The Albany tri-weekly news. (Albany, Ga.) 1867-186?, September 21, 1867, Image 3

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2KLY news. jColumn. &£ ^ al.1807- sSMuM ,0a. Sept- TSflfBI • L-on Immt.nnd I. goii»l«nUy V^tvMATIOS .id FAMIIA •<ln* »f l)r )' a °?i*' 0r " c " ic " „ w hich «e offer for cl). or on **-netl, hy mnktog sniirlac- TlTKF.ll (t BALL. the Plate I orgUttialion of Dio heel legal Loerrroiarn, who have commenced ' fe^oinaim", in recover ilic (ax ^lllcoal lilf P'ao'er , lime to get in J™“ r eMm "- „ 01,1 glarnl of ill).Olonfi Wllvon, biiildiiige .iambs wilson. (7nif) Ljjiilfl V YF.HV I'AV AT , Express Ofiloe. L. SHAW. Wit Had what tub prebs satb,- Antony (lie v«-t improvem.ii^ tli. present the change in remedies it not the Toast important. Formerly ridiculous iiimI olten injurious mixtures were ndruinistuN'd up ah the rccomincndidion of nn« person to' lumther', or from one family to another, as bcing"gi>nd" for Midi and •h a complaint, while limy were, in fact, unless or worse. Nmv, Prof. Kavtu.x supplies the public with the most effectual remedial that educated skill cuu devise or art cun produce, with explicit diruethqis Ibr their n?n in each and every ca-e. In place of the sensele*! potions our grandmothers gave, we have the cunning inventions ol men learned in the ail of cure adapted to onr necessi ties nt a price. Prof. Kayton's remedies consist of KAYTON’S 01.Kl'M V1T.F, The great German Liniment for Rlieumutism, Neuralgia, Pains in the Back, Joints, Breast or Side, Nervous Head ache, Toothache, Raraehe, Sprains, Bruises, Burns,etc. KAYTON’S MAGIC CURE, Foi sudden Coughs and Colds, Asthma, Aeid Stomach Heartburn, Soro Throat, Sea Sickness, Cholera, Diarrhea Crumps nnd Pains in the Stomach, etc. KAYTON’S DYSPEPTIC TILLS, For Dyspepsiu, Bilious Disorders, Coeti veneer, Sick iiendache, and all Disorder* of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels; nnd as a spring nnd fall medicine to carry oil the rankling humors in the hlood —Quitman Banner. 'These remedies me innocent, and no perron need he nlurmcd at taking them ; yet they me pow erful, nnd will remove the direm** enumerated ahove. A trial wil sal- sly every one that their curative pro|K>rties arc not over estiinatcd. Addreeeatl orders to Prof. II. II. KtYTn.v, Savannah, Ga.,or to the Agents A. A. Solomons A* Co., Wlmleselc Druggists, Savannah, (Li. Beware of counterfeits. The centime lias Prol. II. If. K v vtoy’s signature on eueh hoitlo and box Fur sale by I. K \ II B WELCH, Agents, Alba ny, Cla., and hy Drnggi.-|s nnd country merchant** generally. y 10—tyr- NO DANGER OF Wo Itavc on hand, and arc eon stork of Consistin'* STARVATION! stuntly receiving, a will selected GROCERIES in part of a FLOUR, OF NO. 1 ARTICLE Coffee, lea, Sugar, Bacon, fine Liquors, Ami in liiclovorytiling usimllv k.,.l lu »l>c tilOK KU Y KINK. Wegimranloc toirmU-U &Ci, &Ci| AVeloli’s o ciumn. iSiivannali Medical Colleger WELCHS’ DRUC STORE iw I Instil in ion will commence on the First Monday I in N U’einlier noxi. and continue four month.*. .Faculty : KSTAtn.r'SH l>,P 1M ,o. ‘Y^FITH our increasing Spring Trade, wean- in- yy wearing our Stock and f'aeili(ie*fttr htiriuc-.". : Uc have made our large trade by keeping ilic; Best Stc..k and Best Goods, 1!. D. AltNOl.l), M. D„ i'r*>». Theory ami Practice of Medicine. 