The Albany tri-weekly news. (Albany, Ga.) 1867-186?, October 31, 1867, Image 2

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I! THJ-WEKKLY KKWS. AtllANV, (»A. t OUT. Slut, p>j. nw**h*u iii> inn iii* iwiiii*’* ri|IiTiji«i*i«i£. Umwod by Buy »d unbriWbj ffjggy \[j' .^WajSik—A* negro m»4who 4 1 i>¥ r and willing to work. Apply at tliln office. ^OTf^S^^^TIhkvothWiwii sill the deadweight ballast over hoard, unfurled . the jib, ran up the fore lop gallant fall,— turned etem to the wind, got nn oWrva- tlon/and givrn wdeMlo letJmfrrip. TOft t'luS4fl»v»(lfai>oh paying freight frnjinli nf illhaMFi to find a place for thoplck ups along the low out in the water who can't nwim, we’ll T™p-'"sias'a«a ,ii Tbiai. or Mil Davis.—Intclligcnee from IVnihlwgton, render* It Jn*etiy rertnin that the Government w'lll bo ready’tJb tryMr. Davie at the approach,iim term of the Dia tiUlMlMf,mlnmilSSM, si”. . Davis; Co'iln- acl,lIliiYMMj 1 ilri ^reparM 'liV ilit Wtal.liiid ..tjtyjm motion .will he entered for a coinin' nLitre. -It'hr Mated that the jiiry'i? to cfifRpOScd'of *1 i white and sir lil'ncki •WB''take'gitJTplSSqra ^'n rtcoiiuiitjuliiia di* Mr** »ed Jeleriiu linwrsncn C»inp«nJr». of.ViriWa M.riirllir of ilia patronage of III* eitl nn of Albany, W« iaiured our. oiuok, W J»,«ch .Compunlv,. through lie Af«o(| (?*pt. John A. Dnyis, of IhU city, nnil re ceked A*dAi‘(!■«'rrnlilriU' V'^rned In Yuli I luuiBfthlaMiretk bj'utf In ihene rempltiln*. MbAf, (MlAO; 1M7. M. I’liKIKH.M \N S tin, . 'Won. ii’.vt on It I—Clmrlen H. Hopkins, ° r tJ.i^cliDoA running lor Ihe Slate Convention qn ilia itiggcje ticket, and auyr he fy^^.geMaiJJaT authority to run JJmk,thing must hum wtirlt, wliru Hopkins' sSoiiiiitli 1 turned.pariy that geU doWS t«>lA}v % jh'Wi 'W ttynjlnw lor &V0vWAt>sl , «i?C(V~~T1) > im!ii arc ■wtll And fkvopibly known thrmmlioiit i he eottob^lopT* fifty J kn* tli petreof ^kpil>c|t lumnuti in Navannnli, ami coma m near giving aatniHctioii in their btnrtnMs trrtnunctious ns it* is jiuithihla, for cou^siiMionliioroiiantB to ilo; Their’card will M found 1 In its place, RoBKfit#<R Tlf;t.H.i r V.—'Thin U a now fmn bwvfourtf in atrungib ofrmanhood,’ muMhc wivjlojn of mtyliriiy.' ' jthiy aro equal to al- nioat any domni/d, mid poises* n disposition toaepommodato that- mum hoouNs them n large btiiinea*. //, . ScmuttaT Tmx" ! to™ it 1 rUiiOntx. dispatch from ’Washington city to the Phil • r^r : As 4 ' ,t, , n "• Su,,, itt witpj tynt |n jail till after Congress meets , -wtyxVpplication wjlUie mnilo for the Cn actmeht ofn law to transl.T hinj to, souic afljhinjng Stale for trinl, orlo mithoriton jurytobedrawn from aome loyal State Ui tryjiiin tyre,.a* it- ia impossible to obtain on Impartial nnd unprejudiced', Jiuiy 1 In Waihjngtdh. ■■ .