The Albany tri-weekly news. (Albany, Ga.) 1867-186?, October 24, 1867, Image 1

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*$E&sn" ■.. p t >** TRI-WEEKLY NEWS. ■;*-•** \ u • ■•> • “lCAREY AV. STYLES. F*B MV CMNTBV, *I«*TII VMM. (••I** * 82, P^R Qtf^RTER vol. i. TMTrt-Wwklj News. ,libor of oWrtianllns, rc-arranfriBg, i np nod Improving (lie Now* Office •peomnccof the paper, lias run m Weelip tbs foils wing from theI.onisrille Courier. Hie original of the picture may be picked up any where. If* .to P*** *' thonl r w “ otlB X anything, hoifc J^jj^mtoent this ont and put this Lecture in thedr Inti to ascertain how far etWsuc offer no djinlogy, a* onr futnn ■ will acconnt for the milk in IV !«w» Wtt ilirorttahliihmrnt of the Ah «Tri-W(*Mj News on eeemnlsg and responsibilities of its edito- [ jjwssgement, we deem it a fit occasion nil to yonr interest at well ns your Itf. Our purpose is to give you s •per inferior to none in Georgia—to I fcriri you an “abstract and brief chronicii | i tbs times," keep you posted in pnblit xl give you proper and early in- i on all matters oi local intercut, iiy ought to hare, and ean well ana l^slrstdaaa” newspaper—auch a paper [Wviilatoncebethe pride of South-west- |yMrgU, useful to tha people and illat- I of their character and .prosperity, i can build up aneb n'paper with- | eordist support and generous patron' a That community that witholds from BMiMp- encouraging .sympathy, and a jwoafolo patronage, witholdsits very HhUeed, and in its weakness and siek- aliif imbecility, the signs ol decay are twtd, and the iatni finger boards commer- [fiTlMhare but too plainly visiblo • t< Tta truo mission of the press it fit fcre mere sordid gain to proprietors. Ml editors, r nd be who enters the veil ol jssraslUm with the eiraplo view of putting Mae, in Ml pocket, without ’rontrUmting lugtly to the public morals, the social vil la's, nod material interests of the com. niwty in which he ioeates, is wholly nnflt to fetter for the first, It Incapable of ap- f pnriatieg the second, amt is sure to etiis "very lUlls for the latter; but snbstan- tisipttroMge it si necessary to successful .. journalism, u it is to any other branch T of haslaett, and in soliciting your good | trill, and “material aid," ta the way of , we hut propooc reciprocal re- If yon come forward at once with n runlllng list of suliscribers, and advertising yusonsgc in proportion to your numbers, 1 jret wealth, your scctioual pride, and your UpMof prosperity, wo pledge onr utmost •fats to mike the “News” acceptable in •11 its features, the medium of tarnishing }C» the.telegraphic, press news ns soon as kb mtlvcd elsewhere; and the means op Wo ping yonr resources and advancing yowhtsresta Vs have-arranged to aecnro the press ^IlfWotM regularly, which enables as to wnbhyou all the telegraphia InteUigeuan •> aeon it your heretofore more favored Moris <4 Macon and the cities cast of us . >WHtu It. TM» fo a luxury you have not Wbw tp]oyeds>and which is tendered yon . Huhecuse it la believed yon will npprt- fotoRin such a way ss to secure it per- "wuetly. ... th» Jeolloel soTke Wdehldwr. h -will be remembered that when Joseph Wren sod Dowse Walker returned foots ”jriiugtoo lest spring, the former annonn- bite the pedplo of Georgia that he wu *• “Ssotiael on the Wstehtower”—the iWbte.1.. being his five-story building hi they hove thrown off the one <o take up the estoraui xcctdus, «y Teas nan. Totrjto Man.