1\ M. KOIsLOCK, Mi D., ami I>isenses of Women and Phil- aml intend to inmci»* < ran always ex feet t need in the it in I lie same el nl Welch*.' et thing < Drug or Medicine Line, the Interest or in llint class «,f lIMitallv Ue| t in Fir tnr xi'hi ’/.i i. 1 tisemeu/s below. F \ SVV GGODS and -nndric a I 'lass Drug .Stores. .1 r/'A’.V/'/O.Y called in adver I.. I,’. A. II. I.'. Medical Liquors. Try us and In* roiivimasl. Prof, i >»..»*• dren. w. iinj,o('H, m. i)., Prof. Principles and Practice of Surgery. Adjunct T. d. I’tmti.rnN, M. It; Will l.eehtre om Mnmr and operative Surgery. .1. It. IJKAD, M. 1)., prui'. Materia Medica and Medical Jurisprudence. Vdjuiict It. .1. Ni ns. M. D.t Will l.eelure on Med ical .luri*prudence and Tnxietd *g.v. .ir111a11 HAumss, m. i)., Prof. Physiology ami Pathology. .1. G. Tiiomis, \|. |».; Will Lecture on \d,. of all tlioso who favor tin with their putronnuo. COOPER cto OO- 0" • ■( : llll' aOTIl'K. I j| tiffTHS' will ,0 opv.i nitiilt"*‘“ Slou.liiy, iIk- noil, ,«,(e»i'* n " : | i>l ,ll< ' CIH I 1111 trtgrB 1°|Ml ,, i «>l'll ,, ‘ "f ,ii, i nn nl.l (mil fstccimvl (-Hi i Hiimly, at Ills iwiilmw, cm Inst. Ills illsmtiic', (re Imojimlifiii of the lung*. IrMs—Susisia Vour louniy Piprr. (JoUS' "’ll nsk you in siiiccci- j ivc epdenvored lo ltu*i(isli y*m i a ue'lier nn our limited inrniiK ; ^aitlatoonridoraldi' cxpenxi'.— ; .the yenr, nml during ilio Sturt* j ,a liave jmld the vtmli Ibr In-1 materials to carry on the j-ajicr, ' many id you lor Biihi*i-ri|,lion ng. \Y« expect yon, genii - myott tell your cotton”—ns : si us, “to conic up to tile cap- slid settle." Will you do it V peat. “Aye, there’s llto rtlb. ’, t it from yon early as possi- j anon. Voitrs Truly. FOUTZ 1 CBLBBRSTtD 8 RtHicc pj tiiujj iiivvs us more pleasttro than ! rinotiif tin* return of onr cili/.eus, j vbn‘B absent during a great part ; raer, In good health and fpirits.— i d friend, Dr. W. Ts. J>avis, is j eto dispense physic to his nnim-r- 1 . C’apl. V. (J. liust wc hope, lias : § full ol the one thing ncodtnl, to ameaBtirc, the great stringency wy market, Inst, but not lestst, •friend John Forrester, with his tocheer itf^, and make ns forget that I in territory N o. :t. Tflife and liappiness, to all ol yon n, is our sincere wish! «.-*Tho eotton markot i« dull an d {t^wtnol eonseive tho cause of itod wo would advise our old on in tlieir cotton hags, tin* 5 fairly renumerated foi their bin the production of the staple.— enudo a close calculation and are DJut unless 20 cents per Hi is rc- BPtltcfotton maim fact n red in South ta, that their will l»e no money 'Jtlio jHirsuit of agriculture this year, fhiitio\v planters in our section J*pmume it is the ease throughout fojflio have not mortgaged their ■ com & eotton, and unless they are this year for cotton, they will ttiiVUq surplus funds nt the close of Wedherefore advise them to hold irtrops unlil they aie eompelled least’’remunerated lor their ^V^ieprodttetion of the laud.” Okfickus—Ordinaries,— ^Mother county officers who ad ) per, belore tho f promnlga f No 40, arc iUiormed that l*fd*ir aeooiiuts remain unsettled up* r^oks,such parties are notified that settle with twat once, \va cannot usual deduetion tor inserting in this pajier. ni, srtys'a gentleman writ- r^lC.O. Picayune from Enterprise, pMer date of the 10th Inst., are slay Ilhi^scetUm eauniry. C)ld ’thoT’have not ajipeaml so nu- * in twenty-six years. They t some crops fifty per cent Whatwill ^heeomlt of ® engineeroMhe projected bridge York .city, has ,rt « He states thnt tiio bridge. 