The Albany tri-weekly news. (Albany, Ga.) 1867-186?, October 17, 1867, Image 4

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a- . ■pp III I' »*» fn ffirpIMtSW etch's Otg m n, 11|| mmm ! imr Steel Urusli Cotton Gins! WELCHS’ DRUC STORE ESTABLISHED 1843- tjxW. in>. i!; ■J fX tcdopted the Agency fer tile rale nf these QINH upon tbt urn of relia ble tent lemon, wbo have carefully teated f qualiU*?, u<l vhp rfprcifol that I hey are the Best Bins In Use! W.DI. Philip*, *»q*. WHo* of ,ht "SOUTH. EKN FABMIR,” McmphU. Tcnn., .after careful experiment* with (bit Ola and Carters, In ginning €4*ton taken from the same pite, which waa after- | wards,submitted to tbeearcful axaminatlon or tom* mission Hsrcbsnli »til factors at Sew Orlenns, . wrUet Fab. 12th, 1867 , ' 1 -Yralr (Hn wsspronouncad so tho BURT ' CffTTON ros SALE, mad worth TWO OTH. MORI. TERPOUND thaa lbs Careara. „ra**ifowg«od Judea nijaelf, and bate owned fclnjfrnw naif a dozen rankers. alwaja trying lor i aeaa Otn lUat can EXCEL yours far aa 1 know, the quality »CR- W i'ru our Increaalng Spring Trade, we are In' nrrualng our Stock and facilities for business. M e have made our large trade hy keeping the Boat Stock and Best Goods, and Intend to in ?t sate it In the aame way. Ton can alwavs expect t" get at Welch*’ everything you need ill t ho Drug or Medicine Line, or in that clans of FANCY GOODS nnd imndriea usually kept in Fim-L'lMS Drug Htorc *. SriiVlA I, A TTRNTION called fo fidvct- tUetrents hclow. 1«. K. A 11. WELCH. Medical Liquors. I feet ataqd tear made iV Peabody. Esq., of Columhit", (In . .BETWEEN Tll^JSOCTH ANI» T,UE NOT.Til, AM!) EASTERM I'lTIE**! *— »T til* — iiichniond and Danville 11 R A iikl It* <;;mt*rrllr::a! milK r.hftil.jtfr *r:l ; r ; < nth C-tnlim,- ns \ Nmth 1 Carolina 1! uliovl •. \.a A i u : i. t • •■u , iibit, ' t'oarloMo ami Citr* ii*bqf*f»to li’i’i.ti ond', tin Wa».h iiigton, n.tiiiniqu-. I'J.ilad'ilpnia, Nutf York find i Hr.«tcti. To *'»•«• nfo •■p.nyft. mhiy nr*d no hi fort, n-k I f,r .. „. - . Thronrh Til I.MsTIa Chliimtila 8: Cliarlnlic | Thf Ilondv. I’.ii T?i »itv* have hern put in ex* ; ccihoii older, nnd I dmi-hod with .New Engine* hi tl • FiM-l'Isr* i*a* senerr Cnr:.. Sleeping Oars on all Nif.lit T*Hin r .''n'id tic't^losr -D siting galoona, and j unjiic i si a" liven to pti-M-tigcri to get their inn.!* , ! at regular weal tirnr. j This Kout- paisoo t&routli sit 'elevated, healthy j >.• d'jtpas.itd for in beautiful • . ; country, and cannot he e*j* jj: O UR Imported Liquor* are warranted pure, onu | M m , nU | n v. Thi t-> the r. I f rto-t and quick- as good as ran be bought in the market: j Ml All-FftiUD.! • "* m.. i Hi Punlu limn • utiv of thi; N> i‘it wn <’i‘ Fine French Brandy, Scotch Whisky. Old Port Wine, Madeira Wine. Gift,' Kpg Nog. 4 lit Is iC • * . t u-i reisu ijuiiu- . jpt ••iftitftvWnxtrrn Georgia tq | nr I'. iti C iit--. Anangc- J into ope- j rut ion, to Tickyl and Cluck li.i t fmiu * '* • * ‘* j ‘ Bt. Croia Hum, j any of the NmtI OldlioiirhnitWhisky, menls hare hcon mad-, and will Khcrry Wine, Claret Wine, Bchnapp*. Ao., Ae. ( Ac. jtlser. ..... f^7' Tiokft-.unJOhcpkn esn now le hid nfitci* Ilf jh« f^iilreal lU’.Uoad iu M»ocn. • . 4. j. *vin i. rare, \ L. II. A II. K. WELCH, UruggiMi Cbarlae A. Peabody, write* Jaaaarjftflh, 1M7; .MjHy^w^srviivsis Mason's Glass Fruit Jars * *od and used osy cotton, wrote ,t the Tuis preranrthT* I Iona and wear^ 1 / f known, *UI Usor- I omtWy rtinrlfomt* brokendown sod lowsptrltcsT bonws, l>y sircDglhentnj nntl ctflanilng tl.e stomach and Inter- tines. It Is a sure pre- vtiitive of all dl»- ^ raws Incident to ,hU animal, such u. UNO i BVLlt, 0LAFBEB3, V HI.LOW WA TER. H K A V K S. COi:Oils, IMS THU PER. I i: VKRS.FOUXDKK I.OSS OF A NT. TITK AND VITAL EXEROV.ic. Its uh Improves ttm wind, lucrease* the- appetite-Rive* a smooth and « glossy skin—and * tnuisfarus • the* ..