The Albany tri-weekly news. (Albany, Ga.) 1867-186?, October 10, 1867, Image 1

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v •n’a L omigile * co. WISDOM—.1ISTKT. MODF.IIATION. S'Q, IVTCTt QTJATiT.'FiTt l# I * ALBANY. CiKOHOTA. OCT. 10, 18G7. NUMBER 99. pVEEKiV NEWS, rcmi^Kcn <*n r.vEitt (iV.TBimSDAV ASD NATCRDAV. JirF-fii Washington street, direct - wtc Font tier" Bx|>im Office. Bills » A.tverllslilg. I.AAV t’AltlH D. H. POPE, attohn’fa^at i.axv, AI.RAXV, «A. W ILL giro pmmpt nttentinn lo nnv Luninf#*. I (‘niriiHtnl him, in nililit-i’ommnf Dougherty1 X LLK> m*«»;ly mil! Study Well Rel'oro Von Act! 'Hit* Prajerof (he Betrothed. I without, li v.fnU it..t do to rt ly on every | tlie I one f<*i help : Lut • I —o- DEfSIKK io hnvp ynnr W MV 11 .» i ami furrtmtnling counties. July 4, 1»tr . n ,« inverted :»* the rate of One Dollar KmIchH" P'* 1 ’ H 'l' nrP 0 « ^ e, b kin***. fur ‘ky. a. j. WKtailT. Iflvv*. '...I seventy-ftvo Ceuta lor eneh t ___ ___ _ _________ JBElite In nilvnnce. WRIGHT & WARREN, It -!lm* I., r. IS IVAHRKS. attorneys AT ALBANY, 0.1. WRril.n-W.I.h >" S'tvnnce. cVKI'M t. SOT Il'K. L 11 ,o«ihm>« 1 "' 1 "I c.ui ltitatcH for olHcf, $10, nVtw rlmrgr.l for nl nit- 1,1 he |»:'id in advance. . . of brevier, make one of the State* lor the Slate o! fh'ur/m. rtiioiucnlP llmt nmke over eight linos j Aim* ntleiitioii given i" (*li\IM IS SIGN in RISK- iftecn tin***. count cl a.* t avo aquircs. j Rl' I’TC V. " w j|i uiirk on their advertisement*! Albany, Nov. 19.18fi5. — 37 nf stintire.H they wMi them to occupy. 'wlMtioiH lor Individual heneftt. will lie Jjl.W per v«i «>nre S. ST R A IJ S, At hi** temporary pin e next to Hi u- \ It, |.i. s ’ : Law Ofliee.riw he.’ wilt, his S/T/.A y a/ y ) ‘PASS' ' nxnttttFxrr, and with a r 11\ i *« ii r i* 'A^SlNTA.Vr will wnir.'int to give •••itlsfne* * tom. Charge si } ns any city In Inh Smith. n IiO YV A in the St. Mmtis Uni.,n, over |_,„U erne ol i:, 1. in s'lgliat IIIV of“Inev" |.oiTrn\ v her thoughts ! 0H| , M | ln j|,i )S nin. !n I Ik* following most brunt iliil ver? tho eve ol her marriage: Father, I eoinr before thy throne, With love and bended I;not*, l*o thunk Thri* with n rini tofu I tone, r.*r all Thy ln\i In in»* Fnrgixv me if my hearl lid-* hour, I give not all to Thee, For deep mighty po»*»r Piv’nL > it now wiilt Tlioo. Ofk cln ap 1it*r«*. They I I ho \oflhol It poo p!o xxcro now talking ol’ sending l»»s ran Oil’. Thoy I'oiii,) tint do it. Thi. Suitil*i*i it x\ #.i 1 • mol LlaoK’s lonn wo \\ on hi Inti ' t ttil I»v mil' while for each Insertion. XMnl Advertisements* I*flawing «rc our rates for legal ndvertlae- tfi8»|ei p«*r W ILL prarlico in the several Court* of Ln\vand , Equity in lui* Stole and the I’ir.’i i Court.- fr^He Will rinialt HlsWotlc AncconHng to ! Prontlae. lie keeps nli kinds ,»f UooUs usually liomd in a ipxhst cLAsa onwEini sTonr. • Amnttjr them [ l.atlii'N’ ami <;cb(s' line Coltl Chains. Signet ni.d to *u l!iii»*, l*iii-. Sleeve-Mud* ar.d lluttuns, llronohcs SeaL, Keys. nii>l Ain son in F.mbleniH. Albany, Nov. 19.18ti5. Bankrupt Laws. I rt ! ir r ’T rol ordt PETITIONS in Itunkropiey under late Art of U. f’ongrcss r \N NOT |})-; KII.LIr until the geue- order* of the Judgn of the Supreme Court (under section HI) pre«mlic the formoi the petition ' order*, etc., no r levy of eight lines or less..