8 JtChatham Square,'in New Ferry in Hrookly.- J^tiwiHbc 5,802 foct, and ' OT,|* 160 feet above high 1 total cost oi the structure figures at $o,6tfi,537, the traus|K)rtAtion of persous over it daily. I long mid tkvorably " knuwo, will lli©r- ourIiI>- rrknviKorMB brokendown ami foW'gpIrltMl hom«, by »lrti)gUirniiiK nnd clrunilnK Ute Btomach Hid lnt«. tlnw. It U n but* t>rt. v«ntivc of all *11*- __ —. - . Inrlilrnt in till* Animal, inch n I.USO FF-WH, ULASURRS, YRUdW WA- TF.K. II K A V KS, corn IIS. DIS. TKMI'RR. FK. VKHS.FflUXDKIt boss of Am: TITK AVI* VITAL KNKIIUV. Ac It. mu iiuproves tlic wind, im-rrasc. Oh- -give* u a month mid w kIoai.v ikIn—mid* trHti.fnrinA t )i r -> u . »krh-lon into u flnr’lookiny »nd Anlrllfd h"r»p. To kcept-M of CtiVTA thi< prfp»TiUi,.A I* lnf»hii*W. ll lucrfan-J thr .|0iinlIty and linprotr* t|„- «,«inlity ofthvuiilk. It |ih« la-en |trorrn by ac tus! cBjKTtocttt la Intreioe the niiair lily of milk and erf am twenty i»cr ct-nt. anil make the butter Urm and *wrrt. In fattening rattle, it yirrathrm an appetite, looww* - . their hide, and _ tnnkef them thrive ranch faster In all diseases of Seine, such as Coughi, Ulcer, in the Lunai, l.lvrr, “ Hr , Ihi. nrtirlu act* a. a Ajteclfle Hy tnillltiR from onc-hulf u i«(»rr Ui a paper in a barrel of .will the altovr d I seaaea will ho eradicated nr entirely prevented. If in time, a certain preventive and cure f*»r the Hog Cholera. Price 25 Cents per Paper, or 5 Piper* for #2. PREPARED BY s. A. FOUTZ & BRO., AT THXIR wholesale onto AXD MEDinXE depot. No. 116 Franklin St, Baltimore, Xd. For Sale by HrnggUt« and ^torekoepera through- out the United State,. For sale hy Albany,(hi.,March 2d, lSBT.-10-ly NOTICE! m. T UK rNDKItSIfiNKI) bnvluir. for tli** prracni 1 I bo coiilnil *»f ilio Mill* known «m BALLS. Ilirpo milpw nbovc* Albtnv. j»unrnnioos ilio ts*ilHtitl. fiilftllmciil of nUitrilors/boili for l.itmlirr hint Mont nt the shortest notice, linviiiK Just timterpono tho rough repair*. , i»|,4„„„. l iU, n Iftl will tie more convenient tor my pniroim to mn.ii. tonve I heir orders nl Mr. Tt'i'KKIt S S'llUt K. ibry ■ oh li do so, moi I lit* sit mo will tie forwarded f<» meer my son.'who lias the snnortiileiideiico ol ibo Mitts resiierituBv sottoii nsimro of putdie piitvonajze. ; Terms t’ASll, If not promptly paid upon p,ro*smi»* AFFLICTED, READ THIS KAYTON’S OLEUM VITA. IM« In K*" j Fine From li I'.r Mootrb \\ lii-l. \. DM Pun It I Hi*. I Mndoirn Wii.o, i'liit'rs are warranted pun tu* tmimlil ill Ilio mni kci: (•. Si. Frols Bum, i M l Bum boil W lii Shoriy H mo, t'biroi Wiiio, and I* III,.