—I suppose that no roan who has arrived at the yean of understand- iu eon look back upon |ri» days of puppy- hood without a shudder. They constitute a green spot .in memory’s waste which we weMfitln forget. The nissenllue human in his turning state is a sickening sight to be hold. Bat there is a stage of existence ex tending over a space of two or three years, between the outer stages of boyhood and the first stages of manhood, which a masculine has to travel nolens vol.-ns. It is of the beaighted souls in this probationary state that I now propose to speak. I therefore assert it as an incontrover tible fact that the moat disgusting creature intbe animal kingdom it a bobtailed speci men of bumaaity after he sheds the tail of pollywogitm, and before he attains the legs offreg-bood. Yet is he st nnconsckms, of “what oils him” os is a Buckling babo ot in fant damnation. Puppybcod is obtrusive, noisy, and given to extreme opinions which .it volun teers on all occasions. It provides all eta cits of society, but never loses its identity. The “foot” young rasa it the most com montypeof this nuisance. He frequents billiard and drinking saloons, and is readily recognised by hU tailless coat and the van. out noises he makes. Ho claims to l-e post ed on all subjects, sad on all horse questions ho it ready to back his npinons with his money. When he is not whistling he will be heard swearing loudly ami awk'ynnlly. He patronises the drama and is audible, but not classic nr chaste in bis criticisms.— lie knows exactly where an actress is ped- ded sad exactly how ranch, lfe Is a tenor to supernumeraries nnd gets up frantic cries ot “loop” wbenover they appear. He in- LAW GAUDS. 'iTa pope, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, Oi. W ILL (ire prompt oltosUoa to one bnolsooo extruded him, is olllhtCosrts ofDongherty on ostroseilsa oosatloo. July 4. t»e;r Tt.-Sp.s_ ..unsit. V- r. e. waisks. WRIOHT it WARREN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ALBANY, CA nyiUrpmctSo in the MVOfol Uourte of Lwiad VV Kqolly 10till. St,to oed the Circuit Court, oHhw United Btatre for Ihe State nfReoreik. Alio sUostloe |i,,Q to COMMISSION In BAKK- BOPTCy. Albeny, Nov. IS. ISOS. T»£71 Kconireet CAN NOT tsI ordort of th. Judgte of tko Supreme (under Mellon 10) prwerib, thn form of tko potitlon ordort, oto„ tie When tko Circuit and dUtrlct Coart of Iki Untied Stales eon properly boor thoM bum, so iktll glsdly roproMnt oar oliiuti boforo thorn. Com, css ko determined In rnuliou or linn. HINES A HOBBS, Attornoyi nt Ltn. Atbony, Oi., April 2,1BG7. 31 tf dalges in practical jokes ttpnit the apple boys, and stares rudely at the ladies before mattering theirdrrsscs with tohareo juice. He regards tobacco in all i»s forms as n great developing agent nf manhood. He takes kindly to strong think,aad considers hav ing lieon “as drunk ns the devil” thn night before, a matter fit to boast of in thu circle Of his admirer*. Yon may taka any t wcnly of this style of swell bead Mid in that number yon will not be able to find two that, eonta start, even with the world nnd supimrt himself honors blyforone vfltr. The moral pappy is not so tricked perhaps