$ .1 00 . When the ('L'niil and dl-liicl Court »f the l'niled - y#.|»*oe l’i. Ka. mles, pur levy 5 001 State* can properly hear these ca«es we shall Sales per levy •» 001 gladly repre-eni our eli'*ui» before llieiii. C,*e- 1^ fur letters of Adininiatralion I ftO enu he determined in \ ication m iftm. Skrhirer* of Uimrdlonnhlp. pfMtmilon (.fdi*mlMion from Admin- .1 00: ' r5pi , ' ca, i‘ ,n di*mi*Hion from Uttar- lift aeli Laud* LwDtblorsand Creditor*.. 00. I 00 •; 00 iiiNiis & nouns, Atleriiev* at Law. :ilif Albany, fia.. April 1 > *»7 MEDIC AL CARDS. AY cldinp; Jlin^s GOLD AND SILVDR TUIMGLD3, SniM-rior (iu)il Pi ns tiiih Diamond Points. Sllrrr .ind I'latcl Itatc, I’oger*. and WoMenhohn*' snj orior, In-i «•!« *■ I C u i tJflildPcrH'inar** Ltfoeridirtb' hlfwridiahlf property, ten day■« ]“» ' ir\*llrf». «h\ty day* V u 1 ‘ t R , ||,e above rale* will he required in fe»rcurrant note*. H ■ it,' Dvs. Jennings & DeWitt ah d thein-elve* in the | int lire -■t.iit - oxer avi: a-««'c' luedifine. tTPi-ici: i j Store. fw?' 1 »r. heWitl will SrihilCAI. ia-e«. .Mliatiy. -1 nly -d, lsr.7. Uf.| j Idnuer ami Pcmm l Set KlitXes, it’,, ,\e. I 1 e llnyor* i* y ian \ lin'd - I b it] •( i nit allI'lilioli 70-t f ^-1 '-Xf Xj££ C-£! a Wii ing find 1 U'e^sjng Ca*e*. Wtilh l-. lN.rkn I! Toilet Set*, C.utd.v, I’.vn. ties. Tl.o’i knnwt *t, !•' tthfr, rvery llmuRht 'lint xvnktth in my hrcn.-l. And now tLis hintt hnsvninlv smtolit To kfoji it^ l*»v<* f-nj»ptv<snl. Yit when tin* idol, worshipped one. Sit - fondly Ly n»\ sidxt And Ltejiiltes tin* \V»\v 1 eonnol slotn, Told- destined hl.’ldo 1 ’ofo’ix »• me, if the loviitR kiss Dt h aw s upon my Inow S* thought of in an hour like this, A.nd t In ills me oven now. I lo’- » hosen me to Lohi- h»\«* And eomlorler (htottRh life, Enahh* tm*. olt.Do.l to prove A lo\ inp - , failliful wiie. ll.'k*io\vs not, l’atlmr. all the deep Alleeticm I eoiitrol, fill 1 tlumsand lovitiR litotjolits that -weej Rt'sistless oh r my soul, lie kd |\V* not eaeh i-Mint of lo\ ,• Tint jrttsl.t-s warm and five; Yor In* rver, i \ er pt'o\ e M\ warm idolalrv. TODI). SPEC! At. NOTICE. -rtlinll'V A.liutnioirnlor.-. nr rr.|'uiri"l l.y Inw 10 l.r livid on llic CforvtiT In mrli luini'i. lirUnuui ihr lu.urs of • ■ f,|Shrr, .""I ll.irc tn llir nnrruMui, ni, i > 1 •{,. IrmtHnnir in llir crnuljf ill whirl. Hie |Uopn- , It .ihiiirl Nultne uftlierr rnlo-iuu.i nr pirrn ftHhltc (lmrl'0 folly ihiya l'lrviou *. OPEICK -I.eliiu.lll liittiirfllir-iite nf raffiWnil limpcny mini l.r iil:sllil: W 7. Intiiike mvinrr. || tr."ij(ll n ("‘hli.) Biwfflj ten (| rfwwtonvlr ede tiny. RiilMto tlrtilora uinl lut.IHjim of cu r-lalc mini CSt^lX .n. tie mad . DfS, CVOtllWOll hV ( 011111111}' Ltliurj for leave l- veil hand mnal lie pnMi.-h ppjt„ , |„.„r, from AihntntiiliMltoii. nianllityell immilis— n v l rJiii.'iiiuioti from (luardianship forty days. • " Mor |(1 ! Warrant'll Uennine Mccjachaum Piper, A Gtcma J l'mlirellns Walkin;* Caue*. v\e , \e. Musical iiislnimcnls, s i'••i iief. t Ippotite Lively Slulle. I/.V. /•. Hltt.VXUX'S. ALII NNV. «J ’fl.eti tfinifd him, I'atlu r! mnnd hi* wa\v 'l'h\ choice-! hlossitiR «*asl ; \nd i, mh't i aeh stnvcsive day 1 Still happier than the last. . ... „ .... . And, lat In r, errant it* so to live, lullnr-,\i"ph l'nn.|n». lime.,, nn.l 'llmt «l,fl, i lit, lift- Is over, -.