-t -—. ■» — ■ ———— , mlsrrabls jikslrton Into a Itne-looklnf ind Iplnted h6r«c. ' .....—— • To keepers of Cow* this preparation is Invaluable. It Increases the -juantUy and Improves the quality of the milk. It has born proven by ac tual exiierlineut to Increase the quan tity of milk and ertam twenty per cent, and snake the butter firm and sweet. In fattening cattle, It (WM them an appetite, loosens . their hide, and A makes them thrive DOUQHgRTY OQPMTY. Adminialrator’s’S 11 ^- atk LViCiij,; EU Bilm. A<1(1 lit T. B Y virtu, or an ordor or ik^ Ordlniry of Oroooo Countj, will b. oold la Alb.ny. fuugherty county,.0.., wllkln hour, of : ..If, ob tin 6r.t Turtd.y lu November n.rl, the .tut Colton riuuol.o »f tka JatSMqjor Of orge 0. D.w.on, lying la Dougherty Co.,, hboat 12 mile, from the city of Albany, ooitaUlar ahoat Ela.en | Hundred .ere. (Oakaad Htokqry) Land, of wblob ibout tiGO ora oieaetd, adlolning the land of Poiee MoUren, derga Walker, John R- done. and land formerly owned by■ Jofojdah D*I1, Al.o, wilt be Mid on the 20th of Dec., next, on ibe l'l.nintion, between the u.uaV hour, of dale, i ill tho neroonnl property to the Plant.- | ilon. Terra. ce»b. Plantation lo bo delivered On ! the 1.1 nf January next, and pcratmal pfopetty on ihedayofaale. EDWARD1V. S^BRuLK, |. ' Srp‘Jl-lawt'1. _ Afftnlnl.lrator. | r. uavia,tfyee.ta*i r |.avti, k . _ ■chergonshf Hit tiiaiii.,,,, / ■ I u«iuu..t„r; u - ,t “l kindred etv.l ci.-.llu.Vj,.,r - -‘4 • cwueo by filing nbi«m^ n Eli Sikes feDouh| ( S.6V*t>r‘ , istraiiou and raccivtMhu r.s- Given undvr'tuy ..nrrf ;i : : ••sagbArUSitn;-^. ' ieorgls-WsriS fttcj;t OTXTY day. after .1... -. w ,0 . lliC OfSIttnryof t«(,|' a portion of Luts ut , nlnoty-lwo''(902) .nil <!■■*. j,.; thrte(8UJI) In the .iiiti in.q:,., : i Ibe properly of \\ ll)Uu, II < , , county Ch,, derev-i.-l. HUB 24 Cud .! •.<■ | OfcOROlA-Doughcrty County.. Otoaoia—Dougherty Kotioe la bor,by. (lVou to i. '<■ If vu I '..if TWOtnonibi nftor^Abe publication of thta notice, i jj‘“J on . Il,e —d,y — tpnlloailon will bo mode id the Court of (Mlaory f O^wiy o.j.; of DonchertVoottbtr, for leave to well all the real! TT,’ ;.,'■ , R ™ ! ' 1,1 . - 11.,:. e.tatd belonging fo the Mat* of Litoinda^^bry , bMn -iStolaiedi' rSR Sid VdiT'- ' u teeute wwig uuw mtmia late of Mid dOUtSty. donog5#d,.for ifie honefit i heirs of said estate. .TOnS M. CTTLtFF, Adm , r. < and that in Itrttm of I lie |r,a.' Ad r " ^ /inon w|U be ve-iod in i! I( > i Conrt, or f.onra- vtliVi lir V.n •’ j l ' • ■* days after'the puh|i...nj un t ! t - ' f , a Coughs, Ulcers hi fa*tum that purobiiod and uaol my ao tbkt k was tbt tnt OlnMd Cotton they had ever worked. 1 would no! be without It in Binning niy cot ion fer five time* Ue worth." W« ore BOW running two of thcic (Hiih hy Mimiii at onr Mill In Albany, Oa., whera we uro prepared To Oin and Pack Crops, tad wbwtw tbair work may U examined. Fur | tottor pnrtiattUri, addraa* ua at Albany, Ga„ nr our Jkc*<kta« Mraira. Hardeman k Hparka. Macon. Oo. .j jtfov* *U» Agenta for tbt aale of Isgtrsall’t C«lebr»ted PoriaWc in»S rower Colton rreis Which may bo seen at our Office. N. is A. K. TII'T, Ang. to—B?'