The Albany tri-weekly news. (Albany, Ga.) 1867-186?, November 26, 1867, Image 2

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"ALBANY, GA., NOV. 28th ml 4m .hctl ih< prcsc the pccalc's rltku mthttli' Ustwcd by friScsd UkbrlW by *•&." A rPHOTOTITION. rtui wcr iinivi tlanttevconsl, i lo sc* Ifrc at emporium v>f v Faster ;nr Sea-Teri Savannah has «o far the start of her sister sea-porta, on the South Atlantl that vre majr confidently hope no distant day, lha grand- emporium Southern Commerce. We believe It is tho duty of the State in every legitimate way, to foster and cucour- ... - • rfi_. | age the growth and prosperity of her ocean We propose to send the Tfl* the wealth, WEEKLY New* to new subscribers,I ca \t; vm ti on gj, d commercial standard of Sa- till Uie end Ol'the first volume, about v annah, adds to the commercial character ten weeks, for (2, This will enable of our whole people, and promotes the ng- the sceptical to try US, and afford loMcnltursl interrateof the entire State. r . a n/ I There may be rivalry, and petty jealousies every man in Albany an opportunity I onj} t . f ntfrlor , ownt , nd clli „ of „ 1C to demonstrate whether he is for AN 3ute . j^ t rivalry wt tti Savannah is a fool- 'bany and her progress, or not. ish thing, and Jealousy of her growth anil irthere be any too much embar- trade Is slmpTy contemptible. Albany ha rassed to pay the subscription, we lon 8» f® South-western Georgia, »ml may f, ..properly be jealous o» a neighboring town; tvdl cheerfully send them the P a P®M Macou has her territory, and may not like FEES, if they will State the feel and I u Ke Atlanta or Augusta stealing awoy her -giro US their names. If there be any,! trade, and building fine houses on the prof- who are able to subscribe, and are ita .Bo, too, Columbus, Atlanta and Ao- too mean and -«-*J »«> «•!«> their c "‘ tMr “P* « °‘ b<r “ too menn ann oi I prosperity, and envy results; but Savannah “V P a P« r > tha « " M we want Ml. oca cltj-, the State'. seaport, the grand know about them. I mart through wliich ber commerce must TuissMivisir—Thursday*ike S8th bring th. P»»». going out and coming in. Slic belongs day sppolstsd by our Oevsraor for lhonko|l.ln|, | to the people; and It should be as muoli tile pride of tho rural districts, county towns, and interior cities, ss tho denisons of Sn~ vaunsh, themselves, to sco her taking the load of all othor .Southern cities:—her rivals are New Orleans, Fcruandina, Charleston, Wilmington—and what Georgian is not for Savannah in the noble contest 1 It our interior merchants would spend a pose, will soon bo mnl thorite horitics. Sj (.1 It A, therefore, imp By Telegraph! o wishes I ion—tho I measure lid! made known to tlio appointing power. :r i | ... . ..... —a. — d and preferences Convention havfn„ „ secured through its inflnoLCC—-sltoulil lie | Te th» Albany Trl-tVetkly News. >y tho j m UOLC ■ting power. , ir i It is, tliervlore, requested, that each and every subordinate Council immediately ap point a delegation of their most worthy nnd reliable members to attend.a called meet ing of tho Grand Council,;wjii»b, it is ex-1 >iitiM peeled, will ‘be ordered to convene in the A £ ong tho w u n esses ..te., A 4 Inn* n nnnn nml nf wshlnh Him nn— I n ° GENERAL NEWS. NIGHT DISPATCHES. . i John Mtobinson’s there will bt no p.ptr Inasd from this office. Wo