-r-r,--, ■- _ __ • _ I Within thehappv ltuiite you nivo, MI' fS !.CJ .1 >( )]?V We’ll meet to'pnrt tm tnon*. rolitU*«tl—Joe Williams, and Olliers. : eottld not Le • | while It ietid « them. If we ! will Im- In:.* t« j had p it a t:i'. i dollars a Im**. ton he had to | the while-. !.« as he could w whites could . and pay -u* h of tin* Not i li ilrieud* had . out a tIdle; - tiiiR all tin* t.»\- I wa* tmt i .jtiai.' and to t'e* I..I j race, lie a hi : tliemv, h ;so itii ni 1 The w hi* n**d i 1 niuh Hi* i i-v \ it Would w ork and u-e -ooit own 1 md. i■ i,,111 | eottld not -jet rich in ; ill lent, lie advi-e •toil to vote ns I hex i \\ itIt t he hope of Itciii Such | rotuinc* w i: Bishop Pierce. We find the folInxviiir in the Louisville •urior: S.xr.ltxril KVKPCISKS —SKl'T. 2*?, 'file various pulpit* in the city, with tho •Vxieptinn of the liomnu Cat It olio and Rpifl- was the|eoj»alian ( hnrehes, were tilled with the . ni „] ij ! ministers of the Conference. ’. .1 'fhe .Met hodi-1 Church South in the morn- 1 ,t m s . injr xvas tilled to overllowitiR, and hundrexls ne. If my i u'* desert their j V wnt away who could not even Ret standing the XX hit- .xvoidd d»sx*tt room. Bishop Fierce preached. The prim- , to the x\ Idles, they i ili'e apostle* nexer preached Letter. We i do not heliex eit lo l*e in tlie poxver of juioital limn to do it. Maid an eminent j lawyer of thi- eit y, and n man of the world: ,“l li’axc heard (’lav, Vrontiss, Marshall and l’*aseom,Lut DcoiRe V, Pierce is the prentest orator ol them all.” Tlie enthusiasm was iremendious. The senuon pmxlually roa«* in grandeur and power until it reached a point \x here t in* universal outburst of feel- itiR seemed imminent. It was diieeled to the ministers. Said an old Presiding Elder. • Well, none.of the preachers Mill locate tiller that, and some of them will refuse to l»n to their appointments." An eminent mem tier of the conference said: “It has i. d to the South only j always heen hitherto n<}Ucslion with me ns md would min hi*it" 'vli’uli was tho greatest sermon I ever ,t n,, 1(> I heard. . It is no longer tt matter of doubt ; 1 tin* sermon ofto dav settled it.” ■ I. .. ♦ >.ir pit ti iidi d friend* on •t.ui nl t wt Ivo and a half I f i In* black loan rai-ed cot- p ix thi- ta v. ll be hired to ..... 1 t > :• i a- much wages i re ii not for thi* tax. ’I In* ft give them good wages la\i . ’i’ll* cot n and wheat u»* i.t.j taxed. Those good l in m*d t In III loosi xx ith *:at t on. and xvetv now put- the l.tbor. “This tax ..*d Id .1 ll. - and . ace to prox true friends, the Would be well.— iiiDiir), laud* and I tin- I ib.»r. If they they xvould and mule*. They , «ur, I hex mti-t be hi > race not to be a. ie in made rich at once. The Home Press And Its Benefits. It is an established fact, says tin* Nash- x i I It- llaiimr, in the observation ol years of ••xpet ienee, that communities are not apt to recognize tin* good that uexvspapers accom plish in their midst toxvanD the enlargement oj . ominetve and the development of towns and cities. Cilic*, which groxv and flourish I are sloxv to aeknoxvledge llio services of the ; L*< ul new-paper- t he chief agent and instru ment through xvhose a**istenee their pros- P 1 S T 0 S . i vit . 1 - iii iIm* ohiJtPiiS • Hf»«*»- oil t' •oioI St. lit -if J 1 of foils', nnl ilu> man approved M mm tad nre r.