The Albany tri-weekly news. (Albany, Ga.) 1867-186?, August 10, 1867, Image 4

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DOUGHERTY CO If NT V. "*** Tbt Proprietors of th* above Journal have spared no Idbtrir or expcnae to place ll im the vboxt ha** of Southern newapapct*. and ore gratified to an nounce that their effort* have been liberally reward ed. The Journal ft Meeetnger haa now a circulation that reaches every pari of Georgia, and extend* over III the United State*, and it* dally i*aue l* eainal to that of any out aide of New Orleans.- As nu ADVERTISING MEDIUM It presto s peculiar adva tape*, and w# ore determined that it suali, hot be surpassed as a Vehicle of reliable Neve. It contains the Lboai. Anvanttsixo of nearly nil the adjacent counties, Including BIBB. CRAWFORD, UPSON, 'MONROE, HOUSTON, DOOLY. TAYLOR, MACON and TWIOOS, Making ifalmost tHOfimsABLH to business men. Rntae of Advertising reasonable. The "For the Country, I* Published EVERY WEDNESDAY, and contain* the most rellablo and in'erestlag reading matter to be found'in any paper in this section. Terms ofSubicription: Weekly, (per Year) $ 0,00 Daily, one month UW “ three month*, 2.50 “ one year, 10,Ot) 'Remit tart oes by Krpresi, or Regie ter al Letter» at our risk. ' AUdres* ROME * IJIJIIII, May 21, 1807. MAnon, Oa. (jfBORGIA—DoictiKaTV Countv. Whereas, the estate of Mr*. Nancy Smith, of said county, i* nbt now represented, James H. Doyle, the Administrator on avid c*tate, liaviiig hern dlamlsa- «mI therefrom, and hi* letter* revoked; and where** Charlen Spit* applies to me for letter* or admini*- trstion de benle non on *aid estate. These are therefore to cite and ndmoninli all and singular the creditor* and next of kin of said Nancy Kinith, to-be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they h*ve, why said Isllsr* of adtiiinlst rat ion should not be granted to said Hpilx on Nnnoy Smith’* estate. Given under my band and official-signature, this 22d day of May, 1807. June 1st, 1867. W. H. Wll.DKR, Ordinary Dougherty Sheriff’s Sale. Will ho told on<he first! Tuesday in October next, before the Court House dejor of Dougherty county, between the legal hours of sale, the following prop erty to-wlt: 1 A doxen Drab lints, 10 black her l 4 Ci 14 8 8 • patten hats, • hats, 1 ti pair drab pants. 2 “ Counter* “ 1 •• Cloth 1 “ Checked “ 2 " Corde<l " «l “ spotted •• 2 “gray 2 casmere vests, 0 checked “ 4 8 2 plush " 1 silk I grey 1 velvet “ 2 nack nvorconi 4 frock “ 8 •• “ 1 sack “ 21 pair low shoes, 1b “ Brogan •* GEOROIA—Dougherty County. TO All. WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : S UI.I.1VAN E. K KM HAM, haring in proper form applied to tno lor permanent letters of adminis tration on the estate of Samuel K. Kembnll, late of said county, deceased. This is to rile all, and sin gular the creditors and next of kin of said Hanuud K. Keuihall, to he and appear at my office within the lime prescribed by law, and ahow cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not he granted to Sullivan K. Kemball on Samuel E. Kemball's estate. Witness, my hand ond official signature, this March22, 1807. W. II. WILDER, March 28,1807 Ordinary. «BORGIA—BotifrUcrly Coonly. WHEREAS, L. K. Welch, Administrator of the estate ot Dr. Johu ll. Hardwlok, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for leave to sell tho House \ud Lot In the city of Albany, whereon the said de ceased resided at the lime of his death. These are therefore to rifo nil parties interested, to bs and appear at my office within the time pro- scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not bo gvsuted. Given under my linnd and officlffi signature, this 4lhday of February, 1HI17, W. II. WILDER,Ordinary. fehO-8. Gkohuia- Dougherty County. A UAWHoN having in proper form np- plied to me for permaueut Letters of Adminis tration ou the estate of C. W. Rawson, Uto of said county, deceased. Tills is to rite all and singular the creditors and next of kin oft-. W. Rawson, to be nml appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why per manent administration should not lie gisuted to A. E. Rawson ou C. W. Dawson's estate. Witness, my hand and official signature. Tills April 29th, 18d7- W. II. WILDER Ord'y. May 2d, 1887 GkoRoia—Dougherty