The Albany tri-weekly news. (Albany, Ga.) 1867-186?, September 12, 1867, Image 2

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V r fiffi S. S. S)VEET, : ' ••Kilitar. ALBANY, GA., SKIT. 12th, 1S07 i -^inuun'.-m .1— 1-U -b Executor., Atlm.inlatretoni nnil Utiar limns, who sometimes send in advertise ments through the Ordinary of their respec tive coaaties, have entire coutrol of the sninciUhd ehn jmhllsh them in the paper of their choice, They will hear lids in mind. Sneli notices must be necompanied witli the rash. Trice can be ascertained from the Ordinary of counties—who have onr Oliver- ised rates in thei^offiee^_ Xkoko Biifpraok.—Tlio Bndienls liavo abandoned negro suffrage in the Slate of Ohio, and think it will bo defeated by r.n.000 majority. They need reconstruction Cotton IVkiso.—The *viW progrcnnoti slowly in consei|ncnec of tlic continual rain, Tlie past few dnys lias been harder on cotton t linn any of the season. A pie it deal is sprouting in the boll. It is the opinion of one oftho most extensivo planters in our community, that tlio crop will linrdiy ex ceed that of Inst year. Atallovcnts it is greatly damaged, MF' A young man in Hwitserlnnil, who, under the name ot Miss Hr. Ahbottn, Horn the I'nitcd States, and midfrthe nttirc ofn woman, lias been practicing medicine exten sively among tlio Indies in one of tlio cantons ol Switsoriand. Ho was detected, and much indignation expressed toward him, hut lie could only be punished for practicing with out a license, A six year old boy at Trenton, N. J., who was locked up in a dnrk closet Inst week by his teacher, became insane from Iriglit continued to scream at intervals, for two or three days, anil Hnnlly died. What Ha.ui.iN Thinks.—-Mr. oi.n’s man Friday thinks the country is In a crisis more dangerous than during tlio war. lie thinks if the smnali does not come in Novem ber, wlien tlic Ituinp meets, that tlio Hump aforesaid, combined with l rovidence, will save tlie country. Thai combination of influuneoa smacks of Bitwarrow, who always commenced Ids dis patches thus :(i:ory to (lod and the Empress That Empress wns tho obscene Messnilnn of ftussia; tlio Hump is—tho Hump. I>ka11i ftp Coil E. T. .Links,—Wo have been looking for an extended notice, from the pen of a friend, of tlio death of our es teemed townsmen, l'ol. doncs. It is known that lie died some two weeks since in New York, of consumption, lie went to the city in hopes of being benefited, by placing himself under eminent medical ability. All was in vain. Ha lingered, and suffered milch, until two weeks ago, when death e line to his relief—for relief It wns to die. lie w ii k n number ol tlie Kpisropl church. His remains were brought to this city on Saturday last. On Sunday evening, aflcr religious Services by Hcv. Mr. Mellmilly Ids remains, according to Ills request, were turned over to the Masonic order, of which lie had besn an hoiiorablo member, nnd borne to tile eemetnry, and with imposing and suliimn ceremonies, were consigned to the lonely grave. I’NiVKRsrrr on GKomiiA.—Tho friends of this venerable institution Tlio Macon Telegraph says, will rejoiseo to learn that its session of 18(17—R opened on the 5th instant, and tho attendance of students is imicli larger than at any former year of its history','there being about three hundred in the University proper and tho I’nivcrsity High Seliftol. If Gov, Brown nnd Hen. Tope widget up another order, there will not he room to hold tlio boys! Bkn Hill's Last.