. Alb.ny, 0«. USE ; < MALIJGHAN'S Pills CHILLS & FEVER' mill pnlmt topi for Vrcmorviiii? T’ruit. L. E. A II. E. WELCH. l’ y " I’nrlHAu Life with M?eby. Mublbaok’H IlNorloiil NovoIh. ],oui*% of Pnisslh and her tlmev. Frederick The Great and hia Family. •i o .. .< .. Court. The Merchant of Berlin. Berlin and Sana fiouci. Joseph the 11. and Ilia Court. Henry the VIII. ond Hia Court. Tho last chronical of Barnet--Dj Trollope. Raymond's Heroine—A Novel. Oiivoln—By.M. E. Brandon. —ALSO- Tho FavoriLo & Most Comfortnhlo I R.OTJTE3 j FROM I Albany' to Hew York! (17.1 5.1!' t.V.V.I// ) Pare Tliroiirli ID s»w \ «rU.... 1 flTlft f.jltiwid/lilw, f yt,. njiil.ltl ,t rliivSTHAU- J SHIPS rull linn Savcnn.'ih i*> New Vmkeu-r.y « ' Tnnac!ay v irliiinitiy amiHutnwtay. Murrav'w Line. AlluHu (,'. MafLi Empire R. r.R. Uh •» • I Snll Tr r.3I)Avs,!sai!TiltJRS!) l V.• • til P \T'‘ 1»' VS. Luo, IBormtn’ Lit in;;- :L\s .*? ilvadou. I , | < Dearlmtn, t.'om’r. I Nickerson, Com j much tutor, in all dirt - *.*** of fitrloo, sUcli II.- Luns', Liver, act* im a pptVitU’. IIy pulling riKU) a tme-iisU a piper^ to a ps|w r hi a barrel ol *w ill the above diseases will bo cradleuteil or entirely prevented If *riwot» In tins, a certain preventive and curs for th* Hog Cholera. Pries 25 Cent, per Pape, or 5 P«pen for tl. PRL' by H. A. TOITTZ Jk HUO., AT TII11B UnoUAtlE IIRI'U AND MEDICINE DIPRTa No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Met. I or Fate by Druggists and Htor«kee|wn throogtj- fiit the t'liUrd Stair*. Sep. 28, 1807 B Y vlrlu. or«a ofd.r flora lb. lloaOrnblo tho rali.l oWuciiui, j. Conn of liwlinary or»«’gh.Hy counly. trill; ui»,<n uiul.r uy ban.i, DO soil! on Ike im Tooribiy in -November non, two =0l!l ,,, lv ( ,rj„i V |o :- oity lots lb. out - 1 - "'- 1 - “ f “‘-- 1 - - - J ' street, known f Albany. .Mho, Commerce Hirer!, containing one r.ere. the benefit of the heir* andcreditora of George B, King, late of «aid county, doewmed. Terms chhIi. R 1*. J. STROZER, Adra’r Bep. 8, 18C0, urn ioosany in .vovenwer , 29ih duv of July, l?*j: . ' fJ •u. lying on the South aide of Pine j- j„lv i’.O. «*. \\ ax the King Gardert. in the city’ of : - - lot nnmbrtfil on the Korib «M« of j N* rPS-VUO iimjY ?! f:. . . • erl. conikiniux one r-.cre. Sold Pu ; v , y . ■ - <<-<..o.u. ..a ,u I 1 * 'Mini T "‘ i.'cj Mil U:e] Mio of.nn o:\Jo ... I ry i.f |)t>i fc!n-i;y * tii»* t.'inti I 'Il'iuro donp of j Tuc-ti,y in XuvOhibr* nrsl. of mI?, Ci.y Let. rum,, the 5*I»y‘ • 1 AM i.rv. ! t'*.rib m 1 :.f t.’l 1 ■ • i.rTf* .•] : more or b- *. wirli ll.e , ^ . . . . J *‘ Gin huir'su leave lo aoll the House and Lot on the corner or; cc-»st-l. ^.'If.i.r, C-t*!«. ; Broad and Jcflerson streeth, in the city of Alh iny, Aihnny._G. Scpfj 1 1I1. r; . belonging to tbaeatuie of George W. Collier, d-oti. V , " Sold for the benefit of the heir* and crcditotn. at • cu.ia '* or|h coin.-- uld.muto. NASCY E. COM,llill, |» n-iITy 'll.. !-„ l r .j d all other., concerned. : • • q.,,i . GEORGIA—Dougherty County. S IXTY DAYS nfter date application will >*> made:» lo the Court of Online^ of a*M county, for fer th< 1,. September 8d, 1887. Executrix t-T nr HtP V NOTICE. • Cd, t v ’ r V|,.l . I officer Within ilc time ifirsoK'-i i u-V,J it Jny they .•«„! v.: > M S,.„ K. A- July II’, iwi . II. Agent? Welch, , Albany, Oa. .Ilf(ilt’iiI I'nlli-RB of Ueorgla. AT AUGUSTA. : • v . * , * "• i 1;. 1*. A U pprxona indebted to the wtntt! of A. (I. II n 1., j » m ,'•! U uVfc.