, and by mauufnoiiir- jD fc Wllh a strictly cash system, m e enabled instrument at a price which will pre- Uon.- Cash Id Cnrrent Funds. sent free ^family pa pgr. ^EEKI.Y cb\STrTPTJ OX AT,IS! ■ Bwry Wednesday illorninR. .Want iL\(ju con(ftiu . n ^ 1 1, r | a . - ani I Ttilegraph, Editorials lle I’" rl »' Mi-cel’aucous . Story, nml nr- ..!E» Q I'arm and Dairy each >t.endeavor to make it Sew* A Family Jourunl. v-uy rRU>K - <Uu.V ,f «0 ,!i*' 011e 2 Ml rnoli. ■ copy n4>qi when desired. «tookton & ro., % X J J * .... Augusta, (Ja. —- * l ^ , *d Ware, which we wil k. E. WELCH Si CO., booksellers and Jewela-s. EaU's new Ruit^lBg Florida. Til© Ta*bl© Supplied^vitli tin* REST the market affords. March 21-20 If The New Cemtral Inland Mail Route BKTIVEKN Till! SOUTH ANII TIIK X01ITII, A YD EASTERN fITIESI —nr the— Richmond and Danville R. R. II. M. DROWN'D & BROWN, W. P. HAVENS HAVENS Wholesale and Retail Dealers in NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, Light uml Stamlurd Lilcrittiirc, Htationer, &c., A lVew Sensation BOYS AID GIRLS! HOOKS are hard to get, for want of money. Uul ihc huy* and girls must have something to vc»ul, nml . they ought In have fresh supplies of reading every No* 91 ('Otrfy St* IIIA('01V» ©A* [week. Nov.’, il'ere nrc jdenty of mont lily papers for |u-- i i.. | them; tmt their old friend—and who does not re- January L, 1 1-lrn lllt . m „ 0 ,- him and his •. Childroi.’H Guide” in war “ . himes—their old friend, J. W. MURKE.proposes lo MERSCHAUM PIPES. ^ ^ “ lions and new at Liberty and tin And all this, be it. rctiicmbc omits and Conservative numbers trout Kentucky—of whose regular election there can be no reasonable doubt—arc not per milled to take their scats. A State that never rebelled against Rio Union, but who sent lofty thousand of her sons to suppress the rebellion, disfranchised—while tho ne groes and “mean whiten” of“sceesli” Ten nessee are permitted to send whomsoever they like*o ('ongresH (provided they ho neither Democrats or Conservatives) to strengthen the hands of the tyrants and des pots who arc already supreme there! “Tho wickedness of Ids pretended elec tion, and tho flagrant outrage it perpetual upon the forms of even self-government, may he the means of rousing the people of the North and West to the rapidity with which these demagogues arc subverting tli whole system of our government. The ad dition of these Iratiduleutly chosen members of Congress to the existing majority of the Rump, are hut so many new links in the chain they are forging for us. It will help genre of all kinds, daily or weekly, its port of markets, and its accounts of daily or weekly oeetirrenecH, Is the true advertising * medium, and the only one. Pamphlets may he published, circulars may be issued, but where do they go, ami what do they accom plish ? Can any one think it possible that they will reach the reading public general ly or tin* merchants, those who- deal with large business bouses ? Does not the new > paper, which is always read by thousands besides the subscribers, meet tlie eyes of a hundred persons where the mere adverti sing circular is seen bv one? The newspa per is the true vcliicklc of both intelligence and advertisements. The public cannot ton well understand this truth. Hundreds of thousands have made their fnrtuiU's by un derstanding it. And hundreds ofthuuHumls more will. “There is no daily or weekly newspaper sent, from any printing ofllee tliat isn’t read by nt. least ten persons, whilst monthly cir culars, filled up with advertiseinents alone, attract no one and are thrown aside with in difference or disgust. Thousands ol those documents are issued monthly from the North and also from the South, ami direct ed to one or two indi\idualsperhaps in each of a few counties of each State. Vve do not assert that all the advertisements thus pub. lisbed are utterly lost, blit we repeat our as sertion that they cannot be said to reach tho public eve—tliat- only an infinitesimal por tion ot tin* public even notice these emana tions from brain-speculators tin pnfflie ered- ulit " A Comparison. KNTINE or n. Book G Albany sale. Very cln*ni» nml *• Jewelry Jk\ HfRm.('inc >- 'Handsomest Weekly Paper! to Iimintnln llioir Five Monarchy ly*. ..i ,lu‘j l'lm‘i,ix Trimiiijr llmiHu enn bri^c out. do '.". throughout tl.o Bouthcru military Uc- Il.i* I"* must jmvi* lit!NDKKM8OFflURHERIMERH! 1 on loncics. It will enable them, by nml bye lore. ! And lie appeal* lo llu* young folks to help him.