—Tlie following sensi ble wurds should commend themselves to every mail's judgement, nnd remove every hope ofcontrolirg tho Convention : But I give my opinion now that no de cent white man can go to that Convention and retain Ida character. There is an effort to get respectable men to go to the Conven tion. Why? Not to shape its proceedings, fur these are dictated from Washington and no discretion is permitted. The purpose is to make character for the wicked move ment I It will fail. It ought to fail. You cannot purify or polish a sink by throwiug a diamond into it, but yon will certainly cover the diamond with filth. These will lie the first (Jenvefttions called for the ex press purpose of disfranchising wliito men nnd cnfranohliingnegfoes, and for putting the odious discrimination in tho Constitu tion of the Nation. Every white man who engages in it will inevitably lose the respect ofliis race, and do well to pray to God to change the coloy of his akin. Let tho ne- groesgo. .They have the power, and it is their Convention. Every white man who engages in this work will find black stains all over httiNthlch'will be harder to wash offtbinthebloody stains on the hands of guilty Macbeth. Murder, if you dare, the whole equality, of the white race | Your pol icy for managing tho Convention might Bave from' disgrace, it there was room for discretion, and a fair vote permitted. But the schaakf iUjifp^ti^riSp^d **Yed, and it is nothing but s' fripple-shaped monster of forec, frafid and penury, Let it alone, or you will sell yoursQf to. social infamy.— This course I press on some whom I have al ways cstdomed;and who, I-know, imagined they conld pogjMMgaagmy good by ac cepting the Military bills and controlling the Convention,' ^P^Boston, the dis- covererof tb«“ambrotypo” process, died recently at the insane asylum at Worces ter. ifr. Cilftlng made a numbea of ingen- iona invention!, and was the projector of the “Aquarisl Gardens.” of Boston, the fluest establishment of the kind in the'country. . f -..HUM. V Wo liavo nqt the' least ides, that if the Uadicals could have foreseen that which js hemming more apparent every day—a ten dency upon tho part of the colored peoplo to ignore white men as counsellors and leaders —oven if they are of tho most Radical typo politically —they would over havo commit ted themselves to anch a scheme as negro suffrage. That there is a strong feeling of oasto—of exclusiveness—increasing among tho negroes, no ono dare deny. A • few months ago, the moat arrogant of the race would pay due deference to superior intel ligence, anil grant that the whites had greater cx|ierioncc, and therefore should be olevnted ns leaders. This wns very com plimentary nnd soothing to a fow adven turers who had come among tin for spoils, and a fow "amaH-fty politicians,” who, un der tlie old ragimo, never possessed intelli gence and ability enough to gain position nmong their neighbors, but who have now espoused tho radical cause, hoping that tho credulity of tho negro, would give them tlio desire of their hearts. Hut, Mas I for the aspirations of .these vaporing, patriots, the negroes havo made a discovery, and arc dis posed to iiso it. They have discovered, that by blind and fanatical legislation, they liavo becomo tlie controlling political pother, and they are dc' larmlncd to exort that power for the ape' einl interest of tlielr own particular elnss.— An exhibition ot this asaurancowna mmlo ut Atlanta whoa tho negroes demanded nil equal division of policemen of the City Council. If tho council dares to refuse they will in tho future elect councils of thoir own caste. They feel that political and so' cial equality lira tacts already accomplished, and that no reaction of public sentiment cun deprive them of thorn. Hence they feel no licsitaucy in throwing aside the counsels of tlio degraded and designing demagogues, through whoso influence tlioy liavo been elevated. A month or two ago, tlie colored men of tiiia community gave tlio first symptoms of this revolt. They de termined in their caucus, so wu are credita ble informed, to vote for no man unless he was .Southern boru. This wns tho dontli knell to tlio hopes ot “squatters.” Howcvc, it lias lmd tlio infiuenco to bring to tho sur face a few “Southern born who wore willing to make tho sacrfiicc, for (He profits of tlfo office. But alas; a change has come,nnd Sambo thinks ho is capable of running the iniieiiim', nnd will attend to