< Dwi or tiia Statk Timn i n nu 1*aii>.~ AVe are pleased to frannhnl Urn State It isproplM| feliduiilitarits oijtro do(| .$400,QdO fo xhft T'cilerai OoVAiinent* nticl that in a few daya it will make* tlio remit*. "«0 JIM»H»j|tfn, Thi« f w# lohitvAvIft place the rpadoleaf of debt, nojl/u its;ii- ture eafhlngs enn go to replonisli the Stale Treasury. .TKiTnUlirV" IT On our first PAH© will l>o_ fomul nn inter* oatmg%rtIcU<, iVoni , Y‘. llufiitinj on |"y>- Thu Republican, a Radical sheet In 8clma Alabama, a-hleh has been boating between fi ven ini tlivjjhost and gone li jnla iioiis tryyh Is bound Tfldn't read , OTKy.lN Om . Times remarks that t lie‘reael ion' in Ohio is more doeided tlinn it appeared to bo at llrsl. Tlie votcht the Into election in that State, instead of being light, turns out to bn the heaviest ever east. In the ei unties thus far officially heard from there is an incense of about si Uy thousand over the vote two yeniango, ot which the democrats g.mi (br and ill MjfRKET8. ty nnd 11 , jputim that the r anak’Mlh M her w«y # “ will have come into the field witjiin the lantlwo — i — mm It AllinAl.lHU UTksi.ka Congress has sent a eotuml whetlierMar^land huh k Sf '‘repiibllenn in I'onrt" drtiot: OVKSi.KApi.yd Itsii.i'.-f- Cnngress has sent a eo]uml(tei! ' to inquife Wfeovcisment Tlio •’inquiry” Iwlto raise W a mere sham. Whit the cl.iii. ( j,. t.. ,.. A ‘ lV fi^fdy.tftls rnlejwiileh i l^tqbegjnto look y» o‘,|ier ts4ii' ! gW)ivt‘h' ol I'dtttm iiiji flhfWasdil' ! gH)ivt‘fr Of I'dttbu/m India, under the fostering enre of the itritah (>ov- obstacle in, the .way of,sitecessluUy idsiring American cotton from >.Enrn|ienn market.: Obo »arelWt/f f*wwea»o4t- lido of tna United States, is estimated at pe^vived Vital) we , snaisBia to all the Statca lu suCOCItroii, '’ Itis’CyMt it was held that tlie-govcnmiont ol ieut was not ‘benublfcan,” and prp}iaUy tliis fnitbin.' It wofiltfW ralbcf e hiring jhclr Bicnn. ' ‘ wired the LegUlutnbi' l-baviehM,' It Was generally stipposcd that , the leaiUng.,1 uess 61 the ses-dbn WOiiliT lip;' domarty*' Mlf,6V ■ sattuf sndl irfci, Never were the knowing ones Worse hood winked. A member from East Tennessee let tiie eat out of the bag yesterday, by off ering ill tbulldasc a hill lb repeal nil the laws of the Stale relating to bastardy, .