-lo c , Ul« of Dougb«iy counly, d.o.Ucd, «ro to- i cd from lilT iSC ’ d wJ quelled to make Immediate payment, and nil those > i 1( . » ll7 . having demands againt said eatate will preaentthem ‘ —' properly autbeaticated within the time proscribed | bylaw, tb' i Wright & Warren, juty 27, 1807. .Albany, Ga. J. M. HILL, Adm’r A. C. Hill Notice A M. PRil80NS imt-.b!cl .. It. Cr.nihow,'fai.of i< to Dobtouj and Cl rJl w E haws nsad Galligbait'a l’ille, and find they . . will do all that te claimed for them, and obeerfklly reoommend them to public favor: T. H. Watlf, ex*Govevrtor of AU? A.B. Clithernll of Ala; M. L, Wooda, 200 Broadway, N. V.; Jno. W^A. Sanford, Attorney Ooneial of Alabama; W. C. Bibb, Montgomery, Ala.; E. A. Banka, Now Or leans, La; Oeo. Mason, Kaq., Mayor of Wetuinpka, Ala.; J. 0. Riddle, N, 0.,late K. R. contractor, Ala. and Georgia.—■/ DAN'L BAY UK, Grand Hoc. Grand Lodge of F. A A. M., Alu. Atlanta, Ga.,MuioIi 21. GaUlgbaa'a I'llla have been ueed In hundreds of cams Under my knowledge, with perfect eueceae— '■ 1 teoetabend them to the afflloted everywhere. JOHN H. PRATHER. 4. j.' 1 , 1 .. Lowxnca County, Ala. Qalligban’e Pills.—1 have given them and uied them for tome time, for Cbiile and Fever. If thoy have ever failed In onrlng, I have neror heard or it. CROWELL DROUNAX. > Alsanv. Oa., Feb, 20^ 1867. «: I ha iViSliOn J 1 Muir*. 1. tt.kH.B. Woloh— I h>vo n-iu-L.- 1 . Piua la oioro thaa forty 0.1.1 of Chill. u4 Inotoa tho pltaioilon of B. K. Blno«, l'.iq., durlag tko put you, oad la ao hive ihcy foil- •d lade all they oloia lo do. I oon.lilor them Ibe beat fever aad Ague fill in uee. • • A. B. FANT. Ahbbioci,Qa., Sept 18,1808 (lean Mllgbei’e Pills net with ready eel. here, sad are uklag the piece o' Standard Literature. Blood and Thunder Nuvela. New Hcliool Book.i nud Stationery. ■ffju Any Book- puldlehed promptly orderud for cumomert. L. C. WELCH A in, BookacBcra nud Jewidoia. ALL RIGHTAGAIN. M R. MORSE In again ready to receive Walchea, Clock*, nnd Jewelry, for repaii*. Wc guarantee all work done. i«. e. welch & co., Booksellers and Jewelem, Doll's New Building. Drugs und Medicines ! New Goods Receiving. /'vURMock in now oompleto. Tlantorg, Pliyni- V/ oians and otLom, supplied at chaap ratsa for I^ABIL L. F.. & II. E. WELCH, DfnggUla. July 9, 1887. (70) Vinoo, -Gcnsal liaise*.'St\ Jacinuo. ' Iluckiey,-t*on^r.L Molten; v.'dtn'f. 1 Atkin*. Com’r. I and Ftvar. of all otbar remedlea for C. W. HANCOCK. j p»m.« Axiaicrs, April 17, 1807 Ona box •fGalllgban'i Pills cured ms perfectly of Chills aad Paver. Tbsy ara tbs beat msdloios for Clerk Superior Court, Bumter County. Os . ■ ' .Msfor salt by all DrnggtoU. •»» ga-Country Uerohsnto ouppliod si sbolstsls priess la Albany, by L. R ft II. E. Wslob, Hllimsn k BUI, snd CUbsrt ft Brothor. WHOLESALE BV BLOUNT * HALE, Monlgonery. Als lM«.^t wndsr ft Cs. Loon, ills. Kr.Bsrnei W.rJ »0s.H«ir0ries»». Bsrtsl Rlsloy It Co. sod 51c- Tossosi ft Bobbin, Bow York. May St,’ Koseoas ft RobWi ' -11S87 fiX-Ora EBRYBODY RUN HERE .UU » i i i Md'Deok At The [J j j OURNITHRE Thene Hleamships no n!ix,f lnrf;*' carrying rapn- o'tiy, wall nd iptvd to ilia Rm-.ta, i.ud are tiite l up wlt!i fspecial regard t« rite romlort of l'ar»pnger*. Slate roonv* inrgr nndtiry ; the Steward's depavt- mcul Hiippliod wlili tbt host the New York nud Sit- vnnnali marketn ntlnrd 'i'hr Through Freight Tn- rill’'having hem tmich •ed'iocd. l*i i-i»;lit atm and l’lts- eengern will find tlti* 11»** Ql'H.'KLtiT, SAFEST, nn.l MOST KCOXOMHAf. Rnl*Ti: to New York. hvYantai'i agents, Murray'* Uiu>^ k Guinmel. Ag^ntn. Atlaniie C. M. 3. i ! ,Ci.'a Line—Wilder A Fnllar- tort. Affeut*.' “ Umpire l.lno-B. il Hardee, '.m JEO. A. McCLUSKKV. Gi-ucriit