yet he Is a dose. In dry goods stores ant other places tthereefoquciirocnmbinml with good looks sra matt effective he commonly wields his soeptre. Although selling goods may be KU ostensible aim marrying t» fortune is the great object of his life, llonseimcntly bo keep, a thorp look out for np eligible candidate, whom being found, trust for the haianee. In order to keep his jagatisg power# ta efTeoiive Order he not Uitg powers tn effective Order he d goods While extolling the e/Tellenot * fabric '■* - At that time Joxc-pli would w, taake-harrangnes to the dear jfgfW. Qe could not be restrained. Writ ■twjfoestnttoelf Andshoold Dot-fife . Mjari tell the people of the dangers he ■ Joseph in still watching tho Hvc»tory h bathe no longer tells the people what Hr on. He has not written orMad 1 about Connecticut, Pcnnsl ^^■•lo or Ohio. Is tha sentinelN^^P »Ms he lost the horn with which he was *>*fite sound tin notes ol alarm? Canit Wpotable Ursi he l.tsBBBH found, trust him his suh- he does ,.iS5 with his deluding tongue, Ws eyes are darting pytMau glance* into the bosom of the fascinated-maiden across the counter. He is a power at Bibbath schools and bible classes. He not UaftequCntly aston ishes the elders by his novel expositions of abstruse and .hitherto douhtfol passages' of scripture. His oommentarien upon the writings ot 8atat Paul would make that chiefof snieta, could be hear theta, again •■ran. debtor both to the Greek*, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise snd to the unwise f" At small social parties our moral poppy is inUsglory,andisinvalMhla to tbe reign- ing belle ss s genteel lervsat sad a target " —k of witticisma," Dot if yon would ,,„. P luC« ra|l WffSjpttd with that- Bot it hss one drawback. It.taken yon back to your owB dayaofpttppybooa aud suggests sui aide. 2“P?" not heard anything going to V said there was not e Joseph, and the But: fprdfctsedto r •• Ootwtfollovfsdsuit. Itat.thnre- 'bis sonuy and come quick and now- ^ J«hn aad Jeems, and Iverson; HV «*wriDawsc are iu great tribuUiion, sod v^sutiael” U silent. The people are 1"^®, the Sentinel. They Wish to know . I Pam-fri Josepti f e us one, just one, ■ Son, Oct 18th. i, „ lultaneonsly nrSttm- deilver- it is gems >ith lb. If? “the GtShllre^ wsn t i ng c ven in u,jy?b»*“ef manhood, and indignant tyranny to which she was Set t 1 l P rra *o««tly sseeded, ami is g**““wke her residenes In Enropo under r ‘«mc.—National Intelligencer.; ALBANY, GEORGIA. OCT. 24, 1867. I&PORTJiJYTl Study Well Belbre You Act! I F TOD DESIRE t» keve year WATCH or JBWKLRT easily ropoind, salt oe S. STRAUS, A) Mo ton entry pits* next to Rle„ * Rokkt' Low OSes,so ke, wltk Mo StVSST£Sff FEARS' EXPERIENCE. AIUITAH itoe. ■ : « ChatgHS a.«i Low M *t»y oily in th* Boot It. ^ HU Work Aaooordlag to ttd tlA •VIRIIIIED Tkitl vurtM (o fir* MtUfuc- , GtTLLETT’fl PATENT IMPROVED Steel i'rusli Cotton Gins! w «ny oily r« wrn E b/iTn nrrpj'iptl llio Ajrnicy for llio wile of these (tl\s t i j it * it the ifpifonimlttii of rell%* ble RonilciHMi. who hare ciirefUMyt'leeteA rtietr qiulitieM, /ni<! who roj>rcMHi ihm they lire the Best Gins In Use! Bankrupt Laws. 1TI0NS la Bankrupt*/ under late Act of V. OT BE FILED unlit the gene- Cot MEDICAL CARDS. H A . tjpr Dre. Jennings & DeWitt ATE aanoaiatad ihemaelrea in tha practice of Mtdlolna. 