(Cot, n few liads anlekcrcd when tlio'bill was rend, but nil seemed to .understand itvhnt was up, anil breathed morn 1rB6ty fflifii it passed its first reading. - - reading. . ... sro not r - lie fact of tlio matter is—the IJroVii- low Hpcnkcrs and Candidates so tliosopghl Terhsps wh aro not explicit oqoubh,— Well,!!- *-- 1 .e-L-J jajTRE ... low siicnkcrs and Candidates so tlioroughly identified thcgise^vydi With t1ie «o)0ftd folks ' Macon,. Ort. 30,—Election remarkably qifiel. No wliites participrting. Up to at* liis afternoon 1410- folff (! |«|)«V||»|irWlfl f wbicli arc not negroes. . f.'ou uui a, Oct. .10.—Result of two days eieyfion, ) I IT votes, all (nr Convention. ,46. wlCtfkfvijteiL I 3 umber 6f Regiatnitlokr to’ 160 whites and 1700 blacks. Asu.Oot, 30.-eRleetioq.past qnic^ijvSo far 'btheaWl from WOO.' Ohly one white voter toslny, making two white votes; negroes have it Will 'their own way; whites don’t go near t|io polls k , regard'the wjjplo thing as a farce; new polls open! ‘ ■ - iihWouHbrwhltes.’ Nearly all of llti tmswfissM second days fridicate that theConrention XViWM V V been defeated, liad thfi tJWO.'wt been extended. ’Tis not now rogarded cor- tjuoJhjit tlyi question will be carried* Con- scrvntivcsgcncrally, tltrongliont the Etna, have tnheii uo'pnrl in tlio election; 10 i>. ir. The elofction passed off quietly. City and country vote two day* 2013. ,i*A Gb.tfioc, Oet, an.—\’elc fortwo days 13D0 only four whites. qAj*m r <>ct. 30,-231! votes peileflj to- •W-o }'ery. frw.whites voting. "vivSiFiN.i-roN, Out.—Detectives proless to hnve qiforination that only one hn tBtMUaJlceniitkafeit 7,30s wcreh>stfed,thitV they wore .owned liy only three persons, and t.igf none iiava.bcen offered sine the deteci lion of .tlio counterfeits. Jfku OnLKANs, Oet ao.-Onlv nina lever interments yesterday-; .At, llic'mictlng of tiie board of hradth iatrt 'night, quarantine SUsneududy/A motioir wgv offered ,hf I}5nTOW>wi)eith4;ikbif«Hfiu(Hwii e.l no I )agcr epi.len.le. The motion was op. poied and referred to commltlte on liealtli Dr. Stone argued that tlio disoaso had run its con rsf, amt wah'tio-lihgef- epidemic, tho’ sporadic oases may continue for some thhjiiP In l|ls opirilplpitj fs pcrfcclly safo for sttao-' •gers to come to tl*o city. In his renlarka I conu-nde.f yellow fever is hot cohtigtpi “adei h'py eircumstnhees.|Mayor Heath vr Out. 27.wULMH-s4fir rceenailoiL dors requuing shippors to pay tax onvotton. Fever InlermeWS-fl.- L!Vtni-ooi, Tueiulny evening.—Cntlon WKfy’jftfd’wefflMU sixteenth. Uplands 8 1-fi; Orleans !>J; Mnnehester market hea vy. Arrived eity ol lialtimhre. 