County. To all whom it may Concern: J OHN M. CUTLfFF and./. K. Holliday having in proper form applied to me for letters of ndi ministration ou tho estate of Liudndn Mabry, late of said county, deceased. This is to elto all and singular the oreditorsand next of kin of Lucinda Mabry, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by Uw, and show cause if any ‘hey can, why permanent administration should not he granted to J. M. Cut lift and J. R. Holliday ou Lu cinda Mabry’s estate. Witness tuy hand and official signature, this 17th April, 1807. W. 11. WILDER, Ornluary. April 18, 1807 * GtomiiA—Dougherty County. N OTICE is hereby given to ail persons concern ed, that ou the day of——— 1807, Kidney R. Crenshaw, late of Dougherty county, de parted ibis life intestate, and no person has applied for administration on the estate of said H. R. Cren shaw, and that in terms of the law administration will be vested In tbr \ isrk of the Superior Court, or some other fit aud proper person, thirty days af* ter the publioaticn of this citation, unless soma sal id objection in mado to his appointment. Given under my hand and official signature, this 12th of April. 1887. W. II. WILDER, Ord'y. April 18, 1887. Administrator's Sate. T)Y VIRTUE of aa order from the Court of Or- Ml dinary of Dougherty county, will he aold on the first Tuesday in August 1887, st the Court House door in said county, between the legal hours of sale, city lot number 71. on llroad street, in tho city of Albany, Ga., owned bv John H. Danforth, containing orie acre, more or less, with the improve ments thereon. Bold for the benefit of the heirs and creditor! of said deceased. Terms cash. JOHN R. KILL, Adra'r ot J. H. Danforth. June 22, 1887. FOH SALE AT Rust ft Johnston's Warehouse, one of Emery’s Improved Cotton Gins, W HICH may be run by hand or by power gear, and mak*** mneh better quality ofLiutthan > jjolber Gin. Also, one of INOERSOLL’S IM PROVED PORTABLE HAND PRESSES, (a great improvement). TERr" * MS—-Lint Cotton 1st of October next. July 27-701ra OEdnotA—Worth county. Notice is hereby given to all persons couccrnod, that 1 ahall apply to tho Honorable the Court ofOr- ild county, for leave to resign my trust dinary of aaii . _ aa Guardian for the person and property of (he mi nor heirs of James N. Ford, deceased, on the first Monday in September next. July )6, 1167 R. G. FORD, Sr., Guard'n. T. E. WUtTAKEB. E. ». * ASS EKJI. United State* Hotel, is r>jli. j «:■ .. do l ^TAKER^SASSR^.i v ., n ,,.,^., ( P W je^ Wllhin m*e hand rod yard* ot CHuMiHl PaiuNRcr Depot. Corner Alnbnme end Pryor Sts ATL ANT A, G A augl—1m* 16 sugar bon is, ‘A0 ton pots, 2 wash bowls and pilrlier**, 10 sptsettps and nHttfora, 0 cream pot*, 2 large bowls, 6 auiHit “ 6 “ dislics. H handled rolVen pul •, 13 “ “ 20 strainers, 1 box tea, 21 wash boa riN, 4 balmoral skirts, 42 yds silk poplut, 102 “ ninriiio, 40 " striped chintz, 18 " checked poplin, 37 “ stri|M>d “ 43 " man no, Hut ol buttons, 3* boxes soap, 12 collars ttiidcuffc, 10 pair hid gloves, rf hunches lace, 1 lot trimming, JYotice. IXTY DA 1*8 after dale application will be made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary, Worth County, Stato of Georgia, for leave to aell Lot of Land, No. 40, in tho Fifteenth District of said cotlnty. The Widow’s dower excepted. June*’, 1867. A. M. HILL, Administrator of J. W. Hill, deceased* Notice • B Y virtue of an order from the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Dougherty county, will old on the first Tuesday in July next, before the Court House door in the city of Albany, On., at public sale—The real property bslongingtoGeo. U. King, late of said county, deceased, consisting of city lots ns hereinafter described, to-wit. s Corner lot on Washington and l’ineitroets, fronting Cook's Warehouse, number not known; lot lying East of tho above mentioned lot on Houth side of Pine street, running 05 feet on said Vine street, and run ning South 80 feet; lot number 7 on Broad «ireel, and lot number 7H on Commerce street, all in the rity of Albany. Bold for the benefit of the heirs and creditor of said deceased. Terms on the ■lav of Kile. This 17th day of May, 1807. ’ * PETER J. 8TROZKR, Adra’r. May 18th, 1807. Gkoroia—Worth County. Hi.XTY DAYS after date application