->. flip- mol ftoiriilgcs, all sio-«, and of lu-t qiialiiy |ut«roril.'ofoploi»™->f Jfsnttiii” »' ,1' LuLOicImoiitlily WnSnr monllin—to,e*i«1jnHiliiis fpiwrvt.w IW Tull «|>v- "f tln-ve lii'.nll.-- -fm’; ■pelting title# from Kviitor* or Adimni-iratnr*., Le htmil hate been given by Iht* deceased, the, mpace of three uiouih*. }rovesteen & Co. flWO-FOETE MAXUrACTtrilEKS, Din. Callaway & Pope, PALMYRA, GA. March doth, 1W.7 [do lx | DUS. SDIS A: IWcMILMA H AVK n«*»oi*late«l theiuselv** logdlior in the prneih-e »f meilieiin*. and hereby lender their service* i" lie* «dii*ens •»! Albany mi-1 viciniiy. OFFIfll — \i lha Uvug Stoic «•!' I»illn*i , l .x Urn. on Washington Hired. May I'd. isti* | I -III] Dll. W. A. I.OVU, ALDANY, BA. The Dcdiiosthmes of the colored race gave tho colored and white citizens ot this jCJlocks and Remilators.I 0,1 ln ‘ i ’ Si, " ,r,,a . v views tmiui. i lii^lit >l:iy nn.l -TOlinur firriiiiuL’J'impkprpci'B! ,I|J l’" 1 ' 1 '' 1 '"' ‘I'M .’SD"" 1 ' l 1 "' j fes)* Those having walehc* nr ji-wi-liy ri |,™iK-.l | Amorictui luin.D. tlurlnrRc court house| j (< | will call for ihrm xvithin TIllllTY J*AV> nfiei ) xv.ts crowded —mixed with black and white ; , ill.- Hjirn'ineni, »,r iliey util , u.v.. v |, bl . U in mniorfiv. IIu sai.l In si.h- '"L, lanj Walcii anil Jewelry Store,I;;:,;;".::;”;;:;SrJxSl RlhMIl SI Itl.h’l, - - AI.ItlM , (ii:0. were, tho siiitst*,niivl ouo on ’Ji i S. STBAU8. ill wL «i«.inuiH...ul tlHMrtlH-flp l *' ft II.■ »«- uomiH.-od . - w0(iM ii’om- iinli.1, I,mil vvnuM. ll.noo,- 1 -I .•n.ujan.l a lotions t In* ttruitt nm-nsitv of Imrmnninus not ion, I l,! - i; »' 1 w,,s t! "'. v 1,11 l>l?»«"l. * lighted, m-c:*u d to l.iioxv their orator only xx ay to obtain w it. II- adx i • .1 hi- r; the si I.c.e-.uc- i ilie*, and mu t•• •_•.»i::! i/atiou* and sxx. .ir to without hearing the other side. Not to be long to any parry that wa- afraid of light. To not Im d’ctaicd in Midi a xvav— they were lire men and -botild hax e a mind of their oxvn, ami if they did md kuaxv hoxv lo vote xvilhnut b. i;ig «li«-lat«*«1 to or slioxvn ixx' they should vole, they xx mild do xv* 11 mu to vote at all. h tmted about t xx o hours. 11 report it lull \ I null mcivo- I thing* Im said are there- 'flint the‘ perily is attained,and to whose unceasing xx oik for! and unflagging efl'orts their suece-ix is 11 falsi*, dth xx a* to c to come out from; be * th * . strict organ-1jiml lot- thut reason, perhaps, not always it till xvav j r.elvtioxvletlgeil. The groat public is led by • mainly dtte. ork quietly The local journal tines its steadily, so imperceptibly, 1“ 111,1 *1“ ,r H-| that it* benefits arc uni alxvnys recognize*!. Albany, (tclnhcrli7, I8tWl Jyrc.'Jt ly THE GREAT GAUSS OF t human -Misery, md a perfect good feeling betxveen tlie two I•» .i"• .# t a it ota • i xxa- I'JUTH. Tho onlnroil mon woro froelrrecvu- '' l "' M '"* I""'" 1 "" 1 t t iiiuinmn n siltuice and .«t««• 111*oii prevailed save In - i Aft txtx/x m nnr n xr I <»nic«* pimil further notice) nl Li-* I! ■0. 