'FICK—Up atalfs ivir RUaaas k Ball's Drug Biora. " avtfitcAi Atbosy, July 2d, 1887, M Dr. NWltl vlU gif a apecial attention to TtV-tf DR. TODD. OFFICE—Lokmoe'i Corner, OppotlU LI, ery RtokU. RESIDENCE AtX. P. RHINSON'S. Fobtf-all-tfl ALBANY, OA. . v. cAttewtT..., |- **. eors. Drs. Callaway & Pope, PALMYRA, GA. Merck 80ib, 1B07 (30-1,) MS. SIM8, a HeMILMN TXAVE esaocislod ikmi.l.u wgctlier in Ike preellae of ewdlnleo. tsd btroby Irieltr thtir o.rvior, 10 tbs oltliono of Atbony nnd olninily. OFFICE—At tho Ih-ni Hloro of Otlbrn « Hro. os WMblsgitastreet. Mo, 2d. 1807 (« sir) DB. W. A. LOVE, ALBANY, OA. ONc* (unlit further notice) ot hi» Rooidtnco soerly opposlio tkoyatidonoo Of John A. Deri/. Mey 8lb, 1887 4C-1y Furniture, Ssshi Blinds & Doors! At WholtMl* end Retoil, st NEW YORK MUSKS for coon os d.Urer,—from Stotrt Foc- tory on Wkorf Slroct, foot oftd or 4th gtroot, MA CON, — . OA. Moy 14,1867 0RINY1LLR WOOD (4M-] Gesrgia—Wartk Canty. Tasas on to notify ell and olnsultr, tho kindred •■d creditor, of WtUlow H. Willis, doeoeood, to ke ot my offleo on or boforo tho im Moe- :t, end show conn if any they WllUe, the odmlnUtrotor on the setsto of sold dooooood should not bo dlsebsnrod froeikU met Bed rewire tetter, dlnueeory. 01,- tn seder sty hold end Book Jake Ike 7ih. 1SS7. J. W. ROUSE, Ordte'y II, 67 He keope *11 kleds ef flood, areally found in o nan oaAsa jbwsuiy aroma. Among them Ladles' atfi Grits’ File Cold Chalss. Signet end Ota Rings. Pins, SlnortAlndo nnd Buttons, Broooktt, Boulo, Koyt, end Masonic Emblems. W dding Dings COLO ABO SILVER, Siprrler Gold Pets with Dhand Falatf, Silver aad Plated Mere. Bogart, tad Tfostenholoa’ auptrior, first class Cuttlery, Dinner ted Doieit Sots, Rsute, BoiMort, Pookot Kilros, Ac., ke. udCw Ob U3 UT saa S83 B Wriling Old Dressing Coats, WaUeta. Pocket Booko Totlot But, Combs, BruMSS, ko„ ko. Worrtet'd Qonulno Meereoheum Pipe. A Qtotne UmkroUoi, Walking Couch, ko., kc. Musical instruments, Qullan, Violin*, l)m)oi, Flutoa, Accordion*, and MUSIC BOXES. PISTOLS* of Colia'e and Ibo mont approved Manufacturer*. Capa and Cartridgoi, ail *!««*, and of bent quality Clocks nnd Regulators, Kight day and .no hour aocnratoTimeWpoi* •9* Thoio having waleboa or JaWelry rtnaired will oall for Ultra wiibin THIRTY DAYb after ihe tgrernirnt, or ihoy will bo told lo pay oxpon»m. Albany Watch and Jewelry Store, BROAD STREET, . - ALBANY, GEO. a. STRAUS. Albany, Ootobor 27.18Crt lyr oRl ly EVERY HMilY IS INTERESTED IN KNOWING THAT AT WELCH’S CORNER They con oleoys buy GOOD AND FRESH Flavoring Extract., Y.UL Powder., Crum Yertar, EngUeh Moot aid, Cayiaaa Clovee, Hut Ken vr. M. t’Mlirs. RUN FAllMI-:,'.. oaperimt-nt i >* it. 00 lOU lltk'Mt ft«>t vrard* mthti.ii .-1 niftion Moit write* Feh. 7‘Jiii '•Your C in a.;’ •nfros r.* PER POUNl» t 1 won ii p.. Gin* from l.nll (ho bttl. hive and appoar at my offlet BPEAES* Pruit-PrYBerving Solution. TUX CotJXTJWFXlT enta; ^mrt 'unf . Trekanry Dcpevtraent pooltlveiy aaaorta th tho alleged counterfeit bond* kta prirU' from the aome plate ua'* U waa obtained from some mraiuy as waa alao dollar oompound-inlereat diaoovery of wbieh created aome montha ago. Chief nrofoaoea 10 know that the dollar plate h la tho poraewl, aooundrela, hut tliia Womated te privnl Ike donmpinllta of k-.nd. of Fruit, Towototi. JolBoo. Byfood Frnl Wien. Milk eed o«. AtaOv of T.'o'obUn. On. FWI*«»W l «awnMM3Sy»^- 1| J|v j *>« *F Albany, Oa. Medicines Pet np with sere eed et LOW FtODBtS. MM Ckosfo, very snaplofo, et WMlCtt'S CORNER. L. E. A II. E. WELCH, Tit* Ohio Elbctioka UaeiucKToSorTti- «« .IKiostsTa.