Travelloj; Agent- Jnuc ftth,' GCeat SOUTHER! MAIL ROUTE it alo oti <1 Finnic* of Medl- New Goods \m\ New York Sine The Fire. A splendid itooV of Pookst Knives, Raton, Sola lore, Table Cutlery, Pistole, Cape, Cartridges Flablng Tncklo, Ac. L. Fe. WELOn k CO. Albany Book and Jewelry Store. A NY GC0D8 In our line ordered for. customer* A, -Without EXTRA CHARGE. Especial pain* taken infilling these special orders for either Books, Blank Work, Magasines, Music. “ * J*i * Musical Instrument#, Watehea, W are, Ro.» Ac. Jewelsy, Silver L. E. WELCH k CO. ON TIME BUT NOT On CreditI S' Fino Watches and Clocks Ropaii AT MCAOOX? WOCTM, and aatiafactlon guaranteed. SpectacleOlaeees re fitted, Jewelry Repaired, Engraving done, Fine Stock Watches, Clocks and Fine Gold Jewelry, Sil ver and Silver Plated Were. Any goods in thla line ordered for Cnetomer*. L. B. WELCH * 00, Bookseller* and Jswelvrsi •-. l \rYU~ OUTH-WKSTI’RN Mnoon ^ Wrstern. and \Vt f- rp & AtUvtif-*Oomiorttnc with East Tenues- Oeorgiit, -East Tcnncjffe h Virginia. Virginia A Tsnnessee, and Orttgo A Alexamtcr Uailromle. Two Daily Through Trains FROM MAON TO NEW YORK; Ami all Northocn ati Eastern CiUeu; ORi rjingthc Great Through Maikml Thxntglt Express, lieoauac of the- QREAQ WKiNtAGESi .this Route possesses over nil olhrs in time and diRtance, huing UG DZZME7S JSHOUTEn Tltau nn;Competin|; Route, A N I> A I* Ij R I Ij . Tho Traveler by til Bopto to not subjoct lo the numerous Stenmhonitn<i Omnibus tmtisler.* atul vexatious dolays, icidunt to other lines, n* ftF* THE CONNCTIONS ARE CLOSE AND PERFECT. This idteunly Routo that Checks Bggngo Through To nil points whic Through Tickets cull for. ^Ingniftcont toeping Cars on nil NlfilHV. TRAI^b? !. • ^Fft# country aft»n|hil line*of roads 1h remarka ble f ir Itealtbfulnesigrandeur of raountnin scone- ,rj % beaotiful find f*4(e ysllcys, affording the rich* estjand jpoittllHyufitthces/liLfaot^ there. is_ nn country on tnlS cfllncnt that 'MTors greater in- duoemenfkto thalsinasi man or pleaettru seeker, for summer travel. ' ggr For farthdaforreation, kc., apply to the Genera)TiokstOfle* of Southern Railroad». : ' . iOBX T. iilOFfETT, f.'cnnxMoiitlxoru Aiicut. ; Jslfl7;.lrttfL::i''.. . '•„..<.V. 5”"“ . —NOW OPCHtMO AT Tltn— Old Flag Store, OiV JAVKSOX STREET. c j^notlier Lot I0MRS, IIRU8HE9, DO ATS, PERFUMERY*, TOILET ARTICLES, * POCKET BOOKS. riSTOLS, KNIVES, Ao.. at A Well nclectcd stock of FUnNITEUE, cnmti: t!ng . of several nice j Chamber Sett*. ?Y’ r v . . Alsq JlalfoArot 0*ov' Svatcd 1; Dining Chair*. Curled Maple Cano Seated Parlor Chain. • *d!Win*orChain, . t-d t »* AinfcbtCnAlRS of ell dcrcriptlon*. AI*or(etl imf.-.. >■beditHd., 1 ’ 1 Single Bureaus snd * r,f 1 .’*' ; Wasbstaods, J( p ' ' Wardrobe* ami =5 °TT: ‘~-=winr*f~st- . n . . I 1 , , UTi D -.2 il AHof which wUl bo sold on m ■ -BB^SPNABLE TEK M S ~H<M bs bstflt ftem .ny -similar EstabliLhuicnt T. ;;jt»l)opygrsgfmGeorgia. X expect to keep on »f>3 REV OLVERS. -JOLT’S, Cooper’* Self Cooking, Natlohkl' Aim I • j Co’*, Whitney’s, Bacon’s Merwin (k | Bray's. Prices from 812 to 825. • L. K. WBLOft lt CO. UEE usd xurrouDdio, -- . ■LBABHEi, Ateut. iOtsy, Annul 16, 1867. 