499 BBOADWAX* nearly o|i|»osiic the residenre of fa|.mii» r Davis'. May Hih. 18*17 NowYork. JOHNSON’S . HOTEL, SmithvUle, Ga. j T. W. JOHNSON, l’rQj.rirtor. wliioti f„r volume «mt pudly of Inn,, »m! r¥ ^ |IE Tr ,. in , >lop al thin point for .tinner, gh xvny of progress and, and knoxvn not what misteriotis agency nl work within it given ii prominence nml prosperity, and the result is generally attributed to luck or individual enterprise. It is the local press which ad vertise tlm community far and mar, and attracts custom lo its fmsy ware rooms, ns it is likewise the journal nV national reputa tion and fabulous circulation which heralds the glory and advancement of nations. :V* Tho Cherokee fJeqrginn has heen s<dd to the Republican Exchequer. Cause, iusuflieionl patriotic support. The editor in his last issue leaves a xvoll-fillcd chalice lor his successor which will ho rend below. We are sorry to learn that lie leaves the Editorial chair for the practice of law— | fearful he xx ill find it n very demorcilitcing J practice : — j “We are not vain enough to suppose that nr political opinions are of much con. l hhoxvn in a speech to those who might difler . , . . ! , , . . . , , , Is *i|uenco to the people of Georgia: but aa n 1 in politic?*, xx 11 h him, than he shoxved.— |. Th attention of llio public ami the trade is iuvi illtenr New Scale Seven Octave Itosewood 1*1- ninlled by any hitherto otTcrc l in this Market. ( T The Houm i* new. The table is supplied with ‘kjcontain all the modern Improvements, French everythin? that the market affords. nUefion, Harp 1' Iron Frame, Overstrung: Smilhviilc, July 2.1. 18W hn, etc., and each instrument being made under: “ T) i x /Yli7 "^T ’iu 11 (l r P T ■bpmoualsupervision of Mr. J. II. GllOVBS- O 4XY/A Vj IJ, IBS, who has had a practical experience of over Oppoiilo De|Mil ITI.lC.’ONf, GA. ikirty years in their iunnufactnre t *U fully warrant* j •I in every particular. , '.D.n-t.o.l. iunScalk.t I!..,. 1.^". ITI..U rrnl. 1^,^.' ,,, at , tll . ir fri , r(1 „ m | ms 1„,. 0 moa ! >'" 1 1 v t>il.-.l sum-In- A Lee.uic on the Nnturo, Tientment and • . . , tni t qiietit cheers and :liout- from the colored It.eKi-il cure ofSemim.J Weaknes*. or S,,er»,alor “l' nrt "* ,h( ‘ »»’• 1 |»? t ‘ nHir . . „ , • , - , |MI x Vil r uxme jrhiin. induced by sell-Htnise: Involuntary Kinizrhti: the xvhites could not change it, il they XX'ish- 1 ‘ • j - • ’ . . leuee I Impoleney. Neivou* Debllii.v, ni».| Impediments t< | {( y f ( ||,o whiles “xve do not ! 1 ^ 1 ,H ‘ V< ' r HS,W "lore res|ieet Ldin | Mnirliij-e generally : t onsiiuipiion, Kpilepiey, ann I ‘ ' I,-, jy’ iFii*: Menial mu-1 I'hv^ienl Innijtaoiiv. ,Xe.—Uy ! wish to.**' M - "• ora "| II.. knew J of tlioir former ««,..««j’ICnn.rtol I, liTrmai™ I 10 nml torthe boniOt The x» oild renowned author, in tlii* adiuirnbU* j |,.|,| treated ilicm ntiellv while they were* """ ' ,,l ‘ 1 ' . 1 ' . ; of a foxv friends who may let*] interested in Leo me, clearly proves from hi- oxvn experience; , j, nj i lo say nothing rough to *il* against Uliy XVltO : lh,Mhe awful ^vctp.enee-of Self-Abure may bo!-^'es; but that the evil With slavery had ( ^ ^ A| „, ,, y t , H . w ay ! . } » 01,1 0< cfTeetunlly removed xv it hunt medicine, and xvithmii i passed. That he knciv e\ il designing men ? .. j.l e aiition, to say that tho ttaleol our office to .l.iiij(or<iu«siij-plenl offi'roilnn», ffliifii.«, ln»iiunii.iu. i iutluniiuif tho iiilmls ofWje now iiruor, 10 ,s _‘- 1 ,l 01 ’ a ltcpuliIU-nn was simply n luisinos. trntiMO rings or cordials, pointing out n mode of cure a* . s . . , , much more int' llig.'mee and inloniial ton .. . . .