such mntters himself. Hence in this community wo mny 1 mk for an African party—so exclusively AtViean that none enn hope for tho emolu ments nnd honors of office, unless tlioy bear plainly in their complexion tlio evidences ot dark blood. A black heart alone enn be no longer palmed off upon them,—tlioir needs must lie a black face. This is no idle t-per .illation—it is truth. Lot him who can, prove it false. Nor is it n matter of sur prise, tlint tlio negroes thus favored above tlio whites who formoly hold them, and wliointhcy liavo by all tile ingenuity nnd en ergy of rndionliain, been taught to Imte and mistrust, should desire to display their newly acquired nscemlnney. REPUDIATION. Radical leaders are very much disturbed nt tlio growing disposition of tlio peoplo to throw off tlie burden of taxation, which, like n inonitroiis load, is aruahing them. They, howover, have a sugar coat for the remedy, and call it relief. At Jacksonville, III., they have held it meeting, and tho Mayor pro tested nguiiist the New England bond hold ers, and a ill hat tho interest on these bonds should bo ]>aiil in Greenbacks instead of gold. Tho West has borne tho burden long enough, and she is anxious to share tho hon ors witli tlie fanatical fiend and aristocratic East. It is only the inauguration of repu diation in full—nnd n twelve-month will find the whole debt cancelled in this way. The Radicals of Georgia “annficth the battle afar off,”—takes timo by tbs forelock, and are urging the party to inscribe upon her banner “Convention and Relief,” hoping by this ruse to carry the colored voto en masse, as well aa that portion ot the whites who are involved in debt. They plead only for private repudiation, bnt when the ball is once started, they will be sorry that they ever undertook to “play with fire.'’ The negroes as a elaas, are opposed to paying taxes of any kind, and if, by their votes, they can remove the two and a-half per cent tax on their cotton, and tho cnormoua tax on their tobacco and wbiakey, they are going to do it. If they can purobnae tobacco at 25 eta. per ptag, tor which they are now charged a dollar, in consequence of this wretched tax. They demand a change iif theae matter*. This only can he done by repudiating the National debt, and that can be aoooinplish- ed by simply going'to the polls and voting. The letderaof Radicalism foresee this evil, bnt do not know to escape. The very class upon whom tlioy depended for ao rauohiia about turn upon ibein and devour tb*tn7- The stay law is a dead letter, and Gen. Tope refuses tones his authority to keep men from paying their honest debts, hepoe * general cry among tho faithful, who here become bankrupt in propagating rhdicallsm jn tho South, 1s heard for relief. ((‘Tho National liepnbUcan, the ohiof organ of the “pdwer party,? aaya that the.people must have reUe£ ; As they cannot get it from tho military, aor from the oourts of the country, they most look to their only and last source for help—the coming Convention gleet their prrty, and they will insert a atftntfan, P»f tlie vjbol* qppitUm ftbayp the mlUMTr d? e oou^t*, nnd. the Legislature, If private contracts are thus to be disregarded, there is little hope that the National debt will stand. Tho negroes owo bnt little, and would not bo benefited by this private' re pudiation, but they are tux-payer?, and aa a class are deeply interested, and by a gen eral repudiation law, thoy would bo great gainers. ~* * * Order frea Sea. Caaky. Ciiaulcston, September ' 10.—Gen. Canby bus issued tho following order: Hkado’rs, Second MiiiraitY Di Cliariciton General Order*, No. 86. It being known that many persoris snb joct to parole under the torpia of anrender of the insurgent armies hove, since the 9th day of April, 1805, voluntarily oxilcd.tliera- solvea from tho States latoly in rebellion, JIKTIIICT, f I Scptomlior 7.1865. J X) STAIR BALLUSTERS, I i • Newel Posts,.- Mouldings,. &c A Large Stook of common sixes always on hand. BLMR & BICKFORD, , . , ‘ * ? 