—'“Among three thmcn,” Veiloudigham taa Into WINDOW GLASS, (Alt. stats,) eetii Mr. Vallaudigham ma'toto epeecgi, _ i> a certali politicatia in tho South. Tbere art tlioao StelcB, aomoof them akmiata,andaIlofjh«Ji who fortune# in t*o Coufcderalo who, sfsrJS's»-o. , whom th^DenOHtrtlc pony- dellghu to Aid Complete Stock intern' Materials -AT- muK* too aki AT TffBACCff* etsrrbi bregaoe vho B Mill krep IkMo FINS CIOABB aad •TdiAT T#BA®CU» everybody ■'■TT- r-i „_ thn “r*ax«« »ho uocs. MERBCHAOM PIPBd, which l: v \i ••v 1’iiltor of (he “80UTR .4. Tt nu . ofirr ciirofnl ■: Cnivern, in Ki nl, i n K i*it I'ilo. wl^cli hi* afier- ift'itl oxnmintition nf (’ora> i n-nt New Orlfan*, ,ir i-l nn innking the IIE8T . th TW0CT8. MOKE iF.vst.if, nnd Imvo owned • always hying for NUMBER 104,'' I I.J 'IIIKB—BP. The Arrow tie f Bands BALING COTTON! (AX ixoneoNnn on»ixov'i FIRE, WASTE MiD' THEFT! Unequal!od for Siinp'Wt^ and Rapidity- of AdjuBtaefft t ot skn ol oopor- It of (low frtmtyla k|tw1 fTMIEV aro rannufheturod in : Li< I boat EnglUh Iron, undvr thn kUlon of (he Inventor, formerly a Orlcnn*. Lm. The ARRtnY TOM* prafirrod by fihipmaafvn nnd CompreiiMva, aa It I* wortsvd wltb A to 1 Inoh Block, while all SOLID TIES roqniro S to 6 inohvo, which, in running through a cargo, Involve* a haa ry loss to th« Shlpmaater. i USE THE ARlyjW TIB and BANDS, and SAVE MONEY IN FREionT aid INSURANCE t Arraugomont* have been made to **cur* an t o supply of tho Arrow Tie and Bind* for an- l«lo kupply of the Arrow Tie and Bind* for tho coming Seavon. The Iron will be better than tha heat heretofore used. imtpeed, nnd • PASSES .. . ilint rin EXCEL your* I .i - i Lit.i v, tho quality Si'll* i -i.iii” t\. i* unde '• E-q., nl t'otunihu*, Cl a , ES tl: Char In* A. I"i wrltaa Janu n v I I It e teiihili” « .'"ii, t.n l prr’frvra the fibre belter thuti nny Cm i In*w ovi’r ivied. The Manu facturer llint j ii h » r d*«l mid lift" l my cultop, wrote uo that ii tvqjJ.,. LU .1 Oinncol Cotton they had over wuikt.l. I Would »• i tio 'it '.a pinning my cotton for five tiu.f “ in We are now iuuniiur i al our Mill i.> AiL.n y, ( ■ nine hy ulearn ivo me prepared To Clin iuiJ Pack Crops, aad wiiere lltfir w fkirther jMirticulm*, onr Ageutf, Mr*vr« Ga. RV arc aim •al; iit’iy l.t> oMmiued. For ritldn-j hy «t dlhjiiy, Ha., or , llaidcMimn A r*parkn, Macon, Agcnfa for ihe yu!* rf IiRtrsall't I'rlrhratPd Portahle Hand Faner t’ottou I'rfss. Which may In- hpi.ii til nm- Ofilro. N. A A. 1-’. TIFT, Aug SO—87. Alkxny, U«, a / \ use , : . V^ALLlCHAN'S PiptS CHILLS & FEVER JAY. A. HALL, Agent Middle end Southwest Oeurgl.