* . once certain and etfeotmil. by whieli every sufloret*, ant *»t his :,*u*e with their speeches nud flueh | . . . i . i,,.ti,»vi*i ,0,, » a,,< ' " c "" sympathy or no iimllci- wliat Ills con on nwy l.o.iniir cure lilm ,, v u-llint? lltotll of tilings that lmvc «"»"I'"IM 1,1 " s ’ ivltUiatiull f..l' tliu li.'ldffll Party—that wo self cheaply, privately, and radically. 1 Ids lecture | • . *, 7 »• t * »• » 1 lie is nobly eloquent—enough so to entitle . . J will prove a boon lo thousands and t linusands p issed, when such things have nothing to t , , t \. „ n_ I f'Pganl the Still multi* a still, in n plain tmtlopt, in nnj i ( |,, , v | t |, pn . a( JH issuev. Asliliorno wastry- (dross, unon receipt of six cents, or l mi nontaeo 1 . , , , . . ir tag to head that party in this Mate. Ho hCGroveslcen Piano-Forte,’ Received the highest award of merit oxer all others at the cole-bra- tod WORLD'S FAIR, bwitrt exhibited instruments-from Ilia best **l*"*f London, Paris, Germany, Philadelphia, K. E. DROWN k SON, Proprietor*. j'mHIS WELL KNOWN HOUSE ha* been I refilled and repaired, and is now one of the mJATKST HOTELS in the Siaie. ami tho must convenient in tlie city. Tie Hotel i* supplied with every thing * lie markets afford. Macon, January 17th, lbt*7. r. c. xvniT.XKrn.- •.-3ui r.. sx**i:r.x. United States Jfotel, WHITAKER & SASSKKN Pioprielo {•fkw Institute furtive successive years, l he J Passenger Depot Wild Silver Medals from both of which can tie Corner Alabama and Pryor Sts \TLANTA, GA * u onr warerooms. Introduction of improvement * we rnnko a perfect Piano Forte, anil by mnnufactur- fhipl,: with a strictly cash aysteni, arc enabled '•wtkeab instrument at a price which will pro- * competition. ftr»s—\n Cash In Current I'ncds. I^^Dwtriplivc Catalogues aent freo migl—Im* address, upon receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing the publishers. Also, Dr Cri.VEItWELL'S “Marriage Guide,” price *J- r » cents. Address the Publishers, CIIAS. J. Ii LI A i; A CO.. 1*J7 Rowery, New Yolk, Post (Iftlce Dox -loStl. EVERY FAMILY IS 'INTERESTED IN KNOWING THAT AT WELCH’S CORNER They can always buy GOOD AND FRESH Flavoring Extracts, Yeas! Powders, Soiln. P. ROBENSON, SS* U. Ha CE> Oi DS leave to Inform tho f udxcns of Albauy and y lhat he has opene.l JjHpover the stove of. gU Stephens, next to a OfSeo, aud will id to receive a share 8 patronage ft nd Trimming JW it tho Intert nnd Charges iiiodo* •tWDENSDX. Furniture, Sash, Blinds & Doors! Btaok Popp , l Alsplcc, Mnco, Qlager, Caudles, Geletlnos, Cream Tartar, English Mualnid, Cnyanue Pepper, Cloves, Nut Megs, Soaps, Potash, Ac., &o, L. E. k If. K. WELCH. xvas before* the warn negro driver, nnd hit* employer turned him oil nnd drove him from the place on account of Ids cruelty to theslaves. Ashbnrn was tlie pretended great friend to the colored man. Would lie nnxv believe what such an upstart from negro driver to politician would Bay?— When his voxv men shows it was the law of the l'niled States. It was a sort of the organic laxv. That law had heen net aside; jit xvas dona with, and our only interest was in the great future. Past crimes nnd evils could not noxv bo redressed. Our object was lo avoid those crimes nnd evils in tho future. We wore not now him the “Demosthenes of ids race." lenders ol that the jj 0 i "" »'»• l*rly «» , , ... , I enemies of thou* country nnd of (he human closed his speech mid*t a periect, storm of, . , J 1 ' , , race, aud tho doctrines and policy which Long mav he . .. - 1 J i they would force on the people of the .South •d as called - lllUl ^ '^‘ s t n, etive of constitutional lib- ’ " ■ erty : nml while there may be, nnd probably ehcersand shout* from all. waive." (leorgt* Morgan, colon out and made a short speech in which heen-!' , , , 1 , i , • 1 »»ea few honest men bomb whobnvetinit- dorsod W tlham - remark.