8i-tf c. e. « i.ujttouN. w. r. uKnnixu. a. u. ja^kson. Olaghorn, Herring A Oa, I Cotton Urn-tors and Commission Merchants, I A*.EM, Toll TIIS ITECItASX AXO SALE OV_ Cotton Tsrns, SheeUnfs, Sblitinp, Ao. Xa. 120 Chestnut It, fX^Ko. 7 Wxmra Block, rhllnilelpliln.Pn. j Auftuxla, Ou. KJ- Coniidtra.nt. of COTTON, WHEAT, Und otlrt*r produce H.dicited. Have ample and excellent , CLOSE STORAGE and will make reasonable cash 1 vnv.vNt eh vt Consignments when deaired. Agents 1 for the Milo-of AUGUSTA FACTORY GOQbS. in Pbn«dtlphiA,-nud will fumlsb them In AuguM* at Factor j jVi'rff. Also, Agents in riiiladelphla and Augusta for Athens, High Shoals. Roc*, Steadman. Covington, and other Southern Factories. augi—Cm Baggp*g:» Hope, AND AIROW TIE, By RUST, JtHNSTON &C0. . August 10, 18C7, tf fc Self-Fastening WronghpTfto liiclilo Tie. Writ * r li \ Lonlslai*' V ' "siala i’al Ttls'aiuilioapaMev jindAbc ktoncyct inventod. It isthe*jCMi|(M««wMhadin>rwst a strain of (2.1KH)) two. |i|oatt*LSA<h pound#., lid tuoat easily ad- jtwled Go. Mato m soR-faatiMii* 1 lie most simple, rotlqlrtng'ip ti»* bumnto tlto buckle, nud the clislicity pf U,srfjofto^ Hfts i lean not becomo imfstUrnsd. .. --firt^ab'. Vn lavgo nramiil itntiUM. l>,v ROSS, It CHITS i Ct), Commi«i»n Mwclto^ls a Gtnexrl 8i‘. Ft on* Now Yoi City. , „ r wl5in., - : Saved from ie Fire. ItR entire Wricl;‘of "**tei nnd fino Jewelry, “Vbp - - • Wf F ivcul t y: I.. P. GARVIN. M. D. Enicriltta Pirdcshoi* of Materia Medics and Thera peutics. HENRY F. CAMPBELL, M. l>., , „ . , Prolessor of Operative Surgery ami Surgical Anatomy. JOSEPH A. EVE, M. L»., Professor of Obitotrifs and Diaeases of Women and Infant t. L. D. FORD. M. D. Professor of ibe I rim*. I’D WAR D GEDDlNi. M. D . l’rofc*«'»r of Pl>v-Ddoi’vnud Pathological Anatomy. GEO. \Y. RAIN'S. M. i ; .. Professor dr Clu; nud Pharmacy. UiiSAUSUKU FOItl), M. U, . .... Prnitusor orAimlumv. WM. II. DOUGHTY, ill. D., Professor ol' Mnt. -M«l., TliorapMUlca nmt Mi'flical .TitrisjjiMtflt'npo J„ A: TM’CiAS, M. D., Proliwsuir oFtlu’t.uinoij.los nml pru« tico ot; Suv-iTvnml D>‘;»n ot the Kncultv. i .TOI1X K ('OI.M.MAX, M. D., ] icnionHtrntor ot' Anatomv. CIIAHLIlS T. RI?H, •Innitor. Tho U-'JU Session will ho opened on thu -ltii of No* vouthrr next, nit'l c»iitiniie four months. The Mu seum, Lttbrntoiy, nttd nrrsngnmrnt* for I'l-HCtioal Anutoniy, mo equal tany in tho country. Clinical instruction regularly imparted nl tlirrity Hospital und College Clitti-:*. FEES, Tirkefs for the whole course, in currency...8105 00 Matriculation, in eui reuoy 6 00 Dissectiou‘., in current)}* Diploma Ire, in ctirrcncr «pt-10-2t L A. DUGAS •J::: .™»ril. ar. r«(]uo.i.d-,o rank, (me, ond .11 ,truant' iravin* cl&ints nci 'a II prr.*er,t them n* the l.*.w t i;, cc . ;j^ I f. can*m.r. teorgU—tr#ni| Cduaiy. Sornli B. ICcrcc, Uuaid'flui .: Liu., I lixvlng nppllui to i|ie‘ Co'.h i n tl p.l county:for n dlirabarp. tc,,., I,, r fg porrjva i-f t^y TT-nttert Dfd ’ olffce'wb- tocltc nil p« rvrs t in objeetlru* jn n\y >r..fd | Dougherty Superior Court, June Term—1867. ! PETER MoLAREN, ) vt. V Mortgage, etc. i E. W. Jenkins A John F. Jenkins. J It appearing to the Court by the petition of Peter i McLaren, accompanied by the qote and mortgage j deed, that on ibe*22dday of July, 186R,thnt the'Hr* ' fendanta delivered to Julia A.Pace, Executrix of D. ! Pace, deceased, which said Julia A. lisa,since llte - - - ! makingofsaldnote and mortgage, intermarriod with | B,, ould not be ..dimuimed t', , the Plaintiff, since which marriage no successor to j nn 5 teceive the usual ivtn . . said Executrix has been appointed, bearing date ! unfler w 7 (, 'U'-'i«l ilgsr.ttuc. tbe day and year aforesaid, whereby the Defendants ' , „ ' promleed, on the first day of January, 18dfi, to pay angust l.1,07 - to the Plaintiff eeafoieaald, or bearer, five thonsand dolls)a, for value received. And that, on the day • !? ■ ‘ ; ul ‘- v - and year aforesaid, the Defendants, the bsltpr to , Am l creditors of JillVr **S‘ U scours the payment of atid note, executed and do- ml!)