will be made to the Ordinary of said county, for leave to o*U lot of land number 218, in ths 7th district of said coun- •* u “ rro ‘ ,er ' 1 ' ,r ""'benjamin* Adra’r of William Willis, dec’d. march 23,1807. Okuhoi a—Dougherty County. Li. persons indebted to the estate of John H Danfort It, deceased, arc required to make lot medial o mediate payment, and those having claims against raid estate, will render them in as the law directs JOHN 11. HILL, Adra’r. April It. 1807 WOHTH COUNTY. Administrator's Sale. WILL he sold on the first Tuesday In July next, before the Court House door in Isabella, Worth County, between tho usual hours of sale, lotofland So. 158, «ijil east half of lot No. 102, in the 14th District of said County, sold as the property of 80I0111011 W Rouse, deceased. Hold for the benefit if the heirs and oredilota. Terms, on the day of * «•> MAitao ,„1„ JAMES W. ROUSE, May 1!!, 1N17. Ailm'r Gkohiiia—Woi-iIi Couuly Whereas, James I. Story applies tome for Letters of Guardianship of I he person and property of Sa rah Y., James and Martha J. Calhoun, orphans of George W. Calhoun, Isle of said county, deceased. These are therefore to notify the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, aud show cause, if any thoy can, why I should not appoint the snid James L. Story Guardian for said minors. Given under my hand and official signature, may 4, ’67 J. W. ROUSE, Ordinary. NOTICE. H sets jewelry, t hattdkere 4 silk handkerchiefs, silk thread, 8 cravats, tl tooth brushes, H shaving “ , 3 hair “ * II flash combs 1 lot No. 1, •• 1 • •• a, 1 lot hut tans, Levied on as the properly of Murphy Si l.indsey to satisfy a mortgage fifa, 11. Simon »S; Co, el nl, vs. said Murphy & Lindsey. J. W. KEMP, Sheriff July M, 1807. ■ JUNE TERM, 1067. r 1 nn A > u. j Rule Ni Si Aimer P. Hotelier vs. Newton P. Brinson Isaac U. Brinson T llK facts etatod in Iho foregoing petition ap pearing to be true, It is ordered that Defend ants nay Into Court on or before the first day of next June, the sum of thirl* -five hundred dollars, with Interest from the 1st day of January 186!, and all legal cost* which have accrued, and r.n failure so to do, to forfeit the equity of redemption on aud to lot of land number (342) containing 256 acres, more or less, and fractional lot number 818 containing one hundred and three and three-fourth* acres, more or less. Said lands lying and being in the 1st district of Dougherty county. -dered til And it is further ordered dial tills Rule be serv ed upon said Defendants, or their special ngeni nr attorney, at least thres month* previous in the firm day of next June, and that said Hulo he published once a month for four months in tlio Albany News, a public gatsUe. published in the city of Albany, Georgia, and said enunty. A true extract from tho minutes of Dougherty Superior Court, June Term, 1887. J. F. C AUG ILK, Clerk. July 2d, 1867 70—mini UKniuiiA--Wnrth County. Tills is to notify all and singular the kindred and creditors of David llnrushy, laic of snid county, de ceased, to bo and appear nt my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, If any thoy have, why 1 should not appoint Stephen Brown, of said county, Administrator on said estate of David Hornsby. J. W. ROUSE, Ordinary. April 28, 1887 G EORGIA—Dovorerty Goumty. Wubrras, John M. Hill applies to mo for letters of Administration on the estate of Dr. A. C. Uil), late of said county, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish nil and singular tho eredltora and next of kin of said De eeased, to be and appaarat my office within the law, to ‘ time prescribed by law, to show oause, if any they have, why permanent letters of Administra tion should not he granted to said John M. Hill, on A. C. Hill’s estate. Given under my hand and offioia! signature nt officoin Albany. W. II. WILDER, Albany, April 23, 1867. Ordinary. G eorgia—douoiikbtv county, Whereas, John M. Hill applies to me Toe Letters of Guardianship of the person and r mperly of Lodowiok M. Hill, minor son of A. (\ lill, late of said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite all and singular the nest Of kin of said minor to be and appear at ray office within the time prescribed by law, to show oause, If any they have, why Letters of Uunrdian- uld 1 