-lull V NY. tills grout Co(inXII Lliilmml l.»»iiliunxl Inful- Hide oiiro for lion of bills, mi nddiiioital iweniy-liva per oem. will j irabor and Meal will bo -obi hi oii->- I' or Joints bo rharged. Liintbr i oiioi ry price*. Jnnmiry 2M. 18H7. It. f. .IKNKINS. j ALL EIGHT AGAIN. M B. MOltSK is again ready t« receive Walohos, (Hooks, and .lewolry, for repuits. We guarnnlec nil work done. Neuralgia, Ithcmimiif 1 Vnm in the Ihtek, llrca-'t, htdci lli.'tehe, Nervous Ibhtdnche, I'.aniehc, Sprains, Mntises, Swellings, Cuts, Insect Hites, Hums, tie., &c. This nrv.n remedy should bo In every bouse.- Fur Horses tin-* remedy tins no opiHl. \-L for KAN TON’S Dl.F.t’M YlT.K. Take no oilier. Sent by ox prosy t«.r $1. KAYTON’S MAGIC CURE, AN EGYPTIAN IlKMKDY. Fur tbo oiiro of Sudden t’oiipb* nnd Golds, Aslli- ilia. Acid Siumnoli, Hare Tlnonl, llenilbiiin. Son Siekno*H, t’holoiit, Diarrhea, Pains and Crumps in the Si Dilute •). Soul by express for Si. Kayton’s Dispeptic Pills Are n sure nnd pleasant euro for Dyspt|i*dft, Ilil- liutis Disurders. t.'uiislinniiun, a ltd nil Di-oilors ol DR stock i* now complete. Vlantora, Pliysi-1 ilio Liver, Hi.uiiaclt ami Bowels, and when inken inns nnd other*, supplied nt cheap rate-* lor | regularly will tdcanse Ilio blood. These nre tbo (grenie.*! jinii-BiJioiis Pills ever placed before L. K. .V CO., Booksellers nnd Jeweler*, Ball's New UuUdin)f. Oi-iip;s New o 1 ? Clt CASH. ami Moilicinos ! Goods Receiving, » Gilt, Hrlinsipp*., ' Kgg Nog. \i\, \e., \«*. j . L. i:. \ ll. E. WEI.CII, Druggi-I**. ' EVERY FAMiLY IS ’INTERESTED. l\ K.VOHIXU THAT AT WI’JA ’II S COI1MT They ran i nlways buy 1 (lion a n ^l> F K KS ll 1 Flav oilng Ext tacts. i Qeletlnen, Yeas Powileis, t Cream Tartar, Soda. English Mnstatd. 1 Black Pepper 1 Cayattno Poppet. ) AUpice. Cloves, * Mace, Nut Mega, ^ Ginger, ; Soaps, ; Candles, - J Potash. Ac . Ac , \ >itiiiii*i IMian. . K. WAIMNC, M.D., Prof. Aunioiny. M. CH Airi'KIlS, M. I>., I’rul. t'boutisiry. II Kitiurr. M. It.; Will l.eelure on rii-at Chemistry nndit«esof the Micro- up-. l mvi»irntor and i; the K. A II K. NN'Kid’ll Druppisis. I-. 12. A . 12. — Agents -t: Weldi. Albany, Ga. July IH, 181’.: TO DEALERS, PLANTERS, BUYERS CENERALLY. -wroi K ATTENTION IS AGAIN INVITKD TO J my greatly Inerotsed si nek of HARNESS & SADDLES Comprising a well assur. ed ^'ppty.oft'nrriiige llnr- ne>!*. wit Id pla nes*, Single nod Double Bujwy iiiii ted, covered nnd gilt moutitBy^-^ COHOIll) STAGE milXEW. l)rnv Harness, a Inrgqff.JfDfi^oft PLANTATION IIAitNKHS. '• A A . CARRIAGE & DPjAUOHT COLLARS; ^ Buggy t’lishions and Blankets. BLIND BltlPLKM, Bnek Bands nnd all kind* of HirappingH in my line. Also IIAMKH,Chains, etc. «le. My Htook of , .. S A. 13 D F H la also completo, otimpriviug a vnriety nf Misses. Gent lemon’s. Uoy-V unxl Wnjidi 1 Saddle* ; also, Billing Bridles. Martingales. Felt a'p). com mon Huddle. Blanket*. Horner. woolen; Whip*, nnd a full assortment o.’ Harness nnd Saddle Ilntdware. Harness, Sole, Upper, Patent, En- amled. Lace Leather, and Enameled Gtotli. My facilities for manufactoring nt large; 'and to order, are unsurpassed. Serenteen years experi ence ns a manufacturer in the HoftHi, ewables me »o know ho -v to serve your wonts. ' • Your orders respectfully FolicrtMtli promising to giv. mi'.iiffacUQB t.olli 1*1 pelK. “J'l T ‘ , , |»-IV,„ l i,J-Ilirle», Kki((», I'''"- “»* Alter October lsf, nty storewnd mAntHVtolory Will- be ... T1,W el...... W* S«WJ, i & Co s. corner, Mncon. G«. ^ mottr, .lolinson i Macon.8ept 14-tJw 1 / tjgffff 1 JYbtive. S IXTY DAYS after Jale applirallon will bernxdr (..Ilic lloi.nral.k- C.mK ef.Or.limlUi Vmh Counlv. Stale of lloergia. for leave lo fell -to' 1XTY to I be i. Slate oi viuyrttia. M»| Land No 4’.',' in the Fifteenth Pl«tr»ot of .haitl AJiniiiielralor of J. W. 11(11, vkcensoA ^ . Qgortui.i—Wertli e»umy. -i -iti,e-.