— ,.q ! lit* ivaulsto know how many will vote for tho pa per by nxi'celng to take it. Let them *i*n«t in their ” ~ ' ionjr ii*t** of imnn-H that lie may Met* how tho vole I How Lost, how Restored. * ond whe,,,c »', i * wilt warrant him lncoiunten- 1 1 ieitt^il. Nevermind I lie money iuet now. If he Ju*tpublixml, u tittr edition of ,j l0 VuU . „|| ,jj,|,t, he will begirt the [ ^ _ , ... _ , , . . Minn, and call for the umnuy; for then he will hold Dr.Cnlrerw<*ll * Celebroted !•.«- ,| |:U H u w j lo lmvu voted lor il l»y sending up their names, will he tinder obligation* to *ubflcrihe for the paper. Who say* "Hiirruh for a Weekly Paper I" and wlinl liov or ifirl will any »n tie* rudirnl cure (willimit medicine) of iSvxaMAToHHUtyA, or Meiuioal Wcrikne-'s, , involuntary 8 end mil Losses, iStvbrsxt'V, And Its ConnentlonNt HE Charlotte and South Carolina, an«l North Carolina Railroad*, via Augusta, Columbia, liarlotte and Greensboro to Richmond, via Wash ington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York nnd Boston. To secure speed, safely and comfort, ask for mu 1 ( Chari ,or xhe knife—point iug out a nmdo of cidkalj^o Througli Tickets Via Columbl >& The Roads upon this Route have been put in c-x oellent order, and furnished with New Engines and First-Class Passenger Cars. Sleeping Gars on nil Night Trains, nnd first-dns* Dining Saloons, and nntple time giveu to passenger.: to get their meals at regular meal time. ", This Route passes Lhroir^h an elevated, healthy country, nnd cannot he surpassed for its henutilul Mountain Scenery. Tliijt is the shortest and quiek- csl All-Rail Route from Houth-Wwlern Georgia lo* any of the Northern or Bastern Cities. Arrange ments have been made,, and will soon go into ope ration, lo Ticket and Check through from this Pl tfi£r Tickets and Cl treks can now l.e had at the office of the Central Piaitroad in Macon. A- G. WHAL1 ItG, Agent. May SO, [6(5] —.JOHNSON'S HOTEL, SmithviJle,. . « T. W. tfirtS'SON'.l'ropft'olnr Ga. HIE Down Tr tin. slop ai I hi- polol (of tlaMT The Ilmiw K now. Thr uMr i» wippllwl everything that tJbe market nfforJs limit hville, JuTy 2d, I bp'. Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments Mnrriaue, etc.; also CoK*rMi*Tiy.v, Em.r.rsv, and Fits induced l»y self- ndttlgence or scxtunl extrav agance. Price in a scaled envelope, only tl cents. The celebrated author in this admirable essay clenriy demonstrates, front a tidily years’ success- fill practice, that the alarming consequence* of k*1‘ abuse may be radically cured without the dauger oas use of internal irediciue or the application of lie knife—point iuK out a mode of ci£al|too sim- n, and enctual^^ tg^ans oAlMrcvrry _ Jo innlter Wl*t his condition iMy be, cure Itlntieif ohoaply, privately, nml radical/. Siag* This Lecture should be in the hand* ot every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, lo any ad dress pott-pmd, on seoeipt of six cents, or two ppsf stamp*. .f Address the publishers, CHAS.J. 0. KLINE & CO., 197 Bowery* N* Y, P» O* Box I6NG. May 23, 1887 6:5—’ * BROWN’S HOTEL. Opposite Depot MAl’Oit, OA. E. E. BROWN k HON. Proprietors. IS WBLL-KKbWN HOUSE has been refitted and repalxod,’ nnd i« now one of the ..J5ATBBT HOTE1.8 in iho.Htnte, nnd thn most convenient in the city. The Hotel is supplied with every thing the markets afford. Macon, January 17th, 1807. 3—>’m ,0-lm- i A- JUST OPENED! ^i/eVr’ilRtfiee of those FINE 1 ' tTf’ARH? niffl THAT TOIlArtNi.'” L. K. i II. E. WELCH- for the Roys nnd Girls!” nud what hoy or girl will soonest send in the longest list of subscribers? We shall, in (lit* first number, begin I lie publica tion of n Sequel to the Young Marooners.” Nearly nil the.boys nml girls in ilm United Slate* have read the* “Young Maroonm-s” nud been.delight ed with it.; nud Mr. Goulding assures im that the new story will he every whit ns good as I lie old oqe; nnd who could want anylhiug better? Burke's Weekly for hoys nnd girls will hon hnnd- souic Quarto of eight pages, splendidly illustrated, and elegantly printed with new type on tine white paper, making in ih» year n beautiful volume of over 4<Ml pages, with n flne title puge and Index. TKItMH. Single HubforiplImiF $ 2 00 per antium. Three copies 6 00 ** “ Five conies i....... K is) “ •< Ten copies .j.*..h............... 16 00 •* *• Twenty-Oiu* copies GO 00 •* •• Singlennhseriptipn.t, 3months... 60 cents. Singlenttbstrrfptions') 0- months... 