'UlL kV_ . a.A Ia.ll*. 1 Imtf* w mV"a’—'nol'Wng doiDg. PlnnDji| i VY. d>mvrn vin and prieMuncbtoi>g*‘f;lo’i wiu*ulttgn. Iflj: SaV4X«au,_ QfJ.. S^VrjCyUfjD J.ull anil .li.etfjr: holders Nty. Vjp»^; j.yivijii«gv ( 18 “ Etolea 4W); Hrtf jit% iy|*'^jr I r WlLMUOfoM, Ocl. m—Snirila TarpemJijf, de- cIIiukI; ,Coiion;" cptnmon ucliin'jyl, '“ihlddll for thiddlinfr". Momtt, Out 30 —Colinn marWl at 14$ d. 17 for miilillinjp,: aftloa 6®0 |inl«a:a rcrpla 4 ft^ JLm itf.i.. wall,,** to*AH ^ - ' ’ J ai^ccline 1 V H** |lo' tlYAo. Of $ a,$. Bales .830 bales, iniiilUpg 17$. a o4fl.llil6d«. * ;• 5 AuattBTA, TO^ert bhIbb .*U:5; re* piipiiW;.mtfdUA» Jjij«<. :*•.i •* — r ::•?/ ; JJaitimub«, Ocl. OOWxjlfon Bpiiel .lhj; U^ur dull, dtyihlfif ax/rrf W 1*/, Wilful good (hohdlcfS iM 18dl/oi'ft wWlVtirw irhil* 11 d B .U'q, old 13.» a 108; yellow 1 UK linn* prunniunn flat—no tiausaciion*’ gUSmii i x isns nn j^-xsroita I . AM Ageft. for- IliB.foUowiig lhauranfcciCom moIcb—all Southern and in-good rhpiitd* :«hd wonld re«pcci fully call the aiHmtlon pf UL»buahiean into to ibt lame. —JOHN A. DAVIS, Agent. ROUTOEHN.MUTlJ.Vb; fl llEOROtA tloME/Colut SELMA FIRE & MARlNP, 8e)mg, Ala; ' •Bt)»Utri.v'HbSfi;'fcu'Mbli,'Ats;'' JaMfib mvSRV Nosinii), Ts. • • •• •••JMFERSOX, Scottsvill,,- V*.' -asvl.lm ”1WA1!) Savannnh Adverllsemciita. u [ dtSHiti. .raw L’Jt emeu «To BAT v- STREI? .eMvi'/’i’fe .w ?»VXV^UV\V, tiv. •Jtavfl jLandbRg . _ trsbi ...) AWr^«la«rjM*Vusl<ll»daMpiUknra»*il i..u .niptputfindfl'snuwilrr , •fiW W!..! hiiti’nll ita! j !"' " 1 ' T " ; '.'-AND.- JS*r:.‘ >•:*».» a*.«i» i ; ► 7J3-13W-M * tn( k. ai.'Jl r -. ; •' s In Stoi’o : nr\n« 1 « rg; ,fcr t • . SftyannaJi,'^ 1 : Fare Redueect iffillE UOdursIgn^d, prftteWvtoAi Jf iB®' MatVb'pU I IlmiM Om&ibuR i Lin«, bftr4, from thfe'diyra, reduced tbt> fate to.tlip.foil!onrlmg ivies :***:? To nnd frorsdUUfnud* and.S^flSwer Ifl Miraball IloiueGO cfcnls. . , .7,. .. 41 j noiisrou usuia. .. .fl’ljlJ £1.1 ! TPrfrii*’ pMienjfort*, tt\ Art* part of t)ia pity*.Too. ■ . Straiynwh, Oot. > t , 18A7,' j ' **• JdWj fiib.' 1 saijpiBillTlSI, . .;wjKr/:Mon«::; : .Tb:-.:. EdlobMshed! An" ie5W‘-.i:r ,:i *.i • n.M11. - ! : w-i "■ii- i.ivVi ».i..ipy.r/ : <I4» Bay fitreety Sa'T*'pitatf, fia,' ty Court in tty State .without, some such eases as “Dinah iJs,I{nn{Soi1Jnil Shf’ on its docket. It may safely ba stated- that none Inis ever bocn proponed in tty LetfalatMia riJUW flfe <m «w«W tha» A&M tekA^no provision ’ * ,.i ft ft — Vs . * ■ w. ft ftivd * w*ia. Ijaftl^w a A— r . r j, , i a . * .a • _ .k .,r a 1 \ ashwiltc. lJannor.Uth. >:iy: gqssip. at JTetv York says, rest is soon to marry tiie lycunoernod, awaX/Si. soon to marry . tl yiiung uclresp Miss L|llic, as llieiplay bii inutiti .triigedian is over sixty.' tihcwaUlfiMf, an urpli|in, an.I,Forrest took h and reared tier. He adopted liis daughter, hut bin and her offcctions •■•hanging in eliaraeter Im i f ^jp|k« 4qy^is W lit*.»