«'"e > !i-w»-...t I. SIXTY !JIYS nflerdalenppHbatlfln’Trnill.leaffr lo (lie Ordinary of ealil ominly, for Mil •“ Ha^asi«5aa« ly, ».IM,piopery y YYII.LIB, « AamV .tWIII^frwm^iWWIi*-' .. ii i.> t. j 4i .^i/tlii Ai.hei -or"" (■ —fWtp’-’W Administrator's .Salt?'. Wilt be sold, before alio Coorl Hnoxe d..r i. tmbelU. WortVeouely Oo; beiw.w l*»IW»(b°or« of eole. on Ihe (Uxl Tueedny in Oolobei oexJ. of Uml number,ty. iiMndrei) W(>l |lli ttf?P^^ io Aug 1C, ISPiT Adut’r 6f >Vu». U. Wlllla,,6H *1/ march July 0, 18U7. ESTABLISHED 18«i3. D. C. HODGKINL A SON, Wholet.'tlt* and IJetaU Dealers — IN — Fire Arms, Fishing Tackle, AND Sportin ft* Goods. of every dwcrlpHon. *guOUN nn.U'ISTOL MATKIll.U, olwnys ( Ii.ifi-I, and furniebeil (lie Irode. April lli, [^*-1 | New Goods From New Hoik Sine' The Five. 4 splendid stock of Pocket Knives, ltn*ors. Hcis j dors. Table Cutlery, Pistols, Gaps, Cartridges I i„ g Tackle, A-e. WKU ’„ ft 00. I FALL and WIHTFR IMPORTATION. 1867. n IRON s. Millinery and Straw Goods. Armstrong, Cator & Co. JMPORTEKS AND .I0M1K11S 01' Bonnot Trimming and Velvet Ribbons IIONNBT.HILKR, BATINS AND VKI.VBTH. Hlondx, Neil, (’rape., llnolie.. Flower., Fenlliers. Orneitienl,, Blrnw Bomiete.nd l.,die(,' II*h(h, Trimmed ortJnl'rimm^l,-Bllftke^ HOODS. Ac. Sc. 2.17 iiniV2fll) BAI.TIMOHK STRKKT,- B-u.TinottB, nn. Oiler Hie lergerl Slock (e b. found in thin ecmelry, ■md iifceiiualod in fliolce rxriely ami cheeplasH, '.eniprieing (lie inlexl Parisian novelties. Ordere soiieiUd and prom'pl allemioh giren. Aug 24 ,4w " - / >y».. Lawton & Lawton, Wholesale Produce Dealers;. , , 4(b **.V.:.,'...n:....-....*lAC 0| V, «A public i Hem by mail for 30 cents per box. The above medicines are prepared nnd sold by Pitot . II. II. KAYTON. Savannah, tin.. ' To whom all orders should be addressed : or to ilio i Agents. A. A. SOLOMON’S \ GO.. Wholesale Drug* ' gists, Snvuttunh. Ga. Beware of counterfeit*. The genuine has Prof. I i II. II. Kxyton’h signature on each buttle nnd box. j A liberal discount In these selling again. , For saly in Savannah by A. A. SOLOMONS & ! GO.. K.AV. WAIISJJ .V GO., W. M. WA1.8II, It. II. : TATKM. uml by Druggists nud Gounlry Merchnnis | generally. ‘ July HI—lyr. 1.. E A II E Welch' As«*iits i Al.BANY.UA. Great SOUTHER!) MAIL ROUTE -VIA- S Otmi-WKSTKHN. Macon A Western, and Wes tern & Atlantic—connecting will* Hast Tennes see fi Georgia, East Trnueotec k Virginia, Virginia \ Tennessee, and Orange & Alexander Unilronds. Two Daily Through Trains FROM MAGON TO NEW YORK; And all Northern and Eastern Cities; carrying Ihe Great Through Mail and Through Express, because of the (iRl'.AT ADVAXTAUHS this Route possesses over nil others in time ami distance, being 115 MZXJ2S SHORTER Than any Competing Route, AND A I, I; II A; I I,. The Traveler by this Route is not subject- to the numerous Steamboat and Omnibus transfers and vexations delays, incident to other lines, as fcay* THE CONNECTIONS ARE CLOSE