203 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH. GA. i FLINT 4 fj IMPORTERS and WHOLESALE * -^-Dealers in ° China, Crockery, and ci lss I Having Removed from No. 80. Mull, 78, 6EOOND STlU^," r ' — Over BeLoeehe's Con-log,. ]l,„„ . ’ MACON, TOW I offer for sale a largo there by evading obligation* raanfnlly as sumed and faithfully observed by all other* subject thereto, and have sinbo returned*to the Unitee States, it is ordered that all such person* now reaident or domiciled, or who may beNnfterpeooroe resident or domiciled, within tho limits of the Second Military Dintrict—the State* of North and Bout). Carolina—bo required to give, within thirtv days after the receipt ot tbi* order, at iF# headquarter* of the pout or district in whiuh thoy may be so resident or domiciled, tho parole prescribed on tho 9th day of April, 1805. . , Tlie parole will bogiven in duplicate, one GHANGE OF mis NOTICE TO AND DEALERS, f Al to bo retaineil by tluTpersons who gives it, and tho other to bo forwarded to lbs tistrict Headquarters for record and transmittal.— The Provost Marshal General oftho District is charged witli the execution of this order. By command ol llrcvit Major Gonoral Canny. Louts V. Oasiahc, Assistant Adjutant General. A Baak Teller Hstiifs, Savannah, September 10.—Joseph S. Carruthers, Toller of tho Central Railroad Bank, absconded with eight online thous and dollars on Saturdny night last. One thousand dollars reward it offered for his apprehension. Later. (.'savannah, September 10.—Joseph f\ Carruthers, tlio defaulting Tcllor of the Contral Railroad Rank, shipped on board the schooner Wm. Gregory, oh male, f r Havana. Tho vessel was overhauled by tlio pilot boat two miles oat nt sea, nnd brought back in a leaking condition, with flvo feet of water in her hull. Oarruthers says ho allowod friends to overdraw their accounts nnd had net n dollar himself. GeofiNewtflrea Maine. Portland, September IP.—Clinmbcrtain wns Mooted Governor ycBtcrday, by niiout 14,000 najorily. Tlio Democrats liavo made gains throughout tlic Stale. [The Re publican loan in Bath is 247. Biddoford gives a Democratic majority of 240 against 00 Inst year. Tho Democrats will gain Representatives in torno of tlio towns, hut notonoiigli to givoihcm much power in the Lcgisliuiire. One hundred nnd nine towns give Clmmborllnn over six thousand major ity. There is a Republican loss of over nine thousand votes. Fight Between Negroes and SoUlers. Rutihond, September in.—A telegram from Farmvillo reports a fight there this morning between somo soldiers of tlie 21 it U. S. troops and tlie town negroes. Tlie soldiers had beaten a colored man for retus ing to sell them liquor Inst night, nnd thin morning they were about to heat another, when tire negroes rallied and s street fight ensued.' The oitiaens closed thoir storm, and a company ot soldiers were sent in from camp, which' restored order. One soldier wns stabbed in tho melee, nnd abont a soldirs anil blacks badly beaten. CUTIJIIKRT, Aug, 8, 1807, A negro limn, yesterday evening, attack ed another negro, eut his througlit from year to year, nnd robbed him. The negro lived some half hoar after found, and told who did the crime. Tho oitiaens turned out and captured the murderer this evening, and brought him to town. Ho it now in jail, where he awaits his trial. Thqmurdec waa aprqtal one. WE HAVE REMOVED F ROM Mulberry Street lo HOLLINGSWORTH’S NEW UUILDINO, on the corner of the alley, within light ot Hardeman anil Spark’s Ware house, almost opposite Wolfolk's Warehouse, on Poplar street, onlj n few steps from the Passenger Depot, end neer ihe Ilrown House unit National Hotel. Any of you that want BACON, CORN, FLOUR, MEAL, LARD, Family Groceries, Plantation SUPPLIES, BAGGING, IRON TIES, &e. Give us a Call. _ _ ' We aro sole agents for Charles Kelson's Celebrated Copper DistUled Whiskies, And here on hand, in .addition. a large Block of Wine*, lirsndiee, Ac. 1 • t' Megrath & Patterson. Maoon, Geo. 8ep. 7, IfOO ’ T» Georgia—Dougherty County. -»0:- “VrOvv a viier lor suic a largo nn,l .IN stock of Imported nnd 1 CHINA and CROCKKRY WARP ° f Uousc Furnishing Goods. Orders fronT.H try filled with promptness nnd dilnatM® ^« sep 10,1867 ' 2sqi)m 1 pa,cl * HAVE JUST RECEIVED, and aro adding to It daily, a large and assorted slock of DRY GOODS, Both faqoy.and staple; GROCERIES, SHOES, BOOTS, UTS, HARDWARE, IRON, Etc. T WO Months after the publication of this notioe application will be made to the Coart;of Ordi nary of eaid oounty for leare to sell all the real Es tate belonging to the estate of Dr. A. C. Hill, late of said county deceased, for the benefit of the helrr and creditor! of said deceased. JOHN M. IIILL, Albany, Sept. 6,18*7 Adm’r A. - O. Hill, deo’d. L. PASSANO & SONS, —IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN— , Fancy Goods, Hosiery, GLOVES, TRIMMINGS, -AND- Small Wares, 268 W. Baltimore St, Baltimore, • • - Md. sep. 0— , ilm* L. J. UUtLNARTIN, JNO. FIANNRRV, K. W, DRl’MMOMU. I, J, GUILMAflTIM & CO, COTTON FACTORS AW®-”‘ GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savannah, Georgia. Liberal ADVANCES msile on CONSIGN MENTS. Orrlcra promptly filled, at Lowest Market Rates. Aug. 20, If07 2sq Sm 87 UUm ■sat New Advertisements. U. a INTI.. REVENUE. Assist. Assxsson's Oman, Mill. DIM. On. Albabt, 8ept. II, 1867. XTOTICK Is hereby gin* to nit whs nay hnve boslnewoonn«lti)nwttNUeBeienneUepert- uent. that I enn hs found at iu oftlce oter the store by Draper A Robert., it all timea within utunl oftlce hours. C. R. JOHNSON, A»il«L Atawaor Kid. Plat, Os. Sup It ST rf Plantation For Bale* J r HAVE a vhluahte Plantalloa whloh I offer for of Dougherty County—about eix and n.hntr milee Alhunf.^ " - *- - - "'- 1 — Who raeli Sepr p^o^ f M. LOUISVILLE Wrought Iron Tts to th. hderkst T..T. FLIKT&CO., 80- • Mulberry Street • -80. 3^LA.G02<r, O-JY. IMPORTERS OF, AND DEALERS IN China, Orookery and Glass Ware. I N addition, keepa always on hand a fall atoek of Clothes, Market, Knife, Lunoh aid Traveling •kets ; Juniper and Fainted Tuba and Booked ; Japanned Chamber 8atts, Water Cooler*, ToaTfay* Sad Wallen, Table Colliery, Table Mat*, Feather Buaters, Plated Ware, LanM, JUrotene oil, etc. “ ‘ ‘ “ ‘ at a ubaral ** Whloh wo propose to aell os low os any home in the State, and weretyootfUUy solloit our old prompt customer*, and a* many new ones, to favor ns with a call and impeet onr atook and prioei, which we think will oonvlneo the most skeptical mind of the useless expenditure of time and money by going farther north, oast and west, In finding cheaper or better goods. Our Dry Goods Department, On our oeeond floor, is complete and full in all it* various parts, embracing a full line Bleached Domestics—3*4, 4*4, 0-4, 8-4, 10-4 nnd 12-4. Fronts qf all grades and stripes. Dkes* Goods of all manufacture An Immense lot Clothing Pants Goods, both of cbtnp and extra-quality Hoelenr, Gloves and Yankee Notion* generally, Boots for Boys and Men Shoes, Brogans—Boy’s and Men’s Ladies and Gents' Dress and Walking .Shoes, of nJl patterns, Mens’ and Bayi* Hats| largo lot Blankets, Kerseys, Kentucky Jeans Double and Rlngle Barrel Shot Guns Also a good line MiHnory Goods, and in fact al most anything a man may call for. WE ALSO IIAVR A Mammoth Stock of Groceries EMBRACING Tobacco of all grade* and qualifies F. B. and Parker’s Osnabnrg* Maoon Shootings Yarns—all numbers Bagging of Ihe Bfanket-ManuforliircT-weiirlj- ing 2 1-4 lbs. per yard Arrow and Bnokle Ties, Nails Powder and 8hot Hngar of all grades Coffee of all qualities c 8oaps, Potash Candlts, Raisins Crackers,SontT Case Liquors and by Ihe barrel Vinegar, Pepper Spice, Ginger HoltowWare, Bod Irons llaleheto, Axes Drawing Knives Table and Pooket Cutlery Augurs, Chisels and Files Also 200,000 lbs. assorted Iron Very oheap Plough 8teel, ete. Thanking our friends anil stranger, for their pa tron.,. In the put. ge respectfully solicit a con- tiuualiou of the aamt for the future. We will .tale (hot our eenlor is now In New York, when he will remain • month tonger.