1 fH) Bfcjy- Wo want an nctivc nnd Intelligent hoy or girl at every po*t office in the South lo canvass for subscript ions nnd will make it lo their interest lo work for tts. Send fora-Tremium lirt nml Circular giving full pnrtjpulars. Address .r; W. BURKE & CO., I’ubliflhOra, Mn<*on, (ia. May 14, 18157 ! Woof! W! TJAS-IN* U. ta A\lNfi U#g# OiXkvf Cot; flfopgin Wool, wo are *|o pay tile HIGHEST any quantity of sniTte. I.. J. UPfnMAUTfN ft CG... Colton Karl or* and C •ininis'dou Merch’t*. Jm SAYANNAII. •Sonic people?, says u coU'inpoary, arc tli*- posed to cry out at loiniiiine extravagance, and go into HTn over new bonnets anil the like; but let us see wha! a little ntaHctiliiiH Indulgence costs. The lollnwing is sug- gcRti\e: “The price of twice two ‘•smashes” buys a box of hair pins. Twice two “cobblers” buys luck and side combs. Twice four “lagers” buys u pair of lady’s gloves. Twice five “j it Ions” buys a hoop skill. Twice mx “putienes” buys a Valenciennes lace collar. Twice scv.iii “ales” buys a pair of shoes. Twjco eight “toddies” buys a calico dre*s and cloth enough for a basque. Twice nine “Litters” buys a summer bon net and leaves a trifle towards tin* veil ami trimming. Twice ten “sangarees” buys a pair of stays, machine sticlied, with patent eyelets ami emhrodicrcd beautifully down (lie bust. Twice eleven “slings” buys a collar nnd under slcevos, nnd leaves a balance toward the fringe. Twice twelve brandy “straights” buys one balmoral, two pair of stockings, water fall, titters and silk parasol. Twelve times twelve baskets of ciiam- tagne pays house rent for one year and eaves a margin. A Grim Joke.—The Brooklyn Eagle tells the following about Oriental Sickles: The elephant can with his trunk, pick up a cambric needle or rend the stately oak of the forest. The military commanders of the “five districts of the {South” cannot only revise a Constitution but can abrogate the simplest local laws and usages at pleasure. Ono of our exchanges tolls a story of Com mander Sickles, .which ought .l,o make our friend Pierson grateful that ho is not with'- in the Sickles bailiwick. In Charleston, as here, smoking is prohibited in the street ears. General Sickles does not always go abroad in bis four horse carriage, and re cently Jie condescended to ride with ordina ry folks in the street cars, but ho forgot to observe tho rule “no smoking permitted.”— fhe .conductor called Ips attention to tlm fact. “What did you ojjscryc?” said the Gen eral. “I merely desired to inform you, said the man, in tho blandest manner possible, “that passougerg are not allowed to smoke in the cars. It is contrary to the rules.” “Ah! indeed,” replied the great man, tak ing out his watch with the utmost noncha lance, “Indeed !” Then you shall consider the rules suspended for the next half hour.” This is a capital joke, no doubt, though old fashioned Republicans may not “see it.” Til Sumter county, as wo ..learn from nn official publication in tho Georgia Citizen, 050 whites, and 1880 blacks hnvcv been veg- , mivu liif9rQlX m t * 10 w,,ol ° county. This ini bet . -AM* tho ltaUioiils,tm.Hiiii', tha't )ie row- jJSwwirig for tho white, than w» «xpoctal , .i.i.. ! - ----- IfiftnmtMvo - . . .ii ii,- . . i>, .Y. „ to give to Maryland what they call a repub lican system of government, whereby t hey will be enabled, by the negro vote, and tlm ‘disfranchisement of rebels,’ to play over again, with like results, the same gaine old Brownlow has been playing in Tennessee.— It will do more than this. It will cunblc them to so lay their plans us to cheat the people out of a free expression of their will in the next Presidential election. It will enable them to perpetuate their power to re tain their big bounties und high tariffs, and, in short, to transform our whole system of Government into as complete an oligarchy as mankind ever behold. “We do not know whether tlm masses of the people are resigned to tho prospect be fore them. It they are,, why, then, it is best to let the Browulows and the bogus Con gressmen have their ou’!) way, in peace. If they are not, then the sooner they shake off the stupor which seems just now to benumb their senses, if not lo destroy their manhood, the better. There is no time to lose—for Despotism and Tyranny never beat a retreat of their own accord. If they are obliged U> turn back, they must be beaten back,or not at all.” Akkra v at Aiiiievim.k.—We Imvo a very imperfect account of a serious disturbace that occurred at Abbeville Henry.,eo on Saturday last. From what we could learn, a meeting of the fVeedinen was held at tliiit place, anil speeches wore made by several colored orators, tho tendency towards Radi calism being stronglypmloniinApfc. A col ored gentleman miindn Fox, being called on took tlm stand, and /dashed, his pt;r' L , a •*d the ireot tile other side,to such an extent, “ “*'“iWji% j»i*i j thejppiie • a ft or wii * ^w-kei j»n*o. tiuit they were on the eye Qf.jpoJjlpnj; Jijin when bis whU^'jiioipU (fani’e Whether it was at this time or did not learn, but any how several n A young lady as her native place * I am the daughter ol be’in , -H J r asked, wdiure ards, | was her native place,’replied : “I have hofibf ' * I a Methodist Ministe