The Albany tri-weekly news. (Albany, Ga.) 1867-186?, December 07, 1867, Image 4

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4 the Cite That ucit'on which r.l.laa lo Ihi duInl/lhatCblci ovary ponlblaBoj at the trial. -th. |if it toxfiJ*. |*chrof*i .■ • Davis proves con* . base has sblrktil in' ’• _ Homy*«8Sra1 tfpeed iImvi lllli 'mil tba.Cabloet, put tU Vraat- iMt mors partlcttlatly, wake gatf'ena for a #pc«4y trial.” Mr, Bpebd add#* "It«* placed under Instructions from thePresidtfl to brlug .Mr. Davh to trial m speedily as It eonld bs done, and *enl came to the ecnclnsion that he should not be trsV* :WfaK;,& ihr^OTHi-^^Ah'd^r; In galling a Jury In Vl'glnla In convict upon prop ta tvklanc*, 1 ' and that no—Underwood—wlillvt ha ‘•never objected lo trylntr Mr. Devi., nlwoyt pre- ferred that 6'blrf-Turtle* Cfaafo chotild do li.“- That* riowt of Iko nacao.lty of * apordjr uiolihiie (nfrrrairird alike by Provident Johnaon. by the inembwwaf Ua.c'ablnhlt and by dilornoy tloncm) Speed prill Dtltliep upon the .Mention cl' Cblel Jtiatlaa Ohnaa by Judge Undarwcol. and alen more urgently hy Dlatrlct Atlernay Chandler. Uni ih. I'hlct Jnviloehav oartofnpolitical neplantionv. end he evlden^r ehrank from pining through the i -M rlhlr nrdftlof heirlag Ik* oounttd ror the defence quote hlv own epochal In Juitldeatlon nl doctrine.- which otjgjnntotokt thoaght proper to ropu- Somegii tngy (•« old3.ila|iidnU‘it bgfcltf lor, of eburiar) gvU off llio follou ing lit (In' expellee Of the Indie*: “Token na n rln»«, ivuliion tint contrive worn ontlomli-li f ’ ugly fashiono limn one would think; for Arc now tillering their taigo and‘extaniive stock of AU Wool Del p.ijia aufl Frenoh -Marino m aianno-di n colors 0111c rupiuw, Moliair, Cloth. Empreas Cloth, Vrdncii .GIoukA—A'grcat volriet J, end In ■tiiicuitho wolerfpll, Fintl it (rejirewnteil a^iliij^er Ol Siotch ahull; next H hung down It woman 1 a hack like n eanvaaa-oovcr- od ham ; afterward it contracted, and cmin- lerfoitcd a turnip on the back of the head ; . now it atloka atmlght out behind, and lookn like a wire imitate on a greyhound. Nest ling in llie midst oftbialong stretch of hair reposes a lltflo battcr-cnku of 11 bonnet like n jockey aaddto on a long banked race horse. Gents Clothing and Cassimeres, Hats, Boots and Shoes, AT VERY LOW i*. «i SHOES. DRY GOODS., Ladles Fancy Gaods, DabrelUs, Farasoli, de.; de-i d'-. d»-. BARBCBAIICB, Stamping —FOR— Ladies Braiding and Embroidery, DONE TO ORDER. CLOTHING CUTIN TOE LATEST STfLB Trasks, Valises, Carpet-Bags, C« brellas aid Parasols, NEATLY EirAlEEII AT) AgOET EOTIOB. Keys of all Descriptions Fitted. ALBANY, PRICES j OPPOSITE THE SOUTHERN EXPBBS8 COMPANY, Onr Etork of (iroocting is inrg^vUltd will bebold M town itbo lowest j (nud nml.nha Trl-W.ahly NawtOffioa.) Toliaccoify tun f)ox, ami Wn’idtcy hy tno Darrel, will 1>e sold at Macon prici'H with the freight milled, KOV.5.,1807 109-181. Produce token in exchange. Cell me a trial and Judge M yourselves. oot5.1 09.146 It in stated that stool rails are growing in popularity on oor American railways.— In one plaoo where thoy have been in uho upwards of s year, one hundred and twenty trains pass over them daily, and vet there is no percoptlbie wearing away. Iron rails had to be relaid seventeen times a year at the same place. _ tW frfAD WHAT^THR PRESS 8AYS.