..J3l*H LntW’ft-Jk 1) ,Tlio 23d nouni W m nil II Olllltl us. „ ti'ebrge IVillt'uiH KenilaU, «ur snilo: nssoainle, —’— - .j l»l inper, ia no more. Testeniayjmit after dhr 'veiling edition Imd btWn givdn tu tho pV»W IP nn m,i 4 Im 4/aIIavi.1 n#* .11,.m.. a n l^ .. . foiVOny (oth«p tdralnistrAtinn k^IkjoIb;' l^sV* ln« them without AheetorH or tearhorn. Tbo *$)fl$! l WfilM ook */Wi If It B«*Wl4H<Mlr tdinvolv-o the^phoolsanogettyr, fuiqe.ttyy h Kfi" ™2? to Jofce. hegrqe»._ssijq eeBtyls,., Qpdinancu passed over aiayoria 1'litinnl of assistant Aldurmen, bat not acini upon by upper lioard yet. Jmigo I.ognmnM, Sixth. District Court decided to perpoBl^. (bJuiiqUty, grnntjd.' iHinril, rrMrftfuing.tlifl l^tjrojr j)rom ijifomul* lion «id for Mlo, Mbk. and Po war Loom*. • --Any IftWnilaWMMdt MliJlIngCblloa forons uflkU. (t**l U>msa*vUl( Uftfthtn.i. .TT PlsaUvs.-' aSa.t firil is eons la tswa durfat the Mk ad-m Ilia *«*r»tton.“ • T • : I. ! ■ It. UALbANTINE, Q«u. Afft.' M c.uyts kijies, . 60'CASKS SllQIJLbEna, ' 3& CASUS, ham! FLOt K. ‘ ilfid.BA*Rl?i:Lf», nil gradrp, ! iVV BUTTHIl, •Ullitl* • ft’.Mi : fl I ’ ii'if >1 ys I. si*: l ' . iTO x»i »oi‘I.!*; In; i .. . a-Juat tVn.'J.ui i*.» i . . ...OIBEj3B3‘iH] S ZEI, f ftlHftj’llOXty STllTfeT-ACTOltVVtdljl 'iii.-' oovl if. Macon, Ua. Birnff^riwr T>biKTBRE<d«iiri*q't* mU'edtiin. eta bStc. X nJ**s»H)UH4aAwy.stSSw il:»;ksrbiiy or «ib liberal: i4r*s*r *ft OMUS *niruil*>llu a; oar*, sad ship to.aaj n*r)ut lb* pl**l*r may ***“ Mvt^thl f if A I, VVLifcHtUhwLj. O*., qucstiiig|2^i^qr.fuid authotities. tqtVsaf ovv lliepr'eseul seuo'ol ’board—2 blftcks voting inIkyor,anil tour whites against. , ;J Tlientrieal, Bpsiipn . commencoa Sunday, N|iveaiber third, s* fli»el«* ...A ft—Abw.b I His noUHE. i,»* bess- Ilibieajrtit/'.rrneViiSi iid; nfFiyi,, ,*mb.:r»Slyrpr»*eU<i M»)il«StMn< o*d* forth* Fall *ml WfnWlN: :Tbo A AHUJS Are Rupptlad will) th«£fieksXltiiaifia -teem Ilic bomes. lio M*rk«l *nA'ttiuttjBu«4x!r^,ljktydetpl,lr., Ust- tlmore, Ftortdwftnn tinvnei>. Especial. atia*;loD psldto pioeiuiag tb* eliolceii'« - '• 'Qc*MlOi i Pi6hV‘O i t’-|ift i c;t v >i; ,; i‘itH;" j! latMfc'ii.)ii;H 1 •■' • ■ MEALS FURN WI^D'-A'r AUi.i'fdt’i'i'JC. »'» ' •: l;«« T;'- From 0 ft. id. to nitdalgll?.' -itfpftra'tF r}piej b.FjaV. x«VipiM*ft..’