*, and ‘pitched in, , ... , , . * . ... . , ;ed with the Radicals, we believe that the to have a little fun l»v ti lling talcs and an- . , , .. 0 . , . .. * .. . great body ol Southern white men, Mho (•<•* ot.**, xx n« noug i on oi mn, i*-j ||.f ve turned against their own race and nit* mom cons .ipp attsc. i Mocking to elevate the negro to the position Ford Hill aud Samuel Heart, colored j of civil, political aud social equality with tho xvhites, arc the meanest, most degraded nnd T Wholesale nml Detail, at IYI3W A ORK lIGES for cash on delivery—from Steam hie- !«r.*» ' vh " ,r r ° 01 v CON, GA. May H, 18<o OltliS Yl UK WOOD 1493m ] the past, but in tlie future. We could work out that great future, only by stand ing xvitli our friends, and our only into friends, the Southern xvhites. Tho Radicals have made ns many promises. In Tenn essee t hey promised tts land and a male, to vote xx ith them. The masses of the more ignorant of my race done it, and not oncot PREPARE FOR SICKNESS! cm territories, if our pretended friends made a fexv remarks, cmlor-ing u hat had been said, and called upon all intake .loc’s advice. They wore both heartily applaud ed. The day presed oll'quictly, without a siu- interested in gle fisty cull’. ‘ T wish time xvnul.l permit me to give a more detailed account of their speeches. Albany, Oct. 7, II. you SMOKE? [ 'That Vo: ■..-THE "ta k«,p Jlio.0 FINE ClOAltS nml fHAT TOUACCO- ...ryboily »»« U«„. 'MEUSCItAl'M PIPES, wliiol. *'»»•»<■ ftoin Stti lo 810 ohcIi: Dur- ^•tog Toboooo, Matt other (In, lirilmt,. L. E. & ll, K. WELCH, llruggi»l». JohWork executed at * Rood st ylc. Also, hlnnsk 1 of every .(csrription. -Worth County. TtVIJDY DLA.VTElt iroithl« lime and money by laying iu a little bill of inotlichtoa. Georgia Tnr.r nrr lo nolify all nnd rlngntor. llio and credllorl c.r William II. Willi", .Imarrit, lo tio and aiipror at my oflioe on nr beforr Ibe firal Mon- lay in Onmiulirrues'.nml -licm cause tt any llicy have, why Uenjamto Willis, llio miniInlstra or on l|,o estate of said deceased "liolild nal ho ilia. I nrga I from his Iron ond rrfeive tellers dlsmls9oey._oir- »"" Jt ‘ 7 h “" d " ml 7V.“o'S5i!<wto> AllgURl 18, ti" * === SPEAItS’ Fruit-Preserving Solution. Warranted to pretent tho decomposition of kind« of Fruit, Totnaloe*. Jelllee, Bpjccd hv\u Win** Milk and iodid kin la of A egoialdoH. Oik l _,n ,: reH ervc 138 pound* fruit. For sale by pound will preserxc & H K WELCH, Drnyglst^, Albany, Oa. July 0,1887. (*d) E I Plantation and Family Medicines Put up with rare nnd at LOW FIGURES. Medical CIioMh, very complete, at WELCH'S CORNER. L. K. k II. E. WELCH. WINDOW GLASS, (AIL SIZCS,) Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes. I And Complete Stock Painters’ Matei'ials —AT— who lmvc been in power lmd wanted to je'ivc ns land, could liavo done it long ago. He Imd foiigbt four join's in tlio United Stales iiiuiy. He