omit soy JlseourM on tho onbjoot, lotvlnf Hist to th, Pnookoro, whom wo hopo yon will sot foil to hear. Ins Ansar Tasatns—It may not bo kssas abroad that Albany.bss ss thsatro boiMlag. For tho benofit of M.nig.n ss* Losoooo, ws asnonsoo tho fact that wo ha,, a kandsomo ball largo osougk to seat about I broo koadrod sad fifty portono, wall • a . T !t , w T little more of their money there, instead of srrohgod Mags, end appropriate ootnory. Weals* I., . * Iiifi an audlenos, ivir rudjr anil anxious lo pat- ronlse lha ItgUiaata drama. Caaserratlra Mecllag. disbursing it among their enemies farther North, tile efleot would be felt throughout the State; and hut a few years would pass era we ebouid be commercially independent city of Atlanta soon, and of which due no- Government, are Generals Magnifier, tire will bo given. Slionld tho Qrnpd Conn- hone #n(1 Wickham, of Virginia, and cil he convened, important brtslnesa will j 0|1 0 fGcoraia. h.f.u. !* nm.1 « anal InPrvll fit. I * ” FUOSritlCHMOND—MB. DAVIft UiniixoNn, Nov. 26th, 1 p. m.—Tharei* a Ivrgc crowd waiting admittance to U. S. Court. A company ofcavalry ia on the apot. ritnessea summoned for the ‘ Mn- Gor- come before it, and a prompt and large at tendance is earnestly requested. IIrnhy p, Fsltnow, (leand Sco'y Grand Council,U. I. id (in. Jndgo Chase did not arrive, day. ' .... LATER. Kirnuoxn, Nov. 26,—Evening.—The U. .f f " = | kxsxbsas loss in the dirty work of robbtng honestI tn)in • wit)l0Ut Judge Chase, at half men o( tlieir “noon name.’’ , past one o'clock, the Marshal adjourned the Tlmiigli tliis circular dliclbie* tile motive ^oiirt till to-morrow, eleven o’clock, power und aeorel spring ol-.the Radical Judge Underwood received a telogram " iiu Chase saying ho would cortainly he party, wlio can, for a moment, Jtcllove tlial from A mooting of a portion of the oonserva-1—importing our own goods, nnd carrying tivn eitixen* of Dougherty, was held In the (or ouraelves direct to European markets, largo room at tho office of Ruat, Johnston yy 0 M . ou] j Jika to see all prejudice ami * Go., in Albany, November 26th, for the I [rtUy j e «| 0 nay, on this subject, east aside; imrposo of selecting delegatee to tho Oon-J and a more gcncrous, united, liarmonioua | servallvo Convention at Macon, on the ^th I movi'iuuit inaugurated by tlio wliolo peo- I id,December. I pig 0 f Georgia, to bnild up, for Georgia und —*, Wa. motion of Mr, 8, deUrafienriod, Col. I South, a city that they, the whole conn- Neliob Till was called to the Chair, and try #nd tbo world wil | bc prom i 0 |. t arey IV. dtyii-a requested to act as Secre- We are gltd t0 v now ,|,*t Savannah is tnry. After s liricf explanation of tho ob-1 struggling, in the right way, for the mas- ject of tho meeting, Col. G. M. Lawton tory: _ t h c News* Herald remarks that her "J® veil that a eommltteo of four lie appoint-1 gr , dutl but certain growth in wealth and *'d by the Chair to suggest the names <d I influence is beginning to attract tho at ten- proper persons to represent the county in t i on of the people of all portions of the Uni- sii'ul Convention. The motion being oarried, I wd [Statei, and we are glad to see that there t lie Chair appointed on eald committee, Col. I >n Jacreasing desire and purpose on the (I. M. Lawton, Capt. Y. G. Hust, Dr. T.I |, art 0 f our people to make this a city