ship should not be granted to .1. M. llill, of the person aud propsrty of said L. M. Hill, minor, &0. Given unue* ay hand and official signature at office in Albany, April 23, 1867. W. JL WILDERS, Ordinary, Notion to Dabtora and Creditors. Gsoauta—Dougherty Couuty. A LL persona having demands against tho estate of8aauel E. Kimball, late of said county, de ceased, will present them for payment—and those indebted to said estate, willoouic forward and make payment to me or Wright & Warren, my Attorneys. SULLIVAN K. KIMBALL, * * May 8, 1807 , Adm'r. NOTICE ^^LL persons indebted to tho estate of F. II. are rei those laQraffenried, late of said county, deceased, •quested to make Immolate payment, and ail bating demands against said estate will pro- sent them properly authenticated within the time prescribed by Uw. * * ,, v >VM. OLIVER, Adm’r F. If. DeGraffenrird, dec’d, April 0, 1867 GroEoia—Dougherty County. WHERBAft, Matoella J. Slaughter. Admr’x of W. M. Slaughter, deeeeeed, applies to mo for icare to aril all ike real estate belonging to the estate of Tbeet are therefore to notif> all porliee interes ted, to show eause within slaty days after the pub- lieatlea of lid* notice, why said leave should not be granted.. Given under my hand and official signature, this 6th day of Jaae 1867. W. H. WILDER, Ordinary , June 8th. 1667. ManatMpfi Henderson, one of the Executors of James N. Ford, deceased, having been allowed to resign, owing to the fact that ho had removed to thu county of Irwin, nml other cause*, and Robert 1. Ford, Sr., n Co. Executor, having applied for ' ago and oth< leave to resign owing to his old ago and other mat lore, and it being probable that ho will bo allowed mid an order having hern granted to that effect, so soon as lie settles with tho legal representatives of *uiil estate. This is for nil persons to come forward at die July term of this Court to show cause wbv I should ttst appoint the Clork of the Superior or In ferior Court, or some other reliable person, Admin* istratnr with the Will nnnoxed on said estate. J. W. ROUSE, May 14,1867 Ordinary of Worth C#?Oa. * \ In Worth' Superior j Court, April Term, ’07. liibel for Divoroe. Ilciijumiu Willi?*, Milly Willis I T appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff thnt the party defendant does not resido in thiscniitily, it is on motion of counsel, ordered Hint said defendant appear nnd answer at the next term of this Court, else the case be considered in default, and thu plaintiff allowed to proceed. And il is flirt her. ordered Mini 'biVll'j * * * (he At finny News once a month for four months. A true extract from the minutes. April 23, 1867 W. L. HUNT, Clerk. Gkoruia—Worth County. OIXTY days afterdate application will be made in the Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of John Long, late of sai l count v, deceased. W. G. LAVENDER, Adm'r with Will nunexed. April 23, 1807 Gkoruia—Worth County. These are to notify all and singular the kindred hud creditors of Washington Brown, late of said county, deceased, to bo and appear at my office within the lime prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why 1 should uot appoint Hteplien Brown, of said county, Administrator on said estate of Washington Brown. April 23, 1807 J. W. ROUSE, Ordinary. Gkoruia—Worth County. These are to notify all and singular the kindred and creditors of Samuel Story, late of said county, deceased, to be and appear at my offioo within the time prescribed bv law, and show cause, if any they have, why 1 should not appoint James L. Story, of snid county, Administrator on said estate of Sam uel Story. J. W. ROUSE, Ordinary. April 23, 1867 Qroruia—Worth County. These aro to notify all and singular the kindred nnd creditors of S. U. Thews, late of said county, deceased, to be nnd appear at my offioe within the time prescribed by. law, to show cause, If any thoy hare, why I should not appoint Joshua Thews Ad ministrator on the snid estate of 8. U. Thews. April 28,1867 J. W. ROUSE, Ordinary. '*4 J OBOKOIA. County. t5m .n to uofirnm.nd •IniuUr U.. and creditors of Lett »>• i>e.r >l i>. office wi.