/ 0 ' V ''f 1 ' ; barred to the said Julia A., as aforesaid, the deed j JJ* , of mortgage whereby the said Defendant* Wi- nol ' ' , J n'l ! ?’ (!' | goged tS tne said Julia A., as, aforesaid, city lots '• Nos. (49) Forty-nine and (51) Hfty-onc, on the 1 no "™} VJ^y * U-; : -,n corner of Hroad and Jackson street?, Albony, Ga. . And it further appearing that theanid note remains j 11 * • U.v.-t.fE, unpaid; It Is therethre ordered, that the said De-GEORGIA VVcrrh r* r.nrl.nfa it. mb li.>n.PAnpl ' /(H . A* kftfnBn • 1.>• Aral _ 1 “ '■ 1 : r <| * i-tv*)«| fondants de pay intaCourt, od- or before thu first day of the next term thereof, the principal, interest and ooste due on said note, or show causa to tho contrary, if any they have. And that on failura ot the Defendants to do sd, the equity of ’ redemption in and to said mortgaged forever there after barred and foreclosed. Ami It is farther ordered that this Rule be pub lished in the Albany News, once a month for four months previous to the next term of this Court, or served on Defendant* or their Attorney nt least threq months before the next term of thoCom-t. A true extraot from tho minutes of thia-Court. ‘! J. F. CARG1LE, Clerk. | DOUOHHRTYSUPERipBCOURT j JUNE TERM, 1867. Till’!, uro lo tu-Ur.v Hi rj,J lon-tilwd »»*.WA»0W.6CLwt 4" i.- ...,^1,1,1 nfray office r lil.i,, „b. S* Inw, lo thoBMiuft, if il,..-WA,] Ucmcutc, Adlu’r do l vu ci- L,,!( on ib, « Lott Ross, deceased, sij.nji 1 ,.! aaidAiiniiniNtrnri/n, Oircn uuiv io.v bond on i, J.Alttr/ Stir, me,’. • j IV. I Manafactiii cd bv ibe X. V. I'lnno Conip'u;, .—anit sort rot: ralc at— . WELCH’S BHU9 STORE, A!.!’,ANT, GA. T HIS Company Ik now prepared to turnout fifty PianoR jK»r woik, which uro pronounced hy the boat judges to I.e INFEKTOU; TO NONE, There tire no Fiance made ‘ will ht.iy in tune liko them. They are made of the best. material, with great cat e, nnd hy the must skillful workmen relected from tlie WEST £ACTOKIES in tills an! tho old country, and fully warranted tn stand in any climate aud to give ae^uodsatisfaction hs any Pianoi held for $1,000. I have been through all the firfet-clasp Piano faetnries in Baltimore, Phil adelphia, New York nnd other cities, and have found none superior to tho New Y’nrk Union Plane Companies make, which are cnphatically the Piano for the People, for they c«u bo sold front ono lo two hdndred dol- lnra 1cm than can be bought.''from any other reliable maker. They are the Vo i-v Thin's for those living where they cannot get tur. bften. . fa . I am agent for the sale of these. Pianos and will warrant them nn long ns any others will. I h't’ been engaged in the busing* •* * advisedly. Abner P. Belcher V v*. Newton! 1 . Brinson & V - Rule Ni Si. Isaao B. Brinson* ) fTYUE facta the foregoing petition ap- 1 peering lo be tru*, it is ordered that Defend ant* pay*lain Courtor -before iba first dhy ot next Jpn*,.the sum nf.thlrt -five hundred dollars, with interest from tha 1st day of January 1884, and all legal coats whloh have accrued, and on failqre so tado, to forfeit tht-< on ahdio-lot of land aaral acres, mors e a .of redemption containing 250 t n ' number.