tlint plonee, aiid Ml T. H. Willingham. I shall be, In all respects, what n commercial : Tbe committee retired fur consultation, I m(irt ought t0 be without consuming ami on returning, reported the., following I i a d ;(catslng the condition of tilings nam^s: CoL Nelson Tift, Gen. G. -L | ni they existed for a time since tlio war, or ' right, and Col. B. G. I.ockett, and moved I ; n easting reflections upon too neglect and ■ the adoption of tho Report, which WS. I ot enterprise that may hnve prevaiieil agreed to. „ I to Kmt patent, we propose to spenk of tho On motiou of Dr. T. Jonee, the delegates I present to indicate what our future prom- -wereauthorised to name alternates, ahould|; sea ;f we will seiso our op|Kirtunitiea and elllier of tliem fall to attend. m ako the most of them. < >ii motion, the meeting adjourned. I previous to the war, Savannah had Nelson Tirr, Chairman. population oi about 26,000. To-day, its Carsy W. Styles, Secretary. I population is not less than 30,000 souls.— White MswH Ike lailh-Weil.[ rh * “ Blab * r of b “ ildlD K* erected here in Thu recent Northern eleetioni solved thel lh * '•*» two yeare will not tall ahort of 300, problem oINtgre ve. Whltagovernraenl,and »nd yet there le a demand for all and many Celtled the principle that negro eupremeoy ,nor * > thc, ° U no dlminutiou iu ‘ h « " ca > 0 nf annot bo tolerated oo this continent Every I renU - Kenu bo rt 'K" r,ll ' J H exhorhi- State that voted ou the negro tufTrage pro- UDtl J r l,l * h ' ai " 1 comforUl, ' e dwellings nre position, defeated it by overwhelming me- b * rd ,0 obtai " “ *" y P ri ™- Tbcre ’*> wc ll|p jm-Uies.andthefiatof the nation is irrevo-l "'j okl ' d *° notwithstanding the cnbly pronounced. It may, for a brief sea- h,rd li "“ "> a a P lril of « n, eTriso among our son, be forced upon the South, but thegreat P 0 ^ 1 * which bi * ll,y eommeudable, and wave ofreaotion will roll on tillit covers the lbia <t “ erg3f and «tivity cannot fall to re- whole land, and envelopes in rain the par * °° v,r du * reward - ty that seeks the leveling of races. The fnror of the Rsdltl, m.y enloln.,,1 “ 8IUKB K0T ™ « 0BV L0CB 8 in iporadio conflicts between the whites and I TARO CiN’ST NOT SAY I l)ID IT.” Mack.; but the conservative mauee will be TotKWV and Slander! too itrong for any eenoue demonstrations; I “ J and tbe Robeapiere, Dantons and Marattl A R*v*latl»*»ry Nine Besmeared with E tho mall whose name it attached to it, ia lisseenounli to stm.p in iirnetioca so vile in their conception, nnd so villainous in their neliieveini-nts? Henry P. Farrow Grand Socrclnry of the League, and on the scent lor office V Oil, no, that won’t do; some vilo slanderer is making unwarrantable use of Ills name, nnd \ye shall expect a lightning message nf another ntfnif of honor (?) nt sand bar Furry. Why, tliis man wns bprn a baby, lias tlio best blood ol'the first revolution ill Ids veins, and was educated n gentleman ! The Far rows wero all kkiiei.s in -tlte-revolution nf 70, and Imve been on tho side of liberty, patriotism, t rut It, mid their country over since. Tho father of Henry P. wns nimble gentleman, nnd hits mother wns tlio peeress of Carolina's proudest, dames. Ilis two brnthors nre gentlemen of lofty training, and exalted virtues, and have been honored by tlio white people of tlieir unlive Slain, with their confidence