-WH tU« llm. prworllwd by In, to aho* cause, if <u>J *h«J ■>*«. W **J Clemeuu, idm'r de bouia n.n on Iho citato of oaid Lott Ross, deceased, should not be dismissed from said Administration. ...... . Given under my hand **d offiolal aijnature, this January »th, 1867. JAR. W. HOUSE, Ordy. Gkoruia, Worth County.—'These are to notify alt and singular the kindred and creditors, and all others concerned, to bo and appear at my offioe within the lime prescribed bylaw, to ahow cause. If any they have, why l should not, by virtue of my office, appoint the Clerk of the Superior Court, or some other fit and proper parson, Administrator on the estate of Augustus J. Hchrufchins, dec’d. Given under my hand nnd official signature, this Feb. 20th, i8G7. J. W. ROUSE, Ordinary. feb23 EKTEtt.SIoLAEEN, vi. V Mortgage, «(e. E. W. Jenkins ft John F. Jackins. J It appearing to the Court by the petition ol Teler McLaren, aeeompanled by the note and mortgage deed, that on the|22dday of July, 1868, tha4 tho De fendants delivered to Julia A. Pace, Executrix of D. Pace, deceased, which eald Julia AAhas,Since the miking of said note and mortgage, intermarried with the Plaintiff, since whioh marriage no successor to said Exeoutrix has been appointed, bearing data the day and year aforesaid, whereby the Defendants promised, on the first day of January, 1863, to pay to the Plaintiff os afot canid, or bearer, firo thousand dollais, for vulue received. And that, ou tha day and year aforesaid, the Defendants, -tb* better to secure tho payment of said note, executed aud de barred to the said Julia A., as aforesaid, the deed OSOAOZA—WORTH COUNTY. WHEREAS, Cellia E. Uuckelew applies to me for tetters of dismission from the administration of James F. Iluckelew, deceased: These arc therefore to notify all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by taw, to show cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 20th day of December, 1860. JAMES W. HOUSE, Ordinary. Dec 20, 1866 64-flnt lJAKKli COUNTY. Baker Superior Court—Nor, Term, 1866. ] [*T being represented to the Court by tho f etition I ofCharles IF. Parmlee, that by deed of mortgage uted the first day of January, 1862, Williams. Wise conveyed to Maid l'nrmlee certain lots nnd parts of lots of land, lying in the seventh district of Bakjr county, known ns numbers two hundred nnd forty, (240) and two hundred and two, (202) each contain ing two hundred nnd fifty ncres, nnd lot number two hundred nnd one, (201) with the exception of flf teen nnd one-sixth acres off of the south end of sgid lot, nnd the undivided one-half of bt number two hundred and thirty-nine, the snid part of 201 con taining two hundred mid thirty-four and five-sixth acres, and tho said part ot' two hundred nml thirty- nine containing one hundred nnd twenty five acres, for tho purpose of securing the payment of three (il) promissory notes made by tho said Wise, each dated the said 1st of January, 1862, nnd payable with interest from date, one payable twelvemonths afterdate, for $2016 16, twenty nine hundred and sixteen dollars and sixteou cents j the second pay able two years after date for said sum ($2010 10) and tho third note dun three yearn afterdate, for the said sum of $2016 16 The whole of said notes amounting to the said sum of Eighty-Seven Hun dred nnd Forty-Eight Dollars and forty-eight cents, and which said notes are now due and unpaid. Il is ordered that said William 8. Wise do pay into tills Court by the first day of next term, the principal, interest and cost due upon said notes, or show cause, if any he can, to the contrary, and in default thereof foreclosure to be granted to Iho said Charles II. Parmlee of snid mortgage, and the - • • "•* •• wn •quity of redemption of the said William 8. Wise, herein he ' therein he forever hnrrcd, nnd that service of this rule he perfected on said William H. Wise accord ing to law. 111NKS A IIOBBS, Plff’s Atl’ys. Reeolued, That for the purpoao of carrying out in good faith Iho Proviso of the Association in assu ming the privilege granted to the PhjslolanB of this State by that resolution, a committee of 6 be ap pointed by the Chairman 'to draft a Fee Bill of charges for controls, which shall be subfiiita<l to this meeting for ratification. Passed. That it is to bedUtinotly understood, That sach contracts are not with the freedmen, bat with the planter, who iu each and every instance shall be the responsible party, and