ANI) PERFECT. Tills is the only Route that Checks Baggage Through •TA all points which Through Tickets call for. MiKpiiticcnt Sleeping Cars on all N 1(21 IT TRAINS! The country along this line of roads U remarka- L. E. A II. E. WELCH i, It win Goumy. i Whereas, Minijali Tucker applies to toe for letter*, of dismistJoii i’ioiii iidniiiiistraiiuii wl the estate of John II. Tucker, late of said coiimy, deeea-ed. Tlie-e are llierelore incite all and sii gitlar the kin- j dred and creditor** of said docea-ed, to be and up jienr at toy ollioc within the time prescribed by law. to *bow cauve, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my band and o tli tin I signature, ihi« 27tb Feprttury, ls«7. |„ M. GOf.BERTH, tel)28. is i;in Ordinary Irwin eoiinty. \V. Dl'.NTAN, M. IK Demonstrator of Anatomy. II G Mutts. M l>.. A- Curator. BliyHlSlTES FOR Oil\Df \TloN. The applicant must be of good moral character, ilol have attended I wo courses ol l,eellire*<; thefir*t hi a College of good standing and tin* last in the S»v;iiiiihIi .Medical College. The College Building wa* ii«*e,l ,lining the late war as a Confederate llo'piial. with ilie consent ot ■ he Faculty. It was retained ns n Hospital by tho I’niled Slate* lorcc* after ihe surrender of the city. The building lias since been thoroughly renovated and apparatus supplied for Denionstration of Lee- tines. CHARGES: For Course of I .eel it res $|ft.'i 00 Matriculation A Oo Disserting Ticket, (paid only mice.) 10 UU Diphiiiii 3IP BO sept 7. IHO" tin i. i. it. Mitioits. w. i. tiiotitiMi. A.M.JArKaov. Claghorn, Herring &. Co., < *i»l|«»n iuii'ior** nittl Commission MmOtniHs, Ai.rMS toil Mil I'l UCIIASr. A.NII SALK Ol Cotton Vania. Sheetings. Shirtings, Ac., No 120 Chestnut St, | No. 7 Warren Block, t ■*!!• | .ill KIM It, Gil. t&T Coiisig,,,,,;.,,,. „r roTTtiv. irilKVr, ami oilier prodiiee *-olii-iicd. Have ample nnd excellent Cl.ttSE STORAGE tool will make reasonable cash ; uo'.t xi K* on <Loi«ignmenre when doited. Agents , tor the sale or Al GIISTA FACTORY GOODS in Philadelphia, and will tuniMi them in Augusta at , f’m'tij-;/ /*»!••»■». \1“0, Agents in Pliihidelpbia and AugiisTa tor \tbeiis. High Shoals, Hoe*. Steadman, Covington, and other Southern Factories. Illlg I— Om F. M. THOMPSON, Ooiitrnctor and Hui/drr, School for Young Ladies. Andrew Female College, SMi UK \ l.l'. It IN I BURIAL CASES. AI.IIAN V, OA, I am prepared to eon tract for all kinds of work J n&r A good supply of MKtALlC BVRsTAT. OASES rim-itinily tin hand, and furnished nt ban notice. Albany, June 'J'.Hli, 1807. /.I- Om CJl’TJrm-iHT, OEO. W il l, enter upon its next HCIIflOL YEAR on Monday, October Till, 1HH7. The Tea©hers and muuageo (14 in number) rep resent nit ('hnrr/itThey nre nil well tried, and in my line, and promise .satisfaction in every j thorough in their respective departments. ** The t'miiH* of Study is cxlenmo and complete. Kreneli, German. Mttsie. Drawing nud Painting nre taught most perfectly. Boarding IIoiinc, No. I. in all respect*. Young Ladies will find it A IHt.ME indeed. , The Physical Tiaining. LWmtir, .Maotua-Making. A. Desirable House ana Lot 'H'" 1 N" > rm ,, l School Depart mem s, till,, present many roll HAT Id. i ■M etui's, UACOV ■ N' K\V and OI.l > Fl.Oni, Choice CANVASSED” HAMS, *' HAY, &c.. &e. , yy- p.nrit, ftecompnntttff (>y die ftl- J^OWEST market pric'*. jo , r o 7 . 