and sup port at the ballot, box. III. tlio Confederate Congress, one of them battled iu the lore- most ninks of Southern Intellect for “the | eaiise" .vliilellie otii or done good service on [ lira tented field. There ia no blot upon tile family oseiitchemi, no Mack sheep in the flock to "bring gray Imirs with sorrow to tile grave." Is it possible, then, that Hen ry 1’., tlm youngest nnd last oi his genera tion, wns born to close np tlio bright record itli a deep, damning nnd incfliicablo blur? , is sacrilege to say so. Tho disera, bodied ghosts of his grent-grand-molher, who defied the British a ml, Tories at SO, and rescued her sons, and liia grand-father, the hold, daring unil nilventnrons Oapt. Tims. Farrow, who wns nt Cow Pens, Valley Forge, Kings Mountain, nnd lend troops against the Tories across the Enoree, when his superior officer refused to go, would [(lilt their clayey tenements, revisit the glimpses oi tho uA)k. n'nd cry shame t shame! The spinT of Jiis father, Col. Pntlillo Farrow, would look’ down from ita abode in heaven, and gUfso the apostate, recreant, and self-abased issue of bis loins. No, it cannot be; the cry manhood tlint is iu him denies it; the associations nf his youth give U tUt Ue • lie prestigii of Ms family forbMTtTmid the early training by ‘‘lAS(JriAUW»*" pro- onec , Ag(l ™*T g^y »• ij • seises if •• ’liu fl-llll *» It olaims his inimee say,’lis trhe.' If “’tis'liue, ’ti»n [iily; and pity Yu, 'lis true.” Alabama Negro-Radical Convention. present here to-moyrow morning., , vis having been notified of the circumstance, did not appear at tlio court house, bnt will be there to-morrow. Among the witnesses summoned by the Government, who arriv ed to-day, are Gen. Robert E. Lee, , Gen. Custis Lee, nnd Fit* Hugh Lee. Also here, Gen, llnraeo Porter, of Gen. Grant’s staff, who is a witness. Arrived to-day, Ex-Gov, Letcher, nnd Gen. Francis II. Smith, of Lexington, Vn. ' ..v,’ Upon tlm announcement of tho adjourn ment of the court to-day, tlio crowd, con sisting chiefly of blacks, quietly dispersed. Judge Underwood to-day granted, upon tho prayer of Gen. .I/D. Imbodon, a man damus to compel Gen. Schofield to permit him to vote. It is returnable 6th Decem ber. Tlm venire out ol wliich Mr. Davis’ jury is to lie selected, is one-third colored men. MEETING OF MERCHANTS IN SA VANNAH. Savannah, Nov. 25.—A large meeting of merchants wasmom to-day, to memorialise the Commissioner ot Internal Revenue at Washington, in regard to tlio removal of the vc\at,imis way of collecting cotton tax In tlie interior. A committee of t hree will proceed iu. once to Washington. The gen eral tliomoetiiig wns, that many mouths may elapse, under the present sys tem, ere cotton can heb-omoved from plneo of product ion. LROM THE ALABAMA CONVEX TION. Mostooukhy, Nov. 25.—In the. Reenn 8true!ion Convention, a memorial was of. fered to the Congress ot the United States, iraying tlint the present reconstruction law :ic so altered or amended as to requireonly a majority of voters voting on the question to determine for or against the adoption et the new cunstitntioti. Several members staled that they desired the law aiiicudcd oo • 1 - • ’ - Apposition could not defeat th Gy staying nway from the and pressed the immediate adoption of the. ineinminl. It wns debated, and finally ta bled, and ordered to bc