-nf tMtf’or'”?." 1 *[— I'tifS.TntintEI). A li and c. . • *•■' • SO BUS'CO* mlaH out senlnrlr St. Charles, nad Acaflhnj nml nna' of tho. finmtaw'-M "h*f of " ,Mhrv ^P*"*** troopf... > I" rt explain lie, came the following dispatch to u* “San Antonio, Oeti 22,1*07. i tenrgo IV. KettdKil died lost evening,, at i minutes lifter Dine o’eleek, ofeongestive bill, ut liis home,near llonrnc. , N. Lewis." s,ooo,< onlyaWHrt-mitlfM of t!io J erop—md thn^jJftJibS^fqreyeV. lost the.wmlrol of.the great staple markets of t lie world* 'Tlfiil'ire- era planter toprodUco ft with negro labor, At 'ilw We must taKHinf/ntltotibii to tho' cul- tare of sometUlng else. We should trainee Obltnary Natlce. /. ”T Fiom lb* LsCiyxa* I>*ia*vrsl. 1......... . . Dallas, Texas, Sept. 23,1837. M.M. I’ougKov;—A Tew days sinco this eoiniuunjty was startled .by- the intelKgcnoc of the death of Urevet Major (lencrnl ■ Uhna. Orillln. lint a few days ago woreeeired iib' formatinn of Hie haniahment of Major Oen- era! I'hiiip ShoridniL 1 “.Misfortmioa coinu not singly as spit-*.!’ Hiisaid some great man . • “Death lorcaashining mark."' ' 1 Knatvld another. . 1 y • Charles was born in Ohio, was ei\ugfttyV New York, and scnttodalvratnn, In tho Stale ol Texas, for the purpose of looking to the interest of the ttijrger. 1 Tho i.nrd gnve—The laird hNtll ja away, lilcsvcd ty tlio name' ofttyTtord.— Hail indeed is the nows which lias reached ns in lue 1am fijft* <lnyi*rCharlci (iciui~ J|. ? I IS. w ■ s Bn Phil, banished! “Tlio evil that men do, lives s. The good is oft iuterred with their bones.'" tio it is with Charles. All the good Jio lias ever dine now lies mouldering with his bones ip.theooflin. -Tha «rft| vhat UHarlM did ,is,still alive. ; Mark Antony. wns -rtyiAh ; the evil 'iniipab au onreral report explains the apportion- hltntbf delcgntes lo the Convoutton. The ,»pporti6nmerit nctnalfy made, gives forty- k»V»* ttotygatea irom election dwfrrcfilirtv- big While majorities, fifty-eight from Dis- tricli,having colored majorities, - * Oov.. Andtews died of ilnaltack of nppoplexy. N'i.iv Yonn, Oct. 30.—Ulom i Oo. and Phrdee 'Hates to.-,- 3i3 Broadway burned, Loss $200,000. .. .. •.•-’»»»«« »•**. • Fnou Kvndi'E. _ I^itus. Oct, 27.—Council met atSt-Clodd 16-day, Napoleon presiding. Chssliourg fFf&StT* C) 11 V Flobrn^. .Oct, .27.