- ^tnong the vast improvements of the preaent tin in tho uhange in remadka le not tha leak important. Formed) ridiculoue and olten injurious mixturea were administered upon the recommendation of one person to anothor, or from one family to asbther, ae belnB ,, good’’ for mieh and wch a eomplaint, while they were, in faot, undent or worm. Mow, Prof. Kstton supplies the publio with thn moet eflectusl remediea that aduoaled akill can devlm or art oan produce, with explicit directions for thuir urn in each and erery ease. In place of the eenaelem potimta our frsadmothemgave.we hive tha eunniog inrantiona ot men learned In the art of cure adapted to our necewi- ties tt a nominal prioa. Prof. Karros’* ramediea eonait KAYTON’8 OLEUM VITA!, Tha great German Liniment for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Paint In tha Rack, Joints, Breast or Side, Nervous Head* ache, Toothache, Earaohe, Sprains, Bruises, Bums, etc. , KAYT01T9 MAGIC CURE, t» CoastsSnd Colds, Asthma, Acid Stomach Heartburn, Bora Throat, Baa Sickness, Cholera, Diarrhea Crampe and Paisa in tha Btomaeh, eto. KA.YTONB DYSPEPTIC PILLS, Pot Dhb44w BtHoae Dltordars, Oostlveneea, Btck Headaohe* and all Disorder* of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels t and as a spring aid fall medicine to carry ofl the rankling bnmonln the blood.—Quitman Banner. Thane remedies ate innooent, and no person need he fanned at taking them; yet they aro powerful, and will remove the diseases enumerated above. A trial will eat* •fy every one that their curative propertiee are not over ated. Addreaaall orders to Prof. H. H. Kayton Savannah, Ga.f or te the Agents A. A. Solomon* A Co-, Wholesale Druggists, Savannah, Ga. Be war* of counter W is. The genuine he* Prol. HH. KavTox*a afgnatnro on Hah bottfe and hex For tela by L £ A II 1 WELCH,I Albany, Os. ny* and by all Druggists and Merchants generally. Lifcdli & CO, 'I MACON, G A. O FER For 1,1a tka foltoula, artlolti at Wbola- ■ala or Botoil, oa tow aa any bouao in Macon. SOO boxoo Etna Condi.., 600 Saoko Llvarpool Soil, 600 aaoko Vlrflnlo Balt, 800 SACKS NEW FLOUR, One hundred sacks Rio, Java aud Laguira Coffee, ICO barrela choice Liquors and "Wines 126 barrets pure Leaf Lard, 100 kags do., 140 Hhds. BACON, Shoulders, Sides and Hams. 76 barrela new 'crop • Mackerel, 200 kega Nails, 15,000lb*. Pure WHITE LEAD, maim tobacco, 200 bores’Bo* p, 26 Ifhd Cuba .Wclasscs. h'< bbU Uolden Syrup, 100^ bale, unny BAOniNU. 10<» Roils Gunny DAQGtNQ, 60 Tons ZVon Bands, WSADURPS. 60 Bales Macon Sheeting, 38 Bales Yams, 5 Bales of Brown Drillings, 35 Bales Brown Shirting, 10 Bales Georgia Stripes iiaaffisWkKssa".;;' IS. hexa. Cod Flak',*1ob boMh BROOM#,' 1 ' - 176. Barrels Stuart’s Sugar, 60# bag. .fu**. \«*>. it*- fWOi' n«r <.</ I NO DANGER OF ■■ k 'i !*' r ? «s ** •> 5 J”" f*, T!.’ Siarvaiion// *. Wc have on hand, urnl ar« constantly receiving, a well selected etock of FRESB 6B0CEBOS & r Consisting in part of a NO. X ARTICLE OE RJLOXJR, Coffee, lea, Sugar, Bacon, Fine Liquors, &c., k, And la fuuuivery thing usually kept ia th« GROCERY LINE. -ALSO- - /< .: f 3 ; r - CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, and STAPLE GOODS All of which wa ars offering to tha Retail and Jobbing Trada, Cheap for Cash. W« aro alao prepared to make liberal advance, on tottoti cblpped toNew York oo Boston. Given* ft trial and ba convaneed,^ »■ 1 'n'"fUS 1 ' ^'l^r- Alhnny.Ga., Nov. 4-ly The only hope for the South, is to become SELFSUSTAfJSIN G. v -;os - As long ns w« continue to buy Corn, Bacon, Machinery, Clothing, etc., and in fact ninc-toiiths of our mercantile Commodities from the North and YVesf, notliing ip more certain ,|ian that we shall'remain poor. The vubsariber has now on exhibition, and for >a,o nt tbo store of _ Draper &, Robert’s, IiorDJ:, Ga, i NB tOOM, On which eun be wore*, by ANY ONE, tffrj ) FABRIC you wear On tho aomo warp can bg woven. PLAIN XLOTU, SATINETT, DLANKET-TWILL, FXNrtNuitWILL OF ALL XMD8, U ftlao wonveslSanltcte, BalinOrni Skirts; Wo<Illl#|''®|jWWdp#tBp ttrppts; U i. linpciM. 10 gal tho Loom out of order; and it f.mlly ton y*»rly oovo it. coat, Khlla « piaato ..a mok. from Oro to Ita *a tha omoun. fcF- Al oii iWboloeiile liod RelnliDtlilhii fiCTarnli and Wftrpaef Avery dsaorlptlon. Th. wsort Gauss- Uourbdft.iVhiahft, •• Monongnbcln Whisky: Old, X? XX nud XXX; *t liiR CjUfiHluU;. .I.»H u Boheldam Schnapps; Bh*ry Wins: * Ciirr««quodv Shwrfy: OUtlUrwoi OftHloldsb Old Pals 6hei IV ins; IV ins; tllackbArry Vflne; Clftret W lh«# w-itt. a.wfa: Off I' of •lOjlR.'t .*) THOMAS .T. DUNH.tR, T. L lMPi)Rt8R9'"KItS b&abbqs, wampWSSHUL'ft&it' sbqa Ki's Q • :• 147 Bay Itreet- L£G I FOR RALE AT Old Pori A nice; * J#io 'aWinovrood; Madeira 'Vine; I | .Often; Vi... ' Eaam !?. p .SS!r ! Cherr Jil rry Wnrmwi Noy*W Arraok " Whisky Brandy PbMhGi I# Dnerry; i r. MnttilHMi m 1 • • “* “ l i- T4«r' '• " 1 * - ivm.i'f nUnSttE CiirOiEVt on tarpluokl. madiolparwifholera IHa^ki lor - . VVartawood Car.lial, of ftorWvIlldo r»P«l»lk».,: ' .... . <8aielS«ttOrdhil8eh»oFr«, »aftiilftolevag(/J»ir» lloMond OIn. .AlooSaritko Ala,a waod and glaEa—In tEiao and btrralo. ,;o y tkinl r <hi*Maa*i«a4Jief vas^-s- i ku> tasati of worMvftia* rapuiftii ipfft, maftaCaolineiitJ fltU kompNpMfwMrf i adtoejjJiVtt!*'RLil d-r'TPs !■>&- B 1 L *• • j i ■ j The best place to hare your "W atch. Repaired, STRAUS’ as he warrants his work and charges VERY LOW. M. C. BALL, ABALL DBU66I8T8, BROAD STREET, ALBANY,GA CALL TUB ATTENTION OF THE CITIZENS OF ALBANY AND VICINITY TO THEIR Largo andlwell selected stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES ? CHEMICALS, ^^LSO Pain, Oils, Varnishes, G!u«, nngas, Bruahsa, PsrfUiSary, Korosine and Pptro Oil, t l( j t Lamp*. A LARGE AMRBTmiTlOF FANCY AMD TOILET ARTICLES. |fir Medicine* warrnte.l gonuiue and of the boat quality. (Tautomers tiiud upr slock olllom- plefe, compr i.bjug man yilcles U k» iaapoaoibl# bar* Is onumerate All Sold Low for Cash. JVJEWV —And— GOnONaGOTTON. $50,000 STOCK! FALL GOODS 11 BEERS & BFINSON,* >1 WITH ‘ W. W. KENDRICK, H ATE tho Lorgeat Stook of wall *a.ortod Foil ond Winter Oooda in Albany, eoaatatlnf in lot raa a Oooda, Dry Oooda,. Utn’a and Boya Clothing, Ladloa b and Mlaaoo Clooka, Halo and Capa. Boot* andSSo**, Biddle, and Harnoao, Hardware, Hollow Wore, Carpala. Blanket., Qrocerloa, Crookary. and OluaWara. All of whlok owing lo th* Low Price of Qolton, Will ba offered to tha ‘ha publio aa CHPAP by any other store inbsny, NOT TO Bh UNDERSOLD! W* olio hero tho^Colobratdd Board 1 a S.lf-Adju.l Img Buckle Tie for boiling oottoa, M aomo price to other tiro In tho market. HIGHEST MARKET FRICJD PAID FOR COTTON. Plata* coil end ezamlno tho (took feotbaa par. ahaalng olitwhara at U>* old aland of oetl«2m BEERS ft BRINSON. We guarantee all work 1 done. > B.. WBbCH k CO., Bookodncra and JowtUro, Ball’* Now BolWlng. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF SOUTHERN IMPORTIKG HOUSE WM. HONE. ■j:iifldk; Md SflB. &W**i*mm **• A.n< iothei» ptOMBSw BEUSHEd.i \j SOAPS, PIBI «. r i pistols, Ennras,ae.. i ■cr Job -w s#ap r 'n*niaiu u in tliidoilTcctngood stylN Alao. bgH J **. #7- NOW READY. FOR CASH ONLY, '&• STBPH1NS, v; • Arc offering i t their Store the Cheapest (xooc Sold, in Albany since 18611! SATISFACTION IN PRICE AND QUALITY OUARASTEED TO ALL THAT BUT FROM ' .I" ’• BAQGES STEPHENS,’'' PJsasogive us a call. No vh»rg#,for showing good*. 2m** 24 MASSENBIJRG, i SON &' HARRIS, Wholesale Druggists, MACON, Or A.. INVITE THE ATTENTION -OF DEALERS IN SOUTH WESTERN GTIORU ' To tbuir exteotira atock of JOruga anb 1 Jttjcbirfnes, Paints, ©ils anb©la3o, Toilet Articles and Perfumer] “That" Old Virginia Smoking Tobaooo. Wa art th* only dealers In Georgia who buy this celebrated Tobacco of ihs Manufacturer, I offer for CASH. • Cash orders for all goods 2o our lio# respectfully solicited. I MASSENBIJRG, SON & HARRia Macon, Ga., November 16th, 116 161 CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ■"SStAsr- .. (GaGOTBY. fiHHfJ we have i Glassware, 33/ 323 IMI O "V" 3E3 3D; Kerosene Lamps, Oil &o-,| TJlROIf Mulberry BlreaMo HOLLINOSirOKtlTS 1 fOJuliau and 101 Bryan Stream, f I '(On*door 'Vett of VklufaM I SAVANNAH, t»| 1LDLNG, On the corner of th* alley, jnt ot Hardeman and Spark’s Ware house, almost opposite Wolfolk’s Warehouse, on Poplar itreal, ofilv a few steps from the Passenger 1 Depot, and near the Brown House and National < Hotel, Af/#r you that aut BACON;, J r Crockery aotorlcd in Crate* or rapackod purchssers. oct24 3 1 CORN i'l.OUR, • MEAL, LARD, Family Groceries, OUR BOttSj DINING SALOON, —BY— ffir TSr.—KI-KL23 Day atreot. Cor. WIittaKcrJ SAVNNAH, GA- Plantation SUPPLIES BAGGING, IRON .TIES, Ac. ; ' im Give u* n Call. i I UIS BOUSE has horn Iborougldy J and refitted. every praolical unprov® Mr W. «. aolo agent, for Ckoxtoft NftUonft fw y, F.nTa! Winter. The TAULE| Celebrated ooppllad with lb. cnoleeet arllclri iremM Copper Distilled Whiskies G-t.. —*■*— »- v*.b Phikjfip And have on hand, in addition, a large atook of. Wiatf»>Bj»hdi*f, Ae.. Megrath & Patterson. Maoon, Goo, Sep. 7, IfOO - . supplied with the choicest arncipe tic Market Rnd.'from Kew York. P.hilaurtfJ tlmore, Florida and alaewhere. Bspccisl > paid to pi^oaring^thi choicest Oame, TFimh,■ Oysters Et] MEALS FURNISHED AT AU. H°| Froa a*, o. lo midnight. Separ.le reonwff tate panics. The best or j WINES, ALES, LIQUORS, CIG. IF YOU WISH TO BUY A GOLD ORj SILVER WATCH OK ANY iirf’lf*'* •* ,r n 4 «*5 Skilful .coaka>nff' courteous attenw net. 24—fimoa. ■. Jewel rj, e.wAtu, *a*oo»**j E. O. WADE & < MW ro-ftNIH— 'General Coirnnissian Mercia • ~ ■ ©rf-vaimcih* oct24 Om . Dr. SImmbn’s Regujafe m . HO -highly kpeknjA for ftr and ' * J .!$$uS: ^SSi -BUSING COTTO my, ond rtlplo I Vj