printed. Ordinances were introduced nml referred, lo establish a hoard of emigration for the Stdte, and to provide for a bureau nt indus trial statistics. The radical majority has decided not to press tlie adoption nf the amendment re quiring common carriera to maka »« dis tinction nil account of ardor between per iods travelling in this State, nml refused to bring up theqnestinn this morning. Tliis action was induced Iry fear of endangering tlie adoption of other measures, because tlie object in view had already been obtained, in pnrt at least, by tho adoption of section I nf tlie bill of rights, which declares that all persons p .sscas equal civil and political Mammoth Circus, A.DXTO i > Mi EGYPTIAN CAB. AY AN AT MBAffiT OHE DAY Tuesday, December 3 OMLY, 1867. a lO SHOWS! Of flrat'cUtui telectlon, In one Grand Alll*. iinoo. producing tlio uioct ctapondou display of wealth, talent ana expe* rfeu»o over seen in this country. The Mammotli M0Nta0Mt»Y,‘ November 23.—Th# Convention 1 tlm M mmli pmmiI an onUnanot to-day Impoaiing in idditloi* I A n ar ^ e r®port«l by the commit it in often per contain on the ini'* otherwise as* I too on educating, providing lor the CHlnu- •esiud c t itiabli profieriy in thi Stitt, for the rudiment, throughout tho State, in . each purposi bfpavlrtg the expenses oftht Cdnvtntlon, I township, or scntHd district, one or more '•£? *'*•",rf, schools,'at wliich all tlie children of. tho UonproTldes amon( other-tlllnp, "Ibst (U*iea sre Suite, betwoen the ages of 18 luill 20, niaV crcsinl npisl—(list they .re endows* by ibelr attend free of charge. A motion to amend Creator with mrtals Inalienable rl|hta—that among by providing sepanttesehnola for white atm 1 them are life, liberty, and puraull of bayplaeaa. co | or c<l chibll'cn, was tabled—yeaa 68, nay*. ^r. h r^F5“>*^ Tlie section was ddopted, dared clSieba^r Alabama.^ Tlie real cause why .tlie radical majority Q and political vlghu and publlo prlrllagaa without did not press the amendment r§q*t|r1na ^ dfallnoilonof raetoroolor or msrious sendlilon." common carriers to mako no distinction OI a.?.-^: 1 (•'dvellers, on. aeconnt of eoU.r,-trA that Is com posed of tho curlons and mats of AMn, Africa and SoutT tuelnding Ornithological ••J®**-.— most beautiful tipechnenaof foreign! forming the most oxtenslvo coHedii WILD ANIMALS In America, supported by tbe largest EM COM In tho country, numbering 180 men and •iio hones, including 60PeTformeia > Ci Lady Riders and 8 popular CIowm^enanmflAiss managemeul to produce Htartling asm oi Horsemanship, During aymnoatlo Exer cises, Bpootacles of' Oriental Grandeur,. with the most dazzling splsndo* - FEATURES OF THE! ix » P4JBtx—ZooIogLual and Ornithological^ "aTwoSSirirJLtycoM noiD’a rwr- mi- tmm Troupt of Educated Doge, Monkey* a. Sui>: o nn rn pdx novXAJafa SPECIALTY, with her raagnlfloent den of Performing Lions, "Hkko," “Doit,” "T&VsoTVIWtX.U.IAX GTM. ' •VtiMiWa'ifvT,I AMMBICAX V.4VDEVILLK COMPANY. H. ,r. F. ROM SHOE, Jr.’