—Oaribaldlspa limih'fo iirosa tBeffdntier. TVlegraphwires' .bare cut, and Rome is isolated from lhq« MAimn?,>oiii4ili§p4ftt WeftfaJI ‘{i join any action nfCatl.oticpotvcra that* fkvety ity yv ' maUAtefW leant Jg feq^qtyq^rtHHKoaiuawii'bvowd; wear ogr/cmaixibit^stsmnk^Vinr' gara,H<Mrii& oormwot mil (itb'-AVrvt,. are reported tolltyso —J irimsoamsyi I prove dlsastKmswfhkHeptflib HoUuo'H The gpod,dies with llia'iuan,' when be dieil. Von who live.w) far Irom the »r«e of his Klory know vury lilllp iftfaacla and doing*. •Ifeiice, your jieui-ts nr* not filled with team icis imtitof. ill this lifii'l oliiliinry untH-o to reeoitht. Ilia great heroic acta since the close of lifts |,i,irfrft r |L t iflt «««' War. . I.Iu was pnrlicularlv active in' ‘i-leai|rf ,Tof 1,11 Hue: ibv idLSty^tyjWWi gljxBtlusfiW.— And Imd lie been spared a tow years longer ":?.1 AViriitt* dtfti 4 ir lftwl nlggerin all tins eoiinirv—such w... v .„ faeility, with, which he elevated' pd'W'Cuftty.' '‘Poor dinrlos! he has left a Vrtotyty hero itjdeli Andy iobusuii csnnottUk- ' Non «rl guue lo die ,rs«* •nj'*a»ill^"l ilepluce 'Inoe lh*'<ie*friiiii sIiUm liiWdfilft Vk( loW * fritnib 1 ' ' Us fwahesKud look ib*e,i«M wtyi.wlfi'rWt^ ■JO r i V iQtpr.Bminuel issue Xs,u_w*ili*ve' -rs ol|*srft as* Radksts tyMttaity USMi 1 rsTvipisr'**4*vH;aPcoiirsV.' ' - '• Msfe],: r ' •’'• '• •••'• '. StyWisokorything. ANsW-York ilnert- able swings a sign, “Ilotel do Hert'e.” ’ ■ . *W» issued a prooUmktionl nonneingfluribalill,'anddeelarlag i' L ren ^W)^i^Vb»’y4w.a^ti»:i overnment. The Pope left the--Tati Aid sought rcfuroln tty rattle q|S_ BP| °' ,01 -vi tlrafl •J II OJ • II VO .1 ft ' i rt .. >8orr.'r. tl fWHaJii\SAiiS P^tUa^OuiABi—.:. Moaatlil Toulon. Tho entire press lanils' r-Hift J#*' ■wall- al- - daekjitl'd I.lianrgonts, and if they go over the Pims,ac^D.^TU>Ot„V^ri!wd a noto jnstif liad iailrif ,7 ho opinion L'( ft>ji*j»Wai!«Eo/'afid out- ibroaks aro momentarily expected. Garibaldi* ^ U nnioadtag at Ch'it'Veol|ia;-wlicro tho Pope is. expected; UI> ST*IItS, ;ax-Td:^SO*' OLD F'L AtfWfiVlNG, i-.EMfWWf- srjumii ■ ,■ •• .~ti U. vt*3t-d •' *•>«- !i ff Near Host & Johnston** ^ f 3ftM»6ME re —; t! it .sj-.rjto3>4vAB.»r,r^t.r T ?" *• !*. t (flrjMUjB dty Jkladt pf, Cabinet Furniture,. .aafiSfiB*PTaui t’gu ig’g'BO ■ f.OJJ >S„aumm|h,uity: n .*idliTS,siHaluAN.m'- : .'.'jSffc.lRMT^.Wuiirqsnno'J.'ii e»S'd*6«iii .; ,t , o...ifqvi siml « baa .aioii flvsirrs’i .■;-;-i';^bO(iP*FEEv : r.i..t bexmsg’.o t..fytft»v:-7Toii«'-b . 10»..iail9,AVS; nioaiui L/iguira.'. ‘ ! .!• i.Fiu /n o’i r ;.. •••■ - ' I ' fj»:i l.aM ,}jv»‘7'1 j:* 't «! . f n i.