who shall bind himself in writing (nt the option of the Physician) to the ful- 4Hffi|nt of the same. Passed. taeolvtd 3d, That <0 obtain perfect uniformity in rates of charges, and to prevent all undeibidding among Physician*, the following rntes of charges for controls be, arid tho same is hereby appended to the Fen Bill that Is how in use. Passed. Retnlved, That in oases of contract for attendance on freedmen, the .ohsrge shall be at least the amount of one visit and toilenfa in eachcase contracted for, at the rate of one dollar per mile In going, nnd two dollars per visit and prescription. A true copy. Attest: GEO. R. C. TODD, Sec y. JotiN T. Sims, President. May 4, 1867 4*»-tn8m The Drfcud.iui, W. S. Wise, is not to be found in this county by me. DAVID McMURRAY, Sheriff. A true extract from the minutes of Baker Superior Court, November Term, i860. , r. ,0.- THOMAS At.I.EN. Clerk. Juno 25th, I8C1. Notion to Debtors and Creditor*. Gkohiiia—Baker Couuly. N OTICE is hereby given all persons having de mands against Daniel D. Hail, late of said oonnty, deceased, to present them to us, properly tunde 0111, within the time prescribed by law, so ns to show their character and nmount; and all per sons indebted to said deceased trie hereby required to make immediate payment. E. B. THOMAS, MARTHA J. HALL, Adm’r of D. D. Hall. March 12—23 IRWIN COUNTY. Uroroia—Irwin County. WHEREAS, J. J. Henderson and Mary Whitle y applies to me for letters of Administration on the estate of John Whitley, deoeased. These are therefore to oite and admonish all and atngular the kindred nnd creditors of said deoeased, to be and appear at my offioe within the time pre scribed by law, and show oause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted to J. J. Henderson and Mary Whitley. Given under my hand at offioe, this 22d day of March, 1867. L. M. COL BERTH, Ordinary March 30, 1807. Gkohoia, Irwin County. Whereas, Wright Tomberlin applies to me for let ter* of Dismission from Guardianship of B. O. Tom berlin, late of aaid county, deceased. These are therefore to oite and admonish all end singular the kindred and credit ora of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why said let ter* of dismission should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 27th February, 1807. L. M. COLBERTH, feb28, 18-tJm Ordinary Irwin county. GEORGIA—Worth County. WHEREAS, James M. Rouse, Administrator on the estate of 8. W. Rouse, applies to me for letters of dismission. These are therefore, to notify the kindred and creditors of said deoeased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law to show cause, if any they have, why aaid let ters of dismission, should not be granted, Given under my hand and official signature.— Dec. 4th, ’00 J. W. ROUSE, Ordinary, dec. 22 ’06 63. Georgia—Uorth tonniy WHEREAS, Sessome Faircloth Administrator on (he Estate of George M. Green deoeased, applies to mo for letters of Dismission. These are therefore, to notify tho kindred and creitors, of said deoeased, to be and appear at my offioe within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why snid letters of dismission should not be grant ed. Given under my hand and offiolal signature, De cember 4th, 1866. J. W. ROUSE, Ordinary. Dec. 22. ’66 63. CtBO&OXJL-WORTH COUNTY. WHEREAS, Benjamin Willis applies to me for letter* of diamlssUn from administration on the es tate of John Willis, deceased: These are therefor* to eit* and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deoeased, to bo and appear at my offioe within the time pre scribed by Uw, to show oause, If any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 20thday of Deo., 1866. JAMES W ROUSE, Ordinary. Dee 2fl, I860 64—6a* Geoeoia, Irwin Connty. Whereas, Micgjah Tucker applies to me for letters of dlRtniRsinn from administration of the estate of John H. Tucker, late of said county, deceased.