* SCHOOL POR TRAIN 1X<* HORSES. ». J. Q. A. UEMIXQWAY’S Collection ' of Native American Wild Animate. lO. O. W.JOHXHON’S PERFORMING ELEPHANT “EMPRESS” This truly meritorious Exhibition of Wealth,Talent and Experience produces, as if by magic, an outtlt of such superior magnldcence as to astonish the world. -grAndt gratuitous exhibition ■ifxBTrts&usrsttm living Lions in open.dsns of gold s; J bronze: Knlr* of Ancient , toeing and * Mam's Operatic Silrer A Strict Orchestra * Of twenty arat-claaa Mnalolana. Tlie Pro- ceaalon wtU enter the eity at 10 o'clock. UlinU TBE DAT, DATE t COM OP UHlim im .3;! I nd ilea: open dens or gold and ita and Gladiators, in armor —— ir tto the fllt- u, containing ntsd Equipage.' will be precedes will illratrate the folly of their fanaticism I SddiCdllHl. upon the gibbet. The negroes, temporarily I The DMllient ot n Noble Ancestry Ivil astray by deugumg knaves, will be m I TmUnccd. il’^v^mrothVtTow rtl k : ndu '“' DlU.ter«.«4 r.trtm» S.hjcctcd and tho very imp* that now receive thure»-1 gcaertis guplclsn *f Office UnetlDg. rcsses, will become tho victims of their re-1 turning reason. They will soon discover thr 1 Some “ fri< ‘ nJ ” who,, > nam0 '» studiously truth ofonroounsels, and the vile fraud thatl®* 00 ****^ blM in ,he ot the ia pill upon them by radical emissaries and] AlUul< ‘ I“tel>'gencer, a copy ol'the follow- oflice-hnntera. I ing circular, purporting to have been issued llUkjfheiter they do or not, they can nev-1 by Hanry 1 *' F * rr ' JW > 0r,nd Swwtary of ar govern thia conutry, or an^ portion of it. | lb * ® rand of,,ie Union League of Tho Auglo-Saxou race will sea to it that I Ueor 8‘* : no dingy or inferior race shall ever supplant . „ } I v 10l 'l‘ Bb ° Ma ’ l Sia power, or assume the reins of at govern- Atlanta, G a., Nov. ii, 1807. ) nient; and though madneaa may rule thi K -,Jfc-@ V ' "" honr,and tliorad handclJaroWnism U.U17, By thTdireetionofthc |>ro|*rly eonstitu- nigu planes, tnengbtjvill ultimately prevail,lied authorities under tho Grand Council oi and tbette«|iwill return to their natural ID 10 Uulon League of Georgia, I address status. I you tills as the Grand Secretary of tho afread; villo , t , Haber,suggests tliaj. l/onceforth tlie mott'i |i ioD tlm victory bo attribute. ... of the Demoertie paft/ahall be;“Nd rerog- bava ‘ C S’ V ^ i °"’ nd t !'T« h . il ’ , T* we will aecnre tbe restoration ot Georgia iiltioiiot Negro btatOr Government* in tin I to tho Cnionand relief to the [leoplo. h eilcral L mon, ..and aa to ita leaderDiR that I We shall have other duties to penorm, it&tct in, thnt.lie shall be a man of sufficient I (od Dhoee duties will now speedily devolx v y anbmit- »m,that ho may 1 aireeptpo North.; Ited to .the people for ratification. a*<l tho . , sSl>‘'/.(■' great and important achievement of its rati- , ? ^ fleattonein only be nccomplislied by har- In U«».1 (Ms week, Htoaistla* and rtartUagthaUorfou, and inevgatiu aeticn on onr naiiee. will, Chrir e.l.raordla.ry jret^lfW,^ « 4r present S«*W government will now bo superceded by a new ono to be iiiati- tntadioon. Many imp, 1 tant offices are now boooming va-eut by the expiration oi tho tarm tor which tbe iucumbenta were elected, and many appointment*, it ia lair to snp- *£*&#;& lh. iMilmnn/oftwcwlln.„.eio I th*re was danger of lireaking up tho Con- .. —I-—A.-..