71)1 „; ; ; Tetitioya-^ . Having received tit# Ul/liEI and .Oft W EBl tore! her with Form* and proceed I uu* in B&cyi M prp^plgn.ed by SUPEKME CQBBT United Slates, we are ready fo fllefcasen, kir ”,8 & of the jnly27-79.. ;HIM86 & HOBBS, , Attorneys at Law. 'C ^ Administrator's Sale. Win. b, !olJ, before (lie Conn House taWU.WiS5biSmlpae-be..^ WffM otjjfcb ejatie-DW Mill county- Align,! Ii, I lot ef nr fony-nine (40) in Ihe 16lh Dielrlcl of t—widow .dower .kcrpled. Tonnecoili. aneinda m. hill, • J. tt lUIJ.. dec'd. A "TH AT TCHlACrtF." -*»• L. E. A 11 , grandeur of tr\otintain scene- ;le volleys,' tifl'OrdTAg'thif rich- hie for )ieolthfulue.Hs t ry, benmifiil and fert; W and most abundant fare. In fart, there is no country on this continent that offers greater in ducements to the business man or,pleasure seeker, for summer travel. * ‘ ‘ * ' fffT For further information, &c., apply to the General Ticket (RHee* of Southern Bailroads. n JOHN T. MOPKKTT, frcncntl SonllK-n, All-ill. July 2T, lR(i;:-T!l. Mason’s Glass Fruit Jars l offer for sale that desirable House nnd Lot occupied at present by Mr. John G. Cooke, on Pine Street, known ns Hie proper- ly of Henry Seimrr. II is a large nnd well arranged bouse, with nil necessnry out buildings, with one i acre of land, more or less, according tocity survey, j again. There is a'good well of wnier nnd cistern on the j lot. For further partU'tilars apply to CHARLES VOLKEH. Agent. July 23. 1KG7. 78— fm i t. k. wtHTAfckit; »;. h. sarhukn. | ' attractive features f The Discinliuo cannot be surpassed, j The Teachers nro uli genuinely Soul Item. I Tin t'barges nro iimisnaily moderate, j Cullibert is justly celebrated tor its benlili. i Mr H end for Catalogue. A. J. HAMILTON, Fres’L N. B. My Tencltors of lust year will be with me 11. I w2w wdw tfniUd States Hotel, WHITAKER .V SASSEEN Proprlelo j Williiu one liiititlrtHl yurda ol Geneml N12XT PtiNNOUKcr n<*|»ol. Corner Alabama nnd Pryor Sts VTL.ANTA, G.-Y nugl—l m tt August 21, ’MISST OTTO, Crcneral Newspaper Agent, — Bryan Street — to tih: COIIJVKR ( At Ford \ Tltomp*. SAVANNAH, t*'tg27 With patent tops for ]'i-ertoryint; Fruit. For sale by July 27. 18«»7. k II. E. WELCH. (7K- f. Partisan Y.ife lliaby. ' Miiblbnck's lli*forlcal Novels. ■ Louisa of Prw^Ma alid her Umea. Frederick The UrAdt and bl» Family, •» *• “ “ “ Court, The Merchant of Berlin. Berlin an^ Bana. Souci. , Joseph the II, nnd His Court. Henry the VUL.and Ills Court. The hut chronical qf Ihfrseb—Ry Trollope, ltavmond’s Heroine—A'Novel, ltiavola—By M. E. Brandon. , •i —ALSO — * u ,. , Standard Literature. * .«•'«>» Blood and Thunder Novel*. New ScIto6l. Book*-;nnd SlatinneeyiVi Any Book published promptly ordered for ^-W’Wmoowwb. mira*b,K lii .IbiokfivlUr^ and Jeweler*. OBOHOIA. Worth Count Theso are to notify all nnd singular the kindred and creditors of l.nti Homs, deceased, to be and ap pear at my offieo within the time preserihed Vr, law, to Mtow rattae, if any they have,, why Jacob dements, Adm’v de bofiis iron on the estate of said Lott Ross, deceased, should not be dismissed from raid Administration, - , • Uiven tinder my hand and