- ANDREW LOW* CO, nab, Oa. The nnderfdgued is prepared to furnish the AH- now T * . ** c CP^AIN ^ V ' vt >*1 BlaekPwpptr If rn hawe used G.tllighnn'H Pill*, nnd find they YY will do all flint ii claimed for them, and ckeorfully recomraen<l them to puhllo favor: T. II. Watta, ex-Oorernor of Ala: A. It. Clitherall of Abi: M. L, Woods, ‘JIMJ Iirondwy, N. V.; dno. \V. A. Hanford. Attorney (leneial of Alabama; W. C. Bibb, Montgomery, Ala,; E. A. Banks, New Or leans,La; Geo. Mason, H*q., Mayor of Wetuinpka, Ala.; J. C. Riddlo, N, O., late R. ft. contractor, Ala. and Georgia. BAN'L HAVRE, Grand ,8ec. Grand Lodge of F. A. M., Ala. FotaaB, *o. f dko. la. E. k H. E. WELCH. G-rovesteen. & Co. PIAKO-FO&YB MANUFACTURERS, NO. 499 BROADWAY, Now York- Tha attantloa nf Us. pnkUo aad tk, trad, to lavl- tod to Mir New 8mU-S.vm BMawond Ft- •frito., wktok' for retnto.e.d purityot tota,W4 unrlultod by My kllkwt. nffnwl la tkl. dull.. Tkaff reutola all tk. nndern UeprevasnU, French Grand Action, Unrp FcdcL Iron Frame, Overetrnag Bare, etc., nnd each iaatnuceat being made aadyr lb* pcnawalMpcrvtotoa af Mr. J. II. 0B0VI8- RK, who baa had a practical axparlaaaa af evat thirty yckra la tkair manufacture, to fully warrant ed in erary particular. The^Grovesteen Piano-Forte,’ A rt %sta, 0March 23. GaUighan'g Till* have been need in hundred* of oanoe under my knowledge, with perfect suocese.— I recommend them to the aflln'tcd everywhere, JOHN .S. PRATHER. Lows nits Oouktv, Ala. Gallighan'* Pill*---1 have glvon them and need them for eotnnIItno, for C.'IiUIm and Fever. If they havoever failed iu curing, I have never heard of it. t 'UOWKLL BROUN AX. Auusv, Ga., Feb. 20, 1807. Messrs. L. E. & 11. K. Welch—Oenth: 1 have used Oalilgban'aTlils i/i more than forty esses of Chills •rad Fever on tho plantation of It. K. Hines, Esn., during the past year,, anti iu no caHO have they fail* etl to do all they td i!:n lo do. 1 consider them the hart Fever and Apuc I'ill in use. A. B. FANT. A'“ t’M’iijfi, Ga., Sept 18,1800 Gent?—GiiUigLun - tV! met with remlylaielrare', And are tahiny t!io • l.i.-r ..rail other remedies for Chill* and PevV.’. C. W. HANCOCK. Jv.r.nicuf, April 17, 1807 ■ I ill * cured mo perfectly of iii-o the hei)L medicine for General Agent*, Sqyannnb, d is prepared to fur nisi TIE to tho TRADE n! SAVANNAH PRICES, Fwrtrarkiiff and TrkK*ffrtaU«a Added. I1UST & .TOHN’STOy. Hear thoInsuranoeA^euta: Savanmait, Oai, May 7th, tstr. The recent fires Li this oily htilug proved lo our entire satiarnetion, by * thorough Itst, tho itiperi- orltyof IRON BANDS for baling ^purposes, we strongly recommend them In the ui* of tno Plant ers or Georgia as an efficient agent In restrlcllug loss by fire; and wo agree lo dljorUnlnate, wheu practicable, in. favor of Colton thus secured, A. WILBUR,GonoralIheuranee Agent. CHARLES GREEN dtSON,Agent*Liverpool, (MIAR , ffis , I.*t-i£BYVco:. A,'l. Sun A At- latuic M. Ins. Co., N. Y. , It. II. WHITMAN, Insurance Agent*. WOnDnRlDOE BROTHERS, Insurance Aa’tr. I. T. THOM AS, InwtraiR’e Agents. .1.0. MtrNULTV, Secretary Boufliorn Insunnc* A Trust C»». , JAMES T. STEWART, Agent London and L-i minster luiutnume Company. LANE & w.EST, Insuranoe Agent*. Mtco*, G May 10th, 1807. 'Ihe recent tire nt Ihe Warehouse of Mr. H. T. Chapman, in this city, having Billy- demaoMmttd the advantage of IRONBAKDS for hrellngpurpMM. ah a seenriiy against loss Iiy lire, we, tho imderilgn- ml Insuvatiee Agents al Maoon, Go., inko pleomro in endor.