- « uJit jst • - J r. ni ■Uni; ’i«> t.y.Zh'm: 3o nil iiiiivilr*! . vi J j;k*> o j/j *ti Diinm wiiii* <i*j Fia*BBaRssStKSt“' ’ “; 1; "•* X, Hilbln.liEbt olr.fiarilanisiuaatl Nuark'-i ftTqrs>; B-iW '■ • ' ' "" *’i.cppoi!ta l 'V«tylk'« < Vi*t«)»iii«»»**'.| -:nli-:-i.i;H iA' wsm- |q iiS! ,l f•l*’SfP?WSk-. •' :i ' •'"JUl'Mr ’iBw 'J# .-J i SO-MBSLEIF. w j ,'f And Prompt ~A*d-f*Uh full/ Qi; ,hr MnJWn, —.Rittsimisfti*a.i -aiJi<-(.i'u i V »ity. ‘>fl]P«Srai*ax-| ™ m e- • • BACON,!-.--';! Idvbj.l iii'ivT.S. i.«.., ' r, 7 iFIiGIJTft.--''' 1 ' ■-• LiiJ,cb ,i n: ti ■. r. i ■ ■vv.Xrjjjiiftiy; '■dv’j ni 0 i!» iiffldai;iir «af*J8Mjmyp.w ' sajrji «*4i •''■■•■• •-!••» ---wmawi «i ,’Iywniuj :;i.Crro«ei7«jfjy 1 i'-.-. ff ‘ii-.t-j,. : .1 v r itsn Y.Tfu * iii * *;; VnSw'wnkfcAt * "* , bend |* your ordin and I will Warrant Satisfaction. tKhtoii.Li r»if fty.i h*’ BEAS S h T*E n A d ba mUQr ^’ vitvHo^MiWnkaiVi 11 ** s *-• mmpw in aji, icmI nrst jImm V i * . • pofU: >XJ.»;.LCi*IOat2)u;d ’ C‘.JC', I ‘1«> A -I MV 71‘Mi -XJ^y-L 3-.*w»h iii ri:!aah't fun MFVnnA -Jfl *i ! snift Itx-ktifiLs in br.i *3-:o.ji-Nnr v.ii rfji.ivi n! .>'• >i: ntt.i ; w»f» i-vi u r . nooFY-M ft til j! 0 ’i j- o BOiftP.. ftttd 8 i'nXE^ftoift.lsiBtyMU'a and CMaMi| ■tv.ytW ROWSfilklniifordifisrcb. CnO,fii )'> ; • :kiJ <>> 1-H. !!(’•:.! *»7J i. - • • noii^ULLvdi ‘fflitUI.!; Todiyi W' 1 ) ^, 4c. | ft.i • •. •* 4.;- ni j.i'1 -1 Mil *'•’ '' n»{ «>J ir.yn ItOirill jJ /.'J ?J.i| • eftoi'jiM. '.bW 900 rPviCitlOEGlniiifU’Btid Oreth * I f>;it tii.riibt!! ’.('1 wady^ I.SI gaioiaunq A ■•>$!$men ■ I -Vv* ».!"i4*P«Wh& e! -I-d-xH -Bba iiB'JteOMHhtyiWiajiy 1 1 ’ i- tofcttfiftii'fjrlS:,,...i ■j-.ll UUfHibul ' mo ll-vi; i ni'' in a • •• - ., u'm.'l in ni fiat’i t i -irJi ua nitnoifi' iftSSBT .1 nf o*fo bn n edT .iroUaxinri, - .u/''I;(eI.'ijjflFa.|i>i', > «»®AYii8ltftCSST: '« V.ldvr *&Cii Btract* :«pu.‘ri;*£ Bankruot Petitions. Ml : UiAI+bJlAlaJ*v J ••awMifttyldfiDUiftsi bS'ihJfl’ftanW'li 'bwori lo plfitefitoekwfill fralto /h-»'40>l4UMUMMAa«L ,! “ : . ... . ■ Idlin') ixti.ii/ 'Mi iHIXlftd -Jsdfyeto RiWjft; | P .• • •.* ^,tjtJ-Vfro! vjUuu 1 if ./‘sR-ficKiiH "jiUi*iijO •jniJnwi i»> Ji! " W“ WfilWtriM iihb lowwt msr4#4ii r.-tu# w AttfiO , , f tOiWh 1 NaftmifilAdOi iT'/toL. fill *M7fKl. JU*U. '‘X™ ' V ^ * « . 4c* HODB8, rfWO- vJWOBEKEESi ;j j •• on. f ”TI. iifr .n-s7if)'wuMu,,. w.ELwWi y / «‘l fi:i —*J;ui?RViltf| '*iU ,^n |P> j vh v.j /i’i -* .PTfOtfi) lP | ot h.hihtiOii 17 ‘Vi* I-t!« KBi 1 (tilii 'i *ii 4? ;.*;ftiJ;i , >«;t ** li/irihiu t *£>•,*• *j> : •JPO fiOXES U * ^ **' •: iatiJzitt j O.H • -i-rrjF )v.iZ JMB f'« I 'JI-.-* 1 J;i yi «i Wn ui l*Ub ja‘ ~ i,UA ‘ l> ‘ nfi:T, niv,; i<» . VttumlAi *>fij 1u ii»v m VVy