official siguaturo, lids January Blit, Uit)7. JAS. W. HOUSE, Ord’y. Gfcofir.'tA—Dougherty t'uunty. Notice is hereby given lo all persons concerned, .lust lteoiivctl ami l‘\ir Sale by . .. .1... n* _ uu: I - r of an i.i. * Depot.) - - GA. ON CONSIGNMENT, Seven New Splendid Buggies. SIIIE AMI KM) SWINGS. A h S O, Corn, Flour and Hay, that on the —day of , 1 Sf#—, Nancy Smith, late of Dougherty county, departed this life iuteHtalc, and James S. Doyle having been appoint ed Administrator on said estate, bill haviug since been diamlaaeliirom iiaid.AdMi<WyrW\00»>wl said estate.being now without any legat representative, and that in term* of tho law. Administration de Lon. it non RUNT, JOUXSTOX Sl CO., ALBANY, GEORGIA. August 10, 18117 8;5tf Okoiiuia—Worth Cqjjnty. . These nre to notify all and singnlnr the kindred will be vested in tbo»Clerk ol tlie Superior • and creditors of S. B. Thews, late of said county, tfourl, or some other tit and proper person, thirty, deceased, to be and appear at my office within the 1 din niiKHnnlini! nf IiiJh riliilmii m.iIau.i .. • t ,, .. 1 . _ _ l , ., days after tlie publication of this citation, unless, (lute prcscribedby law, to show cause, if any they some valid objection is made to his appointment. ...... .... Given under my hand nnd official signature, this 20tb day of July, 18V7. W. 11* WIJ.DEH, July 30, 1807 Gi-rll,..** 1 11. WILDER, Ordinary. To The Planters, —OF— minul.G AND SOUTH-WEST GEORGIA. IN offering our services again to our former pat. ; .(,n»(w4fti Flfltikraa^nenHW, ». i ; V) l*. (' \e» A t*i'ca.’ew*/wsfjv.wvB have,.why 1 shffuld not appoint Joshua Thews Ad ministrator on the said esfato of H. B. Thews. April 23,1837 J. W. HOUSE, Ordinary. ANDt ! tjlommiseion J^Unljants. We oauonljrrnew oursasurancis. to do for them our whole duly. Tholr interest is ours, and wo shall foster anilnrotcci It. In making advances to aid you wo We (drfiied ejry A every ?»f. fort, relylBg upffn’you fwr prompt patronage tovui- nble us,to meet our obligatioaa. An experience of many years and OUH REcOlfDIX THE FAST nre onr referlhcfa. T r £ ' \ We wiir glve hersonal nltentiow to ‘•Ailing Orders foi Supplies.’; and prill gerve yon generally to the (CT Job Work executed at tltin ojffice i 11 gppd>(t\lt>. ‘ Alw, bl'dnvk fur uml) ril of evory (kwription. Georei*—Worlb t'vantr. Eli Sikes, Administrator ou the estate of John T. Davis,deceased, having applied to me for a dis charge from bis administration of Jolm T. Davis’ .estate, This is therefore to cite all singular. Ihe ' kindred and creditors of said deceased, to show ‘ cause by filing objections in my office, why the said tli BiUee snottld uo« be dismissed (Yam Ms admin istration and receive t he usual letters of dismission. Given under my official signature, August tl, 1867. J. W. HOUSE, Ordinary. august 13, 1807 LOUISVILLE Wrought Iron Cotton Tie. The Be.t nnd Simple.t Ma In the ' for Sale'Hy' " FEARS, LAWTON A CO. anocKity, rnoDuci: axd vOMMrastox 'MKMtorikfW 77 Third Street, MACON. OA.,.» 77 W HO have now on hand a supply of the above IRON TIE, BAGGING, KOPK; TWINE. CORN, BACON, FLOUR SUGAR, COFFEE, and will shortly have In a general SMortnmrt of 1 GROCERIES, nil or which we offer at lowest mar ket rate**. Hep 7, IWJ7. lw * -