was entitled to bis boun ty. lie was promised ouo hundred and sixty acres of bind, and bavo got none ot them, .tint bo did not light for bounty or land. He fought t'.ir the Union. In that fight it became necessary to free tho slaves, in order to whip tlie South. Up to tho time Mr. Lincoln sent forth tho Kmancipa- (ion Proclamation, the South had the ad vantage iu the fight, but tho North up to that time and long after raid llio war was (or nothing but to ttavo tho Union. So tlie Congress said before. When they did free im they did not doit from principle, but Jl'rom policy. It was done to whip the Welch's Corner. j South, which could not liavo boon done Qi'ii i: A Dim:i:i:sn:.—Hen. Howards report cert ides that (lie negro population has decreased l,.".fts,onn s-inee' “freedom." Tlie registrars report the inrrease at. from 8 to 55 percent. There is no fraud in the reg istration--oh no! I!j:< on•sTI.TiTIon.—The Montgomory Advertiser, has the (ollowing : Messrs. Editors, you may advocate recon struction with all jour great abilities until doomsday, nud unless there is great things effected, in the public mind, in regard to honest, manual labor, it xrll! effect but little substantial good. On the contrary, if pub lic opinon was so directed, or formed, that no man should be received into polite society unless lie followed some honorable and use ful avocation to enable him to secure a live lihood, then, nnd not till j-lii/p; xvould our country . be savingly recot^truetcd ; then xvould railroads be built, manufactories be established, and all the branches of industry flourish ; then xve xvould be a reconstructed and independent people indeed. C3?*’A U udcr-hnrtcd rail xvny engineer says he never runs over a man when ho c.v• help it, “because it musses up the track so.” infamous set of wort bless rascals that over disgraced Immunity. And it. is our deliber ate judgment that the niisurnblo off shoots ofthnt party, known ns the Union Leagues» arc tho most contemptible and villainous political organizations ever formed sinco the days of the French Revolution, and Hint the white men who have got up these dan gerous societies, to deceive and cheat and use lor their oxvn baso purposes tho poor ignorant frcvdnwn, arc the most filthy nnd (tisgnsting elnsR of tho race of man, nnd nro entirely uuxvorthly of the confidence of any man, white or black, and aro unfit lo asso ciate with the meanest negi*o in Georgia." 111* UMo^p, September 21 .—General Scho field this Mornift" Issued an order that ballots of white and colored voters at the coming election be taken separately. In every district of five hundred voters, three persons shall assist the registering officer in receiving votes, and where more than five hundred votes, six persons shall assist—all being previously sworn to impartially dis charge the duties, nnd select from among the registered voters of the district. Why should not the office-seeking whites who so lovo tho negroes vote at the sarao polls xvfth them V Why not stand in their line? At our municipal election wo saw no Republicans or Radicals in the colored line of voters, though such lines existed at many precincts. They preferred to herd with tho “disloyal or rebel" whites. All hey wanted of the uegyoes was their votes. They wore not good enough to stand with. [National Intelligencer.