<*in’F the nrllou of the Agent* at Savannah, Georgia. t E. C. (IUANNIES, Agent Hit several Ins. CoV, J- W. BURKE,fawirnnoo Agent. E.J. JOIINHON ic CO.,Iimtranee Agenl*. .1. MONROE 00DEN, Insurance Agent. J. M. BOA RDM AN, insurance JNO.B. COBB, Insurance Ageqt. May 2Hth, 1367. W—Cm B A WISE, CHEERY ST. Maoon, Oa. WHOLESALE AND DETAIL niu.r.n In TINWARE, Crockery, Woodware, -Cutlery and House FurnlsliWg" Goo (?. I have on lmnd S00 iftON WITCH, QUEEN OF THE SOUTHftad othsr im proved pattern 1 1 Heeelred the higbeat award af merit over all at the e*)e-bra- ted WORLD’S FAIR, Vhtre wk. Bxbibltril larinmat, fro* tk* Bret reskare ot LvMox, Futo, (I irtoaay, PblUdalphto, BolUmoro, aad HfW Trek. A too xt Ik, Awntcxn taMHato for hr, rnitan, lb, drfdaadBtlraelMato (Mm bather wktoh awe he One box O'U »liy...u. Chill* And Frv* ;. Chill* and Fever I crt»r Clef!: A. 0. DONALDSON, tinintrf County, On jar* prftc**J. k BaH* For 6/ili5 U jTGVn Dtuggllto. Country Mtindiants mipplleil at wlmlesalo |p Albvny, by L. E. & 11. K. Welch, Hilsman and.(UJhmf J’r^ihrr, WUOLKSA'ldE BY HI.0iI.VT & IIALE, Montgomery, Al*. Edward Wilder A C.», Loiu.tvilJp, Ky*. Barnes Ward 4 Co, N*w (lili-Hiti*, il.-iri-nl i-isli-y 7- Co, Mil Me- ~Mrenx A Uobliln, Now Yoili. May 28, 1867 - GR-Om By Ih, tetredtaUew ot toxynwire.l, we - ritll more pwfMtrtoM Fort,, eta ky mrei_ 1 tf Ur*»ly i Bilk a rirtody M«kayatore,anMaktod I. odor ibrek lutruunt at. prtre vblta wtff pre- elite wornMtitloa - Tenu- V*iC«*feii Cturw Oautogere Mttfrwu (H* Jab Work To r ilio Planters, -01-'- HIDDI-ll AN ft SOtlTII-WUST GEORGIA. I!f offering o«v cervices again In our former pal. WM *nd to planter* generally, ns WApyuptadn- - ASD Commission JHmljants. ';”A f P, cn onlyrrnew ourftx.nranpfK, to do for Ihoni ear wholt duly. Thcirlnlrmt I. oie-x, and wo shall fret*, and prwBKt It. In DWbl*| xdv.ncex to aid you wo bur. amiud o,sry b«rto-!u»rf »„ry of. fort, rtiyluf upon you fpr prompt pntrontgo lo cu- Ohio luret our Obliguloua. An oxptrlrooo of ■Myycara und OUR BKCORDIN Till! PAST .Vo Wo will fir. p«uool attention io "BUlng Order. thwoffiea ingowtwvk. Ahi^tteMli IfogPSi-rfwrriry tMeripthm. COOKING STOVES Wblob I will sell aa low a* Jlrgi clta* Stove* esn be *old. Also a good' hnortment of 02f Every SLvve WARRANTED per- feet tuid fifttiftfuctory, Or PxchaBgft!. MY Crnekiry, Cutlery, and kU .foreign good*, BOJJGHTin person ttym th* MANU- ■A IMPORTED DIRECT. Iam enabled lo offer theniVj Merchants at hw prices. ! “i • . r j; i.:.-.s tngll pTompUy lt^idat lowett prlcia TERMS CASH, u, A. WISE, Ootr»-5aP,m > .ur Macon, Gs. Adams, Jones & Reynolds, At tti Old Stancl ‘ of : itfiihU & Roai, Corner Secwml Mfi lfoptor Mraetx. ssa^kcsacossr* fill (ire drlot alloottoa (a lU, riorego <nd ulo of Colton. Will m»ko liberal .uuuco, on Cotton In .tore. Aro prepared 10 Ikratoh BAOQ1SQ »nd TIGS or ROPE and olh«r VJ.»l«tlon Pinppliww. «,pt7 1 “* aft T HE u.derelyatdbxriny fofafod aCopailaenklp imdrr Iko Una aaare.Of .- i ,, H WooHolk, (r & Anderson, Por tbo purpose of. RBCBlVtHO. 8TORINQ ui SELLING COTTON. mMptntlly tender their Mr- vice* L> their planting mend*; Wo have secured ‘ he WarobouM fomifrly a portion-of ihe Wa fondfrly occupied by to Will glTB |inWMU BHCDUVU »• UWHg viuuo . X.UIIIUO. Tl J Y0|lf, UJ ■ladCG Buopllei.” end will urre you (cneratly lo llibl ruollon loonrpoiroio. t ofonr xbililiri, | JAU] , HARDEMAN k SPARKS, . . • JAM •ept 14 84 8 mot. I eep3 4m] Coeiex Si Woolfolk, more rooevly ky Mr. JoMtk.a Colljuo. W, hop*, by .trlotiuioktloB, to gieoretii. {. WOflLFOLK, ~ ANDERSON, JAM! rqRtr