( or leu. Md ffmclion.l iot number' 318 .oonlkiDlng on. hundred .nd throe and ihrei-fourlhi Mr.., four, or leu. Bold Undo lying .nd being In ih. 1.1 district of Dougherty county. And (tUfurD>«fMTStfM tint IfcU Buie bo oerr- id nyOftmid D^OBdentf, or th,)r.tprati.l ngeu or .ttorn.y, nl Uut three month, previous to the first doy of next Juno, nnd that atidRult bo puUlishod once . month for fonr months la tho Albony Netra. it publlo gsxctto. published in the oily or Albony, doorglt, and sold enuntjr. . A true extract from tho minute of Doughortr Superior Court. Juno Torn. 14107. ; J. h CARQir.B, Clerk. I U.I. ■ 70~-in4m GEORGIA TELav : Jj’oi- i»»r:r. .' ‘“.M. T UEpnort}iEr«;yoruii Journal h^\eVpat»il ••} plunoit-Iif tktiVsont I'ni; t cM 1 peri, and.they X)-o tiaiihi l io artuciii effofia have brfjt?.llbtr,^liv ir-r.s'iJcdl Tb* TELEGRAPH ha? new .-t (•’ 1*4' every part of Oeorgiit nr.d *?*t*.*i t|« h to; coot Suites, dud ir«.Jiltj |. nny .iournol. cwsido.Of M»| For this reason il pronetiirm■:t.l!;.rxd|i| a i> v:'i n 11 j Va r. b i ■?*'>"! d'otnipfcM'i i!;r.'l n iW NEWS it ahull not be f s.-f!l > t. .W^KI^irY Deelgucd'fbr tin v-H-tr. July 2J, 18C7 • BAKER U'OTTNTV. Having eenoeniedto keep lh.soJ*IANOS on reie. wn Iihto hull i 10IU tlioronglily toiled, and from th. u d i v or so l of union crpr;r3cd, (:• ,re prej-ared !' J. W. BURKE ft CO. k M-ir rcciiintncnd them. May IPilt. 18t'»7 ij ^i’.NnNE or », Aiinuir Knoll - T- II ftilvVr ahil^ltircr Pitr’avc', which wc wili -•otl At flu all profit a. - : L. E. MCI! A CO. Bcok*e!Ytnd Jeweler*. IPs new lluitOing vt PIPE8, sal*. Very cheap il T>- lost: 4 N-'tcf,fC?ne lm)«!rc.l fl ml ono Dollar* and J.yoa cents mi-jo 8j!i July nQl ) bv sffiSS? bh A» 'J'" un, ^ , '* , 8 n v , t. ant! signed i '«ao ^"*ea r u e feryiasrsJW , hut, my,elf. .tc5% «!!?«55JL srptlO 18C7. . .. H./ .ran. s. ,nv on. SEAMRIOrtT? Bxker Buportor Conrt-Hbr. *onn. 1866. T iwlug reprternted to the Court by the - olltlon iou^^'ffi^te' 1 JTZ2 oonnty, knotnt .i nambor. tBOhbndrrd ond forty, (•ny uRMWagMin: (MSitndssMntMn. fog uro hundred .»d#fty .crre.xndlot numhortwo hundred undone, (201) with th. except ion of- dr loon and oao-ilxlh noret offof thoeoutk ond ofeaid lot; wfd'lho nndlrlded'one.hx]f of .lot number two hundred oad iMnyoikfti the olid pMt .of.201 eon- txtnlng Ivo hundred and- thirty-four aad fito-elxth xtndjUd tho hold put of two hundred ond thirty, nine onntxinlng one hundred Mil twenty fir. ooree, for th. purpoeo ofoeonrtng the payment nf three <«) promissory notes mule by the sjUd Wfoe; enrh dated the Hid )et of January, 1802, and payable with intanat from data, nna payable Iwclvo montlte the raid snot amountii drwi (ftff 4‘ prtnrtl ahowt Vlefaolt themf Charles H. je whole ofseid note* fiighty-Seven Hun* and forly-eight centq, id* i l JJ&SWS&5 ha oin.’ tothai contrary, and ia ... ImbagtantraluKts txid ’ddf He#. 1 ' ft »iiu J'jtmnifi M uh im‘1 «•: iiijffa & hobbs. V J l-f.lvjit|y if •• . Flff'sAtt’y*. ..J®*O+iiubjfjLflie.'lanotiVbefdm ' (hi, oonhly hy a^of ,!7 ;4cgD MoMURRAY, . BhaiiR. juno 25 ^rm****** ” [good for.tliocounlrr. i ■■ ■.: ■ jh.-l-.s aWi, TOxiTBaiOTAN P ::.VSE£«; ■l.Y inifidSooUt: ' ti ft.i.tnu.t ijp1.i’)t ' FIFTY-SIX njrtjlN'S (iritlm SllidyHEVr'^Sifitetifi ■ I Ml* but ft limited number i.I ndoihiD-I ted, the objm-ni >Se 4»i tip*N4i tha plant.‘djtttk.a plete Ju.«loryiof curiei.t ct ««.(*.. lion post, ac qio^l a bio i u‘ jt s ‘ j nAfk-4 ',FAJi i i-v j «haHring*<*’iinpftrhon. DaiiyPnpor. per ! yp«..- ! . ■ ... •V.-yto.y OMpaSw., •'i % ,«.«*, /!-Mi**Mlln--i^ie Wrikly.,: ,Yonr^-:-w„i.r. =; ".-it vi!.*.A».4 Jfoutlw- w -. No papbr:s*at.nutU R-ls p»« ' * ' ion ot 1 Frei‘' I'lSi * v K fcK - . GnocEnr, -innMOV -L--' •*. grocery^ -jrtoni'i (ii ( ■■ (I -t ^MERCRAS.Tc' 1 - i _ 'in hi fo'nnd In S HO Wav. now h»haw?*j? | l%a ISON-'t mSkRS&r ktt rates.