-tuklng th* advOntage of the pressure of houses and menu- fpelurer. who ore eonpefleil Jo re.liso. ” J. B- BOSS & SON, WHOLB8ALE DEALERS, 90 Cherry and 66 Second streets, Xi os □? , A Nqte for Qne hundred nnd one Doll. I 4ift«en cents, mfide 8th july November, poyable to the undersiMp,, 1 by S..W. Henry. All person. »rf!S»^ jqido for. and the maker, lo p«» ^'■.T.0 .807. eerybOBYrun And Look At Tlie furnitui —kow OrkRIMQ AT TIIK— 01c3L Flag Sto t OIV JACKSON STREET. A well selected stock of FURNITURP - ofsevernl nice ’ Chamber Setts, Also Half-Arm Cane Seated Dining Chairs. Curled Maple Cane SetiM I Parlor Chairs, 1 Winsor Chain, and in fact CIIAIRS of all descriptions lot of Bedsteads, Single Bureaus and Washstnnds, Wardrobes and Safes, | All of which will bo sold on as REASONABLE teb| as can be bought from nny similar F.stabtU in South-Western Georgia. 1 expect lot hand all kinds of P 10 1 FURNITUReI needed by the citizens of Albany and i country, ... M. BARBIES, An Albany, August 16, 18G7. p SEYMOUR, MACON, G. The. Trade .applied« l discount. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. Ur. T. J. Filet hea^thledny admitted Sir. Wm. L. Stark Into pertnerablp In hie- business, whfeh will hi eonlinoed under tho Irm name of T. J. FLINT * CO. oi(24 lm NEW WABEHQUGBBilUI. Woollolk & Anderson, -ike ipirpose of RECEIVINO. STORIRQ'tasd ~' eclfolly hnd.. ir i «« formerly; k, more recently by 1 . James h. wi of dLsmUotouT 'iThue ore/ IhVrWhra, i to BoOTy Uo ktedred and crediiora of told deomMd.tah. oufo Glreu under my hud e«d_o«eUl slgoetore.— Dee. 4th. '06 J. W. BOOSE, Ordinary, dee. 22'«» «• Hirrie i Roee, —i** «agj;a—•*■?» ;ss«Bpn^iis!j.*sss“* •epLff no 90 8ma.i sep. 8—lm A Macon, Go.. Sale ! pursuance of on order of the Honorable Supe- ,<3a.,'will be sold bG- the town of Slarkville^ g oflud number 182 fu the 14th distriol or. Mia eeuuly, oontalnlog 1014 tores, more or leu, for dleleion on th, oppUeollOu efEHuheth Holfkld •sd ether, for partition. Term,—CASH. sir rlor Court of Lm eouuty, the Court Heuee door in iw tald,< ueit,.-’ of let WM. C. 01LL, flop. 1,1867. - oeiold ow the Iru Tueoday in November nut, city lets, the-one lying,on the South side oftFIne' otraeL knows os the W.g Garde*, in. lb. elty of; Coosmereemi the besot! of King, Isle of I j jgNLA'iiwiojvI TdiiuTt:dr*■ OEORGIA—Dqilghsrijr,, Cquqtj, W&aOaCDh&Bi B leOTetelsfeksstho r tesB of Alhosy'Mid ‘' fd l that he huteiotad . : *f , sext lo - >. R0BEN80N. Albany, Sept 7 tf O FFER For Sale Ihe fallowing artiolesaid sale or Retail, as low as any house in M 200 boxes 8lar Candles, 600 Sacks Lirerp 600 sacks Virginia Salt, 800 SACKS NEW One hundred sacks Rio, Java and Lagairz(J 160 bsirreU choice Liquors and 'Wiii 126 iNirrch purr*Leaf* Lard, KM)k«p4ai < 14UIIMi.II Shoulders, Sides and Eainl 76 barrels new crop Mackerel, 200 kejp I 16,000 lbs. Pure WHITE LEAD,] US Bne* ' VIRGINIA TO! 200 boxes Soap, 26 IIlids. Cuba MoUttHilj Golden Syrup, 100 bales GimnyDAGOIfT Rolls Gunny .BAGGING,, 250 Coils Machine 50 Tons Iron Bandi, | 26 barrels Cider AHnegar, 26 bales i 50 Bales Macon She 26 Bales Yarns, 5 Bales of 1 Drillings, 25 Bales Brown f“ 1 10 Boles Georgia Slf 100 hoxee Pearl Storjhf 50 cesei 8 Lobsters, 100 eases Cove Oysters, 60 on** 16 boxes Cod Fish, 100 doxen BROOMS, 176 Barrels Stuart’s 20 barrel. Copperen, 100 kegs POWBM,* SHOT; "500,000 PERCUSSION CAW/M BAR LBAD, ■ "■4 ALSO, A No. 1. PIANO,] Very Halo used and In perfect order, W B WANT TO BUT fflmnaBaa upms Hides, Tallow, Beeswax anil For whi.h'iw^i :;« 5 " ,r Highest Market SeymooivJobBsoflAj ••I EliY' OT* General Newspaper . .. —liryos Street— NEXT TO THE COEIIEE ' ’ \Kvfmi k thompton'ii Nett* I 8AVAjpiA^.; 01(27 ... . . essA JUST REoSVED' iBaggiug, ' ANfiC RUS T, JOHNSTON H Auguet lfo'1867 'i >" ■' lew luroiee of those FIN® it THAT TOBACCO.^ £ 4 a , g. VII