- «_ I uuMtlnn souiimI nimnlutM th| a OntCtlin^ , (O the same overt nd, or upon Ipc qwe »o»T^tio* f l* I ventlon—several members open court! " " " withdraw if it was adopted, The frsnchiic srliclo prorhlei that those who 1 " 1 be ounrloicd «f trecsoa-cbsll aol emrriM the right or.uffraxo! K'UlcUevtd that all who | osmewiiliin ths twenty thousand dollar clsoso of President JdhAott** •fc'mnietty iJr6fl! against whom proceedings wsiaii 8. Diitrint Ooim,who, being pnriU,™ dent, had to appear la Court,snlst* t pardon amt guiity. ars disfraqetiised Constitution, Ifihltis eorreet.t ilartdtloW and luted in dho y. i It in highly probnhlo that tho prpppl to organize n provisional civil State ( eminent, in ohtco of the present Sf*40> Gov ernment, will'be quashed iu the committee. • Fro* CtHtlsi. ' j IVasuinoton, Nov. 26, noon.—Thegalle- . ries are crowded. The im|ieachmcnt com-: I you thl of lh. returning ^omi, T ■ - in UUrTr , I One object in thus addresamg yon, is to , • ,bulcf ' The-Ionie | congratnlate you upon the brilliant triumph > commenting on a speech re-1 we have reeeived in the campaign which has “I *t Cglymbns, Ohio, by.tkrl. I jnst closed. To tbe efforts of our oignnlxn. “ noeforth the mot(< 1 1,00 0>e viotory he attributed. W* «f onr friend.—E. .t. C." L or ccmi elec. iii.ldroihMw ;« p« •’ a Vielt» Albe*/ bell a liut.sf, ‘^(1 (111 n Ottt-tWttattoc Kb. will ths tinging Kin ol In J* honor af iktlr a/Mltrloaf and whiles ara dlsftraoehlssd at BVBNIHO An amchim%iUttf M^^Ul(o€ l „ that “Common sarrisa shall not nuk (nation on account of color bctWKS Ung on piblto eonveynneat^^nlSfi 4 szailement. yqreral blaef" (Umnioay hanwimtW, 'd equality, and ths right to fids in si Two while* fnYorsd tl Keffsr, makingtfolent posed it in strong spercbcs protracted debate, tho Monday. Frm VTMfcii Wasiiixoton. Nov. 1 gariling inipeaobmrnt Tlie election eontntl the KentuoU dele;, of (he irapedr^a. thodeletr"' McKee’s ted. 4 Gen. A Bureau; I properti war fort the 3d ol Tho folio 1 -...» - -j - .— | “Resolved, ®h*MbcAvi'lfitfv oftlie [,oo|llc to tho maintcnhlmtbt the faith anil credit irroljio re|>ealof Of theOovemtnentir, . report lie was exoluded, 106 tb’3. ’Die impeachment committee mitered the bqnse at half past twelve. * During. tHfc i I mornitjft h.ottl- and a half a dojofnj |fl|re j[ J reported and referred, for the repeal, oi the' ' cotton nnd mhar.taxeffi lIiX/” ' A hill was introduced reg: i rivers flowtnd ho nav— iiirvy j tent ion 01 tlio' Mexico. , , , y j., The Chair qnnonheed the Impeachment ife.'J Committed, and it hrtifrpast one, tliwfi; irp- v;| |iorl on impeaohmcht wai delayed, but there . -- .I seems no doubt ChhrehtR has joined fm- n poachers, giving them five votes, and * nta- "I Rubinson is making a fifty minute’s speeelt on the bill to itnpeaci Adnms. ceived, uqt too Into will he foiMtd <m onr Ba)l*ti|>'jln*plinf. lot;»TEnp!W.i(id«pt4^»j^hn,” tnqiuri’M the matter of a hopeful pupil. % haL is 11 nuiler >’* “A limn ivlto makes' inil^ Wndted' byTh'eexiRWjZ' stitpi,! hi,'m^er, MU&S5 put tails to the contf he made, they would b j all jacket ».*, Just nddod to this already gigantic known to naturalUtz ns the .The most powerful animal k prolonged Into a movable proboscis; skin very thick and covered with close, short hair, and neok furnished with a sllArmane. t - f . attiulced, they defend themselves with *' tn<ffr teeth. The present herd has been - imported at an Immense expense for Ro- . ■aaa&aagW!& gijBB: .voftheaaunaleverbToaghUoIl ‘ PERF0RH1SG ELEPHSNT "B INTRODUCED BY MB. JOHMSOW. U/lfiMj H rj-’ loft Ion &i iuanukai-turiii£ ■ujiibii v, ... It is Mid the iron! interests : .^2|| oppose tho roppul of (he tAx. Childrenlunder 9 years DOORS OPEN AT 1 AND 0 O’CLOCK V.';\ t?$«h»KV.W‘}ri»&;«? Jvw