— These are therefore to cite all and sirgular the kin dred and creditor* of said deoeased, to be and ap pear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to ahow cause, if any they eau, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, (his 27th Fepruary, 1867. L. M. COLBERTH, feb28, 18 6m Ordinary Irwin oonnty. Georgia, Irwin Ctiily. «. WHEREAS, D. J. Fenn, applies to me for letters of dismission ftrom administration on the estate “ Willis J. Bane, deoeased. These are therefore to oite and admonish, all and singular, the keira and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said Willis J. Bane should not be relieved from said administration Given under my hand and offioial signature office. L. M. COLBERTn, Ordinary October 20th C6 Furniture, Sash, Blinds & Doors! A T Wholesale end Belsil, nt NEW YORK ICES for caoh on deli,erj—from Steam Fac tory on Wharf Street, root of Sd or 4lh Street. If CON, OA, GRBNVILLH WOOD May 14,1987[4Mm] JTJobWork «meutedat this office ingoodst.yle. Abo, blaney, Inrnishnd of every description % of mortgage whereby tho said Defendants raort- :d to the goged to the said Julia A., aa aforesaid, city lots Nos. (40) Forty-nine and (51) Hfty-onc, on the corner of Broad and Jackson streets, Albany, Ga. And it further appearing that the said nete.remalnt unpaid, it la therefore ordered, that the said De fendants do pay into Court, on or before the first day of the next term thereof, the principal, interest and costs due on said note, or show oause to the contrary, if any they hare. And that 6n failure of ths Defendants to do so, the equity of redemption in and to said mortgaged property be forever there after barred and foreolossd. And it Is further ordered that this Rule be pub lished in the Albany News once a month for four months previous to tho next term of tills Court, or served on Defendants or their Attorney nt least three months before the next terra of the Court. A true extract from the minutes of this Court. J. F. CAROILE, Clerk. any oity J0»He Will rinishHlR Work Promise Ife keepe eli kinUe of good, , riHST CLASS Among them "■* 1 Lilies’ and Gents’ Fine GeM Signet nod Ocm Rlogn. 1*|„, R , * . Button., Brooches, B«b, iSSSjM Masonic Emble m J Superior Gold Pens with Diam,,n Sllrer and Plated VfiK. 1 Roger., nnd WoetenhoW .u r e,| or> Physicians’ Meeting. At a meeting of the Fhysicians of Albany, Geo., and vioinity, held April 27th, 1867, in the oity oi Albany, Dougherty oounty, which wn* then nnd there organised as “The Albany MedioalBooiety The following resolutions, relative to medical con tract* with freedmen, were adopted, and ordered to be printed monthly for the space of three month*. Whores*, the following resolution was unanimou*- ly adopted by the Medical Association of the Elate of Georgia lately ln-Apunoil assembled, to-wit.: u Resolved, That in the opinion of this Association there is no breach of the Code of Medioal Estrioa governing the Profession for PhyBieians to contract with owner# Or agSDli of l’leiiiatlonifor tho treat ment of Freedmen in thejr employ, l'rovided, Hint Din TnWe'!, D W’ R " ,0r ’- Wii 3a 2-83 spNQ ggj 1 fNrX't s«’.’r g Portia ,,, 'V', 1 * 1 Se,s » Combs, Ilrusnea A* a. 11 Wnrrani d Genuine M«mr*<di«um wii*'.. UmUrellns, Walking Ceuc., &c"S7 ' — v '» HU. Musical Instruments, Olltlnrs, Violin., Ilanjn., Flule., Accoril,*! in each cilv, county or neighborhood, uniformity of charges be observed and underbidding avoided. <’ Therefore be it—» l ». : t •pv K M OREST’ 8 MONTHLY MAGAZINE. 1/ universally aoknowled the Model Parlor Mag- aline In America: devoted to Original Slorio*, l’o- ems, Sketches, Architecture and Model Cottage*, Household Matters, Gem* or Thought, Personal and Literary Gosnip (including special departments on Fashions), Instructions on Health, Gymnastic, Equestrian Exercises, Music, Amusements, eU?. ; all by the best authors, and profusely and arllsti. colly illustrated with costly Engra rings (full sue), useful and reliable Patterns, Kmbroiderii — je*, Jewel ry. and a constant paccesaion of artistic novelties, with other useftil and entertaining literature. No peraon of refinement, economical housewife, or lady of taste, can afford to do without the Model Monthly. Siuglecopies, 80 cents* buck uumber*, as specimens, 10 censs ; either mailed free. Yearly $3, with a valuable premium : two oopie*, $6 30: three copies, $7 60; five copies, $12, and splendid premiums for olubs at $8 each, with tho first pre mium* to each subscriber. Address * W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, No. 473 Broadway, New York Ilemoresl’s Monthly and Young America, togeth er, $1, with the premiums for each. March 21. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A 'LL PERSONS indebted to the estate ot’Sidney R. Crenshaw, late of Dougherty county, de ceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims ngainnt said estate will present them as the law directs. **62 J. F. CARGILE, Administrator. GEORGIA—Dougherty County. A LL PERSONS indebted to the oslatc of U. W. Rawson, late of said oonnty, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims again*! the estate will render them as the taw directs. A. E. RAWSON, Administratrix. A LECTURE TO YOUNG . MEN JM Pttblithtd, in a Sealed Envtlop.' Priatix Cmti. A . 11,(1 Nature, Trvnt- menl, nnd R.4imt Our. or Spermacorrha-, or Semi- n.l Wmkn..., In.oluntorj Ural.,ion,, s.iu.l De bility, »nd to .Warring, genera]]..— Ner.ousne.fl, Con.umption, Kpilepsy, and Fit.- Mentel.nd Fbp.icel Ine.pnoit., reuniting from Self-Abu.., An—Bp ROBERT J. Ct/LVEItWELL, M. D., Author of the “Orten Book,” Ac. Th» world-renowned .ulhor, in tbio admirable Lecture, olearlj pro.ea Worn hi. own thal tho nwfttl con.equcncca of Solf-Abu.e may bo ef- feotu.liy removed without medicine, nnd without dnugorou. ourgioul oprowtion., bongieo, Instrument., ring., or cordial., pointing out a mode of cure a once certnin .ml effectual, by which e.ery .offerer, no matter what hi. condition may bo, mn/sure hlm- Mlf cheaply, privately, and radically THIS f Fr TURK WILLtROVE A BOON * TO THOUS INI1U AND THOUSANDS. 1HUUSANDS Sent under seal to ony address, In a plain sealed rtej-wssr-a-s inViTc.«ui'i-ns-'-- m Besrery, Yuryfg. 0. Bo< -AGENTS WANTED (Disabled Soldiers preferred), —FOR Til*— Life Letters Speeches &c. of hojt. Auaxorszm h. Stephens, »T HEtlKT CLEVELAND, ESQ., Utt editor ol th. An,tut. lGtJ ComUiaUoaalM national publishing CO, Rue *42, Atlanta, On. received f ’ niTB Tvm—ii .—— W .St, "LS™™ oa !•- E. * II. E. WELCH. tPORTnK Study Well Before You jj] S. STRAIJ§ his temporary place neat I w Office,ns he, with hio SJiVrvr'S* *>t_ EXPERIENCE, ond with n AM^l-ABIT will wa?„^»g |> t— ,..t . jll nt” Charg-es aa T iniKsouthT -LiO) W dding Kin B ‘ bold aud silver ^ Hi Pl« Cuttlery, mtjsio box: PISTOLS. of rolls’, and the tnont approved Maanfr* ( ups nnd Partridge*, all siie*, and of beit qnj Clocks and Regulatoi Ki^Iit day and no hour accurateTiraeit *> ftv5n K watches or jewelrv u will call for them within THIRTY DAE the agreement, or they will he Hold to p»jei Albany Watch and Jewelry BR0AH STREET, - . ALBANY,, s. STRAUS. Albany, October 27, 1866 ljre*l THE GEORGIA TELEOI Foi- 1807. DAILY and WBTllrr.w T he rnopniETORs of tiie a. Journal have *parcd no labor or un pliic-o it in rho from rank of Southern wi per*, nnd they are gratified to announce Ik] efforts have been liberally rewarded by tkuf Tho TELEGRAPH has now a circulation lluti every part of Georgia aud extonds iitio all Ik cent State*, nnd its daily issue is equal to i any Southern journal outside of NevOtM For Ibis reason itpresentspeculiarsdvaKafiiJ ADVERTISING MEDIUM,] and we arc determined that a* a YEff NEWS it shall not be excelled. THE WEEKLY TELEGBAPI Designed foV theoounlry, in published trmh nnd is Iho LAR0B8T AND IIANDS0JU8II1 LY in thoBotith. It contains eight po|ts,w FIFTY-SIX COLUMNS OF MATTEL chiefly NEWS, EDITORIAL and MUD# but a limited number of advertisement! mi ted, the objeot of the Proprietors being I* * the planters and farmers of the South wltlil plete history of eurrent events nnd other Irik lion most acceptable to thnt class, A8 A FAMILJ' PAPER wo challenge comparison. ^ TERMS: Dally Paper, per Tear “ “ “6 Months ** “ “ Month, Weekly, •• Tear ’’ “ 6 Months No paper sen: until it is paid ter, asdahi erased at I he expiration of sub*etiptlao» * due notioe is given in ovary cate) uilm ri* Remittances by Express or RegiiUmW* our ri*k. Address . . W. A. RIBDMCA' npil3 Mae Repaired At MACON PRIC1 T7TROM THE ENTIRE MtiifMtio* I Experienoed Work! . in the'lsst. four months, we ! friends and customers to bring i# Pine Watches, Clocks and Ji For repairs, nnd guarantee * ErtfjraviiiK Done to Of L. E. Weloh & V BOOK AND JBWBWr® S* Speotlolo rwflttwd tos Albany, Jan. 17, 1607. Matra88 Making and M R8. MATILDA The cTtV**»*of Albany asd repair Mairo«H« -T”. description, in th* best and !*•«•* reasonable. Apply to ^ f*b7-0-lf